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Project Report submitted to University of Kerala in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of
ubmitted by
Name of student Candidate code
1 .Irine Treesa Francis
2. Angel Mary K.J
3. Susmy Francis
. Jyot!is!a Jose"!
#. $rincy %.J
!"amination Code#
ubject Code #
Under the guidance of

Name of t!e College

Mont! and &ear
'e( Irine Treesa Francis( Angel Mary K.J( Susmy Francis( Jyot!is!a Jose"!( $rincy %.J(
declare t!at t!e "ro)ect re"ort entitled A com"arati*e analysis on t!e in*estment "attern of t!e
"eo"le in t!e sea *ie+ +ard in Ala""u,!a su-mitted to t!e uni*ersity of Kerala for t!e a+ard
of t!e -ac!elor degree of commerce is a -onafide record of t!e researc! +or. done -y as
under t!e su"er*ision of graduate de"artment of commerce( st/ )ose"!0s college for +omen(
Ala""u,!a and it !as "re*iously formed t!e -asis for a+ard of any degree or di"loma or
ot!er similar title to any candidate of any uni*ersity.

$lace/ Ala""u,!a Irine Treesa Francis
1ate/ Angel Mary K.J
Susmy Francis
Jyot!is!a Jose"!
$rincy %.J

Certified t!at t!is $ro)ect 2e"ort entitled 3A C4M$A2ITI%5 ANA6&SIS 4F T75
IN%5STM5NT $ATT52N 4F $54$65 IN T75 S5A %I5' 'A21 A6A$$897A: is a
-onafide +or. carried out -y( Irine Treesa Francis( Angel Mary K.J( Susmy Francis(
Jyot!is!a Jose"!( $rincy %.J( +e and su-mitted to t!e 8ni*ersity of Kerala in "artial
fulfillment of t!e re;uirement for t!e a+ard of t!e 1egree of <ac!elor of Commerce under
my guidance and su"er*ision.
Sr. 8s!a Antony
Assistant $rofessor
1e"artment of Commerce
St.Jose"!=s College for 'omen(

Counter Signed
1r. 2ita 6at!a 1=Couto(
7ead of t!e 1e"artment of Commerce
St.Jose"!=s College for 'omen(
1uring t!e course of t!is study( I !a*e recei*ed a lot of encouragement( su""ort ad*ice(
suggestion( and assistance from many sources. I +ould li.e to ta.e t!is o""ortunity to t!an.
eac! and e*ery one of t!em.
First and foremost( I t!an. >od Almig!ty +!o !as -lessed me +it! courage and
determination to com"lete t!is "ro)ect successfully. I e?"ress my +!ole !earted gratitude to
my su"er*ising guide Sr. 8s!a Antony( Assistant $rofessor in Commerce( St. Jose"!0s
College for 'omen Ala""u,!a for !er e?"ert guidance and constant su""ort for com"leting
t!is "ro)ect +or. in time.
I my sincere t!an.s to all my teac!ers es"ecially to $rof. 1r 2ita 6at!a
10couto( t!e 7ead of t!e 1e"artment of Commerce for !er *alua-le suggestions during t!e
course of t!e study.
6ast -ut not t!e least I +ould li.e to e?"ress my gratitude to my "arents and friends for t!eir
ins"iration and "rayers and t!eir constant su""ort.
$lace/ Ala""u,!a
1ate/ Name/

6IST 4F TA<65S
6IST 4F >2A$7S
C7A$T52 1. INT2418CTI4N @A1B
C7A$T52 2. T75425TICA6 <ACK>2481 1CA31
C7A$T52 3 D . 1ATA ANA6&SIS AN1 INT52$25TATI4N 32ABE
C7A$T52 #. FIN1IN>S AN1 25C4MM5N1ATI4N B1 AB3
<I<6I4>2A$7& B#ABC

Ta!" N#$ Ta!" Na%" Pa&" N#$
3.1.1 Classification on t!e -asis of occu"ation 3
3.1.2 Classification on t!e -asis of annual income 3B
3.1.3 Classification on t!e -asis of annual sa*ings 3C
3.2.1 In*estment "reference of A$6 and <$6 !ouse!olds 3G
3.2.2 T!e factors influencing t!e "reference of study grou" E
3.2.3 7ouse!olds in*ested in Mutual Fund 1
3.2. Ty"es of Mutual Fund in*estment "roffered -y study grou" 2
3.2.# Kind of Mutual Fund Sc!emes accessed -y t!e in*estors 3
3.3.1 A+areness le*el of t!e study grou" a-out t!e Mutual Fund
3.3.2 Sources of information a-out Mutual Fund #
3.3.3 2easons for not in*esting in Mutual Fund BAC
3.3. Features of Mutual Fund t!at a""reciated -y t!e Study >rou" G
3..1 $reference of t!e Mutual Fund Institutions/ @
3..2 Mode of In*estment Mutual Fund -y t!e Study >rou" #E
3..3 2ole of Intermediaries in $urc!asing Mutual fund/ #1
3.. In*estors "reference to recei*e t!e mode of return #2
3.#.1 7ouse!olds a*ailing ser*ice. #3
3.#.2 Mem-ers of !ouse!olds !a*ing -an. account and ser*ices. ##
3.#.3 $ur"ose for o""ening -an. account. #B
3.#. A+areness a-out mo-ile ser*ice. #C
3.#.# A*ailing mo-ile facility among t!e !ouse!olds #G
3.#.B A+areness a-out electronic HeA-an.ingI. #@
3.#.C Satisfaction of !ouse!olds in t!eir in*estment "lan. BE
Fig No. Figure name $age. no
3.1.1 Classification on t!e -asis of occu"ation 3#
3.1.2 Classification on t!e -asis of annual income 3B
3.1.3 Classification on t!e -asis of annual sa*ings 3C
3.2.1 In*estment "refer most 3@
3.2.2 T!e factor "referring mostly -y in*estors E
3.2.3 7ouse!olds in*ested in Mutual Fund 1
3.2. Kind of in*estment "refer 2
3.2.# Mutual Fund sc!emes accessed -y in*estors 3
3.3.1 6e*el of a+areness
3.3.2 In*estors come to .no+ a-out Mutual Fund B
3.3.3 2easons for not in*esting in Mutual Fund C
3.3. Features attracts mostly @
3..1 Mutual Fund in*ested #E
3..2 Mutual Fund "referred -y in*estors #1
3..3 Mutual Fund "urc!ased #2
3.. In*estors "references for t!eir return #3
3.#.1 7ouse!olds a*ailing ser*ices #
3.#.2 <an. account and sa*ings ##
3.#.3 $ur"ose for o"ening -an. account #B
3.#. A+areness a-out mo-ile #C
3.#.# 7ouse!olds a*ailing mo-ile ser*ices #G
3.#.B A+areness a-out #@
3.#.C Satisfaction of t!e !ouse!olds in t!eir in*estment "lan BE

Mutual fund is a financial intermediary t!at "ools t!e sa*ings of in*estors for collecti*e
in*estment in a di*ersified "ortfolio of securities. Funds in Jmutual0 as all of its returns(
minus its e?"ense( are s!ared -y t!e fund0s in*estors. Mutual Funds are financial
intermediaries +!ic! collect t!e sa*ings of in*estors and in*ert t!em in a large and +ell
di*ersified "ortfolio of securities suc! as money instruments( cor"orate and
go*ernment -onds and e;uity s!ares of )oint stoc. .A mutual fund is a "ool of commingle
funds in*ested -y different in*estors( +!o !a*e no contact +it! eac! ot!er. Mutual funds are
concei*ed as institutions for "ro*iding small in*estors +it! a*enues of in*estment in ca"ital
T!e Securities e?c!ange -oard of India Hmutual fundsI 2egulation( 1@@B defines a mutual
fund as Ja fund esta-lis!ed in t!e form of a trust to raise money t!roug! t!e sale of units to
t!e "u-lic or a section of t!e "u-lic under one or more sc!emes for in*esting in securities
including money instruments or gold or gold related instruments or real estate assets0.
According to t!e a-o*e definition a mutual fund in India can raise resources to sale of units
to t!e "u-lic. It can -e set u" in t!e form of a Trust under t!e Indian Trust Act. T!e definition
!as -een furt!er e?tended -y allo+ing mutual funds to di*ersify t!eir acti*ities in t!e
follo+ing areas/
$ortfolio management ser*ices
Management of offs!ore funds
$ro*iding ad*ice to offs!ore funds
Management of "ension or "ro*ident funds
Management of *enture ca"ital funds
Management of money funds
Management of real estate funds
A mutual fund ser*es as a lin. -et+een t!e in*estor and t!e securities -y mo-ili,ing
sa*ings from t!e in*estors and in*esting t!em in t!e securities to generate returns.
T!us( a mutual fund is to "ortfolio management ser*ices H$MSI.
Conce"t of sa*ing an in*estment !el" analyse some im"ortant as"ects of macroAeconomics
suc! as fluctuations in economic acti*ity -et+een "ros"erity and recession( t!e "rocess of
economic gro+t!( and t!e met!od of financing >ross 1omestic Ca"ital Formation. C!anges
or fluctuations in economic acti*ity may occur +!en in*estment s"ending is greater or
smaller t!an t!e sa*ings at a gi*en le*el of income. Moreo*er( t!e resources going into t!e
"roducti*e "rocess( i.e.( ca"ital formation( may !a*e a direct relations!i" +it! economic
gro+t!. In ot!er +ords( gro+t! in economic acti*ity may result eit!er from +idening t!e
a""lication of ca"ital Hca"ital +ideningI or intensifying its userA utili,ing more ca"ital "er
unit of la-our and out"ut Hca"ital dee"eningI. 6astly( all economic acti*itiesA agricultural(
industrial( or ser*icesA de"end on t!e a*aila-ility of financial resources. T!ese resources
needed for economic gro+t! must -e generated. T!e amount of financial resources and t!e
*olume of ca"ital formation de"end on t!e intensity and efficiency +it! +!ic! sa*ings are
encouraged( gat!ered and directed to+ards in*estments. An institutional mec!anismA t!e
financial systemA "erforms t!ese roles to aid economic gro+t!. As more sa*ing mo*es
t!roug! t!e financial system( financial de"t! increases.
5stimates of sa*ings are "re"ared -y t!e Centre Statistics 4rgani,ation. T!e organi,ation
defines sa*ings as t!e e?cess of current income o*er current e?"enditure. It is t!e -alancing
item on t!e income and outlay accounts of "roducing enter"rises and !ouse!olds(
go*ernment administration and ot!er final consumers. For t!e "ur"ose of estimating t!e
domestic sa*ing( t!e economy !as -een di*ided into t!ree -road institutional sectors/
!ouse!old( "ri*ate cor"orate and "u-lic.
T!e !ouse!old sector com"rises !eterogeneous entities suc! as indi*iduals unincor"orated
-usiness enter"rises Hsole "ro"rietors!i"s and "artners!i" concernsI( farm "roduction units
and a num-er of nonA"rofit institutions. 7ouse!old sa*ing e;uals income of !ouse!olds not
allocated to current e?"enditure.
T!e sa*ing of t!e !ouse!old sector is measured as t!e total of financial sa*ing and sa*ing in
t!e form of "!ysical assets. Financial sa*ings in*ol*e "ossession of currency( net de"osits(
in*estment in s!ares and de-entures( net claims on go*ernment in t!e form of central and
state go*ernment securities and small sa*ings( net increase in t!e claims of life insurance(
and "ro*ident funds. $!ysical assets include construction mac!inery and e;ui"ment and
stoc.s !eld -y indi*iduals( firms( and ot!er institutions constituting t!e !ouse!old sector.
Mutual funds !a*e o"ened ne+ *istas to millions of small in*estors -y *irtually
in*estment to t!eir doorste". In India( a small in*estor generally goes for -an. de"osits(
+!ic! do not "ro*ide !edge against inflation and often !a*e negati*e real returns. 7e !as
limited access to "rice sensiti*e information and if a*aila-le( may not -e a-le to com"re!end
"u-licly a*aila-le information couc!ed in tec!nical and legal )argons. 7e finds !imself to -e
an odd man out in t!e in*estment game. Mutual funds !a*e come( as a muc! needed !el" to
t!ese in*estors. MFs are loo.ed u"on -y indi*idual in*estors as financial intermediariesK
"ortfolio managers +!o "rocess information( identify in*estment o""ortunities( formulate
in*estment strategies( in*est funds and monitor "rogress at a *ery lo+ cost.
T!e e?isting 3<e!a*ioural Finance: studies are *ery fe+ and *ery little information is
a*aila-le a-out in*estor "erce"tions( "references( attitudes and -e!a*ior. All efforts in t!is
direction are fragmented.
H2I Says t!at funds or sc!eme selection -y in*estors is -ased on "ast "erformance of t!e
funds and money flo+ into +inning funds more ra"idly t!an t!ey flo+ out of losing funds.
HNI States t!at t!ere is e*idence t!at in*estor "syc!ology affects fundKsc!eme selection and
HMI In India one of t!e earliest attem"ts +as made -y NCA52 in 1@B +!en a sur*ey of
!ouse!olds +as underta.en to understand t!e attitude to+ards and moti*ation for sa*ing of
Anot!er NCA52 study in 1@@B analyses t!e structure of t!e ca"ital and "resented t!e
*ie+s and attitudes of indi*idual s!are !olders. S5<IANCA52 sur*ey H2EEEI +as carried out
to estimate t!e num-er of !ouse!olds and t!e "o"ulation of indi*idual in*estors( t!eir
economic and demogra"!ic "rofile( "ortfolio si,e( and in*estment "reference for e;uity as
+ell as ot!er sa*ings instruments. T!is is a uni;ue and com"re!ensi*e study of Indian
in*estors( for data +as collected from 3EEEEEE geogra"!ically dis"ersed rural and ur-an
!ouse!olds. Some of t!e rele*ant findings of t!e sur*ey are/A 7ouse!old0s "reference for
instruments matc!es t!eir ris. "erce"tionL -an. de"osit !as an a""eal across all income
classesL 3M of t!e non in*estor !ouse!olds e;ui*alent to around BE million !ouse!olds
HestimatedI a""arently lac. a+areness a-out stoc. mar.etsL and com"ared +it! lo+ income
grou"s( t!e !ig!er income grou"s !a*e !ig!er s!are of in*estment in Mutual Funds HMFsI
signifying t!at MFs !a*e still not -ecome truly t!e in*estment *e!icle for small in*estors.
Ne*ert!eless t!e study "redicts t!at in t!e ne?t t+o years t!e in*estment of !ouse!olds in
MFs is li.ely to increase. 'e !a*e to +ait and +atc! t!e in*estors reaction to t!e( great fall
of t!e <ig <rot!er( 8TI.
HS. 2I conducted a sur*ey of 2E1 indi*idual in*estors to study t!e information sources of
in*estors( t!eir "erce"tions of *arious in*estment strategy dimensions and t!e factors
moti*ating s!are in*estment decisions and re"orts t!at among t!e *arious factors(
"syc!ological and sociological factor dominated t!e economic factors in s!are in*estment
HSi.indar and Sing!I carried out a sur*ey +it! an o-)ecti*e to understand t!e -e!a*ioural
as"ect of t!e Nort! 5astern 2egion to+ards e;uity and Mutual Funds In*estment "ortfolio.
T!e sur*ey re*ealed t!at t!e salaried and self em"loyed from t!e ma)or in*estors in Mutual
Funds are "rimarily due to 'a( "("%)'*#+,. 8TI and S<I sc!emes +ere "o"ular in t!at "art
of t!e country t!en and ot!er funds !ad not "ro*ided to -e -ig !it during t!e time +!en
sur*ey +as done.
H$%I conducted a sur*ey to get an insig!t into t!e mutual fund o"erations of "ri*ate
institutions +it! s"ecial reference to Kot!ari $oineer. T!e sur*ey re*ealed t!at a+areness
a-out mutual fund conce"t +as "oor during t!e time in small cities li.e *is!a.a"atanam.
Agents "lay a *ital role in s"reading t!e mutual fund cultureL o"enAend sc!emes are muc!
"referred t!en Lage and income are t+o im"ortant determinants in t!e selection of t!e fund
sc!emeL -rand image and return are "rime considerations +!ile in*esting in a Mutual Fund.
HC!a.ra-art!i and 2ugt!aI stressed t!e im"ortance of -rand effect determining t!e
com"etiti*e "osition of t!e AMCs. T!eir study re*eals t!at -rand image factor( t!oug! cannot
-e easily ca"tured -y com"uta-le "erformance measures( influences t!e in*estor0s "erce"tion
and !ence !is fund or sc!eme selection.
H%arad!ara)anI -an.s "erform a *ery critical function of financial intermediation
i.e(acce"ting de"osits from t!e sa*ers and lending to t!e -orro+ers and in "rocess(facilitate
efficient allocation of funds.
-M*,./a0 SEBI .a, a++#1+2"3 '.a' 41+&**!*'5 #4 T#'a! E()"+," Ra'*#-TER0 4#/ '."
M1'1a! F1+3 ,2."%" 6*!! " a!!#6"3 4/#% #2' 1$ T." /"&1!a'#/, #a/3 *+ *', %""'*+& #+
A1&1,' 17 3"2*3"3 '# a!!#6 41+&**!*'5 #4 TER '# a22#/3 4!"(**!*'5 a+3 /*+& a#1' 2#,'
-K/*,.+a+0 ,a5, '.a' #+ 1
9a+1a/5 a!! %1'1a! 41+3 .#1/, /#!!"3 #1' a +"6 )!a+ 1+3"/
a!! #4 '." "(*,'*+& )/#312' : T." D*/"2' P!a+
Targeted at in*estors +!o do not ma.e t!eir mutual fund in*estment t!roug! distri-uters
t!eir "lans future a lo+er e?"ense ratio t!an e?isting "lan. T!is means t!at you as an in*ester
+ill get an o""ortunity to earn slig!tly !ig!er return from your Mutual Fund des"ite it !a*ing
t!e same "ortfolio. T!is c!ange !as come a-out due to a S5<I cercular in se"tem-er 2E12
+!ic! mandated t!at all fund !ours s!ould !a*e a se"rate "lan for t!e in*estor +!o do not
use t!e ser*ice of a distri-uter. Fund !ouses +ere already -arred from c!arging an u"front
commission from in*estors +ay -ac. in 2EE@. No+ t!ese 1irect $lans +ill not c!ange annual
recuring commissions eit!er. T!us t!e direct "lans +ill carry lo+er annual c!arges and
e*entually a different H!ig!erI NA%.
T!e role of Mutual Funds in "romoting sa*ings continues to -e insignificant in India. 1es"ite
a long !istory( assets of Mutual Funds in India constitute less t!an 1E "er cent of >1$. A
crossAcountry com"arison suggests t!at Mutual Funds are *ery "o"ular all o*er t!e +orld.
7o+e*er( assets under t!em in India are relati*ely lo+ as com"ared +it! ot!er emerging economies. 4ne of t!e ma)or reasons for relati*ely lo+ acti*ity of Mutual Funds in
India is t!at "enetration( es"ecially in t!e rural areas remains small. 7ence t!is study is a
"ee" into t!e e?tent "enetration mutual fund among t!e "eo"le of sea *ie+ +ard in
In "resent scenario( one of t!e u"coming o"tions for in*estments in t!e financial is
Mutual Fund. Mutual Fund !as so many s"ecial features t!at include trans"arency.
In*estors +!o "art ta.e in mutual fund s!ould understand t!e in*estment o-)ecti*es( t!e ris.
and t!e e?"enses of a fund *ery cautiously -efore in*esting in stoc.. In*estors +ill usually
-uy s!ares in small ;uantities t!roug! a at a discount to t!e net asset *alue or at a
small "remium. In*estors +!o use a ta? ad*antaged account can a*oid "aying ta?es on
mutual fund distri-utions +!en in*esting in a mutual fund. In*estors li.e to see t!e rate of
return on in*estment for a mutual fund( and .no+ !o+ t!at fund com"ares to li.e funds.
Mutual Fund in*estment is -etter t!an ot!er raising funds and in t!e coming year it +ill
"ro*e to -e t!e -est source of in*estors. <ot! t!e "u-lic mutual fund and "ri*ate mutual
funds are "erforming -etter. T!e result is mo*ing in an u"+ard cur*e of t!e financial
It is o-*ious t!at mutual funds offer t!e in*estors large c!oice of *arious sc!emes +it!
s"ecial features in*estors can c!oose t!e ty"e of funds -est suited to t!eir in*estment
and e?"ectations.
To identify t!e e?tend of use of t!e Mutual Fund among t!e targeted grou" for t!e
sa*ing "ur"ose.
To access t!e "enetration and understanding le*el of Mutual Funds.
To com"are ser*ice +it! Mutual Funds.

T!is study is descri"ti*e and analytical in nature. To carry out t!e study( "rimary and
secondary data are used. T!e "rimary data is collected from !ouse!olds in sea *ie+ +ard( in
Ala""u,!a. 2andom sam"ling is ado"ted for selecting t!e !ouse!olds. For t!e collection of
t!e data( structured inter*ie+ sc!edule is de*elo"ed and fine tuned in discussion +it! t!e
"ro)ect Mutual Fund institutions. Secondary data for t!e study +as collected from *arious
sources li.e )ournals( -oo.sL official +e-sites etc For t!e analysis and inter"retation of t!e
data common statistical tools li.e ratios( "ercentages( gra"!s etc are used to ma.e it more
meaningful and "ur"oseful.
Sa%)!" 4/a%"<
Sea %ie+ 'ard( in Ala""u,!a consists of 1#EE !ouse!olds. 4ut of t!ose 3E !ouse!olds from
A$6 and3E !ouse!olds from <$6 +ere randomly selected for t!e study.
o T!e sur*ey is limited to BE "eo"le of Sea %ie+ 'ard only.
o T!e time constraint +as t!e one of t!e main "ro-lems.
o As all t!e information is gi*en -y t!e +ard mem-ers it is -iased.
o Most of t!e "eo"le +ere not ready to re*eal t!e data a-out t!eir income and
o Most of t!e "eo"le +ere una+are of t!ese o"tions t!at t!ey didn0t res"ond +ell.

A mutual fund is a trust t!at "ools t!e sa*ings of a num-er of in*estors +!o s!are a common
financial goal and are called s!are !olders or unit !olders of t!e fund. T!e money t!us
collected is t!en in*ested in ca"ital instruments suc! as s!are de-entures and ot!er
securities. T!e income earned t!roug! t!ese in*estments and t!e ca"ital a""reciation reali,ed
is s!ared -y its unit !olders in "ro"ortion to t!e num-er of units o+ned -y t!em
Mutual fund increases t!e mo-ili,ation of in*esti-le funds of t!e community -y
"ooling t!e resources of a large num-er of small sa*ers for cor"orate in*estment. Mutual
fund reduces t!e ris. of s!are!olding for t!e !older( -y e*ol*ing sc!emes( suita-le to t!e
"references of t!e sa*er for eit!er income or ca"ital gains. T!e mutual funds de*elo"
t!e e?"ertise -y setting u" a "rofessionally managed structure +!ic! +ould loo. after t!e
needs of t!e in*esting "u-lic for gainful and lo+Aris. in*estment.
Some mutual funds are also area s"ecific or "ur"ose s"ecific( e.g. Ja"an fund( India fund etc(
+!ic! necessarily "ro*ide access to foreign in*estors into domestic securities of "articular
economies. T!e mutual funds can "romote t!e in*estment !a-it of t!e rural and semiAur-an
areas and increase t!e "ro"ortion of in*esting "u-lic and of t!e s!are!olding "o"ulation in
Ta? s!elter is t!e most im"ortant ad*antage( t!e mutual fund industry en)oys in India. A
mutual fund( set u" -y a "u-lic sector -an. or a financial institution or one t!at is aut!ori,ed
-y S5<I is e?em"ted from ta?( under section 1EH231I of IT Act( "ro*ided it distri-utes @E
"er cent of its "rofit.
T!e union -udget for 1@@@A2EEE granted ta? e?em"tion for a "eriod of t!ree years for
8S B sc!eme and for all o"enAended e;uity oriented sc!emes of 8IT and ot!er mutual fund
+it! more t!an #E "er cent in*estment in e;uity. It also announced t!e e?em"tion from
income ta? of all income from 8IT and ot!er mutual fund recei*ed in t!e !and of in*estors.
T!e -udget for 2EEEAE1 !o+e*er raised t!e ta? rate of income distri-uted -y de-tAoriented
mutual fund and 8TIfrom1EM to 2EM.
As com"ared to direct in*estment( mutual fund offer firstly( reduced ris. and di*ersified
in*estment. Mutual fund !el" small in*estors in reducing ris. -y di*ersification( economies
of scale in transaction cost and "rofessional "ortfolio management. Secondly( mutual funds
offer re*ol*ing ty"e of in*estment( automatic rein*estment of di*idends and ca"ital gains
"ro*ide ta? relief to t!e mem-ers. T!irdly( section and timing of in*estment are underta.en
-y mutual fund. T!e fund as an organi,ation( su""lies e?"ertise in stoc. selection and timing
"urc!ase and sale of securities to in*estors on t!e in*ested funds to generate !ig!er returns to
t!em. Finally( mutual funds assure li;uidity and in*estment care. T!e units of mutual funds
could -e con*erted to cas! +it!out any loss of time( relie*ing in*estors from *arious rules
and regulations( +!ic! t!ey !a*e to com"ly +it! indirect in*estments.
4$5NA5N151 SC75M5S A in case of o"enAended sc!emes( t!e mutual fund continuously
offers to sell and re"urc!ase its units at NA% or NA% related "rices .8nli.e close Nended
sc!emes( o"enAended ones do not !a*e to -e listed on t!e stoc. e?c!ange and can also offer
re"urc!ase soon after allotment.
In*estors can enter and e?it t!e sc!eme any time during t!e life of fund. 4"enAended
sc!emes do not !a*e a fi?ed cor"us. T!e cor"us of fund increases or decreases( de"ending on
t!e "urc!ase or redem"tion of units -y in*estors.
C64S5A5N151 SC75M5S N Close ended sc!emes !a*e a fi?ed cor"us and a sti"ulated
maturity "eriod ranging -et+een t+o to fi*e years. In*estors can in*est in t!e sc!eme +!en it
is launc!ed. T!e sc!eme remains o"en for a "eriod not e?ceeding # days. In*estors in close
ended sc!emes can -uy units only from t!e mar.etL once initial su-scri"tions are o*er and
t!ereafter t!e units are listed on t!e stoc. e?c!anges +!ere t!ey can -oug!t and sold. T!e
fund !as no interaction +it! in*estors till redem"tion e?ce"t for "aying di*idendK-onus. In
order to "ro*ide and alternate e?it route to t!e in*estors( some closeAended funds gi*e an
o"tion of selling -ac. t!e units to t!e mutual fund t!roug! "eriodic re"urc!ase at NA%A
related "rices.
INT52%A6 SC75M5A Inter*al sc!eme com-ines t!e features of o"enAended and closeA
ended sc!emes. T!ey are o"en for sale or redem"tion during "redetermined inter*als at NA%A
related "rices.
7ere( classification is on t!e -asis of nature and ty"es of securities and o-)ecti*e of
INC4M5 F8N1S NT!e aim of income funds is to "ro*ide safety of in*estment and regular
income to in*estors. Suc! sc!emes in*estments and regular income to in*estors. Suc!
sc!emes in*est "redominantly in incomeA-earing instrument li.e -onds( de-entures(
go*ernment securities( and commercial "a"er. T!e returns as +ell as t!e ris. are lo+er in
income funds as com"ared to gro+t! funds.
>24'T7 F8N1SA T!e main o-)ecti*e of t!e gro+t! fund is ca"ital a""reciation o*er t!e
mediumAto long term. T!ey in*est most of t!e cor"us in e;uity s!ares +it! significant gro+t!
"otential and t!ey offer !ig!er return to in*estors in t!e long term. T!ey assume t!e ris.
associated +it! e;uity in*estment.
T!ere is no guarantee or assurance of returns. T!ese sc!emes are usually closeAended and
listed on stoc. e?c!anges.
<A6ANC51 F8N1S<- T!e aim of -alanced sc!eme is to "ro*ide -ot! ca"ital a""reciation
and regular income. T!ey di*ide t!eir in*estment -et+een e;uity s!ares and fi?ed interestA
-earing instruments in suc! a "ro"ortion t!at t!e "ortfolio is -alanced. T!e "ortfolio of suc!
fund usually com"rises com"anies +it! good "rofit and di*idend is -alanced trac. records.
T!eir e?"osure to ris. is moderate and t!ey offer a reasona-le rate of return. T!e NA%s of
suc! funds are li.ely to -e less *olatile com"ared to "ure e;uity funds. An e?am"le of
-alanced fund is 71FC "rudence( an e;uityAoriented !y-rid H-alancedI funds( +it! an asset
si,e of 2s.32EE crore. It is t!e largest and t!e most "o"ular sc!eme in t!e category of
-alanced funds.
4T752SA T!e ot!er mutual funds are load funds( e?c!ange traded funds( "riceAearnings
ratio fund( fundAofAfund( and real estate mutual funds.
7ere( t!e funds can -e classified on t!e -asis of t!e asset class Hty"es if securitiesI in +!ic!
t!ey are in*ested.
1. 5O8IT& F8N1/ If funds of a "articular sc!eme are in*ested in e;uity s!ares( t!en it
is an e;uity fund. 5;uity funds are ris.ier com"ared to de-t funds and t!ey can -e
furt!er classified on t!e -asis of t!eir in*estment strategy as di*ersified fund(
aggressi*e( gro+t!( *alue( and sector funds. 5?am"le of e;uity funds are inde? funds(
di*ersified funds( ar-itrage fund( largeAca" funds( smallAca" funds( midAca" funds(
sector funds( and e;uityAlin.ed sa*ing sc!emes.
2. 15<T F8N1/ If funds of a "articular sc!eme are in*ested in de-t instruments( t!en it
is a de-t fund. 1e-t funds are c!aracteri,ed -y lo+Aris. !ig! li;uidity in*estment.
1e-t funds in*est in go*ernment securities( money instruments( cor"orate
de-t instruments including floating rate -onds and nonAcon*erti-le de-entures( $S8
-onds( securiti,ed de-t including assetA-ac.ed securities( and mortgagedA-ac.
securities and -an. fi?ed de"osits. 5?am"les of de-t funds are li;uidKmoney
funds( income funds( gilt funds( fi?ed maturity "lans( and floating rate funds.
3. 7&<2I1 F8N1S/ In order to "ro*ide t!e -enefit of e;uity and de-t in*estment to
t!e in*estors( some funds in*est in -ot! t!e asset classes and t!ey are .no+n as
!y-rid funds. 7y-rid may -e furt!er categori,ed into e;uityA oriented fund and de-tA
oriented fund.
aI 5;uityA oriented funds are defined as t!ose sc!emes +!ere t!e e;uity !olding
of t!e fund in domestic com"anies is more t!an B# "er cent.
-I 1e-tA oriented funds are t!ose +!ere t!e in*estment in de-t securities e?ceed
B# "er cent. 5?am"les of de-tAoriented funds are ca"ital "rotection sc!emes(
mont!ly income "lans( and c!ildren0s in*estment funds.
cI <alanced funds are t!ose +ere #EM is in*ested un e;uity instruments and #EM
in de-t instruments.
T!e mutual fund industry in India started in 1@B3 +it! t!e formation of 8TI at t!e initiati*e
of t!e go*ernment of India and 2<I. T!e !istory of mutual fund in India can -e -roadly
di*ided into four distinct "!ases.
F*/,' ).a," -1=7>-?@0
T!e mutual fund conce"t +as introduced in India +it! t!e setting u" 8IT in 1@B3. T!e 8nit
Trust of India H8TII +as t!e first mutual fund set u" under 8TI act( 1@B3( a s"ecial act of t!e
"arliament. It -ecomes o"erational in 1@B +it! a ma)or o-)ecti*e of mo-ili,ing sa*ings
t!roug! t!e sale of units and in*esting t!em in cor"orate securities for ma?imi,ing yield and
ca"ital a""reciation. T!is "!ase commenced +it! t!e lunc! of t!e unit sc!eme 1@BH8SABI(
t!e first o"enAended and t!e most "o"ular sc!eme .8 T I0s in*isi-le funds( at
*alueHand including t!e -oo. *alue of fi?ed assetIgre+ from 2s.@ core in 1@B# to 2s.21@
core in 1@CEAC1 to rs.112B core in 1@GEAG1 and furt!er to 2s.#EBG core -y June 1@GC. Its
in*estor0s -ase !ad also gro+n to a-out t+o million in*estors. It launc!ed inno*ati*e
sc!emes during t!e "!ase. Its fund family included fi*e incomeAoriented( o"enAended
sc!emes( +!ic! +ere sold largely t!roug! its agent +or.s -uild u" o*er t!e years. Master
s!are( t!e e;uity gro+t! fund launc!ed in1@GB( "ro*ed to -e a grand mar.eting success.
Master s!are +as t!e first real closeAended sc!eme floated -y 8TI. It launc!ed t!e India
Fund in 1@GBA t!e first Indian offs!ore fund for o*erseas in*estors( +!ic! +as listed on t!e
6ondon Stoc. 5?c!ange H6S5I. 8TI maintained its mono"oly and e?"erienced a constant
gro+t! till 1@GC.
S"2#+3 ).a," -1=?@-1==30 -"+'/5 #4 )1!*2 ,"2'#/ 41+3,0
T!e second "!ase +itnessed t!e entry of mutual fund com"anies s"onsored -y nationali,ed
-an.s and insurance com"anies. In 1@GC( <SI Mutual Fund and Can-an. Mutual Fund +ere
set u" as trusts under t!e Indian Trust Act( 1GG2. In1@GG( 8TI floated anot!er offs!ore fund(
namely( T!e India >ro+t! Fund +!ic! +as listed on t!e Ne+ &or. Stoc. 5?c!ange HN&S5I.
<y 1@@E( t!e t+o nationali,ed insurance giants( 6IC and >IC( and nationali,ed -an.s(
namely Indian <an.( <an. of India( and $un)a- National <an. !ad started t!e o"erations of
+!olly o+ned mutual fund su-sidiaries. T!e assured return ty"es of sc!eme floated -y t!e
mutual funds during t!e "!ase +ere "ercei*ed to -e anot!er "roduct offered -y t!e
arms of s"onsor -an.s. In 4cto-er 1@G@( t!e first regulati*e guidelines +ere issued -y 2<I(
-ut t!ey +ere a""lica-le only to t!e Mutual Funds offered -y t!e -an.s. Su-se;uently(
>o*ernment of India issued com"re!ensi*e guidelines in June 1@@E co*ering all mutual
funds. T!ese guidelines em"!asi,ed com"ulsory registration +it! t!e S5<I and an arms
lengt! relations!i" -e maintained -et+een t!e s"onsor and asset management com"any
HAMCI. 'it! t!e entry of "u-lic sector funds( t!ere +as a tremendous gro+t! in t!e si,e of
mutual fund industry +it! t!e in*esti-le funds( at *alue( increasing to 2s.#3B2
crores and t!e num-er of in*estors increasing to o*er 23 million. T!e -uoyant e;uity mar.ets
in 1@@1A@2 and ta? -enefit under e;uityNlin. sa*ing sc!emes en!anced t!e attracti*eness of
e;uity funds.
T.*/3 ).a," -1==3-20030 -"+'/5 #4 )/*8a'" ,"2'#/ 41+3,0
'it! t!e entry of "ri*ate sector fund in1@@3( a ne+ era started in t!e Indian Mutual Fund
Industry( gi*ing t!e Indian in*estors a +ider c!oice of fund families. Also 1@@3 +as t!e year
in +!ic! t!e first mutual fund regulation came into -eing under +!ic! all Mutual Funds
e?ce"t 8TI +ere to -e registered and go*erned. T!e erst+!ile Kot!ari $ioneer Hno+ merged
+it! Fran.lin Tem"letonI +as t!e first "ri*ate fund mutual registered in July 1@@3. T!e 1@@3
S5<I HMutual FundI regulation +ere su-mitted -y a more com"re!ensi*e and re*ised Mutual
Fund 2egulations in 1@@B.t!e industry no+ functions under S5<I HMutual FundI
2egulations1@@B. T!e num-er of Mutual Fund !ouses +ere +ent on increasing( +it! many
foreign Mutual Funds setting u" funds in India and also t!e industry !as +itnessed se*eral
mergers and ac;uisitions. As at t!e end of t!e January 2EE3( t!ere +ere 33 Mutual Funds
+it! total assets of 2s.121GE# crores. T!e 8TI +it! 2s.#1 crores of assets under
management +as +ay a!ead of our mutual funds.
F#1/'. ).a," -,*+2" F"/1a/5 20030
In Fe-ruary 2EE3( follo+ing t!e re"eal of t!e 8IT Act 1@B3 8TI +as -ifurcated into t+o
se"arate entities. 4ne is t!e s"ecified of 8TI +it! assets under management of
2s. 2@G3# crores as at t!e end of t!e January 2EE3re"resenting -roadly( t!e assets of us B
sc!eme( assured return and certain ot!er sc!eme. T!e s"ecified of 8nit Trust of
India( functioning under an administrator and under t!e rules framed -y go*ernment of India
and does not come under t!e "ur*ie+ of Mutual Fund 2egulations. T!e second is t!e 8TI
Mutual Fund 6td( S"onsored -y S<I( $N<( <4< and 6IC. It is registered +it! S5<I and
functions under t!e Mutual Fund 2egulation. 'it! t!e -ifurcation of t!e erst+!ile 8TI +!ic!
!ad in Marc! 2EEE more t!an 2s.CB( EEE crores of assets under management and +it! t!e
setting u" of a 8TI Mutual Fund( conforming to t!e S5<I Mutual Fund 2egulations( and
+it! recent mergers "lace among different "ri*ate sector funds( t!e Mutual fund
industry !as entered its current "!ase of consolidation and gro+t!. As at t!e end of
Se"tem-er( 2EE( t!ere +ere 2@ funds( +!ic! manage assets of 2s.1#31EG crores under 21
T!e "erformance of mutual fund in India from t!e day t!e conce"t of mutual fund too. -irt!
in India. T!e year +as 1@B3. 8nit Trust of India in*ited in*estors or rat!er to t!ose +!o
-elie*ed in saying to "ar. t!eir money in 8TI Mutual Fund for 3E years. It ran. to" +it!out
a single second "layer t!roug! t!e 1@GG year sa+ some ne+ mutual fund com"anies( -ut 8TI
remained in a mono"oly "osition. T!e "erformance of mutual fund in India in t!e initial face
+as not e*en closer to satisfactory le*el. <ut yes( some 2 million s!are!olders +as
accustomed +it! guaranteed !ig! returns t!e -eginning of li-erali,ation of t!e industry in
1@@2. T!ese good records of 8TI -ecome mar.eting tool for ne+ entrance. T!e e?"ectation
of in*estors touc!ed t!e s.y in "ro-a-ility factor. 7o+e*er "eo"le +ere miles a+ay from t!e
"re"aredness of ris.s factor after li-erali,ation.
T!e assets under management of 8TI +ere 2s.BC-n.-y t!e end of 1@GC. 6et me concentrate
a-out t!e "erformance of Mutual Fund in India t!roug! figures 2sBC-n. T!e asset under
management rose as !ig! as 2s 1#-n. t!e Net Asset %alue HNA%I of mutual fund in India
declined +!en stoc. "rices started falling in t!e year1@@2. T!ose days t!e regulations
did not allo+ "ortfolio s!ift into attracti*e in*estments. T!ere +ere rat!er t+o c!oices a"art
from !olding t!e cas! or to furt!er continue in*esting in s!ares. 4ne more t!ing to -e noted(
since only closedAend funds +ere floated in T!e in*estors disin*ested -y selling at a
loss in t!e secondary
T!e "erformance of mutual fund in India is suffered ;ualitati*ely. T!e 1@@2 stoc.
scandal t!e losers -y disin*estment and of course t!e lac. of trans"arent rules in t!e
+!erea-outs roc.ed confidence among t!e in*estors. $arty o+ing to relati*ely +ea. stoc. "erformances. Mutual funds !a*e not yet re*o.ed +it! funds leading at an a*erage
discount of 1E2EM t!eir Net Asset %alue.
T!e su"er*isory aut!ority ado"ted a set of measures to create a trans"arent and com"etiti*e
en*ironment in mutual fund. Some of t!em +ere li.e rela?ing in*estment restrictions in to
t!e Introduction of o"en ended funds and "a*ing t!e gate+ay for mutual funds to
launc! "ension sc!emes.
T!e measure +as ta.en to mutual fund t!e .ey instrument for long term sa*ings. T!e more
t!e *ariety offered t!e ;uantitati*e +ill -e t!e in*estors. At last to mention as long as mutual
fund com"anies are "erforming +it! lo+er ris. and !ig!er "rofita-ility +it!in a s!ort s"an of
time( more and more "eo"le +ill -e inclined to in*est until and unless t!ey are fully educated
+it! t!e dos and don0ts of mutual fund.
6ea*ing aside 8TI( +!ic! !as -een e?isting since 1@B( to financial institutions( namely( 6IC
and >IC !as set u" t!eir mutual funds in 1@G@ and 1@@E res"ecti*ely. Since 1@GC( starting
+it! S<I( a num-er of "u-lic sector -an. !a*e set u" mutual fund( +!ic! !a*e -een
regulated -y t!e 2<I( t!e mutual funds of 6IC and >IC +ere regulated -y t!e In*estment
1i*ision of Ministry of Finance.
After S5<I got legal status in 1@@2( all mutual funds !a*e -een -roug!t under its
su"er*ision( e?ce"t t!e Money Mutual Funds and offs!ore mutual funds( +!ic! are
also -ound -y t!e guidelines of 2<I( and ministry of finance. Nearly 2s.BE( EEE crores +ere
collected -y 8TI and an estimated 2s.3E( EEE crores -y *arious mutual funds set u" since
1@GC( as contri-utions of sa*ings from in*estors. T!e mutual funds mo*ements !as got a
startling momentum -y 1@@EA1@@1 -ut t!ere +as a set-ac. to t!is in1@@2( follo+ing t!e
securities scam in +!ic! a num-er of -an.s and mutual funds +ere in*ol*ed in financial
irregularities. Since t!en( t!e S5<I !as tig!tened its regulations.
T!e ne+ guidelines +ere laid do+n in res"ect of mutual funds for aut!ori,ation and licensing
of all mutual funds and eac! of t!eir indi*idual sc!emes. As *isuali,ed -y t!e go*ernment
"olicy( not only "u-lic sector( -ut "ri*ate sector and )oint sector mutual funds are no+
"ermitted and licensed -y t!e S5<I.
S$4NS52/ T!e s"onsor of a mutual fund "erforms t!e same functions as t!e
"romoter of a com"any and may -e a -an.( an FI or a financial ser*ices com"any.
T!e s"onsor is res"onsi-le for setting u" and esta-lis!ing a mutual fund and setting
t!e mutual fund trust. In order to -e a-le to "erform all t!ese functions t!e s"onsor
!as to o-tain a license from S5<I for +!ic! it !as to satisfy certain conditions related
to ca"ital( "rofits( trac. records( default free dealings etc. For 5?am"le t!e s"onsors
of ICICI "rudential mutual fund are "rudential "lc. And ICICI -an.
M8T8A6 F8N1 T28ST/ T!e mutual fund is setAu" as a trust under Indian Trusts
act( 1GG1( and is registered +it! S5<I. T!is trust enters into contract in t!e name of
its trustees +!o may -e indi*iduals or a cor"orate. T!e in*estors of t!e fund are
-eneficiaries of t!is trust. For e?am"les ICICI "rudential mutual fund !as -een set N
u" as a trust named "rudential ICICI mutual fund trust. T!is trust !olds t!e units of
!olders in t!e fund an enters into agreement +it! S5<I and ensures com"liance. T!e
trustees a""oint a monitor t!e asset management com"any +!ic! in turn are
res"onsi-le for fund0s financial regularity( secure necessary com"liance and !old t!e
"ro"erties of *arious sc!emes in t!e interest of in*estors.
ASS5T MANA>5M5NT C4M$AN&/ T!e asset management com"any( a""ointed
-y t!e trustees( "erforms t!e function of in*estment for a fund. It designs t!e
mutual fund sc!emes( floats t!em and manages t!em as "er S5<I guide lines .In
return for t!ese ser*ices t!e AMC recei*es an annual in*estment management and
ad*isory fee lin.ed to t!e si,e of t!e sc!eme.
C8ST41IAN/ 4ften an inde"endent organi,ation( it custody of securities and
ot!er assets of a mutual fund. Among "u-lic sector mutual funds( t!e s"onsor or
trustee generally also acts as t!e custodian. A custodian0s res"onsi-ilities include
recei"t and deli*ery of securities( collecting income( distri-uting di*idends("ing of units and segregating assets and settlements -et+een sc!emes.
25>IST2A2 AN1 T2ANSF52 A>5NTS/ 2egistrar and transfer agent !andles
communications +it! in*estors( "erforms data entry ser*ices( maintains in*estor data
and dis"atc!es accounts statements reflecting t!e !olding and transaction of t!e
in*estors. For e?am"le( t!e 2TA of ICICI "rudential mutual fund is ICICI InfoTec!
ser*ices 6imited.
Mutual funds are re;uired to com"ute and "u-lici,e t!eir net asset *alues daily. <ecause t!eir
income and t!eir ca"ital gain distri-utions are also "u-lici,ed( t!ey are ideal candidates for
studies of t!e "erformance of "rofessionally managed "ort folios. T!us it is !ardly
su"er*ising t!at mutual funds !a*e fre;uently -eing t!e su-)ect of e?tensi*e study.
In studies of "erformance( t!e rate of return on a mutual fund for "eriod. It is calculated -y
adding t!e c!ange in net asset *alue to t!e amount of income and t!e ca"ital gains
distri-utions made during t!e "eriod( denoted -y 1t and >t res"ecti*ely( and di*iding t!is
total -y t!e net asset *alue at t!e -eginning of t!e "eriod.
2ISK C4NT246
4ne of t!e functions t!at a mutual fund can "erform for its in*estors is t!e maintenance of a
"articulars ris. "osture. Formal statements of o-)ecti*es "ro*ide some idea of a fund0s
intended "osture( -ut often t!e +ording is *ague. Ne*ert!eless( t!ere a""ears to -e a general
relations!i" -et+een "ortfolio ris. and stated o-)ecti*es.
An im"ortant tas. for any in*estment manager is t!e "ro*ision of an a""ro"riate degree of
"ortfolio di*ersification. T!e correct amount de"ends on t!e "ro"ortion of client0s funds
managed and on t!e li.eli!ood t!at su"erior a-normal returns can -e o-tained -y sacrificing
di*ersifications. A most mutual funds are intended to -e ma)or com"onent of a s!are!olders
"ortfolio( it is reasona-le to e?"ect t!em to -e su-stantially di*ersified.
A%52A>5 2AT5 4F 25T82N
Some organi,ations !a*e esta-lis!ed t+o .inds of indices -ased on t!e net asset *alues of
mutual funds t!at !a*e similar in*estment o-)ecti*es. 4ne .ind of inde? is -ased on nearly
all of t!e 8S -ased mutual funds( +!ereas t!e second .ind is -ased on a muc! smaller
Funds ty"ically incur t+o .inds of e?"enses management fees administration e?"enses and
ot!er o"erating e?"enses are direct generally re"orted. 7o+e*er transactions cost are only
"artly measura-le in t!at -ro.erage commission are re"orted( -ut im"licit costs suc! as -idA
as. s"reads and t!e "rice im"orts of trading are often not e*en estimated.
To ac!ie*e su"erior "ortfolio "erformance and in*estors must eit!er select securities t!at
out"erform ot!er of com"ara-le ris. or s+itc! from ris. classes to ris. class at a""ro"riate
times. T!e letter strategy is often called timing or asset allocation. T!e idea is to !old
a !ig! -eta "ortfolio "rior to declines. T!is is ty"ically done -y altering t!e relati*e
"ro"ortions t!at t!e find !as in*ested in t!e stoc.( -onds and cas! e;ui"ments. Ty"ically t!e
more a fund !as in*ested in stoc.( t!e !ig!er its -eta.
<4N1 M8T8A6 F8N1S
Cell of t!e result re"orted so far focus on mutual funds t!at !a*e at least a large "art of t!eir
asset in*ested in common stoc.. T!is lea*es o"en t!e ;uestion of -ond mutual funds. Is t!eir
"erformance similar to t!at stoc. fund/ one study loo.ed at a sam"le of 1 -onds o*er t!e
"eriod from1@C@ t!roug! 1@GG.
$52SIST5NC5 4F $52F42MANC5
5*en if t!e a*erage mutual fund dis"lays no a-ility at selecting under "riced securities or
timing t!e it is still "ossi-le t!at a fe+ of t!e funds do !a*e suc! a-ilities. If so t!ey
s!ould continuously generate !ig!er returns and ran. at or near t!e to" of t!eir "eer grou"s
o*er consecuti*e 7ano*er la""ing e*aluation "eriod.
< means t!e acce"ting t!e de"osit from t!e customers for lending to t!e needy and
e?tending t!e ot!er sources as to issue of 11( mt etc. no+ a days after introduction of "ri*ate
sector -an.s. T!e -an.s !a*e -ecome a "rofit center and t!e functions -ecome c!anged and
no+ -an.s are doing t!e insurance and mutual fund also. <ut nationali,ed -an.s are still
ser*ice oriented in e?tending loans for 5ducation loan( s!g( s)sry( and rural de*elo"ment

It is also called 3Account t!at tra*els +it! a "erson. 'it!( mo-ile a "erson can -an.
from any+!ere( at anytime and in any condition or any !o+:. T!e system is eit!er t!roug!
SMS or t!roug! 'A$. T!e "ercentage of mo-ile !as increased t!ree times
com"ared to de-it or credit card. 8sing 7TM6 D 'A$ tec!nologies
<ill "ayments
Fund transfers
C!ec. -alances

It is conducting online t!roug! a com"uter and a net connection follo+ed -y
immediate u"dating of t!e system automatically after e*ery transaction. T!e follo+ing are
t!e features of net
<an.s offer only rele*ant information a-out t!eir "roducts and ser*ices to t!e
Fe+ <an.s "ro*ide interaction facility -et+een t!eir -an.s and its customers.
<an.s are coming u" +it! arrangements of utility "ayments li.e tele"!one -ills(
electricity -ills etc.( +!ic! can -e done t!roug! net
Net !el"s t!e customers in t!e follo+ing +ay/
It remo*es traditional geogra"!ic -arriers as it# can reac! out to customers of
different countries.
It !as !el"ed in sa*ing customer0s time and -an.0s cost.

Analysis of data is considered to -e !ig!ly s.illed and tec!nical )o- +!ic! s!ould -e
carried out only -y t!e researc!er !imself or under !is close su"er*ision. It is t!roug!
systematic analysis t!at t!e underlying features of t!e data are re*ealed and *alid
generali,ation is arri*ed at. Analysis of data t!erefore means critical e?amination of t!e data
for studying t!e c!aracteristics of t!e o-)ect under study and for determining t!e "atterns of
relations!i"s among t!e *aria-les relating to it using -ot! ;uantitati*e and ;ualitati*e

Inter"retation refers to t!e tec!ni;ue of dra+ing inference from t!e collected facts and
e?"laining t!e significance of t!ose inferences after an analytical and e?"erimental study. It
is a searc! for -roader and a-stract means of t!e researc! findings. Inter"retation analysis t!e
a-stract relations in more concrete terms and tries to unfold t!e reasons for e?isting ty"e of
relations or findings. It relates t!e em"irical findings +it! t!eoretical "rinci"les and !el"s to
dra+ a num-er of useful inferences from t!e study.
T!e data o-tained from t!e res"ondents are analy,ed and inter"reted +it! t!e !el" of *arious
ta-les and c!arts are as on ne?t "age/
3$1$ E2#+#%*2 Ba2B&/#1+3 #4 '." S'135 G/#1)<
Ta!" 3$ 1$1C!a,,*4*2a'*#+ #+ '." a,*, #4 #221)a'*#+
O221)a'*#+ APL BPL
$rofession 0 E
Salaried G #
<usiness @ 3
2etired B 3
4t!ers C 1@
Total 3E 3E

4ut of t!e BE res"ondents 3E res"ondents are A$6 !ose!olds and 3E are <$6 !ose!olds.
Among t!e A$6 !ose!olds 2B.BB M are salaried grou"( 3EM are -usiness grou"s and 2EM
are retired and 23.33M are ot!ers. And among t!e <$6 !ose!olds 1B.BBM are salaried(
1EMare -usiness( 1EM are retired and B3.33M are from ot!ers. In -ot! A$6 and <$6
!ose!olds t!ere are no one "rofessionaly occu"ied.

F*& +#$ 3$ 1$1
Ta!" 3$1$2 C!a,,*4*2a'*#+ #+ '." a,*, #4 A++1a! I+2#%"
Annual Income <elo+ 2EEEE 2EEEEA#EEE1 #EEEEA1EEEEE 1EEEE1 a-o*e
A$6 C 3 # 1#
<$6 1# 1 1 E
Total 22 1C B 1#
$ercentage 3B.BB 2G.33 1E 2#
F*& +#$ 3$1$2
In t!e a-o*e ta-le among t!e 3E res"ondents in A$6 !ose!olds 23.33M are from
-elo+ 2EEEE( 1EM from 2EEE1A#EEEE( 1B.BBM from #EEE1A1EEEEE and #EM from
1EEEE1 a-o*e. And among t!e 3E res"ondents in <$6 !ose!olds #EM are from -elo+
2EEEE( B.BBM from 2EEE1A#EEEE( 3.33M from #EEE1A1EEEE1 and none of t!e
!ose!olds !as annual income a-o*e 1EEEEE.
3$1$3 C!a,*4*2a'*#+ #+ '." a,*, #4 A++1a! Sa8*+&,$
Ta!" 3$1$3
Annual sa*ings <elo+ 1EEEE 1EEE1A2EEEE 2EEE1A#EEEE A-o*e #EEE1
A$6 12 B # C
<$6 21 G 1 E
Total 33 1 B C
F*& +# 3$1$3
From t!e a-o*e analysis (3E !ouse!olds from EM A$6 category sa*e less t!an
1EEEE( 2EM A$6 !ouse!olds sa*e -et+een 1EEE1A2EEEE(1B.BBM !ouse!olds sa*e
-et+een 2EEE1A#EEEE( 23.33M could sa*e a-o*e#EEEE.And among 3E !ouse!olds
from <$6 categories CEM sa*e -elo+1EEEE( 2B.BBM !ouse!old sa*e 1EEE1A2EEEE(
3.33M could sa*e 2EEE1A#EEEE and none of t!e !ose!olds can sa*e a-o*e #EEEE.
3$2 L"8"! #4 P"+"'/a'*#+ #4 M1'1a! F1+3 a%#+& '." S'135
3$2$1 I+8",'%"+' )/"4"/"+2" #4 '." APL a+3 BPL .#,".#!3,<
Ta!" 3$2$1
T5)" #4 *+8",'%"+' APL BPL T#'a!
Sa*ings account 1B 11 2C
Fi?ed de"osit 2 B
Insurance 12 1# 2C
Mutual fund # E #
$ost officeANSC B 1G 2
S!aresK de-entures # E #
>oldK sil*er 1 E 1
2eal estate E E E
$$F E E E
$F 2 E 2
T!e a-o*e ta-le s!o+s t!e in*estment "references among A$6 and <$6 !ose!olds. 7ere(
among A$6 !ose!olds( most of t!em "refer <an. Sa*ings Account H31.3CMI as in*estment
follo+ed -y Insurance H23.#2MI and H11.CBMI of t!em "refer to in*est in $ost 4ffice
Sa*ings and H@.GMI of t!em e;ually "refer Mutual Fund and S!ares. Some of t!em also
"refer Fi?ed 1e"osit HC.GMI( 3.@2M "refer $F and 1.@BM "refer gold and sil*er. And in <$6
!ose!olds( t!ey "refer mostly $ost 4fficeANSC H3@.13MI follo+ed -y Insurance H32.BEMI(
<an. Sa*ings Account H23.@1MI and Fi?ed 1e"osit H.3MI.
F*& +# 3$2$1
3$2$2 T." 4a2'#/, *+4!1"+2*+& '." )/"4"/"+2" #4 S'135 G/#1)
Ta!" 3$2$2
Factors Influencing
6i;uidity 6o+ ris. 7ig! return Com"any
A$6 1B 12 1 1
<$6 1B 13 1 E
Total 32 2# 2 1

F*& +# 3$2$2
In t!e a-o*e c!art -ot! t!e A$6 and t!e <$6 !ose!olds "refer li;uidity +!ile in*esting t!eir
money. T!at #3.33M of -ot! A$6 and <$6 !ose!olds "refer li;uidity +!ile in*esting t!eir
money. T!ey also ssss"refer lo+ ris. in*estments( t!at is EM of A$6 !ose!olds and 3.33M
of <$6 !ose!olds "refer lo+ ris. in*estment. 7ere 3.33M of -ot! A$6 and <$6 !ose!olds
"refer !ig! ris. in*estments. And 3.33M of A$6 !ose!olds consider t!e com"any re"utation
+!ile in*esting t!eir money.
3$2$3 H#1,".#!3, *+8",'"3 *+ %1'1a! 41+3
Ta!" 3$2$3
I+8",'%"+' A$6 <$6 Total
&es 1E E 1E
No 2E 3E #E
F*& +#$ 3$2$3
In t!e a-o*e c!art 1E families from A$6 families alone !a*e in*ested in Mutual Fund. And
2E families from A$6 and 3E families from <$6 !a*e not yet in*ested in Mutual Fund.
3$2$> T5)" #4 M1'1a! F1+3 *+8",'%"+' P/"4"//"3 5 '." S'135 G/#1) <
Ta!" 3$2$>
Ty"e of Mutual Fund Nos.
$ri*ate B
Total in*estors 1E
F*& +#$ 3$2$>
In t!e a-o*e c!art it s!o+s t!at from t!e 1E in*estors BE "ercentage of t!e in*estors in*est in
"u-li-c and E "ercentage in*estors in*est in "ri*ate.
3$2$C K*+3 #4 M1'1a! 41+3 ,2."%, a22",,"3 5 '." *+8",'#/,$
Ta!" 3$2$C
Kind of Sc!emes N#,$
4"en ended B
Close ended 1
6i;uid fund E
>ro+t! fund
ot!ers E

F*& +#$ 3$2$C
In t!e a-o*e c!art( among 1E in*estors( ##M of t!em "refer o"en ended funds( 3BM of t!em
"refer li;uid funds and @M of t!em "refer close ended.
3$3 P"/2")'*#+ #4 '." S'135 G/#1) a#1' M1'1a! F1+3<
3$3$1 A6a/"+",, L"8"! #4 '." S'135 G/#1) a#1' M1'1a! F1+3<
Ta!" 3$3$1
L"8"! #4 A6a/"+",, N#,$
aI Totally ignorent of mutual fund o"ertunity 1
-I $artial .n+oledge of mutual fund #
cI Fully a+are of t!e -enefits of mutual fund 3
dI A+are of t!e -enefits mutual fund o*er -an. account 1
Total in*estors 1E

F*& +#$ 3$3$1

T!e c!art s!o+s a+areness le*el of t!e grou" +!o made in*estment Mutual Fund .
Among t!e 1E in*estors #EM of t!em are !a*ing only "artial .no+ledge of mutual fund
and 3EM of t!em are fully a+are of t!e ris. and re+ards of t!eir in*estment. 1EM of
t!em are a+are of t!e -enefits of mutual fund o*er t!e -an. account and 1EM of t!em are
totally ignorant of mutual fund as an in*estment o""ortunity
3$3$2 S#1/2" I+4#/%a'*#+ a#1' M1'1a! F1+3<
Ta!" 3$3$2
Source of Information Nos.
aI Ad*ertisement 2
-I $eer grou" B
cI <an. 2
dI Financial ad*isor E
eI < firms E
fI Ne+s "a"er E
Total in*estors 1E

F*& +# 3$3$2
T!e a-o*e c!art s!o+s (among 1E in*estors BE "ercentage of in*estors came to .no+ a-out
mutual fund from "eer grou". 2EM of t!em came to .no+ a-out mutual fund t!roug!
ad*ertisement and 2EM from -an..
3$3$3 R"a,#+, 4#/ NOT *+8",'*+& *+ M1'1a! F1+3<
Ta!" 3$3$3
I'"%, APL BPL )"/2"+'a&"
aI Totally ignorant of MF as
in*estment o""ortunity
C 12 13$@=
-I 6ots of formalities are in*ol*ed in
in*esting t!e MF
3 3 10$3
cI Not any s"ecific reason of MF 2 ? 1?$?
dI $artial .no+ledge of MF
3 > 12
eI A+are of -an. transaction are easy
in com"arison to MF
2 2 7$?
fI Fully a+are of t!e -enefits of MF 1 0 1$@
gI 'e !a*e no relia-le information
a-out MF
0 2 3$>
!I 2eturn is not attracti*e 1 0 1$@
iI 7ig! ris. is in*ol*ed 7 1 12
)I 6ot of "eo"le met +it! !ea*y loss 2 0 3$>
.I Tec!nical .no+ledge is re;uired 1 0 1$@

F*& +#$ 3$3$3
T!e a-o*e c!art gi*es t!e reasons of 2E A$6 !ouse!olds and 3E <$6 !ouse!olds as to +!y
!a*e not in*ested in mutual funds. 7ere 13.C@ in*estors are totally ignorant of mutual funds(
1E.3 says t!at it in*ol*es lot of formalities( 1G.G M !ouse!olds !a*e no s"ecific reason( 12 M
of t!em !a*e "artial .no+ledge of mutual fund( B.GM of t!em says t!at -an. transactions are
more easy t!an mutual fund( 1.C M of t!em are fully a+are of mutual fund -ut still not
interested( 3.M !ouse!olds !a*e no relia-le information a-out mutual fund( 1.CM says t!at
t!e return of mutual fund is not attracti*e( 12M says t!at mutual fund in*ol*es !ig! ris.(
3.M says t!at lot of "eo"le met !ea*y loss in earlier "eriod and 1.CM of !ouse!olds say t!at
more tec!nical .no+ledge is re;uired.
3$3$> F"a'1/", #4 M1'1a! F1+3 '.a' a))/"2*a'"3 5 '." S'135 G/#1)<
Ta!" 3$3$>
A''/a2'*8" F"a'1/", N#,$
aI 1i*ersification 3
-I Ta? -enefit #
cI 2egular income E
dI 2eduction in ris. and transaction cost 2
eI<etter return and safety E
In t!e a-o*e #E M of in*estors are attracted -y t!e ta? -enefit offered to
t!e mutual fund in*estors( 3EM of t!em di*ersification and 2E M of t!em are attracted
-y reduction in ris. and transaction cost.

F*& +#$ 3$3$>
3$> A22",, #4 M1'1a! 41+3 5 '." S'135 G/#1)<
3$>$1 P/"4"/"+2" #4 '." M1'1a! F1+3 I+,'*'1'*#+,<
Ta!" 3$>$1
M1'1a! F1+3 I+,'*'1'*#+, N#,$
8TI 3
71FC 2
2eliance 0
ICICI $rudential fund 0
JM mutual fund 0
4t!ers >
F*& +#$ 3$>$1
T!e c!art a-o*e s!o+s #G.3M of t!e in*estors are in*ested in S<IMF( 2# M of t!em in 8TI
mutual fund( 1B.BM of t!em in 71FC and 33.33M of t!em c!osed ot!er in*estment li.e Tata
Infra( religare etc. Among t!e 1E in*estors no one selected reliance and ICICI.
3$>$2 M#3" #4 MaB*+& I+8",'%"+' M1'1a! F1+3 5 '." S'135 G/#1)
Ta!" 3$>$2
M#3" #4 I+8",'%"+' N#,$
4n time in*estment C
Systematic in*estment "lan 3
Total in*estors 1E

F*& +#$ 3$>$2
T!e a-o*e c!art s!o+s CE M of in*estors "refer to in*est in one time in*estment "lan and
3EM of t!em "refer systematic in*estment "lan.
3$>$3 R#!" #4 I+'"/%"3*a/*", *+ P1/2.a,*+& M1'1a! 41+3<
Ta!" 3$>$3
A22",, '# M1'1a! F1+3 N#,$
aI 1irectors from t!e AMC0s C
-I <ro.ers only 2
cI <ro.ersK su- -ro.ers E
dI 4t!ers 1

F*& +# 3$>$3
T!is c!art s!o+s CEM of t!e in*estors "urc!ase mutual funds from directors from t!e
AMC0s( 2EM from -ro.ers only and 1EM of t!em from ot!er sources.
3$>$> I+8",'#/, )/"4"/"+2" '# /"2"*8" '." %#3" #4 /"'1/+<
Ta!" 3$>$>
P/"4"/"+2" #4 R"'1/+ N#,$
aI di*idend "ay out 1
-I di*idend reAin*estment
CI gro+t! in NA% #
Total 1E
F*& +#$ 3$>$>
T!is c!art s!o+s 1EM of t!em "refer di*ident "ay out met!od( EM of t!em "refer di*ident
reAin*estement and #EM of t!em "refer gro+t! in NA%.
3$C A22",, #4 a+B*+& ,"/8*2", 5 '." S'135 G/#1)<
3$C$1 H#1,".#!3, a8a*!*+& a+B*+& ,"/8*2".
Ta!" 3$13
A$6 <$6 Total
&es 3E 3E BE
No E E E

F*& +# 3$C$1
1EEM of A$6 and <$6 families !a*ing -an. accounts.
3$C$2$ M"%"/, #4 .#1,".#!3, .a8*+& a+B a22#1+' a+3 ,"/8*2",.
Ta!" 3$C$2
Mem-ers Sa*ings aKc Fi?ed aKc Current aKc
A$6 CG B3 23
<$6 B B 1 E
T4TA6 12 12C 2
F*& +#$ 3$C$2
T!e a-o*e c!art s!o+s CG mem-ers from A$6 !ouse!old and B mem-ers from <$6
!ouse!old !a*e -an. account( and among t!em B3 mem-ers from A$6 and B mem-er from
<$6 !a*e sa*ings account( 23 mem-ers from A$6 and 1 mem-er from <$6 !a*e fi?ed
account and mem-ers from A$6 !a*e current account. No mem-ers from <$6 !a*e current
3$C$3$ P1/)#," 4#/ #))"+*+& a+B a22#1+'$
Ta!" 3$C$3
$ur"ose A$6 <$6 Total
aI To start de"osit sa*ings 2E 2E E
-I For occu"ation "ur"ose B # 11
cI To a*ail loan from -an.s 1E 11 21
dI To a*ail ot!er ser*ices of 2 1 3
F*& +# 3$C$3
T!e a-o*e c!art de"icts #3.3M of !ouse!olds from -ot! A$6 and <$6 families !a*e o"en
-an. accounts to start de"osit sa*ings( 1.BM of !ouse!olds from -ot! A$6 and <$6 families
!a*e o"ened -an. account for occu"ation "ur"ose( 2G M of !ouse!olds from -ot! A$6 and
<$6 families !a*e o"ened -an. account to a*ail -an. loan and M of t!em !a*e o"ened
-an. account to a*ail ot!er ser*ices of
3$C$>$ A6a/"+",, a#1' %#*!" a+B*+& ,"/8*2"$
Ta!" 3$C$>
A$6 <$6 Total
&es 1@ 11 3E
No B 2 3E
F*& +# 3$C$>
T!e a-o*e c!art s!o+s t!at #G.3M of "eo"le from -ot! A$6 and <$6 families are a+are of
t!e mo-ile and B.BM of t!em are not a+are.
3$C$C$ a8a*!*+& #4 %#*!" a+B*+& 4a2*!*'5 a%#+& '." .#1,".#!3,$
Ta!" 3$C$C
A$6 <$6 Total
&es C 23 3E
No E 3E 3E
F*& +#$ 3$C$C

T!e a-o*e c!art s!o+s C mem-ers from t!e A$6 families only are using mo-ile
ser*ices. Just 23M of t!em are using mo-ile ser*ices among -ot! A$6 and <$6
families and GG.3M of t!em !a*e not yet started using it$
3$C$7$ A6a/"+",, a#1' "!"2'/#+*2 a+B*+& -"-a+B*+&0$
Ta!" 3$C$7
A$6 <$6 Total
&es 13 1C 3E
No # 2# 3E
F*& +#$ 3$C$7

T!e a-o*e c!art !ig!lig!ts (3E M of !ose!olds from -ot! A$6 and <$6 are a+are of eA t!ese 3.3M from A$6 and1B.BM from <$6. 2est of t!em are not a+are of
3$C$@$ Sa'*,4a2'*#+ #4 '." .#1,".#!3, *+ '."*/ *+8",'%"+' )!a+
Ta!" 3$C$@
A$6 <$6 Total
&es 3E 3E BE
No E E E
F*& +#$3$C$@

T!e a-o*e c!art s!o+s @#M of !ouse!olds in -ot! A$6 and <$6 families are satisfied +it!
t!eir in*estment "lan and #M of t!em are not satisfied .

C7A$T52 #
1I In t!is study +e find t!at among t!e BE !ouse!olds in Sea %ie+ 'ard( 1E !ouse!olds
-elonging to A$6 families !a*e Mutual Fund in*estments. And among t!ose( only 3 of t!em
are fully a+are of t!e mutual fund -enefits. And rests are a+are a-out mutual funds -ut t!ey
are not interested to in*est in mutual funds due to *arious reasons li.e !ig! ris.( lo+ return
etc. <$6 families under study are not a+are of Mutual Fund and its -enefits.
2I T!e study s!o+s t!at <$6 families are +ell a+are of ser*ices and "roducts. All of
t!em !a*e -an. accounts.
3I A fe+ among t!e <$6 families are a+are of mo-ile and electronic and
not yet started using t!em.
I T!e study re*eals t!at t!e ma)or "ortion of t!e A$6 families -elonging to t!e !ig!
income category and !ence t!e in*estments made -y t!em are !ig!er as com"ared to <$6
#I T!e a+areness le*el a-out in*estment o""ortunities among A$6 families s!o+s an
increasing rate as com"ared to <$6 families.
BI T!e factors t!at influence t!e c!oice of in*estment of -ot! A$6 families and <$6 families
are li;uidity and lo+ ris.. And most of t!e <$6 families "refer "ost office sa*ings as t!eir
in*estment o""ortunity.
CI T!e study s!o+s t!at only 33M of t!e A$6 families !a*e in*ested in Mutual Fund. And
from <$6 families none of t!em !a*e in*ested in mutual fund. Among t!ose in*ested
only 3EM of t!em are fully a+are of t!e -enefits of mutual fund and t!e rest of t!em !a*e
only "artial .no+ledge.
GI T!e study also re*eals t!at most of t!em !a*e in*ested in "ri*ate sector also. T!is study
s!o+s most of t!e <$6 families are totally ignorant a-out mutual fund o""ortunities and still
t!ey are in t!e -elief t!at ot!er in*estments are -etter t!an mutual fund
T!e study recommends t!at t!ere is an urgent need to create a+areness a-out
t!e financial ser*ices( t!e ris. and re+ard of eac! in*estment o""ortunities
among t!e <$6 category families( and also .a-out t!e different "attern of
in*estment a*aila-le to t!em -y t!e concerned aut!orities.
It is recommended t!at t!e mutual fund "ro*iders could li-erali,e t!eir
"olicies and "rocedures and t!ey also could create a+areness a-out t!eir ne+
in*estment o""ortunities and sim"ler "rocedures H 1irect $lan I in dealing
'it! Mutual Fund.
It is recommended t!at t!e $u-lic Mutual Funds o"erators could "ro*ide
attracti*e returns( more customer friendly and need -ased sc!emes and ser*ices for
t!e society to im"ro*e t!e in*estment "attern among "u-lic sector.
T!e mutual fund "ro*iders and dealers could ta.e initiati*e to ado"t certain
strategies to "ro*ide financial literacy to t!e <$6 families concerning Mutual
Finally +!en +e com"are mutual fund +it! ser*ices 1EEM of t!e
families !a*e a*ailed t!e ser*ice. 7ere t!e "eo"le find t!at
ser*ice is muc! -etter( easier (safer. So it is recommended t!at can
"ro*ide relia-le .no+ledge a-out mutual fund and its ris.s and a+ards.
T!e study concludes t!at t!e in*estment "attern of !ouse!olds in SeaA%ie+ +ard in mutual
fund is relati*ely lo+ com"ared to -an. sa*ing. T!is study !el"s to .no+ t!e in*estment
"attern of t!e "eo"le in t!at "articular +ard. It is o-ser*ed t!at most of t!e in*estors are
satisfied in t!eir "resent sa*ing "attern.
T!e study +as conducted in t!e seaA*ie+ +ard( Ala""u,!a among BE !ouse!old among
+!ic! 3E from A$6 !ouse!olds and 3E from <$6 !ouse!olds. Information +as collected
t!roug! t!e structured ;uestionnaires( "ersonal inter*ie+s( )ournals -oo.s etc. t!e study
"ro*ides +it! findings +!ic! related to in*estment "attern and financial literacy of t!e
"eo"le a-out Mutual Fund in t!at +ard.
T!roug! t!is study +e can conclude t!at t!e A$6 !ouse!olds !a*e more literacy a-out
Mutual Fund and most of t!em .no+ its -enefits e*en if t!ey are not in*ested in Mutual
Fund. <ut <$6 !ouse!olds are not +ell a+are a-out it. <ut full of t!em utili,e t!e -enefits of ser*ices.
Agar+al( 7.c. Indian Financial System and Commercial < Agra/ S+an
$u-lication $*t. 6td( 1@@G.
Antony( $rof. Aru)a. Money Financial Institution and c!anganaserry/ $!
$u-lication ( 2EEB.
A*d!ani( % A. In*estment Mnanagement. <om-ay/ 7imalaya $u-lis!ing 7ouse.(
>u"t!a( N K and Monica C!o"ra. Financial mar.ets( institutions and ser*ices. ne+
del!i/ Ane <oo.s $*t 6td( 2E1E.
>i-son( Nigel. Finance. $rofile <oo.s 6td( 2EE.
>u"t!a( N K and Moni.a C!o"ra. Financial Mar.ets( In?titutions and ser*ices.
1el!i / Ane -oo.s( india( 2E1E.
Mac!ira)u( 7 2. Indian Financial System. Ne+ 1el!i/ $u-lising 7ouse 6td(
$at!a.( <!arati %. T!e Indian financial system. ne+ del!i/ 1orling Kindersley HIndiaI
"*t. 6td( 2E12.
Natara)an( >ordon. Financial Mar.ets and Ser*ices. Mum-ay/ 7imalaya $u-lis!ing
7ouse $*t 6td( 2E11.
2( S!anmugam. Pfactors infuencing t!e in*estment decisions.P Indian ca"ital
trends and diamensions. Ne+ 1el!i/ Tata MC >ra+ 7ill $u-lis!ing Com"any 6td(
Si.indar( Su)it and Amrit $al Sing!. PFinancial ser*ices/ In*estment in e;uity and
Mutual Funds A a -e!a*ioural study.P < S( <!atia and <atra > S. Managament of
financial ser*ice. Ne+ 1el!i/ 1ee" and 1ee" $u-lication( 1@@B. 13BA1#.
C!a.ra-art!i( An)an and 7ars! 2ugt!a. PP Mutual Fund industry in India/ An inde"t!
loo. into t!e "ro-lems of credi-ility( ris. and -rand.P T!e ICFAI )ournal of a""lied
finance H2EEEI/ 2CA#.
Kris!nan( Aarati. Pgoing direct +it! your mutual fund in*estments.P <usiness 6ine(
T!e 7indu B )anuary 2E13/ 13.
M( Kart!i.eyan. PAn em"irical study on factors influencing t!e mutual fundKsc!eme
selection -y retail in*estors in India.P .egees )ournal of social science H2E13I/ #2A##.
Mis!ra( 6alatendu. PFungi-lity Total 5?"ence ratio.P <usiness 6ine( T!e 7indu 1@
se"tem-er 2E12/ 1E.
N( >oet,man '. PCognit*e 1issonance and Mutual Fund In*estors.P t!e )ournal of
financial researc! 2E H1@@CI/ 1#A1#G.
$%( Syama Sundar. >ro+t! "erce"tion of Mutual Finds and In*estor "erce"tion +it!
s"ecial refrence to.ot!ari "ioneer Mutual Fund . "ro)ect re"ort. andra uni*ersity/ Sri
Sreeni*as( 1@@G.
2( I""olito. Pcustomer reaction to measures of "oor ;uality/ e*idence for mutual
funds.P )ournal of la+ and economics H1@@2I/ 3#( #ACE.
Si.indar( Su)it and Amrit $al Sing!. PFinancial ser*ices/ In*estment in e;uity and
Mutual Funds A a -e!a*ioural study.P < S( <!atia and <atra > S. Managament of
financial ser*ice. Ne+ 1el!i/ 1ee" and 1ee" $u-lication( 1@@B. 13BA1#.
%( S! Prelating mutual fund / a consumer "roduct model.P T!e 7indu 2 )uly
1@@B/ 12.
%arad!ara)an( S. P< sector in India.P &o)ana H2E13( )anI/ #@.
$adma)a %( A study on le*el of customer satisfaction of ser*ice "ro*ided -y 6IC(
August 2E12

1. Name/
2. Category/ A$6 <$6
3. 4ccu"ation/ "rofessional salaried -usiness
2etired ot!ers
. Annual income/ HScaleI
#. 7o+ muc! does u sa*e annuallyQ HScaleI
6ess t!an 1EEEE 1EEE1A2EEEE
2EEE1A#EEEE #EEE1 a-o*e
B. '!at .ind of in*estment you "refer mostQ
a. sa*ings account -. fi?ed de"osit c. insurance
d. mutual fund f. "ost officeA NSC f. s!aresKde-enture
g. goldKsil*er !. real estate i. $$F
). $F
C. '!ile in*esting your money +!ic! factor you refer mostQ Any one.
6i;uidity 6o+ ris.
7ig! return Com"any re"utation
G. 7a*e you e*er in*ested your money in Mutual FundQ
&es No
If yes(
'!ere do you find yourself as a Mutual Fund in*estorQ
Totally ignorant of MF as a in*estment o""ortunity
$artial .no+ledge of Mutual Fund
Fully a+are of t!e -enefits of mutual fund
A+are of t!e -enefits MF o*er -an. account
aI In +!ic! .ind of Mutual Fund you +ould li.e to in*estQ
$u-lic $ri*ate
-I 7o+ do you come to .no+ a-out Mutual FundQ
a. Ad*ertisement c. <an. e. < firms
- $eer grou" d. Financial ad*isors f. ne+s "a"er
cI'!ic! Mutual fund sc!emes !a*e you usedQ
4"en ended
Close ended
6i;uid fund
>ro+t! fund
4t!ers( s"ecify
If no(
aI If not in*ested in mutual fund t!en +!yQ To +!at e?tend +ould you agree +it! t!e
follo+ing statements( on a scale of 1A#L 1 denoting *ery lo+ agreement and #
denoting *ery !ig! agreement.
1 Totally ignorant of MF as a in*estment o""ortunity
2 6ots of formalities are in*ol*ed in in*esting t!e MF
3 Not any s"ecific reason of MF
$artial .no+ledge of Mutual Fund in*estment
# A+are of -an. transaction are easy in com"arison to MF
B Fully a+are of t!e -enefits of MF
C 'e !a*e no relia-le information a-out MF
G 2eturn is not so attracti*e
@ 7ig! ris. is in*ol*ed
1E 6ot of "eo"le met +it! !ea*y loss
11 Tec!nical .no+ledge is re;uired
@. '!ic! feature of t!e mutual fund attracts you mostQ
1. 1i*ersification 2. Ta? -enefit 3. 2egular income
. 2eduction in ris. and transaction cost . <etter return and safety
1E. In +!ic! mutual fund you !a*e in*estedQ
ICICI "rudential fund
JM Mutual Fund
4t!ers s"ecify
11. '!en you in*ested in mutual fund +!ic! mode of in*estment +ill you "referQ
a. 4ne time in*estment -. Systematic In*estment $lan
12. From +!ere did you "urc!ase mutual fundQ 2an. it
1irectly from t!e AMCs
<ro.ers only
<ro.ersK su- -ro.ers
4t!er source
13. '!ic! AMC +ill you "refer to in*estQ
JM Finance
4t!ers s"ecify(
1#. 7o+ +ould li.e to recei*e t!e returns e*ery yearQ
a. di*idend "ay out -. di*idend reAin*estment c. gro+t! in NA%
1B. 1o you a*ail t!e ser*icesQ
&es No
1C. <an. account and ser*ices.
Mem-ers Sa*ing
Fi?ed aKc Current aKc Name of -an.
1G. For +!ic! "ur"ose you o"ened -an. accountQ
Sa*ings 4ccu"ation 6oan
1@. '!at is t!e distance to your -an.Q
1. 'it!in 1 .m 2. <et+een 2A .m 3. <et+een AG .m
#. A-o*e G .m
2E. 1o you a+are a-out mo-ile ser*iceQ
&es No
21. 7a*e you e*er used itQ
&es No
22. Are you satisfied +it! your in*estment "lanQ
&es No



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