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Sponsored by Physicians Association for Anthroposophical Medicine (PAAM)

1923 Geddes Ave. Ann Arbor M! "#1$" %SA paa&'anthroposophy.or(
These books can be obtained fo! an" bookstoe #i$$in% to ode fo "o&' o the"
can be odeed diect$" fo! eithe Antho(oso(hic Pess )a$so ca$$ed SteineBooks*
)noted AP afte the book tit$e* +,-..,-/0,-0012 o ###3antho(ess3o%' o 4ec&"
Pess )4P afte the tit$e* -1/,15/,67/8 and $ea9e "o& !essa%e3 O contact the
R&do$f Steine Liba" )RSL* at steine$iba":taconic3net
Intod&cto" books fo (h"sicians;
)ott *ictor Spiritual Science and the Art of Healing +ealin( Arts Press
,oncise introd-ctory (-ide for physicians. (Previo-sly available as
Anthroposophical Medicine) (AP)
../vans Michael and 0o(er !ain Complete Healing: Regaining Your Health Through
Anthroposophical Medicine !ntrod-ction to anthroposophic vie1 of h-&an bein(
and this &edical approach for intelli(ent (eneral a-dience2also a (ood basic
overvie1 for doctors 1ho are brand3ne1 to anthroposophic &edicine.
Gloec4ler Michaela and Goebel5olf(an( A Guide to Child Health Anthroposophic
Press 19#". 5ritten for parents a bestseller in Ger&any6 a -sef-l introd-ction to
childrens health iss-es fro& an anthroposophic perspective. Appendi7 contains
instr-ctions for parents on co&presses therape-tic baths etc. (AP)
+-se&ann 8. and 5olff 9tto ed. The Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine.
:hree vol-&es first t1o o-t of print6 Merc-ry Press has released a ne1ly
revised version of vol-&e !!! and another 1ill soon release.(MP) (0S;)
<ienle G et al Anthroposophic Medicine 2$$= Schatta-er St-tt(art and >e1 ?or4
!S)>31$@33A9"B32"9B3$ and !S)>313@9A#333A9"B32"9B32 S-&&ary of efficacy
costs safety6 revie1 of anthroposophic &edicine in conte&porary evidence3based
for& 1ith co&&ents on research &ethodolo(y. 9btain fro& any boo4store or fro&
PAAM 1923 Geddes Ave Ann Arbor M! "#1$" for C2$ (disco-nt price) 1hile s-pply lasts.
*an der )ie G. and +-berM. eds. Foundations of Anthroposophical Medicine,
Training Manual 2$$3 8loris )oo4s distrib-ted in the %S by Anthroposophic
Press (AP) /ssays on &ethod and ideas -nderlyin( anthroposophic &edicine.
B" R&do$f Steine;
Fundamentals of Therapy Steiner 0-dolf and 5e(&an !ta. Merc-ry Press bilin(-al
edition ne1ly translated by ,. van :ellin(en. Also available as@ !tending
"ractical Medicine 0-dolf Steiner Press A0 Me-ss translator. (AP)
#ntroducing Anthroposophical Medicine Steiner.0. Anthroposophic Press. >e1
translation by ,. ,ree(er. Previo-sly titled Spirit-al Science and Medicine.
0eferred to as the D8irst Medical ,o-rseE of lect-res Steiner (ave. 2$ lect-res
8ro& March 213April 9 192$ Fornach S1itGerland (AP)
Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and Medical Therapy: The Second Medical Course
Steiner 0. Merc-ry Press 9 lect-res April 1131# 1921Fornach (MP) Advanced
&aterial6 reco&&ended for readers fa&iliar 1ith the s-bHect.
Fundamentals of Anthroposophical Medicine Steiner 0. Merc-ry Press. " lect-res
Given 9ctober 1=32# 1922 St-tt(art D:hird Medical ,o-rseE(MP)
Course for Young $octors Steiner 0. Merc-ry Press. # lect-res Ian 239192" and
B lect-res April 2132B 192" Fornach ,onte&plative path for drs (MP)
Curati%e urythmy Steiner 0. Anthroposophic Press. # lect-res 1921322
St-tt(art and Fornach. (AP)
Mystery &no'ledge and Mystery Centers Steiner 0. 0-dolf Steiner Press. 1" lect-res
>ov3Fec 1923 Fornach (,5 232). !ntrod-ced and /dited by Andre1 5elb-rn
!S)>@ 1#BB#"$=1#
An (utline of soteric Science Steiner. 0. 5ritten in 191$ (,5 13) Steiner)oo4s
8o-ndational 5or4. !ntrod-ction by ,lopper Al&on :ranslated by ,atherine /. ,ree(er.
!S)> 9A#$##$1$"$9#. Available at 111.steinerboo4s.or(
+-se&ann 8. and 5olff 9tto ed. The Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine.
:hree vol-&es6 *ol ! &ay be o-t of print6 Merc-ry Press has revised version *ol
!!! and is 1or4in( on *ol !!(AP) (0S;)
Peli4an 5ilhel& Healing "lants 199A Merc-ry Press !ntrod-ction to anthroposophic
perspective on &edicinal plants6 revie1 of ten plant fa&ilies and their
&aHor &edicinal (en-sJspecies. !ll-strations inde7 biblio(raphy. (MP)
0ohen Iohannes Functional Morphology 2$$A Adonis Press !S)>9A#3$932AA=3=3B
:hreefold holistic detailed disc-ssion of anato&y and physiolo(y by a-thor of
conventional anato&y te7ts.
Steiner 0-dolf and 5e(&an !ta Fundamentals of Therapy. See D)y 0-dolf SteinerE
*an +ee43*an :ellin(en ,hrista /d. )ademecum: A Hand*oo+ of Anthroposophic
Medicine Merc-ry PressJMedical Section 2$$A Mono(raphs on "B re&edies
" &aHor therapies and so&e 1$ co&&on dia(noses
*o(el +einG3+art&-t Finding Remedies, Spiritual &no'ledge of Man and -ature
2$$$ MediGin *erla(s G&b+ )ad )oll Ger&any 2 vol-&es (MP)
5olff 9tto Remedies for Typical $iseases 199= Merc-ry Press !ntrod-ction
to therapy 1ith the DdoronE re&edies (MP)
!ternal Applications Merc-ry Press co&pilation of indications for e7ternal
treat&ents (co&presses etc) (MP)
C&ent eseach on antho(oso(hic !edicine; ###3i9aa3info 1ebsite of the
federation of international physicians associations. See ri(ht3hand col-&n of ho&epa(e.
Antho!ed Liba"; PAAM is b-ildin( a 1eb archive of /n(lish3lan(-a(e articles on
anthroposophic &edicine 1ith a search f-nction and lin4s to other relevant sites.
111.anthro&ed.or( or 111.anthro&
4ek&stab (Merc-rys Staff) is the Ger&an3lan(-a(e Ho-rnal of anthroposophic
&edicine. 9n their 1ebsite at htt(;==###3!ek&stab3de=(h(=inde<3(h(1>s?en%
are free do1nloads of /n(lish3lan(-a(e versions of special iss-es of the Ho-rnal.
The Nat&e Instit&te; ###3 nat&einstit&te3o% 0ene1al of science@ perspective on
science of livin( thin(s6 bac4 copies of Ho-rnal D!n ,onte7tE and other essays on topics
incl-din( (enetic en(ineerin(. 2$ May +ill 0oad Ghent >e1 ?or4 12$AB :elephone@
(B1#) =A23$11= 8a7@ (B1#) =A23"2A$ /&ail@info'nat-reinstit-te.or(
.. 0/,9MM/>F/F 890 >/5,9M/0S

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