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Digital Citizenship

1. Identify and explain the International Society for Technology in Educations 9

elements of Digital Citizenship
%ights and responsi&ilities
'ealth and $ellness
http(($$$ is the site $here I got some
lesson materials) so the pdf format documents are theirs. !lso) if you are struggling
$ith a good source for information on this) you might try your o$n s*ills $ith +oogle
or http((,ine-Elements.html
.. /sing the a&o0e criteria) $hat do you intend to do in social net$or*ing) online)
texting) etc. sorts of situations in order to
*eep yourself safe
!,D to maintain the safety of others1
2. 3no$ing this) ho$ $ill you maintain a safe and professional online relationship
$ith your teacher 4rs. ,esdoly and $ith your classmates in this course1
5. 6hy $ill you need to maintain a safe and professional online relationship $ith
your teacher 4rs. ,esdoly and $ith your classmates in this course1
7. In $hich situations $ill it &e &est for you to not access your fello$ classmates or
4rs. ,esdoly or other online sources for your information1
8. De9ne copyright infringement and 9nd some e0idence(information of possi&le
conse#uences if you are found guilty of this.
:. De9ne plagiarism and 9nd some e0idence(information of possi&le conse#uences
if you are found guilty of this.
;. <ind a minimum of t$o sites that can help $ith 9nding suspected cases of
plagiarism) and descri&e $hat they do and ho$ they catch people $ho
,o$ that you ha0e ans$ered these #uestions) &ased on your o$n research s*ills
and your o$n pre0ious *no$ledge) 0isit =assport to the Internet. >Clic* on the
Student Version and enter the login and pass$ord pro0ided. Then go to Passport to
the Internet(English ?. In this $e&site) you $ill &e doing the senior acti0ity >grades
:@;? $hich is o&0iously younger than you) &ut $hich gi0es you a chance to play
facets of a secure game that $ill help heighten your a$areness of the precautions
that you should ta*e $hen dealing $ith online materials. To acti0ate your account)
do the follo$ing
Start Tutorial
4a*e a fa*e name
Select :@; >Aes) I am a$are that you are high school) &ut I thin* youll 9nd it
fun any$aysB?
Choose an a0atar
Cnce you ha0e created your a0atar) visit only the MyFace and the
Instant Pigeon areas
!fter playing the game) ans$er the follo$ing #uestions
1. 'o$ can you choose a pro9le picture that $ill help to protect your pri0acy1
.. 6hat should you &e careful to ,CT include in your pro9le picture1
2. 'o$ can you protect your pri0acy $hen choosing your name in your pro9le1
5. 6hat can you include in your address information $ithout gi0ing up too much
7. 6hat can you include in your date of &irth information $ithout gi0ing up too
much pri0acy1
8. +i0e t$o $ays of protecting your pri0acy $hen you list your email address.
:. 6hat information a&out yourself do you gi0e a$ay &y listing your school1
;. 6hat does it mean if a photo of you is DtaggedE $ith your name1
9. 6hat does changing your pri0acy settings do1
1F.6hy is it not safe to pic* D=eople under 1;E as a pri0acy statement1
11.6hat is the &est choice to let Internet searchers see a&out your pro9le1
Instant Pigeon
1. +i0e t$o examples of things you dont tell people you only *no$ online.
.. 6hich of your email accounts should you ,CT gi0e out to people you only *no$
2. 6hat should you do if someone you only *no$ online as*s you to meet them in
5. 6hy should you &e careful a&out sending photos o0er the Internet or letting
people see you on a $e&cam1
7. 6hat are the 5 steps to ta*e if you are &eing cy&er &ullied1

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