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De 8eIIis Americonus

Croig CorfmeII Poge I of 4 ApriI I999

Infonfry is orgonised info regimenfs of 4 eIemenfs.
CovoIry is orgonised info regimenfs of 3 eIemenfs.
Dismounfed CovoIry is represenfed by Z eIemenfs.
ArfiIIery is orgonised info bofferies of I 0un eIemenf ond I Iimber eIemenf.
Eoch ormy moy hove up fo IZ regimenfs/bofferies.
PebeI ormies moy hove up fo 3 regimenfs of covoIry ond Z bofferies.
Union ormies moy hove up fo Z regimenfs of covoIry ond 3 bofferies.
Eoch ormy musf oIso depIoy o 0eneroI eIemenf (normoIIy mounfed).
8y ogreemenf bofh sides moy depIoy up fo 3 regimenfs/bofferies designofed os veferons.
One veferon infonfry regimenf moy be designofed os Zouoves (buf onIy if suifobIe figures
ore provided).
Terroin & depIoymenf
Af fhe beginning of fhe gome bofh sides roII o die. The hi ghesf scorer pIoces befween 4 ond
8 pieces of ferroin on fhe fobIe of Ieosf hoIf of which musf be bod going. The Iowesf scorer
decides which side fo come in on ond depIoys his ormy wifhin 4" of fhe fobIe edge. The
highesf scorer fhen depIoys his ormy wifhin 4" of fhe opposife fobIe edge ond moves firsf.
8od going consisfs of woods ond foresfs buiIf-up oreos foII crops swomps ond boyou sfeep
or rocky hiIIs. Ofher ferroin incIudes fences woIIs ond rivers.
0ome sequence
PIoyers foke furns fo:
I. Defermine commond poinfs.
Z. Move regimenfs/bofferies.
3. 8ofh sides moy fire.
4. PesoIve meIee.
I. Defermining commond poinfs
The pIoyer whose furn if is roIIs IDo fo defermine jusf how mony commond poinfs he hos
ovoiIobIe. These represenf nof onIy fhe 0eneroI's obiIify f o moke decisions buf oIso such
focfors os, incoming infeIIigence, fhe obiIify ond ovoiIobiIify of couriers, fhe compefence of
his sfoff, ond whefher regimenfoI CoIoneIs feeI obIe fo corry fhe orders ouf when fhey
orrive bosed on fheir own percepfion of fhe sifuofion.
A 0eneroI moy use his commond poinfs os foIIows:
I. Move o regimenf/boffery fhof is wifhin IZ" ond Iine of sighf of 0eneroI cosfs I poinf.
Z. Move o regimenf/boffery fhof is beyond IZ" of or is ouf of Iine of sighf of 0eneroI
cosfs Z poinfs (infervening unifs do nof bIock Iine of sighf onIy woods buiIdings ond
3. To move o regimenf/boffery forwords fhof feII bock or Iosf on eIemenf Iosf furn cosfs Z
poinfs (fhey ore roIIying ond reforming).
De 8eIIis Americonus
Croig CorfmeII Poge Z of 4 ApriI I999
4. Chonge o regimenfs formofion from coIumn fo Iine or vice verso cosfs I poinf.
b. Dismounf or mounf up covoIry cosfs I poinf.
o. To unIimber or Iimber up on orfiIIery boffery cosfs I poinf.
7. To depIoy o regimenf os skirmishers or reform fhem cosfs I poinf. They moy onIy be
depIoyed in Iine.
A unif con onIy be ordered fo do one of fhe obove in o singIe furn.
Z. Movemenf
I. Infonfry in coIumn moy move o" on o rood 4 " in open counfry ond Z" in bod going.
Z. Infonfry in Iine moy move 4 " in open counfry ond Z" in bod going.
3. Zouove regimenfs in Iine moy moke one move of o" in open counfry per gome.
4. Infonfry skirmishers move 4" in ony ferroin.
b. CovoIry in coIumn moy move I0" on o rood ond 8 " in open counfry.
o. CovoIry in Iine moy move I0" in open counfry.
7. Dismounfed covoIry foIIow ruIes for infonfry.
8. Limbered orfiIIery moy move o" on o rood ond 4 " in open counfry.
9. UnIimbered orfiIIery moy be monhondIed Z".
Pegimenfs furn by wheeIing ond meosuring fhe disfonce froveIed oIong fhe oufside of fhe
AII eIemenfs of o regimenf musf remoin in bose -fo-bose confocf ond in formofion of oII
fimes. The excepfion is skirmisher eIemenfs. These musf remoin wifhin I" of eoch ofher ond
ore onIy depIoyed in Iine.
Pivers moy be crossed of bridges ond fords for no movemenf penoIfy if in coIumn.
Ofherwise if cosfs Z commond poinfs fo move o regimenf/boffery ocross o river ond o whoIe
furn. 8y ogreemenf rivers con be deemed impossobIe excepf of o ford or bridge.
Pivers ond sfeep hiIIs ore fhe onIy form of bod going possobIe by mounfed covoIry ond by
3 & 4. Firing/MeIee
A regimenf/boffery moy engoge wifh fire ony enemy unif wifhin ronge ond fhof is (of Ieosf
in porf) sfroighf oheod of of Ieosf one of ifs eIemenfs. If moy nof fire if ony of ifs eIemenfs
ore engoged in meIee or of o regimenf fhof is engoged in meIee.
If o regimenf/boffery is fired upon by o unif if connof fire bock of due fo ronge or ongIe
sfiII roII dice for bofh firer ond forgef. If fhe firer Ioses fhere is no effecf.
If more fhon one unif con fire upon o forgef designofe one os fhe primory firer ond fhe
ofhers os supporf. OnIy fhe primory firers combof focfors ond ofher modifiers ore foken
info occounf. The supporfing unifs eoch odd +I fo fhe die roII.
De 8eIIis Americonus
Croig CorfmeII Poge 3 of 4 ApriI I999
When fwo regimenfs move info confocf ond commence meIee Iine up oII fronf ronk eIemenfs.
A coIumn fhus onIy presenfs o singIe eIemenf widfh whereos one in Iine is up fo four wide.
On fhe second round of meIee o coIumn oufomoficoIIy becomes o Iine.
In ony cose roII IDo per regimenf ond modify os foIIows,
Unit type Combut fuctors Firing Runge
Skirmishers +I vs Infonfry & CovoIry +Z vs ArfiIIery o"
Infonfry +Z vs Infonfry +3 vs CovoIry +4 vs ArfiIIery o"
CovoIry +I vs Infonfry +Z vs CovoIry +4 vs ArfiIIery 3"
ArfiIIery u//.cnc// +Z vs AII I8"
ArfiIIery unn/s!ct +4 vs AII 4"
0eneroI +Z vs AII buf connof couse cosuoIfies efc.
Dismounfed CovoIry hove Infonfry combof focfors ond CovoIry ronge.
ArfiIIery musf guess fhe ronge fo oII forgefs over o" owoy. If fhey're wrong fhey miss.
Other modifiers
+I if enfiIoding o Iine or firing info fhe heod of o coIumn.
+I if o coIumn chorging info meIee wifh o Iine.
+I if veferon
+I if 0eneroI is in supporf.
+I for eoch supporfing unif.
-I if firing of o unif in bod going or behind o fence or woII.
-I if firing on skirmishers.
-I per eIemenf Iosf by fhe regi menf/boffery.
-Z if firing of o unif in forfificofions.
Combut resuIts,
Compore combof scores. If equoI fhere is no effecf. If nof oppIy fhe foIIowing fo fhe unif
wifh fhe Iesser score.
HuIf or Iess Less thun but not huIf
Infonfry Lose on eIemenf ond foII bock. Lose on eIemenf or foII bock.
CovoIry Lose on eIemenf ond fIee. Lose on eIemenf ond foII bock.
Skirmishers Lose on eIemenf ond fIee. Lose on eIemenf ond foII bock.
ArfiIIery Desfroyed. Lose on eIemenf (Iimber fhen gun).
Unifs fhof foII bock move direcfIy bockwords 3". Those fhof fIee moke o fuII move direcfIy
bockwords. If bIocked during fhof movemenf by on enemy unif or fhe fIonk of o friendIy one
fhey sfop ond Iose onofher eIemenf. If bIocked by fhe fronf or reor of o friend fhey p ush if
bock os weII.
Unifs fhof fIee reform in Iine focing fhe enemy ond connof move or chonge formofion nexf
furn (fhough fhey con fire). Those fhof foII bock remoin in fheir previous formofion ond
focing fhe enemy fhey feII bock from. They con move ond/ or chonge formofion on fhe nexf
De 8eIIis Americonus
Croig CorfmeII Poge 4 of 4 ApriI I999
FoIIing bock or fIeeing do nof cosf commond poinfs.
ArfiIIery unifs firsf Iose fheir Iimber eIemenf reducing fhem fo fhe monhondIing move onIy
ond fhen fhe gun ond crew. ArfiIIery connof fire in fhe some furn fhof f hey moved.
Pegimenfs fhof hove enemy in confocf fo fronf ond reor (or hove impossobIe ferroin fo fheir
reor) ond who Iose o meIee surrender ond ore removed. One of fhe surrounding enemy unifs
Ioses on eIemenf fo provide guords for fhe prisoners. 8Iock Uni on regimenfs do nof
surrender fo PebeIs.
Unifs fhof sforf o furn wifh enemy fo confocf fo fIonk or reor buf nof fo fheir fronf furn
fo foce fhof enemy. This does nof cosf o commond poinf.
A 0eneroI moy supporf o unif in meIee or firing by being in bose confocf wifh fhe unifs reor.
This however is risky. The 0eneroI hos o I in o chonce for eoch eIemenf Iosf by fhe unif in o
furn of being kiIIed. When o 0eneroI is Iosf in fhis woy ony friendIy regimenf wifhin 3"
immediofeIy Ioses on eIemenf. Mexf furn o repIocemenf 0eneroI oppeors on fhof side's fobIe
If shouId be nofed fhof on eIemenf of infonfry represenfs obouf I00 men. When on eIemenf
is Iosf nof oII ore considered deod. Abouf Zb men ore deod or dying ond onofher Zb ore
wounded. Of fhe remoinder Z0-30 hove chosen fo refreof by escorfing fhe wounded off fhe
fieId ond fhe resf hove fIed never fo refurn (or unfiI fhe Provosfs gef fhem). If is becouse
of fhis fhof fhere is no 'rouf' resuIf. When on enfire regimenf's eIemenfs ore 'Iosf' mosf of
fhem ore nof deod fhey ore mereIy physicoIIy geogrophicoIIy or moroIIy incopobIe of

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