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Data-Gathering Instruments and Evidences

Crucial to the outcome of the research process is the source of information from
which the findings and conclusions are based. In modern terminology, information is
defined as processed data while a datum is the unit of information. Clearly, if we
want information to be clear, precise and accurate, they must come from good and
clean data. Primary data are data gathered from the origin or source while
secondary data are those processed from primary data and published in some
form. Researchers, generally, prefer to obtain primary data. However, for purposes
of descriptive studies, secondary data can also be used.

Primary Data Generation

When primary data from other researches , particularly those generated through
strict experimental designs, are available, you should consider using them rather
than generate your own. However, if no such data exist, then we consider
generating our own primary data sets following strict guidelines.

Primary data are of two kinds: evidence and perceptions. Evidences are hard,
irrefutable facts which cannot change even if you interviewed a different set of
respondents, while perceptions are not. Perceptions change with people, across
time and across space. It is therefore obviously difficult to form generalized scientific
conclusions from perception-based findings. For this reason, we advocate the use of
evidences rather than perceptions in academic research.

A foremost characteristic of a good data is validity. Validity refers to the extent to
which your data measure what they intend to measure in the first place.

Example: Compare the validity of the data generated to respond to the objective
of finding the Extent to which a municipal solid waste management ordinance is
implemented in a barangay:

Method 1: A questionnaire is constructed and administered to the barangay
residents. The questionnaire has items referring to the provisions of the solid waste
management ordinance and the respondents are asked to rate the extent to which
they have implemented the provisions with : 5 = very large extent down to 1=very
little extent. For example:
To what extent do you segregate your wastes into biodegradable and non-
biodegradable ---- 5: Very Large Extent,., 1 = Very little Extent

Method 2: Enumerators were hired by the researcher to go house to house and
count the number of houses with trash cans clearly marked as biodegradable and
non-biodegradable or in the absence of such trash cans, the enumerators asked
the households how they manage their solid wastes and look for evidence of their
responses. The extent to which this provision is implemented by the barangay at the
household level equals the percentage of households with clear waste segregation
system to the total number of households in that barangay.

Clearly, the data generated from Method 2 are more valid than the ones
generated from Method 1 (perception-based). In Method 1, it is possible that the
respondents will fake the responses. Likewise, even if they do not , it is still not clear
how a very large extent response would differ from a large extent response. Of
course, you can remedy this by defining exactly what is meant by the adjectives
very large extent, large extent etc. by saying very large extent means that you do
it every time without fail while large extent means that you do it 90% of the time.
Even then, the correlation between the responses obtained in Method 1 to what you
actually see happening in the barangay will be less than 1. In Method 2, there is a
perfect match between what you see and what is actually happening in the
barangay. The data obtained from Method 2 are classified as evidences while the
data obtained from Method 1 are classified as perceptions. Which of the two kinds
of data in this example would you have more faith in?

As scholars in our disciplines, we strive to obtain evidences rather than
perceptions because the former are more valid than the latter. In fact, we will show
later that the former is also more reliable than the latter. What steps should we
undertake to ensure that evidences are gathered rather than perceptions?

1. Clearly state what you want to know, preferably, in behavioural or observable
Example: Gather information on how the households implement the solid waste
management ordinance
2. Break down what you want to know in terms of specifics.
Example: Identify the provisions of the solid waste management ordinance in
terms of: (a.) waste segregation, and (b.) waste disposal
3. For each specific dimension, identify clear and observable indicators of the
presence or absence of the desired characteristics
Example: The following are the indicators per specific dimension of the solid
waste management ordinance:

Specific Dimension Observable Indicator Quantitative Evidence
1. Waste Segregation 1. Household trash cans
clearly marked
biodegradable or
non-biodegradable or:
2. Evidence found inside
household showing
P = Percentage of
households with clear waste
separation scheme for
biodegradable and non-
biodegradable solid wastes to
the total number of
separation of wastes
into biodegradable or
households in the barangay

3. Waste Disposal 1. Households with open
P1 = Percentage of
households with open dumps
2. Households which use
open burning
P2 = Percentage of
households which use open
3. Households using
compost pits
4. Households using the
weekly garbage
collection scheme
P3 = Percentage of
households using compost
P4 = Percentage of
households using garbage
collection scheme

Extent of Waste Disposal
= (P3 + P4) - (P1 + P2)

The table above is a useful guide for gathering evidences. However, for
some research studies evidence-gathering will be a real challenge to the researcher.
Here are some examples of such situations:

A Challenging Situation: No Way Out But Use Perceptions as Pseudo-

Example: You wish to find information on the Attitudes of Students Toward
Mathematics. The major problem is to define what is meant by attitude. Perhaps
the most straightforward way of finding out about someones attitudes would be to
ask them. However, attitudes are related to self-image and social acceptance (i.e.
attitude functions). In order to preserve a positive self-image, peoples responses
may be affected by social desirability. They may not well tell about their true
attitudes, but answer in a way that they feel socially acceptable.

Given this problem, various methods of measuring attitudes have been
developed. However, all of them have limitations. In particular the different measures
focus on different components of attitudes cognitive, affective and behavioural
and as we know, these components do not necessarily coincide.

Semantic Differential Scale

The semantic differential technique of Osgood et al. (1957) asks a person to rate an
issue or topic on a standard set of bipolar adjectives (i.e. with opposite meanings),
each representing a seven point scale. To prepare a semantic differential scale,
you must first think of a number of words with opposite meanings that are applicable
to describing the subject of the test.

For example, participants are given a word, for example 'car', and presented with a
variety of adjectives to describe it. Respondents tick to indicate how they feel about
what is being measured

In the picture above, you will find Osgoods map of the responses of twenty (20)
people on the word POLITE. The semantic differential technique reveals
information on three basic dimensions of attitudes: evaluation, potency (i.e. strength)
and activity.

Evaluation is concerned with whether a person thinks positively or negatively
about the attitude topic (e.g. dirty clean, and ugly - beautiful).
Potency is concerned with how powerful the topic is for the person (e.g. cruel
kind, and strong - weak).
Activity is concerned with whether the topic is seen as active or passive (e.g.
active passive).

Using this information we can see if a persons feeling (evaluation) towards an
object is consistent with their behaviour. For example, a place might like the taste of
chocolate (evaluative) but not eat it often (activity). The evaluation dimension has
been most used by social psychologists as a measure of a persons attitude,
because this dimension reflects the affective aspect of an
attitude.(, 2008)

The difficulty that we encounter here stems from the inherent nature of the
phenomenon we are trying to observe. Attitude is mainly an affective domain
concept but what we want to do is try to gather observable evidence of the
phenomenon in the behavioural domain and these two need not coincide. The best
that can be done in situations such as this is to use a Semantic Differential Scale
and report the results in terms of Evaluation, Potency and Activity as separate
components of Attitudes Toward Mathematics, then use these as pseudo-

Likert Scale

Rensis Likert (1958) proposed a more direct measurement of attitude which
involve two domains: cognitive and affective domains. He gives a series of
statements about the phenomenon and the respondent is asked to rate on a scale of
1 to 5 the extent to which he agrees or disagrees with the statement.

Example: Mathematics is a beautiful subject.
1:Strongly Disagree, 2: Disagree 3: No comment 4: Agree 5: Strongly Agree

The positive and negative statements are sequenced randomly in the questionnaire
to avoid faking of responses. A serious limitation of the Likert Scale is the social
desirability effect where respondents tend to answer in a way that is socially
acceptable rather than reveal their true attitudes toward the subject. For instance, if
a teacher wants to know if the use of Computer Assisted Instruction improves the
students attitudes toward Mathematics and if the teacher conducts the study
himself, then the students attitudinal responses to the Likert scale will be influenced
by their perception about their teachers attitude towards what he is trying to prove.

A second limitation of the Likert scale is related to the subsequent data analysis
to be performed on the scores obtained. If no qualifications are put on the choices,
then one cannot use the mean(or weighted mean) as a measure of central tendency
because the numbers themselves are meaningless. The numbers are
categorical/nominal/ordinal but when you qualify the choices (putting some
descriptive numerical meanings to them), then the numbers become interval data.

Proposed Hard Evidence

What hard evidence is needed in the above example which is not based on
perception? One possible way to generate hard evidence is to augment the
questionnaire with a different way of measuring liking of Mathematics as follows:
Present a student with a list of ten things that he would rather do. The list contains
five (5) activities which are non-Mathematical e.g. writing an essay, and five (5)
activities which are Mathematical e.g. solving verbal problems. Ask the student to
select his five most liked activities. Examine the students choices. His Mathematical
liking score is equal to the number of activities which are mathematical in nature
divided by 5 expressed in percentage. The number you will derive is not based on
perception but on the students actual liked activities. This is hard evidence. You can
now correlate this hard evidence score with the mean of the perceptions of the
student to see the extent to which the perceptions coincide with the hard evidence

As an aside, we state here that in so far as Statistical Theory is concerned , we
can always compute the mean and variance of random variables X even if they are
measured in nominal /ordinal/ categorical scales, provided that the underlying
probability distributions have finite mean and variances. What is being objected to by
social scientists when we use the mean for computing the central tendency of data
obtained from a Likert scale is the physical interpretability of the resulting quantity.

Example: Consider a random variable X representing the sex of a respondent.
Let :

X = 0 if the respondent is a male, and X = 1 if the respondent is a female.

Clearly, the variable X is a nominal variable. Suppose that there are 40% female
respondents and 60% male respondents so that:

P(X = 0 ) = .60 and P(X = 1) = .40.

Then, we can compute the mean and variance of this random variable from the
Bernoulli probability distribution:

= mean = 0.40 and
= variance = (.40)x(.60) = 0.24

So, in so far as Statistics is concerned, these are the location and scale parameter
estimates no problem. But, what does a mean sex of = 40% , really mean? This
is the problem of the Social Scientists. This cannot be the mode because obviously
there are more males in our sample; it cannot be the median because there is no
middle sex! What the statistical result really says is that there are 40% ones (1s) in
the data set or 40% female respondents.

The moral lesson of this example is that we must always be conscious of the
INTERPRETATION of the results of statistical analysis. In many instances, this
becomes a source of quarrel among experts: the failure to differentiate between
the two interpretations. No mathematical regulations are violated when you obtain
the mean of nominal random variables but certainly, there are hosts of discipline-
based regulations that are violated by doing so, foremost of which is the common
sense regulation.

Data Reliability

A second characteristic of a good data is reliability. Reliability refers to the
consistency or stability of the information content of the data. In other words if you
gathered your data now about a certain phenomenon and after sometime, gather the
same data from the same set of respondents, then the two data sets should
correlate highly. If you were using evidences then the correlation would be exactly
equal to 1. If you were using perceptions then the correlation would be close to 1 but
not exactly equal to 1 if the data were valid in the first place.

Gathering the same data twice, however , could be tedious or in some instances,
infeasible. The way out is to use what is called a split-half method. In this method,
the reliability coefficient is estimated by correlating the odd and even responses of
the respondents. What you get is a measure of internal consistency or internal
Reliability may be estimated through a variety of methods that fall into two types:
single-administration and multiple-administration. Multiple-administration methods
require that two assessments are administered. In the test-retest method, reliability is
estimated as the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient between two
administrations of the same measure: see also item-total correlation. In the alternate
forms method, reliability is estimated by the Pearson product-moment correlation
coefficient of two different forms of a measure, usually administered together. Single-
administration methods include split-half and internal consistency. The split-half method
treats the two halves of a measure as alternate forms. This "halves reliability" estimate
is then stepped up to the full test length using the Spearman-Brown prediction formula.
The most common internal consistency measure is Cronbach's alpha, which is usually
interpreted as the mean of all possible split-half coefficients. Cronbach's alpha is a
generalization of an earlier form of estimating internal consistency, Kuder-Richardson
Formula 20.
These measures of reliability differ in their sensitivity to different sources of error and
so need not be equal. Also, reliability is a property of the scores of a measure rather
than the measure itself and are thus said to be sample dependent. Reliability estimates
from one sample might differ from those of a second sample (beyond what might be
expected due to sampling variations) if the second sample is drawn from a different
population because the true variability is different in this second population. (This is true
of measures of all typesyardsticks might measure houses well yet have poor reliability
when used to measure the lengths of insects.)

Data-Gathering Instruments
The data-gathering instruments are the devices used to obtain the data required. These
devices may take the following forms:
1. Evidence-Table Checklist. You have seen an example of this in the solid waste
management example of this section. You have three columns: Specific
Dimension, Indicators Per Dimension, Quantitative Evidence . The checklist is
used by the data collectors in gathering evidences.
2. Tests. Tests are the most common form of data-gathering instruments. They are
most useful in the assessment of cognitive abilities. There is a whole subject
dedicated to test construction and item analysis beyond the scope of this book.
3. Questionnaire. A questionnaire consists of statements or questions to which the
respondents are expected to respond. The responses may be limited to a set of
options, such as the Likert Scale option or may be open to any kind of response
(open-ended questionnaires).
4. Semantic Differential Scales. Introduced by Osgood(1957), the instrument has
been described in detail in this section and is useful when obtaining information
in the affective domain. The instrument is able to assess three dimensions:
evaluation, potency and activity.
5. Structured Interview Forms. Similar to a questionnaire, structured interview
forms consists of a series of questions which will be asked by the interviewers to
the respondents. There is usually an added dimension: the interviewer needs to
fill out his impressions of the responses made by the respondents per item.
Whatever data-gathering instrument a researcher decides to use, the important thing to
remember is to be able to elicit valid and reliable data from the responses of the
First, we will discuss the general criteria of a good research instrument:

Validity refers to the extent to which the instrument measures what it intends to
measure. Content validity can be established through the opinions of experts in the area
of knowledge being investigated. For example, an instrument on managerial
effectiveness must be shown to management experts. Each item in the instrument must
be accompanied by explanatory remarks from the researcher as to the concept being
measured by that item. The expert then puts his remarks on whether or not that item
indeed measures the concept.

Reliability refers to the extent to which the instrument is consistent. The
instrument should be able to elicit approximately the same response when applied to
respondents who are similarly situated. Similarly, when the instrument is applied at two
different points in time, the responses must highly correlate with one another. Thus,
reliability can be measured by correlating the responses of subjects exposed to the
instrument at two different time periods or by correlating the responses of the subjects
who are similarly situated.

Internal consistency. If an instrument measures a specific concept and this
concept is measured through questions or indicators, each question must correlate
highly with the total for this dimension. For example, if managerial effectiveness is
measured in terms of five questions, the scores for each question must correlate highly
with the total for managerial effectiveness

Readability refers to the level of difficulty of the instrument relative to the
intended users. Thus, an instrument in English applied to a set of respondents with no
education will be useless and unreadable.

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