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The Straight Line System works to influence a person to take actionessentially to close
anyone whos closable. Understand how the Straight Line represents the perfect sale, where
your prospect says yes to basically everything you say.

I ntroduction

The Straight Line System works to influence a person to take actionessentially to close
anyone who is closable. In this module Jordan looks under the hood and goes through how the
Straight Line technique works in detail. Its a detailed description of the entire Straight Line
system and the five elements that drive its success. You will experience first hand how the
Straight Line System works, both from a logical and an emotional perspective.
The Straight Line is a visual representation of the perfect sale, where your prospect says yes to
basically everything you say.
Although every sales person has had a perfect sale, they are extremely rare. What usually
happens is that the prospect takes you off the line and takes control of the sale; effectively taking
you outside of the boundaries of the Straight Line.
Straight Line Open and Close

The objective is to stay in control of the sale by leading the flow of the encounter, from the open
to the close, and staying inside the boundaries of the Straight Line.
When you are between the boundaries you are doing three things:
1. Building Immediate Rapport
2. Gathering Massive Intelligence
3. Controlling the Sale
These are the 3 Tenets of the Straight Line

5 Elements of the Straight Line
Every sale is the same despite differences in a prospects needs, pain points, values, objections
and despite the different types of products or services that exist, there are three key elements
THAT HAVE TO LINE UP IN EVERY SINGLE SALE in order for a prospect to buy.
In order to successfully line up these elements, you have to earn a 10 out of 10 for certainty in
the following three things:
1. Your Product
2. You
3. Your Company

If, in a single moment in time, you can create these three crucial elements in another persons
mind, youll have an excellent shot of closing them.

Conversely, if one of these three things is missing, then you will have virtually no shot of closing
them. The three 10s are the FIRST THREE ELEMENTS of the Straight Line.
The final 2 elements are:
1. The action threshold
2. The pain threshold

Development of the Straight Line
Development of the Straight Line

Born Closers
You may feel that being a closer is a God-given gift thats reserved only for a select, lucky
few; the born closers. Born closers use an unconscious formulaor strategy to move people
from a state of being not-so-certain about something, to a state of being absolutely certain about
something. The good news is that you dont have to be born with these skills to succeed.
Everyone has the potential to be a an expert closerincluding you! Its just a matter of figuring
out a way to unlock the gift already inside you.
In order to master the Straight Line System and the 5 Elements that drive its success you must
pull together all of the competencies in this program. As you do this keep in mind, however,
there is always something called the good enough factor where mastering even just one of the
elements of the Straight Line will yield positive results!
Three Tenets and Three 10s

The Three 10s
Learning Step 3: The Three 10s

Why is every sale the same? Despite differences in a prospects needs, pain points, values,
objections and despite the different types of products or services that exist, there are three key
elements THAT HAVE TO LINE UP IN EVERY SINGLE SALE in order for a prospect to buy
In order to successfully line up these elements, you have to earn a 10 out of 10 for certainty in
the following three things:
1. Your Product
2. You
3. Your Company
If, in a single moment in time, you can create these three crucial elements in another persons
mind, youll have an excellent shot of closing them.
Conversely, if one of these three things is missing, then you will have virtually no shot of closing
The three 10s are the FIRST THREE ELEMENTS of the straight line.

The 3 tens refer to the scale of certainty in the prospects mind around the three core things that
need to line up in a sale (you, your product and your company), where:
1 = Absolute Uncertainty
10 = Absolute Certainty


There are two types of certainty:
1. Emotional Certainty
2. Logical Certainty

People do not buy on logic. They buy on emotion and then justify with logic. However, when
you satisfy the logic center of the brain, it opens them up to be influenced emotionally. One
without the other doesnt work very well.

Learning Step 4: The First 10 Your Product
Learning Step 4: The First 10 Your Product

The first of the three 10s relates to your PRODUCT. You need to be able to convince that
prospect that your product is the best thing since sliced bread.
They may not buy your product at that moment but your goal is to get them to a 10 out of 10 on
whatever you are selling.
In order to build certainty in the prospects mind you MUST use both logical and emotional
The tone and general attitude of the customer will give you valuable cues as to how they feel
about the product you need to be in tune with these cues!

Learning Step 5: The Second 10 You
Learning Step 5: The Second 10 You
The 2nd 10 You
The second of the three 10s relates to YOU. Not only do you need to convince the prospect that
your Product is amazing. You also have to convince them about you.
If the Prospect does not trust you or connect with you then they will not buy from you, even if
they like the product.

Learning Step 6: The Third 10 Your Company
Learning Step 6: The Third 10 Your Company
The 3rd 10 Your Company
The third of the three 10s relates to YOUR COMPANY. Not only do you need to convince the
prospect that both your and your Product is amazing. You also have to convince them about your
If the Prospect does not trust your company they will not buy, even if they like you AND the
Action Threshold

Learning Step 7: The 4th Element The Action Threshold
Learning Step 7: The 4th Element The Action Threshold

The Action Threshold
The Action Threshold is the unconscious set point that someone has to be motivated to in order
to take action. The Action Threshold is one of the most important concepts when it comes to
influencing people.
Quite often you may find that you have a prospect moving down the Straight Line, feeling really
certain about all Three 10s, and then they still dont buy. This is a result of the prospects Action
The Action threshold is the FOURTH ELEMENT of the Straight Line.

Different Action Thresholds
People with a high action thresholds need to be a 10 out of 10 on ALL THREE of the three 10s
to buy. They are much harder to sell to given the level of certainty you need to create in their

Conversely, people with low action thresholds buy more readily. They dont ALWAYS need to
be a 10 out of 10 on all of the three 10s before they will purchase.
You can only lower someones action threshold at a moment in time; its temporary.
Therefore timing is essential. It should only be done once you have established certainty about
YOU, YOUR PRODUCT and YOUR COMPANY (i,e, the three 10s).

Learning Step 8: Beliefs About Sales People
Learning Step 8: Beliefs About Sales People

Running Buying Strategies Future Pacing
When making buy decisions people tend to run a movie through their mind regarding whether
or not the product or service will make them feel better or worse. These movies run almost
unconsciously and happen very fast.
We ask ourselves Whats the worst that can possibly happen. That is, we look at the downside
of the situation and consider how it will provide us with either greater pain or greater pleasure.
Busting Beliefs: How To Lower The Action Threshold
As an influencer your objective is to get your prospects level of certainty above their Action
Threshold. The best way to accomplish this is to overcome their limiting buying beliefs.

Beliefs: Lowering The Action Threshold
The Action Threshold represents someones beliefs about buying. People that are tough sells
are those with a high Action Threshold. Through life experiences people build up a resistance, or
limiting buying beliefs, that lead to a higher set point for buying. It can arise through past
experiences buying a product, a negative experience where a company didnt stand behind their
warranty, or even the advice our parents gave us while growing up, creating voices in our heads
telling us Dont Buy!
Remember! People who have high action thresholds are worth the effort! Once you have
convinced them they often become customers for life.

Pain Threshold

Learning Step 9: The 5th Element The Pain Threshold

The Pain Threshold
The Pain Threshold is the level of pain a person must reach at the moment of a sale before they
will buy. People will do anything if theyre in massive pain, taking action even when they are
uncertain. When theyre feeling pain in the moment, they want to act and get out of pain and into
We can essentially raise someones pain threshold in the conversation by future-pacing them,
creating pain or in more elegant way, simply getting them to tell their tale of woe.

Learning Step 10: Raising The Prospects Pain Threshold
Learning Step 10: Raising The Prospects Pain Threshold

When to Ampliy Pain
There are two places along the Straight Line when you should look to amplify pain:
1. At the Beginning of the Sale when you are gathering Intelligence. You want your
prospect to evaluate your offer against his/her feeling of pain.
2. At the end of the sale when they are on the fence. You amplify pain to try and raise their
Pain Threshold above their Action Threshold.

The Pain Threshold and Action Threshold are in an inverse relationshipthe greater their pain,
the lower their Action Threshold.
So, people who are feeling a lot of pain will take action much more quickly than those who are
Peoples Pain Threshold and Action Threshold are in an inverse relationshipthe greater their
pain, the lower their Action Threshold.
People who are feeling a lot of pain will take action much more quickly than those who are not.
To amplify your prospects pain, you need to wait until they bring up a potential sore spot and
then ask them to tell you more about it.
Be mindful of using the appropriate Tonality and Body Language when you are uncovering and
amplifying your prospects pain.

Tipping The Scales

Learning Step 11

Tipping The Scales
You can visualize a persons Action Threshold as a big, old-fashioned scale with a fulcrum in the
middle. The fulcrum is the persons action set point, with all of the positives (good things that
will happen if the decision is made) on the right-hand side and all of the negatives (bad things
that will happen if the decision is made) on the left-hand side. In addition, you have the invisible
force of limiting beliefs about buying, affecting whether the scale tips to the negative or the
People usually come into a sale with both LOGICAL and EMOTIONAL reasons to buy. They
also however, come into the sale with reasons NOT to buy.

Tipping the scales is where the positives outweigh the negatives and vice-versa.

Stacking Positives & Knocking Out Negatives
The higher someones Action Threshold the more positives you will need to outweigh the
negatives. Your job, as you take them down the Straight Line from open to close, is to build up
positives and knock out negatives, changing the prospects limiting beliefs about buying without
them even being aware of it.
In order to tip the scales in your favour, and get your prospect to yes, you need to lower their
Action Threshold while simultaneously raising their Pain Threshold. To do this effectively its
important to anticipate their perceived negatives and then stack benefits and build up certainty
to counter them.
Its not enough to just create reasons to buy. There has to be a strong case to buy NOW!

Buying Signals
After giving a number of objections, a prospect may start giving buying signals. Look out for
phrases like the following as they indicate that a prospect is getting closer to saying yes:
How much does it cost?
What did you say about that feature?
How does that part work?

Interaction Between The Action & Pain Threshold
You can visualise a person with a very HIGH Action threshold as having the fulcrum of the scale
to the right of the centre. Effectively this means that the positives have less effect on the prospect
than the negatives do: You need a lot more positives to out weigh just one negative!
By increasing the Pain Threshold in these prospects, you are effectively moving the fulcrum
back into the centre of the scale so that the positives and negatives have equal weight.

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