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Module 2 Bibl 410 study questions

1. Evolution is the process by which more complicated organizations develop rom less simple
organisms over time. !t is a slow process and is thought to have happened due to genetic mutations and
various changes in natural surroundings.
2. "heistic evolution is dierent. !t is generally reconciliation between scientiic evolution and religious
belies that involve #od. !t does not deny evolution li$e creationism but believes generally that #od
created creatures with a mechanism that allowed or evolution% and thus evolution is part o a process
that #od put in place.
&. "he dating o 'dam is not very important. "he Bible also says that or #od a day can be a thousand
years. "hereore% it does not seem li$e the time o #od and the time o us would always be the same%
and maybe we are not capable o understanding #od(s conception o time.
4. "he origin o the soul is the moment that #od created lie in 'dam and Eve and they were made
). ! thin$ it is because #od created Man rom dust% and it does not say animal lie. #od created humans
separately using dust% so it would not ma$e sense that the same material was used or the separate
creation o animal lie as well.
*. "he most important or me is that the irst marriage was between a man and a woman. +ith all the
debate about what constitutes a marriage% it is important to loo$ the original orm that #od envisioned
,. "he -us. in 1/2* is reerring to #od% the 0oly 1pirit and 2esus3 or the "rinity.
4. Both males and emales were made in the image o #od.
5. "here is no mention in #enesis that people are given permission to eat animals% only that they are
given dominion over them. 0owever% ater the lood% people are permitted to eat people. ! thin$ beore
they ate rom the tree o $nowledge% it would have seemed odd or them to eat and $ill animals% so !
thin$ they were vegetarians.
10. +e do not $now e6actly where the #arden o Eden is located% but it is most li$ely somewhere in the
modern area we call the Middle East.
11. 1ubdue is used in #en. 1/24 to discuss how people should cultivate the land whereas dominion is
used over the animals. ! thin$ dominion has more o a connotation o dominion whereas subdue is 7ust
12. ! do thin$ that #enesis & and the 8all is imperative to understanding the Bible. !t sets the oundation
or the state o humanity and helps e6plain the need or 2esus and the undamentally sinul nature o the
human soul without #od.
1&. "he all o 9ucier is described in !saiah 14/12:14 and Eze$iel 24/12:14.
14. "he ma7or doubt o Eve is over #od and the reasons or not being able to eat rom the "ree o
$nowledge. 1he also doubted that #od $new all% and doubted the reasons or not needing to see the
nature o good and evil.
1). ;avis says that gods would be better translated as the trinity because there is only one #od.
1*. "he sequence o the all was that the serpent started to put doubt into Eve(s heads about the reasons
or not being able to eat rom the tree and over #od(s commands. "hen she eats rom the tree% and also
ma$es 'dam. "hey are then e6pelled rom the #arden.
1,. <ne common interpretation o 8orbidden 8ruit is that it was placed there on purpose because #od
$new that humans were bound to sin. ! thin$ this is wrong because it was only ater the all that humans
became bound to sin.
14. ;epravity is a condition o moral corruption% which became their state ater they were e6pelled
rom the #arden.
15. !n #enesis &/, it says that they made ig leaves to cover themselves. ! thin$ it was not 7ust to cover
na$edness but also to help repress se6ual eelings they were now having or one another.
20. "he irst mention o the virgin birth is in the <ld "estament% #enesis &/1)% in the prophecy $nown
as -=rotevangelium..
21. #od(s grace is e6hibited because despite the sinul nature o Man$ind he continues to see$ or
redeeming characteristics and does not 7ust end his creation.
22. >oats o s$in reer to the clothing that #od made or 'dam and Eve% most li$ely rom animals% to
$eep them warm.
2&. "his is alse% ! thin$. !t says in #enesis 2/1)% beore the all% that Man had to wor$ in the garden.

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