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Cow Urine Can Cure Many

Published on Nov 23 2010 08:38 AM | Posted by Guest | Health and Ayurveda |
23,93 vie!s
Please hel" s"read #no!led$e o% Ayurveda by sharin$ these arti&les on %a&eboo#:
'he &o! is a (obile (edi&al dis"ensary) *t is the
treasure o% (edi&ines) +o! urine thera"y is
&a"able o% &urin$ (any &urable and in&urable
diseases) 'he holy te,ts, li#e Atharva -eda,
+hara#a .a(hita, /a0ni Ghuntu, -ridhabha$abhatt,
A(ritasa$ar, 1hava"ra#ash, .ushruta .a(hita,
et&), &ontain beauti%ul des&ri"tion about the
(edi&inal bene2ts o% &o! urine) +o! 3rine
'reat(ent and /esear&h +enter, *ndore has
&ondu&ted a lot o% resear&h over the "ast %e! years
and rea&hed the &on&lusion that it is &a"able o%
&urin$ diabetes, blood "ressure, asth(a, "soriasis,
e&4e(a, heart atta&#, blo&#a$e in arteries, 2ts,
&an&er, A*5., "iles, "rostrate, arthritis, (i$raine,
thyroid, ul&er, a&idity, &onsti"ation, $yne&olo$i&al
"roble(s, ear and nose "roble(s and several other
6 'hose !ho !ish to "ur&hase (edi&inal distilled
&o! urine &an visit the %ollo!in$ !ebsite) 7
'he analysis o% &o! urine has sho!n that it
&ontains nitro$en, sul"hur, "hos"hate, sodiu(,
(an$anese, &arboli& a&id, iron, sili&on, &hlorine,
(a$nesiu(, (el&i, &itri&, titri&, su&&ini&, &al&iu(
salts, -ita(in A, 1, +, 5, 8, (inerals, la&tose,
en4y(es, &reatinine, hor(ones and $old) A "erson
%alls ill !hen there is de2&ien&y or e,&ess o% these
substan&es inside the body) +o! urine &ontains all
o% these substan&es, !hi&h are naturally "resent in
the hu(an body) 'here%ore &onsu("tion o% &o!
urine (aintains the balan&e o% these substan&es
and this hel"s &ure in&urable diseases)
'he *ndian &ulture $ives s"e&ial "la&e to the &o!)
All the 330 (illion $ods have &o! as their "ri(e
te("le 9all devas reside in the &o!:) 5eva (eans
to $ive, the stren$th to $ive, the ability to $ive
(ore and ta#e the (ini(u() 'his is #no!n as
5evata) 'he &o! ta#es very less %ro( us and $ives
us (ore) 'here%ore the *ndian "eo"le have sho!n
this !ith the hel" o% stri&t devotion and dedi&ation)
'hus the &o! has a "ro(inent "la&e in the *ndian
li%e and e&ono(y) ;ealth, reli$ion, en0oy(ent and
salvation are a&&o("lished !ith the servi&e o% the
&o!) 'he *ndian %ar(er used to be #no!n as #in$,
or the $iver o% $rains, due to the tradition
develo"ed in *ndia thousands o% years ba&#) <ur
entire li%e is de"endent on the &o!)
'he !hole !orld ta#es the &o! as their (other) 'he
reason is that the birth=$ivin$ (other $ives (il# to
its &hild only %or one or t!o years, but the (other
&o! $ives (il# throu$hout its li%e, !hi&h is li#e
ne&tar) A bla&# &o! is tied in the .hiva te("le, and
!hen !e see the .hiva alon$ !ith the bla&# &o!
then !e are able to over&o(e the (ale2& e>e&ts o%
"lanets in our natal horos&o"e) ;hen !e see the
an#les o% the &o! !e "rote&t ourselves %ro(
sudden deaths) +ir&u(a(bulatin$ the &o! is
e?uivalent to visitin$ all o% the holy "la&es) As the
"ee"al tree and tulasi "lant $ive o,y$en si(ilarly
&o! is the only ani(al !hi&h "uri2es the air) *% one
s"oon o% "ure $hee is "oured on burnin$ &o! dun$
9in ho(a: then they &an "rodu&e one=ton o% "ure
air, there%ore $hee (ade !ith &o! (il# is used in
sa&ri2&ial 2res and havans) 'here is no better
(ethod to re(ove "ollution)
+o! (il#, butter, $hee and butter(il# are li#e
ne&tar) 'he &o! dun$ is not %ae&es, but a "uri2er) *t
hel"s "rodu&e the best ?uality $rains, %ruits, and
ve$etables !hen used as (anure) +o! urine is a
divine (edi&ine and is a natural "esti&ide %or &ro"s)
Pure $hee (ade !ith &o! (il# "oured on burnin$
&o! &a#es dun$, "rodu&es a s(o#e that subsides
the e>e&t o% "oisonous $as) +o! urine &ontains
&o""er, !hi&h is &onverted into $old inside the
hu(an body) *t re(oves all to,i&ity) 5rin#in$ &o!
(il# $ives stren$th and in&reases the "ure ?ualities
in the hu(an (ind)
'he horns and ba&# hu(" o% the &o! are li#e t!o
"o!er%ul "yra(ids) ;e re&eive the stren$ths o% the
stars and sun throu$h the (ediu( o% &o! dun$,
(il#, &urd, $hee, et&) 'he "la&e !here the &o! is
tied does not "rodu&e any vastu related ill e>e&ts)
*% there is any (ale2& e>e&t o% any "lanet, servin$
the &o! !ith &ha"atti and 0a$$ery &al(s do!n the
(ale2& e>e&t)
'he %ollo!in$ are so(e o% (y "ersonal e,"erien&es
treatin$ "eo"le !ith &o! urine thera"y) A "erson
!as su>erin$ !ith &an&er and had been told that
they !ould not survive %or lon$@ &o! thera"y !as
done on (any su&h &ases) <ut o% the (any
"atients, !ho !ere su>erin$ !ith &an&er %or the
last A years, (any are no! leadin$ a healthy li%e)
*n the sa(e !ay, a diabetes "atient !ho !as
ta#in$ insulin and havin$ a su$ar level o% A88 or
A20 did not have the ne&essity to ta#e insulin a%ter
the treat(ent o% &o! urine) *n the sa(e !ay A*5.,
asth(a, "soriasis, e&4e(a, blood "ressure, heart
disease, "rostrate, "iles, et&), also have been &ured
!ith this treat(ent) Pre(&hand /athore !as
su>erin$ %ro( asth(a and isno"hilia) He had
"al"itations and &ou$h alon$ !ith "hle$() He is
no! en0oyin$ a healthy li%e a%ter ta#in$ &o! urine
thera"y) 'he &ou$h and "hle$( redu&ed) Mrs)
.harda Balani !as havin$ vari&ose veins and
dys(enorrhea) .he used to have s!ollen nerves,
"ain, and s!ellin$ as soon as she used to stand u"
and it !as very "ain%ul at the ti(e o% (enses) .he
!as advised to under$o o"eration %or both o% these
"roble(s) 1ut she !ent %or &o! urine thera"y and
is no! healthy) <("ra#ash Paul su>ered a heart
atta&#) He had hi$h levels o% &holesterol and &hest
"ain) A%ter ta#in$ &o! urine thera"y he is able to
!al# u" to %our #ilo(eters, he does not $et &hest
"ain and his &holesterol level is also nor(al)
+hand(al Gur0ar su>ered !ith &an&er o% the %ood
"i"e %our years ba&#, he &ould not ta#e li?uids also)
No! he is able to eat and drin# "ro"erly, he is
healthy and !or#in$ in the ri&e 2elds) 'here are
thousands o% "eo"le !ho have re&overed %ro(
serious diseases a%ter ta#in$ this thera"y)
'oday (any A*5. "atients are ta#in$ &o! urine
thera"y) Peo"le !ho !ere su>erin$ !ith (i$raine
and heada&he %or the "ast 1C years have
re&overed !ithin si, (onths o% ta#in$ this thera"y)
*n the "ast %e! years the +o! 3rine 'reat(ent and
/esear&h +enter, *ndore has treated 1C0,000
"eo"le) <ut o% the total "atients 8C to 90 "er&ent
!ere also su>erin$ %ro( &onsti"ation) 'here is an
old sayin$ that i% the sto(a&h is &lean hal% o% the
diseases $et &ured auto(ati&ally) 'he "atients
ta#in$ &o! urine thera"y are able to en0oyin$
sound heath !ithin one (onth o% this thera"y)
.ush(a Dhurana had a thyroid &o("laint) 1e%ore
ta#in$ this thera"y her '3 level !as A, 'A !as 1C,
'.H !as 0)2) A%ter si, (onths o% this treat(ent 'A
!as 9)9E, '.H !as 1)3C and today she is %ree o%
this "roble() 'his thera"y is also bene2&ial in the
&ase o% e&4e(a, rin$!or(, it&hin$ and other s#in
"roble(s) <ld e&4e(a "atients have $ained a lot
%ro( this thera"y) Also s&hool and &olle$e a$ed
&hildren &an be %ree %ro( the (ena&e o% "i("les
and a&ne !ith this si("le thera"y)
6 'hose !ho !ish to "ur&hase (edi&inal distilled
&o! urine &an visit the %ollo!in$ !ebsite) 7
+he(i&al &o("osition o% distilled &o! urine:
Nitro$en 9N2, NH2:: /e(oves blood abnor(alities
and to,ins, Natural sti(ulant o% urinary tra&#,
a&tivates #idneys and it is diureti&)
.ul"hur 9.:: .u""orts (otion in lar$e intestines)
+leanses blood)
A((onia 9NH3:: .tabilise bile, (u&ous and air o%
body) .tabilises blood %or(ation)
+o""er 9+u:: +ontrols built u" o% un!anted %ats)
*ron 9Fe:: Maintains balan&e and hel"s in
"rodu&tion o% red blood &ells G hae(o$lobin)
.tabilises !or#in$ "o!er)
3rea +<9NH2:2: A>e&ts urine %or(ation and
re(oval) Ger(i&idal)
3ri& A&id 9+CHANA<3:: /e(oves heart s!ellin$ or
inHa((ation) *t is diureti& there%ore destroys
Phos"hate 9P:: Hel"s in re(ovin$ stones %ro(
urinary tra&#)
.odiu( 9Na:: Puri2es blood) Anta&id)
Potassiu( 9D:: +ures hereditary rheu(atis()
*n&reases a""etite) /e(oves (us&ular !ea#ness
and la4iness)
Man$anese 9Mn:: Ger(i&idal, sto"s $ro!th o%
$er(s, "rote&ts a$ainst de&ay due to $an$rene)
+arboli& a&id 9H+<<H:: Ger(i&idal, sto"s $ro!th o%
$er(s and de&ay due to $an$rene)
+al&iu( 9+a:: 1lood "uri2er, bone stren$thener,
.alt 9Na+l:: 5e&reases a&idi& &ontents o% blood,
-ita(ins A, 1, +, 5, 8: -ita(in 1 is a&tive
in$redient %or ener$eti& li%e and saves %ro(
nervousness and thirst, stren$thens bones and
re"rodu&tive in$redient %or ener$eti& li%e and saves
%ro( nervousness and thirst, stren$thens bones
and re"rodu&tive "o!er)
<ther Minerals: *n&rease i((unity)
Ia&tose 9+H12<:: Gives satis%a&tion), stren$ths
heart, re(oves thirst and nervousness)
8n4y(es: Ma#e healthy di$estive 0ui&es, in&rease
;ater 9H2<:: *t is a li%e $iver) Maintains Huidity o%
blood, (aintains body te("erature)
Hi"uri& a&id 9+$N$No,:: /e(oves to,ins throu$h
+reatinin 9+AH$N2<2:: Ger(i&ide)
Auru( Hydro,ide 9Au<H:: *t is $er(i&idal and
in&reases i((unity "o!er) Au<H is hi$hly
antibioti& and anti=to,i&)
Note: 5ear 1rothers G .isters %or all Hu(an 1ein$s
+o! is Not as !e na(ed it, *tJs the (other %or all o%
;e donJt #no! !hat the GodJs !ill and #indness
that Al(i$hty has $iven us 'his Great Asset , !e
should than# God %or this beauti%ul Gi%t %or
Iet us ta#e oath to save this Great Mother o% 'he
'han#s G 5ee" /e$ards:
-i0ender Atri

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