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Harshana Perera(B.Sc,BIT,SCJP) 2015 T kit

Dimensional Analysis
Dimensions of a physical quantity are the powers to which the fundamental quantities must be raised.

Where [M], [L] and [T] are the dimensions of the fundamental quantities mass, length and time
respectively. Therefore velocity has zero dimension in mass, one dimension in length and 1 dimension
in time. Thus the dimensional formula for velocity is [M
] or simply [LT
].The dimensions of
fundamental quantities are given in Table 1.4 and the dimensions of some derived quantities are given in
Table 1.5

Harshana Perera(B.Sc,BIT,SCJP) 2015 T kit

Harshana Perera(B.Sc,BIT,SCJP) 2015 T kit

Dimensional quantities

Constants which possess dimensions are called dimensional constants. Plancks constant, universal
gravitational constant is dimensional constants. Dimensional variables are those physical quantities
which possess dimensions but do not have a fixed value. Example velocity, force, et

Dimensionless quantities
There are certain quantities which do not possess dimensions. They are called dimensionless quantities.
Examples are strain, angle, specific gravity, etc. They are dimensionless as they are the ratio of two
quantities having the same dimensional formula.

Principle of homogeneity of dimensions
An equation is dimensionally correct if the dimensions of the various terms on either side of the equation
are the same. This is called the principle of homogeneity of dimensions. This principle is based on the
fact that two quantities of the same dimension only can be added up, the resulting quantity also
possessing the same dimension. The equation A + B = C is valid only if the dimensions of A, B and C
are the same.

Uses of dimensional analysis

The method of dimensional analysis is used to
(i) Convert a physical quantity from one system of units to another.
(ii) Check the dimensional correctness of a given equation.
(iii) Establish a relationship between different physical quantities in an equation.

(ii) To check the dimensional correctness of a given equation

Let us take the equation of motion

Harshana Perera(B.Sc,BIT,SCJP) 2015 T kit

(iii) To establish a relationship between the physical quantities in an equation

Let us find an expression for the time period T of a simple pendulum. The time period T may depend
upon (i) mass m of the bob (ii) length l of the pendulum and (iii) acceleration due to gravity g at the
place where the pendulum is suspended.

Limitations of Dimensional Analysis

(i) The value of dimensionless constants cannot be determined by this method.

(ii) This method cannot be applied to equations involving exponential and trigonometric functions.

(iii) It cannot be applied to an equation involving more than three physical quantities.

(iv) It can check only whether a physical relation is dimensionally correct or not. It cannot tell whether
the relation is absolutely correct

Harshana Perera(B.Sc,BIT,SCJP) 2015 T kit

Harshana Perera(B.Sc,BIT,SCJP) 2015 T kit

Harshana Perera(B.Sc,BIT,SCJP) 2015 T kit

Harshana Perera(B.Sc,BIT,SCJP) 2015 T kit

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