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Condition Assessment of High Voltage Bushings

by Means of Dielectric Diagnosis with PDC

F. Huellmandel
, M. Appold
, A. Kuechler
, R. Krump
and J. Titze

FHWS University of Applied Sciences, Ignaz-Schoen-Str. 11, 97421 Schweinfurt, Germany
HSP Hochspannungsgerte Porz GmbH, Kaiserstr. 127, 51145 Kln, Germany

Abstract: Dielectric properties of bushings were inves-
tigated by measuring of polarisation- and depolarisation
currents PDC. Network simulations were based on
spatial discretisation and equivalent circuits represent-
ing material system properties. Different scenarios were
simulated and exemplarily verified by measurements:
Conductive surface layers, water in the body and in the
surface of the core (oil impregnated paper OIP), ageing,
non-uniform distribution of water, measurements with
surface bandages. Normally currents from the measur-
ing tap of a bushing are assigned to the insulating core,
which is only justified if parasitic currents do not have
access to free ends of grading foils. With surface ban-
dages either connected to ground or to diagnostic volt-
age, measured currents give lower and upper limits.
Guard ring bandages are used to find improved estima-
tions of the current through the core. It is proposed to
calculate conductivities with a new charge difference
method CDM. Results: (1) Environmental influences
can be excluded by means of bandages. Conductivities
are insensitive against parasitic currents. (2) Selective
information about insulation parts can be extracted. (3)
Conductivity is related both to moisture and ageing. (4)
The analysis of initial polarisation currents is the first
known dielectric method for identification of aged OIP-
bushings at room temperature.
A significant percentage of transformer failures is
related to bushing insulation defects. In the future an
increasing number of progressively ageing oil-impreg-
nated OIP-bushings will be subjected to increasing
thermal stresses due to increasing power flow require-
ments and overloading conditions. This can result in
accelerated ageing, enhanced dissipation factors and
thermal instabilities. Additionally water increases dissi-
pation and ageing and reduces dielectric strength. If
partial breakdowns between grading foils occur, the
overall dielectric strength is seriously affected.
In case of strategically important bushings there is a
strong need for reliable condition assessment by dielec-
tric diagnosis of partial breakdowns, ageing condition
and water content.
Todays dielectric diagnosis of bushings is based on
offline power frequency measurements of capacitance C
and dissipation factor tan at the measuring tap which
is connected to the outermost grading foil, Fig. 1. The
capacitance C is a sensitive quantity for the detection
of partial breakdowns between grading foils, but it does
not change significantly during slow ageing processes in
oil impregnated paper OIP. During offline measure-
ments, when dissipation factors tan are measured at
ambi ent temperature, the values are low and insignifi-
cant, even for strongly aged or wet OIP-insulation. Dis-
sipation factors at service temperatures above 50 C
remain unknown, although they might be high and dan-
gerous. It was found that other dielectric measurements
can give much better i ndications, even at ambient tem-
In general dielectric measurements can be performed
as frequency domain analysis FDA or as time domain
analysis with polarisation and depolarisation currents
PDC. For linear systems both methods are mathemati-
cally equivalent [1], [ 2]. The authors decided to use
PDC analysis because of the following reasons:
Fig. 1: Dielectric measurement at the measuring tap of a bushing with access of parasitic surface currents to the free edges of the
grading foils in the middle of the grading contour.
(1) Basically PDC measurements give step respon-
ses containing the whole system information. (2) Time
domain signals can be observed easily, explained by
physical models (ion movement, polarisation processes)
and described clearly (ion transit times, equivalent cir-
cuits). (3) Currents at different times are related to dif-
ferent influences [3] (e.g. oil quality, ageing, moisture).
(4) The PDC analysis has successfully been applied to
transformer diagnosis [4], [5], [ 6] and bushing diagnosis
[5], [7]. (5) PDC allow to calculate d.c. conductivities
containing information about moisture and ageing [8].
(6) Procedures have been developed to extract relevant
information from very short measurements.
2.1. Dielectric Measurements on Bushings
Normally it is assumed that dielectric measurements
on bushings can directly be related to the OIP bushing
core. This is not always true: Sometimes leakage cur-
rents have access to the grading foils, Fig. 1, and can be
responsible for negative dissipation factor measure-
ments [ 9]. It is concluded that polarity reversals during
polarisation current measurements are caused by
leakage currents.
For explanation, a bushing core is basically de-
scribed by two capacitances C
and C
and one grading
foil in-between, Fig. 2 and 3. A conductive path is as-
sumed from ground or h.v. side to the grading foil (left
and right). In the frequency domain the influence of the
conductive path can be described by a phase shift
between measured current I
and applied voltage U
which can be bigger or smaller than 90, Fig. 2 (left and
right). Thereby the dissipation factor appears to be
negative or positive. Notice: It is an apparent effect, in
reality the ideal capacitance does neither produce nor
dissipate energy [10] [11], [12]. For the description in
the time domain, additional elements are introduced to
the equivalent circuit in order to consider polarisation
and conductivity, Fig. 3. The influence of the conduc-
tive path can be described analogously by a reduction or
an enhancement of the measured current i
(t), Fig. 3
(left and right). A conductive path to ground can result
in a temporary dischar ging of C
, in a negative current i

and in two polarity reversals, Fig. 3 (left).
It is concluded that dielectric measurements on
bushings can be disturbed by parasitic currents to an
unknown extend.
2.2. Simulation of Bushings
The behaviour of the bushing with and without para-
sitic currents was simulated with a network model in
order to understand the impact of external influences
and in order to look for measuring procedures which
allow to perform correct dielectric measurements.

Fig. 2: Frequency domain: A conductive path from a bushing
grading foil to ground or h.v. (left and right) results in appar-
ent reduction or enhancement of dissipation factor tan . The
bushing core is described by two series capacities C
and C

Fig. 3: Time domain: A conductive path from a bushing gra-
ding foil to ground or h.v. (left and right) results in reduction
or enhancement of polarisation current. Even polarity rever-
sals are possible (left). The bushing is described by C
, C
additional elements (polarisation and conductivity).
The nodes of the model were meshed in axial and
radial orientation [10]. Each connecting element con-
sisted of a capacitance (replacing permittivity), a resis-
tance (replacing conductivity) and RC-elements (re-
placing different polarisation processes), Fig. 4. These
equivalent circuits, describing the local materials, were
derived from real PDC measurements on material sam-
ples for all materials used in a bushing [11], [13], [14],
[15], Fig. 5. In the case of nonlinear oil, a nonlinear
algorithm was used. The results of simulations are in
good agreement with measurements [ 10]. The simula-
tion model was used to calculate transient currents dur-
ing PDC measurements.

Fig. 4 : 123 kV transformer bushing with OIP core (left),
spacial discretisation (middle and bottom) and attribution of
equivalent circuits representing insulating materials (right).

Fig. 5: Dielectric system responses for different insulating
materials at E = 0.1 kV/mm and room temperature (top) and
modelling of linear and nonlinear materials (bottom).
The influences of different parameters on dielectric
measurements on bushings were investigated with PDC
measurements and with network simulations. PDC
measurements were performed with a PDC analyser
with a high dynamic range from 1 pA to 1 mA [16]. The
simulation quality was checked by comparison with
measurements. Diagnostic situations, which could not
be investigated by measurements, were simulated.
3.1. Measurements with Bandages
External influences as described in Fig. 3 - were
investigated by a set of three measurements at the
measuring tap of a bushing, Fig. 6: (1) The traditional
measurement without bandages, (2) a measurement with
a circumferential bandage in the middle of the grading
contour at ground potential and (3) a measurement with
the same bandage at diagnostic voltage (h.v.).
Measurement (1) gives an estimation of the current
through the bushings OIP core.
Measurements (2) and (3) impose extreme values of
parasitic surface currents as assumed in Fig. 3. There-
fore the measured currents can be interpreted as lower
and upper limits of the current through the bushings
OIP core, Fig. 6 (top). The bandages can be called
worst (extreme) case bandages showing the sensitivity
of the bushing to parasitic currents.
The behaviour of the bushing with and without ban-
dages was simulated with a network model. The results
of simulations are in good agreement with measure-
ments, Fig. 6 (top and bottom).
The simulation model was used to optimise the po-
sition of the bandage. It was found, that a grounded
bandage above the edge of the outermost layer on the air
side of the bushing collects all relevant leakage currents
on the air side of the bushing. It can be called guard
ring bandage protecting the measurement. The current
taken from the measuring tap is therefore identical with
the current through the bushings core.

Fig. 6: PDC measurements without and with bandages in the
middle of the grading contour. Bandages at h.v. and ground
give upper and lower limits for polarisation currents through
the bushings core (worst case bandages), measurements (top)
and simulations (bottom).

Fig. 7: Polarisation currents measured on a severely aged
420 kV OIP bushing, measured at RT and 1 kV.
Bandages in the middle of the grading contour give
lower and upper limits for the polarisation current
through the bushings core. If the bushing is new, these
limits are clearly separated, Fig. 6 (top). In the case of
severely aged bushings, currents are strongly enhanced
and leakage currents are negligible, Fig. 7. Upper and
lower limits are close together and traditional measure-
ments without bandages are considered to be correct.
3.2. Surface Conductivity on the Air Side
Measurements with conductive surface layers of in-
creasing length on the air side of the bushing were real-
ized by conductive bandages, simulations were made
with increasing lengths of surface resistances, Fig. 8
(top and bottom). Surface conductivities result in trans-
ient polarisation currents with polarity reversals, both in
measurement and simulation. This is in accordance with
theory, Fig. 3. Furthermore, there is a good agreement
between measurements and simulations which shows
that simulations can be used for parameter studies.
It is concluded that transient currents are sensitive to
external influences, e.g. caused by wet and dirty porce-
lain surfaces, but long term currents and conductivities
are measured correctly. This means that measurements
should be handled with care, if surfaces are not clean
and dry. In these cases the analysis should be based on
current end values. Further improvement can be made
by application of bandages as described in chapter 3.1.
3.3. Surface Conductivity on the Transformer Side
It was further investigated whether the conductivity
of the transformer oil or conductive deposits on the
bushings transformer side might cause leakage currents
which have access to the grading foils and which can
influence the measured currents. Measurements with
bandages and simulations with surface resistances were
made for different lengths of the surface layers, Fig. 9
(top and bottom). Both the measurements and the
simulations give same results: There is no influence for
long term values because of the high resistive epoxy
housing insulator on the transformer side. For shorter
times, the transient polarisation currents are influenced
by a capacitive coupling from the bushing surface to
grading layers on the transformer side.

Fig. 8: Polarisation currents at the measuring tap of a 123 kV
OIP bushing with conductive surface layers on the air side:
Measurements with conductive bandages (top) and simula-
tions (bottom).

Fig. 9: Polarisation currents at the measuring tap of a 123 kV
OIP bushing with conductive surface layers on the trans-
former side: Measurements with conductive bandages (top)
and simulations (bottom).
Therefore it is advisable to base the analysis on long
term values, which was already concluded in chapter
3.2. Current end-values and conductivities can be cal-
culated with a new charge difference method CDM
from the difference of polarisation and depolarisation
charge [11], [13], also described in an ISH paper [15].
Another result of these investigations is that power
frequency dissipation factor measurements are influ-
enced in a similar way, but to a smaller extend [10].
Nevertheless, frequency domain analysis FDA of di-
electric measurements will be subject to the same influ-
ences as described for PDC measurements.
3.4. Water in Core and Surface Layers
Water in an OIP bushing core increases the polari-
sation currents, Fig. 10 (top and middle). The relations
were investigated on material samples and described in
further papers [14], [15]. The influences on dielectric
measurements on bushings were investigated by means
of simulations: If the bushing core is dry, the influence
of parasitic currents is comparatively remarkable, as it
can be seen from the measurements with bandages, Fig.
10 (top). If the core is wetted, the influence of parasitic
currents is negligible, Fig. 10 (middle).

Fig. 10: Simulation of polarisation currents at the measuring
tap of a 123 kV OIP bushing with and without bandages (outer
and inner curves). Top: Dry OIP core with a water content w =
0.74 %. Middle: Wetted OIP core with a water content w =
5 %. Bottom: Dry OIP core (w = 0.74 %) with wetted surface
paper layers above grading contour (w = 5 %).
Furthermore, it was investigated, if inhomogeneous
distribution of water in the core could be detected, but
unfortunately significant differences could not be de-
tected. Therefore dielectric measurements give integral
information about bushing core properties only [17].
Nevertheless, if the outer paper layers of the core are
wetted, measurements with bandages give a signifi-
cantly wider separation of the three curves, see Fig. 10
(bottom) in comparison with Fig. 10 (top). This can be
explained by a reduced radial resistance of wetted OIP
layers between grading layers and bushing surface with
bandages at ground or diagnostic voltage.
It is concluded, that diffusion of water from the out-
side into the bushing core can be detected from the
separation of measurements with bandages at ground
and diagnostic voltage. A dry core can be detected from
the low polarisation currents during measurements
without bandage.
3.5. Ageing
Both ageing and water result in increasing polarisa-
tion currents, Figs. 7 and 10. It was found, that ageing
of OIP bushings is mainly related to the ageing of the
oil component [11], [14], [15]. Measurements on service
aged bushings show, that the severely aged bushings no.
1 and 5 (see Fig. 11) can clearly be detected from high
initial polarisation currents, even in room temperature
measurements [10]. All of the bushings had low power
frequency dissi pation factors tan at room temperature,
but bushings no. 1 and 5 were thermally instable above
70 C. They had already been overheated in service
which resulted in gassing and partial discharges. Fur-
thermore, ageing and wetting can be distinguished from
the gradient of the polarisation current curve.
It is concluded that PDC analysis is the first method
which is able to detect severely aged bushings from
dielectric measurements at ambient temperature. The
influences of ageing and water can be distinguished, if
initial and end values of polarisation currents are con-

Fig. 11: PDC measurements on identically designed 420 kV
OIP bushings, differently aged in service, measurements at RT
and 1 kV.
(1), (5) severely aged
(2), (3) normally aged
(4) new OIP core
High polarisation currents indicate
severe ageing already at RT
The behaviour of bushings during dielectric meas-
urements was investigated and compared with the re-
sults of network simulations. The following conclusions
are drawn:
(1) The PDC analysis is a powerful tool for the
evaluation of the dielectric properties of bushings, but
bushing core properties can not be measured correctly,
if parasitic currents have access to the grading foils.
Thereby dissipation factors (frequency domain) and
polarisation currents (time domain) can be increased or
reduced apparently.
(2) It is proposed to use conductive bandages above
the grading contour to determine the sensitivity of the
bushing against external influences. With two additional
measurements (bandage at ground and at diagnostic
voltage) lower and upper limits can be found for polari-
sation currents (worst/ extreme case scenarios). Net-
work optimisation showed that the pure bushing core
current is measured, if a grounded bandage is situated
above the edge of the grounded layer (guard ring effect).
(3) Dielectric measurements on severely aged or
wetted OIP bushings are not sensitive to parasitic sur-
face currents, but generally they have to be considered:
a) Conductive deposits on the air side of the bushing
surface have a strong influence on transient polarisation
currents but not on long term end values and conduc-
tivities. It is proposed to clean and dry surfaces, to
measure with bandages and to prefer evaluation of cur-
rent end values.
b) Parasitic currents on the transformer side are
blocked by a high resistive housing insulator, but only
for long measuring times. Therefore again it is proposed
to consider long term current and conductivity values.
(4) It is possible to distinguish the properties of the
core and the surface layers by PDC measurements with
and without bandages from the relative distance be-
tween the curves.
(5) Severe ageing of OIP especially causes high val-
ues of polarisation currents in an early phase during
some hundred seconds after beginning of polarisation.
Thereby severely aged OIP bushings (with critical di -
electric losses at service temperature) could be detected
and distinguished from wetted insulation by PDC meas-
urements already at room temperature.
The PDC analysis is the first method for the identifi-
cation and separation of aged and wetted OIP insulation
at ambient temperature.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial
support of this work by the Deutsche Forschungsge-
meinschaft DFG (KU 1384/3-1 and -2).

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