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-- Generation Time: Dec 23, 2008 at 11:01 AM
-- Server version: 5.0.51
-- PHP Version: 5.2.6


-- Database: `aesthetic`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `admin`

CREATE TABLE `admin` (

`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`username` varchar(255) default NULL,
`password` varchar(255) default NULL,

-- Dumping data for table `admin`

INSERT INTO `admin` (`id`, `username`, `password`) VALUES

(1, 'admin', 'admin');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `articles`

CREATE TABLE `articles` (

`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`article_title` varchar(255) default NULL,
`details` text,
`writer` varchar(255) default NULL,
`source` varchar(255) default NULL,
`publication_date` date default NULL,

-- Dumping data for table `articles`

INSERT INTO `articles` (`id`, `article_title`, `details`, `writer`, `source`,

`publication_date`) VALUES
(7, 'Six principles for making new things', 'The fiery reaction to the release of
Arc had an unexpected consequence: it made me realize I had a design philosophy.
The main complaint of the more articulate critics was that Arc seemed so flimsy.
After years of working on it, all I had to show for myself were a few thousand
lines of macros? Why hadn''t I worked on more substantial problems? As I was
mulling over these remarks it struck me how familiar they seemed. This was exactly
the kind of thing people said at first about Viaweb, and Y Combinator, and most of
my essays.', 'Article Writer', 'Article Source', '2008-12-02'),
(8, 'Cognitive Disabilities ', 'Cognitive disabilities are the least understood
and least discussed type of disability among web developers. As a result,
developers rarely design web content to be accessible to people with cognitive
disabilities. This is unlikely to change overnight, because the amount of research
related to the accessibility of web content is relatively scarce. Without a large
body of research, the information about designing for people with cognitive
disabilities is more speculative, more vague, and more difficult to implement. To
complicate matters, many cognitive disabilities are ill-defined domains for
research. Such disabilities are sometimes difficult to diagnose and characterize
because of the wide variance between the characteristics of people who have
similar cognitive disabilities.', 'Article Writer', 'Article Source', '2008-12-
(10, 'hair transplant', 'hair transplant have no side effect', 'dr shahid', 'self
study', '2008-12-22');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `faq`


`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`procedureid` int(11) default NULL,
`question` varchar(255) default NULL,
`answer` varchar(255) default NULL,

-- Dumping data for table `faq`

INSERT INTO `faq` (`id`, `procedureid`, `question`, `answer`) VALUES

(2, 6, 'What is the right age for plastic surgery?', 'It is not the question of
too old, but whether one is healthy enough to have the surgery. We always
individualize your care. We will work closely with your physician (s) or medical
specialists to develop a surgical plan that is thoughtful and safe for yo'),
(3, 5, 'How should I prepare for plastic surgery?', 'About 2 weeks prior to
surgery, we recommend you discontinue aspirin and aspirin containing products such
as Advil. Certain vitamins and herbal supplements such as St. John''s Wort should
also be discontinued prior to surgery. '),
(4, 8, 'How much pain will I have after surgery?', 'No surgery is pain free.
Surgery involving muscles such as abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and breast
enlargement (implant under the muscle) are generally more painful than skin only
procedures. The pain is worse during the first 2-3 days post surgery.'),
(5, 9, 'How long do I need to recover?', 'Following surgery you will have physical
restrictions on your activities for several days to several weeks depending the
surgery. Business and social activities need to be curtailed to give your body
sufficient time for healing. '),
(6, 11, 'How to prepare for my surgery?', 'Avoid anti-inflammatory medications
such as: Aspirin, Ibuprofen & Advil. Also, avoid diet pills, Vitamin E, & herbal
remedies such as St. John''s Wort, garlic, fish oil at least 2 weeks prior to

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `newsevents`

CREATE TABLE `newsevents` (

`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`title` varchar(255) default NULL,
`news_date` date default NULL,
`source` varchar(255) default NULL,
`details` text,

-- Dumping data for table `newsevents`

INSERT INTO `newsevents` (`id`, `title`, `news_date`, `source`, `details`) VALUES

(2, 'Emotional Health Risks Of Cosmetic Surgey ', '2008-12-23', 'Source', 'A new
study by researchers in Canada suggests that women''s magazines like The Oprah
Magazine and Cosmopolitan downplay the emotional health risks of cosmetic surgery
and contribute to the increasing medicalization of the female body.\r\n\r\nAndrea
Polonijo conducted the research as an undergraduate thesis in the Department of
Sociology at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada. The study, which she co-authored with UBC sociology professor
Richard M. Carpiano, is published in the November 2008 issue of Women''s Health
Issues.\r\n\r\nFor the study, Polonijo reviewed and coded the content of cosmetic
surgery articles that appeared in the top five most sold English-language women''s
magazines circulated in Canada from 2002 to 2006. The magazines were: Chatelaine,
Cosmopolitan, O: The Oprah Magazine, Flare and Prevention.\r\n\r\nPolonijo used
content analysis to identify patterns of highlighting the risk and benefits of
cosmetic surgery and coded the content according to types of surgical procedure,
patients'' demographic information, risks and benefits of surgery, and emotional
health indicators. \r\n\r\n'),
(3, 'Breast Cancer Treatment Offers Better Outcome ', '2008-12-24', 'Source',
'Women with early-stage breast cancer who have undergone breast augmentation may
be treated successfully with a partial-breast radiation treatment called
brachytherapy, according to a study presented today at the annual meeting of the
Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). Patients treated with brachytherapy
have better cosmetic outcomes and avoid the risk of the implant hardening,
compared to patients who undergo whole-breast radiation therapy. "We are
seeing an increasing number of breast cancer patients with augmentation,"
said Robert R. Kuske Jr., M.D., clinical professor at the University of Arizona
Health Sciences Center and radiation oncologist at Arizona Oncology Services in
Scottsdale, Ariz. "By nature, these women are concerned about their
appearance and we need to have options for them." According to the American
Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic
surgery in the U.S. with 347,500 procedures performed in 2007. This represents an
increase of 64 percent since 2000. Approximately one in eight women who undergo
breast augmentation will develop breast cancer at some point in their lives. The
most common breast cancer treatment for patients with breast implants is skin-
sparing mastectomy and implant exchange. Whole-breast radiation therapy after
lumpectomy is an option, but carries a substantial risk during the healing process
of scar tissue wrapping around the implant, causing it to become rock-hard and
extremely painful. This condition, known as capsular contracture, also distorts
the appearance of the breast.');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `patientpictures`

CREATE TABLE `patientpictures` (

`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`storyid` int(11) default NULL,
`picturetitle` varchar(255) default NULL,
`picture` varchar(255) default NULL,

-- Dumping data for table `patientpictures`

INSERT INTO `patientpictures` (`id`, `storyid`, `picturetitle`, `picture`) VALUES

(11, 3, 'Nose Reshape', 'face4_before.jpg'),
(17, 6, 'Nose Reshape', 'andrew.jpg'),
(18, 3, 'Picture Title', 'ATT00092.jpg'),
(19, 3, 'hfhfh', 'Sammyes mole removal.jpg'),
(20, 3, 'dfhfhfh', 'mole_removal.jpg'),
(21, 3, 'dfhfhfh', 'ATT00104.jpg'),
(22, 3, 'fhfhfh', 'birth_mark_removal_pictures.jpg'),
(23, 3, 'hkhk', 'Atlantis.jpg'),
(24, 3, '7iyhi', 'Sammyes mole removal.jpg'),
(25, 3, 'ytii', 'procedurepic1.jpg'),
(26, 3, 'gjljl', 'procedurepic2.jpg'),
(28, 11, 'hair transplant', 'hairplant_before1.jpg'),
(29, 11, 'vincent_hair2', 'vincent_hair2.jpg'),
(30, 11, 'vincent_hair3', 'vincent_hair3.jpg'),
(31, 11, 'vincent_hair4', 'vincent_hair4.jpg'),
(32, 11, 'vincent_hair5', 'vincent_hair5.jpg'),
(33, 11, 'vincent_hair6', 'vincent_hair6.jpg'),
(34, 12, 'Robert1', 'robert1.jpg'),
(35, 12, 'robert2', 'robert2.jpg'),
(36, 12, 'robert3', 'robert3.jpg'),
(37, 12, 'robert', 'robert.jpg'),
(38, 14, 'anne1', 'facelift_after.jpg'),
(39, 14, 'anne2', 'facelift_before.jpg'),
(40, 9, 'tummy1', 'tummy tuck1.jpg'),
(41, 9, 't2', 'tummy_tuck2.jpg'),
(42, 9, 'tummy3', 'mini-tummy-tuck.jpg'),
(43, 9, 'marry', 'marryann.jpg'),
(44, 10, 'facelift1', 'face_lift_250x251.jpg'),
(45, 10, 'facelift2', 'facelift.jpg'),
(46, 10, 'facelift3', 'facelift1_after.jpg'),
(47, 10, 'facelift4', 'facelift1_before.jpg'),
(48, 10, 'facelift5', 'facelift5fa5.jpg'),
(49, 10, 'facelift6', 'facelift_after.jpg'),
(50, 10, 'facelift7', 'facelift_before.jpg'),
(51, 14, 'facelift1', 'l_face_lift_aft.jpg'),
(52, 14, 'facelift2', 'facelift.jpg'),
(53, 14, 'title', 'anne2.jpg');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `photogallery`

CREATE TABLE `photogallery` (

`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`procedureid` int(11) default NULL,
`imagetitle` varchar(255) default NULL,
`beforeimage` varchar(255) default NULL,
`afterimage` varchar(255) default NULL,

-- Dumping data for table `photogallery`

INSERT INTO `photogallery` (`id`, `procedureid`, `imagetitle`, `beforeimage`,

`afterimage`) VALUES
(2, 5, 'Image Title', 'nose_before.jpg', 'nose_after.jpg'),
(3, 5, 'image title here', 'hair_before.jpg', 'hair_after.jpg'),
(4, 11, 'hair', 'face1_after.jpg', 'face1_before.jpg'),
(5, 8, 'tumy', 'img_tummy_tuck_01after.jpg', 'img_tummy_tuck_02before.jpg'),
(6, 6, 'Botox', 'face5_before.jpg', 'face5_after.jpg'),
(7, 9, 'Nose ', 'nose1_after.jpg', 'nose1_before.jpg'),
(8, 13, 'facelift', 'facelift_before.jpg', 'facelift_after.jpg'),
(9, 11, 'title', 'after001.jpg', 'after001.jpg');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `procedures`

CREATE TABLE `procedures` (

`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`procedure_title` varchar(255) default NULL,
`procedure_type` varchar(255) default NULL,
`details` text,
`picture1` varchar(255) default NULL,
`picture2` varchar(255) default NULL,
`picture3` varchar(255) default NULL,
`picture4` varchar(255) default NULL,

-- Dumping data for table `procedures`

INSERT INTO `procedures` (`id`, `procedure_title`, `procedure_type`, `details`,

`picture1`, `picture2`, `picture3`, `picture4`) VALUES
(5, 'Skin Graft', 'Nose Reshaping ', 'This is where skin grafts come in. For this
the patient''s own skin is used, mostly from the scalp.\r\n\r\nIt can be a long
process, with an operation every second day for up to five weeks. "It''s a very
hard time for the patient," explained Schiestl.\r\n\r\nThe skin gradually becomes
stable and the patient has to wear pressure garments. As the grafts do not grow
with the youngster, joint areas may need to be redone.', 'before.jpg',
'after.jpg', 'hair3_before.jpg', 'hair3_after.jpg'),
(6, 'Liposuction, Botox, Nose Reshaping', 'Hair Transplant ', 'Plastic surgeons
usually recommend that patients wait until they are at least 14 or 15, and
possibly older for boys, before undergoing rhinoplasty. This is because the nose
may not be fully developed at a younger age. If you are a teen, your plastic
surgeon will want to be certain that you have thought carefully about surgery and
that the desire to change your appearance is based on your own feelings rather
than those of your parents or friends.\r\n\r\nAssuming you are in good health,
there is no upper age limit for having your nose reshaped. Rhinoplasty is
sometimes performed in conjunction with a facelift or other rejuvenate surgery to
correct aging changes of the nose such as a drooping tip.\r\n\r\nSometimes certain
breathing problems related to the internal nasal structures can be corrected at
the same time as nose reshaping is performed. Your plastic surgeon will be able to
help you determine whether these structures should be modified along with
reshaping your nose.', 'before001.jpg', 'after001.jpg', 'face1_after.jpg',
(8, 'Tummy Tuck', 'Tummy Tuck', 'The term �tummy tuck� refers to a cosmetic
surgery procedure more formally known as abdominoplasty, which is designed to help
patients sculpt and tone their abdominal areas. During a tummy tuck procedure, the
surgeon manually tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall and sutures them into
place. He or she then removes any excess skin from the patient�s abdomen to create
a firmer, flatter midsection. The abdominoplasty procedure can be customized to
each patient�s specific goals and may include liposuction or be combined with
other body lift procedures.', 'beforee.jpg', 'afterr.jpg', 'beforee.jpg',
(9, 'Nose Reshaping', 'Nose Reshaping', 'Plastic surgeons usually recommend that
patients wait until they are at least 14 or 15, and possibly older for boys,
before undergoing rhinoplasty. This is because the nose may not be fully developed
at a younger age. If you are a teen, your plastic surgeon will want to be certain
that you have thought carefully about surgery and that the desire to change your
appearance is based on your own feelings rather than those of your parents or
friends.\r\n\r\nAssuming you are in good health, there is no upper age limit for
having your nose reshaped. Rhinoplasty is sometimes performed in conjunction with
a facelift or other rejuvenate surgery to correct aging changes of the nose such
as a drooping tip.\r\n\r\nSometimes certain breathing problems related to the
internal nasal structures can be corrected at the same time as nose reshaping is
performed. Your plastic surgeon will be able to help you determine whether these
structures should be modified along with reshaping your nose.', 'nose1_after.jpg',
'nose1_before.jpg', 'nose_after.jpg', 'nose_before.jpg'),
(11, 'Hair Transplant ', 'Hair Transplant ', 'Hair transplantation is an operation
that takes hair from the back of the head and moves it to the area of hair loss.
The fringe (back and sides) of hair on a balding scalp is known as donor dominant
hair which is the hair that will continue to grow throughout the life of most men.
The transplantation of this hair to a bald area does not change its ability to
grow. Donor dominance is the scientific basis for the success of hair
transplantation. Dr. Okuda of Japan first described the use of transplanted hair
to repair scarred eyelashes and eyebrows. Unfortunately, the outbreak of World War
II prevented his valuable discovery from reaching the rest of the world for two
decades. Dr. Norman Orentreich published the first widely read report on hair
transplantation surgery in 1959 and the field of hair transplant surgery was
born.\r\n\r\nCandidates for hair transplant surgery are those individuals with
hair loss that have sufficient donor hair from the fringe of the scalp to
transplant to the balding area. In the past, many bald patients were not suitable
candidates for hair transplant surgery but modern techniques have advanced the art
of hair transplant surgery so that many more men are candidates.',
'hairplant_before1.jpg', 'hairplant_after1.jpg', 'hairplant_before1.jpg',
(12, 'Tummy Tuck', 'type', '<p>Abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck or
simply TT, is a cosmetic surgery of the abdomen to remove excess skin and fat, and
to create a slimmer, more toned appearance. A protruding or saggy abdomen may be
the result of pregnancy, obesity and/or rapid weight loss, or simply age. A full
abdominoplasty can include the tightening of loose stomach muscles in addition to
the removal of excess skin and fat. A surgeon can move or rearrange the navel
(belly button) for a more pleasing appearance. Abdominoplasty can be performed on
both men and women.</p>\r\n<p>A full abdominoplasty is major surgery. However,
there are less extensive procedures, including one called a partial
abdominoplasty, sometimes referred to as a &ldquo;mini-tummy tuck.&rdquo; This
procedure may be done as out-patient surgery, with the patient going home that
day.</p>', 'img_tummy_tuck_02before.jpg', 'img_tummy_tuck_01after.jpg',
'img_tummy_tuck_02before.jpg', 'img_tummy_tuck_01after.jpg'),
(13, 'Face Lift', 'type', 'A facelift will help erase the years by tightening the
skin around your neck and face. It also removes deep creases especially around the
nose and mouth that are common with aging. It results in a younger, fresher
looking face with tighter skin tone that lasts 5 to 10 years.',
'facelift_before.jpg', 'facelift_after.jpg', 'facelift_before.jpg',
(14, 'Laser Skin Resurfacing', 'type', 'In<strong>laser skin resurfacing
</strong>a laser is used to remove areas of damaged or wrinkled skin, layer by
layer. The procedure is most commonly used to minimize the appearance of fine
lines, especially around the mouth and the eyes. However, it is also effective in
treating facial scars or areas of uneven pigmentation. Laser resurfacing may be
performed on the whole face or in specific regions. Often, the procedure is done
in conjunction with another cosmetic operation, such as a facelift or eyelid
surgery.\r\nIn addition to laser procedures, many resurfacing methods are
available, including botox injections, chemical peels, injectible fillers, and
surgical procedures (e.g. facelift, browlift, blepharoplasty). Individuals looking
to rejuvenate their skin should consider factors such as the ease, effectiveness,
and safety of the procedure; post-procedural effects; potential for complications;
length of recovery; and duration of benefits.', 'laser_skin_resurfing.jpg',
'laser_skin_resurfing.jpg', 'laser_skin_resurfing.jpg',

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `stories`

CREATE TABLE `stories` (

`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`procedure_id` int(11) default NULL,
`patient_name` varchar(255) default NULL,
`story_date` date default NULL,
`details` text,
`image` varchar(255) default NULL,

-- Dumping data for table `stories`

INSERT INTO `stories` (`id`, `procedure_id`, `patient_name`, `story_date`,

`details`, `image`) VALUES
(9, 8, 'Marry Ann', '2008-12-03', '&ldquo;I was okay really for quite a few years
until I got to my late thirties. Around about 40, I started to find that more and
more I was having problems doing the things that I wanted to do. I made the
appointment to have both hips resurfaced. &ldquo;I woke up from the surgery and
the first thing that I noticed was that the arthritic pain was gone. After I had
the operation I slipped very quickly back into normal life. What I want to do for
the future is carry on with the running, carry on cycling. There are lots of
things I can plan to do. It&rsquo;s great.&rdquo;', 'marryann.jpg'),
(10, 13, 'Tummy', '2008-10-19', 'I had been considering cosmetic surgery for some
time and after extensive research on the web I discovered Mills and Mills
Medical</strong><strong> and then there was no stopping me.</strong>After giving
up my pub I took up sailing so for the last five years my face has been completely
weather-beaten. People where always commenting on how miserable I looked but it
was my turkey neck and jowls. My friend Adele said&rdquo; you need a face
lift&rdquo; so that is what I did.From the moment I met my surgeon Marco, in
London I knew I had made the right choice, he suggested not to touch my brow as it
wasn&rsquo;t necessary but to concentrate on my lower face. The next thing I was
flying to Spain. I was met at the airport and chauffer driven to the Clinic. The
staff where fantastic, nothing was too much trouble. Being far from home you feel
vulnerable but I was treated like royalty, everything was explained fully and I
was left with no concerns. The Clinic itself is set in wonderful grounds 2 minutes
from the beach, it is like five star hotel.I was sore after my op but within 24
hours my bandages where off and although swollen I could immediately see I looked
10 years younger, I cried tears of joy. The results have been far better than I
imagined they could be and all my friends are planning their trips to Spain. Mills
and Mills Medical provided me with an experience I would happily repeat and face
that has made me the happiest I have been in years, thank you to all of you at
Mills and Mills. I hope to see you all soon!', 'facelift_before.jpg'),
(11, 11, 'Vincent', '2008-10-20', '<p>I am 34 years old. I have always considered
the physical appearance as essential in our modern world, and it has always been
so for me. This is why I have done a lot of sports since my young age, such as
fitness, snowboard and martial arts. I also take great care in the quality of the
food I eat. However, even though I am in excellent health, I started losing my
hair at the age of 20. This was in 1987. I was the only one in the family. Even my
grandfather had all of his hair at the age of 75.</p>\r\n<p>Four years later, I
had lost half of my hair and this started to distress me very much. I started to
feel less confident. I looked for answers but no one gave me the right
explanations to my problem. A pharmacist told me to take minoxidil, which I did,
and the product stopped my hair loss for about three years. But, I realized that
only surgery could do something for me. I inquired about micrografts, but the
results I saw did not appeal to me. I was dreaming to get back a full head of
hair, but the hair transplant surgeons I contacted told me they could only
transplant my frontal baldness with what I had left. By chance, one of my
relatives who had the same problem underwent surgery, and the result I saw was
outstanding.</p>', 'vincent.jpg'),
(12, 11, 'Robert', '2008-10-21', '<p>On February 28th of 1995 I had the first of
my four hair transplant procedures. Since then, I have never looked back. What a
difference this made in my life. The experience made a major change in my
appearance. I became an icon of hair transplantation for my two closest friends
who have also had the same procedures and for countless associates who have come
to know me over the last ten years.</p>', 'robert.jpg'),
(14, 13, 'Anne', '2008-10-18', 'I had been considering cosmetic surgery for some
time and after extensive research on the web I discovered Mills and Mills
Medical</strong><strong> and then there was no stopping me.</strong>\r\nAfter
giving up my pub I took up sailing so for the last five years my face has been
completely weather-beaten. People where always commenting on how miserable I
looked but it was my turkey neck and jowls. My friend Adele said&rdquo; you need a
face lift&rdquo; so that is what I did.From the moment I met my surgeon Marco, in
London I knew I had made the right choice, he suggested not to touch my brow as it
wasn&rsquo;t necessary but to concentrate on my lower face. The next thing I was
flying to Spain. I was met at the airport and chauffer driven to the Clinic. The
staff where fantastic, nothing was too much trouble. Being far from home you feel
vulnerable but I was treated like royalty, everything was explained fully and I
was left with no concerns. The Clinic itself is set in wonderful grounds 2 minutes
from the beach, it is like five star hotel.I was sore after my op but within 24
hours my bandages where off and although swollen I could immediately see I looked
10 years younger, I cried tears of joy. The results have been far better than I
imagined they could be and all my friends are planning their trips to Spain. Mills
and Mills Medical provided me with an experience I would happily repeat and face
that has made me the happiest I have been in years, thank you to all of you at
Mills and Mills. I hope to see you all soon!', 'anne.jpg');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `todaysurgery`

CREATE TABLE `todaysurgery` (

`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`title` varchar(255) default NULL,
`details` text,

-- Dumping data for table `todaysurgery`

INSERT INTO `todaysurgery` (`id`, `title`, `details`) VALUES

(1, 'Medical Tourism', 'Each year, thousands of Americans travel to a foreign
country for healthcare. And, although qualified physicians practice in excellent
facilities all over the world, some countries do not have the infrastructure to
monitor and enforce high standards for medical facilities and equipment, and many
patients are undergoing plastic surgery in these unregulated
facilities.\r\n\r\nThis podcast is a must-listen for anyone considering traveling
to a foreign country for plastic surgery. Featuring:\r\n\r\nChilling testimony
from a patient who traveled abroad for plastic surgery and suffered severe
complications \r\nAn ASPS Member Surgeon discussing what prospective plastic
surgery patients can do to protect themselves \r\n'),
(2, 'Teenage Plastic Surgery', 'In 2007, only two percent of all cosmetic plastic
surgery procedures were performed on teens, yet there are varying opinions about
the pros and cons of teens undergoing elective plastic surgery.\r\n\r\nThis
podcast is a must-listen for teens and parents alike, featuring:\r\n\r\nA young
adult talking about her experience in choosing to undergo plastic surgery at age
18 \r\nAn ASPS Member Surgeon discussing: \r\nThe role of the patient''s parents
in the decision-making process \r\nHow to properly evaluate teenage plastic
surgery patients '),
(3, 'Body Contouring After Major Weight Loss', 'Body contouring surgery following
major weight loss can improve body image by removing excess sagging skin and fat,
resulting in a more normal body appearance, with smoother contours.\r\n\r\nGood
candidates for body contouring are:\r\n\r\nAdults of any age whose weight loss has
stabilized \r\nHealthy individuals who do not have medical conditions that can
impair healing or increase risk of surgery \r\nNon-smokers \r\nIndividuals with a
positive outlook and realistic goals for what body contouring can accomplish
\r\nIndividuals committed to leading a healthy lifestyle including proper
nutrition and fitness \r\nIn this podcast, ASPS Member Surgeon Peter Rubin, MD,
discusses the plastic surgery options available to people who have experienced
massive weight loss.\r\n\r\nAlso, his patient, Sue, describes her experiences
going from a size 58 to a size 18 through bariatric surgery, and then to a size 8
via a series of procedures known as body contouring.\r\n'),
(4, 'Beauty for Life', 'People are living longer, exercising more, watching what
they eat, taking better care of themselves. And, of course, it�s only natural to
want to look as good as you feel.\r\n\r\nIn recent years, the scope of cosmetic
medical procedures available to patients has increased dramatically, opening the
door to a whole new spectrum of cosmetic medical care. Cosmetic medicine today
ranges from spa beauty treatments to sophisticated surgical procedures, with an
array of options in between.\r\n\r\nHow did these trends come about? \r\nHow do
they impact patient safety and outcomes? \r\nAnd, what do they mean for the future
of plastic surgery? \r\nIn this podcast, listeners will hear ASPS President
Richard D�Amico, MD, discuss the emerging trend of Beauty for Life - caring for
our looks incrementally as we age - and how plastic surgeons are uniquely
qualified to support this trend through age appropriate procedures.\r\n'),
(5, 'Patient of Courage: Scott Rigsby', 'In 1986, 18-year-old Scott Rigsby was
thrown from the back of a pickup truck and dragged over 300 feet under a flat bed
trailer, suffering severe damage to both legs. His right leg was amputated that
day.\r\n\r\nOver the next dozen years, he underwent 26 reconstructive plastic
surgery procedures on his left leg, but ultimately he elected to have his left leg
amputated. From that moment, Scott has never looked back.\r\n\r\nListeners will
hear this courageous story from Scott himself, as well as ASPS Member Surgeon
Farzad Nahai, MD, one of the surgeons who cared for Scott over the
years.\r\n\r\nOn October 13, 2007, Scott became the first below-the-knee double
amputee to complete an Ironman competition (2.4 mile swim; 112 mile bike; 26.2
mile run) at the Hawaiian Ironman. ASPS salutes this Patient of Courage for his
accomplishments and inspiration to others.');

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