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Volume I
Part I, II---Main Rules
ouse- !at"#er$ Roa%, La#ore
The Civil Service Rules Vol-I, Part-I was issued by the Govt. of Punjab in ursuance
of Sub-Section !l" of Section #$% of India &ct, '()*, when the ser structure was li+ited to a
s+all nu+ber of ,eart+ents, functionin- under the Punjab Govt. The rules fra+ed in that
boo. were althou-h basic in nature, yet had outlived their utility due to their reu-ancy on
the ro+ul-ation of Civil Servants &ct, '(/$ and the Rules +ade thereunder.
,urin- +y le-al ractice as a service lawyer, I felt considerable confusion in
consultin- the boo.s available in +ar.etin- on service laws. It was also e0erienced that
+any a ti+es, Courts were also unable to reali1e the a+ended osition of law. It was the
reason which actuated the author to ta.e u the job of utodatin- Service 2aws by
incororatin- the a+end+ents +ade so far till date.
The author has tried his level best to +a.e the C.S.R. Vol. I, Part-I utodate and in confor+ity with the e0istin- laws on the subject and the rules +ade by the
co+etent authority in accordance thereof. It was an uhill tas. to bri- the old structure
which was raised so+ewhere in '()*, in consonance with the e0istin- le-al fra+e-wor. as
well as the instructions issued by the S3G&, but the author has endeavoured to achieve
this object. 4e has tried to rotect the ori-inal version of the boo. and wherever felt
necessary, a+end+ents +ade by Govt. have been incororated and co++ents thereon
added, so that the reader +ay not be +isled by the rules which have outlived their utility
due to their redundancy and inconsistance with the Civil Servants &ct, '(/$ and the rules
fra+ed thereunder.
It is a +atter of record that after the ro+ul-ation of India &ct, '()*, so+e
constitutional rotection were +ade available to the civil servants in the 'st Constitution of
Pa.istan, fra+ed in '(*5. Si+ilarly, certain safe-uards were also rovided in the
Constitution of '(5#. &ll those safe-uards have been withdrawn and instead the owers to
re-ulate the civil structure in Punjab have been -iven in the hands of 2e-islature in Punjab
have been -iven in the hands of 2e-islature. Conse6uently, the Punjab &sse+bly assed
Civil Servants &ct, '(/$. &ccordin- to Sub-Section !#" of Section #) of this &ct, any rule or
order, or instructions, in resect of any ter+ and condition of service of a civil servant, duly
+ade or issued by an authority, co+etent to +a.e the+ and enforce, i++ediately before
the co++ence+ent of the &ct,, shall, in so far as such rule, orders or instructions are not
inconsistance with the Civil Servants &ct, '(/$ have still the force of law.
Si+ilarly, the le-al foru+ constituted by the Punjab &sse+bly under the na+e and
title of the Punjab Service Tribunal, by virtue of Section $ of Punjab Service Tribunals &ct
I7 of '(/$, has been vested with e0clusive jurisdiction to adjudicate uon the +atters
relatin- to the ter+s and conditions of service of civil servants in the Province of Punjab.
To hel and -uide reader, the author has tried to +a.e all the rovisions utodate
and wherever felt necessary that further reference is re6uired for consultin- such rules,
foot-notes have been added, so that the reader is not isled in the interretation of the
In the end, I than. to +y assistant, 8r. 8oha++ad Ra+1an 9adri, :.&; 22.:.
Princial, Steno Co++ercial Colle-e, Ichhra, 2ahore for co+ilation of this Co+endiu+
and also to Ch. &tta <lahi, e0-=nder Secretary !Re-ulation >in-", S3G&, 2ahore who
was .ind enou-h to assist the author in locatin- the a+end+ents +ade fro+ ti+e to ti+e
in the &ct and the Rules, till to date.
&lthou-h all out efforts have been +ade to +a.e this Co+endiu+ as
co+rehensive and beneficial as ossible, yet su--estions for i+rove+ent shah' be
welco+ed with uon ar+s and ac.nowled-e -ratefully.
M&'MM'( )'SI* B'++I
Advocate High Court
(ate, -.----//.
-.-Rabbani Roa%,
+'BLE &0 C&*+E*+S
E1+E*+ &0 'PPLIC'+I&* -.-
(E0I*I+I&*S 2.-
?ath of &lle-iance 4.-
Conditions re-ardin- health and a-e@-
i. 8edical certificate of Aitness on first <ntry into
Govern+ent Service
ii. &-e of entry into Govern+ent service 4.5
iii. Vaccination and re-vaccination 4.--
>hole ti+e of a Govern+ent servant at the disosal of Govern+ent 4.-2
Substantive aoint+ent and lien 4.-4
Subscrition to Provident Aunds 4.26
,ate of rec.onin- ay and allowances 4.2-
Char-e of office 4.27
Continuous absence fro+ duty 4.25
Co+ulsory retire+ent 4.28
General 7.-
Ai0ation of initial ay 7.7
Incre+ents 7.5
Transfer fro+ a hi-her to a lower -rade or fro+ a hi-her sta-e to a
lower sta-e
Pay of officiatin- Govern+ent Servants 7.-4
Personal Pay 7.-8
Pay of te+orary osts 7.-/
Co+bination of aoint+ents 7.2-
'((I+I&*S +& P')---
I-Compensatory Allowances
a) General. ..-
b) Co+ensatory allowances, other than a house-rent allowance
or Bun-le allowance or +otor-car or +otorcycle allowance
") 8otor-car or +otor-cycle allowance ..7
%) 4ouse-rent allowance ...
II-Rent o !overnment Residences---
a) General ..9
b) Caital cost of buildin-s and assess+ent of rents
i. Caital cost of a Residence ..8
ii. Standard rent ..-9
c) Conditions of tenancy and rent ayable by Govern+ent
d) Rent free acco++odation and waivin- or reducin- the a+ount
of rent
e) Rent for Secial Services ..45
:) Classification of Residences ..48
g) General Rules and Instructions re-ardin- allot+ent of
III. Compensations ..75
I"-Honoraria and Fees
4onoraria ..7/
Aees ...-
General ..94
(EPU+'+I&* &U+ &0 P'!IS+'*S 9.-
Cessation of Pay and allowances on re+oval or dis+issal 5.-
&llowances durin- eriod of susension 5.2
&llowances on reinstate+ent 5.4
2eave to a Govern+ent servant under susension 5.7
Co++ittal to rison 5..
#ection I---!eneral conditions and e$tent o application---
I--Service countin- for leave 8.-
II--&lication for, and -rant of, leaveC
-. General 8.4
2. &lication for leave-
a) To who+ to be sub+itted 8.7
b) Procedure in case of leave on +edical
Instructions for 8edical ?fficers
8edical certificate for -a1etted Govern+ent servants 8.8
8edical certificate for non--a1etted Govern+ent servants in suerior
8edical certificate for non--a1etted Govern+ent servants in inferior
4. Grant of leave
a) General. 8.-.
b) 2eave beyond the date of co+ulsory
Govern+ent Servants subject to the 2eave Rules in Part & of Section
II of this Chater
Govern+ent servants subject to the 2eave Rules in Part & of Section
III of this Chater
7. &uthorities co+etent to -rant leave 8.27
III--Commen"ement an% e;<ir$ o: lea=e an% "ombination o:
#oli%a$s >it# lea=e
-. Co++ence+ent and e0iry of leave 8.29
2. Co+bination of holidays with leave 8.25
IV--(e<arture on lea=e 8.4.
V--'""e<tan"e o: em<lo$ment %urin? lea=e 8.72
VI--Re"all :rom lea=e 8.74
VI-I-Return :rom lea=e
-. :efore e0iry of leave 8.77
2. Return fro+ leave on +edical certificate 8.7.
4. Reort of return fro+ leave 8.79
VIII--&=ersta$al o: lea=e 8.78
I1--Lea=e Salar$
-. General 8.7/
2. Pay+ent of leave salary 8..6
1--Lea=e '""ounts 8..-
1I--E;tent an% '<<li"ation@
-. ,ifferent sets of 2eave Rules and the cate-ories of
Govern+ent servants subject thereto
2. Periods of off-duty which are not treated as Re-ular
a) Vacation 8.96
b) Casual and 6uarantine leave 8.9-
#ection II--Rules applica%le to !overnment servants %elonging
to category &'( mentioned in rule
General 8.94
Part '--Lea=e to 3o=ernment ser=ants in <ermanent em<lo$--
Introductory 8.9.
Secial and ordinary leave rules--
i. General Rules 8.99
ii. Secial rovision for vacation deart+ents 8.5.
iii. <0traordinary leave 8.59
2eave salary 8.55
&dditional .inds of leave in secial circu+stancesC
i. Secial ,isability 2eave 8.84
ii. Study 2eave 8.89
iii. 8aternity 2eave 8.85
iv. 4osital 2eave 8.8/
2eave to 8ilitary ?fficers 8./4
2eave to Govern+ent servants on deutation out of Pa.istan 8./7
Part B--Lea=e to Probationers an% '<<renti"es-
2eave to Probationers 8./.
2eave to arentices 8./9
Part C--)eave earned %y temporary and oiciating service*
service which is not continuous* and part-time service or
service remunerated wholly or partially %y the payment o
honoraria or daily wages--
2eave earned by te+orary and officiatin- service 8./5
2eave ad+issible to art-ti+e Govern+ent servants and Govern+ent
servants whose service is not continuousC
i. 2aw ?fficers-
&ssistant 2e-al Re+e+brances
Public Prosecutors
Govern+ent Pleaders 8.-65
ii. <ditor and Reorters of the Pa.istan 2aw Reorts 8.-68
iii. ,eart+ental Sub-Re-istrars 8.-6/
2eave ad+issible to Govern+ent servants re+unerated wholly or
artially by the ay+ent of honoraria or dairy wa-es
2eave rules alicable to er+anent iece-wor.ers e+loyed in the
Punjab Govern+ent Presses who are not classed as DinferiorD
2eave rules alicable to er+anent salaried
Industrial <+loyees in the Punjab Govern+ent Presses who are not
classed as DinferiorD
#ection Ill--Rules applica%le to !overnment servants %elonging
to category &+( mentioned in rule ,.-'
,efinitions 8.--9
General Rules and Conditions 8.--5
Part '--Lea=e to 3o=ernment ser=ants in <ermanent em<lo$--
General ProvisionsC
i. <arned 2eave 8.--/
ii. 2eave on rivate affairs 8.-22
iii. 2eave on +edical certificate 8.-24
i=. <0traordinary leave 8.-27
2eave Salary 8.-2.
&dditional .inds of leave in secial circu+stancesC
i. Secial ,isability 2eave 8.-25
ii. Study 2eave 8.-2/
iii. 8aternity leave and 4osital leave 8.-46
2eave to 8ilitary ?fficers 8.-42
2eave to Govern+ent servants on ,eutation out of Pa.istan 8.-44
Part B--Lea=e to <robationers an% a<<renti"es---
2eave to Probationers 8.-47
2eave to &rentices 8.-4.
Part C--Lea=e earne% b$ +em<orar$ an% &::i"iatin? Ser=i"e,
ser=i"e >#i"# is not "ontinuous an% <art-time ser=i"e or ser=i"e
re-munerate% >#oll$ or <artiall$ b$ t#e <a$ment o: #onoraria or
%ail$ >a?es--
2eave to Govern+ent servants not in er+anent e+loyC
i. <arned leave 8.-49
ii. 2eave on 8edical certificate 8.-4/
iii. <0traordinary leave 8.-76
i=. 4osital leave 8.-7-
=. 2eave beyond the date of co+ulsory retire+ent 8.-72
=i. 2eave salary 8.-74
2eave ad+issible to art-ti+e Govern+ent servant and Govern+ent
servants whose service is not continuous 2aw ?fficers-
i. &ssistan 2e-al Re+e+brancers 8.--7
ii. Public Prosecutors and Govern+ent Pleaders 8.-7.
<ditor and Reorters of the Pa.istan 2aw Reorts 8.-79
,eart+ental Sub-re-istrars 8.-75
2eave ad+issible to Govern+ent servants re-+unerated wholly or
artially by the ay+ent of honoraria or daily wa-es
2eave rules alicable to er+anent iece-wor.ers e+loyed in the
Punjab Govern+ent Presses who are not classed as DinferiorD
2eave rules alicable to er+anent salaried industrial e+loyees in
the Punjab Govern+ent Presses who are not classed as DinferiorD.
A&I*I*3 +IME
Conditions under which ad+issible /.-
Calculation of joinin- ti+e /..
Pay durin- joinin- ti+e /.-4
?verstayal and e0tension of joinin- ti+e /.-9
Boinin- ti+e to ersons not is Govern+ent service on joinin- the
Govern+ent service and on reversion fro+ it
C'P+ER 1
<0tent of alication -6.-
General conditions -6.2
Pay and joinin- ti+e -6.8
Contributions for leave salary, ension, etc. -6./
2eave -6.-.
Reversion fro+ Aorei-n Service -6.-8
&dditions to Re-ular <stablish+ent -6.26
SERVICE U*(ER L&C'L 0U*(S --.-
Ga1etted Govern+ent Servants -2.-
Eon-Ga1etted Govern+ent Servants
Service :oo.s -2.2
Service Rolls -2.-6
I-General -4.-
II--Passa-e concessions ad+issible to certain classes of Govern+ent
<0tent of alications -4.9
,efinitions -4.5
Eu+ber of assa-es &d+issible -4.8
Passa-e &ccounts -4./
Passa-es durin- the eriods of Aorei-n Service and durin- service
under other Govern+ent
Passa-es after retire+ent -4.-9
Passa-es for wife and children in case of a Govern+ent servantDs
2ase of balance in the assa-e account -4.-8
&dditions to Schedule -4.-/
Sule+entary rules -4.26
CL'SSI0IC'+I&* &0 SERVICES (I*CLU(I*3 ME+&( &0
RECRUI+ME*+ '*( 'PP&I*+ME*+ +ERE+& '*( *UMBER
'*( C'R'C+ER &0 P&S+S), C&*(UC+, (ISCIPLI*E '*(
#ection I---Classiication o #ervices
a) General -7.-
b) Provincial Services -7..
") Subordinate Services -7.9
#ection II--Conduct and .iscipline
#ection IlI--Punishment and appeals
<0tent of alication -7.8
Penalties -7.-6
&uthority to i+ose unish+ents -7.--
In6uiry before i+osition of certain enalties -7.-4
&eals -7.-7
?rder which +ay be assed by aellate authority -7.-.
Second aeal when a enalty is increased -7.-9
Ri-ht of Re+ission -7.-5
Power of a suerior authority to revise the roceedin-s of an inferior
Prohibition as to collective aeals -7.-/
8anner of resentation of aeal -7.26
>ithholdin- of aeals or alications for revision -7.2-
Savin- of the functions of the Public Service Co++ission -7.22
C&*SE*+ &R(ERS -..-
(ELE3'+I&*S &R(ERS -9.-
I*(E1 (i) to (;i=)
Volume -
-------, o, ------
P'R+ -
Chapter I
E1+E*+ &0 'PPLIC'+I&*
1.1. These rules, which have been issued by the Governor of Punjab under section #$'
of the Govern+ent of India &ct, '()*, !see &endi0 I", +ay be called the Civil Services
Rules !Punjab". They shall co+e into force fro+ the 'st &ril, '($'.
The Punjab Civil Servants &ct, '(/$ was enacted on $th Bune, '(/$ and as er
clause #) of the said &ct which is reroduced, these Rules are enforce so far Das these
rules are not inconsistent with the rovisions of this &ct or rules fra+ed thereafter.
(2) &ny rules, orders or instructions in resect of any ter+s and conditions of
service of civil servants duly +ade or issued by an authority co+etent to +a.e the+ and
in force i++ediately before the co++ence+ent of this &ct shall, in so far as such rules,
orders or instructions are not inconsistent with the rovisions of this &ct, be dee+ed to be
rules +ade under this &ct.
1.2. (a) <0cet as otherwise rovided in rule'.$ infra, or in any other rule or rules, these
rules shall aly to all Govern+ent servants belon-in- to the cate-ories +entioned
below, who are under the ad+inistrative control of the Punjab Govern+ent and whose
ay is debitable to the revenues of the Punjab@-
-. 8e+bers of Provincial Services;
2. 8e+bers of Subordinate Services;
4. 4olders of Secial Posts; and
7. any other Govern+ent servant or class of Govern+ent servants to who+
the co+etent authority +ay, by -eneral or secial order, +a.e the+ alicable.
The Punjab Govern+ent has fra+ed rules for the abolition of classes on )rd Buly,
'(/$ by Eotification Eo. S&R-III---.2B54, which is reroduced with subse6uent
*o. S&R- III--- .2B54.---In e0ercise of the owers conferred by section #) of the
Punjab Civil Servants &ct, '(/$, the Governor of the Punjab is leased to +a.e the
followin- rules @-
1. These rules +ay be called the Punjab Civil Servants !Chan-e in
Eo+enclature of Services and &bolition of Classes" Rules, '(/$.
2. They shall co+e into force at once.
2) In these rules unless there is anythin- reu-nant in the subject or conte0t.
a) FClassesF +eans Class I, Class II, Class III and Class IV in
which the civil osts and services are classified under any rules or orders for the
ti+e bein- in force;
b) FAunctional =nitF +eans a -rou of osts or a art of such
-rou sanctioned as a searate unit in or under a deart+ent;
c) FGradeF +eans Dnational scale of ayD in which a nu+ber of
osts, in a functional unit, carryin- sa+e duties and resonsibilities is laced;
rovided that in the case of a erson who does not ot for the national scales of
ay or the ost which has not been laced in the national scales of ay, FEational
Scale of Pay +eans the resu+tive national scale of ay corresondin- to the
e0istin- scale of ay in which such erson, or as the case +ay be, the ost would
have been laced but for the aforesaid reasons; rovided further that in case of a
erson whose ay has been fi0ed in the national scale of ay corresondin- to the
re-national scales selection -rades or who +oves over to the ne0t hi-her national
scale of ay without chan-e in the nature of duty and assu+tion of hi-her
resonsibilities or under rescribed conditions after reachin- the +a0i+u+ of the
lower national scale of ay, Dnational scale of ayF +eans the lowest national scale
of ay ad+issible for his ost ;D
%) FProvinceF +eans the Province of the Punjab ;
e) FPunjab =nified GradeF +eans the -rade to which a civil
servant is entitled in resect of his e0istin- ost; and
:) FServicesF +eans the Civil Services of the Province and
include civil osts connected with the affairs of the Province.
4) Eotwithstandin- anythin- contained in any rule, order, re-ulation or instruction, the
na+es of services are, with i++ediate effect, chan-ed to Punjab =nified Grades
and all reference to a service in any rule, order, re-ulation or instruction shall,
consistent with the subject and conte0t, be construed as reference to the
resective Punjab =nified Grade..
4) &ll ersons, other than the ersons aointed on ad hoc basis, who i++ediately
before the co+in- into force of these rules were +e+bers of a service or held a
civil ost connected with the affairs of the Province are, subject to their e0istin-
inter se seniority osition, aointed in their e0istin- osts to the resective Punjab
=nified Grade.
.) Eotwithstandin- anythin- contained in the Civil Service Rules and any other rules
or orders for the ti+e bein- in force all classes and classifications of services and
osts as -a1etted and non--a1etted are abolished.
9) Aor the uroses of alication of any e0istin- rule, order or instruction reference
to a class or to a ost as Ga1etted or Eon-Ga1etted shall be construed as
reference to the corresondin- Grade as secified in the table below @
3aCette% Posts Class Corres<on%in? 3ra%es
-. Class I -. Grades -5 to 24.
2. Class II 2. Grade Eo. -9.
4. Secial Ga1etted. 4. Grade Eo. -9.
*on-3aCette% Posts
7. Class III 7. Grades 4 to -..
.. Class IV .. Grades - an% 2.
5) Eotwithstandin- anythin- contained in any rule, order or instruction, all
reservations of osts for uroses of aoint+ent, ro+otion or transfer in favour
of ersons belon-in- to a articular service or cadre, or holdin- a articular ost,
are abolished.
*o. S&R-III---.2B54
+#e %ate% 24r% Aul$, -/57
Subje"t@Punjab Civil Servants !Chan-e in Eo+enclature of Services and
&bolition of Classes" Rules, '(/$.
I a+ directed to refer to the-corresondence restin- with this ,eart+entDs circular
2etter *o. S&RI (S3'DI() ----B57, dated the -4t# Aul$, -/57, with which a coy of the
Rules +entioned in the subject has already been forwarded in the conte0t of abolition of
Service &ssociations. The above Rules have, inter alia, abolished classification of osts
as -a1etted and non--a1etted and also reservation of osts for ro+otion and initial
recruit+ent. In ursuance, and as a conse6uence, of these rovisions the Govern+ent of
the Punjab has further ta.en the followin- decisions@-
i. that reservation of osts for the uroses of initialGdirect recruit+ent,
ro+otion or transfer, in favour of ersons belon-in- to a articular service or
cadre or holdin- a articular ost, which have been abolished by the above rules,
should continue to be followed in accordance with the e0istin- 6uotas for
ro+otion and initialGdirect recruit+ent laid down in various service rules till the
osition is reviewed in the conte0t of &d+inistrative Refor+s; and
ii. that the ractice of notifyin- aoint+ent to Grade-'5 and above in
Govern+ent Ga1ette should continue to be followed.
2) These decisions +ay .indly be brou-ht to the notice of all concerned for
infor+ation and co+liance.
/01E.2nless stated to the contrary in any rule or rules or the
contrary is apparent rom the conte$t* the term 3!overnment #ervant3
includes also a temporary or an oiciating !overnment servant.
b) These rules shall also alyC
1. to the ersons servin- on (i) the staff attached to the 4i-h
Court, 2ahore, and (ii) Secretarial staff of the Governor, in resect of who+ owers
to fra+e rules have been vested in the Chief Bustice and the Governor under
sections #$# !$" and )%* !#" of the Govern+ent of India &ct, '()*, as adated and
+odified by the Pa.istan !Provisional Constitution" ?rder, '($/, resectively !see
&endi0 '"; and
2. to the subordinate ran.s of the Punjab Police forces and
+e+bers of the :order 8ilitary Police aointed under secial &cts relatin- to
those forces in so far as they are not inconsistent with the rovisions in those &cts,
H !vide section #$) of the Govern+ent of India &ct, '()*, as adated and +odified
by the Pa.istan !Provisional Constitution" ?rder, '($/, reroduced in &endi0 '".
1.3. >hen in the oinion of the co+etent authority secial rovisions inconsistent with
these rules are re6uired with reference to any articular ost or any conditions of service,
that authority +ay, notwithstandin- anythin- otherwise contained in these rules, and
subject to the rovisions of subsection !$" of section #$% of the Govern+ent of India &ct,
'()* !see &endi0 '", rovide by a-ree+ent with the erson aointed to such ost for
any +atters in resect of which in the oinion of that authority secial rovisions are
re6uired to be +ade; rovided that in every a-ree+ent so +ade it shall be rovided that
in resect of any +atter for which no rovision has been +ade in the a-ree+ent,
rovisions of these rules shall aly.
-.7. These rules shall not aly toH
i. any Govern+ent servant between who+ and the Govern+ent, a secific
contract .or a-ree+ent subsists in resect of any +atter dealt with herein to the
e0tent u to which secific rovision is +ade in the contract or a-ree+ent !see rule
'.) above";
ii. any erson for whose aoint+ent and conditions of service secial
rovision is +ade by or under any law for the ti+e bein- in force; and
iii. any Govern+ent servant or class of Govern+ent servant to who+ the
co+etent authority +ay, by -eneral or secial order, direct that they shall not
aly in whole or in art. ?ne of such classes of Govern+ent servants is that
e+loyed only occasionally or which is subject to dischar-e at one +onthDs notice
or less. & list of such Govern+ent servants is -iven in &endi0 #.
/01E.ierent types o 4odel orm o agreement or use in the case
o !overnment servants engaged on contract are given in Form C.#.R*
&P%.(* /o.5.
-... If any doubt arises as to whether these .rules aly to any erson or not, the
decision shall lie with the co+etent authority.
1.6. In the case of a Govern+ent servant to who+ these rules aly and who was
servin- 4is 8ajesty in a civil caacity in India on the )'st 8arch, '()/, nothin- in these
rules shall be construed to alter or interret to his disadvanta-e, the rules re-ulatin- his
conditions of service in resect of ay, allowances, leave, ensions, etc., which were
alicable to hi+ on that date, unless the Punjab Govern+ent had ower on Ith 8arch,
'(#5, to +a.e such rules, or the Governor issues orders under the owers vested in hi+
under clause !a" of subsection !)" of section #$' of the Govern+ent of India &ct, '()*
alterin- or interretin- the rules in a disadvanta-eous +anner.
/01E.For the purposes this rule* a person6 who was holding a post
on the +5st o 4arch* 57+8* in an oiciating or provisionally
su%stantive capacity and has %een su%se9uently conirmed in such
post without having reverted thererom shall %e deemed to have %een
serving His 4a:esty on that date.
1.7. =nless otherwise rovided in any rule or rules a Govern+ent servantDs clai+ ay
and allowances shall be re-ulated by the rules in force at the ti+e in resect of which the
ay and allowances are earned; to travellin- allowance by the rules in force at the ti+e
the journeys in resect of which they are +ade are underta.en; to leave by the rules
alicable to hi+ at the ti+e the leave is alied for and -ranted; and to ension by the
rules in force alicable to hi+ at the ti+e when the Govern+ent servant retires or is
dischar-ed fro+ the service of Govern+ent. See also rule '.' !b" of volu+e II of these
-.8. The ower of interretin- these rules is vested in the Ainance ,eart+ent.
/01E.Communications regarding the interpretation and alteration o
these rules should %e addressed to the Finance .epartment through
the Administrative .epartment concerned. In dealing with such
communications Finance .epartment will* where a rule is so
interpreted or altered as to %e to the disadvantage o a person who
%eore the commencement o Part III o the !overnment o India Act*
57+-* was serving His 4a:esty in a civil capacity in India* see that the
provisions o #ection ';5 o su%- "lause 4 (a) are o%served.
Govern+ent of the Punjab have introduced Pay Revision Rules, '(/# vide
Eotification *o. 0( (SR--). -.-4/B56, dated #-5-'(/# and a+ended on '5-*-'(//, hence
the Govern+ent servants are -overned by these Rules so far as their ays, and other
infrin-e benefits are concerned. Aurther Pay Revision has also been +ade in the year
The Pension Rules were introduced in the year '(5) and ti+e to ti+e a+end+ents
have been +ade in those rules. Si+ultaneously Govern+ent has also introduced T&.
Rules '(/5 and revised 2eave Rules, '(I%. The civil servants are -overned by these
rules which have since been e0hausted in nature.
Chapter II
2.-. =nless there be so+ethin- reu-nant in the subject or conte0t, the ter+s defined in
this Chater are used in these rules in the sense here e0lained.
2.2. &ccountant-General +eans the head of the office of audit and accounts subordinate
to the &uditor-General of Pa.istan who .ees the accounts of the Province and
e0ercises audit functions in relation to those accounts on behalf of the &uditor-
General of Pa.istan.
/01E1his deinition covers also the term 3Audit 0icer3.
2.4. &ctive service includes besides ti+e sent on duty in Pa.istan@-
i. Privile-e leave ta.en under the Civil Service Re-ulations, first four +onths of leave
on avera-e ay ta.en under Aunda+ental Rule I' or under rule I-/) of these rules and
earned leave not e0ceedin- '#% days in any one sell of leave ta.en under rules I-''5
and I-''I.
ii. Ti+e sent on the voya-e to Pa.istan by a Govern+ent servant who is recalled to
duty before the e0iry of any reco-nised leave out of Pa.istan rovided his return to duty
is co+ulsory.
iii. The eriod of absence fro+ Pa.istan of a Govern+ent servant deuted or
detained out of Pa.istan on duty.
2.7. Actual 1ravelling e$penses +eans the actual cost of transortin- a Govern+ent
servant with his servants and ersonal lu--a-e, includin- char-es for ferry and
other tolls, and for carria-e of ca+ e6ui+ent, if necessary. It does not include
char-es for hotels, travellers bun-alows or refresh+ents or for the carria-e of
stores or conveyances or for resents to coach+en and the li.e, or any allowance
for such incidental losses or e0enses as the brea.a-e of croc.ery, wear and tear
of furniture and the e+loy+ent of additional servants.
2... Age>hen a Govern+ent servant is re6uired to retire, revert, or cease to be on
leave on attainin- a secified a-e, the day on which he attains that a-e is
rec.oned as a day, and the Govern+ent servant +ust retire, revert, or
cease to be on leave !as the case +ay be" with effect fro+ and includin- that day.
2.9. &rentice +eans a erson deuted for trainin- in a trade or business with a view
to e+loy+ent in Govern+ent service, who draws ay at +onthly rates fro+
Govern+ent durin- such trainin-, but is not e+loyed in or a-ainst a substantive
vacancy in the cadre of a deart+ent.
The avera-e ay of a +ilitary officer who is -ranted rent free 6uarters and thereby
fore-oes lod-in- allowance and in lieu thereof, shall, if he -ives u such 6uarters before
-oin- on leave, be calculated as thou-h he had been drawin- durin- the eriod of
occuation the lod-in- allowance to which he would otherwise have been entitled.
/01E &'( &5(1he term 3average emoluments3 o a civil servant
means the average o the pay *that he drew or would have drawn* had
he not %een on leave with leave salary or on <oining time or under
=suspension which is not ad:udged as a penalty during the last twelve
months o service. I during the last twelve months o his- service a
civil servant has %een a%sent rom duty on leave without pay* or has
%een under suspension as a >ind o penalty* the periods so spent
shall %e disregarded in the calculation o the average emoluments and
an e9ual period %eore the twelve months shall %e included3.
PR0"I.E. that in case the pay o a !overnment servant is
reduced* otherwise than as a penalty under the !overnment #ervants
&Eiciency and .iscipline( Rules* the average pay at the option o the
pensioner* %e calculated on the %asis o the emoluments admissi%le
during the last three years o service3.
&'( 1his amendment shall apply to a civil servant retiring on or
ater 5st day o Fe%ruary* 5787.
2.8. :arrister +eans a ractisin- barrister of <n-land or Ireland, and a ractisin-
+e+ber of the Aaculty of &dvocates of the Court of Sessions of Scotland. It does
not include a erson who, thou-h called to the :ar, has never ractised the
rofession of barrister.
2./. Cadre +eans the stren-th of a service or a art of a service sanctioned as a
searate unit.
2.-6. Ca+ e6uia-e +eans the aaratus for +ovin- a ca+.
2.--. Ca+ e6ui+ent +eans tents and the re6uisites for itchin- and furnishin- the+
or, where tents are not carried, such articles of ca+ furniture as it +ay be
necessary in the interests of the ublic service for a Govern+ent servant to, ta.e
with hi+ on tour.
2.12. Chief Public ?ffice +eansH
&t the head6uarters of a
The Court of the ,euty Co++issioner
&t an ?ut-ost or Tehsil The Court of the ?fficer inchar-e of the ?ut-ost or
&t Canton+ent and all other
The Police Station, or, if there be no olice station, the
Post ?ffice, or if there be no Post ?ffice, the oint
desi-nated by co+etent authority.
2.13. Co+ensatory allowance +eans an allowance -ranted to +eet
ersonal e0enditure necessitated by the secial circu+stances in which duty is
erfor+ed. It includes a travellin- allowance but does not include a su+tuary
allowance nor the -rant of a free assa-e by sea to or fro+ any lace outside
/01E 5.1he allowances granted to Proessors o 4edical College
who are denied the privilege o private practice should %e treated as
compensatory allowances.
/01E '.#ee the e$planation and note 5 under rule '.-'.
2.14. Co+etent authority in relation to the e0ercise, of any ower
+eans the &d+inistrative ,eart+ent concerned of Govern+ent actin- in
consultation with the Ainance ,eart+ent, or any other authority to which such
ower +ay be dele-ated. Ainance ,eart+ent +ay rescribe cases in which its
consent to the e0ercise or dele-ation of any ower under these rules by the
authorities secified +ay be considered to have been -iven. Such cases have
been detailed in Chaters 7V and 7VI.
/01E 2nless the contrary appears rom the contest the High
Commissioner or Pa>istan e$ercise the powers o the competent
authority e$cept in respect o rules ,?,+* ,-,;* ,?5'8 and ,?5', in so
ar as !overnment servants on leave in the 2nited @ingdom are
2.15. ,ay +eans a calendar day, be-innin- and endin- at +idni-ht;
but the eriod, occuied by a journey which be-ins and ends at head6uarters and
which does not e0ceed twenty-four hours, shall be rec.oned for all uroses as
one day, at whatever hours the absence be-ins or ends.
2.16. .uty-- (a) (ut$ in"lu%es E
'. service in Pa.istan as a robationer or arentice, rovided that, in the case of an
arentice, on confir+ation either in the ost for which he was under-oin- arenticeshi
or in any other ost, he cannot count his arentice eriod for leave as if it had been
service rendered substantively in a er+anent ost;
#. joinin- ti+e;
3. e0tra leave on avera-e ay -ranted to a Govern+ent servant under-oin-
treat+ent at a Pasteur Institute or centre.
b) & Govern+ent servant is also treated as on duty under the circu+stances
secified in the schedule to this Chater.
/01E. /o leave o any >ind can %e treated as duty or the purposes
o any rule unless the contrary* is e$pressly stated therein.
2.17. Aa+ily +eans a Govern+ent servantDs C
i. wives,
ii. le-iti+ate children and ste-children less than '# years old,
iii. le-iti+ate children and ste-children not less than '# years old, if residin- with and
wholly deendent uon hi+, and
iv. <0cet in rules #.(', #.((, #.')(, #.'$% and #.'$( of Travellin- &llowance Rules,
arents, sisters, and +inor brothers if residin- with and wholly deendent uon hi+.
/01E 5.--Aives and only those sons* who have not attained the age o
'; years and are wholly dependent on and residing with the
!overnment servant* are included in a amily or the purposes o these
/01E '.-1he term 3legitimate children3 in this rule does not include
adopted children e$cept those adopted under the Hindu )aw.
/01E +-4arried* divorced or widowed daughters and not ordinarily
included in the term 3amily3 %ut any speciic cases which may arise
will %e decided %y the competent authority on their merits.
2.18. Aee +eans a recurrin- or non-recurrin- ay+ent to a
Govern+ent servant fro+ a source other than -eneral revenues, whether +ade
directly to the Govern+ent servant or indirectly throu-h the inter+ediary of
2.19. Ainance ,eart+ent +eans the Ainance ,eart+ent of the
Punjab Govern+ent.
2.20. Airst aoint+ent includes the aoint+ent of a erson not at
the ti+e holdin- any aoint+ent under Govern+ent, even thou-h he +ay have
reviously held such an aoint+ent.
2.21. Aorei-n service +eans service in which a Govern+ent servants
receives his substantive ay with the sanction of Govern+ent-
a) fro+ any source other than the revenues of the Govern+ent of Pa.istan or
of a rovince of the Railway ,eart+ent, or
b) fro+ a Co+any a State Railway. It e0cludes Pa.istan Aorei-n
2.22. Ga1etted Govern+ent servant is a Govern+ent servant
belon-in- to the &ll-Pa.istan, Secialist or Provincial Services and any other
Govern+ent servant holdin- a ost which +ay be declared to be a -a1etted ost
by co+etent authority.
2.23. General revenues include the revenues of the Govern+ent of
Pa.istan, of a rovince and of a Railway ,eart+ent and e0clude the revenues of
a local fund.
2.24. Govern+ent +eans the Punjab Govern+ent in the
&d+inistrative ,eart+ent.
2.25. 4ead of ,eart+ent +eans the authority shown in colu+n * of
&endi0 , to the Punjab :ud-et 8anual !Third <dition" in resect of the
Govern+ent servants whose ay is char-ed to the corresondin- head of account
in colu+n # of that &endi0, with the followin- e0cetions @-
-. 4is e0cellency the Governor is 4ead of the ,eart+ent with resect to hi+self and
his ersonal staff.
2. Co++issioners are 4eads of ,eart+ents with resect to the Govern+ent
servants whose ay is char-ed to the -rou heads FCo++issionersF and F,istrict
4. The followin- officers of the Aorest ,eart+ent are 4eads of ,eart+ents for the
establish+ent servin- in their circles detailed a-ainst the+ @-
i. Conservator of Aorests, 8ultan
a) Subordinates <stablish+ent
co+risin- Aorests Ran-ers, ,euty
Ran-ers, Aoresters and Aorest Guards.
ii. Conservator of Aorests, 2ahore
b) 8inisterial <stablish+ent,
iii. Conservator of Aorests, Rawalindi
") Inferior servants and +enials.
2.26. Heads o 0ices +eans the authorities desi-nated as
,isbursin- ?fficers in &endi0 , to the Punjab :ud-et 8anual !Third <dition" or
any other Govern+ent servant declared to be the head of an office by co+etent
2.27. The 4ead6uarters of a Govern+ent servant are-
a) if he is a +i-ratory Govern+ent servant, 2ahore or su++er head6uarters of
Govern+ent, if any, accordin- to the lace where he is for the ti+e bein- in
residence ;
b) if he is a non-+i-ratory Govern+ent servant attached to the 4ead6uarters
of Govern+ent, 2ahore, and
") in the case of any other Govern+ent servant, the station which has been
declared to be his head6uarters by co+etent authority or, in the absence of such
declaration, the station where the records of his office are .et.
2.28. 4ill station +eans any lace which a co+etent authority +ay
declare to be a hill station. It includes-
a) 8urree and its suburbs, i.e, Juldana, :arian, =er and 2ower Toa,
Chan-la Gali and Gharial;
b) Sa.esar;
") Tilla;
%) Aort 8unro.
2.29. 4oliday +eans-
a) a holiday rescribed or notified by or under section #* of the Ee-otiable
Instru+ents &ct, 'II'; and
b) in relation to any articular office, a day on which such office is ordered, by
notification of Govern+ent in the Ga1ette, to be closed for the transaction of
Govern+ent business without reserve or 6ualification.
2.30. 4onorariu+ +eans a recurrin- or non-recurrin- ay+ent
-ranted to a Govern+ent servant fro+ -eneral revenues as re+uneration for
secial wor. of an occasional character.
2.31. Inferior service +eans any .ind of service which +ay be
secially classed
as such by an order of the co+etent authority and any other .ind of service in a
ost the ay of which, or if the ost is on an incre+ental scale the +a0i+u+ ay of
which, does not e0ceed Rs. 5%; rovided that@
a) the restorers irresective of their ay; and
b) the incu+bents as e0istin- on the '(th Eove+ber, '()$, of the osts on ay
e0ceedin- Rs. '% who were classed as suerior under the then e0istin- orders, will
continue to be classed as suerior.
/01E-A list o !overnment servants specially classed as inerior is
given in Appendi$ +* Part 5.
2.32. <oining time +eans the ti+e allowed to a Govern+ent servant
in which to join a new ost or to travel to or fro+ a station to which he is osted.
2.33. )eave on average &or hal or 9uarter average( ay +eans
leave on leave salary e6ual to avera-e !or half or 6uarter avera-e" ay, as
re-ulated by rules I./I and I./(.
2.34. )eave salary +eans the +onthly a+ount aid by Govern+ent
to a Govern+ent servant on leave.
2.4.. 2ien +eans the title of a Govern+ent servant to hold
substantively, either i++ediately or on the ter+ination of a eriod or eriods of
absence, a er+anent ost, includin- a tenure ost, to which he has been
aointed substantively.
'.+B. )ocal Fund means-
a) revenues ad+inistered by bodies which by law or rule havin- the force of
law co+e under the control of Govern+ent, whether in re-ard to roceedin-s
-enerally or to secific +atters such as the sanctionin- of their bud-ets, sanction
to the creation or fillin- u of articular osts, r the enact+ent of leave, ension or
si+ilar , rules; and
b) the revenues of any body which +ay be secially notified by the co+etent
authority as such.
2.37. 4igratory !overnment servant +eans a Govern+ent servant
who is re6uired to +ove with the Govern+ent between 2ahore and su++er
head6uarters of Govern+ent, if any.
2.38. 4ilitary commissioned oicer +eans a co++issioned officer
other than-
i. a deart+ental co++issioned officer; and
ii. a co++issioned officer of the Pa.istan &r+y 8edical Cors.
It does not include a warrant officer.
2.39. 8ilitary ?fficer +eans any officer fallin- within the definition of
co++issioned officer, or included in subclause !i" or !ii" of rule #.)I above, or any
warrant officer.
2.40. 8inisterial servant +eans a Govern+ent servant of a
subordinate service whose duties are entirely clerical, and any other class of
Govern+ent servants secially defined as such by -eneral or secial order of the
co+etent authority.
2.41. 8onth +eans a calendar +onth. In calculatin- a eriod
e0ressed in ter+s of +onths and days, co+lete calendar +onths, irresective of
the nu+ber of days in each, should first be calculated and the odd nu+bers of
days calculated subse6uently.
E$ample--ln calculating a period o + months and 'C days rom '-th
<anuary* months should %e ta>en as ending on ';th April and the 'C
days on 5;th 4ay. In the same way the period rom +Cth <anuary to
'nd 4arch should %e rec>oned as 5 month and ' days* %ecause one
month rom +Cth <anuary ends on ',th Fe%ruary. A period o one
month and '7 days commencing rom the 5st <anuary will e$pire* in an
ordinary year &in which Fe%ruary is a month o ', days( on the last day
o Fe%ruary* %ecause a period o '7 days cannot o%viously mean .to
e$ceed a period o ull calendar month and leave or two months rom
5st <anuary would end on the last day o Fe%ruary. 1he same would %e
the case i Fe%ruary were a month o '7 days or i the %ro>en period
were ', days &in an ordinary year(.
2.42. ?fficiate-& Govern+ent servant officiates in a ost when he
erfor+s the duties of a ost on which another erson holds a lien. & co+etent
authority +ay, if it thin.s fit, aoint a Govern+ent servant to officiate in a vacant
ost on which no other Govern+ent servant holds a lien.
2.43. ?verseas ay +eans ay -ranted to a Govern+ent servant in
consideration of the fact that he is servin- in a country other than the country of his
a) Pay +eans the a+ount drawn +onthly by a Govern+ent servant as-
i. the ay, other than secial ay or ay -ranted in view of his ersonal
6ualifications, which has been sanctioned for a ost held by hi+ substantively or in an
officiatin- caacity or to which he is entitled by reason of his osition in a cadre, and
ii. overseas ay, technical ay, secial ay and ersonal ay, and
iii. any other e+olu+ents which +ay be secially classed as ay by the co+etent
In case of a 8ilitary ?fficer in receit of the rates of ay introduced on Buly 'st,
'($/, ay includes the a+ount which he receives +onthly under the followin-
i. Pay of ran..
ii. ,earness allowance.
iii. >ar e0cess if any.
b) In the case of a 8ilitary ?fficer in receit of the rates of ay in force before
Buly 'st, '($/, ay includes the a+ount which he receives +onthly under the
followin- desi-nations@-
i. Pa.istan &r+y ay and allowances of the ran. and staffGadditional ay !ay and
allowances of the ran. as laid down in rule ) P. and &. Re-ional, Volu+e I,
StaffG&dditional ay under &.I !I" 5%G$$".
ii. Consolidated ay of aoint+ent.
/01E 5.<udicial pay has %een classed as pay under rule '.;;&a( &iii(.
/01E '.I language allowances are lump sum allowances* they will
%e dealt with under rule ---. I they are recurring payment they will all
under the head 3pay3 under clause &a( &iii( o this rule.
/01E +I the allowances granted to medical oicers in medical
charge o Railway employees are paid rom general revenues they will
%e classiied as 3special pay3. I they are paid %y companies they
cannot %e treated as 3special pay3 unless contri%ution is paid.
2.45. Pension-<0cet when the ter+ FensionF is used in
contradistinction to FGratuityF, ension includes Gratuity.
2.46. Per+anent ost +eans a ost carryin- a definite rate of ay
without li+it of ti+e.
2.47. Personal ay +eans additional ay -ranted to a Govern+ent
servant K
a) to save hi+ fro+ a loss of substantive ay in resect of a er+anent ost
other than a tenure ost due to a revision of ay or to any reduction of such
substantive ay otherwise than as a discilinary +easure; or
b) in e0cetional circu+stances, on other ersonal considerations.
2.48. Presu+tive ay of a ost, when used with reference to any
articular Govern+ent servant, +eans the ay to which he would be entitled if he
held the ost substantively and were erfor+in- its duties; but it does not include
secial ay unless the Govern+ent servant erfor+s or dischar-es the wor. of
resonsibility, or is e0osed to the unhealthy conditions, in consideration of which
the secial ay was sanctioned.
/01E1he irst part o the deinition is intended to acilitate the use
o the term in relation to a !overnment servant who has %een a%sent
rom a post or some time %ut still retains a lien on it.
2.49. Pro%ationer +eans a Govern+ent servant e+loyed on
robation in or a-ainst a substantive vacancy in the cadre of a deart+ent. This
ter+ does not, however, cover a Govern+ent servant who holds substantively a
er+anent ost in a cadre and is +erely aointed Fon robationF to another ost.
-. The status of a robationer is to be considered as havin- the
attributes of a substantive status e0cet where the rules rescribe otherwise.
2. Eo erson aointed substantively to a er+anent ost in a cadre is a robationer
unless definite conditions of robation have been attached to his aoint+ent, such as
condition that he +ust re+ain on robation endin- the assin- of certain e0a+ination.
2.50. Pu%lic conveyance +eans a train, stea+er or other
conveyance which lies re-ularly, thou-h not necessarily at fi0ed intervals, a
re-ular course or the conveyance of assen-ers and does not deviate therefro+
accordin- to the wishes of assen-ers. Cabs, cars and horses are not re-arded as
ublic conveyances.
2.51. Reserved post +eans a ost which used to be filled by a
erson aointed by the Secretary of State to a civil service or a civil ost under
the crown in undivided India and which in the chan-ed circu+stances shall be filled
by a erson aointed by the Governor-General.
2.52. #pecial pay +eans an addition, of the nature of ay, to the
e+olu+ents of a ost or of a Govern+ent servant, -ranted in consideration ofH
a) the secially arduous nature of the duties; or
b) a secific addition to the wor. or resonsibility; or
") the unhealthiness of the locality in which the wor. is erfor+ed.
E$planation 1he circumstances which :ustiy the grant to a
!overnment servant o special pay are entirely dierent in character
rom those which :ustiy the grant o a compensatory allowance* a
dierence emphasised in the deinition o those terms em%odied in
rules '.5+ and '+'. 1hese deinitions should %e strictly construed and
an e$act compliance re9uired with the conditions stated in them as
antecedent to the grant o either special pay or compensatory
allowance. 1here is no necessary interdependence %etween special
pay and compensatory allowance. It is not the intention o the rules
either that where the cost o living would :ustiy the grant to a
!overnment servant o a compensatory allowance* he should %e
rendered ineligi%le or such allowance %ecause he has already %een
granted special pay in recognition o the duties and responsi%ilities o
his post or that i the attachment o special pay to a post is :ustiied
under the terms o the rules it should %e su%:ect to reduction %ecause
or reasons essentially dierent* a compensatory allowance as deined
in rule '.5+ is su%se9uently granted.
/01E 5.1he reasons or the grant o special pay and compensatory
allowance should %e recorded in the sanctioning orders so that their
classiication may %e duly watched in audit. In cases in which an
oicial record in an open letter is considered undesira%le it should %e
possi%le to communicate the reasons conidentially to the
/01E '.Ahen special pay has %een sanctioned in the orm o a
portion or percentage o pay in the ordinary line and the pay in the
ordinary line includes an element o sterling overseas pay* such
special pay should %e determined as ollows6
a) the secial ay is ad+issible on the sterlin- overseas ay as well as on the
ruee basic ay;
b) the secial ay +ust be e0ressed and drawn wholly in ruees ;
") the sterlin- overseas ay should for the urose of calculatin- the secial
ay be converted into ruees at the rate of #s. ' #(G)# d to the ruee
2.53. 1he sphere o duty of a Govern+ent servant is the local area
outside which he cannot travel without the secial orders of co+etent authority.
The shere of duty of 4eads of ,eart+ents other than Co++issioners is the
Punjab; of Co++issioners their resective divisions; and of other Govern+ent
servants as +ay be ordered by co+etent authority.
2.54. #u%sistence grant +eans a +onthly -rant +ade to a
Govern+ent servant who is not in receit of ay or leave salary.
2.55. #u%stantive pay +eans the ay, other than secial ay,
ersonal ay or e+olu+ents classed as ay by the co+etent authority under rule
#.$$!a" !iii", to which a Govern+ent servant is entitled on account of a ost to
which he has been aointed substantively or by reason of his substantive osition
in a cadre.
/01E 5.#u%stantive pay includes the pay drawn %y a pro%ationer in
a post to which he has %een appointed on pro%ation.
/01E '.#u%stantive pay does not include overseas pay.
2.56. #uperior service +eans service in a ost which carries a ay
Rs. #* or in the case of a ost on an incre+ental scale, the +a0i+u+ ay of which
e0ceeds Rs. #*, unless such service has been classed as inferior, and any other
service which is secially classed as suerior, rovided that the incu+bents, as
e0istin- on the'(th Eove+ber '()$, of the osts on ay e0ceedin- Rs. '% who
were classed as suerior under the then e0istin- orders, will continue to be classed
as suerior.
/01E. A list o !overnment servants specially classed as superior
is given in Appendi$ +* Part II.
2.57. 1echnical pay +eans ay -ranted to a Govern+ent servant by
consideration of the fact that he has received technical trainin- in <uroe of
2.58. 1emporary post +eans a ost carryin- a definite rate of ay
sanctioned for a li+ited ti+e. Such a ost can either be held substantively or in an
officiatin- caacity.
2.59. 1enure post +eans a er+anent ost which an individual
Govern+entD servant +ay not hold for +ore than li+ited eriod.
/01EIn case o dou%t a competent authority will decide whether a
particular post is or is not a tenure post.
a) Ti+e scale ay +eans ay which, subject to any conditions rescribed in
these rules, rises by eriodical incre+ents fro+ a +ini+u+ to a +a0i+u+.
b) Ti+e scales are said to be identical if the +ini+u+, the +a0i+u+, the
eriod of incre+ent and the rate of incre+ent of the ti+e scales are identical.
c) & ost is said to be on the sa+e ti+e-scale as another ost on a ti+-scale
if the two ti+e scales are identical and the osts fall within a cadre, or a class in a
cadre, such cadre or class havin- been created in order to fill all osts involvin-
duties of aro0i+ately the sa+e character or de-ree of resonsibility, in a service
or establish+ent or -rou of establish+ents ; so that the ay of the holder of any
articular ost is deter+inated by his osition in the cadre or class, and not by the
fact that he holds that ost.
?n the introduction of Eational Pay Scales in year '(/#. The ti+e scales were
revised on #nd Bune, '(/# and further these scales were revised on '5th 8ay, '(// and
year '(I5. It is therefore, su--ested that these rules +ay .indly be consulted.
/01E.Identical time-scales one governed %y the Civil #ervice=
Regulations and the other %y these rules can %e treated as identical
or the purpose o the Pay Chapter o these Rules. Ahen two posts are
on identical time-scales it is reasona%le to hold that the duties and
responsi%ilities o the posts art not very dierent in nature*
irrespective o the act whether the pay o the posts is governed %y the
Civil #ervice Regulations or these Rules. .uty rendered in one o them
may* thereore* %e allowed to count towards increment in the other.
2.61. Transfer +eans the +ove+ent of a Govern+ent servant fro+
one head6uarters station in which he is e+loyed to another such station, eitherC
a) to ta.e u the duties of a new ost; or
b) in conse6uence of a chan-e of his head6uarters.
It does not, however, include the +ove of a +i-ratory Govern+ent servant between
2ahore and su++er head6uarters of Govern+ent, if any.
2.62. 1ravelling allowance +eans an allowance -ranted to a
Govern+ent servant to cover the e0enses which he incurs in travellin- in the
interests of the ublic service. It includes allowances -ranted for the +aintenance
of conveyances, horses and tents.
The Govern+ent of the Punjab has issued Punjab Travellin- &llowances Rules
vide notification letter Eo. A.,G&ccuntsG?S,G$(I on '%th Buly, '(/5 and ti+e to ti+e
a+end+ents were +ade therein. It is therefore, reco++ended that the Rules +ay also
be consulted as these Rules Fwere fra+ed in e0ercise of the owers conferred by Section
#) of the Punjab Civil Servants &ct, '(/$.
FRe:erre% to in Rule 2.-9 (b)G
I. & Govern+ent servant is treated as on duty under the followin- circu+stances@-
i. F>hen he is followin- a duly authorised course of trainin- or instruction in Pa.istan
orGand abroad, this includes trainin- rescribed for ost in the ServiceGRecruit+ent Rules
or otherwise, re6uire or be under-one by a erson aointed by the aointed by the
+ethod of initial recruit+ent before he is -iven full char-e of the ost.F
/01E 51he period o 4ilitary training o Civil !overnment servants*
admitted to the Army in Pa>istan Reserve o 0icers or the Pa>istan
1erritorial Forces or enrolled in the Pa>istan /ational !uard* or the
Royal Pa>istan /avy "olunteer Reserve is treated as duty.
/01E '1he period spent %y Civil !overnment servants whether paid
rom the .eence #ervices Estimates or the Civil Estimates on training
at Pre-Cadet Provincial #chool will with the permission o the Head o
the 0ice %e treated as duty. 1his concession is also admissi%le to
temporary !overnment servants only or so long as they would have
continued in service %ut or their training. 1hese orders will have
eect rom 5st 0cto%er* 57;'.
E$ception 51eachers in !overnment service who are untrained or
who %eing trained are desirous o undergoing a urther course o
training shall not %e regarded as on duty during the course o training.
1hey may %e granted leave thereore under the ordinary rules with
such leave salary as may %e admissi%le.
1he provisions o the a%ove e$ception do not apply in the ollowing
a( women teachers re9uired to undergo a duly authorised course o
training approved %y competent authorityD
%( teachers and Assistant .istrict Inspectors o #chools re9uired to
attend a course in physical trainingD and
c( Physical 1raining #upervisors in !overnment Colleges re9uired to
attend the Elementary )i%rary Routine Class conducted %y the Pun:a% 2niversity.
d) Aomen teachers rom the !overnment Industrial #chools or !irls or
rom !overnment 1ravelling .emonstration Parties re9uired to undergo industrial
training at the Industrial 1eachers 1raining Class or Aomen* )ahore.
E$ception '. For the purpose o counting service or leave* an I.C#. or
C.#.P. pro%ationer who :oins the service in 578' and in su%se9uent
years should %e treated as on duty rom the date on which he %egins
to draw pay on the I.C.#. or C.#.P. time scale* as the case may %e.
ii. In the case of a student, stiendiary or otherwise, who is entitled to be aointed to
the service of Govern+ent i++ediately on assin- throu-h a course of trainin- at
=niversity, Colle-e or School in Pa.istan; durin- the interval between the date of
declaration that he has co+leted the course satisfactorily and his assu+tion of duties.
iii. ?n the first arrival in Pa.istan of Govern+ent servants aointed in <n-land or
abroad who do not, before they reort the+selves at the seat of the Govern+ent of the
Punjab, receive orders to ta.e char-e of a secified ost@ durin- the interval between the
date of such reort and the date on which they ta.e char-e of their duties, rovided that
the interval between the receit of orders and their assu+tion of their duties shall not
e0ceed the a+ount of joinin- tune which would be ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant
entitled to joinin- ti+e under the rules in Chater I7.
i=. In the case of Govern+ent- servants er+itted to aear at an .otional
e0a+ination rescribed by Govern+ent in any ?riental lan-ua-e durin- the ti+e sent in
rearation in Pa.istan for and attendance at the e0a+ination, subject to the conditions
+entioned below @-
-. Aor candidates for standards below that of hi-h roficiency a reasonable
ti+e, includin- the day or days of e0a+ination, is allowed for the journey to and
fro+ the lace of e0a+ination and nothin- +ore.
2. In the case of a candidate for the 4i-h Proficiency and ,e-ree of 4onour
<0a+inations in all ?riental lan-ua-es a eriod for rearation before the
e0a+ination will be allowed at the discretion of a co+etent authority which will not
e0ceed three +onths. If the lan-ua-e is Sans.rit, &rabic or Persian, the candidate
+ust -ive an to send the eriod allowed under rofessional tuition at
a lace aroved by the co+etent authority.
4. If this lace is, in the case of Persian, in Persia ; or in the case of &rabic, hi
&rabia, 8esoota+ia, <-yt or Syria; or in the case of Sans.rit, any lace
aroved by a co+etent authority the eriod allowed for rearation +ay be
e0tended to si0 +onths in all.
7. The eriods allowed for rearation under conditions !#" and !)" above are
not ad+issible +ore than once, nor can the eriods be co+bined or be ta.en in
instal+ents. The eriod er+issible in each case also covers the day or days of
the e0a+ination and the ti+e sent in roceedin- to and fro+ the lace of
.. The lace of rearation +ust be aroved before hand by the co+etent
=. In the case of an <n-ineer ?fficer of the Public >or.s ,eart+ent
not aointed fro+ any Civil <n-ineerin- Colle-e in Pa.istan who is re6uired under
the rules of the deart+ent to ass an obli-atory .e0a+ination in a Vernacular
lan-ua-e, for a eriod not e0ceedin- three +onths to be sent in Punjab, subject
to the conditions +entioned below @-
-. This eriod of three +onths +ay be ta.en in instal+ents by a
Govern+ent servant rearin- hi+self for one or +ore e0a+inations, but it
reresents the +a0i+u+ a--re-ate a+ount of leave which +ay be allowed for the
2. & Govern+ent servant who has already assed an
e0a+ination in a lan-ua-e by the lower standard is not entitled to count as duty
under this rule any ti+e ta.en for rearin- hi+self for an e0a+ination in the sa+e
lan-ua-e by the hi-her standard.
3. &s this concession is -ranted for a secific urose, vi1., to
enable Govern+ent servants to reare the+selves for an e0a+ination, they
should, after co+letin- the e0a+ination, return to duty at once if not roceedin-
on leave, and not wait until the e0iry of the full eriod sanctioned for the urose.
/01E.For the purpose o this Rule @ashmir is also included in the
=i. ,urin- the eriod occuied in attendin- all other obli-atory
e0a+inations includin- the ti+e reasonably necessary for the journeys to and fro+
the lace of e0a+ination.
vii. ,urin- the eriod occuied in attendin- all other otional
e0a+inations at which a Govern+ent servant is er+itted to aear by co+etent
authority and durin- the ti+e reasonably necessary for the journey to and fro+ the
lace of e0a+ination.
=iii. Aor the treat+ent of the eriods of eriodical +ilitary trainin- of
Reservists of the Pa.istan &r+y in Civil Govern+ent e+loy as duty, see sub-rule
# under rule $.).
II. & Govern+ent servant is not on duty durin- any ti+e he +ay send beyond his
shere of duty e0cet in the followin- circu+stancesH
-. =nder the conditions laid down in clause I above.
2. If a Police ?fficer, actin- within his le-al ower.
4. If an <0cise and Ta0ation ?fficer or &ssistant <0cise and Ta0ation ?fficer,
actin- under the order of-
i. the <0cise and Ta0ation Co++issioner, or
ii. the ,euty <0cise and Ta0ation Co++issioner, or
iii. the Collector.
7. & Tahsildar, or a Eaib-Tahsildar servin- in a +ahal, a settle+ent or a colony
ost who roceeds under the orders of the ,euty Co++issioner, Settle+ent
?fficer, or Colonisation ?fficer, as the case +ay be, beyond his shere of duty but
inside the district, or who roceeds under the orders of the Co++issioner beyond
the district to which he is osted.
.. If authorised by co+etent authority, by -eneral or secial order.
9. If a +inisterial Govern+ent servant or a eon, acco+anyin- a recessin-
officer to his recess station.
Chapter III
&'+ &0 'LLE3I'*CE
4.-. <very erson aointed to a ost under the rule control of the Punjab
Govern+ent shall, before he enters uon his duties, and every erson already
e+loyed in any such ost shall as soon as ossible after the co+in- into force of
this rule +a.e and subscribe, before the 4ead of his office or so+e erson
aointed by hi+, an oath accordin- to the for+ set out below @-
EI* A* F* having %een appointed G holding the post o
do sole+nly swear !or affir+" that I bear true faith and alle-iance to the
Constitution of Pa.istan as by law established and that I will faithfully and
honestly erfor+ the duties of +y office to the best of +y ability, .nowled-e
and jud-e+entF.
E'L+ '*( '3E
i. 4edical Certiicate o Fitness on First Entry into !overnment
4.2. <0cet as rovided in rules ).) and ).$ no erson +ay be substantively aointed
in Pa.istan to a er+anent ost in Govern+ent service without a +edical
certificate of health, in the followin- for+, which +ust be affi0ed to his first ay
bill @-
FI hereby certify that I have e0a+ined &. :., a candidate for e+loy+ent in the
CCCCCCCCCC ,eart+ent, and cannot discover that heGshe has any disease
!co++unicable or otherwise", constitutional affection or bodily infir+ity,
e0cetHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I do not consider this a dis6ualification for e+loy+ent in
the office of HHHH &. :.Ds a-e is, accordin- to hisGher own state+ent HHHHH years and by
aearance about CCCCCCCCC years. The candidate
CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC has been vaccinated within the last '#
or has been re-vaccinated within the last '# +onths,
or has already had s+allo0 and shows obvious scars thereof.
/01E 5.Authorities competent to ma>e irst appointments may
re9uire the su%mission o a medical certiicate o itness rom
temporary or oiciating !overnment servants. In any case they must
satisy themselves that the candidate is protected against smallpo$.
/01E '&A(. ---Rule +.5 deleted %y !overnment letter /o. '-5-F.R. ---
5CB'5* dated ,-8---.
/01E '.&i( 4edical certiicates should ordinarily %e re9uired rom
candidates on irst appointment to !overnment service i they are
li>ely to oiciate or to hold temporary posts or any period e$ceeding
si$ months.
ii. Re-e+loyed ersons who durin- their revious ter+ of service
under the Govern+ent had roduced the re6uired +edical certificates need not be
re6uired to roduce a fresh certificate unless the eriod between their dischar-e
fro+ their old osts and their aoint+ent to the new osts is in e0cess of three
iii. & te+orary Govern+ent servant who has already roduced the
re6uired +edical certificate in one office, should not, if transferred to another office
without a brea. in his service, be re6uired to roduce a fresh certificate. The
erson concerned should, however, obtain a certificate fro+ the 4ead of ?ffice
fro+ which he is transferred to the effect that he had already roduced the
re6uisite +edical certificate of health.L
/01E +.4edical certiicates o%tained under note 5 and clause &i( o
note ' shall %e retained %y heads o oices and su%mitted to the
Accountant-!eneral only with the irst pay %ill in which less the pay o
the !overnment servants concerned as su%stantive holders o
permanent posts is drawn.
/01E ;.1he Accountant-!eneral* Pun:a%* is authorised to accept
certiied copies o medical certiicates o the 4edical Foard* attached
to the oice o the High Commissioner or Pa>istan in England* in the
case o oicers o Provincial #ervice and holders o specialist posts
recruited in England through the High Commissioner or Pa>istan-
instead o the original medical certiicates re9uired under this rule.
3.3. & co+etent authority +ay in individual cases disense with the roduction of a
+edical certificate and +ay by -eneral order e0e+t any secified class of
Govern+ent servants fro+ the oeration of rule ).#.
4.7. The followin- classes of Govern+ent servants are e0e+ted fro+ roducin- a
+edical certificate of health @-
1. & Govern+ent servant aointed by the 4i-h Co++issioner for Pa.istan
2. Govern+ent servants, other than those servin- under the 4i-h Court,
whose service is classed as inferior.
/01E 5.---1he production o a medical certiicate is necessary in the
case o a !overnment servant promoted rom non-9ualiying service
paid rom a local und to a post in superior !overnment service.
/01E '.---/o medical certiicate is necessary upon a !overnment
#ervant %eing promoted rom inerior to superior service* even though
while in inerior service he may have %een paid rom a local und.
/01E +.)ady teachers should produce a medical certiicate o
itness within one year rom the date o appointment.
/01E ;.!overnment servants reerred to in clause &'( a%ove and
candidates or inerior service under !overnment* whether temporary*
oiciating or permanent shall either
i. produce a certiicate that they have %een vaccinated within the
last 5' months or have %een re-vaccinated within the last 5'
months or have already had smallpo$ and show o%vious scars
thereoD or
ii. in the case o candidates or inerior service under
!overnment shall satisy a responsi%le oicial o the
department in which they see> employment* that one or other o
the conditions mentioned in the certiicate re9uired under
clause &i( is satisied.
4... The +edical certificate of health shall be si-ned by the ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer of the
district in which the candidate alies for e+loy+ent unless the head of the office
or of the deart+ent in which the candidate see.s service directs that the ,istrict
4ealth ?fficer of so+e other district should -rant the certificate @ rovided thatH
i. in the case of a fe+ale candidate, the certificate +ay be -ranted, at the
otion of the candidate, and with the revious er+ission of the ,istrict 4ealth
?fficer of the district H
a) by a +e+ber of the >o+enDs 8edical Service, Pa.istan,
b) by a re-istered lady doctor holdin- a 6ualification re-isterable
by the Pa.istan 8edical Council.
The certificate issued by a lady doctor shall e0cet in the case of a certificate
-ranted by a +e+ber of the >o+enDs 8edical Service, Pa.istan be countersi-ned by the
,istrict 4ealth ?fficer;
ii. in the case of a candidate for aoint+ent to a ost on ay not
e0ceedin- fifty ruees, the aointin- authority +ay accet a certificate si-ned by
any +edical officer, irresective of +s +edical 6ualifications ;
iii. in the case of a candidate for aoint+ent to a Ga1etted ost, the
+edical certificate of health shall be si-ned by the standin- 8edical :oard at
2ahore or the standin- Invalidin- Co++ittee at 8ultan and Rawalindi.
4.9. >hen a Govern+ent servant in who+ a defect has been noticed by the e0a+inin-
,istrict 4ealth ?fficer, but which defect is not considered to be a dis6ualification for
e+loy+ent in the articular office or deart+ent in which he is servin-, is
subse6uently transferred to another office or deart+ent the duties of which are of
a different character, the transfer shall not be re-arded as er+anent until the
,istrict 4ealth ?fficer or other +edical authority referred to in rule ).* has, at the
written re6uest of the head of the new office or deart+ent, certified either that the
defect reviously noticed has disaeared or that it does not constitute a
dis6ualification for the new duties entrusted to the servant.
ii. &-e of <ntry into Govern+ent service
4.5. & erson whose a-e e0ceeds #* years +ay not ordinarily be ad+itted into
ensionable service under Govern+ent.
/01E.---1he 9uestion o rela$ing the age limit or entry into
!overnment service laid down in rules +.8 and +., should %e
considered at the time o irst appointment to a post whether such
appointment is o an oiciating* temporary or permanent nature.
/01E.1he restrictions as to age will not apply in the case o
recruitment o e$-soldiers* military pensioners and reservists to
inerior posts.
4.8. The li+it in rule )./ is e0tended toC
a) twenty-seven years in the case of a erson aointed to be a
Subordinate Bud-e, rovided that :arristers, Va.ils and Pleaders who are actually
ractisin- in the 4i-h Court at 2ahore or Courts subordinate thereto, will be
allowed to subtract froni their a-e one year for each year of ractice u to
+a0i+u+ of ) years ;
b) thirty-five years in the case of Civil &ssistant Sur-eons who
have ta.en a =niversity ,e-ree;
") thirty years in the case of le-al ractitioners who are aointed
as Prosecutin- Sub-Insectors of Police;
d) thirty-five years in the case of ,istrict 4ealth ?fficers,
&ssistant <ide+iolo-ists in the Public 4ealth ,eart+ent and Suerintendent,
Punjab Vaccine Institute, and forty years in the case of Princial and
Suerintendent, Punjab 4ealth School, 2ahore;
e) forty years in the case of Janun-os aointed by ro+otion
fro+ a+on- Patwaries.
:) thirty years in the case of e0-soldiers of the Pa.istan &r+y and
re-ularly aointed town watch+en, who are enlisted in the Subordinate Police
?) thirty-five years in the case of e0-soldiers and forty years in the
case of ensioned soldiers for aoint+ent to the osts of forest -uards;
#) twenty-si0 years on the first day of Bune i++ediately
recedin- the date on which the aoint+ent is +ade in the base of Punjab
Service of <n-ineers !Irri-ation :ranch", Class II;
i) thirty-five years in the case of officers aointed to Punjab
&-ricultural Service, Classes I and II not already in Govern+ent service
3&VER*ME*+ &0 +E PU*A'B
I*0&RM'+I&* (EP'R+ME*+
(ate% La#ore t#e 4r% 'u?ust, -/88
*o. S&RI (SD3'()-/-49B8-. In e0ercise of the owers conferred on hi+ by
Section #) of the Punjab Civil Servants &ct, '(/$, the Governor of the Punjab is leased
to +a.e the followin- a+end+ents in the >est Pa.istan ,ele-ation of Powers
!Rela0ation of &-e" Rules, '(5', na+ely @-
i. Aor the words FThe >est Pa.istanF occurrin- in the no+enclature of the
Rules the words FThe PunjabF +ay be substituted.
ii. Aor the schedule aended to the Rules, the followin- +ay be
substituted @-
'ut#orities "om<etent
to rela; ma;imum a?e
<res"ribe% :or re"ruit-
Ser=i"es an% <osts in res<e"t o:
>#i"# rela;ation is <ermissible.
Limit u< to >#i"#
a?e "an be rela;e%
-. &uthority ne0t, above the
&ointin- &uthority.
&ll osts for which the authority ne0t
below is the aointin- authority.
uto one year
2. Co++issioners of
i. &ll Services and osts
for which the Co++issioners
are the aointin- authorities.
ii. Services and osts for
which an authority subordinate
to the Co++issioner is the
aointin- authority.
uto * years,
4. 4ead of &ttached
i. &ll Services and osts
for which the 4ead of &ttached
,eart+ent is the aointin-
and authority.
ii. &ll Services and osts
for which an authority lower than
the 4ead of the &ttached
,eart+ent is the aointin-
:eyond one year
uto * years
authority. -%o-
7. &d+inistrative Secretary i. &ll Services and osts
for which Govt G Chief
Secretary is the aointin-
ii. &ll Services and osts
for which an authority lower
than the &d+inistrative
Secretary is the aointin-
uto '% years
.. &dditional Chief Secretary &ll Services and osts in Punjab
uto'* years.
& coy is forwarded to@-
-. &ll &d+inistrative Secretaries to Govern+ent of the Punjab.
2. &ll 4eads of &ttached ,eart+ents in the Punjab.
4./. <0cet where otherwise e0ressly rovided hi the Service Rules, the restriction in
rule )./ +ay be waived in secial circu+stances by 4eads of ,eart+ents in the
case of non--a1etted Govern+ent servants.
E$ception 5.Commissioners o .ivisions are competent to waive the
age limit in respect o all district esta%lishment included in the Pun:a%
.istrict #u%ordinate #ervice Rules* irrespective o the act whether
they are Heads o departments or the same or not.
E$ception '.1he Advocate-!eneral* Pun:a% does not e$ercise the
powers o a Head o .epartment under this rule.
E$ception +1he #uperintending Engineers in the Pu%lic Aor>s
.epartment* Irrigation Franch* Pun:a%* and the .irector* Irrigation
Research Institute* Pun:a%* are competent to waive the age limit in
respect o the ollowing esta%lishments up to the age speciied
against each.
E$ception ;.1he #uperintending Engineers* .irector* Irrigation
Research* Pun:a%* and the .ivisional 0icers in the Pu%lic Aor>s
department* Irrigation Franch* Pun:a% are competent to waive the age
limit in respect o all inerior appointments 6
HE$ception -.istrict and #essions <udges are competent to waive
the age limit in respect o all inerior appointments in the #u%ordinate
Civil and #ession Courts.I
Punjab Govern+ent 4o+e ,eart+ent notification Eo. )'%*.BB.*%G$5$*$. dated Ith Sete+ber '(*%. Civil
Services Rules !Pb." Volu+e '. Part I Eo. ' dated (th Aebruary '(*'.
Class o:
&::i"iatin? or
-. Subordinates 4. years
2. &ssistant
46 years 46 years
Provided first aoint+ent in
Irri-ation :ranch is before the
a-e of 2. years, even thou-h
there +ay be a brea. in the
4. 8unshis a)
Aull owers
25 years
Aull owers
46 years
a) Aor
,eart+ental Candidates@
Provided first aoint+ent
as a atwari is before the
a-e of #* years and the
service is continuous.
b) Aor
outsider Candidates@
Provided entered in
acceted 8unshi candidate
2ist before the a-e of 2.
years and has under-one a
definite course of trainin-.
7. Eavi-ation
Aull owers Aull owers
.. ,rafts+ent 46 years ---
9. Tracers (o. 46 years
5. &rtificers
Aull Powers Aull Powers 8. Si-nallers
/. Store.eeers
3.10. The +a0i+u+ a-e-li+it in rule, ).I !a" +ay, in secial circu+stances, be rela0ed
by the 4onourable Bud-es at the ti+e of aoint+ent by not +ore than one year.
&III( "accination and re-vaccination
4.--. <very Govern+ent servant shall -et hi+self vaccinated and re-vaccinated at any
ti+e when so directed by the Govern+ent by -eneral or secial order.
H&LE +IME &0 ' 3&VER*ME*+ SERV'*+ '+ +E (ISP&S'L &0
4.-2. =nless hi any case it be otherwise distinctly rovided the whole ti+e of a
Govern+ent servant is at the disosal of the Govern+ent, and he +ay be
e+loyed in any +anner re6uired by roer authority, without clai+ for additional
re+uneration, whether the services re6uired of hi+ are such as would ordinarily be
re+unerated fro+ -eneral revenues, fro+ a local fund or fro+ the revenues of a
Pa.istan State.
SUBS+'*+IVE 'PP&I*+ME*+ '*( LIE*
a) two or +ore Govern+ent servants cannot be aointed
substantively to the sa+e er+anent ost at the sa+e tune.
b) & Govern+ent servant cannot be aointed substantively e0cet as
a te+orary +easure, to two or +ore er+anent osts at the sa+e ti+e.
") & Govern+ent servant cannot be aointed substantively to a ost
on which another Govern+ent servant holds a lien.
4.-7. =nless is any case it be otherwise rovided in these rules, a Govern+ent servant
on substantive aoint+ent to any er+anent ost ac6uires a lien on that ost and
cases to hold any lien reviously ac6uired on any other ost.
4.-.. =nless his lien is susended under rule ).'5 or transferred under rule ).'I a
Govern+ent servant holdin- substantively a er+anent ost retains a lien on that
a) while erfor+in- the duties of that ost;
b) while on forei-n service, or holdin- a te+orary ost or officiatin- in
another ost;
") durin- joinin- ti+e on transfer to another ost unless he is
transferred substantively to a ost on lower-ay, in which case his lien is
transferred to the new ost fro+ the date on which he is relieved of his duties in
the old ost@
%) e0cet as rovided in Eote I below while on leave; and
e) while under susension.
/01E 5. ---Ahen a !overnment servant holding su%stantively the post
o a Chie Engineer o the Pu%lic Aor>s .epartment* ta>es leave
immediately on vacating his oice or post he shall during the leave %e
let without a lien on any permanent post.
1he word 3vacate3 as used in this note reers only to vacations a
result o completion o tenure on attainment o superannuation.
The 2ien of civil servant could not be ter+inated even with hisGher consent before
heGshe was confir+ed in another ost. -//7 PLC (C.S) 57-
a) & co+etent authority shall susend the lien of a Govern+ent
servant on a er+anent ost which he holds substantively if he is aointed in a
substantive caacityC
-. to a tenure ost, or
2. to a er+anent ost outside the cadre on which he is borne, or
4. Provisionally, to a ost on which another Govern+ent servant would hold a
lien had his lien not been susended under this rule.
b) & co+etent authority +ay, at its otion, susend the lien of a
Govern+ent servant on a er+anent ost which he holds substantively if he is
deuted out of Pa.istan or transferred to forei-n service, or in circu+stances not
covered by clause !a" of this rule, is transferred, whether in a substantive or
officiatin- caacity, to a ost in another cadre, and if in any of these cases there is
reason to believe that he will re+ain absent fro+ the ost on which he holds a lien
for a eriod of not less than three years.
") Eotwithstandin- anythin- contained hi clause !a" or !b" of this rule,
a Govern+ent servantDs lien on a tenure ost +ay hi no circu+stances be
susended. If he is aointed substantively to another er+anent ost, his lien on
the tenure ost +ust be ter+inated.
d) If a Govern+ent servantDs lien on a ost is susended under clause
!a" or !b" of this rule, the ost +ay be filled substantively, and the Govern+ent
servant aointed to hold it substantively shall ac6uire a lien on it; rovided that
the arran-e+ents shall be reversed as soon as the susended lien revives.
/01E 5.1his clause applies also i the post concerned is a post in a
selection grade o a cadre.
/01E '.Ahen a post is illed su%stantively under this clause* the
appointment will %e termed 3a provisional appointment3 the
!overnment servant appointed will hold a provisional lien on the postD
and that lien will %e lia%le to suspension under clause &a( or &A( o this
e) & Govern+ent servantDs lien which has been susended under
clause !a" of this rule shall revive as soon as he ceases to hold a lien on a ost of
the nature secified in sub-clauses !'",!#" and !)" of that clause.
f) & Govern+ent servantDs lien which has been susended under
clause !b" of this rule shall revive as soon as he ceases to be on deutation out of
Pa.istan or on forei-n service or to hold a ost in another cadre, rovided that a
susended lien shall not revive because the Govern+ent servant leave if
there is reason to believe that he will, on return fro+ leave, continue to be on
deutation out of Pa.istan or on forei-n service or to hold a ost in another cadre
and the total eriod of absence on duty will not fall short of three years or that he
will hold substantively a ost of the nature secified in sub-clause !'", !#" or !)" of
clause !a".
a) <0cet as rovided in clause !c" of this rule and in note under rule
).'*, a Govern+ent servantDs lien on a ost +ay in no circu+stances be
ter+inated, even with his consent, if the result will be to leave hi+ without a lien or
a susended lien uon a er+anent ost.
b) In a case covered by sub-clause !#" of clause !a" of rule ).'5 the
susended lien +ay not, e0cet on the written re6uest of the Govern+ent servant
concerned, be ter+inated while the Govern+ent servant re+ains in Govern+ent
c) Eotwithstandin- the rovisions of rule ).'5 !a", the lien of a
Govern+ent servant holdin- substantively a er+anent ost shall be ter+inated
on his aoint+ent substantively to the ost of Chief <n-ineer of the Public >or.s
4.-8. Subject to the rovisions of rule ).'( a co+etent authority +ay transfer to another
er+anent ost in the sa+e cadre the lien of a Govern+ent servant who is not
erfor+in- the duties of the ost to which the lien relates, even if that lien has been
a) Govern+ent +ay transfer a Govern+ent servant fro+ one ost to
another ; rovided that e0cetC
-. on account of inefficiency or +isbehaviour, or
2. on his written re6uest,
a Govern+ent servant shall not be transferred substantively to, or, e0cet in a
case covered by rule $.## aointed to officiate in, a ost carryin- less ay than the ay
of the er+anent ost on which he holds a lien, or would hold a lien had his lien not been
susended under rule ).'5.
b) Eothin- contained in clause !a" above or in rule #.)* shall oerate
to revent the re-transfer of a Govern+ent servant to the ost on which he would
hold a lien, had it not been susended in accordance with the rovisions of clause
!a" of rule ).'5.
/01E 5.In cases covered %y clause &a( &'( a%ove the !overnment
servant will have his initial pay i$ed under rule ;.; and i necessary
under rule ;.5C.
/01E '.Permanent transer rom a higher to a lower scale in
anticipation o the a%olition o a post is not transer within the
meaning o this rule.
/01E +.In cases in which it is desired to give to a !overnment
servant an e$tension o service on condition that he voluntarily agrees
to accept a post in a lower grade so as not to interere with the
legitimate e$pectations o his :uniors to promotion* the only method is
to create a temporary post. #uch a stop can only %e permitted under
most e$ceptional circumstances. It must %e regarded as the normal
course o events that an e$tension o service involves delay o
promotion to :uniors and no proposal or the creation o a temporary
post to satisy legitimate e$pectations will %e considered unless it has
%een su%mitted to the competent authority %eore the e$tension o
service is granted.
4.26. & Govern+ent servant +ay be re6uired to subscribe to a rovident fund, a fa+ily
ension fund or other si+ilar fund in accordance with such rules as the co+etent
authority +ay by order rescribe.
The Govern+ent of the Punjab has issued PU*A'B 3E*ER'L PR&VI(E*+
0U*( RULES '(/I under section #) of Punjab Civil Servant &ct '(/$, rinted in <ST&
C&(E B&&! IV '((' edition. Jindly consult the+ for further detail
('+E &0 REC!&*I*3 P') '*( 'LL&H'*CES
-. Subject to any e0cetions secifically +ade in these rules a Govern+ent
servant shall be-in to draw the ay and allowances attached to his tenure of a ost
with effect fro+ the date on which he assu+es the duties of that ost if the char-e
is transferred before noon of that date, otherwise fro+ the followin- day, and shall
Cease to draw the+ as soon as he ceases to dischar-e those duties.
/01E 5.1his rule does not apply to cases in which it is the
recognised practice to pay a !overnment servant at higher rate or
more important duties perormed during a part only o a day.
2. The date fro+ which a erson recruited overseas shall co++ence to draw
ay on first aoint+ent shall be deter+ined by the -eneral or secial orders of the
authority by who+ he is aointed.
4.22. & erson recruited abroad who is entitled to and receives a first class assa-e to
Pa.istan on first aoint+ent, shall co++ence to draw ay fro+ the date of arrival
in Pa.istan subject to his roceedin- to ta.e u his duties without avoidable delay,
unless it is rovided otherwise in his a-ree+ent or contract.
/01E 5.Ahen a person reerred to in this rule is prevented rom
proceeding at once rom the port o disem%ar>ation in Pa>istan to
ta>e= up his appointment* he should %e granted leave 3not due3 under
rule ,.8; &e( or leave on private aairs under rule ,.5'' as the case
may %e. #ee also note 5C %elow rule ,.87 and not %elow rule ,.5'- &'(
/01E '.1he stipulation contained in the phrase 3Aithout avoida%le
delay3 occurring in the concluding lines o this rule would %e regarded
as ulilled i the person reports or duty within the period allowed %y
the :oining time rules with only one day or preparation. vide rule 7.-
and to treat any e$cess over that num%er o days as 3leave not dueJ or
leave on private aairs* as the case may %e.
E$planation. 1he term 3without avoida%le delay3 occurring in this
rule reers only to the delay on the part o person concerned in
reporting himsel or duty &either at !overnment head9uarters or the
actual place o duty* as the case may %e( and not to delay in actually
ta>ing up his duties thereater.
/01E +.1he date o arrival in Pa>istan in this rule reers to the date
o disem%ar>ation at a port in Pa>istan.
4.24. & erson recruited abroad, who receives a second class assa-e to Pa.istan on
first aoint+ent shall co++ence to receive ay fro+ the date of e+bar.ation for
C'R3E &0 &00ICE
4.27. <0cet as rovided in rules ).#*, ).#5 and I.#5 to I.)$, the char-e of a ost +ust
be +ade over at its head6uarters, both the relievin- and relieved Govern+ent
servants bein- resent.
+E 3&VER*ME*+ &0 +E PU*A'B has issued Rules under the title PU*A'B
(CIVIL SERVICES) (ELE3'+I&* &0 P&HER RULES -/88 VI(E *&+I0IC'+I&* *& ,
0(BSRI-5--B82 dated ##nd Eove+ber '(I) rinted at a-es #(' to )%/ in which full
rocedure and owers have been incororated. Jindly consult the sa+e for further
3.25. & co+etent authority +ay er+it the rovisions of rule ).#$ to be rela0ed either
as to the lace of over char-e or the condition that both Govern+ent
servants shall be resent, or both, rovided C
a) both Govern+ent servants +ust be resent unless the transfer or
assu+tion of char-e does not involve the handin- or over of securities or
of +oneys other than a er+anent advance ;
b) if the Govern+ent servant relieved dearts before the arrival of his
relief, his early dearture shall not entail a corresondin-ly early transfer fro+
another station of a Govern+ent servant to erfor+ his duties; and
c) If the Govern+ent servant relievin- returns after the dearture of
the Govern+ent servant relieved, the delay in his return shall not involve a
corresondin- delay in the transfer to another station of the Govern+ent servant
who was erfor+in- his duties durin- his absence or in the dischar-e fro+
Govern+ent service of a erson te+orarily aointed to it.
E$planation. In deciding whether the a%sence o a !overnment
servant involves the transer o a !overnment servant rom another
station or the purposes o the provisos &%( and &c( o this rule*
account should %e ta>en only o the su%stitute who ta>es the place o
the a%sent !overnment servant* not o all !overnment servants* in the
chain o arrangements arising rom one !overnment servant=s
a%sence on leave.
/01E.For rules regarding the prei$ing and ai$ing o holidays and
vacation to :oining time and leave see rules ,.'8 to ,.+;
3.26. ?n condition that the deartin- Govern+ent servant re+ains resonsible for the
+oneys in his char-e, a co+etent authority +ay declare that roviso !a" under
rule ).#* is not alicable to any articular case.
/01E.1he handing over o a permanent advance is not a transer o
money* %ut the !overnment servant going on leave continues to %e
responsi%le or the money till the ormal assumption o charge %y his
C&*+I*U&US 'BSE*CE 0R&M (U+)
=nless a co+etent authority, in view of the secial circu+stances of the case,
otherwise deter+ines, after five yearsD continuous absence fro+ duty, elsewhere
than on forei-n service in Pa.istan, whether with or without leave, a Govern+ent
servant ceases to be in Govern+ent e+loyL.
Retirement rom service 6 & Civil Servant shall retire fro+ serviceC
i. on such date after he has co+leted ten years of service 6ualifyin- for
,eleted by Eo. )%/(-S? !S?" I2G/5 at '5-#-'(//.
Substituted by S. '#.# of Punjab Civil Servants &ct, '(/$
ension or other retire+ent benefits as the co+etent authority +ay, in ublic
interest, direct; and F
ii. if no direction is -iven under clause !'" then on the co+letion of the si0th
year of his a-e @
Provided that no order under clause !'" shall be +ade in resect of a civil servant
unless the co+etent authority has infor+ed hi+ in writin- of the -rounds on which it is
roosed to +a.e the order and has -iven hi+ an oortunity of showin- cause a-ainst
E$planation.In this section 3competent authority= means the
appointing authority or a person duly authorised in that %ehal not
%eing a person lower in ran> than the civil servant concerned.I
Employment ater retirement6
-. & retired civil servant shall not be re-e+loyed under the Govern+ent
unless such re-e+loy+ent is necessary in the ublic interest and is +ade, e0cet
where the aointin- authority is the Governor, with the rior aroval of the
authority ne0t above the aointin- authority.
2. Subject to the rovisions of sub-section !'" of Section ) of the <0-
Govern+ent Servants !<+loy+ent with the Aorei-n Govern+ents" !Prohibition"
&ct, '(55, a civil servant +ay, durin- leave rearatory to retire+ent, or after
retire+ent fro+ Govern+ent service, see. any rivate e+loy+ent@
Provided that, where e+loy+ent is sou-ht by a civil servant while on leave
rearatory to retire+ent, he shall obtain the rior aroval of the rescribed authority.
Chapter I"
4.1. Subject to the rules contained in this chater a co+etent authority +ay
fi0 the ay of a Govern+ent servant; but his ay shall not be so increased as to
e0ceed the ay sanctioned for his ost without the sanction of the authority
co+etent to create a ost in the sa+e cadre on a rate of ay e6ual to his ay
when increased
/01E.It is not the intention o this clause that it should give an
authority power to grant less pay than or to grant pay in e$cess o
what is permissi%le under rules ;.; to ;.B. Rules ;.; and ;.5C read
together* however* ena%le an authority to-i$ initial pay in e$cess o
the amount permissi%le under rule ;.; alone.
2) Eotwithstandin- the restriction referred to in or i+osed by clause !'" above a
co+etent authority +ay -rant to any Govern+ent servant-
i. ersonal ay as defined in clause !a" of rule #.$/, or
ii. secial ay as defined in rule #.*#, or
iii. both ersonal ay and secial ay.
/01E 5. --- #pecial pay o Rs. 5C per mensem may %e drawn %y a
4unshi* when appointed to the post o Ahlmad in the Irrigation
/01E '.For list o other !overnment servants in receipt o special
pay see statement o #pecial Pays and Allowances pu%lished
/01E +. --- &a( 1he ollowing principles should %e strictly o%served or
the grant o personal pay as deined in rule '.;86-
Eo alication for the -rant of co+ensatory ersonal ay should be entertained
i. the Govern+ent servantDs service has been consistently satisfactory and
has been of a character suerior to what is ordinarily e0ected of the incu+bent of
the ost;
ii. the Govern+ent servant is fit for ro+otion but there is no ossibility of
-ivin- hi+ any advance+ent in the near future; and
iii. the Govern+ent servant has been at least five years on the sa+e ay or if
his ay is ro-ressive, on the +a0i+u+ ay of his ost.
b) The +ore fulfil+ent of the conditions +entioned above should not
be re-arded as recurin- a ersonal ay to a Govern+ent servant as a +atter of
course, the urose of the conditions bein- to enable obviously wea. clai+s to be
su++arily rejected.
4.2. >here it is rovided in any rule that the ay of a service or ost shall
include overseas ay such overseas ay shall, unless it be otherwise e0ressly
rovided in such rule, be drawn only by a +e+ber of the service or an incu+bent
of the ost whose do+icile at the date of his first substantive aoint+ent to such
service or ost was elsewhere than in &sia and who was secially recruited
overseas for service in Pa.istan in such service or ost. Aor the urose of this
rule the do+icile of a Govern+ent servant shall be deter+ined in accordance with
the rovisions set out in &endi0 $ to these rules and clauses !'" and !#" below-
1. Eotwithstandin- anythin- contained in the rovisions of &endi0 $ a
erson who@
a) was born and has been educated e0clusively in &sia and had not at
the date with reference to which his do+icile is to be deter+ined resided out of
&sia for a total eriod e0ceedin- si0 +onths, or
b) had before that date clai+ed and been dee+ed to be of Pa.istan
do+icile for the urose his aoint+ent to any office under the Govern+ent or of
the confer+ent uon hi+ by the Govern+ent of any scholarshi, e+olu+ents or
other rivile-e, shall be dee+ed to have had his do+icile in &sia on that date,
unless in the case of a erson to who+ sub-clause !a" alies and sub-clause !b"
does not aly it is roved to the satisfaction of the aointin- authority that he did
not have his do+icile in &sia on that date.
2. If any 6uestion arises as to the do+icile of any Govern+ent servant, the
decision of the co+etent authority shall be final.
E$planation.In the case o oicers o non-Asiatic domicile directly
recruited in Pa>istan to a service or post in which overseas pay is
admissi%le* each case or the grant o overseas pay will %e decided %y
!overnment on its merits. 0icers o non-Asiatic domicile promoted
rom lower services to a service or post in which overseas pay is
admissi%le shall not %e eligi%le or the concessions o overseas pay.
/01E 5./o !overnment servant who ater his or her appointment to
a service or post ac9uire a new domicile shall there%y lose his or her
right to* or %ecome entitled to* overseas pay or passage %eneits.
/01E '. ---A5I cases in which it is necessary or !overnment to
determine any 9uestion regarding the domicile o an oicial or the
purpose o the special leave rules or in connection with his eligi%ility
or overseas pay and passage concessions shall %e reerred to the
Pun:a% and /orth-Aest Frontier Province* <oint Pu%lic #ervice
Commission or advice.
4.3. >hen a Govern+ent servant is treated as on duty under rule #.'5 !b" the
co+etent authority +ay, at its otion, authorise ay+ent to hi+ of the ay of his
substantive aoint+ent or any lower rate of ay which it +ay consider suitable. If
the duty consists a course of trainin- or instruction and the Govern+ent servant
was, at the ti+e when he was laced on such duty, in receit of hi-her ay on
account of an officiatin- aoint+ent, he +ay on every occasion durin- the eriod
of instruction or trainin- when he would have held that officiatin- aoint+ent but
for such trainin- or instruction, be allowed to draw, instead of either of the rates
just secified, ay e6uivalent to what he would have drawn had he been holdin-
the officiatin- aoint+ent.'.
-. Civilian Govern+ent servants who belon- to the &r+y in
Pa.istan Reserve of ?fficers will, when called u for trainin-, draw the followin-
rates of civil ay, in addition to their +ilitary ay and allowances for the eriod of
actual trainin- @-
i. >hen roceedin- to carry out their trainin- fro+ their duty osts, the ay
and allowances they would have drawn in their civil osts but for the trainin- for the
whole eriod of absence on such trainin- inclusive of the ti+e sent in transit to
and fro+;
ii. >hen roceedin- to carry out their trainin- while on leave in Pa.istan or
abroad the civil leave salary and allowances which they would have drawn but for
the trainin-; and of
iii. >hen roceedin- to carry out the trainin- on the e0iry of leave Pa.istan
ta.en fro+ their civil osts but before rejoinin- their civil osts for duty-
a) joinin- ti+e civil ay fro+ the date of dise+bar.ation in Pa.istan to
the date roceedin- that on which their +ilitary trainin- co++ences, and
b) full civil ay durin- the eriod of actual trainin- and the eriod sent
in journeyin- to the laces of then- civil osts.
2. & reservist of the Pa.istan &r+y in civil e+loy will, when
called u for eriodical +ilitary trainin- receive +ilitary ay and allowances.. 4e
will also receive the e0cess, if any, of the civil ay over his +ilitary ay, rovided
that this concession is secifically sanctioned by the co+etent authority. <0cet
where the civil ay of the reservist is +et fro+ the ,efence <sti+ates the e0tra
e0enditure will not constitute a char-e a-ainst the ,efence <sti+ates. The eriod
sent in +ilitary and naval trainin- and in the journey to and fro+ the lace of
trainin- by the reservist of the Pa.istan &r+y and the Royal Pa.istan Aleet in civil
e+loy will be treated as duty for uroses of civil leave, ension and incre+ents
of civil ay.
he how su%stantively3 and 3the pay which the !overnment servant
drew in the post in which he oiciated3 respectively. In neither case is
there any restriction on the >ind o 3PayJ to %e drawn* and the
e$pressions should thereore %e held to include special pay* i any*
which the !overnment servant drew in the post which he held
su%stantively or in an oiciating capacity.
H/01E '.In cases where a person not already in !overnment #ervice
whether su%stantive or oiciating* on initial recruitment to a post is
re9uired under the #erviceGRecruitment Rules relating to the post the
pay and allowances admissi%le during the period o training shall %e
regulated as ollows6 -
&i( Ahether the period o training prescri%ed is less than or up to
one year* the emoluments during training period shall %e threeGourth
o the initial pay o the post plus usual allowances &other than
travelling allowance( sanctioned %y !overnment rom time to time.
If the initial ay of the ost is Rs. #%% and an official is re6uired to under-o trainin-
for a eriod of ) +onths before he is -iven full char-e of the ost, then durin- that eriod
of ) +onths he will draw a ay of Rs. '*% lus allowances !other than travellin-
allowance" ad+issible on Rs. '*$ and not on ,Rs. #%%. Travellin- &llowance will, however
be ad+issible on the +ini+u+ of the scale of ay of the ost durin- the eriod of trainin-.
!ii" >here the eriod of trainin- e0ceeds one year, ay durin- the first year of trainin-
shall not in any case e0ceed threeGfourth of the initial ay of the ost and for every
subse6uent year of the trainin- the a+ount of the ay +ay be raised by the a+ount of
annual incre+ent ad+isible on initial ay in the ti+e scale of the ost.
If the ay of a articular ost is Rs. )%% and the annual incre+ent is Rs. #* and the
eriod of trainin- is ) years, the candidate will draw the followin- ay durin- the trainin-@--
-st year Rs.##*
2n% year Rs.#*%
4r% year. Rs.#/*
The candidate will in addition, draw usual allowances !other than travellin-
allowance" sanctioned by Govern+ent fro+ ti+e to ti+e which will be &d+issible on the
reduced ay@L

0I1'+I&* &0 I*I+I'L P')
Sub. by Eotification Eo. #5$*-S? !SR" IVG/#. Ga1. of Punjab Part I dt. '(-'-'(/).
7.7. The initial substantive ay of a Govern+ent servant who is aointed
substantively to a ost on a ti+e-scale of ay is re-ulated as follows@-
a) If he holds a lien on a er+anent ost other than a tenure ost, or
would hold a lien on such a ost had his lien not been susended-
i. when aoint+ent to the new ost involves the assu+tion of duties or
resonsibilities of -reater i+ortance !as interreted for the uroses of rule $.')"
than those attachin- to such er+anent ost, he will draw as initial ay the sta-e
of the ti+e-scale ne0t above his substantive ay in resect of the old ost;
ii. >hen aoint+ent to the new ost does not involve such assu+tion, he
will draw, as initial ay the sta-e of the ti+e-scale which is e6ual to his substantive
ay in resect of the old ost, or if, there is no such sta-e, the sta-e ne0t below
that ay, lus ersonal ay e6ual to the difference; and in either case will continue
to draw that ay until such ti+e as he would have received an incre+ent in the
ti+e-scale of the old ost or for the eriod after which an incre+ent is earned in
the new ost, whichever is less. :ut if the +ini+u+ ay of the ti+e-scale of the
new ost is hi-her than his substantive ay in resect of the old ost he will draw
that +ini+u+ as initial ay.
iii. >hen aoint+ent to the new ost is +ade on his own re6uest under Rule
).'( !a" and the +a0i+u+ ay in the ti+e-scale of the ost is less than his
substantive ay in resect of the old ost he will draw that +a0i+u+ as initial ay.
/01E.1he e$pression 3I he holds a lien on a permanent post3
occurring in this clause should %e held to include the lien on a
permanent post to which a !overnment servant is appointed in a
provisional su%stantive capacity under rule +.5B &d( and the
e$pression 3su%stantive pay in respect o the old post3 occurring in it
should %e held to include his su%stantive pay in respect o that
provisional su%stantive appointment. 1his clause should* thereore* %e
held to permit the su%stantive pay in respect o a provisional
su%stantive appointment %eing ta>en into account in determining his
initial pay in another post to which he is appointed. Ahen the initial
pay o a !overnment servant in a post is thus i$ed* it will not %e
aected* even i during the tenure o his appointment to that post he
reverts rom his provisional appointment.
b) If the condition rescribed in clause !a" are not fulfilled, he will draw as initial
ay the +ini+u+ of the ti+e-scale@
Provided that, in cases other than cases of re-e+loy+ent after resi-nation fro+
the ublic service, covered by clause!a" or clause !b" if he either-
-. has reviously held substantively or officiated in-
i. the sa+e ost, or
ii. a er+anent or te+orary ost, on the sa+e ti+e-scale, or
iii. a er+anent ost, other than a tenure ost, on an identical ti+e-scale, or a
te+orary ost on an identical ti+e-scale, such ost bein- on the sa+e ti+e-scale as a
er+anent ost, or
2. is aointed substantively to a tenure ost on a ti+e-scale
identical with that of another tenure ost which he has reviously held
substantively in which he has reviously officiated then the initial ay shall not be
less than the ay other than secial ay, Personal ay of e+olu+ents classed as
ay by the co+etent authority under rule #.$$ !a" !iii", which he drew on the last
such occasion, and he shall count for incre+ents the eriod durin- which he drew
that ay on such last and any revious occasions.
The concession is ad+issible under clauses !I" !ii" and !I" !iii" of the above roviso
in resect of revious service in te+orary osts is subject to the conditions that where
the Govern+ent servantDs ay in his revious ost was inflated by the -rant of advanced
incre+ents for any cause, his initial ay in his new ost shall, unless otherwise ordered by
the authority co+etent to create the ost, be fi0ed by countin- for incre+ents fro+ the
+ini+u+ of the scale the eriod of service rendered by hi+ in the revious ost or osts
on the sa+e or on identical ti+e-scale.
E$planation. ---Reversion to the ordinary cadre o a service rom a
tenure post included in that cadre or rom a tenure or special post not
included in it does not constitute su%stantive appointment to the post
and thereore does not all under this rule.
E$ception 5. --- 1he special pay drawn %y a #enior Assistant
#uperintendent in the <ail .epartment shall %e regarded as part o his
su%stantive pay or the purposes o i$ing his initial pay on his
promotion to the ran> o .eputy #uperintendent.
E$ception '.---1he condition in su%-clause &iii( o the irst proviso that
the temporary post should %e on the same time-scale as a permanent
post shall not %e enorced when a temporary post is &i( created %y one
!overnment or .epartment or the purpose o wor> o the same nature
as the ordinary wor> or which permanent posts e$ist in a cadre under
a dierent !overnment or .epartment and &ii( sanctioned on a time-
scale identical with the time-scale applica%le to the permanent posts
in the cadre under the dierent !overnment or .epartment.
/01E 5.I the !overnment servant is entitled to overseas pay in the
new post* %ut was not drawing overseas pay in the old post* the
overseas pay in the new post shall not %e ta>en into account in
determining the stage in the time-scale o the new post to which he is
entitled under clause &a(.
/01E '.For the purposes o this rule sterling overseas pay shall %e
converted into rupees at 's.lG'7G+'d to the rupee or at such rate o
e$change as the Central !overnment may hereater i$ or the
/01E +.Ahen a !overnment servant is appointed to a higher post
on the date on which his increment in the lower su%stantive post alls*
due* his su%stantive pay or the purpose o Fi$ing his initial pay in the
higher post shall %e inclusive o his increment accruing on that date.
/01E ;. ---A !overnment servant when appointed to a post
su%stantively while oiciating in it is entitled to have his pay i$ed a
new under this rule with reerence to his su%stantive* pay at the time
in respect o his old permanent post.
/01E -.Ahen the ne$t increment in the time-scale o either the new
or old post alls* due* the !overnment servant should draw the ne$t
increment in the time-scale o the new post* and orthwith lose the
personal pay allowed under clause &a( &ii( o this rule and all
connections with the time-scale o his old post. 1he personal pay is
given to a !overnment servant only or the purpose o initial pay and
not any su%se9uent stage in the new time-scale in which the
!overnment servant might draw less pay than he would have drawn
had he remained in the old time-scale.
/01E B.A time-scale may %e o recent introduction* where as the
cadre or class to which it is attached may have %een in e$istence on a
graded scale %eore the time-scale came into orce or it may %e that
one time-scale has ta>en the place o another.
If a Govern+ent servant has held substantively, or officiated in, a ost in the cadre
or class rior to the introduction of new ti+e-scale, and has drawn durin- the eriod
salary or ay e6ual to a sta-e, or inter+ediate between two sta-es in the new ti+e-scale,
then the initial ay in the new ti+e-scale +ay be fi0ed at the salary or ay last drawnF and
the eriod durin- which it was drawn +ay be counted for incre+ent in the sa+e sta-e, or
if the salary or ay was inter+ediate between two sta-es, in the lower sta-e of that ti+e-
/01E 8.---Cases may arise in which a !overnment servant while
oiciating in a higher post may ta>e regular leave or a short period
and thus revert to his su%stantive post in which during the leave* an
increment accrues to him which raises his su%stantive pay so as to
e9ual the pay he was drawing in his oiciating post. As under rule
;.5; oiciating pay has to %e i$ed on each occasion o appointment
to a higher post carrying greater responsi%ility* the !overnment
servant on re-appointment to the higher post on return rom leave is
a%le to get the %eneit o the ne$t stage in the time-scale o that post*
which he would not get i he continues to oiciate without a %rea>.
1he automatic* i$ation in such cases o oiciating pay at a rate higher
than that drawn on a previous occasion* which the rule allows* is not
:ustiia%le* so in these cases the powers conerred %y rule ,.5B or ;.5B
can reasona%ly %e e$ercised. For instance* i the competent authority
eels that a !overnment servant who in the normal course would
continue to oiciate in a higher post has applied or a short period o
regular leave with the deli%erate intention o getting the %eneit o the
increment accruing to him in his su%stantive scale o pay during the
leave or the i$ation o his pay in the oiciating post on his re-
appointment to it* it will %e or the consideration o that authority
whether the leave applied or should not %e reused under rule ,.5B. I
on the other hand* the eect o the leave on the !overnment servants
oiciating pay on su%se9uent re-appointment to the higher post is not
realised at the time* or the competent authority is satisied that the
leave applied or is really necessary or even i a short %rea> in
oiciating service occurs in the natural course o events* the power
conerred %y rule ;.5B to reduce oiciating pay may 9uite reasona%ly
%e e$ercised so as to limit the oiciating pay on re-appointment to the
higher post to what the !overnment servant would have drawn had he
continued to oiciate without a %rea>.
/01E ,.#ee also notes + and ; under rule ;.B.
/01E 7.2nder rules ;.; and ;.5+ it is necessary or the purposes o
i$ing the initial pay o a !overnment servant transerred rom one
post to another on a dierent scale o pay in a su%stantive or
oiciating capacity* to determine the degree o responsi%ility
attaching to the two posts. A declaration o relative degree o
responsi%ility shall thereore %e necessary and will %e given %y the
competent authority. #uch declarations win however* %e necessary
only in cases where there is some dou%t as to the relative degree o
responsi%ilities attaching to the two posts.
/01E 5C.1he intention underlying the restrictive su%-clause o the
proviso to clause &%( o this rule is to prevent men who were given
enhanced rates o pay when competition in the la%our mar>et was
>een and 9ualiied men scarce rom carrying the inlated pay with
them ater those conditions had a%ated to any other posts to which
they might %e appointed. Accordingly this su%-clause applies even in
the case o a temporary !overnment servant who is appointed to
another temporary post either on the a%olition o his previous
temporary post or or other reasons. In the latter case* however* when
the transer has %een made in the interest o Pu%lic #ervice the
restriction in 9uestion may %e rela$ed %y the authority competent to
create the post.
1he words 3minimum o the scale3 appearing 3in the restrictive
su%-clause o the proviso should %e ta>en to mean the minimum o the
previous post in which the advance increments were granted3.
/01E 55.It is permissi%le to post-date the su%stantive promotion o
a !overnment servant to a higher post up to a date when it will %e to
his %eneit to %e promoted under the operation o this rule. 1his date
may %e selected at the option o the !overnment servant concerned*
which must %e e$ercised within si$ months rom the date o order
ma>ing the promotion and when once e$ercised must %e inal. /o
compensation will %e given or any conse9uences which may ollow
rom the e$ercise o this option. Ahen the option has %een e$ercised
an entry should %e made to this eect in the service %oo> o the
!overnment servant concerned and attested %y the Head o the 0ice.
1hese orders will apply to promotions in the same class o
appointments and not to cases where there is a complete change in
the nature o the appointment and they should %e conined to
departments or esta%lishments divided into grades.
/01E 5'.For so long as the promotion is deerred under the orders
in paragraph &a( a%ove* the place in the superior grade will remain
vacant* %ut promotions can %e made in the place o the !overnment
servant who would have %een promoted rom the date the vacancy
originally occurred as i the promotion had actually ta>en place on
that date. All that would happen is an e$cess appointment in the lower
grade against a vacancy let unilled in the higher grade and this is
permissi%le under rule 8.5- o the Pun:a% Financial Rules* "olume I.
7... The initial substantive ay of a Govern+ent servant who is aointed
substantively to a ost on a ti+e-scale of ay which has been reduced for reasons
other than a di+inution in the duties or resonsibilities attached to osts thereon
and who is not entitled to draw ay on the ti+e-scale as it stood rior to reduction,
is re-ulated by rule $.$ rovided, in cases, other than cases of re-e+loy+ent after
resi-nation fro+ the ublic service covered by clause !a" or clause!b", of that rule if
he either-
-. has reviously held substantively or officiated in-
i. the sa+e ost rior to reduction of its ti+e-scale, or
ii. a er+anent or te+orary ost on the sa+e ti+e-scale as the unreduced
ti+e-scale of the ost, or
iii. a er+anent ost other than a tenure ost, or a te+orary ost, on a ti+e-
scale of ay identical with the unreduced ti+e-scale of the ost, such te+orary
ost bein- on the sa+e ti+e-scale as a er+anent ost, or
2. is aointed substantively to a tenure ost, the ti+e-scale of which
has been reduced without a di+inution in the duties or resonsibilities attached to
it, and has reviously held substantively or officiated in another tenure ost on a
ti+e-scale identical with the unreduced ti+e-scale of the tenure ost,
then the initial ay shall not be less than the ay, other than secial ay, ersonal
ay or e+olu+ents classed as ay by the co+etent authority under rule #.$$ !a" !iii",
which he would have drawn under rule $.$ on the last such occasion, if the reduced ti+e-
scale of ay had been in force fro+ the be-innin- and he shall count for incre+ents the
eriod durin- which he would have drawn that ay on such last and any revious
occasions; rovided that service rendered on ay at a sta-e in a ti+e-scale which is less
than the +ini+u+ of the revised scale shall not count for incre+ent in that scale.
/01E.A !overnment servant held up at an eiciency %ar in the old
scale will not %e entitled to initial pay in the reduced scale at a stage
higher than the corresponding eiciency %ar in the reduced scale.
Ahen there is only one eiciency %ar in the old scale and more than
one in the new scale* he will %e held up at the irst %ar unless he is
declared it to cross it %y the competent authority.
7.9. The holder of a ost the ay of which is chan-ed shall treated as if he
were transferred to a new ost on the new ay subject to such restrictions as the
co+etent authority +ay in each case lay down.
/01E 5.1his rule shall not adversely aect any person in service on
the 7th 4arch* 57'B. In respect o such persons this rule should %e
read as ollows6-
31he holder o a post* the pay o which is changed* shall %e
treated as i he were transerred to the new post on the new pay D
provided that he may at his option retain his old pay until the date on
which he has earned his ne$t or any su%se9uent increment on the old
scale* or until he vacates his post or ceases to draw pay on that time-
scale. 1he option once e$ercised is inal.3
/01E '.1his rule applies to an oiciating as well as to a su%stantive
holder o a post.
/01E +.---I the ma$imum pay o a post is altered with no change in
the rate o increment and the minimum* the initial pay o the holder o
that post should %e i$ed under rule ;.; &a( &ii( and not under rule ;.;
&a( &i( even though he may %e holding the post su%stantively. #ee also
note - %elow.
/01E ;.For the purposes o rules ;.; and ;.B a temporary post on a
certain rate o pay &i$ed 0r time-scale (* which is converted into a
permanent post on the same or a dierent rate o pay is not the same
post as the permanent post even though the duties remain the same.
In other words* in view o rule '.-, the temporary post* is to %e
regarded as having ceased to e$ist and to have %een replaced %y the
permanent post. 1he incum%ent o the temporary post is thus entitled
only to the pay o the permanent post i it is on a i$ed rate o pay or to
the minimum pay o the time-scale o the permanent post i it is on a
time-scale unless his case is covered %y the concession admissi%le
under proviso &5( &ii( and &5( &iii( to rules ;.; and ;.-. Conse9uently
service in a temporary post on a certain scale o pay when converted
into a permanent post on a dierent scale o pay will not count or
increments in the latter scale.
1he provisions o rule +.57 o "olume II o these rules are not
aected %y this note.
/01E -.1he orders in note ; a%ove do not reer to cases o transer
rom one temporary post to another such post or rom a temporary
post to a permanent post. /or do they de%ar service in a temporary
post* created as an addition to a cadre* and on the same time-scale
rom counting towards increments in a permanent post in that cadre
even ater such a temporary post has %een a%olished.
4.7. &n incre+ent shall ordinarily be drawn as a +atter of course unless it is
withheld. &n incre+ent +ay be withheld fro+ a Govern+ent servant by a
co+etent authority if his conduct has not been -ood or his wor. has not been
satisfactory. In orderin- the withholdin- of an incre+ent, the withholdin- authority
shall state the eriod for which it is withheld, and whether the ostone+ent shall
have the effect of ostonin- future incre+ents.
/01E.In the case o a !overnment servant o /on-Asiatic .omicile
whose overseas pay is at a certain period o service* su%:ect to a
change* rom a rupee to a sterling rate* the change must %e regarded
as an increment and conse9uently should not ta>e eect i his
increment is stopped.
7.8. >here an efficiency bar is rescribed in a ti+e-scale the incre+ent ne0t
above the bar shall not be -iven to a Govern+ent servant without the secific
sanction of the authority e+owered to withhold incre+ents.
/01E 5.Ahen a !overnment servant is allowed to pass an eiciency
%ar which had previously %een enorced against him* he should come
on to the time-scale at such stage as the authority competent to
declare the %ar removed may i$ or him* su%:ect o course to the pay
admissi%le according to his length o service.
/01E '.1he orders in this rule apply only to the i$ation o pay in the
time-scale in which the eiciency %ar has %een applied. A %ar applied
in a :unior time-scale o a service should not* thereore* aect
!overnment servant=s pay in the senior time-scaleD he should %e paid
in the latter scale according to his length o service* unless his pay in
such scale is itsel aected %y the operation o an eiciency %ar or %y
a disciplinary order passed against him.
7./. The followin- rovisions rescribed the conditions on which service
counts for incre+ents in a ti+e-scale@-
a) &ll duty in a ost on a ti+e-scale counts for incre+ents in that ti+e-scale.
&lthou-h joinin- ti+e ta.en by a Govern+ent servant under rule (.' !b" or !c" on
return fro+ e0traordinary leave other than e0traordinary leave not e0ceedin- '$ days
-ranted in continuation of other leave, counts as duty, yet it does not count for incre+ent.
/01E 5.In the case o a !overnment servant who* while oiciating
in one post is appointed to oiciate in another* the period o :oining
time spent in proceeding rom one post to the other should %e treated
as duty in the post the pay o which the !overnment servant draws
during the period* and should %e counted or increment in the same
post under this rule.
/01E '.Although :oining time ta>en under rules 7.5 &%( and 7.5 &c( is
treated as duty under rule '.5B it cannot %e treated as duty or the
purposes o increment in an oiciating post inasmuch as only leave-
salary is drawn or that period.
/01E +. ---In the case o a !overnment servant who* while oiciating
in a post* proceeds on training or to attend a course o instruction and
who is treated as on duty while under-training those periods o such
duty will count or increment in the post in which he was oiciating
prior to his %eing sent or training or instruction during which he is
allowed the pay o the oiciating post.
E$ception 5. ---1he period o training at #argodha o pro%ationary
Inspectors and #u%-Inspectors* Police during which time they draw
pay %elow the minimum rates in the time-scales o pay counts towards
increments in the time-scales o pay applica%le to them.
E$ception '.1he period o training spent %y pro%ationary Inspectors
o Police in districts* during which time they draw pay %elow the
minimum rates o the time-scales applica%le* to them* counts towards
increments in such time-scales.
/01E ;.---A !overnment servant who holds su%stantively a
permanent post in a cadre and is appointed 3on pro%ation3 to another
post &vide concluding portion o rule '.;7( will count service or
increment in the post in which it is actually rendered6 i.e. the post
which he holds == on pro%ation3. He will* thereore* draw increments in
that post even %eore the end o his pro%ation i the period o
pro%ation e$ceeds twelve months.
/01E -.period o overstayal o leave does not count towards
/01E B.For counting o service rendered in a time-scale governed
%y the Civil #ervice Regulations or increment in an identical time-
scale governed %y these rules see note under rule '.BC.
3&VER*ME*+ &0 HES+ P'!IS+'*
0I*'*CE (EP'R+ME*+
+#e 2/t# Aul$ -/97.
Eo. A, SR. Ill '%!#"G5)-In e0ercise of the owers conferred by clause !#" of &rticle
'/I and &rticle '/% of the Constitution of the Isla+ic Reublic of Pa.istan, the Governor of
>est Pa.istan is leased to direct that in the rules secified below the a+end+ents
shown a-ainst each resectively shall be +ade, na+ely @--
1. Civil Service Rules !Punjab" Volu+e I, Part I-Aor rule $.(, the
followin- shall be substituted, na+ely.--
7./. The followin- rovisions rescribe the conditions on which service counts for
incre+ents in a ti+e-scale@ -
i. &ll duty in a ost on a ti+e-scale counts for
incre+ents in that ti+e-scale.
ii. 2eave other than e0traordinary leave counts for
incre+ents in the ti+e-scale alicable to the ost on which the Govern+ent
servant holds a lien as well as in the ti+e-scale alicable to the ost or osts, if
any, on which he would hold a lien had his lien not been susended.
iii. >hen a Govern+ent servant roceeds on leave
fro+ a ost which he holds in an officiatin- caacity or fro+ a te+orary ost, that
eriod of leave, other than e0traordinary leave, durin- which the Govern+ent
servant would have officiated or held the te+orary ost had he not roceeded on
leave, counts towards incre+ents in the ti+e-scale alicable to that ost @
Provided that the co+etent authority +ay, in any case in which it is satisfied that
the e0traordinary leave was ta.en on account of illness or for any other cause beyond the
Govern+ent servantDs control, direct that e0traordinary leave shall be counted for
incre+ents under sub-clauses !ii" and !iii" of this clause.
b) Service in another ost, whether in a substantive or
officiatin- caacity, and service on deutation count for incre+ents in the ti+e-scale
alicable to the ost on which the Govern+ent servant holds a lien, as well as in
the ti+e-scale alicable to the ost or osts, if any, on which he would hold a lien
had his lien not been susended.
c) If a Govern+ent servant while officiatin- in a ost or
holdin- a te+orary ost on a ti+e-scale of ay is aointed to officiate in another
ost or to hold another te+orary ost which does not carry less ay than the ay
of his ori-inal ost his officiatin- or te+orary service in that ost counts for
incre+ents in the ti+e-scale alicable to the ori-inal ost. The eriod of officiatin-
service in the other ost to which the Govern+ent servant is aointed in an
officiatin- or te+orary caacity which counts for incre+ents in the ori-inal ost, is,
however restricted to the eriod durin- which the Govern+ent servant would have
officiated in the ori-inal ost but for his aoint+ent to the other ost. This clause
alies also to a Govern+ent servant who was not actually officiatin- in the ori-inal
ost at the ti+e of his aoint+ent to the other ost, but who would have so
officiated had he not been aointed to the other ost.
d) Aorei-n service counts for incre+ents in the ti+e-scale
alicable to--
i. the ost in Govern+ent service on which the
Govern+ent servant concerned holds a lien as well as the ost or osts, if any, on
which he would hold a lien had his lien not been susended ;
ii. any ost to which he +ay receive officiatin-
ro+otion under rule '%.* for the duration of such ro+otion ; and
iii. the te+orary ost in Govern+ent service held
at the ti+e of roceedin- on forei-n service, if the Govern+ent servant concerned
returns to that te+orary ost.F
B$ or%er o: t#e 3o=ernor o: Hest Pakistan
(e<ut$ Se"retar$ to 3o=ernment (S. Re?u)
0inan"e (e<artment
*o. 0( SR. III--6(2)B94--656B97, dated 2ahore the #%th Buly '(5$ Coies are
forwarded for infor+ation to--
1. &ll &d+inistrative Secretaries to Govern+ent, >est Pa.istan;
2. &ll 4eads of &ttached ,eart+ents@
4. Re-istrar, 4i-h Court of >est Pa.istan, 2ahore.
4. &ll Co++issioners of ,ivisions in >est Pa.istan;
5. &ll Re-ional 4eads in >est Pa.istan;
9. &ll ,istrict and Sessions Bud-es, ,euty Co++issioners and
Political &-ents in >est Pa.istan
b) Service in another ost, whether in a substantive, or
officiatin- caacity, service on deutation and leave other than e0traordinary leave
counts for incre+ents in the ti+e-scale alicable to the ost on which the
Govern+ent servant holds a lien as well as in the ti+e-scale alicable to the ost
or osts, if any, on which he would hold a lien had his lien not been susended@
Provided that, the co+etent authority +ay in any case in which it is satisfied that
the leave was ta.en on account of illness or for any other cause beyond the Govern+ent
servants control, direct that e0traordinary leave shall be counted for incre+ent under this
E$ample.---A* pay Rs. ,CC-5*CCC* actual acted in the grade o Rs. 5*CCC-
5*'CC on the minimum 4y rom 5Bth April* 57'5 to Bth April* 57''* and
then proceeded on 5C months leave on average pay rom 8th April*
57''. He was promoted su%stantively to the grade o Rs. 5*CCC-5*'CC on
'nd August* 57''. &white on leave(
He can count the period rom 5Bth April* 57'5* to Bth April* 57''* as well
as the period o leave rom 'nd August* 57''* to Bth Fe%ruary* 57'+* or
increment in the scale o Rs. 5*CCC-5*'CC as he held a lien in that grade
with eect rom that date.
/01E 5.#ee also note %elow Clause &d( o this rule.
/01E '.A !overnment servant who has elected to remain under the
leave rules contained in the Civil #ervice Regulations is entitled to the
%eneits o Article '5C o those regulationsD in his case the application
o that article has the eect o overriding the deinition o the word
lien3 in rule '.+- or the purpose o the interpretation o that word in
this clause.
c) If a Govern+ent servant, while officiatin- in a ost or
holdin- a te+orary ost on a ti+e-scale of ay, is aointed to officiate in a hi-her
ost or to hold a hi-her te+orary ost, his officiatin- or te+orary service in the
hi-her ost shall, if he is reaointed to the lower ost, count for incre+ents in the
ti+e-scale alicable to such lower ost. The eriod of officiatin- service in the
hi-her ost which counts for incre+ent in the lower is, however, restricted to the
eriod durin- which the Govern+ent servant would have officiated in the lower ost
but for his aoint+ent to the hi-her.
This clause alies also to a Govern+ent servant who is not actually officiatin- in
the lower ost at the ti+e of his aoint+ent to the hi-her ost, but who would have so
officiated had he not been aointed to the hi-her ost.
/01E 5.1he intention o this rule is to allow the concession*
irrespective o whether the higher post is within or outside the
department to which the !overnment servant %elongs.
/01E '.1his clause applies to Provincial Civil #ervices 0icers
holding 3listed posts.3
%) If a Govern+ent servantDs tenure of a te+orary ost is
interruted by duty in another ost or by leave other than e0traordinary leave or by
forei-n service, such duty, leave or forei-n service counts for incre+ents in the
ti+e-scale alicable to the te+orary ost if the Govern+ent servant returns to the
te+orary ost@
Provided that, the co+etent authority +ay, in any case, where it is satisfied that
the leave was ta.en on account of illness or for any other cause beyond the Govern+entD
servantDs control, direct that e0traordinary leave shall be counted for incre+ents under this
/01E.1his clause applies to su%stantive and not to oiciating tenure
o a temporary post. 0iciating tenure* whether o a permanent or a
temporary post* is governed %y clause &%(.
e) Aorei-n service counts for incre+ents in the ti+e-scale
alicable to-
i. The ost in Govern+ent service on which the
Govern+ent servant concerned holds a lien as well as the ost or osts, if any, on
which he would hold a lien had his lien not been susended, and
ii. any ost to which he +ay receive officiatin-
ro+otion under rule '%.*, for the duration of such ro+otion.
7.-6. &n authority +ay -rant a re+ature incre+ent to a Govern+ent servant
on a ti+e-scale of ay if it has ower to create a ost in the sa+e cadre on the
sa+e scale of ay.
/01E 5.A proposal to grant an increment in advance o the due date
should always %e scrutinised with special :ealousy as it is contrary to
the principle o a time-scale o pay to grant an increment %eore it is
due. #uch a grant should not %e made or advised e$cept in very rare
circumstances which would :ustiy a personal pay to a !overnment
servant whose pay is i$ed.
/01E '. ---1he e$pression =scale o pay? represents the ma$imum o
the scale which is to %e ta>en into account or determining the
authority competent to sanction increments rather than the stage o it.
/01E +.1he grant o premature increments to mem%ers o the
Provincial Pu%lic Health #ervice is governed %y the rules in Appendi$
KI to Pun:a% 4edical 4anual.
/01E ;.In the case o increments granted in advance* it is usually
the intention that the !overnment servant should %e entitled to
increments in the same manner as i he had reached his position in the
scale in the ordinary course and in the a%sence o special orders to the
contrary he should %e placed on e$actly the same ooting* as regards
uture increments* as a !overnment servant* who has so risen.
+R'*S0ER 0R&M ' I3ER +& ' L&HER 3R'(E &R 0R&M ' I3ER S+'3E +&
' L&HER S+'3E.
7.--. The authority which orders the transfer of a Govern+ent servant as a
enalty fro+ a hi-her to a lower -rade or ost +ay allow hi+ to draw any ay, not
e0ceedin- the +a0i+u+ of the lower -rade or ost, which it +ay thin. roer.
4.12. If a Govern+ent servant, is on account of +isconduct or inefficiency,
reduced to a lower -rade or ost, or to a lower sta-e in his ti+e-scale, the authority
orderin- such reduction shall state the eriod for which it shall be effective and
whether, on restoration, it shall oerate to ostone future incre+ents and if so to
what e0tent.
P') &0 &00ICI'+I*3 3&VER*ME*+ SERV'*+S
1. Subject to the rovisions of rules $.#' to $.#$ a Govern+ent servant
who is aointed to officiate in a ost shall not draw ay hi-her than his substantive
ay in resect of a er+anent ost, other than a tenure ost, unless the ost in
which he is aointed to officiate is one of those enu+erated in the schedule to this
rule or unless the officiatin- aoint+ent involves the assu+tion of duties and
resonsibilities of -reater i+ortance than those attachin- to the ost, other than a
tenure ost, on which he holds a lien or would hold a lien had this lien been not
Provided that, the co+etent authority +ay e0e+t fro+ the oeration of this rule
any service which is not or-anised on a ti+e-scale basis and in which a syste+ of actin-
ro+otions fro+ -rade to -rade is in force at the ti+e of the co+in- into force of these
Provided further that, the co+etent authority +ay secify osts outside the
ordinary line of a service the holders of which +ay, notwithstandin- the rovisions of this
rule and subject to such conditions as the co+etent authority +ay rescribe, be -iven
any officiatin- ro+otion in the cadre of the service which the authority co+etent to order
ro+otion +ay decide, and +ay thereuon be -ranted the sa+e ay !whether with or
without any secial ay if any ; attached to such osts" as they would have received if still
in the ordinary line.
2. Aor the urose of this rule, the officiatin- aoint+ent shall not be
dee+ed to involve the assu+tion of duties or resonsibilities of -reater i+ortance
if the ost to which it is +ade is on the sa+e scale of ay as the er+anent ost,
other than a tenure ost, on which he holds a lien or would hold a lien had his lien
not been susended, or on a scale of ay identical therewith.
/01E 5.1he words =duties= and =responsi%ilities= used in this rule are
to %e interpreted in a wide sense as including %esides the wor>s to %e
perormed the general responsi%ilities and lia%ilities incidental to %eing
mem%er o a particular service. #ee also note 7 %elow rule ;.;.
/01E '.Higher oiciating pay is not permissi%le to old incum%ents in
cases where dierent posts on dierent scales o pay have %een
merged into a single time scale or entrance into !overnment service
ater +5st .ecem%er* 57+C.
/01E +.Aith reerence to the 'nd proviso in clause &5( o this rule it
has %een decided not to issue a list o the >ind reerred to therein* %ut
to deal* on its merits* with each case as it arises. In each case so dealt
with* ade9uate saeguard should %e laid down so as to prevent the
tenure o posts outside the ordinary line o a service %y unduly senior
!overnment servants which might cause undue e$pense and %e in
other ways contrary to pu%lic interest and also to prevent !overnment
servants rom receiving the rate o pay attached to selection posts
which they would nave %een regarded as unit to hold i present in the
ordinary line. 1his point should %e careully >ept in view %y the
authority recommending a case or the declaration %y the competent
/01E ;.(B) 1he ollowing guiding principles are laid down or the
wor>ing o the convention usually >nown as the 3ne$t %elow rule6
1. A !overnment servant out o his regular line should not suer
%y oreiting oiciating promotion which he would otherwise
have received* had he remained in his regular line.
'. 1he ortuitous oiciating promotion o some one :unior to
a !overnment servant who is out o the regular line does not
give rise to a claim under the ne$t %elow rule.
+. Feore a claim is esta%lished* it is necessary that all the
!overnment servants senior to the !overnment servant who is
out o the regular line should have %een given oiciating
;. It is also necessary that the !overnment servant ne$t
%elow him should have %een given promotion* unless in any
case the oiciating promotion has not %een given %ecause o
ineiciency* unsuita%ility or leave.
AERS& &R(ERS &0 +E PU*A'B 3&VER*ME*+
i. The holders of secial osts such as Secretary to a
Governor or Secretary to Govern+ent should in cases where the conditions
-overnin- the of the Fne0t belowF rule are not clearly fulfilled, be ready to
accet loss of officiatin- ro+otions to 4i-her osts in the ordinary lines for short
eriods, not e0ceedin- three +onths, in conse6uence of their incu+bency of
secial osts, and when the sta-e is reached at which their retention involves loss
of substantive or len-thy officiatin- ro+otions the roer course would be to
+a.e arran-e+ents to enable the+ to be released fro+ the secial rather than to
co+ensate the+ for the loss of officiatin- ro+otions under the Fne0t belowF rule.
In osts such cases where an officer is derived of officiatin- ro+otion to a hi-her
aid ost owin- to it bein- i+racticable for the ti+e bein- to release hi+ fro+ the
ost outside the ordinary line no co+ensation shall be -ranted in resect of the
first three +onths of his retention in the lower aid ost unless the conditions of the
Fne0t belowF rule are satisfied. In cases where the eriod for which officiatin-
ro+otion is lost e0ceeds three +onths the officer concerned +ay be -ranted the
ay of the hi-her ost for the e0cess eriod, but arran-e+ents should be +ade
wherever ossible to avoid derivin- officers of len-thy eriods of officiatin-
ii. In cases where the conditions of the Fne0t belowF rule
are satisfied the officer concerned +ay be allowed the benefit of the rule for the full
eriod for which he has lost officiatin- ro+otion, but. save in e0cetional
circu+stances no officer to who+ the ne0t below rule would aly should be
retained in a lower aid ost for +ore than si0 +onths beyond the date on which
he beco+es entitled to officiate continuously in a hi-her ost.
i. The e0ression Fosts outside the ordinary line of a service Fin the second
roviso to rule $.') also includes besides e0-cadre, osts, secial osts outside
the ordinary line, which are borne, on the cadre of a service. 4olders of such osts
can be -iven the benefit of a declaration under that rule rovided that the
conditions recedent to the alication of the Fne0t belowF rule are fulfilled in their
ii. Cases of those holders of osts in the ordinary line, e.-. a Boint 8a-istrate
Collector, &ssistant Suerintendent of Police or Suerintendent of Police who +ay
suffer loss of officiatin- ro+otion owin- to it bein- i+racticable to release the+
fro+ their osts can also be dealt with under the second roviso to rule $.') if the
conditions recedent to the alication of the Fne0t belowF rule are satisfied in any
iii. In the case of officers, who in the ublic interest have to be derived of
officiatin- ro+otion whether they are servin- outside the ordinary line or in the
ordinary line and in which case the conditions laid down in the Fne0t belowF rule
are not satisfied, the instructions contained in clause !'" of ?rder Eo. ' will aly.
3. It has been noticed that in so+e instances clai+s have been
suorted for the rotection of +ore than one officer in resect of a sin-le
officiatin- aoint+ent in cases where a consecutive series of two or +ore officers
in a cadre are on deutation to osts outside the re-ular line and the officer ne0t
below the+ is ro+oted to officiate in a hi-her ost in the cadre. In order to
eli+inate any doubt in the +atter, it has been decided that one officer and one
officer only, na+ely the +ost senior fit officer who is not debarred by the conditions
rescribed for the alication of the rule should be allowed the benefit of the Fne0t
belowM rule.
It +ay haen that the senior +ost officer servin- outside the re-ular line does not
re6uire to be rotected under the Fne0t belowF rule by his belon-in- to one or other of the
tyes indicated below @--
i. &n officer servin- outside the ordinary line holds a ost carryin- a scale of
ay identical; with that of an ad+inistrative ost in the ordinary fine, and is, by
virtue of a declaration in ter+s of e0cetion below rule $.$ eli-ible for the ay and
incre+ental benefits of the hi-her ost in the ordinary line and also for the benefit
of secial additional ensions by virtue of a declaration under rule 5.'* of the Civil
Services Rules, Punjab, Volu+e II.
ii. &n officer outside the re-ular line holds a ost !-enerally te+orary carryin-
better ay than the FIdenticalF scale and 6ualifyin- erson or by secial declaration
for secial additional ension as for the hi-her ost in the ordinary line.
In such cases the rotection under the Fne0t belowF rule in resect of any one
vacancy occurrin- in the re-ular line +ay -o to the ne0t senior +ost fit officer of the series
servin- outside the cadre who is not indeendently rotected in resect of ay, incre+ent
or ension by belon-in- to one or other of these tyes.
/01E -.In the case o ministerial and other esta%lishments in which
there are no grades in the sense in which the word was used in the
Civil #ervices Regulations the proviso in clause &5( o this rule is
intended to coverD where necessary all cases o the grant o oiciating
allowances rom one i$ed rate o pay to another without change o
/01E B.
i. It is not intended that the phrase 3outsideJ the-ordinary
line o service3 in the second proviso to clause &5( o this rule
should %e rigidly interpreted either as 3outside the cadre o
service3 or as 3outside the ordinary time-scale3. 1he orm o
words adopted in this rule gives discretion to the competent
authority in regard to case where e$ceptional circumstances
which could not %e oreseen and provided or %y rule* might
ii. 1he speciication o a post under this proviso will ena%le
a !overnment servant to count service in that post or
increment in the grade in which he would have oiciated had he
not %een holding the speciied post.
/01E 8.1he pay o a !overnment servant oiciating in a post the
pay o which in su%:ect to increase upon the passing o an
e$amination or on the completion o a certain period o service is the
pay which he would* rom time to time* receive i he held the post
/01E ,.1he pay o a !overnment servant oiciating in a post the
pay o which has %een reduced rom the ne$t succession thereto is
the reduced pay.
/01E 7.It is not the intention %ehind rule ;.5; under which the title
to presumptive pay is always su%:ect to the provisions o this rule that
the presumptive pay o the post as determined %y rule ;.; &ii( %e
allowed as a matter o course. According to rule ;.5+* where the
oiciating appointment does not involve the assumption o duties and
responsi%ilities o greater importance* it is not permissi%le or the
!overnment servant to draw pay higher than his su%stantive pay &i
any( in respect o a permanent post. In other words* while the Civil
#ervices Rules* &Pun:a%( are not prohi%itive in respect o oiciating
promotions in such circumstance they undou%tedly restrict the
oiciating pay to the su%stantive pay* rom time to time o the
!overnment servant concerned.
The case of a Govern+ent servant without a er+anent ost and therefore havin-
no substantive ay in resect of such a ost is, however, different. Rule $.') bein- in
alicable in such cases, he is entitled to have his ay re-ulated e0clusively under rule
$.'$ read with rule $.$ !b" but to chec. any e0trava-ance in officiatin- ay in such cases
it is always oen to the co+etent authority to ta.e resort to the rovisions of rule $.'5.
-. Posts of 2ecturers in Colle-es, ,istrict Insectors of Schools, 4ead
8asters and 4ead 8istresses borne on the cadre of Punjab <ducational Service
!Class II".
2. ,euty Suerintendents of Bail, 'st -rade.
4. &ssistant Cler.s in Circle and ,ivisional ?ffices in the Public
>or.s ,eart+ent, Irri-ation :ranch, when held by si-nallers off that :ranch.
/01E1his amendment will have eect as rom ,th <une* 57+-* or
purposes o reclamation o pay admissi%le. /o arrears o pay will %e
admissi%le as a result o this amendment prior to 5st #eptem%er*
7.-7. Subject to the rovisions of rules $.( !c", $.') and $.'5, a Govern+ent
servant officiatin- in a ost will draw the resu+tive ay of that ost, rovided
that, e0cet in the case of a Govern+ent servant whose aoint+ent to the ost in
which he is officiatin- was +ade on his own re6uest under rule ).'( !a" if the
resu+tive ay of the er+anent ost on which he- holds a lien or would hold a
lien had his lien not been susended, should at any ti+e be -reater than the
resu+tive ay of the ost in which he officiates, he will draw the resu+tive
ay of the er+anent ost.
/01E 5. ---#ee also /otes 8 and , %elow rule ;.5+.
/01E '#ee also /ote 8 to rule ;.;.
/01E +.In its application to cases alling under rule ;.- this rule has
eect rom the 5st <anuary* 57+5.
7.-.. >hen a Govern+ent servant officiates in a ost, the ay of which has
been fi0ed at a rate ersonal to another Govern+ent servant, the co+etent
authority +ay er+it hi+ to draw ay at any rate not e0ceedin- the rate so fi0ed or,
if the rate so fi0ed be a ti+e-scale, +ay -rant hi+ initial ay not e0ceedin- the
lowest sta-e of that ti+e-scale and future incre+ents not e0ceedin- those of the
sanctioned scale.
/01E 5.1his rule prescri%es the initial rate o play only. I the pay
personally i$ed is on a time-scale it is not intended that an oiciating
incum%ent should %e de%arred rom drawing increments in that time-
scale according to the ordinary rules.
/01E '.I a !overnment servant who is personally 9ualiied to draw
overseas pay is appointed to oiciate in a post on a time-scale* the
pay o which is. i$ed personally or the su%stantive holder o the post
and includes sterling overseas pay* the lowest stage in the time-scale
or the purposes o this rule is the minimum o the time-scale* plus the
sterling overseas pay included in the pay i$ed personally or the
su%stantive holder o the post.
7.-9. & co+etent authority +ay fi0 the ay of an officiatin- Govern+ent
servant at an a+ount less than that ad+issible under these rules.
/01E 5.0ne class o cases alling under this rule is that in which a
!overnment servant merely holds charge o the current duties and
does not perorm the ull duties o the post. #ee also note I* %elow rule
;.5 &'(
/01E '.Ahen a !overnment servant is appointed to oiciate in a
post on a time-scale o pay %ut has his pay i$ed %elow the minimum
o the time-scale under this rule he must not %e treated as having
eectually oiciated in that post within the meaning o rule ;.; or
having rendered duty in it within the meaning o rule ;.7. #uch a
!overnment servant on conirmation should have his initial pay i$ed
under rule ;.;. &%( and draw the ne$t increment ater he has put in duty
or the usual period re9uired calculated rom the date o his
/01E +.1he power conerred %y this rule is not e$ercisa%le save %y
a special order passed in an individual case and on a consideration o
the acts o that case. A general order purporting to oust universally
the operation o rule ;.5; would %e ultra vires o this rule. Although
the practice o passing ostensi%ly special order on every individual
case would not %e ultra vires o this rule it would constitute the
grossest possi%le raud thereon.
7.-5. & co+etent authority +ay issue -eneral or secial orders allowin-
actin- ro+otions to be +ade in the lace of Govern+ent servants who are treated
as on duty under Rule #.'5 !b".
/01E.Acting promotions have %een permitted under this rule in
place o !overnment servants who are treated as on duty under item
&i( o the #chedule to Chapter II.
PERS&*'L P')
7.-8. <0cet when the authority sanctionin- it orders otherwise, ersonal ay
shall be reduced by any a+ount by which the reciients ay +ay be increased,
and shall cease as soon as his ay is increased by an a+ount e6ual to his
ersonal ay.
P') &0 +EMP&R'R) P&S+S
7.-/. >hen a te+orary ost is created which +ay have to be filled by a
erson not already in Govern+ent service, the ay of the ost shall be fi0ed with
reference to the +ini+u+ that is necessary to secure the services of a erson
caable of dischar-in- efficiently the duties of the ost.
4.20. >hen a te+orary ost is created which will robably be filled by a
erson who is already a Govern+ent servant, its ay shall be fi0ed by the
co+etent authority with due re-ard to--
a) the character and resonsibility of the wor. to be
erfor+ed, and
b) the e0istin- ay of Govern+ent servants of a status
sufficient to warrant their selection for the ost.
/01E 5.2nder these rules* special duty or deputation in Pa>istan
will not %e recognised. A temporary post will %e created or the
perormance o that duty. I the special duty is to %e underta>en in
addition to the ordinary duties o the !overnment servant then rules
;.57 and ;.'5 will apply.
/01E '.Ahere a !overnment servant* whether o Asiatic or non-
Asiatic domicile in receipt o overseas pay is* on appointment to a
temporary post* granted an increase over his su%stantive pay in the
regular ine and the increase is e$pressed as a percentage o such
pay* the percentage shall apply only to the %asic pay and not to
overseas pay &#terling or Rupee(.
/01E +.1emporary posts may %e divided into two categories* viL.*
posts created to perorm the ordinary wor> or which permanent posts
already e$ist in a cadre* the only distinction %eing that the new posts
are temporary and not permanent and isolated posts created or the
perormance o special tas>s unconnected with me ordinary wor>
which a service is called upon to perorm. A distinction %y strict ver%al
deinition is diicult* %ut in practice there should he little diiculty in
applying the distinction in individual cases. 1he ormer class o posts
should %e considered to %e a temporary addition to the cadre o a
service whoever may %e the individual appointed to the postD while the
latter class o temporary posts should %e considered as unclassiied
and isolated e$-cadre posts.
2. Te+orary osts which by this criterion should be considered as
te+orary additions to the cadre of a service should be created in the ti+e-scale of
the service, ordinarily without e0tra re+uneration. Incu+bents of these osts will,
therefore, draw their ordinary ti+e-scale ay. If the osts involve decided increases
in wor. and resonsibility in co+arison with the duties of the arent cadre
-enerally, it +ay be necessary to sanction a secial ay in addition. Such secial
ay +ay only be allowed with the aroval of the co+etent authority.
4. Aor isolated e0-cadre osts it +ay occasionally be desirable to fi0
consolidated rates of ay. >here, however, the ost is to be held by +e+bers of a
service, it will ordinarily be referable also to create the ost in the ti+e-scale of
the holders service. The observations contained in ara-rah # above will aly
with e6ual force to the -rant of secial ay over and above the ordinary ti+e-scale.
/01E ;.#u%stantive appointments to temporary post should %e
made in a limited num%er o cases only as e.g.* when posts are to all
intents* and purposes 9uasi-permanent or when they have %een
sanctioned or a period o not less than three years* or there is
reasons to %elieve that they will not terminate within a period o three
years. In all other cases* appointments to temporary posts should %e
made in an oiciating capacity only.
C&MBI*'+I&* &0 'PP&I*+ME*+S
4.21. & co+etent authority +ay aoint one Govern+ent servant to hold
substantively, as a te+orary +easure, or to officiate in, two or +ore indeendent
osts at one ti+e. In such cases his ay is re-ulated as follows@C
a) The hi-hest ay, to which he would be entitled if his
aoint+ent to one of the osts stood alone, +ay be drawn on account of his
tenure of that ost;
b) for each other ost he draws such reasonable ay, in
no case e0ceedin- half the resu+tive ay !e0cludin- overseas ay" of the ost,
as the co+etent authority +ay fi0; and
/01E.Pay granted under Rule ;.'5 &%( is not special pay.
") If co+ensatory allowances are attached to one or
+ore of the osts he draws such co+ensatory allowances as the co+etent
authority +ay fi0 rovided that such allowances shall not e0ceed the total of the
co+ensatory allowances attached to all the osts.
/01E 5.Clause &%( this rule re9uires that such pay as may %e
considered 3reasona%le in the circumstances may %e given hal the
presumptive pay o the post is not thereore to %e regarded as the
amount normally permissi%le.
/01E '.2nder this rule a !overnment servant is not entitled to
overseas pay in respect o %oth the posts* that is* he cannot get the
%eneit o the overseas pay* whether in sterling or rupees* o the
second post.
/01E +.Presumptive pay or the purposes o clause &%( o this rule
should according to Rule '.;, %e ta>en to %e what the !overnment
servant who is placed in additional charge will draw as initial pay in
the time-scale o the additional post under Rule ;.;. Ahere he ormally
transerred to it. In cases* however* in which the ma$imum pay o the
lower post is less than the pay o the !overnment servant in his
su%stantive post* the application o Rule ;.; is not clear and
accordingly in such a case the ma$imum o the pay o the lower post
should %e ta>en as the presumptive pay ? the purposes o clause &%(
o this rule.
7.22. >hen a Govern+ent servant holds char-e of the current duties of a ost
after bein- relieved of those of his substantive ost, he officiates in that ost. If it is
not considered that he is entitled to the full officiatin- ay of the ost his ay +ay
be fi0ed under Rule $.'5. This should be done whenever the Govern+ent servant
is not carryin- out the full duties of the ost.
/01E---#ee also note 5 %elow rule ;.5 &'(.
7.24. >hen a Govern+ent servant holds current char-e of another ost in
addition to that of his own substantive ost, he li.ewise officiates in the for+er, and
the resu+tive, ay of the ost of which current char-e is held +ay be reduced
as in Rule $.## above to the a+ount considered sufficient by the co+etent
authority. &fter this, if necessary, has been done, the rovisions of Rule $.#'
should be alied.
7.27. & Govern+ent servant is not re-arded as holdin- char-e or current
char-e of a ost unless a substantive ost e0ists for the erfor+ance of the duties
entrusted to hi+. If no such substantive ost e0ists, the case is one for the -rant of
secial ay or an honorariu+.
E$ample. A .eputy Commissioner cannot hold charge o the post o
#ettlement 0icer ater the post has %een a%olished.
Chapter "
'((I+I&*S +& P')
I--C&MPE*S'+&R) 'LL&H'*CES
(a) !eneral
..-. Subject to the rovisions of Rules *.# to *.'# and to the condition that the
co+ensatory allowance is so re-ulated that it is not on the whole a source of
rofit to the reciient a co+etent authority +ay -rant such an allowance to any
Govern+ent servant.
/01E 5. Compensatory allowances to the personal sta o the
!overnor &including the 4ilitary 0icers* i any(* are regulated %y the
!overnment o India &!overnor=s Allowances and Privileges( 0rder*
/01E '. 1he grant o travelling allowance &which is also a
compensatory allowance*-vide Rule '.5+( is regulated %y the rules in
volume III o those rules.
a) Subject, in resect of house-rent allowance, to the
rovisions of rule *.*, a co+ensatory allowance attached to a ost will be drawn
in full by the Govern+ent servant actually erfor+in- the duties of that ost.
F!3" If a reli-ious festival of !'" <id-ul-Aitr, !#" <id-ul-
&1ha !)" ,ussehra !$" Christ+as and !*" <aster falls within the last ten days of the
+onth, half the ension of the non--a1etted ensioners belon-in- to the
co++unication concerned +ay be drawn in advance but not earlier than * days
before the Aestival. The disburse+ent of ension will be boo.ed under the
resectin- final heads of account and will be adjusted in lu+ su+ fro+ the
ension of the +onth durin- which the festival fallsF.
&%( Compensatory allowances* other than a house-rent allowance or <ungle
allowance or motorcar or motorcycle allowance
5.3. (a) & co+ensatory allowance, other than a house-rent allowance or jun-le
allowance or conveyance allowance -ranted for a +otorcar or +otorcycle, +ay be
drawn u to the +a0i+u+ eriods -iven below by a Govern+ent servant who leave other than leave rearatory to retire+ent fro+ the ost to which the
allowance is attached, or is transferred therefro+ to another ost for eriods not
e0ceedin- those referred to above as well as by the Govern+ent servant
erfor+in- the duties of the ost to which the allowance is attached, rovided that-
Eotification Eo. A,G !AR"-'$G5' !Vol. Ill" Ga1. of Punjab Part I, dt. *-)-'(/5.
1. the authority sanctionin- the leave or transfer, as the case +ay be,
certifies that the Govern+ent servant is li.ely to return, on the e0iry of his leave or
his te+orary duty, to the ost to which the allowance is attached or to another
ost carryin- a si+ilar allowance ; and
2. the Govern+ent servant certified that he continues to incur the
whole, or a considerable art of the e0ense to +eet which the allowance was
-ranted. In the latter case it is left to the discretion of the authority sanctionin- the
leave or transfer as the case +ay be, to decide whether and by how +uch the
allowance should be reduced@-
1. Govern+ent servants
subject to the leave rules in Section II
of Chater VIII.
durin- first four +onths of leave on avera-e
2. Govern+ent servants
subject to the leave rules in Section
III of Chater VIII
,urin- first '#% days, (% days or )%D days of
earned leave as the case +ay be.
b) a Govern+ent servant is transferred fro+ one ost that
carries with it a co+ensatory allowance -ranted on account of secial
e0ensiveness of livin- to another ost carryin- a si+ilar allowance, he +ay draw
the co+ensatory allowance durin- joinin- ti+e under rule (.' !a", rovided that if
the rates differ in the two osts he +ay draw the lower rate only.
/01E 5.In regard to the certiicate prescri%ed in clause &a( o this
rule it is the authority competent to control the !overnment servant=s
posting that should satisy itsel that there is reasona%le e$pectation
that the !overnment servant is* on the e$piry o his leave or
temporary transer* li>ely to return to the post rom which he is %eing
relieved or to another post carrying a similar allowance. A mere hope
or unsupported e$pectation on the part o the !overnment servant
should not orm the %asis o the certiicate. 1o o%viate all
misunderstanding on the point* the authority sanctioning the leave or
transer should* in cases in which clause &a( operates* invaria%ly
em%ody in the sanctioning orders a certiicate regarding the li>elihood
o the !overnment servant=s return either to the post rom which he
proceeds on leave or transer or to another post carrying a similar
1he certiicate mentioned a%ove must %e em%odied in the
original order sanctioning the leave or transerD otherwise it will not %e
accepted in audit. A revised order i issued %eore the !overnment
servant hands over charge to proceed on leave or temporary transer
should %e deemed to %e the original order.
/01E '.Aith reerence to proviso &'( to clause &a( o this rule a
!overnment servant* who desires to avail himsel o the %eneit o the
rule* should su%mit his claim with a statement o the relevant
e$penses* to the authority sanctioning the leave or transer* that
=authority should then decide* having regard to the-provisions o
Rules -.5 and -.' how much o the allowance should %e drawn and
communicate his decision to the Accountant-!eneral* with a copy o
the statement o e$penses reerred to a%ove. 1he copy o the
statement o e$penses may %e sent to the Accountant-!eneral i.eD a
conidential cover* i this is considered desira%le. It will then %e open
to the Accountant-!eneral either to accept the decisions or to
challenge such o them as to reveal any maniest %reach o the canons
o inancial property*-vide P.F.R.'.5C. 1he provisions o this note do
not apply to !overnment servants in receipt o the compensatory local
allowance sanctioned or )ahore and Rawalpindi in whose case the
ordinary rule in proviso &'( to clause &a( o this rule will %e applica%le.
/01E +.1he grant o permanent travelling allowance or horse or
conveyance allowance* during :oining time and periods o temporary
duty in a post other than that or which the allowance is sanctioned is
governed %y rules '.8 and '.5B o the Pun:a% 1ravelling Allowance
/01E ;.Ahen vacation is com%ined with leave* the entire period o
vacation and leave should %e ta>en as one spell o leave and the
period o vacation alling within the irst ; months in the case o
!overnment servants su%:ect to the leave rules in section II o Chapter
"III and within the irst 5'C* 7C. or +C days as the case may %e* in
respect o !overnment servants su%:ect to the rules in section III o
Chapter "III* should %e treated as leave 3on average pay3 or 3earned
leave3 or the purposes o this rule.
/01E -.#ee also note %elow rule -.-.
/01E B.4ounted Police 0icers proceeding on leave on average
pay not e$ceeding our months or earned leave not e$ceeding 7C days
under sections II and III o Chapter "III o these rules* as the case may
%e* or undergoing promotion courses at the Police 1raining #chool*
#argodha* and #u%-Inspectors when posted to the mo%ile patrols who
are in possession o horses or camels shall hand over their mounts to
the )ines 0icer or the oicer-in-charge o the 4ounted Police who
shall %e responsi%le or the eeding and >eeping o such animals
under the supervision o a gaLetted oicer. /o conveyance allowance
shall %e drawn or them or the period o their a%sence on leave or
training at the Police
1his limit also applies to !overnment servant o /on-Asiatic
domicile included in su%-clause &i( o clause &ii( o rule ,.557.
1raining #chool* #argodha or in the case o #u%-Inspectors
when posted to the 4o%ile Patrol e$cept to meet e$penditure actually
incurred on the eeding* shoeing and maintenance o animals. 1he
accounts shall %e >ept in orm 8.'; &+( o the Police Rules* such
horses and camels shall %e loo>ed ater and may %e used or
instruction or duty %y mounted 2pper #u%ordinates under orders o
the gaLetted oicer in supervisory charge. In such cases
responsi%ility under Police Rule 8.5'* &%( or loss or in:ury %y
misconduct or neglect shall rest with the oicer so ordered to loo>
ater or use the animals* provided that no policeman shall %e held
responsi%le or more than one animal at a time* where however*
ade9uate accommodation or horses and syces is not availa%le in the
Police )ines* the #uperintendent o Police may authorise such oicers
to ma>e their own arrangements or the care and maintenance o
animals and draw the prescri%ed conveyance allowance admissi%le to
each o them. Assistant #u%-Inspectors are not 4ounted Police
0icers* vide Police rule 8.' and are e$empted rom the operation o
this rule.
/01E 8.Ahen a conveyance or horse allowance o a !overnment
servant has %een reduced leave on average pay not e$ceeding our
months during *
%y the competent authority under this rule earned leave and
the !overnment servant is transerred immediately on the e$piry o
leave to another post carrying a similar allowance* then during :oining
time the allowance shall %e granted at the rate at which it was drawn
during leave.
/01E ,.1he underlying intention o Rule -.+ to restrict !overnment
servants= entitle to with special care leave appl MMMMMM MMMMM
there is an o%vious intention to evade the rule %y ta>ing leave or our
months or less* returning to duty or a ew days only and then retiring*
reuse to grant leave o any other >ind than 3leave preparatory to
The Govern+ent of the Punjab has issued JPU*A'B +R'VELLI*3
'LL&H'*CE RULES, Vi%e *o , 0.(B'""ountsB&S(B7/8 %ate% -6t# Aul$ -/59 rinted
as :oo. V of ES+' C&(E -//- <dition in which full details of such allowances have
&c( 4otorcar or motorcycle allowance.
..7. & ortion not e0ceedin- Rs.#* or Rs.'% of an allowance -ranted on condition that
a +otorcar or +otorcycle, resectively is +aintained +ay be drawn durin- leave or
te+orary transfer u to the +a0i+u+ eriods secified in rule *.)
i. the substantive ay of the Govern+ent servant durin- the eriod of clai+
does not e0ceed Rs.',*%%;
ii. the authority sanctionin- the leave or transfer certifies that the Govern+ent
servant is li.ely on the e0iry of the leave or te+orary duty, to return to the ost
fro+ which he roceeds on leave or is transferred, or to be aointed to a ost in
which the ossession of +otorcar or +otorcycle, as the case +ay be, will be
advanta-eous fro+ the oint of view of his efficiency; and
iii. the Govern+ent servant certifies that he continued to +aintain the vehicle,
that the a+ount clai+ed was sent by hi+ on -ara-e hire or wa-es to staff or both
for the eriod for which the a+ount is clai+ed and that the vehicle was not durin-
that eriod in use by anybody.
/01E 5.1he provisions o notes 5 and ' under Rule -.+ a%ove apply
mutatis mutandis in the applications o provisos &ii( and &iii( to this
/01E '. 1he grant o motorcar or motorcycle allowance during
:oining time is governed %y Rule '.5B o the Pun:a% 1ravelling
Allowance Rules.
/01E +. #ee also note %elow Rule -.-.
(%) House-rent allowance.
.... & house-rent allowance +ay be drawn by a Govern+ent servant on leave or
transfer in the circu+stances and for the eriods secified in Rule *)@ rovided that
he certifies that his revious rate of e0enditure for a house, continues durin- his
absence, and that he laces his house, free of rent at the disosal of the
Govern+ent servant, if any, who officiates in his ost. The officiatin- Govern+ent
servant cannot, in such case, draw the house-rent allowance attached to the ost.
If, however, the officiatin- Govern+ent servant, for a reason which a co+etent
authority considers to be sufficient, refuses the acco++odation laced at his
disosal, he and not the absent Govern+ent servant, will draw the allowance.
/01E.2nder Rules -.+* -.; and -.- compensatory allowance can
also %e allowed up to a ma$imum period o B months in the case o
!overnment servants granted leave on average pay &or privilege
leave( up to B months under the special concessions reerred to in
note 5 to Rule ,.8+ &%(.
. ---RE*+ &0 3&VER*ME*+ RESI(E*CES
(a) !eneral.
..9. The followin- rules -overn the allot+ent to Govern+ent servants for use by the+
as residences of such buildin-s owned or leased by Govern+ent or such ortions
thereof as +ay be +ade available for the urose.
/01E 5.1hese rules shall also apply to 4inisters.
/01E '.I a <udge o the High Court is provided with residential
accommodation either leased or owned %y !overnment* it shall %e on
such conditions in regard to the payment o rent or otherwise as are*
or the time %eing* applica%le-to mem%ers o the Civil #ervice o
Pa>istan serving at )ahore under the administrative control o the
Central !overnment.
/01E +.I the Chairman or any mem%er o the Pun:a% and /orth-
Aest Frontier Province <oint Pu%lic #ervice Commission is provided
with residential accommodation either leased or owned %y
!overnment* it shall %e on such conditions in regard to the Civil
#ervice o Pa>istan serving at )ahore under the administrative control
o the Provincial !overnment.
/01E ;. ---Ahen a !overnment servant o a government other than
the Pun:a% !overnment occupies %y oicial arrangement a residence
provided %y the Pun:a% !overnment or vice versa* rent shall %e
recovera%le rom the !overnment servant in accordance with the rules
in Appendi$ ; to the Pun:a% Financial Rules.
..5. Eothin- contained in these rules shall so oerate as to re6uire ay+ent of rent, for
the occuation of residences sulied by Govern+ent, by those Govern+ent
servants who have been e0e+ted fro+ such ay+ent by order of the Governor-
General or to affect the a+ount of rent or char-es ayable by those Govern+ent
servants in whose case the a+ount so ayable is rescribed by the Governor-
&%( Capital Cost o Fuilding and Assessment o Rents.
(i) C'PI+'L C&S+ &0 ' RESI(E*CE
..8. Aor the urose of the assess+ent of rent, the caital cost of a residence owned
by Govern+ent shall include the cost or value of sanitary, water-suly and electric
installations and fittin-s, but e0clude the cost or value of the site !includin-
e0enditure on its rearation"; and shall be either-
a) the cost of ac6uirin- or constructin- the residence and
any caital e0enditure incurred after ac6uisition or construction; or, when this is
not .nown.
b) the resent value of the residence @
FProvided that, where it is so directed by -eneral or secial order, the value of the
site and the cost of its rearation shall be included in the caital cost, and the cost of
sanitary, water-suly and electric installations +ay be e0cluded. If the cost of sanitary,
water-suly and electric installations are ordered to be e0cluded rent for such
installations shall be levied at the rates secified under Rule *.'5 !d".
/01E 5.For cases in which the a%ove proviso will apply see
paragraph +.'8 Pun:a% Pu%lic Aor>s .epartment Code* 'nd Edition.
/01E '.1he cost o restoration or special repairs shall not %e added
capital cost or present value* unless such restoration or repairs add to
accommodation or involve replacement o the e$isting type o wor> %y
wor> o a more e$pensive character.
../. Aor the urose of Rule *.I-
i. e0enditure incurred on wor.s such as-
a) raisin-, levellin-, dressin- sites;
b) construction of revet+ent and retainin- walls, unless when incurred in
connection with the rovision of a tennis court;
") stor+-water drains; and
%) boundary illars;
shall be considered as e0enditure on rearation of a site; and !if" e0enditure
incurred on wor.s such as-
a) co+ound walls, fences and -ates;
b) roads and culverts within a co+ound ;
shall be included in the caital cost of the residence for the urose of assess+ent
of standard rent
5.10. >hen the resent value of a residence and of the site on which it stands is
un.nown, vide clause !b" of Rule *.I the value of the residence and of the site
shall be esti+ated searately by the ,ivisional ?fficer who shall if the esti+ated
value of either does not e0ceed Rs.- #*,%%%, sub+it the esti+ate to the
Suerintendin- <n-ineerin- who shall deter+ine the resent value. If the
,ivisional ?fficerDs esti+ate of either the site or the residence e0ceeds Rs.#*, %%%,
he shall sub+it it to the Suerintendin- <n-ineer, who shall forward it to the Chief
<n-ineer, who shall deter+ine the value of the residence and of the site. The
,ivisional ?fficerDs esti+ate shall, in both cases, be acco+anied by a reort of
the Chief Civil ?fficer of the district in re-ard to the value of the land and also the
value of the buildin- with reference to the value of si+ilar buildin-s in the
..--. & co+etent authority +ay, for reasons which should be recorded, authorise a
revaluation of all residences of a secified class or classes within a secified area
to be conducted under Rule *.'% above, and +ay revise the caital cost of any or
all such residences on the basis of such revaluation.
/01E.1he intention o this rule is to authorise revaluation o a
residence or residences in accordance with Rule -.5C even when the
actors speciied in clause &a( o Rule -., are >nown.
5.12. The caital cost, howsoever calculated, shall not ta.e into consideration !'" any
char-es on account of establish+ent and tools and lant other than such as were
actually char-ed direct to the wor. in cases in which the residence was
constructed by Govern+ent, or !#" in other cases, the esti+ated a+ount of such
/01E.Full departmental charges should %e levied in cases reerred
to in /ote &5( %elow Rule -.,.
..-4. Renewals of a buildin- or of its subsidiary wor.s, such as out-houses, roads,
drains, culverts, etc., or new construction, such as retainin- walls, necessitated by
the occurrence of fire, flood, earth6ua.e, abnor+al stor+ or other cala+ity will be
char-eable to the caital cost, but on co+letion a co+etent authority will decide
what a+ount should be written off the ori-inal caital cost. >hen a ortion of a
buildin- is re6uired to be dis+antled to +a.e roo+ for alterations and additions,
the caital value of the dis+antled ortion should be dealt with under the rules in
the Public >or.s ,eart+ent Code alyin- to buildin-s -enerally@
..-7. & co+etent authority +ay, for reasons which should be recorded, write off a
secial ortion of the caital cost of a residence -
1. when a ortion of the residence +ust be set aside, by the Govern+ent
servant to who+ the residence is allotted for the recetion of official and non
official visitors visitin- hi+ on business ; or
2. when it is satisfied that the caital cost, as deter+ined under the above
rules, would be -reatly in e0cess of the roer value of the acco++odation
/01E. ---#ee also Rule -.+'
..-.. In assessin- the cost or value of the sanitary, water-suly and electric
installations and fittin-s !vide Rule *.I" the followin- shall be re-arded as
co+risin- the installation and fittin-s@ -
Electric #upply
-. >irin-, includin- the suly line fro+ the +ain, and all connected
aaratus such as fuse bo0es and switches.
2. Ai0ed la+s ! and endant" includin- shades holders but
e0cludin- shades and bulbs.
4. >all lu-s of table la+s, table fans and electric heaters.
7. Aan oints !e0cludin- ceilin- fans and re-ulators".
.. 2i-htin- intercetors.
9. 8eters when sulied by Govern+ent.
#anitary and Aater-#upply
-. Pie, includin- service ie fro+ the +ain;
2. &aratus for hot water-suly;
4. Cisterns, tas and other necessary fittin-s;
7. :aths, basins and lavatory fittin-s;
.. 8eters when rovided at the cost of Govern+ent.
9. ,rains, includin- the +ain connection with the sewer; and all
connected aaratus such as -ulleys, channels, tras and vent ie for the
disosal of house wastes and sewa-e.
/01E 5.1he inclusion o these articles in this rule does not %ind
!overnment to provide all or any o them in a residence.
/01E '.Ahen ta%le lamp* ta%le ans or other electrical appliances* not
included under 3Electric #upply3 a%ove* have already %een supplied*
their cost should %e included in the capital cost o the residence* out on
their %ecoming unservicea%le they should not %e replaced the capital
cost o the residence %eing reduced accordingly.
&ii( #tandard rent
..-9. The standard rent of a residence shall be calculated as follows@-
a) In the case of leased residences the standard rent shall be the su+ aid to
the Bessor lus an allowance for +eetin- durin- the eriod of leases the robable
cost of char-es for-
i. both ordinary and secial +aintenance and reairs of the residence as +ay be a
char-e on Govern+ent includin- +aintenance and reairs of any additional wor. done at
Govern+ent e0ense ;
ii. Caital e0enditure on additions and alterations as +ay be a char-e on
iii. interest on caital e0enditure referred to in !ii" above; and
i=. the rates or ta0es in the nature of house or roerty ta0 if any, - ayable under any
law or custo+ by the owner to a +uniciality or other local body !but not recoverable fro+
the Govern+ent servant to who+ the residence is allotted".
The allowances for +eetin- such caital e0enditure on additions and alterations as
+ay be a char-e on Govern+ent and the interest and dereciation in connection therewith,
shall be as laid down in ara-rah ).## !)" of the Punjab Public >or.s ,eart+ent Code.
!Second <dition".
b) In the case of residences owned by Govern+ent, the standard rent shall be
calculated on the caital cost of the residence, and shall be either of the followin-
whichever is less-
i. a ercenta-e of such caital cost e6ual to such rate of interest as +ay fro+
ti+e to ti+e be fi0ed by co+etent authority lus an addition for +unicial and other
ta0es in the nature of house or roerty ta0 in resect of the residence ayable by
Govern+ent and for both ordinary and secial +aintenance and reairs, such
addition bein- deter+ined under Rule *.#'; or
ii. 5 er cent er annu+ of such caital cost. The restriction of 5 er cent er
annu+ shall not aly in the case of residences the caital cost of which is
calculated under the roviso to Rule *.I.
c) In both cases +entioned in clauses !a" land !b" above standard rent shall be
e0ressed as standard for a calendar +onth and shall be e6ual to one-twelth of the
annual rent as calculated above subject to the roviso that, in secial localities or in
resect of secial classes of residence, a co+etent authority +ay fi0 a standard
rent to cover a eriod -reater than one +onth, but not -reater than one year. >here
a co+etent authority action under this roviso standard rent so fi0ed shall not
be a lar-er roortion of the annual rent than the roortion which the eriod of
occuation as rescribed under Rule *.$' infra bears to one year.
%) >hen sanitary, water-suly and electric installations as defined in Rule *.'*
are not included in the caital cost of a residence rent shall be assessed on the
caital value of such installations at the followin- ercenta-es @C
Interest 4aintenance .epreciation
Sanitary installations
>ater-suly installations,
&s er Rule *.'(.
9 K er cent !ordinary .
ercent and secial er cent".
<lectric installation (itto 7 er cent . er cent
/01E 5.4unicipal ta$es which %y local rule or custom are levied on
the occupant will %e paya%le %y the occupant in addition to the rent
paya%le to !overnment under these rules.
/01E '. ---#ee also Rule -.++ inra
/01E +.---For the purposes o clauses &a( and &%( a%ove the additions
or %oth ordinary and special maintenance and repairs shall not
include anything or the esta%lishment and tools and plant charges*
e$cept to the e$tent allowed under Rule -.5' ante.
Aull ,eart+ent char-es should, however, be levied in cases referred to in Eote
!'" below Rule *.I.
..-5. >hen the standard rent of a residence has been calculated no recalculation on
account of +inor additions and alterations to the residence shall be +ade durin-
the ne0t five years, save in the followin- circu+stances @C
-. >hen the u-to-date additional e0enditure char-eable as caital
cost e0ceeds * er cent of the fi-ure last adoted as the caital cost-recalculation
shall be +ade with effect fro+ the co++ence+ent of the ne0t financial year or
fro+ any earlier date fro+ which a new tenant beco+es liable for the ay+ent of
2. >hen a ortion of the caital cost of a residence is written off under
the orders of a co+etent authority, the rent should be recalculated forthwith.
/01E. ---It is the duty o the E$ecutive Engineer to give timely notice
to the tenant concerned o the increase in rent. 0mission* however* on
his part to give such intimation in any case will not constitute a reason
or the enhancement or rent ta>ing eect rom the date later than that
on which it is due under the a%ove rule.
..-8. If a buildin- is actually occuied rior to the closin- of the accounts of e0enditure
on its construction, ac6uisition or e6ui+ent, rent is nevertheless char-eable fro+
the date of occuation and should be fi0ed rovisionally with the sanction of the
co+etent authority. The rent thus fi0ed rovisionally while the accounts are oen
is subject to revision with retrosective effect when they are closed and no
re+ission of rent on this account can be +ade save with the sanction of the
co+etent authority.
5.19. The rates of interest -iven in the followin- table should be alied in calculatin-
the standard rent of residences under Rule *.'5 !b"@-
(ate o: a"Luisition or
"onstru"tion o: t#e
R'+E &0 I*+ERES+
:uildin-s occuied on or
before the '(th Bune, '(##.
:uildin-s occuied after the '(th
Bune, '(##
Per "ent. Per "ent.
:efore 'st &ril, '('( 4 K 7
'st &ril, '('( to )'st Buly,
4 K .
'st &u-ust, '(#' to )'st
,ece+ber, '(#'.
4 K 9
Aro+ 'st Banuary, '(##
until further orders
9 9
/01E.1he date o construction reerred to in column &5( o this ta%le
should %e ta>en as the date on which the accounts o the estimate or
the construction o the residence are closed. In respect o e$penditure
on additions and alterations to residences the interest should %e
calculated at the rate applica%le on the date on which the accounts o
the estimates or the additions or alterations are closed.
5.20. The avera-e annual cost of +aintenance and reairs will consist of two artsC
secial and ordinary char-esC as e0lained below@C
i. Secial char-es will be those incurred in the renewal of floors or roofs, or on
other secial reairs or relace+ents occurrin- at lon- intervals. Provision for such
char-es should be +ade in the for+ of ercenta-es on the caital cost of each
buildin-. These ercenta-es will vary for different classes of buildin-s and are laid
down in Rule *.#'. >hen reairs are necessitated by the occurrence of fire, flood,
earth6ua.e, abnor+al stor+ or other cala+ity, the cost of such secial reairs
should be shown searately in the Caital and the Revenue &ccounts under
Revenue char-es durin- the year and should not be included in the total char-es
or ta.en into account as a basis for the revision of the rent.
ii. ?rdinary char-es will include the cost of ordinary annual reairs to-ether
with a roortional share of the e0enditure that +ay be re6uired 6uadrennially or
at other short intervals. The a+ount of these char-es as re-ards buildin-s
constructed or ac6uired by the Irri-ation :ranch is esti+ated as laid down in Rule
*.#'. Aor buildin- constructed or ac6uired by the :uildin-s and Roads :ranch
these will be esti+ated within the li+its laid down in Rule *.#' by the <0ecutive
<n-ineer of the ,ivision and aroved by the Suerintendin- <n-ineer.
/01E.#ee also Rule -.5+.
..2-. The followin- ercenta-es of cost will be assessed on account of ordinary and
secial reairs in calculatin- the standard rent under Rule *.'5 !b" !i" @--
1. >hen ac6uired or constructed throu-h the a-ency of the Public
>or.s ,eart+ent, Irri-ation :ranch @--
Class o:
<er"enta?e on t#e
Ca<ital "ost o: t#e
buil%in? E;"lu%in?
=alue o: Site
'. Those in -ood order built by the Public >or.s
,eart+ent in a se+i-er+anent style, i.e., with
ublic foundations, .utcha-ucca outside walls,
li+e-ointed ucca araets and chi+neys
K - K
terraced jac. arch or wooden .arri roofs over
steel -irders.
Those of a si+ilar style of construction, but not in
-ood condition either built by the Public >or.s
,eart+ent, or urchased fro+ rivate
individuals and added to and altered after
Te+orary buildin-s i.e., those with walls of +ud
+asonry with a roof of thatched or tiles or
wooden .arries.
2. >hen ac6uired or constructed throu-h the a-ency of the
Public >or.s ,eart+ent, :uildin-s and Roads :ranch--
Class o:
<er"enta?e on t#e
Ca<ital "ost o: t#e
buil%in? E;"lu%in?
=alue o: Site
Those in -ood order built by the Public >or.s
,eart+ent in a se+i-er+anent style, i.e., with
ublic foundations, .utcha-ucca outside walls,
li+e-ointed ucca araets and chi+neys
terraced jac. arch or wooden .arri roofs over
steel -irders.
Those of a si+ilar style of construction, but not in
-ood condition either built by the Public >or.s
,eart+ent, or urchased fro+ rivate
individuals and added to and altered after
Te+orary buildin-s i.e., those with walls of +ud
+asonry with a roof of thatched or tiles or
wooden .arries.
- K
- to 4
4 to .
. to 5
3. & char-e of 7 K <er cent of the caital cost will be +ade in
addition to the above to cover the +aintenance of water-suly, sanitary and
electric installations, where such e0ist.
/01EAith reerence to the minimum and ma$imum rates i$ed
a%ove or annual ordinary repairs* #uperintending Engineers o the
Pu%lic Aor>s .epartment* Fuildings and Roads Franch* should
arrange to communicate to the Accountant-!eneral such percentages
as are actually applied in i$ing the standard rent in each individual
case* so that the rents i$ed may %e suscepti%le o scrutiny.
&c( Conditions o 1enancy and Rent paya%le %y !overnment servants.
5.22. >hen Govern+ent sulies a Govern+ent servant with a residence leased or
owned by it, the followin- conditions shall be observed@C
a) The scale of acco++odation sulied shall not, e0cet at the Govern+ent
servantDs own re6uest, e0ceed that which is aroriate to the status of the
b) unless in any case it be otherwise e0ressly rovided in these rules, he
shall ay !i" rent for the residence, such rent bein- the standard rent as defined in
Rule *.'5 above or '% er cent of his +onthly e+olu+ents whichever is less and
!ii" +unicial and other ta0es ayable by Govern+ent in resect of the residence
not bein- in the nature of house or roerty-ta0.
..24. Eothin- contained in clause !b" of Rule *.## above shall oerate to revent
Govern+ent fro+-
i. -rouin-, after the standard rents have been calculated under the
rovision of Rule *.'5 above a nu+ber of residences, whether in a articular area
or of a articular class or classes, for the urose of assess+ent of rent, subject to
the followin- conditions bein- fulfilled@-
-. that the basis of assess+ent is unifor+; and
2. that the a+ount ta.en fro+ any Govern+ent servant shall not
e0ceed '% er cent of his +onthly e+olu+ents;
ii. a rent in e0cess of that rescribed in Rule *.## !b" above
fro+ a Govern+ent servant-
-. who is not re6uired or er+itted to reside on duty at the
station at which the residence is sulied to hi+; or
2. who, at his own re6uest, is sulied with
acco++odation which e0ceeds that which is aroriate to the status of the ost
held by hi+; or
4. who is in receit of a co+ensatory allowance -ranted
on account of dearness of livin-; or
7. who is er+itted to sublet the residence sulied to
hi+; or
.. who sublets without er+ission the residence sulied
to hi+.
/01E.2nder clause &ii( o this rule rent may %e recovered in e$cess
o 5C per cent o a !overnment servant=s emoluments %ut not in
e$cess o the standard rent as deined in Rule -.5B.
5.24. & Govern+ent servant who at his own re6uest is sulied with a residence owned
or leased by Govern+ent of a class hi-her than that for which he is eli-ible or
affordin- acco++odation in e0cess of that which is aroriate to his status, shall,
unless otherwise decided by the co+etent authority, be char-ed the full standard
rent as calculated under Rule *.'5 el se6 and shall not be -iven the benefit of the
'% er cent concession afforded by Rule *.## !b".
..2.. Eon-+i-ratory Govern+ent servants er+itted to recess in the hills shall ay, for
houses rovided in the hills, '% er cent of e+olu+ents, or the standard rent
whichever is less, for the eriod of allot+ent. This rent shall be aid in addition to
the rent assessable under the rules for a residence sulied at the Govern+ent
servantDs head6uarters.
5.26. Aor the uroses of clause !b" of Rule *.## above Fe+olu+entsF +eans@-
i. Pay,
ii. Pay+ents fro+ -eneral revenues and fees, if such ay+ents or
fees are received in the shae of a fi0ed addition to +onthly ay and allowances
as art of the authorised re+uneration of a ost;
iii. Co+ensatory allowances, other than travellin- allowance and
unifor+ allowance aid to nurses in hositals, whether drawn fro+ the -eneral
revenues or fro+ a local fund;
i=. <0chan-e Co+ensation &llowance;
=. Pension, other than a ension drawn under the rovisions of
Chater NVIII of Volu+e II of these rules or co+ensation received under the
>or.+enDs Co+ensation &ct, '(#), as subse6uently a+ended;
=i. In the case of a Govern+ent servant under susension and in
receit of a subsistence -rant the a+ount of the subsistence -rant, rovided that if
such Govern+ent servant is subse6uently allowed to draw ay for the eriod of
susension the difference between the rent recovered on the basis of the
subsistence -rant and the rent due on the basis of the e+olu+ents ulti+ately
drawn shall be recovered fro+ hi+.
It does not include allowances attached to the 9uaid-i-&1a+Ds Police 8edal and
the Pa.istan Police 8edal.
/01E 5.1he emoluments o a !overnment servant paid at piece-
wor> rates shall %e determined in such manner as the competent
authority may prescri%e.
/01E '.1he emoluments o a !overnment servant on leave mean
the emoluments drawn %y him or the last complete calendar month o
duty perormed %y him prior to his departure on leave.
/01E +.1he word 3Pension3 occurring in this rule should %e
interpreted as meaning the entire amount o the pension originally
sanctioned* and not only the residue ater commutation.
/01E ;.Ahole deduction on account o house-rent rom
!overnment servants in receipt o sterling overseas pay should %e
made in Pa>istan and the sterling overseas pay should %e converted
into rupees at '#- 5.'7.+'d in the rupee or the purposes o calculating
house-rent i the amount o house-rent has to %e determined with
reerence to pay o the occupier.
5.27. The Govern+ent servant to who+ a residence is allotted,- vide Rule *)( et se6 is
resonsible for the rent recoverable under the rules durin- the eriod of allot+ent
unless e0e+ted by co+etent authority under the rovisions of Rule *.#I.
Rent shall be recovered +onthly in arrears for the eriod of allot+ent.
&d( Rent-ree accommodation and waiving or reducing the amount o rent.
5.28. In secial circu+stances, for reasons which should be recorded, a co+etent
a) +ay, by -eneral or secial order, -rant rent-free acco++odation to any
Govern+ent servant or class of Govern+ent servants; or
b) +ay, by secial order, waive or reduce the a+ount of rent to be recovered
fro+ any Govern+ent servant or a class of Govern+ent servants; or
") +ay, by -eneral or secial order, waive or reduce the a+ount of +unicial
and other ta0es, not bein- in the nature of house or roerty ta0, to be recovered
fro+ any Govern+ent servant or class of Govern+ent servants.
/01E 5.1he ollowing are the types o cases in which such
e$emptions or reduction may %e sanctioned6-
a) Ahen post n a !overnment servant is not oiciating in a
post* %ut is perorming the duties o a in addition to those o his
su%stantive post and already pays rent or a house.
b) Ahen a !overnment servant* in addition to the duties o a
post* carries on those o another post which preclude him rom
occupying the house.
") Ahen a !overnment servant has %een promoted or
transerred to a post in the same station and it is not considered
necessary that he should change his residence.
%) Ahen a !overnment servant oiciating in a post or a
period not e$ceeding two months is actually prevented rom
occupying the house provided or him %y circumstances which
the competent authority considers suicient to warrant an
e$ception %eing made in his avour.
/01E '.Ahen rents are i$ed in accordance with Rule -.5B and when
one or more !overnment servants supplied with residences in the
particular area are granted a house ree o rent or at reduced rent* the
proper course is to apply Rule -.5B irst and Rule -.', aterwardsD that
is* the ordinary rent o the occupant o each house should %e i$ed
under Rule -.5B and any reduction necessary should then %e made
under this rule.
/01E +.A list o !overnment servants who have %een granted rent
ree accommodation under this rule is given in Appendi$ 8.
5.29. >hen, under clause !a" of Rule *.#I a Govern+ent servant is rovided with
6uarters free of rent the e0e+tion fro+ rent shall, in the absence of any orders of
Govern+ent to the contrary, be considered to be co+lete, i.e., no additional
char-e shall be +ade in resect of the rent of secial services in the buildin- the
cost of which has been included in the caital cost of the buildin-.
The concession of rent free 6uarters does not carry with it the free suly of water
and electric ener-y, the cost of which +ust be defrayed by the Govern+ent servant
hi+self. The rent of water and electric +eters the cost of which has not been included in
the caital cost of the buildin- is also ayable by the Govern+ent servant.
/01E 5.1he occupants o sta 9uarters and other %uildings
appurtenant to !overnment House* )ahore are e$empt rom payment
o charges or electricity consumed. As regards water charges see the
3E$ception3 %elow the section =Aater charges3 in Rule -.+8.
/01E '.#ee also Rule -.+8.
..46. Rent will be char-ed fro+ such Govern+ent servants in the Public >or.s
,eart+ent !e0cet those in the Public >or.s Secretariat other than drawin-
establish+ent" as have been in continuous service on re-ular establish+ent fro+ a
date rior to 'st &ril, '(#*, in accordance with the followin- rinciles@ -
a) In the case of those whose e+olu+ents do not e0ceed Rs. *% er +ense+,
no rent will be char-ed.
b) In the case of those whose e+olu+ents e0ceed Rs. *% er +ense+ but do
not e0ceed Rs. '%% er +ense+, rent will be char-ed at * er cent on the
e+olu+ents subject to the roviso that the e+olu+ents are not thereby reduced to
less than Rs. *% er +ense+.
c) In the case of those whose e+olu+ents e0ceed Rs. '%% er +ense+, rent
will be char-ed accordin- to Rule *.'5 above subject to the roviso that the
e+olu+ents are not thereby reduced to less than Rs. (* er +ense+.
/01E.Artiicers in the Irrigation Franch who were discharged and
re-appointed ater 5st <une* 57+-* on the reduction o the scale o pay
or Artiicers rom Rs. ;--5-8- to Rs.;C-I-BC will continue to en:oy the
rent concessions which they were en:oying under this rule prior to 5st
<une* 57+-.
5.31. & co+etent authority +ay sanction re+ission of rent due for the occuation of a
Govern+ent buildin- when the buildin- is rendered uninhabitable by reason of
e0tensive reairs bein- in ro-ress, or fro+ any other cause, rovided that if the
occuier finds that the house has beco+e uninhabitable he shall at once reort the
+atter to the <0ecutive <n-ineer in char-e of the buildin-, who will i++ediately
insect it and forward a reort on the subject to the Suerintendin- <n-ineer. The
latter will ta.e such stes in the +atter as he considers necessary, reortin- his
action to the co+etent authority, who will then decide whether artial or total
re+ission of rent is to be allowed.
/01E.Inconvenience caused %y petty or ordinary annual repairs is
insuicient to warrant remission o rent which should %e granted only
when e$tensive structural repairs* :ustiying in the opinion o the
competent authority the vacation o the %uilding* are carried out.
..42. >hen a buildin- is occuied artly as a residence and artly as an office the
caital value of the ortion occuied as a residence should be searately
esti+ated for the urose of Rule *.'5. The cost of +aintenance of the residential
ortion should also be searately esti+ated and accounted for. This is usually
done on the basis of linth area.
/01E.Ahen &a( separate oice accommodation is provided or the
occupant and &%( the use o part o his residence or oice or %usiness
purposes is optional* no deduction rom the rent is permissi%le on this
account. Ahere* howeverO a !overnment servant though provided
with oice accommodation elsewhere than in his residence is* in the
opinion o the competent authority o%liged to set apart a portion o his
residence or the reception o visitors %oth oicial and non-oicial on
%usiness a deduction rom the rent is permissi%le on this account to
the e$tent o hal the assessed rent o the accommodation so used.
5.33. In leasin-, ac6uirin- or constructin- an official residence for any one of the
Govern+ent servants +entioned in colu+n # of the state+ent in Rule *.)*,
Govern+ent will arran-e to rovide acco++odation for visitors in the shae of a
waitin- roo+, and for a Co++issioner or ,euty Co++issioner, 6uarters for a
olice -uard. The acco++odation so rovided lus hah% of the roo+ set aart for
the recetion of visitors will not be ta.en into account in calculatin- the standard
rent fi0ed for such residence under Rule *.'5.
/01E 5.Ahere waiting rooms have %een set apart or visitors in
=residence o !aLetted !overnment servants entitled to re%ate o rent
under this rule* re%ate will also %e allowed or the portion o
verandahs* i any* attached to the waiting rooms.
/01E '.1he guards 9uarters and visitors waiting room with visitors=
Foo> shed and hal o the room set apart or the reception o visitors
in the Residence o the Honoura%le Chie <ustice o the High Court*
)ahore* are to %e treated as non-residential portions or purposes o
calculation o rent. Re%ate o rent will %e granted in respect thereo.
..47. & rebate of rent will be allowed to the ,euty Collectors of the Irri-ation
,eart+ent for the roo+ in their residential 6uarters occuied by eons when
ad+inistrative re6uire+ents necessitate their livin- in the roo+ rovided in the
6uarters and it is not used for ,euty CollectorDs rivate uroses.
5.35. In the case of rivately-owned buildin-s hired directly by the Govern+ent servants
+entioned in colu+n .# of the state+ent below for use as residences, the followin-
concessions will be ad+issible when suitable acco++odation !other than a +ere
oen verandah" for visitors or in the case of Co++issioner or ,euty
Co++issioner for a .olice -uard, as the case +ay be, is set aside to the
satisfaction of the authority +entioned in colu+n ) of the state+ent@-
i. The rent of the waitin- roo+ and half the rent of the roo+ in which visitors
are received and the rent of the 6uarters for the olice -uard will be borne by
ii. The ortion of the rent which is thus to be borne by Govern+ent on account
of the waitin- and recetion roo+s and 6uarters for the olice -uard will be
assessed by the <0ecutive <n-ineers concerned on the value of the
acco++odation in 6uestion. Its a+ount will bear the sa+e roortion to the rent of
the re+ises occuied as the sace occuied by the acco++odation rovided
bears to the total linth area of the buildin-.
iii. The ortion ayable for the waitin- and recetion roo+s will be aid by the
<0ecutive <n-ineer to the landlord. 4e will also arran-e with the Police
,eart+ent for the ortion ayable for the 6uarters for the olice -uard bein- aid
by that ,eart+ent as a olice contin-ent char-e direct to the Govern+ent servant
occuyin- the buildin-@-
- 2 4
-. Co++issioners
,euty Co++issioners Co++issioner of ,ivision
Settle+ent ?fficers, &ssistant Settle+ent
?fficers, concerned. Coloni1ation and
&ssistant Coloni1ation ?fficers
8e+bers of the Civil Service of Pa.istan or
P.C.S. in char-e of Sub-,ivisions
.. Princial, &-ricultural Colle-e, 2yallur. ,irector of &-riculture
Re-istrar, 4i-h Court of Budicature at 2ahore 4onourable Bud-es of the
4i-h Court
5. Insector-General of Police, all ,euty Insec- Insector-General of Police
tors-General of Police, and all Suerintendents
of Police !e0cet the Princial, Police Trainin-
School, the Personal &ssistant to the
Insector-General of Police and the &ssistant
to the Insector-General, Secial :ranch".
,euty Suerintendent of Police, laced in
char-e of Sub-,ivision.
..49. Constant chan-es in the acco++odation to be set aart for visitors are
dereciated on rincile, but so lon- as these chan-es are necessary and are
+ade for sound reasons, Govern+ent servants concerned can set aart different
roo+s durin- su++er and winter on condition that the acco++odation set aart-
a) is to the satisfaction of their sueriors;
b) is not less in area than that for which Govern+ent waives rent; and
") if in e0cess of that ori-inally reserved, Govern+ent is not called uon to
waive a lar-e ortion of the rent than that already fi0ed.
&e( Rent or #pecial #ervices
5.37. If a residence is sulied with service other than water-suly, sanitary, or electric
installation and fittin- such as furniture, fans, tennis courts or -ardens, the cost of
which is not ta.en into account in calculatin- the standard rent of the residence
under Rule *.'5 and which are +aintained at the cost of Govern+ent, rent shall be
char-ed for these in addition to the rent ayable under rules *.## to *.#*. The
tenants will also be re6uired to ay the cost of water, electric ener-y, etc.,
consu+ed. The additional rents and char-es will be fi0ed and recovered in full as
below. & co+etent authority +ay, however, in very secial circu+stances and for
reasons which should be recorded, waive or reduce the additional rent and
char-es for any of the secial a+enities referred to above.
/01E 5.1he value o the site shall not %e ta>en into account in
calculating the rent o special services under this rule.
/01E '.Ahere* however* it is so directed %y general or special
a) 1he value o the site and the cost o its preparation shall
%e included in the capital cost o tennis courts and gardens.
b) .epartmental charges shall %e included in the capital cost
o urniture* ceiling ans* tennis courts and gardens as well as
their maintenance* depreciation and storage charges. 1he
percentage rates or maintenance* depreciation and storage
shall not %e levied on the capital cost ater the addition o the
departmental charges %ut %eore such addition. Interest shall*
however* %e calculated on the capital cost including
departmental charges.
") 1he cost o sanitary* water-supply and electric
installations may %e e$cluded rom the capital cost o tennis
courts and gardens.
#hould the cost o sanitary* water-supply and electric
installations %e ordered to %e e$cluded* rent or such
installations shall %e levied at the rates speciied under Rule
-.5B &d(.
ii. For cases in which the a%ove provision will apply see
paragraph +.'8 o the Pun:a% Pu%lic Aor>s .epartment Code*
'nd Edition.
The rent shall be recovered at the rate of '* er cent er annu+ of the caital cost
as detailed below@-
a) 8aintenance 7 er cent.
b) Interest . er cent.
") ,ereciation includin-
renewals and relace+ents
9 er cent
+otal -. er cent
Ceilin? 0ans
The rent shall be recovered at the rate of '/ er cent er annu+ on the caital cost
as detailed below and shall be recovered durin- the whole of the year-
a) Interest 7 er cent.
b) ,ereciation 9 K er cent.
") 8aintenance 7 K er cent
%) Stora-e Char-es 2 er cent.
+otal -. er cent
1ennis Court
Rent to be recovered for a tennis court should cover both interest on the caital
outlay involved at the rate rescribed by the co+etent authority for the uroses of Rule
*.'5 !b" and avera-e actual +aintenance char-es for the ast three years. The char-es,
which +ay be incurred in connection with the rovision and +aintenance of tennis courts
'. In re-ard to courts in the lains-
-. construction of the court and of retainin- walls where necessary;
2. surfacin- of the court with bajri, -rass, ce+ent, etc. at the ti+e of construction.
B. In re-ard to courts in the hills-
-. and
2. as in section & above;
4. Provision and erection of osts and wire-nettin- for the urose of - enclosin- the
court and of er+anently fi0ed osts for susendin- lawn-tennis nets;
7. rovision and erection of fi0ture and aurtenances for han-in- screens; and
.. +aintenance of ite+s ) and $ only.
/01E 5.1he cost o providing and renewing tennis-nets* the mar>ing
o courts the provision o screens* the maintenance o the surace o
the courts and also the maintenance o items &+( and &;( in section F
a%ove* in so ar as they relate to the courts in the plains* should* on no
account* %e admitted as a charges against the #tate.
/01E '.For the purpose o these rules the maintenance charges
shall %e revised ater every three years*
/01E +.#ee also note under the head 3!arden3 %elow.
:oth interest on the outlay incurred at the rate rescribed by the co+etent
authority for the uroses of Rule *.'5 !b" and actual +aintenance char-es-should be
The cost of lantin- shade trees, shrubs and hed-es in the co+ounds of
residential buildin-s, of transortin- soil in a ortion of the co+ound +eant for a -arden,
if the nature of the e0istin- surface soil renders such transortation necessary, in order to
for+ a -arden, of -rassin- lots, of a well and of rovidin- irri-ation channels +ay
be debited to ublic funds as caital e0enditure on the residence and included in the
caital cost thereof for the urose of assess+ent of standard rent. The +aintenance of
shrubs and hed-es and of -rass lots shall be a liability of the tenant. The sale-roceeds
of ti+ber shall be credited to Govern+ent.
/01E.I the capital outlay on the tennis courtG garden is not >nown*
it may %e determined %y the .ivisional 0icer with reerence to the
mar>et value o similar tennis courtG garden in the vicinity
Aater Charges
Char-es for water-sulied to tenants of Govern+ent residential buildin-s are
assessed as follows@-
a) <very official occuyin- a Govern+ent 6uarter with a searate water
connection +ust ay water char-es includin- the +eter rent as fi0ed by a
8uniciality, ,istrict :oard or the Public 4ealth ,eart+ent. Eo e0cetion will be
-ranted in such cases.
b) >here 6uarters have not been rovided with searate water connections
and the occuants have to use outside, and technically ublic tas, no water
char-es should be recovered fro+ the+.
") >here water ta0 as distinct fro+ water char-es is levied such ta0 is ayable
by the tenants.
E$ception.-1his rule does not apply to menials and other inerior
servants entitles to rent ree 9uarters under item 5- in Appendi$ 8 to
these rules and !overnment servants e$empted in paragraph +.5B o
Pun:a% Pu%lic Aor>s .epartment Code* #econd Edition.
Classi:i"ation o: Resi%en"es
..48. Govern+ent buildin-s intended for occuation as residences are divided into two
Class I- :uildin- which will ordinary be occuied by Govern+ent servants liable to
ay the full standard rent objection to the li+it of '% er cent of their e+olu+ents.
Class II-:uildin-s fro+ which recovery of the full standard rent is not e0ected that
is, buildin-s which win ordinarily be occuied by Govern+ent servants who are entitled to
acco++odation rent free or at reduced rents under the sanction of co+etent authority.
/01E 5.1he act that a %uilding in class I is occasionally occupied
%y a !overnment servant who is entitled to accommodation rent ree*
or at reduced rents* will not :ustiy its removal rom class I to class II*
and similarly a %uilding in class II should not %e transerred to class I
whenever it is occupied %y a !overnment servant who may %e
re9uired to pay the ull standard rent &su%:ect to 5C per cent o
emoluments(. Fuildings should %e transerred rom one class to the
other only when there is a permanent change in the conditions under
which they will ordinarily %e rented. 1ransers should %e made under
the orders o the competent authority and should have eect in all
cases rom the commencement o a inancial year.
/01E '.Ahen a %uilding in class II is occupied %y any person who is
not entitled to 9uarters rent ree* the rent to %e paid shall %e i$ed %y
the competent authority in general in accordance with the rules in this
/01E +.In the Forest .epartment !aLetted !overnment servants not
entitled to rent ree accommodation are permitted to occupy 9uarters
meant or ree occupation on payment o rents to %e assessed %y the
Pu%lic Aor>s .epartment under the rules in this chapter.
&g( !eneral Rules and Instructions regarding allotment o residences
..4/. The e0ression FallottedF-+eans FrovidedF and a Govern+ent servant residin- in
a Govern+ent residence before definite allot+ent +ay be re-arded as havin-
been allotted that residence. Subject to the rovisions of Rule *.$* the incu+bent,
er+anent or te+orary, of a ost for whose benefit a residence has been
constructed, bou-ht or leased is allotted that residence.
/01E.A residence will not %e held to have %een allotted to a
!overnment servant who shares it %y private arrangement with
another !overnment servant to whom it has %een allotted.
..76. & Govern+ent servant shall not be considered-to be in occuation of a residence
when he roceeds on leave, unless the co+etent authority otherwise directs.
..7-. The eriod of allot+ent is deter+ined as follows@-Aor a non-+i-ratory Govern+ent
a) if the house has been constructed, urchased or leased for the benefit of a
articular ost, it is the eriod of incu+bency, er+anent or te+orary, of each
Govern+ent servant in that aoint+ent; e0cet in the case rovided for in Rule
b) otherwise it is for twelve +onths at a ti+e, but ter+inates on his transfer
fro+ the lace where he is stationed, e0cet in the case of a house in the hills
occuied by a Govern+ent servant who is er+itted to recess in the hills under the
rules in force. In this case, the eriod of allot+ent is the eriod of recess enjoyed.
E$ception 5.1he sta o Pun:a% "accine Institute which is not
supplied with rent ree 9uarters at )ahore= should %e considered
migratory !overnment servants within the meaning o that term as
deined in Rule '.+8 or the purpose only o allotment in !overnment
residences at )ahore.
E$ception '.---In the case o the Political Assistant* .era !haLi @han*
who has two head9uarters* viL* .era !haLi @han and Fort 4unro* the
period o allotment or the residence provided or him at .era !haLi
@han is rom 5st 0cto%er to 5;th April* and that or the residence at
Fort 4unro rom 5-th April to +Cth #eptem%er when he stays there.
..72. >hen, durin- a twelve +onthsD tenancy, a Govern+ent residence is vacated,
owin- either to the occuantDs aoint+ent havin- been altered or to his
roceedin- on leave the residence should, when this is ossible and always when
occuation of the residence is a condition of the tenure of the aoint+ent, be
allotted to his successor in office and rent recovered accordin-ly.
>hen a Govern+ent servant over char-e of an office entitlin- hi+ to occuy
a Govern+ent residential buildin-, he should, aart fro+ the usual char-es certificate on
assu+tion of office, si-n a sule+entary certificate statin- that he beco+es
resonsible for the rent of the buildin- fro+ a -iven date. The relieved Govern+ent
servant should si+ilarly state that his resonsibility for rent has ceased. & coy of this
certificate should be sent to the &ccountant-General and the <0ecutive <n-ineer
concerned to enable the for+er to e0ercise a chec. on the ro+t recovery of rent and
the latter to co+lete records, etc. & Govern+ent servant will be held resonsible for the
rent until such date as he vacates the buildin- and,
a) after infor+in- the <0ecutive <n-ineer of the division in which the house is
situated of the vacation, hands over the .ey to hi+; or
b) in the case of relief by another official, furnishes the <0ecutive <n-ineer
concerned with the certificate referred to above.
If an office does not carry with it any resonsibility for the rent of a buildin-, the
sule+entary certificate will be blan. and will be si-ned with a line drawn across it.
a) The sub-lettin- of an allotted residence +ay be er+itted under the
followin- conditions by the Chief <n-ineer, Public >or.s ,eart+ent in char-e of
the buildin- who should be addressed throu-h the head of the tenantDs
-. that no Govern+ent servant who is eli-ible clai+s allot+ent;
2. that the Govern+ent servant to who+ the residence is allotted
re+ains ersonally resonsible for the rent and any da+a-e done to the residence
beyond fair, wear and tear;
4. that Govern+ent does not reco-nise the sub-tenancy;
7. that the rent char-ed to the sub-tenant does not, e0cet with the
sanction of the Govern+ent, e0ceed the rent ayable to Govern+ent by the
Govern+ent servant to who+ the residence is allotted;
.. that the sub-tenancy be only for the eriod of allot+ent.
b) >hen the e+olu+ents of a Govern+ent servant to who+ a
residence +ay be sublet are -reater than those of the Govern+ent servant to
who+ the residence is allotted, the '% er cent li+it will be alied to the hi-her of
the two e+olu+ents for the eriod of the sub-lease.
") In such cases of sublettin- a Govern+ent residence when the
lessor is not entitled to rent free 6uarters or house rent allowance in lieu but the
lessee is so entitled, the rent ayable by the lessor should be the rent ayable by
hi+, Dif he had not sublet the resident, or the rent ayable by the lessee, Dif the
resident had been allotted to hi+ direct by Govern+ent otherwise than free of rent,
whichever is hi-her.
%) >hen a Govern+ent resident is sublet and the lessor and the
lessee are, or the lessor is; entitled to rent free 6uarters or house-rent allowance in
lieu, the followin- rocedure shall be adoted @-
i. >hen both the lessor and the lessee are entitled to rent
free 6uarters or house-rent allowance in lieu, the lessor will ay to Govern+ent an
a+ount e6uivalent to the hi-her of the two house-rent allowances; and
ii. when the lessor is entitled to rent free 6uarters or
house-rent allowance in lieu and the lessee is not so entitled, the lessor will ay to
Govern+ent an a+ount e6uivalent to the house-rent allowance ad+issible to hi+
or to the rent ayable by the lessee if the house had been allotted to hi+ direct by
Govern+ent, whichever is hi-her.
/01E 5.In the case o the 9uarters in the RivaL and Chau%ur:i
!ardens Estates* )ahore* the E$ecutive Engineer concerned is
permitted to approve o the su%lets.
/01E '.Ahenever a residence cannot %e allotted to the incum%ent
o the post to which it is attached or to a !overnment servant o the
class or which it was constructed* it may %e let to a !overnment
servant not holding the particular post or not %elonging to that class
su%:ect to the conditions that-
i. the allotment ceases within two months o a
!overnment servant or whom the residence is intended
%ecoming availa%le at the station as a tenant* and
ii. the rent to %e recovered under the rules rom the
temporary tenant is not less than 'G+rd o the standard rent o
the house.
A competent authority may rela$ the provisions o this note as a
special case i considered necessary.
..77. & co+etent authority +ay er+it a Govern+ent servant to store, at his own ris.
free of rent, his furniture and other belon-in-s in a house which has ceased to be
allotted to hi+ when both the conditions secified below are fulfilled @-
a) If the house is allotted to another Govern+ent servant under Rule
*.$' - !i" !a", subject to the condition that the latter does not re6uire the residence
and is e0e+ted under Rule *.#/ fro+ resonsibility for the rent.
b) In any case subject to the condition that arran-e+ents cannot be
+ade to the house under ara-rah ).'% of the Public >or.s ,eart+ent Code-
Airst <dition.
5.45. If a Govern+ent servant to who+ a residence is allotted dies, is dis+issed fro+
the service or retires fro+ the service, the allot+ent .to hi+ of the residence shall
be cancelled, with effect fro+ OthreeL
+onth after the date of his death, dis+issal
or retire+ent, as the case +ay be, or with effect fro+ any date after such death,
dis+issal or retire+ent on which the residence, is actually vacated, whichever is
earlier. In such cases the recovery of rent should be -overned by Rule *.## !b"
sura, i.e. while the ori-inal allot+ent subsists, rent should be char-ed at the
sa+e concessional rate as was bein- aid by the Govern+ent servant before his
death, dis+issal or retire+ent, as the case +ay be. Si+ilarly the concession of rent
free 6uarters, if it was -ranted in any case, should continue durin- the eriod of
..79. In the case of residences under the control of the Aorest ,eart+ent these rules
should be read as if the words FPublic >or.s ,eart+entF, FChief <n-ineerF and
F<0ecutive <n-ineerF were FAorest ,eart+entF, FChief Conservator of AorestsF
and F,ivisional Aorest ?fficerF, resectively.
5.47. Clai+s to co+ensation +ade by Govern+ent servants will ordinarily be
considered only in cases in which-
i. the e0osure of the roerty to ris. is directly
connected with the duties on which the Govern+ent servant is e+loyed at the
ti+e, e.-., when the action of an ene+y or insur-ents of raiders or wild tribes on
the frontier causes the loss of the roerty of the Govern+ent servant e+loyed in
the area affected, or
ii. the roerty is lost in conse6uence of endeavours on
the art of the Govern+ent servant to save the roerty of Govern+ent which was
also endan-ered at the ti+e; or
iii. the roerty is destroyed under the orders of co+etent
authority @
Provided that the +ere fact that, at the ti+e of accident, the Govern+ent servant is
technically on duty or is livin- in Govern+ent 6uarters in which he is forced to reside for
Sub. by Ga1. of Punjab <0t. #Ith Eov. '(/*.
the erfor+ance of his duties will not be considered as a sufficient -round for the -rant of
co+ensation. Co+ensation will not be -ranted to a Govern+ent servant for any loss of
his roerty-
a) which is caused by an act of God, e.?., earth6ua.e, flood, etc., or
b) which is due to an ordinary everyday accident which +ay occur to
any citi1en, e.?., loss by theft, even when acco+anied by violence or the result of
a railway accident, fire, etc., or
") which is due in any way to ne-li-ence or other default on the art of
the clai+ant
/01E 5.Claims or compensation wilt %e considered in respect o
animals &5( which are >illed* captured or stolen %y the enemyD &'(
which are destroyed %y order o competent authority to prevent the
spread o inectious or contagious diseasesD or &+( when the loss o
the animal is due to e$posure or e$cessive wor> necessitated %y use
in the pu%lic service or to an accident directly due to such use.
/01E '.Compensation is not admissi%le where* as a matter o
ordinary prudence the owner o the property could and should have
insured it. 1he 9uestion whether the property ought to have %een
insured is one o act or the decision o the sanctioning authority.
Failure to insure motor cars %y their owners will* however* %e
considered as negligence within the meaning o this rule* and no
compensation is admissi%le or any loss sustained %y a !overnment
servant who has omitted to insure his car. 1he >ind o insurance
contemplated in this case is the ordinary orm o insurance which
most motorists ta>e out-the >ind which a .!overnment servant who
%uys a car with an advance rom !overnment is re9uired to ta>e out.
1he ordinary policy provides ully against malicious damage* ire or
thet* and it is not considered necessary that !overnment servants
should cover their cars against any %ut the ris>s provided against in
ordinary insurance policies.
..78. >hen anyone of the conditions in Rule *.$/ is satisfied, a co+etent authority
+ay, as an act of -race and its discretion, -rant co+ensation to the Govern+ent
servant u to the then value of the necessaries lost by hi+.
E$planation.1he 9uestion whether the articles lost are 3necessaries3
within the meaning o this rule will %e determined %y the sanctioning
authority with reerence to the !overnment servant=s personal
standing and circumstances. Care should %e ta>en not to admit claims
or articles which could clearly %e regarded as unessential in the
circumstances in which the !overnment servant was situated when
the claim arose* or which* as a matter o ordinary prudence*
!overnment servants might have %een e$pected to rerain rom ta>ing
into such situations.
IV. ---&*&R'RI' '*( 0EES
..7/. Subject to the conditions rescribed in Rule *.*% a co+etent authority +ay -rant
or er+it a Govern+ent servant to receive an honorariu+ fro+ -eneral revenues
as re+uneration for wor. erfor+ed which is occasional in character and either so
laborious or of such secial +erit as to justify a secial reward. <0cet when
secial reasons, which should be recorded in writin-, e0ist for a dearture fro+ this
rovision, sanction to the -rant of or er+ission to receive an honorariu+ should
not be -iven unless the wor. has been underta.en with the rior consent of the
co+etent authority and its a+ount has been settled in advance.
/01E 5.In a case where an honorarium is to %e granted to a
!overnment servant there must irst %e an order o competent
authority permitting acceptance o the honorarium %y the !overnment
servant* and there must also %e an order sanctioning the grant o the
honorarium. In a case where an honorarium is to %e granted to a
!overnment servant %elonging to a department other than the one
which is to pay it* there should* thereore* %e two sanctions* one or
the payment o the honorarium %y the department in which the
e$penditure is to %e incurred and the other or the acceptance o the
honorarium which must %e issued %y the department to which the
!overnment servant %elongs. In orders to avoid duplication o wor> in
having to give two dierent sanctions* one single sanction should %e
given %oth to the grant and acceptance o the honorarium* and this
sanction should %e given %y the department paying the honorarium
ater o%taining the concurrence o the department in which the
!overnment servant happens to %e serving.
E$ception---A !overnment servant under Pun:a% !overnment may
accept remuneration up to any amount or wor> connected with an
e$amination or e$aminations conducted %y the Pa>istan Pu%lic
#ervice Commission and up to the limit o Rs. 5*CCC during a inancial
year or wor> connected with an e$amination or e$aminations
conducted %y Pun:a% and /orth-Aest Frontier Province* pint Pu%lic
#ervice Commission* without the prior sanction o the authority
competent to permit the acceptance o an honorarium %y him. For the
acceptance o honorarium in e$cess o Rs. 5*CCC in the case o wor>
connected with the e$amination or e$aminations conducted %y Pun:a%
and /orth-Aest Frontier Province <oint Pu%lic #ervice Commission
sanction o Pun:a% !overnment in the Administrative .epartment*
under which the !overnment servant is serving* is necessary* - vide
serial /o.++ o the ta%le %elow Rule 5-.5 o these rules.
/01E '.1he sanctioning authority shall record in writing that due
regard has %een paid to the general principle enunciated in Rule +.5'
and shall record also the reasons which in his opinion :ustiy the grant
o the e$tra remuneration.
/01E +./ote ' a%ove re9uires that the reasons or the grant should
%e recorded in writing as it is intended that the grant o an honorarium
should %e careully controlled %y !overnment and scrutinised %y audit
and that audit should %e given an eective opportunity o comment i
it %e deemed necessary. Accountant-!eneral may* thereore* re9uire
that the reasons or the grant o an honorarium should %e
communicated to him in each case.
/01E ;.1he amount o an honorarium must %e i$ed with due regard
to the value o the service in return o which it is given.
...6. >hen the service rendered falls within the course of the ordinary duties of the
Govern+ent servant erfor+in- it the test of secial +erit rescribed in Rule *.$(
+ust be very strictly alied.
/01E. 1he e$pression 3within the course o the ordinary duties3
has %een deined as ollows6-
A service rendered %y a !overnment servant is said to %e within
the course o the duties o that !overnment servant when it is o the
same nature as that or which his regular employment e$ists. 1he test
that should %e applied in deciding any particular case is to determine
whether the service rendered is such as the !overnment servant
ha%itually perorms in the course o his ordinary duties. A service
does not cease to %e within the course o the duties o the
!overnment servant %ecause it has %een rendered or an o%:ect not
concerned with the usual operations o his department or involves an
unusual e$penditure or la%our.
...-. Subject to rules under which a fee +ay be received by a 8edical ?fficer of
Provincial, or Subordinate Service, or a +edical officer holdin- a secial ost for
services other than rofessional attendance !see note 5 below" or the e0ert
witness su++oned in cri+inal courts !see note / below" and subject to Rules *.*#
to *.*$ a co+etent authority +ay er+it a Govern+ent servant, if it be satisfied
that this can be done without detri+ent to his official duties or resonsibilities, to
erfor+ a secified service or series of service for a rivate erson or body or for a
ublic body, includin- a body ad+inisterin- a local fund or for State which has
acceded to Pa.istan and to receive as re+uneration therefor, if the service be
+aterial, a nonrecurrin- or recurrin- fee.
/01E 5.1he sanctioning authority must ma>e it clear that sanction
under this rule to perorm wor> does not involve sanction to the
acceptance o a ee in e$cess o his own power o sanction under this
/01E '.Acceptance o ees %y 4edical 0icers o Provincial and
#u%ordinate #ervices and holders o special posts in the 4edical
.epartment or proessional attendance is regulated %y the rules in
Chapter "I o Pun:a% 4edical 4anual.
/01E +.!overnment servants o the Education* Agriculture* 4edical
and Pu%lic Health .epartments and the sta o the Pun:a% College o
Engineering and 1echnology* are authorised to underta>e wor> o
e$amining and setting papers in respect o 2niversity and other
e$aminations and to accept remunerations thereor provided the total
sum so drawn %y an individual does not in the case o Education and
Agriculture .epartment and the Pun:a% College o Engineering and
1echnology E$aminations e$ceed Rs. -CC and in the case o the
4edical and Pu%lic Health .epartment E$amination Rs. 5*CCC in a
inancial year. For the acceptance o ees in e$cess o this sum the
sanction o the competent authority should %e o%tained. In order to
watch the a%ove mentioned limits the Heads o .epartments
concerned should o%tain annually rom the !overnment servants o
their respective .epartment* who receive remuneration under this
note* a statement showing the amount received %y each !overnment
servant in the preceding Financial year.
/01E ;./otes ' to ; under Rule -.;7 apply mutatis mutandis in the
case o ees also.
/01E -.1he rules prescri%ing the conditions and limits su%:ect to
which a ee may %e received %y medical oicers o provincial and
su%ordinate services and medical oicers holding special posts or
services other than proessional attendance are contained in
Appendi$ ,.
/01E B.1he rules or the payment o ees to e$pert witnesses
summoned in criminal Courts are contained in Appendi$ ,-A o C.#.R.
&P%.(* "ol.5* Part II.
...2. >hen a fee is aid to a Govern+ent servant for wor. done by hi+ durin- ti+e
which would otherwise be sent in the erfor+ance of official duties, the fee +ust
be credited to Govern+ent, rovided that a co+etent authority +ay, for secial
reason which should be recorded, direct that the whole or any art of it +ay be
aid to the Govern+ent servant.
/01E 5.2nless the competent authority otherwise directs no portion
o any ee received %y a medical oicer in civil employ or services
other than proessional attendance shall %e credited to the general
H/01E '.1he a%ove rule does not apply to ee received %y a
!overnment servant or participation in a radio %roadcast or television
,eleted by Eotification Eo. A.,.-SR-III-I-'#GI% Punjab. Ga1. <0td. Part I ?ct. ), '(I$.
programme or contri%ution o any article or writing o any letter to any
newspaper or periodical i such %roadcast or television programme or
article or letter is* in the opinion o the competent authority* o a
purely literary* artistic or scientiic character.I
...4. The attestin- and revisin- officers of outlyin- courts and offices of the Revenue
,eart+ent !as rescribed in ara-rah $# of the Ainancial Co++issionerDs
Standin- ?rder Eo.*" and the attestin- and revisin- officers of the Budicial
,eart+ent !as rescribed in ara-rah '/ of Chater ) of the 4i-h Court Rules
and ?rders, Volu+e III, as a+ended by Correction Sli Eo. )#, dated the #*th
Sete+ber, '()%", are er+itted to receive with the sanction of the residin-
officers of the courts and offices concerned one-tenth of the coyin- and ur-ent
fees received in resect of the coies attested and revised by the+. &ll coies
reared at Govern+ent e0ense shall, however, be e0a+ined and attested
without fee.
...7. >hen a Govern+ent servant of an <ducational service is er+itted to receive fees
for rivate tuition the financial li+its of the owers of sanction accorded to by a
co+etent authority shall be considered to aly to the total a+ount of fees to be
acceted by such Govern+ent servant durin- any articular scholastic ter+ or
..... & Govern+ent servant is eli-ible to receive without secial er+ission-
a) the re+iu+ awarded for an essay or lan in ublic co+etition;
b) any reward offered for the arrest of a cri+inal, or for infor+ation or secial
service in connection with the ad+inistration of justice;
c) any reward ayable in accordance with the rovisions of any &ct or
re-ulation or rules fra+ed thereunder;
%) any reward sanctioned for services in connection with the ad+inistration of
the custo+s and e0cise laws; and
e) any fees ayable to a Govern+ent servant for duties which he is re6uired to
erfor+ in his official caacity under any secial or local law or by order of
...9. & Govern+ent servant whose duties involve the carryin- out of scientific or
technical research shall not aly for or obtain, or cause or er+it any other
erson to aly for or obtain, a atent for an invention +ade by such Govern+ent
servant save with the er+ission of the co+etent authority and in accordance
with such conditions as the co+etent authority +ay i+ose.
If a 6uestion arises whether a Govern+ent servant is a Govern+ent servant to
who+ this rule alies, the decision of the co+etent authority shall be final.
/01E 5.Administrative Instructions issued %y !overnment under
this rule are contained in Appendi$ 7.
/01E '.1he payment o honoraria as remuneration or the use %y
!overnment o inventions patented %y persons in !overnment employ
whose duties do not involve the carrying out o scientiic or technical
research should %e regulated %y the provisions o section 58 o the
Inventions and .esigns Act* 5,,,* and section '5 o the Indian Patents
and .esigns Act* 5755* and not %y Rule -.;7 or -.-B. 1he terms on
which an invention may %e used or the services o the Crown should
%e settled with the approval o the Central !overnment %eore any
payment is made to the patentee.
Chapter "I
(EPU+'+I&* &U+ &0 P'!IS+'*
9.-. Eo -deutation of a Govern+ent servant out of Pa.istan shall be sanctioned
without the revious aroval of the co+etent authority.
-. >hen a Govern+ent servant is with roer sanction te+orarily deuted for
duty out of Pa.istan either in connection with the ost held by hi+ in Pa.istan or in
connection with any secial duty on which he +ay te+orarily be laced his ay
shall be re-ulated as follows@-
a) If he is deuted for duty in <uroe or his deutation elsewhere is declared
by the co+etent authority to be under quasi-<uroean conditions and if he is sent
fro+ Pa.istan for the urose of his deutation and does not include any leave
within the eriod of his absence fro+ Pa.istan he shall receive-
for the first +onth of his absence fro+ Pa.istan the ay which he would
have drawn if he had re+ained on duty in Pa.istan, for the second +onth of such
absence llG'#ths of such a+ount, for the )rd +onth of such absence *G5ths of such
a+ount, for the fourth +onth of such absence 4B7ths of such a+ount, for the fifth to
tenth +onth of such absence #G)rds of such a+ount, and thereafter )G$ths of such
b) If he is deuted for duty in <uroe or his deutation elsewhere is declared
by the co+etent authority to be under quasi-<uroean conditions and if he is not
sent fro+ Pa.istan for the urose of his deutation, or, havin- been so sent,
includes a eriod of leave within the eriod of his absence fro+ Pa.istan he shall
receive throu-hout his deutation 4B7ths of the ay which he would have drawn if
he had re+ained on duty in Pa.istan.
c) If he is deuted for duty elsewhere than in <uroe and his deutation is not
declared by the co+etent authority to be under quasi-<uroean conditions, his
ay shall be deter+ined by the co+etent authority with due re-ard to the
rovisions of Rule 7.2- of these rules as thou-h a te+orary ost had been
The Govern+ent of the Punjab has issued (EPU+'+I&* P&LIC) &* /t# Aeb
-/57 vide notification letter *o, 0( SR. II. 9 (.5) 54B2258. rinted at a-es 87 to --5
rinted in Punjab Civil <stt. Code -/84 <dition. Jindly consult for +ore infor+ation. This
olicy was issued by the Govern+ent to brin- the issue in line with the Punjab Civil
Servants &ct -/57, as these rules were fra+ed under India &ct -/4..
Provided that-
& Govern+ent servant havin- his do+icile in Pa.istan +ay in any case, be allowed
by the co+etent authority to draw durin- the eriod of deutation out of Pa.istan ay not
e0ceedin- the full a+ount of the ay which he would have drawn had he re+ained on
duty in Pa.istan, in lieu of the ay ad+issible to hi+ under sub-clause !a" or sub-clause
!b" of this clause.
2. In addition to the ay ad+issible under clause !'" of this rule a Govern+ent
servant on deutation +ay be -ranted a co+ensatory allowance of such a+ount
as the co+etent authority +ay thin. fit.
4. The sterlin- e6uivalent of the ay ad+issible under clause !'" of this rule
shall be calculated at #s-l #(G)# d. in the ruee or such rate of e0chan-e as the
Central Govern+ent +ay hereinafter rescribe for this urose.
-. The -rant of free assa-es, and of subsistence and travellin-
allowance to Govern+ent servants on duty in <uroe and &+erica is -overned by
the rules in Chater 7III and &endi0 '%, resectively.
2. See also Eote 5 under Rule I./$ !b".
/01E 5A competent authority may depute a su%ordinate police
servant to any country outside Pa>istan* to accompany or ta>e charge
o criminals or lunatics* or on any other %usiness which is part o his
duty as a police oicerD and may grant to the oicer so deputed-
a) full ay, for the entire eriod of absence fro+ Pa.istan; with
b) actual travellin- e0enses, and a subsistence allowance not
e0ceedin- the followin- scale, while in any country outside Pa.istan@-
Aor Govern+ent servants of the Insector class !includin- Sub
22 9 a %a$
Aor Govern+ent servants of the Ser-eant class -. 6 a %a$M
Aor Govern+ent servants of the Constables and &ssistant Sub
Insector classes.
/01E '.A !overnment servant placed on deputation while on leave
on average pay or on earned leave out o Pa>istan may i leave on
average pay or earned leave would otherwise %e admissi%le* convert
deputation into leave on average pay or into earned leave as the case
may %e and may receive an honorarium o lGBth o Pa>istan pay on the
condition that the cost o passages %oth rom and to Pa>istan is %orne
%y the !overnment servant. 1he High Commissioner is authorised to
act on this decision. Periods o deputation thus converted into leave
will count or pension as leave and not as deputation.
1hese orders should %e interpreted as applying to cases where
!overnment servants e$ercise the option o consuming leave and
drawing an honorarium o lGBth o pay during a period o duty out o
Pa>istan* i.e.* this option can only %e e$ercised %y a !overnment
servant whose deputation out o Pa>istan has %een approved %y the
proper authority.
1he provisions o this note also apply to !overnment servants
su%:ect to the leave rules in the Civil #ervice Regulations. In their case
leave on ull pay will ta>e the place o leave on average pay or earned
/01E +.--1he period o deputation runs rom the date on which the
!overnment servant ma>es over charge o his oice in Pa>istan to the
date on which he resumes it* or* i the !overnment servant is on leave
out o Pa>istan at the time he is placed on deputation* the period o
the deputation is the time actually occupied %y the duty.
/01E ;.-- &a( !overnment servants holding Roc>eeller Foundation
Fellowships should %e treated as on deputation and given the
ollowing terms6-
-. Full Pa>istan pay minus overseas pay in the case o
!overnment servants in receipt o overseas pay* or* as an
alternative at the option o the !overnment servant concerned*
=three-ourths o the pay including overseas pay.
2. Compensatory allowance admissi%le to a irst or second
class !overnment servant* as the case may %e* under section II
o the rules contained in Appendi$ 5C to Civil #ervices Rules*
"olume I* Part II* regarding allowances o Civil 0icers when on
duty in Europe or America. 1his is ordinarily admissi%le or one
year only.
4. Roc>eeller stipend.
1hey would not %e entitled to the 2nited #tates o America
allowance under section I" o the rules contained in Appendi$ 5C to
Civil #ervices Rules* "7lume I* Part II* or to any study leave allowance*
and the leave earned %y this deputation would %e diminished %y any
period o leave granted %y the International Health Foard.
b) 1he period o deputation spent %y !overnment servants
holding Roc>eeller Foundation Fellowships counts or leave in
terms o Rules ,.B7 and ,.55B without regard to the period o
/01E -.1he term 3pay3 in the e$pression 3the pay which he would
have drawn i he had remained on duty in Pa>istan3 occurring in this
rule* should %e interpreted literally with reerence to the deinition in
Rule '.;;* and the pay which a !overnment servant would have drawn
i he were on duty in Pa>istan should %e determined* or the purpose
o this rule* with reerence to what the competent authorities in
Pa>istan state the !overnment servant=s pay would have %een i he
were on duty in Pa>istan. It will* thereore* %e necessary or
Accountant-!eneral to intimate to the High Commissioner in each
case* ater consultation with !overnment* the pay which a
!overnment servant would have drawn i on duty in Pa>istan.
As overseas pay =is included in 3pay3 and as a !overnment
servant would draw overseas pay under Rule B.' &5(* &i entitled to it(
had he remained on duty in Pa>istan it should %e ta>en into account
or the purposes o calculation o the deputation pay under that Rule.
In the case o !overnment servants who are not deputed out o
Pa>istan or special items o wor>sD %ut are placed on continuous
service with Commissions and Committee whose unctions re9uire
wor> %oth in and out o Pa>istan* the e$pression should %e interpreted
as having reerence to the pay which they would have drawn in
Pa>istan had they continued on duty with the Commission or
Committee there.
/01E B.In the case o a !overnment servant proceeding on
deputation the grant o return passage to Pa>istan on conclusion o a
deputation is conditional on his return to duty orthwith on the
conclusion o the deputation* unless an arrangement to the contrary
eect is specially permitted at the time the deputation closes* or is
a%out to close* and the proposed leave is %egun.
/01E 8.1he provision o 5st class ordinary or P. and 0. 3special3
rate to the place o deputation and %ac> should %e let to the
discretion o the High Commissioner or Pa>istan in cases in which
!overnment servants are placed on deputation in some other country
while on leave in England.
6.3. >hen a Govern+ent servant is with roer sanction deuted for
duty out of Pa.istan to hold a re-ularly constituted er+anent or quasi-er+anent
ost, other than a ost borne on the cadre of the service to which he belon-s, his
ay shall be re-ulated by the orders of the co+etent authority.
Chapter "II
CESS'+I&* &0 P') '*( 'LL&H'*CES &* REM&V'L &R (ISMISS'L
5.-. The ay and allowances of a Govern+ent servant who is dis+issed or re+oved
fro+ service cease fro+ the date of such dis+issal or re+oval.
& Govern+ent Servant under susension shall re+ain entitled to the Pay and
&llowances that he is drawin- i++ediately before his susension.F
a) In the case of Co++issioned ?fficer of the Pa.istan &r+y 8edical Cors or
a warrant officer who is liable to revert to +ilitary duty, to the ay and allowances
to which he would have been entitled had he been susended while in +ilitary
b) In the case of Govern+ent servants other than those +entioned in clause
!a" above, to subsistence -rant at
Osuch rates as the susendin- authority +ay
direct, but no e0ceedin-L one
OhalfL of the ay of that susended Govern+ent
Provided that the susendin- authority +ay direct that the Govern+ent Servant
under susension snail be -ranted hi addition such co+ensatory allowance as the
co+etent authority +ay sanction by -eneral or secial order for issue under this roviso.
/01E 5.--1he word 3pay3 occurring in clause &%( o this rule should %e
interpreted to means 3the pay which the suspended !overnment
servant was drawing immediately %eore his suspension and which he
would have continued to draw i he were not suspended.3
H/01E '.--1he suspending authority has discretion under clause &a(
o this rule to i$ the amount o su%sistence grant at such igure as it
may thin> it* su%:ect to the prescri%ed ma$imum* %ut it has not the
authority to reuse a su%sistence grant altogether.I
'LL&H'*CE &* RE-I*S+'+EME*+
5.4. >hen the susension of Govern+ent servant is held to have been unjustifiable or
not wholly justifiable; or
Subs, by Eotifi. Eo. A, !AR"GVI -'/G(), dt #5-(-'((). Pub. in Ga1. of Punjab <0td. Part I, dt #%th ?ct '(()
OP2, '(($ Cent St )I.L
?+itted by C. S. Eo. $, dated '*-'%-'(*$.
Subs, by #/5*, S? !SR" IVG/*, dated *-)-'(/5.
,eleted by C.S. Eo. * dated )'-)-'(**.
OF>here a Govern+ent Servant who was dis+issed or re+oved fro+ service, is
reinstated, the revisin- or aellate authority +ay -rant to hi+ for the eriod of his
absence fro+ duty@
a) If he is honourably ac6uitted, the full ay to which he would have been
entitled if he had not be dis+issed or re+oved and by an order to be searately
recorded any allowances of which he was in receit rior to his dis+issal or
re+oval; or
b) If otherwise, such roortion of such ay and allowances as the revisin- or
aellate authority +ay rescribedM
In a case fallin- under clause !a" the eriod of absence fro+ duty will be treated as
a eriod sent on duty. In a case fallin- under clause !b" it will not be treated as eriod
sent on duty unless the revisin- or aellate authority so directs.F
/ote .--1his rule is a%solute and unconditional and so the 9uestion o
lien does not arise in the case o !overnment #ervant who is
dismissed rom service and reinstated on appeal when the period o
unemployment %etween &he date o dismissal and reinstatement is
declared %y the appellate authority as duty.
Administrative Instruction.--Post vacated by a dis+issed Govern+ent Servant
+ay be filled substantively subject to the condition that the arran-e+ents thus +ade will
be reverse if the dis+issed Govern+ent Servant is reinstated on aealL.
/ote '.1he term =revising authority= as used in this rule includes an
authority revising its own ordersI.
LE'VE +& ' 3&VER*ME*+ SERV'*+ U*(ER SUSPE*SI&*
5.7. 2eave +ay not be -ranted to a Govern+ent servant under susension. See also
Eote # under Rule /.)
5... O& Govern+ent servant co++itted to rison either for debts or on cri+inal char-e
should be considered as under susension fro+ the date of his arrest and should be
allowed only those ay+ents as are laid down in Rule /.# until the decision of his case by
the trial court, unless, however, on bein- released on bail durin- the course of trial, the
authority concerned reinstates hi+ .eein- in view the nature of offence or the -rounds
for his co++it+ent to rison.
If the Govern+ent servant is ac6uitted or is finally released as a result of the
decision of his case by the trial court, an adjust+ent of his ay and allowances should be
+ade accordin- to the circu+stances of the case, the full a+ount bein- -iven only in the
event of his bein- ac6uitted of the bla+e or, if i+rison+ent was for debt, of its bein-
roved that the Govern+ent servantDs liability arose fro+ circu+stances beyond his
Subs, by Eotifi. Eo. A, !AR"GVI -'/G(), dt #5-(-'((). Pub. in Ga1. of Punjab <0td. Part I, dt. #%th ?ct.
'(() OP2, '(($ Cent. St. )I.L
control. In other cases, the authority shall decide as to whether any enalty should follow
as a result of the decision of the case and if so, he +ay be unished hi accordance with
the Rules alicable to hi+ and the unish+ent should be ordered with retrosective
effect fro+ the date of trial courtDs order of conviction. If the authority decides not to
i+ose any enalty the -overn+ent servant shall be dee+ed to be on e0traordinary leave
for the eriod he was unable to erfor+ his functions as a result of his conviction by the
trial court.L
Eotification Eo. A,GSRG))-$*GI' dt. #'st Banuary, '(I#.
Chapter "III
SEC+I&* l.-3eneral "on%itions an% e;tent o: a<<li"ation
8.- 2eave is earned by duty only. Aor the urose of this rule a eriod sent in forei-n
service counts as duty if contribution towards leave salary is aid on account of
such eriod.
/01E.#ee also note %elow Rule '.5B &%(.
a) If a Govern+ent servant, who 6uits the ublic service on co+ensation or
invalid ension or -ratuity, is re-e+loyed and if his -ratuity is thereuon refunded
or his ension is held wholly in abeyance his service thereby beco+in-
ensionable on ulti+ate retire+ent, he +ay, at the discretion of the authority
sanctionin- the re-e+loy+ent and to such e0tent as that authority +ay decide,
count his for+er service towards leave.
/01E.Resignation o the pu%lic service* even though it is ollowed
immediately %y re-employment* should entail oreiture o past service
or the purpose o leave under the rules in this chapter and should
thereore constitute an 3interruption o duty.
b) & Govern+ent servant who is dis+issed or re+oved fro+ the ublic service,
but is reinstated on aeal or revision, is entitled to count his for+er service for
/01E.1he re-employment o a person who has retired on a
superannuation or retiring pension is generally an e$ceptional and
temporary e$pedient. 1he service o such re-employed pensioner
should thereore %e regarded as temporary and his leave during the
period o re-employment should he regulated %y the rules applica%le
to temporary !overnment servants.
The Govern+ent of the Punjab has issued new set of 2eave Rules on ')th Buly
'(I' vide notification Eo @ A.,.SR-I=-I*G/I, rinted as boo. VI of Punjab <ST& C?,<
'((' edition reealin- all the revious Rules on the subject, savin- Rule I.5' and
substitutin- Rule I.5#, which +ay .indly be consulted.
II-'PPLIC'+I&* 0&R '*( 3R'*+ &0 LE'VE
(-) 3eneral
I.). Subject to any instructions -iven by the &uditor-General of Pa.istan in order to
secure efficiency and unifor+ity of &udit the followin- rules -overn the rocedure
for alications for leave and for -rantin- leave in Pa.istan.
/01E.1he instructions given %y the Auditor-!eneral o Pa>istan are
contained in paragraphs 5 to - o part I o Appendi$ II.
(2) '<<li"ation :or Lea=e.
&a( 1o whom to %e su%mitted.
8.7. &n alication for leave, or for an e0tension of leave, shall be +ade to the authority
co+etent to -rant such .leave or e0tension.
/01E.Applications or leave o gaLetted !overnment servants
should %e made on Form C .#.R. &P%.( /o.'.
8.5. & Govern+ent servant on forei-n service in Pa.istan should sub+it all alications
for leave, other than leave on avera-e ay not e0ceedin- four +onths if he is
subject to the 2eave Rules in Section II or earned leave not e0ceedin- '#%,(% or
)% days in case he is subject to the rules in Section III of this Chater, with the
reort of the &ccountant-General, throu-h his e+loyer, to the authority co+etent
to sanction the leave.
&%( Procedure in case o leave on medical certiicate.
Instru"tions :or Me%i"al &::i"ers
8.9. 8edical officers +ust not reco++end the -rant of leave in any case in which there
aears to be no reasonable rosect that the Govern+ent servant concerned will
ever be fit to resu+e his duties. In such cases, the oinion that the Govern+ent
servant is er+anently unfit for Govern+ent service should be recorded in the
+edical certificate.
8.7. <very certificate of a +edical co++ittee or board or a +edical officer
reco++endin- the -rant of leave to a Govern+ent servant +ust contain a roviso
that no reco++endation contained in it shall be evidence of a clai+ to any leave
not ad+issible to the Govern+ent servant under the ter+s of his contract or of the
rules to which he is subject.
Me%i"al "erti:i"ate :or ?aCette% 3o=ernment ser=ants
8.8. :efore a -a1etted Govern+ent servant can be -ranted leave or an e0tension of
leave on +edical certificate, he +ust obtain a certificate in the followin- for+, or as
nearly in that for+ as the circu+stances er+it @--
F#tatement o the case EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Ea+e !to be filled in by the alicant in the resence of the ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer
or official +edical attendant".
&oint+ent @@
&-e @@
Total service @@
Service in Pa.istan @@
Previous eriods of leave of absence on +edical certificate
4abits @@
,isease @@
(istri"t ealt# &::i"er o:
Me%i"al &::i"er at or o:
&fter careful ersonal e0a+ination of the case hereby certify thatHHHHHHHHHHHH is
in a bad state of health, and I sole+nly and sincerely declare that, accordin- to the best
of +y jud-+ent, a eriod of absence fro+ duty is essentially necessary for the recovery of
his health, and reco++end that he +ay be -rantedHHHHHHHHHH +onthsD leave with effect
(istri"t ealt# &::i"er
(ate% t#e or &::i"ial Me%i"al 'tten%ant.
/01E 5. ---1his orm should %e adhered to as closely as possi%le and
should %e illed in ater the signature o the applicant has %een ta>en.
1he Certiying 0icer is riot at li%erty to certiy that the applicant
re9uires a change rom or to a particular locality* or that he is not it to
proceed to a particular locality. #uch certiicate should only %e given
at the e$plicit desire o the administrative authority concerned* to
whom it is open to decide when an application on such grounds has
%een made to him* whether the applicant should go %eore a 4edical
Foard to decide the 9uestion o his itness or service.
/01E '.I the 4edical 0icer who grants the certiicate reerred to in
this rule considers that the circumstances o the case necessitate this
he may add to his certiicate .under the rule a rider to the eect that
the !overnment servant ought to have leave or an e$tension o leave
at once pending decision o the committee or %oard reerred to in Ru:e
,.7 o the Civil #ervices Rules &Pun:a%(* "olume I* and leave may %e
given on medical certiicate or the intervening period on that
8./. 4avin- secured such a certificate, the Govern+ent servant +ust, e0cet in cases
covered by Rule I.'# obtain the er+ission of the head of his office, or, if he
hi+self is the head of an office, of the head of his deart+ent, to aear before a
+edical co++ittee or board. 4e should then resent hi+self, with two coies of
the state+ent of his case, before such a co++ittee or board. The co++ittee or
board will be asse+bled under the orders of the ,irector, 4ealth ServiceDs, Punjab,
who will, where racticable, reside over the board. The co++ittee or board will be
asse+bled either at the head6uarters of the rovince or at such other lace as the
Govern+ent +ay aoint.
8.-6. :efore the re6uired leave or e0tension of leave can be -ranted, the Govern+ent
servant +ust obtain fro+ the co++ittee or board a certificate to the followin-
F>e do hereby certify that, accordin- to the best of our rofessional jud-+ent,
after careful ersonal e0a+ination of the case, we consider the health of C.,. to be
such-as to render leave of absence for a eriod of.................+onths absolutely
necessary for his recoveryF.
8.11. :efore decidin- whether to -rant or refuse the certificate the co++ittee on board
+ay in a doubtful case, detain the alicant under rofessional observation for a
eriod not e0ceedin- fourteen days. In that case, it should -rant to hi+ a certificate
to the followin- effect @C
FC,. havin- alied to us for a +edical certificate reco++endin- the -rant to hi+
of leave, we consider it e0edient, before -rantin- or refusin- such a certificate, to
detain C.,. under rofessional observation for ..........days.F
i. If the state of the alicantDs health is certified by a
co++issioned +edical officer of Govern+ent or by a +edical officer in char-e of a
civil station to be such as to +a.e it rejudicial to his health to resent hi+self at
any lace in which a co++ittee or board can be asse+bled, the authority
co+etent to -rant the leave +ay accet, in lieu of the certificate rescribed in
Rule I.'% eitherC
a) a certificate si-ned by any two +edical officers, bein- co++issioned
+edical officers or +edical officers in char-e of civil stations in whatsoever
rovince they +ay be servin-; or
b) if the authority considers it unnecessary to re6uire the roduction of two
+edical oinions, a certificate si-ned by an officer in +edical char-e of a civil
station and countersi-ned by the ,euty Co++issioner of the district or the
Co++issioner of the division.
ii. If the alicant is an indoor atient of a hosital, the authority
co+etent to -rant the leave +ay accet in lieu of the certificate rescribed in Rule
I.'%, the certificate of a +edical officer bein- either--
a) the Suerintendent of the hosital and a co++issioned +edical officer, or
b) the +edical officer in char-e of the hosital.
If the +edical officer in char-e of the hosital is not a co++issioned +edical
officer, the certificate +ust be countersi-ned by the +edical officer of the district.
/01E.1he certiicate must %e signed %y the medical oicer on the
day o the e$amination.
Me%i"al "erti:i"ate :or non-?aCette% 3o=ernment ser=ants in su<erior ser=i"e
a) <0cet as secially rovided in the note under Rule I.'#% in resect of
Govern+ent servants subject to leave rules contained in section 4I of this chater,
every alication for leave on +edical certificate +ade by a non--a1etted
Govern+ent servant in suerior service shall be acco+anied by a +edical
certificate -iven by a re-istered +edical ractitioner definin- as nearly as ossible
the nature and robable duration of the illness or by a re6uest for the issue of a
re6uisition for e0a+ination by a +edical officer of Govern+ent. If the alicant is
too ill to attend his usual lace of duty in order to resent his alication for leave
and await orders uon it, this fact should be stated in the certificate.
b) The authority co+etent to sanction leave +ay, at its discretion, secure a
second +edical oinion, by re6uestin- the &-ency, or ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer, to
have the alicant +edically e0a+ined. Should it decide to do so, it +ust arran-e
for the second e0a+ination to be +ade on the earliest ossible date after the date
on which the first +edical oinion was -iven.
") It will be the duty of the &-ency or the ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer to e0ress an
oinion both as re-ards the facts of the illness and as re-ards the necessity for the
a+ount of leave reco++ended, and for this urose he +ay either re6uire the
alicant for leave to aear before hi+self or re6uire the alicant for leave to
aear before a +edical officer no+inated by hi+self.
/01E 5.1he possession o a certiicate as prescri%ed in this rule
does not itsel coner upon the !overnment servant concerned any
right to leave.
/01E '.A registered medical practitioner includes a medical
a) whose name appears in the latest annual medical list* and
b) who haying %een registered ater the closing* o the latest
medical list* certiies his registration num%er.
/01E +./on-gaLetted !overnment servants should o%tain a medical
certiicate in the ollowing orm or as nearly in that orm as the
circumstances may permit.
34edical certiicate or non-gaLetted !overnment #ervants recommended or
leave* e$tension or commutation o leave.
#ignature o
&to %e illed in %y the applicant in the presence o !overnment 4edical
Attendant or medical practitioner(.
I* ater careul personal e$amination o the case here%y
certiy that whose signature is given a%ove* is suering rom *
and I consider that a period o a%sence rom duty o with eect rom is
a%solutely necessary or the restoration o his health.
!overnment 4edical Attendant
.ated the or other registered practitioner
&#econd medical opinion i called or %y the authority competent to sanction leave(
Agency or .istrict Health 0icer
/01E 5.1he nature and pro%a%le duration o the illness should %e
speciied*-vide Rule ,.5+ o the C.#.R. &P%.(* "olume I.
/01E '. ---1his orm should %e adhered to as closely as possi%le and
should %e illed in ater the signature o the applicant has %een ta>en.
1he Certiying 0icer is not at li%erty to certiy that the applicant
re9uires a change to &or rom( a particular locality* or that he is not it
to proceed to a particular locality. #uch certiicates should only %e
given at the e$plicit desire o the administrative authority concerned*
to whom it is open to decide* when an application on such grounds
has %een made to him* whether the applicant should go %eore a
4edical Foard to decide the 9uestion o his itness or service.
/01E +.#hould a second medical opinion %e re9uired* the leave
sanctioning authority should arrange or the second medical
e$amination to %e made at the earliest possi%le date. 1he Agency or
.istrict Health 0icer=s opinion %oth as to the acts o illness and the
necessity or the amount o leave applied or should %e recorded. He
may re9uire the applicant to appear %eore him or %eore a medical
oicer nominated %y him*- vide Rule ,.5+ &%( and &c( o C.#.R. &P%.(*
"olume I.
Me%i"al "erti:i"ate :or non-?aCette% 3o=ernment ser=ants in in:erior ser=i"e
8.-7. In suort of an alication for leave, or for an e0tension of leave, on +edical
certificate, fro+ a non--a1etted Govern+ent servant in inferior service, the
authority co+etent to -rant the leave +ay accet such certificate as it +ay dee+
(4) 3R'*+ &0 LE'VE.
(a) !eneral
8.-.. 2eave cannot be clai+ed as of ri-ht. >hen the e0i-encies of the ublic service so
re6uire, discretion to refuse or revo.e leave of any descrition is reserved to the
authority e+owered to -rant it.
The nature of leave alied for by a Govern+ent servant, if it is due and
ad+issible, cannot be altered at the otion of the authority e+owered to -rant leave. So
while it is oen to the sanctionin- authority to refuse or revo.e leave under this rule it is
not oen to hi+ to alter the nature of the leave alied for.
8.16. The -rant of a certificate under Rule I.'%, I.'#, I.') or I.'$ does not in itself
confer uon the Govern+ent servant concerned any ri-ht to leave. The certificate
should be forwarded to the authority co+etent to -rant the leave, and the orders
of that authority should be awaited. & Govern+ent servant who absents hi+self
fro+ his duty without er+ission of the co+etent authority is liable to have his
absence treated as absence fro+ duty without leave.
8.-5. In cases where all alications for leave cannot, in the interests of the ublic
service, be -ranted, an authority co+etent to -rant leave should, in decidin-
which alication should be -ranted, ta.e into account the followin- considerations
a) The Govern+ent servants who can, for the ti+e bein-, best be
b) The a+ount of leave due to the various alicants.
") The a+ount and character of the service rendered by each alicant since he
last returned fro+ leave.
%) The fact that any such alicant was co+ulsorily recalled fro+ his last leave.
e) The fact that any such alicant has been refused leave in the ublic interests.
8.-8. >hen a +edical co++ittee or board has reorted that there is no reasonable
rosect that a Govern+ent servant will ever be fit to return to duty, leave should
not necessarily be refused to hi+. It +ay be -ranted, if due, by a co+etent
authority on the followin- conditions@F--
a) If the +edical co++ittee or board is unable to say with
certainty that the Govern+ent servant will never be fit for service a-ain, leave not
e0ceedin- twelve +onths in all +ay be -ranted. Such leave should not be
e0tended without a further reference to a +edical co++ittee or board.
/01E 5.In its application to the !overnment servants su%:ect to the
leave rules in section III o this chapter* this clause should %e ta>en to
mean 3leave not e$ceeding 5' months or such shorter period as
may%e due and admissi%le under Rule ,.5'+.3
/01E '.In the case o a !overnment servant who is granted leave
under this clause and who su%se9uently returns to duty* the leave
should %e treated as leave on medical certiicate or purposes o the
proviso to Rule ,.8; &%( &ii(.
b) If the +edical co++ittee or board declares the Govern+ent
servant to be co+letely and er+anently incaacitated for further service he
should, e0cet as rovided in clause !c" below, be invalided fro+ the service,
either on the e0iration of the leave already -ranted to hi+, if he is on leave when
e0a+ined by the co++ittee or board or, if he is not on leave, fro+ the date of the
co++itteeDs or boardDs reort.
c) & Govern+ent servant declared by a co++ittee or board to be
co+letely and er+anently incaacitated +ay, in secial cases, be -ranted
leave, or an e0tension of leave, not e0ceedin- si0 +onths as debited a-ainst the
leave account if such leave be due to hi+. Secial circu+stances justifyin- such
treat+ent +ay be held to e0ist when the Govern+ent servantDs brea.down in
health has been caused in and by Govern+ent service, or when he has ta.en a
co+aratively s+all a+ount of leave durin- Fhis service or will co+lete at an early
date an additional yearDs service for ension.
8.19. 2eave should not be -ranted to a Govern+ent servant who is to be dis+issed or
re+oved fro+ service for +isconduct or -eneral inefficiency, if such leave will have
the effect of ostonin- the date of dis+issal or re+oval, or to a Govern+ent
servant whose conduct is at the ti+e for+in-, or is in the near future li.ely to for+,
the subject of deart+ental in6uiry.
8.26. 2eave to a -a1etted Govern+ent servant +ast not be -ranted without obtainin- a
reort fro+ the &ccountant-General uon his title to leave, e0cet in cases of
e+er-ency, and on the resonsibility of the Govern+ent servant for the
conse6uence of the leave as.ed for bein- inad+issible. Such a reort fro+ the
&ccountant-General is not re6uired in the case of a non--a1etted servant unless
such Govern+ent servant is in forei-n service or is alyin- for leave out of
8.2-. It is contrary to accet rinciles in the case of a Govern+ent servant, on leave
rearatory to retire+ent, either to -rant an e0tension of leave on +edical
certificate on full avera-e ay or to er+it the conversion of leave on half avera-e
ay already -ranted to leave on full avera-e ay on the roduction of +edical
&%( )eave %eyond the date o compulsory retirement.
Govern+ent servants subject to the 2eave Rules in Part & of Section II of this
a) 2eave at the credit of a Govern+ent servant in his leave
account shall lase on the date of co+ulsory retire+ent rovided that if in
sufficient ti+es before that date he hasC
-. for+ally alied for leave and been refused it, or
2. ascertained in writin- fro+ the sanctionin- authority that leave
if alied for would not be -ranted,
in either case the -round of refusal bein- the re6uire+ents of the ublic service,
then the Govern+ent servant +ay be -ranted, after the date of retire+ent, the a+ount of
leave so refused subject to a +a0i+u+ of si0 +onths.
b) & Govern+ent servant retained in service after the date of
co+ulsory retire+ent shall earn leave on avera-e ay, at the rate of 'Gllth of duty
erfor+ed after that date and shall be allowed to add thereto any a+ount of leave
which could have been -ranted to hi+ under clause !a" had he retired on that date.
The total eriod which he +ay ta.e on each occasion shall not e0ceed si0 +onths.
>hen his duties finally cease, the Govern+ent servant +ay be -ranted leave
rearatory to retire+ent, u to a +a0i+u+ of si0 +onths, as follows @-
i. The balance after deductin- the a+ounts of leave, if any, ta.en
durin- the eriod of e0tension, fro+ the a+ount of leave which could have been
-ranted to hi+ under clause !a" had he retired on the date of co+ulsory
retire+ent, lus
ii. the a+ount of leave under this clause which is due to the Govern+ent
servant and which he has, in sufficient ti+e durin- the eriod of e0tensionC
-. for+ally alied for and been refused, or
2. ascertained in writin- fro+ the sanctionin- authority, would not
be -ranted if alied for, in either case the -round of refusal bein- the
re6uire+ents of the ublic service.
The leave ta.en durin- the eriod of e0tension should be debited first a-ainst the
credit of leave earned durin- that eriod; until it is e0hausted and then a-ainst any credit
of leave refused under clause !a" of this rule and carried forward under clause !b".
/01E 5.Regarding the date o compulsory retirement see Rule '.-.
Also see /ote 8 %elow Rule +.', in respect o ministerial !overnment
/01E '.Ahen a !overnment servant who is already on an e$tension
o service applies or leave during the period o his e$tended service
the conditions or the grant o such leave should %e the same as or
the grant o leave in an ordinary case ater the age o compulsory
/01E +.A !overnment servant retained in service ater the age o
compulsory retirement is entitled to earn leave under clause &%( o this
rule and a de%it %alance i any* on the date he attained that age should
%e considered as wiped o.
/01E ;MM1he period o B months mentioned in this rule includes any
period o vacation with which leave is com%ined.
/01E -.A deduction under Rule ,.8- &a( on account o vacation
en:oyed should also %e made in the case o !overnment servants
whose leave is regulated under clause &%( o this rule.
/01E B.
-. 1wo classes o cases are provided or in this rule-
a( !overnment servants who are not re9uired to %e on
active duty %y !overnment ater the date o compulsory
%( !overnment servants who are re9uired on active duty
ater the date o compulsory retirement.
In the case o the ormer the conditions in clause &a( and in the
latter the conditions in %oth clauses &a( and &%( o this rule must %e
ulilled %eore leave can %e granted ater the date o compulsory
retirement. Ahen acting under clauses &a( &'( and &%( &'( the
amount o leave which would have %een reused should invaria%ly
%e indicated. 1he leave reused cannot* o course* %e such as
would e$tend %eyond the date o compulsory retirement.
'. 1he reusal o leave does not automatically esta%lish a
!overnment servant=s claim to what is a very rare privilege* i.e.*
grant o leave ater retirement* and a recommendation or the
grant o leave under this rule should only %e made when the
reusal to grant leave has %een %ased on very strong grounds o
3interest o the pu%lic service3.
+. A !overnment servant applying or leave must do so in
suicient time to ena%le a competent authority to decide
whether leave should %e granted rom the date it is as>ed or*
and where necessary to arrange or a special su%stitute. #uch
authority has ull discretion to grant or reuse leave* %ut should
not hesitate to reuse where it considers that &5( leave is
unnecessary* or &'( where the grant may cause some
administrative inconvenience* leave could have %een as>ed or
and granted earlierD or &+( leave has %een as>ed or only in an
endeavour to esta%lish a claim under this rule. Ahen leave has
%een reused on any o the a%ove conditions it should %e clearly
indicated to the applicant that leave under this rule will not %e
/01E 8.1he leave earned %y the period o duty intervening %etween
the reusal o leave pending retirement and the date o compulsory
retirement is merged in the common pool in the leave account and
orms an indistinguisha%le part o the total leave at credit the whole o
which with the e$ception only o the net amount o leave reuse D
lapses under clause &a( o this rule on the date o compulsory
retirement. 1he grant o any leave %etween the date rom which the
=reusal o leave too> eect and the date o superannuation should*
thereore* %e held to %e a grant o leave against the amount originally
reused. 1he amount o leave admissi%le under clause &a( ater
superannuation in such a case* is thereore* the amount o leave
originally reused minus the amount o the post reusal= leave en:oyedD
and this dierence is su%:ect to a ma$imum o B months. 1his
principle applies e9ually to leave availa%le under clause &%(* including
that earned in respect o duty during a period o reused leave.
/01E ,.Ahile the amount o the leave reused under clause &a( or
&%( o this rule is i$ed the 9uality o the leave &i.e.* on average or hal
average pay( whether it is ta>en %eore or ater the date o compulsory
retirement or* as the case may %e* the date o inal cessation o duties*
may %e varied to the advantage o the !overnment servant concerned
within the normal leave rules %y the leave earned and standing to his
credit on the date he proceeds on leave* and on second application or
leave in suicient time and its reusal are necessary merely to ensure
this variation.
3o=ernment ser=ants subje"t to t#e Lea=e Rules in Part ' o: Se"tion III o: t#is
8.24. Eo leave shall be -ranted beyond the date on which a Govern+ent servant +ust
co+ulsorily retire @
Provided that, the authority e+owered to -rant leave +ay allow any Govern+ent
servant who has been denied in whole or in art on account of the e0i-encies of the
ublic service the earned leave which was due to hi+ endin- retire+ent, the whole or
any ortion of the earned leave so denied, even thou-h it e0tends to a date beyond the
date on which such a Govern+ent servant +ust co+ulsorily retire@
Provided further that, a Govern+ent servant whose service Dhas been e0tended in
the interests of the ublic service beyond the date of his co+ulsory retire+ent
+ay si+ilarly be -ranted either within the eriod of e0tension or, if the conditions of
the recedin- roviso are satisfied, after its e0iry, any earned leave which could
have been -ranted to hi+ under the recedin- roviso had he retired on that date
and in addition any earned leave due in resect of such e0tension.
/01E 5.1he provisions o /otes 5* - and 8 under Rule ,.'' apply
mutatis mutandis to !overnment servants governed %y this rule.
/01E '.1he principle laid down in /ote , %elow Rule ,.'' shall also
apply mutatis mutandis to !overnment servants governed %y this rule.
/01E +. ---1he provisions o /ote 7 under Rule ,.'' apply mutatis
mutandis to !overnment servants governed %y this rule.
(7) 'U+&RI+IES C&MPE+E*+ +& 3R'*+ LE'VE.
8.27. &endi0 '# secifies the authorities by who+ leave ad+issible under these rules,
other than leave on +edical certificate under Rule I.'I, leave after the date of
co+ulsory retire+ent under Rules I.## and I.#) secial disability leave under
Rules I.I), I.I$, I.'#/ and I.'#I and study leave under Rules I.I5 and I.'#( of
these Rules, +ay be -ranted, rovided that when the -rant of leave involves@-
a) the creation of an additional ost re6uirin- the sanction of a hi-her
authority, or
b) reference to hi-her authority for a substitute, the sanction of the hi-her authority
co+etent to create the additional ost or to sanction a substitute will be
necessary. Secial disability leave, study leave and leave after the date of
co+ulsory retire+ent can be sanctioned only with the consent of the Ainance
8.2.. Te+orary leave in case of sudden illness +ay be -ranted on +edical certificate,
in anticiation of re-ular sanction, by the authority e+owered to -rant casual
III-C&MME*CEME*+ '*( E1PIR) &0 LE'VE '*( C&MBI*'+I&* &0 &LI(')S
(-) Commen"ement an% e;<ir$ o: lea=e
8.29. 2eave ordinarily be-ins on the day on which transfer of char-e is effected and
ends on the day recedin- that on which char-e is resu+ed. >hen joinin- ti+e is
allowed under Rule (.' !c" to a Govern+ent servant returnin- fro+ leave out of
Pa.istan, the last day of his leave is the day before the arrival of the vessel in
which he returns at her +oorin-s or anchora-e in the ort of debar.ation, or if he
returns by air, the day on which the aircraft in which he returns arrives at its first
re-ular ort in Pa.istan.
/01E#ee note to Rule 7.7 o these rules6
(2) C&MBI*'+I&* &0 &LI(')S HI+ LE'VE.
8.25. &n authority co+etent to -rant leave +ay er+it Sundays, other reco-nised
holidays or vacation to be refi0ed to leave or affi0ed to leave and joinin- Nti+e, or
to be both refi0ed and affi0ed to leave in the circu+stances and on the conditions
laid down in Rules I.#I to I.)).
/01E---#ee also Rules +.'- and +.'B
8.28. >hen the day !or days" i++ediately recedin- the day on which the leave of a
Govern+ent servant be-ins is a holiday !or series of holidays", and a co+etent
authority has er+itted under Rule I.#5 the said Govern+ent servant to +a.e over
char-e !and the Govern+ent servant relievin- hi+ to receive char-e" on the
afternoon of the day i++ediately recedin- the holiday or series of holidays, the
leave of the Govern+ent servant over char-e and any conse6uent re-
arran-e+ent of ay and allowances shall, unless the co+etent authority in any
case otherwise directs, ta.e effect fro+ the first day after the holidays.
8.2/. >hen the day !or days" i++ediately followin- the day on which the leave or joinin-
ti+e of a Govern+ent servant ends is a holiday !or series of holidays", and a.
co+etent authority has er+itted the said Govern+ent servant to receive char-e
!and the Govern+ent servant relieved to +a.e over char-e" on the forenoon of the
day i++ediately followin- the holiday or series of holidays, the leave or joinin-
ti+e of the Govern+ent servant receivin- char-e is, unless the co+etent
authority in any case otherwise directs, treated as havin- ter+inated on, and any
conse6uent re-arran-e+ent of ay and allowances effect fro+ the day on
which the leave or joinin- ti+e would have ended, if holidays had not been affi0ed.
/01E 5.Ahen a competent authority directs otherwise than as in
this rule* it should convey the orders in the ollowing orm 3It is
directed under Rule ,.'7 that6 :oining timeGleave %e treated as having
terminated on and the conse9uent re-arrangement o pay and
allowances ta>es eect rom the same date.
/01E '.1he undamental principle is that two !overnment servants
cannot %e on duty in the same post. 2nder Rule ,.',G,.'7 a competent
authority cannot accordingly direct that %oth the relieving and the
relieved !overnment servants shall %e considered as on duty in the
same post during the period o holidays. A competent authority can
under the rule direct that the leave o the !overnment servant
proceeding onG returning rom leave and the conse9uent arrangement
o pay and allowances shall ta>e eect rom the irst day aterG %eore
the holidays or rom some day during the holidays. I a holiday comes
at the %eginningGend o leave the !overnment servant going onG
returning rom leave can %e allowed under Rule,.',G,.'7 during that
holiday* where ordinarily no wor> is re9uired o him* to goG remain o
and count the holiday as duty* as it would have counted had he not
%een going on leave G returned to duty %eore the holiday 1he
!overnment servant going onG returning rom leave does not then
ma>e over till the holiday is overG then ta>es over %eore the holiday
commences. I a competent3 authority decides that in the
circumstances o the case some one must %e on the spot in-charge
then either &5( the !overnment servant going onG returning rom leave
must remain G return during the holiday or &'( the relieving
!overnment servantG the !overnment servant to %e relieved must %e
appointed toG retain the charge during the whole or part o the
holidays according to the orders and he must do the wor> without
drawing the pay o the post* the outgoingG incoming man %eing
allowed to %e away rom the station* though %eing treated as on duty
during the whole or part o the holidays.
8.46. In the case of Govern+ent servants servin- in vacation deart+ents, vacations
+ay be refi0ed or affi0ed to leave, or both refi0ed and affi0ed or allowed to
intervene between two eriods of leave, subject to the conditions +entioned in
Rules ).#*, ).#5, I.#I. I.#(, I./* !c", and I.'#% !c". The revious aroval of the
Ainance ,eart+ent should be obtained in cases where co+bination of vacation
with the leave involves e0tra e0ense to Govern+ent.
/01E.Recognised holidays intervening %etween leave and vacation
or vice versa should %e treated as part o the vacation and such
holidays should %e ta>en into account or* the purpose o calculating
the ma$imum amount o leave on average pay or earned leave
admissi%le to a !overnment servant at any one time.
8.4-. >hen a Govern+ent servant is er+itted to refi0 vacation to leave, he will reort
before leavin- head6uarters, or if for ur-ent reason, the leave is -ranted durin-
vacation as soon as it is -ranted that he over char-e, with effect fro+ the
end of the vacation, and the relievin- Govern+ent servant will then ta.e over
char-e, and the leave and any conse6uent re-arran-e+ent of ay will have effect
fro+ the end of the vacation.
8.42. >hen a Govern+ent servant is er+itted to affi0 vacation to leave, the
Govern+ent servant to be relieved will +a.e over char-e before the vacation, and
any conse6uent re-arran-e+ent of ay will have effect fro+ the be-innin- of the
8.44. In the case of ,istrict and Sessions Bud-es, vacations will be treated as
reco-nised holidays, and +ay be refi0ed or affi0ed to leave or both refi0ed and
affi0ed or allowed to intervene between two eriods of leave subject to the
conditions +entioned in Rules ).#*, I.#I and I.#( above, and rovided further
i. no additional e0ense is incurred by the State for the
eriod of the vacation;
ii. vacation shall be rec.oned as leave in calculatin- the +a0i+u+ a+ount of
leave on avera-e ay or Fearned leaveF which +ay be included in the articular
eriod of leave;
iii. vacation shall be rec.oned as absence for the urose of the li+it of #I
+onthsD continuous absence rescribed in Rule I./$ !d";
i=. vacation shall be treated as the e6uivalent of leave on avera-e ay for the
uroses of Rule I./(.
E$planation. As it is not possi%le to say at the time o sanctioning
leave that condition &i( will necessarily %e satisied* any permission to
com%ine leave with vacation is su%:ect to withdrawal in the event o a
!overnment servant %eing re9uired to carry out the duties o the post
during vacation. In such cases either the !overnment servant will %e
re-called or* i this is impractica%le owing to his a%sence rom
Pa>istan or or any other reason* a su%stitute will %e appointed. In the
latter case the portion o the !overnment servant=s vacation during
which the su%stitute discharges the duties o the post will %e treated
as leave.
8.47. >here the alication of the above rules as to refi0in- and affi0in- holidays to
leave or joinin- ti+e is doubtful or ine6uitable, a co+etent authority will decide
which Govern+ent servant shall be held to have been in char-e, and to which the
ay of the ost for the holiday or holidays shall be aid.
8.4.. <very Govern+ent servant roceedin- on leave out of Pa.istan should rocure
fro+ the &ccountant-General and ta.e with hi+ a coy of the F+e+orandu+ of
infor+ation issued for the -uidance of Govern+ent servants roceedin- on leave
out of Pa.istan.F OAor+ C.S.R. !Pb.".Eo.)B. If the leave has been -ranted on a
+edical certificate, he +ust ta.e a coy of the +edical state+ent of his case also.
8.36. & Govern+ent servant leave out of Pa.istan +ust reort his e+bar.ation,
throu-h the &ccountant-General, to the authority which -ranted his leave in Aor+
C.S.R. !Pb." Eo.$.
8.45. <very Govern+ent servant roceedin- on leave +ust record on his alication for
leave the address at which letters will find hi+ durin- leave. Subse6uent chan-es
in address durin- leave, if any, should li.ewise be inti+ated to the head of the
office or the head of the deart+ent as the case +ay be.
8.48. If, in a case not covered by Rule I.'(, an authority co+etent to re+ove a
Govern+ent servant fro+ service decides, before such Govern+ent servant
dearts fro+ Pa.istan on leave, that he will not be er+itted to return to duty in
Pa.istan, it +ust infor+ hi+ to that effect before he leaves Pa.istan.
8.4/. If, when a Govern+ent servant is about to deart fro+ Pa.istan on leave, it is
necessary to consider the roriety of re+ovin- hi+ for incaacity, whether +ental
or hysical, which is of such a nature that it is i+ossible to decide, before he
leaves Pa.istan, whether it will be er+anent or te+orary; or if for any reason it is
considered in e0edient that a Govern+ent servant on leave should return to
Pa.istan, a full reort of the circu+stances +ust be +ade by the deart+ent of the
Govern+ent concerned to the 4i-h Co++issioner for Pa.istan or the Pa.istan
<+bassy to enable hi+ to ta.e any necessary +easures before the Govern+ent
servant would, in the ordinary course, be er+itted to return to duty. The reort
should in any case reach the 4i-h Co++issionerDsG<+bassyDs ?ffice at least three
+onths before the end of the Govern+ent Servants leave.
8.40. >hen leave on +edical certificate has been -ranted to a Govern+ent servant, or,
in the case of a +ilitary officer in civil e+loy, when the -rant of such leave has
aeared in orders, and the Govern+ent servant or +ilitary officer rooses to
send his leave outside Pa.istan, the deart+ent of the Govern+ent +ust, without
delay, forward a coy of the +edical state+ent of the case to the 4i-h
Co++issioner for Pa.istan or the Pa.istan <+bassy as the case +ay be.
8.7-. >hen a Govern+ent servant, who has been -ranted leave for reasons of health,
roceeds outside Pa.istan, the authority which -ranted the leave shall infor+ the
4i-h Co++issioner for Pa.istan or the Pa.istan <+bassy, as the case +ay be,
whether a certificate of fitness is re6uired under Rule I.$*.
8.72. & Govern+ent servant on leave +ay not ta.e or accet any e+loy+ent in
Pa.istan or abroad without obtainin- the revious sanction ofC
a) the Governor-General in the case of a +e+ber of all Pa.istan
b) the Governor in the case of a +e+ber of Provincial service; and
") any lower authority e+owered to aoint hi+, in any other case @
Provided that, a Govern+ent servant who has been -ranted er+ission to ta.e
any service or accet any e+loy+ent under this rule, durin- leave rearatory to
retire+ent shall be recluded, save with the secific consent of the Governor-General or
Governor, or any other authority e+owered to aoint hi+ as the case +ay be fro+
withdrawin- his re6uest for er+ission to retire, and fro+ returnin- to duty.
/01E 5.1his rule does not apply to casual literary wor> or to service
as an e$aminer or similar employment= nor does it apply to acceptance
o oreign service which is governed %y Rule 5C.'.
/01E '.1he provisions o /ote 5 a%ove cannot %e used as a means
o evading the rules governing oreign service. All cases o oreign
service are governed %y Rule 5C.' and !overnment servants should in
no case %e permitted to ta>e up oreign service e$cept on terms duly
approved %y the authority competent to sanction the transer.
/01E +.As !overnment servants o the Provincial services on
su%stantive promotion to the corresponding all Pa>istan #ervices
either %ecome or ac9uire the status o mem%ers o the latter all such
!overnment servants should %e treated as mem%ers o all Pa>istan
#ervices or purposes o this rule. 1heir cases will* thereore* %e
governed %y the rules made %y the !overnor-!eneral.
/01E ;.1his rule should not %e construed as permitting a
!overnment servant who avails himsel o leave on medical certiicate
to underta>e regular employment during such leave.
/01E -.1he employment o !overnment servants who are on leave
preparatory to retirement in trading concerns m Pa>istan is prima
acie open to grave o%:ection and should %e permitted only in very
e$ceptional cases. Accordingly all applications or such employment
should %e careully e$amined %eore su%mission to !overnment.
8.74. &ll orders recallin- a Govern+ent servant to duty before the e0iry of his leave,
should invariably state whether the return to duty is otional or co+ulsory. If the
return is otional, the Govern+ent servant is entitled to no concession. If it is
co+ulsory, he is entitledC
a) If the leave fro+ which he is recalled is out of Pa.istan--
i. to receive a free assa-e to Pa.istan, and rovided that, he has not
co+leted half the eriod of his leave by the date of leavin- for Pa.istan on recall
or three +onths, whichever eriod is shorter, to receive a refund of the cost of his
assa-e fro+ Pa.istan;
ii. to count the ti+e sent on the voya-e to Pa.istan as duty for uroses of
calculatin- leave; and
iii. to receive leave salary durin- the voya-e to Pa.istan, and for the eriod
fro+ the date of landin- in Pa.istan to the date of joinin- his ost to be aid leave
salary at the sa+e rate at which he would have drawn it had he not been recalled;
but returned in the ordinary course on the ter+ination of his leave and for the later
eriod travellin- allowance under the Punjab Travellin- &llowance Rules.
i=. If the leave fro+ which he is recalled is in Pa.istan, to be treated as on duty
fro+ the date on which he starts for the station to which he is ordered, and to draw
travellin- allowance under the Punjab Travellin- &llowance Rules for the journey,
but to draw until he joins his ost leave salary only.
/01E 5.0rders recalling a !overnment servant on leave out o
Pa>istan should in all cases %e communicated to him through the
High CommissionerGAm%assador or Pa>istan.
/01E '.1he =concession= reerred to in the second sentence o this
rule is a concession o the category permitted %y the rule. 1he
concessions under this rule are clearly not intended to aect the
privileges o !overnment servants which are admissi%le under other
rules* the concessions may %e availed o when they happen to prove
additional to or %etter than the ordinary privileges.
/01E +.1he e$pression 3on the termination o his leave3 in clause
&a( &iii( o this Rule means 3on the termination o the period o leave as
determined %y his recall as opposed to the whole o the leave he was
originally granted.3 1he eect o this interpretation will %e to ma>e the
same leave salary admissi%le or the period o transit in Pa>istan as
would %e admissi%le had the return to duty %een voluntary and the
period o voyage %een leave proper and the period o transit in
Pa>istan %een leave proper or :oining time under Rule 7.5 as the case
may %e.
(-) BE0&RE E1PIR) &0 LE'VE.
8.44. =nless he is er+itted to do so by the authority which -ranted his leave, a
Govern+ent servant on leave +ay not return to duty +ore than fourteen days
before the e0iry of the eriod of leave -ranted to hi+.
(2) Return :rom lea=e on me%i"al "erti:i"ate.
8.7.. Eo Govern+ent servant who has been -ranted leave on +edical certificate, +ay
return to duty without first roducin- a +edical certificate of fitness in Aor+ &, in
the case of a Govern+ent servant on leave in Pa.istan, and in Aor+ : in the case
of a Govern+ent servant on leave out of Pa.istan. The authority which -ranted the
leave +ay re6uire a certificate in Aor+ & below in the case of any Govern+ent
servant if he is residin- in Pa.istan, who has been -ranted leave for reasons of
health, even thou-h such leave was not actually -ranted on a +edical certificate.
i. I the !overnment servant on leave is a gaLetted !overnment
servant* such certiicate should %e signed %y a commissioned
medical oicer or medical oicer in-charge o a civil station. In
other cases* the authority which granted the leave may* at its
discretion* accept a certiicate signed %y any registered medical
ii. A !overnment servant who has ta>en leave on medical
certiicate should produce the original certiicate and the
statement o the case on which the leave was granted or
e$tended %eore the authority as>ed to certiy his itness to
return to duty.
iii. A gaLetted !overnment servant who has ta>en leave on a
certiicate granted %y a 4edical Committee or Foard should also
produce a certiicate o his itness to return to duty rom a
4edical Committee or 4edical Foard* e$cept-
-. in cases in which the leave is or not more than three months* or
2. in cases in which the leave is or more than three months* or
when leave or three months or less is e$tended %eyond three
months* %ut the 4edical Committee or 4edical Foard granting
the original certiicate* or the certiicate or e$tension* state at
the time o granting such certiicate* that the !overnment
servant need not appear %eore another-Committee or Foard or
o%taining the certiicate o itness to return to duty.
iv. /o travelling allowance is admissi%le to a !overnment servant
or :ourneys perormed %y him to appear %eore a 4edical
Committee or 4edical Foard or o%taining a certiicate o itness
to return to duty.
0&RM '.
I, &. :. ------------------ do hereby certify that I have e0a+ined C.,. of the
,eart+ent, and that I consider hi+ fit to resu+e his duties in Govern+ent service.
0&RM B.
(+o be si?ne% b$ t>o me%i"al <ra"titioners)
>e certify that we have carefully e0a+ined C.,. of the--------------------- ,eart+ent
and find that he is in -ood health and fit to return to his duty in Pa.istan.
!If the certificate be si-ned by forei-ners, it should be attested by Consular or other
authority as bearin- the si-natures of 6ualified +edical ractitioners."
(4) REP&R+ &0 RE+UR* 0R&M LE'VE.
8.79. & -a1etted Govern+ent servant, on return fro+ leave +ust reort his return to
8.47. & Govern+ent servant returnin- fro+ leave is not entitled, in the absence of
secified orders to that effect, to resu+e, as a +atter of course, the ost which he
held before -oin- on leave. 4e +ust reort his return to duty and await orders.
8.78. & Govern+ent servant who re+ains absent after the end of his leave is entitled to
no leave salary for the eriod of such absence and that eriod will, unless his leave
is e0tended by the co+etent authority, be debited to his leave account as under@-
a) In the case of a Govern+ent servant, subject to the rules in section II of this
chater, it will be debited as thou-h it were leave on half avera-e ay; and
b) In the case of a Govern+ent servant, subject to the rules in section III, it will be
treated as follows@-
-. If the officer is in suerior serviceC
i. as leave on rivate affairs to the e0tent such leave is due unless the
overstayal is suorted by a +edical certificate,
ii. as leave on +edical certificate to the e0tent such leave is due, if the
overstayal is suorted by a +edical certificate,
iii. as e0traordinary leave to the e0tent the eriod of leave due on rivate
affairs andGor on +edical certificate falls short of the eriod of overstayal.
2. If the officer is in inferior service, C as in !i", !ii" and !iii" above mutatis mutandis.
>ilful absence fro+ duty after the e0iry of leave +ay be treated as +isbehaviour
for the urose of Rule ).'(.
I1 - LE'VE S'L'R)
(l) 3eneral.
a) Subject to any instructions -iven by the co+etent authority in connection
with the control of the issue of +oney fro+ treasuries or by the &uditor-General of
Pa.istan in order to secure efficiency and unifor+ity of audit, the followin- rules
rescribin- the rocedure@C
i. in the ay+ent of leave salary, and
ii. in the +aintenance of record of service, shall be observed in Pa.istan.
/01E.1he instructions issued %y the Auditor-!eneral o Pa>istan
are given in Appendi$ 55.
b) The rocedure to be followed elsewhere than in Pa.istan in resect of
ay+ent of leave salary, e0tension of leave and return fro+ leave is detailed in
&endi0 ').
(2) Pa$ment o: lea=e salar$.
-. That ortion of leave salary which reresents overseas ay drawn in sterlin- shall
be aid in all cases in sterlin-, and unless the Govern+ent servant e0ercises his
otion under clause !$" below of drawin- it in a ,o+inion or :ritish Colony alon-
with the balance of his leave salary, the ay+ent shall be +ade by the 4i-h
Co++issioner for Pa.istan in 2ondon.
2. Subject to the rovisions of clause !'", leave salary shall be drawn in ruees if due
in resect of leave sent in &sia, and in sterlin-; if due in resect of leave sent out
of &sia@
Provided thatH
a) in the case of Fleave on avera-e ayF not e0ceedin- four +onths, or of the
first four +onths of such leave if it e0ceeds four +onths ; and in the case of
Fearned leaveF not e0ceedin- '#%,(% or )% days as the case +ay be, or of the first
'#% days of such leave if it e0ceeds '#% days, leave salary due in resect of an
initial eriod of such leave sent in &sia +ay, if the Govern+ent servant roceeds
out of &sia durin- the currency of such leave, or within one +onth of its
ter+ination, be drawn in sterlin- and leave salary due in resect of an initial eriod
of such leave sent out of &sia +ay, be drawn in ruees;
b) in the case of leave of any other descrition; or of the eriods of leave on
Favera-e ayF after the first four +onths of such leave and in case of Fearned
leaveF the eriod of Fearned leaveF after the first '#% days of such leave, if the
a+ount of leave sent in &sia rior to e+bar.ation does not in all e0ceed one
+onth, leave salary in resect of the whole of such leave +ay be drawn in sterlin-;
") in the case of an &ttach+ent ?rder havin- been issued by a Court in
Pa.istan in accordance with Rule $I, ?rder 77I, Airst Schedule, Code of Civil
Procedure, '(%I !as a+ended", that art of leave salary which is attached shall be
re+itted to the Court in ruees by the accounts authority in Pa.istan
notwithstandin- that the leave salary is due in resect of leave sent out of &sia.
The balance of such leave salary shall be drawn in sterlin- in accordance with the
Rules in this section, e0cet that the +a0i+u+ and +ini+u+ rates of leave ay
rescribed in Rules I./(, I.I% and I.'#* !#" shall be reduced by the a+ount
secified in the F&ttach+ent ?rder, converted into sterlin- at the rate #s.C' #(G)#
d. to the ruee or at such rate as +ay be rescribed by the Central Govern+ent for
the urose fro+ ti+e to ti+e.
/01E 5."acation should %e treated as e9uivalent o 3leave on
average pay3 or 3earned leave3 as the case may %e or the purpose o
this proviso.
/01E '.According to /ote 5 a%ove vacation is treated as leave on
average pay or purposes o proviso &a(. As rule stands* thereore*
when a !overnment servant goes put o Pa>istan within our months
rom the commencement o the vacation* he can e$ercise the option o
drawing his pay or vacation in sterling or the period spent in
Pa>istan. /ote 5 to paragraph 5B o Part I o Appendi$ 55 which states
that when vacation is com%ined or not com%ined with leave and
actually spent out o Pa>istan* the !overnment servant may %e
authorised to draw his pay or vacation at the Home 1reasury or in a
Fritish Colony is not* thereore* applica%le to the case in which the
vacation is spent in Pa>istan.
/01E +. ---For the purpose o this Rule* Cyprus shall %e regarded as
outside Asia.
/01E ;. ---#ince in the case o a !overnment servant placed on
deputation in interruption o leave out o Pa>istan* leave is treated as
one spell o leave* the leave %eore and ater the deputation should %e
treated as 3initial period3 or the purposes o proviso &a( to clause &'(
a%ove and the !overnment servant allowed to draw* i he so desires
leave salary in Pa>istan or the portion* o leave immediately ollowing
the deputation. As deputation is duty or all purposes* it should not %e
ta>en into account in calculate* the ma$imum period o ; months or
5'C* 7C or +C days as the case may %e* prescri%ed in this rule.
3. 2eave salary drawn in ruees shall be drawn in India and Pa.istan.
4. 2eave salary drawn in sterlin- shall be drawn in 2ondon or, at the
Govern+ent servantDs otion, in any :ritish ,o+inion or Colony which +ay be
rescribed for the urose, rovided that, the Govern+ent servant sends his
leave in the ,o+inion or Colony in which he has elected to draw his leave salary,
but if leave-salary due in resect of any ortion of leave out of &sia and ayable to
the Govern+ent servant in sterlin- re+ains undrawn for no fault on his art, the
co+etent authority +ay authorise the undrawn a+ount to be aid in Pa.istan at
the rate of #sC' #(G)# d. to the ruee or at such rate as +ay be rescribed by the
Central Govern+ent for the urose fro+ ti+e to ti+e.
.. &ny leave salary drawn outside Pa.istan shall be subject to deduction of
Pa.istan inco+e-ta0 and suer-ta0 at the rate which would have been alicable, if
that leave salary had been drawn in Pa.istan.
/01E 5.I leave-salary due in respect o any portion o leave out o
Asia and paya%le to a !overnment servant in sterling remains
undrawn through the late arrival o a steamer it may %e held to %e non-
drawal through no ault o the !overnment servant concerned and
drawal in Pa>istan may %e permitted as a matter o course.
/01E '.Ahen a portion o the leave salary is paid in sterling* it
should* or the purpose o ng the rupee limit o leave salary prescri%ed
in Rules ,.87 and ,.,C* %e converted into rupees at 's. 5
/01E +.)eave salary shall %e converted into sterling at the rate o
's.l '7G+' d. to the rupee or at such rate o e$change as the Central
!overnment may hereater i$ or the purpose.
/01E ;.A !overnment servant su%:ect to the rules in #ection II o
this Chapter who spends not more than one month o his leave in Asia
prior to em%ar>ation is entitled to leave salary in respect o the entire
period o his leave su%:ect to the sterling minima prescri%ed in Rule
/01E -.Ahen the vacation and holidays are prei$ed or ai$ed to
leave out o Pa>istan and are spent out o Pa>istan* there is no
o%:ection to the drawal rom the Home 1reasury o pay and leave
salary or the whole period provided that the e$act amount to %e paid
on account o each separate period are stated in the )eave #alary
/01E B.For the purposes o the application o this rule* the period o
voyage to or rom Pa>istan is treated as leave out o Asia during
which leave salary is paya%le in sterling. 1hese orders apply to all
direct &i.e.* un%ro>en( voyages %etween Pa>istan and a post outside
Asia irrespective o the route ollowed and the time spent in Asia on
the voyage including stoppages incidental thereto &e.g.* or the
purpose o transshipment(. 1hey are not* however* intended to ma>e
leave salary paya%le in sterling when the voyage is %ro>en in Asia at
the violation o the !overnment servant or when he spends a portion
o his leave in Asia %eore proceeding to another continent o
resuming his duties in Pa>istan.
/01E 8.---1he amount o compensatory allowances to %e drawn
during leave can seldom %e settled at the %eginning o leave as it
depends largely not on anticipated e$penditureD %ut on proved
e$penditure. It would* thereore* %e generally impossi%le to include in
the original leave salary certiicate the e$act amount o allowances to
%e drawn during leave. For these reasons* compensatory allowances
during the irst our months o leave on average pay or during irst 5'C
days o 3earned leave3 should not %e paid at the Home 1reasury*
e$cept in cases in which such allowances are rom the start included
in the calculation o leave salary. A !overnment servant who wishes
to draw his compensatory allowances %eore he returns rom leave in
England* may leave signed %lan> %ills endorsed to his %an>er* to %e
presented in due course and passed or payment into his account.
/01E ,.)eave salary may under certain condition* %ut allowed in
some o the Fritish .ominions and Colonies.
1.--LE'VE 'CC&U*+S
8.51. & leave account in ter+s of leave on avera-e ay should be +aintained for each
er+anent Govern+ent servant, subject to the Rules in Part & of Section II of this
Chater in the for+s rescribed by the &uditor-General of Pa.istan. Aor those subject to
Secial 2eave Rules the for+ is &.T.C.' and for those subject to the ?rdinary 2eave
Rules the for+ is &.T.C.#. These for+s are reroduced in &endi0 II to these Rules.
The leave account of a te+orary or officiatin- Govern+ent servant whose leave is
re-ulated under rules in Part C of Section II of this Chater should be +aintained in Aor+
C.S.R. (Pb.) *o. ..
The leave account of a er+anent Govern+ent servant, subject to the 2eave
Rules in Section III of this Chater should be +aintained in Aor+ C.S.R. (Pb.) *o.9.
8..2. The leave account of a -a1etted Govern+ent servant is +aintained by the
&ccountant-General and that of a non--a1etted Govern+ent servant by the head of the
office in which he is e+loyed.
1I.--E1+E*+ '*( 'PPLIC'+I&*
(-) (i::erent Sets &: Lea=e Rules 'n% +#e Cate?ories &: 3o=ernment Ser=ants
Subje"t +#ereto
8.53. Aor uroses of -rant of leave and leave salary Govern+ent servants Oother than
those +entioned in Rule I,**, those en-a-ed on contract !vide Rule I.*I" or those for
who+ secial rovision re-ardin- leave has been +ade !e.-., Rule I.*/ below" fall in one
of the followin- cate-ories--
-. Govern+ent servants who were in service on the )'st ,ece+ber, '(#', and
who did not elect .the leave rules contained in the Aunda+ental Rules issued by
the for+er Secretary of State under section (5-: of Govern+ent of India &ct, '('(.
2. Govern+ent servants whose leave on the date these rules co+e into force
was re-ulated by the rules in the Aunda+ental Rules issued by the for+er
Secretary of State for India in Council under section (5-: of the Govern+ent of
India &ct, '('(, as subse6uently adoted and a+ended fro+ ti+e to ti+e by the
Punjab Govern+ent.
/01E.#ee also /ote 5 under clause &+( %elow.
4. Govern+ent servants who are subject to the Punjab Revised 2eave Rules
of '()5, na+ely, Govern+ent servants whose do+icile is &siatic or who if their
do+icile is non-&siatic, have not been secially recruited overseas for service in
Pa.istan and who-
i. enter or have entered or are have been re-e+loyed in Govern+ent service,
whether in a er+anent or other caacity, on or after 'st Banuary, '()';
ii. were in service whether in a er+anent or other caacity on )'st ,ece+ber, '()%,
if there is a brea. in their service after that date;
iii. were on. robation on )'st ,ece+ber, '()%, and who were subse6uently
confir+ed in the service or ost for which they were on robation, rovided that
they were secifically, warned at the ti+e of aoint+ent on robation that the
leave rules were under revision;
iv. entered service as a result of a co+etitive e0a+ination held before 'st Banuary,
'()', rovided they were secifically warned before or at the ti+e of the
e0a+ination that the leave rules were under revision; and
v. were in service as aid arentices on the )'st ,ece+ber, '()%, rovided that
they were secifically warned at the ti+e of D aoint+ent as arentices that
the leave rules were under revision.
5. 3!overnment service3 as used in su%-clause &i( shall %e
deemed to include prior service under any other !overnment in
India or Pa>istan or under* )ocal Funds administered %y
'. For the purpose o su%-clause &ii(* a person re-employed
under any o the Re-Employed Personnel &Conditions o
#ervice( Rules &Appendi$ -(* shall %e regarded as having had a
%rea> in his service.
3. Persons transerred rom the service o any other
!overnment to that o the Pun:a% !overnment shall %e deemed
to have %een speciically warned or the purposes o su%-clause
&iii(* &iv( or &v( i having %een in pro%ationary service under that
!overnment on the +lst .ecem%er* 57+C* or having entered the
service o that !overnment as a result o a competitive
e$amination held %eore the 5st <anuary* 57+5* or having
entered the service o that !overnment as paid apprentices
%eore the 5st <anuary* 57+5* they received rom it a warning o
the nature mentioned in su%-clause &iii(* &iv( or &v( as the case
may %e with reerence to the revision o leave rules %y that
;. /otwithstanding anything herein%eore contained
persons who at the time o transer to the service o the Pun:a%
!overnment are governed %y the Revised )eave Rules issued
%y the !overnment under which they were serving prior to
transer shall also %e included in category &+(.
5. 1he provisions o e$planation + apply mutatis mutandis
to persons transerred rom the service o a )ocal Fund
administered %y !overnment.
/01E 5.)eave o !overnment servants whose domicile is non-
Asiatic and who are specially recruited overseas or service in
Pa>istan shall %e regulated %y the rules in #ection II o this Chapter.
/01E '.Inerior !overnment servants who were actually engaged
prior to 5st <anuary* 57+5* and were paid rom contingencies should*
on promotion to regular esta%lishment* %e considered as alling in
category &'( a%ove* i they continued in service without %rea> up to the
date o promotion.
/01E +.)eave o the mem%ers o the .era !haLi @han Forder
4ilitary Police and Faluch )evy enrolled under the /orth-Aest Forder
4ilitary Police Act* 57C;* is governed %y the rules in Parts I and II*
respectively* o Appendi$ 5;.
/01E ;.1he sta employed on Central Agency wor> will %e
governed %y the )eave Rules o the Central !overnment or these rules
in accordance with the provisions set orth in anne$ure II o #ection I
o this Chapter.
8..7 The leave rules relatin- to cate-ory !'" in Rule I.*) are contained in the Civil
Service Re-ulations and those relatin- to cate-ories !#" and !)" in Sections II and
III, resectively of this Chater.
8... & +ilitary officer in civil e+loy !other than a +ilitary co++issioned officer"
re+ains subject to the 8ilitary 2eave Rules; but his leave while in civil e+loy is
re-ulated by the rovisions of Rule I.() or I.')#, as the case +ay be.
8..9 <0cet as re-ards +ilitary officers in civil e+loy+ent to who+ Rule I.** alies,
the rules in this section and Part & of Section II of this Chater are not alicable
to Govern+ent servants aid fro+ 8ilitary <sti+ates who are te+orarily
transferred to service aid fro+ Civil <sti+ates !includin- service in a tenure ost".
Such Govern+ent servants re+ain subject to the rules which alied to the+
before their transfer.
8..5 The leave of the &dvocate-General is re-ulated by the rules -iven in &endi0 '*.
8..8 2eave ad+issible to Govern+ent servants en-a-ed on contract will be deter+ined
by the ter+s of their contracts, rovided that no leave will be ad+issible in e0cess
of the leave which would be ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant holdin- a
er+anent ost.
/01E. ---4odel )eave 1erms or !overnment servants engaged on
contract prior to the ''nd <uly. 57+B* are given in Part II o Appendi$
5B and or those engaged on or ater that date in Part I o that
8../ 2eave on +edical certificate to Govern+ent servants subject to Rules I.(*, I.(5,
I.')$ and I.')* shall +P be -ranted for a eriod e0tendin- beyond the ter+ of the
Govern+ent servantDs contract unless or until it has been decided to retain hi+ in
er+anent e+loy+ent.
/01E.1he provisions o Rules ,.'' and ,.'+ apply mutatis mutandis
to !overnment servants engaged on contract.
(2) PERI&(S &0 &00 (U+) HIC 'RE *&+ +RE'+E( 'S RE3UL'R LE'VE
&a( "acation
8.60 =nless the contrary aears fro+ the conte0t vacation counts as duty and not as
& co+etent authority +ay secify the deart+ents or arts of deart+ents which
should be treated as vacation deart+ents and the conditions in which a Govern+ent
servant should be considered to have availed hi+self of a vacation.
/01E.1he orders issued under this rule are given in the Anne$ure to
this section.
&%( Casual and Puarantine leave
8.9- & Govern+ent servant on casual leave or on 6uarantine leave is not treated as
absent fro+ duty and his ay and allowances are not inter+itted, as such leave is
not reco-nised re-ular leave and is not subject to the rules in this Chater.
8.92 Rules re-ulatin- the -rant of casual leave and 6uarantine leave are -iven in
&endi0 '/.
'PPE*(I1 -5
(Re:erre% +o In Rule 8.92)
Rules :or t#e ?rant o: Casual...............lea=e
Casual leave +ay be -ranted to Govern+ent servants for short eriods subject to
the followin- conditions@--
i. Casual leave should not ordinarily e0ceed '% days at a ti+e and #* days durin-
any one calendar year;
ii. The sanctionin- authority +ay, however, -rant casual leave uto '* days at a ti+e
in secial circu+stances.
iii. It +ay be -ranted in conjunction with Aridays or ublic holidays, but not with any
other .ind of leave or joinin- ti+e. In case casual leave is co+bined with holidays
the total eriod should not e0ceed '* days at a ti+e. The ublic holidays which are
sandwiched between the casual leave shall be debited to the Casual 2eave
i=. Eo Govern+ent servant +ay leave his head6uarters durin- casual leave or
holidays e0cet with the er+ission of the sanctionin- authority.
=. Subject to the dele-ation of owers which has been or +ay be +ade by
Govern+ent fro+ ti+e to ti+e in this behalf, casual leave +ay be sanctioned to a
Govern+ent servant by his i++ediate officer.
vi. In e+er-ency the Co++issioners of ,ivisions can sanction casual leave uto '%
days to the Re-ional and ,ivisional ?fficers. In such cases the Co++issioners
shall infor+ the 4eads of the &ttached ,eart+ents by a telerinter +essa-e.
>hile alyin- for such e+er-ency leave, the Re-ionalG,ivisional ?fficer is
re6uired to observe the followin- two conditions@--
a) he should certify that the leave alied for is due to hi+; and
b) he should su--est actin- arran-e+ents for the disosal of wor. durin-
his absence.
=ii. The ,istrict ?fficers of other deart+ents while roceedin- on casual leave
e0tendin- beyond '% days shall infor+ the ,euty Co++issioner of that fact;
=iii. Casual leave shall not be -ranted to Govern+ent servants in conjunction with
trainin- eriod sent abroad.
i;. The record of the casual leave should be .et in the followin- +anner @-
a) casual 2eave &ccount of each Govern+ent servant should be
+aintained roerly on the rescribed for+;
b) it should always re+ain in the custody of the sanctionin- authority;
") casual leave should not be -ranted unless the Casual 2eave &ccount is
seen by the sanctionin- authority to ensure that !i" the 2eave alied for, is due
and !ii" it is not e0cessive vi1-a-vi1 the eriod of service durin- the year; and
%) casual 2eave &ccount should be closed on the transfer of a Govern+ent
servant fro+ the deart+entGoffice or fro+ one sectionGbranch to another in the
sa+e deart+ent, si-ned by the sanctionin- authority and transferred i++ediately
to the deart+entGoffice or sectionGbranch to which the officer is transferred.
'**E1URE I
(See Rule 8.96)
-. & vacation deart+ent is a deart+ent, or art of a
deart+ent, to which re-ular vacations are allowed durin- which Govern+ent
servants servin- in the deart+ent are er+itted to be absent fro+ duty.
i. The followin- classes of Govern+ent servants serve in vacation deart+ents
when the conditions of ara-rah I above are fulfilled@-
a)<ducational officers, other than the ,irector of Public Instruction and insectin-
officers and their establish+ents.
b) Budicial officers of ran. not hi-her than that of subordinate jud-e and their
") &ny other class of Govern+ent servant which a co+etent authority +ay declare
to be so servin-.
ii. In case of doubt, a co+etent authority +ay decide whether or not a articular
Govern+ent servant is servin- in a vacation deart+ent.
/01E 5..istrict and #essions <udges may* with the e$press
permission o the Honora%le <udges o the High Court* )ahore* avail
themselves* without pre:udice to their regular leave* o so much o the
vacation during the month o #eptem%er as is not needed or the
disposal o Criminal-%usiness6 provided that suita%le arrangements*
with the approval o the High Court* can %e made or the disposal o
wor> and that the #tate is not put to any additional e$penditure in the
way o telegraph* postal or other similar charges. "acation in their
case shall %e treated as recognised holidays.
/01E '.A complete list o !overnment servants serving in vacation
departments is given in Appendi$ 5,.
3. & Govern+ent servant servin- in a vacation deart+ent shall be considered
to have availed hi+self of a vacation, or a ortion of a vacation, unless he has
been re6uired by -eneral or secial order of a hi-her authority to fore-o such
vacation, or ortion of a vacation; rovided that if, as a result of such an order, he
has only been able to enjoy a eriod not e0ceedin- '* days of the vacation, he
shall be considered to have availed hi+self of no ortion of the vacation.
/01E 5.A !overnment servant who has routine duties to discharge
during a vacation which do not re9uire his presence at his place o
duty and which can %e perormed* either %y himsel at some other
place or %y some other !overnment servant* shall %e considered to
have availed himsel o a vacation or a part o it. A !overnment
servant* who a%sents himsel rom his place o duty during any part o
vacation is e$pected to arrange or and is responsi%le or the
perormance* without any cost to !overnment* o such routine duty*
should a !overnment servant who is a%sent rom the place o duty
during any portion o a vacation %e recalled thereto* he will not %e
entitled to travelling allowance unless the vacation is com%ined with
/01E '.1he words 3higher authority3 occurring in this paragraph
mean in the case o the head o an oice or institution the Head o
.epartment and in other cases the head o the oice or institution.
'**E1URE II.
Re:erre% +o In *ote 7 Belo> Rule 8..4
-. The staff e+loyed on central a-ency wor. will be -overned by the leave
rules of the Central Govern+ent or the rules of the Punjab Govern+ent in
accordance with the followin- rinciles@-
2. Such staff +ay be divided into the followin- cate-ories@-
a) Personnel recruited for and e+loyed in a-ency deart+ents whose ay,
leave salary, allowances and ensions are char-ed direct to the Central
Govern+ent, i.e., ersonnel who are aid direct by the Central Govern+ent but
who are technically under the ad+inistrative control of the Punjab Govern+ent.
b) Personnel recruited and e+loyed in connection with the affairs of the
Punjab, whose ay, leave salary, allowances and ensions are char-ed to
Provincial revenues but who+ the Punjab Govern+ent e+loys te+orarily on
a-ency wor.. Aor their services the Central Govern+ent ays the Punjab
Govern+ent an a-reed su+ and the entire leave char-es are borne by the later.
") Personnel as in cate-ory !b" above whose services are e+loyed by the
Punjab Govern+ent art ti+e or casually, on erfor+in- Central a-ency duties.
Aor their services the Central Govern+ent usually ays an a-reed su+ to the
Punjab Govern+ent which includes leave char-es.
%) Personnel failin- in either of the three cate-ories -iven above who have
fro+ 'st &ril, '()/ co+e under the direct control of the Central Govern+ent on
resu+tion by the+ of the ad+inistrative control over certain a-ency functions.
4. The Govern+ent servants belon-in- to cate-ory !a" who entered the
service of the Punjab Govern+ent before 'st &ril, '()/ would continue to be
-overned by the Punjab Govern+ent rules and the Central Govern+ent would
+eet their share of leave char-es as calculated under those rules. Those recruited
on or after 'st &ril '()/ would be -overned by the leave rules of the Central
Govern+ent. 4owever, such officers who were on 5th Banuary, '($$, -overned by
the leave rules of the Punjab Govern+ent will have an otion of re+ainin- under
those rules or of co+in- under the Central Govern+entDs leave rules on the
rinciles and conditions laid down in Rule I.5$ of these rules.
i. The Govern+ent servants fallin- under cate-ories !b" and !c" !irresective of the
dates of recruit+ent" would re+ain under the leave rules of the Punjab
Govern+ent and the Central Govern+ent would +eet their share of leave char-es
as calculated tinder these rules.
ii. The Govern+ent servants belon-in- to cate-ory !d" have the otion of re+ainin-
under the leave rules of the Punjab Govern+ent or of co+in- under the Central
Govern+ent leave rules on the rinciles and conditions laid down in Rule I.5$ of
these rules.
SEC+I&* II.--Rules a<<li"able to 3o=ernment ser=ants belon?in? to "ate?or$ (2)
mentione% in Rule 8..4.
8.94 =nless in any case it be otherwise e0ressly rovided by or under the rules in Part
& of this section, a Govern+ent servant, transferred to a service or ost to which
they aly fro+ a service or ost to which they do not aly, is not ordinarily
entitled to leave under the rules in that art in resect of duty erfor+ed before
such transfer; but a Govern+ent servant revertin- fro+ duty as Bud-e of 4i-h
Court +ay count such duty for leave as thou-h it were duty erfor+ed in a
vacation deart+ent; all leave ta.en durin- the service concerned bein- treated as
ta.en under these rules.
/01E 5.1he term =<udge= includes an acting <udge or the purposes
o the !overnment o India &High Court <udges( 0rder. 57+8. )eave is
granted under this 0rder to a <udge during the period o his service as
<udge. An acting <udge ceases to %e a <udge or the purpose o that
0rder with eect rom the date o termination o his duty as <udge. He
is not* thereore* entitled to leave as <udge* i.e.* leave under the 0rder
reerred to a%ove* %ut is entitled to leave under the rules to which he
was su%:ect prior to his appointment as acting <udge. 1he act that he
has not :oined his su%stantive post immediately on reversion rom
duty as <udge and %eore proceeding on leave does not aect the
/01E '.An Additional <udge o the High Court will get leave under
the !overnment o India &High Court <udges( 0rder* 57+8* and not
under the rules in this Chapter.
8.97 <0cet as rovided by Rule I.5) a Govern+ent servant transferred to a service or
ost to which the rules in Part & of this section aly, fro+ a service or ost to
which they do not aly, re+ains under the leave rules to which he was subject
rior to his transfer; rovided that it shall be oen to hi+ at the ti+e of the transfer
or any ti+e thereafter to e0ercise the otion of co+in- under the rules in Part & of
this section, subject to the condition that all leave at his credit on the date on which
he co+es under these rules shall lase. The intention of e0ercisin- this otion
+ust be secifically declared to the Govern+ent, and the date of such declaration
shall be the date of co+in- under these rules. The otion once e0ercised is final.
P'R+ '@LE'VE +& 3&VER*ME*+ SERV'*+S I* PERM'*E*+ EMPL&)
8.65 The rules in this art of. this section -overn the leave of a Govern+ent servant
who holds a lien on a er+anent ost in civil e+loy or would hold a lien on such a
ost had his lien not been susended.
&i( !eneral Rules
1. &ll Govern+ent servants who are not subject to the satial
leave rules are subject to the ordinary leave rules.
2. The followin- Govern+ent servants are subject to the secial
leave rules, na+ely@-
a) &ny Govern+ent servant havin- at the ti+e of his
aoint+ent his do+icile elsewhere thanF in &sia@
Provided that, no such Govern+ent servant shall be entitled to the benefits of the
secial leave rules who, rior to such aoint+ent, has, for the urose of his
aoint+ent to any office under the Govern+ent or of the confer+ent uon hi+ by the
Govern+ent of any scholarshi, e+olu+ents, or other rivile-e clai+ed and been
dee+ed to be of Pa.istani do+icile.
/01E.1he e$pression 3at the time o his appointment3 occurring in
this clause means the date o a !overnment servant=s appointment to
a service or post to which the provisions o the rules in this section
b) &ny Govern+ent servant havin- at the ti+e of his
aoint+ent his do+icile in &sia who, rior to the #$th Buly, '(#), had been
ad+itted to the benefits of the <uroean Services 2eave Rules under the Civil
Service Re-ulations, or who between the 'st Banuary, '(##, and the #$th Buly,
'(#), held a ost which would have entitled hi+ to such ad+ission had he been
subject to the Civil Service Re-ulations; and
") &ny Govern+ent servant havin- at the ti+e of his
aoint+ent his do+icile in &sia who, rior to the #$th Buly, '(#), held
substantively an aoint+ent in a deart+ent in which the attain+ent of a certain
ran. or a certain rate of ay entitled the Govern+ent servants to ad+ission to the
benefits of the <uroean Service 2eave Rules under the Civil Service Re-ulations@
Provided that, such a Govern+ent servant shall only be entitled to the benefits of
the secial leave rules when he attains that ran. or rate or ay@
Provided further that, the concession allowed by clause !c" of this rule is not
ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant who attains such ran. or rate of ay by reason of
bein- ro+oted by selection fro+ a subordinate service or ost after the #$th Buly, '(#)
/01E 5..omicile is the sole criterion or admission to the #pecial
)eave Rules* the agreement o a newly-appointed !overnment servant
promises him overseas pay it may %e assumed* unless there is any
reason to suspect a clerical error* that his domicile is non-Asiatic.
/01E '.-A !overnment servant who %ecomes eligi%le to the special
leave rules while he is on leave under the ordinary leave rules may*
rom the date he %ecomes so eligi%le* change the %alance o his leave
to leave under the special leave rules.
/01E +.1he e$pression 3#election rom a #u%ordinate service or
post3 appearing in the 'nd proviso to clause &c( o this rule should %e
interpreted as e$cluding only such !overnment servants as are not
ordinarily eligi%le or promotion to the 9ualiying posts* unless
specially selected* and not those who have an admitted right to
promotion to a 9ualiying post in the ordinary course.
8.95 Aor the urose of sub-rule !#" of Rule I.55 the do+icile of a erson shall be
deter+ined in accordance with the rovisions set out in &endi0 $@
Provided that, a erson who was born and has been educated e0clusively in &sia
and has not resided out of &sia for a total eriod e0ceedin- si0 +onths shall be dee+ed
to have his do+icile in &sia, unless in the case of a erson to who+ the roviso in sub-
rule !#" !a" of Rule I.55 does not aly it is roved to the satisfaction of the aointin-
authority that he did not have his do+icile in &sia on that date.
8.98 Eo Govern+ent servant who, after his aoint+ent to a service or ost, ac6uires a
new do+icile, shall thereby lose his ri-ht to, or beco+e entitled to ad+ission to, the
benefits of the secial leave rules.
8.9/ If any 6uestion arises as to the do+icile of any Govern+ent servant at the ti+e of
his aoint+ent, the decision thereon, of the co+etent authority shall be final.
/01E 5.In the case o a !overnment servant appointed %y the
!overnor-!eneral who may %e under the rule ma>ing control o the
Pun:a% !overnment* the decision o the !overnor-!eneral shall %e
/01E '.For the purposes o this rule the domicile o a !overnment
servant at the date o appointment shall %e determined in accordance
with* the provisions set out in Appendi$ ; to these rules and clauses
&5( and &'( o Rule ;.' and the notes thereunder.
a) In the leave account of a Govern+ent servant who,
i++ediately rior to the date on which he beco+es subject to these rules, was
subject to the rules contained in the Aunda+ental Rules, there shall be credited the
eriods entered to his credit in the leave account +aintained for hi+ under those
rules and in addition @-
i. if he be under the secial leave rules, *G##nds of the eriod sent on duty fro+ the
date on which these rules co+e into force;
ii. If he be under the ordinary leave rules, #G''ths of the eriod sent on duty fro+
the date on which these rules co+e into force.
b) In the -leave account of a Govern+ent servant who, on entry into
Govern+ent service, beco+es subject to these rules shall be credited@-
i. if he be under the secial leave rules, *G##nds of the eriod sent on duty;
ii. if he be under the ordinary leave rules, #G'' ths of the eriod sent on duty.
c) &ny Govern+ent servant !other than a +ilitary co++issioned
officer" transferred er+anently fro+ +ilitary to civil e+loy is entitled to a credit to
his leave account based on such ortion of his +ilitary duty, as under the rules for
the ti+e bein- in force, is er+itted to count for ension@
Provided that, in the case of a Govern+ent servant who beco+es subject to these
rules in the calendar year in which he is transferred fro+ +ilitary to civil e+loy, and who
before transfer is subject to +ilitary leave rules, the credit under this clause shall be
reduced by 'G''th of the duty intervenin- between the date of his beco+in- subject to
these rules and the ter+ination of the calendar year of transfer, but this reduction shall
not be +ade if rivile-e leave under the +ilitary rules is not ad+issible in resect of the
calendar year of transfer because the Govern+ent servant has not actually erfor+ed
duty in the +ilitary deart+ent durin- that year.
/01E 5.In calculating the leave admissi%le to !overnment servants
su%:ect to the ordinary leave rules or a part their service and to the
special leave rules or the remainder o their service* the periods spent
on duty under each o those rules should %e ta>en separately and the
calculation o the leave admissi%le in respect o each o those periods
should %e made separately.
/01E '.1he leave o a !overnment servant* who has hitherto %een
in the employ o the .eence .epartment and su%:ect to the Civil
#ervice Regulations* should* on his permanent transer to the civil
department* %e regulated under Fundamental Rule 88 &%(. Any
temporary service rendered %y such a !overnment servant under the
Civil #ervice Regulations counts or leave under Rule ,.77.
/01E +.1he ull pay leave or BC days admissi%le annually to the
Assistant 4edical 0icers o the Pa>istan Army 4edical Corps under
paragraph 87 &ii( o the Regulations or 4edical #ervices o the Army
in Pa>istan shall* on their appointment su%stantively to permanent
posts in civil employ* %e treated as privilege leave or the purposes o
these rules.
/01E ;.#ervice rendered %y Civil Assistant #urgeons as temporary
oicers in the Pa>istan Army 4edical Corps should %e allowed to
count or leave* promotion and pension under the civil rules on their
reversions to civil employment. Any leave ta>en %y such !overnment
servants while in temporary military employ will %e de%ited to their
leave account in the civil department* privilege leave %eing treated as
leave on average pay and sic> leave as have on hal average pay.
/01E -.Fractions o a day should not appear in the leave account
ractions %elow should %e ignored any those o Q or more should %e
rec>oned as one day.
/01E B.Five twenty-seconds o the period spent on duty should %e
calculated thus the amount o duty as e$pressed in terms o years*
months and days should %e multiplied %y ive and the product divided
%y twenty-two. In this process o multiplication and division a month
should %e rec>oned as e9ual to +C days.
1wo-elevenths o the period spent on duty should also %e
calculated similarly.
/01E 8.For leave calculators showing the amount o leave earned
under the #pecial and 0rdinary )eave Rules see ta%les in Appendi$
8.71 The a+ount of leave debited a-ainst a Govern+ent servantDs leave account
+aintained under these rules is@-
a) the actual eriod of leave )n avera-e ay e0cludin-
secial disability leave on avera-e ay under Rule I.I) !/" !a"; and
b) half the eriod of leave on half avera-e ay !other than
disability leave" or on 6uarter avera-e ay or of secial disability leave on avera-e
ay under Rule I.I) !/" !b".
/01E 5.In cases covered %y Rule ,.8C &e(* the leave ta>en during the
period o duty on which the credit to the leave account is %ased is tB
%e de%ited as ollows
i. Eo rivile-e leave ta.en by a +ilitary officer under the :ritish or Pa.istan &r+y
2eave Rules, before co+in- under civil rules, is to be debited under !a" above.
ii. Aurlou-h, leave on +edical Certificate and secial leave with allowances are to be
debited under !b" above.
/01E '.)eave on average pay ta>en under Rule R.7+* should not %e
de%ited against the leave account under clause &a( o this rule.
/01E +.---#ee also /otes + and ; under Rule ,.8C.
/01E ;.E$traordinary leave without pay granted under the Civil
#ervice 3Regulations will not %e de%ited against the leave account.
/01E -.---1he leave account o an inerior servant should %e de%ited
with reerence to the >ind o leave given i.e. whether it is on average
pay or hal average pay* and not with reerence to the leave-salary
actually drawn.
8.52 >hen a Govern+ent servant, who has reviously been subject to the ordinary
leave rules, is ad+itted to the benefits of the secial leave rules, no chan-e shall
be +ade in the a+ount of leave reviously credited and debited to his account but
he shall be entitled to the +a0i+u+ a+ount of leave rescribed in Rule I./$ !a" !i".
8.54 The a+ount of leave due to a Govern+ent servant is the balance of leave at his
credit in the leave account.
8.74 2eave +ay be -ranted to a Govern+ent servant at the discretion of the authority
entitled to -rant the leave, subject to the followin- restrictions@-
a) The +a0i+u+ a+ount of leave which +ay be -ranted
e0ressed in ter+s of leave on avera-e ay is@-
The rivile-e leave which it was er+issible to -rant to hi+ under the rules, to
which he was reviously subject, on the date on which he beca+e subject to the
Aunda+ental Rules or to these rules, as the case +ay be@ lus one-eleventh of the eriod
sent on duty fro+ the date of co+in- under the Aunda+ental Rules or under these rules,
as the case +ay be, lus
i. in the case of Govern+ent servants under the secial leave rules, three years, and
ii. in the case of Govern+ent servants under the ordinary leave rules, two and a half
Provided that, secial disability leave on half avera-e ay or on avera-e ay under
Rule I.I) !/" !a" or under the Aunda+ental Rule I) !/" !a", shall not be ta.en into
account in calculatin- the +a0i+u+ rescribed by this clause, and, in the case of such
leave ta.en on avera-e ay under Rule I.I) !/" !b" or under Aunda+ental Rule I) !/"
!b", account shall be ta.en of only half the eriod thereof.
b) The +a0i+u+ a+ount of leave on avera-e ay,
includin- any furlou-h on avera-e salary ta.en under the rules reviously in force
but e0cludin- secial disability leave on avera-e ay under Rule I.I) !/" !a" or
under the Aunda+ental Rule I) !/" !a", which +ay be -ranted is@-
i. to a Govern+ent servant under the Secial 2eave Rules, ei-ht +onths at any one
ti+e, and in all, the rivile-e leave which it was er+issible to -rant to hi+ under
the rules alicable to hi+ on the date on which he Fbeca+e subject to the
Aunda+ental Rules or to these rules, as the case +ay be, lus one-eleventh of the
eriod sent on duty since he ca+e under the Aunda+ental Rules or under these
rules, as the case +ay be; lus one year,
ii. to a Govern+ent servant under the ?rdinary 2eave Rules four +onths at any one-
ti+e and in all, the rivile-e leave which it was er+issible to -rant to hi+ under
the rules alicable to hi+ on the date on which he beca+e subject to the
Aunda+ental Rules or to these rules, as the case +ay be; lus one-eleventh of the
eriod sent on duty since he ca+e under the Aunda+ental Rules or under these
rules, as the case +ay be@
Provided that, in the case of a Govern+ent servant !other than an inferior
Govern+ent servant" subject to the ordinary leave rules who either leave on
+edical certificate other than leave rearatory to retire+ent or sends his leave
elsewhere than in Pa.istan, India, the +a0i+u+ as rescribed in sub-clause !i" of this
clause shall aly.
/01E 5.In the case o a !overnment servant who is entitled* under
orders previously in orce* to privilege leave or more than our
months* the num%er o months to %e ta>en at one time as prescri%ed
in su%-clauses &i( and &ii( a%ove may %e increased on the irst occasion
when leave is ta>en under these rules* %y the num%er o months %y
which the amount o privilege leave due e$ceeds our months6
provided that this concession has not already %een availed o %eore
coming under these rules.
/01E '.I under the operation o the proviso to su%-clause &ii( a%ove
the ma$imum amount o leave on average pay admissi%le at a time
&i.e.* the period o leave at credit in column B o the leave account
su%:ect to a ma$imum o our months has %een increased %y the grant
o leave on medical certiicate* urther leave on average pay may not
%e granted in continuation* unless such leave is ta>en on medical
certiicate or is spent elsewhere than in Pa>istan* India* %ut such leave
on average pay which may %e ta>en on medical certiicate or outside
Pa>istan* India* up to a ma$imum o 5' months in a !overnment
servant=s whole service does not* i due* consume the leave on
average pay which may %e ta>en without medical certiicate.
/01E +.For the purpose o the ma$imum limit o leave on average
pay that* may %e granted at any one time* a period o suspension dealt
with under Rule 8.+ &%( which is %oth preceded and ollowed %y leave
on average pay should %e ignored and the two periods o leave treated
as one continuous spell o leave.
/01E ;.
-. In addition to leave on average pay or ; months under Rule
,.,+ &8( &a( which is de%ita%le to the leave account* the
ma$imum amount o leave on average pay that can %e ta>en
whether under Rule ,.,+ &8( &%( or under clause &%( o this rule or
%oth can %e only eight months. 1his ollows rom a
consideration o the wording in Rule ,.,+ &8( &%(* under which a
!overnment servant is allowed to draw leave-salary e9ual to
average pay or a period not e$ceeding the period which would
otherwise %e admissi%le to him as leave on average pay. 2nder
clause &%( o this rule this period is limited to eight months
under clause &i( or our months under clause &ii( which may %e
e$tended %y another our months in certainD circumstances
Hvide proviso to clause &i( I. In case leave on average pay or
eight months* i due under clause &%( a%ove* is all ta>en under
Rule ,.,+ &8( &%(* no urther leave on average pay can %e ta>en
under the provisions o the ormer rule. 1he total leave on
average pay that can %e granted to a !overnment servant
thereore is only twelve months* viL.* our months under Rule
,.,+ &8( &a( and eight months under Rule ,.,+ &8( &%( or under
clause &%( o this rule or %oth.
2. 2nder Rule ,.,+ &;( special disa%ility leave can %e com%ined
with leave o any other >ind. 1here is no o%:ection to the
interpolation o ordinary leave %etween periods special
disa%ility leave provided that the limits laid down in clause &%( o
this rule are not e$ceeded in respect o leave on average pay
other than special disa%ility leave ta>en under Rule ,.,+ &8( &a(.
/01E -.---I leave on average pay is applied or ater a !overnment
servant has had leave on hal average pay in continuance o a period
o leave on average pay either %y the production o a medical
certiicate or %y a !overnment servant proceeding out .o Pa>istan S
India* the period o leave on average pay that may thence granted
should %e limited to the period actually covered %y the medical
certiicate or spent elsewhere than in Pa>istan* India. 1he grant o the
leave should also %e so regulated that the total period o leave on
average pay during that spell o leave does not e$ceed , months. In
such cases the total period o leave on average pay shall %e treated as
one continuous spell o leave on average pay in order to determine
whether the irst our months o the leave should count or pension.
/01E B.1he e$pression 3at anyone time3 in clause &%( o this rule
should %e interpreted as meaning 3in each separate period o leave
granted3. #u%:ect to the considerations o special cases where a
!overnment servant is placed on deputation outside Pa>istan the
period o deputation o a !overnment servant placed on duty while on
leave out o Pa>istan will ordinarily %e treated as an interruption o
leave already granted and the leave will %e e$tended %y the period
e9ual to the %alance o the unen:oyed leaveD hut the deputation will
not entitle him to a resh grant o leave. 1he %alance o unen:oyed
leave should thereore* %e wor>ed out %eore the deputation
intervenes and the amount o leave to %e en:oyed su%se9uently on the
e$piry o the deputation should %e restricted to this availa%le %alance.
/01E 8.Ahen average pay is drawn %y virtue o a medical certiicate
under the proviso to su%-clause &ii( a%ove !overnment may recover
the dierence %etween average pay and hal average pay or the
period o leave on average pay which would not have %een admissi%le
had the proviso not %een applied should the !overnment servant
decide later to retire at the end o his leave o or an e$tension thereo
granted to him. An underta>ing to this eect should thereore* %e
ta>en rom those !overnment servants who ta>e* advantage o the
proviso reerred to a%ove* %ut the 9uestion whether the !overnment
servant concerned should %e called upon to reund the amount drawn
in e$cess as leave salary should %e decided on the merits o each
case* i.e.* i the retirement is voluntary reund should %e enorced* %ut
i the retirement is compulsorily thrust upon the !overnment servant
%y reason o ill health incapacitating him or urther service* no reund
should %e ta>en.
1he leave on average pay on medical certiicate granted under
the proviso to su%-clause &ii( to a !overnment servant who
su%se9uently retires should %e converted into leave on hal average
pay and should count or pension as leave on average pay even
though the !overnment servant concerned is not called upon to
reund the amount drawn in e$cess as leave salary.
/01E ,.Formal :oining at the end o leave on average pay with the
intention o ta>ing again leave on average pay with a view to evading
the ma$imum limit to which leave is admissi%le at any one time under
this clause amounts to a deli%erate evasion o the rule and through
such a course the !overnment servant see>s to get rom the rules an
advantage not ordinarily* contemplated %y them. /o such deli%erate or
intentional evasion should thereore %e permitted %ut so long as this
condition is satisied it is let to the discretion o the authority granting
the leave to grant or reuse it as may seem proper in each case.
") Save in the case of leave rearatory to retire+ent
leave not due +ay be -ranted subject to the followin- conditions@-
i. on +edical certificate, without li+it of a+ount and
ii. otherwise than on +edical certificate, for not +ore than three +onths at any one
ti+e and si0 +onths in all, rec.oned in ter+s of leave on avera-e ay.
/01E 5.In cases where a !overnment servant who has %een
granted leave not due under this clause applies or permission to
retire voluntarily the leave not due shall* i the permission %e granted*
%e cancelled and his retirement shall have eect rom the date on
which such leave commenced.
/01E '.)eave not due is intended to %e regarded as an advance o
leave and its grant should thereore %e limited to the amount that %oth
&a( can %e and &%( will %e earned %y su%se9uent duty* urther * it is
meant to %e granted only in e$ceptional circumstances* such as
illness or urgent private aairsD and inally* when the e$ceptional step
o granting such leave is ta>en it should %e irrevoca%le* e$cept at the
re9uest o the !overnment servant* who should not %e penalised i
reasona%le anticipations ail to materialise. It is accordingly ruled-
-. that leave not due may in no case %e granted unless the
sanctioning authority is satisied that* as ar as can %e
reasona%ly oreseen* the !overnment servant will return to duty
and earn itD and
2. that e$cept as provided in /ote 5 a%ove the leave when granted
should in all cases &su%:ect to the !overnment servant=s
wishes( %e allowed to stand* including cases in which the
!overnment #ervant ails to earn it %y su%se9uent duty.
/01E +.)eave 3not due3 can %e granted to a !overnment servant
whose leave account shows a de%it %alance in conse9uence o the
grant o leave 3not due3 on a previous occasion.
/01E ;.Ahen the privilege permitted %y Rule ,.8- &%( is e$ercised
the additional leave permissi%le under that clause %ecomes leave due
and thus ac9uires a character dierent rom the leave not due3 leave
under Rule ,.8; &c( and Rule ,.8- &%( may thereore %e granted in
/01E -.Ahen !overnment servants are invalided while on leave
3not due3 the date o invaliding shall %e that ollowing the e$piry o the
leave already granted.
d) The +a0i+u+ eriod of continuous absence fro+ duty
on leave -ranted otherwise than on +edical certificate is #I +onths. This eriod
shall in no circu+stances be e0ceeded by a Govern+ent servant who is on leave
rearatory to retire+ent.
/01E 5. 1he limit o ', months o continuous a%sence prescri%ed
in this clause includes the period o vacation* i any* with- which leave
is com%ined.
/01E '. 1he e$pression 3continuous a%sence rom duty on leave3
occurring in this clause does not include a%sence on e$traordinary
e) >hen a Govern+ent servant returns fro+ leave which
was not due and which was debited a-ainst his leave account, no leave will
beco+e due to hi+ until the e0iration of a fresh eriod sent on duty sufficient to
earn a credit of leave e6ual to the eriod of leave which he too. before it was due.
&ii( #pecial provision or vacation departments.
a) The eriods of total leave in Rules I./%, I./$!a" and
I./$!b" should ordinarily be reduced by one +onth for each year of duty in which
the Govern+ent servant has availed hi+self of the vacation. If a art only of the
vacation has been ta.en in any year, the eriod to be deducted will be a fraction of
a +onth e6ual to the roortion which the art of the vacation ta.en bears to the
full eriod of the vacation.
b) Incases of ur-ent necessity, when a Govern+ent
servant Re6uires leave and no leave is due to hi+, the eriods in Rules I./% and
I./$!a"v as reduced by clause !a" of this rule, +ay be increased by one +onth for
every two years of duty in a vacation deart+ent.
c) >hen a Govern+ent servant co+bines vacation with
leave, the eriod of
vacation shall be rec.oned as leave in calculatin- the a+ount of leave on avera-e
ay which +ay be included in the articular eriod of leave.
/01E 5.--- A !overnment servant o a vacation department may %e
granted the additional leave which is credited under clause &%(o this
rule even though he has a de%it %alance in his leave account due to
the act that leave hot due has not %een li9uidated as re9uired %y Rule
,*8; &e(.
1he credit o one month under clause* &%( o this rule is or
every completed two years o duty and no ractional credit or a period
o less than ?S years is permissi%le.
/01E '.---1he amount credited to the leave account under clause &%(
o this rule as well as that added to the ma$imum under Rule ,.8; &a(
should %e the actual amount o additional leave ta>en under this rule
and not the total amount theoretically permissi%le* viL.* one month or
every two years o duty.
/01E +. ---1he term Teach year o dutyU in clause&a( o this rule should
%e interpreted to mean* not a calender year in which duty is perormed
*%ut twelve months o actual duty in the vacation department. I the
!overnment servant has en:oyed such vacation as alls within a
period o twelve months %eginning on the day on which he %egins his
duty on return rom leave or otherwise* then one month should %e
deducted rom his leave account. It does not matter whether the day
on which this year ends* alls in a vacation in the succeeding calendar
year. 1he only 9uestion is whether the !overnment servant has
en:oyed such vacation as ell within the period o one year as
interpreted a%ove.
I* to ta>e an e$ample* a !overnment servant %eore going oh
leave has not completed a ull year o duty &including vacation( during
the course o the* second calendar year* then the raction o one
month which should %e deducted rom the leave account is the
raction which the period o duty* including vacation* %ears to the
whole year. I* to ta>e a urther complication* he has not en:oyed the
whole o the vacation which ell during that period less than a year*
then the amount which should %e deducted is the proportion o the
period which the proportion o vacation actually en:oyed %ears to the
whole period o vacation which ell within that period.
In the case o !overnment servants who are allowed two
vacations in the year instead o one* the period o the two vacations
should %e regarded as com%ined into one.
/01E ;.In the case o a !overnment servant who* at the time o
going on leave* has not completed a ull year o duty and has not or
that reason en:oyed any portion o vacation %ut who en:oys the ne$t
vacation in continuation o the leave a deduction o lG5'th may %e
made or the period or which 5G55th is credited. I su%se9uently it is
ound that the vacation has not %een en:oyed the deduction already
made can %e suita%ly corrected.
/01E -.2nder clause &c( o this rule a !overnment servant su%:ect
to the ordinary leave rules can en:oy our months= leave on average
pay ollowed %y + months= vacation only i the period o vacation is
covered %y medical certiicate or is spent outside Pa>istan and India.
&iii( E$traordinary leave.
a) <0traordinary leave +ay be -ranted in secial
circu+stances !'" when no other leave is by rule ad+issible, or !#" when other
leave bein- ad+issible the Govern+ent servant concerned alies in writin- for
the -rant of e0traordinary leave. Eo leave-salary is ad+issible durin- such leave.
b) The authority which has the ower to sanction leave
+ay -rant e0traordinary leave as in clause !a" in co+bination with, or in
continuation ofF any leave that is ad+issible, and +ay co++ute retrosectively
eriods of absence without leave into e0traordinary leave.
/01E 5.)eave 3not due3 applied or %y. a !overnment servant with
or without medical certiicate is 3leave admissi%le under rule3 and
where leave 3not due3 can %e granted the grant o e$traordinary leave
under this rule will %e irregular unless the latter >ind o leave is
speciically applied or in writing.
/01E '.1he power o commuting retrospectively periods o a%sence
without leave into e$traordinary leave under clause &%( is a%solute and
not su%:ect to the conditions mentioned in clause &a(* in other words*
such commutation is permissi%le even when other leave was
admissi%le to the .!overnment servant concerned at the time his
a%sence without leave commenced.
/01E +.E$traordinary leave may %e granted either %y itsel or in
com%ination with or in continuation o other leave su%:ect to the
provisions o Rule +.'8.
8.55 Subject to the conditions in Rules I./$, I./I, I./(, I.I% and I.*% a Govern+ent
servant on leave shall, durin- leave, draw leave-salary as follows@-
a) if the leave is due, leave-salary e6ual to avera-e ay or
to half avera-e ay, or to avera-e ay durin- a ortion of the leave and half
avera-e ay durin- the re+ainder, as he +ay elect;
b) if the leave is not due, leave-salary e6ual to half
avera-e ay@
Provided that, when a non--a1etted Govern+ent servant who was in service on
the #$th day of &u-ust, '(#/, leave, and
i. his ay is less than Rs. )%%; or
ii. the leave ta.en does not e0ceed one +onth;
his avera-e ay for the urose of this ride +ay be ta.en to be the ay which he
would draw in the er+anent ost held substantively by hi+ at the ti+e of leave if
this ay be +ore than the avera-e ay.
/01E 5. ---1he irst proviso to this rule is to %e interpreted as ollows6-
i. a !overnment servant who was only temporary or oiciating
and not holding su%stantively a permanent post on the ';th
August* 57'8 or was holding on pro%ation a permanent post on
that date and had no lien on any other post has clearly no claim
under this proviso* and
ii. a !overnment servant who was in permanent !overnment
service on or %eore the ';th August* 57'8 and who was*
thereore* entitled to the privilege under this proviso will retain
that privilege i re-employed ater 9uitting pu%lic service on
compensation or invalid pension or gratuity* or i reinstated
ater dismissal* provided that he is allowed to count his past
service or leave under Rule ,.' &a( or &%(.
/01E '.For the purpose o irst proviso in this rule the pay and
status o a !overnment servant should %e determined with reerence
to the post which he is holding &whether in a su%stantive or in an
oiciating capacity( %eore going on leave. 1hus a !overnment
servant who holds su%stantively a non-gaLetted permanent post %ut
who proceeds on leave rom a gaLetted post should %e regarded as a
gaLetted !overnment servant or the purposes o that proviso.
/01E +. ---1he words? as he may elect3 in this rule imply election once
or all and thereore de%ar a !overnment servant rom claiming
commutation o leave as o right. 1hus though the authority which
granted leave can* i so dispose* commute it retrospectively into a
leave o a dierent >ind* yet a !overnment servant does not possess
any right to insist that it #hould %e so commuted.
/01E ;.---1he election given %y clause &a( o this rule is the election
%etween the three dierent orms o leave-salary mentioned therein*
viLD leave-salary e9ual to average pay or to hal average pay or to
average pay during a portion o the leave and hal average pay during
the remainder. 1he rule is not intended to give any choice as to the
period during which average pay or hal average pay can %e drawn i
the !overnment servant elects the third orm. 1he intention is that the
period on average pay should %e ta>en irst and should %e succeeded
%y the period on hal average pay.
/01E -.---A !overnment servant cannot %e compelled against his
wishes to ta>e leave on hal average pay when leave on a ull average
pay is admissi%le to him. 1his must not %e interpreted as interering
with the discretion entrusted to an authority competent to grant leave
to determine whether leave should or should not %e granted. #ee also
su%-rule &5( under Rule ,.5-.
/01E B.---1he e$pression 3permanent post? occurring in the proviso
to this rule includes alto a post on which the !overnment servant=s
lien has %een suspended i he holds a lien on no other permanent
/01E 8.---1he term 3pay3 in the e$pression 3his pay is less than Rs.
+CC*3 occurring in the irst proviso* should %e interpreted according to
the deinition given in Rule '.;;. 1he intention is that the leave-salary
should %e %ased on the pay at the time o ta>ing leave in respect o
the permanent post to which the !overnment servant has %een
appointed su%stantively* irrespective o whether his lien oil that post
is retained or has %een suspended.
/01E ,.1he term 3payJ in the e$pression 3the pay which he would
draw should %e interpreted as including 3special pay3 whether
attached to a post or personal to a particular !overnment servant*
since in either case the !overnment servant would draw it in the post
which he holds su%stantively.
/01E 7.---1he phrase at the time o ta>ing leave? denotes a point in
time and that point is the moment at which leave %egins. I* thereore*
a !overnment servant proceeds on leave with eect rom the
orenoon o a day on which an increment alls due* this increment
cannot %e ta>en into account in the calculation o his leave salary. His
increment does not %egin to accrue until the previous midnight is
past* and %y that time he is assumed to %e on leave and thereore
incapa%le o drawing increment %ecause he is no longer on duty.
/01E 5C.1he minimum o a !overnment servant=s time-scale o pay
&including overseas pay( should %e treated as hiV average pay or the
purpose o leave not due permitted under /ote 5 to Rule +.'' as well
as or the purpose o allowing the minimum o hal average pay not
e$ceeding the average pay under Rule ,.,C.
/01E 55. -For the purpose o the irst proviso to this rule* in the
case o a !overnment servant on oreign service who proceeds on
leave either during service6-
i. the status o a !overnment servant while o oreign service i.e.*
gaLetted or non-gaLetted should %e determined with reerence
to the permanent post under !overnment on which he holds a
lien or would hold a lien had his lien not %een suspended* or* i
during his a%sence on oreign service he is given any
promotion under Rule 5C.- with reerence to the post under
!overnment to which he is so promoted.
ii. 1he term Ehis payJ occurring in item &i( o this proviso should
%e construed to mean what is prescri%ed under Rule 5C.5C&%( or
counting his pay or the purpose o Rule '8* i.e.* the pay drawn
in oreign service at the time o leave is ta>en less* in the case
o !overnment servant paying his own contri%ution or leave
salary and pension* such part o the pay as may %e paid as
iii. 1he e$pression Ethe pay he would draw in the permanent post
held su%stantively %y him at the time o ta>ing leaveJ occurring
in this proviso should* in its application to a !overnment
servant on oreign service* %e ta>en to mean the pay which he
would draw in the permanent post under !overnment onD which
he holds a lien* or would hold a lien had his lien not %een
suspended* at the time o ta>ing leave.
8.78 &fter continuous absence fro+ duty on leave for a eriod of #I +onths a
Govern+ent servant will draw leave-salary e6ual to 6uarter avera-e ay, subject to
the +a0i+u+ and +ini+u+ rescribed in Rules I./( and I.I%.
/01E. ---/otes 5 and ' under clause &d( o Rule ,.8; apply mutatis
mutandis here also.
1. ,urin- the first four +onths of any eriod of leave on avera-e ay, leave-
salary is subject to an absolute +a0i+u+ of Rs.$,%%% er +ense+ but this
rovision shall not aly to any Govern+ent servant, who held, on the #Ith
Sete+ber, -/25, a ost to which a ay is attached e0ceedin- Rs. $,%%% a +onth.
<0cet durin- the first four +onths
of any eriod of leave on avera-e
ay, leave-salary is subject to the
+onthly +a0i+a shown in the
followin- table@-3o=ernment
'=era?e. al: '=era?e.
In 'sia
In 'sia
O Rs. O Rs. O Rs.
Govern+ent servants subject to the
secial leave rules.
#%% #,%%% '%% ',%%% 5% 5%%
Govern+ent servants subject to the
ordinary leave rules.
'*% ',*%% /* /*% 5% 5%%
/01E 5.1he ma$imum o average pay does not apply in the case o
a !overnment servant who is entitled under orders previously in
orce* to privilege or more than our months* during a period e9ual to
that or which he is entitled to privilege leave.
/01E '.1he ma$imum o average pay does not apply to a
!overnment servant serving in a vacation department during a period
o leave* on average pay e9uivalent to one month or each year since
his last leave during which he has not availed himsel to vacation and
to a proportionate raction o a month during which he has ta>en a
part only o the vacation6 provided that* in the case o a !overnment
servant who is transerred with leave to his credit rom a non-vacation
to vacation department the competent authority shall decide* on the
irst occasion on which he ta>es leave ater such transer* the period
not e$ceeding our months or which the ma$imum limit o leave-
salary shall not %e applied to him. 1he intention is that vacation
should %e treated as the e9uivalent o leave on average pay.
/01E +.---/ote ' a%ove is not meant give any additional advantage %ut
is intended to %e a restrictive e$ception to the main rule in clause&'( o
this rule. A !overnment servant is notG thereore* entitled to the
concession mentioned in that note in addition to the concession
granted in the main rule itsel %ut only to the drawing o ull pay or a
period e9uivalent to one month or each year since the last leave
ta>en during which vacation has not %een en:oyed.
/01E ;.For the rate o conversion o the leave-salary paid in sterling
into rupees see /ote ' at the end o Rule ,.-C.
/01E -.For the purpose o /ote ' a%ove* when vacation is
com%ined with leave* the irst our months o leave on average pay
which is e$empt rom the application o the ma$imum o average pay
&apart rom the limit o Rs. ;*CCC imposed %y clause &5( o this rule(
should %e calculated ater ta>ing into account the ull period o the
vacation so com%ined* even when the vacation does not all within the
irst our months o any period o com%ined leave and vacation. In
other words* the concession o drawing ull average pay earned %y
detention on duty during vacation since last return rom leave as is
e9ual to the residential period* i any* which remains* ater deducting
the period o vacation rom the period o our months. I* however* the
oicer so elects* he may in the alternative %e allowed to have the ull
amount o leave on average pay at his credit earned %y detention on
duty during vacation since his last return rom leave su%:ect to the
limit o our months and to com%ine with it as much o vacation &on
ull pay( as would ma>e up the total o our months* the rest o the
vacation %eing sanctioned as leave* on average pay or hal average
pay* as the case may %e.
8.86 Subject to the condition that the leave-salary of the Govern+ent servant shall in no
case e0ceed his avera-e ay, leave-salary is subject to the +onthly +ini+a shown
in the followin- table @--
3o=ernment ser=ants
'=era?e. al: '=era?e.
In 'sia
In 'sia
O Rs. O Rs. O Rs.
Govern+ent servants subject to the
secial leave rules.
#%% #,%%% '%% ',%%% 5% 5%%
Govern+ent servants subject to the
ordinary leave rules.
'*% ',*%% /* /*% 5% 5%%
/01E 5. 1he minima speciied a%ove apply only when leave is ta>en or
e$tended out or Pa>istan elsewhere than in India*
/01E '.For the rate o conversion o the lease-salary paid in sterling
into rupees see /ote at the end o Rule ,.-C.
/01E +.1he words 3average pay= used in this rule should %e
interpreted in terms o Rule '.8 and not %e ta>en as the pay which the
non-gaLetted !overnment servant would draw in the permanent post
held su%stantively %y him at the time o ta>ing leave* i this pay %e
more than the average pay.
/01E ;. ----#ee also /ote 5C under Rule ,. 88.
/01E -. ---1he ma$ima and minima limits laid down in Rutes,.87 and*
,.,C are not applica%le to temporary and oiciating !overnment
servants* who have no lien on a permanent post*
8.81 The ruee and sterlin- +a0i+a and +ini+a rescribed in Rules I./(
and I.I% shall be alied to leave-salaries, aid resectively in ruees and in
/01E. --- #ee also /ote ; at the end o Rule ,.-C.
8.82 The drawal of co+ensatory allowance by Govern+ent servants on leave in
addition to leave salary is re-ulated by the rules in Chater V.
&i( #pecial .isa%ility )eave.
1. Subject to the conditions hereinafter secified a co+etent
authority +ay -rant secial disability leave to a Govern+ent servant who is
disabled by injury intentionality inflicted or caused in, or in conse6uence of, the due
erfor+ance of his official duties in conse6uence official osition.
2. Such leave shall not be -ranted unless the disability
+anifested itself within three +onths of the occurrence to which it is attributed, and
the erson disabled acted with due ro+titude in brin-in- it to notice. :ut the
co+etent authority, if it is satisfied as to the cause of the disability, +ay er+it
leave to be -ranted in cases where the disability +anifested itself +ore than three
+onths after the occurrence of its cause.
4. The eriod of leave -ranted shall be such as is certified by a
+edical board to be necessary. It shall not be e0tended e0cet on the certificate of
a +edical board, and shall in no case e0ceed #$ +onths.
7. Such leave +ay be co+bined with leave of any other .ind.
5. Such leave +ay be -ranted +ore than once if the disability is
a--ravated or reroduced in si+ilar circu+stances at a later date, but not +ore
than #$ +onths of such leave shall be -ranted in conse6uence of any one
9. Such leave shall be counted as duty in calculatin- service for
ension, and shall not, e0cet as rovided in Rule I./' !b", be debited a-ainst the
leave account.
5. 2eave-salary durin- such leave shall be e6ualC
a) for the first four +onths of any eriod of such leave, includin- a eriod of
such leave -ranted under clause !*" of this rule, to avera-e ay, and
b) for the re+ainin- eriod of any such leave, to half avera-e ay, or at the
Govern+ent servantDs otion, for a eriod not e0ceedin- the eriod of avera-e ay
which would otherwise be ad+issible to hi+, to avera-e ay@
Provided that, the +a0i+a secified in the table in clause !#" of Rule I./( shall,
notwithstandin- anythin- contained in that rule, aly to the whole eriod of such leave
and the +ini+a secified in the table in Rule I.I% shall aly when leave-salary durin-
such leave is e6ual to half avera-e ay, subject to the conditions stated in that rule and in
the notes thereunder.
/01E. ---#ee /ote ; under Rule ,.8; &%(
8. In the case of a erson to who+ the >or.+enDs Co+ensation &ct, '(#),
alies, the a+ount of leave salary ayable under this rule shall be reduced by the
a+ount of co+ensation ayable under section $ !'" !d" of the said &ct.
/. The rovisions of this rule aly to a civil servant disabled in conse6uence
of service with a +ilitary force, if he is dischar-ed as unfit for further +ilitary
service, but is not co+letely and er+anently incaacitated for further civil
service, and to a civil servant not so dischar-ed who suffers a disability which is
certified by a +edical board to be directly attributable to his service with a +ilitary
force; but in either case any eriod of leave -ranted to such a erson under +ilitary
rules in resect of that disability shall be rec.oned as leave -ranted, under this rule
for the urose of calculatin- the eriod ad+issible.
/01E.1he intention o this clause is not that special disa%ility leave
should %e given to cover any portion o a !overnment servant=s
military service* %ut that it should %e admissi%le only ater the
!overnment servant=s discharge as unit or urther military service.
8.84 & co+etent authority +ay e0tend the alication of the rovisions of Rule I.I) to
a Govern+ent servant who is disabled by injury accidentally incurred in or in
conse6uence of the due erfor+ance of his official duties or in conse6uence of his
official osition, or by illness incurred in the erfor+ance of any articular duty
which has the effect of increasin- his liability to illness or injury beyond the ordinary
ris. attachin- to the civil ost which he holds. The -rant of this concession is
subject to the further conditions@--
i. that the disability, if due to disease, +ust be certified by a +edical board to be
directly due to the erfor+ance of the articular duty, and
ii. that, if the Govern+ent servant has contracted such disability durin- service
otherwise than with a +ilitary force, it +ust be, in the oinion of the co+etent
authority, so e0cetional in character or in the circu+stances of its occurrence as
to justify such unusual treat+ent as the -rant of this for+ of leave; and
iii. that the eriod of absence reco++ended by the +edical board +ay be covered +
art by leave under this rule and in art Fby other leave, and that the a+ount of
secial disability leave -ranted on avera-e ay +ay be less than four +onths.
-. & Govern+ent servant who has been -ranted secial disability leave under
Rule I.I), and whose do+icile is elsewhere than in &sia, +ay be -ranted by the
authority which sanctioned the secial disability leave, free assa-e by sea for
hi+self, his wives and children, to the =nited Jin-do+, or to any ort in <uroe or
in a :ritish colony, do+inion or ossession, and on the conclusion of such leave
return assa-e to Pa.istan, unless he leave other than leave on +edical
certificate in continuation of secial disability leave, in which case return assa-e
shall not be -ranted save with the secial sanction of the co+etent authority @
Provided that, the cost of any assa-es -ranted under this rule shall not e0ceed
the cost of assa-es between Pa.istan and the =nited Jin-do+.
2. Passa-es -ranted under this rule +ay include travel by land between ort of
e+bar.ation and ort of debar.ation and shall be of such class as the sanctionin-
authority, in each case, +ay deter+ine.
4. The co+etent authority +ay e0tend the alication of the rovisions of
clauses !'" and !#" to a Govern+ent servant who has been -ranted secial
disability leave under Rule I.I$ and whose do+icile is elsewhere than in &sia,
rovided that free assa-es +ay at its discretion be -ranted to the Govern+ent
servant only, or to the Govern+ent servant and his wives only.
7. Aor the urose of this rule--
i. the do+icile of a Govern+ent servant is his do+icile at the ti+e of his aoint+ent
to a Govern+ent service as deter+ined in accordance with the rovisions of
clause !#" !a" of Rule I.55 and of Rules I.5/,I.5I and I.5( ;
ii. FchildF +eans a le-iti+ate child !includin- a ste-child" residin- with and wholly
deendent on the Govern+ent servant, who, if a fe+ale, is un+arried, or, if a
+ale, is under the a-e of '5.
&ii( #tudy )eave
8.89 2eave +ay be -ranted to Govern+ent servants on such ter+s as +ay be
rescribed by -eneral or secial orders of the co+etent authority to enable the+
to study scientific, technical, or si+ilar roble+s or to under-o secial courses of
instruction. Such leave is not debited a-ainst the leave account.
/01E.For the general orders issued under this rule see Appendi$
&iii( 4aternity )eave.
8.85 The co+etent authority under Rule I.#$ +ay -rant to a fe+ale Govern+ent
servant +aternity leave on full ay for a eriod not ordinarily e0ceedin- three
+onths. The -rant of leave should be so re-ulated that !'" the date of confine+ent
falls within the eriod of this leave, and !#" the leave does not e0tend +ore than si0
wee.s beyond the date of confine+ent. This leave +ay be e0tended to si0 +onths
on the certificate of the ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer, or of a +e+ber of the >o+enDs
8edical Service, Pa.istan. 8aternity leave is not debited a-ainst the leave
/01E.1he term 3Pay3 in this rule includes oiciating pay* provided
the authority sanctioning the leave certiicates that the !overnment
servant would have continued to oiciate had she not proceeded on
8.88 2eave of any other .ind due and ad+issible or e0traordinary leave +ay be -ranted
in continuation of +aternity leave, if the re6uest for its -rant be suorted by a
+edical certificate.
/01E.1his rule does not preclude the grant o maternity leave in
continuation o leave o any other >ind.
&iv( Hospital )eave
8.89 The co+etent authority under Rule I.#$ of these rules +ay -rant hosital leave to
Govern+ent servants of the followin- classes while under +edical treat+ent for
illness or injury, if such illness or injury is directly due to ris.s incurred in the course
of their official duties @.--
a) &ssistant 8edical ?fficer, co+ounders, dressers, dais, head
attendants, deuty head attendants, +atrons and assistant +atrons of the Punjab
8ental 4osital and all 4osital revised servants e+loyed in the Provincialised
hositals in Punjab and; the 8ayo 4osital,; 2ahore.
b) Govern+ent servants e+loyed in Govern+ent Presses, whether
on fi0ed ay or at iece rates@
") Subordinates e+loyed in Govern+ent laboratories.
d) Subordinates e+loyed on the of Govern+ent +achinery
e) Peons and -uards in er+anent e+loy
:) Syces in the ,eart+ent of &ni+al 4usbandry.
g) 2ines+en, oilers and cleaners e+loyed in the Public >or.s
,eart+ent, <lectricity :ranch.
/01E.1he grant o hospital leave is su%:ectD to the condition that
the leave-salary is not in addition to the %eneits that the employee
may %e entitled to under section ; &5( &d( o the Aor>men=s
Compensation Act* %ut is inclusive o them.
8.90 The co+etent authority under Rule I.#$ of these rules +ay -rant hosital leave to
Govern+ent servants of the followin- classes white under +edical treat+ent for
illness or injury, if such illness or injury is certified not to have been caused by
irre-ular or inte+erate habits@--
a) &ll olice officers of and below the ran. of 4ead Constable.
b) Aorest subordinates, other than cler.s, in receit of ay not e0ceedin-
") 4ead warders, warders and orderlies, +ale and fe+ale and +atrons of the Bail
,eart+ent whose ay does not e0ceed Rs. *% er +ense+.
%) The followin- staff of the Punjab 8ental 4osital @--
i. <uroean warders.
ii. Suerior warders.
iii. 4ead attendants, and
i=. &ttendants.
8./- 4osital leave shall in no case e0ceed si0 +onths in any one ter+ of three years,
whether such leave is ta.en at one ti+e or by instal+ents, full avera-e ay bein-
allowed for the first three +onths and half avera-e ay thereafter.
/01E.1he proviso to Rule ,.88 is also applica%le to leave salary in
cases alling under this rule su%:ect to the conditions mentioned
8.92 4osital leave is not debited a-ainst the leave account and +ay be co+bined with
any other leave which +ay be ad+issible@ rovided that, the total eriod of leave,
after such co+bination, shall not e0ceed #I +onths.
8./4 & co+etent authority +ay -rant leave of the followin- .inds to +ilitary officers in
civil e+loy who re+ain subject to the 8ilitary 2eave Rules and to non-
co++issioned officers in civil e+loy@C
i. 2eave on avera-e ay for four +onths at a ti+e not e0ceedin- in all, the rivile-e
leave which it would be er+issible to -rant to hi+ under the rules alicable to his
case on the date on which he beca+e subject to Aunda+ental Rule '%% or to this
rule, as the case +ay be, lus 'Gllth of the duty erfor+ed by hi+ fro+ the
be-innin- of the calendar year followin- that in which he beca+e subject to
Aunda+ental Rule '%% or to this rule, as the case +ay be@
Provided that, if rivile-e leave under +ilitary rules is not ad+issible in resect of
the calendar year of transfer because the Govern+ent servant has not actually erfor+ed
duty in the +ilitary deart+ent durin- that year, duty countin- for leave on avera-e ay
shall co++ence on the date on which he beca+e subject to Aunda+ental Rule '%% or to
this rule @
Provided further that, in the case of a Govern+ent servant, who beca+e subject to
Aunda+ental Rule '%% before the $th of ,ece+ber, '(#I and who too. rivile-e leave
under +ilitary rules endin- durin- the first si0 +onths of the calendar year in which he
beca+e subject to that rule, duty countin- for leave on avera-e ay shall be-in fro+ a
date si0 +onths after the end of such rivile-e leave, but so that in no case shall duty
erfor+ed before the date on which he beca+e subject to that rule count@
Provided further that, in the case of a Govern+ent servant servin- in a vacation
deart+ent the rovisions of Rule I./* shall aly +utatis +utandis to the calculation
and -rant of leave under sub-clause !i" above@
Provided further that, a Govern+ent servant holdin- substantively a tenure ost
who is te+orarily reverted to +ilitary duty, shall be treated as if he had re+ained subject
to this rule throu-hout the eriod of his absence fro+ his civil ost, any rivile-e leave
ta.en under +ilitary leave rules durin- that eriod bein- treated as leave on avera-e ay
ta.en under this rule.
ii. &ny leave, other than rivile-e leave, ad+issible under +ilitary rules, either alone
or in co+bination with leave on avera-e ay.
a) The total eriod of leave should be re-ulated by the
li+its in force under the +ilitary rules to which the Govern+ent servant is subject.
b) 2eave +ay be retrosectively co++uted by the
authority which -ranted it into any other .ind of leave which was ad+issible to the
Govern+ent servant concerned at the ti+e when it was -ranted@
Provided that, e0cet in the case of a Govern+ent servant holdin- substantively
tenure ost, no leave under sub-clause !ii" of clause !a" of this rule +ay be -ranted to the
Govern+ent servant unless the Govern+ent is reared to re-e+loy hi+ i++ediately
uon the ter+ination of the leave@
Provided also that, in the case of a Govern+ent servant holdin- substantively a
tenure ost, leave under sub-clause !i" of clause !a" +ay be -ranted so as to e0tend
beyond the e0iry of such ter+ if the leave has been alied for in sufficient ti+e before
the e0iry of the fi0ed ter+ and refused owin- to the e0i-encies of the ublic service.
/01E 5. ---In the case o a military oicer to whom privilege leave was
granted under the military rules in respect o a particular oicial year*
instead o a calendar year* service or leave under the civil rules
should rec>on rom the irst day o the ne$t oicial year.
/01E '.In rec>oning service or the purpose o calculating leave
under this rule a period o si$ months should %e e$cluded ater the
e$piry o me privilege leave mentioned in su%-clause &a( &i( whether
this is ta>en %y itsel or com%ined with other leave.
/01E +.)eave on average pay e$tending %eyond the term o civil
appointment is not admissi%le to military oicers holding civil
appointments o limited tenure even though the military authorities
may agree to the grant o leave.
LE'VE +& 3&VER*ME*+ SERV'*+S &* (EPU+'+I&* &UR &0 P'!IS+'*
8./7 =nless the co+etent authority in any case otherwise directs, the followin-
rovisions aly to Govern+ent servants laced on deutation out of Pa.istan,
under conditions declared to be Pwow-<uroean if the eriod of the deutation
e0ceeds one year @-
a) The eriod of deutation shall not count as duty for the uroses of this Chater.
b) The a+ount of leave which can be earned by the deutation shall be deter+ined
by the co+etent authority. Such leave can only be ta.en durin- the eriod of
deutation and will not be credited or debited in the Govern+ent servantDs leave
2eave salary durin- such leave shall be e6ual to the rate of deutation ay@
Provided that, where a deutation ori-inally sanctioned for one year or less is
subse6uently e0tended so that the total eriod e0ceeds one year, these rovisions shall
aly only in resect of the eriod in e0cess of one year.
8.95 ,urin- the eriod of robation a robationer is entitled to leave as follows@-
1. If aointed under contract; or contract, to such leave as is rescribed in his
contract, or
i. if there be no such rescrition in contract, or
ii. if aointed otherwise, to such leave as would be ad+issible to hi+ under the
leave rules which would be alicable to hi+ if he held his ost substantively
otherwise than on robation. If for any reason it is roosed to ter+inate the
services of a robationer, any leave which +ay be -ranted to hi+ should not
e0tend beyond the date on which the robationary eriod as already sanctioned or
e0tended e0ires, or any earlier date on which his services are ter+inated by an
order of an authority co+etent to aoint hi+.
FSee also Rule 8../.G
8./9 ,urin- the eriod of arenticeshi an arenticeGleave reserve is entitled to leave
as follows @C
-. If aointed under contract, to such leave as is rescribed in his contract; or
i. if there be no such rescrition in the contract; or
ii. if aointed otherwise ;
a) to leave on +edical certificate on leave salary e6uivalent to half avera-e
ay for a eriod not e0ceedin- one +onth in any year of arenticeshi ; and
b) to e0traordinary leave under Rule I./5. See also Rule I.*(.
/01E 5.1his rule has reerence to leave earned or ta>en during the
apprenticeship period only and not aterwards. #ee also Rule '.5B&a(
/01E '.)eave earned %y apprentice cler>sGleave reserve cler>s
while oiciating in higher posts shall lapse on their reversion to the
posts o apprentice cler>sGleave reserve cler>s. #ervice rendered as
oiciating cler> shall* however* count or leave as an apprentice leave
reserveGprovided the person concerned has not availed himsel o any
leave earned as oiciating cler> prior to reversion.
REMU*ER'+E( H&LL) &R P'R+I'LL) B) +E P')ME*+ &0 &*&R'RI' &R
('IL) H'3ES
Lea=e earne% b$ tem<orar$ an% o::i"iatin? ser=i"e.
8./5 & co+etent authority +ay -rant to a te+orary en-ineer of the Public >or.s
,eart+ent leave on such ter+s with such leave salary as it +ay thin. fit @
Provided that, the leave and leave salary are not in e0cess of those ad+issible to a
Govern+ent servant subject to the ordinary leave rules.
i. <0cet as rovided in Rules I.*5 and I.'%' leave +ay be -ranted to any other
Govern+ent servant e0cet a +e+ber of the wor.-char-ed establish+ent of the
Public >or.s ,eart+ent without a lien on a er+anent ost while officiatin- in a
ost or holdin- a te+orary ost if he has officiated in or held such ost
continuously for at least two years, as follows@-
a) leave on leave salary e6ual to avera-e ay u to one-eleventh of the eriod sent
on duty, subject to a +a0i+u+ of four +onths at a ti+e ; or
b) on +edical certificate, leave on leave salary e6uivalent to half avera-e ay u to
two-elevenths of the eriod sent on duty, subject to a +a0i+u+ of three +onths
at a ti+e ; or
") e0traordinary leave for three +onths at any one ti+e ;
d) any co+bination of leave under clauses !a", !b" and !c" above, subject to a
+a0i+u+ of si0 +onths in all at any one ti+e.
ii. If he has officiated in a ost or held a te+orary ost for less than two years
continuously be +ay receive leave as described above only if the -rant of the
leave involves no e0ense to Govern+ent.
/01E 5.)eave o a person on re-employment ater retiring on
superannuation or retiring pension is governed under this rule. #ee
note %elow Rule ,.'.
/01E '.1he ma$imum period o si$ months mentioned in clause &i(
&d( does not include the period o vacation* i any* with which the leave
is com%ined.
E$ception I.--In the case o a !overnment servant oiciating in a
permanent post or holding a temporary post* in a vacation
department* leave granted under clause &a( o this rule shall %e on
leave salary e9uivalent to hal average pay6 Provided that* such a
!overnment servant may %e granted* under that clause* leave on leave
salary e9uivalent to ull average pay 57 the e$tent o one month or
each year o duty in which he has not availed himsel o any part o the
vacation. I a part only o the vacation has %een ta>en in any year* the
period o leave on average pay admissi%le under the a%ove proviso
will %e reduced %y a raction o a month e9ual to the proportion which
the part o the vacation ta>en %ears to the ull period o the vacation.
E$ception II.In the case o the temporary technical esta%lishment o
the Pun:a% !overnment Press the condition that there should %e no
e$tra e$pense involved in granting leave shall %e enorced even i the
temporary service is not less than ' years.
E$ception III. ---1he ma$imum limit prescri%ed in clauses &&?( and &d(
a%ove does not apply to leave ta>en %y teachers or the purpose o
undergoing a regular course o training. In such cases the limit o
e$traordinary leave under clause &c( or any com%ination o leave
under clauses &a( and &c( a%ove shall %e su%:ect to a ma$imum o
twelve months which the .irector o Pu%lic Instruction can grant
E$ception I". ---In the case o inerior !overnment servants* the leave
salary allowed under clause &i( o this rule will %e su%:ect to the same
condition as is laid down in the 'nd proviso to Rule ,.88.
/01E.)eave to an oiciating !overnment servant can %e granted
during the incum%ency o the oiciating tenure o a post and not
aterwards* as an oiciating !overnment servant ceases to hold any
connection with that post as soon as he leaves it3.
8.// If such a Govern+ent servant is, without interrution of duty, aointed
substantively to a er+anent ost, his leave account will be credited with the
a+ount of leave which he would have earned by his revious duty if he had
erfor+ed it while holdin- a er+anent ost substantively, and debited with the
a+ount of leave actually ta.en under Rule I.(I or the corresondin- rule
reviously in force. Such leave is not an interrution of duty for the urose of this
/01E 5.For the purpose o this rule uninterrupted temporary or
oiciating service rendered %eore 5st <anuary* 57''* including
privilege leave during such service may %e ta>en into account in
calculating the amount o leave to %e credited to a !overnment
servant=s leave account. )eave ta>en under Rule 5 in article ++B* or
Rule ' in article ++7* Civil #ervice Regulations &Fith Edition-third
Reprint( or article +'C &%( thereo as modiied %y !overnment o India*
Finance .epartment* Resolution /o. 5+B8 C.#.R.* dated '7th <uly*
57'C* should not %e regarded as constituting an interruption o service
or this purpose.
/01E '.Resignation o the pu%lic service* even though it is ollowed
immediately %y re-employment* should entail oreiture o past service
or the purpose o leave under these Rules and should thereore
constitute an 3interruption o duty or the purpose o this rule3.
8.-66 Te+orary and officiatin- service rendered under the Central Govern+ent or any
Provincial Govern+ent will, if followed by confir+ation under the Punjab
Govern+ent without interrution of duty, be ta.en into account for the urose of
the leave account +aintained under Rule I.*', rovided that under the rules laid
down by the other Govern+ent such service would have counted had the
Govern+ent servant in 6uestion continued in the service of that Govern+ent
without a brea. of service till confir+ation.
8.-6- In the case of te+orary establish+ent which is aid fro+ contin-encies on
contin-ent bills leave under Rule I.(I +ay be -ranted only when no e0tra char-e
is i+osed on the State.
8.102 The rovisions of Rule I.## aly +utatis +utandis to te+orary and officiatin-
Govern+ent servants whose leave is re-ulated by the rules in this art.
8.-64 The concessions in Rules I.(' and I.(# are also alicable to head constables
and constables of the &dditional Police Aorce, attendants in the Punjab 8ental
4osital, 2ahore and the inferior and suerior te+orary establish+ent of the
Govern+ent Presses, Punjab, 2ahore, whose leave is re-ulated by the rules in this
art. Si+ilarly, the concession in Rule I.(% is alicable to the head constable and
constables of the &dditional Police Aorce and attendants in the Punjab 8ental
4osital, 2ahore, and that of Rule I.I( is also alicable to the inferior and
suerior te+orary establish+ent of the Govern+ent Presses, Punjab, 2ahore
(i) La> &::i"ers.
8.-67 &n &ssistant 2e-al Re+e+brancer, whose ay is fi0ed at a definite rate but his
whole-ti+e is not retained for the service of Govern+ent, +ay be -ranted leave as
follows @--
a) 2eave on full ay durin- the vacation of the 4i-h Court, rovided that no e0tra
e0ense is thereby caused to Govern+ent. Such leave will be counted as duty.
b) 2eave on half ay for not +ore than si0 +onths once only in his service after si0
years of duty.
") ?n +edical certificate, leave on half ay u to a +a0i+u+ of #% +onths at any one
ti+e rovided that, three years of duty +ust intervene between any two eriods of
leave on +edical certificate.
%) ?n the conditions rescribed in Rule I./5, e0traordinary leave.
8.-6. 2eave under any one of the clauses of Rule I.'%$ +ay be co+bined with leave
under any other clause.
-. Public Prosecutors will ordinarily be er+itted to absent the+selves fro+
their duties durin- the eriod for which the court of the Sessions Bud-e is closed
for the su++er vacation, u to a +a0i+u+ of one +onth if the state of wor.
er+its ; but such er+ission +ay be withdrawn by the 2e-al Re+e+brancer
when the wor. so re6uires. In this case, it should not be necessary to aoint any
other erson to erfor+ the duties of the Public Prosecutor, who will be er+itted
to draw his consolidated +onthly fees for the eriod of his absence.
2. >hen a Public Prosecutor is refused er+ission to absent hi+self fro+ duty
durin- the eriod of the Sessions CourtDs vacation, he +ay, with the sanction of
Govern+ent, be er+itted to absent hi+self fro+ duty at so+e other ti+e of the
year for a eriod not e0ceedin- one +onth, durin- which ti+e he will continue to
draw his consolidated +onthly fees.
4. &art fro+ the concession in clause !#" a Public Prosecutor +ay be
er+itted by the 2e-al Re+e+brancer to absent hi+self fro+ his duties at any
ti+e of the year u to a eriod of three +onths, or for a lon-er eriod with the
sanction of the Govern+ent, durin- which ti+e he will not be entitled to any
re+uneration other than that rovided in clause !5" below.
7. ,urin- the absence fro+ duty of a .Public Prosecutor under the rovisions
of any of the above clauses arran-e+ents +ay be +ade by the 2e-al
Re+e+brancer for the dischar-e of his duties by another le-al ractitioner. The
2e-al Re+e+brancer +ay en-a-e a rivate ractitioner either on fees for
individual cases at the rates fi0ed by Govern+ent for the e+loy+ent of rivate
ractitioners for cri+inal case wor., or on consolidated fees not e0ceedin- Rs. $%%
er +onth, whichever alternative is in the oinion of the 2e-al Re+e+brancer
+ost econo+ical and conducive to efficiency. Such aoint+ent will be +ade by
the 2e-al Re+e+brancer in consultation with the local authorities.
.. If no suitable le-al ractitioner is willin- to do the wor. on Rs. $%% er
+ense+ or if the aoint+ent of a rivate ractitioner on fees does not aear
aroriate or econo+ical, the ,euty Co++issioner should refer the +atter with
his reco++endations to the 2e-al Re+e+brancer for the orders of Govern+ent.
9. If the eriod of absence !other than any eriod durin- which the Public
Prosecutor is entitled to draw full fees" does not e0ceed one +onth, the Public
Prosecutor +ay be allowed to draw the difference, if any, between the rate fi0ed for
his fees and the su+ aid to his substitute or substitutes.
5. >hen the sa+e Public Prosecutor is attached to +ore districts than one, the
,euty Co++issioner of each district concerned +ust be consulted.
a) Govern+ent Pleaders +ust arran-e that their services
are available at all ti+es, other than the eriod of the vacation fi0ed for subordinate
civil courts, unless er+ission of absence has been -iven.
b) Govern+ent Pleaders who are not Public Prosecutors
+ay be -iven er+ission of absence at any ti+e of the year rovided that, they
can b5 sared. Such er+ission +ust be obtained fro+ the 2e-al Re+e+brancer
throu-h the ,euty Co++issioner.
&ii( Editor And Reporters 0 1he Pa>istan )aw Reports
8.-68 The <ditor and Reorters en-a-ed in the roduction of the Pa.istan, .2aw Reorts
!2ahore Series" who are art-ti+e Govern+ent servants +ay be -ranted leave on
avera-e ay u to one-eleventh of the eriod sent on duty subject to a +a0i+u+
of four +onths at a ti+e, rovided that no e0tra e0ense is thereby caused to
&iii( .epartmental #u%-Registrars
8.-6/ Subject to the deduction of the a+ount of leave actually enjoyed fro+ the a+ount
of leave of the sa+e sort which has been earned, a ,eart+ental Sub-Re-istrar
+ay be -ranted leave as follows @-
i. 2eave with ayQ
a) leave on full ay not e0ceedin- one year in the whole of his service
u to one-eleventh of the eriod sent on duty, subject to a +a0i+u+ a+ount of
leave of four and a half +onths at a ti+e of which one-and-a-half +onth +ay be
leave without +edical certificate and the rest leave on +edical certificate ; and
b) leave on +edical certificate on half ay for not +ore than si0
+onths durin- his service after the co+letion of si0 years of duty.
ii. 2eave without ay--
a) without +edical certificate for a eriod not e0ceedin- one year
durin- the whole of his service;
a sub-re-istrar, who is also a +e+ber of the Central or Provincial 2e-islature +ay
in addition be -ranted leave for the eriod he actually attends the +eetin-s of such
le-islature or of its select co++ittees;
b) on +edical certificate without any li+it.
iii. &ny co+bination of leave under clauses !i" !a", !ii" !b", !ii" !a" and !ii" !b", rovided
that no co+bination under clauses !i" !a", !i" !b" and !ii" !a" at any one ti+e
e0ceeds one year.
P'R+I'LL) B) +E P')ME*+ &0 &*&R'RI' &R ('IL) H'3ES.
8.110 & Govern+ent servant re+unerated by honoraria +ay be -ranted leave on the
ter+s laid down in Rules I.'%$ and I.'%* @ rovided that, he satisfactory
arran-e+ents for the erfor+ance of his duties, that no e0tra e0ense is caused to
Govern+ent, and that, durin- leave for the .ind conte+lated by clause !b" of Rule
I.'%$, the whole of the honoraria are aid to the erson who officiates in his ost,
8.--- & section-writer or a te+orary ress servant, aid under the iecewor. syste+, or
a daily labourer e+loyed in the Public >or.s ,eart+ent, if -ranted leave, is not
entitled to any leave salary whatever durin- his absence.
1. 2abourers e+loyed on a daily wa-es in Govern+ent
wor.shos, ower-houses, 6uarries, electric sub-stations and other si+ilar
institutions, or on de+olition of buildin-s, or on blastin- oerations on roads, or on
a ower line, a telehone line, or a haula-e way in the <lectricity :ranch of the
Public >or.s ,eart+ent, who are injured while on duty, +ay be -ranted leave
while under +edical treat+ent for the injury @ rovided that, the injury is directly due
to ris.s incurred in the course of their official duties.
2. The total a+ount of leave -ranted under clause !'" in
any one ter+ of ) years shall not e0ceed si0 +onths, full wa-es bein- allowed for
the first three +onths and half wa-es thereafter inclusive of co+ensation under
the >or.+enDs Co+ensation &ct, where such co+ensation is ayable.
8.113 Ae+ale servants e+loyed at iece rates or daily rates in er+anent or 6uasi-
er+anent Govern+ent institutions or concerns +ay be -ranted +aternity leave in
accordance with the rovisions of Rules I.I/ and I.II.
a) 2eave on-avera-e ay will be -ranted to iece-
wor.ers accordin- to their service as shown below @--
)ength o service )eave admissi%le
2ess than '% years '5 days in each calendar year.
'% years but less than '* years. #) days in each calendar year.
'* years and above )' days in each calendar year.
& er+anent industrial e+loyee transferred fro+ the salaried to the iece
establish+ent will be -ranted in the calendar year in which the transfer lace such
a+ount of leave as will bear to the aroriate eriod of leave secified in the second
colu+n of the table above, the sa+e ratio as the ortion of the year be-innin- with the
date of transfer bears to the whole year.
/01E.In calculating the length o service* the period o continuous
temporary service rendered %y a piece-wor>er up to the date o his
%eing %rought on to the permanent esta%lishment continuous inerior
service rendered up to the date o his promotion to superior service as
well as continuous service &temporary and permanent( on the salaried
esta%lishment shall %e ta>en into account.
b) The leave ad+issible under sub-clause
!a" will be non-cu+ulative, i.e., any leave not ta.en durin- the year will lase
without any +onetary co+ensation. In the case of a er+anent industrial
e+loyee transferred fro+ the salaried to the iece establish+ent the account of
his leave on avera-e ay shall co++ence with a credit e6ual to any balance of
leave on avera-e ay standin- to his credit on the date of his transfer under clause
!'" of Rule I.''*. The leave so credited +ay be ta.en by hi+ at any ti+e durin-
his service in the iece establish+ent either alone or in co+bination with the leave
ad+issible under sub-clause !a" and in the latter case the +a0i+u+ a+ount of
co+bined leave that +ay be -ranted at any one ti+e shall not e0ceed four +onths.
c) Ga1etted holidays actually enjoyed +ay,
at the otion of the, be counted a-ainst any leave ad+issible to hi+
under sub-clause !a" or !b" and if so, counted, will be aid for.
d) The -rant of leave under these rules
cannot be clai+ed as of ri-ht and can be refused by the authority co+etent to
-rant leave on ad+inistrative -rounds. It +ay also be withheld fro+ iece-wor.ers
who have been irre-ular in attendance.
2. 2eave on +edical certificate on half avera-e ay will be
earned at the rate of one +onthDs leave for every co+lete eriod of eleven
+onthDs-duty, and as re-ards inco+lete eriods one dayDs leave for every '' days
duty. It will be cu+ulative and will be -ranted only when no avera-e ay leave is
ad+issible. In the case of a er+anent industrial e+loyee transferred fro+ the
salaried to the iece establish+ent no account shall be ta.en of the leave on
+edical certificate already enjoyed under clause !$" of Rule I.''* rior to his
transfer to the iece establish+ent.
4. 2eave without ay +ay be -ranted when no other leave
is ad+issible.
4. Eo continuous eriod of leave with ay shall e0ceed one year; any
e0tension over one year shall be leave without ay.
5. Injury leave at half ay rates +ay be -ranted to a who
is injured in circu+stances which would have -iven rise to a clai+ for
co+ensation under the >or.+enDs Co+ensation &ct, '(#) !VIII of '(#)", if he
had been a wor.+an as defined therein, whether or not roviso !a" to sub-section
!'" of section ) of that &ct is alicable. Such leave shall not be dee+ed to be
leave on +edical certificate for the urose of clauses !#" and !$". It shall be
-ranted fro+ the co++ence+ent of disable+ent for so lon- as is necessary,
subject to a li+it of two years for any one disability and a li+it of five years durin- a
iece-wor.erDs total service, includin- service, if any, on the salaried
establish+ent. 2eave -ranted under clause !*" of Rule I.''* shall be ta.en into
account in alyin- these li+its. The salary ayable in resect of a eriod of leave
-ranted under this clause shall, in the case of a to who+ the
rovisions of the .>or.+enDs Co+ensation &ct, '(#) !VIII of '(#)" aly, be
reduced by the a+ount of co+ensation aid under clause , of subsection !'" of
section $ of that &ct.
9. Pay or avera-e ay +eans re+uneration at class rates at the
ti+e .of leave.
/01EFor the purposes o determining the classiication o service
o a piece-wor>er who may %e in superior service in one month and in
inerior service in another month on account o luctuation in his
earnings* the monthly emoluments shall %e ta>en as e9uivalent to two
hundred times his hourly class rate.
'S I*0ERI&R.
a) 2eave on avera-e ay will be
earned at the rate of one +onthDs leave for every co+lete eriod of eleven
+onths duty and as re-ards inco+lete eriods, one dayDs leave for every eleven
daysD duty@
Provided that, no such leave can be earned by any e+loyee who has four
+onthsD leave on avera-e ay to his credit.
/01E..uty rendered during the period o continuous service prior
to conirmation will count or leave under this clause* the leave ta>en
on each occasion during that service %eing deducted rom the leave
earned in respect o duty rendered prior to such occasion.*
b) In the case of a er+anent
industrial e+loyee transferred fro+ the iece to the salaried establish+ent, the
account of his leave on avera-e ay shall co++ence with a credit or debit, as the
case +ay be, e6ual to the difference between-
i. Such fraction of leave
ad+issible to hi+ under sub-clause !a" of clause of Rule I.''$ for the calendar
year in which the transfer lace as is e6ual to the roortion which the
ortion of the year recedin- the date of transfer bears to the whole year; and
ii. any leave already ta.en by
hi+ out of the leave ad+issible@
Provided that, the said credit shall not be ta.en into account in calculatin- the four
+onths leave on avera-e ay secified in sub-clause !a" above.
") >hen the total eriod of leave on
avera-e ay standin- to the credit of an e+loyee under sub-clauses !a" and !b" is
+ore than four +onths, the +a0i+u+ a+ount of leave on avera-e ay that +ay be
-ranted to hi+ at any one ti+e shall not e0ceed four +onths. In the case of an
e+loyee whose account of leave on avera-e ay co++ences with a debit, no
leave on avera-e ay shall be -ranted until the e0iry of a fresh eriod sent on
duty sufficient to earn such credit as will er+it the leave to be -ranted after
cancellin- the debit.
2. ?n the roduction of a +edical certificate, to the leave
due under the recedin- clause, there +ay be added, subject to clause !$" leave
on half avera-e ay u to three +onths, and a further e0tension of leave on hah/
avera-e ay not e0ceedin- three +onths +ay be -ranted on the roduction of a
fresh +edical certificate -ranted by the officer in chief +edical char-e of the district
in which the e+loyee is residin-.
4. 2eave without ay +ay be -ranted when no other leave
is ad+issible.
7. The total a+ount of leave on +edical certificate
ad+issible to any e+loyee durin- his service on the salaried establish+ent shall
not e0ceed two years. In the case of er+anent industrial e+loyee transferred
fro+ the iece to the salaried establish+ent, the leave on +edical certificate, if
any, at his credit under clause !#" of Rule I.''$ on the date of transfer shall
auto+atically lase and no account shall be ta.en of the leave on +edical
certificate already enjoyed by hi+ as a rior to his transfer to the
salaried establish+ent
5. Injury leave at half ay rates +ay be -ranted to a
er+anent salaried, industrial e+loyee below the -rade of ?verseer, who is
injured in circu+stances which would have -iven rise to a clai+ for co+ensation
under the >or.+enDs Co+ensation &ct, '(#) !VIII of '(#)" if he had been a
wor.+an as defined therein, whether or not roviso !a" to subsection !'" of section
) of that &ct is alicable. Such leave shall not be dee+ed to be leave on +edical
certificate for the uroses of clause !$". It shall be -ranted fro+ the
co++ence+ent of disable+ent for so lon- as is necessary subject to a li+it of two
years for any one disability and a li+it of five years durin- an e+loyeeDs total
service, includin- service, if any, on the iece establish+ent. 2eave -ranted under
clause !*" of Rule I.''$ shall be ta.en into account in alyin- these li+its. The
salary ayable in resect of a eriod of leave -ranted under this clause shall in the
case of an e+loyee to who+ the rovisions of the >or.+enDs Co+ensation &ct,
'(#) !VIII of '(#)" aly be reduced by the a+ount of co+ensation aid under
clause !d" of subsection !'" of section $ of that &ct.
SEC+I&* III. ---Rules a<<li"able to 3o=ernment ser=ants belon?in? to "ate?or$ (4)
mentione% in Rule 8..4.
8.--9 In the rules in this section-
FleaveF includes earned leave, leave on rivate affairs, leave on +edical certificate
and e0traordinary leave;
Fearned leaveF +eans leave earned in resect of eriods sent on duty;
Fearned leave dueF +eans the a+ount of earned leave, calculated as rescribed in Rule
I.''( or Rule I.')5 di+inished by the a+ount of earned leave ta.en;
FGovern+ent servant in a er+anent e+loyF +eans a Govern+ent servant who
holds substantively a er+anent ost or holds a lien on a er+anent ost or who would
hold a lien on a er+anent ost had his lien not been susended. It also includes a
rovisionally er+anent Govern+ent servant.
3eneral Rules an% Con%itions
8.--5 &ny .ind of leave under these rules +ay be -ranted in co+bination with or in
continuation of any other .ind of leave.
8.--8 The authority which -ranted leave to a Govern+ent servant can co++ute it
retrosectively into leave of a different .ind which +ay be ad+issible but the
Govern+ent servant concerned cannot clai+ it as a +atter of ri-ht.
P'R+ '.--LE'VE +& 3&VER*ME*+ SERV'*+S I* PERM'*E*+ EMPL&)
&i( Earned leave.
8.119 The earned leave ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant is-
a) to a Govern+ent servant in suerior service-
i. if of non-&siatic do+icile recruited in Pa.istan and entitled to leave assa-e
concessions one-ninth;
ii. if not included in sub-clause !i"--one-eleventh, and
b) to a Govern+ent servant in inferior serviceCone twenty-second of the
eriod sent on duty@
Provided that, when the earned leave due a+ounts toQ
i. -.6 days in the case of a Govern+ent servant included in sub-clause !i" of clause
ii. -26 days in the case of a Govern+ent servant included in sub-clause !ii" of clause
!a", who belon-s to a Provincial service or who holds a secial ost,
iii. /6 days in the case of other Govern+ent servants included in sub-clause !a" !ii"
above, belon-in- to a subordinate service ; and
iv. 46 days in the case of Govern+ent servants in inferior service, the Govern+ent
servant ceases to earn such leave.
/01E 5.A !overnment servant in superior service in temporary
employ serving in the Pu%lic Aor>s .epartment whose post is li>ely to
continue on a 9uasi-permanent %asis* will* ater a continuous service
o two years* %e treated as !overnment servants in permanent employ
or purposes o earned leave.
1his note does not apply to a !overnment servant holding such
a temporary post in an oiciating capacity only. 1he leave o such a
!overnment servant would %e governed %y the Rule ,.5+B %elow.
1he temporary posts o artiicers on the regular temporary
esta%lishment in the Pu%lic Aor>s .epartment* Irrigation Franch* are
treated as on a 9uasi-permanent %asis or the purpose o this note.
/01E '.A temporary !overnment servant in superior service
employed on colonisation wor>* whose post is li>ely to continue on a
9uasi-permanent %asis or a period at least twelve years* will* ater a
continuous service o two years* %e treated as a !overnment servant
in permanent employ or the purposes o earned leave. 1he leave o a
!overnment servant holding such a temporary post in an oiciating
capacity will %e governed %y Rule ,.5+B.
a) <arned leave is not ad+issible to a
Govern+ent servant servin- in a vacation deart+ent in resect of duty erfor+ed
in any year in which he avails hi+self of the full vacation.
b) The earned leave ad+issible to
such a Govern+ent servant in resect of any year in which he is revented fro+
availin- hi+self of the full vacation is such roortion of )5 daysD earned leave if he
is included in sub-clause !i" of clause !a" of Rule I.''( or of )% daysD earned leave
if he is included in sub-clause !ii" of clause !a" of Rule I.''(, or of '* daysD earned
leave if he is in inferior service as the nu+ber of days of vacation not ta.en bears
to the full vacation.
If in any year he does not avail hi+self of the vacation, earned leave is ad+issible
to hi+ in resect of that year in accordance with the rovisions of Rule I.''(.
") Vacation +ay be ta.en in co+bination with or in continuation of
any .ind of leave under these rules, rovided that the total duration of vacation and
earned leave ta.en in conjunction whether the earned leave is ta.en in
co+bination with or in continuation of other leave or not, shall not e0ceedC
i. -.6 days in the case of a Govern+ent servant included in sub-clause !i" of clause
!a" of Rule I.''( ;
ii. -26 days in the case of a Govern+ent servant included in sub-clause !ii" of clause
!a" of Rule I.''-( who belon-s to a Provincial Service or who holds a secial ost;
iii. /6 days in the case of a Govern+ent servant belon-in- to a subordinate service;
iv. 46 days in the case of a Govern+ent servant in inferior service.
/01E.1he term 3year3 occurring in this rule should %e interpreted to
mean not a calendar year in which duty is perormed* %ut twelve
months o actual duty. 1he earned leave admissi%le to a !overnment
servant on a particular date should %e calculated in the manner
indicated in notes + and ; %elow Rule ,.8-.
8.-2- Subject to the rovisions of Rules I.'* and I.#), a Govern+ent servant +ay at
any ti+e be -ranted the whole or any art of the earned leave due to hi+.
/01E.In calculating 3earned leave3 the actual num%er o days o
duty perormed should irst %e counted and then multiplied %y lG7th*
5G55th* or lG''nd* as the case may %e* the product e$pressed in days
&and raction o a day( and limited to 5-C*5'C* 7C or +C days as the
case may %e. In the case o leave en:oyed under the Pun:a% Revised
)eave Rules* 57+B* prior to +Cth /ovem%er* 57+B* no re-ad:ustment o
leave salary paid prior to that date should %e made* %ut the correct
%alance o earned leave* as it would have %een i the correct method o
calculation given a%ove had %een applied rom the date on which the
!overnment servant %ecame su%:ect to those rules should %e re-
calculated as and when each person concerned proceeds on leave
ater the +Cth /ovem%er* 57+B.
&ii( )eave on private aairs.
8.-22 2eave on rivate affairs +ay be -ranted to a Govern+ent servant in suerior
service to the followin- e0tent, na+ely @--
a) if belon-in- to a Provincial Service
or a Secialist Service for 'I +onths in all, and on any one occasion for not +ore
than ) +onths if sent wholly in Pa.istan or for not +ore than ( +onths if sent
wholly outside Pa.istan, if the leave is sent artly in and artly outside Pa.istan,
the eriod shall be ) +onths lus such ti+e as is actually sent outside Pa.istan
subject to a +a0i+u+ total eriod of ( +onths;
b) if belon-in- to a Subordinate Service for '# +onths in all, and on
any one occasion not +ore than ) +onths if sent wholly in Pa.istan or for not
+ore than 5 +onths if sent wholly outside Pa.istan; if the leave is sent artly in
and artly outside Pa.istan, the eriod shall be ) +onths lus such ti+e as is
actually sent outside Pa.istan subject to a +a0i+u+ total eriod of 5 +onthsF@
Provided that, no such leave +ay be -ranted unless the authority co+etent to
sanction leave has reason to believe that the Govern+ent servant will return to duty on its
e0iry !or unless it is included in the -rant of leave e0ressed to be rearatory to
/01E.For the purposes o this rule =Pa>istan= shall %e held to
include India.
&iii( )eave on medical certiicate.
8.-24 2eave on +edical certificate not e0ceedin- '# +onths in all durin- a Govern+ent
servantDs service +ay be -ranted to hi+. Such leave shall be -iven only on the
roduction of a +edical certificate as rescribed in Rules I.IR to I.'$, and for a
eriod not e0ceedin- that reco++ended by the +edical authority; rovided that,
when the +a0i+u+ eriod of '# +onths is e0hausted, further leave on +edical
certificate not e0ceedin- si0 +onths in all +ay be -ranted in e0cetional cases @
Provided further that, no leave +ay be -ranted under this rule unless the authority
co+etent to sanction leave is satisfied that there is a reasonable robability that the
Govern+ent servant will be fit to return to duty on its e0iry
/01E.E$cept in cases o the >ind reerred to in Rule ,.5' when the
certiicate prescri%ed therein will %e suicient* leave* under the
proviso to this rule shall %e granted to non-gaLetted !overnment
servants only on production o a certiicate rom the medical %oard or
a medical committee. As regards gaLetted !overnment servants
e$cept in the cases covered %y Rule ,.5' the medical certiicate shall*
irrespective o the amount o leave* %e always rom a medical
committee or medical %oard* vide Rules ,.7 and ,.5C.
&iv( E$traordinary leave
-. <0traordinary leave +ay be -ranted to any Govern+ent
servant in secial circu+stances-
a) when no other leave is by rule ad+issible; or
b) when other leave is ad+issible, but the Govern+ent servant concerned
alies in writin- for the -rant of e0traordinary leave.
2. The authority e+owered to -rant leave +ay co++ute
retrosectively eriods of absence without leave into e0traordinary leave.
/01E---#ee also note ' %elow Rule ,.8B &%(.
-. & Govern+ent servant on earned leave is entitled, if in
er+anent e+loy, to leave .salary e6ual to his avera-e ay or to his avera-e
substantive ay for the '# co+lete +onths recedin- the +onth hi which leave is
ta.en, whichever is -reater.
2. & Govern+ent servant on leaveD on rivate affairs or
leave on +edical certificate is entitled to leave salary e6ual to half of his avera-e
ay or to half of his avera-e substantive ay for the '# co+lete +onths recedin-
the +onth in which leave is ta.en, whichever is -reater, subject to a +a0i+u+ of
Rs. /*% er +ense+@
E$planation. ---For the purposes o this rule* average pay means the
average monthly pay earned during the +B complete months
preceding the month in which .the event occurs which necessitates
the calculation o average pay* and su%stantive pay means the pay o
the permanent post which the !overnment servant holds
su%stantively or on which he holds lien or would hold lien had the lien
not %een suspended.
4. & Govern+ent servant on e0traordinary leave is not
entitled to any leave salary.
8.-29 The drawal of co+ensatory allowance by Govern+ent servants on leave in
addition to leave salary is re-ulated by the rules hi Chater V.
&i( #pecial .isa%ility )eave.
8.-25 In the circu+stances and subject to the conditions laid down in clauses !'" to !*",
!I" and !(" !and note under it" of Rule I.I), secial disability leave +ay be -ranted
as follows@-D
1. Such leave shall be counted as duty hi calculatin- service for ension, but
half the a+ount of such leave on full ay ta.en under sub-clause !b" of clause!#"
below shall be counted as Fearned leaveF ta.en.
2. 2eave salary durin- such leave shall be e6ual-
a) for the first '#% days in the case of +e+bers of rovincial and secialist
services, (% days in the case of +e+bers of subordinate services and )% days in
the case of inferior Govern+ent servants, includin- a eriod of such leave -ranted
under clause !*" of Rule I.I), to full ay ;and
b) for the re+ainin- eriod of any such leave to half ay; or at the Govern+ent
servantDs otion for a eriod not e0ceedin- the eriod of earned leave otherwise
ad+issible to hi+ under Rule I.''( or I.'#%, to full ay.
/01E.1he words 3ull pay3 or 3hal payJ occurring in this clause
mean ull or hal the pay on the last day o duty prior to the
commencement o leave.
8.128 The alication of the rovisions of the last recedin- rule +ay, subject to the
conditions -iven below, and to the conditions !i" and !ii" under Rule I.I$, be
e0tended by a co+etent authority to a Govern+ent servant disabled in the
circu+stances stated in Rule I.I$@-
-. the eriod of absence reco++ended by the +edical board +ay be covered
in art by leave under this rule and in art by other leave;
2. the a+ount of secial disability leave -ranted on full ay should be less than
'#%,(% or )% days as the case +ay be.
&ii( #tudy leave.
8.-2/ 2eave +ay be -ranted to Govern+ent servants on such ter+s as +ay be
rescribed by -eneral or secial orders of the co+etent authority to enable the+
to study scientific, technical or si+ilar roble+s or to under-o secial courses of
instruction. Such leave is not debited a-ainst the leave account.
/01E. ---For general orders issued under this rule see Appendi$ 'C.
&iii( 4aternity leave and Hospital leave.
8.130 Rules I.I/ to I.(% and I.(# aly +utatis +utandis to Govern+ent servants
subject to the rules in this Part.
8.-4- 4osital leave shall in no case e0ceed si0 +onths in any one ter+ of three years,
whether such leave is ta.en at one ti+e or by instal+ents, full ay bein- allowed
for the first three +onths and half ay thereafter.
/01E.1he word 3pay3 in this rule means the pay on the last day o
duty prior to the commencement o leave.
8.-42 & co+etent authority +ay -rant leave of the followin- .inds to a +ilitary officer in
civil e+loy who re+ains subject to the +ilitary rules and to a nonco++issioned
officer in civil e+loy@-
i. <arned leave for '#% or (% days at a ti+e, as the case +ay be, not e0ceedin- all,
the rivile-e leave which it would be er+issible to -rant to hi+ under the rules
alicable to his case on the date on which he beca+e subject to the Punjab
Revised 2eave Rules, '()5, or to this rule, lus one-eleventh of the duty
erfor+ed by hi+ fro+ the be-innin- of the calendar year followin- that in which
he beca+e subject to those rules or to this rule@
Provided that-
1. when earned leave includin- the rivile-e leave at his credit under
the +ilitary rules alicable to his case on the date on which he beca+e subject to
the Punjab Revised 2eave Rules, '()5, or to this rule, a+ounts to-
i. '#% days in the case of a Govern+ent servant belon-in- to a Provincial Service, or
to a Secialist Service; and
ii. (% days in the case of a Govern+ent servant belon-in- to a Subordinate Service,
The Govern+ent servant ceases to earn leave;
2. if rivile-e leave under the +ilitary rules is not ad+issible in resect
of the calendar year of transfer because the Govern+ent servant has not actually
erfor+ed duty in the +ilitary deart+ent, durin- that year, duty countin- for
earned leave shall co++ence on the date on which he beca+e subject to the
Punjab Revised 2eave Rules, '()5, or to this rule;
3. in the case of a Govern+ent servant servin- in a vacation
deart+ent, the rovisions of Rule I.'#% shall aly +utatis +utandis to the
calculation and -rant of leave under this sub-clause; and
7. a Govern+ent servant holdin- substantively a tenure ost who is
te+orarily reverted to +ilitary duty, shall be treated as if he had re+ained subject
to this rule throu-hout the eriod of his absence fro+ his civil ost, any rivile-e
leave ta.en under +ilitary leave rules durin- that eriod bein- treated as earned
leave ta.en under this rule.
ii. &ny leave, other than rivile-e leave, ad+issible under +ilitary rules, either alone
or in co+bination with earned leave.
b) The total eriod of leave should be re-ulated by the li+its in force under the
+ilitary rules to which the Govern+ent servant is subject.
") 2eave +ay be retrosectively co++uted by the authority which -ranted it
into any other .ind of leave which was ad+issible to the Govern+ent servant
concerned at the ti+e when it was -ranted@
Provided that, e0cet in the case of a Govern+ent servant holdin- substantively a
tenure ost, no leave under sub-clause !ii" of clause !a" of this rule +ay be -ranted to a
Govern+ent servant unless the Govern+ent is reared to re-e+loy hi+ i++ediately
uon the ter+ination of the leave@
Provided also that, in the case of a Govern+ent servant holdin- substantively a
tenure ost, leave under sub-clause !i" of clause !a" +ay be -ranted so as to e0tend
beyond the e0iry of such ter+ if the leave has been alied for insufficient ti+e before
the e0iry of the fi0ed ter+ and refused owin- to the e0i-encies of the ublic service.
/01E 5.Earned leave e$tending %eyond5 the term o civil
appointment is not admissi%le to military oicers holding civil posts o
limited tenure even though the military authorities may agree to the
grant o leave.
/01E '. ---In the case o a military oicer to whom privilege leave was
granted under the military rules in respect o a particular oicial year
instead o a calendar year* service or leave under the civil rules
should rec>on on the irst day o the ne$t oicial year.
LE'VE +& 3&VER*ME*+ SERV'*+S &* (EPU+'+I&* &UR &0 P'!IS+'*
8.133 The rovisions of Rule I.($ re-ardin- leave ad+issible to Govern+ent servants on
deutation out of Pa.istan aly +utatis +utandis to Govern+ent servants subject
to the rules in this section.
Lea=e +o Probationers
8.-47 ,urin- the eriod of robation a robationer is entitled to leave as secified in Rule
I.(* and sub-rule !'" under it.
Lea=e +o '<<renti"es Lea=e Reser=es
8.-4. ,urin- the eriod of arenticeshi an arentice 2eave Reserves is entitled to
leave as follows@-
-. if aointed under contract, to such leave as is rescribed in his contract; or
ii. if there be no such rescrition in the contract; or
iii. if aointed otherwise;
a) to leave on +edical certificate on leave salary e6uivalent to half of
the ay on the last day of duty rior to co++ence+ent of leave for a eriod not
e0ceedin- one +onth in any year of arenticeshi; and
b) to e0traordinary leave under Rule I.'#$.
/01E.1he provisions o su%-rule &5( and notes 5* ' and + under Rule
,.7B apply also to apprentices )eave Reserves whose leave is
governed %y the a%ove rule.
REMU*ER'+E( H&LL) &R P'R+I'LL) B) +E P')ME*+ &0 &*&R'RI' &R
('IL) H'3ES.
LE'VE +& 3&VER*ME*+ SERV'*+S *9+ I* PERM'*E*+ EMPL&)
&i( Earned leave
a) The earned leave ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant is, when he
is in suerior service one-twenty-second of the eriod sent on duty, rovided that
when the earned leave due a+ounts to )% days he ceases to earn such leave.
b) Eo earned leave is ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant in inferior
") <arned leave is not ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant servin- in
a vacation deart+ent.
/01E.)eave to an oiciating !overnment servant can %e granted
during the incum%ency o the oiciating tenure o a post and not
aterwards* as an oiciating !overnment servant ceases to hold any
connection with that post as soon as he leaves it. /o leave is
admissi%le to a temporary !overnment servant ater the temporary
post held %y him ceases to e$ist.
E$ception.--For !overnment servants in superior service in temporary
employ serving in the Pu%lic Aor>s .epartment see note under Rule
8.-45 & Govern+ent servant not in er+anent e+loy aointed without interrution of
duty substantively to a er+anent ost will be credited with the earned leave which
would have been ad+issible if his revious duty had been duty as a Govern+ent
servant in er+anent e+loy di+inished by any earned leave already ta.en.
2eave is not an interrution of duty for the urose of this rule.
/01E.1he authority which granted leave to a !overnment servant
can commute it retrospectively into leave o a dierent and which may
%e admissi%le %ut the !overnment servant concerned cannot claim it
as a matter o right. Commutation o e$traordinary leave ta>en during
temporary service* when no other leave was due* into earned leave on
conirmation without interruption o service %y giving retrospective
eect to the %eneit o this rule would* however* %e irregular.
The real intention of this rule is to rovide only for a retrosective recalculation of
the leave at credit on the date of confir+ation with a reduction on account of the earned
leave already ta.en. <0cet for the carry forward of the recalculated credit on
confir+ation, leave earned and ta.en should be a closed chater at that oint and no
readjust+ent of any leave ta.en is auto+atically er+issible as a conse6uence of such
recalculation. The Fclosed chaterF +ay, however, roerly be reoened, for instance to
correct a +iscalculation of leave earned or ta.en or to Dreadjust leave earned and ta.en
when confir+ation is ordered with retrosective effect; or, at the discretion of the
sanctionin- authority, to convert, leave of any one .ind already ta.en, into leave due of
any other .ind ad+issible at the ti+e the leave was ori-inally ta.en.
8.-48 Eo leave is ad+issible to te+orary establish+ent aid fro+ contin-encies on
contin-ent bills. Such establish+ent +ay, however, be allowed e0traordinary leave
under Rule I.'$%.
&ii( )eave on 4edical Certiicate
8.139 =nder li.e conditions to those secified in Rule I.'#) leave on +edical certificate
+ay be -ranted to an officer not in er+anent e+loy, who has co+leted one
yearDs continuous service, for a +a0i+u+ eriod calculated at '* days, if he is in
suerior service, or '% days if he is in inferior service for every co+leted year of
service less the a+ount of leave ta.en under this rule. If such an officer is without
interrution of his service aointed substantively to a er+anent ost, any leave
so -ranted shall be rec.oned as leave on +edical certificate for the urose of
Rule I.'#).
&iii( E$traordinary )eave
8.-76 Subject to the rovisions of Rule I.'#$ e0traordinary leave +ay be -ranted for a
eriod not e0ceedin- three +onths on any one occasion.
/01E.1he ma$imum limit o + months prescri%ed in this rule does
not apply in the case o teachers in the Education .epartment who are
not in permanent employ and who ta>e leave or the purpose o
undergoing a course o training. In their case the limit o e$traordinary
leave is su%:ect to 5' months which the .irector o Pu%lic Instruction
can grant himsel.
(i=) os<ital Lea=e
8.-7- The concessions in Rules I.(# and I.')' are alicable to head constables and
constables of the &dditional Police Aorce, attendants in the Punjab 8ental
4osital, 2ahore and the inferior and suerior te+orary establish+ent of the
Govern+ent Press, Punjab, 2ahore, whose leave is re-ulated by the rules in this
art. Si+ilarly the concession in Rule I.(% is alicable to the head constables and
constables of the &dditional Police Aorce and the attendant in the Punjab 8ental
4osital, 2ahore and that of Rule I.I( is also alicable to the inferior and suerior
te+orary establish+ent of the Govern+ent Press, Punjab, 2ahore.
&v( )eave %eyond the date o compulsory retirement
8.142 The rovisions of Rule I.#) aly +utatis +utandis to te+orary and officiatin-
Govern+ent servants whose leave is re-ulated by the rules in this Part.
&vi( )eave salary
i. & Govern+ent servant on Fearned leaveF is entitled to leave salary e6ual to his ay
on the day before the leave co++ences. Eo leave salary is ad+issible durin-
e0traordinary leave.
ii. & Govern+ent servant -ranted leave on +edical certificate under Rule I.')( shall
be entitled to leave salary e6ual to half his ay on the day before the leave
co++ences rovided that the leave salary of an officer in inferior service shall not
e0ceed what re+ains fro+ his ay after rovidin- for the efficient dischar-e of the
duties of the ost durin- his absence.
(i) 'ssistant Le?al Remembran"ers
8.-77 &n &ssistant 2e-al Re+e+brancer whose ay is fi0ed at a definite rate but his
whole-ti+e is not retained for the service of Govern+ent, +ay be -ranted leave as
a) 2eave on full ay durin- the vacation of the 4i-h Court, rovided
that no e0tra e0ense is thereby caused to Govern+ent, such leave will be
counted as duty.
b) 2eave on half ay for not +ore than si0 +onths once only in his
service after si0 years of duty.
") ?n +edical certificate, leave on half ay u to the +a0i+u+ of '#
+onths durin- whole service. >hen the +a0i+u+ of '# +onths is e0hausted,
further leave on +edical certificate not e0ceedin- 5 +onths in all +ay be -ranted in
e0cetional cases on the reco++endation of a +edical board.
%) ?n the conditions rescribed in Rule I.'#$ e0traordinary leave.
/01E.)eave under any one o the clauses o this rule may %e
com%ined with leave under any other clause.
(ii) Publi" Prose"utors an% 3o=ernment Plea%ers.
8.-7. 2eave of Public Prosecutors and Govern+ent Pleaders is re-ulated by Rules
I.'%5 and I.'%/, resectively
Editor and Reporters o the Pa>istan )aw Reports
8.-79 The <ditor and Reorters en-a-ed in the roduction of the Pa.istan 2aw Reorts
!2ahore Series" who are art-ti+e Govern+ent servants earn leave u to 'Gllth of
the eriod sent ?n duty subject to the roviso that leave earned should not any
ti+e be allowed to accu+ulate to an e0tent -reater than (% days. They can be
-ranted leave u to the +a0i+u+ of (% days at any one ti+e and will be allowed
leave salary e6ual to the ay on the day before the leave co++ences, rovided no
e0tra e0ense is thereby caused to Govern+ent.
8.-75 Subject to the deduction of the a+ount of leave actually enjoyed fro+ the a+ount
of leave which has been earned a ,eart+ental Sub-Re-istrar +ay be -ranted
leave as follows@-
i. 2eave with ay-
a) leave on full ay not e0ceedin- one year in the whole of his service u to
'Gllth of the eriod sent on duty subject to the conditions that-
-. leave earned cannot at any one ti+e be accu+ulated or -ranted to
an e0tent -reater than (% days; and
2. of leave so -ranted +onths will be leave without +edical certificate
and the rest on +edical certificate.
b) 2eave on +edical certificate on half ay for not +ore than si0 +onths durin-
his service after the co+letion of si0 years of duty.
ii. 2eave without ay-.
a) without +edical certificate, for a eriod not e0ceedin-
one year durin- the whole of his service;
& Sub-Re-istrar, who is also a +e+ber of the Central or Provincial 2e-islature
+ay in addition be -ranted leave for .the eriod he actually attends the +eetin-s of such
le-islature or of its select co++ittees.
b) on +edical certificate, without any li+it.
iii. &ny co+bination of leave under clauses !i" !a", !i" !b", and !ii" !a" and !ii" !b",
rovided that no co+bination under clauses !i" !a", !i" !b" and !ii" !a" at any one
ti+e e0ceeds one year.
P'R+I'LL) B) +E P')ME*+ &0 &*&R'RI' &R ('IL) H'3ES.
8.-78. & Govern+ent servant re+unerated by honoraria +ay be -ranted leave as laid
down in Rule I.''%.
8.-7/. 2eave to-
-. Section-writers or te+orary Press servants, aid under the iece-wor.
syste+ and daily labourers e+loyed in the Public >or.s ,eart+ent;
2. labourers e+loyed on daily wa-es referred to in Rule I.''# !'" who are
injured while on duty; and
3. +aternity leave to fe+ale servants e+loyed at iece rates or daily rates in
er+anent or quasi-er+anent Govern+ent institutions or concerns is -overned
by the Rules !i" I.'''; !ii" I.''# and !GGGD" I.''), resectively.
-. 2eave on full ay +ay be -ranted to iece wor.ers accordin- to len-th of
their service as shown in sub-clause !a" of clause !'" of Rule I.''$ and note
/01E.---#u%-clauses &%( to &d( o clause &5( o Rule ,. 55; apply
mutatis mutandis her also e$cept that in su%-clause &%( or the word
3our months=? and 3on average 3pay3 where ever they occur* the
words 37C days3 3and 3ull pay3* respectively shall %e su%stituted.
2. 2eave on +edical certificate on half ay will be earned at the rate of one
+onthDs leave for every co+lete eriod of '' +onthsD duty and as re-ards
inco+lete eriods one dayDs leave for every '' daysD duty. This leave will be
-ranted only when no leave on full ay is ad+issible and will be accu+ulated
subject to the +a0i+u+ of '# +onths in the whole service, rovided that when the
+a0i+u+ of '# +onths is e0hausted further leave on +edical certificate not
e0ceedin- si0 +onths in all will be -ranted in e0cetional cases on the
reco++endation of a +edical board or co++ittee. In the case of a er+anent
industrial e+loyee transferred fro+ the salaries to the iece establish+ent no
account shall be ta.en of the leave on +edical certificate already enjoyed under
clause !$" of Rule I.'$I rior to his transfer to the iece establish+ent.
4. Clauses !)", !$", !*" and !5" and note thereunder of Rule I.''$ are
alicable to Govern+ent servants subject to this rule also.
a) 2eave on full ay will be earned at the rate of one +onthDs leave for
every co+lete eriod of eleven +onthsD duty and as re-ards inco+lete eriods,
one dayDs leave for every eleven daysD duty@
Provided that, no such leave can be earned by any e+loyee who has (% daysD
leave on full ay to his credit
/01E..uty rendered during the period o continuous service prior
to conirmation will count or leave under this clause* the leave ta>en
on each occasion during that service %eing deducted rom the leave
earned in respect o duty rendered prior to such occasion.
b) In the case of a er+anent industrial e+loyee transferred fro+ the
iece to the salaried establish+ent, the account of his leave on full ay shall
co++ence with a credit or debit as the case +ay be, e6ual to the difference
i. such fraction of leave ad+issible to hi+ under sub-clause !a" of clause !'"
of Rule I.'*% for the calendar year in which the transfer lace as is e6ual to
the roortion which the ortion of the year recedin- the date of transfer bears to
the whole year; and
ii. any leave already ta.en by hi+ out of the leave ad+issible @
Provided that, the said credit shall not be ta.en into account in calculatin- D the (%
daysD leave on full ay secified in clause !a" above.
c) >hen the total eriod of leave on full ay standin- to the credit of
an e+loyee under clauses !a" and !b" is +ore than (% days, the +a0i+u+
a+ount of leave on full ay that +ay be -ranted to hi+ at any one ti+e shall not
e0ceed (% days. In the case of any e+loyee whose account of leave on full ay
co++ences with a debit no leave on full ay shall be -ranted until the e0iry of a
fresh eriod sent on duty sufficient to earn such credit as will er+it of the leave
to be -ranted after cancellin- the debit.
2. ?n the roduction of a +edical certificate, to the leave due under the
recedin- clause there +ay be added, subject to clause !$" leave on half ay u to
three +onths, and a further e0tension of leave on half ay not e0ceedin- three
+onths +ay be -ranted on roduction of a fresh +edical certificate, -ranted by the
officer in chief +edical char-e of the district in which the e+loyee is residin-.
4. 2eave without ay +ay be -ranted when no other leave is ad+issible.
7. The total a+ount of leave on +edical certificate ad+issible to any e+loyee
durin- his service on the salaried establish+ent shall not e0ceed '# +onths
rovided that when the +a0i+u+ eriod of '# +onths is e0hausted, further leave
on +edical certificate not e0ceedin- si0 +onths in all +ay be -ranted in
e0cetional cases on the reco++endation of a +edical board or co++ittee. In the
case of a er+anent industrial e+loyee transferred fro+ the iece to the salaried
establish+ent the leave on +edical certificate, if any, at his credit under clause !#"
of Rule I.'*% on the date of transfer shall auto+atically lase and no account shall
be ta.en of the leave on +edical certificate already enjoyed by hi+ as a iece- rior to his transfer to the salaried establish+ent.
.. Injury leave at half ay rates +ay be -ranted to a er+anent salaried
industrial e+loyee, below the -rade of ?verseer or General Aore+an who is
injured in circu+stances which would have -iven rise to a clai+ for co+ensation
under the >or.+enDs Co+ensation &ct, '(#) !VIII of '(#)" if he had been a
wor.+an as defined therein, whether or not roviso !a" to subsection !'" of section
) of that &ct is alicable.
Such leave shall not be dee+ed to be leave on +edical certificate for the uroses
of clauses !#" and !$". It shall be -ranted fro+ the co++ence+ent of disable+ent for so
lon- as is necessary subject to a li+it of two years for any one disability and a li+it of five
years durin- an e+loyeeDs total service includin- service, if any, on the iece
establish+ent. 2eave -ranted under clause !*" of Rule I.''$ -.hall be ta.en into account
in alyin- these li+its. The salary ayable in resect of a eriod of leave -ranted under
this rule shall in the case of an e+loyee to who+ !he rovisions of the >or.+enDs
Co+ensation &ct, '(#) !VIII of '(#)" aly, be reduced by the a+ount of co+ensation
aid under clause !d" of subsection !'" of section $ of that &ct.
/01E. ---1he e$pressionJ pay3 in this rule means the pay on the day %eore the letG
Chapter IK
A&I*I*3 +IME
/.- Boinin- ti+e +ay be -ranted to a Govern+ent servant to enable hi+Q
a) to join a new ost to which he is aointed while on duty in his old ost; or
b) to join a new ost-
i. on return fro+ leave on avera-e ay of not +ore than four +onthsD
duration in resect of Govern+ent servants subject to the leave rules in section II
of Chater VIII, or fro+ earned leave not e0ceedin- '#%, (% or )% days as the case
+ay be, in resect of Govern+ent servants subject to the leave rules in section III
of Chater VIII; or
ii. !if" when he has not had sufficient notice of his aoint+ent to the
new ost, on return fro+ leave other than that secified in sub-clause !i" ; or
") to travel fro+ the ort of debar.ation or, in the case of arrival by aircraft,
fro+ its first re-ular ort in Pa.istan and to or-anise his do+estic establish+ent
when he returns fro+ leave out of Pa.istan of +ore than four +onthsD duration in
resect of Govern+ent servants subject to the leave rules in section II of Chater
VIII, or of +ore than '#%, (% or )% daysD duration as the case +ay be, in resect of
Govern+ent servants subject to leave rules in section III of Chater VIII; or
i. to roceed fro+ a secified station to join a ost in a lace in a
re+ote locality which is not easy of access ; or
ii. to roceed on relin6uishin- char-e of a ost in a lace in a re+ote
locality which is not easy of access to a secified station.
/01E 5. ---1he authority which granted the leave will decide whether
the notice reerred to in clause &%( &ii( was insuicient.
/01E '.<oining time is admissi%le to a !overnment servant under
clause &c( o this rule or organising his domestic esta%lishment even
i he does not ma>e any :ourney rom the port o de%ar>ation.
/01E +.1he :oining time and travelling allowance o military oicers
in civil employ are governed %y the civil rules in virtue o the
provisions o paragraph -7+ o the Regulations or the Army in
Pa>istan and paragraphs ' &iii( and 5; o the .eence #ervices
Regulations* India Passage Regulations* respectively read with
Fundamental Rule +. 1hese rules admit o the grant o :oining time and
travelling allowance to military oicers in civil* employ not only on the
occasions o their transer to the civil employ .and retranser to
military employ %ut also when they are actually serving in civil
employ. For the purposes o these rules* privilege leave under the
military leave rules should %e treated as leave on average pay o not
more than tour months= duration.
/01E ;.1he time reasona%ly re9uired or :ourneys %etween the
place o training and the stations to which a !overnment servant is
posted immediately %eore and ater the period o training should %e
treated as part o the training period. 1his does not apply to
pro%ationers holding 3training posts3 which they may %e considered
as ta>en with them on transer. #uch pro%ationers are entitled to
:oining time when transerred.
/01E -.Ahen a !overnment servant holding a temporary post is
oered through his oicial superior another such post at some other
station at any time %eore the a%olition o his post* he is entitled to
:oining time.
/01E B./o :oining time* :oining time pay or travelling allowance
shall %e granted to a Provincial !overnment servant who is appointed
to a post under the Central !overnment out :oins his new post ater
termination o his employment under the Provincial !overnment %y
resignation or otherwise* unless the employment o a particular
!overnment servant is in the wider pu%lic interest. 1he same applies
to a servant o the Central !overnment or o another Provincial
!overnment who* in similar circumstances* is appointed to a post
under the Pun:a% !overnment. Further* when a !overnment servant o
one department is appointed to a post in another department* %oth
departments %eing under the Pun:a% !overnment* %ut :oins his new
post ater termination o his employment under the old department no
:oining time* :oining time pay or travelling allowance shall %e allowed
unless it is in the pu%lic interest to do so. I :oining time is allowed in
any case it should %e the minimum necessary and should in no case
e$ceed the transit period.
/01E 8.--- <oining time* :oining time pay and travelling allowance o
!overnment servants appointed to posts under the Pun:a%
!overnment on the results o a Competitive e$amination* which is
open to %oth !overnment servants and others* is regulated as under 6

a( travelling allowance* :oining time and :oining time pay

should ordinarily %e allowed to all !overnment servants serving
under the Central or Provincial !overnments who hold
permanent posts in a su%stantive capacity and that*
%( no travelling allowance* :oining time pay should %e
granted in the case o those who are employed in a temporary
capacity without the sanction o !overnment.
/.2. Eo joinin- ti+e is allowed in cases when a Govern+ent servant is transferred fro+
one ost to another in the sa+e office establish+ent.
a) & Govern+ent servant on transfer durin- a vacation +ay be er+itted to
ta.e joinin- ti+e at the end of the vacation.
b) >hen vacation is co+bined with leave on avera-e ay or earned leave,
joinin- ti+e shall be re-ulated under Rule (.' !b" !i" if the total eriod of leave on
avera-e ay and vacation is not +ore than four +onths in the case of Govern+ent
servants subject to the rules in section II of Chater VIII, or not +ore than '#%, (%
or )% days as the case +ay be, in the case of Govern+ent servants subject to
leave rules in section III of Chater VIII, and under clause !c" if vacation co+bined
with leave out of Pa.istan e0ceeds these li+its.
/.7. If a Govern+ent servant leave while in transit fro+ one ost to another, the
eriod which has elased since he handed over char-e of his old ost +ust be
included in his leave, unless the leave is ta.en on +edical certificate. In the latter
case, the eriod +ay be treated as joinin- ti+e.
Cal"ulation &: Aoinin? +ime
/... >hen transfer to a new ost involves a chan-e of station joinin- ti+e is calculated
as follows, subject to a +a0i+u+ of thirty days-
i. Si0 days for rearation, and, in addition thereto-
Aor the ortion of the journey
which the Govern+ent
servant travels or +i-ht
A day or each.
:y railway 2.6 +iles.
:y ocean stea+er 266 +iles. or any lon-er ti+e actually
occuied in the journey.
:y river stea+er 86 +iles.
:y +otor car or +otor-lorry 86 +iles.
:y +ail cart or other ublic
sta-e conveyance drawn by
86 +iles.
In any other way -. +iles.
&n e0tra day is allowed for any fraction of distance over that rescribed above.
ii. >hen art of the journey is erfor+ed by stea+er, the days intervenin-
between the Govern+ent servant bein- set free fro+ his office or, if he has no
office, receivin- his orders, and the dearture of the stea+er or his start duly
re-ulated to catch the stea+er shall be added.
iii. >hen air journeys on transfer are erfor+ed in the interest of ublic service
by a Govern+ent servant entitled to travel by air or secially authorised to do so by
a co+etent authority, 5 days for rearation and in addition, the nu+ber of days
actually ta.en in the air journey should be allowed as joinin- ti+e.
/01E.1he Administrative #ecretary o the .epartment concerned
will %e the competent authority in such cases.
/01E 5.#undays are not included in the a%ove calculations* though
they are included in the ma$imum limit o thirty days.
/01E '.A :ourney %y road o ive miles or under* to or rom a railway
station rom or to the chie pu%lic oice o the place* does not count
or :oining time.
/01E. +.In view o the uncertainty which e$ists as to the point o
departure o the erry steamer rom !haLi !hat during the lood
season* two days instead o one will %e allowed as :oining time or the
:ourney o a%out '7 miles %etween .era !haLi @han and !haLi !hat
when the %ridge o %oats is not up. Ahen this e$tra day is demanded
the claim should %e supported %y the certiicate o the senior oicer o
the Pu%lic Aor>s .epartment in .era !haLi @han.
/.9. ?nly one day is allowed for joinin- a ost which does not-necessarily involves a
chan-e- of residence fro+ one station to another. & -a1etted holiday counts as a
day for the urose of this rule.
/.5. :y whatever route a Govern+ent servant travels his joinin- ti+e shall, unless a
co+etent authority secially er+its otherwise, be calculated by the route which
travellers habitually use.
a) The joinin- ti+e of a Govern+ent servant under clause !b" !i" and
!ii" of Rule (.' will be counted fro+ his old station or fro+ the lace where he
receives the order of transfer whichever calculation would entitle hi+ to less joinin-
ti+e. If the leave is bein- sent out of Pa.istan and the order of aoint+ent to the
new ost reaches hi+ before he arrives at the ort of debar.ation, the ort of
debar.ation is the lace in which he received the order for the urose of this rule.
b) & Govern+ent servant joinin- ti+e under clause !b" !i" of
Rule (.' who receives, while on leave !whether sent in or out of Pa.istan orders
of transfer to a station other than that fro+ which he too. leave, will be -ranted full
joinin- ti+e ad+issible under clause !a" above, without reference to the authority
which -ranted the leave and irresective of the date on which the orders of transfer
are received by hi+. Should he join his new aoint+ent before the e0iry of leave
lus the joinin- ti+e ad+issible the eriod short ta.en should be considered as
leave not enjoyed, and a corresondin- ortion of the leave sanctioned should be
cancelled without any reference to the authority which -ranted the leave. If in any
case, the Govern+ent servant desires not to avail hi+self of the full eriod of
joinin- ti+e ad+issible, the eriods of leave and joinin- ti+e should be adjusted
with reference to such otion.
/./. The joinin- ti+e ad+issible under clause !c" of Rule (.' should be calculated fro+
the date of debar.ation of the Govern+ent servant at the Pa.istan ort in the
+anner rescribed in Rule (.*; rovided that it shall, if he so desires, be subject to
a +ini+u+ of ten days.
/01E.1he :oining time o a !overnment servant who returns rom
leave out o Pa>istan and disem%ar>s* not at the irst port o call in
Pa>istan %ut at another such port* should %e rec>oned rom the day o
arrival o the vessel at the second or su%se9uent port at which he
actually disem%ar>s* whether the sea :ourney rom the irst port o call
in Pa>istan to the su%se9uent port o disem%ar>ation is made in the
same steamer which ta>es him to the irst port o call or in some other
/.-6. If a Govern+ent servant is authorised to +a.e over char-e of a ost elsewhere
than at his head6uarters, his joinin- ti+e shall be calculated fro+ the lace at
which he actually over char-e.
/.--. If a Govern+ent servant is aointed to a new ost while in transit fro+ one ost to
another, his joinin- ti+e be-ins on the day followin- that on which he receives the
order of aoint+ent.
/01E.A second period o si$ days or preparation should not %e
included in calculating the :oining time o a !overnment servant
whose appointment is changed while he is in transit.
/.-2. >hen a Govern+ent servant under the ad+inistrative control of the Punjab
Govern+ent is transferred to the control of another Govern+ent, his joinin- ti+e
for the journey to join his ost under that Govern+ent and for the return journey
will be -overned by the rules of that Govern+ent.
P') (URI*3 A&I*I*3 +IME
/.-4. & Govern+ent servant on joinin- ti+e shall be re-arded as on duty, and shall be
entitled to be aid as follows @-
a) If on joinin- ti+e under clause !a" of Rule (.' he is entitled to the ay which
he would have drawn if he had not been transferred; or the ay which he will draw
on char-e of his new ost, whichever is less.
b) If on joinin- ti+e under clause !b" or !c" of Rule (.' he is entitled-
i. when returnin- fro+ e0traordinary leave, other than e0traordinary
leave not e0ceedin- fourteen days -ranted in continuation of other leave, to no
ay+ents at all; and
ii. when returnin- fro+ leave of any other .ind, to the leave salary
which he last drew on leave at the rate rescribed for the ay+ent of leave salary
in Pa.istan.
") If on joinin- ti+e under clause !d" of Rule (.', he is entitled to ay as thou-h
he were on duty hi his ost.
/01E 5.A ministerial servant on transer is not entitled to %e paid
while on :oining time unless his transer is made in the pu%lic
/01E '. ---A military oicer su%:ect to the 4ilitary )eave Rules who
retains a lien on his civil post is entitled* on :oining time* under su%-
clause &ii( o clause &%( a%ove* to draw the same amount o leave
salary which he would have drawn had he ta>en leave under Civil
)eave Rules* provided that such leave salary shall not %e less than
that which he actually drew during the last portion o his leave.
/01E +.1he words 3i he had not %een transerred3 in clause &a( o
this rule should %e interpreted in the sense* 3i he had continued in his
old post3.
/01E ;.-1he words 3in his post3 occurring in clause &c( o this rule
mean the post in the remote locality even in the case o a !overnment
servant on straight transer.
/01E -. ---#ee also /otes 5 and ' under Rule ;.7 &a(.
/.-7. In the Public >or.s ,eart+ent no e0tra ay !where the transfer involves the -rant
of e0tra ay" can be drawn in any case by a relievin- Govern+ent servant, until the
transfer is co+lete, but as far as ordinary ay and allowances are concerned an
e0cetion +ay be +ade to the -eneral rule in all cases in which the char-e to be
transferred !whether a division, a sub-division or other char-e" consists of several
scattered wor.s which the relievin- and the relieved Govern+ent servants are
re6uired, by the orders of a suerior officer to insect to-ether before the transfer
can be co+leted. The relievin- Govern+ent servant will be considered as on duty
if the eriod ta.en in carryin- out these insections is not considered by the
Suerintendin- <n-ineer to be e0cessive. >hile so over char-e, the
relievin- Govern+ent servant will draw @--
i. if he is transferred fro+ a ost which he holds substantively, his resu+tive
ay in that ost;
ii. if he is transferred fro+ a ost which he has held in an officiatin- caacity, the
officiatin- ay ad+issible in that ost rovided it is not +ore than the ay he would
draw after the transfer is co+lete ; otherwise his resu+tive ay in the
er+anent ost on which he had a lien rior to transfer ;
iii. if he returns fro+ leave his resu+tive ay in the ost on which he retained a
lien durin- the leave.
/01E.1he concession o house-rent allowance or ree 9uarters
ordinarily admissi%le to a !overnment servant should %e treated as
3ordinary pay and allowances3 within the meaning o this rule and is
admissi%le to %oth the relieved and the relieving !overnment servants
during the period occupied %y them in handing over and ta>ing over
9.15 The alication of Rule (.'$, which for+s an e0cetion to the -eneral rule and
which concerns the Public >or.s ,eart+ent only, has also been e0tended to the
transfer of char-e secified in colu+n # of the table below in the case of the
followin- deart+ents. The authority noted in colu+n ) a-ainst each is to
deter+ine whether the eriod sent in co+letin- the transfer of char-e is not
*ame o:
C#ar?e to be trans:erre%.
'ut#orit$ "om<etent
to %etermine >#et#er
t#e <erio% s<ent in
"om<letin? t#e
trans:er o: "#ar?e is
not e;"essi=e.
Bail ,eart+ent
i. ,euty
Suerintendents and Store-
.eeers. .
ii. &ssista
nt Store Jeeers at the followin-
:orstal Institution 3 Buvenile Bail,
,era Gha1i Jhan.
Shahur Ca+.
Insector-General of
Prisons, Punjab.
&ssistant 8ana-ers, &dults and :orstal,
Refor+atory Aar+s, :urewala.
Recla+ation ?fficer.
Teachers and cler.s holdin- char-e of
stores in the Govern+ent Industrial
Schools and Institutes.
Store-.eeers in the 8ayo School of &rts,
2ahore, Govern+ent Institute of ,yein-
and Calico Printin- and ,e+onstration
>eavin- Aactory, Shahdara and &rts and
Crafts ,eot, 2ahore.
2ady Suerintendent and 4ead 8is-
tresses who held char-e of Stoc. and
Stores in Govern+ent Senana Industrial
Store-.eeers and cler.s in 8ar.etin-
Sections. >ool Section and Sericulture
Section 2aboratory &ssistants in the
Industrial Research 2aboratory.
,e+onstrators of all ,e+onstration
Parties in the Punjab.
,irector of Industries.
(itto %itto.
(itto %itto.
(itto %itto.
Store-.eeers, >ell Suervisors and >ell
:orers in >or.shos and >ell :orin-
Sections and &-riculture &ssistants and
Cler.s attached to Aar+s.
,irector of &-riculture.
&hl+ads and Record-Jeeers in the
Courts of ,istrict and Sessions Bud-es
includin- &dditional ,istrict and
Sessions Bud-es.
&hl+ads, <0ecution 8oharrirs. Guardian
8oharrirs in the Courts of Senior and
other Subordinate Bud-es and
&d+inistrative Subordinate Bud-es and
Readers to &d+inistrative Subordinate
&hl+ads, Eaib Sheriffs-in-char-e of
e0ecution wor. and insolvency cler.s in
S+all Cause Courts.
,istrict and Sessions
Bud-e concerned u to
'% days.
Presidin- ?fficer of the
court u to / days and
,istrict and Sessions
Bud-es u to '% days.
(itto %itto.
&VERS+')'L '*( E1+E*SI&* &0 A&I*I*3 +IME
/.-9 & Govern+ent servant who does not join his ost within his joinin- ti+e is entitled
to no ay or leave salary after the end of the joinin- ti+e. >ilful absence fro+ duty after
the e0iry of joinin- ti+e +ay be treated as +isbehaviour for the urose of Rule ).'(.
a) & co+etent authority will, if necessary, e0tend the joinin- ti+e as
calculated by Rule (.*; rovided the -eneral sirit of the rules is observed.
b) >ithin the +a0i+u+ of thirty days, 4eads of ,eart+ent +ay, in the case of
Govern+ent servants of Provincial Services, Te+orary <n-ineers, Te+orary
,euty Collectors and non--a1etted subordinates under their control, e0tend the
joinin- ti+e ad+issible by rules-
i. If the Govern+ent servant has been unable to avail hi+self of the
usual +ode of travellin-, or if not withstandin-, due dili-ence on his art, the
journey has occuied +ore ti+e than is allowed by the rules to the e0tent of ti+e
actually necessary.
ii. If such e0tension is considered necessary for the ublic
convenience or for the savin- of ublic e0ense, as for e0a+le, to revent
unnecessary and +erely for+al transfers to the e0tent necessary.
iii. If the rules have in any articular case oerated harshly, as for
e0a+le, if a Govern+ent servant has throu-h no fault on his art +issed a
stea+er or fallen sic. on the journeyCto the e0tent necessary.
A&I*I*3 +IME +& PERS&*S *&+ I* 3&VER*ME*+ SERVICE &* A&I*I*3 +E
/.-8 If a erson in e+loy+ent other than Govern+ent service or on leave, -ranted
fro+ such e+loy+ent, is, in the interests of Govern+ent, aointed to a ost
under Govern+ent, he +ay, at the discretion of the co+etent authority, be treated
as on joinin- ti+e while he reares for and the journey to join the ost
under Govern+ent, and while- he reares for and the journey on reversion
fro+ the ost under Govern+ent to return to his ori-inal e+loy+ent. ,urin- such
joinin- ti+e he shall receive ay e6ual to the ay, or, in the case of joinin- ti+e
i++ediately followin- leave -ranted fro+ the rivate e+loy+ent, to the leave
salary, aid to hi+, by his rivate e+loyer rior to his aoint+ent to Govern+ent
service or ay e6ual to the ay of the ost in Govern+ent service, whichever is

*o. 24-/-S& (SR) IVB54
3&VER*ME*+ &0 +E PU*A'B 0I*'*CE (EP'R+ME*+
.ated )ahore the 5Bth /ovem%er* 578+
Subje"t, E1+E*SI&* I* A&I*I*3 +IME.
I a+ directed to state that a lar-e nu+ber of cases are bein- referred to the
Ainance ,eart+ent for e0tension of joinin- ti+e in order to re-ularise delays in the issue
of ostin- orders on -rounds of ad+inistrative difficulties. <0a+ination in the Ainance
,eart+ent reveals that in +ost cases the delay is due +ainly to the indifference of the
officialsGofficers resonsible for issuin- the ostin- orders and no real ad+inistrative
difficulties are involved. This results in undue hardshi to the Govern+ent servants
concerned and avoidable e0enditure to the Govern+ent.
2. In this connection, attention is invited to the Govern+ent of
>est Pa.istan, Ainance ,eart+entDs circular letter Eo. '%##-SRVI-5$, dated the
(th Bune, '(5$ !coy attached" wherein the ad+inistrative authorities were
infor+ed that the Govern+ent too. a serious view of delays in the ostin- orders
and the officials resonsible for such delay would be held resonsible for loss to
the Govern+ent. It aears that the instructions in 6uestion have been lost si-ht of
with the assa-e of ti+e. I a+ to re6uest that the need for e0ercisin- due vi-ilance
in issuin- the ostin- orders of the Govern+ent servants reortin- for duty after
joinin- ti+e, leave, etc. +ay be re-e+hasi1ed and brou-ht ho+e to all the
Govern+ent functionaries dealin- with the cases re-ardin- ostin-s and transfers
of other Govern+ent Ainance ,eart+ent for e0tension in joinin- ti+e of a
Govern+ent servant detailed reasons for delay in issuin- the ostin- orders +ust
be cleary stated and the action ta.en a-ainst the ersons resonsible for delay
should also be indicated.
Chapter K
E1+E*+ &0 'PPLIC'+I&*
10.1 The rules in this C'P+ER aly to Govern+ent servants who are transferred to
forei-n service.
/01E.In the case o !overnment servants on oreign service who
are not su%:ect to these rules* the rules regarding contri%utions* leave
salary and pension shall %e the same as those applica%le to
!overnment servants su%:ect to them.
3E*ER'L C&*(I+I&*S
a) Eo Govern+ent servant +ay be transferred to forei-n service a-ainst his
b) Subject to the conditions laid down in these rules a co+etent authority +ay
sanction the transfer of a Govern+ent servant to forei-n service in or out of
/01E 5.I a !overnment servant on oreign service in Pa>istan is
sent %y his employer out o Pa>istan on duty he should continue to %e
treated as on oreign service in Pa>istan %ut %oth in this case and in
the converse case o a !overnment servant on oreign service out o
Pa>istan deputed %y his employer to Pa>istan* on duty who similarly
continues to %e on oreign service out o Pa>istan the act o the
!overnment servant %eing so deputed should %e %rought to the notice
o the lending authority as it might %e necessary to reconsider the
9uestion o his emoluments.
/01E '.1he !overnment which will %e entitled to recover pension
contri%ution on %ehal o a !overnment servant lent to oreign service
should %e regarded as the !overnment competent to sanction the
Instruction 5. --- The authorities co+etent to sanction the transfer of Govern+ent
servants to forei-n service should invariably consult before hand-
a) The Govern+ent of Pa.istan in re-ard to any re6uest for the loan of
services of a Govern+ent servant fro+ a forei-n country; and
b) the 8inistry of States and Arontier Re-ions in re-ard to any re6uest for the
loan of the services of an officer belon-in- to a Provincial service fro+ Pa.istan
Their rior consultation is considered necessary in order that they +ay have an
oortunity of considerin- the roosal fro+ the oint of view of their resective
resonsibilities, and the authorities concerned should -ive full wei-ht, to any views which
+ay be e0ressed in the +atter by the Govern+ent of Pa.istan or the 8inistry of State
and Arontier Re-ions as the case +ay be.
Instruction '. ---& coy of the orders sanctionin- a Govern+ent servantDs transfer
to Aorei-n Service +ust always be co++unicated to the &ccountant-General Punjab, by
the authority by who+ the transfer is sanctioned. The Govern+ent servant hi+self should
without delay, co++unicate a coy to that officer and ta.e his instructions as to the
ay+ent of the contributions, reort to that officer the ti+e and date of all transfers of
char-e to which he is a arty when roceedin- on, while in, and on return, fro+ forei-n
service and furnish fro+ ti+e to ti+e, articulars re-ardin- his ay in forei-n service,
leave ta.en by hi+, his ostal address and any other infor+ation which that officer +ay
-6.4 & transfer to forei-n service is not ad+issible unless-
a) the duties to be erfor+ed after the transfer are such as should, for ublic
reasons, be rendered by a Govern+ent servant; and
b) the Govern+ent servant transferred holds, at the ti+e of transfer, a ost
aid fro+ -eneral revenues, or holds a lien on a er+anent ost, or would hold a
lien on such a ost had his lien not been susended.
/01E 5.2nder this rule the transer o a temporary !overnment
servant to oreign service is permissi%le.
/01E '.I in any case a proposal is made that a !overnment servant
should %e lent to a private underta>ing it is necessary that the
principles o clause &a( o this rule should %e applied most rigorously*
and in general the loan o a !overnment servant to a private
underta>ing should %e regarded as a very e$ceptional case re9uiring
special :ustiication.
-6.7 If a Govern+ent servant is transferred to forei-n service while on leave he ceases,
fro+ the date of such transfer, to be on leave and to draw leave salary.
/01E 5.Foreign service during leave preparatory to retirement
should %e treated as 3private employment3* i.e. a !overnment servant
who has reached or is approaching the age o superannuation*
notwithstanding his employment under a oreign employer* should %e
allowed to ta>e any leave which would %e admissi%le to him had he
not accepted such employment and pension contri%ution should not
%e re9uired. 1he concession o drawing leave salary in addition to pay
rom the oreign employer should not %e granted to !overnment
servants who are already in oreign service at the time they apply or
leave preparatory to retirement and propose to continue on duty in the
service o the same employer during such leave. 1his concession
shall not also %e granted to !overnment servants who retire %eore
reaching the age o superannuation i they ta>e such leave ater %eing
oered or having made arrangements or employment m oreign
service. In such cases they should %e re9uired either to retire or go on
oreign service terms.
It is* however* always open to the competent authority in
e$ceptional cases* which in its opinion :ustiy such a course* to
re9uire that the !overnment servant should remain in !overnment
service and %e placed on usual oreign service termsD .i.e.* he would
not %e on leave and his service should %e treated as oreign service
counting or pension* contri%ution %eing ta>en rom the oreign
/01E '.In the case o a !overnment servant who is under Rule +.',
&c( &+(* compelled to retire rom active service ater ive years= tenure
o his post &unless re-appointed(* even though he has not reached the
age o superannuation* there is no o%:ection to his drawing leave
salary in addition to pay rom the oreign employer during leave
preparatory to retirement i he ta>es such leave ater having %een
oered or having made arrangements or employment under a oreign
employerD provided the leave is the last leave ta>en %eore the date o
such compulsory retirement.
i. & Govern+ent servant transferred to forei-n service shall re+ain in the cadre or
cadres in which he was included in a substantive or officiatin- caacity
i++ediately before his transfer. 4e +ay be -iven such substantive or officiatin-
ro+otion in those cadres as the authority co+etent to order ro+otion +ay
decide. In -ivin- ro+otion such authority shall ta.e into account-
a) the nature of the wor. erfor+ed in forei-n service, and
b) the ro+otion -iven to juniors in the cadre in which the
6uestion of ro+otion arises
ii. In any individual case the co+etent authority +ay -rant a
Govern+ent servant, outside his cadre or cadres but in his own line, such
ro+otion as it considers he would have -ot had he not been transferred to forei-n
/01E 5.1he words 3in his own line3 used in the a%ove rule reer to
posts to which a !overnment servant may normally loo> or
promotion in his own department or oice.
/01E '.1his rule should not %e interpreted in such a manner as to
allow adventitious increments to a !overnment servant in oreign
service merely %ecause he might* had he remained in !overnment
service* have %een ortunate enough to secure promotion to a post
outside the cadre o the service to which he %elongs.
-6.9 & Govern+ent servant in forei-n service, if aointed to officiate in a ost in Govern+ent
service, will draw ay calculated on the ay of the ost in Govern+ent service on which
he holds a lien or would hold a lien had his lien not been susended and that of the ost
in which he officiates. 4is ay in forei-n service will not be ta.en into account in fi0in- his
-6.5 & Govern+ent servant transferred to forei-n service +ay not, without the sanction of the
co+etent authority accet a ension or -ratuity fro+ his forei-n e+loyer in resect of
such service.
P') '*( A&I*I*3 +IME
-6.8 & Govern+ent servant in forei-n service will draw ay fro+ the forei-n e+loyer fro+ the
date on which he relin6uishes char-e of his ost hi Govern+ent service. Subject to any
restrictions which the co+etent authority +ay by -eneral order i+ose, the a+ount of
his ay, the a+ount of joinin- ti+e ad+issible to hi+ and his ay durin- such joinin- ti+e
will be fi0ed by the authority sanctionin- the transfer in consultation with the forei-n
/01E 5.1he restrictions given in Anne$ure A to this Chapter have
%een imposed or regulating the amount o remuneration to %e paid to
!overnment servants on oreign service in Pa>istan.
/01E '.
a) It is not possi%le to e$press any part o
the pay o a !overnment servant on oreign service in sterling.
1he 9uestion whether !overnment servants entitled to sterling
overseas pay should %e given a corresponding increase in their
rupee pay is one or settlement in each case in consultation
with the oreign employer* i it is decided ater such
consultation that an increase should %e granted* the calculation
o the rupee value o sterling pay will %e made at the uniorm
rate o 's. 5 '7G++ d to the rupee &/ote 5 %elow Article ''7 o
Account Code* "olume I"(
%( In cases* where the pay o !overnment
servants in oreign service is i$ed as the pay they would
receive in !overnment service rom time to time or the pay o
the post in !overnment service with or without an addition
thereto in the orm o a percentage o such pay andGor a i$ed
sum* the oreign employer can e9uita%ly %e called upon to pay
the e9uivalent o sterling overseas pay according to the terms
o the arrangement* though even in such cases his concurrence
should -e o%tained. 1he sterling pay will then %e converted
monthly to rupees at the rate mentioned in the a%ove paragraph*
&c( I* however* a oreign employer preers to ma>e his own
arrangements to dis%urse the overseas pay in sterling and the
employee agrees to it* there should %e no o%:ection to the
adoption to such a procedureD in that case* or the purpose o
calculating contri%ution the amount paid in sterling should %e
converted to rupees at the uniorm rate o e$change.
/01E +.Ahere a !overnment servant* whether o Asiatic or non-
Asiatic domicile* in receipt o overseas pay is granted on transer to
oreign service in Pa>istan or on the occasion o e$tension o the
period thereo an increase over his su%stantive pay e$pressed as a
percentage o such pay* the percentage should %e applied only to the
%asic pay and not to his overseas pay &#terling or Rupee(.
Instruction.---Ahen any !overnment servant lent on oreign service
conditions retires rom !overnment service without* at the same time*
retiring rom the service o his oreign employer* the Accountant-
!eneral shall communicate to the oreign employer through the usual
authorities a statement showing the date o retirement and the amount
o pension drawn rom the !overnment so as to give the oreign
employer the-opportunity* i he %e so inclined o revising the e$isting
terms o employment.
C&*+RIBU+I&*S 0&R LE'VE S'L'R), PE*SI&*, E+C
a) >hile a Govern+ent servant is in service contributions towards the cost of
his ension +ust be aid to -eneral revenues on his behalf.
b) If the forei-n service is in Pa.istan contributions +ust be aid on account of
the cost of leave salary also.
") Contributions due under clauses !a" and !b" above shall be aid by the
Govern+ent servant hi+self, unless the forei-n e+loyer consents to ay the+.
They shall not be ayable durin- leave ta.en while in forei-n service.
%) :y secial arran-e+ent +ade under Rule '%.'/ !b", contributions on
account of leave salary +ay be re6uired in the case of forei-n service out of
Pa.istan also, the contributions bein- aid by the forei-n e+loyer.
/01E 5.Pensions* throughout this Chapter* include !overnment
contri%ution i any* paya%le to a !overnment servant=s credit in a
Provident Fund.
/01E '.A !overnment servant who is a su%scri%er to a Contri%utory
Provident Fund and who is transerred to oreign service shall pay
monthly su%scriptions calculated on the rate o pay drawn in oreign
service. 1he oreign employer or the !overnment servant himsel
according to the arrangement made under clause &c( o Rule 5C.7 shall
pay* in addition or the period o active oreign service* at such times
as !overnment may prescri%e in each case* a contri%ution determined
%y the ormula K W KX* where K e9uals the amount which would have
%een credited monthly to the su%scri%ers= account in the Provident
Fund had he not proceeded on oreign service* the rate o pay drawn
%y him * in oreign service %eing rewarded as his 3emoluments3 or
this purpose* and X e9uals the raction which the amount recovera%le
as leave salary contri%ution %ears to pay drawn in oreign service.
/01E +.In the case o a !overnment servant on oreign service*
whose pay is i$ed as in clause &%( o /ote ' under Rule 5C., and who
is entitled to passage concessions under the rules in Chapter KIII a
contri%ution or passages at the rates and on the conditions
mentioned in Rule 5+.5; should %e levied in addition to the leave and
pension contri%utions during the whole tenure o the !overnment
servant under the oreign employer* whether he may %e on leave or on
duty. 1he amount so recovered rom the oreign employer should %e
credited to the Receipt head o the .epartment to which the
!overnment servant permanently %elongs.
1hese orders also apply to !overnment servants o the
Education .epartment employed in Chies Colleges.
/01E ;.In the case o a !overnment servant in oreign service in
Pa>istan* a contri%ution on account o leave salary is recovera%le rom
the oreign employer and in return or this contri%ution !overnment
accepts the charge or leave salary. As the rates prescri%ed or such
contri%ution have %een calculated on the oasis o the leave on ull or
hal average pay normally ta>en %y a !overnment servant during the
total period o his service and do not ta>e into account any
compensatory allowance which may orm part o leave salary as
deined in Rule '.+; the whole e$penditure in respect o any
compensatory allowance or periods o leave in or at the end o
oreign service shall %e %orne %y the oreign employer. In order to
avoid any misunderstanding it is desira%le that a condition to this
eect should %e inserted in the terms o transer to oreign service.
Instruction.--Ahen a !overnment servant is transerred to oreign
service* or when the period o oreign service o a !overnment servant
is e$tended* It should %e stipulated that contri%utions or pensions*
leave salary and passages where the !overnment servant is entitled
to passage concessions* or or pension alone* as the case may %e* will
%e recovera%le at the rates in orce rom time to time. #imilarly* i the
!overnment servant is on a non-pensiona%le ooting and su%scri%ing
to a Contri%utory. Provident Fund and i he is allowed to retain this
privilege while in oreign service* the orders should speciy the
arrangement made with reerence to note + a%ove and state that these
will %e su%:ect to amendment conse9uent upon any revision o the
orders contained in that note. 1he necessity or ma>ing a stipulation
to this eect is impressed upon authorities competent to sanction
transers to oreign service o !overnment servants.
a) The rates of contributions ayable on account of ension and leave salary
shall be such as the co+etent authority +ay by -eneral order rescribe.
b) The rates of ension contribution are desi-ned to secure to the Govern+ent
servant the ension that he would have earned by service under Govern+ent if he
had not been transferred to forei-n service.
") The rates of contribution for leave salary are desi-ned to secure to the
Govern+ent servant leave salary on the scale and under the conditions alicable
to hi+. In calculatin- the rate of leave salary ad+issible, the ay drawn in forei-n
service less in the case of Govern+ent servants ayin- their own contributions
such art of ay as +aybe aid as contributions will;-
i. In the case of Govern+ent servants subject to the leave rules in
section II of Chater VIII, count as ay for the urose of Rule #./; and
ii. in the case of Govern+ent servants subject to the leave rules in
section III of Chater VIII, count for the urose of Rule I.'#* as ay on the last
day of duty in resect of the er+anent ost which the Govern+ent servant then
holds substantively or on which he holds a lien or would hold a lien if it had not
been susended.
/01E.1he rates o contri%utions prescri%ed under this rule and the
method o their calculation are given in Anne$ure F to this Chapter.
-6.-- & co+etent authority +ay re+it the contributions due in any secified case or
class of cases.
/01E 5.1he ollowing classes o !overnment servants are
e$empted rom the payment o contri%utions under this rule6-
5. Assistant 4edical 0icers on oreign service in local und
charita%le hospitals and dispensaries rom payment o leave
and pension contri%utions.
'. Aomen Assistant -4edical 0icers o provincial cadre
employed %y local %odies rom payment o leave contri%ution.
/01E '.#ee also note %elow paragraph + o Anne$ure F to this
-6.-2 If a contribution which is due in resect of a Govern+ent servant in forei-n service
is not aid within fifteen days fro+ the end of the +onth in which the ay on which
it is based has been drawn by the Govern+ent servant concerned, he or, where
the forei-n e+loyer has assu+ed liability for ay+ent of contribution, the forei-n
e+loyer +ust ay to Govern+ent unless secifically e0e+ted by a co+etent
authority, interest on the unaid contribution at the rate of four ies a day er Rs.
'%% uon the a+ount due, fro+ the date of e0iry of the eriod of fifteen days u
to the date on which the contribution is finally aid.
>here contributions are aid not in cash but by boo. adjust+ents in the accounts
+ade by the &ccountant-General any interest levied on overdue contributions should be
char-ed u to the date on which the adjust+ent is finally +ade in the accounts.
-6.-4 Interest on overdue contributions will only be re+itted in e0cetional circu+stances
when, for instance, the ay+ent of the contribution has been delayed throu-h no
fault of the Govern+ent servant of the forei-n e+loyer concerned. Interest will not
be re+itted, in conse6uence of delay on the art of the &ccountant-General to
+a.e a clai+, if the facts on which the clai+ is based were within the .nowled-e of
the Govern+ent servant for the forei-n e+loyer concerned.
-6.-7 & Govern+ent servant in forei-n service +ay not elect to withhold contributions
and to forfeit the ri-ht to count as duty id Govern+ent service the ti+e sent in
forei-n e+loy. The contribution aid on his behalf +aintains his clai+ to ension,
or to ension and leave salary, as the case +ay be, in accordance with the rules of
the service of which he is a +e+ber. Eeither he nor the forei-n e+loyer has any
ri-ht of roerty in a contribution, aid and no clai+ for refund can be entertained.
-6.-. & Govern+ent servant transferred to forei-n service +ust, before u his
duties in forei-n service, +a.e hi+self ac6uainted with the rules or arran-e+ents
which will re-ulate his leave durin- such service.
-6.-9 & Govern+ent servant in forei-n service in Pa.istan +ay not be -ranted leave
otherwise than in accordance with the rules alicable to the service of which he is
a +e+ber, and +ay not ta.e leave or receive leave-salary fro+ Govern+ent
unless he actually 6uits duty and -oes on leave.
/01E 5. A !overnment servant on oreign service in Pa>istan is
himsel personally responsi%le or the o%servance o this rule6 %y
accepting leave to which he is not entitled under the rules he renders
himsel lia%le to reund leave-salary irregularly drawn* and in the event
o his reusing to reund* to oreit his previous service under
!overnment* and to cease to have any claim on !overnment in
respect o either pension or leave-salary.
/01E '. For the restrictions in respect o the grant o leave
preparatory to retirement see note %elow Rule 5C.5,.
a) & Govern+ent servant in forei-n service out of Pa.istan +ay be -ranted
leave by his e+loyer on such conditions as the e+loyer +ay deter+ine. In any
individual case the authority sanctionin- the transfer +ay deter+ine before hand in
consultation with the e+loyer the conditions on which leave will be -ranted by the
e+loyer. The leave-salary hi resect of leave -ranted by the e+loyer will be aid
by the e+loyer and the leave will not be debited a-ainst the Govern+ent
servantDs leave account.
/01E.)eave granted under this clause should %e treated as leave
and not as duty or the purposes o pension.
b) In secial circu+stances, the authority sanctionin- a transfer to forei-n
service out of Pa.istan +ay +a.e an arran-e+ent with the forei-n e+loyer under
which leave +ay be -ranted to the Govern+ent servant in accordance with the
rules alicable to hi+ as a Govern+ent servant, if the forei-n e+loyer ays
leave contribution at the rate rescribed under Rule '%.'% !a". .
/01E.For the restrictions in respect o the grant o leave
preparatory to retirement see note %elow Rule 5C.5,.
-6.-8 & Govern+ent servant reverts fro+ forei-n service to Govern+ent service on the
date on which he char-e of his ost in Govern+ent service, rovided that, if
he leave on the conclusion of forei-n service before rejoinin- his ost, his
reversion shall effect fro+ such date as the co+etent authority +ay
/01E.Ahen a !overnment servant on oreign service in or out o
Pa>istan applies or leave preparatory to retirement* coupled with
permission to remain in the service o the oreign employer* leave may
%e granted only on the condition that the !overnment servant=s
reversion to !overnment service will* under this rule ta>e eect rom
the date o ta>ing leave. He will then get the concession o adding
leave-salary rom !overnment to pay drawn rom the oreign
employer* :ust as i he had %een permitted to ta>e private employment
during leave preparatory to retirement* %ut he will not %e a%le to
increase his pension %ecause his pension will thereater %e calculated
on the pay which he would have got on resuming duty in !overnment
service. 1he 9uestion o the !overnment servant=s reversion to
!overnment service need not %e pressed i he agrees not to continue
to wor> under the oreign employer or the period o leaveD that is* he
may have leave without reverting to !overnment service* and may
have his pension calculated on the pay which he would have drawn on
oreign service i under the rules such pay is permissi%le to count or
>here, however, a Govern+ent servant has been on forei-n service whether in or
out of Pa.istan for a considerable eriod a clai+ for the -rant of leave rearatory to
retire+ent and for drawal of leave salary in resect of such leave should be carefully
scrutinised and such leave should not ordinarily be -ranted. 2eave rearatory to
retire+ent is justified only in cases where a Govern+ent servant desires to establish
hi+self in new conditions and ossibly in new e+loy+ent but cannot be justified where
he is already well-established by len-th of service in e+loy+ent on forei-n service.
-6.-/ >hen a Govern+ent servant, reverts fro+ forei-n service to Govern+ent service,
his ay will cease to be aid by the forei-n e+loyer, and his contributions will be
discontinued with effect fro+ the date of reversion.
'((I+I&*S +& RE3UL'R ES+'BLISME*+
-6.26 >hen an addition is +ade to a re-ular establish+ent on the condition that its cost,
or a definite ortion of its cost shall be recovered fro+ the ersons for whose
benefit the additional establish+ent is created, recoveries shall be +ade under the
followin- rules@-
a) The a+ount to be recovered shall be the -ross sanctioned cost of the
service, or of the ortion of the service, as the case +ay be, and shall not vary with
the actual e0enditure of any +onth.
b) The cost of the service shall include contributions at such rates as +ay be
laid down under Rule '%.'% !a" and the contributions shall be calculated on the
sanctioned rates of ay of the +e+bers of the establish+ent.
") & co+etent authority +ay reduce the a+ount of recoveries or +ay entirely
fore-o the+.
/01E 5.Aith reerence to clause &c( all leave and pension
contri%utions recovera%le on account oYesta%lishments employed on
@illa%andi operations in all estates in the province have %een remitted.
/01E '. ---1he ollowing procedure shall %e adopted in applying the
rates o contri%utions prescri%ed under Rule 5C.5C &a( to cases alling
under this rule6-
i. Pension contri%ution.-In the case o a !overnment servant o
one o the Provincial #ervices* Class I* or holding a special post
o corresponding ran>* the amount to %e recovered as
contri%ution should %e the average o the rates prescri%ed in
columns ' and + o the ta%le in anne$ure F to this Chapter*
which may relate to him. In the case o a !overnment Provincial
#ervice* Class II* or holding a special post o corresponding
ran> servant o

a raction #u%ordinate #ervice o the total ma$imum

monthly pay o all the sanctioned posts e9ual to the average o
the percentages laid down in column ;G- o the ta%le reerred to
a%ove should %e levied.
ii. Contri%ution or leave salary-1he rate to %e applied in
calculating the amount to %e levied as contri%ution in respect o
a mem%er o one o the Provincial #ervices* Class 5 or holding a
special post o corresponding ran>* should %e the average o
the rates 3prescri%ed or !overnment servants su%:ect to the
special and ordinary leave rules in #ection II Chapter "III
whereas the actual percentage prescri%ed or other !overnment
servants should %e levied on the total sanctioned cost* or in the
case o time scales o pay on the average cost o all the posts
concerned in all other cases.
/01E +.1he ollowing rates o contri%utions shall apply in the case
o additions to the regular esta%lishment made prior to the date rom
which these rules come into orce6-
a( 1he additions made %eore the 5st August* 575+ are
su%:ect to the rates prescri%ed in the original Fith Edition o the
Civil #ervice Regulations* even though the encum%ents may
change or any urther additions %e made to the additional
esta%lishment* wide /ote + to Article 8,+* Civil #ervice
%( 1he rates o contri%utions applica%le to the additions
made on or ater the 5st August* 575+* and %eore the '8th
<anuary* 57''* are those prescri%ed in Articles 8B7 and 88C o
the Reprint o the Fith Edition o the Civil #ervice Regulations*
irrespective o any change o incum%ents or urther additions to
the additional esta%lishment.
c( 1he additions made on or ater the '8th <anuary* 57''*
are su%:ect* up to the ',th Fe%ruary* 57'7 to the rates laid down
in !overnment o India* Finance .epartment letters /o.B;.RF.*
dated the '8th <anuary* 57'' and /o. F. ,5 C.#.R.* ';* dated the
;th August 57'; and up to +5st .ecem%er* 57+,* to the rates
announced in !overnment o India* Finance .epartment*
Resolution /o.F. ,5. R.* 5.';* dated the 55th Fe%ruary 57'7* and
thereater to the rates announced in Pun:a% !overnment*
Finance .epartment* /otiication /o.8'B F. +7G5'5;7* dated '7th
4arch* 57+7.
d( In all cases* renewal o sanctions to additions to regular
esta%lishments should %e treated as new sanctions.
/01E ;.A contri%ution or passages should also %e levied where
necessary in respect o !overnment servants entitled to passage
concessions who orm additions to the regular esta%lishment under
this rule at the same rates as are applica%le to !overnment servants
entitled to passage concessions who are transerred to oreign
service* viL.* Rs. #0 per mensem in the case o !overnment servants
entitled to 5st Class C passage and Rs.+C per mensem in case o other
!overnment servants. In this case contri%ution should %e levied
during the whole period o service in the additional post including any
leave ta>en e$cept that it should not %e charged during leave where6-
a( the leave ta>en is leave preparatory to retirement Dor
%( the !overnment servant concerned will* on return rom
leave* %e given dierent duties and not return to the additional
postD or
c( the su%stitute in the additional post or the !overnment
servant on leave is entitled to passage concessions and a
contri%ution or passages is recovered on his %ehal.
/01E -.1he procedure laid down in note ' a%ove is also applica%le
to all !overnment Commercial concerns in which leave and
pensionary charges are ad:usted on contri%ution %asis in their regular
commercial accounts or in which pensionary charges are ta>en into
account in calculating the issue price o goods manuactured or ees
or services rendered or to any other department in which pensionary
charges are ad:usted in the regular accounts on the %asis o oreign
service contri%ution rates.
'**E1URE '
(Re:erre% to in note - to Rule -6.8)
The a+ount of re+uneration to be -ranted to a Govern+ent servant transferred to
forei-n service in Pa.istan should be re-ulated by the followin- rinciles@-
-. >hen the transfer of .a Govern+ent servant to forei-n service in
Pa.istan is sanctioned the ay which he shall receive in such service +ust be
recisely secified in the order sanctionin- the transfer. If it is intended that he
shall receive any re+uneration or enjoy any concession of ecuniary value, in
addition to his ay roer, the e0act nature of such re+uneration or concession
+ust be si+ilarly secified. Eo Govern+ent servant will be er+itted to receive
any re+uneration or enjoy any concession, which is not so secified; and, if the
order is silent as to any articular re+uneration or concession, it +ust be assu+ed
that the intention is that it shall not be enjoyed.
2. The followin- two -eneral rinciles +ust be observed in
sanctionin- the conditions of transfer;
a) The ter+s -ranted to the Govern+ent servant +ust not be such as to
i+ose an unnecessarily heavy burden on the forei-n e+loyer.
b) The ter+s -ranted +ust not be so -reatly in e0cess of the re+uneration
which the Govern+ent servant would receive in Govern+ent service as to render
forei-n service areciably +ore attractive than Govern+ent service.
/01E.1he intention o this principle is to prevent undue increase in
the emoluments o the individual !overnment servant transerred to
oreign service. His pay in oreign service should* thereore %e i$ed
rather with reerence to the post which he would have held in Pa>istan
had he not %een transerred* than with reerence to the post in
Pa>istan corresponding to that held %y him in oreign service6
3. Provided that, the two rinciles laid down in ara-rah !#" above
are observed, a co+etent authority +ay sanction the -rant of the followin-
concessions by the forei-n e+loyer. Such concessions +ust not be sanctioned
as a +atter of course but in those cases only in which their -rant is in accordance
with local custo+ and the wishes of the forei-n e+loyer, and is, in the oinion of
the co+etent authority justified by the circu+stances. The value of the
concessions +ust be ta.en into account in deter+inin- an aroriate rate of ay
for the Govern+ent servant in forei-n service@-
a) The ay+ent of contributions towards leave salary and ension under the
ordinary rules re-ulatin- such, contributions.
b) The -rant of travellin- allowance under the ordinary travellin- allowance rules
of the Punjab Govern+ent or under the local rules of the forei-n e+loyer and of
er+anent travellin- allowance, conveyance allowance and horse allowance.
") The use of tents, boats, and transort on tour, rovided that this is
acco+anied by a corresondin- reduction in the a+ount of travellin- allowance
%) The -rant of free residential acco++odation which +ay be furnished, in cases
in which the co+etent authority considers this to be desireable, on such scale as
+ay see+ roer to that authority.
e) The use of +otors, carria-es and ani+als.
f) Pay+ent by the forei-n e+loyer of such co+ensatory allowance as would be
aid by the Govern+ent at the station at which he is e+loyed in forei-n service,
were the Govern+ent servant in the service of Govern+ent.
7. The -rant of any concession hot secified in ara-rah !)" above
re6uires the sanction of the Ainance ,eart+ent.
5. Secific ter+s in re-ard to travellin- allowance to be allowed to
Govern+ent servants for journeys on transfers to forei-n service and on reversion
therefro+, should invariably be rescribed by sanctionin- authorities hi
consultation and a-ree+ent with the forei-n e+loyer, i.e., it should be +ade;
clear in the orders sanctionin- the transfer whether the travellin- allowance for
such journeys, which is ayable by the forei-n e+loyer, is to be re-ulated by the
Punjab Travellin- &llowance Rules or by the rules fra+ed by the forei-n e+loyer.
'**E1URE B
(Re:erre% to in note un%er Rule -6.-6)
The followin- rates of contributions have been rescribed by Govern+ent under
Rule '%.'% !a"@--
-. Rates of +onthly contribution for ension ayable durin- active
forei-n service in resect ofC
Len?t# o:
Members o: Class I
Pro=in"ial Ser=i"es
an% 3o=ernment
ser=ants #ol%in?
s<e"ial <osts o:
"orres<on%in? rank
>it# non-'siati"
Members o: Class I
Pro=in"ial Ser=i"es
an% 3o=ernment
ser=ants #ol%in?
s<e"ial <osts o:
"orres<on%in? rank
>it# 'siati"
Members o: Class II
Pro=in"ial Ser=i"es
an% 3o=ernment
Ser=ants #ol%in?
s<e"ial <osts o:
Members o: t#e
)ears P s. Rs.
Per"enta?e o: t#e
ma;imum mont#l$
<a$ o: t#e ?ra%e
substanti=el$ #el%
Per"enta?e o: t#e
ma;imum <a$ o:
t#e ?ra%e sub-
stanti=el$ #el%.
6.- 9 / 94 . 7
-.2 5 . 56 . 7
2.4 8 2 58 . .
4.7 8 -8 89 9 .
7.. / -7 /7 9 .
..9 -6 -6 -62 5 9
9.5 -- 9 --6 5 9
5.8 -2 2 --5 8 5
8./ -2 -/ -2. 8 5
/.-6 -4 -. -44 / 5
-6.-- -7 -- -7- / 8
--.-2 -. 5 -7/ -6 8Q
-2.-4 -9 4 -.5 -6 /
-4.-7 -9 -/ -97 -6 /
-7.-. -5 -9 -52 -- /
-..-9 -8 -2 -86 -- -6
-9.-5 -/ 8 -88 -2 -6
-5.-8 26 7 -/9 -2 -6
-8.-/ 2- 9 267 -4 --
-/.26 2- -9 2-- -4 --
26.2- 22 -4 2-/ -7 -2
2-.22 24 / 225 -7 -2
22.24 27 . 24. -. -2
24.27 2. - 274 -. -4
27.2. 2. -5 2.- -. -4
2..29 29 -4 2.8 -9 -7
29.25 25 / 299 -9 -7
25.28 28 9 257 -5 -7
28.2/ 2/ 2 282 -5 -.
o=er 2/. 2/ -8 2/6 -8 -.
i. Rates of +onthly contribution for leave salary ayable durin- active forei-n
service in resect of Govern+ent servants subject to the leave rules in Section II of
Chater VIII are as -iven below @--
Percentage o pay drawn in
oreign service.
8e+bers of the Class I Provincial Services and
Govern+ent servants holdin- secial osts of
corresondin- ran., subject to theD secial leave
-9 2B4
8e+bers of Class I Provincial Services and
Govern+ent servants holdin- secial osts of
corresondin- ran., subject to the ordinary leave
8e+bers of Class II Provincial Services,
Govern+ent servants holdin- secial osts of
corresondin- ran., and +e+bers, of Subordinate
-2 K
ii. Govern+ent servants subject to the 2eave Rules in Section III of Chater
/01E 5.In the case o contract oicers governed %y the leave terms
in Parts I and II o appendi$ 5B to the Civil #ervices Rules &Pun:a%(*
"olume I* Part II and who are transerred to oreign service the leave
salary contri%ution should %e recovered at the rates prescri%ed or
!overnment servants su%:ect to the )eave Rules in sections III and II
Chapter "III* respectively.
/01E '.1he authorities who are competent to sanction transers to
oreign service should determine or the Contract 0icer concerned*
ater ta>ing into consideration the terms o contract or i these are not
conclusive the pay and status in !overnment service* which o the
three prescri%ed rates o leave salary contri%ution is appropriate in
this case. 1he rate o leave salary contri%ution should %e also
speciied in the orders transerring such a Contract 0icer to oreign
4. The rate of forei-n service contribution in resect of inferior
servants will be as under@--
0or lea=e salar$ *il
0or <ension lB-9t#
/01E.1he non-recovery o contri%ution or leave salary in the case o
inerior !overnment servants transerred to oreign service should %e
considered as remission o such contri%ution under Rule 5C.55 o
these rules. It will* however* not eect the title o an inerior
!overnment servant to leave and leave salary under Rules ,.5 and
5C.5C &c( o these rules.
7. The followin- instructions should be observed in the calculation of
the a+ounts of contributions-
i. The ter+ Factive forei-n serviceF in ara-rahs ' and # above is intended to
include the eriod of joinin- ti+e which +ay be allowed to a Govern+ent servant
both on the occasion of his roceedin- to and revertin- fro+ forei-n service, and
accordin-ly contributions are leviable in resect of such eriods.
ii. F2en-th of ServiceF +eans the total eriod runnin- fro+ the date fro+ which
service for ension co++ences or is li.ely to co++ence includin- service, countin-
for ension under Rules ).'( and ).#% of Volu+e II of these rules.
iii. The sterlin- rates of ension contribution should be converted into Pa.istan
Currency at the unifor+ rate of ls.5d. to the ruee.
i=. The leave salary contribution for the eriod of joinin- ti+e ta.en by a
Govern+ent servant in continuation of leave under clause !b" of Rule (.' before
reversion fro+ forei-n service should be calculated on the ay he was -ettin-
i++ediately before he roceeded on leave.
=. In the case of a te+orary Govern+ent servant who is transferred to forei-n
service, it is for the co+etent authority to decide whether or not to recover ension
contributions havin- re-ard to the robabilities of the Govern+ent servants,
6ualifyin- for a ension. If it is decided to recover such contributions they should be
calculated, with reference to his len-th of service in the followin- +anner@-
a) if he is on a ti+e-scale of ay, on the +a0i+u+ of the ti+e-scale; and
b) if he is on a fi0ed rate of ay, on that ay.
In such cases the recovery of contributions for leave salary does not resent any
difficulty the a+ounts bein- calculated
Volu+e II of these rules the eriod which they are once to add under that rule to
their service 6ualifyin- for suerannuation ension should be ta.en into account in
rec.onin- Flen-th of serviceF for deter+inin- the rates of forei-n service contribution on
account of ension rescribed above.
=ii. Govern+ent servants who were transferred to forei-n service before the *th
Sete+ber, '(#I, and who retire either directly at the end of their resent
sanctioned ter+ of forei-n service or within three years of its conclusion, should be
allowed ension calculated wholly or artly, as the case +ay be, on their ay in
forei-n service.
Chapter KI
--.-. Govern+ent servants aid fro+ local funds which are ad+inistered by Govern+ent
are subject to the rovisions of Chaters I to I7 and 7II to 7IV of these rules.
/01E 5.Employees o local unds administered %y !overnment who
are not paid rom general revenues and are thereore not government
servants* are su%:ect to the provisions o Chapters I to IK o these
/01E '.1he e$pression =local unds which are administered %y
!overnment means unds administered %y %odies which %y law or rule
having the orce o law come under the control o !overnment in
regard to proceedings generally and not merely in regard to speciic
matters* such as the sanctioning o the %udget or sanction to the
creation or illing up o particular posts or the enactment o leave*
pensions or similar rulesD in other words it means unds over whose
e$penditure !overnment retains complete and direct control.
--.2. The transfer of Govern+ent servants to service under local funds which are not
ad+inistered by Govern+ent will be re-ulated by the rules in Chater 7.
--.4. Persons transferred to Govern+ent service fro+ a local fund which is not
ad+inistered by Govern+ent will be treated as joinin- a first ost under
Govern+ent, and their revious service will not count as duty erfor+ed. &
co+etent authority +ay, however, allow revious service in such cases to count
as duty erfor+ed on such ter+s as it thin.s fit.
/01E 5.2ninterrupted service rendered %y .istrict 4edical 0icers
o Health under .istrict Foards only prior to 5st April* 57'8* the date o
their Provincialisation* shall count or purposes o i$ing their pay
under this rule.
Chapter KII
3'IE++E( 3&VER*ME*+ SERV'*+S
-2.-. & record of the services of a -a1etted Govern+ent servant will be .et by the
&ccountant-General in such for+ as the &uditor-General +ay rescribe.
/01E---1he orm prescri%ed is A.1.C.+ &/ew(* Mvide Article 5,8 o
Audit Code &reproduced in Part II o Appendi$ II(.
*&*-3'IE++E( 3&VER*ME*+ SERV'*+S ser=i"e books
-2.2. & service boo. in the for+ rescribed by the &uditor-General in &rticle 'II of &udit
Code !reroduced in Part I of &endi0 II" +ust be +aintained for every non-
-a1etted Govern+ent servant holdin- a substantive ost on a er+anent
establish+ent, with the followin- e0cetions@-
a) Govern+ent servants the articulars of whose service are recorded in a
history of services or a service re-ister +aintained by the audit officer;
b) olice+en of ran. not hi-her than that of head constable;
") +e+bers of the :aluch 2evy u to and includin- the ran. of 4avildar; and
%) inferior servants of all sorts.
-2.4. In all cases in which a service boo. is necessary under Rule '#.# such a boo.
+ust be sulied for the Govern+ent servant at his own cost on his first
aoint+ent to Govern+ent service. It +ust be .et in the custody of the head of
the office in which he is servin- and transferred with hi+ fro+ office to office, but
should not be +ade over to hi+ nor should it be -iven to hi+ when roceedin- on
leave. >hen a non--a1etted Govern+ent servant officiates in a -a1etted ost the
service boo. should be .et by the head of the office to which he er+anently
belon-s, but when he is confir+ed in such a ost the service boo. should be
forwarded to the &ccountant-General for record. It +ay be -iven u to the
Govern+ent servant, if h- resi-ns or is dischar-ed fro+ the service without fault,
an entry to this effect bein- first +ade in the service boo..
>hen no lon-er re6uired by the audit office the service boo. belon-in- to a
ensioner +ay also be returned to hi+, if as.ed for by hi+, after his ension has been
sanctioned subject to the safe-uard that a closin- entry under the si-nature of the
authority sanctionin- the ension is +ade ro+inently in the boo. at the end of the record
of service as follows@-
FCCCleft the service on ension on !date"F and this boo. is returned to hi+ at his
own re6uest.
/01E.Ahenever a pensioner is re-employed* the service %oo> i
returned to him* should %e ta>en %ac> and a note regarding his re-
employment made therein. In the case o military pensioners and e$-
#ervice men* an entry regarding their past service and pay drawn
while in military service should also %e recorded.
-2.7. <very ste in a Govern+ent servantDs official life +ust be recorded in his service
boo., and each entry +ust be attested by the head of his office, or, if he hi+self is
the head of an office, by his i++ediate suerior. The head of the office +ust see
that all entries are duly +ade and attested, and that the boo. contains no erasure
or overwritin-, all corrections bein- neatly +ade and roerly attested.
/01E.1he head o an oice may authorise any gaLetted government
servant serving under him to attest entries in the service %oo> o a
non-gaLetted !overnment servant. 1his will not* however relieve the
head o the oice o his responsi%ility or the accuracy o the entries
so attested.
12.5. & record should be +ade in the service boo. of a Govern+ent servant of the
allocation of all leave ta.en by hi+ where such aortion+ent is necessary in
accordance with the rules for the allocation of leave salary of Govern+ent servants
who are transferred to service under another Govern+ent, vide &endi0 $ to
Punjab Ainancial Rules.
-2.9. <very eriod of susension fro+ e+loy+ent and every other interrution of
service +ust be noted, with full details of its duration, in an entry +ade across the
a-e of the service boo., and +ust be attested by the attestin- officer It is the duty
of the attestin- officer to see that such entries are ro+tly +ade.
-2.5. Personal certificates of character +ust not, unless the head of the deart+ent so
directs, be entered in a service boo., but, if a Govern+ent servant is reduced to a
lower substantive ost, the reason of the reduction +ust be briefly shown.
-2.8. It is the duty of every Govern+ent servant to see that his service boo. is roerly
+aintained as rescribed in rule '#.$ in order that there +ay be no difficulty in
verifyin- his service for ension. The head of the office should, therefore, er+it a
Govern+ent servant to e0a+ine his service boo. should he at any ti+e desire to
do so.
-2./. >hen a Govern+ent servant is transferred to forei-n service, the head of his office
or deart+ent +ust send his service boo. to the &ccountant-General, both at the
ti+e of his transfer to forei-n service and retransfer to Govern+ent service. Eo
entry relatin- to the ti+e sent in forei-n service +ay be attested by any authority
other than the &ccountant-General, See also &rticle 'I( of &udit Code
!reroduced in Part II of &endi0 II".
Ser=i"e Rolls
-2.-6. In the case of olice+en of ran. not hi-her than that of head constable, there +ust
be +aintained for each district by the Suerintendent of Police
a service roll in <n-lish in which the followin- articulars should be recorded for each
+an holdin- substantively a er+anent ost in the constabulary@-
a) The date of his enrol+ent.
b) 4is caste, tribe, a-e, hei-ht and +ar.s of identification when enrolled.
") The ran. which he fro+ ti+e to ti+e holds; his ro+otions; and his
reductions or other unish+ents.
%) 4is absence fro+ duty, with or without leave.
e) Interrution in his service.
:) <very other incident hi his service which +ay involve forfeiture of a ortion
of it, or +ay affect the a+ount of his ension.
The roll +ust be chec.ed by the vernacular roll and order boo. and the
unish+ent re-ister, and every entry in it +ust be si-ned by the Suerintendent.
-2.--. & service roll in for+ C.S.R.!Pb.", Eo./ should be +aintained for every other class
of non--a1etted Govern+ent servants for who+ no service boo. is necessary,
e0cet the Govern+ent servants +entioned in e0cetion !a" to rule '#.# and in rule
Chapter KIII
-4.-. & co+etent authority +ay -rant free assa-es to or fro+ Pa.istan in the followin-
a) to any Govern+ent servant aointed abroad for ublic service in Pa.istan
and return assa-e on the ter+ination of his aoint+ent;
b) in ur-ent cases where in its oinion it is desirable that a Govern+ent
servant or his deendants should leave Pa.istan, and where the ecuniary
circu+stances of the individuals concerned are such that they are unable to leave
without such assistance. In addition to the free assa-es travellin- e0enses by
rail to the ort of e+bar.ation +ay also be -ranted;
") a free return assa-e for any Govern+ent servant entitled to a return
assa-e on the ter+ination of his a-ree+ent, whose services are retained in the
ublic interest beyond the ori-inal eriod of his en-a-e+ent. The co+etent
authority +ay also sanction an e0tension of an ori-inal concession in re-ard to free
assa-es ho+e for Govern+ent servantDs fa+ily.
-4.2. & deart+ental officer of the co++issary class, or a deart+ental warrant officer,
in civil e+loy shall be entitled to the sa+e assa-e concessions as he would
receive if he were in +ilitary e+loy.
I. & co+etent authority +ay sanction the followin- ter+s for any
Govern+ent servant deuted out of Pa.istan@-
a) If the eriod of deutation is not e0ected to e0ceed one year or if the
eriod of deutation is e0ected to e0ceed one year and the Govern+ent servant
does not ta.e his fa+ily with hi+--
-. for the journey fro+ his head6uarters to the ort of e+bar.ation
travellin- allowance at the rate which would be ad+issible to hi+ were the journey
one on tour;
2. free assa-e !with diet" to the ort of debar.ation;
4. travellin- allowance at the rates ad+issible under the rules in
&endi0 '% fro+ the ort of debar.ation to destination in cases of deutations to
<uroe or &+erica, and actual travellin- e0enses in the case of deutations to
other countries;
7. actual e0enses incurred on account of doc. dues and assort
fees subject to roduction of receits;
.. si+ilar ter+s for the return journey.
b) If the eriod of deutation is e0ected to e0ceed one year and the
Govern+ent servant his fa+ily with hi+C
a) for the journey fro+ his head6uarters to the ort of e+bar.ation travellin-
allowance at the rates which would be ad+issible to hi+ were the journey one on
b) free assa-e !with diet" to the ort of debar.ation for hi+self and each
+e+ber of his fa+ily entitled to travellin- allowance under sub-clause !'";
") actual cost of transort of e0cess lu--a-e fro+ the ort of e+bar.ation to
the ort of debar.ation u to a +a0i+u+ of 5% +aunds;
%) for hi+self and fa+ily as described in sub-clause !#" travellin- allowance at
the rates ad+issible under the rules in &endi0 '% fro+ the ort of debar.ation to
destination in the case of deutations to <uroe or &+erica, and actual travellin-
e0enses in the case of deutations to other countries;
e) actual cost of transortin- lu--a-e fro+ the aroved ort of debar.ation to
destination within the li+it laid down in sub-clause!)";
:) actual e0enses incurred on account of doc. dues and assort fees
subject to roduction of receits;
?) si+ilar ter+s for the return journey.
/01EReturn tic>ets or steamer :ourneys should %e purchased in
cases where the period o deputation is not e$pected to e$ceed the
period or which such tic>ets are availa%le.
II. & co+etent authority +ay, in e0cetional circu+stances, sanction a
assa-e by air fro+ or to Pa.istan to a Govern+ent servant deuted out of
Pa.istan, and -rant to hi+ the ter+s detailed in clause !I", other than those relatin-
to his own assa-e and travellin- allowance for hi+self hi Pa.istan in lieu Rof
which the Govern+ent servant +ay be -ranted-
-. travellin- allowance for the journey fro+ his head6uarters to the airort fro+
which the assa-e has been sanctioned, at the rate which would be alicable
were the journey one on tour
2. free air assa-e to the airort of debar.ation;
4. in cases covered by clause !I" !a" the actual cost of transortin- lu--a-eC
a) fro+ his head6uarters to the sea ort at which he would have
e+bar.ed had he travelled by sea, subject to a li+it of one-fourth of the rail
fare between those two laces of the class to which he is entitled, and
b) fro+ the sea ort above +entioned to the ort at which he would
have this e+bar.ed had he travelled by sea, subject to a +a0i+u+ of the
char-es ayable for conveyance by sea of the a+ount of lu--a-e which he
would have carried free had a sea assa-e been sanctioned for hi+; and
7. si+ilar ter+s for the return journey.
/01E.A ree passage granted or !overnment purposes ought not
to %e used mainly or largely to ena%le a man to charge private
e$penses to !overnment. 1he grant o a return passage to Pa>istan
on conclusion o a deputation is conditional on !overnment servants=
return to duty orthwith on the conclusion o the deputation unless an
arrangement to the contrary eect should %e specially permitted at the
time the deputation closes* or is a%out to close* and any leave is
-4.7. The -rant of free assa-es to Govern+ent servants en-a-ed on contract is
re-ulated by the rules in &endi0 #'.
-4... Instructions re-ardin- the of assa-es are contained in &endi0 ##.
E;tent o: a<<li"ation
-4.9. The rules in this section aly to any Govern+ent servant who belon-s to a
service or holds substantively a er+anent ost secified in Schedule I or
Schedule II and was secially recruited overseas for service in Pa.istan in such
service or ost, and who at the date of his aoint+ent to such service on ost had
his do+icile elsewhere than in &sia@
Provided that, they shall not aly to any Govern+ent servant unless he elects in
writin- to fore-o any benefits in the +atter or free assa-es for hi+self or his fa+ily to
which he +ay be entitled under any other rules or orders or order or any a-ree+ent,
e0cet such assa-es to Pa.istan as +ay be -ranted on first aoint+ent@ Provided
further that, nothin- in these rules shall, e0cet with the e0ress sanction of the
co+etent authority, entitle a Govern+ent servant on robation to receive any assa-e
benefit to which he was not already entitled in resect of a voya-e co++enced rior to
the date of his confir+ation in the service to which he belon-s.
/01E.For the purpose o this rule the domicile o a !overnment
servant at the date o appointment shall %e determined in accordance
with the provisions set out in Appendi$ ; to these rules and clauses
&5( and &'( o rule ;.'* and the notes thereunder.
E$planation-- the case o oicers o non-Asiatic domicile directly
recruited in Pa>istan to a service or post in which the concession o
passage %eneits is admissi%le under the rules in this section* each
case or the grant o passage %eneits will %e decided %y !overnment
on its merits. 0icers o non-Asiatic domicile promoted rom lower
services to a service or post in which the concession o passage
%eneits is admissi%le* shall not %e eligi%le or the grant o passage
-4.5. Aor the uroses of the rules in this section-
a) Fassa-eF +eans a unit of credit in an individual assa-e account, and
reresents in the case of a Govern+ent servant or his wives one standard return
fare, and in the case of a child one standard sin-le fare;
b) Fstandard fareF +eans the cost for the ti+e bein-, accordin- to the table of
rates ublished by the P. 3 ?. Co+any, of an ordinary, as distinct fro+ off season for an adult, -ivin- first class C -rade acco++odation to services or osts
secified in Schedule I to this Chater, and a second class : assa-e in the case
of services or osts secified in Schedule II for a journey between Jarachi and
2ondon by +ail stea+er of that Co+any,
Fstandard sin-le fareF +eans a standard fare for a journey one way only, and
Fstandard return fareF +eans a standard fare for a journey both ways;
") Fort in Pa.istanF +eans-
-. in the case of journeys be-innin- or endin- by seaCthe actual
seaort in Pa.istan at which an entitled erson e+bar.s on or dise+bar.s fro+ a
stea+shi deartin- for or arrivin- fro+ a lace outside &sia as the case +ay be.
2. in the case of journeys be-innin- or endin- by land routes-
9uetta,Peshawar, or the actual official station of a Govern+ent servant in the
Punjab; and
4. in the case of journeys by airCJarachi !,ri-h Road" &ir Port.
/01E.1ourneys %y land routes will %e deemed to include
i. Bourneys by &f-hanistan or Iran, throu-h Russia or &sia 8inor to <uroe or
elsewhere ; and
ii. journeys by Ira6 and Syria, notwithstandin-, that they +ay be-in or end by
sea between Pa.istan and the Persian Gulf and include a sea journey
across the 8editerranean@
Provided that, they will not include land journey to or fro+ the ort of e+bar.ation
or dise+bar.ation, as the case +ay be, in Pa.istan.
%) Fort outside &siaF +eans and includesC
i. in the case of journeys be-innin- or endin- by seaCthe actual seaort of
arrival or dearture situated in the country of destination outside &sia, other than a
Channel ort in <n-land 2ondon bein- dee+ed to be the seaort of arrival or
dearture in the case of a sea journey be-innin- or endin- at a Channel ort in
<n-land; and
ii. in the case of journey be-innin- or endin- by land or air routesCthe actual
lace of destination or dearture situated in a country outside &sia, 2ondon bein-
dee+ed to be the lace of destination or dearture in the case of journeys by land
or air routes be-innin- or endin- at a Channel ort in <n-land@
e) FGovern+ent servantF +eans a Govern+ent servant to who+ these rules
f) FchildF +eans, e0cet in rule ').'/ a le-iti+ate child who is, if a +ale under
the a-e of '# or if a fe+ale under the a-e of #' and un+arried on the advertised
date of sailin- of the vessel in which the journey is erfor+ed or on the actual date
of co++ence+ent of the Tjourney, accordin- as the first art of the journey is +ade
by sea, or by land or air, and includes a ste-child or a child adoted under the
:ritish &dotion of Children &ct, '(#5, who is wholly deendent on a Govern+ent
servant ; and in rule ').'/ a le-iti+ate child or ste-child or a child adoted under
the :ritish &dotion of Children &ct, '(#5, of any a-e, who is wholly deendent on
the Govern+ent servant;
g) Fcost of a journeyF +eans in the case of a journey by sea or air, the cost of
that journey as fi0ed in the ublished rates for the ti+e bein- in force of the
stea+er or air transort co+any by whose vehicle the journey is +ade, and in the
case of a journey by a land route the actual cost incurred by the traveller for
conveyance on the journey.
/01E.Payment rom passage accounts o charges or
3supplements3 or superior accommodation i$ed in the pu%lished
rates o a company is permissi%le as part o cost o a :ourney.
/um%er o passages admissi%le
-. The +a0i+u+ benefits to which Govern+ent servants aointed
before attainin- the a-e of #5 years shall be entitled under these rules, shall beQ
a) In the case of a Govern+ent servant aointed on or after the 'st &ril,
i. for the Govern+ent servant hi+self, four return assa-es ;
ii. for his wives, the nu+ber of return assa-es shown in the followin- scale @--
!overnment servant=s total length o
service at date o marriage.
/um%er o return passages.
2ess than 5 years 7
5 years or over but less than -7 years 4
-7 years or over but less than 2- years 2
2- years and over 7
iii. for each child, one sin-le adult assa-e.
b) In the case of a Govern+ent servant aointed before the 'st &ril,D '()%@--
i. for the Govern+ent servant hi+self the nu+ber of return assa-es . shown $n the
followin- table @--
!overnment servant=s total length o
service on the 5st April* 57+C.
/um%er o return passages.
2ess than 5 years 7
5 years or over but less than -7 years 4
-7 years or over but less than 2- years 2
2- years and over 7
ii. for his wives, the sa+e nu+ber of return assa-es to which the Govern+ent
servant hi+self is entitled ; rovided that in the case of a Govern+ent servant who
was first +arried on or after the 'st &ril, '()%, the scale of benefits for his wives
shall be that rescribed in clause !a" !ii" ; and
iii. for each child one sin-le adult assa-e.
2. The +a0i+u+ benefits, to which Govern+ent servants aointed after
attainin- the a-e of #5 years shall be entitled under these rules,
a) In the case of a Govern+ent servant aointed on or after the 'st
&ril, '()%--
i. for the Govern+ent servant hi+self, the nu+ber of return assa-es shown in the
followin- scale @--
!overnment servant=s age at date o
/um%er o return passages.
=nder 4- years 7
4- years or over but under 48 years 4
48 years or over but under 7. years 2
7. years or over -
ii. for his wives, the sa+e nu+ber of return assa-es to which the Govern+ent
servant hi+self is entitled @
Provided that, in the case of a Govern+ent servant who was first +arried after the
date of his aoint+ent the scale of benefits for his wives shall be as follows @--
!overnment servant=s age at date o
/um%er o return passages.
=nder 4- years 7
4- years or over but under 48 years 4
48 years or over but under 7. years 2
7. years or over -
iii. for each child, one sin-le adult assa-e.
b) In the case of a Govern+ent servant aointed before the 'st &ril, '()%-- 48 years or over but under 7. years 2
7. years or over -
ii. for his wives, the sa+e nu+ber of return assa-es to which the Govern+ent
servant hi+self is entitled @
Provided that, in the case of a Govern+ent servant who was first +arried on or
after the 'st &ril, '()%, the scale of benefit for his wives shall be that rescribed in the
roviso to clause !a" !ii" ; and
iii. for each child, one sin-le adult assa-e.
4. & Govern+ent servant shall be entitled for a second or subse6uent wives to
either the benefits set out in the aroriate table hereinbefore contained or any
benefits which were available to hi+, but were not utilised, for the wives by the
i++ediately rior +arria-e, whichever are less.
Passage Accounts
-4./. & searate account shall be oened in sterlin- by the &ccountant-General, Punjab,
for each Govern+ent servant and if he is +arried, for his wives and for each child.
Subject to the rovisions of rule ').'), these accounts shall be credited,
resectively with the nu+ber of assa-es to which the Govern+ent servant, his
wives and children are entitled under rule ').I or rule ').') as the case +ay be,
and no transfer of any credit shall be +ade fro+ one account to another. >ithin the
a+ount of theseD credits, the Govern+ent servant shall be entitled to draw for
hi+self, his wives and his children, resectively, the cost of a journey between a
ort in Pa.istan and a ort outside &sia ; rovided that, the a+ount drawn fro+ an
individual account shall not e0ceed a standard sin-le fare in the case of a sin-le
journey, and a standard returnR fare in the case of a return journey, save in resect
of a child under '# in whose case the a+ount drawn shall not e0ceed the cost of a
half standard sin-le or return fare, as the case +ay be.
1. Pay+ent for all sea or air journeys shall be +ade by the Stea+shi
&ccountant - General, Punjab, to the HHHHHHHHHHH co+anies either direct or
reco-nised fir+s of assen-er &ir Transort throu-h HHHHHHHHHHHH and not to the
Govern+ent servants their accredited a-ents the+selves.
2. Pay+ent on account of journeys e0ceted in clause !'" and journeys by
land routes shall be +ade by the &ccountant-General, Punjab, to the Govern+ent
servant the clai+.
-4.--. The accounts +entioned in rule ').( shall be debited with the su+s actually drawn
fro+ -eneral revenues under that rule.
-4.-2. >hen a standard fare is increased or decreased, the balance at credit of each
account referred to in rule ').( shall be increased or decreased, as the case +ay
be, in roortion to the increase or decrease in that fare.
1. In the case of ensionable Govern+ent servants en-a-ed on
contract for definite eriods and of Govern+ent servants whose service is not
ensionable, no credit, shall be +ade under rule ').( in such Govern+ent
servantDs ersonal account or in those of his wives and children until he has
co+leted five yearsD service fro+ the date of his aoint+ent to a 6ualifyin- ost
or service, and a second, third and fourth assa-e, if due under the rovisions of
rule ').I shall not be credited to the Govern+ent servantDs account or that of his
wives until the Govern+ent servant has co+leted *,'% and '* years service,
resectively, fro+ the date with effect fro+ which the first credit is +ade @ rovided
that, if before the conclusion of any such 6uin6uennial eriod of service, any such
Govern+ent servant alies to the sanctionin- authority to receive any benefits
rescribed in these rules for hi+self, his wives or his children, as the case +ay be,
he +ay be -ranted such benefits u to the value in each case of the a+ount which
will fall due to be credited to his account on behalf of hi+self, his wives or his
children at the conclusion of such eriod of service, on his satisfyin- the
sanctionin- authority that he intends to co+lete the said eriod of service, and on
his enterin- into a written a-ree+ent to that effect in the for+ rescribed by the
sanctionin- authority.
/01E.--A return tic>et shall %e ta>en in respect o a return :ourney in
cases in which it is possi%le to &<o so. I* however* such a :ourney is
perormed on two single tic>ets* the aggregate that can %e drawn rom
an account in respect o the two single :ourneys shall not e$ceed a
standard return are.
E$planation &5(. 1he written underta>ing to %e urnished %y an oicer
who is sanctioned an advance under this rule need not %e such as can
%e legally enorced. It is suicient or the purpose o this rule i the
written agreement is e$pressed in the orm o 3I here%y underta>e to
continue in !overnment service up to.
E$planation &'(. 1he e$pression 31he date with eect rom which the
irst credit is made*3 in this rule means the date on which the irst
credit is aorded in the personal passage account o the oicer.
E$planation &+(. 1he e$pression E1he date with eect rom which the
irst credit is made*3 in rule 5+.5+&5( means the date on which the irst
credit is aorded in the personal passage account o the !overnment
2. Aor the uroses of this rule, the sanctionin- authority shall be
the authority which is e+owered to -rant leave to the Govern+ent servant
Passages during the periods o oreign service and during service under other
-4.-7. &ny benefits for hi+self and for his wives to which a Govern+ent servant is entitled
under rule ').I shall be in abeyance for any eriod of forei-n service in resect of
which it has been a-reed between the Govern+ent and the forei-n e+loyer that
the Govern+ent servant shall receive fro+ the forei-n e+loyer any concessions
of the .ind conte+lated in these rules, and the su+s credited to the accounts of
the Govern+ent servant and his wives shall be reduced by one-seventh of a
standard return fare for each co+leted year of such eriod.
In the case of other Govern+ent servants entitled to #nd class : assa-es who
are on forei-n service in. resect of which there is no a-ree+ent about ay+ent of
assa-e benefits by the forei-n e+loyer, a contribution fi0ed at the rate of Rs. )% er
+ense+ will be levied fro+ all forei-n e+loyers under who+ such Govern+ent servants
+ay be servin-. In the case of Govern+ent servants entitled to 'st class C assa-es who
are on forei-n service in resect of which there is no a-ree+ent about ay+ents of
assa-es benefits by the forei-n e+loyer, a contribution at the rate of Rs. *% er
+ense+ will be levied fro+ all forei-n e+loyers under who+ such Govern+ent servants
+ay be servin-. The contribution shall be ayable throu-hout the Govern+ent servantDs
service under the forei-n e+loyer, i.e., whether he is on duty or on leave. This
contribution shall be credited to rovincial revenues and not to the accounts of the
Govern+ent servant and his wives.
13.15. If the services of Govern+ent servants who are ad+itted to these assa-e
concessions are transferred to the Central Govern+ent or to another rovincial
Govern+ent, adjust+ent should be +ade in resect of such Govern+ent servants
on the basis of the forei-n service rate of contribution !i.e., Rs. *% for Govern+ent
servants entitled to 'st class C assa-e and Rs. )% er +ense+ for Govern+ent
servants entitled to #nd class : assa-e" and the rocedure adoted for the
urose should be the sa+e, +utatis +utandis, as laid down in rule ## of the
Rules for the &ccountin- and &uditin- of the assa-e concessions contained in
&endi0 '*, &udit Code, Volu+e II !Airst <dition-Second rerint of '()*".
Passa?es a:ter retirement
2. & Govern+ent servant is entitled to the benefits rovided by these
rules in resect of any journey between a ort in Pa.istan and a ort outside &sia
erfor+ed by hi+self or his wives or any of his children before the date of his
retire+ent@ rovided that C
a) If a Govern+ent servant is roceedin- out of &sia on leave
rearatory to retire+ent, he, his wives or any of his children shall be entitled to
receive, so far as their resective credits er+it the benefits ad+issible under rule
').I for a sin-le journey,
b) If a Govern+ent servant havin- roceeded out of &sia on
leave with the intention of returnin- to duty in Pa.istan and havin- drawn for
hi+self, his wives or any of his children the benefits ad+issible under rule ').I for
a return journey, retires durin- or on the ter+ination of such leave, he shall !unless
the Govern+ent is satisfied that the return to Pa.istan of the Govern+ent servant
or any +e+ber of his fa+ily is justified" refund to their resective assa-e
accounts, the difference between the benefits ad+issible under rule ').I for a
return and a sin-le journey.
4. & Govern+ent servant, his wives or any of his children shall be
entitled to receive, so far as their resective credits er+it, the benefits ad+issible
for a sin-le journey under rule ').I, in resect of a journey fro+ a ort in Pa.istan
to a ort outside &sia co++enced within si0 and co+leted within twelve +onths
after the Govern+ent servantDs retire+ent.
Passa?es :or >i:e an% "#il%ren in "ase o: a 3o=ernment ser=antQs %eat#
-4.-5. Eotwithstandin- anythin- elsewhere contained in these rules, if a Govern+ent
servant dies while in service his wives and each of his children shall be entitled, at
any ti+e not bein- +ore than one year fro+ the date of his death, to receive fro+
-eneral revenues the cost of a sin-le journey fro+ a ort in Pa.istan to their
destination outside Pa.istan, such cost not to e0ceed one standard sin-le fare for
each such erson@
Provided that, the co+etent authority +ay, in secial cases, e0tend the said
eriod of one year to any eriod not e0ceedin- two years.
)apse o %alance in the passage account
-4.-8. &ny balance re+ainin- at the credit of any erson in his or her ersonal account
after such erson has ceased to be eli-ible for any benefits under these rules shall
lase to Govern+ent
Additions to #chedule
-4.-/. The co+etent authority +ay, fro+ ti+e to ti+e, by notification in the Punjab
Ga1ette add any service or ost to those included in Schedule and uon such
notification, the rovisions of the Schedules and of the rules relatin- to it shall be
alicable to the +e+bers of the service or the holders of the osts so added.
#upplementary rules
-4.26. The co+etent authority +ay, fro+ ti+e to ti+e, by notification in the Punjab
Ga1ette +a.e sule+entary rules to carry out the uroses and objects of these
/01E.1he supplementary rules* governing the procedure relating to
the grant o passage %eneits* issued under this rule are reproduced in
anne$ure to this Chapter.
Ser=i"es an% <osts entitle% to -st "lass C Passa?es
FSee rules -4.9 an% -4.5 (b)G
The Punjab <ducational Service, Class '.
The Punjab &-ricultural Service, Class '.
The Punjab Veterinary Service, Class '.
The Punjab Service of <n-ineers !:uildin-s and Roads :ranch"
The Punjab Service of <n-ineers, Class ' !Irri-ation :ranch"
The Punjab Aorest Service, Class '.
The ost of Suerintendent, Rawalindi Central Bail, while held by Catain <. 8.
4odder, I. &
The osts of <0ecutive, Resident, ,euty Chief, and Chief <n-ineers in the
<lectricity :ranch while held by officers esecially recruited overseas for service in
Pa.istan fro+ the date of their confir+ation in the Punjab Service of <n-ineers, <lectricity
/01E.4r. ". F. Critchley* Chie Engineer* Electricity Franch* is
entitled to the %eneits o these rules rom the date o his appointment
in the Pun:a% Pu%lic Aor>s .epartment* Electricity Franch.
(Re:erre% to in note un%er rule -4.26)
3R'*+ &0 P'SS'3E BE*E0I+S.
-) <very Govern+ent servant a clai+ for assa-e benefit shall +a.e an
alication !i" in the case of a journey co++encin- fro+ a Fort in Pa.istanF to the
&ccountant-General, Punjab and !ii" in the case of a journey co++encin- fro+ a
Fort outside &sia,F to the 4i-h Co++issioner or &+bassador for Pa.istan.
-. The alication shall be +ade sufficiently in advance of the
date of the co++ence+ent of the journey and shall secifyH
i. the erson or ersons in resect of who+ clai+ is +ade;
ii. the route selected for each erson and whether the journey will be erfor+ed
wholly or artly by sea, air or land route;
iii. the a+ount clai+ed for each erson in resect of journey by land route;
/01E. <ourney %y land route includes a :ourney made %y a
!overnment servant in his own car.
i=. any other fact relevant to the clai+.
2. If the alication is +ade to the 4i-h Co++issioner or &+bassador, the
Govern+ent servant +ust resent with the alication a certificate fro+ the
&ccountant-General, Punjab, statin- the a+ount in the ersonal assa-e account
at the credit of each erson for who+ the benefit is clai+ed.
3. The Govern+ent servant shall be bound to furnish any further at ion 8Uat
the &ccountant-General or the 4i-h Co++issioner, as the case +ay fit to call for.
3) ?n bein- satisfied that the clai+ is in order--
a) The &ccountant-General, PunjabG 4i-h Co++issioner
shall ay or arran-e to ay to the Govern+ent servant in cash the total a+ount
clai+ed by hi+ in resect of journeys by land route of the ersons included in his
clai+ and shall obtain fro+ the Govern+ent servant a receit for the a+ount so
aid. This ay+ent shall be rovisional. It shall be +ade before the co++ence+ent
of the journey and adjusted subse6uently as rovided in rule * below; and
b) the &ccountant-General, PunjabG 4i-h Co++issioner
shall, inti+ate the fact of the ay+ent and the total a+ount aid under sub - clause
!a" above to the HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ; 4i-h Co++issionerG &ccountant-General,
Punjab and
2. the &ccountant-General, PunjabG 4i-h
Co++issioner shall, furnish to the alicant a certificate certifyin- !balance"
available for each erson for journeys by sea or air, and statin- that a assa-e
+ay be en-a-ed for each such erson at the char-e of -eneral revenues u to the
said a+ount. The certificate shall also state that any refund clai+ed in resect of a
assa-e en-a-ed on the certificate shall be +ade to the &ccountant-General,
Punjab G4i-h Co++issioner
Provided that, the a+ount aid in cash under clause !'" above lus the a+ount
certified in clause !#" above shall in no case e0ceed the +a0i+u+ a+ount that can be
drawn fro+ the individual account concerned under rule ').(.
7) Eotwithstandin- anythin- contained in rules # and ) above, the a+ount clai+ed for
that art of a journey which is erfor+ed by land route on a throu-h issued
by a stea+shi or air transort co+any +ay be included, if so, re6uested by the
Govern+ent servant, in the a+ount certified under rule )!#" above.
1. :ourneys %y land route--- In resect of the
a+ount aid in cash under rule ) !l"above, the Govern+ent servant shall, on
co+letion of the journey, sub+it a certificate in the followin- for+@-
J-. I certify that the total cost, the details of which are as stated below actually
incurred by +e for conveyance on the journey fro+ CCCCCCCCCCC to
-. Aood.
2. 2od-in-.
4. Transort char-es.
2. I certify that I erfor+ed the journey in +y own car.F
a) The certificate rescribed in clause !'" above, shall be acceted as final
dischar-e in resect of the a+ount stated therein and the &ccountant-General,
Punjab, shall +a.e adjust+ent accordin-ly.
b) If the a+ount ori-inally aid to the Govern+ent servant in cash is +ore than
the a+ount certified by hi+, the difference shall be recovered fro+ hi+.
c) If the a+ount ori-inally aid to the Govern+ent servant in cash is less than
the a+ount certified by hi+, the Govern+ent servant shall be entitled, if he so
?nly in the case of overland journeys in Govern+ent servantDs own car.
elects, to receive a further ay+ent in cash fro+ the individual assa-e account
concerned of an a+ount not e0ceedin- the difference between the a+ount actually
sent by hi+ and the a+ount ori-inally aid to hi+, rovided that in no case shall
the total of the a+ount aid to hi+ in resect of the land journey and the a+ount
aid for his seaGair assa-e e0ceed the +a0i+u+ a+ount ad+issible to hi+ under
the Passa-e Rules in Chater 7III.
3. In the case of journeys endin- at a Fort
outside &sia,F the certificate rescribed in clause !'" above shall be sub+itted to
the 4i-h Co++issioner, who shall scrutinise it and after the recovery, if
any, in accordance with clause !#" !b" above, shall trans+it it to the &ccountant-
General, Punjab.
In other cases, the certificate shall be sub+itted to the &ccountant-General,
Punjab, who will +a.e the recovery, if any, due under clause !#" !b" above.
7. & clai+ for a further ay+ent in cash,
sub+itted under clause !#" !c" above shall not be aid e0cet on the authority of
the &ccountant-General, Punjab.
E$ception---The Govern+ent servant shall not be re6uired to sub+it the certificate
rescribed above in resect of a journey between a 8editerranean Port and 2ondon, if
the a+ount clai+ed by hi+ in resect of such journey is )I or less. In such cases the
ori-inal ay+ent will be treated as final.
1. Passages %y sea or air>hen the Govern+ent servant en-a-es the
assa-e or assa-es by seaGby air, he will resent the certificate -ranted under
rule ) !#" above to the stea+shiGair transort co+any, and if the cost of any
assa-e en-a-ed by hi+ e0ceeds the a+ount entered in the certificate, the
difference +ust be aid by the Govern+ent servant hi+self.
2. If for any reason the Govern+ent servant after obtainin- the certificate; but
before resentin- it to the stea+shiGair transort co+any, finds that he does not
desire to use it, he shall return it without delay to the &ccountant-General, Punjab,
or the 4i-h Co++issioner, as the case +ay be.
4. If the Govern+ent servant, after resentin- the certificate to the
stea+shiGair transort co+any, cancels the assa-es which he has en-a-ed, he
shall at once infor+ the &ccountant-General, Punjab, or the 4i-h Co++issioner,
as the case +ay be, that he has done so; he shall also ta.e stes to recover the
certificate fro+ the stea+shiGair transort co+any and return it to the
&ccountant-General, Punjab, or the 4i-h Co++issioner.
7. If the Govern+ent servant cancels a assa-e en-a-ed by hi+, for the cost
of which the stea+shiGair transort co+any has resented a clai+ for ay+ent,
he shall, not only co++unicate with the co+any but also i++ediately infor+ the
&ccountant-General, Punjab, or the 4i-h Co++issioner, as the case +ay be, who
will aly to the stea+shiGair transort co+any for a refund.
.. &ny a+ount forfeited by the Govern+ent servant as a result of cancellin- a
assa-e in circu+stances where the stea+shiGair transort co+any is entitled to
clai+ such forfeiture +ay be debited to the assa-e account concerned.
7) Rules ' to 5 above do not aly in their entirety to cases in which a Govern+ent
servant in Pa.istan wishes to obtain a assa-e or assa-es for his fa+ily resident
outside &sia. In such cases the alication shall, in the first instance be +ade to
the &ccountant-General, Punjab, and shall secify the infor+ation detailed in rule #
!'" above. The &ccountant-General, Punjab, shall disose of the clai+ in
accordance with rule ) !'" !a" and ) !#" above. In resect of the a+ount aid to
hi+ in cash the Govern+ent servant shall sub+it a certificate as rescribed in rule
* above after the journey has been co+leted by his fa+ily. The certificate -ranted
by the &ccountant-General, Punjab, shall be sent by the Govern+ent servant to
the 4i-h Co++issioner with full infor+ation as re-ards the stea+er or air line and
the route by which it is desired to travel and the class of acco++odation re6uired.
?n receit of the certificate and the infor+ation, the 4i-h Co++issioner will on
behalf of the Govern+ent servant, arran-e with the stea+shiGair transort
co+any for the re6uired assa-es.
If the cost of any such assa-e e0ceeds the a+ount certified by the &ccountant-
General, Punjab, the Govern+ent servant +ust arran-e for the ay+ent of the difference
to the 4i-h Co++issioner before the assa-e is en-a-ed. &s soon as the necessary
arran-e+ents have been +ade by the 4i-h Co++issioner, he will inti+ate the fact with
full articulars to the Govern+ent servant concerned, as well as to the &ccountant-
General, Punjab. If for any reason the Govern+ent servant after obtainin- the certificate
fro+ the &ccountant-General, Punjab, but before forwardin- it to the 4i-h Co++issioner
does not desire to use it, he shall return it without delay to the &ccountant-General,
Punjab. If, after forwardin- the certificate to the 4i-h Co++issioner, it is found that the
assa-es are not re6uired or if assa-es already en-a-ed are cancelled, the
Govern+ent servant will be resonsible for inti+atin- the fact ro+tly to the 4i-h
Co++issioner, and for returnin- the or tic.ets to the 4i-h Co++issioner. 4e will be
si+ilarly resonsible for inti+atin- ro+tly to the stea+shiGair transort co+any the
cancellation of a assa-e already en-a-ed. ?n receit of inti+ation, the 4i-h
Co++issioner will ta.e stes to obtain a refund fro+ the stea+shiGair transort
co+any, where necessary, and will also infor+ the &ccountant-General, Punjab, of the
non-utilisation of a certificate resented to hi+ or the cancellation of a assa-e.
8) If a Govern+ent servant draws for his wives or any of his children the benefits
ad+issible under rule ').( for a return journey, he shall +a.e a declaration in due
course to the &ccountant-General, Punjab, that the second halves of the return
tic.ets have been utilised by the ersons for who+ the benefits were drawn. If the
second halves of the tic.ets are not so utilised the Govern+ent servant shall return
the+ to the &ccountant-General, Punjab, who will ta.e stes to obtain a refund
fro+ the stea+shiGair transort co+any.
/) In ur-ent or secial cases the co+etent authority +ay sanction such
+odifications of the rocedure rescribed in these rules as it +ay dee+ to be
-6) The 4i-h Co++issioner and the &ccountant-General, Punjab, +ay adot, in
e0cetional cases not covered by the Rules in this &nne0ure, a suitable rocedure,
rovided that the sirit of any Rule is not contravened.
Chapter KI"
CL'SSI0IC'+I&* &0 SERVICES (I*CLU(I*3 ME+&( &0 RECRUI+ME*+ '*(
'PP&I*+ME* +ERE+& '*( *UMBER '*( C'R'C+ER &0 P&S+S), C&*(UC+
'*( (ISCIPLI*E '*( PU*ISME*+S '*( 'PPE'LS
(a) 3eneral
-7.-. :esides the &ll-Pa.istan Services which are under the control of the
Governor-General the services under the ad+inistrative control of the Punjab
Govern+ent consist of the followin- classes@-
i. the Provincial Services; and
ii. the Subordinate Services.
-7.2. In the case of a erson to who+ these rules aly and who is not already included
in any of the classes -iven in rule '$.' the co+etent authority shall decide the
class to which he shall belon-.
-7.4. Save where his for+er aoint+ent has been ter+inated by his re+oval under rule
'$.'% !vi" no aoint+ent of a erson who is included in a service to any other
service or ost shall oerate to derive hi+, without his consent, of any ri-ht or
rivile-e to which he +ay have been entitled as a +e+ber of his for+er service.
-7.7. & co+etent authority +ay +a.e rules re-ulatin- !'" the +ethod of recruit+ent to
the different services, !#" the stren-th, !includin- both the nu+ber and character of
osts" of such services, and !)" the of first aoint+ent to the different
/01E 5.Rules relating to the su%:ects mentioned in this rule or the
dierent services have %een issued separately %y the departments
/01E '.1his rule in so ar as it provides or the num%er and
character o posts and their rates o pay to %e determined %y rule
cannot suita%ly %e applied in respect o all ministerial and petty
oicers and inerior servants. Accordingly these !overnment servants
have %een e$cluded rom the operation o this rule to that e$tent.
/01E +.1he e$tent to which the various departments and heads o
departments or other su%ordinate authorities e$ercise powers to in
respect o the creation or a%olition o %oth permanent and temporary
posts and the varying o emoluments o post are given in Chapters K"
and K"I.
/01E ;.Although a competent authority has ull powers to create
posts and to i$ the pay thereo under this rule* the !overnor-
!eneral=s #anction is necessary to the holding in a%eyance o a
=reserved= post and the creation in its place o a temporary post o
dierent status.
(b) Pro=in"ial Ser=i"es.
14.5. The Provincial Services consist of such services as the co+etent authority +ay
fro+ ti+e to ti+e declare by notification in the Punjab Ga1ette to be included in the
Provincial Services.
/01EFor the list o services declared as provincial services see
#chedule at the end o this Chapter.
Subor%inate Ser=i"es
-7.9. Subordinate Services include ersons to who+ these rules aly and who are not
already included in any of the services co+rised in clause !i" of rule '$.'.
SEC+I&* II--C&*(UC+ '*( (ISCIPLI*E
-7.5. & co+etent authority +ay +a.e rules to re-ulate the conduct of the +e+bers of
the Provincial and Subordinate Services and holders of secial osts.
/01E.Rules issued under this rule are contained in Appendi$ '+ to
these rules.
(i) E;tent o: a<<li"ation.
i. Subject to the rovisions of section #$) of the Govern+ent of India &ct,
'()*, and clause !if" below the rules in this section Ocalled the Punjab Civil
Services !Punish+ent and &eal" RulesL shall aly to all ersons servin- 4is
8ajesty in a civil caacity in connection with the affairs of the Punjab.
ii. Eothin- in these rules shall aly to--
a) ersons for whose aoint+ent and conditions of service secial
rovision is +ade by or under any law for the ti+e bein- in force;
b) ersons aointed to a civil service or civil ost by the Governor-
This section contains the Punjab Civil Services !Punish+ent and &eal" Rules issued by the Punjab
Govern+ent under clause !b" of subsection !#" of section #$' of the -overn+ent of India &ct, '()*.
") ersons e+loyed te+orarily, on the ter+s that their aoint+ent
+ay be ter+inated on one +onthDs notice or less !&endi0 #";
%) ersons in resect of whose conditions of service secial rovisions
has been +ade by a-ree+ent entered into before or after these rules were +ade;
e) any class of ersons in resect of who+ the Govern+ent a
declaration that their conditions of service shall not be -overned by these rules
!&endi0 #$"@
Provided that, in resect -of any +atter not covered by the rovisions secial to
hi+, his service or his ost, these rules shall aly to any erson co+in- within the scoe
of e0cetion !d" above to who+ but for this e0cetion the rules would otherwise aly.
14.9. &ll owers, ri-hts and re+edies rovided by these rules are in addition to and not
in dero-ation of, the rovisions of other rules +ade under section #$' of the
Govern+ent of India &ct, '()*.
-7.-6. The followin- enalties +ay, for -ood and sufficient reasons as hereinafter
rovided, be i+osed uon +e+bers of the services to which these rules are
alicable, na+ely@ -
i. Censure;
ii. >ithholdin- of incre+ents or ro+otion, includin- stoa-e at an efficiency
iii. Reduction to a lower ost or ti+e-scale, or to a lower sta-e in a ti+e-scale;
iv. Recovery fro+ ay of the whole or art of any ecuniary loss caused to
Govern+ent by ne-li-ence or breach of orders;
=. Susension;
=i. Re+oval fro+ the civil service of the Crown, which does not dis6ualify fro+
future e+loy+ent;
=ii. ,is+issal fro+ the civil service of the Crown, which ordinarily dis6ualifies
fro+ future e+loy+ent.
E$planation--+#e %is"#ar?e--
a) of a erson aointed on robation, durin- the eriod of robation.
b) of a erson aointed otherwise than under contract to hold a
te+orary aoint+ent, on the e0iration of the eriod of the aoint+ent.
") of a erson en-a-ed under contract, in accordance with the ter+s
of his contract does not a+ount to re+oval or dis+issal within the +eanin- of this
/01E 5.Punishing authorities have ull discretion to pu%lish in the
Pun:a% !overnment !aLette reasons or dismissal where such
pu%lication is considered desira%le in the pu%lic interest.
/01E '.In order to guard against the inadvertent re-employment o
persons dismissed rom !overnment service the authority passing an
order o dismissal should intimate through his Head o .epartment the
names and other particulars o such persons to the Chie #ecretary or
transmission to the Central !overnment or circulation to all
!overnments in Pa>istan.
/01E +.1he provisions o this Rule do not override the provisions o
section +B o the Pun:a% Courts Act and o the Payment o Aages Act
in so ar as the imposing o ines on the esta%lishment governed %y
these Acts* is concerned.
&iii( Aithholding o payment o emoluments o a !overnment servant suspected o
14.11. >hen a Govern+ent servant is susected of bein- concerned in the
e+be11le+ent of Govern+ent +oneys and is laced under susension, the
authority co+etent to order his dis+issal +ay direct that, unless he furnishes
security for the rei+burse+ent of the said +oneys to the satisfaction of his
i++ediate official suerior, the ay+ent of any su+s due to hi+ by Govern+ent
on the date of his susension shall be deferred until such ti+e as the said authority
asses final orders on the char-es fra+ed a-ainst hi+@
Provided that, such Govern+ent servant shall be entitled to the ay+ent of a
subsistence allowance in resect of the eriod for which the ay is withheld.
&iv( Authority to impose punishment
-7.-2. Subject to the rovisions of the rules in this section and of subsection !#" of section
#$% and subsection !)" of section #$' of the Govern+ent of India &ct, '()*, the
authorities co+etent to i+ose any of the enalties secified in rule '$.'% shall
be such as +ay be rescribed by the Govern+ent.
&v( In9uiry %eore imposition o certain penalties
-. >ithout rejudice to the rovisions of the Public Servants
!In6uiries" &ct, 'I*%, no order of dis+issal, re+oval or reduction shall be assed
unless the erson concerned has been -iven a reasonable oortunity of showin-
cause a-ainst the action roosed to be ta.en in re-ard to hi+.
2. The -rounds on which it is roosed to ta.e such action shall be
reduced to the for+ of a definite char-e or char-es, which shall be co++unicated
in writin- to the erson char-ed, and he shall be re6uired within a reasonable ti+e
to state in writin- whether he ad+its the truth of all or any of the char-es, what
e0lanation or defence, if any, he has to offer and whether he desires to be heard
in erson. If he so desires or if the authority e+owered to dis+iss, re+ove or
reduce hi+ so directs an oral en6uiry shall be held at which all evidence shall be
heard as to such of the char-es as are not ad+itted. The erson char-ed shall,
subject to the conditions described in clause !)", be entitled to cross-e0a+ine the
witnesses, to -ive evidence in erson and to have such witnesses called, as he
+ay wish, rovided that the officer conductin- the en6uiry +ay, for reasons to be
recorded in writin-, refuse to call any witness. The roceedin-s shall contain a
sufficient record of the evidence and a state+ent of the findin- and the -rounds
Provided that--
a) it shall not be necessary to fra+e any additional char-e when it is
roosed to ta.e action in resect of any state+ent or alle-ation +ade by the
erson char-ed, in the course of his defence;
b) the rovisions of the fore-oin- clauses shall not aly where a
erson is dis+issed, re+oved or reduced in ran. on the -round of conduct which
has led to his conviction on a cri+inal char-e ; or where an authority e+owered to
dis+iss hi+ or reduce hi+ in ran. is satisfied that, for so+e reason to be recorded
by. hi+ in writin- it is not reasonably racticable to -ive hi+ an oortunity of
showin- cause a-ainst the action roosed to be ta.en a-ainst hi+ ; and
") all or any of the rovisions of clause !#" +ay in e0cetional cases
for secial and sufficient reasons to be recorded in writin- be waived, where there
is a difficulty in observin- e0actly the re6uire+ents of that clause and those
re6uire+ents can be waived without injustice to the erson char-ed.
a) >here any erson has +ade a state+ent on oath in evidence
before any cri+inal or civil court in any case in which the erson char-ed was a
arty and had full oortunity to cross-e0a+ine such erson, and where it is
intended to rove the sa+e facts as deosed to by such erson in such state+ent
in any in6uiry under the Public Servants !In6uiries" &ct, 'I*%, it shall not be
necessary to call such erson to -ive oral evidence. The certified coy of the
state+ent reviously +ade by hi+ in any such case +ay be read as evidence;
Provided that the ?fficer conductin- the in6uiry +ay in the interest of injustice,
order the roduction of such witness in erson either for further e0a+ination or for
further cross-e0a+ination by the erson char-ed.
b) The Govern+ent servant char-ed shall not be allowed, e0cet at the
discretion of the en6uirin- officer to be e0ercised in the interest of justice, to call as
a witness in his defence any erson whose state+ent has already been recorded
and who+ he has had oortunity to cross-e0a+ine or whose revious state+ent
has been ad+itted in the +anner herein rovided.
") Eotwithstandin- his authority to record evidence on oath the
<n6uirin- ?fficer shall not be re-arded as a court.
d) In cases investi-ated by the &nti-Corrution ,eart+ent of the
Punjab Govern+ent the <n6uirin- ?fficer shall not save with the e0ress
er+ission of the ?fficer-in-Char-e of that ,eart+ent, have access to the files of
or to any of the state+ents of witnesses recorded by the ?fficers of that
4. Eo erson who is called uon to roduce his defence as to char-es
which for+ the subject-+atter of an in6uiry a-ainst hi+ shall be allowed to en-a-e
Provided that, if the char-e or char-es are li.ely to result in the dis+issal of such
erson he +ay, with the sanction of the In6uirin- ?fficer ; be reresented by counsel@
Provided further that, if in an in6uiry, counsel is en-a-ed on behalf of any
deart+ent of Govern+ent, the erson a-ainst who+ the char-es are bein- in6uired into,
shall be entitled to en-a-e counsel.
.. &fter the en6uiry a-ainst a Govern+ent servant has been
co+leted and after the unishin- authority has arrived at a rovisional conclusion
in re-ard to the enalty to be i+osed, the accused officer shall, if the enalty
roosed is dis+issal, re+oval or reduction be sulied with a coy of the reort of
the en6uirin- authority, and be called uon to show cause, within reasonable ti+e
not ordinarily e0ceedin- one +onth, a-ainst the articular enalty roosed to be
inflicted uon hi+. &ny reresentation sub+itted by the accused in this behalf shall
be ta.en into consideration before final orders are assed.
/01E.Charges need not necessarily %e ramed in relation only to
speciic incidents or acts o misconduct. Ahen reports received
against a !overnment servant or a preliminary en9uiry show that his
general %ehaviour has %een such as to %e unitting to his position* or
that he has ailed to reach or maintain a reasona%le standard o
eiciency* he may and should %e charged accordingly* and a inding on
such a charge may %e a valid ground or the inliction o any authorised
departmental punishment* which may %e considered suita%le in the
circumstances o the case. It will still %e necessary to communicate the
charges o mis%ehaviour or o ineiciency or o %oth* as the case may
%e* to the !overnment servant concerned* %ut the statement which is
to %e communicated to the !overnment servant in support o the
charges need not speciy particular acts o misconduct. It will %e
suicient in the statement to give the gist o the reports on the %asis o
which mis%ehaviour or ineiciency is alleged.
&vi( Right o appeal
-7.-7. Subject to the rovisions of clause !b" of subsection !)" of section #$' of the
Govern+ent of India &ct, '()*, every erson shall be entitled to aeal, as
hereinafter rovided, to such suerior authority as +ay be rescribed by the
Govern+ent a-ainst an order, not bein- an order of Govern+entC
a) i+osin- uon hi+ any of the enalties secified in rule '$.'%;
b) dischar-in- bun in accordance with the ter+s of his contract if he
has been en-a-ed on a contract for a definite or for an indefinite eriod and has
rendered under either for+ of contract continuous service for a eriod e0ceedin-
five years at the ti+e when his services are ter+inated;
") reducin- or withholdin- the +a0i+u+ ension, includin- an
additional ension, ad+issible to hi+ under the rules -overnin- ensions;
%) ter+inatin- his aoint+ent otherwise than uon his reachin- the
a-e fi0ed for suerannuation.
&vii( 0rder which may %e passed %y appellate authority.
-. In the case of an aeal a-ainst an order i+osin- any enalty
secified in rule '$.'%, the aellate authority shall consider-
a) >hether the facts on which the order was based have been
b) whether the facts established afford sufficient -round for
action ; and
") whether the enalty is e0cessive, ade6uate or inade6uate ; and after
such consideration shall ass such order as it thin.s roer@
Provided that, no enalty shall be increased unless oortunity is -iven to the
erson concerned to show cause why such enalty should not be increased
2. &n authority fro+ whose order an aeal is referred under these rules shall
-ive effect to any order +ade by the aellate authority.
(=iii) Se"on% a<<eal >#en a <enalt$ is in"rease%.
-7.-9. In every case in which an aellate authority other than Govern+ent increases the
enalty inflicted by an authority subordinate to itself uon a erson, such erson
shall be entitled to sub+it a second aeal to the authority rescribed by
(i;) Ri?#t o: re=ision.
-7.-5. &fter an aeal or the second aeal rovided in rule '$.'5 has been rejected a
erson +ay aly for revision to such suerior authority as +ay be rescribed by
the Govern+ent@
Provided that, the ower of revision shall be e0ercised only-
a) if the aellate authority is one other than Govern+ent, and
b) ?n the -round of +aterial irre-ularity in the roceedin-s of the
en6uirin- of aellate authority or on the discovery of new and i+ortant +atter or
evidence which after the e0ercise of dili-ence was not within the .nowled-e of the
etitioner or could not be roduced by hi+ when the orders were +ade a-ainst hi+
or on account of so+e +ista.e or error aarent on the face of the record@
Provided further that, Govern+ent +ay at any ti+e revise any order assed by it in
e0ercise of its aellate owers under these rules
&$( Power o a superior authority to revise the proceeding o an inerior authority
14.18. The Govern+ent or the head of a deart+ent +ay call for and e0a+ine the records
of any case in which a subordinate authority has inflicted any of the enalties
secified hi rule '$.'% or in which no enalty has been inflicted and after
further investi-ation, if necessary, +ay confir+, re+it, reduce or, subject to the
rovisions of sub-clause !'" of rule '$.'*, increase the enalty or subject to the
rovisions of rule '$.'), inflict any of the enalties secified in rule '$.'%.
&$i( Prohi%ition as to collective appeals.
-7.-/. <very erson referrin- an aeal shall do so searately and in his own na+e.
&$ii( 4anner o presentation o appeal or application or revision.
-7.26. <very aeal or alication for revision referred under these rules shall contain all
+aterial state+ents and ar-u+ents relied on by the aellant or alicant shall
contain no disresectful or i+roer lan-ua-e, and shall be co+lete in itself. <very
such aeal or alication for revision shall be sub+itted throu-h the head of the
office to which the aellant or alicant belon-s or belon-ed and throu-h the
authority fro+ whose order the aeal or alication for revision is referred. It will
be oen to the aellant or the alicant to forward to the 4onourable 8inister of
the ,eart+ent concerned, one advance coy of the aeal or alication for
revision, for infor+ation.
&$iii( Aithholding o appeals or applications or revision.
1. &n aeal or alication for revision +ay be withheld by an authority
subordinate to Govern+ent if--
a) it is an aeal or alication for revision in a case in which under
these rules no aeal or alication for revision lies; or
b) it does not co+ly with the rovisions of rule '$.#%; or
") it is an aeal and is not referred within si0 +onths after the date
on which the aellant was infor+ed of the order aealed a-ainst, and no
reasonable cause is shown for the delay; or
%) it is a reetition of a revious aeal or alication for revision and is
+ade to the sa+e aellate or revisionary authority by which such aeal or
alication for revision has been decided and no new fact or circu+stances are
adduced which afford -round for a reconsideration of the case@
Provided that, in every case in which an aeal or alication for revision is
withheld the aellant or alicant shall be infor+ed of the fact and the reasons for it@
Provided further that, an aeal or alication for revision withheld on account only
of failure to co+ly with the rovisions of rule '$.#% +ay be re-sub+itted at any ti+e
within one +onth of the date on which the aellant or alicant has been infor+ed of the
withholdin- of the aeal or alication and, if re-sub+itted in a for+ which co+lies with
those rovisions, shall not be withheld.
2. Eo aeal or alication for revision shall lie a-ainst an order withholdin- an
aeal or alication assed by a co+etent authority.
4. &ny aellate or revisionary authority +ay call for the records of any , aeal
or alication for revision withheld by an authority subordinate to it, which under
these rules +ay be +ade to it and +ay ass such order thereon as it consider fit.
&$v( #aving o the unctions o the Pu%lic #ervice Commission.
14.22. Eothin- in these rules shall be dee+ed to affect the functions of the Punjab and
Eorth->est Arontier Province, Boint Public Service Co++ission as secified in
section #55 of the Govern+ent of India &ct, '()*, and as li+ited by the Punjab and
Eorth->est Arontier Province, Boint Public Service Co++ission !2i+itations of
Aunctions", Re-ulations.
(See note belo> Rule -7..)
List o: Pro=in"ial Ser=i"es
-. Punjab Civil Service.
2. Punjab <ducational Service !8enDs :ranch" !Class I".
4. Punjab <ducational Service !8enDs :ranch" !Class II".
7. Punjab <ducational Service !>o+enDs :ranch" !Class I".
5. Punjab <ducational Service !>o+enDs :ranch" !Class II".
9. Punjab 4ealth Services !Class I".
5. Punjab 4ealth Services !Class II".
8. Punjab Police Service. .
/. Punjab &-ricultural Service !Class I".
-6. Punjab &-ricultural Service !Class II".
--. Punjab Service of <n-ineers !:uildin-s and Roads :ranch".
-2. Punjab Service of <n-ineers !?ld" !:uildin-s and Roads :ranch".
-4. Punjab Service of <n-ineers !Irri-ation :ranch" !Class I".
-7. Punjab Service of <n-ineers !Irri-ation :ranch" !Class II".
-.. Punjab Aorest Service !Class I".
-9. Punjab Aorest Service !Class II".
-5. Punjab Veterinary Service !Class I".
18. Punjab Veterinary Service !Class II".
-/. Pun jab. Co-oerative Service.
20. Punjab Eavi-ation-,euty Collectors !Revenue :ranch" Service.
2-. Punjab General Service.
C&*SE*+ &R(ERS
-..- >ith reference to rule #.'$ consent to rule #.'$ consent has been -iven
by the Ainance ,eart+ent to the e0ercise of the owers by the
&d+inistrative ,eart+ents in the cases -iven belowGConsent of the
Ainance ,eart+ent +ay also be considered to have been -iven to the
e0ercise of ower by an authority to who+ ower has been secifically
dele-ated under any rule of this 4andboo..
/01E 5.--2nless otherwise provided %y a special order* the
assent o the Finance .epartment may %e considered to have
%een given to the e$ercise %y the Administrative .epartment
o such powers as have %een delegated to the Heads o
.epartments or other su%ordinate authorities.
/01E '. ---1he term 3pay3 as used in this chapter and the
ollowing chapter does not include special pay.
/01E +. ---ln cases where the assent o the Finance
.epartment is considered to lie given to the creation o a
permanent post* such assent may* unless there e$ists a
speciic presumption o assent in regard to the creation o a
temporary post o a similar >ind* %e held to cover the creation
o a temporary post within the same limits.
/01E ;. ---1he powers in regard to the creation o posts are
intended to %e e$ercised in individual cases only. .epartments
should reer to the Finance .epartment any proposals
involving a general addition to the esta%lishments o a num%er
o oices.
/01E -. ---1he powers to create posts is su%:ect to the
condition that the new posts are created on the new scales o
/01E B. ---#ec also /ote - %elow rule 5B.5.
C'P+ERS 1V D 1VI deleted vide /otiication /o. 7B--A-#0 &#R(
I"G8B* dated ';th <une* 878B.
- 2 4 7
S. *o
Rule un%er
>#i"# assent
*ature o: <o>er E;tent
-. #.#/ ! C "
Power to declare a Govern+ent
servantVs head6uarters.
Aull owers
2. #.$#
Power to aoint a Govern+ent
servant to officiate in a vacant ost.
4. #.*)
Power to define the li+its of
Govern+ent servantVs shere of
Schedule to
Chater II,
ara-rah I
!iv" !#"
Ai0ation to a +a0i+u+ of three
+onths, the eriod allowed for
rearation for an e0a+ination in
?riental lan-ua-es.
Schedule to
Chater II,
ara-rah I
!iv" !)"
<0tension u to si0 +onths of the
eriod of rearation in secial
Schedule to
Chater II,
ara-rah I
!iv" !*"
&roval of the lace of
rearation for an e0a+ination in
?riental lan-ua-es.
Schedule to
Chater II,
ara-rah I
Power to er+it a Govern+ent
servant to aear in an otional
Aull ower
Schedule to
Chater II,
ara-rah II
Power to sanction the absence of a
-overn+ent servant on duty
beyond his shere of duty
Aull owers, rovided
absence does not e0ist
beyond )% days.
/. ).)
Power to disense with the
roduction of a +edical certificate.
Aull owers in individual
-6. ).'5 Power to susend a lion Aull owers
--. ).'I Power to transfer a lion ,itto
-2. ).#*
Power to rela0 the rovisions of
rule ).#$
Aull owers, rovide that
the lace of +a.eover
char-e is with in the
-4. ).#5
Power to declare that roviso !a" to
rule ).#* is not alicable to any
articular case.
Aull ower
-7. ).#I !b" !i" Power to re6uire a +inisterial
Govern+ent servant to retire
between the a-es of ** and 5%
Aull ower
-.. $.' !#" !ii"
To -rant secial ay to any
Govern+ent servant for
dischar-in- in addition to his own
duties the duty of a suerintendent
of a boardin- house attached to an
educational institution.
<ducation deart+ent to
Rs. 5% for a boardin-
house attached colle-e
and Rs. $% for boardin-
house attach a school.
-9. $.' !#" !ii"
To -rant secial ay to Gau-e
Readers in the Public >or.s
,eart+ent, Irri-ation :ranch, for
doin- da. wor. in addition to their
own duties.
Public >or.s
,eart+ent Irri-ation
:ranch Subject to the
a+ount the secial ay
not e0ceedin- Rs. ' er
+onth so+e in each
individual case.
-5. $.' !#" !ii"
To -rant secial ay to Si-nalers,
Chow.idars or other inferior
establish+ent e+loyed in the
Irri-ation :ranch of the Public
wor.s ,eart+ent, ho are re6uired
to do da. wor. in addition to their
own duties.
Public >or.s
,eart+ent Irri-ation
:ranch K Subject to the
a+ount of secial ay
not e0ceedin- Rs. #-I-%
er +ensu+ for
Si-nalers and
Telehone &ttendant
and Rs. ' for
Chow.idars and others
in each individual case.
-8. ,itto
To -rant secial ay to Railway
,a. Runners e+loyed in the
Irri-ation :ranch of the Public
>or.s ,eart+ent, who are
re6uired to do the duties of ,a.
8unshis in addition to their own
Public >or.s
,eart+ent Irri-ation
:ranch K Subject to the
a+ount of secial ay
not e0ceedin- Rs. #-I-%
er +ensu+ in each
individual case.
-/. $.)
Power to reduce the ay and
allowances of a Govern+ent
servant treated as on duty under
rule #.'5 !b"
0ull <o>ers
26. $./ Power to withhold incre+ents (itto
2-. $.''
Power to fi0 the ay of a
Govern+ent servant transferred as
a enalty to a lower -rade or ost
u to the +a0i+u+ ay of the
lower -rade or ost.
22. $.'#
Power to declare that service in a
lower -rade or ost shall not count
for incre+ent when the de-raded
Govern+ent servant is reinstated.
24. $.'5
Power to reduce the ay of an
officiatin- Govern+ent servant.
27. $.##
Power to aoint a Govern+ent
servant to hold substantively or to
officiate in two or +ore
indeendent osts at one ti+e.
2.. *.*
Power to accet an officiatin-
Govern+ent ServantVs reason for
refusin- to occuy the house,
laced at his disosal by the
er+anent incu+bent while on
leave or transfer.
29. *.)'
Power to sanction re+issions of
rent when a buildin- is
inhabit able.
0ull <o>ers
25. *.$%
Power to direct that a Govern+ent
servant on leave shall be in occu -
ation of a. residence.
28. *.$I
Power to -rant co+ensation to
Govern+ent servants for the ac-
cidental loss of their roerty.
= to li+it of Rs. '%%%
or a +onthVs ay of the
Govern+ent servant
concerned, whichever is
2/. *.$( and *.*' Power to -runt or er+it a
Govern+ent servant to receive an
honorariu+ not connected with the
e0a+inations hold by the Pa.istan
or Punjab Eorth >est Arontier
Province Boint Public Service
Co++ission or to er+it o.
Govern+ent servant to receive
= to a +a0i+u+ of Rs.
*%% in each individual
case, this bein- the
a--re-ate durin- a
financial year in the
case of recurrin- fee !or
honorariu+" rovided
that the service
rendered does not fall
within the course of the
ordinary duties of the
Govern+ent servant, in
which case the li+it is
Rs. *%. consent of the
Ainance ,eart+ent is
not resu+ed when the
honoraria or fees are
-ranted +erely in
reco-nition or the
satisfactory way in
which a -overn+ent
servant has carried out
the wor. for which is
aid the e0istence of
secial wor., the
erfor+ance of which is
sanctioned under rule
*.** is essential to
consent bein-
46. *.$(
Power to er+it a Govern+ent
servant to receive an honorariu+
fro+ the Pa.istan or Punjab and
Eorth >est Arontier rovince Boint
Public Service Co++ission in
connection with the e0a+ination
held by the Co++ission.
Aull owers.
4-. *.*'
Power to sanction the accetance
of fees by olice constables who
are laced in-char-e of cattle-
ounds attached to olice stations.
Aull owers.
42. *.*'
Power to sanction the
of wor. for which a fee is offered
Aull owers.
44. *.*#
Power to direct that the whole or
art of a fee for wor. done durin-
the ti+e, which would otherwise be
sent in the erfor+ance of official
duties, be aid to the Govern+ent
Aull owers.
47. I.# !b"
Power to declare that the for+er
service of a reinstated Govern+ent
servant shall not count for leave in
whole or in art.
Aull owers.
4.. I.'I
Power to -rant leave to a
-overn+ent servant in resect of
who+ a -------co++ittee has
reorted that there is no
reasonable rosect that he will
ever be fit to return to duty
Aull owers.
49. I.#$ Power to -rant leave Aull owers.
45. I.#I and I.#(
Power to direct in any case other
wise than is laid down in rules I.#I
and I.#(
Aull owers.
48. I.)$
Power to decide in doubtful or
ine6uitable cases which
Govern+ent servant shall be held
to have been inchar-e and to
who+ the ay of the ost for the
Sunday or holiday shall be aid.
Aull owers.
4/. I.$# !b"
Power to -rant er+ission to a
Govern+ent servant on leave to
accet e+loy+ent or ta.e u
Aull owers.
76. I.$I Power to e0tend leave overstayed Aull owers.
Para-rah #
!ii" of
anne0ure to
section I
Chater VIII
Power to decide in case of doubt
whether a articular Govern+ent
servant is servin- in vacation
Aull owers.
72. I.(/
Power to -rant leave to a
Te+orary <n-ineer.
Aull owers.
74. I.'%5
Power to -rant leave to a Public
Prosecutor and to +a.e officiatin-
arran-e+ents or aoint+ent or
aoint+ents durin- the eriod of
his leave.
Aull owers, subject to
the conditions laid down
in rule I.'%5
77. (./
Power to er+it the calculation of
joinin- ti+e by a route other than
which Travellers habitually use.
Aull ower
7.. '%.# !b"
Power to transfer a Govern+ent
servant to forei-n service in
Aull owers, subject to
the conditions noted
a-ainst Serial Eo. *%
79. '%.I Power to fi0 ay in forei-n service Aull owers, subject to
the conditions in
&nne0ure & to Chater
7 and rovided that@-
(a) The ay fi0ed.
(i) does not e0ceed
Rs. '%%% er
(ii) does not e0ceed
by +ore than $%
er cent, the
substantive ay
overseas ay ion
Sterlin- or ruees"
last drawn by the
(iii) Is not increased at
intervals of less
than three years,
e0cet that a
servant who
belon-s to a
-raded service or
who is on a
ti+escale, +ay -et
an increase u to
$% er cent of
each incre+ent in
addition to his
(b) Eo
concessions are
sanctioned in
addition to ay,
(i) ay+ent by forei-n
e+loyer of leave
and ension
(ii) -rant of travellin-
allowance under the
Punjab Govern+ent
Travellin- &llowance
(iii) Pay+ent by the
forei-n e+loyer of
such co+ensatory
allowance as would
be aid by
Govern+ent at the
station at which he
is e+loyed in
forei-n service,
were the
Govern+ent servant
in the service of
75. '%.'I
Power to decide the date of
reversion of a Govern+ent servant
returnin- after leave fro+ forei-n
Aull owers
78. Eote under
rule '$.$
Creation or abolition of er+anent
osts on the followin- scales
(i) &ll ,eart+ents e0cet Public
>or.s and &d+inistration of
(a) junior cler. Rs 5%-$-
'%%G *-'#%
(b) 8echanics Rs *%-$-
(") ?rderlies and eons
Rs #*-'G#-)%
(%) ?ther osts@
rovided that the +a0i+u+
ay of the osts does not
Aull owers e0cet in
re-ard to osts in the
secretariat ?ffice or the
,eart+ent concerned
in resect of which
assent is -iven only in
re-ard to creation of
osts on the inferior
establish+ent other than
Ba+adars and =shers
and ?rderlies attached
to Ga1etted Govern+ent
e0ceed Rs. '%% and rovided
also that the ay of the ost is
the sa+e as that sanctioned
for the si+ilar osts already in
(ii) &d+inistration of Bustice-
(a) Clerical and 8inisterial osts-
-) <n-lish cler.s for the
4i-h Court Rs. 5%-'-'%%G*-'#%
2) <n-lish Cler.s for the
Courts subordinate to the 4i-h
Court Rs. 5%-$-'#%G*-'#%
4) Vernacular Cler.s for
the Courts subordinate to the
4i-h Court Rs. 5%-$-'%%G*-'#%
!b", !c" and !d" &s in entry Eo.
!iii" Public >or.s ,eart+ent K
!a", !b" and !c" &s in entry Eo. !i"
!d" other osts; rovided that the
+a0i+u+ ay of the osts does not
e0ceed Rs. #%% and rovided also
that the ay of the ost is the sa+e
as the sanctioned for si+ilar osts
already in e0istence.
7/. Creation of te+orary osts other
than those to the creation of which
Ainance ,eart+entVs as sent +ay
be resu+ed under note ) to rule
'*.' read with Serial Eo. *# above.
!i" &ll ,eart+ents !e0cet
ublic >or.s"
!ii" Public >or.s ,eart+ent.
Provided the ay of the
ost does not e0ceed
that sanctioned for
si+ilar er+anent osts
or Rs. #*% er +ensu+,
whichever is less and
that the aoint+ent
does not e0tend for
+ore than 5 +onths in
one and the sa+e
financial year.
!i" The ay of the
ost does not
e0ceed that
sanctioned for
si+ilar er+anent
!ii" The ay of the
osts does not
e0ceed Rs. )*%
er +ensu+ in the
:uildin- and
Roads :ranch and
Rs. *%% er
+ensu+ in the
Irri-ation and
:ranches in the
case of wor.
establish+ent and
Rs. )*% in other
!iii" The ay of the
incu+bent of the
ost is fi0ed in
accordance with
the rovisions of
the rules.
!iv" The aoint+ent,
e0cet in the case
of wor.-char-ed
does not e0tend
for +ore than 5
+onths within one
and the sa+e
financial year
Eote # under
rule '$.$
4o+e ,eart+ent-
Creation of te+orary osts of
insectors !<uroean or Pa.istani
and officers below that ran. in
connection with the i+osition of
additional olice osts under
sections '), '$ and '* of the
Police &ct, 'I5'"
Provided that the ay
and allowances of the
ost created is
accordin- to the
sanctioned scales as
laid down in Chater 7
of the Police Rules,
Volu+e I
Eote # under
rule '$.$
Increase or reduction in the ay of
a er+anent or te+orary ost
Provided that the
+a0i+u+ ay of the
ost is in confor+ity wit
the scales rescribed in
entries *), *$ and **,
resectively, after the
increase or before the
reduction, as the case
+ay be.
Chapter K"I
-9.-. >ith referent to Rule #.'$ dele-ations have been +ade to the e0ercise of
the owers by the heads of deart+ents and other subordinate authorities
in the cases detailed below@
/01E 5.1he delegations in respect o the creation o posts
do not reer to menial esta%lishment* the pay o which is
de%ited to contingencies.
/01E '.1he power to create a permanent post may* unless
there e$ists a speciic delegation in regard to similar
temporary posts* %e held to coyer a temporary post within the
same limits.
/01E +.2nless otherwise provided %y a special order a
higher authority in a department may e$ercise the powers
delegated to an authority su%ordinate to it.
/01E ;.#ee also notes '* ; and - %elow rule 5-.5* which
apply mutatis mutandis to the delegations in this Chapter.
/01E -.In respect o delegations or creation o posts* ees
or commission which are the authorised emoluments o the
post should %e considered as pay or part o pay o the post or
the purposes* o determining the authority competent to create
the post.
S. *o
Rule un%er >#i"#
%ele?ation ma%e
*ature o: <o>er +o >#om %ele?ate% E;tent
(ELE3'+I&*S +& E'(S &0 (EP'R+ME*+S &0 E'(S &0 &00ICES 3E*ER'LL)
#.#/ !c" Power to declare a
Govern+ent servantVs
4eads of ,eart+ents Aull owers in case of those
Govern+ent servants who+
they can aoint
#.$# Power to aoint a
Govern+ent servant to
officiate in a vacant ost
&uthority co+etent to
+a.e a substantive
aoint+ent to the
Aull ower
#.*) Power to define the li+its of a
Govern+ent servantVs shere
of duty.
4ead of ,eart+ent Aull owers in case of those
Govern+ent servants who+
they can aoint.
Para II !*" of
Schedule to
Chater II
Power to sanction the
absence on duty of a
Govern+ent servant beyond
his shere of duty.
4ead of ,eart+ent
4ead of ?ffices
Aull owers in individual
cases, rovided that the
absence is for reasons of a
ublic nature, which should be
stated and does not e0ceed
'$ days in each case.
,itto in resect of Govern+ent
servants who+ they can
).# Power to disense with the
roduction of a +edical
certificate in the case of a
Revenue Patwari enterin-
Govern+ent service.
4ead of ,eart+ent Aull owers in individual
).'$ Power to susend the lien of
a Govern+ent servant.
4ead of ,eart+ent &s re-ards Govern+ent
servants under the+ who+
they can aoint.
).)) Power to rela0 the rovisions
of rule ).##
4eads of ,eart+ents
or other authorities
co+etent to -rant
In resect of Govern+ent
servants to who+ they are
co+etent to -rant leave
).#$ Power to declare that roviso
!a" to rule ).#) is not
alicable to any articular
,itto ,itto
).#5 !a" Power to retain a
Govern+ent servant, other
than a +inisterial servant, in
service after the a-e of **
years and u to the a-e of 5%
4eads of ,eart+ents In cases of non -a1etted
servants only and on ublic
-rounds which +ust be
recorded in writin-.
).#5 !a" Power to retain a
Govern+ent servant, other
than a +inisterial servant, in
service after the a-e of 5%
,itto In cases of non--a1etted
servants and in very secial
circu+stances only which
under the recorded in writin-
).#5 !b" !i" Power to re6uire a +inisterial
Govern+ent servant to retire
between the a-e of ** and 5%
4eads of ,eart+ent
and authorities
subordinate the
&s re-ards non -a1etted
Govern+ent servant who+
they are co+etent to aoint
e0cet in the case of 4ead
Vernacular Cler.s of the
offices of co++issioners and
Suerintendents and 4ead
Vernacular Cler.s of the office
G,euty Co++issioners.
).#5 !b" !i" Power to re6uire
Suerintendents and head
Vernacular Cler.s of ,euty
Co++issioners offices to
retire between a-e of ** and
5% years.
Aull owers
$.' $.#% and $.#' Power to fi0 ay. 4eads of ,eart+ents
and Suerintendin-
<n-ineers, Public
>or.s ,eart+ent,
Irri-ation :ranch.
In resect of te+orary osts
which they are secifically
authori1ed to create.
$.) Power to reduce ay and
allowances of a Govern+ent
servant treated as on duty.
,itto In individual case of non
-a1etted servants only who+
they can aoint without
reference to the hi-her
$.' Power to withhold incre+ents !i" where service rules
have been notified,
the authority
co+etent to do so
under the service
&s rovided in the service
!ii" >hen no service
rules have been
notified, 4eads of
offices e0cet as
rovided in sub
clauses !a" to !c"
Aull owers
!a" Bud-es of the 4i-h
Court of Budicature at
Aull owers in resect of
+e+bers of the Provincial
2ahore Civil Service !Budicial :ranch"
!b" suerintendin-
<n-ineers, Irri-ation
Aull owers in resect of
Silladars and ,rafts+an
servin- under the+
!c" &uthority
co+etent to +a.e
the aoint+ent in
electricity :ranch.
Aull owers in resect of
te+orary staff e+loyed in
the Public >or.s ,eart+ent,
<lectricity :ranch.
$.'' Power to order Govern+ent
servants transferred as a
enalty to a lower -rade or
ost to draw any ay not
e0ceedin- the +a0i+u+ of
the lower -rade or ost.
The authority
e+owered to +a.e
the transfer
Aull owers
$.'# Power to declare that service
of a Govern+ent servant
reduced shall not count for
incre+ent on re instate+ent.
The authority
co+etent to re
Proviso ' to $.') Power to decide whether
officiatin- ay should or
should not be -iven in case of
clerical and subordinate osts
not borne on rovincial
4eads of ?ffices Subject to the rinciles laid
down in Rule $.').
Note- officiating appointment
in offices of Deputy
Commissioners are regulated
by the special orders relating
$.'5 Power to reduce ay of
officiatin- Govern+ent
4eads of ,eart+ents Aull owers
26) $.## Power to aoint a
Govern+ent servant to hold
,itto >ith resect to Govern+ent
servants who+ they are
substantively or to officiate in
two or +ore indeendent
osts at one ti+e.
co+etent to aoint to all the
osts referred to rovided that
none of the other osts shall
be in the sa+e office as the
ost carryin- the hi-hest ay.
*.*$ Power to -rant co+ensation
to Govern+ent servants
servin- under the+ for the
accidental loss of their
&ll 4eads of
,eart+ents and
Co++issioners of
divisions other than
the chief <n-ineers,
Public >or.s
,eart+ent@ financial
Insector General of
Police and the
4onorable Bud-es of
the 4i-h Court.
Chief <n-ineers,
Insector General of
Police and 4onorable
jud-es of the 4i-h
= to a li+it of Rs. *%% or a
+onthVs ay of the
Govern+ent servant
concerned whichever is less.
= to a li+it of Rs. '%%% or a
+onthVs ay of the
Govern+ent servant
concerned whichever is less.
22) *.** Power to -rant or er+it a
Govern+ent servant to
receive an honorariu+.
4eads of ,eart+ents Aor su+s not
e0ceedin- Rs. *%
each individual
case durin- a
financial year.






















*.*/ Power to er+it a
Govern+ent servant to
receive fees.
,itto Aor su+s not e0ceedin- Rs.
*%%, this bein- the a--re-ate
durin- a financial year in the
case of a recurrin- fee.
*.*/ Power to sanction the of wor. for which
a fee is offered.
,itto >here the fee involved does
not e0ceed Rs. *%%, this bein-
the a--re-ate a+ount durin-
a financial year in each case
of a recurrin- fee.
*.*/ Power to direct that the whole
or any art of a fee for wor.
done durin- official ti+e +ay
be aid to a Govern+ent
servant who did the wor..
&ny authority havin-
ower to sanction the
accetance of the fee.
To the e0tent of his ower to
sanction the accetance of
the fee.
I.#/ and I.#I Power to direct in any case
otherwise than is laid down in
rules I.#/ and I.#I.
4eads of
In resect of Govern+ent
servants to who+ they are
co+etent to -rant leave.
I.$/ Power to e0tend leave
The authority -rantin-
the leave.
= to '$ days out of Pa.istan.
(./ Power to order that joinin-
ti+e should be calculated by
a route other than that which
travelers habitually use.
4eads of ,eart+ents Aull owers
'%.# !b" Power to transfer a
Govern+ent servant to
forei-n service in Pa.istan.
,itto Aull owers, subject to the
conditions in serial Eo. )'
46) '%.I Power to fi0 ay of a
Govern+ent servant in
forei-n service.
,itto !#" does
not e0ceed by +ore than
#* er cent the
substantive ay
!e0cludin- overseas ay
whether sterlin- or
Ruee" last drawn by the
Govern+ent servant in
-overn+ent service;
!)" in not
increased at intervals of
less than three years,
e0cet that a Govern+ent
servant who belon-s to a
-raded service or who is
on a ti+e scale +ay -et
an increase u to #* er
cent of each incre+ent, in
addition to his incre+ent.
!b" Eo concessions are
sanctioned in addition to ay
!'" ay+ent by the forei-n
e+loyer of leave and
ension contributions, and in
the case of Govern+ent
servants eli-ible to contribute
towards the Punjab
contributory Provident Aund,
the ay+ent by the forei-n
e+loyer of Govern+entVs
share of the contribution
towards the
!#" -rant of travellin-
allowance under the Punjab
Travellin- &llowance Rules.
!)" Pay+ent by the forei-n
e+loyer of such
co+ensatory allowance as
would be aid by Govern+ent
at the station at which he is
e+loyed in forei-n-------
were the Govern+ent
Servant in the service of
46 R
(') (ELE3'+I&* +& E'(S &0 (EP'R+ME*+S &R E'(S &0 &00ICES 3E*ER'LL) R
'%.'I Power to decide the date of
reversion of a Govern+ent
servant returnin- after leave
fro+ forei-n service.
4eads of ,eart+ents Aull ower
(B) (ELE3'+I&* +& SPECI0IC E'(S &0 (EP'R+ME*+S '*( &+ER SUB&R(I*'+E
$.' !#" !ii" To -rant secial ay to
Janun-os !whether Sadr,
Eaib-Tehsildars or Tehsil
?ffices Janun-os" whose
wor. is substantially
increased by Settle+ent
?erations or Colony >or.
Settle+ent ?fficers,
<0tra &ssistant
Co++issioners in
char-e of Settle+ent
?erations and
Coloni1ation ?fficers.
= to Rs. * er +ense+.
44) $.' !#" !ii" To -rant secial ay to
Janun-os and Patwaris
e+loyed as Teachers and
&ssistant Teachers in a
Patwari School.
,irector of 2and
= to Rs. #* er +ense+ to
Aield Janun-o and Rs. '% er
+ense+ to a Patwari, subject
to the condition that the
secial ay is not aid beyond
*'G# +onths.
$.) To sanction the -rant of ay
while on trainin- to a
candidate for the ost of K
Co++issioners of
Aull owers subject to the
condition that the rate of ay
does not e0ceed in the case
(a) Tehsildar.
(b) Eaib-Tehsildar,
who is not in
Govern+ent Service.
(a) Tehsilda
r Rs./* er +ense+.
(b) Eaib-
Tehsildar Rs. 5% er
49) $.) To sanction the -rant of a
stiend or ay durin-
settle+ent or colony trainin-
to a candidate for the ost of
Coloni1ation ?fficers,
Settle+ent ?fficers,
laced in char-e of
Aull owers subject to the
conditions that in the case of a
candidate who is not a
Govern+ent servant the rate
of stiend does not e0ceed
Rs. )* er +ense+. &
candidate who holds
substantive er+anent ost in
Govern+ent Service, will
receive while under trainin- in
a district not under settle+ent,
the ay at initial sta-e of the
ti+e scale of Patwari
throu-hout the eriod of his
trainin- and while under
trainin- in a settle+ent, the
rate of ay to be drawn by hi+
will be e6ual to the
resu+tive ay of the ost
which he holds substantively,
rovided it does not e0ceed
the initial sta-e of the ti+e
scale of Janun-o.
& Janun-o candidate,
recruited fro+ the atwar
class, will, while receivin-
trainin- as a Settle+ent
Patwari, receive the ay of his
substantive ost as Patwari.
:ut if such a candidate holds a
substantive ost in
Govern+ent service, he will
draw ay e6ual to the
resu+tive ay of the ost he
holds substantively, rovided it
does not e0ceed the initial
sta-e of ti+e scale of field
*.*/ Power to er+it Revenue
?fficials below the ran. of
Tehsildar to receive fees.
= to a +a0i+u+ of Rs. *%%
this bein- the a--re-ate durin-
a financial year in the case of a
recurrin- fee rovided the
service rendered does not fall
within the scoe of the ordinary
duties of the Govern+ent
*.*/ Power to sanction the of wor. for which
a fee is offered by Revenue
?fficers below the ran. of
Eote # under Rule
To sanction ay+ent to
establish+ent sent to new
settle+ent at the e0iry of an
old one before the
co++ence+ent of the new
settle+ent is sanctioned.
Aull owers, rovided that
bud-et rovision is not
e0ceeded, and that no fresh
osts are created.
,itto To create osts of Patwaris
and to chan-e -radin- and
ay of the Patwaris
,itto Aull owers
,itto To create te+orary osts for
Settle+ents and Coloni1ation
Co++issioners of
(a) Pay of
the osts shall not e0ceed
that sanctioned in si+ilar
er+anent osts with a
+a0i+u+ of Rs. '#%.
(b) >ithin
the financial year
,itto To create te+orary osts of
Aield Janun-os.
,itto (a) Pay to
be in accordance with the
sanctioned rate for si+ilar
er+anent osts.
(b) Aor si0
+onths within the financial
,itto To create te+orary osts of
Patwaris and &ssistant
Patwaris for doin- wor. other
than that -iven in Serial Eo.
,itto (a) Pay to
be in accordance with the
sanctioned rate for si+ilar
er+anent osts
(b) Aor si0
+onths within the financial
,itto To create te+orary osts of
Patwaris for recoyin-
revenue records.
,irector of 2and
= to si0 +onths in each case
and for wor. already
sanctioned by the Ainancial
Co++issioner or Govern+ent.
,itto To create te+orary osts of
Aield Janun-os and Patwaris
to carry on the duties of Aield
Janun-os and Patwaris
aointed as Teachers and
&ssistant Teachers in a
Patwari School.
,itto Aor *W +onths only, subject to
the condition that the ay of
the Aield Janun-o and
Patwaris shouIld not e0ceeds
Rs. 5% and Rs. )* er
+ense+, resectively.
2and Revenue - concluded
Eote # under Rule
To create te+orary osts for
settle+ent and coloni1ation
oerations e0cet settle+ent
and colony Patwaris.
Settle+ent ?fficers,
<0tra &ssistant
Co++issioners in
char-e of settle+ent
oerations and
Coloni1ation ?fficers.
(a) Pay of
the osts shall not e0ceed
that sanctioned for si+ilar
er+anent osts with a
+a0i+u+ of Rs. )% er
(b) >ithin
the financial year.
75) ,itto To create te+orary osts for
the destruction and re-
arran-e+ent of records in
Sadr Janun-oVs offices.
'. To
be used only when there is
abnor+al ressure of wor..
#. Pay
to be in accordance with
sanctioned rates for si+ilar
er+anent osts and
subject to the +a0i+u+ of
Rs. 5%.
). Aor
si0 +onths within the
financial year.
,itto To create te+orary osts of
one Reader and one eon for
each &ssistant co++issioner
and <0tra &ssistant
Co++issioner under
settle+ent trainin-.
Settle+ent ?fficers (a) Pay not
to e0ceed@- Readers K
Rs.5% K $ K '%%G* K '#%.
Peons K Rs. #* K W - )%.
(b) The
eriod of the aoint+ent
shall be for so lon- as the
&ssistant Co++issioner
re+ains under settle+ent
,itto To create te+orary osts of
Cler.s and 8uharrirs for the
+ana-e+ent of ,hundi and
:ruce bad <states.
Co++issioners, ,era
Gha1i Jhan.
(a) ?nly
when there is abnor+al
ressure of wor..
(b) Pay to be
in accordance with the
sanctioned rates for si+ilar
er+anent osts and
subject to a +a0i+u+ of
Rs. /* er +ense+.
(") Aor si0
+onths within the financial
<0cise and Ta0ation ,eart+ent
#.#/ Power to declare the
head6uarters of <0cise and
Ta0ation Insectors and Sub-
<0cise and Ta0ation
Aull owers.
Eote ) under rule
To create te+orary osts in
the <0cise and Ta0ation
<0cise and Ta0ation
(a) &t rates
not e0ceedin- er+anent
scale with a +a0i+u+ of
Rs. '%% er +ense+.
(b) >ithin
the financial year.
(") Subject
to reort to Govern+ent.
,itto To create te+orary osts to
carry on the business of a
sho for retail vend of oiu+
and to sanction the
re+uneration thereof.
,euty <0cise and
(a) Re+uner
ation not to e0ceed Rs. *%
er +ense+.
(b) >ithin
the financial year.
(") Subject
to reort to the <0cise and
Ta0ation Co++issioner.
,itto To create te+orary osts of
eons in the <0cise and
Ta0ation ,eart+ent.
,euty <0cise and
(a) &t rates
not e0ceedin- the
er+anent scales.
(b) Aor si0
+onths only within the
financial year.
(") Subject
to reort to the <0cise and
Ta0ation Co++issioner.
#.#/ Power to declare a
Govern+ent servantVs
head6uarters. Conservators of Aull owers in case of those
Aorests Govern+ent servants who+
they or any authority
subordinate to the+ can
#.*) Power to define the li+its of
a Govern+ent servantVs
shere of duty.
).#) Power to rela0 the rovisions
of rule ).##.
,itto In resect of Govern+ent
servants to who+ they or any
authority subordinate to the+
are co+etent to -rant leave.
).#$ Power to declare that roviso
!a" to rule ).#) is not
alicable to any articular
,itto ,itto
$.', $.#% and $.#$ Power to fi0 ay ,itto In resect of te+orary osts
which they are secifically
authori1ed to create.
*.** Power to -rant or er+it a
Govern+ent servant to
receive honorariu+
,itto = to a +a0i+u+ of Rs. *% in
each individual case, this bein-
the a--re-ate durin- the
financial year in the case of
recurrin- honorariu+, rovided
the wor. does not fall within
the scoe of the ordinary
duties of the Govern+ent
96) *.*/ Power to er+it a
Govern+ent servant to
receive fees.
,itto = to a +a0i+u+ of Rs. *%%,
this bein- the a--re-ate durin-
a financial year in the case of a
recurrin- fee, rovided the
service rendered does not fall
within the scoe of the ordinary
duties of the Govern+ent
*.*/ Power to sanction the of wor. for which
a fee is offered.
,itto ,itto
I.#/ and I.#I Power to direct in any case
otherwise than is laid down in
rules I.#/ and I.#I.
,itto &s a-ainst ite+ Eo. *).
Eote # under Rule
To create te+orary osts
secified below on ay not
e0ceedin- that shown
a-ainst each and to sanction
such local allowances as are
Per +ense+ u to
Chief Conservator of
Aorests and
Conservator of
Aorests, Punjab.
>ithin the financial year.
'" ?versees,
,rafts+en and
'" Store.eeers '#
'" 8echanics '%
'" Carenters /*
'" Aoresters and
'" Aorest Guards and
'" Cler.s !,ivisional,
Ran-e, <0-
olitation ,eot
includin- 8uharrirs
and 8unshies"
'" Peons )%
'" <nu+erators for lan
'" ,rai+en !S.illed
'" :oat+en )%
'" Aire+en )%
'" Godown &ssistants /*
'" Per+anent >ay
'" Platelayers /*
'" Curators of
'" Co+ounders **
'" &ssistant 8edical
'" Surveyors '$
'" ,e+arcation
The a+ounts shown a-ainst the osts in colu+n ) are liable to alteration on the revision of the scales of so+e of those
Re-istration ,eart+ent
Eote # below rule
To create te+orary osts of
cler.s and eons.
Insector General of
(a) Pay not
to e0ceed K Cler.s, Rs.
I%G'%% er +ense+.
Peons, Rs. #* er
(b) >ithin
the financial year.
$.) To sanction ay while under
trainin- in a district not under
settle+ent to a candidate for
the ost of Janun-o who is
already in Govern+ent
Provided the rate of the ay
shall be the +ini+u+ of the
scale of a Patwari.
Transort ,eart+ent
*.' To sanction house rent
Secretary Provincial
Transort &uthority.
8otor Vehicle Insectors.
8otor 8obile Petrol Insectors,
Ser-eants 8otor 8obile Petrol
Sub-Insectors, Constables,
and other staff on traffic osts deuted fro+
the Police ,eart+ent subject
to the +a0i+u+ of the rate
allowable to each ran. under
serial Eo. '%) below at
different stations.
General &d+inistration and Revenue ,eart+ent
88) *.** Power to sanction the
ay+ent of honoraria to
Govern+ent servants
aointed as e0a+iners,
suervisors, or invi-ilators in
Chair+an of the
Punjab and Eorth-
>est Arontier
rovince joint Public
Service Co++ission.
= to the +a0i+u+ of Rs.
',%%% in each individual case
durin- a financial year.
connection with the
e0a+ination held by Punjab
and Eorth->est Arontier
Province Boint Public Service
Eote # under Rule
To create te+orary osts of
(a) ?nly
when there is abnor+al
ressure of wor..
(b) Pay not
to e0ceed Rs. '%%.
(") >ithin
the financial year.
,itto To create te+orary osts@-
'" Re6uired for
Co++issionerVs offices;
#" Re6uired for secial 2and
&c6uisition ?fficers;
)" Re6uired in ,euty
Co++issionersV ?ffices to
deal with wor. arisin- out
of land ac6uisition
$" Re6uired in ,euty
Co++issionerVs offices to
hel in wor. connected
with Ta.avi distribution;
*" Re6uired for the
deli+itation of boundaries;
5" Re6uired for ca+s of
e0ercise and +ilitary
Co++issioners of
(a) Pay to be in accordance
with the sanctioned rates for
si+ilar er+anent osts and
subject to a +a0i+u+ of Rs.
'#% er +ense+.
(b) >ithin the financial year.
,itto To create or reduce
er+anent or te+orary
osts of coyists.
,itto '" Pay not to e0ceed Rs. 5%
er +ense+.
#" Subject to the reort bein-
+ade to the Ainancial
Eote # under Rule
To create te+orary osts@-
'" Aor ,euty
Co++issionerVs offices;
#" Aor the destruction of
records in district records
)" Te+orary Potedars other
than those whose ay is
+et fro+ the head X$I K
CurrencyM !Central".
(a) ?nly when there is
abnor+al ressure of wor..
(b) Pay to be in accordance
with sanctioned rates for
si+ilar er+anent osts and
subject to a +a0i+i1e of Rs. /*
for !'" and Rs. 5% for !#" and
(") Aor 5 +onths within the
financial year, e0cet in the
case of !)" where the eriod is
one +onth.
,itto To create te+orary osts of
additional eons either on
service of rocesses or on
ordinary district wor..
Collectors (a) ?nly when there is
abnor+al ressure of wor..
(b) Pay to be in accordance
with the sanctioned scale for
si+ilar er+anent osts.
(") Aor si0 +onths within the
financial year.
,itto To create te+orary osts of
Potedars other than those
whose ay is +et fro+ the
head X$I K CurrencyM
Co++issioners of
(a) To be used only when there
is abnor+al ressure of wor..
(b) = to a eriod of si0
+onths within the financial
,itto To create te+orary osts of
Eaib-Tehsildars, their
8uharrirs on the scale of Rs.
5% K $ K '%%G* K '#% and
their eons.
,itto Aor three +onths.
,itto To create te+orary osts on
the scale -iven below
re6uired for the court of each
&ssistant and <0tra &ssistant
Co++issioner, stiendiary or
honorary, who is aointed in
e0ceed of the reco-ni1ed
stren-th of the district@-
?ne Reader.
?ne &hl+ad.
?ne Peon.
a) Eot to e0ceed K
Readers Rs./*K5K'5*G/K'/*.
&hl+ads Rs.5%K$K'%%G*K
Peons #* K W - )%.
b) The eriod of the osts
shall be for so lon- as the
osts of additional
&ssistant and <0tra
&ssistant Co++issioners
are created and shall in no
case e0tend '% days
beyond the date on which
the officers relin6uish their
") The staff is li+ited to a
reader and a eon for
Govern+ent servants who
do not e0ercise the owers
of a 8a-istrate of the first
,itto To create te+orary osts of
eons for Transort
Re-istration ?fficers when a
eon cannot be sared fro+
the e0istin- Tahsil
,itto a) Pay not to e0ceed Rs.#*KW
- )%.
b) Aor si0 +onths.
Eote # under Rule
To create te+orary osts, Punjab
2e-islative &sse+bly.
a) Aor three +onths.
b) The ay and allowances of
any te+orary ost so
sanctioned shall not
e0ceed Rs. '#% er
+ense+ or that sanctioned
for si+ilar er+anent
osts, whichever is less.
") The ay and allowances
shall not in any case
e0ceed the rates
ad+issible for si+ilar osts
in the Punjab Civil
'%ministration o: Austi"e.
).'$ Power to susend the lien of
+e+bers of the Punjab Civil
Service !Budicial :ranch" on
osts in the selection -rade.
4onourable Bud-es of
the 4i-h Court of
Budicature at 2ahore.
Aull owers, rovided the
Govern+ent servant whose
lien is susended is holdin- a
suerior ost on which no
other Govern+ent servant
holds a lien and there is no
reasonable e0ectation of his
reversion within three years.
).#5 !b" !i" Power to re6uire a 8inisterial
Govern+ent servant to retire
between the a-e of ** and
5% years.
,istrict and Session
In resect of non--a1etted
Govern+ent servants who they
or authorities subordinate to
the+ are co+etent to aoint.
$.'5 and $.## Power to -rant additional ay
to Govern+ent servants of
the Provincial Civil Service
!Budicial :ranch" aointed
to hold char-e of the current
duties of the office of ,istrict
and Sessions Bud-e in
addition to their own duties.
,itto = to 'G*th of the substantive
ay of the Govern+ent
servants concerned subject to
a +a0i+u+ li+it of Rs. #%% er
+ense+ in each case and
rovided the eriod of the
additional char-e e0ceeds
seven days.
Eote # under Rule
To create new er+anent
+inisterial osts re6uired for
the 4i-h Court of Budicature
at 2ahore and courts
subordinate there to.
The 4onourable
Bud-es of the 4i-h
Court of Budicature at
The ay of
the ost shall
not e0ceed K
a) Aor the
4i-h Court
e Courts
Rs. 5%-$
,itto To create new er+anent
osts in the rocess-servin-
,itto The ay of the osts shall not
e0ceed the followin- li+its@ -
establish+ent re6uired for
the 4i-h Court of Budicature
at 2ahore and courts
subordinate thereto.
'" Civil Ea1ir
#" Eaib-Ea1irs
)" :aillifs
$" Process-
Rs. 5%$-
)%-'G# - )*
,itto To create new er+anent
osts in the inferior
establish+ent re6uired for
the 4i-h Court of Budicature
at 2ahore and Courts
subordinate thereto.
The 4onourable
Bud-e of the 4i-h
Court of Budicature at
The ay of the osts shall be
subject to the followin- li+its K
'" ,aftries
#" Peons
)" ?ther
t includin-
Rs.#*-'G#K )%.
Rs. #*.
Provided that osts of
Ba+adars. =shers or of
?rderlies attached to -a1etted
Govern+ent servants shall not
be created.
,itto To create te+orary
+inisterial and inferior osts
re6uired for the 4i-h Court of
Budicature at 2ahore and
courts subordinate thereto.
,itto a) The ay to such osts
shall be in accordance with
the sanctioned scale for
er+anent osts.
b) >ithin the financial year
unless the ay is accordin-
to the scale laid down in
serial Eos. I%, I', and I/.
Eote # under Rule
To create the ost of a
+essen-er for each district
court when the a+ount of
station da. to be dealt with
aears to render this
The 4onourable
Bud-es of the 4i-h
Court of Budicature at
Pay to be on usual scale.
,itto To create new te+orary
osts of secial Public
Prosecutors in e+er-ent
2e-al Re+e+brance
to Govern+ent,
a) The ay attached to
such ost not to e0ceed
Rs. *%% er +ense+.
b) The eriod of
aoint+ent not to e0ceed
three +onths.
,itto To create te+orary osts ,istrict and Sessions a) Pay not to e0ceed K
on the scale -iven below for
the courts of Te+orary
&dditional ,istrict and
Sessions Bud-es@ -
?ne Reader.
?ne Translator.
?ne &hl+ad.
?ne Coy Cler..
?ne =sher.
Two eons.
Coy Cler.
lus a Secial
Pay of Rs.*.
b) The eriod of
aoint+ent shall be for so
lon- as the osts of
te+orary &dditional
,istrict and Sessions
Bud-es are created,
subject to the li+it that
sanction shall not be -iven
to e0tend beyond the last
day of the financial year.
Eote # under Rule
To create te+orary osts
re6uired for the courts of
&dditional Sub-Bud-es on
the followin- scale@-
?ne Reader,
?ne &hl+ad,
?ne Eaib-Ea1ir, and
?ne eon
,istrict and Sessions
a) Pay not to e0ceed -
Rs. 5%-$-'%%G*-
Rs.#*-'G# -)%.
b) The eriod of
aoint+ent shall be for so
lon- as the ost of
additional Sub-Bud-es in
created subject to the li+it
that sanction shall not be
-iven to e0tend beyond the
last day of the financial
") Provided a Eaib-Ea1ir is
entertained only if held to
be necessary by the
,istrict and Sessions
,itto To create te+orary osts of
:ailiffs for e0ecution wor. in
connection with alications
+ade to courts on behalf of
Co-oerative Societies.
,itto Provided-
a) The ay attached to such
osts is in accordance with
the sanctioned scale of
er+anent :ailiffs.
b) The ay lus leave and
ension contribution in
accordance with the rate
fi0ed by the Punjab
Govern+ent under Rule
'%.'% are recovered fro+
the Societies concerned.
Aail (e<artment
Eote # under Rule
To create osts of turn.eys
on a er+anent footin- in
judicial loc.-us in the
Insector General of
Prisons, Punjab
Aull Powers.
,itto To create te+orary osts of
Bail >arders and other
subordinates of inferior ran.
and of +enials re6uired on
the occasion of the alteration
in the status of a ,istrict Bail
fro+ a lower to a hi-her
,itto a) Provided that the
establish+ent is .et within
the sanctioned stren-th for
the class to which the Bail
is raised.
b) Aor si0 +onths.
,itto To create te+orary osts in
other cases of ur-ent
,itto a) Provided that the ay does
not e0ceed Rs.5% or the
ay drawn in si+ilar osts
in the Bail ,eart+ent,
whichever is less; and
b) Aor si0 +onths.
,itto To create te+orary osts of
warders to -uard conde+ned
risoners and civil risoners
in civil wards outside +ain
,itto Provided K
i" That the ay does not
e0ceed that sanctioned for
si+ilar er+anent osts,
ii" The aoint+ent in the
case of te+orary warders
to -uard conde+ned
risoners is +ade in
accordance with
ara-rahs I*# and I*) of
the Punjab Bail 8anual.
-22) Eote # under Rule
To create a te+orary ost of
fe+ale warder in a jail when
the fe+ale warder already
attached to the jail is -ranted
casual leave.
Suerintendents of
i" The ower shall be
e0ercised in those jails only
to which there is only
fe+ale warder.
ii" The eriod of the
te+orary ost shall be
li+ited on each occasion to
the eriod of casual leave
ta.en and shall not e0ceed
#% days in a year for each
fe+ale warder -ranted
casual leave.
iii" The ay shall not
e0ceed the ay drawn in
si+ilar er+anent osts.
.. To fi0 the classification of
,istrict Bails for the uroses
of deter+inin- the allowance
ad+issible to +edical
officers for their
ad+inistrative char-e.
Insector General of
Prisons, Punjab
Provided the scale of
risoners, as noted below is
not e0ceeded K
-27) '
class jails
class jails
class jails
class jails
*%% or +ore.
)%% and not
+ore than
'*% and not
+ore than
8ore than *%
and less than
The fi-ures should be the
avera-e of the recedin- year,
but discretion +ay be used.
>hen owin- to abnor+al
causes the avera-e nu+ber is
-reater or less than it +ay
reasonably be e0ected to be
in the year under
Poli"e (e<artment
Para. II !*" of
Schedule to Chater
Power to sanction the
absence on duty of a
Govern+ent servant beyond
his shere of duty.
,euty Insector
General of Ran-es
Aull owers in resect of
Ga1etted Govern+ent servants
attached to districts, rovided
that the absence is for reasons
of a ublic nature which should
be stated and that the eriod of
absence does not e0ceed '$
Para. II !*" of
Schedule to Chater
Power to sanction the
absence on duty of a
Govern+ent servant beyond
his shere of duty.
Suerintendents of
Police under whose
orders they are
Aull owers in resect of
Govern+ent servants shown
below, rovided that the
absence is for reasons of a
ublic nature which should be
stated and that the eriod of
absence does not e0ceed '$
'" Prosecutin- Reserve,
City, Canton+ent, C. I. ,. and
other Insectors.
#" Ser-eants.
)" Prosecutin- C. I. ,. and
other Sub-Insectors.
$" &ssistant Sub-
*" 4ead Constables and
-28) ,itto ,itto &ssistant Insector
General, Govern+ent
Aull owers in resect of
Govern+ent servants shown
Railway Police. below, rovided that the
absence is for reasons of a
ublic nature which should be
stated and that the eriod of
absence does not e0ceed '$
days@ -
Insectors, Ser-eants, Sub-
Insectors, &ssistant Sub-
Insectors, 4ead Constables
and Constables of the
Govern+ent Railway Police.
Para. II !*" of
Schedule to Chater
Power to sanction the
absence on duty of a
Govern+ent servant beyond
his shere of duty.
Suerintendent of
Police of the district in
which -rou
head6uarters are
Aull owers in resect of
Govern+ent servants shown
below, rovided that the
absence is for reasons of a
ublic nature which should be
stated and that the eriod of
absence does not e0ceed '$
days K
Insectors, Ser-eants, 4ead
Constables and Cler.s of
8otor Vehicle Insection Staff.
).#5 !a" Power to retain Govern+ent
Servants other than
+inisterial servants, in
service after the a-e of **
,euty Insectors
General of Police and
the &ssistant
Insector General,
Govern+ent Railway
&s re-ards Sub-Insectors,
&ssistant Sub-Insectors and
Ser-eants of Police u to the
a-e of 5% years.
-4-) ,itto ,itto Suerintendents of
&s re-ards 4ead Constables
and Constables u to the a-e
of 5% years.
*.)/ Power to sanction
accetance of fees
Insector General of
Police, Punjab.
Aull owers in re-ard to Police
Constables, who are laced in
char-e of cattle ounds
attached to Police stations.
*.)/ Power to sanction the of wor. and to
er+it the :ands+en of the
,era Gha1i Jhan, :aluch
2evy to receive fee fro+ the
,era Gha1i Jhan ,istrict
:oard for the wor. done in
connection with the &nnual
4orse and Cattle Aair.
Co++issioner, 8ultan
= to a li+it of Rs.#%.
*.' To sanction
house rent
a) Insector
General of
b) ,euty
General of
Police and
i) <uroean
ii) Ser-eants
-) Pa.istan
Insectors at
a) The head6uarters
or Canton+ents
of 2ahore
8ultan, 2yallur
and 8ont-o+ery.
b) The head6uarters
or Canton+ents
of Gujranwala,
= to a
+a0i+u+ of
Rs.5% er
throu-hout the
Punjab in resect
of the
Railway Police
Rs.$* er
+ense+ throu-h
out the Punjab in
resect of
Railway Police
Rs.)5 er
Rs.#% er
") Suerintend
ents of
Police and
Sar-odha and
Ca+bell ur.
") &ny other lace in
the Punjab.
#" Probationary
'" Sub-Insectors
a) The head6uarters
or Canton+ents
of 2ahore,
8ultan, 2yallur
8ont-o+ery and
b) The head6uarters
or Canton+ents
of 2ahore,
8ultan, 2yallur
8ont-o+ery and
") &ny other lace in
the Punjab.
#" Probationary Sub-
Rs. '# er
= to a
+a0i+u+ of half
the rates
ad+issible to
Rs.'I er
Rs. '% er
Rs. 5 er
4alf the rates
ad+issible to






































































%) i)
)"&ssistant Sub-
&ssistant Sub-
Insectors and
4ead Constables
at K
a) The head6uarters
or Canton+ents
of 2ahore,
8ultan, 2yallur,
8ont-o+ery and
b) The head6uarters
or Canton+ents
of Gujranwala,
Ca+bell ur and
any hill station
other than 8uree,
") &ny other lace in
the Punjab.
$"In the head6uarters
or Canton+ents
of K
a) Shei.huura,
8ont-o+ery and
Rs. * er
Rs. )-I-% er
Rs. #-I-% er
= to Rs.) er
+ense+ for
= to Rs. # er





































































E%u"ation (e<artment
$.' !#" !ii" To -rant secial ay to
vernacular a-ricultural
+asters who are in char-e of
school far+s and have to do
e0tra a-ricultural wor. in
addition to their nor+al
,irector of Public
Instruction, Punjab.
= to a li+it of Rs.'% er
+ense+ in each individual
*.** Power to -rant or er+it the
+edical officers in char-e of
hositals and disensaries to
receive an honorariu+ for
conductin- +edical
insection of school children.
,itto &t the rate of Rs.I er hundred
boys e0a+ined.
*.)/ Powers to sanction the
accetance of fees for rivate
Insectors of
Schools, Princials
of Govern+ent
Colle-es and Circle
Insectresses of
Aor su+s not e0ceedin- Rs.
#%% er +ensu+.
*.' To -rant co+ensatory
allowance to +arried
suerintendents of boardin-
houses attached to
Govern+ent 8iddle, 4i-h
and Eor+al Schools and
,e-ree and inter+ediate
Colle-es, where suitable free
6uarters are not available.
,irectors of Public
Instruction, Punjab.
Provided the allowance does
not e0ceed '% ercent on their
(ire"torate o: ealt# Ser=i"es
'%.# !b" Power to transfer >o+en
&ssistant 8edical ?fficer to
forei-n service under local
,irector, 4ealth
Aull owers subject to the
conditions in Serial Eo. ''%.
'%.I Power to fi0 ay of >o+en
&ssistant 8edical ?fficers in
forei-n service under local
,itto Aull owers, rovided the ay
fi0ed is not in e0cess of that
drawn in Govern+ent service
and rovided further that no
concessions are sanctioned in
addition to ay e0cet K
'" ay+ent by the forei-n
e+loyer of Govern+entVs
share of the contribution
towards the Contribution
towards the Contribution
Provident Aund;
#" -rant of travelin-
allowance under the
Punjab Travelin-
&llowance Rules; and
)" -rant of free 6uarters or an
allowance of Rs.'* in lien
Eote # under Rule
To create osts of
,isensers and eons for
&ssistant 8edical ?fficers on
la-ue duty when they are
sent round with +edical
,irector of 4ealth
Provided K
a) The ay shall not e0ceed
that sanctioned for si+ilar
osts on the er+anent
b) >ithin the financial year.
-74) ,itto To create te+orary osts of
attendants for nursin- duties
when a +ental atients is
ad+itted to any local hosital
in 2ahore for treat+ent.
Punjab 8ental
4osital, 2ahore.
a) Pay not to e0ceed that
sanctioned for
corresondin- er+anent ") The nu+ber of te+orary
%) >ith the sanction of the
,irector 4ealth Service
+ore than two but not
+ore than four attendants
+ay be entertained in the
case of those atients who
re6uire +ore than two
e) The 8edical
Suerintendent to reort to
the ,irector, 4ealth
Services when he
e0ercises the owers
dele-ated to hi+.
Eote # under Rule
To create te+orary osts of
e0tra robationer attendants
to deal with +ental atients
in e0cess of (*% in the
Punjab 8ental 4osital,
Punjab 8ental
4osital, 2ahore.
a) To the e0tent of one for
every ten such atients.
b) Pay not to e0ceed that
sanctioned for a
corresondin- er+anent
-7.) ,itto To sanction the creation of
te+orary osts of secial
attendants by 8edical
Suerintendent, Punjab
8ental 4osital, 2ahore, to
loo. after dan-erous +ental
atients other than cri+inal
atients ad+itted in the
Punjab 8ental 4osital,
,irector of 4ealth
Services, Punjab.
a) To be used in an
e+er-ency only, and also
when the cost of
+aintenance is to be
recovered fro+ a local
body or canton+ent
authoriIty whether by way
of fi0ed annual contribution
or otherwise.
b) Pay not to e0ceed that
sanctioned for a
corresondin- er+anent
") The nu+ber of te+orary
secial attendants not to
e0ceed two for each
+ental atient.
,itto To sanction the creation of
the ost of a te+orary
secial nurse by the 8edical
Suerintendent Punjab
8ental 4osital, 2ahore, to
loo. after the child of a
destitute fe+ale in+ate.
,irector, 4eath
Service Punjab.
a) To be used in an
e+er-ency only.
b) Period of e+loy+ent of
such nurse in each case
not to e0ceed # years
subject to the condition
that the services of the
nurse shall be disensed
with when no lon-er
") Pay not to e0ceed that
sanctioned for a
corresondin- er+anent
%) The nu+ber of te+orary
nurses should not e0ceed
one for each such wo+an.
-75) ,itto To create te+orary osts of
secial attendants for rivate
+ental atients.
Punjab 8ental
4osital, 2ahore.
a) Pay not to e0ceed that
sanctioned for a
corresondin- er+anent
b) The nu+ber of te+orary
attendants not to e0ceed
one or each +ental atient
and two in an e0cetional
") >ith the sanction of the
,irector 4ealth Services
+ore than two but not
+ore than four attendants
+ay be entertained in the
case of an e0tre+ely
dan-erous or suicidal
*o. 0. (. SR ------8.B58, %ate% -4t# Aul$, -/8- , In e0ercise of the owers
conferred by Section #) of the Civil Servants &ct, '(/$, the Governor is leased to +a.e
the followin- rules, na+ely @C
-) S#ort title, a<<li"ation an% "ommen"ement,
-. These rules +ay be called the Revised 2eave Rules, '(I'.
2. They shall aly to all civil servants other than those who were
e+loyed before the first day of Buly, '(/I, and oted not to be -overned by the
Revision of 2eave Rules issued under the Ainance ,eart+entDs Circular 2etter
Eo. A,. SR-III-'-I*G/I, dated *th Eove+ber, '(/I.
4. They shall co+e into force at once.
2) H#en lea=e earne%,
-. &ll service rendered by a civil servant 6ualifies hi+ to earn
leave in accordance with these rules but shall not be earned durin- the eriod of
2. &ny eriod sent by a civil servant in forei-n service 6ualifies
hi+ to earn leave rovided that contribution towards leave salary is aid to the
Govern+ent on account of such eriod.
4) Earnin? an% a""umulation o: lea=e,
-. & civil servant shall earn leave only on full ay which shall be
calculated at the rate of four days for every calendar +onth of duty rendered and
credited to the leave account as F2eave on Aull PayF.
2. ,uty eriod of fifteen days or less in a calendar +onth shall be
i-nored and that of +ore than fifteen days shall be treated as a full calendar +onth
for the urose of calculation of earned leave,
4. If a civil servant roceeds on leave durin- a calendar +onth
and returns fro+ it durin- another calendar +onth and the eriod of duty in either
+onth is +ore than fifteen days, the leave to be credited for both the inco+lete
+onths shall be restricted to that ad+issible for one full calendar +onth only.
7. There shall be no +a0i+u+ li+it on the accu+ulation of such
7) Ci=il ser=ants in Va"ation (e<artment,
-. & civil servant in Vacation ,eart+ent +ay earn leave on full ay@C
a) >hen he avails hi+self of full vacation in a calendar year at the rate
of one day for every calendar +onth of duty rendered,
b) >hen durin- any year he is revented fro+ availin- hi+self of the
full vacation as for a civil servant in a non-vacation deart+ent for that year, and
c) >hen he avails hi+self of only a art of the vacationCas in !a"
above plus such roortion of thirty days as the nu+ber of days of vacation riot
ta.en bears to the full vacation.
2. The rovisions under rule ) !#C$" shall also be alicable in the case of civil
servants of a Vacation ,eart+ent.
5) Lea=e on :ull <a$,
The +a0i+u+ eriod of leave on full ay that +ay be -ranted at one ti+e shall be
as follows@C
a) >ithout +edical certificate '#% days
b) >ith +edical certificate 'I% days
c) ?n +edical certificate fro+ leave
account in entire service
)5* days
/ote. --- 2nder the )eave Rules* 57--* leave on hal average pay could
%e converted into leave on ull pay on the strength o 4edical
Certiicate up to a ma$imum o twelve months in terms o leave on ull
pay in the whole service. 1he account o this >ind o leave was
separately maintained in the leave account under the said Rules. #uch
leave availed o %y the civil servants %eore the introduction o these
rules* shall %e de%ited against the ma$imum limit o +B- days i$ed
under this rule.
9) Lea=e on #al: <a$,
-. 2eave on full ay +ay, at the otion of the civil servant, be converted into
leave on half ay, the debit to the leave account wilt be at the rate of one day of
the for+er for every two days of the latter, fraction of one-half countin- as one full
dayDs leave on full ay.
2. The re6uest for conversion of leave referred to in sub-rule !'" shall be
secified by the civil servant in his alication for the -rant of leave.
4. There shall be no li+it on the -rant of leave on half ay so lon- as it is
available by conversion in the leave account.
5) Lea=e to be a<<lie%, et"., in terms o: %a$s,
2eave shall be alied for, e0ressed, and sanctioned, in ter+s of days.
8) Carr$ :or>ar% o: e;istin? lea=e,
&ll leave at credit in the account of a civil servant on the first day of Buly, '(/I,
shall be carried forward and e0ressed in ter+s of leave on full ay and the leave
account in such cases shall, with effect fro+ the first day of Buly, '(/I, or, in the case of a
civil servant who was on leave on that, date, with effect fro+ the date of his return fro+
leave, be recast asunder@C
I. 2eave on full ay @
a) ' +onth
b) 'day
)% days
' day
II. 2eave on half ay
a) ' +onth
b) # days
'* days
' day
Note: Fractions, if any, shall be ignored.
/) E;traor%inar$ lea=e (lea=e >it#out <a$),
1. <0traordinary leave without ay +ay be -ranted on any -round u to a
+a0i+u+ eriod of five years at a ti+e, rovided that the civil servant to who+
such leave is -ranted, has been in continuous service for a eriod of not less than
ten years, and, in case a civil servant has not co+leted ten years of continuous
service, e0traordinary leave without ay for a +a0i+u+ eriod of two years +ay be
-ranted at the discretion of the head of his office@
Provided that the +a0i+u+ eriod of five years shall be reduced by the eriod of
leave on full ay, or half ay, if -ranted in co+bination with the e0traordinary leave
2. <0traordinary leave u to a +a0i+u+ eriod rescribed under sub-rule !'"
+ay be -ranted, subject to the conditions stated therein, irresective of t#e :a"t
>#et#er a civil servant is a er+anent or a te+orary e+loyee.
-6) Re"reation Lea=e,
Recreation leave +ay be -ranted for fifteen days once in a financial year, the debit
to the leave account +ay, however, before ten days leave on full ay@
Provided that such leave shall not be ad+issible to a civil servant in a Vacation
/ote6 Casual )eave &as Recreation )eave( shall however continue to
%e granted or 5C days only su%:ect to other conditions under the
!overnment instructions.
--) Lea=e not %ue ,
-. 2eave not due +ay be -ranted on full ay, to be offset a-ainst leave to be
earned in future, for a +a0i+u+ eriod of three hundred and si0ty-five days in the
entire eriod of service, subject to the condition that durin- the first five years of
service it shall not e0ceed ninety days in all.
2. Such leave +ay be converted into leave on halt ay.
4. Such leave shall be -ranted only when there are reasonable chances of the
civil servant resu+in- duty on the e0iry of the leave.
7. Such leave shall be -ranted sarin-ly and to the satisfaction of the
sanctionin- authority but it shall not be ad+issible to te+orary civil servants.
-2) S<e"ial Lea=e,
-. & fe+ale civil servant, on the death of her husband, +ay be -ranted secial
leave on full ay, when alied for, for a eriod not e0ceedin- one hundred and
thirty days.
2. Such leave shall not be debited to her leave account.
4. Such leave shall co++ence fro+ the date of death of her husband and for
this urose she will have to roduce death certificate issued by the co+etent
authority either alon- with her alication for secial leave or,"
that is not ossible, the said certificate +ay be furnished to the leave sanctionin-
authority searately.
-4) Maternit$ Lea=e,
-. 8aternity leave +ay be -ranted on full ay, outside the leave account, to a
fe+ale civil servant to the e0tent of ninety days in all fro+ the date of its
co++ence+ent Yas secified in the alication for leave" or forty-five days fro+
the date of her confine+ent, whichever be earlier.
2. Such leave +ay not be -ranted for +ore than three ti+es in the entire
service of a fe+ale civil servant e0cet in the case of a fe+ale civil servant
e+loyed in a Vacation ,eart+ent who +ay be -ranted +aternity leave without
this restriction.
4. Aor confine+ents beyond the third one, the fe+ale civil servant !in a non-
Vacation ,eart+ent" would have to ta.e leave fro+ her nor+al leave account.
7. The sells of +aternity leave availed of rior to the cornin- into force of
these rules shall be dee+ed to have been ta.en under these rules.
.. 8aternity leave +ay be -ranted in continuation of, or in co+bination with,
any other .ind of leave includin- e0traordinary leave as +ay be due and
ad+issible to a fe+ale civil servant.
9. 2eave salary to be aid durin- +aternity leave shall be re-ulated, as for
other leave, in accordance with the e0istin- instructions of the Govern+ent.
5. The leave salary to be aid durin- +aternity leave will, therefore, re+ain
unaffected even if an incre+ent accrues durin- such leave and the effect of such
an incre+ent will be -iven after the e0iry of +aternity leave, in the event of
resu+tion of duty by such fe+ale civil servant.
-7) (isabilit$ Lea=e,
-. ,isability leave +ay be -ranted, outside the leave account on each
occasion, u to a +a0i+u+ of seven hundred and twenty days on such +edical
advice as the head of office +ay- consider necessary, to a civil servant, other than
a civil servant in art-ti+e service, etc., disabled by injury, ail+ent or disease
contracted in course or in conse6uence of duty or official osition.
2. The leave salary durin- disability leave shall be e6ual to full ay for the first
one hundred and ei-hty days and on half ay for the re+ainin- eriod.
-.) Lea=e e;-Pakistan,
-. 2eave e0-Pa.istan +ay be -ranted on full ay to civil servant who alies
for such leave or who roceeds abroad durin- leave or leave while osted
abroad or is otherwise on duty abroad, and a secific re6uest to that effect.
2. The leave ay to be drawn abroad !in forei-n currency" shall be restricted to
a +a0i+u+ of three thousand ruees er +onth.
4. The leave ay shall be ayable in Sterlin- if such leave is sent + &sia
other than Pa.istan and India.
7. Such leave ay !in forei-n currency" shall be ayable for the actual eriod of
leave sent abroad subject to a +a0i+u+ of one hundred and twenty days at a
5. The civil servants aointed after the '/th 8ay, /(*I, shall draw their leave
salary in ruees in Pa.istan irresective of the country where they haen to sent
their leave.
6. Grant of leave e0-Pa.istan will be re-ulated and be subject to the sa+e
li+its and conditions as rescribed in rules *, 5 and (.
-9) Lea=e <re<arator$ to retirement,
-. The +a0i+u+ eriod u to which a civil servant +ay be -ranted leave
rearatory to retire+ent shall be three hundred and si0ty-five days.
2. Such leave +ay be ta.en, subject to availability, either on full ay, or artly
on full ay and artly on half ay, or entirely on half ay, at the discretion of the
civil servant.
-5) En"as#ment o: re:use% lea=e <re<arator$ to retirement,
1. If, in case of retire+ent on suerannuation
Oor voluntary retire+ent on
co+letion of thirty years 6ualifyin- serviceL a civil servant cannot, for reasons of
ublic service be -ranted leave rearatory to retire+ent duly alied for
insufficient ti+e, he will in lieu thereof, be -ranted lu+-su+ leave ay for the
leave refused to hi+ subject to a +a0i+u+ of one hundred and ei-hty days leave
on full ay.
2. Such leave can be refused artly and sanctioned artly but the cash
co+ensation shall be ad+issible for the actual eriod of such leave so refused
not e0ceedin- one hundred and ei-hty days.
4. The ay+ent of leave ay in lieu of such refused 2PR +ay be +ade to the
civil servant either in lu+-su+ at the ti+e of retire+ent or +ay, at his otion, be
drawn by hi+ +onth-wise for the eriod of leave so refused.
7. Aor the urose of lu+-su+ ay+ent in lieu of such refused leave, only the
FSenior Post &llowanceF will be included in F2eave PayF so ad+issible.
.. In case a civil servant on leave rearatory to retire+ent dies before
co+letin- one hundred and ei-hty days of such leave, his fa+ily shall be entitled
to lu+-su+ ay+ent e6ual to the eriod fallin- short of one hundred and ei-hty
-8) Po>er to re:use lea=e <re<arator$ to retirement, et".,
-. ?rdinarily, leave rearatory to retire+ent on suerannuation, shall not be
2. &ll orders refusin- leave rearatory to retire+ent a civil servant and
recallin- civil servant fro+ leave rearatory to retire+ent shall tie assed only by
the authorities secified below @C
i. Aor civil servants of
Grade '/ and above.
Chief Secretary Personally.
ii. Aor civil servants of Secretary of the &d+inistrative ,ett.
&dded vide A. ,. Eo. SR-Sii-'-I*G/I. dated 'Ith 8arch. '(I#.
Grade '5 and below. concerned Personally.
4. The authorities secified in sub-rule !#" shall not dele-ate these owers to
any other authority.
4. &ll roosals re-ardin- refusal of such leave to an officer of Grade '/ and
above shall be referred to the Chief Secretary, with detailed justification at least
three +onths, before an officer is due to roceed on such leave.
/ote6 Rules 58 and 5, may %e read with the Finance .epartment=s
circular letters at pages +5 to +8.
In-ser=i"e %eat# ,
1. In the case a civil servant dies while In case a civil servant dies, while in
service by a 8edical :oard a lu+su+ ay+ent e6ual to leave ay uto one
hundred and ei-hty days out of the leave to his credit shall be +ade to his fa+ily
as defined for the uroses of fa+ily ension or, as the case +ay be, to the civil
2. Aor the urose of lu+su+ ay+ent under sub-rule !'", only the FSenior
Post &llowanceF will be included in the F2eave PayF so ad+issible. !These orders
shall ta.e effect fro+ '5th Sete+ber, '(I*"
26) Reasons nee% not be s<e"i:ie%, et".,
1. It shall not be necessary to secify the reasons for which leave has been
alied so lon- as that leave is due and ad+issible to a civil servant.
2. 2eave alied for on +edical certificate shall not be refused@
Provided that the authority co+etent to sanction leave +ay, at its discretion,
secure a second +edical oinion by re6uestin- the Civil Sur-eon or 8edical :oard, as
the case +ay be, to have the alicant +edically e0a+ined.
Rule '( substituted vide Eoti. Eo. A. ,.-SR-II-#-'%%GI/, dated 'st Aebruary, '(II. ?ri-inal version was
as under@
F'(. In-service death @
1. In the case a civil servant dies while In case a civil servant dies, while in service a lu+su+
ay+ent e6ual to leave ay uto one hundred and ei-hty days out of the leave to his credit shall be
+ade to his fa+ily as defined for the uroses of fa+ily ension
2. Aor the urose of lu+su+ ay+ent under sub-rule !'", only the FSenior Post &llowanceF
will be included in the F2eave PayF so ad+issible.
2-) Lea=e >#en starts an% en%s,
Instead of indicatin- whether 2eave starts or ends in the forenoon or afternoon,
leave +ay co++ence fro+ the day followin- that on which a civil servant hands over the
char-e of his ost and +ay end on the day recedin- that on which he resu+es duty.
22) Re"all :rom lea=e, et".,
-. If a civil servant is recalled to duty co+ulsorily with the ersonal aroval
of the head of his office fro+ leave of any .ind that he is sendin- away fro+ his
head6uarters, he +ay be -ranted a sin-le return fare lus daily allowance as
ad+issible on tour fro+ the station where he is sendin- hisRleave to the lace
where he is re6uired to reort for duty.
2. In case, the civil servant is recalled to duty at head6uarters and his
re+ainin- leave is cancelled, the fare then ad+issible shall be for one way journey
4. If the return fro+ leave is otional, the civil servant is entitled to no
24) &=ersta$al a:ter san"tione% lea=e, et".,
-. =nless, the leave of a civil servant is e0tended by the head of his office, a
civil servant who re+ains absent after the end of his leave shall not be entitled to
any re+uneration for the eriod of such absence, and without rejudice to any
discilinary action that +ay be ta.en a-ainst hi+, double the eriod of such
absence shaft lie debited a-ainst his leave account.
2. Such debit shall, if there is insufficient credit in the leave account, be
adjusted a-ainst future earnin-.
27) 'n$ t$<e o: lea=e ma$ be a<<lie% :or,
& civil servant +ay aly for any tye of leave which is due and ad+issible to hi+
and it shall not be refused on the -round that another tye of leave should be ta.en in the
articular circu+stances, for e0a+le, a civil servant +ay aly for e0traordinary leave or
leave on half-ay even if leave on full ay is otherwise due and ad+issible to hi+, or he
+ay roceed on e0traordinary leave followed by leave on half-ay and full-ay rather than
that on full ay, half ay, and without ay.
2.) Combination o: %i::erent t$<e o: lea=e, et".,
?ne tye of leave +ay be co+bined with joinin- ti+e or with any other tye of
leave otherwise ad+issible to the civil servant@
Provided that leave rearatory to retire+ent shall not be co+bined with any other
.ind of leave.
29) Ci=il ser=ant on lea=e not to join %ut$ >it#out <ermission be:ore its e;<ir$,
=nless he is er+itted to do so by the authority which sanctioned his leave, a civil
servant on leave +ay not return to duty before the e0iry of the eriod of leave -ranted to
25) Lea=e %ue ma$ be ?rante% on abolition o: <ost et".,
-. >hen a ost is abolished, leave due to a civil servant, whose services are
ter+inated in conse6uence thereof, shall be -ranted without re-ard to the
availability of a ost for the eriod of leave.
2. The -rant of leave in such ceases shall, so lon- as he does not attain the
a-e of suerannuation, be dee+ed auto+atically to have also e0tended the
duration of the ost and the tenure of its incu+bent.
28) Manner o: #an%in?-o=er "#ar?e >#en <ro"ee%in?s on lea=e, et".M
-. & civil servant roceedin-L on leave shall hand over the char-e of his ost,
and if he is in Grade '5 and above, he shall, while handin- over char-e of the
ost, si-n the char-e relin6uish+ent reort.
2. If leave e0-Pa.istan has been sanctioned on +edical -rounds, the civil
servant shall ta.e abroad with hi+ a coy of the +edical state+ent of his case.
2/) 'ssum<tion o: "#ar?e on return :rom lea=e, et".,
-. & civil servant, on return fro+ leave, shall reort for duty to the authority that
sanctioned his leave and assu+e char-e of the ost to which he is directed by that
authority unless such direction has been -iven to hi+ in advance.
2. In case he is directed to ta.e char-e of a ost at a station other than that
fro+ where he roceeded on leave, travel e0enses as on transfer shall be
ayable to hi+.
46) '""ount o::i"es to maintain lea=e a""ount,
-. 2eave account in resect of a civil servant shall be +aintained as art of his
Service :oo..
2. The accounts offices shall +aintain the leave accounts of civil servants of
who+ they were +aintainin- the accounts i++ediately before the co+in- into
force of these rules.
4-) Lea=e to la<se >#en "i=il ser=ant Luits ser=i"e,
&ll leave at the credit of a civil servant shall lase when he 6uits service.
42) Pa$ %urin? lea=e,
-. 2eave ay ad+issible durin- leave on full ay shall be the -reater of@C
a) the avera-e +onthly ay earned durin- the twelve co+lete
+onths i++ediately recedin- the +onth in which the leave be-ins, and
b) the ay drawn on the day i++ediately before the be-innin- of the
2. >hen leave on half-ay is ta.en, the a+ounts, calculated under clauses !a"
and (b of sub-rule !'" shall be halved to deter+ine the -reater of the two rates.
44) Lea=e earne% b$ "i=il ser=ant em<lo$e% in non-"ontinuous establis#ment,
-. & civil servant e+loyed in a non-continuous establish+ent +ay be -ranted
only earned leave and disability leave as ad+issible to, and subject to the
conditions laid down for, a civil servant e+loyed in a continuous establish+ent
and no other .ind of leave shall be ad+issible to such civil servant.
2. & civil servant who is transferred fro+ a non-continuous establish+ent to a
continuous establish+ent and vice versa shall carry forward the balance of earned
leave at his credit on the date of his transfer.
E$planation6 In this rule* 3non-continuous esta%lishment3 means an
esta%lishment which does not unction throughout the year and
3continuous esta%lishment3 means an esta%lishment which unctions
throughout the year.
47) Nuarantine lea=e,
-. 9uarantine leave is in Dthe nature of e0tra casual leave and a substitute
shall nor+ally not be e+loyed durin- the absence of a civil servant on such
leave @
Provided that where the e0i-encies of service are co+ellin-, the head of the
office +ay e+loy a substitute for reasons to be recorded in writin-.
2. & civil servant +ay be -ranted 6uarantine leave outside his leave account to
the e0tent that his authori1ed +edical attendant reco++ends and the eriod of
such leave shall be treated as duty with full ay and allowances of the ost held by
hi+ at the ti+e of roceedin- on leave.
4.) Lea=e a<<li"ation, its san"tion, et".
-. <0cet where otherwise stated, an alication for leave or for an e0tension
of leave +ust be +ade to the head of office where a civil servant is e+loyed and,
in the case of the head of office, to the ne0t above ad+inistrative authority and the
e0tent of leave due and ad+issible shall be stated in the alication.
2. &n audit reort shall not be necessary before the leave is sanctioned.
4. >hen a civil servant sub+its a +edical certificate for the -rant of leave, it
shall be, by an authori1ed +edical attendant in the for+ attached to these rules.
7. 2eave as ad+issible to a civil servant under these rules +ay be sanctioned
by the head of &d+inistrative ,eart+ent, &ttached ,eart+ent, ?ff ice or any
other officer authori1ed by hi+ to do so and, when so re6uired, leave shall be
notified in the official Ga1ette.
.. In cases where all the alications for leave cannot, in the interest of ublic
service, be sanctioned to run si+ultaneously, the authority co+etent to sanction
leave shall, in decidin- the riority of the alications, consider ;C
i. whether, and how +any alicants can, for the ti+e bein-, best be sared;
ii. whether any alicants were last re-called co+ulsorily fro+ leave; and
iii. whether any alicants were re6uired ftU +a.e adjust+ent in the ti+in- of their
leave on the last occasion.
49) os<ital lea=e an% Stu%$ Lea=e,
Subject to these rules, the rovisions re-ardin- 4osital 2eave and Study 2eave
contained in the C. S. R. !Punjab" shall continue to aly to the civil servants.
4osital 2eave and Study 2eave as contained the C. S. R. are -iven at Pa-es #)
end #$ resectively.
0&RM &0 M(IC'L CER++0IC'+C
Si-nature of alicant
I, -------------------------------------------, after careful ersonal e0a+ination of the case,
hereby certify that whose si-nature is -iven above, is sufferin- fro+ HHHHHHHHHHH and I
consider that a eriod of absence fro+ duty with effect fro+ HHHHHHHHHHH is absolutely
necessary for the restoration of his health
,ated, the HHHHHHH
3o=ernment Me%i"al 'tten%ant
/ote6 - Item 5 to R must %e illed in %y all applicants. Item 5' applies
only in the case o !overnment servants o !rade 5B and a%ove.
-. Ea+e of alicant.
2. 2eave Rule alicable.
4. Post held.
7. ,eart+ent or ?ffice.
.. Pay.
9. 4ouse Rent &llowance; Conveyance &llowance or otter Co+ensatory
&llowances drawn in the resent ost.
a) 8ature of leaves alied for.
b) Period of leave in days
") ,ate of co++ence+ent.
8. Particular RuleGRules under which leave is ad+issible.
a) ,ate of return fro+ last leave. .
b) Eature of leave.
") Period of leave in days.
Si?nature o: a<<li"ant
-6. Re+ar.s and reco++endation of the Controllin- ?fficer.
--. Certified that leave alied for is ad+issible under Rule HHHHH and
necessary conditions are fulfilled.
Si?nature (esi?nation
-2. Reort of &udit ?fficer.
Si?nature (esi?nation
-4. ?rders of the sanctionin- authority certifyin- that on the e0iry of leave the-
alicant is li.ely to return to the sa+e ost carryin- the co+ensatory allowances
bein- drawn by hi+.
Si?nature (esi?nation
Lea=e '""ount o: Mr.BMissBMrs.------------------------------------
(ate o: "ommen"ement o: ser=i"e--------------------------------
(ate o: attainin? t#e a?e o: su<erannuation------------------------- (*.B. ---Instru"tions :or :illin? in t#e :orm at <a?e -9.)
Period of duty Period
2<&V< T&J<E
on 2eave on half ay 2eave not due. &bsences















































































































Aro+ To [.8.,
,ays ,ays Aro+ To ,ays ,ays ,ays ,ays ,ays ,ays ,ays ,ays ,ays ,ays ,ays ,ays
- 2 4 7 . 9 5 8 / -6 -- -2 -4 -7 -. -9 -5 -8 -/ 26 2- 22 24
E1PL'*'+&R) I*S+RUC+I&*S 0&R 0ILLI*3 UP +E LE'VE 'CC&U*+ 0&RM
-. This leave account will be +aintained for all civil servants of the Provincial
Govern+ent who were in service on the 'st Buly, ' (/I includin- those who were
on leave on that date and have not oted to retain the e0istin- leave rules and all
others, who entered service on or after 'st Buly,'(/I.
2. &ll leave at credit in the account of a civil servant who was in service on the
'st Buly, '(/I shall be converted in ter+s of leave on full ay at the followin- rates@
(i) L'. P.
a) ' +onth
b) ' day
)% days.
' day.
(ii) L. .P. ,
a) ' +onth
b) # days
'* days.
' day
&Fractions i any to %e ignored(
4. The 2eave &ccount shall co++ence with an oenin- entry F,ue on 'st Buly,
'(/IF or in the case of a civil servant, who was on leave on 'st Buly, '(/I with
effect fro+ the date of his return fro+ leave. Aor the urose of co+utin- the
leave at credit, the service uto )%th Bune, ' (/I will be ta.en into account. The
leave due in ter+s of leave on full ay, in days will be noted in Colu+n Eo. #'.
i. In calculatin- the leave earned on full ay at the rate of $ days for every
calendar +onth the duty eriod of '* days or less in a calendar +onth shall be
i-nored and those of +ore than ' * days shall be treated as a full calendar +onth
for the urose. If a civil servant roceeds on leave durin- a calendar +onth and
returns fro+ if durin- another calendar +onth and the eriod of duty in either
+onth is +ore than '* days, the leave to be credited for both the inco+lete
+onths will be restricted to only. There of this leave that ad+issible for one full
calendar +onth shall be no +a0i+u+ li+it on accu+ulation
ii. The rovision !'" above will not aly to a vacation deart+ent. In its
case, a civil servant +ay earn leave on full ay !a" when he avails hi+self of full
vacation in a calendar the rate of one day for every calendar
+onth of duty rendered (b when durin- any year he is revented fro+ availin-
hi+self of the full for a civil servant in a non-vacation
deart+ent for that year, and !G" when he avails hi+self of only a art of the in !a" above plus such roortion of thirty days as the
nu+ber of days of vacation not ta.en bears to the full vacation.
a) 2eave on full ay +ay be converted into leave on half ay at
the otion of the civil servant; the debit to the leave account will be at the rate of
one day of the for+er for every two days of the latter, fraction of one-half countin-
as one full dayDs leave on full ay. The re6uest for such conversion shall be
secified by the civil servant in his alication for the -rant of leave.
b) There shall be no li+it on the -rant of leave on half ay so
lon- as it is available by conversion in the leave account.
9. 2. P. R. on full ay will be noted in colu+n Eo. '% while that on half
ay in colu+ns Eo. ') and '$.
5. 2eave not due +ay be -ranted on full ay to be offset a-ainst leave
to be earned in future for a +a0i+u+ eriod of )5* days in the entire eriod of
service, subject to the condition that durin- the first five years of service it shall not
e0ceed (% days in all. Such leave +ay be converted into leave on half ay. It shall
be -ranted only when there are reasonable chances of the civil servant resu+in-
8. The -rant of secial leave. 8aternity leave. ,isability leave.
<0traordinary leave, ay+ent of leave ay for refused 2.P.R. uto a +a0i+u+ of
'I% days, lu+-su+ ay+ent e6ual to full ay uto 'I% days out of leave at credit
+ade to the fa+ily of a Govern+ent servant, whose death occurs while in service.
Sea+an sic. leave, ,eart+ental leave, Study leave, 4osital 2eave and
9uarantine leave shall be noted in colu+n Eo. !!, 8aternity leave other than three
ti+es in entire service shall, however, be debited to the relevant colu+n of the
leave account.
/. >hen a Govern+ent servant alies for leave colu+ns # to / shall
be filled in showin- the eriod of duty uto the date recedin- that on which a
Govern+ent servant intends to -o on leave. The full calendar +onths to be noted
in colu+n * shall be wor.ed out on the lines indicated in ara. $ above.
-6. >hen a Govern+ent servant returns fro+ leave, colu+ns I to #)
shall be filled in accordin- to the nature of leave. If leave not due to is availed of,
the +inus balance to be shown in colu+n Eo. #' should be written in red in..
E1+R'C+S 0R&M C.S.R. (PU*A'B) V&LUME I. P'R+ I 'B&U+ &SPI+'L '*(
8.89. The
Oco+etentL authority.........+ay -rant hosital leave to Govern+ent servants
of the followin- classes while under +edical treat+ent for illness or injury, if such
illness or injury is directly due to ris.s incurred in the course of their official duties @
a) &ssistant 8edical ?fficer, co+ounders. dressers, dais, head attendants,
deuty head attendants, +atrons and assistant-+atrons of the Punjab 8ental
4osital and all 4osital +enial servants e+loyed in the Provinciali1ed hositals
in the Punjab and the 8ayo 4osital, 2ahore;
b) Govern+ent servants e+loyed in Govern+ent Presses, whether on fi0ed
ay or at iece rates
") Subordinates e+loyed in Govern+ent laboratories;
%) Subordinates e+loyed on the of Govern+ent +achinery;
e) Peons and -uards in er+anent e+loy;
:) Syces In the ,eart+ent of &ni+al 4usbandry;
?) 2ines+en, oilers and cleaners e+loyed in the .Public >or.s ,eart+ent,
<lectricity :ranch.
/ote6 1he grant o hospital leave is su%:ect to the condition that the
leave salary is not in addition to the %eneits that the employee may %e
entitled to under #ection ; &5( &d( o the Aor>men=s Compensation Act*
%ut is inclusive o them.
8.90. The OOco+etentL authority...........................+ay -rant hosital leave to
Govern+ent servants of the followin- classes while under +edical treat+ent for
illness or injury, if such illness or injury is certified not to have been caused by
irre-ular or inte+erate habits @C
a) &il olice officers of and below the ran. of 4ead Constable;
b) Aorest subordinates, other than cler.s, in receit of ay not e0ceedin-
Rs. *% ;
") 4ead warders, warders and orderlies, +ale and fe+ale and +atrons of
the Bail ,eart+ent whose ay does not e0ceed Rs. *% er +ense+;
The authorities co+etent to sanction leave have been +entioned in the !Civil Services" ,ele-ation of
Powers Rules, '(5#,
%) The followin- staff of the Punjab 8ental 4osital@C
-. <uroean warders ;
2. Suerior warders ;
4. 4ead attendants ; and
7. &ttendants.
8./-. 4osital leave shall in no case e0ceed si0 +onths in any one ter+ of three years,
whether such leave is ta.en at one ti+e or by instal+ents, full avera-e ay bein-
allowed for the first three +onths and half avera-e ay thereafter.
8./2. 4osital leave is not debited a-ainst the leave account and +ay be co+bined with
any other leave which +ay be ad+issible@ rovided that the total eriod of leave,
after such co+bination, shall not e0ceed #I +onths.
Rules I.I5 and I.'#( of Civil Services Rules !Punjab", Volu+e I, Part I dealin-
with study leave are reroduced hereunder@C
ORules I.I5 and I.'#(@ 2eave +ay be -ranted to Govern+ent servants on such
ter+s as +ay be rescribed by -eneral or secial orders of the co+etent authority to
enable the+ to study scientific, technical or si+ilar roble+s or to under-o secial
courses of instruction. Such leave is not debited a-ainst the leave account.
The contents of Rules I.I5 and I.'#( are the sa+e.
&endi0 #% of C S R. !Punjab", Volu+e i, Part II is -iven below@C
F'PPE*(I1 26G
&Reerred to in notes under Rules ,.,B and ,.5'7 o: C. S. R. &Pun:a%(* "ol. I. Part I(
-. Study leave +ay be -ranted as additional leave to
Govern+ent Servants for the study of scientific, technical or si+ilar roble+s, or in
order to underta.e secial courses of instructions.
2. These rules are not intended to +eet the cases of
Govern+ent servants deuted to other countries at the instance of Govern+ent,
either for the erfor+ance of secial duties i+osed on the+ or for the
investi-ation of secific roble+s connected with their technical duties. Such cases
will continue to be dealt with on their +erit under the rovisions of
ORule 5.' of the
C. S. R, !Punjab". Vol. IL.
4. The rules shall aly to the ,eart+ents of 4ealth, Aorestry
and >ildlife, &-riculture, <ducation, Co++unication and >or.s. Industries and
8ineral ,evelo+ent. Irri-ation and Power. 2ivestoc. and ,airy. ,evelo+ent.
4ousin-, Physical and <nviron+ent Plannin- ,eart+ent and 2abour ,eart+ent.
7. The rules +ay be e0tended by the authorities e+owered to
sanction study leave to any Govern+ent servant, includin- Govern+ent servant of
a Aederal Service, not belon-in- to any of the deart+ents +entioned above, in
whose case if the sanctionin- authority is of the oinion that leave should be
-ranted in the ublic interest to ursue a secial course of study or investi-ation of
scientific or technical nature.
.. The owers -ranted by these Rules to the Govern+ent +ay
be dele-ated to any other authority subject to any condition they +ay thin. fit to
6. <0tra leave on half ay for the urose of study +ay be ta.en
either in or outside Pa.istan. It +ay be -ranted to a Govern+ent servant of any of
the ,eart+ents na+ed above rovided that when a Govern+ent servant borne
er+anently on the cadre of one ,eart+ent is servin- te+orarily in another
,eart+ent the -rant of leave will be subject to the conditions @C
a) that the sanctionin- authority can +a.e local arran-e-
+ents to carry on his wor. in his absence ; and
b) that the sanction of the arent ,eart+ent which he is
&endi0 #% substituted vide A.,. Eoti. Eo. A.,. S.R. ''-#-$#GII. dated 'Ith 8arch, '(I(
Rule 5.'. FEo deutation of a Govern+ent servant out of Pa.istan shall be sanctioned without the
revious aroval of the co+etent authorityF.
er+anently attached is obtained before leave is -iven.
5. Study leave should not ordinarily be -ranted to Govern+ent
servants who have less than five yearsD service. Such leave shall not be -ranted to
Govern+ent servants within three years of the date of suerannuation or the date
of which they have the otion of retirin-.
8. &d+inistrative ,eart+ents +ay -rant study leave to
Govern+ent servants under their ad+inistrative control subject to such restrictions
as +ay be alicable.
/. The-study leave should be -ranted with due re-ard to the
e0i-encies of the ublic service. In no case should the -rant of this leave in
co+bination with leave other than e0traordinary leave or leave on +edical
certificate, involve an absence of a Govern+ent servant for +ore than #I +onths
fro+ re-ular duties, or e0ceed two years in the entire service of a Govern+ent
servant; nor should it be -ranted with such fre6uency as to re+ove hi+ fro+
contact with his re-ular wor. or to cause cadre difficulties owin- to his absence on
leave. & eriod of '# +onths at one ti+e should ordinarily be re-arded as a
suitable +a0i+u+ and should not be e0ceeded save for e0cetional reasons.
/ote 56 1he period o two years may %e e$tended to three years on
the merit o each case or o%taining a .octorate* su%:ect to the
condition that the e$tension should not %e availa%le or scholars who
ail to complete the courses within* the prescri%ed time limit.
/ote '6 1he limits o a%sence rom regular duties prescri%ed a%ove
include the period o vacation* i any with which study leave and other
leave may %e com%ined.
/ote +6 E$traordinary leave may %e ta>en in con:unction with study
leave without regard to the ma$imum prescri%ed a%ove.
-6. & Govern+ent servant whose study leave is co+bined with any
other .ind of leave should be re6uired to ta.e his eriod of study leave at such a
ti+e as to retain at its conclusion, a balance of other reviously sanctioned leave
sufficient to cover the eriod sent in returnin- to duty.
--. >hen a Govern+ent servant has been -ranted a definite eriod of
study leave and finds subse6uently that his course of study will fall short of the
sanctioned eriod to any considerable e0tents his absence fro+ duty should be
reduced by the e0cess eriod of study leave unless he roduces the assent of the
sanctionin- authority in Pa.istan to his it as ordinary leave.
12. <0cet as rovided in ara-rah ') all alications for study leave
should be sub+itted with the &ccountant-GeneralDs certificate to the head of the
deart+ent throu-h the rescribed channel, and the course or courses of study
conte+lated and any e0a+ination which the candidate rooses to under-o
should be clearly secified therein. If the course of study is outside Pa.istan the
4ead of the ,eart+ent should also forward to the <+bassy of Pa.istan a coy of
the aroved ro-ra++e of study. If it is not ossible for the Govern+ent servant
to -ive full details as above, in his ori-inal alication, or if after leavin- Pa.istan
he wishes to +a.e any chan-es in the ro-ra++e which has been aroved in
Pa.istan, he should sub+it articulars as soon as ossible to the <+bassy of
Pa.istan. In such cases, he should not unless reared to do so at his own ris.,
co++ence the course of study, nor incur any e0enses in connection therewith,
until he receives aroval to the course throu-h the <+bassy of Pa.istan.
13. Govern+ent servants on leave outside Pa.istan who wish to
convert art of their leave into study leave or to underta.e a course of study durin-
leave, should before co++encin- study and before incurrin- any e0enses in
connection therewith, sub+it a ro-ra++e of their roosed course of study to the
<+bassy of Pa.istan. The ro-ra++e should be acco+anied by an official
syllabus of the course, if one is available and by any docu+entary evidence that
the articular course or e0a+ination has the aroval of the co+etent authority in
Pa.istan. In the absence of such evidence the ro-ra++e +ay, if aroved by the
<+bassy of Pa.istan, be roceeded with but no study leave allowance will be
ad+issible until the concurrence of the co+etent authority in Pa.istanis
-7. Eo course of study will be reco-nised as 6ualifyin- for the -rant of
study allowance, or for study leave for any other urose unless it has been
aroved in at least broad outline by the co+etent authority in Pa.istan in
accordance with ara-rah '# and ') above, and unless, in cases where it has
not been found ossible to sub+it full articulars to the authorities in Pa.istan, it
has been aroved in detail by the <+bassy of Pa.istan before it is be-un.
-.. & study allowance will be -ranted for the eriod sent in ursuin- a
definite course of study at a reco-nised institution or in any definite tour of
insection of any secial class of wor., as well as for the eriod covered by any
e0a+ination at the end of the course of study. The rates are #* Shillin-s er die+
in the =nited Jin-do+, and $.#% er die+ in the other countries. These rates are
liable to revision. ,urin- study leave in Pa.istan a Govern+ent servant shall be
allowed study allowance of Rs. )%% .+. in addition to half avera-e ay or /*\ of
full ay whichever is +ore beneficial. In no case will subsistence allowance be
-ranted in addition to study allowance, and ordinary travellin- e0enses will not be
aid but in e0cetional cases clai+s +ay be considered on their +erits by the
co+etent authority.
-9. Study allowance will be ad+issible uto '$ days for any eriod of
vacation. & eriod durin- which a Govern+ent servant interruts his course for his
own convenience cannot be considered as vacation. Study allowance will be -iven
at the discretion of the co+etent authority for any eriod uto fourteen days at
one ti+e, durin- which the Govern+ent servant is revented by sic.ness duly
certified by a +edical ractitioner fro+ ursuin- the sanction course of study. In
the case of a Govern+ent servant retirin- fro+ service without returnin- to duty
after a eriod of study leave the study allowance will be forfeited and the study
leave will be converted into ordinary leave to the e0tent of the ordinary leave
standin- to his credit on the date of retire+ent. &ny balance of the eriod of study
leave +entioned which cannot be so converted will be e0cluded in rec.onin-
service for ension.
/ote6 A !overnment servant o vacation department can draw study
allowance during vacation i he prosecutes his studies during the
period. 1he period o such a vacation will %e ta>en into account in
calculating the ma$imum period o two years or three years as the
case may %e or which study allowance is admissi%le.
-5. Govern+ent servants -ranted study leave are ordinarily re6uired to
+eet the cost of fees aid for courses of study. In e0cetional cases the co+etent
authority +ay waive this condition.
-8. ?n co+letion of a course of study, a certificate on the roer for+
!which +ay be obtained fro+ the <+bassy of Pa.istan", to-ether with certificates
of e0a+inations assed or of secial study shall when the study leave has been
ta.en outside Pa.istan, be forwarded to the <+bassy of Pa.istan. In the case of a
definite course of study at a reco-nised institution the study allowance will be aid
in such +anner as +ay be rescribed by the Govern+ent on clai+s sub+itted by
the Govern+ent servant fro+ ti+e to ti+e, suorted by roer certificates of
-/. Study leave will count as service for ro+otion and ension, but not
for leave. It will not affect any leave which +ay already be due to a Govern+ent
servant; it will count as e0tra leave on half avera-e ay but will not be ta.en into
account in rec.onin- the leave on half avera-e ay ta.en by the Govern+ent
servant towards the +a0i+u+ eriod ad+issible under the Revised 2eave Rules,
20. ?n an alication for study leave outside Pa.istan bein-
sanctioned by the co+etent authority, it shall infor+ the <+bassy of Pa.istan of
the articulars of the case. It will be necessary for each Govern+ent servant
concerned' to lace hi+self in co++unication with the <+bassy, who will arran-e
any details and issue any letters of introduction that +ay be re6uired.
&E$tract ta>en rom 4anual o #ecretariat Instructions(
i. Casual leave should not ordinarily e0ceed '% days at a ti+e and #* days
durin- any one calendar year. The sanctionin- authority +ay, however, -rant
casual leave uto '* days at a ti+e in secial circu+stances.
ii. Casual leave +ay be -ranted in conjunction with Aridays or ublic
holidays, but not with any other .ind of leave or joinin- ti+e. >hen it is co+bined
with holidays, the total eriod should not e0ceed '* days at a ti+e.
iii. Subject to the dele-ation of owers which has. been or +ay be +ade by
Govern+ent fro+ ti+e to ti+e in this behalf, casual leave +ay be sanctioned to a
Govern+ent servant by his i++ediate suerior of -rade '5 and above.
i=. Casual leave account of officers and Steno-rahers of officers of the ran.
of ,euty Secretary and above should be +aintained in the <stablish+ent and
D&ccounts :ranch of the ,eart+ent concerned. Their alications should be
+ar.ed to the <stablish+ent and &ccounts :ranch which will add the casual
leave account of the alicants and sub+it the aers to the concerned officers
i++ediately for orders.
=. >hen the officers roceed on leave or tour, their Steno-rahers should
reort for duty to the ,euty Secretary in char-e of the >in- in the ,eart+ent.
=i. Casual leave account of the +inisterial establish+ent includin- Section
Steno-rahers should be +aintained in the Section in which they are
=ii. Eo Govern+ent servant should leave his head6uarters durin- casual
leave or holidays without the er+ission of the leave sanctionin- authority.
=iii. Govern+ent servants are not entitled to casual leave as of ri-ht. The
casual leave is -ranted to the+ by way of -race to enable Govern+ent servants
to attend to their rivate affairs of casual nature.
En"as#ment o: Lea=e Pre<arator$ to Retirement
O&n e0tract ta.en fro+ the Ainance ,eart+entDs circular letter Eo, P.?. P.C. #-'GI).
dated #*th &u-ust. '(I).L
J27. <ncash+ent of 2eave Prearatory to Retire+ent@ &t resent encash+ent of 2eave
Prearatory to Retire+ent uto si0 +onths is er+issible to Govern+ent servants rovided the
2eave Prearatory to Retire+ent is refused by Govern+ent in ublic interest. 4enceforth, the
otion for encash+ent of 2eave Prearatory to Retire+ent shall rest with the Govern+ent
servant concerned. In case a Govern+ent servant ots not to ta.e 2eave Prearatory to
Retire+ent he shall be allowed leave salary for the eriod for which 2eave Prearatory to
Retire+ent is ad+issible subject to a +a0i+u+ of si0 +onthsF.
O&n e0tract ta.en fro+ Ainance ,eart+entDs circular letter Eo. A.,. P.?. #-'GI). dated
#nd ,ece+ber, '(I) by which different rovisions of Ainance ,eart+entDs letter Eo. A.,.
P.C.-# GI). dated #*th &u-ust. '(I) were clarified.L
FVIICPara-rah #$. <ncash+ent of 2eave Prearatory to Retire+ent@
12. & Govern+ent servant who desires to -et the benefit of encash+ent of 2
P. ft. uto a eriod of si0 +onths +ust (a sub+it his written otion to do so at least
three +onths before the date of co++ence+ent of his .leave rearatory to retire+ent,
and (b surrender the whole leave rearatory to retire+ent due to hi+.
-4. The condition +entioned at !a" in ara '# above is not alicable to the
Govern+ent servants who were due to roceed on 2. P. R. before the #*th &u-ust,
'(I) or whose 2. P. R. is due to co++ence within a eriod of three +onths fro+ the
date of issue of this letter. The followin- rovisions would -overn the cases of such
Govern+ent servants @C
a) & erson whose 2. P. R. was due to co++ence on or
before the #*h &u-ust; '(I) but he did not roceed on 2. P. R. would be dee+ed to
have e0ercised his otion for encash+ent of 2 P. R. 4owever, the actual eriod of
leave for the urose of encash+ent will be counted fro+ 'st Buly. '(I).
b) & Govern+ent servant who roceeded on 2. P. R. on or
before the #*th &u-ust, '(I) would be dee+ed to have e0ercised his otion to
roceed on 2 P. R. Thus, he is not entitled to clai+ encash+ent of 2. P. R. by -ettin-
the un-e0ired 2. P. R. cancelled.
") The Govern+ent servants whose 2. P. R. is due to
co++ence within a eriod of three +onths fro+ the date of issue of this letter +ay
e0ercise their otion any ti+e before the co++ence+ent of 2 P. R.F.
0I*'*CE (EP'R+ME*+QS CIRCUL'R LE++ER *&. 0.(. S.R. IIM-.4B84. ('+E( -.+
M'), -/84
#u%:ect6 En"as#ment o: Lea=e Pre<arator$ to Retirement.
I a+ directed to refer to Para '# of A.,.Ds circular letter Eo. A.,.-P.C.-#-'GI), dated
#nd ,ece+ber. '(I). and to clarify that a Govern+ent servant who desires to -et the
benefit of encash+ent of 2 P. R. should sub+it his written otion to the leave sanctionin-
(e<ut$ Se"retar$ (SR)
or 0inan"e Se"retar$.
0I*'*CE (EP'R+ME*+QS CIRCUL'R LE++ER *&. 0.(. S.R. IIM-.4B84. ('+E( 7+
AU*E. -/87
#u%:ect6 En"as#ment o: Lea=e Pre<arator$ to Retirement.
I a+ directed to refer to this ,eart+entDs circular letter Eo. A.,.-P.C.-#-'GI). dated
#nd ,ece+ber. '(I). and to say that so+e doubts have been e0ressed about the
ad+issibility of ay and allowances, -rant of +edical leave, etc.; durin- the surrendered
eriod of 2. P. R. for the urose of encash+ent of 2. P. R. These issues are clarified in the
followin- ara-rahs@
Pa$, Pay for the urose of encash+ent of 2 P. R. includes :asic Pay. Secial Pay.
Technical Pay, Personal Pay and any other e+olu+ents which +ay be secifically classed
as FPayF by the co+etent authority
& civil servant who ots for encash+ent of 2 P. R. +ay either draw leave ay for the
eriod for which 2. P. R. is ad+issible subject to a +a0i+u+ of 'I% days in lu+su+ after
retire+ent or on +onth to +onth basis durin- such eriod. The a+ount of leave ay would,
however, be deter+ined on the basis of ay which would have been ad+issible on the date,
on which 2 P. R. alied for would have co++enced.
'llo>an"es, Senior Posts &llowance will for+ art of the ay for the urose of
encash+ent of 2. P. R. Eo other allowance for+s art of ay for this urose.
Me%i"al Lea=e, &s er ara. '#!5" of the A. ,.Ds circular letter Eo. A.,-P.C -#-'GI).
dated #nd ,ece+ber. '(I). a Govern+ent servant who desires to -et the benefit of
encash+ent of 2. P. R. would surrender the entire leave rearatory to retire+ent due to
hi+. Therefore, no leave of any .ind is ad+issible durin- the eriod of surrendered 2 P. R. if
the benefit of encash+ent of 2. P. R. is to be availed of.
(uration o: Surren%ere% Lea=e, & Govern+ent servant who ots for encash+ent of
2 P. R. and has )5* days or lesser eriod of 2. P. R. on full ay at his credit can have his 2.
P. R. encashed for the actual eriod of 2. P. R. subject to a +a0i+u+ of 'I% days. 4e cannot
avail of any ortion of 2 P. R. in that case.
(e<ut$ Se"retar$ (SR)
or 0inan"e (e<artment
0I*'*CE (EP'R+ME*+S CIRCUL'R LE++ER *&. 0.(. S.R. III---.4B84, ('+E( 8+
'U3US+, -/87
#u%:ect6 En"as#ment o: Lea=e Pre<arator$ to Retirement.
I a+ directed to refer to Para. #$ of this ,eart+entDs letter, Eo. A.,.-P.C.-#-'-'GI),
dated #*th &u-ust.'(I) wherein it has been rovided that a Govern+ent servant who
desires to -et the benefit of encash+ent of t. P. R. uto a eriod of 'I% days +ost surrender
the entire leave rearatory to retire+ent due to hi+. This rovision debarred those
Govern+ent servant fro+ availin- of the facility of encash+ent of 2 P. R. who. for reasons
beyond their control, had to ta.e leave durin- the eriod of 2. P. R. surrendered by the+ for
the urose of encash+ent. This had created hardshi in certain cases and it has therefore,
been decided in artial +odification of the instructions contained in this ,eart+entDs circular
letter Eo. A.,. SR. III-' -*)GI). dated $th Bune. '(I$. that the co+etent authority +ay,
where it is satisfied that the leave alied for by a Govern+ent servant !durin- the eriod of
leave surrendered for encash+ent" is unavoidable or is fully justified, e g.. in cases of illness,
suorted by +edical certificate or for erfor+ance of 4aj, etc., -rant leave to an e+loyee
durin- this eriod. In such a case, however, the a+ount of cash co+ensation shall be
reduced by an a+ount e6ual to the leave ay for half of the eriod of leave ta.en. Aor
e0a+le if an e+loyee who has oted for encash+ent of 2 P. R. 5% days of such
leave, his cash co+ensation e6ual to )% days leave ay will be forfeited.
2. & civil servant who wishes to fore-o his 2 P. R. in favour of cash
co+ensation shall e0ercise his otion to this effect in writin- and sub+it it to the
authority co+etent to sanction 2. P. R., who will accet the otion and issue for+al
sanction for the ay+ent of cash co+ensation.
0.#... &Pay Commission(
0I*'*CE (EP'R+ME*+QS CIRCUL'R LE++ER *&. 0(. SR. ----- -49B87, ('+E( 26+
0EBRU'R), -/8.
#u%:ect6 En"as#ment o: Lea=e Pre<arator$ to Retirement.
I a+ directed to say that accordin- to rule '/ of Revised 2eave Rules. 'II', read with
ara. #$ of A,Ds circular letter Eo. A,. PC-#-'GI), dated #*th &u-ust, '(I) a civil servant on
suerannuation is entitled to encash+ent of 2eave Prearatory to Retire+ent subject to the
+a0i+u+ of one hundred and ei-hty days.
2. & doubt has arisen whether or not a civil servant who roceeds on
voluntary retire+ent after co+letion of thirty years service 6ualifyin- for ension shall
be allowed encash+ent of 2. P. R. It is clarified that a civil servant is entitled to
encash+ent of 2eave Prearatory to Retire+ent under Rule '/ of Revised 2eave
Rules, '(I', read with ara. #$ of Ainance ,eart+entDs circular letter Eo. PA. PC-#-
'GI), dated #*th &u-ust. '(I) and ara. ') (a of the letter of even nu+ber dated #nd
,ece+ber, '(I) subject to the conditions that@C
a) he has co+leted at least )% years 6ualifyin- service on the date of
co++ence+ent of 2 P R ;
b) he surrenders the entire 2 P R due to hi+.
(e<ut$ Se"retar$ (SR)
:or Se"retar$ 0inan"e
0I*'*CE (EP'R+ME*+QS CIRCUL'R U++ER *&. 0(-SR-II----8/B87. ('+E( 4-S+
M'RC. -/8.
#u%:ect6 En"as#ment o: Lea=e Pre<arator$ to Retirement.
I a+ directed to state that, in artial +odification of the orders contained in ara-rah
'# and ') of this ,eart+entDs letter Eo. A,.PC. #-'GI). dated the #nd ,ece+ber, '(I).
letter Eo. A,-SR-II8-*)GI). dated the '*th 8ay, '(I$ and ara. # of letter Eo. A,-SR-4'-'-
*)GI). dated the Ith &u-ust, '(I$. it has been decided that (a unless a -overn+ent servant
ots to roceed on 2eave Prearatory to Retire+ent or sub+its an alication for 2. P. R , he
+ay be dee+ed to have oted for encash+ent of 2. P. R.. accordin- to the rules, and !5" on
receit of a re6uest fro+ a -overn+ent servant dee+ed to have oted for encash+ent of 2.
P. R., the authority co+etent to sanction 2. P. R., will issue for+al sanction for the ay+ent
of cash co+ensation.
2. &ll endin- or reviously decided cases where a -overn+ent servant
has failed to e0ercise otion for encash+ent for 2. P. R., +ay be decided in the li-ht of
these instructions.
(e<ut$ Se"retar$ (SR)
:or 0inan"e Se"retar$.
0I*'*CE (EP'R+ME*+QS CIRCUL'R LE++ER *&. 0(-SR-ll-2 (7)B88, ('+E( 5+
AUL), -/88
#u%:ect6 En"as#ment o: Lea=e Pre<arator$ to Retirement.
I a+ directed to invite a reference Id this ,eart+ents letter Eo. A,. SR. '''-'-
)5GI$, dated #%th Aebruary. '(I* and to state that it has co+e to the notice of the
Govern+ent that Da doubt has been felt in so+e 6uarters about the len-th of 6ualifyin-
service re6uired for entitle+ent to encash+ent of 2. P. R. in case of voluntary retire+ent.
I a+ to invite your attention to the a+end+ent +ade in Rule '/ of Revised 2eave Rules.
'(I' issued vide Ainance ,eart+entDs notification Eo. A,. SR. '''-'-I*G/I, dated 'Ith
8arch, '(I# !coy enclosed". &ccordin- to the above a+end+ent the civil servant will be
entitled to encash+ent of 2. P. R., in case of voluntary retire+ent on co+letion of thirty
years 6ualifyin- service.
2. Condition Eo. !a" in this ,eart+entDs letter Eo. A,. SR. III-'
-)5GI$. dated #%th Aebruary, '(I*. +ay be treated to have been a+ended and the
words Fon date of co++ence+ent of 2. P. R.F occurrin- therein dee+ed to have
been deleted.
(e<ut$ Se"retar$ (SR)
CIRCUL'R LE++ER *&. 0(. SR-III---49B87, ('+E( /+ 'U3US+, -/8/
#u%:ect6 En"as#ment o: Lea=e Pre<arator$ to Retirement.
I a+ directed to say that accordin- to rule '/ of Revised 2eave Rules, '(I' read
with ara. #$ of Ainance ,eart+entDs circular letter Eo. A,. PC-#-'GI), dated #*th
&u-ust, '(I), civil servants retirin- either on suerannuation or after co+letion of )%
years 6ualifyin- service for ension are entitled to encash+ent of 2. P. R., subject to a
+a0i+u+ of 'I% days. Presently, encash+ent of 2. P. R.. is not ad+issible to Govern-
+ent servants retirin- ension on voluntary basis after co+letion of #* years
2. The Governor of the Punjab has now been leased to decide that
civil servants who roceed on retire+ent on voluntary basis after co+letion of #*
years 6ualifyin- service, without availin- 2. P. R., +ay also be dee+ed to have
e0ercised the otion of not roceedin- on 2. P. R., and +ay be allowed
encash+ent in accordance with the condition alicable to civil servants who retire
on suerannuation or after co+letion of )% years 6ualifyin- service for ension.
C&P) &0 0I*'*CE (EP'R+ME*+ CIRCUL'R LE++ER *&. 0(.SR.III---.4B84,
('+E( -2.6..-//6.
#u%:ect6 En"as#ment o: Lea=e Pre<arator$ to Retirement.
I a+ directed to refer to this ,eart+entDs circular letter Eo. A,.SR. III-'-)5GI$
dated (.I.'(I( on the above cited subject, wherein civil servants roceedin- on voluntary
retire+ent after co+letin- #* years 6ualifyin- service for ension without availin- 2PR
were allowed encash+ent in accordance with the conditions alicable to the civil
servants who retire on suerannuation or after co+letin- )% years service for ension.
#. It is clarified that this benefit will be subject to the followin-
conditions@- .
i. encash+ent in lieu of 2PR shall be ad+issible in case where service
6ualifyin- for ension is less than #* years;
ii. such civil servants shall continue to serve for )5* days after 6ualifyin-
service of #* years for the urose of encash+ent of 2PR.
H.P. (ELE3'+I&* &0 P&HERS,
(REL'1'+I&* &0 '3E) RULES. -/9-
*oti *o. S& 1 II (S D3 ' () 2-47B9-, dated '%th Banuary, in ursuance of the
Presidential Procla+ation of the seventh day of ?ctober. '(*I. and in e0ercise of all
owers enablin- hi+ in that behalf the Governor of the >est Pa.istan is leased to +a.e
the followin- rules na+ely@
-. These rules +ay be called the >. P. ,ele-ation of Powers !Rela0ation of
&-e" Rules, '(5'.
2. They shall aly in resect of all the services end ost under the
Govern+ent of >est Pa.istan, e0cet such services and osts as +ay be
secified by Govern+ent by notification in the official -a1ette.
4. They shall co+e into force at once.
2) Eotwithstandin- anythin- to the contrary contained in any service or recruit+ent
rules in force in >est Pa.istan or in any art thereof, the authorities and officers
secified in Colu+n # of the Schedule anne0ed to these rules +ay -far reasons to
be recorded, rela0 u to the e0tent +entioned in Colu+n $ the +a0i+u+ a-e li+it
rescribed for recruit+ent to any ost or service secified a-ainst such authority or
officer in Colu+n ) of the Schedule.
4) The owers conferred under these rules shall be in addition to and not in
dero-ation of owers to rela0 a-e 6ualifications dele-ated or conferred under any
other rules or orders for the ti+e bein- in force in >est Pa.istan.
'ut#orities "om<etent to
rela; ma;imum a?e
<res"ribe%B :or re"ruitment.
Ser=i"e an% <ost in res<e"t o:
>#i"# rela;ation is <ermissible.
Limit u<to >#i"#
a?e "an be rela;e%.
- 2 4 7
'. &d+inistrative ,eart+ent.
&ll services and osts I, years
for which the Govern+ent is the
aointin- authority.
* [ears
4ead of &ttached
i. &ll cervices and ost 5
years for- which the 4ead .of
&ttached ,eart+ent is the
aointin- authority.
ii. &ll services and ost for
which an authority lower than
the 4ead of &ttached
,eart+ent is the aointin-
* [ears
Co++issioner of ,ivisions.
i. &ll services and ost for
which Co++issioner is the
aointin- authority.
ii. &ll services and ost for
which an authority
subordinate to Co++issioner
is the aointin- authority.
* [ears
&dditional Chief Secretary to
Govt. ?f Punjab.
&ll services and osts. '% [ears

Ci=il Ser=ants (C#an?e in *omen"lature o: Ser=i"e D 'bolition o: Classes)
Rules, -/57
Aul$, -/57G
*o. S&R-lll---.2B54, In e0ercise of the owers conferred by Sec. #) of the Punjab
Civil Servants &ct. '(/$. the Governor of the Punjab is leased to +a.e the followin-
-. These rules +ay be called the Punjab Civil Servants !Chan-e
in Eo+enclature of Services and &bolition of Classes" Rules. '(/$.
2. They shall co+e into force at once.
2) In these rules unless there is anythin- reu-nant in the subject or conte0tC
a) FClassesF +eans Class I, Class II. Class III and Class
IV in which the civil osts and services are classified under any rules or orders for
the ti+e bein- in force;
b) FAunctional =nitF +eans a -rou of osts or a art of
such .-rou sanctioned as a searate unit in or under a deart+ent ;
") FGradeF +eans Dnational scale of ayD in which a
nu+ber of osts, in a functional unit, carryin- sa+e duties and resonsibilities is
laced ; rovided that in the case of a erson who does not ot for the national
scales of ay or the ost which has not been laced in the national scales of ay.
DEational Scale of PayD +eans the resu+tive national scale of ay corresondin-
to the e0istin- scale of ay in which such erson, or as the case +ay be, the ost
would have been laced but for the aforesaid reasons@
Provided that in case of a erson whose ay has been fi0ed in the Eational Scale
of Pay corresondin- to the re-national scales selection -rades or who +oves over to
the ne0t hi-her national scale of ay without chan-e in the nature of duty and assu+tion
of hi-her resonsibilities or under rescribed conditions after reachin- the +a0i+u+ of
the lower national scale of ay. Dnational scale of ayV +eans the lowest national scale of
ay ad+issible for his ost;
%) FProvinceF +eans the Province of the Punjab ;
e) FPunjab =nified GradeF +eans the -rade to which a
civil servant is entitled in resect of his e0istin- ost; and
f) FServicesF +eans the Civil Services of the Province
and include civil osts connected with the affairs of the Province.
4) Eotwithstandin- an] thin- contained in any rule, order, re-ulation or instruction, the
na+es of services are with I++ediate effect, chan-ed to Punjab =nified Grades
and all references to a service in any rule, order, re-ulation or instruction shall
consistent with Dthe subject and conte0t, be construed as reference to the
resective Punjab =nified Grade.
4) &ll ersons, other than the ersons aointed on ad hoc basis, who i++ediately
before the co+in- into force of these rules were +e+bers of a service or held a
civil ost connected with the affairs of the rovince are subject to their e0istin-
inter "# seniority osition, aointed in their e0istin- osts to the resective Punjab
=nified Grade.
.) Eotwithstandin- anythin- contained in the Civil Services Rules and any other rules
or orders for the ti+e bein- in force all classes and classifications of services .and
osts as -a1etted and non--a1etted are abolished.
9) Aor the uroses of alication of any e0istin- rule, order or instruction, reference
to a class or to a ost as Ga1etted or Eon-Ga1etted shall be construed as
reference to the corresondin- Grade as secified i n the table below @C
!aLetted Post Class Corresponding !rades
-. Class I
2. Class II
4. Secial Ga1etted
-. Grades '/ to #).
2. Grade Eo. '5.
4. Grade Eo. '5.
/on-!aLetted Posts
7. Class III
.. Class IV 7. Grades ) to '5.
5. Grades ' and !.
5) Eotwithstandin- anythin- contained in any rule, order or instruction, all
reservations of osts for uroses of aoint+ent ro+otion or transfer in favour
of ersons belon-in- to a articular service or cadre, or holdin- a articular ost,
are abolished.
This inde0 has been co+iled solely for the urose of facility of reference. Eo
e0ression in it should in any way be considered as in any way interretin- the rules.
>here an assent or dele-ation order is referred to, its serial nu+ber has been added in
'CC&U*+'*+ 3E*ER'L--
& Govern+ent servant leave out of Pa.istan +ust reort his e+bar.ation
throu-h K to the authority which -ranted hi+ leave
,efinition of the ter+ 2.2
<ntries to be +ade by the K in the Service :oo. of a Govern+ent servant
transferred to forei-n service
8e+orandu+ of infor+ation to be rocured fro+ the K by every Govern+ent
servant roceedin- on leave out of Pa.istan
Records of service of -a1etted Govern+ent servants to be .et by - -2.-
,efinition of the ter+ 2.4
,efinition of the ter+ 2.7
'(V&C'+E 3E*ER'L -
,oes not e0ercise the owers of a head of the ,eart+ent under rule ).I 4./,
E;"e<tion 4.
2eave ad+issible to an - 8..5
'3E -
?f ad+ission to ension able service under Govern+ent 4.5
&t which a erson aointed to be Subordinate Bud-e +ay be ad+itted into
Govern+ent service.
4.8 (a)
&t which a erson aointed to be Civil &ssistant Sur-eon +ay be ta.en into
Govern+ent service.
4.8 (b)
&t which le-al ractitioners +ay be ta.en as Prosecutin- Sub-Insectors of
4.8 (C)
&t which ,istrict 4ealth ?fficers in the 4ealth Services ,eart+ent,
Suerintendent, Punjab Vaccine Institute, Princial and Suerintendent, Punjab
4ealth School, +ay be aointed.
4.8 (%)
&t which Janun-os +ay be aointed by ro+otion fro+ a+on- Patwaris 4.8 (e)
&t which e0-soldiers and town watch+an +ay be enlisted in the Subordinate
Police Service.
4.8 (:)
&t which e0-soldiers +ay be aointed as forest -uards 4.8 (?)
&t which 8inisterial Govern+ent servant +ay retire 4.28 (b)
&t which Govern+ent servants other than +inisterial servants are re6uired to
4.28 (a)
Co++issioners of ,ivisions are co+etent to waive the H li+it in resect of all
district establish+ents
,efinition the ter+ 2..
4eads of ,eart+ents have ower to waive the restriction ofC in the case of
non--a1etted Govern+ent servants
4onDble Bud-es +ay rela0Cli+it in the case of Subordinate Bud-es by not +ore
than one year
Power of authorities to retain Govern+ent servants other than +inisterial servants
in service after theCof ** years
-..-(-7) an%
-44 an% -74)
Power of authorities to retain a +inisterial servant in service after theCof 5%
-9.- (-4)
Power of authorities to re6uire a +inisterial Govern+ent servant to retire
between the - of *5 and 5% years
-9.- (5/ an%
'3REEME*+ @
Civil Services Rules !Punjab" do not aly to ersons in resect of whose
conditions of service, etc., secial rovisions have been +ade byC
-.7 (i)
Secial rovisions inconsistent with the Civil Services Rules !Punjab" +ay be
+ade byCwith any erson to be aointed to a articular ost
,ele-ations to officers of theC -9.- (--/--26)
?f residences ..7-
,eter+ination of the eriod of C ..74
Granted to Professors of 8edical Colle-es who are denied the rivile-e of rivate
ractice are treated as co+ensatoryC
2.-4, *ote -
,ate fro+ and to which a Govern+ent servant draws ay and - of a ost 4.2-
<ffect uon K of co+bination of holidays with leave and joinin- ti+e 8.28-8.2/
2an-ua-eCwhen -iven in lu+ su+ to be dealt with as honoraria and if recurrin-
ay+ent to be treated as ayD
2.77, *ote 2.
Pay andCof a Govern+ent servant deuted out of Pa.istan 9.2
Power of authorities to reduce the ay and-of an officiatin- Govern+ent servant -..- (27) an%
-9.- (-/ an%
The ter+ travelin- -.includes C-ranted for conveyances, horses and tents 2.92
'PPE'L(S), -
&n authority fro+ whoso order anCis referred should -ive effect to the order
+ade by the aellate authority
<very erson referrin- anCshall do so searately in his own na+e -7.-/
8atters for the consideration of aellate authority in cases ofC -7.-.
EoClies a-ainst the withholdin- of an C by a co+etent authority -7.2- (2)
Power of an aellate authority to call for anCwithhold by a subordinate authority -7.2- (4)
Procedure as toC -7.26
Ri-ht ofCof Govern+ent servants fro+ an order not bein- an order of the
SecondCcan be +ade when a enalty is incurred by the aellate authority -7.-9
>ithholdin- ofC or alication for revision -7.2-
,efinition of the ter+ 2.9
2eave ad+issible to an K 8./9 an%
Jinds of leave ad+issible to an K 8./9 an%
2eave salary ad+issible to an K durin- leave on +edical certificate 8./9 an%
8.-4. (2) (ii)
Service of an ------ counts as duty 2.-9 (a) (-)
2eave ad+issible to K 8.-67 an%
'U(I+&R 3E*ER'L R
Ai0es for+ for leave accounts 8..-
Proscribes fro+ of records of service -2.- R -2.2
'VER'3E P')@
Calculation ofC 2.5 an% *ote
2 un%er it.
Calculation of -in the case of a +ilitary officer transferred to Civil ,eart+ent who
roceeds on leave within a few +ouths of joinin- the Civil ,eart+ent
2.5, *ote 4
Calculation ofCin the case of a non--a1etted Govern+ent servant leave 8.55
Calculation of -in the case of a Govern+ent servant of the Vacation ,eart+ent 2.5, *otes 9
an% 5.
Calculation of -in the case of a Govern+ent servant on forei-n service out of
Pa.istan lastin- for +ore than '# +onths, who on reversion leave
2.5, *ote 7.
Calculation of Cin the case of a Govern+ent servant who has enjoyed the
overseas ay concession before roceedin- on leave
2.5, *ote 2,
E;am<le 2.
,efinition of the ter+ C 2.5
Periods of joinin- ti+e to be i-nored in the calculation ofC 2.5, *ote ..
B'RRIS+ER(s) -
,efinition of the ter+ C 2.8
& Govern+ent servant should not ordinarily be substantively transferred to ost
carryin- less ay than his osition in C would justify
& Govern+ent servant transferred to Aorei-n Service will re+ain in his-and +ay
be -iven ro+otions
,efinition ofC 2./
,efinition ofC 2.-6
,efinition ofC 2.--
C'PI+'L C&S+ @
& char-e of $ W er cent of the Cto be +ade to cover +aintenance of water
suly, sanitary and electric installations
&ssess+ent of ercenta-es on the Con account of ordinary and secial reairs ..2-
Calculation of Cof a residence when its value and the value of site on which it
stands is not .nown
CAor the assess+ent of rent of residences ..8
CIncludes e0enditure on co+ound walls, fences, -ates, roads, etc. ../ (ii)
CIncludes cost of sanitary, water suly and electric installation ..8
CShall include cost of and e0enditure on rearation of site ..8
CShall not ta.e into consideration any char-es on account of Destablish+ent and
Tools and Plant
CTo be reduced when table la+s, table fans, etc., already sulied are
rendered unserviceable
..-., *ote 2.
Char-es for secial reairs such as renewal of floor, etc., to be rovided in the
for+ of ercenta-es on theC
..26 an% ..2-
Circu+stances under which a secified a+ount ofC+ay be written of ..-7
Cost of additions and alterations which are char-eable toCof the buildin- ..-/, *ote.
Cost of table la+s, table fans, etc., not included under F<lectric SulyF to be
included in theCwhen already sulied
..-., *ote 2.
,eter+ination of theCon the tennis court ..45
+E**IS C&UR+
,eter+ination of CofCCCCCCCCwhen not .nown Garden ..45 (*ote).
<0enditure on co+ound walls, fences, -ates, roads and culverts within a
co+ound to be included in theC
../ (ii)
Ai0ation of the rates of interest on theCfor assessin- standard rent ..-/
Re-calculation of rent forthwith when theCof a residence is written off ..-5
Rent for furniture to be char-ed at '* er cent er annu+ on theC- ..45
Renewals necessitated by unforeseen cala+ities to be included in theCof
residential buildin-s
>hat e0enditure on the -arden is to be included in theCof the residence ..45
>here office acco++odation is rovided in officersD residenceCof re+ainder to
be searately esti+ated
&uthority rescribed for si-nin-Cof fitness to return to duty re6uired fro+
Govern+ent servants -ranted leave on account of ill-health thou-h technically
not on leave on +edical certificate
8.7., *ote (i).
CAor -rant of house-rent allowance on leave or te+orary transfer of
Govern+ent servant
Aor+ ofCof fitness in the case of Govern+ent servants not technically on leave
on +edical certificate
Eature ofCfor -rant of co+ensatory allowance other than house-rent
allowance durin- leave or te+orary transfer of Govern+ent servants
Eature ofCfor drawal of a ortion of an allowance for +otor car or +otor cycle
durin- leave on te+orary transfer
PersonalCof character, not to be entered in the service boo. -2.5
Sule+entaryCto be si-ned by an officer over char-e of an office
entitlin- hi+ to occuy a Govern+ent residential buildin-C
C'R3E &0 &00ICE@
Circu+stances in which the conditions as to the lace of
overCor that both Govern+ent servants should be resent, +ay be rela0ed
4.2., 4.29
Generally to be +ade over at head6uarters both the relievin- and the relieved
Govern+ent servants bein- resent
Boinin- ti+e ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant who overC
elsewhere than at his head6uarters
Power of authorities to decide in doubtful cases which Govern+ent servant
shall be held to have been inCand to which the ay of the ost for the Sunday
or holidays shall be
-..- (48)
Power of authorities to rela0 the conditions relatin- to overCby
Govern+ent servants
-..- (45) an%
-9.- (25,92).
&-e u to which +ay be retained in service 4.28 (") (ii)
Co+etent authority +ay -rant an e0tension of service not
e0ceedin- ) +onths
4.28 (") (2)
,efinition of the ter+C 2.-2
?f Govern+ent servants into various service -7.-
C&MBI*'+I&* &0 &LI(')S HI+ LE'VE@
<ffect ofCon ay and allowances 8.28-8.2/
>hen transfer of char-e involves over of +oneyCis inad+issible.
<0cetion allowed
Re-ardin- the interretation, alteration and rela0ation of Civil Services Rules
!Punjab" to be forwarded throu-h the &d+inistrative ,eart+ent
-.8, *ote.
Powers of authorities to -rantCto Govern+ent servants for the accidental loss
of their roerty
-..- (28) an%
-9.- (22).
Rules re-ulatin- the -rant ofCto Govern+ent servants for the accidental loss of
their roerty
C&MPE*S'+&R) 'LL&H'*CE (S)@
&d+issible to a Govern+ent servant aointed to hold or to officiate in two or
+ore indeendent osts at one ti+e
7.2- (")
&llowances -ranted to Professors of 8edical Colle-es who are denied the
rivile-e of rivate ractice are treated asC
2.-4, *ote -.
Includes travelin- allowance 2.-4
To be ordinarily, drawn by the Govern+ent servant on duty but +ay tinder
certain conditions be drawn durin- leave
,efinition of the ter+C 2.-4
,rawal ofCother than house-rent allowance durin- Ieave or te+orary transfer ..4
Interdeendence of Cand secial ay not reco-ni1ed 2..2,
Reasons for -rant ofCto be recorded in sanctionin- orders 2..2, *ote -.
Rules relatin- toC ..- to ...
State+ent of cost re6uired for drawal ofCdurin- leave or te+orary transfer ..4, *ote 2.
>hen drawn in full ..2
C&MPE+E*+ 'U+&RI+)@
,efinition of the ter+C 2.-7
C&*(UC+ '*( (ISCIPLI*E@
Rules relatin- toCof various services -7.8
&+ount of leave to be credited and debited to the leave account of te+orary or
officiatin- Govern+ent servant onCwithout interrution of duty
8.// an%
Cases in which theCof the Ainance ,eart+ent has been -iven to the e0ercise
of owers by the &d+inistrative ,eart+ent
2eave ad+issible to &renticesG2eave Reserves en-a-ed onC 8./9, 8.-4.
2eave ad+issible to robationers en-a-ed onC 8./. (2) an%
2eave ad+issible to &renticesG2eave Reserves en-a-ed otherwise than onC 8.-4. (2)
2eave ad+issible to robationers en-a-ed otherwise than onC 8./. (2) an%
2eave on +edical certificate to a Govern+ent servant en-a-ed onCnot to be
-ranted for a eriod e0tendin- beyond the ter+ ofC
Eo credit in the assa-e account of a Govern+ent servant en-a-ed onCto be
-iven before the co+letion of * yearsD service
& Govern+ent servant on forei-n service +ay not elect to with holdC -6.-7
Co+etent authority +ay reduce or re+it the a+ount of - recoverable on
account of additions to a re-ular establish+ent created for the benefit of other
-6.26 (a)
Co+etent authority +ay re+itCayable on account of ension and leave
salary by a Govern+ent servant while on Aorei-n Service
&re not ayable durin- leave ta.en in Aorei-n Service -6./
Paid by a Govern+ent servant in forei-n service +aintain his clai+ to ension
or leave salary
Towards the cost of ension and leave salary are ayable on behalf of a
Govern+ent servant transferred to forei-n service
To be discontinued fro+ the date of reversion of a Govern+ent servant fro+
forei-n service
Govern+ent servants on forei-n service in local fund charitable hositals who
are e0e+ted fro+ ay+ent of leave and ension
-6.--, *ote.
Interest on overdue C not to be re+itted e0cet in e0cetional circu+stances -6.-4
Rates of interest livable on overdue
Rates of C ayable on account of ension and leave salary by Govern+ent
servants in Aorei-n Service
-6.-6 (a)
Recovery ofC on account of additions to a re-ular establish+ent created for the
benefit of other ersons
Refund of C not er+issible -6.-7
Re+ission of C for leave salary and ension recoverable on account of
establish+ents e+loyed on .illabandi oerations in all estates in the Punjab
-6.26, *ote -.
& Govern+ent servant co++itted to rison on a C is considered as under
susension and is allowed only ay+ents under rule /.# until the ter+ination of
the roceedin-s a-ainst hi+.
& Govern+ent servant holdin- char-e of the C of a ost +ay be -ranted less ay
than that ad+issible under the rules
*ote -.
& Govern+ent servant is not re-arded as holdin- char-e of theCof a ost unless
a substantive ost e0ists for the erfor+ance of the duties entrusted to hi+
Pay ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant holdin- char-e of the C of another ost
in addition to his own substantive ost
Pay ad+issible to a- Govern+ent servant holdin- char-e of the C of a ost after
bein- relieved of those of his substantive ost
('+E ----
Aro+ which Civil Services Rules !Punjab" ca+e into force -.-
Aro+ which a Govern+ent servant be-ins to draw the ay and allowances
attached to his ost
Aro+ which a Govern+ent servant who is re6uired to retire on attainin- a
secific a-e is rec.oned to have retired
4.28, *ote 9.
Aro+ which a Govern+ent servant recruited overseas who is entitled to first 4.22
class assa-e to Pa.istan
Aro+ which a Govern+ent servant recruited overseas and entitled to second
class assa-e to Pa.istan shall co++ence to draw ay and allowances
,efinition of the ter+ C 2.-.
Pay how affected by co++ittal to rison account ofC 5..
?f ter+ used in the Civil Service Rules !Punjab", Volu+es I, II and III C#a<ter II
General -9.- (-----4-)
To officers of 2and Revenue ,eart+ent -9.- (42----
To officers of <0cise ,eart+ent -9.- (7/----.2)
To officers of Aorest ,eart+ent -9.- (.4----92)
To officers of Re-istration ,eart+ent. -9.- (94----97)
To officers of General &d+inistration ,eart+ent -9.- (99----59)
To officers of Budicial ,eart+ent -9.- (55----88)
To officers of Bail ,eart+ent -9.- (8/----/7)
To officers of Police ,eart+ent
-9.- (/.-----64
an% -25).
To officers of <ducation ,eart+ent
-9.- (-67----
To officers of 8edical ,eart+ent
-9.- (-68----
To officers of 4ealth Services ,eart+ent
-9.- (--9----
To officers of &-ricultural ,eart+ent
-9.- (--8----
To officers of &ni+al 4usbandry ,eart+ent -9.- (-26)
To officers of Co-oerative ,eart+ent -9. - (-2-)
To officers of Industries ,eart+ent -9.- (-22----2.)
To 8iscellaneous ,eart+ent -9.- (-29----42)
To Stationery and Printin- ,eart+ent -9.- (-28----
To <lection Co++issioner -9.- (-42----7-)
To ,irector of Public Relations -9.- (-4.----74)
To officers of the Public >or.s ,eart+ent -9.- (-45----
2eave ad+issible toC 8.-6/ an%
(EPU+'+I&*S I* P'!IS+'*@
Creation of a te+orary ast is necessary for a Govern+ent servant on secial
duty or onC
7.2-, *ote -.
(EPU+'+I&* &UR &0 P'!IS+'*@
&uthority who +ay sanctionC 9.-
Calculation of the eriod ofC 9.2, *ote 4.
Conditions under which an officer onCcan convert deutation into leave on
avera-e ay or earned leave
9.2, *ote 2.
Govern+ent servants holdin- Roc.efeller Aoundation Aellowshi should be
treated as onC
9.2, *ote 7.
Pay and allowances of a Govern+ent servant sent onC 9.2
Pay and allowances ad+issible to Police ?fficers onCto acco+any cri+inals,
9.2, *ote -.
Periods ofCconverted into leave on avera-e ay or earned leave will count for
ension as leave and not as deutation
9.2, *ote 2.
Period ofCof an officer laced on duty while on leave counts as interrution of
8.57 (b), *ote
Rates of co+ensatory allowances to be -ranted to officers onC 9.2
Power ofCto sanction the of wor. for which fee is offered -9.- (-49)
Power of theCto sanction the -rant of honorariu+ fro+ -eneral revenues or
accetance of fees fro+ other sources
-9.- (-4.)
Pay and allowances of a Govern+ent servant dis+issed fro+ service cease fro+
the date ofC
Pay and allowances of a Govern+ent servant re-instated after susension orC 5.4
Powers of authorities to declare that the for+er service of a Govern+ent
servant re-instated alterCshall not count for leave in whole or in art
-..- (47)
Previous service of a Govern+ent servant reinstated afterCor re+oval counts for
8.2 (b)
&dotion of a newCby a Govern+ent servant after his aoint+ent to a service
does not entail loss of his ri-ht to the benefits of Secial 2eave Rules
&uthorities whose decision with re-ard to theCof certain Govern+ent servants
shall be final
,eter+ination of theCof a Govern+ent servant for the uroses of leave 8.95
,eter+ination of theCof a Govern+ent servant for the uroses of overseas ay 7.2
(U+) (IES)@
& Govern+ent servant ordinarily be-ins or ceases to draw ay and allowances
fro+ the date he assu+es char-e of or ceases to dischar-e theCof a ost
& Govern+ent servant ceases to be in Govern+ent e+loy after five, yearsD
continuous absence fro+Cotherwise than on forei-n service
& Govern+ent servant on joinin- ti+e is re-arded as onC /.-4
& Govern+ent servant is not onCdurin- any ti+e he +ay send beyond his
shere ofCe0cet under certain circu+stance
Para?ra<# II o:
S"#e%ule to
C#a<ter II.
& Govern+ent servant is not re-ardin- as holdin- char-e of theCof a ost unless
a substantive ost e0ists for the erfor+ance of theCentrusted to hi+
&ctin- ro+otion authori1ed in lace of Govern+ent servants treated onCwhen 7.8, *ote 4.
ursuin- a duly authori1ed course trainin- or instruction
&llCin a ost on a ti+e scale counts for incre+ent in that scale 7./ (a)
Circu+stances under which a Govern+ent servant +ay be treated as onC 2.-9 (b) an%
Para?ra<# - l:
S"#e%ule to
C#a<ter II.
,efinition of the ter+ 2.-9 (a)
Aorei-n service counts asCfor uroses of leave 8.-
2eave is earned byConly 8.-
2eave on full ay -ranted to art ti+e law officers durin- the vacation of the 4i-h
Court to be counted asC
8.-67 (a) an%
8.-77 (a).
8a0i+u+ eriod of continuous absence fro+Con leave other than leave on
+edical certificate
8.57 (%)
Periods of secial disability leave treated asCin calculatin- service for ension 8.84 (9)
Powers of authorities to define the li+its of a Govern+ent servantsD shere of
-..- (4) an%
-9.- (4,.7 an%
Power of authorities to sanction the absence of a Govern+ent servant onC
beyond his shere ofC
-..- (8) an%
-9.- (7,/. to
/8, --8, -29,
-4/ an% -76).
Power of co+etent authority to allow actin- ro+otions to be +ade in lace of
Govern+ent servants treated as onC
Previous service in a 2ocal Aund not ad+inistered by Govern+ent of a erson
transferred to Govern+ent service will not count asC
Reduction of the ay and allowances of a Govern+ent servant treated as onC
under certain circu+stances
Treat+ent asCof the eriod of a Govern+ent servant was under susension or
was dis+issed and was subse6uently reinstated
The interval between the date of reort by a Govern+ent servant aointed in
<n-land or abroad on the first arrival in Pa.istan and the date on which he
actually char-e +ay be treated asC
Para?ra<# 2
(iii) o: t#e
S"#e%ule to
C#a<ter II.
Ti+e sent in voya-e to Pa.istan by a Govern+ent servant recalled fro+ leave 8.7 (a) (ii)
treated asCfor calculatin- leave
Treat+ent as--of the eriod of journey of a Govern+ent servant recalled fro+
leave in Pa.istan
8.74 (b)
Vocation counts asCfor the urose of leave 8.96
>hen a relievin- Govern+ent servant is re-arded as onCand not on joinin- ti+e
>illful absence fro+Cafter the e0iry of joinin- ti+e +ay be treated as
See leave.
&nCalied to a Govern+ent servant in the junior scale does not affect his ay in
the senior scale
7.8, *ote 2.
&uthority co+etent to allow a Govern+ent servant to ass theCin a ti+e scale 7.8
&uthority co+etent to re+ove theCreviously enforced a-ainst a Govern+ent
servant +ay allow hi+ to co+e on to the ti+e scale at any sta-e, subject to the
ay ad+issible accordin- to his len-th of service
7.8, *ote -.
Grant of incre+ent ne0t aboveCin a ti+e scale 7.8
4as ower to fi0 the ay of the te+orary osts winch he is authori1ed to create -9.- (-44)
Power ofC, Punjab, to aoint a Govern+ent servant to officiate in a vacant ost -9.- (-42)
Power ofC, Punjab, to -rant or er+it a Govern+ent servant to receive
-9.- (-47)
& Govern+ent servant roceedin- on leave out of Pa.istan +ust reort hisCto
the &udit ?fficer
&nyC+ay secially be classed as ay by the co+etent authority 2.77 (a) (iii)
&ssess+ent of rent on Govern+ent residences in an area +ay be +ade at a
unifor+ ercenta-e ofC
?f a Govern+ent servant on leave for the uroses of assess+ent of rent ..29, *ote 2.
Ta.en into account for the urose of recoverin- rent for residences sulied by
Consent of the Ainance ,eart+ent is -iven to the -rant to the er+ission to a
Govern+ent servant on leave to accet
-..- (4/)
?f Govern+ent servants on leave rearatory-to retire+ent in tradin- concerns is
oen to objection
8.72, *ote ..
Eo Govern+ent servant on leave can ta.e any service or accet anyCwithout
obtainin- sanction
2eave ad+issible to te+oraryCof the Public >or.s ,eart+ent 8./5
Prearation ti+e allowed to anCof the Public >or.s ,eart+ent who is re6uired
to ass an e0a+ination in vernacular lan-ua-e +ay be treated as duty
Para?ra<# -
(i=) (2@7) o:
S"#e%ule to
C#a<ter II.
Recoveries to be +ade on account of an addition to a re-ularCcreated for the
benefit of rivate ersons
Consent of the Ainance ,eart+ent, subject to certain li+its, is -iven to the
fi0ation of eriod allowed for roortion for anCin ?riental lan-ua-es
-..- (7)
Ai0ation of ay of a Govern+ent servant officiatin- in a ost, the ay of which is
subject to increase uon the assin- of an K
7.-4, *ote 5.
8a0i+u+ eriod allowed for rearation for anCin an ?riental lan-ua-e Para?ra<# -
(i=) (2@7) o:
S"#e%ule to
C#a<ter II.
Periods of rearation for and attendance at anCin any ?riental lan-ua-e +ay
be treated as duty
Para?ra<# -
(i=) o:
S"#e%ule to
C#a<ter II.
Power of the ad+inistrative deart+ents to arove the lace of rearation for -..- (9)
anCby a Govern+ent servant
Power of ad+inistrative deart+ents to er+it n Govern+ent servant to aear in
an otional.C
-..- (5)
Ti+e for rearation for certain deart+entalCis treated as duty Para?ra<# -
(=) o:
S"#e%ule to
C#a<ter II.
Ti+e ordinarily allowed for attendin- anCin an ?riental lan-ua-e Para?ra<# -
(i=) (-) o:
S"#e%ule to
C#a<ter II.
Ti+e occuied in attendin- obli-atoryCis treated as duty Para?ra<# -
(=i) o:
S"#e%ule to
C#a<ter II.
Ti+e occuied in attendin- otionalCat which a Govern+ent servant is er+itted
to aear by a co+etent authority is treated as duty
Para?ra<# -
(=ii) (-) o:
S"#e%ule to
C#a<ter II.
&n --- actin- under orders of the ,euty Co++issioner beyond his shere of duty
is treated as on duty
Para?ra<# --
(4) o:
S"#e%ule to
C#a<ter II.
E1PE*(I+URE &* SI+E @@
Caital cost of a residence shall e0clude C ..8
>or.s on which e0enditure shall be considered at C ../ (i)
E1+E*+ R
?f the alication of the Civil Services Rules !Punjab" -.2 to -.7
,efinition of the ter+C 2.-5
8arried, divorced or widowed dau-hters not ordinarily included in the ter+ 2.-5, *ote 4.
>ife or wives and no son who attains the a-e of #' years is included in the ter+ 2.-5, *ote -.
0EE (S) ----
&ccetance ofCby 8edical ?fficers for rofessional attendance ...-, *ote 2.
&+ount ofCfor rivate tuition how calculated ...7
&+ount ofC+ust be in roortion to value of service ...-, *ote 7.
Circu+stances under which aC+ay be received by a Govern+ent servant fro+ a
rivate erson or body or an Pa.istani State
,efinition of the ter+s 2.-8
2eave earned by service re+unerated byCor daily wa-es 8.--6 an%
?fficers of the <ducation, &-riculture, 8edical and 4ealth Services ,eart+ents
+ay accetCu to certain li+its for wor. of e0a+inin- and settin- aers in
resect of =niversity e0a+inations
...-, *ote 4.
Power of authorities to direct that the whole or art ofCfor wor. duly done durin-
the tine which would otherwise be sent in the erfor+ance of official duties be
aid to the Govern+ent servant
-..- (44) an%
-9.- (2.).
Power of authorities to er+it Govern+ent servants to receive -..- (2/-46
an% -9.-
-26 an% -4.).
Power of authorities to sanction the of wor. for which aCis offered -..- (42) an%
-9.- (27, 96
an% -49).
Powers of authorities to sanction the accetance ofCby olice constables who
are laced in char-e of cattle ounds attached to olice stations
-..- (4-).
Powers of Co++issioners of ,ivisions to sanction accetance ofCby Veterinary
&ssistants for insection of +eat intended for sale or of ani+als brou-ht to
slau-hter house
-9.- (-26)
Power of insectors of schools to sanction the accetance ofCby teachers for
rivate tuition
-9.- (-69)
Reasons for the -rant ofCshould be recorded in writin- by the sanctionin-
...-, *ote 7
Sharin- of coyin- and ur-entCby attestin- and revisin- officers of outlyin-
courts and offices of the Revenue ,eart+ent
>henCshould be credited to Govern+ent ...2
Govern+ent servants +ay be -ranted +aternity leave 8.88 an% 8.-46
Servants e+loyed on daily wa-es in Govern+ent wor.shos +ay be -ranted
+aternity leave
8.--4 an%
8edical certificate of fitness of aCcandidate on first aoint+ent, by who+
4.. (i)
0I*'*CE (EP'R+ME*+@
Cases in which consent of the-- is -iven to the e0ercise of the owers by the
&d+inistrative ,eart+ents
,efinition of the ter+ 2.-/
Power of interretin-, chan-in- and a+endin- the Civil Services Rules !Punjab"
is vested in theC
Previous aroval ofC-to be obtained in cases where co+bination of vacation
with leave involves e0tra e0enditure
& Govern+ent servant on - not to accet a ension or -ratuity fro+ the forei-n
& Govern+ent servant on in Pa.istan cannot ta.e leave or receive leave salary
until he actually 6uits duty and -oes on leave
& Govern+ent servant on Kin Pa.istan if sent by the forei-n e+loyer out of
Pa.istan on duty should be treated as on K in Pa.istan and vice versa
-6.2, *ote -.
& Govern+ent servant on - +ay not elect to withhold contributions -6.-7
& Govern+ent servant transferred to --will re+ain in his cadre and +ay be -iven
& Govern+ent servant transferred toCwill draw ay fro+ the forei-n e+loyer
fro+ the date on which he relin6uishes char-e of his ost in Govern+ent service
& Govern+ent servant transferred to --- is resonsible for the observance of the
rules re-ulatin- his leave
& Govern+ent servant transferred to-+ust +a.e hi+self ac6uainted with rules
re-ulatin- his leave durin- such service --
& er+anent Govern+ent servant on C retains a lien on his er+anent ost or
on a ost of the sa+e character in the sa+e cadre
&+ount of ay, joinin- ti+e and ay durin- joinin- ti+e of a Govern+ent servant
inCto be re-ulated subject to the restrictions i+osed by the co+etent authority
&licability ofCRules to officers accetin- e+loy+ent under Pa.istani States
while on leave rearatory to retire+ent
-6.-. *ote -.
&uthority to who+ Govern+ent servant transferred to Kshould sub+it his
alication for leave
Co+etent authority +ay re+it contributions ayable on behalf of a Govern+ent
servant in-
Conditions to be fulfilled before transfer of a Govern+ent servant toC -6.4
Continuous absence fro+ duty of over five years onCin Pa.istan does not entail
cessation in Govern+ent, e+loy
Contribution for assa-es for officers transferred to - -6./, *ote 4,
-6.26, *ote 7
an% -4.-7.
Contribution towards the cost of leave salary to be calculated on the ay of the
Govern+ent servant inC
-6.-6 (")
Contribution towards the cost of ension of a Govern+ent servant inCto be
calculated on his ay in Govern+ent service
-6.-6 (b)
Contribution towards the cost of ension and leave salary are ayable on behalf
of the Govern+ent servant transferred toC
,ate of reversion fro+C -6.-8
,efinition of the ter+C 2.2-
<ffect of transfer of a Govern+ent servant toCwhile on leave and on his leave
Counts as duty for uroses of leave 8.-
Counts for incre+ent in the ti+e scale 7./ (e)
Eo concession or re+uneration in addition to ay which has not boon secified in
the order sanctionin- the transfer to be -ranted to a Govern+ent servant
transferred toC
Para?ra<#s -
to 7 o:
'nne;ure ' to
C#a<ter 1.
Eo Govern+ent servant to be transferred toCa-ainst his will -6.2 (a)
?rders re-ulatin- the a+ount of re+uneration which +ay be sanctioned by the
co+etent authority for a Govern+ent servant transferred toCin a Pa.istani State
Para?ra<# - to
7 o: 'nne;ure
' to C#a<ter
Pay inCto be fi0ed with reference to ost held in Pa.istan *ote belo>
<ara?ra<# 2
(b) o:
'nne;ure ' o:
C#a<ter 1.
Pay and any other re+uneration or concession to be -ranted to a Govern+ent
servant transferred toCshould be recisely secified
Para?ra<# - to
7 o: 'nne;ure
' to "#a<ter 1.
Pay of a Govern+ent servant aointed to officiate in a Govern+ent ost while
Power of authorities to decide the date of reversion of a Govern+ent servant
returnin- after leave fro+C
-..- (75) an%
-9.- (46).
Power of authorities to fi0 the ay of a Govern+ent servant transferred toC -9.- (46 an%
Power of authorities to transfer a Govern+ent servant toCin Pa.istan -..- (79) an%
-9.- (2/ an%
Rates of contributions ayable on account of ension and leave salary on behalf
of Govern+ent servant inC
-6.-6 (a)
Rules re-ardin-Calicable only to those Govern+ent servants who are
transferred toCafter the Civil Services Rules !Punjab" ca+e into force
Rules re-ardin- -rant of leave to Govern+ent servants while inC -6.-9 R -6.-5
Rules rescribin- the rate of interest livable on overdue contributions fro+
Govern+ent servants inC
Rules re-ardin- the ay+ent of contribution and rates of interest to be levied
on overdue contributions ayable by a Govern+ent servant onC
-6./ R -6.-7
Transfer toCin or out of Pa.istan to be sanctioned by the Govern+ent which
would recover the contributions
-6.2, *ote 2.
>hen a Govern+ent servant is inC, entries in service boo. to be attested by the -2./
&udit ?fficer
0&RES+ (EP'R+ME*+@
&ll owers e0ercised by certain officers of the Public >or.s ,eart+ent over
residences under its control are also e0ercised by certain officers ofCin the case
of residences tinder the control ofC
4osital leave to curtain subordinate in theC 8./6 an% 8.-7-
2iability of a Govern+ent servant to subscribe to a rovident fa+ily ensionCor
other si+ilarCin accordance with rules rescribed by the co+etent-authority
2iability of a Govern+ent servant on forei-n service to ay contribution on
account of ProvidentC
-6./, *ote 2.
Conditions under which a co+etent authority +ay er+it a Govern+ent servant
to store free of rent hisCand other belon-in- in a Govern+ent residence which
has ceased to be allotted to hi+
,ele-ation of ower to er+it a Govern+ent servant to store free of rent hisCin
Govern+ent residence which has cased
-9.- (-.2)
4ow additional rent forCrovided in residence is to be deter+ined ..45
3'IE++E( 3&VER*ME*+ SERV'*+ (S) @
&Cwho has ta.en leave on +edical certificate -ranted by a 8edical Co++ittee
should, e0cet under certain conditions, roduce a certificate of fitness fro+ a
8edical Co++ittee
8.7., *ote (iii).
&uthority co+etent to si-n the +edical certificate of fitness for return to duty of a
C-ranted leave on +edical -rounds
8.7., *ote (i).
,efinition of the ter+C 2.22
Aor+ of alication for leave rescribed forC 8.7, *ote.
2eave of aCto be certified as ad+issible by audit officer 8.26
8ust reort his return fro+ leave to Govern+ent 8.79
Procedure in the case ofCalyin- for leave or e0tension of leave on +edical
8.8 --- 8.-2
Records of service of aChow +aintained -2.-
The leave account of a--by who+ +aintained 8../
Contributions to be aid toCon behalf of a Govern+ent servant transferred to
forei-n service
,efinition of the ter+C- 2.24
,efinition of the ter+C 2.27
3&VER*ME*+ PLE'(ER(S)@
2eave ad+issible toC 8.-65 an%
Grant of hosital leave to Govern+ent servants e+loyed inC 8.8/
2eave ad+issible to the te+orary technical establish+ent of the PunjabC 8./8,
E;"e<tion II.
2eave allowances of a Govern+ent servant e+loyed in aCwho is aid under
the iece wor. syste+
8.--- an%
2eave rules alicable to er+anent iece wor.ers e+loyed in the PunjabCwho
are not classed as inferior
8.--7 an%
2eave rules alicable to er+anent salaried industrial e+loyees in t lie
PunjabCwho are not classed +s inferior
8.--. an%
3&VER*ME*+ SERV'*+(S)@
&--- on leave +ay not ta.e any service or accet any e+loy+ent without first
obtainin- necessary sanction
Cwho shares, by rivate arran-e+ent, a residence with another -- is not included
in the ter+ FoccuantF
..4/ *ote.
EoCto be transferred to forei-n service a-ainst his will -6.2 (a)
Ter+s which +ay be -iven to a --- holdin-. Roc.efeller Aoundation Aellowshi 9.2, *ote 7.
>hole ti+e of aCis at the disosal of the Govern+ent which ays hi+ 4.-2
& -overn+ent servant in forei-n service not to accet ension or ---- fro+ the
forei-n e+loyer

E'((S) &0 (EP'R+ME*+(S)@

,efinition of the ter+C 2...
E'((S) &0 &00ICE(S)@
,efinition of the ter+ ---- 2.29
E'(NU'R+ERS ----
Char-e of office to be ta.en atC 4.27
,efinition of the ter+C 2.25
Boinin- ti+e ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant over char-e of office
elsewhere than at hisC
Power of authorities to declare a Govern+ent servantDsC -..-(-) an%
-9.- (-,7/, .4
an% -45)
Transfer of char-e of office elsewhere than atC 4.2.
Provision of 'st class ordinary or P. and ?. FSecialF assa-e to be left to the
discretion ofC
9.2, *ote 5.
>hen a Govern+ent servant is -ranted leave for reasons of health, the authority
-rantin- the leave shall infor+ theCwhether a certificate of fitness is re6uired
>hen leave !0"-Pa.istan on +edical certificate is -ranted Govern+ent servant a
coy of the +edical state+ent of the case should be forwarded to theC
ILL S+'+I&*S@
Places which have been declared to beC 2.28
& -a1ettedC-to count as day allowed for joinin- a ost not involvin- any chan-e
of station
,efinition ofC 2.2/
<ffect ofCon co++ence+ent and ter+ination of leave 8.28, 8.2/
<ffect of affi0in-Cto joinin- ti+e uon ay and allowances 8.2/
--can be refi0ed or affi0ed to leave and joinin- ti+e 8.25
Power of authorities to decide in doubtful cases which Govern+ent servant shall
be held to have been in char-e and to which ay of the ost for the Cshall be
-..- (48)
Power of authorities to decide which Govern+ent servant shall draw ay of the
ost forCi++ediately recedin- or followin- the day on which his leave or
Boinin- ti+e be-ins or ends
-..- (45) an%
-9.- (29 an%
&*&R'RIUM (&*&R'RI')@
&+ount ofC-+ust be in roortion to value of service ..7/, *ote 7.
Circu+stances under which an- +ay be -ranted ..7/
Conditions of sanction ofC ..7/ an% ...6
,efinition of the ter+C 2.46
Grant ofCre6uires sanction of co+etent authority ..7/
Power of authorities to -rant or er+it a Govern+ent servant to receive an--or
-..- (2/.46)
an% -9.- (22,
.8, 99, --9,
-47 an% -49).
Powers of ,irector, of 4ealth Services to sanction ay+ent ofCto lecturers and
e0a+iners for the Public 4ealth School
-9.- (--9)
Powers of ,irector, of 4ealth Services to sanction ay+ent ofCto lecturers and
e0a+iners for the Sanitary InsectorsD Class
-9.- (--5)
Reasons for the -rant ofCshould be recorded in writin- by the sanctionin-
..7/, *ote 2.
Sanction for accetance in the case ofCwhen -iven ..7/
>hen test of secial +erit is lo be ri-idly alied for -rant ofC ...6
&USE - RE*+@
,rawal ofCdurin- leave to te+orary transfer ...
& Govern+ent servant officiatin- in a ost, the ay of which has been fi0ed at a
ersonal rate on a ti+e-scale of ay is not debarred fro+ drawin-Cin that ti+e-
7.-., *ote -.
& Govern+ent servant holdin- substantively a er+anent ost when aointed
on robation to another ost will draw his Ceven before the end of robation if
the eriod of robation e0ceeds ' # +onths
7./ (a), *ote 7.
&uthority e+owered to -rant re+ature C 7.-6
Calculation of C to officiatin- Govern+ent servant who draws +ore or less than
ay which is ad+issible under the rules
7.-9, *ote 2.
Conditions under which service counts forC --in a ti+e-scale 7./
Grant ofC ne0t above an efficiency bur in a ti+e-scale 7.8
,uty rendered in an identical ti+e-scale -overned by the Civil Service
Re-ulations counts forC -in one -overned by those rules or vice versa
2.96, *ote an%
7./ (a) *ote 9.
Boinin- ti+e sent by a Govern+ent servant who while officiatin- in one ost is
aointed in another is treated as duty and counts forC-
7./ (a), *ote -.
Boinin- ti+e ta.en by a Govern+ent servant under Rule ( - '!b" and !c" on return
fro+ e0traordinary leave e0ceedin- '$ days -runted in continuation of other leave
does not count for---
0oot-note on
<a?e -2.
2eave other than e0traordinary leave counts for--in a ti+e scale 7./ (b)
?verstayed after leave does not count forC 7./, *ote ..
Power of authorities to withhold -of Govern+ent servant -..- (26) an%
-9.- (-. an%
Power of authorities to declare that service of a Govern+ent servant reduced
shall not count forC on re-instate+ent
-..- (22) an%
-9.- (-5).
Proosal for the -rant of re+atureC to be scrutini1ed with secial jealousy 7.-6, *ote -.
Rules re-ardin- the -rant of - 7.5 R 7.-6
>hen a Govern+ent servant who, while officiatin- in a ost, roceeds on
trainin- or on a course of instruction and who is treated as on duly while under
trainin- can count such eriod of duty for- -
7./ (a), *ote 4.
P'!IS+'*I S+'+E @
&licability of Aorei-n Service Rules to officers accetin- e+loy+ent under an
C while on leave rearatory to retire+ent
-6.7, *ote -.
Circu+stances under which fee +ay be received by a Govern+ent servant fro+
an ---
?rders re-ulatin- the a+ount of re+uneration which +ay be sanctioned by a
Provincial Govern+ent for a Govern+ent servant transferred to forei-n service in
Para?ra<#s -
to 7 o:
'nne;ure ' to
C#a<ter 1.
& service roll to be +aintained for every Govern+ent servant inC -2.--
,efinition of the ter+C 2.4-
Govern+ent servants inCe0cet those servin- in the 4i-h Court are e0e+ted
fro+ the roduction of a +edical certificate of fitness on their first entry into
Govern+ent Service
4.- (2)
Govern+ent servants inCthou-h e0e+ted-fro+ the roduction of +edical
certificate of fitness on first aoint+ent, are re6uired to roduce evidence of
4.7, *ote 7.
Eo +edical certificate of fitness to be roduced by a -overn+ent servant
ro+oted fro+ inferior to suerior service even thou-h while inChe +ay have
been aid fro+ a local
4.7, *ote 2.
Rule ).#5 !a", i.e., rule relatin- to co+ulsory retire+ent on attainin- a certain
a-o does not aly to Govern+ent servants in C in the Punjab
4.28, *ote 2.
Rules re-ardin- the -rant of leave on +edical certificate to Govern+ent servants
in C
8.-7 --- 8.-9
Rule re-ardin- -rant of leave to Govern+ent servants in C 8.5-, *ote ..
I*S+'LL'+I&* '*( 0I++I*3S @
Caital cost of a residence shall include the cost ofC ..8
>hat co+rise C for the urose of Rule *.'* ..-.
I*S+RUC+I&*S @
& Govern+ent servant followin- out a duly authori1ed course ofC is treated as
on duty
Para?ra<# - to
(i) o: S"#e%ule
to C#a<ter --.
Pay of a Govern+ent servant durin- course ofC+ay be with reference to
officiatin- aoint+ent held by hi+
I*+ERES+ @
Rates ofClivable on the overdue contributions ayable by Govern+ent servants
on forei-n service
-6.-2 R -6.-4
Rates ofCalicable in calculatin- the standard rent of residences ..-/
I*+ERRUP+I&* &0 (U+)@
2eave ta.en is notCin the case of te+orary or officiatin- Govern+ent servant
bein- confir+ed
8.// an% 8.-45
To be noted in service boo.s -2.9
A'IL (EP'R+ME*+ @
4osital leave to subordinates in the C 8./6
A&I*I*3 +IME @
& Govern+ent servant not joinin- his ost within the C is not entitled to ay or
leave salary after the end of the C
& Govern+ent servant on - is re-arded as on duty /.-4
& Govern+ent servant leave durin- C has to allow ortion of C clased to
be included in such leave
& Govern+ent servant on transfer durin- a vacation +ay be er+itted to ta.e C
at the end of the vacation
& Govern+ent servant holdin- a te+orary ost if offered throu-h his official
suerior another ost at so+e other station at any ti+e before the abolition of his
ost, is entitled to
/.-, *ote ..
& er+anent Govern+ent servant retains durin- C a lien on his er+anent ost
or on a ost of the sa+e character in the sa+e cadre
4.-. (")
& +inisterial servant is not entitled to be aid while on C unless his transfer is
+ade in the Public interest
/.-4, *ote -.
& road journey of five +iles or under, to or fro+ railway station fro+ or to Chief
Public ?fficer of the lace, does not count for
& second eriod of si0 days for rearation not to be included in calculatin- the-
C of a Govern+ent servant whose aoint+ent is chan-ed while in transit to
another ost
/.-- (*ote).
Calculation ofC ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant who over char-e of
office elsewhere than at his head6uarters
Calculation ofC of a Govern+ent servant aointed to a new ost while in transit
fro+ one ost to another
Circu+stances in which a co+etent authority +ay e0tend the C ad+issible
under the rules
Circu+stances in which C +ay be -ranted to a Govern+ent servant /.-
Co+bination of holidays with leave andC 8.25 --- 8.44
Co+etent authority +ay +a.e secial concessions inCrules in certain cases /.-5
,ate of e0iry of leave in the ease of a Govern+ent servant -rantedCon return
fro+ leave out of Pa.istan
,efinition of the ter+C 2.42
<ffect uon ay and allowances of co+bination of holidays with C 8.2/
4ow calculated /..
Inclusion or e0clusion of Sundays in the calculation ofC /.., *ote -.
CC ad+issible when returnin- fro+ leave out of Pa.istan e0ceed $ +onths /./
CCCcounts as duty 2.-9 (a) (2).
C-ad+issible to ersons not in Govern+ent Service on joinin- the Govern+ent
service or on reversion fro+ it
CCCad+issible when vacation is co+bined with leave /.4
----ad+issible when leave on +edical certificate is ta.en by a Govern+ent
servant while in transit fro+ one ost to another
2i+ited to a +a0i+u+ of )% days /..
EoCad+issible to a Govern+ent servant transferred fro+ one ost to another in
the sa+e office establish+ent
?nly one dayDsCallowed when no chan-e of residence is involved /.9
?n transfer durin- leave of less than $ +onthsD duration /.8
?n transfer to service under another Govern+ent /.-2
Pay of a Govern+ent servant durin-C /.-4
Period ofCto be i-nored in calculatin- avera-e ay 2.5, *ote ..
Period ofCsent by a Govern+ent servant who while officiatin- in a ost is
aointed to officiate in another treated as duty
7./ (a), *ote -.
Power of authorities to er+it the calculation ofCby a route other than that which
travelers habitually use
-..- (77) an%
-9.- (25).
Route by whichCshould ordinarily he calculated /.5
Rules relatin- toCalicable in the case of transfers fro+ one rovince to another
to be those in force in rovince to which transferred
>henCad+issible to a Govern+ent servant +ay be cancelled fro+ leave
/.8 (b)
>hen a relievin- Govern+ent servant is re-arded as on duty and not onC /.-7 --- /.-.
!ILL'B'*(I ---
Re+ission of contributions towards leave salary and ension recoverable on
account of establish+ent e+loyed onC oeration in all estates in tins Province
-6.26, *ote -.
L'B&RER (s)
& dailyCin the Public >or.s ,eart+ent if -ranted leave is not entitled to any
leave salary
8.--- an%
Grant of leave toCe+loyed in Govern+ent wor.shos or other institutions on
daily wa-es, who are injured while on duty
8.--2 an%
L'*3U'3E 'LL&H'*CES@
>henCare treated as ay and when as honoraria 2.77, *ote 2.
& Govern+ent servant on --- +ay not accet any e+loy+ent or ta.e any service
without obtainin- revious sanction
& Govern+ent servant recalled fro+ C out of Pa.istan to be refunded the cost of
assa-e ho+e under certain conditions and to be rovided with a return assa-e
to Pa.istan at Govern+ent e0ense
& Govern+ent servant absent after the end of C is not entitled to salary 8.78
& Govern+ent servant on cannot return to duty +ore than '$ days before the
e0iry of the eriod of-C
& Govern+ent servant transferred fro+ a service or ost to which theCrules in
the Civil Services Rules !Punjab" do not aly is not entitled to ---under the rules
in Part & Section II of those rules in resect of duty erfor+ed before the transfer
& Govern+ent servant cases to be in Govern+ent e+loy after five yearsD
continuous absence fro+ duly whether with or without----
& Govern+ent servant in forei-n service in Pa.istan cannot ta.e ---- or receive ---
salary until he actually 6uits duty and -oes on ----
& Govern+ent servant transferred to forei-n service while on --- cases to be on
--- and to draw K salary
& Govern+ent servant on K -ranted on account of ill health, althou-h the --- is not
technically ---on +edical certificate, +ay be re6uired to roduce a +edical
certificate of fitness before returnin- to duty
& Govern+ent servant on return fro+ --- +ust reort his return to the authority
which -ranted hi+ ---
8.79 --- 8.75
& Govern+ent servant who is dis+issed or re+oved fro+ ublic service if re-
instated is entitled to count his for+er service for ---
8.2 (b)
& Govern+ent servant retained in service after the date of co+ulsory retire+ent
is entitled to earn ----
4.22, *ote 4.
& Govern+ent servant transferred fro+ a service or ost to which the rules in
Part & of Section II of Chater VIII aly fro+ a service or ost to which they do
not aly re+ains subject to ---rules to which he was subject rior to transfer
&+ount of honorariu+ ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant who elects to
consu+e --- on avera-e ay or earned K as the case +ay be durin- a eriod of
duty out of Pa.istan
9.2, *ote 2.
&+ount of ---debited a-ainst a Govern+ent servant ---account 8.5-
&+ount of --- to be credited to a Govern+ent servantVs account with reference to
the eriods of duty
&n authority e+owered to -rant K has no ower to interfere with the otion of a
Govern+ent servant to ta.e K on full avera-e ay or half avera-e ay
8.-., Sub-rule
&n authority e+owered to -rant K +ay refuse or revo.e ---accordin- to the
e0i-encies of the ublic service
& non--a1etted Govern+ent servant roceedin- on---fro+ a -a1etted ost to be
re-arded as a -a1etted officer
8.55, *ote 2.
& er+anent Govern+ent servant on---retains a lien on his er+anent ost or on
a ost of the sa+e character in the sa+e cadre
4.-. (%)
&licability of Aorei-n Service Rules of officers accetin- forei-n service while
on K rearatory to retire+ent
-6.7, *ote -.
&uthorities co+etent to -rant ---- other than secial disability --- and study 8.27 --- 8.2.
&uthority to who+ alication for ---or e0tension of K should be +ade 8.7 R 8..
Calculation of ---- ad+issible to Govern+ent servants whose service is artially
subject to ?rdinary --- Rules and artially to Secial --- Rules
8.56, *ote -.
Concessions ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant recalled fro+ 8.74
Conditions under whichCnot due +ay be -ranted 8.57 (")
Contributions are not ayable durin-Cta.en in forei-n service -6./ (")
Conditions under which --- +ay be -ranted to te+orary establish+ent
char-eable to contin-encies and aid on contin-ent bills
8.-6- an%
Conditions under which ,istrict and Sessions Bud-es +ay refi0 or affi0 vacation
Consent of Ainance ,eart+ent resu+ed to -rant er+ission to a Govern+ent
servant on --- to accet service
-..- (4/)
Consent of Ainance ,eart+ent is -iven to the -rant of --- to a Govern+ent
servant who is unli.ely to be fit to return to duty
-..- (4.)
,ate of reversion to Govern+ent service of a Govern+ent servant who ta.esCon
the conclusion of forei-n service
,ate fro+ whichC-is earned by a Govern+ent servant returnin- fro+Cnot due 8.54 (e)
,eduction to be +ade fro+Cearned by a Govern+ent servant servin- in a
Vacation ,eart+ent and -rant to hi+ ofCin cases of ur-ent necessity
,isability, conditions under which co+etent authority +ay -rantC 8.84
<ffect uon ay and allowances of co+bination of holidays withC 8.28-8.2/
Aorei-n service counts as duty for uroses of C 8.-
Aor+al e0tension of service is not a necessary reli+inary to the -rant ofCto an
officer who has attained the a-o of co+ulsory retire+ent
4.28, *ote ..
Govern+ent servant transferred to forei-n service +ust ac6uaint hi+self with
rules re-ulatin- hisCdurin- forei-n service
Govern+ent servant durin- joinin- ti+e has to allow ortion of joinin-
ti+e elased to be included in suchC
Grant of ---- to a Govern+ent servant unli.ely to be fit to return to duty 8.-8
Grant ofCto &ssistant 2e-al Re+e+brancers 8.-67, 8.-6.
an% 8.-77
Grant of joinin- ti+e on return fro+ ---- /.- (b)
Grant of --- to a Govern+ent servant who is on an e0tension of service, durin- the
eriod of his e0tended service
8.22, *ote 2.
C-earned by service re+unerated by fees or daily wa-es 8.--6 an%
--- earned by te+orary and officiatin- Govern+ent servants 8./5 R 8.-6-
an% 8.-49 R
Cinad+issible to a Govern+ent servant who ou-ht to be dis+issed or re+oved
fro+ service
Cto a -a1etted Govern+ent servant not to be -ranted without obtainin- a reort
fro+ the Princial auditor uon his title toC
Cad+issible to daily laborers in Govern+ent wor.sho injured while on duty 8.--2 an%
Cad+issible to er+anent iece wor.ers of Govern+ent Presses not classed as
8.--7 an%
Cad+issible to officers en-a-ed on contract 8..8
Cad+issible to te+orary establish+ent debatable to contin-encies and aid on
contin-ent bills
8.-6- an%
Cad+issible to Govern+ent servants in er+anent e+loy 8.9. R 8./2 an%
8.--/ R 8.-4-.
Cad+issible to +ilitary officers 8./4 an% 8.-42
Cad+issible to Govern+ent servants on deutation out of Pa.istan 8.7 an% 8.-44
Cad+issible to Probationers 8./. an% 8.-47
Cad+issible to &renticesG2eave Reserves 8./9 an% 8.-7.
Cad+issible to Public Prosecutors 8.-69 an%
Cad+issible to Govern+ent Pleaders 8.-65 an%
---ad+issible to <ditor and Reorters of the Pa.istan 2aw Reorts 8.-68 an%
Cad+issible to ,eart+ental Sub-Re-istrar 8.-6/ an%
Cad+issible to Govern+ent servants re+unerated wholly or artially by ay+ent
of honoraria or daily wa-es
8.--6 R 8.--4
an% 8.-78
Cad+issible to er+anent salaried Industrial e+loyees in Govern+ent resses,
who are not classed as inferior
C ad+issible to Te+orary <n-ineers of the Public >or.s ,eart+ent 8./5
Cof a Govern+ent servant re-e+loyed after suerannuation or retirin- ension
should be re-ulated by the rules alicable to te+orary Govern+ent servants
8.2, *ote an%
8./8 *ote -.
Ccannot be clai+ed as a ri-ht 8.-.
Cis earned by duty only 8.-
---not necessarily be refused to a Govern+ent servant er+anently
8a0i+u+ eriod of absence fro+ duty onCdoes not include absence on
8.57 (%), *ote
8a0i+u+ eriod of absence fro+ duty onC-includes any eriod of vacation
co+bined with ---
8.57 (%), *ote
8a0i+u+ a+ount ofC ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant subject to the
ordinary ---- rules who either ta.esCon +edical certificate or sends hisCout
of Pa.istan, how calculated
8.57 (b), *ote
8a0i+u+ eriod of absence fro+ duty onCother than on +edical certificate 8.57 (%6
8a0i+u+ a+ount ofC on avera-e ay that +ay be -ranted to a Govern+ent
8.57 (a)
?rder recallin- a Govern+ent Servant fro+ Cshould store whether return to duty
is otional or co+ulsory
?verstayed of- does not count for incre+ent 7./, *ote ..
Power to -rantCto a Govern+ent servant in resect of who+ a +edical
co++ittee has reorted that there is no reasonable rosect that he would ever
be fit to return to duty
-..- (4.)
Power to -rantC -..- (49)
Power of authorities to decide the date of reversion of a Govern+ent servant
returnin- afterCfro+ forei-n service
-..- (75) an%
-9.- (4-).
Power of authorities to e0tendCoverstayed -..- (76) an%
-9.- (25).
Power of authorities to decide which Govern+ent servant shall draw the ay of
the ost for a holiday i++ediately recedin- or followin- the day on which theCof
a Govern+ent servant be-ins or ends
-..- (45) an%
-9.- (29 an%
Power of authorities to declare that for+er service of a re-in-stated Govern+ent
servant shall not count for- in whole or in art
-..- (47)
Power of authorities to direct that an officer onCshould be considered to be in
occuation of a residence
-..- (25) an%
-9.- (-75 an%
Princiles to be alied in dealin- with alications fro+ Govern+ent servants for
--involvin- an e0tension of service
8.22, *ote 9.
Priority of clai+s to -rant of-- how decided 8.-5
Procedure to be followed when a Govern+ent servant is not er+itted to return to
duty after-
Procedure to be followed when a Govern+ent servant is roceedin- on C out of
Procedure on return fro+C 8.79-8.75
Procedure in the case of -a1etted Govern+ent servant forCor e0tension ofCon
+edical certificate
Rules re-ardin- joinin- ti+e ad+issible to Govern+ents on return fro+ ----- /.8 an% /./
Rules re-ardin- the drawal of co+ensatory allowance durin-C ..4 to ...
Rules re-ardin- refi0in- and affi0in- vacation toC 8.49 ---8.44
Service rendered by a Civil &ssistant Sur-eon as te+orary officer in the
Pa.istan &r+y 8edical Cors should be-allowed to count for--, ension and
8.56,*ote 7.
>hen vacation is treated asC in the case of ,istrict and Sessions Bud-es 8.44,E;<lanati
>illful absence fro+ duty after the e0iry of-+ay be treated as +isbehavior for
the urose of rule ).'/
LE'VE 'CC&U*+ @
&bsence after the end of leave to be debited to theC as leave on half avera-e
ay or leave on rivate affairs
& --- to be +aintained for each Govern+ent servant 8..-
&+ount of leave to be credited to theCwith reference to the eriod of duty 8.56
&+ount of leave to be credited to theCof a Govern+ent servant transferred
er+anently for+ +ilitary to civil e+loy
8.56 (")
&+ount of leave debited a-ainst a Govern+ent servantsC 8.5-
&+ount of leave to be debited to theCof a Govern+ent servant transferred
er+anently fro+ +ilitary to civil e+loy
8.5-, *ote -.
&+ount of leave to be credited and debited to theCof a Govern+ent servant
officiatin- or holdin- a te+orary ost when he is substantively aointed to a
er+anent ost
8.// an% 8.-45
Aractions of a day should not aear in the 8.56, *ote ..
Aor+s ofC for various Govern+ent servants 8..-
2eave ta.en by a Govern+ent servant in forei-n service cut of Pa.istan not to lie
debited to hisC
Cof Govern+ent servants, by who+ +aintained 8..2
---of an inferior Govern+ent servant should be debited with reference to the .ind
of leave -ranted
8.5-, *ote ..
Eo chan-e to be +ade in the a+ount of leave credited or debited in theCof
Govern+ent servant, reviously subject to the ?rdinary 2eave Rules, when he is
ad+itted to the benefits of Secial leave Rules
Secial disability leave not to be debited to theCof a Govern+ent servant 8.84 (9)
Study leave not debited a-ainst theC 8.89
Ter+ Feach year of dutyF e0lained with reference to a+ount to be deducted fro+
Cof vacation officers
8.5., *ote 4.
& Govern+ent servant onCor 6uarantine leave is not treated as absent fro+ duty 8.9-
C is not a reco-ni1ed re-ular leave 8.9-
Rules re-ulatin- the -rant ofC 8.92
LE'VE --- (IS'BILI+)@@
&+ount of leave salary ad+issible durin- secialC- 8.84 (5) an%
8.-25 (2).
Cases in which secial-+ay not be -ranted 8.84 (2).
Cases in which officers -rantedC. +ay be -ranted face assa-es 8.8.
Conditions under which secialC+ay be debited to a Govern+ent servantDs
leave account
8.5- (b) an%
8.-25 (-)
Conditions under which secial --- +ay be -ranted to Govern+ent servants 8.84 an% 8.-25
Conditions under whichC+ay be -ranted to Govern+ent servants disabled by
accidental injury
8.87 an% 8.-28
<ffect of leave ta.en under the +ilitary rules on the +a0i+u+ a+ount of secial
Cwhich +ay be -runted to a Govern+ent servant
8.84 (/) an%
Grant of secialC to a Govern+ent servant who has contracted such disability
while servin- with a +ilitary force
8.84 (a) an%
Govern+ent servants to who+ secialC +ay be -ranted 8.84 an% 8.-25
Secial --to count as duty in calculatin- service for ension 8.84 (9) an%
Secial ---- not to be debited a-ainst a Govern+ent servantDs leave account 8.84 (9) an%
Secial --- +ay be co+bined with other .inds of leave 8.84 (7) an%
LE'VE @E'R*E(@
Calculation ofC 8.-2-, *ote.
,efinition ofC 8.--9
CCwhich was due to a Govern+ent servant endin- retire+ent +ay be -ranted
to hi+ if refused on account of e0i-encies of ublic service
C+ay be -ranted durin- the eriod of e0tension of service after the date of
co+ulsory retire+ent
Ce0tendin- beyond the ter+ of civil aoint+ent is not ad+issible to +ilitary
officers holdin- civil osts of li+ited tenure
8.-42, *ote -.
Cis not ad+issible to Govern+ent servants of the Vacation ,eart+ent in
resect of duty erfor+ed in any year in which he avails of full vacation
Cis ad+issible to +ilitary officers in civil e+loy 8.-24
C-- is ad+issible to er+anent Govern+ent servants 8.--/
C-is ad+issible to Govern+ent servant not in er+anent e+loy 8.-49
Cis not ad+issible to te+orary Govern+ent servants of the Vacation
8.-49 (b)
2eave salary ad+issible to er+anent Govern+ent servants durin-C- 8.-2.
2eave salary ad+issible to te+orary Govern+ent servants durin-C 8.-74
&rentices 2eave Reserves are entitled toC 8./9 (b) an%
8.-4. (b).
Circu+stances in which +ay count for incre+ent 7./
C +ay be -ranted in secial circu+stances when no other leave is by rule
8.59 (a) an%
8.-27 (-).
C+ay be -ranted in co+bination with or in continuation of other leave 8.59 (b) an%
*ote 4 belo>
C for ) +onths is ad+issible to te+orary and officiatin- Govern+ent servants 8./8 (") an%
C+ay be -ranted to &ssistant 2e-al Re+e+brancers 8.-67 an%
C-+ay be -ranted to ,eart+ental Sub-Re-istrar 8.-6/ (ii) an%
8.-75 (ii).
Eo leave salary is ad+issible durin----- 8.59 (a) an%
8.-2. (4).
Periods of absence without leave +ay be co++uted retrosectively intoC 8.59 (b) an%
8.-2. (b).
The +a0i+u+ eriod of absence fro+ duty on leave does not include absence
8.57, *ote 2.
>hen leave Xnot dueDD is alied for by a Govern+ent servant with or without
+edical certificate the -rant of ---- will be irre-ular
8.59, *ote -.
LE'VE ---- &SPI+'L ---
Co+bination of --- with other leave 8./2 an% 8.-46
<0tent of ---- 8./- an% 8.-4-
2eave salary durin- --- 8./2 an% 8.-46
Eot debited a-ainst the leave account 8./2 an% 8.-4/
Rules relatin- to --- 8.8/ ---8./2
an% 8.-46 an%
To who+ -ranted 8.8/-8./6 an%
LE'VE --- M'+ER*I+) ---
Co+bination ofCwith leave of any other .ind 8.88 an% 8.-46
<0tent ofCthat +ay be -ranted 8.85 an% 8.-46
Ae+ale servants e+loyed on daily wa-es in Govern+ent wor.-stos +ay be
8.--4 an%
Aull ay +ay be -ranted durin-C 8.85 an% 8.-46
General rules relatin- to --- 8.85-8.88 an%
Cnot debited a-ainst the leave account 8.85 an% 8.-46
LE'VE@J*&+ (UEJ@
Conditions under whichC+ay be -ranted 8.57 (")
Conditions to be fulfilled before a Govern+ent servant is -ranted 8.57 ("), *ote
,ate fro+ which leave is earned by a Govern+ent servant returnin- fro+ C 8.57 (e)
,ate fro+ which a Govern+ent servant who is -ranted +edical
certificate is subse6uently found unfit to return onC-to duty is re-arded to have
8.57 ("), *ote
,ate of retire+ent of a Govern+ent servant who is -ranted and then alied for
er+ission to retire
8.57 ("), *ote
C+ay be -ranted to a Govern+ent servant recruited overseas who is revented
fro+ roceedin- at once fro+ the ort of dise+bar.ation in Pa.istan to ta.e u
his aoint+ent
4.22, *ote -
an% 2.
Ccan be -ranted to a Govern+ent servant whose leave account shows a debit
8.57, ("), *ote
Calied by a Govern+ent servant if leave ad+issible under the rules 8.59, *ote -.
2eave salary ad+issible durin- 8.55, (b)
LE'VE &* 'VER'3E P')@
& Govern+ent servant cannot be co+elled a-ainst his wishes to ta.e leave on
half avera-e ay when --- is ad+issible to hi+
8.55, *ote ..
Calculation of the +a0i+u+ a+ount of ---due at one ti+e to a Govern+ent
servant servin- in the Vacation ,eart+ent
8.5. (")
Calculation of the +a0i+u+ a+ount ofCthat +ay he -ranted to a Govern+ent
servant whose leave is interruted by susension dealt with under Rule /.) !b"
8.57 (b), *ote
Cta.en on +edical certificate or outside Pa.istan, does not consu+e theCwhich
+ay be ta.en without +edical certificate
8.57 (b), *ote
C+ay be co+bined with secial disability leave 8.84 (7).
Cto +ilitary officers holdin- aoint+ents of li+ited tenuresCGovern+ent can
not -rant Ce0tendin- beyond the date on which the officerDs tenure of the civil
aoint+ent e0ires
8./4, *ote 4.
8a0i+u+ a+ount of --- which +ay be -ranted to a Govern+ent servant subject
to the secial leave Rules at one ti+e and in all
8.57 (b) (i)
8a0i+a of leave salary alicable durin- --- 8.5/
Period ofCdebited in full to a Govern+ent servantDs leave account 8.5-
Total eriod ofCad+issible to a Govern+ent servant after he has had leave on
half avera-e ay in continuation of a eriodC
8.57 (b), *ote
LE'VE &* 'L0 'VER'3E P')---
&bsence after the e0iry of leave to be treated asCfor the urose of debitin- the
leave account
,efinition ofC 2.44
4alf the eriod ofCto be debited to a Govern+ent servantDs leave account 8.5-
LE'VE &* ME(IC'L CER+I0IC'+E ----
Certificate of fitness on return fro+C by who+ si-ned 8.7., *ote (i)
an% (ii).
Certificate fro+ co++ittee re6uired for ---- in the case of a -a1etted Govern+ent
Cases in which certificate for the -rant of ---to non--a1etted Govern+ent servant
should be fro+ the 8edical :oard or Co++ittee
8.-24, *ote.
Co+etent sanction is re6uired for --- thou-h +edical certificate is roduced 8.-9
Aor+ of +edical certificate which +ay be re6uired to be roduced by a
Govern+ent servant on return fro+ leave -ranted on account of ill-health
althou-h the leave +ay not be technicallyC
Aor+ of +edical certificate to be first obtained by a Ga1etted ?fficer forC 8.8
Govern+ent servant is not entitled to anyCreco++ended by a +edical officer
unless it is due under the rules
If on +edical certificate, -a1etted officer has to aear before co++ittee forC- 8./
In the case of a non--a1etted Govern+ent servant the sanctionin- authority +ay
on an alication forCre6uire a second +edical oinion by the &-ency or ,istrict
4ealth ?fficer
8.-4 (b)
Boinin- ti+e whenCis ta.en while in transit fro+ one ost to another /.7
Cto te+orary and officiatin- Govern+ent servants 8./5
Cnot to be reco++ended by +edical officer, if Govern+ent servant is unli.ely to
be fit to return to duty
CCto non--a1etted Govern+ent servants in inferior service +ay be -ranted on
any certificate which co+etent authority +ay accet
Cto non--a1etted Govern+ent servants +ay be -ranted on a +edical certificate
-iven by a re-istered +edical ractitioner
8.-4 (a)
8a0i+u+ a+ount of leave ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant at one ti+e
subject to ordinary leave Rules who
8.57 (b)
8a0i+u+ a+ount ofCad+issible to Govern+ent servants subject to the rules in
Section III of Chater VIII
8edical state+ent of Govern+ent servant sendin-Cin certain localities to be
forwarded to the 4i-h Co++issioner
Procedure in case of non--a1etted Govern+ent servants alyin- forC 8.-4
Procedure in case of Ga1etted Govern+ent servant to obtainC 8./ --- 8.-2
>hen and to what e0tentC+ay be -ranted to &ssistant 2e-al Re+e+brancers 8.-/7 an%
LE'VE &* PRIV'+E '00'IRS@
&bsence after the e0iry of leave to be treated as---for the uroses of debitin-
the leave account
2eave salary ad+issible durin-C 8.-2. (2)
C+ay be -ranted to a Govern+ent servant recruited overseas who is revented
fro+ roceedin- fro+ the ort of dise+bar.ation in Pa.istan to ta.e u his
4.22, *otes -
an% 2.
Cad+issible to er+anent Govern+ent servants 8.-22
LE'VE &* NU'R+ER 'VER'3E P')@
,efinition ofC 2.44
4alf the eriod ofCdebited to a Govern+ent servantDs leave account 8.5- (b)
LE'VE &U+ &0 P'!IS+'*@
If a Govern+ent servant roceedin- onCis not to be er+itted to return to duty
he +ust be infor+ed of it before leavin- Pa.istan
Boinin- ti+e on return fro+--e0ceedin- $ +onths /./
Procedure when deartin- onC 8.4. --- 8.49
Procedure to be adoted when a Govern+ent servant onCis not to be er+itted
to return to duty
& Govern+ent servant onCis treated as on duty 8.9-
Rules re-ulatin- the -rant of 8.92
,ifferent sets ofC and cate-ories of Govern+ent servants subject thereto 8..4 to 8../
Conditions of eli-ibility for the secial and ordinary C 8.99 --- 8.9/
Calculation of leave ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant whoso service is artly
subject to the ordinaryC and artly to secial C
8.56, *ote -.
& daily laborer in the Public >or.s ,eart+ent if -ranted leave is not entitled to
any C
8.--- an%
& Govern+ent servant transferred to forei-n service while on leave ceases to
draw C
&+ount of C ad+issible durin- secial disability leave 8.84 (5) an%
8.-25 (2).
Calculation ofC in the case of a Govern+ent servant of Vacation ,eart+ent
when refi0in- or affi0in- leave to vacation
2.5, *ote 5.
Co+etent authority +ay +a.e rules rescribin- the Procedure to be followed in
Pa.istan in the ay+ent of C
,eflation of C 2.47
,rawal of C in sterlin- or in ruees 8..6
Govern+ent servant is not entitled toC durin- absence after the end of leave 8.78
Interest on overdue contributions for C while on forei-n service -6.-2
---ad+issible to daily laborers in Govern+ent wor.shos injured while on duty 8.--6 an%
---ad+issible durin- hosital leave 8./-
C ad+issible to te+orary and officiatin- Govern+ent servants other than
Te+orary <n-ineers of the Public >or.s ,eart+ent
8./8 an% 8.-74
C ad+issible to te+orary <n-ineers of the Public >or.s ,eart+ent 8./5
C ad+issible er+anent Govern+ent servants 8.55 an% 8.-2.
C ad+issible durin- earned leave to er+anent Govern+ent servants 8.-2. (-)
C ad+issible to Per+anent Govern+ent servants durin- leave on +edical
8.-2. (2)
C ad+issible durin- leave on rivate affairs 8.-2. (2)
C ad+issible durin- leave which is due 8.55 (a)
C e6ual to half avera-e ay ad+issible durin- leave not due 8.55 (b)
C e6ual to 6uarter avera-e ay ad+issible after continuous absence fro+ duty
on leave for twenty-ei-ht +onths
C drawn in ruees shall be drawn only in Pa.istan 8..6 (4)
C ayable by the forei-n e+loyer in the case of a Govern+ent servant of
forei-n service out of Pa.istan
C in no case to e0ceed avera-e ay 8.5/
8a0i+a and 8ini+a ofC ad+issible to Govern+ent servants 8.5/ an% 8.86
an% 8.-2..
Eo C &d+issible durin- e0traordinary leave 8.59 (a) an%
8.-2. (4).
Pay of er+anent ost to be treated as leave salary in the case of non--a1etted
Govern+ent servants
Pro=iso to
Places at which +ay be drawn in sterlin- 8..6, *ote 8.
Portion of C which reresents overseas ay drawn in sterlin- to be aid in all
cases in sterlin-
8..6 (-)
Rate of e0chan-e at which C +ay be converted into sterlin- 8..6, *ote 4.
Rate ofC due durin- voya-e to and on arrival in Pa.istan to a Govern+ent
servant recalled fro+ leave out of Pa.istan
8.74 (a) (iii)
The li+itation ofC to the +a0i+u+ of avera-e ay is not alicable, under certain
conditions, to a Govern+ent servant entitled to rivile-e leave for +ore than four
+onths under orders reviously in force
8.5/, *ote -.
The li+itation ofCto the +a0i+u+ of avera-e ay not alicable under certain
circu+stances to a Govern+ent servant of a vacation deart+ent 8.5/, *ote 2.
The +ini+a ofCrescribed for Govern+ent servants aly only when leave is
ta.en or e0tended out of Pa.istan
8.86, *ote -.
&-e-li+it for retire+ent ofCother than a +e+ber of the Civil Service of Pa.istan 4.2.
& Govern+ent servant cannot be aointed substantively to a ost on which
another Govern+ent servant holds aC 4.-4 (")
& Govern+ent servant on substantive aoint+ent, to a er+anent ost
ac6uires aCon that ost
& Govern+ent servantsDCwhich has been susended shall revive in certain
4.-. (e) an%
& Govern+ent servantsDCon a ost in no circu+stances be ter+inated 4.-5 (a)
Consent of the Ainance ,eart+ent is -iven to the e0ercise of ower to transfer
theCof a Govern+ent servant
-..- (--)
Cof a Govern+ent servant on a er+anent ost +ay be susended in certain
Cof a Govern+ent servant on a tenure ost +ay in no circu+stances be
4.-. (")
Cof a Govern+ent Servant holdin- a er+anent ost shall be ter+inated on his
aoint+ent substantively to the ost of Chief <n-ineer
4.-5 (")
Cof a Govern+ent servant +ay be transferred to another ost in the-sa+e
Power of authorities to susend theCof a Govern+ent servant -..- (-6) an%
-9.- (9 an%
Retention ofCon a ost certain circu+stances 4.-.
Susension of--of a Govern+ent servant transferred to other duty who retains no
connection with his substantive ost
The susended-Cof a Govern+ent servant s.ull not be ter+inated e0cet with
his consent
4.-5 (b)
Transfer or susension ofC 4.-9 to 4.-/
,efinition ofC 2.49
Govern+ent servants aid fro+ ---ad+inistered by Govern+ent are subject to
these Rules
Production of a +edical certificate of health fro+ a Govern+ent servant
ro+oted fro+ non-6ualifyin- service aid fro+ a ----to a ost in suerior service
under Govern+ent
4.7, *ote -.
Transfer of Govern+ent servants to service underCnot ad+inistered by
Govern+ent is re-ulated by forei-n service rules
Treat+ent of revious service of a Govern+ent servant transferred to
Govern+ent service fro+ aCnot ad+inistered by Govern+ent
M'+ER*I+) LE'VE ---- See SLea=e
ME(IC'L B&'R( &0 C&MMI++EE ----
Certificate fro+ ---re6uired in the case of a Ga1etted Govern+ent servant for
-rant of leave on +edical certificate
Certificate of fitness fro+Cre6uired in the case of a Ga1etted Govern+ent
servant -ranted leave on +edical certificate by aC
8.7., *ote
Aor+ of certificate fro+Cre6uired in the case of a Ga1etted Govern+ent servant 8.-6
2eave to Govern+ent servants reorted to he unfit byC 8.-8
8ay .ee Govern+ent servants under observation in doubtful cases 8.--
Eo travelin- allowance is ad+issible for journeys to aear before aCfor
obtainin- certificate of fitness to return to duty
8.7., *ote
>hen certificate fro+C+ay be disensed with 8.-2
&earance of a Ga1etted Govern+ent servant before +edical co++ittee
necessary for leave onC
:y who+C+ay be si-ned for return to duty fro+ leave onCin &sia 8.7., *ote (ii)
an% (iii).
Classes of Govern+ent servants e0e+ted fro+ roduction ofCof fitness 4.7
Co+etent authority +ay re6uire aCof fitness fro+ a Govern+ent servant
-ranted leave for reasons of health, thou-h not on aC
,ulicate of +edical reort to be sent to the 4i-h Co++issioner in certain cases 8.76
Aor+ ofCto be obtained for -rant of leave onC 8.8
Aor+ ofCre6uired by -a1etted Govern+ent servant fro+ the +edical co++ittee 8.-6
Aor+ ofCfor return to duty fro+ leave in &sia -ranted on account of ill-health
thou-h technically not onC
Aor+ ofC rescribed for non--a1etted Govern+ent servants alyin- for leave
8.-4, *ote 4.
Aor+ ofCfitness re6uired on first aoint+ent 4.2
Aor non--a1etted Govern+ent servants-Cby who+ si-ned 8.-4
General rules of rocedure for obtainin- leave onC 8.9 ---- 8.-7
Eon--a1etted Govern+ent servants +ay be re6uired to aear in erson before
Cfor leave is countersi-ned
8.-4 (")
Eo state+ent contained inCis evidence of a clai+ for leave not otherwise
Cof fe+ale candidates on first aoint+ent 4.. (i)
Cre6uired for co+bination of +aternity leave with other leave 8.88
Per+anent unfitness of a Govern+ent servant alyin- for leave onCshould be
recorded in the certificate
Power of authorities to disense with the roduction ofC -..- (/) an%
-9.- (.).
Rules re-ardin-Con first aoint+ent 4.2 --- 4.9
Second +edical oinion of the &-ency or ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer on the
alication for leave on ----of a non--a1etted Govern+ent servant to be arran-ed
by the authority co+etent to sanction leave
8.-4 (b)
Thou-hCis roduced sanction to leave is necessary 8.-9
>henCfro+ +edical co++ittee +ay be disensed with in the case of -a1etted
Govern+ent servant and what other certificate +ay be acceted instead
>hen aCsi-ned by two +edical officers +ay be acceted for -rant of leave on
Cto a -a1etted Govern+ent servant
MI3R'+&R) 3&VER*MB*+ SERV'*+(s)@
,efinition of the e0ressionC 2.45
,efinition of the e0ressionC 2.4/
<+olu+ents of Cwhich are treated as ay 2.77 (b)
In rec.onin- service for calculatin- leave toCin te+orary civil e+loy a eriod
of si0 +onths to be e0cluded
8./4, *ote 2.
2eave on avera-e ay toCholdin- aoint+ents of li+ited tenure is not
ad+issible beyond the ter+ of civil aoint+ent even if the +ilitary authorities
+ay a-ree to it
8./4, *ote 4.
Rules re-ardin- the -rant of leave toCin civil e+loy who re+ain subject to
+ilitary leave rules
8./4 an%
&-e u to which aC +ay be retained + service 4.28 (b)
,ate on which aC +ust co+ulsorily retire 4.28, *otes 5.
,ate of co+ulsory retire+ent of aC who is re6uired to retire between the a-es
of ** and 5%
4.28, *ote 5.
,efinition of the ter+ 2.76
Power of authorities to retain a ---- in service after the a-e of 5% years -9.- (--)
Power of authorities to re6uire aCto retire between the a-es of ** and 5% years -9.- (--), 58
an% -2/).
>hen aCtransferred is not aid durin- joinin- ti+e /.-4, *ote -.
2eave not to be -ranted to an officer who ou-ht to be dis+issed forC 8.-/
Calculation ofC E;am<le
belo> 2.7-.
,efinition of the ter+ 2.7-
M&+&R C'R '*( M&+&R C)CLE 'LL&H'*CE@
Conditions under whichCis ad+issible durin- leave or te+orary transfer ..7
*&*-3'IE++E( 3&VER*ME*+ SERV'*+ (s) ---
4eads of ,eart+ents have ower to waive the restriction re-ardin- a-e on first
aoint+ent in the cane ofC
2eave account of aCby who+ +aintained 8..2
Procedure in the case ofCalyin- for leave or e0tension of leave on +edical
Rules re-ardin- the +aintenance of service boo.s and service roll ofC -2.2 to -2./
&00ICI'+E (&00ICI'+I*3) ---
& Govern+ent servantCin a ost the ay of which has been fi0ed on a ti+e-
scale at a ersonal rate, should not be debarred fro+ drawin- incre+ents in that
7.-., *ote -.
&ccrual of incre+ent to a Govern+ent servantCin a ost who draws less than
7.-9, *ote 2.
&nCGovern+ent servant will draw the resu+tive ay of the ost 7.-7
&nCGovern+ent servant cannot draw enhanced ay unless he assu+es duties
or resonsibilities of -reater i+ortance or of a different character
& er+anent Govern+ent servantCin another out retains a lien on his
er+anent ost or on a ost of the sa+e character in the sa+e cadre
4.-. (b)
Calculation of ay of a Govern+ent servantCin a oet the ay of which has
been fi0ed at a ersonal rate
Consent of the Ainance ,eart+ent is -iven to the accetance of anC
Govern+ent servantDs reasons for refusin- to occuy a residence laced at his
disosal by the er+anent incu+bent while on leave or transfer
-..- (2.)
,efinition ofC 2.72
Ai0ation of the ay of a Govern+ent servantCin a ort the ay of which has
been rosectively reduced
7.-4, *ote 8.
Ai0ation of the ay of a Govern+ent servantCin a ost the ay of which is
subject to increase uon assin- of an e0a+ination or uon the co+letion of a
certain eriod of
7.-4, *ote 5.
Ai0ation of ay of a Govern+ent servant aointed to hold or C in two or +ore
indeendent osts
Boinin- ti+e allowed to a Govern+ent servant, who whileCin one ost is
aointed toCin another, is treated as duty and counts for incre+ent
7./ (a), *ote
2eave salary ad+issible to anCnon--a1etted Govern+ent servant durin- leave
on avera-e ay
8.55, *ote -.
Cservice in another ost counts for incre+ent in a ost on which lien is held 7./ (b).
Ctenure of a ost to be included in calculatin- the eriod of five years for which
ublic wor.s officers can hold the ost of Chief <n-ineers
4.28, *ote -.
Pay of a Govern+ent servant aointed toCin a Govern+ent ost while in
forei-n service
Period for which a Govern+ent servant treated as on duty +ay be allowed to
draw the ay of anyCaoint+ent held at the ti+e he was laced on such duty
Power of co+etent authority to fi0 the ay of anCGovern+ent servant at an
a+ount less than that ad+issible, under the Rules
Power of authorities to aoint a Govern+ent servant toCin two or +ore
indeendent osts at one ti+e
-..- (27) an%
-9.- (26).
Power of authorities to aoint a Govern+ent servant to C in a vacant ost -..- (2) an%
-9.- (2 an%
Power of authorities to reduce the ay of anCGovern+ent servant -..- (24) an%
-9.- (-/, 5/
an% --).)
Rules re-ardin- leave earned byCservice 8./8 an%
>henCGovern+ent servant +ay draw house-rent allowance ...
>hen a Govern+ent servant holdin- char-e of the current duties of a ost is
said to beCin that ost
>hen -rant of leave to anCGovern+ent servant should involve no e0tra cost to
8./8 (ii).
>henCservice under another Govern+ent +ay count for leave under the
Punjab Govern+ent 8.-66
>hen anCGovern+ent servant who is roceedin- on trainin- or to attend n
course of instructions and is treated as on duty durin- such trainin- can count
such eriod of duty for incre+ents in the ost
7./ (a), *ote
&RIE*+'L L'*3U'3E(s)@
8a0i+u+ eriod allowed for rearation for an e0a+ination in anC Para?ra<# I o:
S"#e%ule to
C#a<ter II.
Period of attendance at an e0a+ination in an --- is treated as duty Para?ra<# I
(i=) (-) o:
S"#e%ule to
C#a<ter II.
Power of &d+inistrative ,eart+ent to arove the lace for rearation in ---- -..- (9).
Prearation ti+e for an e0a+ination in any ---- is treated as duty Para?ra<# I
(i=) (2) o:
S"#e%ule to
C#a<ter II.
&VERSE'S P') --- See SPa$,
P'R+-+IME 3&VER*ME*+ SERV'*+S ----
2eave earned by --- 8.-67 --- 8.-6.
an% 8.-77 ---
P'SS'3E (S) @
& deart+ental officer or a warrant officer shall be entitled to C concessions as
he would receive if he were in the 8ilitary ,eart+ent
& co+etent authority +ay sanction free -to any Govern+ent servant deuted
out of Pa.istan
-4.4 (I).
& co+etent authority +ay sanction Cto a Govern+ent servants by air -4.4 (II).
&n account of Cto be +aintained by the &ccountant-General, Punjab in starlin- -4./
Cases in which +ay be -ranted by co+etent authority -4.-
Conditions under which -can be -ranted to Govern+ent servant en-a-ed on
Conditions under whichCafter the date of retire+ent is ad+issible -4.-9
Conditions under whichCad+issible for and children of a Govern+ent servant in
case of his death
Contributions on account ofCto be recovered fro+ Central or other Provincial
Govern+ent servants to who+ leave ----are ad+issible -4.9
Grant of freeCto a Govern+ent servant recalled fro+ leave out of Pa.istan 8.74 (a) (i).
Instructions for -4..
Eo transfer of any credit in the---account of one Govern+ent servant or his
fa+ily to another is ad+issible
Eu+ber of Cad+issible to a Govern+ent servant for self children and wives -4.8
Pay+ent for all sea or air --- shall be +ade by the &ccountant General -4.-6
Rules for ----ad+issible durin- leave 4.9 to -4.-/
Rules relatin- to the +aintenance of &ccounts -4.-/ to -4.-4
Rules re-ulatin- ---- durin- the eriod of forei-n service -4.-7--4.-.
Sule+entary rules relatin- to --- -4.26, *ote.
The rovision of the class ordinary P. and ?. Secial-should be left to the 4i-h
9.2, *ote 5.
The ay+ent of a returnCto Pa.istan on the ter+ination of deutation is
conditional on the Govern+ent servant returnin- to Pa.istan forthwith
9.2, *ote 9.
>hen the cost ofCis borne by the officer who is laced on deutation
outside Pa.istan
9.2, *ote 2.
Rules re-ulatin- the -rant of er+ission for out C by Govern+ent
& Govern+ent servant when aointed substantively to a ost white officiatin-
can have his Cfi0ed a new with reference to his substantiveCat the ti+e
7.7, *ote 7.
& Govern+ent servant co++itted to rison should be considered under
susension fro+ the date of his arrest andCallowed to hi+ under rule /.# until
the ter+ination of roceedin-s a-ainst hi+
& Govern+ent servant should not be transferred substantively to a ost carryin-
&+ount to be counted as Cfor the urose of calculatin- leave salary and
ension of a Govern+ent servant in forei-n service
&+ount of C, joinin- ti+e and -durin- joinin- ti+e of a Govern+ent servant in
forei-n service to be re-ulated subject to restrictions i+osed by the co+etent
&n officiatin- Govern+ent servant cannot draw enhanced Cunless he assu+es
duties or resonsibilities of -reater i+ortance or of a different character
7.7 an% 7.-4.
Circu+stances in whichCand allowances of a Govern+ent servant treated as on
duty can be reduced
Civil Cad+issible to civil Govern+ent servants who belon- to the &r+y in
Pa.istan Reserve of ?fficers when called u for +ilitary trainin-
7.4, Sub-rule
Consent of Ainance ,eart+ent has been -iven to increase or reduce the---of
er+anent and te+orary osts in certain cases
-..- (.6)
Conservators of Aorests have ower to fi0 theC of te+orary osts which they
are authori1ed to create
-9.- (.5)
,ate fro+ which a Govern+ent servant ordinary be-ins to draw---and
allowances of ost
,ate of co++ence+ent ofCin case of officers recruited overseas 4.22 an% 4.24
,ate fro+ which the --- of a Govern+ent servant recruited abroad co++ences 4.22 an% 4.24
,efinition ofC 2.77
<ffect uonCof co+bination of holidays with leave and joinin- ti+e 8.28 R 8.2/
<lections Co++issioner has ower to fi0 the---of te+orary osts which he is
authori1ed to create
-9.- (-44)
Ai0ation of --- is -enerally within the co+etence of the co+etent authority 7.-
Ai0ation of the rate of Can officiatin- Govern+ent servant at an a+ount less
than that ad+issible under the rules
Ai0ation of ---- of a Govern+ent servant aointed to hold or officiate in two
or +ore indeendent osts
Ai0ation of theCof a Govern+ent servant officiatin- in a ost the---of which is
subject to increase on assin- an e0a+ination or uon co+letin- a certain
eriod of service
7.-4, *ote 5.
Ai0ation of the -of a Govern+ent servant officiatin- in a ost the Cof which has
been rosectively reduced
7.-4, *ote 8.
Ai0ation of the Cof a Govern+ent servant transferred fro+ a hi-her to a lower
-rade or ost
Ai0ation of theCof a Govern+ent servant holdin- a ost the +a0i+u+Cof
which is chan-ed with no chan-e in rate of incre+ent and the +ini+u+
7.9, *ote 4.
Ai0ation of C in the revised scale ofCof a Govern+ent servant held u at an
efficiency bar in the old scale
7.., *ote.
4eads of ,eart+ents have ower to fi0 the----of te+orary osts which they
are authori1ed to create
-9.- (-2)
Cad+issible to reservists of the Pa.istan &r+y in civil e+loy when called u for
eriodical +ilitary trainin-
7.4, Sub-rule
Cof a Govern+ent servant transferred fro+ a hi-her to a lower osts as a
7.-- an% 7.-2.
Cof a Govern+ent servant in the senior scale is not affected by the efficiency
bar alied a-ainst hi+ in the junior scale
7.8, *ote 2.
Cof a Govern+ent servant deuted out of Pa.istan to hold a er+anent or
6uasi-er+anent ost
Cof a Govern+ent servant holdin- char-e of the current duties of a ost after
bein- relieved of those of his substantive ost
Cof a Govern+ent servant aointed to hold or officiate in two or-+ore
indeendent osts at one ti+e
Cof a Govern+ent servant on course of instruction or trainin- +aybe fi0ed with
reference to an officiatin- aoint+ent held by hi+
---of a Govern+ent servant will cease to be aid by the forei-n e+loyer fro+
the date of reversion
Cof a Govern+ent servant aointed to officiate in n Govern+ent ost while on
forei-n service
Cin forei-n service not ta.en into account in re-ulatin- theCof a Govern+ent
servant aointed to officiate in a Govern+ent ost while on forei-n service
Cad+issible to Govern+ent servant durin- joinin- ti+e /.-4
---and allowances of a Govern+ent servant dis+issed fro+ service cease
fro+ the date of dis+issal
---and allowances of a Govern+ent servant deuted out of Pa.istan 9.2
---- and allowances of a Govern+ent servant reinstated after susension or
Powers of authorities to reduce theCand allowances of a Govern+ent servant
treated as on duty under circu+stances
-..- (-/) an%
-9.- (-7).
Power of authorities to fi0 the -of a Govern+ent servant transferred to Aorei-n
-..- (79) an%
-9.- (46 an%
Powers of authorities to reduce the --- of an officiatin- Govern+ent servant -..- (24)an%
-9.- (-/, 5/
an% -46)
Power to fi0 the --- of Govern+ent servants under trainin- -9.- (4., 48
an% 97).
Power of authorities to fi0 the---of a Govern+ent servant transferred as a
enalty to a lower -rade or ost u to the +a0i+u+ ---- of the lower -rade or
-..- (2-) an%
-9.- (-9).
Powers of Bud-es of the 4i-h Court to -rant additional --- to officers of
Provincial Civil Service !Budicial :ranch" under certain conditions
-9.- (5/).
The holder of a ost of which theCis chan-ed to be treated as if he is
transferred to a new ost
TheCof a Govern+ent servant should not be increased so as to e0ceed the ay
sanctioned for the ost
Cis treated as ay 2.77 (b) (iii).
Rules re-ardin- the fi0ation ofCof a Govern+ent servant aointed
substantively to a ost on a ti+e-scale of ay
7.7 --- 7.9
P')@AU(ICI'L -----
Cis treated as ay 2.77, *ote -.
P') ---- L'*3U'3E ---
Cis treated as ay 2.77, *ote 2.
Classes of officers who are entitled toC- 7.2
Criterion for deter+inin- do+icile for the -rant ofC 7.2
,efinition ofC 2.74
---not to be ta.en into account in fi0in- ay in the ti+e scale of a new ost 7.7, *ote -.
Portion of leave salary which reresentsCdrawn in sterlin- to be aid in all
cases in sterlin-
8.7/ (i).
>hen and how aid on behalf of a Govern+ent servant in forei-n service -6.8, *otes 2
an% 4.
,efinition of ------ 2.75
C+ay in certain circu+stances be -ranted without the sanction of the authority
co+etent to create a ost on a rate of ay e6ual to the increased ay
7.- (2).
Cis treated as ay 2.77 (a) (ii).
C-to be ordinarily reduced or to cease on the -rant of increase of ay 7.-8
Princiles to be observed for the -rant ofC 7.-, *ote 4.
&n officiatin- Govern+ent servant will draw theCof the ost or theCof his
substantive ost
,efinition ofCof a ost 2.78
&llowances -ranted to +edical officers-in-char-e of Railway e+loyees when
aid fro+ -eneral revenues +ay be classified as C
2.77, *ote 4.
,efinition of C 2..2
,eter+ination ofC when it has been sanctioned in the for+ of a ortion or
ercenta-e of ay in ordinary line which includes an ele+ent of sterlin- overseas
2..2, *ote 2.
Inter-deendence ofC and co+ensatory allowance not reco-ni1ed 2..2,
----is treated as ay 2.77 (a) (ii).
-----is not included in resu+tive ay unless certain conditions are fulfilled 2.78
Cad+issible to subordinates and +unshis of the Public >or.s ,eart+ent 7.-, *ote -.
Power to -rant C to any Govern+ent, servant for dischar-in- in addition to his
duties of the duty of a Suerintendent of a :oardin- 4ouse attached to an
<ducational Institution
-..- (-9).
Power to -rantC to .anun-os whose wor. is substantially increased on
account of settle+ent oerations
-9.- (42).
Power to -rant C to field .anun-os and atwaries e+loyed as teachers in
atwari school
-9.- (44).
Power to -rantC to vernacular &-ricultural +asters-in-char-e of school tar+s -9.- (-67).
Power to -rant C to Police Station Cler.s- for re-istration of vital statistics -9.- (-25).
Power to -rantC to si-nallers, -au-e readers, etc., for doin- da. wor. -..- (-9 an%
-5) an% -9.-
(-74 an% -77).
Power to -rant C to Railway da. runners of the Irri-ation branch for doin- duties
of da. +unshis in addition
-..- (-8)
Reasons for -rant of C to be recorded in sanctionin- orders 2..2, *ote -.
,efinition ofC 2...
Ai0ation ofCof a Govern+ent, servant aointed substantively to a a ost on a
ti+e-scale of ay which has been reduced
7.7, *ote /.
CCincludes incre+ent accrued to a Govern+ent servant on date of ro+otion
to a hi-her scale of ay
7.7, *ote 4.
Cincludes ay drawn by a robationer in a ost to which he is aointed on
2..., *ote -.
Cdoes not include overseas ay 2..., *ote 2.
Secial ay drawn by a Senior &ssistant Suerintendent of Bail to be re-arded
as art ofC
E;"e<tion -.
P') -+IME-SC'LE@
Ai0in- of initial ay in a ost on aC 7.7 --- 7.9
Grant of incre+ent ne0t above an efficiency bar in aC 7.8
&ll duty in a Cof ay counts for incre+ent in that scale 7./
& Govern+ent servant in forei-n service not to accet.C or -ratuity fro+ the
forei-n e+loyer
Calculation ofCon ay drawn in Govern+ent service -6./
,efinition ofC 2.7.
Interest on overdue contribution for Cwhile on forei-n service -6.-4
Cincludes Govern+ent contribution ayable to the credit of a Govern+ent
servant in his Provident Aund in cases of forei-n service
-6./, *ote -.
Secial disability leave to count as duty in calculatin- service forC 8.84 (9).
PE*'L+) (IES)@
Govern+ent +ay dele-ate owers to subordinate authorities to i+oseC -7.-2
In6uiry to be instituted before i+osin- aC -7.-4
Jinds of Cthat +ay be i+osed on +e+bers of various services -7.-6
Classes of Govern+ent servant e0cluded fro+ the oeration ofCrules in Section
III of Chater 7IV
& ress servant aid under theCsyste+ is not entitled to any leave salary durin-
his absence
8.--- an%
&Cofficer actin- within his le-al ower is treated as on duty even beyond his
shere of duty
Para?ra<# II
o: S"#e%ule
to C#a<ter II
4osital leave to Govern+ent servant in ---,eart+ent
8aintenance of service rolls for---Constables -2.-6
?fficers of the C who have been dele-ated owers to retain Govern+ent -9.- (// an%
servants other than +inisterial Govern+ent servants after the a-e of ** years -66)
?fficers of the C who have been dele-ated owers to sanction the absence on
duty of a Govern+ent servant beyond his shere of duty
-9.-(/. ---/8)
8ounted C officers laced under susension cases to draw horse ony or
ca+el allowance
5.2, *ote 2.
& Govern+ent servant is not re-arded as holdin- char-e of aC unless a
substantive C e0ists for the erfor+ance of duties entrusted to hi+
& Govern+ent servant holdin- char-e of current duties of a Cafter bein-
relieved of those of his substantive C is treated as officiatin- in that C
Ai0ation of ay of a Govern+ent servant aointed to hold or officiate in two or
+ore indeendent C of one ti+e
Power of authorities to aoint a Govern+ent servant to officiate in a vacant C -..- (2) an%
-9.- (2 an%
Power of authorities to aoint a Govern+ent servant to hold substantively or to
officiate in two or +ore indeendentCat one ti+e
-..- (2.) an%
-9.- (26).
P&S+(S) ---PERM'*E*+----
& Govern+ent servant aointed to a ---should roduce a +edical certificate of
& Govern+ent servant cannot be aointed substantively to two or +ore ---at
the sa+e ti+e
4.-4 (b)
Consent of Ainance ,eart+ent is -ive to the creation and abolition of --- -..- (7/)
,efinition of ---- 2.79
Two or +ore Govern+ent servants cannot be aointed substantively to the
sa+eC at the sa+e ti+e
4.-4 (a)
P&S+(S)@ +EMP&R'R)@
& er+anent Govern+ent servant holdin- a C retains a lien on his er+anent
ost or on a ost of the sa+e character in the sa+e cadre
4.-. (b).
&uthorities co+etent to createC -..- (7/) an%
.6 an% -9.-
(48 to 75, .6
to .2, 92, 94,
95 to 59, 82 to
/7, --6 to
--/, -24, -27
an% -.- to
&uthorities which have owers to fi0 the ay of C -9.- (-4, .5
an% -44).
Circu+stances under which interrutions of service in a C count for incre+ent 7./ (%).
Creation of aCnecessary for a Govern+ent servant on secial duty or on
deutation in Pa.istan
7.26, *ote -.
,efinition of C 2..8
,eter+ination of the ay of a erson not already in Govern+ent service
aointed to aC
Princiles to be followed in fi0in- the ay of a Govern+ent servant aointed to
a C
Service in aCcounts for incre+ent in a ti+e-scale 7./ (b).
Transfer to forei-n service of a Govern+ent servant holdin- aCis er+issible -6.4, *ote -.
,efinition ofC 2.7/
2eave earned byC 8./. an%
The status of a Cis to be considered as havin- the attributes of a substantive
2.7/, *ote -.
PR&VI(E*+ 0U*(@
& Govern+ent servant +ay be re6uired to subscribe to a C 4.26
2ist ofC S"#e%ule to
C#a<ter 1IV.
Cconsist of -7..
,efinition of the ter+C 2..6
Rules re-ardin- -rant of leave salary ad+issible toC 8.-69 an%
Grant of hosital leave to Govern+ent servants of theC<lectricity :ranch 8.8/ (8)an%
Grant of leave to a +e+ber of the wor.-char-ed establish+ent of theC 8./8
2eave ad+issible to a te+orary en-ineer in theC 8./5
Ti+e ta.en by certain Govern+ent servants of the Cin rearin- for a
deart+ental e0a+ination is treated as duty
Para?ra<# I
(=) o: t#e
S"#e%ule to
C#a<ter II.
REC'LL 0R&M LE'VE -----
Concessions ad+issible to---Govern+ent servant recalled fro+ leave 8.74
Govern+ent servant recalled fro+ leave out of Pa.istan to be refunded the cost
of his assa-e ho+e and to be rovided with a return assa-e to Pa.istan at
Govern+ent e0ense
?rder recallin- a Govern+ent servant fro+ leave should state whether return to
duty is otional or co+ulsory
RECL'M'+I&* (EP'R+ME*+----
Grant of hosital leave to Govern+ent servants in---- 8.-46
REC&R( &0 SERVICE ----
&udit office .ees----of -a1etted Govern+ent servants -2.-
Aor+ of ----laid down by &uditor-General -2.-, -2.2
----of non--a1etted Govern+ent servants -2.2 to -2.--
Cases in which the ay of a Govern+ent servant can beC 7.4, 7.-- an%
Power of authorities to declare that the service of a Govern+ent servantCshall
not count for incre+ent on reinstate+ent
-..- (22) an%
-9.- (-5).
Power of authorities toCthe ay of an officiatin- Govern+ent servant -..- (24) an%
-9.-. (-/, 5/
an% -46)
Power to Cthe ay and allowances of a Govern+ent servant treated as on duty
in certain cases
-..- (-8) an%
-9.- (-7)
Power of authorities to fi0 the ay of a Govern+ent servantC as a enalty to a
lower -rade or ost
-..- (2-) an%
-9.- (-9).
Cto be noted in service boo.s -2.5
Power of authorities to sanction C of rent when a residence is rendered
-..- (29)
2eave not to be -ranted to a Govern+ent servant whose----fro+ service is the
subject of en6uiry
&+ount of----to be char-ed to a Govern+ent servant not entitled to rent-free
acco++odation who occuies a residence +eant for free occuation
..48, *ote 2.
&ssess+ent of on Govern+ent residences in an area at a unifor+ arenta-e of
&uthorities who can er+it a Govern+ent servant to store furniture free of in a
Govern+ent residence
-9.- (-.2)
Calculation of standard---of Govern+ent residence ..-9
Caital cost of a residence for the assess+ent of ..8
Cases in which a co+etent authority +ay waive or reduce the a+ount of to be
recovered fro+ a Govern+ent servant
..28, *ote -.
Certain co+ensatory allowances treated as e+olu+ents for assessin- of
residences sulied by Govern+ent
..2. (iii)
Co+etent authority +ay waive or reduce the a+ount of to be recovered on
Govern+ent residences or -rant acco++odation free of
Concession in --- allowed when a ortion of Govern+ent residence or of
rivately-- owned buildin-s is set aart for visitors, olice -uards, etc.
..27 to ..4.
,eter+ination of the allowance in the calculation of the standard of a leased
residence for +eetin- the char-es on Govern+ent
<+olu+ents ta.en into account for the urose of recoverin- for residences
sulied by Govern+ent
Aor sanitary, water suly and electric installations to be char-ed at $ W ercent
on caital cost for +aintenance
..2- (4)
Govern+ent servant in receit of co+ensatory allowance on account of
dearness of livin- +ay be assessed--- in e0cess of '% ercent of his e+olu+ents
..24 (ii) (4)
Govern+ent servant e0e+ted fro+ the ay+ent of---by the Governor General or
by virtue of an order in council can not be re6uired to ay
Govern+ent servant to who+ a residence is allotted is resonsible for the
recovery of durin- the eriod of allot+ent ..25
8unicial ta0es ayable by occuant livable in addition to ..26 (ii)
Eotice of increase in---should be -iven to the tenant ..-5, *ote.
Power of authorities to sanction re+ission of when a residence is rendered
-..- (29)
Princiles on which is char-ed fro+ Govern+ent servants in the Public >or.s
Rates of interest laid down for calculatin- the standard --- of residences ..-/
Recalculation of standard of residence ..-5
Recovery in addition to on buildin-s of additional for furniture, tennis court,
-arden and water char-es
Reduction of--of residences when er+issible ..28, *ote -,
..42 an% ..47
Cfor residences rovided in the hills to non-+i-ratory Govern +ent
servants to be char-ed for the eriod of recess in addi tion toCayable for a
residence sulied at Govern+ent servantDs head6uarters
..7- (-) (b)
an% ..2.
Cfor water-suly, sanitary and electric installations to be char-ed in addition to
theCof buildin-
Cchar-eable fro+ the date of occuation in the case of buildin- occuied rior
to the closin- of the accounts
Cto be char-ed in the case of a Govern+ent servant sulied with a residence
of a hi-her class
Cto be char-ed in the case of sub-lettin- of an allotted residence ..74
Cto he recovered fro+ the te+orary tenant not to be less than #G)rds of
..74, *ote 2.
----to be recovered +onthly in arrears for the eriod of allot+ent ..25
Reairs necessitated by cala+ities not included in calculation of residential
Resonsibility forCin the case of or over char-e of office where
the occuation of the residence is a condition of the tenure
Ti+e of construction to be ta.en into account for the urose of assessin-
..-/, *ote
Rules re-ardin- the recovery ofCfor residence sulied by Govern+ent ..22 R ..25
>hole deduction on account of -fro+ Govern+ent servants in receit of
overseas ay should be +ade in Pa.istan
..29, *ote 7.
Co+etent authority +ay -rantCto any Govern+ent servant or class of
Govern+ent servants
..28 (a)
Ga1etted Govern+ent servants of the Aorest ,eart+ent not
entitled toCare er+itted to occuy 6uarters +eant for free occuation on
ay+ent of rent
..48, *ote 4.
Grant of the concession ofCto Govern+ent servants in various deart+ents ..4, *ote 7.
Cdoes not carry with it free suly of water &nd electric ener-y ..2/
>hen a Govern+ent servant is suliedCthe e0e+tion for the ay+ent of
rent should he considered as co+lete
>hen a buildin- which is ordinarily to be occuied by a Govern+ent servant
entitled toCis occuied by a Govern+ent servant not entitled toC, the latter
shall be char-ed rent in
accordance with rules
..48, *ote 2.
Classification ofCto residential buildin-s as ordinary and secial ..26
Percenta-es of cost to be assessed for ordinary and secialCof residential
Rent for sanitary, water-suly, and electric installations to be char-ed at $'G#
ercent on caital cost for +aintenance andC
..2- (4)
Cto residential buildin-s should include +unicial ta0es ayable by
..26 (ii)
Cnecessitated by cala+ities not included in calculation of rent of residential
..26 (i)
Cto residential buildin-s leased by Govern+ent. Char-e on +aintenance andC
how to be dealt with for calculatin- the standard rent
Shall not include any char-es on account of <stablish+ent and Tools and Plant
e0cet u to the e0tent allowed
..-9, *ote 4.
>here office acco++odation is rovided in an officerDs residence, cost ofCto
re+ainder to be searately esti+ated
,efinition of the ter+C 2..-
RESI(E*CE (s)----
&cco++odation for recetion of visitors and 6uarters for olice -uard attached to
a C sulied to an official not to be ta.en into account for calculatin- standard
&ll owers e0ercised by certain officers of the Public >or.s ,eart+ent over---
under their control are also e0ercised by officers of the Aorest ,eart+ent over
C under the control of the letter
Classes of Govern+ent buildin-s intended for occuation as C ..48
Concessions ad+issible to subordinates of the Public >or.s ,eart+ent
drawin- e+olu+ents u to Rs. '%% er +ense+ who occuy Govern+ent----
Concessions ad+issible to officers hirin- directly rivately owned buildin-s
when they rovide suitable acco++odation for visitors or for olice -uard
Constant chan-es in the acco++odation to be set aart for visitors in a-C are
derecated on rincile
,eter+ination of the eriod of allot+ent ofC occuied by Govern+ent servants ..7-
Govern+ent servants, who+ a C is allotted are resonsible for the recovery of
the rent
4ow to calculate the value of theC and of the site when the resent value of
both is un.nown
Period of allot+ent of a C occuied by non-+i-ratory Govern+ent servants ..7-
Power to sanction re+issions of rent when a---is rendered unhabitable -..- (29)
Re calculation of the standard rent of a C on account of +inor additions and
Recovery of full standard rent fro+ a Govern+ent servant sulied with aC of a
hi-her class
Recovery of rent fro+ Govern+ent servant sulied with C in +ore than one
station or who occuy C for a art of the year only
Reduction of rents of C when er+issible ..28, *ote -,
..4- an% ..47.
Renewals of ortions of a C da+a-ed by cala+ities C how dealt with ..-4
Rent forCrovided in the hills to non-+i-ratory Govern+ent servants to be
char-ed in addition to rent ayable for the Csulied at Govern+entDs
Reairs necessitated by cala+ities not included in the calculation of rent of C ..26 (i)
Rules re-ardin- recovery of additional rent for furniture, tennis court, -arden and
water char-es rovided in a C
Rules re-ardin- the rovision of C and recovery of rent ..9, ..79
>hat action is re6uired when a C is vacated durin- a '# +onths tenancy ..72
>hen a Govern+ent servant is not considered in occuation of aC ..76
>hen a C constructed for the incu+bent of a articular ost +ay be let to a
Govern+ent servant who does not hold that ost and subject to what conditions
..74, *ote 2.
>here office acco++odation is rovided in an officerDs Ccaital cost and reairs
of re+ainder to be searately esti+ated
&licability of Aorei-n Service Rules to Govern+ent servants accetin- forei-n
e+loy+ent while on leave rearatory toC
-6.7, *ote -.
,ate fro+ which a Govern+ent servant who is re6uired to retire on attainin- a
secific a-e is rec.oned to have retired
4.28, *ote 9.
,ate of co+ulsoryCof +inisterial Govern+ent servants 4.28, *otes 5
an% 8.
Govern+ent servants to who+ rules re-ardin- co+ulsory --- do not aly 4.28, *ote 2.
Grant of leave e0tendin- beyond the date of co+ulsory---of a Govern+ent
servant to be treated as an e0tension of service u to the date on which leave
4.28, *ote ..
8a0i+u+ eriod of leave to be -ranted to a Govern+ent servant beyond the
date of his co+ulsory---
8.22 an% 8.24
Rules re-ardin- co+ulsory 4.28
RE+UR* +& (U+)----
& Govern+ent servant on leave -ranted on account of ill-health thou-h not
technically leave on +edical certificate +ay be re6uired to roduce a +edical
certificate of fitness before reortin- his----
Ga1etted Govern+ent servants -rant ed leave on +edical certificate -ranted
by a +edical co++ittee should, e0cet under certain conditions roduce a
certificate of fitness to-fro+ a +edical co++ittee
8.7., *ote
Ga1etted Govern+ent servant +ust reort his---for+ leave 8.79
Govern+ent servants +ust await orders of ostin- on---fro+ leave 8.75
If a Govern+ent servant roceedin- on leave out of Pa.istan will not be
er+itted to---he +ust be infor+ed of it before leavin- Pa.istan
Eo travelin- allowance ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant to obtain a
certificate of fitness to----
8.7., *ote
Power of authorities to -rant leave to Govern+ent servant who is unli.ely to
be fit to ----
-..- (4.).
Procedure to be adoted when Govern+ent servant on leave out of Pa.istan
is not to be allowed to----
Procedure to be followed when a Govern+ent servant is not er+itted to---
after leave
Procedure to be followed for the -rant of leave to a Govern+ent servant who
is unli.ely to be fit to---
Reort of---after leave by non--a1etted Govern+ent servants 8.79
REV'LU'+I&* &0 RESI(E*CES----
----+ay be authori1ed of all residence$s of a secified class or within a
secified area-----
Circu+stances in which a Govern+ent servant is eli-ible to receive a reward
without secial er+ission
:y which joinin- ti+e is calculated /.5
Power of authorities to er+it the calculation of joinin- ti+e by a ---other than
that which travelers habitually use
-..- (77)
Classes of Govern+ent servants to who+ Civil Services---!Punjab" aly -.2
Classes of Govern+ent servants to who+ Civil Services---!Punjab" do not
Civil Services---!Punjab" shall not be construed to alter interret to the
disadvanta-e of a Govern+ent servant in service on )'
8arch '()/
,eliberate or international evasion of---should not be er+itted 8.57 (b), *ote
In case of doubt authority co+etent to decide whether Civil Services--
!Punjab" aly to any erson or not
=nder which ay, travelin- allowance and ension of a Govern+ent servant
shall be re-ulated
&Caid under the iece wor. syste+ in not entitled in any leave salary durin-
his absence
& for+al e0tension of-- is not a necessary reli+inary to the -rant of leave to an
officer who has attained the a-e of co+ulsory retire+ent
4.28, *ote ..
& Govern+ent servant transferred fro+ aCto which the Civil CRules !Punjab"
do not aly is not entitled to leave under the CivilCRules in resect of duty
erfor+ed before the transfer
& Govern+ent servant is not er+itted to ta.e any Cor accet any e+loy+ent
without obtainin- revious sanction
& Govern+ent servant dischar-ed fro+ ublicC if re-e+loyed, +ay count his
reviousCfor leave
Circu+stances under which the reviousCof a Govern+ent servant reinstated
after dis+issal or re+oval +ay count for leave
8.2 (b)
Condition on whichCcounts for incre+ents in a ti+e-scale 7./
Grant of leave to a Govern+ent servant who is on an e0tension of Cdurin- the
eriod of his e0tended service
8.22, *ote 2.
Co+etent authority +ay -rant an e0tension ofCnot e0ceedin- throe +onths to
a Chief <n-ineer
4.28, (") (ii)
Consent of the Ainance ,eart+ent resu+ed to declare that for+erCof a
Govern+ent servant reinstated after dis+issal shall not count for leave in whole
or in art
-..- (47)
Consent of the Ainance ,eart+ent resu+ed to -rant er+ission to a
Govern+ent servant on leave to accetC
-..- (4/)
Power of authorities to retain Govern+ent servants other than +inisterial
servants inCafter the a-e of ** years
-..- (-7) an%
-9.- (/, -6,
//, -66, -28
an% -72).
Power of authorities to retain +inisterial servants inCafter the a-e of 5% years -9.- (--)
PreviousC in a local fund not ad+inistered by Govern+ent of a erson
transferred to Govern+ent service does not count as duty
Princiles to be alied in dealin- with alication fro+ Govern+ent servants for
leave involvin- an e0tension of C
8.22, *ote 9.
Rules re-ardin- leave earned by te+orary and officiatin-C
8./5, 8.-6-
an% 8.-49---
Rules re-ardin- leave earned by art ti+e Cor C re+unerated wholly or ortly
by fees
an% 8.-77---
SERVICE B&&!(S) ---
& record of allocation of leave necessary to be .et in Cof a Govern+ent
servant transferred to another Govern+ent
Cause of reduction to a lower aoint+ent to be stated in C -2.5
Cost and custody of -2.4
<ntries in Cto be +ade and attested re-ularly -2.4
Govern+ent servant resonsible for roer +aintenance of hisC -2.8
Govern+ent servant who are and who are not re6uired to .ee C -2.2
Personal certificates of character not to be entered inC -2.5
Periods of susension, leave etc., to be entered in C and attested -2.9
---+ay be -iven to a Govern+ent servant if he resi-ns or dischar-ed -2.4
C+ay be returned to the ensioner -2.4
Cof a Govern+ent servant transferred to forei-n service to be sent to the audit
Case in which Care .et -2.-6--2.--
Particulars to be entered inC -2.-6 and attestation of entries inC -2.-6
,efinition ofC 2..9
& te+orary ost to be created for the erfor+ance ofC
7.26, *ote -.
Cnot reco-ni1ed under the Civil Services Rules 7.26, *ote -.
See <a$---
Cconsist of -7.-9
SPERE &0 (U+)@
& Govern+ent servant is not treated as on duty durin- any ti+e he +ay send
beyond hisCe0cet under ceriu+ circu+stances
Para?ra<# II
o: S"#e%ule
to C#a<ter II.
,efinition of the ter+C 2..4
Power of authorities to define the li+it of a Govern+ent servantVs---
-..- (4) an%
-9.- (4, .7
an% -48).
Power of authorities to sanction to sanction the absence on duty of a
Govern+ent servant beyond his
-..- (8) an%
-9.- (7, /. R
/8, --8, -29,
-4/ an% -76).
S+'*('R( RE*+@
&cco++odation for visitors and Police -uard rovided in a residence sulied to
an officer not to be ta.en into account for calculatin-C
Calculation ofC ..-9
Circu+stances under whichCof a residence can be recalculated on account of
+inor additions and alterations
<0enditure on co+ound walls, fences, -ates, roads and culverts within a
co+ound to be included in the caital cost for assess+ent ofC
../ (ii)
AullCto be char-ed fro+ a Govern+ent servant rovided with a residence of a
hi-her class
Rates of interest laid down for the calculation ofC ..-/
Recalculation ofCof a residence ..-5
Ti+e of construction to be ta.en into account for calculatin- ..-/, *ote.
,ate fro+ whichCentitled to be aointed to Govern+ent service on assin-
throu-h a course of trainin- is considered as on duty
Para?ra<# I
(ii) o:
S"#e%ule to
C#a<ter II.
S+U() LE'VE@
C+ay be -ranted on such ter+s as the co+etent authority +ay rescribe
8.89 an%
Cnot to be debited a-ainst the leave account
8.89 an%
Cconsist ofC -7.5
&+ount ofCad+issible to Govern+ent servants 5.2
Circu+stances in which +ay be +ade 5.2
,efinition of--- 2..7
Govern+ent servants under susension are entitled to--- 5.2 (b)
Ccannot be refused to a Govern+ent servants under susension 5.2, *ote -.
SUBS+'*+IVE 'PP&I*+ME*+@
& Govern+ent servant onCto a er+anent ost ac6uires a lien on that ost 4.-7
Rules for the fi0ation of ay on substantive aoint+ent to a ost 7.7
SU*(')(S) ---
4owCare counted in calculatin- joinin- ti+e /.-, *ote
Power of authorities to decide in doubtful cases which Govern+ent servant shall
be held to have been in char-e and to which the ay of the ost for theCshall be
-..- (48)
Can be refi0ed or affi0ed to leave 8.25
& Govern+ent servant co++itted to rison for debt or on a cri+inal char-e to be
considered as underC
& Govern+ent servant underCis entitled to a subsistence -rant 5.2 (b)
&+ount of subsistence -rant to a Govern+ent servant underC 5.2 (b)
&n officer of the Pa.istan &r+y 8edical Cors in civil e+loy underCis entitled
to the ay and allowances which he would have drawn bad he been susended
while in +ilitary e+loy
5.2 (a)
2eave +ay not be -ranted to a Govern+ent servant underC 5.7
8ounted Police ?fficers laced underCcease to draw horse, oney or ca+el
5.2, *ote 2.
Pay and allowances of a Govern+ent servant re-instated afterC or dis+issal 5.4
Period ofCdealt with under rule /-) !b" which is receded and followed by leave
on avera-e ay to be i-nored for calculatin- the +a0i+u+ a+ount of leave on
avera-e ay
8.57 (b), *ote
Rule /.$ does not debar the conversion of the eriod ofCinto one of leave 5.4, *ote 2.
Subsistence -rant to a Govern+ent servant underCcannot be refused 5.2, *ote -.
Cto be noted in the service boo. -2.9
Treat+ent as duty of the eriod a Govern+ent servant was underCwhen
subse6uently re-instated
S)CE(S) ---
4osital leave toCin the Veterinary ,eart+ent
8.8/ (:) an%
Tenure Post---
,efinition of--- 2..8
+IME SC'LE(S) ---
Circu+stances under which twoCof ay are said to be identical 2.96 (b)
Circu+stances under which a ost is said to be on the sa+e---as another 2.96 (")
,efinition of the ter+C 2.96
Ai0ation of initial ay in a ost on aCof ay 7.7---7.9
Ai0ation of ay of Govern+ent servant allowed to ass an efficiency bar in theC
reviously unforced a-ainst hi+
7.8, *ote -.
Grant of incre+ent ne0t above an efficiency bar in aCof ay 7.8
& Govern+ent servant followin- out a duly authorised course of is treated as on
Para?ra<# I (i)
o: S"#e%ule
to C#a<ter II.
&ctin- ro+otion authorised in the lace of Govern+ent servants followin- a
duly authorised course ofCor instruction
7.-5, *ote.
Boinin- ti+e ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant before and after the eriod ofC /.-, *ote 7.
2eave to be -ranted to teachers under-oin-C
Para?ra<# I (i)
o: S"#e%ule
to C#a<ter II.
Ti+e Sent in course of instruction or +ay be treated as duty
Para?ra<# I (i)
o: S"#e%ule
to C#a<ter II.
>hen teachers to be treated on duty while under---
Para?ra<# I (i)
o: S"#e%ule
to C#a<ter II.
+R'*S0ER(S) ---
& Govern+ent servant shall not be transfor+ fro+ a ost carryin- hi-her ay to
a ost on less ay e0cet in certain circu+stances
4.-/ (a)
Calculation of joinin- ti+e to a Govern+ent servant on to a new ost involvin-
chan-e of station
Cases in which a relievin- Govern+ent servant +ay draw the ordinary ay and
allowances of
his new ost beforeCis co+lete
,efinition of the ter+C 2.9-
,rawal of co+ensatory allowances durin- te+orary ..4
,rawal of house-rent allowance durin- te+orary ...
,rawal of +otor -car or +otor cycle allowance durin- te+orary ..4
Govern+ent servant on C durin- a vacation +ay ta.e joinin- ti+e at the end of
Boinin- ti+e to Govern+ent servant on--to a new ost not involvin- chan-e of
Eo e0tra ay can be drawn by a relievin- Govern+ent servant until the C of the
whole char-e is co+lete
Particulars to be entered in the service boo. of a Govern+ent servant onC to
forei-n service
Pay and allowances, how to be dealt, with when of char-e several days /.-7-/.-.
Rules re-ardin- C of char-e by Govern+ent servants 4.27 --- 4.29
C of a te+orary Govern+ent servant to forei-n service is er+issible -6.4, *ote -.
>hen Govern+ent servant on te+orary +ay draw house rent allowance ...
>hen C involves over of +oneys co+bination of holidays with leave and
joinin- ti+e re6uires secial sanction
4.2., 4.29,
8.28, 8.2/.
>hen +edical certificate of fitness re6uired on---to another office 4.9
Boinin- ti+e of a Govern+ent servant aointed to a new ost while inCfro+
one ost to another
>hen the joinin- ti+e of a Govern+ent servant leave while in C fro+ one
ost to another is included in his leave
+R'VELI*3 'LL&H'*CE---
,efinition of the ter+ C
Cad+issible for a journey erfor+ed by a Govern+ent servant recalled fro+
leave in Pa.istan
8.-4 (b)
---is included in the ter+ co+ensatory allowance
---to be re-ulated by the rules in force at, the ti+e the journey is erfor+ed
+UI+I&* 0EES---
&+ount of C how calculated in alyin- owers of sanction
,ele-ation of ower to insectors of Schools to sanction the accetance of
U*SI+ +& RE+UR* +& (U+)---
Grant of leave to Govern+ent servants reorted to beC 8.-8
8edical officers should not reco++end leave on +edical certificate for a
Govern+ent servant li.ely to beC
8a0i+u+ a+ount of leave that can be secially -ranted to a Govern+ent
servant foundC
8.-8 (")
>hen leave +ay be -ranted to a Govern+ent servant li.ely to be--- 8.-8
& Govern+ent servant transferred durin-C+ay be er+itted to ta.e joinin- ti+e
at the end ofC
Co+etent authority +ay rescribe the conditions under which a Govern+ent
servant inns be considered to have availed hi+self of a---
Conditions under which ,istrict and Sessions Bud-es +ay refi0 or affi0Cto
In the co+bination of vacation with leave of te+orary and officiatin-
Govern+ent servants the +a0i+u+ li+it of 5 +onths does not aly
8./8, *ote 2.
Boinin- ti+e ad+issible when is co+bined with leave /.4
8a0i+u+ eriod of absence fro+ duty on leave also includes any eriod of
co+bined with it
8.57 (%), *ote
Period of to be rec.oned as leave in calculatin- the +a0i+u+ a+ount of leave
on avera-e ay ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant co+binin-C with leave
8.57 (")
Rules re-ardin- refi0in- or affi0in- of---to leave by Govern+ent servant in
Vacation ,eart+ent
8.46 --- 8.44
Ter+ Feach year of dutyF e0lained with reference to a+ount to be deducted
fro+ leave account of aCofficer
8.5/, *ote 4.
Rules re-ardin- refi0in- or affi0in- ofCto leave by Govern+ent servants in
vacation deart+ents
8.46 --- 8.44
>henCis treated as ta.en 8.96
>hen---is co+bined with leave the rule that both the relievin- and relieved
Govern+ent servants should be resent to +a.e over char-e of office is not
>hen is treated as leave in the case of ,istrict and Sessions Bud-es 8.44
V'C'+I&* (EP'R+ME*+@
Calculation of +a0i+u+ a+ount of leave on avera-e ay due at one ti+e to a
Govern+ent servant servin- in aC
8.5. (")
Calculation of avera-e ay of a Govern+ent servant ofCroceedin- on leave 2.5, *ote 9.
Co+etent authority +ay decide who serves in--- 8.96
,eduction to be +ade fro+ leave earned by a Govern+ent servant servin- in a
and -rant to hi+ of leave in cases of ur-ent necessity
8.5. (a) an%
,efinition of the ter+
Para?ra<# I o:
anne;ure to
Se"tion I o:
C#a<ter VIII.
Govern+ent servants who serves inC
Para?ra<# 2
o: anne;ure
to Se"tion I o:
C#a<ter VIII.
2eave salary to a Govern+ent servant of aCwhen both refi0in- or affi0in-
leave to vacation
2.5, *ote 5.
Power of authorities to decide whether a Govern+ent servant is servin- in aC -..- (7-).
Rules relatin- toC
'nne;ure to
Se"tion I o:
C#a<ter VIII.
The li+itation of leave salary to the +a0i+u+ of avera-e ay not alicable
under certain circu+stances to Govern+ent servants of aC
8.5/, *ote 2.
<very Govern+ent servant shall -et hi+self vaccinated or re-vaccinated when
so re6uired by
-eneral or secial orders
Grant of leave to Govern+ent servants e+loyed on daily C
an% 8.-.-.
I*(E1 +& 'PPE*(ICES
*umber o:
Rule in H#i"# re:erre%
-. - .eleted
2. -.7 (iii)
2ist of Govern+ent servants e+loyed
occasionally or who are liable to dischar-e at
one +onthVs notice or less.
4. - .eleted
7. - .eleted
.. - .eleted
9. *ote 4 to Rule ..28
2ist of Govern+ent servants -ranted rent free
5. *ote . to Rule ...-
Rules re-ulatin- the accetance of fees by
+edical officers of the Provincial and
Subordinate Services and 8edical ?fficers
holdin- secial osts fro+ rivate ersons or
bodies or ublic bodies for services other than
rofessional attendance.
8. *ote 9 to Rule ...-
Rules for ay+ent of fees to e0ert witnesses
su++oned in cri+inal courts.
/. *ote - to Rule ...9
General instructions for re-ulatin- the -rant of
er+ission for the cut of atients by
Govern+ent servants whose duties involve the
carryin- out of scientific or technical research.
-6. *ote 2 belo> Rule 9.4
Rule -overnin- the -rant of subsistence and
travellin- allowances to Govern+ent servants
of Provincial Services and Govern+ent
servants holdin- secial osts under Punjab
Govern+ent when on duty abroad.
*ote to Rule 8.4 note to
8.7/ (a) note to -2.-. -2.2
an% -2./
Instructions issued by the &uditor General in
re-ard to the alication for and -rant of leave
and ay+ent of leave salary and record of
-2. .eleted
-4. *ote 4 to Rule 8..4 .eleted
Part R I. Rules -overnin- the leave of
+e+bers of the ,era Gha1i Jhan :order
8ilitary Police.
Part R II. Rules -overnin- the leave of
+e+bers of the ,era Gha1i Jhan :aluch levy.
-.. 8..5 Conditions of Service of the &dvocate General.
-9. *ote to Rule 8..8
8odel ter+s for the -rant of leave to
Govern+ent servants en-a-ed on contract.
-5. 8.92
Rules for the -rant of casual and 6uarantine
*ote to Para?ra<# 2 o:
anne;ure to Se"tion I o:
C#a<ter VIII
2ist of Govern+ent servants servin- in
vacation ,eart+ents.
-/. - .eleted
26. *ote belo> Rule 8.-2/
?rders relatin- to the -rant of leave to
Govern+ent servants for the study of scientific,
technical or si+ilar roble+s, or for secial courses of instructions.
2-. - .eleted
22. - .eleted
24. - .eleted
27. - .eleted
2.. -
Punjab Civil Services !Treat+ent of
Govern+ent e+loyees sufferin- fro+
tuberculosis" Rules, '($/

(P'R+ II)
'PPE*(I1 I
'<<en%i; 2
FRE0ERRE( +& I* RULE -.7 (iii)G
2ist of Govern+ent Servants e+loyed on seasonal G art ti+e basis who are
liable to dischar-e at such notice as +ay be rescribed by the Co+etent &uthority
-U- &ya
2U- :arber
4U- :earer
7U- :eldar
.U- :ulavi
9U- :ric. layer
5U- :oat+an
8U- :eldar cu+ :ahishti
/U- :lac.s+ith
-6U- :ellow+an
--U- :orin- 8echanic
-2U- Carenter
-4U- Coo.
-7U- Cooli
-.U- Cobbler
-9U- Ca+el +an with on or two ca+els.
-5U- Cycle 8istri
-8U- Cart +an with one or two bulloc..
-/U- Chau.idar
26U- Cleaner
2-U- Cattle &ttendant
22U- Ca+el+en without ca+el.
24U- ,riller
27U- ,a. Runner
2.U- ,hobi
29U- ,o- Catcher
25U- <+bal+er
28U- <lectrician
2/U- <n-ine ,river
46U- Aerrier
4-U- Aitter
42U- Aire+an
44U- Aarash
47U- Gas+an
4.U- Greaser
49U- Gate .eeer
45U- Gan- Ba+adar
48U- Galf+an
4/U- 4ead ,hobi
76U- 4a++al
7-U- 4ead 8ali
72U- 4a++er +an
74U- I+rover
77U- Ba+adar
7.U- Jitchen +an
79U- Jhalasi
75U- Jhansa+a
78U- Jhid+at-ar
7/U- Ja+athi
.6U- 8ali Chau.idar
.-U- 8echanic
.2U- 8otor Cycle 8istri
.4U- 8ochie
.7U- 8ason
..U- 8oulder
.9U- 8illin- ?erator
.5U- 8at
.8U- 8aid Servant
./U- 8asalchi
96U- 8ali
9-U- Eabbard
92U- ?il+an
94U- Coolie
97U- Pattern
9.U- Painter
99U- Ra+oshi
95U- Rescue+an
98U- Sweeer
9/U- Syie
56U- Sho :oy
5-U- Shee Cleaner
52U- Store &ttendant
54U- Tindal
57U- Tins+ith
5.U- Tailor
59U- Tubewell ?erator
55U- Turner
58U- >elder
5/U- >eaver
86U- >ater+an
8-U- &ny other Govern+ent servant not included in the
&endi0 but e+loyed on seasonalGart-ti+e basis.
'PPE*(I1 4
(Classi:i"ation o: <osts into Su<erior an% In:erior)
'PPE*(I1 7
(Pro=ision :or t#e %eterminin? o: %omi"ile)
'PPE*(I1 .
(Re=ise% Rates o: Pa$ Rules)
'PPE*(I1 9
(Re:erre% to in note 4 to rule ..28)
LIS+ &0 3&VER*ME*+ SERV'*+S 3R'*+E( RE*+-0REE NU'R+ERS
Rent-free acco++odation has been -ranted to the Govern+ent Servants +entioned in colu+n I of the table below
subject to the conditions, if any, -iven in colu+n $.
S. *o (e<artment (esi?nation o: 3o=ernment ser=ants Remarks
Aorests -. Tra+way <stablish+ent at Chhan-a 8an-a
vi1 Aitter, 8echanic, <n-ine ,rivers and
2. beldars !Aorest Villa-ers" e+loyed on daily
labor in the various irri-ated Plantations.
4. ,uery Ran-ers
7. Aoresters
.. Aorest Guards
9. Aorest Ran-ers in char-e of ran-e
5. 4ostel >arden of Punjab Aorest School
Ghora Gali and :ahawalur
8. ran-e Cler.s
/. Peons
,euty Ran-res and Aoresters are -ranted the
+onthly co+ensatory allowance of Rs. # and
Rs. '.* resectively in cases in which
acco++odation is not available Conservators
are authorised to hire 6uarters for all Aorest
Guards in the Punjab at a +onthly rent not
e0ceed in Rs. #.* in each case when
acco++odation is not available.
& co+ensatory allowance Rs. $ er +ensu+ is
-ranted where not rent free 6uarters are
>here acco++odation is available.
>here acco++odation is available but
Govern+ent is not under obli-ation to rovide
such acco++odation.
2 Transort 8otor Vehicles Insectors, +otor 8obile Patrol
Insectors, Ser-eants, 8otor 8obile Patrol Sub-
Insectors and other staff on Traffic
osts, deuted for+ the Police ,eart+ent.
8ay be rovided with free 6uarters in Police
2ines, Stations, etc. when 6uarters are not
available in Police 2ines, etc. other suitable
6uarters +ay be rovided or house-rent
allowance -ranted.
(i) Governors
?ccuants of the staff 6uarters and other
buildin-s aurtenant to the Governors 4ouse,
2ahore and the su++er residence of the
?n -overnors 4ouse <states at 2ahore and the
su++er residence of the Governor.
(ii) ,istrict
(-) Tehsildars, Eaib-Tehsildars or other Tehsil
>hen 6uarters are built in a Tehsil buildin- or
co+ound for these Govern+ent servants.
(2) Political Tehsildar, ,era Gha1i Jhan Searate 6uarter built for hi+ near Bir-a 4all at
Aort 8unro as his su++er 6uarters.
(iii) Recla+ation
(-) Staff of the Refor+atory School,
>here acco++odation is not available for
occuation by a +e+ber of the staff, no house
rent allowance will be -iven in lieu.
(2) Staff of the Refor+atory Aor+s, :urewala,
includin- the suerintendent of the Aar+s.
&d+inistration of
Court ?fficer of the 4i-h Court of Budicature, at
. Bails (-) &ll Suerintendents.
(2) ,euty Suerintendents
(4) &ssistant Suerintendents
(a) >ho live in buildin-s attached to the jail or
in 6uarters secially rovided close to the
jail. If 6uarters are not rovided at
Govern+ent e0ense they receive house
rent allowance in lieu thereof. The rate of
house rent allowance sanctioned for
Suerintendents, ,euty Suerintendents
and &ssistant Suerintendents is nor+ally
subject to a +a0i+u+ of '% er cent of ay
or Rs. 5%, Rs. $% and Rs. )% er +ensu+
resectively, whichever is less, but a hi-her
allowances not e0ceedin- the a+ount
actually aid all house rent +ay be -ranted
in e0cetional circu+stances with the
consent of the Ainance ,eart+ent. The
-rant of such allowance is contin-ent on
the -overn+ent servant rovidin- hi+self
with a residence within a distance
convenient for the urose of his duties at
the jail and aroved by the insector
(b) The house rent allowance +entioned in !a"
above will not be ad+issible durin- the
eriod the -overn+ent servants re+ain on
(7) &ssistant 8edical ?fficers Residential 6uarters shall ordinarily be rovided
at each Bail for these -overn+ent servants.
(.) ,isensers
(9) >arders Staff
/ote 5- Every !overnment servant o <ail or whom residential 9uarters are provided shall reside therein.
/ote '- Every !overnment servant or whom no residential 9uarters are availa%le at any <ail* shall* &e$cept in the case
o Assistant 4edical 0icer holding dual appointments( reside within such distance o the <ail as the
superintendent may rom time to time* in his discretion* i$ in that %ehal.
/ote +- Accountants and Account Cler> &recruited as such ater the ;
0cto%er* 57+'* shall* when attached to the
Central <ail at 4ultan and %e re9uired to pay rent or accommodation which is provided or them at these :ails.
/ote ;-Cler>s employed at <ails &other than those employed on the accounts side who are re9uired %y their
#uperintendents in the interest o pu%lic service to reside in the 9uarters provided %y !overnment in the <ail
premises* are e$empt rom payment o rent.
9 Police
!i" ,istrict
<0ecutive Aorce
(-) &ll Police ?fficials of ran. lower than that of
&ssistant or ,euty Suerintendent of Police.
8ay be rovided with free 6uarters in Police
lines. Stations, etc., >hen 6uarters are not
available in Police 2ines, etc. other suitable
6uarters +ay be rovided or house rent
allowance -ranted.
(2) =n+arried robationary &ssistant
Suerintendents under trainin- at the Police
Trainin- School, Sar-odha.
8ay 9uarter be rovided for the+ at the School.
(4) Princial Police Trainin- School, Sar-odha. 9uarters be rovided for hi+ at the School.
(7) Probationary ,euty suerintendents of
Police under trainin- at the Police Trainin-
School, Sar-odha.
9uarters be rovided for hi+ at the School.
(ii) :aluch 2evy (-) Subedar-8ajor, :aluch 2evy.
(2) Ba+adar, :aluch 2evy
(i) & searate 6uarter rovided for hi+ at
.har as his su++er residence.
(ii) & fa+ily 6uarter rovided for hi+ in :aluch
2evy 2ines, ,era Gha1i Jhan.
(4) $ 4avildars, :aluch 2evy
(7) '% Seoys, :aluch 2evy
(i) & searate 6uarter rovided for hi+ at .har
as his su++er residence.
(ii) & fa+ily 6uarter rovided for hi+ in :aluch
2evy 2ines, ,era Gha1i Jhan.
(.) Tailor, :aluch levy
(9), :aluch 2evy & roo+ in the :arrac.s of :aluch 2evy 2ines at
,era Gha1i Jhan.
<ducation (-) Suerintendents of the hostels attached
to Govern+ent <ducational Institutions.
(2) <ducational officials in Govern+ent
(i) 8ay be -ranted rent free 6uarters with the
secial orders of
(ii) <0cet in very secial cases the concession
will be confined to the Princial and one
(iii) Residences will be assi-ned to the +e+bers
of colle-e staff selected by Govern+ent.
(4) The nurses and +any +istresses of the
Govern+ent Colle-es for >o+en and
Schools for Girls as ossible.
Aree-2ivin- acco++odation in a school or
Colle-e re+ises, wherever acco++odation is
available on the condition that definite duties as
re-ards the suervision of uils out of school or
colle-e hours are assi-ned to each of the+. This
concession will be -enerally confined to
+istresses away fro+ their ho+e towns.
Eote@ - :y XAree livin- acco++odationM it is not
intended to rent acco++odation, by +erely to
-ive er+ission to teachers bein- rovided with
a roo+ whenever and wherever acco++odation
is available in Govern+ent Girls Schools and
Colle-es in the Province.
!$" 4ostel Suerintendent of Vocational
SchoolGInstitutes for :oys and Girls.
If 6uarters suitable to un+arried and +arried
+en do not e0ist an allowance in lieu of rent free
allowed 6uarters not e0ceedin- '% er cent of
ay +ay be allowed.
4ealth (-) &ll 8edical ?fficers both 8ilitary and Civil
and all &ssistant 8edical ?fficers holdin-
resident aoint+ents in hositals,
disensaries, Bails or 8ental 4osital@ all
disensers, disensary servants and
Govern+ent Servants holdin- osts in
Eational Pay Scales '-) e+loyed in
hositals and disensaries whether
Govern+ent or 2ocal Aund, Clerical
establish+ent of the Punjab 8ental 4osital,
and store.eeers attached to the 8ayo and
2ady >illin-don 4ositals 2ahore.
(a) >here acco++odation is secially rovided
for any ost.
(b) >here no acco++odation is rovided each
case shall be dealt with on its +erits and no
house rent allowance will be -ranted unless the
Govern+ent servant is re6uired to rovide
hi+self with acco++odation in a articular
locality for the roer erfor+ance of his duties.
(2) &ll &ssistant 8edical ?fficers e+loyed in
sanctioned osts whether under Govern+ent
or under 2ocal :odies other than those
+entioned in !i" above.
(4) 8e+bers of the >o+enVs Service of
8edical ?fficers and &ssistant 8edical
If rent free acco++odation is not rovided they
will be -ranted house rent allowance of Rs. )%
er +en su+ in the case of 8edical ?fficers and
Rs. '* er +ense+ in the case of &ssistant
8edical ?fficers rovided the -rant of this
co+ensatory allowance shall in all cases be
contin-ent uon the Govern+ent servant
concerned rovided herself with acco++odation
which in the oinion of the &uthority under who+
she is servin- is conveniently near to the
re+ises in which her re-ular duties have to be
(.) Staff of the Punjab 8ental 4osital livin-
in Govern+ent 6uarters on the hosital
Punjab 4ealth
(-) ?ne Suerintendent.
(2) one &ssistant Suerintendent
(4) ?ne Princial
&-riculture (-) Suerintendent, Govern+ent Gardens,
(2) &ll 8u.adda+s irresective of ay who
are e+loyed on Aar+s or in research
Provided the 6uarters -----------are those
nor+ally allotted to the ------------and
Suerintendents of the -------------
(4) :eldars and tenants e+loyed on
&-ricultural far+s.
Aisheries and
(i) Govern+ent
2ivestoc. Aar+s
in Sahiwal
-. 8ana-ers
2. Aar+ ?verseers
4. Veterinary &ssistant Sur-eons
7. &-ricultural &ssistants
.. ,airy Suervisors
9. Veterinary Co+ounders
5. 8u.adda+s
8. Stoc. &ssistants
/. 8il. Sales+an
-6. Store.eeers
--. &ssistant Store.eeers
-2. Truc. ,rivers
-4. Tractor ,rivers
-7. :lac.s+ith
-.. Carenters
-9. 8inisterial <stablish+ent includin- 4ead
Cler.s, &ccountants and Bunior Cler.s.
-5. Ba+adar Cultivation
-8. Ba+adar Stoc.
-/. lou-h+en
26. Cow 4erds
2-. ,airy &ttendants
22. Store &ttendants
24. Syees
27. Sheherds
2.. Sweeers
29. :ahisties
25. 8alis
28. eons
2/. Chow.idars
46. Aorest Guards
4-. :ellow :oys
Industries -. General 8ana-er,
Govern+ent >eavin- and Ainishin- Centre,
2. 8echanical Aor+an of
the Govern+ent >eavin- and Ainishin-
Centre, Shahdara
4. 8ana-er, Govern+ent
>eavin- and Ainishin- Centre, Shahdara.
7. 8echanic, Govern+ent
>eavin- and Ainishin- Centre, Shahdara.
.. :oiler <n-ineer,
Govern+ent >eavin- and Ainishin- Centre,
-2 Stationery and -. Controller Printin- and
Printin- Stationery ,eart+ent 2ahore.
2. Suerintendent Punjab
Govern+ent Press, 2ahore.
4. 8ana-er !>or.s",
Punjab Govern+ent Press, 2ahore.
7. 8ana-er !>or.s",
Punjab Govern+ent Press :ahawalur.
-4 Public >or.s
(i) Irri-ation
-. Si-nalers includin- relivin-
and &rentice Si-nalers
2. ,isensers
4. Aire Ai-hters, attached to
the Irri-ation >or.shos 8o-halura.
7. Tube-well ?erators
Govern+ent 6uarters will only be occuied by
Relievin- and &rentice Si-nalers if available
and cannot be clai+ed as of ri-ht.
The Tube-well ?erators allotted 6uarters at the
site of tube-well shall ay rent of Rs. # er
(ii) :uildin-s and
-. ,isenser, Chauburji
Garden <state 2ahore
2. Aerry Suerintendent,
Aerry Service Gha1i-hat.
Co-?eration -. Princial, Co-oerative
Trainin- Centre Aaisalabad.
2. 4ostel Suerintendent,
Co-oerative Trainin- Centre, Aaisalabad.
4. 4ostel Suerintendent,
Pa.@ Ger+an Institute of Co-oerative
&-riculture, 8ultan.
7. ,isenser, Pa.-
Ger+an Institute of Co-oerative &-riculture
'PPE*(I1 5
(RE0ERRE( +& I* *&+E . +& RULE ...-)
Rules relatin- the accetance by 8edical ?fficers of the Provincial and
Subordinate Service and ?fficers holdin- secial osts of fees fro+ rivate ersons or
bodies of ublic bodies for services other than Professional &ttendance
-) Aor the uroses of these rules@-
a) & F8edical officer of the Provincial ServiceF +eans a ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer,
holdin- char-e of a ,istrict, or a 8edical Suerintendent of the ,istrict
4ead6uarter 4osital, as the case +ay be, or a 8edical ?fficer in char-e of the
4osital or disensary +aintained by Govern+ent or a 2ocal :ody or e+loyed in
any other caacity in an institution under the control of the Punjab Govern+ent.
b) & F8edical ?fficer of the subordinate ServiceF +eans an &ssistant 8edical
?fficer e+loyed in a 4osital or disensary +aintained by Govern+ent or a
2ocal :ody.
") &n F?fficer holdin- a Secial PostF +eans a Govern+ent servant
e+loyed on a secial ost which has been declared as such by the Punjab
Govern+ent and is not included in the cadre of either Provincial or Subordinate
%) & FPrivate ersonF +eans a erson other than a Govern+ent servant
entitled to free service.
e) & FPrivate bodyF +eans an institution havin- no concern with Govern+ent
or any ublic body.
:) !& FPublic bodyF +eans an institution financed by ublic funds such as
+uniciality, district board or a li.e institution. In these rules a ublic body will also
include a state accedin- to Pa.istan.
?) F,utyF +eans official wor. done by an ?fficer in connection with
2) the fees fi0ed in these rules do not aly to wor. done in the ordinary course of
duty and the accetance of fees will be subject to the followin- conditions @-
a) Eo wor. or class of wor. involvin- the accetance of fees +ay be
underta.en on behalf of a rivate erson or body or ublic body, e0cet with the
.nowled-e and sanction, whether -eneral or secial, of the Punjab Govern+ent.
b) The fee received shall be divided as follows @-
-. in cases where 8edical ?fficer is er+itted to retain the
whole of a fee, he should collect in hi+self.
2. In case where the fees are divisible between the Govern+ent and
the Govern+ent servant concerned @-
i. If the a+ount of the fee and the distribution of shares between the
Govern+ent and the Govern+ent servant are .nown before hand, the share due
to Govern+ent should be credited to the Revenue 4ead of &ccount of the
,eart+ent to which the Govern+ent servant belon-s and the rest should be
collected by the Govern+ent servant hi+self. The Govern+ent shares should be
aid into the treasury as far as ossible, by the body or erson ayin- fee.
ii. If the a+ount of fee or the share are .nown only aro0i+ately, all fees
should in, the first instance, be credited by the body or erson ayin- the fee to
the head F,eosits of the fees received by Govern+ent servants for wor. done
for rivate bodiesF endin- final settle+ent. >hen the share due to Govern+ent is
.nown it should be credited to the Revenue 4ead of the ,eart+ent to which the
Govern+ent servant belon-s and the rest should re+ain under the deosit head
for disburse+ent to the Govern+ent servant in accordance with the rocedure as
laid down in Subsidiary treasury Rules $.')/.
/ote. ---1he a%ove procedure will not apply to a ee or e$amination
%y a 4edical Foard or commutation o pension three-ourth o which
will %e paid to -the 4edical Foard in case %y the e$aminee.
") Aor rivate bacteriolo-ical, atholo-ical and analytical wor. carried out in
Govern+ent 2aboratories and the Che+ical <0a+inerDs ,eart+ent, /% er cent
of the fees shall be credited to Govern+ent, the re+ainder bein- allowed to the
,irector of the 2aboratory or the Che+ical <0a+iner, as the case +ay be who
+ay divide it with his assistants in such +anner as he considers e6uitable. Eo
ay+ent, will however be +ade to officers fro+ the sale-roceeds of the vaccines.
d) The rates shown in the rules are +a0i+a which a +edical officer will be
free to reduce or re+it if he is entitled to aroriate the+ hi+self. In cases where
the fee is divisible between the +edical officer and Govern+ent, the for+er +ay
char-e lower rates in secial cases where he considers it necessary either owin-
to the ecuniary circu+stances of the atient or for so+e other reason of ublic
interest and the share of Govern+ent will be calculated on the basis of the fee
actually reali1ed instead of the scheduled fee, rovided that the aroval of
Govern+ent is obtained by a -eneral or secial order in this behalf.
3) Services for which fees will be char-ed under these rules include the
under+entioned @-
-. Post-+orte+ and +edico-le-al e0a+ination !erfor+ed not in the ordinary
course of duty".
2. <vidence in a court of law.
4. 8edical e0a+ination for ostal insurance.
7. 8edical e0a+ination for co++utation of ension.
.. 8edical e0a+ination of candidates for Govern+ent service.
9. Service as <0a+iners in a =niversity or a State 8edical Aaculty or as
lecturer in an institution.
5. Private bacteriolo-ical e0a+ination.
8. Private tests and analysis conducted in the Che+ical <0a+inerDs
/. 8edical ?inion in arbitration cases under the >or.+enDs Co+ensation,
-6. 8edical e0a+ination of ersons in the Police 2oc.-us.
--. Issue of injury certificates re6uired by Insurance Co+anies.

a) Eo fee is leviable by Govern+ent +edical officers whether
e+loyed by Govern+ent or 2ocal :odies for +edical le-al wor., includin- all
ost+orte+s and +edico$e-al e0a+inations, erfor+ed on behalf of Govern+ent
and which fall within the scoe of their re-ular duties.
b) If a +edical officer conducts a ost-+orte+ or other +edico-le-al
e0a+ination, not in the ordinary course of his duties !such as e0a+ination done
for cases fro+ other rovinces or ad+inistrations" he will accordin- to his ran. be
entitled to char-e the followin- fee fro+ the arty concerned@--
Class o 0icer
0ther 4edico-
Rs. Rs.
-. ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer or 8edical
'5 '%
2. 8edical ?fficer
'% $
4. &ssistant 8edical ?fficer
--- #
c) If a 8edical ?fficer whether of the Provincial or the Subordinate
Service e0a+ines a rivate +edico-le-al non-co-ni1able" case other than a ost-
+orte+ in his caacity as a rivate +edical ractitioner he will, accordin- to his
ran. be entitled to char-e the followin- fee fro+ the arty concerned @-
-. ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer or 8edical Suerintendent.
Post +orte+ and +edico-le-al e0a+inations,
2. 8edical ?fficer
4. &ssistant 8edical ?fficer
%) Govern+ent +edical officers who are not in receit of
an allowance for doin- railway wor. are entitled, to receive fro+ the Pa.istan
Railways a .fee of Rs. $ for the e0a+ination of injured railway assen-ers. The
e0a+ination will be conducted at the Dre6uest of a railway authority, other than the
Railway Police.
a) If a 8edical ?fficer is re6uired to -ive
evidence on the results of any e0a+inations fallin- under rule $ !b" and !c" above
he shall not be entitled to any further re+uneration - e0cet the usual e0enses
ad+issible to a witness for travellin- and diet.
b) If a 8edical ?fficer is su++oned to -ive
e0ert evidence in a court of law at the instance of a rivate erson or arty his
attendance at court shall be re-ulated as follows @C
-. The officer +ay accet such fee
as the Govern+ent +ay er+it hi+ to accet havin- re-ard, to his e+inence in
the +edical rofession, the i+ortance of the case and the distance of the court
fro+ his head6uarters.
2. In each such case the officer
should aly to Govern+ent for sanction in .the sa+e way, as for e0a+le, an
officer has to obtain er+ission of Govern+ent for accetin- fee.
4. The Govern+ent would, in
accordin- er+ission, be at liberty to recover fro+ the fee such a+ount as +ay
be considered reasonable for the loss of the officerDs ti+e in the even of his
attendance at the court interferin- with the erfor+ance of his official duties.
7. The officerDs travellin- and
subsistence allowance would be aid by the rivate erson or arty at whose
instance he +ay be su++oned.
& ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer or a 8edical Suerintendent is entitled to a fee of Rs. $
fro+ the Postal ,eart+ent for e0a+ination a candidate for ostal insurance sent
for hi+ by the 4ead of an office or deart+ent in co+liance with the rules for the
Post ?fficer Insurance Aund.
,istrict 4ealth ?fficer or a 8edical Suerintendent is entitled to a fee of Rs@ '5
fro+ an alicant for co++utation of ension to be e0a+ined by hi+ in
accordance with the rules for the .co++utation Fof ensions. Si+ilarly a ,istrict
8edical e0a+ination for ostal insurance
8edical e0a+ination for co++utation of ension
4ealth officer or a 8edical Suerintendent of the Provincial service or a 8edical
?fficer who acts as a +e+ber of the Standin- Invalidin- Co++ittees, 8ultan and
Rawalindi, will receive a share of Rs. $, fro+ the fee of Rs. '5 aid by an
alicant for co++utation of ension for his +edical e0a+ination.
8edical ?fficerDs belon-in- to the Provincial service or holdin- secial osts,
are, when re6uired to act as +e+ber of the Provincial 8edical :oard, entitled to a
share of Rs. $ er candidate for e0a+ination candidates Dfor aoint+ent to &ll-
Pa.istan osts and secial osts.
/ote. ---Candidates sent %y the selecting* or appointing authority to
.istrict Health 0icers or 4edical #uperintendents or medical
e$amination should %e e$amined ree o charge.
8edical ?fficers of the Provincial service and officers holdin- secial osts +ay
receive fees or honoraria for suerintendin-, conductin- e0a+inations, settin- of
6uestion .aers and the e0a+ination of answer aers of the =niversity
e0a+inations Dand e0a+ination held under the Punjab State 8edical Aaculty and
also for deliverin- lectures in an institution. The scale of fees thus char-ed will be
such as the =niversity or the Aaculty or the institution concerned +ay fro+ ti+e to
ti+e fi0.
8edical ?fficer of the Provincial and subordinate service and officers holdin-
secial osts are er+itted to char-e fees for all bacteriolo-ical and Patholo-ical
e0a+ination underta.en for rivate ersons and institutions at Govern+ent
laboratories, where the levy of such fees has been sanctioned, the rates are
shown in anne0ure &.
The Che+ical <0a+iner to Govern+ent, Punjab, 2ahore, and his &ssistants are
er+itted to receive fees fro+ other Govern+ents, +unicialities and rivates
arties for che+ical analysis, etc., as laid down in &nne0ure : to these rules.
8edical ?fficers are entitled to char-e fees at the followin- rates for -ivin-
+edical oinion in arbitration cases under the >or.+enDs Co+ensation &ct @--
,istrict 4ealth officer or 8edical Suerintendent )#
8edical e0a+ination of candidates for Govern+ent service
Services as e0a+iner in 3 =niversity or of State 8edical Aaculty or as lecturer in an institution
Private bacteriolo-ical and atholo-ical e0a+inations
Private tests and analyses conducted in the Che+ical <0a+iners ,eart+ent.
8edical oinion arbitration in cases under the >or.+en Co+ensation &ct
8edical ?fficer '%
&ssistant 8edical ?fficer $
8edical ?fficers of the Provincial and subordinate Services and ?fficers holdin-
secial osts are entitled to char-e fees at the followin- rates for +edical
e0a+ination of ersons in Police 2oc.-u as a recaution a-ainst torture by the
olice or as a -round for the -rant of bail, subject to the discretion of the Court to
allow or not to allow such fees as the financial status of the accused erson
concerned in each individual case er+its@-
,istrict 4ealth officer or 8edical Suerintendent '%
8edical ?fficer $
&ssistant 8edical ?fficer #
The Court concerned, while forwardin- the alication fro+ a erson in Police
2oc.-u for +edical e0a+ination to the 8edical ?fficer for co+liance, shall, however,
record in writin- its decision that the fee is or is not to be char-ed.
8edical ?fficer are entitled to char-e fees at the followin- rates for issuin-
injury certificates re6uired by the Insurance Co+anies.
,istrict 4ealth officer or 8edical Suerintendent '5
8edical ?fficer *
&ssistant 8edical ?fficer #
-.) The scale of fees -iven above and in the anne0ures to these rules in subject to
revision that +ay be considered necessary fro+ ti+e to ti+e by the Punjab
8edical e0a+ination of ersons in Police 2oc.-u
Issue of Injury certificate re6uired by Insurance co+anies

'PPE*(I1 5
'**E1URE '
#cale o charges or private %acteriological and pathological wor> done at
!overnment )a%oratories.
/ature o wor> Rate o ees
-. >idalVs reaction to any co+bination
of or-anis+ i.e. tyhoid, aratyhoid, +alt etc. 22..6
2. >idalDs reaction !sin-le or-anis+" 5..6
4. <0a+ination of blood s+ears !for
differential lecucocytic count"
7. >asser+an reaction !blood or
cerebrosinal fluid"
.. <0a+ination of blood s+ears !for
+alaria, relasin- fever etc."
9. <sti+ation of 4ae+o-lobin 4.66
5. Si1e of R.:.C. !4alo-+eter" 4.66
8. 8ean Cell Volu+e 5..6
/. Total red cell count, total lecucocytic
count each
-6. Countin- of blood latelets 5..6
--. <sti+ation of bleedin- ti+e 5..6
-2. <sti+ation of Coa-ulation ti+e 5..6
-4. Ara-ility of red blood cells -2.66
-7. <0a+ination of blood for reticulecytes 5..6
-.. <sti+ation of blood su-ar !one
-9. :lood sedi+entation rate 5..6
-5. Su-ar Tolerance test !* seci+ens of
-8. <sti+ation of blood urea 22..6
-/. <sti+ation of blood calciu+ 22..6
26. <sti+ation of chlorides in blood -..66
2-. <sti+ation of blood cholestaral 27.66
22. <sti+ation of blood creatinic 22..6
24. :lood al.ali reserve 22..6
27. <sti+ation of inor-anic hoshate 22..6
2.. Van :en :or-hDs Reaction 5..6
29. JahnDs reciitation, test for syhilis 27.66
25. Aor+al -el Reaction for Jala1ar 5..6
28. <sti+ation of =rine
a) Clinical 6ualitative !i.e."
-. Che+ical
2. Physical
b) 2itte !8icroscoic"
c) Clinical 6uantitive, i.e. esti+ation of su-ar albu+en,
urea, acetone indican
d) :acteriolo-ical co+bined with 5s" !5" !d"
4 Per item
2/. =rea concentration test and urea clearance test 45..6
46. <0a+ination of Aaeces---
a) 8icroscoical
b) :acteriolo-ical
") :oth co+bined
4-. 8icroscoic e0a+ination of dihtheria swabs 5..6
42. Culture of dihtheria swabs 27.66
44. <0a+ination of :asal S+ears for lerocy. 5..6
47. &nalysis of stools for fat contents or fatty acid contents 27.66
4.. ?ccult :lood in stools
49. Inoculation of s+all ani+als for dia-nostic
urose Tuberculosis
45. Routine culture e0a+ination of an or-anis+ 27.66
48. Culture of tubercle bacilli 46.66
4/. <0a+ination of sutu+ !for tubercle bacilli" 7..6
76. Section of +orbid tissue 78.66
7-. Prearation of secial auto-enous vaccine@
a) :y use of ordinary
b) where secial co+licated wor. is
necessary involvin- ani+al e0eri+ent
72. Aor each dose of vaccine sulied 4.66
74. ,eter+ination of Jh. Aactor !,eter+ination R. 4. state" of
blood for clinical uroses 27.66
77. Pus s+ears, cervical s+ears, uretheralaye, throat etc. 5..6
7.. Scrain- fro+ ulcer, sores fil+ etc. 5..6
79. Treono+a Pallidu+ @---
a) Stainin-
b) dar. -round
") both +ethods co+bined
75. :lood culture ne-ative 27.66
78. :lood culture !ositive and identity" 7..66
7/. :lood Grouin- -..66
.6. Aractional test +eal !consistin- of
detailed, e0a+ination of eleven, seci+ens"
.-. Che+ical e0a+ination of atholo-ical
fluids such as vo+it, cerebrasinal ascitic, leural etc.
.2. Patholo-ical fluids !8icroscoic" fluids as -iven above 5..6
.4. 2an-eDs cellcidal -old test 27.66
.7. <0a+ination of >ater. :acteriolo-ical analysis each sa+le 45..6
... :acteriolo-ical e0a+ination of disinfectants,,:ideals >
.9. <0a+ination of urine, urobilino-en 4.66
.5. <0a+ination diastase -..66
.8. <0a+ination of Aried+anDs Pre-nancy test 46.66
./. <0a+ination of =rea <sti+ation -..66
96. <0a+ination of Chlorides 5..6
9-. <0a+ination of ,ru-s -..66
92. <0a+ination of Se+en !Routine". -..66
94. <0a+ination Se+en !Co+lete" 22..6
97. <0a+ination of =rine, bile i-+ent and salts 9.66
9.. <0a+ination of :lood co+lete icture 46.66
99. :one +arrow count -..66
95. <0a+ination of blood rothro+bine -..66
98. <0a+ination Sutu+ !concentration +ethods" 5..6
9/. <0a+ination 8il. 5..6
56. <0a+ination of Aun-i culture 27.66
5-. Sere-lo-ical e0a+ination Gonococcal !G.?.A.T." 46.66
52. Serolo-ical e0a+ination >eil Aeli0 -..66
54. Serolo-ical e0a+ination Paul :unnel Tests -..66
57. Serolo-ical <0a+ination Sodiu+ or Potassiu+ esti+ation -..66
5.. Serolo-ical e0a+ination =ric &cid
59. Serolo-ical e0a+ination ,iastase
55. Serolo-ical e0a+ination Plas+a rotein
58. Serolo-ical e0a+ination Plas+a &lu+in and Globulin Ratio -..66
5/. Serolo-ical e0a+ination Ta.ataDs test -..66
86. Serolo-ical e0a+ination Vendon :er- !6ualitative test" 5..6
8-. Serolo-ical 6uantitative test 27.66
82. :iolo-ical assay of Penicillin 78.66
84. :iolo-ical sul essary 78.66
87. &ntibiotic and sulha sensitivity 42.66
8.. &ni+al inoculation ,ihtheria 46.66
89. <0a+ination of 2uus :rythe+atosus Cell -..66
EnLymes 1ests
85. :lood Phoshatase &cid or al.aline each 27.66
88. Transs+inases !s-otGSGPT" 78.66
8/. 2actic &cid ,ehydro-enaso 78.66
/6. =rinary '/-Jetosteroids 5..66
91. Pre-nancy test .6uic. +ethod !4ae+ a--lutination inhibition Test" 7..66
/2. C-Reactive rotein 22..6
/4. &nti-Stretolysine D?D titre 46.66
/7. Seru+ Pilirubi+ 22..6
/.. 8antou0 Tuberculin Test 5..6
/9. CasseniDs Test for 4ydatid disease 5..6
/5. S+ears for cancer cells -..66
/8. Seru+ Iron 22..6
//. :lood :arbiturates 46.66
-66. &bnor+al 4ae+o-lobin electric horesis 78.66
-6-. Co+be Test 7..66
-62. :.8.?. 78.66
-64. :.C.G. 96.66
-67. <.C.G. 46.66
-6.. &ortion+ent of fees derived fro+ rivate atients, 1. 96.66 \
2. 46.66 \
3. -6.66 \

'**E1URE B
#cale o ees which the Chemical E$aminer may receive rom other
!overnments* 4unicipalities and private parties or analysis.
/ame o wor> Rate o ees
a) 9ualitative test for so+e secified constituent for which such
test e0ist
b) Aor each additional constituent to be tested

-6 to 26
a) 9uantitative deter+ination of so+e secified constituent or
roerty in a 6ualitative test
b) <ach additional 6uantitative deter+ination on the sa+e
-. to46
. to 46
4. <0a+ination of oisons C
a) for the first article
b) for each subse6uent article
7. <0a+ination of stains for the resence of blood C
a) for the first article
b) for each subse6uent article
.. <0a+ination for stains for the resence of se+en C
a) for the first article
b) for each additional article
9. Aor e0a+ination of dru-s accordin- to :.P. C
a) 9ualitative tests only
b) Co+lete 6ualitative and 6uantitative tests
a) Aor the deter+ination of saonification value, the acid value,
the iodine value, and the refractive inde0 of density of oil or fat
b) Aor each additional deter+ination
8. Aor the deter+ination of the flash oint of an oil with &belDs
close tests@ C
a) = to #%% A.
b) Aor hi-her te+eratures
/. <0a+ination of water for boilin- or other technical uroses 26 to 76
-6. Co+arative test of in. er sa+le -6
--. Soils !Che+ical analysis of" 76
-2. 8anures !ditto" 76
-4. ?r-anic analysis of -rains, etc. 76
-7. 8edico-le-al cases 42
-.. 8alt 2i6uors
-9. P table water
-5. 8ineral oils 2ubricatin-, co+lete
46 to 76
a) Ve-etable oils, co+lete
b) Ve-etables oils with-calorific value
-/. Paints co+lete
26. ,ry colours and i-+ents
2-. 8ineral ores, 6uantitative
22. Tallow and other si1in- +aterial
a) Coal ro0i+ate analysis
b) Coal calorific value
27. ?il, co+lete with castor seeds
a) ?il, oil, albu+inoid and sand
b) ?il for nitro-en only
") !c" ?il, oil and albu+inoids
a) :one +eals !+anures"
b) :one 8eals for nitro-en only
a) 8an-anese ore, co++ercial analysis
b) 8an-anese only
28. 2i+e ce+ents, che+ical analysis
2/. Soa co+lete 46
46. &lloys er constituent C 46
4-. Te0tile co+lete 46
42. Sulhate of alu+ina and other che+icals
44. Sirits and wines
47. Raw Su-ar 26
4.. Soils !Practical analysis of" 26
49. 8anures !ractical analysis of" 26
45. Tan bar.s 26
48. Tea 26
'PP&R+I&*ME*+ &0 0EES
Govern+ent 56 er cent
Che+ical <0a+iner and his &ssistants 46 er cent
'PPE*(I1 8
(Re:erre% to in *ote 9 to Rule ...-)
Rules or payment o ees to e$pert witnesses summoned in criminal courts
I. >hen any court has to fro+ an oinion uon a oint of forei-n law or of
science or art or uon the identity of handwritin- or fin-er i+ressions, a erson
who is called to -ive an oinion in view of his secial s.ill in such forei-n law,
science or art or in 6uestions of identity of handwritin- or fin-er i+ressions, in an
e0ert witness and his evidence is e0ert evidence,
E$planation--$he 6uestion whether evidence is e0ert or not +ust he jud-ed by
the urose for which the witness is called and the nature of the facts to which witness
testified in e0a+ination-in-chief. <vidence is not to be classed as e0ert +erely on the
stren-th of cross-e0a+ination. If the witness is called ri+arily to testify to facts observed
by hi+ in his ordinary or in his rofessional caacity his evidence is ordinary evidence. If,
however, he is called ri+arily evidence. If, however, he is called ri+arily to -ive an
oinion based on his secial .nowled-e or s.ill but not on any revious ac6uaintance
with the facts of the articular case which is before the court, his evidence is e0ert
i. & doctor who is called on account of his secial .nowled-e to -ive on oinion on
the 6uestion whether a articular erson is hysically caable of doin- an act
which is attributed to hi+ -ives e0ert evidence. If he is called to describe injuries
which he has hi+self seen or to attest a certificate of injuries which he has
sulied, his evidence is not e0ert evidence, and it does not beco+e e0ert
evidence even if in the course of his e0a+ination he uses technical ter+s in
describin- the injuries or if he is as.ed to -ive an oinion re-ardin- the effect of
the injuries on the constitution of the injured erson.
ii. & -olds+ith who was called on account of his technical .nowled-e to advise the
court where a articular orna+ent as +ade would be -ivin- e0ert evidence, if the
oinion was one which could be -iven by a -olds+ith; but it would not be e0ert
.nowled-e if he was +erely identifyin- an orna+ent +ade by hi+self.
iii. & s+all ar+s e0ert called fro+ a Govern+ent arsenal to state whether the +ar.s
on a bullet could be caused by the riflin- of a articular .ind of rifle or revolver or
whether a shot could travel a articular distance -ives e0ert evidence.
II. Subject to the rovisions of rules III to V below e0ert witnesses who haen to
be Govern+ent servants are bound by the ordinary rules relatin- to ay+ent of
travellin- allowance and subsistence allowance to Govern+ent servants called as
witnesses. These rules are contained in Travellin- &llowance Rules.
III. In any-case in which it is absolutely necessary to su++on either the Che+ical
<0a+iner or his &ssistant to -ive evidence in Court, the followin- fees shall be
aid @-
0or ea"# a<<earan"e in Court
In La#ore &utsi%e La#ore
Che+ical <0a+iner Rs. '5.%% Rs. '%% Plus travellin-
allowance at tour rates.
&ssistant Che+ical
Rs. '%.%% Rs. *% Plus travellin-
allowance at tour rates.
In case in which the above fees are ayable to the Che+ical <0a+iner or his
&ssistant by Govern+ent no ay+ent shall be +ade. 4e will draw travellin- allowance at
the usual rates ad+issible under the Travellin- &llowance RulesD. In other cases in which
travellin- allowance is ad+issible under the Travellin- &llowance Rules and fee are
ayable by rivate ersons, such fees should be credited to Govern+ent.
IV. The followin- scale of fees has been rescribed for +edical +en. of
different classes su++oned as e0ert witnesses @-
For giving evidence in a
criminal cases in a
station where he resides
Forgiving evidence in a
station other than the
one in which he
ordinarily resides
1. ,istrict 4ealth
?fficer or other +edical
officer of e6uivalent
Rs. '5 to Rs. *%
Rs. '5 to Rs. *% lus
travellin- allowance at tour
2. 8edical ?fficer
Rs. '% to Rs. #*
Rs. '% to Rs. #* er die+
lus travellin- allowance at
tour rates.
4. &ssistant
8edical ?fficer. Rs. $ to Rs.'%
Rs. $ to Rs. ''% lus
travellin- allowance at tour
7. Private 8edical
Rs. '5 to Rs. )#
Rs. '5 to Rs. '%% er ide+
rovided that the sanction
of the 4i-h Court is
obtained to any fee over
Rs. )# er ide+ lus actual
travellin- e0enses.
1. If a Govern+ent +edical officer is su++oned by the Court at
the instance of the state, he should be treated as bein- on duty and he should be,
allowed to draw his travellin- and daily allowance under the Punjab Travellin-
&llowance Rules, if the Court is situated away, fro+ his head6uarters; if the Court
is situated at his head6uarters, he should not be aid anythin-.
2. If such an officer is su++oned by the Court at the instance of
a rivate erson or arty such attendance in the Court should be re-arded as
rivate ractice of the nature of e0ert evidence and should be re-ulated as
follows @--
i. The officer +ay accet the fee within the li+it
rescribed above with the sanction of the Court concerned, if, however, in any
individual case it is considered necessary by the Court that fee in e0cess of the
rescribed li+it should be allowed, this should be done with the secific sanction
of Govern+ent in each case, which should be obtained, throu-h the 4ead of the
,eart+ent in which the officer is servin-,
ii. The aortion+ent of the fees reali1ed fro+ rivate
ersons or arties between Govern+ent and the +edical officer would be in the
ratio of *%@ *% but for accountin- uroses, it would in the first instance, be
necessary that the full a+ount reali1ed should be credited to Govern+ent, the
share of the officer bein- thereafters drawn fro+ the Treasury on a refund bill.
iii. The officerDs travellin- and subsistence allowance
should be aid by the rivate erson or arty at whose instance he +ay have
been su++oned.
V. In the case of certain other articular e0erts
secial fees have been fi0ed as follows @
For giving evidence in a
criminal cases in a
station where he resides
Forgiving evidence in a station
other than the one in which he
ordinarily resides
-. Govern+ent
<0a+iner of 9uestioned
--- See 'nne;ure.
2. ?fficials of
the Ain-er Print :ureau.
Eo fees Eo fees
4. Eon-official
4andwritin- e0erts.
Rs. '5 to Rs. )# Rs. '5 to Rs. '%% er die+
rovided that the sanction of the
4i-h Court is obtained to any
ay+ent at rates e0ceedin- Rs.
)# er die+; plus actual travellin-
4. Re-istered
&ccountants as defined
in Rule '# of the
&uditors Certificate,
Rule '()#
Rs. *% to Rs. '*%
accordin- to the
rofessional standin- of
the witness for each day
sent in attendance.
Rs. *% to Rs. '*% accordin- to
the rofessional standin- of the
witness, for each day sent in
attendance or travellin- plus
actual travellin- e0enses

VI. In order that ay+ents +ay be easily chec.ed
in audit a clear distinction should be drawn between a+ounts aid as subsistence
allowance and a+ounts aid as travellin- allowance.
'PPE*(I1 8
FRe:erre% to in Rule VG
Rules regulating applications or and payment o the services o the !overnment
E$aminer o Puestioned .ocuments
1. &lications should be sent direct to the Govern+ent
<0a+iner of 9uestioned ,ocu+ents, Intelli-ence :ureau, .4o+e ,eart+ent,
2. &lications received direct fro+ rivate individuals will not
be entertained.
4. &ccetable alications fall into two classes@
'. --- ?fficial alications fro+ Provincial Govern+ent or officers subordinate to
the+ includin- the residin- officer of cri+inal courts, and fro+ 4i-h Courts.
B. --- ?ther alications. These include@--
&i( Cases rom private parties in civil suits in courts* Pa>istan
These will be acceted only on alications fro+ the court in which the case is
bein- heard. The arty concerned +ust +ove the court and it will rest with the court to
ta.e the further stes necessary to obtain the services of the Govern+ent <0a+iner of
9uestioned ,ocu+ents.
E$planation---%eferences made by court suo moto in civil cases to which the
State is not a arty will be dee+ed to be cases fro+ rivate arties for the uroses of
these rules.
&ii( Cases rom municipal corporations* district councils* municipalities and other
local %odies and rom universities and railway administrations in Pa>istan.
&lications fro+ reco-ni1ed universities will be received direct.
&lications fro+ railway ad+inistration should be sub+itted throu-h the &-ent of
the railway concerned. &lications fro+ +unicial cororations will be received direct
but fro+ other local bodies will be acceted only if received throu-h the local district
+a-istrate who should satisfy hi+self, before forwardin- the alication, that it is
desirable that the Govern+ent <0a+iner of 9uestioned ,ocu+ents should be consulted.
7. In cases where the cost of hoto-rahs is e0cetionally heavy, lie fee will,
with the concurrence of the ,irector, Intelli-ence :ureau, 8inistry of 4o+e and
Jash+ir &ffairs be Rs. '* plus the actual cost of the hoto-rahs.
In class : cases the authority sub+ittin- the case will be infor+ed of the e0tra
cost involved before it is incurred, and will be re6uired to certify that it has been
deosited before the Govern+ent <0a+iner of 9uestioned ,ocu+ents roceeds with the
8. In cases in which an oinion is -iven but no hoto-rahs are ta.en the fee
will be Rs. '*% only.
/. In cases in which no oinion is -iven but hoto-rahs are ta.en only the
actual cost of the hoto-rahs will be char-ed.
-6. Eo reduction in the fee will be allowed if evidence is not re6uired or is ta.en
on co++ission.
--. In class : cases an additional fee of Rs. '*% will be char-ed for each day
after first day on which evidence is -iven, whether in court or on co++ission or on
which the officer is detained. The residin- ?fficer or the Co++issioner will be
re6uested to certify before the second and each subse6uent dayDs wor.s is be-un
that the fee for that day and also for an intervenin- day or days of detention .has
been deosited, and subse6uently to furnish a certificate as in rule 5 above.
12. In cases fallin- under class : the Govern+ent <0a+iner or his &ssistant
will be reared to attend courts, rovided that he can do so without detri+ent to
his other wor.. >hen evidence is ta.en on co++ission, the co++ission should
be issued to the Senior Sub-Bud-e, Jarachi, and nor+ally should be so worded
that either the Govern+ent <0a+iner or his &ssistant can -ive evidence.
13. Presidin- ?fficers of courts are re6uested to detain the Govern+ent
<0a+iner of 9uestioned ,ocu+ents or his &ssistant for the least ossible ti+e
co+atible with the re6uire+ents of the case. They are also re6uested to accet,
so far as ossible, the ti+e and dates for attendance offered by these officers,
because the latter fre6uently have to attend several courts in the course of one
-7. The Govern+ent of Pa.istan in the 8inistry of 4o+e and Jash+ir &ffairs
reserve the ri-ht to i+ose an e0tra char-e in any case in which they consider
that the usual fee is inco++ensurate with the ti+e and labour sent on the case.
15. >hen the Govern+ent e0a+iner of 9uestioned ,ocu+ents or his &ssistant
is re6uired to travel in order to -ive evidence or for any other urose, the
authority or arty e+loyin- his services will be re6uired to ay travellin-
allowance at the rates laid down for first -rade officers in the Sule+entary
Rules of the Govern+ent of Pa.istan for journeys on tour. Travellin- allowance
will also be ayable for the eon acco+anyin- the officer at the rates fi0ed for
Govern+ent of Pa.istan eons. These ay+ents will be adjusted as directed in
the 4o+e ,eart+ent letter Eo. A-'#IGVIIG#/ - Police, dated the '#th Banuary,
'(#I !see &endi0".
In class : cases the Presidin- ?fficer of the court concerned will be re6uired to certify
that the cost of travellin- allowance has been deosited before the Govern+ent
<0a+iner of 9uestioned ,ocu+ents or his &ssistant the journey.
Procedure or the payment and audit o travelling allowance drawn %y the
!overnment E$aminer o Puestioned .ocuments or his Assistant during tours
&vide Home .epartment=s letter /o. F-5',G"IIG'8 - Police* dated the 5'th <anuary*
1. The <0a+iner or his &ssistant should sub+it his travellin- allowance bills
to the &ccountant-General, Pa.istan Revenues, for audit and ay+ent;
2. &s soon as journey is co+leted, that is in resect of any co+lete journey
fro+ head6uarters to head6uarters the <0a+iner or his &ssistant should sent a
state+ent to the &ccountant-General, Pa.istan Revenues, showin- the total
a+ount of travellin- allowances clai+ed or drawn and the distribution of the entire
a+ount a+on- the various courts for recovery;
4. In cases where several courts are attended, the cost should be distributed
between the+ in roortion to the distance by rail fro+ head6uarters;
4. &s the travellin- allowance is debitable to the various Provincial
Govern+ents or the arties concerned, the recoveries should be treated as
i. recoveries fro+ the various Provincial Govern+ents should be ta.en in
reduction of e0enditure rovided they are effected with in the accounts of the
sa+e year, if not, they should be shown as receits ; and
ii. recoveries fro+ arties such as local boards, local bodies and rivate
ersons should be ta.en as receits.
2) The rinciles laid down above aly to the ay+ent and audit of the -travellin-
allowance of eon acco+anyin- the <0a+iner or his &ssistant
4) If after the <0a+iner or his &ssistant has actually co++enced a tour, inti+ation is
received fro+ a court included in the tour to the effect that his evidence would not
be re6uired on the date ori-inally fi0ed, the court shall ay the difference between
the total e0enditure actually incurred on the tour and the e0enditure that would
have been incurred if attendance in that court had not been included in the tour.
This shall be secifically +ade clear when the bill is sent to the court for
7) The <0a+iner and his &ssistant shall observe the rovisions of Sule+entary
Rule )% when they fra+e their ro-ra++e for tour.
'PPE*(I1 /
(Re:erre% to in *ote I to Rule ...9)
!eneral Instructions or Regulating the !rant o permission or the ta>ing out o
patents %y government servants whose duties involve the carrying out o
scientiic or technical Research.
-) &lication or er+ission under Rule *.*5 should be +ade by the Govern+ent
servant an invention to the head of his deart+ent, or if he is hi+self the
head of the ,eart+ent to the deart+ent of the Govern+ent under which he is
2) The head of the deart+ent should deal with the alication confidentially and
with e0edition- so that the inventor +ay not be rejudiced by delay in his
alication at the Patent ?ffice, and should forward it with his reco++endations
to the deart+ent of the Govern+ent under which he is e+loyed.
4) Per+ission +ay be -ranted by the deart+entL of the Govern+ent to the
alicant without any restriction if the invention has no connection with the
Govern+ent servantDs official duties and has not resulted fro+ facilities rovided
at Govern+ent e0ense.
7) If the invention is +ade in the course of the Govern+ent servantDs official duties or
has resulted fro+ facilities rovided at Govern+ent e0enses then @--
a) If the invention is of such -eneral interest and utility that the ublic interest will be
best served by allowin- the ublic a free use of .the invention, the alication for out a atent should be refused and the invention should be ublished. &s
e&-gratia ay+ent should ordinarily be +ade to the inventor as a reward in all
such cases.
b) If the invention is not of the .ind +entioned in !a" but is of sufficient ublic utility as
is li.ely to +a.e its co++ercial e0loitation rofitable, the inventor should be
directed to ta.e out a atent and to assi-n his ri-hts under the atent to the
Governor of the Punjab. In all such cases, the inventor should be rewarded either
by a suitable lump sum ay+ent or by a liberal ercenta-e of the rofits +ade by
Govern+ent inc connection with the invention;
c) in other cases, the inventor should be allowed to ta.e out a atent for his own
benefit subject to his to er+it Govern+ent the use of the invention
either without ay+ent or on such ter+s as they +ay consider reasonable.
.) >hen the invention has been assi-ned to the -overnor of the Punjab under
clause !b" of ara-rah $ above, the deart+ent of the Govern+ent concerned
+ay e0loit the atent itself of @--
a) advertise the atent and -rant licences on ay+ent to +anufacturers ; or
b) sell the ri-hts and the atent to a first or to a rivate erson.
9) In order to secure reasonable unifor+ity of ractice and to secure for Govern+ent
the full benefits of inventions, the Controller of Patents and ,esi-ns should
ordinarily be consulted before any awards are +ade under clause !a", !b"-and !c"
of ara-rah $ or stes are ta.en for the e0loitation of the atents under
ara-rah * above.
'PPE*(I1 -6
(Re:erre% to in *ote 4 belo> Rule 9.4)
1erms admissi%le to Provincial !overnment servants proceeding a%road under
Foreign 1echnical Assistance Programme or to participate in seminar o short
duration or on oicial duty
1) The followin- ter+s will be ad+issible to Govern+ent servants roceedin- abroad
under any of the Aorei-n Technical &ssistance Pro-ra++es.
/ote. ---1he term trainee used %elow will cover all persons traveling
a%road or the purpose o training* o servation or study %ut will
e$clude mem%ers o delegations or other !overnment servants
deputed a%road on temporary duty in connection with speciied
oicial assignments6--
a( .uring the period o training a%road as well as the transit time
to and rom the place o .training &%oth should %e speciied in
the individual sanction letter( the trainee will %e treated as on
b) Pay as deined in Rule '.;; o Civil #ervice Rules &Pun:a%(
"olume I* Part I* i.e. including special pay &i attached to the
post 9uestion in Pa>istan( Personal pay* etc.* and local
compensatory and house rent allowances which would have
%een admissi%le %ut or the training a%road?* su%:ect in t he
case o local compensatory and house rent allowances* to the
ollowing conditions6--
2. that the amily o the !overnment servant continues to
reside or the period in 9uestion at a station in Pa>istan where
the allowances are admissi%le to him D
ii. that the !overnment servant continues to incur the
e$penditure or which the allowances were sanctioned D
iii. 1he local compensatory and house rent allowance will
%e admissi%le in rupees in Pa>istan6
iv. 1he !overnment servants drawing pay less than Rs. ,-C
shall drawn in oreign currency a pay o Rs. ;'- p.m. or ull
pay* which ever is less or the actual period o stay.
v. 0thers shall draw --C per cent o their pay or the actual
period o stay su%:ect to a ma$imum o Rs. 5*;CC p.m. and
vi. !overnment servants who are authorised under the
rules* or %y special orders* to ta>e their amilies with them*
shall also draw their pay or the actual period o the stay o the
amily as stated in clause &iv( and &v( a%ove.
c) 1ravellingG.aily Allowance in Pa>istan will %e admissi%le under
the normal rules* rom the place o duty to the seaportGairport
o em%ar>ation and vice versa on return.
d( Passage or %oth outward and return :ourneys will %e limited to
the scale &5st Class or 1ourist( paya%le %y the donor
!overnment G Agency. /o lia%ility on account p passage will
ordinarily %e accepted %y the !overnment o the Pun:a%.
e( Faggage will %e limited to the ree allowance admissi%le on the
air tic>et and no e$tra reight will %e paid or %y the Pun:a%
( #u%sistence allowance &or daily allowance( will %e limited to
what is paya%le %y the donor !overnmentGAgency and no
additional contri%ution will %e made %y the Pun:a%
g) 0ther allowance which the donor !overnmentGAgency provides
as part o the terms o its oer e.g. outit allowance* %oo>
allowance* etc. will %e paya%le to the trainees. /o contri%ution
will %e made %y the Pun:a% !overnment.
h( E$cept where the donor !overnmentGAgency prescri%ed the
airline or travel* the trainees will travel %y P.I.A. or ma>e their
arrangements through P.I.A.
i( 2nless the period o training is more than one year* no trainee
will %e permitted to ta>e his amily with him. In case o training
e$ceeding one year* permission to ta>e his amily may %e given
%y the Finance .epartment %ut no payment or passage* etc.*
will %e made %y the Pun:a% !overnment.
:( 4edical acilities will %e admissi%le on the scale and in the
manner provided %y the donor !overnmentGAgency.
>( In cases where the cost o passage or any other e$penditure
paya%le %y the donor !overnmentGAgency is initially panel %y
the trainee in rupees* and it is su%se9uently recovered %y him
in oreign currencies* the matter %e surrendered to the
!overnment through an authorised dealer &Fan>(.
2) >here a trainin- ro-ra++e is sonsored by a Govern+ent ,eart+ent,
otherwise than under a Aorei-n Technical &ssistance Pro-ra++e, the ter+s to be
-ranted will not be +ore favourable than the above.
3) >here a Govern+ent servant is er+itted to -o for trainin- abroad, under
arran-e+ents not sonsored by the Govern+ent but with the secific and rior
consent of his e+loyerGdeart+ent, and in filed of trainin- which is acceted in
writin- as relevant and useful for the deart+ent, he +ay be er+itted the above
ter+s after consultation with the Ainance ,eart+ent
7) The ter+s alicable to the e+loyees of se+i-Govern+ent institutions should
not be +ore favourable than the above.
Particiation in short ter+s se+inar sy+osia study tours etc.
a) Govern+ent servants deuted abroad to articiate in short se+inars,
sy+osia and study tours, who are not .rovided free board and lod-in- by the
sonsorin- Govern+entG&-ency and who actually stay in a hotel shall @--
i. not be allowed any daily allowance by the Provincial
Govern+ent; and
ii. be aid in the +anner detailed in rule ' e0cet clause !IV" 3
!V" thereof.
b) Govern+ent servants, who are deuted abroad for articiation in
Se+inar, Sy+osia Tour or Refresher Courses arran-ed by forei-n
Govern+entG&-ency as State Guests, the e0enses of their board and lod-in- are
borne by that Govern+entG&-ency but no ay+ent in cash is +ade for
e0enses, shall be entitled to )% ercent of the daily allowance. >here the host
country rovides cash subsistence allowance, the Govern+ent servants shall also
be entitled to draw the difference between the rescribed daily allowance and the
subsistence allowance. -Such daily allowance will be allowed irresective of the
eriod of deutation abroad.
c) Govern+ent servants on duty outside Pa.istan shall be aid the daily
allowance at such rates as +ay be rescribed by the Govern+ent fro+ ti+e to
%) <ntertain+ent &llowance, where ad+issible, shall have to be referred to
the Ainance ,eart+ent for clearance.
:esides the above, the instructions contained in &endi0 / of Aunda+ental and
Sule+entary Rules Volu+e II shall be observed.
'PPE*(I1 --
Base% on t#e Instru"tions Issue% b$ t#e 'u%itor-3eneral o: Pakistan
&1hese instructions have %een suita%ly modiied in the conte$t o the changed
1) &::i"ers.--2eave should be sanctioned to an ?fficer after its ad+issibility has
been certified by the &ccountant-General who has been auditin- his ay.
2) &::i"ials.--:efore leave in Pa.istan is sanctioned to officials, the authority
sanctionin- the leave should either consult the leave account, and satisfy hi+self
that the leave is ad+issible, or obtain a certificate to that effect for+ the officer
entrusted with the attestation of the entries in the leave account. >hen the
alication is for leave out of Pa.istan, the authority sanctionin- the leave should
obtain a certificate of ad+issibility fro+ the &ccountant-General concerned before
sanctionin- the leave.
3) Militar$ &::i"ers.-->hen a 8ilitary ?fficer beco+es subject to the -Civil 2eave
Rules, the ,efence &ccount ?fficer in char-e of his record of ensionable service
will, on alication and on bein- furnished with the date of co++ence+ent of
active service in civil e+loy, furnish to the &ccountant General to whose audit he
beco+es subject, a +e+orandu+ showin- the furlou-h earned, the different
.inds of leave ta.en !distin-uishin- those which should be deducted fro+ the
+a0i+u+ furlou-h ad+issible" and the balance of furlou-h due under the 8ilitary
a) &lications for leave fro+ 8ilitary ?fficers in Civil e+loy, whether
they are subject to the +ilitary leave Rules or the Civil 2eave Rules should be
sent throu-h the Civil &ccountant-General who audits the ay of the officer -oin-
on leave. The Civil &ccountant-General will, if he considers it necessary, consult
the ,efence &ccount ?fficer fro+ whose ay+ent the officer is transferred to the
civil ,eart+ent before certifyin- the leave and secifyin- the leave salary. Eo
leave should be sanctioned to such an ?fficer before a reort is received fro+ the
Civil &ccountant-General.
b) In the case of a 8ilitary ?fficer subject to the +ilitary 2eave Rules,
the Civil &ccountant General should obtain fro+ the ,efence &ccount ?fficer fro+
whose ay+ent the officer is transferred to the Civil ,eart+ent a certificate
statin- a+ount of leave to which the officer is entitled, and the rate of leave ay
and allowances ad+issible durin- the said eriod of leave, before issuin- a leave
salary certificate, or a certificate of leave -ranted to an office roceedin-s on
leave out of Pa.istan.
5) 3o=ernment ser=ants in :orei?n ser=i"e.--In the case of a Govern+ent servant
on forei-n service, leave cannot be sanctioned until the &ccountant General of the
Govern+ent !Aederal or Provincial" under which he was er+anently e+loyed at
the ti+e of his transfer was er+anently e+loyed at the ti+e of his transfer to
forei-n service, has certified the a+ount of leave, and the leave salary ad+issible.
In order to avoid hardshis to the officersGofficials, the &utono+ous :odies, etc.,
+ay -rant leave salary on a rovisional basis, subject to recovery later fro+
Govern+ent. The a+ount so aid +ay be adjusted searately and not a-ainst the
leave salary contributions ayable by the &utono+ousGSe+i-&utono+ous :ody
/ote--In the case o 4ilitary 0icers in temporary civil employ* the
.eence Account 0icer who receives the oreign service
contri%utions o the oicer concerned is responsi%le or certiying to
the amount o leave and leave salary admissi%le* the necessary
inormation in the case o military oicers su%:ect to the civil leave
rule %eing o%tained rom the Civil Accountant-!eneral concerned.
#imilarly in the case o !overnment servants in commercial
departments &e.g. Railway and Posts* 1elegraph and 1elephone
.epartments( the certiicate will %e given %y the Accounts 0icer
concerned who is responsi%le or %ringing the contri%utions to
Pa$ment o: lea=e salar$ in Pakistan
6) 0icials.--'$he leave salary of an official on leave in Pa.istan or on leave out of
Pa.istan cannot be drawn in Pa.istan e0cet over theD si-nature of the ,rawin-
and ,isbursin- ?fficer and the later is resonsible for any overchar-e.
7) 0icers. Eo officer can be-in to draw his leave salary at any office of ay+ent in
Pa.istan without roducin- a leave salary certificate fro+ the &ccountant General
who audited his ay before he roceeded on leave.
8) If durin- leave the officer desires to chan-e the office at which he receives
ay+ent of his leave salary, he +ust obtain a new certificate fro+ the &ccountant
General within whose jurisdiction his leave salary was last aid.
/) &n officer desirous of discontinuin- his subscrition to the General Provident Aund
durin- leave should inti+ate his wishes in the +atter to his &ccountant-General
before roceedin- on leave.
-6) If an officer si-ns his bill hi+self the +ust either aear in erson at the lace of
ay+ent or furnish a life certificate si-ned by a resonsible officer of Govern+ent
or so+e other well-.nown and trustworthy erson. If he draws his leave salary
throu-h an authorised, whether he has or has not a ower of attorney,
+ust either furnish a life certificate as aforesaid, or e0ecute a bond to refund
overay+ents. & life certificate +ay be -iven eriodically, a bound bein- -iven to
cover inter+ediate ay+ents not suorted by life certificates.
--) The rovisions of ara-rah !/" to !'%" above aly to officers who send their
leave out of Pa.istan but reside in &sia and who have to draw their leave salary in
ruees in Pa.istan.
12) Return to duty. :efore returnin- to duty a Govern+ent servant who has drawn
his leaveD salary in Pa.istan should obtain a last ay certificate fro+ the
&ccountant General within whose jurisdiction his leave salary was last aid, and
deliver it to the &ccountant-General who audits his ay. >ithout such a certificate
he cannot obtain ay+ent of any arrears of leave salary or ay due to hi+.
LE'VE &U+ &0 P'!IS+'*
13) The followin- instructions -overn the ay+ent of leave salary out of Pa.istan.
a) The Govern+ent servants aointed after '/th 8ay, '(*I shall draw leave
salary in Pa.istan irresective of the country where they send leave.
b) The Govern+ent servants aointed uto '/th 8ay, '(*I +ay draw leave
salary in resect of leave on +edical certificate or leave rearatory to retire+ent
in forei-n e0chan-e for the eriod actually sent outside Pa.istan and India for a
eriod not e0ceedin- four +onths. In resect of leave other than leave on +edical
certificate or leave rearatory to retire+ent sent outside Pa.istan and India,
leave salary shall not be drawn in forei-n e0chan-e for a eriod e0ceedin- si0
") The rate of leave salary ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant shall be
co++unicated by the office of the &ccountant-General Punjab to the State :an.
of Pa.istan, 2ahore under inti+ation to the &d+inistrative ,eart+ent or the
Ainance ,eart+ent in case additional forei-n e0chan-e allocation is desired.
d) The forei-n e0chan-e allocation shall be authorised by the &d+inistrative
,eart+ent or the Ainance ,eart+ent.
e) The Govern+ent servant concerned shall collect the forei-n e0chan-e in
e0chan-e in e0chan-e of the local currency.
:) The +onthly leave salary bill will be resented at the re-audit counter by
the authori1ed
?) The usual deduction will he +ade fro+ the bill and the che6ue or the
assed bill will be returned to the
-7) In the case of Govern+ent servants subject to the FRevised 2eave Rules, '())F
leave accounts shall be +aintained in Aor+ C.S.R. !Punjab" Eo. 5.
If an officer subject to the Revised 2eave Rules !Section III of Chater VIII" is
transferred er+anently to another Govern+ent, the &ccountant-General of the lendin-
Govern+ent should draw u a leave, account indicatin- therein the a+ount of Fearned
leaveF at credit leave salary for which should be borne by the lendin- Govern+ent, and
send it to the &ccountant-General of the borrowin- Govern+ent. The latter should ass
on the debit in re-ard to leave salary for Fearned leaveF uto the e0tent indicated in the
leave account as and when the Govern+ent servant that leave after er+anent
transfer to the borrowin- Govern+ent.
>hen an official subject to the Revised 2eave Rules !Section ''' of Chater VIII"
is transferred er+anently to another Govern+ent, the head of the office fro+ which he
is transferred should reare a leave account showin- the a+ount of earned leave at
credit on the date of er+anent transfer and send it the head of the office to which the
Govern+ent servant is transferred. & coy of the leave account should also be sent at
the sa+e ti+e to the &ccountant-General of the office fro+ which the Govern+ent
servant is transferred so as to enable hi+ to accet the debit on account of leave salary
for earned leave, u to the e0tent indicated in the leave accounts as and when the
Govern+ent servant leave.
The leave account of the Govern+ent servants under >est Pa.istan Govern+ent
Servants, 2eave Rules,. '(** should be .et in for+ C.S.R. !Punjab" Eo. '$.
(Base% on t#e instru"tions "ontaine% in 'u%it Co%e)
-.) Subject to such e0cetions as +ay be authorised by the &uditor-General a record
of service in Aro+ &.T.C. ) should be +aintained for each officer or a secified
official by the &ccountant-General, who audits his ay. This record +ay be styled
as 4istory of Service. It is ri+arily intended for the record of all facts in the official
career of the Govern+ent servant which shall have a bearin- on ay, ro+otion,
leave, ension, etc., officiatin- ro+otions involvin- no chan-e of duties should
-enerally be o+itted; but in the case of +e+bers of services which consist +ainly
of -rades, the duties of which are not searate and distinct, all officiatin-
ro+otions should be shown.
-9) & service boo. in Aor+ &.T.C. $ is to be +aintained for every official for who+ it is
rescribed under the orders of the Govern+ent concerned. In this boo. every sto
in the Govern+ent servantDs official life should be recorded and each entry
attested by such suerior officer as +ay be rescribed by the Govern+ent.
-5) If an official is transferred to forei-n service, the &ccountant-General of the
Govern+ent !Aederal or Provincial", under which he was er+anently e+loyed
at the ti+e of his transfer to forei-n service will on receit of the service, boo.
fro+ the head of office or deart+ent concerned have noted in it over the
si-nature of an officer, the order sanctionin- the transfer, the effect of the transfer
in re-ard to leave ad+issible durin- forei-n service and any other articulars
which he +ay consider to be necessary, and return the service boo. to the officer
fro+ who+ it was received. ?n the Govern+ent servantDs re-transfer to
Govern+ent service, the &ccountant-General, will a-ain have noted in the service
boo., over the si-nature of an officer, all necessary articulars concerned with the
forei-n service. &ll entries relatin- to the ti+e sent in forei-n service should be
attested by the &udit ?fficer.
(See 'rti"le -85 o: 'u%it Co%e re<ro%u"e% in Part II o: '<<en%i;
II). istor$ o: Ser=i"es
&.:., :.&. !?0en". Boined the service. #* ?ctober, '(%(; arrived #(th Eove+ber '(%(,
:orn ''th ?ctober, 'II$
Substanti=e Post
2ahore &.C. )rd -rade #(th Eove+ber,'(%( --- ---
8ianwali ,itto '5th Aebruary, '('# --- ---
Privilege leave ' months +C days rom 7th #eptem%er* 575' to 5,th .ecem%er*
2ahore &.C., )rd -rade
#nd Banuary,
--- ---

Deputed to assist the officer on special duty in his enquiries in connection (ith the
Clerical establishment of offices at headquarters from )*th +anuary, )#),
-rivilege leave ,! days from "th .ctober, )#)/. .n special duty in -un0ab, Civil
1ecretariat at 2ahore, from !*th November, )#)/. +oining time overstayed for )3th
February, )#)4 and condoned by 5overnment-vide No., dated.
/ote--I the !overnment so directs* the vertical lines may %e omitted
and a single column or dates inserted* as %elow6-
Station (ate Substanti=e Post &::i"iatin? a<<ointment
0R&M'.+.C. 7
FSee 'rti"le -88 o: 'u%it Co%e re<ro%u"e% in Part II o: '<<en%i; IIIG
Ser=i"e Book
Sace should be rovided on the reverse of the title-a-e of the service boo. to
record thu+b and fin-er-i+ressions of !non--a1etted" Govern+ent servants under the
followin- headin-@-
FThu+b and fin-er-i+ressions of !non--a1etted" Govern+ent servantF
The oenin- a-e of the service boo. should contain the followin- entries@-
-. Ea+e.
2. Eationality and Reli-ion.
4. Residence.
7. AatherDs na+e and residence.
.. ,ate of birth by the Christian era as nearly as can be
9. <0act hei-ht by +easure+ent.
5. Personal +ar.s for identification.
8. Si-nature of Govern+ent servant.
/. Si-nature and desi-nation of the head of the office or other
attestin- officer.
/ote-1he entries in this page should %e renewed or re-attested at least
every ive years and the signature in line &,( and &7( should %e dated.
The re+ainin- folios of the service boo. should be divided into fifteen colu+ns vi6:-
-. Ea+e of aoint+ent.
2. >hether substantive or officiatin-, and whether er+anent or
4. If officiatin-, here state substantive aoint+ent.
7. Pay in substantive aoint+ent.
.. &dditional ay for officiatin-.
9. ?ther e+olu+ents fallin- under the ter+ FPayF.
5. ,ate of aoint+ent.
8. Si-nature of Govern+ent servant.
/. Si-nature and desi-nation of the head of the office or other attestin- officer in
attestation of colu+ns '-I. D
-6. ,ate of ter+ination of aoint+ent.
--. Reason of ter+ination !such as ro+otion, transfer, dis+issal, etc.".
-2. Si-nature of the head of office or other attestin- officer.
-4. 2eave--
i. Eature and duration of leave ta.en.
ii. &llocation of eriods of leave on avera-e ay u to four +onths !or earned
leave not e0ceedin- '#% days" for which leave salary is debitable to another
a) Period;
b) Govern+ent to which debitable.
-7. Si-nature of the head of the office or other attestin- officer.
-.. Reference to any recorded unish+ent or ensure, or reward or
raise of the Govern+ent servant.
'PPE*(I1 -2
(Re:erre% to t#e rule 8.27)
'PPE*(I1 -4
'PPE*(I1 -7
(Re:erre% to in note 4 to Rule 8..4)
P'R+ I
Rules governing the leave o mem%ers o the .ear !haLi @han Forder 4ilitary Police
-. These rules called XThe ,era Gha1i Jhan :order 8ilitary Police
3eave Rules, '()I,F ca+e into force fro+ the )rd &u-ust, '()I.
2. These rules aly to all the +e+bers of the :order 8ilitary
Police enrolled under the Eorth->est :order 8ilitary Police &ct, '(%$.
4. In these rules @-
F2eaveF, includes earned leave, leave on rivate affairs, leave on +edical
certificate and e0tra-ordinary leave.
F<arned leaveF +eans leave earned in resect of eriod sent on duty.
F<arned 2eave dueF +eans the a+ount of earned leave calculated as
rescribed in rule (, di+inished by the a+ount of earned leave ta.en.
FGovern+ent servant in er+anent e+loyF +eans Govern+ent servant who
holds substantively a er+anent ost or holds a lien on a er+anent ost.
7. 2eave cannot be clai+ed as of ri-ht. ,iscretion is reserved to
the authority e+owered to -rant leave, to refuse or revo.e leave at any ti+e
accordin- to the e0i-encies of the ublic service.
.. =nless the Punjab Govern+ent shall otherwise deter+ine, a
Govern+ent servant shall cease to be in Govern+ent service if he is continuously
absent fro+ duty for five years whether with %'; without leave.
9. &ny .ind of leave under these rules +ay be -ranted in
co+bination with or in continuation of any other .ind of leave.
5. Eo leave shall be -ranted beyond the date on which a
Govern+ent servant +ust co+ulsorily retire.
Provided that the authority e+owered to -rant leave +ay allow any Govern+ent
servant who has been denied, in whole in ail, on account of the e0i-encies of the ublic
service the earned leave which was due to hi+ endin- retire+ent, the whole or any
ortion of earned leave so denied, even thou-h it e0tends to a date beyond the date on
which such Govern+ent servant +ust co+ulsorily retire@
Provided further that a Govern+ent servant whose service has been e0tended in the
interest of the ublic service beyond the date of his co+ulsory retire+ent +ay si+ilarly be
-ranted either within the eriod of e0tension or if the conditions of the roceedin- roviso
are satisfied, after its e0iry, any earned leave which could have been -ranted to hi+ under
the recedin- roviso had he retired on that date and in addition any earned leave due in
resect of such e0tension.
8. Subject to the rovisions of rules $ and / any Govern+ent
servant +ay at any ti+e be -ranted the whole or any art of the earned leave due to
/. The earned leave ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant in
er+anent e+loyee is one-eleventh of the eriod sent on duty@
Provided that when the earned leave due a+ounts to (% days the Govern+ent
servant ceases to earn such leave.
/ote-1he period on duty prior to the introduction o these rules shall
count or the purpose o calculating the earned leave.
-6. Eo earned leave is ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant durin-
the eriod of robation.
--. & Govern+ent servant not in er+anent e+loy aointed
without interrution of duty substantively to a er+anent ost will be credited with
the earned leave which would have been ad+issible if his revious duty had been
duty as a Govern+ent servant in er+anent e+loy. 2eave is not an interrution of
duty for the urose of this rule.
-2. 2eave on rivate affairs +ay be -ranted to a Govern+ent
servant in er+anent e+loy for '# +onths in all, and oil any one occasion not +ore
than three +onths if sent wholly in &sia or for not +ore than si0 +onths is sent
wholly outside &sia. If the leave is sent artly in and a artly outside &sia, the
eriod shall be three +onths lus such ti+e as is actually sent outside &sia subject
to a +a0i+u+ total eriod of si0 +onths.
-4. 2eave on +edical certificate not e0ceedin- '# +onths in all
durin- a Govern+ent servantDs service +any be -ranted to Govern+ent servant in
er+anent e+loy. Such leave shall be -iven only on roduction of a certificate fro+
such +edical authority as the ,euty Co++issioner or the Co++andant, :order
8ilitary Police, ,era Gha1i Jhan, +ay thin., fit and for a eriod not e0ceedin- that
reco++ended by such +edical authority@
Provided that when the +a0i+u+ eriod of '# +onths is e0hausted further leave on
+edical certificate not e0ceedin- si0 +onths in all +ay be -ranted in e0cetional cases on
the reco++endations of a +edical board.
-. <0traordinary leave +ay be -ranted to any Govern+ent servant
in secial circu+stances @-
a) when no other leave is by rule ad+issible, or
b) when other leave is ad+issible, but the Govern+ent servant
concerned alies in writin- for the -rant of e0traordinary leave.
2. <0cet in the case of a Govern+ent servant in er+anent
e+loy the duration of e0traordinary leave shall not e0ceed three +onths on any
one occasion.
4. The authority e+owered to -rant leave .+ay co++ute
retrosectively eriods of absence without leave into e0traordinary leave.
-. & Govern+ent servant on earned leave is entitled to leave
salary e6ual to his ay on the day recedin- the day on which the leave
2. & Govern+ent servant on leave on rivate affairs or leave on
+edical .certificate is entitled to leave-salary e6ual to half his ay on the last day of
the duty in resect of the er+anent ost which he then holds substantively or on
which he holds a lien.
4. & Govern+ent servant on e0traordinary leave is not entitled to
any leave-salary.
-9. The ,euty Co++issioner is the officer co+etent to sanction
all .inds of leave to the Co++andant and Govern+ent servants holdin- osts in
Eational Pay Scale Eo. ) and above. Such officer as +ay be e+owered shall
sanction leave to Govern+ent servants holdin- osts in Eational Pay Scale Eo. '
and #.
Rules governing the leave o mem%ers o the .era !haLi @han Faluch )evy
-. These rules called FThe ,era Gha1i Jhan :aluch 2evy 2eave
Rules, '()IF ca+e into force fro+ the )rd &u-ust, '()I.
2. These rules aly to all the +e+bers of the :aluch 2evy
enrolled under the Eorth->est :order 8ilitary Police &ct, '(%$.
4. In these rules@--
F2eaveF includes rivile-e leave, leave on rivate affairs, leave on +edical
certificate and e0traordinary leave.
FGovern+ent servant in. er+anent e+loyF +eans a Govern+ent servant
who holds substantively a er+anent ost or holds a lien on a er+anent
7. 2eave cannot be clai+ed as of ri-ht. ,iscretion is reserved to
the authority e+owered to -rant leave, to refuse or revo.e leave at any ti+e
accordin- to the e0i-encies of the ublic service.
.. =nless the Punjab Govern+ent shall otherwise deter+ine, a
Govern+ent servant shall cease to be in Govern+ent service if he is continuously
absent fro+ duty for five years whether with or without leave.
9. &ny .ind of leave under these rules +ay be -ranted in
co+bination with or in continuation of any other .ind of leave.
5. Eo leave shall be -ranted beyond the date on which a
Govern+ent servant +ust co+ulsorily retire@
Provided that the authority e+owered to -rant leave +ay allow any Govern+ent
servant who has been denied, in whole or in art, on account of the e0i-encies of the ublic
service the rivile-e leave which was due to hi+ endin- retire+ent, the whole or any
ortion of the rivile-e leave so denies, even thou-h it e0tends to a date beyond the date
on which such Govern+ent servant +ust co+ulsorily retire@
Provided further that a Govern+ent servant whose service has been e0tended in the
interest of the ublic service beyond the date of his co+ulsory retire+ent +ay si+ilarly be
-ranted either within the eriod of e0tension, or, if the conditions of the recedin- roviso
are satisfied, after its e0iry, any rivile-e leave which would have been -ranted to hi+
under the recedin- roviso had he been retired on that date and in addition any rivile-e
leave due in resect of such e0tension.
8. Subject to the rovisions of rules $ and / a Govern+ent servant
+ay at any ti+e be -ranted the whole or any art of the rivile-e leave due to hi+.
/ote--/o !overnment servant will %e entitled to any privilege leave
during the irst year o his service.
/. The rivile-e leave ad+issible to a Govern+ent servant in
er+anent e+loy will be 5% days in each calendar year. It will not be accu+ulative,
and if a Govern+ent servant, does not avail of this leave between Banuary 'st and
,ece+ber, )'st, of any year he will not be entitled to the benefit of that leave in the
followin- or any subse6uent year.
-6. 2eave on rivate affairs +ay be -ranted only to a Govern+ent
servant in er+anent e+loy and to the followin- e0tent@--
Aor '# +onths in all durin- a Govern+ent servantDs service, and on any one
occasion not +ore than three +onths if sent wholly in &sia or for not +ore than si0 +onths
if sent wholly outside &sia; if the leave is sent artly in &sia and artly outside &sia, the
eriod shall be three +onths lus such ti+e as in actually sent outside &sia subject to a
+a0i+u+ eriod of si0 +onths.
--. 2eave on +edical certificate not e0ceedin- '# +onths in all
durin- a Govern+ent servantDs service +ay be -ranted to a Govern+ent servant in
er+anent e+loy, such leave shall be -iven only on roduction of a certificate fro+
such +edical authority as the ,euty Co++issioner or the Co++andant, :aluch
2evy, +ay thin. fit and for a eriod not e0ceedin- that reco++ended by such
+edical authority@
Provided that when the +a0i+u+ eriod of '# +onths is e0hausted further leave on
+edical certificate not e0ceedin- si0 +onths in all +ay he -ranted in e0cetional cases on
the reco++endation of a +edical hoard.
-. <0traordinary leave +ay be -ranted to any Govern+ent servant
in secial circu+stances@-
a) when no other leave is by rule ad+issible, or
b) when other leave is ad+issible, but the Govern+ent servant
concerned alies in writin- for the -rant of e0traordinary leave.
2. <0cet in the case of a Govern+ent servant in er+anent
e+loy the duration of e0traordinary leave .shall not e0ceed three +onths on any
one occasion.
4. The authority e+owered to -rant leave +ay co++ute
retrosectively .eriods of absence without leave into e0traordinary leave.
-. & Govern+ent servant on rivile-e leave will be entitled to
leave-salary e6ual to his ay on the last day of duty rior to the co++ence+ent of
leave in resect of er+anent ost which the Govern+ent servant then holds
2. & Govern+ent servant on leave on rivate affairs or leave on
+edical certificate is entitled to leave-salary e6ual to half his ay on the last day of
duty in resect of the er+anent ost which he then holds substantively.
4. & Govern+ent servant on e0traordinary leave is not entitled to
any leave-salary.
-7. The ,euty Co++issioner is the officer co+etent to sanction
all .inds of leave to the Co++andant and Govern+ent servants holdin- osts in
Eational Pay Scale Eo. ) and above. Such officer as +ay be e+owered shall
sanction leave to Govern+ent servants holdin-s ost in Eational Pay Scale Eo. '
and #.
-.. The leave account will be .et in the vernacular re-ister
+aintained for the urose.
'PPE*(I1 -.
(Re:erre% to in rule 8,.5)
+#e a%=o"ate-?eneral :or Hest Pakistan (terms an% "on%itions o: ser=i"e) rules,
#ervices and !eneral Administration .epartment /otiication
+#e --t# &"tober, -/92.
*o. S&1I1----.B3aC--In e0ercise of the owers Conferred under clause !5" of article
''( of the Constitution of the Re-ublic of Pa.istan, and with the concurrence of the
President, the Govern+ent of the >est Pa.istan is leased to fra+e the followin- rules,
1. S#ort title an% "ommen"ement--(-) These rules +ay be called the
&dvocate General for >est Pa.istan !Ter+s and Conditions of Service" Rules '(5#.
-. They shall ca+e into force with i++ediate effect.
2. ,efinitions-In these rules unless the conte0t otherwise re6uires, the
followin- ter+s and e0ressions shall -have the +eanin-s resectively assi-ned to
the+, that is to sayQ
a) F&dvocate-GeneralF +eans the &dvocate-General for >est Pa.istan
aointed under &rticle I* of the Constitution;
b) FConstitutionF +eans the Constitution of the Re-ublic of Pa.istan;
") FGovern+entF +eans the Govern+ent of >est Pa.istan ;
%) F4i-h CourtF +eans the 4i-h Court of >est Pa.istan ;
e) FSure+e CourtF +eans the Sure+e Court of Pa.istan.
4. The &dvocate-General shall be a whole ti+e Govern+ent servant and
shall not be allowed rivate ractice of any .ind.
7. Emoluments an% :ees@
-. The &dvocate-General shall be aid the followin- re+uneration and fees
na+ely @--
a) a retainer of Rs. '.*%%.%% er +ense+ ;
b) for all wor. before the Sure+e Court, fees at the rate of Rs. )%%.%%
for first day and Rs. '#%.%% for each subse6uent day ;
") for all cri+inal wor. before the 4i-h Court, fee at the rate of Rs.
'#%.%% er day ;
%) for all civil wor. other than +iscellaneous wor. fee at the followin-
"alue o Claim Rate percent
i. ?n the first Rs. *,%%%.%% of Clai+s 5 K
ii. ?n the ne0t Rs. '*,%%%.%% 4
iii. ?n the ne0t Rs. )%,%%%.%% -
i=. ?n the re+inder of the clai+ K
e) for +iscellaneous civil wor. includin- writ etitions fee at the rate of
Rs. '%%.%% for each day of attendance rovided that in any case of articulars
difficulty u an e0cessive a+ount of ti+e of the &dvocate-General, he +ay be
aid fees at the rate of Rs. #%%.%% er day.
2. The fee to be aid under clause !d" of sub-rule !'" shall be subject to a
+a0i+u+ of Rs. ',%%.%% for any one case; rovided that in any case of -reat
i+ortance an usual de+and on the ti+e and ener-y of the &dvocate-
General, Govern+ent +ay increase the said fee uto a +a0i+u+ Rs. *,%%.%%.
4. The +a0i+u+ fee ayable to the &dvocate-General in a civil case shall not
be less than Rs. )#.%% for a case in the 4i-h Court, and Rs. '%.%% for any Court
other than the Sure+e court or the 4i-h Court, rovided that for civil cases in any
Court outside 2ahore, the +ini+u+ fee ayable shall be Rs. '%%.%% for each day of
4. FEo fee shall be allowed to the &dvocate-General for oinion wor. of
Govern+ent or for attendin- any roceedin- of the >est Pa.istan Provincial
5. Lea=e--The &dvocate-General shall be eli-ible for leave as follows @-
a) 2eave on ay e6uivalent to full ay +ay be -ranted uto 'G''
of the
eriod sent on duty as &dvocate-General ; rovided that leave of this .ind shall not
accu+ulate beyond four +onths;
b) 2eave +ay be -ranted on +edical certificate on ay e6uivalent to half
ay u to #G''
of the eriod sent on duty as &dvocate-General subject to a
+a0i+u+ of three +onths at any one ti+e;
") e0traordinary leave +ay be -ranted without allowances subject to a
+a0i+u+ of three +onths at any one ti+e.
%) leave of the various .inds +ay be -ranted in co+bination uto a
+a0i+u+ of si0 +onths only at any one ti+e, and
e) for the first two years of the aoint+ent the &dvocate General, will
not be entitled to +ore than one +onthDs leave e0cet on +edical certificate in any
one year.
6. Travellin- &llowances-Aor the uroses of the >est Pa.istan Travellin-
&llowance Rule, the &dvocate General shall be dee+ed to be an ?fficer of Grade I,
and will draw travellin-, +illa-e and daily allowances ad+issible to officers of that
5. ?ther ter+s and conditions of-service of the &dvocate-General shall be
rescribed in the 2aw ,eart+ent 8anual as in force in >est Pa.istan.
'PPE*(I1 -9
(Re:erre% to in note belo> Rule 8..8)
Mo%el terms :or t#e ?rant o: lea=e to 3o=ernment ser=ant en?a?e% on "ontra"t
un%er t#e rule makin? "ontrol o: 3o=ernor o: t#e Punjab.
The followin- ter+s re-ulate the -rant of leave to officers en-a-ed on contracts@-
1. >here the contract is for one year or less, leave on avera-e ay ad+issible
will be at 'G##
of the eriod sent on duty. Thou-h as leave on avera-e ay,
this +ay be -ranted only on +edical certificate, and if subse6uently it beco+es
necessary to -rant the officer further leave, after the leave on avera-e ay has been
e0hausted, leave on +edical certificate on half avera-e ay +ay be -ranted to hi+
subject to the condition that the total eriod of the two .inds of leave does not
e0ceed-'G''th of the eriod sent on duty.
If the Govern+ent servant serves in a vacation deart+ent, leave on avera-e ay
will not be ad+issible but he +ay be -ranted, if absolutely necessary, leave on +edical
certificate to the e0tent of lG##nd of the eriod sent on duty.
2. >here the control is for +ore than one year but not +ore than, five years.
a) 2eave on avera-e ay ad+issible will e at lG##nd of the eriod sent
on duty, rovided that when the leave on avera-e ay a+ounts to )% days the officer
will cease to earn such leave;
b) 2eave on +edical certificate on half avera-e ay +ay be allowed in
addition to leave on avera-e ay, subject to +a0i+u+ of three +onths in all durin-
the eriod of contract; and
") <0traordinary leave +ay be -ranted, in secial circu+stances, when
no other leave is ad+issible subject to a total +a0i+u+ li+it of ) +onths in resect
of such leave.
If the officer serves in a vacation deart+ent, leave on avera-e ay will not be
4. >here the contract is for a lon-er ter+ than five years or on ori-inal contract
for five years or less is e0tended so as to +a.e the total eriod of contract lon-er
than five years @.--
a) 2eave on avera-e ay ad+issible will be at the rate of 'G''th of the
eriod sent on duty, rovided that when the leave on avera-e ay a+ounts to $
+onths the officer shall cease to earn such leave ;
b) 2eave on +edical certificate on half avera-e ay will also be
ad+issible subject to a +a0i+u+ of si0 +onths in all; and
") In e0cetional cases, when no other leave is ad+issible,
e0traordinary leave +ay be -ranted subject to a total +a0i+u+ of ) +onths in
resect of such leave.
In the case of e0tension of contract to a eriod lon-er than five years the officer will
be credited with the leave on avera-e ay that would, have been ad+issible had the.
contract been initially of +ore than five years di+inished by any leave on avera-e ay
already ta.en and leave on +edical certificate, if any already ta.en, will count a-ainst the
si0 +onths li+it rescribed
7. >here the contract is for an indefinite eriod or an ori-inal contract for a
definite eriod is e0tended for an indefinite eriod, the leave rules for er+anent
Govern+ent servants in >est Pa.istan Govern+ent Servants 2eave Rules, '(**
will be +ade alicable. In the latter case, the officer will be credited with the leave
on avera-e ay and half-avera-e ay that would have been ad+issible had the
contract been initially one for an indefinite eriod. The leave on avera-e ay to be so
credited will, however, be di+inished by any leave on avera-e ay ta.en and leave
on half-avera-e ay will be di+inished by the leave on +edical .certificate, if any,
already ta.en.
.. In the case of Govern+ent servant fallin- under clauses !'" and !#" above,
leave on avera-e ay +ay be -ranted after the e0iry of the contract only when it
has been alied for durin- the eriod, of the contract and refused owin- to the
e0i-encies of the ublic service. &n officer whose service are disensed with on
-rounds ?f ill-health +ay be er+itted to ta.e all leave on avera-e ay due to hi+
before his services are ter+inated.
9. The ter+s leave on avera-e ayF and Dleave on half avera-e ayD used in the
above clauses have the sa+e +eanin-s as that assi-ned to the+ in the >est
Pa.istan Govern+ent Servants 2eave Rules, '(**. The leave salary durin- the
leave ta.en under the above clauses will be re-ulated in accordance with the said
/ote--An oicer on e$traordinary leave is not entitled to any leave
5. &n officer initially en-a-ed on contract beco+es subject to >est Pa.istan
Govern+ent Servants 2eave Rules, '(** in their entirety on his bein- ta.en into
er+anent e+loy+ent at the e0iry of his contract. In such a case, the officer will
be credited with the leave on avera-e ay and half-avera-e ay that would have
been ad+issible had revious duty been duty as an officer in er+anent e+loy
di+inished by any leave already ta.en and leave on +edical certificate, if any,
already ta.en, will count a-ainst the li+it rescribed in Rule )!b" !ii" and !iii" of the
>est Pa.istan Govern+ent Servants 2eave Rules, '(**.
'PPE*(I1 -5
(Re:erre% to in rule 8.92)
Rules or the grant o Casual and Puarantine )eave
Casual leave +ay be -ranted to Govern+ent servants for short eriods subject to
the followin- conditions@C
i. Casual leave should not ordinarily e0ceed '% days at a ti+e and #* days
durin- any one calendar year;
ii. The sanctionin- authority +ay, however, -rant casual leave uto '* days at a
ti+e in secial circu+stances.
iii. It +ay be -ranted in conjunction with Aridays or ublic holidays, but not with
any other .ind of leave or joinin- ti+e. In case casual leave is co+bined with
holidays the total eriod should not e0ceed '* days at a ti+e. The ublic holidays
which are sandwiched between the casual leave shall be debited to the Casual
2eave &ccount.
i=. Eo Govern+ent servant +ay leave his head6uarters durin- causal leave or
holidays e0cet with the er+ission of the sanctionin- authority.
=. Subject to the dele-ation of owers which has been or +ay be +ade by
Govern+ent fro+ ti+e to ti+e in this behalf, casual leave +ay be sanctioned to a
Govern+ent servant by his i++ediate officer.
=i. In e+er-ency the Co++issioners of ,ivisions can sanction casual leave uto
'% days to the Re-ional and ,ivisional ?fficers. In such cases the Co++issioners
shall infor+ the 4eads of .the &ttached ,eart+ent by. a telerinter +essa-e. >hile
alyin- for such e+er-ency leave, the Re-ionalG,ivisional ?fficer is re6uired to
observe the followin- two conditions@--
a) he should certify that the leave alied for is due to hi+; and
b) he should su--est actin- arran-e+ents for the disosal of wor.
durin- his absence.
=ii. The ,istrict ?fficers of other deart+ents while roceedin- on casual leave
e0tendin- beyond '% days shall infor+ the ,euty Co++issioner of that fact;
=iii. Casual leave shall not be -ranted to Govern+ent servants in conjunction with
trainin- eriod sent abroad.
i;. The record of the casual leave should be .et in the followin- +anner@-
a) casual 2eave &ccount of each Govern+ent servant should be
+aintained roerly on the rescribed fro+.
b) it should always re+ain in the custody of the sanctionin- authority.
c) casual leave should not be -ranted unless the Casual 2eave &ccount
is seen by the sanctionin- authority .to ensure that !i" the leave alied for, is due
and !ii" it is not e0cessive vi6-a-vi6 the eriod of service durin- the year and
%) Casual 2eave &ccount should be closed on the transfer of a
Govern+ent servant fro+ the deart+entGoffice or fro+ one sectionGbranch to
another in the sa+e deart+ent, si-ned by the sanctionin- authority and transferred
i++ediately to the deart+entGoffice or sectionGbranch to which the officer is
9uarantine leave is leave of absence fro+ duty necessitated by orders not to attend
office in conse6uence of the resence of infections diseases in the fa+ily or household of a
Govern+ent servant. Such leave +ay be -ranted by the head of the office on the certificate
of .a +edical or 4ealth ?fficer for a eriod not e0ceedin- #' days, or, in e0cetional
.circu+stances, )% days. &ny leave necessary for 6uarantine uroses in e0cess of this
eriod shall be treated as ordinary leave. 9uarantine leave +ay also be -ranted, when
necessary, in continuation of other leave, subject to the above +a0i+u+. Eo substitute
should be aointed in lace of a Govern+ent servant absent on 6uarantine leave.
'PPE*(I1 -8
(Re:erre% to in note to <ara?ra<# 2 o: 'nne;ure to Se"tion I o: C#a<ter VIII)
LIS+ &0 3&VER*ME*+ SERV'*+S SERVI*3 I* V'C'+I&* (EP'R+ME*+S
The followin- is a co+lete list of Govern+ent servants servin- in Vacation
(e<artment (esi?nation o: 3o=ernment ser=ant
DCivil Bud-es and their establish+ent includin- Civil Bud-es e+loyed
as Bud-es of S+all Cause Courts e0cludin- rocess-servin-
<stablish+ent actually e+loyed on wor. connected with rocess
1. Princials, staff and establish+ent of all
Govern+ent Colle-es and Govern+ent Inter+ediate Colle-es
!both :oys and Girls"
2. 4eads, staff and establish+ent of
Govern+ent 4i-h, 8iddle, 8iddle, Eor+al and Pri+ary Schools
!both :oys and Girls".
4. Staff and establish+ent of Govern+ent
Trainin- Classes and Trainin- =nits.
7. Princials, staff and establish+ent of all
Govern+ent Polytechnic Institutes, Govern+ent Colle-es of
Technolo-y, Govern+ent Co++ercial Trainin- Institutes,
Govern+ent Vocational Institutes for :oysGGirls.
Govern+ent Institute of ,yein- and Printin-, Shahdara includin-
,yein- <0erts.
IV--ealt# Princials and whole-ti+e Professors, Clinical &ssistant Professors,
&ssistants to Professors, ,e+onstrators and establish+ent
!e0cludin- the clerical and other establish+ent of PrincialDs office" of
-. 9uaid-i-&1a+ 8edical Colle-e, :ahawalur.
2. Eishter 8edical Colle-e, 8ultan.
4. Jin- <dward 8edical Colle-e, 2ahore.
7. 2ahore 8edical Colle-e, 2ahore.
.. Punjab 8edical Colle-e, Aaisalabad.
9. 8edical Colle-e, Rawalindi.
'PPE*(I1 -/
'PPE*(I1 26
FRe:erre% to in notes un%er rule 8.-2/ an% rule -4 or anne;ure. Ill to "#a<ters =iiiG
?rders relatin- to the -rant of leave to Govern+ent servants for the study of
Scientific, technical or si+ilar roble+s or for secial courses of instructions
P'R+ '.--Stu%$ Lea=e
E$tent o Application
-. The followin- orders relate to study leave only. They are not
intended to +eet the cases of Govern+ent servants deuted to other countries at
the instance of Govern+ent, either for the erfor+ance of secial duties i+osed on
the+ or for the investi-ation of secific roble+s connected with their technical
duties. Such cases will be dealt with on their
+erits under the rovisions of Rules 5.' of the Civil Service Rules !Punjab", Volu+e
I. F
These orders aly to Govern+ent servants of technical ,eart+ents detailed below for
studies within or outside Pa.istan@--
-. 4ealth.
2. Aorestry and >ildlife.
4. &-riculture.
7. <ducation.
.. Co++unications and >or.s.
9. Industries and 8ineral ,evelo+ent.
5. Irri-ation and Power. .
8. 2ivestoc. and ,airy ,evelo+ent
/. 2ocal Govern+ent, Social >elfare and Rural
,evelo+ent ,eart+ents !Public 4ealth <n-ineerin- ,eart+ent"
&ll cases of -rant of study leave will be rocessed throu-h a Selection Co++ittee
co+risin- the followin-@--
-. &d+inistrative Secretary of the
2. ,euty Secretary, Ainance 8e+ber
4. ?fficer of Plannin- and ,evelo+ent ,eart+ent !not
below the Status of ,euty Secretary".
The Selection Co++ittee will e0a+ine the anel of na+es of candidates reared in
accordance with the followin- criteria in the for+ at &nne0ure D&D and reco++end the
candidates eli-ible for the -rant of study leave @--
i. the areasGdiscilines in which trainin- is re6uired ;
ii. nu+ber of officerGofficials already trained ;
iii. =tility of the roosed trainin- for the ,eart+ent; and
i=. >hether the officerGofficial can be conveniently sared by the ,eart+ent
without i+airin- efficiency;
The reco++endations of the Co++ittee will be sent .to the Ainance ,eart+ent for
sanction of Study 2eave.
These orders +ay be e0tended by the co+etent authority to any Govern+ent
servant not belon-in- to any of the deart+ents +entioned above in -whose case that
authority is of oinion that leave should be -ranted in the ublic interest to ursue a secial
course of study or investi-ation of a scientific or technical nature.
/ote--1hese orders in so ar as they relate to the Pu%lic Aor>s
.epartments do not aect the rules under which !overnment servants
o that department are allowed to visit engineering wor>s when on leave
in 2nited @ingdom.
!rant o #tudy )eave
2. & co+etent authority +ay -rant e0tra leave on half-
avera-e ay to a Govern+ent servant of any of the deart+ents +entioned in
ara-rah ' above for the urose of study. Such leave +ay be ta.en either in or
outside Pa.istan.
>hen a Govern+ent servant borne er+anently on the cadre of one rovince or
deart+ent is servin- te+orarily in another rovince or deart+ent, the -rant of leave is
subject to the conditions !a" that local arran-e+ents to carry on his wor. in his absence can
be +ade and !b" that the concurrence of the rovince or deart+ent to which he is
er+anently attached is obtained before leave is -iven. Study leave shall not ordinarily be
-ranted to Govern+ent servants of less than five yearsD service or to Govern+ent servants
within three years of the date at which they have the otion of retirin-.
/ote--A competent authority may retrospectively commute into study
leave* periods o leave* ta>en as ordinary leave %ut o which a
!overnment servant su%se9uently desires to have a portion converted
into study leave. #uch cases will %e dealt with on their merits in
consultation with the Accountant-!eneral* Pun:a%.
3. The -rant of study leave should be +ade with due re-ard
to the e0i-encies of the Public service, in no case should the -rant of this leave, in
co+bination with leave other than e0traordinary, leave or leave ^on +edical
certificate, involve an absence of over #I +onths fro+ a Govern+ent ServantDs
re-ular duties, or e0ceed two years in the whole eriod of a Govern+ent servantDs
service ; nor should it be -ranted with such fre6uency as to re+ove hi+ fro+ contact
with his re-ular-wor. or to cause cadre difficulties owin- to his absence on leave. &
eriod of '# +onths at one ti+e should ordinarily be re-arded as a suitable
+a0i+u+, and should not be e0ceeded save for e0cetional reasons.
/ote 5--1he period o two years may %e e$tended to three years on the
merit o each case or o%taining a .octorate* su%:ect to the condition
that the e$tension should not %e availa%le or scholars who ail to
complete the courses within the prescri%ed time limit.
/ote '--1he limits o a%sence rom regular duties prescri%ed a%ove
include the period o vacation* i any* with which study leave and other
leave may %e com%ined.
/ote +--E$traordinary leave may %e ta>en in con:unction with study
leave without regard to the ma$imum prescri%ed a%ove.
7. & Govern+ent servant whose study leave is co+bined
with any other .ind of leave should be re6uired to ta.e his eriod of study leave at
such a ti+e as to retain, at its conclusion, a balance of other reviously sanctioned
leave sufficient to cover the eriod sent in returnin- to duty.
.. >hen a Govern+ent servant has been -ranted a definite
eriod of study leave and finds subse6uently that his course of study will fall short of
the sanctioned eriod to any considerable e0tent, his absence fro+ duty shall be
reduced by the e0cess eriod of study leave unless he roduces the assent of the
co+etent authority in Pa.istan to his it as ordinary leave.
9. <0cet as rovided in ara-rah / all alications for
study leave should be sub+itted with the &ccountant-GeneralDs certificate to the
head of the deart+ent throu-h the rescribed channel, and the course or courses
of study conte+lated and any e0a+ination which the candidate rooses to
under-o should be clearly secified therein. if the course of study is outside Pa.istan
the 4ead of the ,eart+ent should also forward to the <+bassy of Pa.istan a coy
of the aroved ro-ra++e of study. If it is not ossible for the Govern+ent servant
to -ive full details as above, in his ori-inal alication, or if, after leavin- Pa.istan he
wishes, to +a.e any chan-es in the ro-ra++e which has been aroved in
Pa.istan, he should sub+it articulars as soon as ossible to the <+bassy of
Pa.istan. In such cases, he should not, unless reared to do so at his own ris.,
co++ence the course of study, nor incur any e0enses in connection therewith, until
he receives aroval to the course thorou-h the <+bassy of Pa.istan.
5. Govern+ent servants on leave outside Pa.istan who
wish to convert art of their leave into study leave or to underta.e a course of study
durin- leave, should before co++encin- study and before incurrin- any e0enses in
connection therewith, sub+it a ro-ra++e of their roosed course of study to the
<+bassy of Pa.istan, the ro-ra++e should be acco+anied by an official syllabus
of the course, if one is available and by any docu+entary evidence-that the
articular course or e0a+ination has the aroval of the co+etent authority in
Pa.istan. In the absence of such evidence the ro-ra++e +ay, if aroved by the
<+bassy of Pa.istan, be roceeded with, but no study leave allowance will be
ad+issible until the concurrence of the co+etent authority in Pa.istan is received.
8. Eo course of study will be reco-nised as 6ualifyin- for
the -rant of study allowance, or for study leave for any other urose unless it has
been aroved in at least broad outline by the co+etent authority in Pa.istan in
accordance with ara-rah 5 and / above, and unless, in cases where it has not
been found ossible to sub+it full articulars to the authorities in YPa.istan, it has
been aroved in detail by the <+bassy of Pa.istan before it is be-un.
#tudy Allowance
/. & study allowance will be -ranted for the eriod sent in
ursuin- a definite course of study at a reco-nised institution or in any definite tour
of insection of any secial class of wor., as well as for the eriod covered by any
e0a+ination at the end of the course of study. The rates are #* Shillin-s er die+ in
the =nited Jin-do+, and _ $.#% er die+ in other countries. These rates are liable to
revision. ,urin- Study 2eave in Pa.istan a Govern+ent Servant shall be allowed
study allowance of Rs. )%%G- P.8. in addition to half avera-e ay or /*\ of full ay,
whichever is +ore beneficial. In no case will subsistence allowance be -ranted in
addition to study allowance, and ordinarily travelin- e0enses will not be aid; but in
e0cetional cases clai+s +ay be considered on their +erits by the co+etent
-6. Study allowance will be ad+issible u to '$ days for any
eriod of vacation. & eriod durin- which a Govern+ent servant interruts his
course for his own convenience cannot be considered as vacation. Study allowance
will be -iven at the discretion of the co+etent authority for any eriod u to fourteen
days at one ti+e, durin- which the Govern+ent servant is revented by sic.ness
duly certified by a +edical ractitioner fro+ ursuin- the sanctioned course of study.
In the case of a Govern+ent servant retirin- fro+ the service without returnin- to
duty after a eriod of study leave the study allowance will be forfeited and the study
leave will be converted into ordinary leave-to the e0tent of the ordinary leave
standin- to his credit at the date of retire+ent. &ny balance of the eriod of study
leave +entioned which cannot be so converted, will be e0cluded in rec.onin-
service for ension.
/ote--A !overnment servant o vacation department can draw study
allowance during vacation i he prosecutes his studies during the
period. 1he period o such a vacation will %e ta>en into account in
calculating the ma$imum period o ' years or + years as the case may
%eore or which study allowance is admissi%le.
--. Govern+ent servants -ranted study leave are ordinarily
re6uired to +eet the cost of fees aid for courses of study. In e0cetional cases the
co+etent authority +ay waive this condition.
-2. ?n co+letion of a course of study, a certificate on the
roer for+ !which +ay be obtained fro+ the <+bassy of Pa.istan", to-ether with
certificates of e0a+inations assed or of secial study, shall, when the study leave
has been ta.en outside Pa.istan be forwarded to the <+bassy of Pa.istan. In the
case of a definite course of study at a reco-nised institution, the study allowance will
be aid in such +anner as +ay be rescribed by the Govern+ent on clai+s
sub+itted by the Govern+ent servant fro+ ti+e to ti+e, suorted by roer
certificates of attendance.
-4. Study leave will count as service for ro+otion and
ension, but not for leave. It will not affect any leave which +ay already be due to a
Govern+ent servant; it will count as e0tra leave on half avera-e ay but will not he
ta.en into account in rec.onin- the leave on half-avera-e ay ta.en by the
Govern+ent servant towards the +a0i+u+ eriod ad+issible under Civil Service
-7. ?n an alication for study leave outside Pa.istan bein-
sanctioned by the co+etent authority, it shall infor+ the <+bassy of Pa.istan of the
articulars of the case. It will be necessary for each Govern+ent servant concerned
to lace hi+self in co++unication with the <+bassy, who will arran-e any details
and issue and letters of introduction that +ay be re6uired.
PR& 0&RM' 0&R C'*(I('+ES REC&MME*(E( 0&R S+U() LE'VE I* ' 3IVE* (ISCIPLI*BB'RE' &0
FSi; "o<ies to be <re<are% b$ t#e '%ministrati=e (e<artmentG
-. Ea+e of the study-course
2. Institution where the candidate is to study
3. ,uration of the course with the date of co++ence+ent.
Ea+e of candidate
with desi-nation, lace
of ostin- and resent
,ater of birth
and a-e on the
date of
t of the course.
s with
secial field
of study
Position in
the seniority
Re6uire+ent of
the ,eart+ent
in the
Eu+ber of
-ranted study
leave durin-
last acade+ic
year in each
Can the
sare the
affectin- its
- 2 4 7 . 9 5
Si?nature o: (e<ut$ Se"retar$ or
an eLui=alent o::i"er or
S<onsorin? (e<artmentB'utonomous
Bo%$ >it# (esi?nation
'PPE*(I1 2-
Rules ?o=ernin? t#e ?rant o: :ree <assa?es to 3o=ernment Ser=ants en?a?e% on
'PPE*(I1 22
Instru"tions :or t#e bookin? o: <assa?es :or ?o=ernment Ser=ant <ro"ee%in? out o:
Pakistan on %ut$.
'PPE*(I1 24
(Re:erre% to in C#a<ter 1II)
+#e 3o=ernment Ser=ants Con%u"t Rules
'PPE*(I1 27
'PPE*(I1 2.
1he Pun:a% Civil #ervices &1reatment o !overnment employees suering rom
tu%erculosis( Rules* 57;8* Pu%lished with Pun:a% !overnment /otiication /o. 5;+8-
4-;8GB,7-* dated the '5st 4arch 57;8* as su%se9uently Amended
-. These rides +ay be called the Punjab Civil Service !Treat+ents
of Govern+ent <+loyees sufferin- fro+ Tuberculosis" Rules, '($/.
2. These rules shall aly to all Govern+ent servants e+loyed in
a civil caacity in connection with the affairs of the Punjab, e0cetC
a) ersons for whose aoint+ent and conditions of e+loy+ent secial
rovision is +ade by or under any law for the ti+e bein- in force;
b) ersons in resect of whose conditions of service secial rovision has been
+ade by a-ree+ent entered into before or after these rules were +ade; and
") any class of ersons in resect of who+ the Provincial Govern+ent a
declaration that the conditions of service shall not be -overned by these rules.
4. In these rules, unless there is anythin- reu-nant to the
subject or conte0t-
a) F8edical Suerintendent or ,istrict 4ealth ?fficerF +eans the 8edical
Suerintendent of the Civil 4osital or the ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer of the ,istrict in
which the Govern+ent servant susected to be sufferin- fro+ Tuberculosis is
b) FControllin- &uthorityF +eans the head of office or if the Govern+ent servant
is hi+self the head of office, the ne0t suerior authority over hi+, or such other
erson or authority as Govern+ent +ay be -eneral or secial order secify in
resect of a Govern+ent servant or a class of Govern+ent servants;
") FCo+etent authorityF +eans the authority e+owered to -rant leave in
resect of the Govern+ent servant concerned ;
%) FGovern+ent hositalF includes a hosital +aintained by a local authority and
any other hosital with which arran-e+ents have been +ade by the Provincial
Govern+ent for the dia-nosis and treat+ent of officers sufferin- or susected to be
sufferin- fro+ tuberculosis; and arran-e+ents have been +ade by the Provincial
Govern+ent for the dia-nosis and treat+ent of officers sufferin- or susected to be
sufferin- fro+ tuberculosis ; and
e) FTreat+entF +eans the use of all +edical and sur-ical facilities available at
the Govern+ent hosital in which a Govern+ent servant is treated and includes-
i. the e+loy+ent of such atholo-ical and bacteriolo-ical, radiolo-ical
or other +ethod as are considered necessary by the 8edical Suerintendent or
,istrict 4ealth ?fficer,D as the case +ay be;
ii. the suly of such +edicines, vaccines, sera or other ; the rautic
substances as are ordinarily available in Govern+ent hosital in the Province;
iii. the suly of such +edicines, vaccines, sera or other theraeutic
substance not ordinarily so available as +ay be certified in writin- to be essential for
the recovery of, or for reventin- serious deterioration into he condition of the
Govern+ent servant, by the 8edical Suerintendent or ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer, as the
case +ay be, or the 8edical ?fficer-in-Char-e of the hosital or other institution
where he is under-oin- treat+ent, rovided that if such hosital or other institution
be rivately owned, and the treat+ent therein has not been arran-ed by the 8edical
Suerintendent or the ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer, as the case +ay be, the Govern+ent
has obtained the er+ission of the ,irector, 4ealth Services, Punjab, to his
under-oin- treat+ent therein ;
i=. such acco++odation as is ordinarily rovided in the hosital to which
the Govern+ent servant is ad+itted and is suited to his status as laid down in rules
aearin- in &endi0 2III to the Punjab 8edical 8anual;
=. the service of such nurses as are ordinarily e+loyed in the hosital
to which the Govern+ent servant is ad+itted;
=i. such secial nursin- as +ay be certified in writin- to be essential for
the recovery of, or for reventin- serious deterioration in the condition of the
Govern+ent servant, by the 8edical Suerintendent or the ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer, as
the case +ay be, or the 8edical ?fficer-in-Char-e of the hosital or other institution
where he is under-oin- treat+ent rovided that if such hosital or, other institution
be rivately owned and the treat+ent therein has not been arran-ed by the 8edical
Suerintendent or ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer, as the case +ay be, the Govern+ent
servants has obtained the er+ission of the ,irector, 4ealth Services, Punjab, to his
under--oin- treat+ent therein.
7. Eo Govern+ent servant, who is an active case of
tuberculosis shall be er+itted to dischar-e the duties of his office.
.. The Controllin- &uthority shall re6uire a Govern+ent
servant, who is susected to be sufferin- fro+ tuberculosis, to have hi+self
e0a+ined by the 8edical Suerintendent or ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer, as the case +ay
be. If the Govern+ent servant is too ill to underta.e a journey to the district
head6uarters, the 8edical ?fficer-in-Char-e of the local or nearest hosital or
disensary shall e0a+ine hi+, if necessary at the atients residence, and forward he
result of his e0a+ination to the 8edical Suerintendent or ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer, as
the case +ay be. Eo char-e shall be +ade for such e0a+ination.
9. If on e0a+ination the 8edical Suerintendent or ,istrict
4ealth ?fficer, or the 8edical ?fficer as the case +ay be, considers it necessary he
+ay send the case to the nearest hosital, where roer facilities includin- those for
7-Ray and laboratory e0a+ination are available, for a further e0a+ination. Eo
char-e shall be +ade for such e0a+ination, if this further e0a+ination is +ade in Fa
non--overn+ent institution, where char-es are leviable, such char-es will be
ayable by Govern+ent.
5. If after e0a+ination the case is reorted to be a FclosedF
and F6uiescentF case and the 8edical Suerintendent or ,istrict 4ealth officer, as
the case +ay be, certifies that the Govern+ent servant is fit to carry on his duties he
+ay be er+itted to resu+e wor. subject to any or all of the followin- conditions @--
a) he re+ains under suitable +edical suervision and treat+ent as, arran-ed by
the 8edical Suerintendent or ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer as the case +ay be;
b) he under-oes eriodical e0a+ination by his aointed Govern+ent 8edical
?fficers and, if so re6uired by the 8edical Suerintendent or ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer,
as the case +ay be, by a co+etent authority on tuberculosis aroved by
Govern+ent. Such e0a+ination or re-e0a+ination will be done free of char-e. The
8edical ?fficer shall +aintain a secial re-ister to record, the ro-ress of such
cases ;
") in cases where the disease is considered to be 6uiescent or arrested, the
Govern+ent servant +ay be er+itted to carry on a art or whole ti+e duty as and
when er+itted by the Standin- 8edical :oard of which the Provincial Tuberculosis
?fficer, Punjab, would be a +e+ber.
%) in cases where the Govern+ent servants are not bein- e0a+ined by the
Standin- 8edical :oard, they shall be e0a+ined by the 8edical Suerintendent or
,istrict 4ealth ?fficer and a no+inee of the ,irector, 4ealth Services, Punjab.
'. If after e0a+ination the case is reorted to be an FoenF one, the 8edical
Suerintendent or ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer, as the case +ay be, shall +a.e suitable
arran-e+ents for the treat+ent of the case in a hosital, a Tuberculosis Institute or
Institution or Sanatoriu+. & reort shall be sent to the Controllin- &uthority statin-
the a+ount of leave, which the 8edical Suerintendent or ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer, as
the case +ay be, considers to be necessary for treat+ent. The co+etent authority
+ay then -rant leave for the eriod reco++ended subject to the condition that such
leave shall not e0ceed the total a+ount of leave ad+issible to the Govern+ent
servant concerned under the rules re-ulatin- his conditions of service. The
Govern+ent servant shall not be er+itted to resu+e duty until his case has been
reorted to be FclosedF and F6uiescentF and the er+ission shall be subject to the
conditions laid down in rule / above.
B. In order to avoid a brea. in the service of a te+orary Govern+ent servant
and to enable such Govern+ent servant to return to his ost after treat+ent, he +ay
be -ranted e0traordinary leave without allowances uto a +a0i+u+ eriod of '#
+onths on any one occasion in addition to other .inds of leave, which +ay be
ad+issible to hi+ subject to the conditions that @C
i. the ost fro+ which the Govern+ent servant roceeds on leave is
li.ely to last till his return to duty;
ii. the e0traordinary leave is -ranted on the roduction of a certificate
fro+ the 8edical Suerintendent or ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer, as the case +ay be or the
8edical ?fficer-in-Char-e of a hosital, a Tuberculosis Institution or a Sanatoriu+,
secifyin- the eriod for which the leave is reco++ended rovided-
that no 8edical Suerintendent or ,istrict 4ealth officer, as the case +ay be, or
8edical ?fficer, shall reco++end the -rant of leave in any case in which there aears to
be no reasonable rosect that the Govern+ent servant concerned will ever be fit to
resu+e his duties.
C. ,urin- the eriod of treat+ent a er+anent Govern+ent servant will be
entitled to leave with #* er cent ay, and allowance ad+issible under the rules, as
subsistence allowance after e0haustion of leave due to hi+Gher on full or half ay
subject to a +a0i+u+ eriod of two years durin- which the 8edical :oard should
either declare the atient as fit for further service or incurable and no lon-er caable
of -ivin- further service. The +edical e0a+ination shall be +ade after every three
/. >here the 8edical Suerintendent or ,istrict 4ealth
?fficer, as the case +ay be reco++ends that the Govern+ent servant re6uires
institutional treat+ent but the Govern+entD servant does not enter a hosital, a
Tuberculosis Institute or Institution or a Sanatoriu+ as arran-ed by the 8edical
Suerintendent or ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer, as the case +ay be, co+etent authority
+ay -rant hi+ leave for such eriod as the 8edical Suerintendent or ,istrict 4ealth
?fficer, as the case +ay be, considers to be necessary to enable hi+ to arran-e his
own treat+ent, rovided that @--
a) the +a0i+u+ a+ount of leave that +ay be -ranted shall not e0ceed the a+ount of
leave ad+issible to hi+ under the rules re-ulatin- his conditions of .service; and
b) he is not er+itted to return to duty unless the 8edical :oard constituted by the
Provincial Govern+ent or such other erson or authority as the Provincial
Govern+ent +ay by -eneral or secial order authorise in this behalf certifies that he
is fit to return to duty.
-6. If the 8edical :oard or the 8edical Suerintendent or
,istrict 4ealth ?fficer, or any other duly constituted authority, as the case +ay be, is
of oinion that there is no li.elihood of a Govern+ent servant bein- fit to return to
duty the Govern+ent servant shall be invalided out of service. This however, does
not debar a co+etent authority fro+ -rantin- leave ad+issible under the ordinary
rules to a Govern+ent servant who has been declared unli.ely to be fit to return to
duty or had been declared er+anently incaacitated by a 8edical Suerintendent
or ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer, as the case +ay be, 8edical Co++ittee or :oard. In
deservin- cases a co+etent authority +ay also -rant as a very secial case, on
co+assionate -rounds all leave that +ay be at the credit of such a Govern+ent
servant before he 6uits the service.
'. >hen a Govern+ent servant enters a Govern+ent hosital, a Tuberculosis
Institute or Institution or a Sanatoriu+ for treat+ent, any a+ount aid by hi+ on
account of such +edical attendance shall be rei+bursed to, hi+ by Govern+ent
under >est Pa.istan Govern+ent Servants !8edical &ttendance" Rules, '(*(.
B. If a Govern+ent servant is treated in a Govern+ent hosital, the free
treat+ent will constitute an ordinary function of the hosital and the 4ealth
,eart+ent will bear the char-e, which will be debited to 8ajor 4ead )I-& 4ealth
C. If a Govern+ent servant enters a rivate hosital, a Tuberculosis Institute or
Institution or a Sanatoriu+ with the revious aroval of the ,irector, 4ealth
Services, Punjab, on the reco++endation of the 8edical Suerintendent or ,istrict
4ealth ?fficer as the case +ay be, or the Provincial Tuberculosis ?fficer, for
treat+ent, his char-es shall be aid as under @--
The Govern+ent servant concerned shall +a.e ay+ent in the first instance of all
char-es, i.e., for 7-Ray, 2aboratory or other e0a+ination treat+ent, or acco++odation, and
recover the a+ount fro+ Govern+ent subse6uently by sub+ittin- a detailed bill which will
be suorted by an authorised coy of the schedule or tariff of the hosital char-es and a
receit of the hosital authorities showin- the a+ount actually aid. The head of the office
shall draw the a+ount in consultation, if necessary, with the 8edical Suerintendent or
,istrict 4ealth ?fficer, as the case +ay be or the Provincial Tuberculosis ?fficer on a
contin-ent bill and disburse the a+ount to the Govern+ent servant concerned, the
char-esR bein- debited to the ri+ary unit of aroriation F?ther &llowances and
4onorariaF of the account head aertainin- to the deart+ent to which the Govern+ent
servant belon-s.
The Govern+ent servant under treat+ent in the General >ards shall ay the diet
char-es at such rates as +ay be rescribed by the 4ealth ,eart+ent fro+ ti+e to ti+e.
-2. >hen a Govern+ent servant is re6uired by the 8edical
Suerintendent or ,istrict 4ealth ?fficer as the case +ay be, under rule 5. to
roceed to another station for 7-Ray, 2aboratory or other e0a+ination, the
Govern+ent servant shall be -ranted in resect of his journeys to and fro+ the lace
of e0a+ination-
a) a sin-le fare of the class in which he is entitled to travel while on duty; and
b) the actual cost of transit !not e0ceedin- the travellin- allowance ad+issible
for such journeys under the ordinary rules" for journey by road or by river erfor+ed
by hi+ in connection with such e0a+ination.
Subje"t--E1+E*+ &0 SC&PE &0 +E ME(IC'L C&*CESSI&*S EMB&(IE( I* +E
SU00ERI*3 0R&M +UBERCUL&SISV RULES, -/75, +& +E 0'MILIES &0 +E
The fa+ilies of the Govern+ent servants who are -overned by the Punjab Civil
Services !Treat+ents of the Govern+ent e+loyees sufferin- fro+ Tuberculosis" Rules,
'($/, introduced with Punjab Govern+ent notification Eo. '$)/-8-$/G5.I(*, dated !)st
8arch, '($/, shall be eli-ible, free of char-e, to institutional attendance and treat+ent on
the sa+e scale as the Govern+ent servant concerned hi+self. The ter+ fa+ily +eans a
Govern+ent servantDs wife, le-iti+ate children and ste-children residin- with and wholly
deendent on hi+. In the +atter of ad+ission to Govern+ent hositals, however, they will
not be -iven any reference over the +e+bers of the -eneral ublic.
(-un0ab 5overnment Circular No. !,437"!7)8*/79ed., dated the !!nd 9arch )#"!
+'BLE &0 0&RMS
*o. o: :orm (es"ri<tion. Rule in >#i"# re:erre%
C.S.R. !Punjab" Eo. -.
Eote below Rule '.$
8odel for+s of a-ree+ents for use in the cases of Govern+ent servants
en-a-ed on contract
Eote below rule I.$
&lication for leave.
Rule I.*' and
ara-rah '$ of
&endi0 ''.
Aor+ of leave account for Govern+ent
servants in er+anent e+loy subject
to the leave rules in Section III of
Chater VIII.
5. Rule '#.'' Service Roll.
8. ------
/. ------
-7. Aor+ of leave account under >est
Para. '$ of &endi0 '' Pa.istan Govern+ent Servants 2eave
Rules, '(**,
0&RMS 3.S.R. (Pb.) *o. -
HReerred to in note to Rule 5.;I
Mo%el 0orms o: a?reements :or use in t#e "ase o: 3o=ernment Ser=ants en?a?e% on
/ote-- 1he instruction issued with Finance .epartment unoicial /o.
+57-F* dated the 5+th 0cto%er 57'8* and /o. 58,'-F. B* dated to ,th
August* 57+; should %e ollowed to the use o these orms.
i. Mo%el '?reement 0orm *o. I :or use in t#e "ase o: 3o=ernment
Ser=ants en?a?e% on "ontra"t in a :orei?n "ountr$.
ii. Mo%el '?reement 0orm *o. II :or use in t#e "ase o: 3o=ernment
Ser=ants en?a?e% on "ontra"t in Pakistan.
'rti"le. &rticles of &-ree+ent +ade the CCCC day of CCCCCCCCbetween
CCCC of the first art and the Governor of the Punjab hereinafter referred to as Fthe
Govern+entF of the second art.
+#e <art$ o: t#e :irst <art. H#ereas t#e 3o=ernment #as en?a?e% t#e <art$ o: t#e
:irst <art to ser=e t#e 3o=ernment o: Pakistan as @@@@@@@@ :or t#e term an% at
t#e <a$ #ereina:ter mentione% an% subje"t to t#e "on%itions an% a?reements
#ereina:ter "ontaine%,--
Eow These Presents >itness and the arties here-to resectively a-ree as follows@-
1. Submission to or%ers o: 3o=ernment. That heGshe will sub+it
hi+selfGherself to the-orders of the Govern+ent and of the officers and authorities
under who+ heGshe +ay fro+ ti+e to ti+e be laced by the Govern+ent and will
re+ain in the service for the ter+ of CCC years for+ the date of hisGher reortin- for
duty at ::::: and that heGshe will at all ti+es obey the rules rescribed for the
ti+e bein- for the re-ulation of the branch of the ublic service to which heGshe +ay
belon- and will if and when re6uired roceed to any art of the Punjab.
2. +ermination o: a?reement. That the service of the arty of the
first art +ay be ter+inated as follows@-
i. &t the end of the trainin- or robationary eriod if any rescribed by Govern+ent by
either arty without v notice; rovided that in case the arty of the first art wishes to
ter+inate the a-ree+ent at the end of the trainin- he should refund to Govern+ent the
cost of trainin-;
ii. &t any ti+e on three calendar +onthDs notice in writin- -iven to hi+ by the Govern+ent
if in the oinion of Govern+ent the arty of the first art roves unsuitable for the effi-
cient erfor+ance of his duties durin- service under this &-ree+ent;
iii. :y the Govern+ent without revious notice if the Govern+ent is satisfied on +edical
evidence that the arty of the first art is unfit and .is li.ely for a considerable eriod to
continue unfit by reason of health for the dischar-e of his duties and in such case no
clai+ for da+a-e or co+ensation shall be ad+itted; rovided always that the decision
of the Govern+ent that the arty of the first art is li.ely to continue unfit shall be
conclusively bindin- on the arty of the first art,
i=. :y the Govern+ent or their officers havin- roer authority without revious notice if
the arty of the first art shall be -uilty of insubordination, conduct inco+atible with
due and faithful erfor+ance of duty, or other +isconduct or of any breach or non-
erfor+ance of any of the rovisions of these resents or of any rules ertainin- to the
breach of the ublic service to which he +ay belon-;
/ote 1a>ing part in politics or %eing associated with any seditious
movement will %e deemed conduct incompati%le with due perormance o
duty under this agreement.
=. :y si0 calendar +onths notice in writin- -iven at any ti+e durin- service under this
a-ree+ent !e0cet durin- the said te+orary or robationary eriod" either .by hi+ to
the Govern+ent, or by the Govern+ent or its authori1ed officer to hi+, without cause
Provided always that either arty +ay, in lieu of any notice herein rovided for, -ive the
arty of the other art !i" an a+ount e6uivalent to the salary of the arty of the first art for the
eriod of the notice, or !ii" a notice shorter than herein rovided for and an a+ount e6uivalent
to his salary for the eriod by which that notice falls short of the rescribed eriod.
Provided further that if any eriod of trainin- or robation is rescribed, Govern+ent
+ay at any ti+e durin- the said eriodIof trainin- ter+inate the contract, without notice, if
satisfied that the arty of the first art is not satisfactory ro-ress in trainin- or has
failed to render roer account of hi+self durin- the eriod of robation.
3. (e=otion o: >#ole time to t#e %uties o: 3o=ernment ser=i"e. That heGshe will
devote hisGher whole ti+e to the duties of the service and that heGshe will not !e0cet
in case of accident or sic.ness certified by co+etent +edical authority" absent
hi+selfGherself for+ hisG her said duties without havin- first obtained er+ission fro+
the Govern+ent or other co+etent authority.
4. Se"urit$. That heGshe shall, whenever so re6uired to do by the Govern+ent furnish a
security in such su+ as Govern+ent +ay re6uire and e0ecute a bond for the due
erfor+ance of all the duties re6uired of hi+Gher in accordance with the instructions
contained in chaterG ara-rahGarticle
5. Punjab Ci=il ser=ants (E::i"ien"$ an% (is"i<line) Rules, '(/*. That heGshe will be
subject to the Punjab Civil Servants !<fficiency and ,isciline" Rules, '(/* in force for
the ti+e bein- as a+ended fro+ ti+e to ti+e.
6. Sus<ension :rom ser=i"e. That is heGshe be susended fro+ duty durin-
investi-ation into any char-e of insubordination or for +isconduct or of any breach or
non-erfor+ance of any of the rovisions of these resents, heGshe shall not be
entitled to any ay durin- such eriod of susension but shall be entitled to receive a
subsistence -rant at such rate as the Govern+ent +ay decide to allow hi+Gher.
7. Passin? o: e;amination. That .heGshe shall within such eriod as +ay be ordered by
the Govern+ent fro+ the date of hisGher reortin- for duty at CCCC ass such
e0a+ination or e0a+inations as +y be rescribed and if heGshe shall fail to do so
within, the eriod rescribed in this connection the Govern+ent +ay disense with
hisGher service, and in such cases no clai+ for da+a-e or co+ensation shall be
ad+itted or allowed.
8. Pa$ment o: <a$. That if the arty of the 'st art shall observe and co+ly with all the
rovisions of these resents these shall be aid to hi+Gher for such ti+e as heGshe
shall be in the service and actually erfor+ hisGher duties ay in accordance with the
scale set out in the schedule anne0ed.
That if the arty of the first art is durin- the eriod of CCCC years aointed to
dischar-e the duties of any additional or hi-her ost, heGshe shall be aid such additional ay
as +ay be deter+ined by the Govern+ent under the rules for the ti+e bein- in force.
That if heGshe should be sent out of Pa.istan on deutation by the Govern+ent heGshe
will be aid durin- the eriod of deutation hisGher ay as laid down m Rule 5) of the Civil
Service Rules !Punjab", Volu+e I as a+ended fro+ ti+e to ti+e.
9. ouse allo>an"e an% "on=e$an"e allo>an"e. That in addition to hisGher ay heGshe
shall be eli-ible for the -rant of rent free 6uarters or at the discretion of the
Govern+ent allowance in lieu thereof, any conveyance allowances in accordance with
the rules in force fro+ ti+e to ti+e.
10. Me%i"al atten%an"e an% treatment. That heGshe shall be eli-ible for any concessions
in relation to +edical attendance and treat+ent that +ay be rescribed by the
Govern+ent for the class of officers servin- in the sa+e station to which to
Govern+ent +ay declare the arty of the first art to corresond in status or condition
of service.
11. Lea=e. That durin- the said ter+ of years heGshe leaves ter+s be eli-ible for leave in
accordance with the shall be eli-ible for leave in accordance with the +odel contained
in &endi0 '5 to the Civil Service Rules !Punjab", Volu+e I, or corresondin- rules
as a+ended fro+ ti+e to ti+e.
12. Emer?en"$ outs. Eotwithstandin- any thin- hereinbefore contained the ay and
leave salary ad+issible under these resents whether ayable in Pa.istan or
elsewhere, shall be subject to any e+er-ency cut that +ay be ordered by the
Govern+ent, for the sa+e eriod and on the sa+e ter+s as for other officers under
the ad+inistrative control of the Govern+ent
13. +ra=ellin? 'llo>an"e. That heGshe shall, if re6uired to travel in the interest of the
ublic service durin- the eriod of hisGhere en-a-e+ent, be entitled to travellin-
allowance at the rates ad+issible under the rules which +ay for the ti+e bein- be
alicable to an officer of hisGher -rade.
14. +#e Punjab "ontributor$ <ro=i%ent 0un%. That heGshe shall not be entitled to any
ension or -ratuity on retire+ent, but that durin- the robationary eriod of hisGher
service heGshe will subscribe to the General Provident Aund, and in the event of
hisGher havin- been retained in service for an indefinite Provident Aund !hereinafter
described as the !DAundD" under the rules of the Aund ;1ee Chater 7TV of the Civil
Service Rules !Punjab", Volu+e IIL for the ti+e bein- in force. The rate of hisGher
subscrition to the Aund, and of the Govern+ent contribution to hisGher account in the
Aund as well as of interest allowable, will be -overned by the rules of the Aund or by
any -eneral or secial orders of the Govern+ent issued thereunder. Should hisGher
ost be declared ensionable and heGshe be confir+ed therein or should heGshe be
er+anently transferred to a ensionable ost under the Govern+ent the rovisions of
rule '$.)# of the Civil Services Rules !Punjab", Volu+e II will be brou-ht into
oeration. In re-ard to other +atters the rules of the Aund will also -enerally aly.
It shall also be lawful for the Govern+ent to withhold ay+ent of all or art of its bonus
contribution to the Aund.
15. Bank. That heGshe shall be of -a1ettedGnon--a1etted ran..
-9. That in resect of any +atter re-ardin- which no rovision has been +ade in this
a-ree+ent, the Punjab Civil Servants &ct, '(/$, or orders issued thereunder shall
-5. Sta+ duty, if any, on this instru+ent shall be borne by Govern+ent.
Hitness. In >itness whereof the arty of the first arty and
CCCCCCon behalf of the Governor of the Punjab have hereunto set their hands the day
and year first above written-.
M&*+L) R'+ES &0 P')
'?e last birt#%a$ )ear o: ser=i"e Pa$
$# '
year Rs. Per +ense+
$) #
$$ )
$* $
$5 *
Si-ned by the arty of the first art in the resence of EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Si-ned by the Secretary to the Govern+ent in the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
been re-en-a-ed and hisGher service e0tended for a further eriod of HHHHHHHHyears subject
+utatis +utandis to the conditions of the within a-ree+ent, and his Gher scale of ay shall as
fro+ the HHHHHHHHH day of HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH henceforth co+rise the followin- +onthly
rates of ay in successive sta-es of twelve +onths service@
Sta?es Pa$
-. Rs.
In witness whereof the arty of the first art of and HHHHHHHHH on behalf of the
Secretary to the Govern+ent of the Punjab have here unto set their hands
(iii) M&(EL '3REEME*+ 0&RM *&. III
0R&M CSR (<#) *o 2
(Re:erre% to in *ote to Rule 8.7)
*ame o: o::i"er an% t#e <ost #e #ol%s
Perio% an%
nature o:
a<<lie% :or
an% t#e
Rules un%er
Last lea=e
o: su<erior
o::i"ers >it#
su??estions as to
arran?ements :or
absenteeWs >ork
- 2 4 7
/ote6 - !overnment servants
returning rom leave out o Pa>istan
should intimate %eore their departure
or Pa>istan whether they are
returning via @arachi and in the event
o instructions as to their destination
not %eing received %eore they sail or
Pa>istan should ollow careully the
directions contained in the oicial
letter sanctioning their leave.
Address while on leave.
*. B. The Rule under which leave is clai+ed should always be noted in
colu+n !#"
The '(
Si?nature o: '<<li"ant
Certificate re6uired fro+ those -overn+ent servants who, durin- the
eriod of service by which the leave now alied for has been earned,
have held one of the officers, in which a eriodical vacation is
I certified that I was resent on duty durin- the vacations secified
The '(
Aorwarded to the
General Punjab, for
sub+ission to the
Govern+ent of the
Punjab with the
usual reort.
Perio% o: =a"ations %urin? t#e
Perio% o: %ut$ %urin? t#e
4ead of
[ear Aro+
To Aro+ To
Si?nature o: a<<li"ant
REP&R+ &0 +E 'CC&U*+*'+ 3E*ER'L
*o. 3.'.(. %ate% La#ore t#e
Certified that earned leave G leave on avera-e ay for -----------+onths ------------- days
in continuation, leave on rivate affairsGon half avera-e ay for ---------- years ---
-----------------------------------------------+onths ----------------days under rules
-----------------------------------and ------------or-----------------------------------
----------and ------------or
?f the Civil Services Rules !Punjab" will be ad+issible to the above na+ed Govern+ent
servant on ------------- rovided he continues on duty with out interrution till that date.
'ssistant '""ountant 3eneral Punjab.
'ssistant '""ounts &::i"er
0&RM C. S. R. (Pb) *& 4
0&RM C. S. R. (Pb) *& 7
0&RM C. S. R. (Pb) *& .
0&RM CS.R. (Pb.) *o. 9
!Referred to in Rule I .*'"
0orm o: lea=e a""ount o: 3o=ernment ser=ants in <ermanent em<lo$ subje"t to lea=e roles in se"tion --- o: C#a<ter VIII o:
t#e "i=il Ser=i"es Rules (Punjab), Volume I.
Class of Govern+ent servant ------------------------------------------- !Class of rule (.''( of the Civil Services Rules !Pb.", Volu+e I, by
which the Ea+e of Govern+ent servant------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ leave is
,ate of aoint+ent -------------------------------------------------
,ate of attainin- the a-e of 5% years -----------------------------
E'R*E( LE'VE ('CCUMUL'+I&*S SUBAEC+ +& +E M'1IMUM &0 ------------(')S)
LE'VE &* PRIV'+E '00'IRS
Period of duty
at credit
2ave ta.en :alance 2eave ta.en
' # ) $ * 5 / I ( '% '' '#
0rom +o +otal
o: %a$s
(a$s (a$s 0rom +o (a$s (a$s 0rom +o ) M (
UP +& --------M&*+S)
------- C&*CL(
M&*+S (-8 M&*+S &* ME(IC'L CER+I0IC'+E 0R&M
or an$ ot#er
kin% o:
s<e"ial lea=e
ma$ be
s#o>n in t#is
Si?nature o:
+otal lea=e taken u to
Lea=e taken
+otal lea=e taken u< to
-4 -7 -. -9 -5 -8 -/
) M ( 0rom +o ) M ( ) M (
0&RM ". s. r. (Pb) *o 5
(Re:erre% to in Rule -2.--)
Ser=i"e Roll
-) Ea+e in full
2) AatherVs na+e !in full"
4) Race, sect and cast
7) Residence !Villa-e with district, thana, +au1a or ar-ana"
.) ,ate of birth !by Christian era"
9) 4ei-ht !in feet and inches"
5) 8ar.s of identification
8) Thu+b and fin-er i+ressions !of balls of left hand"
/) Si-nature, if literate; otherwise +ar. or seal
-6) Ea+e and desi-nation of Govern+ent servant by who+, and the date on which the above
articulars were furnished.
(ate ------------------
+#e ----------/----
Si?nature an% %esi?nation o: 3o=ernment Ser=ant
makin? t#e a<<ointment (to be a%%e% onl$ a:ter <ersonal
=eri:i"ation o: items 9.5 an% 8)
0&RM C.S.R. (Pb) *&. 5 Pa?e 2
REM'R!S 'S +& C&*(UC+, HI+ (E+'ILS &0
(E3R'('+I&* &R &+ER PU*ISME*+
Si?nature #ea% o: o::i"e >it#
(ea"# remark must be atteste% b$ t#e :res#
si?natures o: t#e 3o=ernment ser=ant makin? it an%
%ate% (>it# t#e %a$, mont# an% $ear)
0&RM C.S.R. (Pb) *&. 5 Pa?e 4
(etails o: ser=i"e Lea=e













































- 2 4 7 . 9 5 8 / -6 -- -2
0&RM C. S. R. (Pb) *& 8
0&RM C. S. R. (Pb) *& /
0&RM C. S. R. (Pb) *& -6
0&RM C. S. R. (Pb) *& --
0&RM C. S. R. (Pb) *& -2
0&RM C. S. R. (Pb) *& -4
0&RM C. S. R. (Pb) *& -7
0&RM C. S. R. (Pb) *& -.
/ote o Posting Corrections





















/ote o Posting Corrections






















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