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Why We Need More Than One Measure of Central Tendency

(Mean, Median and Mode)

grade lesson plan
Jon Beck and Dave Van Dyke
NISMEC July 2010
Standard 8.5..
Compare (and contrast mean! med"an! and mode o# a data set$
# Students kno% t&e #ormulas to calculate mean! med"an! and mode o# a data set$
# Students are a%are t&at 'Ne%ton() amount o# #orce$
# Students are a%are mean! med"an! and mode measure d"##erent central tendenc"es$
# Students kno% &o% to operate a *a+,uest pro+e e##ect"vely$
! Students %"ll compare and contrast mean! med"an! and mode "n a data set$
! Students %"ll understand %&y t&ree types o# central tendency measures are
needed! as opposed to one$
+uiding $uestion
! -&y do %e &ave t&ree types o# central tendency measures (mean! med"an! mode!
as opposed to .ust one/
#ngaging Scenario
! 0en students are asked to prov"de an e1ample o# a re2ular career %"t& an est"mate
o# t&e annual 2ross salary #or t&at occupat"on$ 0&e "nstructor prov"des one
occupat"on! 'M"croso#t CE3( %"t& an est"mated annual salary o# 45 +"ll"on
dollars! %&"c& serves as an outl"er #or t&e data$ (I# students do not prov"de an
occupat"on %&"c& sat"s#"es t&e o+.ect"ve o# an outl"er$
&ntroduction , #ngage-ent
! Students6
! Determ"ne t&e mean o# t&e salar"es prov"ded$
! Students are asked "# t&e #ollo%"n2 sentence "s accurate6 '0&e avera2e salary o# a
t&ese occupat"ons "s 777777777777$(
! Students are asked! '8o% else could you measure t&e salar"es "n a %ay t&at +etter
re#lects t&e data/(
Teacher note.
! Students %"ll +e asked to ans%er t&e #ollo%"n2 #ocus ,uest"ons to 2u"de t&em to
t&e o+.ect"ve9$
/ocus $uestion(s)
! 8o% : -&y "s eac& measure o# central tendency d"##erent/
! 8o% "s eac& measure o# central tendency s"m"lar/
! 8o% does an outl"er a##ect eac& measure o# central tendency/
0a( !rocedures
! Students6
! 1 3+ta"n a *a+,uest Vern"er ; 8and Dynomometer <ro+e
! 2 0ake data %&"le 2r"pp"n2 t&e pro+e$ (Student %"ll c&oose &o% to 2r"p pro+e and
collect data$
! = >naly?e data! determ"n"n2 mean! med"an and mode o# Ne%tons 2r"pped$
(Student %"ll summar"?e an e1planat"on #or eac& C0$
! @ : 4 <u+l"s& results us"n2 %&"te +oard$ (0&e student %"ll c&oose &o% to
commun"cate e1planat"ons$
+& Matri1 Connections
Essent"al Aeatures o# t&e *esson BI Value
1 Cuest"on C : D
2 Data Collect"on B
= >nalys"s >
@ Connect"ons D
4 <u+l"cat"on >
0a( 2irections
$ Students s&ould record &o% t&e"r pro+e %"ll +e 2rasped (e$2$ one susta"ned 2r"p!
"nterm"ttent! etc$
$ Students %"ll pred"ct ; record t&e est"mates o# mean! med"an! and mode o#
Ne%tons %"t&"n 10 secondsD 2r"p$
$ Eac& student collects and records a data set %"t& 10 secondsD o# '2r"ps$( (Eepeat
tr"al "# necessary t%o t"mes and take +est data result$
$ Student accesses dataDs mean and ran2e t&rou2& 'Stat"st"cs( #unct"on o# *a+,uest$
$ Student sel#Fdeterm"nes med"an and mode t&rou2& data ta+le #unct"on o#
*a+,uest$ (Mode can rounded to nearest %&ole num+er! "# needed$
$ Students compare est"mates %"t& actual data$
$ Students e1pla"n t&e procedure #or 2r"pp"n2 a##ected t&e data t&ey rece"ved$ (e$2$
8o% "nterm"ttent 2r"ps result "n #luctuat"on! etc$
$ Students compare t&e"r e1planat"ons (%"t&"n GH %"t& t&e actual data o# t&e mean!
med"an and mode$
$ Students 'pu+l"s&( data! "nclud"n2 %&"c& C0 "s t&e"r c&o"ce o# 'most accurate
measurement o# 2r"p stren2t&$(I
Pre Assessment Students are asked to record %&y "s t&e
'3ccupat"onsD avera2e salary "naccurate/ -&at
m"2&t +e a %ay to 2a"n a +etter measurement/
Aormat"ve >ssessment Students en2a2ed "n *a+$
Summat"ve >ssessment Students 'pu+l"s&( data %"t& correct C0s!
"nd"cat"n2 %&"c& C0 "s most accurate measurement
#or t&e"r data$ (See ru+r"c$
1 -&"te +oard conta"ns mean!
med"an! and mode o# all data$
1FNot <resent
2F <resent +ut unclear
=F Clearly present
2 -&"te +oard conta"ns 2rap&! ta+le!
d"a2ram! d"splay! etc$
1FNot <resent
2F <resent +ut unclear
=F Clearly present
= -&"te +oard conta"ns de#ense o#
'+est C0$(
1FNot <resent
2F <resent +ut unclear
=F Clearly present
Closure , Connections
-&at are ot&er s"tuat"ons "n %&"c& t&e mean! med"an and mode are used accurately (and
So-e e1planatory O*erheads (you can re,uest t&e or"2"nal $ppt #"le

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