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TERRARIUM a mini garden or landscape composed of
living plants and sometimes small animals, millipede, ants, lizard.
- A beautiful rewarding hobby
- convenient tool to demonstrate an open system / ecosystem

General Guidelines in making a Successful
1. Selec a Uni!ue c"nainer #a #as
a disinc c#aracer

- dramatic efect
- can efectively hold soil and water
- not a typical potted plant
- a fshbowl, lone necked wine bottle, a
pickled bottle,
plastic container
$. Selec %lans #a can %"rra&s is
"'n im%ac
- unconventional but has its own
- variation in leaf shapes, color, stems
- make combinations of selected plants

that will
appear pleasing to the beholder, or will
make an
attractive plant arrangement
(asic Re!uiremens in making a
!,",or # plants
$usually odd numbered arrangement tends to
be more
interesting than even numbered
& bag of potting soil
& small bag of stones for the bottom of the
terrarium $pebbles%
$pick small stones the size of marbles from
your backyard%
sphagnum moss
Se%s in making #e errarium
&.'ut a one inch layer of stones in the bottom
of your terrarium
(.'our a thin layer of charcoal to cover the
!.Add )phagnum moss to cover the layer of
soil $so as not to appear messy%
*. +ill the container about half full of potting
".,emove the plants from their plastic pots and
arrange them in the
-..ove this arrangement around to check
which angle pleases you.
#. /nce you have found an arrangement you
like fll the rest of the container with potting
soil and gently tap it down so it becomes frm
and the plants are supported.
0. 1ater with a moderate amount of water.
2. 'ut the terrarium in a place with moderate
or occasional sunlight
)are and Mainenance "f a errarium
aring and maintaining a terrarium is as easy
as reciting your A3s.
heck daily the soil conditions of the terrarium.
4sing your fnger touch the soil surface to
determine moisture content. 5f the soil is
dry, water this. hecking also the stones if
moist or not. 5f wet, do not water the
terrarium to prevent overwetting the soil
4se )phagnum moss to make the terrarium last
'lace one-inch thick layer of )phagnum moss
after laying down the drainage rocks.
6hereafter, place soil. )phagnum moss
appearing like a carpet will prevent soil from
slowly over time draining down into the rocks.
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