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House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer

House Majority Whip James E. Clyb

Chairnoman Louise Slaughter
Chaiman Charles Rangel
Congressman Ed Towns
Congressman Maurice Hinchey
Congressman Joseph Crowley
Congressman Steve Israel
Congressman Patrick Murphy
Invite you to a Cockail Reception at the home of
Chairwoman Slaughter to Honor
Jon Powers
2008 Democratic Congressional Candidate
Monday March 10,2008
156 North Carolina Ave. SE
Washington, DC 20003
Contributions Welcome
Please R.S.V.P to Heather Fraser at 202-488-1445 or
As an artillery pkmon leader in the Army's ~"Aimured Division, and later as thr Badi on Commandrr's Adjtrtant in Baghdad and
Najaf, Jon Powers was hailed by his commanding officer, Lieuwna~~t Colonel W d b Kabena, as "one of the most dented of i er s I
have known in twentytwo y n n of service &I the Army." The war was fw from owr &a Jon rrmmed hor n a, Westcm Ncw YuX,
m d m g m become a M-dmo s oc d s d i e s reach- in the public school. Bur, moved bp his expcriclza ar war, Jon rrcumed to
Baghdad and founded 1% Kids Relief, a nonpmfit organization aimed at assisting the puch of Itaq, providing them the ~ s o u ~ r e s and
education necded w amid rrcruiunmt by mdkd and remrist o@dons. War Kids Relief was q u a y recognized for its pa&-
b i w h g work and was feahlted on & NBC Ni&+ New2 'Miking a Differcncc" v r i r s =A ;1 a Newnneek cover smly. Jon's
opponent, Congressman Tom Reynolds, won reekcdon ;12006 in this hismiidly RepthlLm district by fewer &an 9,000 vutes.
Blast Fax Paid for by the DCCC and Authorized by Powers for Congress.
-Yes, I/we w d d ltke to amend the coded recepuon on Monday, March 10d~~~ncl os ed
h d my contnbuaon of
nude payable to Powers for Conmess.
I n d i v i d u a l $500
P A C $1 000
S p o n s o r $2500
H o s t $5000
N o , I cannot attend but would ltke to support Powers for Congress with a conmburion of S
Please bill $ t o q -Visa - MasterCard - American Express
Account # w,
n s personal, nor corporate card belongs to
Federal law requtres us to use our b e t efforrs co collect and report the name, mlmng address, occupation and employer of any
indmdual whose conmbuaons m the aggregate exceed $200 in a calendar year.
Individual Name
PAC Name (Ifapplicable>
City, Stare, ZF
Phone Fm
Please make checks vavable to "Powers for Conpress" and mail to:
Powers for Congress
499 South Capitol Street, SW, Suite 404
Washington, DC 20003
or you may fax J u s form to (202) 488-1446.
lf you have any questions, please conract Heather Raser at (202) 488-1445
or email
An individual may contribute a maxiinurn amomr of $2,300 per election (the pdmaq and arr scpamre elections) m a federal
candidate. Federal muld-candidate acwn cornmittces (PAC's) may conduce $5,000 per decaon cycle. Condu&ns ftum
non-U.S. =;&ens, cirizcns under the age of 18, corpomdons, labor or+ed ma s u q funds, Grcip nation&, and f e de d govcmmen~
contracmrs are prohibkd Corporadons and individuals are s&dy pmhibited from ~imbursmg another person for making a
connibudon w Pown for Conpss.
Contribuaons m Powen for Congtess are not deductible for feded income tax putposcs.
Blast Fax Paid for by the WCC and Authorized by Powers for Congress.

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