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Socialization is a learning process of individuals to know and live the norms and social values so that
the formation of attitudes to behave in accordance with the demands of its people or behavior. Learning
process took place gradually, slowly but surely and sustainable. At first, the process of socialization that
take place in a family environment, and then continued in the surrounding environment, the
neighborhood, neighborhood play, work environment and others. However, the socialization process is
most important is in the hands of the family environment. Since the family always taught attitudes,
behavior, and ethics in accordance with the values and norms of everyday. So that individuals will imitate
and emulate the deeds that taught by his family..
This socialization is very important in the formation of personality. ecause the personality is the
organization of the attitudes of an individual to behave in order to relate to others, or respond to
something that happens in their communities. Therefore, the socialization process is closely connected
with the formation of an individual!s personality. "f the socialization process that teaches the family
environment does not work, then it would be inimical to the formation of individual personality.
However, if otherwise, it will form a good personality also for an individual.
The failure of the socialization process that occurs in the family environment can be caused by
several factors. As one e#ample is, in the absence of good e#amples within the family. $#amples are not
good in the family can make a teenager can act or behave in an inappropriate than usual. So that would
lead to a behavior that is incompatible with nature.
Definition of Teenager
Teenagers are an individual who is a teenager and can%t be described as someone who is mature
but can not also to be called the children. ecause adolescence is a period of transition from children to
adults. elow is the definition of adolescents according to some e#perts&
'.Hurlock ( '))* + & ,Teenagers are a period that full of shock because at the time, an
individual is looking for her true identity.
-..ara/ad ( '))0 + & ,Teenagers can be interpreted as a phase that came after the age
of childhood ended, and marked by changes in attitudes, behavior and personality of
*.Hasan isri ( '))0 + & ,Teenager is a time that has left the childrenhood with full
dependency into adulthood for the full responsibility.
So, can draw a conclusion that adolescence is a period of transition from children to adults,
because it has suffered physical and psychological development is very rapid, in which teenagers have
been physically emulate adults, but they are psychologically immature and can not be referred to as
adults. Adolescence clearly shows the properties of transition or a transition period because teenagers do
not have adult status but no longer have the status of children. .uring the transition period or the period
of this transition, a teenager is always going to see, observe and even imitate the acts committed by the
surrounding environment. Thus, it takes an e#tra supervision from both parents, so that the individual
does not deviate from the norms and values prevailing daily.
Meaning of Eccentric Behavior
The notion of an eccentric 1reek word refers to, ekkentros, which literally means outside the
center. $ccentric can we translate the actions that deviate from generally so considered weird by others,
such as boys wearing earrings and bracelets, she dressed boyish, long2haired artists, and others.
3an not be denied that some of us have eccentric behavior as tired at all monotonous. 4ormal painter is
not as interesting painter who lived his life like crazy.
1. 5ames 6. 7an .er 8anden & ,$ccentric behavior is behavior committed by a large number of
people regarded as being despicable and beyond the tolerance limits.9
2. :obert ;. 8. Lawang & 9 $ccentric behavior is all actions that deviate from the norm
applicable in the social system and led to efforts of those who
authorities within the system to correct deviant behavior.9
Thus, it can be concluded that the eccentric behavior is the behavior outside the original
or not in accordance with its natural, so is considered odd and eccentric as all sorts of behavior
patterns that are not managed to ad/ust ourselves to the will of the people that /udged to deviate
from the social values and norms of life.
$ccentric behaviors may include&
'. <aranoid <ersonality .isorder
"ndividuals who e#perienced paranoid personality disorder is usually marked by suspicion and
distrust of the powerful against others. They also filled with unwarranted doubt on the loyalty of
others or that other people can be trusted. <eople who e#perience this disorder feel themselves to
be treated wrong and e#ploited by others, so always be alert to behave towards others.
They are often rude and irritable against what they perceived as an insult. "ndividuals with this
disorder are not able to get emotionally involved and distant with others, they are not warm.
<aranoid personality disorder most common in men than women. These disorders together with
many e#perienced schizotipal personality disorder, borderline, and avoidant. The prevalence of
this disorder is the range of - percent of the population in general.
-. Schizoid <ersonality .isorders
"ndividuals who e#perience this disorder do not want or en/oy social relations and usually do not
have friends. They look dull, flat, and isolation and have no warm feelings and sincere to others.
They seldom have strong emotions, not interested in se#, and being indifferent to praise,
criticism, and feelings of others. "ndividuals who e#perience this disorder is a loner and like
activities undertaken alone. They are seen as an eccentric individual, isolated, cold, and aloof. "n
daily life, the individual is more pleasure from activities that do not involve other people and
work on those areas that do not involve other people.
*. Skizotipal <ersonality .isorder
"ndividuals with personality disorders usually have skizotipal strange beliefs. They have magical
thinking = bizarre (magical+, the ideas bizarre, illusion, and that they display derealisasi in
everyday life. "ndividuals with this disorder have problems in thinking and communicating. "n
conversation, they can use words in ways that are not general and vague that they have only
themselves who understand what it means. >f behavior and appearance, they also seem eccentric.
?or e#ample, they talk themselves kapada and wearing dirty clothes and matted. A common
feature of the ideas of reference (the belief that the event has a special meaning and is not unusual
for the person+, suspicion, and paranoid thoughts. They also have a low ability to interact with
others and sometimes behave strangely and eventually they were often isolated and do not have
many friends.
Factors That May Causes Eccentric Behavior in Aong Teenagers
There are several factors that can lead to eccentric behavior among teenagers. <roblems within
the family and the community is able to cause eccentric behavior among teenagers. These factors are&
'. Lack of inter2personal interaction skills in tackling the problem.
"n an attempt to deal with the transition and crisis, many families have difficulty dealing
with adolescents because of lack of knowledge, skills, and fle#ibility to change.
According to an e#perienced counselor, families often have difficulty adapting to dwell
on the obstacles e#isting in the family 2 the attitudes and behavior that impede fle#ibility
and inhibit read/ustment to the new situation. Types of obstacles can arise with the type
of different.
-. Lack of commitment to family.
$ach family set the roles each member, for e#ample doesn%t behave according to gender.
*. A less obvious role of family members.
The problems that occur in the family often came from outside the house. ?or e#ample, television
has changed the pattern of an individual!s behavior, because replacing a sense of togetherness,
and provides many programs that give a negative image of how to behave.
@. Association.
The pattern of a children behavior can%t be separated from the behavior patterns of other
children around him. >ther children who became his friend often affect a child!s personality. >f
friends hanging out, the child will receive the norms or social values that e#ist in society. 6hen
good friend, he will accept the concepts of positive norm. ut if the friend is not good, will often
follow the concepts that are negative. :esult is a pattern of deviant behavior in children is.
Re!ationshi" #ith $sychic Teenagers
Teenagers are very vulnerable period with all sorts of changes. "n this youth, each youth must find the
identity of her own. ecause, personality present in every teenager is a personality that is still temporary.
That is, it can vary, depending on the circumstances of the teenager!s emotions and also the surrounding
environment. $motional state and environment is very influential for the formation of psychic teenager.
"f the emotional state of an unstable teenager, he was always at the top of the anger that is triggered by
various factors that make the behavior of adolescents is not in accordance with the values and norms
prevailing in society. Thus, if this continues left, it certainly can cause a bad personality for the teens. And
this can also interfere with the psychic of the adolescents. The most affecting the environment is the
family environment. ecause, the family is the primary medium for the youth to interact, independent and
get help to determine personality, psychological, and mental of these teens.
%o!utions to Overcoe The $ro&!e of Eccentric Behavior
There are many ways that we can use to prevent or resolve it even personal life, namely broken
home. The solutions are&
'.?ace all with a positive attitude&
6e must build a positive mind. 6e must believe that every problem must have lesson. "n this
way, will create the mind and positive spirit, so we will be grateful for the gift in our lives.
-. .o not get stuck with the situation and conditions
6hat is clear, we should not get stuck with the situation and /udge the parents or myself
for what happened and was angry with this situation. "t would be nice if we could start to
accept it all and try to get better. Slump is not the way out. 6e should be brave and try to
get up to face this ordeal.
*. Trying new things
Trying to change the eccentric behavior becomes appropirative behavior and good and positive
nature so as to form a positive character within us.
@. ?ind a place to share
"n life we are never alone, because humans are social beings who live side by side with others.
?inding the right place to share is a pretty good solution for us, for e#ample friends, friend,
girlfriend, or maybe brothers.
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