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SCHOOL: Technical College Costin D. Nenitescu Pitesti
FORM: 12 A
TIME: 50 minutes
TEACHER: Comsa Irina
LESSON TITLE: Unit 11- ar! at "or#
LESSON TYPE: mi$e! %listening&s'ea#ing(
To !e)elo' their general rece'ti)e s#ills
To ac*uire an! use the )oca+ular, relate! to -o+s an! em'lo,ment
To match sentences&'hrases to the listening e$tracts using #e, "or!s
To 'ractice a !ialogue "ith a 'artner in a -o+- relate! situation %The tra)el agent-
To .in! a solution to a s'eci.ic 'ro+lem concerning the to'ic%the tra)el agent has
to select a hotel +ase! on the *ualities re*uire! +, the customer(

0istening .or com'leting a tas#
1imulation an! role 'la,
Pro+lem sol)ing
Pair "or#
FCE Gold Plus te$t+oo#
FCE Gold Plus au!io CD
CD 'la,er
3ole 'la, car!s
1. CHECKING HOMEWORK %timing 4 minutes( 5 e$ercise 4 'age 140.
2. WARM UP ACTIVITY%timing 6 minutes(
a( Discussion a+out the to'ic 5 -o+s an! em'lo,ment
+( Intro!ucing the listening material %.i)e 'eo'le tal#ing a+out "hat it7s li#e to li)e
an! "or# in a +ig cit,(
c( 8riting on the +lac#+oar! :90i.e in a +ig cit, 5 listening9
3. PRE- LISTENING ACTIVITY%timing 4 minutes(:
a( The stu!ents rea! the recommen!e! 'roce!ure o. the listening acti)it,%'age 141(
+( Then the, rea! the sentences in their te$t+oo#s an! un!erline #e, "or!s
4. LISTENING ACTIVITY%timing 14 minutes(:
a( The teacher intro!uces the listening tas# %the stu!ents ha)e to match 5 o. the 6
sentences in the te$t+oo# to the 5 s'ea#ers the, are a+out to hear on CD(.
+( The teacher instructs the stu!ents to use the #e, "or!s 're)iousl, un!erline!
c( The stu!ents listen to the material once an! com'lete the tas#
!( The stu!ents listen again to chec# their ans"ers
e( The teacher is getting .ee!+ac# .rom stu!ents a+out their ans"ers
. POST- LISTENING ACTIVITY%timing 20 minutes(
a( The teacher is intro!ucing the s'ea#ing acti)it, :The tra)el agent- simulation9
+( 1tage1 : 1tu!ents are tol! the, are going to "or# in 'airs
c( 1tage 2: 1tu!ents in each 'air are gi)en the letters A an! 2
!( 1tage 4: 1tu!ents are tol! that A is a tra)el agent an! 2 is a customer "ho "ants
to +oo# a holi!a, in ;iami.
e( 1tage 4:The teacher gi)es a role 'la, car! to 2< the stu!ents are tol! not to sho"
each other the in.ormation
.( 1tage 5: A gets another role 'la, car!< the stu!ents are tol! to stu!, their
in.ormation .or a short 'erio!
g( 1tage 6: 2 is tol! to select a hotel +ase! on the *ualities he&she is loo#ing .or< the
acti)it, starts<
h( 1tage =: 8hen com'lete! the acti)it,> the stu!ents an! the teacher "ill !iscuss
"hat choices ha)e +een ma!e.
!. SETTING HOMEWORK %timing 4 minutes(
1tu!ents are tol! to "rite the ans"ers to the *uestions in e$ercise 4 'age 141.

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