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Chapter I
A. Background of the Study
B. Statement of the Problem
C. Hypothesis
D. Objectives of the Study
E. Significance of the Study
F. Scope and Limitations of the Study
G. Conceptual Framework
H. Theoretical Framework

Chapter II
Review of Related

Chapter II
A. Materials
B. Method

Chapter IV
Results and Discussion

Chapter V
Conclusions and Recommendations

A. Time Table
B. Budget
C. Bibliography


The gr oup woul d l i ke t o t hank God f or gi vi ng us t he k nowl edge and guidance
to open up our mi nds and come up wi th a successful proj ect. Wewould also like to thank our
parents who gave their support in accomplishing thispr oj ect . They hel ped us i n c ompl et i ng al l
t he mat er i al s we needed f or t hi s proj ect. And lastl y, our teacher in Science, Ms. Certeza
is acknowledged for giving us the opportunity to explore and learn more about the
significance of Science.


The study was about finding out which is the best material to use as asubstitute in
making pigment for producing carbon paper. Carbon black fromused batteries was used
together wi th acetone as the vehicl e and oil as thebinder. The pigment that was produced from these
materials was tested on bondpaper. The carbon paper was evaluated for its drying time, firmness and clarity
of print. The evaluation showed good results.After conducting the study, the group was able to find out what is the
mostsuitable material to use in producing the ink. We came up with a good carbonpaper that could be a
substitute to the commercial carbon paper.



Our country is facing great problems with regards to the condition of our environment. Trashes
everywhere, people dumping garbage on riverbanks, pollution from factories, smoke
belching cars These are the things we see around us nowadays. As students, we know
that by our simple ways we can help improve the environment, and that is by RECYCLING. The
group decided to choose this proj ect because we know that by recycli ng and reusing
simple materials, we can minimize our paper wastes and come up with a good product.


Carbon paper has many uses. It has a high demand in schools, offices and other
institutions. The ink used in the usual production of carbon paper is expensive due
to high production cost. Carbon paper-producing companies spend a lot not knowing that there
is a more practical alternative to this; yet can help save our environment. In the project, carbon from used
batteries was usedto serve as the pigment to produce carbon paper.

Is carbon from used batteries effective as an alternative in making inkfor carbon paper?

What made the carbon black from used batteries a better source of pigment than the other substitutes
like charcoal?

Using the correct proportion among the vehi cle and binder with
thecar bon f r om used bat t er i es wi l l mak e i t an ef f ect i ve al t er nat i ve i nmaking ink for
carbon paper.

Carbon from used batteries would be the best substitute to use for thepigment due to its fine particles.


Thi s st udy ai ms t o pr ove t hat car bon f r om us ed bat t er i es wi l l be an effective
and practical substitute in making pigment for producing carbon paper.


This is study will enable us to know if carbon from used batteries will be an effective alternative in
making ink for producing carbon paper. It will also help carbon paper-producers solve the high production cost of
the product.


This study concentrates in the evaluation of the drying time, firmness
andc l ar i t y of pr i nt of t he car bon paper whi c h made us e of t he bl ack
mi x f r om batteries.


The basic ingredients used were acetone, coconut oil and carbon black. The acetone is the
vehicle. The coconut oil is the binder. And the carbon black is the colouring pigment. The vehicle or
the surfactant (acetone) is a wetting agent that lowers the surface tension of a liquid, allowing easier
spreading and lowers the interfacial tension between two liquids. The coconut oil is the binder for it is
miscible. Miscibility, in principle
i nc h e mi s t r y , i s t h e p r o p e r t y o f l i q u i d s t o mi x i n a l l p r o p o r t i o n s , f o r mi n g a
homogeneous solution. It applies in other phases such as solid and gas. The carbon black is the principal
ingredient that serves as the colouring pigment. The carbon particles do not fade over time even
when in sunlight or bleached. One benefit of carbon ink is that it is not harmful to the paper.
Over time, the ink is chemically stable and therefore does not threaten the strength of the paper. Despite
these benefits, carbon ink is not the ideal ink for permanence and ease of preservation.



Carbon Paper

Carbon paper (originally carbonic paper) is paper coated on one side with a layer of a loosely bound
dry ink or pigmented coating, usually bound with wax. It is used for making one or more copies
simultaneous with the creation of
anor i gi nal document . Manuf act ur e of car bon paper was f or mer l y t he l ar gest consum
er of Montan wax (also known as Lignite wax or OP wax, is a hard wax obtained by solvent extraction of certain
types of lignite or brown coal).

Carbon paper is placed between the original and a blank sheet to be copied onto.
As the user writes or t ypes on the original, the pressure from the pen or typeface deposits
the ink on the blank sheet, thus creating a "carbon-copy" of the original document.

As the ink is transferred from the carbon paper to the underlying paper, an impression of the
corresponding text is l eft on the "carbon" where the ink was removed. Carbon paper used to
create sensitive documents can be subjected toforensic anal ysis and is thus a concern for
information security, so it must be shredded or otherwise destroyed to maintain security.

In the usual production of carbon papers, the key ingredi ent is carbon black.
To make it, air and a hydrocarbon (such as pet roleum oil) are fed into a furnace. In the
furnace, part of the petroleum oil undergoes combustion,
helpingt o r ai se t he t emper at ur e up t o 3, 000 degr ees Fahr enhei t and causi ng t heunb
urned hydrocarbon to decompose to carbon black. The carbon black is then cooled with water and recovered
by putting in a centrifugal cyclone or bag filter.

As time went by, the use of carbon paper was eventually superseded by electronic means, mostly
by photocopying and using carbonless copy paper. But not without leaving its mark, carbon paper is still
commercially available today. However, its use has declined significantl y in the last 20 years,
despite the proliferation of copying in the modern office over the same period. Perhaps it will continue to
be used until the "paperless office" becomes a reality, or perhaps it will always be ideal for some
applications. Regardless of its ultimate fate, carbon paper has already left its mark on one of the most
recent technologies to
enter the workplace: many electronic mail computer programs (Email) include theabbreviation
"cc" to indicate the recipients of a "carbon copy" of the electronic message.


Carbon has many industrial uses for its three forms; amorphous, diamond, and graphite. The amorphous
form (coal) is used in power plants, and is used in the iron industry to make steel. The diamond form is used as
jewelry, and is used as part of cutting tools. The graphite form is a great conductor and is used
for pencils and sports equipment. A new form of carbon, buckminsterfullerene (C60)has been
made. I t f or ms wi t h t r eat ment s of gr aphi t e by l as er s and i s nowcommercially Available in
small quantities.

Carbon is usually used as pigment because of its low oil absorption and l ow
abr asi on t o pl at e war e. Car bon i s chemi cal l y i nf usi bl e at at mospher i c pressure,
which makes it an essential part in the black pigment used in books, magazines, newspaper, carbon
paper, etc. One good source of pigment that is carbonaceous in nature is the black mix found in batteries. This is
much cheaper than the usual black pigments such as carbon black in graphite and lamp black

Bat t er i es have bl ack par t i cl es cal l ed bl ac k mi x , whi c h i s pr i mar i l y
composed of car bon bl ack, acet yl ene and manganes e di ox i de ( Mn0) .
The batterys carbonaceous content makes it a good source of black pigment

.Although carbon is relativel y safe due to low toxicity and resistance to most
chemical attacks (including fire and the acidi c contents of the digestive tract) at normal
temperatures, inhalation of fine soot in large quantities can be dangerous. Diamond dust can do
harm as an abrasive if ingested or inhaled. Carbon may also spawn flames at very high
temperatures and burn vigorously and brightly.




Used batteries
Bond paper
Mortar and pestle
Coconut oil
Fine screen
Sharp knife
Clean container

B . M E T H O D
By using a sharp knife, open the protective housing of a dry cell batteryand expose its carbon content, then collect them.

Pulverize the collected carbon black by using mortar and pestle, andthen sieve the carbon black with the use of
fine screen.

Get at least half a teaspoon of the pulverized carbon black, put it in aclean container, and then add 12 ml acetone and 2 ml
coconut oil.4.Mix the substance until totall y dispersed. 5.Apply the mixture evenly on a bond paper
and wait till it dries up.



The carbon paper was tested and observed for its drying time, firmness and clarity of print. The
carbon paper showed good results for:

It dried up fast.

T h e c a r b o n b l a c k mi x t u r e c a n b e e a s i l y a p p l i e d o n b o n d p a p e r because of the
fine particles of carbon black.

The print on paper is clear. The acetone helped in the absorption of the mixture into the paper. While
the coconut oil helped to ease the spreading of the mixture to the paper.

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