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Survey Questionnaire

Q1 In a normal day, on average, howmanyhoursdoyou spenddoingeach of thefollowing? WatchingTV, Listeningtothe

radio, Readinga newspaper, Readinga book for leisure, On theinternet or sendingemailsfor yourself rather than for
Response values: 1: No time, 2: Less than 15 minutes, 3: 15-30 mins, 4: 30 mins 1 hour, 5: 1-3
hours, 6: 3-6 hours, 7: 6-12 hours, 8: More than 12 hours
Q2 Doyou doanyof thesethingsat least 3 timesa week on average? Reada local newspaper, Reada national newspaper,
Listen totheradionews, Watchthetelevision news, Goontotheinternet for news
Q3 In a normal day, on average, howmanyhourswouldyou sayyou havefor yourself? Bytimefor yourself wemean
leisuretimeyou can spendasyou want.
Response variable values: 1: No time, 2: Less than 15 minutes, 3: 15-30 mins, 4: 30 mins 1 hour, 5:
1-3 hours, 6: 3-6 hours, 7: 6-12 hours, 8: More than 12 hours
Q4 Pleasesaytowhat extent you agreeor disagreewith thefollowingstatements: You generallyhaveenoughtimetodowhat
you want in theday; In general you aresatisfiedwithyour lifeat themoment
Responses: 1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=agree, 5=strongly agree
Q5 Howsafedoyou feel livingin theneighbourhoodyou livein now?
Responses: 1=not at all safe, 2=not very safe, 3=fairly safe, 4=very safe
Q6 Towhat extent doyou agreeor disagreewiththefollowingstatements?
You playan activerolein oneor morevoluntary, local or political organizations; Most of your friendslivenearby; You
dont liketodiscusspoliticswithother people; Beinginvolvedin your neighbourhoodisimportant toyou; You dont get
involvedin political protests; You generallyvotein national elections; You areinvolvedin voluntary work; You are
generallyinterestedin whatsgoingon in politics.
Responses: 1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=agree, 5=strongly agree
Q7 Whichof thefollowingareyour top3 favouritetypesof entertainment?
News, Sport, Soaps, Celebrities, Documentary, History, Religion, Drama, Action-Adventure, Comedy,
Music, Reality TV, Science Fiction, Arts, Romance, Crime, Science
Q8 Whichof thefollowingthings, if any, doyou generallyfollowor keepuptodatewith?
Trade union politics, Whats number one in the charts, Sports news, International politics, The latest
celebrity gossip, Whats happening in Iraq, Ups and downs of the UK economy, Religious questions
or debates, Information on health and nutrition
Q9 Andwhichof thesethings, if any, doyou generallyfollowor keepuptodatewith?
The latest fashion in clothes, Local council politics/ elections, Events in Westminster, Crime and
policing Big Brother (or other major reality TV shows), Funding for local services, Protecting the
environment, Poverty in developing countries, Debates about Europe
Q10 Takingthesethingsthat matter toyou, bythisI mean thethingsyou havejust mentioned - howoften doyou tendto
talk toothersabout thesekindsof things?
Responses: 1=not at all, 2=not very often, 3=quite often, 4=all the time
Q11 Dothepeopleyou tendtotalk toabout theseissuestendtobe?
People at work, Friends, Family, Other
Q12 Towhat extent doyou agreeor disagreewiththefollowingstatements?
Peopleat work wouldexpect you toknowwhatsgoingon in theworld; You followthenewstounderstandwhatsgoing
on in theworld; You followthenewstoknowwhat other peoplearetalkingabout; Your friendswouldexpect you to
knowwhatsgoingon in theworld; Itsyour dutytokeepupwithwhatsgoingon in theworld; Theresnopoint in
watchingthenews, becauseit dealswiththingsyou can donothingabout; Itsa regular part of your daytocatchupwith
thenews; Politicshaslittleconnection withyour life; You havea prettygoodunderstandingof themain issuesfacingour
country; It doesnt reallymatter whichparty isin power, in theendthings goon prettymuchthesame; Sometimespolitics
seemssocomplicatedthat you cant reallyunderstandwhatsgoingon; You often feel that therestoomuchmedia, soyou
Responses: 1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=agree, 5=strongly agree
Q13 Towhat extent doyou agreeor disagreewiththefollowingstatements about themedia? Bymedia, wemean television,
newspapers, radio, internet, etc.
Thethingsthemedia cover havelittletodowithyour life; Different sourcesof newstendtogivedifferent accountsof
whatsgoingon; You trust thetelevision toreport thenewsfairly; You trust thepresstoreport thenewsfairly; You trust
theinternet toreport thenewsfairly; You trust themedia tocover thethingsthat matter toyou; You generallycompare
thenewson different channels, newspapersor websites
Responses: 1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=agree, 5=strongly agree
Q14 Nowthinkingabout politics, towhat extent doyou agreeor disagreewiththefollowingstatements?
You feel that you can influencedecisionsin your area; You knowwheretogotofindout information that you need;
Peoplelikeushavenosayin what thegovernment does; You trust politicianstotell thetruth; You trust politiciansto
deal withthethings that matter; You can affect things by gettinginvolvedin issues you careabout; You trust the
government todowhat isright; Sometimesyou feel strongly about an issue, but dont knowwhat todoabout it
Responses: 1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=agree, 5=strongly agree
Q15 Whichpublicissuehasbeen particularlyimportant toyou over thepast 3 months- thisneednt bean issuecoveredin
themedia, but can beanyissueyou think of general importance?
Q16 Wouldyou describethisissueas: local, national, international
Q17 For that issue, wherehaveyou got your information about it from?
TV news, Other TV, Radio, National newspaper, Local newspaper, Magazine, Internet, Personal
experiences, Other people, University, Friends/ family/ colleagues, Local government, Media, Church
Q18 Andwhichof thesesourceswasMOST useful in providingyou withrelevant information ?
TV news, Other TV, Radio, National newspaper, Local newspaper, Magazine, Internet, Personal
experiences, Other people, University, Friends/ family/ colleagues, Local government, Media, Church
Q19 Towhat extent wouldyou agreeor disagreethat you weresatisfiedwiththemedia coverageof thisissue?
Responses: 1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=agree, 5=strongly agree
Q20 Still thinkingabout theissueyou havejust mentioned, haveyou doneanyof thesethingsin relation toit?
Joined a national interest or campaign group; Joined a political party; Joined a local group or
organization; in a strike; Contacted an MP, councillor, etc; Got in touch with a newspaper/ TV/ radio
station (e.g. letter to the editor, phoned a talk show, sent an email or text to a programme);
Contributed to an online discussion; Gone on a public protest; Contributed to/ created a public
message (e.g. website, newsletter, video, etc); A personal protest (e.g. boycotted a product, worn a
slogan, left a meeting); Contributed to them financially; Researched the topic; Discussed with
family/ friends/ colleagues
Q21 If not, whyhaveyou not taken anyof theseactionsregardingtheissue? No time; Dont know anyone who has; It
wont make a difference; Not interested; Not that kind of person
Q22 Still on that issue, haveyou talkedabout it toother people?
Not talked about it, Talked to people at work, Talked to Friends, Talked to Family, Other
In addition, standard demographics questions (including socioeconomic status, gender, age, last full time
education, ethnicity, religion) were asked plus additional questions concerning home ownership of digital TV or
computer and internet access.

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