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Home Module

View recent users data (Emails, Calls and

Meetings) and calendar.
That allows the employees to access their online e-mail
inbo and !olders. Employees can compose new e-mails
through the C"M and send them to accounts (sub
contacts are included) or !or any contact on the system

#ou can na$igate to it !rom this icon on the header

a.View email.

b.(elete email.

c.)tar email.
d.Chec* Email is to synchroni+e with your email
account ser$er.
a.View email.
b.(elete email.
c.)tar email.
a.View email.
b.(elete email.
c.)tar email.
d.Edit email and sent it.
a.View email.
b.(elete email.
a.To, CC, 1CC, )ub2ect, Message and attach 3les
a.Chec* email period enable user to manual5auto chec* his
emails e$ery 0, %6, -6 minutes or %houre.
b.Emails per page7 that enable user to change the number
o! emails that appears in page.
c.8utgoing mail is your current email
d.8utgoing password is your current account password
e.8utgoing ser$er is the email client ser$er
!.8utgoing port
g.)how ('nbo, 8utbo, (ra!t, /rchi$e)
9-My Emails
a.)how list o! my resisted emails.
b./dd email account
9-My Emails
a.)how list o! my resisted emails.
b./dd email account
c.Edit email account
d. View email account
e.)earch email accounts
#ou can search by any *ey !or all data or 3lter by speci3c
3eld (Email, )er$er, name, acti$e and :etc.).
!.(elete email account
#ou can delete the current email account, prompt dialog
appears with con3rmation message (;/re you sure you
want to delete this item<=) i! you clic*ed ;8>= button this
will unli*e the email account !rom your email ser$er and
delete the email messages !rom our system, i! you clic*ed
;Cancel= no thing happen.
Manage Reminder Module
"eminder module will allow the employees to schedule
reminders to be sent to them or to the clients about a
meeting, payment or any data !or that reminder.
#ou can na$igate to it !rom this icon on the header
%-)chedule Meeting
a./dd themeetingdetails ()ub2ect, status, start date,
end date, description and :etc.).
b./dd multi teams.
c./ssigned to user.
d.Ma*e this meeting recurrence
Manage Reminder Module
Manage Reminder Module
,-)chedule Call
a./dd themeetingdetails ()ub2ect, status, start date,
duration, description and :etc.).
b./dd multi teams, contacts, users, leads.
c./ssigned to user.
d./dd in$ited to the call by (Airst name, last name, email) and
also to the system as contact or lead.
e.Ma*e this meeting recurrence
Manage Reminder Module
Manage Tasks Module
Tas*s module allows the managers and admin to add tas*s !or
employees. 8nce the tas* is been added and assigned to speci3c
employee or group. The tas* will appear on their account a!ter they
login to *now what should they do and the wor* assigned to them.
#ou can na$igate to it !rom this icon on the header

Manage Tasks Module

Tas*s menu7
%-Bist all Tas*s
,-/dd new Tas*
Manage Tasks Module
%-/dd new tas*
a./dd the tas* details ()ub2ect,Criority,status, start date, end
date, description and :etc.).
b./dd multi teams.
c./ssigned to user.
d./ssigned to contact.
Manage Tasks Module
,-Edit current tas*
/s you can add tas* you can also edit current tas* data.
Manage Tasks Module
--View tas* details
a./!ter add or edit the tas* you can $iew the tas* details $ia the
$iew page
Manage Tasks Module
.-(elete tas*
#ou can delete the current tas*, prompt dialog appears with
con3rmation message (;/re you sure you want to delete this item<=)
i! you clic*ed ;8>= button this will be deleted, i! you clic*ed ;Cancel=
nothing will happen.
#ou can search by any *ey !or all data or 3lter by speci3c 3eld
()ub2ect, contact name, Criority,status, start date and due date.).
Manage 8ccasions Module
#ou can na$igate to it !rom this icon on the header
8ccasions menu7
%-Bist all occasions
,-/dd new occasion
Manage 8ccasions Module
%-/dd newoccasion
a./dd theoccasiondetails (?ame, date, type, contact, sub2ect
and body).
b.Mar* the occasion to send by email or )M) or both.
c./dd multi teams.
d./ssigned to user.
Manage 8ccasions Module
,-Edit current occasion
/s you can add occasion you can also edit current occasion data.
Manage 8ccasions Module
--View occasion details
a./!ter add or edit the occasion you can $iew the occasion
details $ia the $iew page
Manage 8ccasions Module
.-(elete occasion
#ou can delete the current occasion, prompt dialog appears with
con3rmation message (;/re you sure you want to delete this item<=)
i! you clic*ed ;8>= button this will be deleted, i! you clic*ed ;Cancel=
no thing happen.
#ou can search by any *ey !or all data or 3lter by speci3c 3eld
(?ame, date, type, contact and user).
Today Module
This module shows today all e$ents, meetings, calls, tas*s and
occasions on the calendar.
#ou can na$igate to it !rom this icon on the header
#ou can na$igate into calendar net and pre$ious and show calendar
monthly or wee*ly
Manage (ocuments Module
(ocument module will be a$ailable !or employees to upload the
documents related to any customer or account. They also can add a
document !or any other module as re!erence !or later re$isions.
#ou can na$igate to it !rom this icon on the header
Manage (ocuments Module
(ocuments menu7
%-Bist all (ocuments
,-/dd new (ocument
Manage (ocuments Module
%-/dd new document
a./dd the document details (1rowse 3le, document name,
status, publish date, epire date and :etc.).
b./dd multi teams.
c.Can ma*e this document template or not.
d./ssigned to user.
Manage (ocuments Module
,-Edit currentdocument
/s you can adddocumentyou can also edit currentdocumentdata.
Manage (ocuments Module
--View document details
a./!ter add or edit the document you can $iew the document
details $ia the $iew page
Manage (ocuments Module
.-(elete document
#ou can delete the current document, prompt dialog appears with
con3rmation message (;/re you sure you want to delete this item<=)
i! you clic*ed ;8>= button this will be deleted, i! you clic*ed ;Cancel=
no thing happen.
#ou can search by any *ey !or all data or 3lter by speci3c 3eld
(document name, status, publish date, epire date, userand :etc.).
Manage ?otes Module
Dnder all accounts, contact, campaign and opportunity there will be
a note to sa$e any other data !or themE the note module will speci!y
what type o! data should be added.
#ou can na$igate to it !rom this icon on the header
Manage ?otes Module
?otes menu7
%-Bist all notes
,-/dd new note
Manage ?otes Module
%-/dd new note
a./dd thenotedetails ()ub2ect, contact, attachment, description
and :etc.).
b./dd multi teams.
c.View in portal or note.
d./ssigned to user.
Manage ?otes Module
,-Edit current note
/s you can add note you can also edit current note data.
Manage ?otes Module
--View note details
a./!ter add or edit the note you can $iew the note details $ia the
$iew page
Manage ?otes Module
.-(elete note
#ou can delete the current note, prompt dialog appears with
con3rmation message (;/re you sure you want to delete this item<=)
i! you clic*ed ;8>= button this will be deleted, i! you clic*ed ;Cancel=
no thing happen.
#ou can search by any *ey !or all data or 3lter by speci3c 3eld
()ub2ect, contact, attachment, userand :etc.).
Manage Classi3cation Module
This module will be added under all modules to sa$e its classi3cation
on the system (as reFuested !rom the client)
#ou can na$igate to it !rom this icon on the header
Manage Classi3cation Module
Classi3cations menu7
%-Bist all classi3cations
,-/dd new classi3cation
%-/dd newclassi3cation
(Title, module, description
and acti$e.).
Manage Classi3cation Module
,-Edit current classi3cation
/s you can add classi3cation you can also
edit current classi3cation data.
--View classi3cation details
a./!ter add or edit the
classi3cation you can $iew
the classi3cation details $ia
the $iew page
Manage Classi3cation Module
,-Edit current classi3cation
/s you can add classi3cation you can also
edit current classi3cation data.
--View classi3cation details
a./!ter add or edit the
classi3cation you can $iew
the classi3cation details $ia
the $iew page
Manage Classi3cation Module
.-(elete classi3cation
#ou can delete the current classi3cation, prompt dialog appears with
con3rmation message (;/re you sure you want to delete this item<=)
i! you clic*ed ;8>= button this will be deleted, i! you clic*ed ;Cancel=
no thing happen.
#ou can search by any *ey !or all data or 3lter by speci3c 3eld
(?ame, Title, /ccount name, Email and :etc.).
Manage Croducts Categories
Arom this module admin can add the main categories !or the
products to be added under them. That will help him monitoring
each category selling charts.
#ou can na$igate to it !rom this icon on the header
Manage Croducts Categories
Croduct categories menu7
%-Bist all Croduct categories
,-/dd new Croduct category
%-/dd newCroduct category
a./dd theCroduct
categorydetails (Title,
description, parent category).
b./dd multi sub categories.
Manage Croducts Categories
,-Edit current Croduct category
/s you can add Croduct category you can also edit current Croduct
category data.
--View Croduct category details
a./!ter add or edit the Croduct category you can $iew the
Croduct category details $ia the $iew page
Manage Croducts Categories
.-(elete Croduct category
#ou can delete the current Croduct category, prompt dialog appears
with con3rmation message (;/re you sure you want to delete this
item<=) i! you clic*ed ;8>= button this will be deleted, i! you clic*ed
;Cancel= no thing happen.
#ou can search by any *ey !or all data or 3lter by speci3c 3eld (Title,
description, parent category).
Manage Croducts Module
Arom this module, admin or employees can add the product with its
in!ormation and details, upload photos and assign it to the proper
category. /dd the price and cost !or the items and discount.
#ou can na$igate to it !rom this icon on the header
Manage Croducts Module
%-/dd newproduct
a./dd theGuoted
Bine 'temdetails (?ame,
category, a$ailable, lin*,
ta, manu!acture and :
b.@eight, price, unite
price, list price, discount
price, pricing !actor
and ...etc.
Manage Croducts Module
,- View product details
a./!ter add or edit the
product you can $iew the
product details $ia the
$iew page
Manage Croducts Module
--(elete product
#ou can delete the current product, prompt dialog appears with
con3rmation message (;/re you sure you want to delete this item<=)
i! you clic*ed ;8>= button this will be deleted, i! you clic*ed ;Cancel=
no thing happen.
#ou can search by any *ey !or all data or 3lter by speci3c 3eld (?ame,
category, type, /$ailability).

Manage Settings Module

8n the settings module admin can manage the C"M system and
change the options. Enable and disable some modules !rom
appearing to employees and disable the !unctionality o! the module
at all.
#ou can na$igate to it !rom this icon on the header
Manage Employees
Employees menu7
%-Bist all employees
,-/dd new Employee
Manage Employees
%-/dd new
a./dd the
employee details
(?ame, email, phone,
a$atar, address, status
and :etc.).
b./dd ability to
login with username
and password.
Manage Employees
View employee details
a./!ter add or edit the
employee you can $iew
the employee details $ia
the $iew page
(elete employee
#ou can delete the current
employee, prompt dialog
appears with con3rmation
message (;/re you sure
you want to delete this
item<=) i! you clic*ed ;8>=
button this will be deleted,
i! you clic*ed ;Cancel= no
thing happen.
#ou can search by any *ey
!or all data or 3lter by
speci3c 3eld (username,
department, email, acti$e
and ...etc.).
"ole Management
"oles menu7
%-Bist all roles
,-/dd new roles
"ole Management
%-/dd new role
a./dd the role details
(?ame and description).
,-Edit current role
/s you can add role you
can also edit current role
--View role details
a./!ter add or edit the
role you can $iew the role
details $ia the $iew page
b.#ou can control !ull
access on
data5View5Create) on all
a$ailable modules.
"ole Management
%-/dd new role
a./dd the role details
(?ame and description).
,-Edit current role
/s you can add role you
can also edit current role
--View role details
a./!ter add or edit the
role you can $iew the role
details $ia the $iew page
b.#ou can control !ull
access on
data5View5Create) on all
a$ailable modules.
Currencies menu7
%-Bist all Currencies
,-/dd new Currency
/dd newCurrency
theCurrencydetails (Title,
ios code, iso symbol and
Edit current Currency
/s you can add Currency you
can also edit current
Currency data.
(elete Currency
#ou can delete the Currency
target, prompt dialog
appears with con3rmation
message (;/re you sure you
want to delete this item<=) i!
you clic*ed ;8>= button this
will be deleted, i! you clic*ed
;Cancel= no thing happen.
Manage Leads Module
Bead module will allow the admin to add new lead to the system. )o, he can
later assign any account and contact to that lead. /dmin will be able to
manage the lead settings and details. Bead module will hold the start o! a
campaign that the owner needs to start and mar*et it.
Manage Leads Module
/dd newBead
a./dd theBeaddetails (?ame,
account name, email, image,
descriptions and :etc.).
b./dd multi teams.
c./dd multi phones and emails.
d./dd !ull address and
alternati$e one.
e./ssigned to user.
Manage Leads Module
View Bead details
a./!ter add or edit the
Bead you can $iew the Bead
details $ia the $iew page
(elete Bead
#ou can delete the current
Bead, prompt dialog
appears with con3rmation
message (;/re you sure you
want to delete this item<=)
i! you clic*ed ;8>= button
this will be deleted, i! you
clic*ed ;Cancel= no thing
#ou can search by any *ey
!or all data or 3lter by
speci3c 3eld (?ame, )tatus,
/ccount name, Email and :
Manage Contacts Module
Contact helps the admin to add multiple contacts !or the main account. /s
many department o! the main account (company) and each departments
head will be added as a contact and lin* it to the main account.
Manage Contacts Module
/dd new contact
a./dd the contact details
(name, account and :etc.).
b./dd multi phones and
c./dd !ull address and
alternati$e one.
Manage Contacts Module
View contact details
a./!ter add or edit the account
you can $iew the account details
$ia the $iew page
b./lso you can add
(Beads,8pportunities, (irect
"eports To,(ocuments and
Manage Contacts Module
(elete contact
#ou can delete the current contact, prompt dialog appears with con3rmation
message (;/re you sure you want to delete this item<=) i! you clic*ed ;8>=
button this cant delete the contact !rom the database but it will be archi$ed
with its all data to and disable this contact, i! you clic*ed ;Cancel= no thing
#ou can search by any *ey !or all data or 3lter by speci3c 3eld (?ame, Title,
/ccount name, Email and :etc.).
Manage Accounts Module
/ccount module allows the admin to add new account on the system !or a
company or someone. @hat means i! the account is created !or someone it
will sa$e the details o! that person as a contact details. 8therwise, i! the
account was created !or a company it will sa$e the companys details then add
the employees o! this company on the system as contact, then add those
contacts to the account.
Manage Accounts Module
/dd new account
a./dd the account details (name,
account and :etc.).
b./dd multi phones and emails.
c./dd billing address and
shipping address or use shipping as
billing address.
Manage Accounts Module
View account details
a./!ter add or edit the account
you can $iew the account details $ia
the $iew page
.-/lso you can add
(Contacts,8pportunities, Beads,
"e$enue Bine 'tems, (ocuments and
Manage Accounts Module
View account details
a./!ter add or edit the account
you can $iew the account details $ia
the $iew page
.-/lso you can add
(Contacts,8pportunities, Beads,
"e$enue Bine 'tems, (ocuments and
-(elete account
#ou can delete the current account,
prompt dialog appears with
con3rmation message (;/re you sure
you want to delete this item<=) i! you
clic*ed ;8>= button this cant delete
the account !rom the database but it
will be archi$ed with its all data to
and disable this account, i! you
clic*ed ;Cancel= no thing happen.
#ou can search by any *ey !or all data
or 3lter by speci3c 3eld (?ame,
1illing City, 1illing Country, Chone,
Email and :etc.).
Manage Targets Module
Target module helps admin to speci!y the target o! any ob2ect he added to the
system, li*e adding a target o! campaigns and target some accounts !or some
products or ser$ices.
Manage Targets Module
/dd new target
a./dd the target details
(name, account and teams
b./dd multi phones and
c./dd !ull address and
alternati$e one.
Manage Targets Module
View target details
a./!ter add or edit the
target you can $iew the
target details $ia the $iew
Manage Targets Module
(elete target
#ou can delete the current
target, prompt dialog
appears with con3rmation
message (;/re you sure you
want to delete this item<=)
i! you clic*ed ;8>= button
this will be deleted, i! you
clic*ed ;Cancel= no thing
#ou can search by any *ey
!or all data or 3lter by
speci3c 3eld (?ame, Title,
/ccount name, Email and :
Manage Opportunities Module
8pportunity module helps the admin to add an opportunity to sell some
products on the mar*et !or some accounts or assign that opportunity to a
campaign and monitor the opportunities to sell that product or ser$ices.
Manage Opportunities Module
/dd new8pportunity
a./dd the8pportunitydetails (name, account, type, /ssigned to
user,Bead )ource, and :etc.).
b./dd multi teams.
Manage Opportunities Module
View opportunity details
a./!ter add or edit the
opportunity you can $iew the
opportunity details $ia the $iew
b./lso you can add
("e$enue Bine 'tems,
Beads,Contacts, (ocuments
and Guotes)
Manage Opportunities Module
(elete opportunity
#ou can delete the current
opportunity, prompt dialog
appears with con3rmation
message (;/re you sure you
want to delete this item<=) i!
you clic*ed ;8>= button this will
be deleted, i! you clic*ed
;Cancel= no thing happen.
#ou can search by any *ey !or
all data or 3lter by speci3c 3eld
(?ame, /ccount name, )tatus,
Beader )ource, Dser and :etc.).
Manage Forecasts Module
Aorecast helps the admin to predict the status o! his business within a speci3c
period o! time. That helps him to enhance his business in the !uture by
pre$enting the mista*es done in the past.
Manage Forecasts Module
Aorecasts menu7
%-Bist all !orecasts
Aor each item on the !orecasts7
-Can na$igate to the
current !orecasts ("e$enue Bine
?ame,/ccount ?ame and
Croduct ?ame).
-)ort the rows ascending
and descending by
(Title,Epected Close
(ate,)tage,Crobability and
#ou can search by any *ey !or all
data or 3lter by speci3c 3eld
(8pportunity ?ame,/ccount
?ame and Croduct ?ame and :
Manage Contracts Module
Contract module will generate the contracts and send them to the clients
(accounts and contacts) a!ter the deal is done. The employees can create new
contracts and sa$e them on the system then select what contract should be
send to each client on each case.
Manage Contracts Module
/dd new contract
a./dd the contract
details (Contract name,
)tatus, account,
Dserand :etc.).
b./dd the signed date
!or customer and company
c./dd multi teams.
Manage Contracts Module
View contract details
a./!ter add or edit the
contract you can $iew the
contract details $ia the
$iew page.
b./lso you can add
(?otes H /ttachments and
Manage Contracts Module
(elete contract
#ou can delete the current contract, prompt dialog appears with con3rmation
message (;/re you sure you want to delete this item<=) i! you clic*ed ;8>=
button this will be deleted, i! you clic*ed ;Cancel= no thing happen.
#ou can search by any *ey !or all data or 3lter by speci3c 3eld (?ame, Title,
/ccount name, Email and :etc.).
Manage Campaigns Module
/dmin can start new campaign and add the details o! it, add the accounts that
the campaign will target with the opportunities that can be assigned to that
Manage Campaigns Module
View campaign details
a./!ter add or edit the
campaign you can $iew the
campaign details $ia the $iew
(elete campaign
#ou can delete the current
campaign, prompt dialog
appears with con3rmation
message (;/re you sure you
want to delete this item<=) i!
you clic*ed ;8>= button this
will be deleted, i! you clic*ed
;Cancel= no thing happen.
#ou can search by any *ey !or
all data or 3lter by speci3c
3eld (?ame, Title, /ccount
name, Email and :etc.).
Manage Revenue Line Items
/dd new"e$enue Bine 'tem
a./dd the"e$enue Bine
'temdetails (title, close
date, product, category,
currency, ta, source,
description and :etc.).
b./dd multi teams.
c./ssigned to user.
Manage Revenue Line Items
View "e$enue Bine 'tem
a./!ter add or edit the
"e$enue Bine 'tem you can
$iew the "e$enue Bine 'tem
details $ia the $iew page
b./lso you can add
((ocuments and ?otes H
Manage Revenue Line Items
(elete "e$enue Bine 'tem
#ou can delete the current
"e$enue Bine 'tem, prompt
dialog appears with
con3rmation message (;/re
you sure you want to delete
this item<=) i! you clic*ed
;8>= button this will be
deleted, i! you clic*ed
;Cancel= no thing happen.
#ou can search by any *ey
!or all data or 3lter by
speci3c 3eld (Title,
8pportunity ?ame, /ccount
name, )ales )tage,
Epected Close (ate and :
Manage Quoted Line Items
Guoted line item contains the sold products or the products in the process o!
being sold. /dmin can create new Fuoted line item and add products !rom the
system or create list with new products.
Manage Quoted Line Items
/dd newGuoted Bine 'tem
a./dd theGuoted Bine
'temdetails (title, product
template, account name,
Fuantity, currency and :etc.).
b./dd multi teams.
c./ssigned to user.
Manage Quoted Line Items
View Guoted Bine 'tem
a./!ter add or edit the Guoted Bine 'temyou can
$iew the Guoted Bine 'temdetails $ia the $iew page
b./lso you can add(ocuments
Manage Quoted Line Items
(elete Guoted Bine 'tem
#ou can delete the current Guoted Bine 'tem, prompt dialog appears
with con3rmation message (;/re you sure you want to delete this
item<=) i! you clic*ed ;8>= button this will be deleted, i! you clic*ed
;Cancel= no thing happen.
#ou can search by any *ey !or all data or 3lter by speci3c 3eld (Title,
/ccount, )tatus, Cost and :etc.).
Manage Email Template Module
Arom this module admin can add templates to load and send them
directly !rom the send e-mails module or )M) module.
Manage Email Template Module
/dd newTemplate
theTemplatedetails (title,
type, description, sub2ect
and !ormatted body and :
b./ttach 3les.
c.Type o! the template
may be )M) or Email or
d./dd multi teams.
e./ssigned to user.
Manage Email Template Module
View Template details
a./!ter add or edit the
Template you can $iew the
Template details $ia the
$iew page
(elete Template
#ou can delete the current
Template, prompt dialog
appears with con3rmation
message (;/re you sure
you want to delete this
item<=) i! you clic*ed ;8>=
button this will be deleted,
i! you clic*ed ;Cancel= no
thing happen.
#ou can search by any *ey
!or all data or 3lter by
speci3c 3eld (?ame, Title,
/ccount name, Email and
Manage Support Cases Module
)upport cases module helps the organi+ation to oIer the best
products and ser$ices by allowing employees to add the issues on the
support section, employees will report the customers problem to get
sol$ed within short time.
Manage Support Cases Module
/dd new)upport Case
a./dd the)upport
Casedetails (?umber,
)ub2ect, )tatus, Criority,
and :etc.).
b./dd multi teams.
c./ssigned to user.
Manage Support Cases Module
View )upport Case details
a./!ter add or edit the
)upport Case you can
$iew the )upport Case
details $ia the $iew page
b./lso you can add
(Contacts and (ocuments)
Manage Support Cases Module
(elete )upport Case
#ou can delete the current
)upport Case, prompt
dialog appears with
con3rmation message
(;/re you sure you want to
delete this item<=) i! you
clic*ed ;8>= button this
will be deleted, i! you
clic*ed ;Cancel= no thing
#ou can search by any *ey
!or all data or 3lter by
speci3c 3eld (?umber,
)ub2ect, )tatus,
Criorityand :etc.).
Manage Reports Module
@here user can choose
the type o! reports how
can $iew
%-)imple reports
,-/d$anced reports
)imple reports
Manage Reports Module
Advanced Reports
@here user can !ollow the
wi+ard to generate the
report he need.
Manage Reports Module
@here user can $iew all his noti3cations.
Instant Massaging

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