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The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation

Rule 138
RULE 138
Attorneys and Admission to Bar
Section 1. Who may practice law$ % An& per'on hereto(ore dul&
ad)itted a' a )e)*er o( the *ar+ or herea(ter ad)itted a' 'uch in
accordance with the pro,i'ion' o( thi' rule+ and who i' in -ood and
re-ular 'tandin-+ i' entitled to practice law$
Section 2. Requirements for all applicants for admission to the bar$
% E,er& applicant (or ad)i''ion a' a )e)*er o( the *ar )u't *e a
citi.en o( the Philippine'+ at lea't twent&-one &ear' o( a-e+ o( -ood
)oral character+ and re'ident o( the Philippine'/ and )u't produce
*e(ore the Supre)e 0ourt 'ati'(actor& e,idence o( -ood )oral
character+ and that no char-e' a-ain't hi)+ in,ol,in- )oral
turpitude+ ha,e *een 1led or are pendin- in an& court in the
Section 3. Requirements for lawyers who are citizens of the United
States of America$ % 0iti.en' o( the 2nited State' o( A)erica who+
*e(ore 3ul& 4+ 1546+ were dul& licen'ed )e)*er' o( the Philippine #ar+
in acti,e practice in the court' o( the Philippine' and in -ood and
re-ular 'tandin- a' 'uch )a&+ upon 'ati'(actor& proo( o( tho'e (act'
*e(ore the Supre)e 0ourt+ *e allowed to continue 'uch practice a(ter
ta7in- the (ollowin- oath o( o8ce9
" $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $+ ha,in- *een per)itted to
continue in the practice o( law in the Philippine'+ do 'ole)nl&
'wear that " reco-ni.e the 'upre)e authorit& o( the Repu*lic o(
the Philippine'/ " will 'upport it' 0on'titution and o*e& the law'
a' well a' the le-al order' o( the dul& con'tituted authoritie'
therein/ " will do no (al'ehood+ nor con'ent to the doin- o( an&
in court/ " will not wittin-l& or willin-l& pro)ote or 'ue an&
-roundle''+ (al'e or unlaw(ul 'uit+ nor -i,e aid nor con'ent to
the 'a)e/ " will dela& no )an (or )one& or )alice+ and will
conduct )&'el( a' a law&er accordin- to the *e't o( )a&
7nowled-e and di'cretion with all -ood 1delit& a' well a' to the
court' a' to )& client'/ and " i)po'e upon )&'el( thi' ,oluntar&
o*li-ation without an& )ental re'er,ation or purpo'e o(
e,a'ion$ So help )e :od$
Section 4. Requirements for applicants from other jurisdictions$ %
Applicant' (or ad)i''ion who+ *ein- Filipino citi.en'+ are enrolled
attorne&' in -ood 'tandin- in the Supre)e 0ourt o( the 2nited State'
or in an& circuit court o( appeal' or di'trict court therein+ or in the
hi-he't court o( an& State or Territor& o( the 2nited State'+ and who
can 'how *& 'ati'(actor& certi1cate' that the& ha,e practiced at lea't
1,e &ear' in an& o( 'aid court'+ that 'uch practice *e-an *e(ore 3ul&
4+ 1546+ and that the& ha,e ne,er *een 'u'pended or di'*arred+ )a&+
in the di'cretion o( the 0ourt+ *e ad)itted without e;a)ination$
Section 5. Additional requirements for other applicants$ % All
applicant' (or ad)i''ion other than tho'e re(erred to in the two
precedin- 'ection 'hall+ *e(ore *ein- ad)itted to the e;a)ination+
'ati'(actoril& 'how that the& ha,e re-ularl& 'tudied law (or (our &ear'+
and 'ucce''(ull& co)pleted all pre'cri*ed cour'e'+ in a law 'chool or
uni,er'it&+ o8ciall& appro,ed and reco-ni.ed *& the Secretar& o(
Education$ The a8da,it o( the candidate+ acco)panied *& a
certi1cate (ro) the uni,er'it& or 'chool o( law+ 'hall *e 1led a'
e,idence o( 'uch (act'+ and (urther e,idence )a& *e re<uired *& the
No applicant 'hall *e ad)itted to the *ar e;a)ination' unle'' he ha'
'ati'(actoril& co)pleted the (ollowin- cour'e' in a law 'chool or
uni,er'it& dul& reco-ni.ed *& the -o,ern)ent9 ci,il law+ co))ercial
law+ re)edial law+ cri)inal law+ pu*lic and pri,ate international law+
political law+ la*or and 'ocial le-i'lation+ )edical juri'prudence+
ta;ation and le-al ethic'$
Section 6. Pre-Law$ % No applicant (or ad)i''ion to the *ar
e;a)ination 'hall *e ad)itted unle'' he pre'ent' a certi1cate that he
ha' 'ati'1ed the Secretar& o( Education that+ *e(ore he *e-an the
'tud& o( law+ he had pur'ued and 'ati'(actoril& co)pleted in an
authori.ed and reco-ni.ed uni,er'it& or colle-e+ re<uirin- (or
ad)i''ion thereto the co)pletion o( a (our-&ear hi-h 'chool cour'e+
the cour'e o( 'tud& pre'cri*ed therein (or a *achelor=' de-ree in art'
or 'cience' with an& o( the (ollowin- 'u*ject' a' )ajor or 1eld o(
concentration9 political 'cience+ lo-ic+ en-li'h+ 'pani'h+ hi'tor& and
Section 7. ime for !lin" proof of quali!cations$ % All applicant' (or
ad)i''ion 'hall 1le with the cler7 o( the Supre)e 0ourt the e,idence
re<uired *& 'ection > o( thi' rule at lea't 1(teen ?1@A da&' *e(ore the
*e-innin- o( the e;a)ination$ "( not e)*raced within 'ection 3 and 4
o( thi' rule the& 'hall al'o 1le within the 'a)e period the a8da,it and
certi1cate re<uired *& 'ection @+ and i( e)*raced within 'ection' 3
and 4 the& 'hall e;hi*it a licen'e e,idencin- the (act o( their
ad)i''ion to practice+ 'ati'(actor& e,idence that the 'a)e ha' not
*een re,o7ed+ and certi1cate' a' to their pro(e''ional 'tandin-$
Applicant' 'hall al'o 1le at the 'a)e ti)e their own a8da,it' a' to
their a-e+ re'idence+ and citi.en'hip$
Section 8. #otice of Applications$ % Notice o( application' (or
ad)i''ion 'hall *e pu*li'hed *& the cler7 o( the Supre)e 0ourt in
new'paper' pu*li'hed in Pilipino+ En-li'h and Spani'h+ (or at lea't ten
?1BA da&' *e(ore the *e-innin- o( the e;a)ination$
Section 9. $%amination& subjects$ % Applicant'+ not otherwi'e
pro,ided (or in 'ection' 3 and 4 o( thi' rule+ 'hall *e 'u*jected to
e;a)ination' in the (ollowin- 'u*ject'9 0i,il Law/ La*or and Social
Le-i'lation/ !ercantile Law/ 0ri)inal Law/ Political Law ?0on'titutional
Law+ Pu*lic 0orporation'+ and Pu*lic O8cer'A/ "nternational Law
?Pri,ate and Pu*licA/ Ta;ation/ Re)edial Law ?0i,il Procedure+ 0ri)inal
Procedure+ and E,idenceA/ Le-al Ethic' and Practical E;erci'e' ?in
Pleadin-' and 0on,e&ancin-A$
Section 10. 'ar e%amination( by questions and answers( and in
writin"$ % Per'on' ta7in- the e;a)ination 'hall not *rin- paper'+
*oo7' or note' into the e;a)ination roo)'$ The <ue'tion' 'hall *e
the 'a)e (or all e;a)inee' and a cop& thereo(+ in En-li'h or Spani'h+
'hall *e -i,en to each e;a)inee$ E;a)inee' 'hall an'wer the
<ue'tion' per'onall& without help (ro) an&one$
2pon ,eri1ed application )ade *& an e;a)inee 'tatin- that hi'
pen)an'hip i' 'o poor that it will *e di8cult to read hi' an'wer'
without )uch lo'' o( ti)e$+ the Supre)e 0ourt )a& allow 'uch
e;a)inee to u'e a t&pewriter in an'werin- the <ue'tion'$ Onl&
noi'ele'' t&pewriter' 'hall *e allowed to *e u'ed$
The co))ittee o( *ar e;a)iner 'hall ta7e 'uch precaution' a' are
nece''ar& to pre,ent the 'u*'titution o( paper' or co))i''ion o(
other (raud'$ E;a)inee' 'hall not place their na)e' on the
e;a)ination paper'$ No oral e;a)ination 'hall *e -i,en$
Section 11. Annual e%amination$ % E;a)ination' (or ad)i''ion to
the *ar o( the Philippine' 'hall ta7e place annuall& in the 0it& o(
!anila$ The& 'hall *e held in (our da&' to *e di'i-nated *& the
chair)an o( the co))ittee on *ar e;a)iner'$ The 'u*ject' 'hall *e
di'tri*uted a' (ollow'9 Fir't da&9 Political and "nternational Law
?)ornin-A and La*or and Social Le-i'lation ?a(ternoonA/ Second da&9
0i,il Law ?)ornin-A and Ta;ation ?a(ternoonA/ Third da&9 !ercantile
Law ?)ornin-A and 0ri)inal Law ?a(ternoonA/ Fourth da&9 Re)edial
Law ?)ornin-A and le-al Ethic' and Practical E;erci'e' ?a(ternoonA$
Section 12. )ommittee of e%aminers$ % E;a)ination' 'hall *e
conducted *& a co))ittee o( *ar e;a)iner' to *e appointed *& the
Supre)e 0ourt$ Thi' co))ittee 'hall *e co)po'ed o( a 3u'tice o( the
Supre)e 0ourt+ who 'hall act a' chair)an+ and who 'hall *e
de'i-nated *& the court to 'er,e (or one &ear+ and ei-ht )e)*er' o(
the *ar o( the Philippine'+ who 'hall hold o8ce (or a period o( one
&ear$ The na)e' o( the )e)*er' o( thi' co))ittee 'hall *e pu*li'hed
in each ,olu)e o( the o8cial report'$
Section 13. *isciplinary measures$ % No candidate 'hall endea,or
to inCuence an& )e)*er o( the co))ittee+ and durin- e;a)ination
the candidate' 'hall not co))unicate with each other nor 'hall the&
-i,e or recei,e an& a''i'tance$ The candidate who ,iolate' thi'
pro,i'ion'+ or an& other pro,i'ion o( thi' rule+ 'hall *e *arred (ro) the
e;a)ination+ and the 'a)e to count a' a (ailure a-ain't hi)+ and
(urther di'ciplinar& action+ includin- per)anent di'<uali1cation+ )a&
*e ta7en in the di'cretion o( the court$
Section 14. Passin" a+era"e$ % "n order that a candidate )a& *e
dee)ed to ha,e pa''ed hi' e;a)ination' 'ucce''(ull&+ he )u't ha,e
o*tained a -eneral a,era-e o( D@ per cent in all 'u*ject'+ without
(allin- *elow @B per cent in an& 'u*ject'$ "n deter)inin- the a,era-e+
the 'u*ject' in the e;a)ination 'hall *e -i,en the (ollowin- relati,e
wei-ht'9 0i,il Law+ 1@ per cent/ La*or and Social Le-i'lation+ 1B per
cent/ !ercantile Law+ 1@ per cent/ 0ri)inal Law/ 1B per cent9 Political
and "nternational Law+ 1@ per cent/ Ta;ation+ 1B per cent/ Re)edial
Law+ >B per cent/ Le-al Ethic' and Practical E;erci'e'+ @ per cent$
Section 15. Report of the committee& !lin" of e%amination papers$
% Not later than Fe*ruar& 1@th a(ter the e;a)ination+ or a' 'oon
therea(ter a' )a& *e practica*le+ the co))ittee 'hall 1le it' report
on the re'ult o( 'uch e;a)ination$ The e;a)ination paper' and note'
o( the co))ittee 'hall *e 1led with the cler7 and )a& there *e
e;a)ined *& the partie' in intere't+ a(ter the court ha' appro,ed the
Section 16. ,ailin" candidates to ta-e re+iew course$ % 0andidate'
who ha,e (ailed the *ar e;a)ination' (or three ti)e' 'hall *e
di'<uali1ed (ro) ta7in- another e;a)ination unle'' the& 'how the
'ati'(action o( the court that the& ha,e enrolled in and pa''ed re-ular
(ourth &ear re,iew cla''e' a' well a' attended a pre-*ar re,iew
cour'e in a reco-ni.ed law 'chool$
The pro(e''or' o( the indi,idual re,iew 'u*ject' attended *& the
candidate' under thi' rule 'hall certi(& under oath that the candidate'
ha,e re-ularl& attended cla''e' and pa''ed the 'u*ject' under the
'a)e condition' a' ordinar& 'tudent' and the ratin-' o*tained *&
the) in the particular 'u*ject$
Section 17. Admission and oath of successful applicants$ % An
applicant who ha' pa''ed the re<uired e;a)ination+ or ha' *een
otherwi'e (ound to *e entitled to ad)i''ion to the *ar+ 'hall ta7e and
'u*'cri*e *e(ore the Supre)e 0ourt the corre'pondin- oath o( o8ce$
Section 18. )erti!cate$ % The 'upre)e 0ourt 'hall thereupon ad)it
the applicant a' a )e)*er o( the *ar (or all the court' o( the
Philippine'+ and 'hall direct an order to *e entered to that eEect upon
it' record'+ and that a certi1cate o( 'uch record *e -i,en to hi) *&
the cler7 o( court+ which certi1cate 'hall *e hi' authorit& to practice$
Section 19. Attorney.s roll$ % The cler7 o( the Supre)e 0ourt 'hall
7ept a roll o( all attorne&' ad)itted to practice+ which roll 'hall *e
'i-ned *& the per'on ad)itted when he recei,e' hi' certi1cate$
Section 20. *uties of attorneys$ % "t i' the dut& o( an attorne&9
?aA To )aintain alle-iance to the Repu*lic o( the Philippine' and
to 'upport the 0on'titution and o*e& the law' o( the Philippine'$
?*A To o*'er,e and )aintain the re'pect due to the court' o(
ju'tice and judicial o8cer'/
?cA To coun'el or )aintain 'uch action' or proceedin-' onl& a'
appear to hi) to *e ju't+ and 'uch de(en'e' onl& a' he *elie,e'
to *e hone'tl& de*ata*le under the law$
?dA To e)plo&+ (or the purpo'e o( )aintainin- the cau'e'
con1ded to hi)+ 'uch )ean' onl& a' are con'i'tent with truth
and honor+ and ne,er 'ee7 to )i'lead the jud-e or an& judicial
o8cer *& an arti1ce or (al'e 'tate)ent o( (act or law/
?eA To )aintain in,iolate the con1dence+ and at e,er& peril to
hi)'el(+ to pre'er,e the 'ecret' o( hi' client+ and to accept no
co)pen'ation in connection with hi' client=' *u'ine'' e;cept
(ro) hi) or with hi' 7nowled-e and appro,al/
?(A To a*'tain (ro) all oEen'i,e per'onalit& and to ad,ance no
(act prejudicial to the honor or reputation o( a part& or witne''+
unle'' re<uired *& the ju'tice o( the cau'e with which he i'
?-A Not to encoura-e either the co))ence)ent or the
continuance o( an action or proceedin-+ or dela& an& )an='
cau'e+ (ro) an& corrupt )oti,e or intere't/
?hA Ne,er to reject+ (or an& con'ideration per'onal to hi)'el(+
the cau'e o( the de(en'ele'' or oppre''ed/
?iA "n the de(en'e o( a per'on accu'ed o( cri)e+ *& all (air and
honora*le )ean'+ re-ardle'' o( hi' per'onal opinion a' to the
-uilt o( the accu'ed+ to pre'ent e,er& de(en'e that the law
per)it'+ to the end that no per'on )a& *e depri,ed o( li(e or
li*ert&+ *ut *& due proce'' o( law$
Section 21. Authority of attorney to appear$ % an attorne& i'
pre'u)ed to *e properl& authori.ed to repre'ent an& cau'e in which
he appear'+ and no written power o( attorne& i' re<uired to authori.e
hi) to appear in court (or hi' client+ *ut the pre'idin- jud-e )a&+ on
)otion o( either part& and on rea'ona*le -round' there(or *ein-
'hown+ re<uire an& attorne& who a''u)e' the ri-ht to appear in a
ca'e to produce or pro,e the authorit& under which he appear'+ and
to di'clo'e+ whene,er pertinent to an& i''ue+ the na)e o( the per'on
who e)plo&ed hi)+ and )a& thereupon )a7e 'uch order a' ju'tice
re<uire'$ An attorne&' wil(ull& appear in court (or a per'on without
*ein- e)plo&ed+ unle'' *& lea,e o( the court+ )a& *e puni'hed (or
conte)pt a' an o8cer o( the court who ha' )i'*eha,ed in hi' o8cial
Section 22. Attorney who appears in lower court presumed to
represent client on appeal$ % An attorne& who appear' de parte in a
ca'e *e(ore a lower court 'hall *e pre'u)ed to continue repre'entin-
hi' client on appeal+ unle'' he 1le' a (or)al petition withdrawin- hi'
appearance in the appellate court$
Section 23. Authority of attorneys to bind clients$ % Attorne&' ha,e
authorit& to *ind their client' in an& ca'e *& an& a-ree)ent in
relation thereto )ade in writin-+ and in ta7in- appeal'+ and in all
)atter' o( ordinar& judicial procedure$ #ut the& cannot+ without
'pecial authorit&+ co)pro)i'e their client=' liti-ation+ or recei,e
an&thin- in di'char-e o( a client=' clai) *ut the (ull a)ount in ca'h$
Section 24. )ompensation of attorneys& a"reement as to fees$ % An
attorne& 'hall *e entitled to ha,e and reco,er (ro) hi' client no )ore
than a rea'ona*le co)pen'ation (or hi' 'er,ice'+ with a ,iew to the
i)portance o( the 'u*ject )atter o( the contro,er'&+ the e;tent o( the
'er,ice' rendered+ and the pro(e''ional 'tandin- o( the attorne&$ No
court 'hall *e *ound *& the opinion o( attorne&' a' e;pert witne''e'
a' to the proper co)pen'ation+ *ut )a& di're-ard 'uch te'ti)on&
and *a'e it' conclu'ion on it' own pro(e''ional 7nowled-e$ A written
contract (or 'er,ice' 'hall control the a)ount to *e paid there(or
unle'' (ound *& the court to *e uncon'ciona*le or unrea'ona*le$
Section 25. Unlawful retention of client.s funds& contempt$ % Fhen
an attorne& unju'tl& retain' in hi' hand' )one& o( hi' client a(ter it
ha' *een de)anded+ he )a& *e puni'hed (or conte)pt a' an o8cer
o( the 0ourt who ha' )i'*eha,ed in hi' o8cial tran'action'/ *ut
proceedin-' under thi' 'ection 'hall not *e a *ar to a cri)inal
Section 26. )han"e of attorneys$ % An attorne& )a& retire at an&
ti)e (ro) an& action or 'pecial proceedin-+ *& the written con'ent o(
hi' client 1led in court$ Ge )a& al'o retire at an& ti)e (ro) an action
or 'pecial proceedin-+ without the con'ent o( hi' client+ 'hould the
court+ on notice to the client and attorne&+ and on hearin-+ deter)ine
that he ou-ht to *e allowed to retire$ "n ca'e o( 'u*'titution+ the
na)e o( the attorne& newl& e)plo&ed 'hall *e entered on the doc7et
o( the court in place o( the (or)er one+ and written notice o( the
chan-e 'hall *e -i,en to the ad,ance part&$
A client )a& at an& ti)e di')i'' hi' attorne& or 'u*'titute another in
hi' place+ *ut i( the contract *etween client and attorne& ha' *een
reduced to writin- and the di')i''al o( the attorne& wa' without
ju'ti1a*le cau'e+ he 'hall *e entitled to reco,er (ro) the client the (ull
co)pen'ation 'tipulated in the contract$ Gowe,er+ the attorne& )a&+
in the di'cretion o( the court+ inter,ene in the ca'e to protect hi'
ri-ht'$ For the pa&)ent o( hi' co)pen'ation the attorne& 'hall ha,e a
lien upon all jud-)ent' (or the pa&)ent o( )one&+ and e;ecution'
i''ued in pur'uance o( 'uch jud-)ent+ rendered in the ca'e wherein
hi' 'er,ice' had *een retained *& the client$
Section 27. Attorneys remo+ed or suspended by Supreme )ourt on
what "rounds$ % A )e)*er o( the *ar )a& *e re)o,ed or 'u'pended
(ro) hi' o8ce a' attorne& *& the Supre)e 0ourt (or an& deceit+
)alpractice+ or other -ro'' )i'conduct in 'uch o8ce+ -ro''l& i))oral
conduct+ or *& rea'on o( hi' con,iction o( a cri)e in,ol,in- )oral
turpitude+ or (or an& ,iolation o( the oath which he i' re<uired to ta7e
*e(ore the ad)i''ion to practice+ or (or a wil(ull di'o*edience o( an&
law(ul order o( a 'uperior court+ or (or corruptl& or will(ul appearin- a'
an attorne& (or a part& to a ca'e without authorit& 'o to do$ The
practice o( 'olicitin- ca'e' at law (or the purpo'e o( -ain+ either
per'onall& or throu-h paid a-ent' or *ro7er'+ con'titute' )alpractice$
Section 28. Suspension of attorney by the )ourt of Appeals or a
)ourt of ,irst /nstance$ % The 0ourt o( Appeal' or a 0ourt o( Fir't
"n'tance )a& 'u'pend an attorne& (ro) practice (or an& o( the cau'e'
na)ed in the la't precedin- 'ection+ and a(ter 'uch 'u'pen'ion 'uch
attorne& 'hall not practice hi' pro(e''ion until (urther action o( the
Supre)e 0ourt in the pre)i'e'$
Section 29. Upon suspension by the )ourt of Appeals or )ourt of
,irst /nstance( further proceedin"s in Supreme )ourt$ % 2pon 'uch
'u'pen'ion+ the 0ourt o( Appeal' or the 0ourt o( Fir't "n'tance 'hall
(orthwith tran')it to the Supre)e 0ourt a certi1ed cop& o( the order
o( 'u'pen'ion and a (ull 'tate)ent o( the (act' upon which the 'a)e
wa' *a'ed$ 2pon the receipt o( 'uch certi1ed cop& and 'tate)ent+
the Supre)e 0ourt 'hall )a7e a (ull in,e'ti-ation o( the (act'
in,ol,ed and )a7e 'uch order re,o7in- or e;tendin- the 'u'pen'ion+
or re)o,in- the attorne& (ro) hi' o8ce a' 'uch+ a' the (act' warrant$
Section 30. Attorney to be heard before remo+al or suspension$ %
No attorne& 'hall *e re)o,ed or 'u'pended (ro) the practice o( hi'
pro(e''ion+ until he ha' had (ull opportunit& upon rea'ona*le notice to
an'wer the char-e' a-ain't hi)+ to produce witne''e' in hi' own
*ehal(+ and to *e heard *& hi)'el( or coun'el$ #ut i( upon rea'ona*le
notice he (ail' to appear and an'wer the accu'ation+ the court )a&
proceed to deter)ine the )atter e% parte$
Section 31. Attorneys for destitute liti"ants$ % A court )a& a''i-n
an attorne& to render pro(e''ional aid (ree o( char-e to an& part& in a
ca'e+ i( upon in,e'ti-ation it appear' that the part& i' de'titute and
una*le to e)plo& an attorne&+ and that the 'er,ice' o( coun'el are
nece''ar& to 'ecure the end' o( ju'tice and to protect the ri-ht' o(
the part&$ "t 'hall *e the dut& o( the attorne& 'o a''i-ned to render
the re<uired 'er,ice+ unle'' he i' e;cu'ed there(ro) *& the court (or
'u8cient cau'e 'hown$
Section 32. )ompensation for attorneys de o!cio$ % Su*ject to
a,aila*ilit& o( (und' a' )a& *e pro,ided *& the law the court )a&+ in
it' di'cretion+ order an attorne& e)plo&ed a' coun'el de o!cio to *e
co)pen'ate' in 'uch 'u) a' the court )a& 1; in accordance with
'ection >4 o( thi' rule$ Fhene,er 'uch co)pen'ation i' allowed+ it
'hall *e not le'' than thirt& pe'o' ?P3BA in an& ca'e+ nor )ore than
the (ollowin- a)ount'9 ?1A Fi(t& pe'o' ?P@BA in li-ht (elonie'/ ?>A One
hundred pe'o' ?P1BBA in le'' -ra,e (elonie'/ ?3A Two hundred pe'o'
?P>BBA in -ra,e (elonie' other than capital oEen'e'/ ?4A Fi,e Gundred
pe'o' ?P@BBA in capital oEen'e'$
Section 33. Standin" in court of person authorized to appear for
0o+ernment$ % An& o8cial or other per'on appointed or de'i-nated
in accordance with law to appear (or the :o,ern)ent o( the
Philippine' 'hall ha,e all the ri-ht' o( a dul& authori.ed )e)*er o(
the *ar to appear in an& ca'e in which 'aid -o,ern)ent ha' an
intere't direct or indirect$
Section 34. 'y whom liti"ation conducted$ % "n the court o( a ju'tice
o( the peace a part& )a& conduct hi' liti-ation in per'on+ with the aid
o( an a-ent or (riend appointed *& hi) (or the purpo'e+ or with the
aid an attorne&$ "n an& other court+ a part& )a& conduct hi' liti-ation
per'onall& or *& aid o( an attorne&+ and hi' appearance )u't *e
either per'onal or *& a dul& authori.ed )e)*er o( the *ar$
Section 35. )ertain attorneys not to practice$ % No jud-e or other
o8cial or e)plo&ee o( the 'uperior court' or o( the O8ce o( the
Solicitor :eneral+ 'hall en-a-e in pri,ate practice a' a )e)*er o( the
*ar or -i,e pro(e''ional ad,ice to client'$
Section 36. Amicus )uriae$ % E;perienced and i)partial attorne&'
)a& *e in,ited *& the 0ourt to appear a' amici curiae to help in the
di'po'ition o( i''ue' 'u*)itted to it$
Section 37. Attorneys. liens$ % An attorne& 'hall ha,e a lien upon
the (und'+ docu)ent' and paper' o( hi' client which ha,e law(ull&
co)e into hi' po''e''ion and )a& retain the 'a)e until hi' law(ul
(ee' and di'*ur'e)ent' ha,e *een paid+ and )a& appl& 'uch (und' to
the 'ati'(action thereo($ Ge 'hall al'o ha,e a lien to the 'a)e e;tent
upon all jud-)ent' (or the pa&)ent o( )one&+ and e;ecution' i''ued
in pur'uance o( 'uch jud-)ent'+ which he ha' 'ecured in a liti-ation
o( hi' client+ (ro) and a(ter the ti)e when he 'hall ha,e the cau'ed a
'tate)ent o( hi' clai) o( 'uch lien to *e entered upon the record' o(
the court renderin- 'uch jud-)ent+ or i''uin- 'uch e;ecution+ and
'hall ha,e the cau'ed written notice thereo( to *e deli,ered to hi'
client and to the ad,er'e pat&/ and he 'hall ha,e the 'a)e ri-ht and
power o,er 'uch jud-)ent' and e;ecution' a' hi' client would ha,e
to en(orce hi' lien and 'ecure the pa&)ent o( hi' ju't (ee' and
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation

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