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Data Security

National Tracking Poll #140706:

Morning Consult
August 2014
Crosstabulation Results
This poll was conducted from August 1-3, 2014, among a national sample of 1825 registered voters. The
interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of likely
voters based on age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, region, annual household income,
home ownership status and marital status. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus
or minus 2 percentage points.
1: How likely is it that you will vote in the November 2014 general election for United States Senate, Congress, and other
political oces?
certain to
Very likely About
Not too
Not likely
at all
Registered Voters 65 21 10 2 1 1825
Male 70 19 9 1 0 851
Female 60 23 12 3 2 974
Age: 18-29 54 22 14 6 4 294
Age: 30-44 57 23 20 1 0 452
Age: 45-64 66 23 7 3 1 689
Age: 65+ 81 16 2 0 0 390
Ethnicity - White 66 22 9 2 1 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 57 17 19 6 1 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 63 18 13 4 2 235
Ethnicity - Other 58 31 10 0 0 61
Democrats (no lean) 68 19 10 2 1 687
Independents (no lean) 56 25 13 4 2 593
Republicans (no lean) 70 20 8 1 1 545
Liberal (1-3) 65 22 10 3 0 485
Moderate (4) 57 29 10 3 2 537
Conservative (5-7) 74 16 9 1 1 701
Northeast 72 18 6 2 1 333
Midwest 64 15 16 4 1 431
South 60 28 9 2 1 678
West 67 20 9 2 1 383
New England 77 17 3 1 1 95
Mid-Atlantic 70 18 8 3 1 238
East North Central 66 16 14 3 1 294
West North Central 60 14 20 4 3 136
South Atlantic 64 26 9 2 0 365
East South Central 50 31 15 1 3 118
West South Central 60 29 7 1 3 196
Mountain 67 25 4 4 1 123
Pacic 68 18 12 2 0 260
Protestant 69 22 9 0 0 480
Roman Catholic 76 16 5 2 1 434
Ath./Agn./None 55 24 16 4 1 439
Something Else 60 24 11 3 3 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 73 19 6 2 0 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 61 23 12 3 2 1230
Income: Under 50k 57 25 12 3 2 792
Income: 50k-100k 67 19 11 2 0 600
Income: 100k+ 75 17 6 1 0 434
Educ: < College 59 23 13 3 2 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 72 21 6 1 0 405
Educ: Post-grad 84 13 3 0 1 220
Military HH 76 15 7 2 0 361
Not Military HH 62 23 11 2 1 1464
Urban 55 26 16 3 0 407
Suburban 70 20 7 2 0 956
Rural 62 21 12 2 3 462
1: How likely is it that you will vote in the November 2014 general election for United States Senate, Congress, and other
political oces?
certain to
Very likely About
Not too
Not likely
at all
Registered Voters 65 21 10 2 1 1825
Use online banking: Yes 66 22 9 2 1 1446
Use online banking: No 60 19 15 3 2 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 72 17 8 1 1 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 61 26 10 3 1 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 63 22 14 1 0 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 71 17 8 1 4 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 63 24 10 3 1 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 70 20 8 1 1 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 59 19 16 3 2 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 67 20 9 2 1 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 60 25 12 2 1 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 61 21 14 3 0 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 68 20 9 2 1 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 54 26 15 4 1 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 65 18 10 3 4 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 63 21 12 3 1 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 59 25 12 3 0 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 72 19 7 1 2 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 67 21 8 2 1 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 58 23 15 3 1 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 68 21 9 2 1 668
2: Do you ever use the Internet to do any banking online?
Yes No N
Registered Voters 79 21 1825
Male 80 20 851
Female 79 21 974
Age: 18-29 82 18 294
Age: 30-44 83 17 452
Age: 45-64 80 20 689
Age: 65+ 71 29 390
Ethnicity - White 80 20 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 77 23 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 73 27 235
Ethnicity - Other 84 16 61
Democrats (no lean) 80 20 687
Independents (no lean) 77 23 593
Republicans (no lean) 80 20 545
Liberal (1-3) 82 18 485
Moderate (4) 80 20 537
Conservative (5-7) 79 21 701
Northeast 83 17 333
Midwest 74 26 431
South 79 21 678
West 82 18 383
New England 86 14 95
Mid-Atlantic 81 19 238
East North Central 74 26 294
West North Central 75 25 136
South Atlantic 83 17 365
East South Central 64 36 118
West South Central 80 20 196
Mountain 78 22 123
Pacic 84 16 260
Protestant 76 24 480
Roman Catholic 85 15 434
Ath./Agn./None 82 18 439
Something Else 74 26 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 77 23 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 81 19 1230
Income: Under 50k 73 27 792
Income: 50k-100k 78 22 600
Income: 100k+ 93 7 434
Educ: < College 75 25 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 87 13 405
Educ: Post-grad 89 11 220
Military HH 79 21 361
Not Military HH 79 21 1464
Urban 77 23 407
Suburban 83 17 956
Rural 73 27 462
2: Do you ever use the Internet to do any banking online?
Yes No N
Registered Voters 79 21 1825
Use online banking: Yes 100 0 1446
Use online banking: No 0 100 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 90 10 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 82 18 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 61 39 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 89 11 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 83 17 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 82 18 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 67 33 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 79 21 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 80 20 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 79 21 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 84 16 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 70 30 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 58 42 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 83 17 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 74 26 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 78 22 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 81 19 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 77 23 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 79 21 668
3: How would you rate the job your local bank (e.g., Bank of America, Wells Fargo, etc.) or credit union is doing to secure
customer accounts?
Excellent Good Only Fair Poor Dont
Know /
Registered Voters 39 44 8 2 7 1825
Male 37 46 9 2 5 851
Female 41 42 7 1 9 974
Age: 18-29 44 37 10 1 8 294
Age: 30-44 36 41 12 4 7 452
Age: 45-64 39 47 7 1 6 689
Age: 65+ 39 48 4 1 8 390
Ethnicity - White 39 45 8 1 6 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 49 30 10 0 11 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 38 40 8 5 10 235
Ethnicity - Other 42 47 3 1 6 61
Democrats (no lean) 40 43 8 3 5 687
Independents (no lean) 36 44 10 0 10 593
Republicans (no lean) 40 45 6 2 6 545
Liberal (1-3) 39 44 11 2 4 485
Moderate (4) 39 44 8 3 7 537
Conservative (5-7) 41 45 7 1 6 701
Northeast 35 50 6 2 7 333
Midwest 41 37 9 3 9 431
South 39 45 8 1 7 678
West 40 46 8 1 5 383
New England 38 51 5 0 6 95
Mid-Atlantic 34 49 7 2 8 238
East North Central 43 35 7 4 11 294
West North Central 38 40 14 2 6 136
South Atlantic 41 49 7 1 2 365
East South Central 31 34 12 4 20 118
West South Central 41 43 6 2 9 196
Mountain 42 48 4 2 4 123
Pacic 39 46 10 0 5 260
Protestant 40 45 5 3 6 480
Roman Catholic 43 46 6 1 5 434
Ath./Agn./None 36 43 11 1 9 439
Something Else 38 41 10 3 9 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 40 44 7 3 6 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 39 44 8 1 8 1230
Income: Under 50k 39 40 8 2 12 792
Income: 50k-100k 38 46 8 3 5 600
Income: 100k+ 40 49 7 1 2 434
Educ: < College 40 41 8 2 10 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 38 49 8 2 3 405
Educ: Post-grad 39 52 8 0 1 220
Military HH 41 46 6 1 6 361
Not Military HH 39 43 8 2 8 1464
Urban 37 45 11 2 5 407
Suburban 38 47 7 2 7 956
Rural 44 38 6 2 10 462
3: How would you rate the job your local bank (e.g., Bank of America, Wells Fargo, etc.) or credit union is doing to secure
customer accounts?
Excellent Good Only Fair Poor Dont
Know /
Registered Voters 39 44 8 2 7 1825
Use online banking: Yes 44 46 7 0 3 1446
Use online banking: No 19 38 12 7 25 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 100 0 0 0 0 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 0 100 0 0 0 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 0 0 82 18 0 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 92 6 0 0 1 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 42 51 4 0 2 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 30 54 11 1 4 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 24 31 24 13 8 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 40 44 7 2 6 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 35 46 7 0 11 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 42 40 14 2 2 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 41 45 7 2 5 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 32 43 9 2 14 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 40 34 14 1 10 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 42 45 8 2 3 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 30 46 8 2 14 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 43 40 8 2 7 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 46 43 7 1 4 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 33 46 8 1 11 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 38 44 9 3 7 668
4: How would you rate the job your local bank (e.g., Bank of America, Wells Fargo, etc.) or credit union is doing to secure
customer accounts?
Excellent/Good Only Fair/Poor Dont Know N
Registered Voters 83 10 7 1825
Male 83 12 5 851
Female 83 8 9 974
Age: 18-29 81 10 8 294
Age: 30-44 78 16 7 452
Age: 45-64 86 8 6 689
Age: 65+ 87 5 8 390
Ethnicity - White 84 9 6 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 79 10 11 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 77 13 10 235
Ethnicity - Other 89 5 6 61
Democrats (no lean) 84 11 5 687
Independents (no lean) 80 10 10 593
Republicans (no lean) 86 8 6 545
Liberal (1-3) 83 12 4 485
Moderate (4) 83 11 7 537
Conservative (5-7) 86 8 6 701
Northeast 85 8 7 333
Midwest 78 13 9 431
South 84 9 7 678
West 86 9 5 383
New England 89 5 6 95
Mid-Atlantic 84 9 8 238
East North Central 78 11 11 294
West North Central 79 16 6 136
South Atlantic 90 8 2 365
East South Central 65 15 20 118
West South Central 83 8 9 196
Mountain 90 6 4 123
Pacic 85 10 5 260
Protestant 86 8 6 480
Roman Catholic 89 6 5 434
Ath./Agn./None 79 12 9 439
Something Else 79 13 9 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 84 10 6 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 83 9 8 1230
Income: Under 50k 79 9 12 792
Income: 50k-100k 84 11 5 600
Income: 100k+ 90 8 2 434
Educ: < College 80 10 10 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 87 10 3 405
Educ: Post-grad 90 8 1 220
Military HH 87 7 6 361
Not Military HH 82 10 8 1464
Urban 82 13 5 407
Suburban 84 9 7 956
Rural 82 8 10 462
4: How would you rate the job your local bank (e.g., Bank of America, Wells Fargo, etc.) or credit union is doing to secure
customer accounts?
Excellent/Good Only Fair/Poor Dont Know N
Registered Voters 83 10 7 1825
Use online banking: Yes 90 7 3 1446
Use online banking: No 57 18 25 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 100 0 0 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 100 0 0 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 0 100 0 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 99 0 1 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 93 5 2 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 84 12 4 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 54 38 8 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 84 9 6 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 81 7 11 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 82 16 2 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 86 9 5 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 75 12 14 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 74 15 10 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 87 10 3 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 76 10 14 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 83 10 7 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 89 8 4 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 79 10 11 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 81 12 7 668
5: How would you rate the job department stores and retail chain stores are doing to secure customer accounts?
Excellent Good Only Fair Poor Dont
Know /
Registered Voters 10 39 34 10 7 1825
Male 6 40 35 13 6 851
Female 13 38 33 7 8 974
Age: 18-29 18 42 30 3 6 294
Age: 30-44 14 39 28 14 5 452
Age: 45-64 7 38 36 13 6 689
Age: 65+ 3 40 41 6 10 390
Ethnicity - White 9 39 36 10 6 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 21 49 14 5 11 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 9 38 30 12 11 235
Ethnicity - Other 11 42 34 9 3 61
Democrats (no lean) 11 40 33 11 5 687
Independents (no lean) 10 36 35 11 9 593
Republicans (no lean) 9 42 35 8 7 545
Liberal (1-3) 13 42 30 11 4 485
Moderate (4) 9 34 37 12 8 537
Conservative (5-7) 8 40 37 9 6 701
Northeast 6 40 37 11 6 333
Midwest 10 38 32 12 8 431
South 10 39 34 9 8 678
West 12 39 35 9 5 383
New England 6 36 40 15 3 95
Mid-Atlantic 6 42 36 9 7 238
East North Central 10 39 31 12 8 294
West North Central 10 36 36 12 6 136
South Atlantic 9 39 36 8 7 365
East South Central 11 33 31 12 13 118
West South Central 11 44 30 9 6 196
Mountain 8 40 38 11 3 123
Pacic 14 38 33 8 7 260
Protestant 6 40 38 10 6 480
Roman Catholic 9 41 34 10 6 434
Ath./Agn./None 11 38 32 9 10 439
Something Else 13 37 33 12 6 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 12 43 30 8 7 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 9 37 36 11 7 1230
Income: Under 50k 12 41 28 9 10 792
Income: 50k-100k 9 40 35 11 5 600
Income: 100k+ 6 34 43 12 4 434
Educ: < College 11 40 32 9 9 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 8 38 38 12 4 405
Educ: Post-grad 7 38 41 12 2 220
Military HH 8 37 40 7 8 361
Not Military HH 10 40 33 11 7 1464
Urban 8 45 29 12 6 407
Suburban 10 38 36 10 6 956
Rural 12 37 34 7 10 462
5: How would you rate the job department stores and retail chain stores are doing to secure customer accounts?
Excellent Good Only Fair Poor Dont
Know /
Registered Voters 10 39 34 10 7 1825
Use online banking: Yes 11 41 36 9 4 1446
Use online banking: No 5 32 29 16 19 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 23 42 26 6 3 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 1 45 42 7 5 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 0 19 42 39 1 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 100 0 0 0 0 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 0 100 0 0 0 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 0 0 100 0 0 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 0 0 0 100 0 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 10 35 38 12 5 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 11 46 26 3 14 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 6 47 30 14 2 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 10 39 37 10 4 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 9 39 28 9 16 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 14 42 25 15 5 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 14 43 30 9 4 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 7 41 31 7 14 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 6 31 44 14 6 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 17 47 26 6 4 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 8 40 31 7 14 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 5 31 44 17 4 668
6: How would you rate the job department stores and retail chain stores are doing to secure customer accounts?
Excellent/Good Only Fair/Poor Dont Know N
Registered Voters 49 44 7 1825
Male 46 49 6 851
Female 52 40 8 974
Age: 18-29 60 34 6 294
Age: 30-44 53 42 5 452
Age: 45-64 45 49 6 689
Age: 65+ 43 47 10 390
Ethnicity - White 48 45 6 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 70 20 11 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 47 42 11 235
Ethnicity - Other 53 43 3 61
Democrats (no lean) 51 44 5 687
Independents (no lean) 45 46 9 593
Republicans (no lean) 50 42 7 545
Liberal (1-3) 55 41 4 485
Moderate (4) 43 49 8 537
Conservative (5-7) 48 46 6 701
Northeast 46 48 6 333
Midwest 48 44 8 431
South 50 43 8 678
West 51 44 5 383
New England 42 54 3 95
Mid-Atlantic 48 45 7 238
East North Central 49 43 8 294
West North Central 46 48 6 136
South Atlantic 48 44 7 365
East South Central 44 43 13 118
West South Central 55 39 6 196
Mountain 48 49 3 123
Pacic 52 41 7 260
Protestant 46 48 6 480
Roman Catholic 50 44 6 434
Ath./Agn./None 50 40 10 439
Something Else 50 45 6 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 55 38 7 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 46 47 7 1230
Income: Under 50k 53 37 10 792
Income: 50k-100k 49 46 5 600
Income: 100k+ 41 55 4 434
Educ: < College 51 41 9 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 46 50 4 405
Educ: Post-grad 45 53 2 220
Military HH 45 47 8 361
Not Military HH 50 43 7 1464
Urban 53 42 6 407
Suburban 47 47 6 956
Rural 49 41 10 462
6: How would you rate the job department stores and retail chain stores are doing to secure customer accounts?
Excellent/Good Only Fair/Poor Dont Know N
Registered Voters 49 44 7 1825
Use online banking: Yes 52 44 4 1446
Use online banking: No 37 45 19 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 65 32 3 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 47 49 5 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 19 80 1 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 100 0 0 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 100 0 0 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 0 100 0 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 0 100 0 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 45 49 5 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 56 29 14 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 53 44 2 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 49 47 4 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 48 36 16 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 56 40 5 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 57 39 4 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 49 38 14 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 36 58 6 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 64 32 4 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 48 37 14 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 35 61 4 668
7: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements
Breaches of personal data by a company make me less likely to engage in electronic transactions with them.
Agree Neither
Agree nor
Disagree Strongly
Registered Voters 27 38 24 9 2 1825
Male 25 40 22 10 3 851
Female 29 37 25 7 2 974
Age: 18-29 30 41 21 7 1 294
Age: 30-44 26 37 24 11 2 452
Age: 45-64 26 37 26 9 2 689
Age: 65+ 28 41 20 8 3 390
Ethnicity - White 25 39 24 10 2 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 20 41 27 9 2 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 39 35 18 5 2 235
Ethnicity - Other 23 33 35 8 1 61
Democrats (no lean) 32 38 20 9 1 687
Independents (no lean) 22 44 24 8 3 593
Republicans (no lean) 27 33 27 10 2 545
Liberal (1-3) 26 48 17 10 0 485
Moderate (4) 25 34 28 10 3 537
Conservative (5-7) 31 35 22 8 3 701
Northeast 21 46 23 8 2 333
Midwest 26 37 23 11 3 431
South 31 35 24 8 3 678
West 27 40 24 9 0 383
New England 24 47 22 7 1 95
Mid-Atlantic 20 46 24 8 2 238
East North Central 28 40 22 7 3 294
West North Central 21 30 27 20 3 136
South Atlantic 29 37 23 8 2 365
East South Central 34 34 24 8 0 118
West South Central 32 30 25 8 4 196
Mountain 22 42 26 9 1 123
Pacic 29 39 23 9 0 260
Protestant 28 41 19 8 4 480
Roman Catholic 24 38 26 9 3 434
Ath./Agn./None 26 39 24 10 0 439
Something Else 30 35 25 9 1 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 29 37 24 7 3 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 26 39 23 10 2 1230
Income: Under 50k 25 41 27 5 1 792
Income: 50k-100k 28 38 21 11 2 600
Income: 100k+ 30 35 20 12 3 434
Educ: < College 27 38 25 8 2 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 26 39 22 12 1 405
Educ: Post-grad 30 36 21 10 2 220
Military HH 27 39 21 9 3 361
Not Military HH 27 38 24 9 2 1464
Urban 24 37 23 12 3 407
Suburban 27 39 23 9 1 956
Rural 30 37 24 6 2 462
7: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements
Breaches of personal data by a company make me less likely to engage in electronic transactions with them.
Agree Neither
Agree nor
Disagree Strongly
Registered Voters 27 38 24 9 2 1825
Use online banking: Yes 27 38 24 9 2 1446
Use online banking: No 28 38 23 9 2 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 32 35 21 9 2 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 21 44 25 8 2 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 34 30 18 15 3 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 41 27 25 6 1 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 20 39 28 9 4 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 29 43 18 9 0 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 39 37 8 11 5 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 41 59 0 0 0 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 0 0 100 0 0 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 0 0 0 81 19 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 32 45 15 6 2 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 10 21 52 16 1 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 30 13 22 26 9 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 25 38 22 13 2 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 17 36 41 5 1 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 40 41 9 6 4 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 20 33 26 18 3 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 13 41 42 4 0 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 46 41 6 4 3 668
8: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements
Breaches of personal data by a company make me less likely to engage in electronic transactions with them.
Agree Neither Agree
nor Disagree
Disagree N
Registered Voters 66 24 11 1825
Male 65 22 13 851
Female 66 25 9 974
Age: 18-29 71 21 8 294
Age: 30-44 63 24 13 452
Age: 45-64 63 26 11 689
Age: 65+ 69 20 11 390
Ethnicity - White 64 24 12 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 62 27 11 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 74 18 7 235
Ethnicity - Other 56 35 9 61
Democrats (no lean) 70 20 10 687
Independents (no lean) 66 24 10 593
Republicans (no lean) 60 27 13 545
Liberal (1-3) 74 17 10 485
Moderate (4) 60 28 12 537
Conservative (5-7) 66 22 11 701
Northeast 67 23 10 333
Midwest 62 23 14 431
South 66 24 11 678
West 67 24 9 383
New England 70 22 7 95
Mid-Atlantic 66 24 10 238
East North Central 68 22 10 294
West North Central 51 27 22 136
South Atlantic 67 23 10 365
East South Central 68 24 8 118
West South Central 63 25 12 196
Mountain 64 26 10 123
Pacic 69 23 9 260
Protestant 69 19 12 480
Roman Catholic 62 26 12 434
Ath./Agn./None 65 24 10 439
Something Else 65 25 10 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 66 24 10 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 65 23 11 1230
Income: Under 50k 66 27 7 792
Income: 50k-100k 65 21 13 600
Income: 100k+ 65 20 15 434
Educ: < College 66 25 10 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 65 22 13 405
Educ: Post-grad 67 21 12 220
Military HH 67 21 12 361
Not Military HH 65 24 11 1464
Urban 62 23 15 407
Suburban 66 23 10 956
Rural 67 24 8 462
8: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements
Breaches of personal data by a company make me less likely to engage in electronic transactions with them.
Agree Neither Agree
nor Disagree
Disagree N
Registered Voters 66 24 11 1825
Use online banking: Yes 65 24 11 1446
Use online banking: No 66 23 11 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 67 21 12 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 65 25 10 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 64 18 18 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 67 25 7 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 59 28 13 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 73 18 10 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 76 8 16 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 100 0 0 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 0 100 0 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 0 0 100 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 77 15 7 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 31 52 17 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 44 22 35 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 63 22 15 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 53 41 6 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 81 9 9 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 53 26 22 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 54 42 4 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 87 6 7 668
9: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements
Im more likely to engage in electronic transactions with a company that has a history of no personal data breaches.
Agree Neither
Agree nor
Disagree Strongly
Registered Voters 33 40 22 3 2 1825
Male 32 43 21 2 2 851
Female 34 38 22 3 3 974
Age: 18-29 42 31 21 4 3 294
Age: 30-44 36 37 24 2 1 452
Age: 45-64 30 42 21 4 3 689
Age: 65+ 27 48 22 1 2 390
Ethnicity - White 30 44 21 2 2 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 26 34 30 5 5 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 49 20 22 4 5 235
Ethnicity - Other 41 37 20 2 0 61
Democrats (no lean) 35 39 21 3 3 687
Independents (no lean) 31 40 24 4 2 593
Republicans (no lean) 33 42 21 2 2 545
Liberal (1-3) 36 43 16 3 2 485
Moderate (4) 29 37 28 2 3 537
Conservative (5-7) 34 41 19 3 3 701
Northeast 33 45 19 2 1 333
Midwest 39 34 21 3 3 431
South 33 40 21 3 3 678
West 26 43 26 3 1 383
New England 34 41 20 3 2 95
Mid-Atlantic 33 46 18 2 1 238
East North Central 44 29 19 4 4 294
West North Central 28 45 26 1 0 136
South Atlantic 34 45 18 1 2 365
East South Central 24 35 29 5 7 118
West South Central 37 34 22 3 4 196
Mountain 22 48 25 2 3 123
Pacic 27 41 27 4 1 260
Protestant 35 40 20 2 3 480
Roman Catholic 32 42 22 1 3 434
Ath./Agn./None 31 42 22 3 2 439
Something Else 33 36 23 5 2 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 35 43 18 2 2 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 32 39 24 3 3 1230
Income: Under 50k 31 41 23 2 3 792
Income: 50k-100k 32 41 20 4 3 600
Income: 100k+ 37 37 23 3 0 434
Educ: < College 32 38 24 3 3 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 33 44 20 2 2 405
Educ: Post-grad 37 43 15 3 2 220
Military HH 35 38 21 3 3 361
Not Military HH 32 41 22 3 2 1464
Urban 29 38 26 3 4 407
Suburban 34 42 20 3 1 956
Rural 35 38 21 2 4 462
9: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements
Im more likely to engage in electronic transactions with a company that has a history of no personal data breaches.
Agree Neither
Agree nor
Disagree Strongly
Registered Voters 33 40 22 3 2 1825
Use online banking: Yes 36 41 19 2 2 1446
Use online banking: No 22 36 32 5 5 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 46 30 18 3 3 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 25 50 21 2 2 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 25 41 26 3 5 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 54 19 19 5 2 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 32 41 22 2 3 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 32 47 18 2 1 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 31 42 19 3 5 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 43 43 10 2 2 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 11 35 48 3 2 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 18 32 34 9 7 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 45 55 0 0 0 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 0 0 100 0 0 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 0 0 0 53 47 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 35 40 21 3 1 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 19 41 38 1 2 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 42 40 10 4 5 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 32 40 23 4 1 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 18 41 38 2 1 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 46 40 7 2 5 668
10: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements
Im more likely to engage in electronic transactions with a company that has a history of no personal data breaches.
Agree Neither Agree
nor Disagree
Disagree N
Registered Voters 73 22 5 1825
Male 74 21 4 851
Female 72 22 6 974
Age: 18-29 72 21 7 294
Age: 30-44 73 24 3 452
Age: 45-64 72 21 7 689
Age: 65+ 75 22 4 390
Ethnicity - White 74 21 4 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 60 30 11 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 69 22 9 235
Ethnicity - Other 78 20 2 61
Democrats (no lean) 74 21 5 687
Independents (no lean) 70 24 6 593
Republicans (no lean) 75 21 4 545
Liberal (1-3) 79 16 5 485
Moderate (4) 66 28 6 537
Conservative (5-7) 76 19 5 701
Northeast 78 19 3 333
Midwest 73 21 6 431
South 73 21 6 678
West 69 26 5 383
New England 75 20 5 95
Mid-Atlantic 79 18 3 238
East North Central 73 19 8 294
West North Central 73 26 1 136
South Atlantic 79 18 3 365
East South Central 59 29 12 118
West South Central 71 22 7 196
Mountain 70 25 5 123
Pacic 68 27 4 260
Protestant 75 20 5 480
Roman Catholic 74 22 4 434
Ath./Agn./None 73 22 5 439
Something Else 69 23 7 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 78 18 4 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 71 24 6 1230
Income: Under 50k 72 23 5 792
Income: 50k-100k 74 20 7 600
Income: 100k+ 74 23 3 434
Educ: < College 70 24 6 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 77 20 3 405
Educ: Post-grad 80 15 5 220
Military HH 73 21 6 361
Not Military HH 73 22 5 1464
Urban 67 26 7 407
Suburban 76 20 4 956
Rural 73 21 6 462
10: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements
Im more likely to engage in electronic transactions with a company that has a history of no personal data breaches.
Agree Neither Agree
nor Disagree
Disagree N
Registered Voters 73 22 5 1825
Use online banking: Yes 77 19 4 1446
Use online banking: No 58 32 11 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 77 18 5 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 75 21 4 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 66 26 8 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 73 19 7 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 73 22 6 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 79 18 4 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 73 19 8 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 86 10 3 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 47 48 5 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 50 34 17 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 100 0 0 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 0 100 0 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 0 0 100 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 75 21 4 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 59 38 3 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 82 10 9 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 71 23 5 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 59 38 3 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 86 7 7 668
11: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements
Data breaches are an unavoidable part of the modern world
Agree Neither
Agree nor
Disagree Strongly
Registered Voters 10 35 26 22 7 1825
Male 11 38 21 22 8 851
Female 10 33 30 21 6 974
Age: 18-29 15 37 29 14 4 294
Age: 30-44 15 37 25 17 7 452
Age: 45-64 7 37 24 25 8 689
Age: 65+ 8 30 28 26 8 390
Ethnicity - White 9 36 25 22 7 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 8 44 32 9 7 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 18 24 27 25 6 235
Ethnicity - Other 14 33 33 17 3 61
Democrats (no lean) 14 33 25 22 6 687
Independents (no lean) 8 37 26 22 7 593
Republicans (no lean) 8 36 27 22 7 545
Liberal (1-3) 14 39 20 20 6 485
Moderate (4) 10 36 26 22 6 537
Conservative (5-7) 9 32 27 24 8 701
Northeast 9 31 29 25 6 333
Midwest 14 34 24 22 7 431
South 9 35 27 22 7 678
West 10 41 22 18 8 383
New England 11 33 25 23 8 95
Mid-Atlantic 8 31 30 25 6 238
East North Central 16 30 22 25 8 294
West North Central 9 41 29 16 5 136
South Atlantic 10 35 25 25 5 365
East South Central 4 34 38 14 10 118
West South Central 12 34 24 22 9 196
Mountain 6 41 30 18 6 123
Pacic 12 42 19 19 9 260
Protestant 11 30 25 24 10 480
Roman Catholic 8 40 23 21 8 434
Ath./Agn./None 8 37 27 24 3 439
Something Else 14 34 27 18 7 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 14 31 28 21 6 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 9 37 25 22 7 1230
Income: Under 50k 11 34 31 17 7 792
Income: 50k-100k 11 36 23 22 8 600
Income: 100k+ 9 36 20 30 6 434
Educ: < College 11 33 29 19 8 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 9 40 20 23 7 405
Educ: Post-grad 10 37 19 32 3 220
Military HH 13 29 22 27 9 361
Not Military HH 10 37 26 21 6 1464
Urban 15 39 27 15 5 407
Suburban 10 35 24 24 7 956
Rural 7 33 29 23 9 462
11: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements
Data breaches are an unavoidable part of the modern world
Agree Neither
Agree nor
Disagree Strongly
Registered Voters 10 35 26 22 7 1825
Use online banking: Yes 11 37 24 23 5 1446
Use online banking: No 10 28 32 17 13 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 16 33 19 23 9 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 7 41 27 22 4 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 12 33 26 18 11 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 32 33 19 12 4 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 12 38 27 17 6 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 5 35 23 29 7 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 8 35 17 26 14 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 11 33 21 27 9 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 6 38 45 10 1 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 17 45 14 17 8 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 12 36 21 25 7 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 7 36 44 9 4 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 9 30 14 32 16 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 23 77 0 0 0 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 0 0 100 0 0 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 0 0 0 76 24 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 18 49 16 13 3 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 5 30 44 17 3 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 8 27 19 33 13 668
12: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements
Data breaches are an unavoidable part of the modern world
Agree Neither Agree
nor Disagree
Disagree N
Registered Voters 46 26 29 1825
Male 49 21 30 851
Female 43 30 28 974
Age: 18-29 52 29 19 294
Age: 30-44 51 25 24 452
Age: 45-64 44 24 33 689
Age: 65+ 38 28 34 390
Ethnicity - White 46 25 29 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 52 32 16 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 42 27 31 235
Ethnicity - Other 47 33 20 61
Democrats (no lean) 47 25 28 687
Independents (no lean) 45 26 29 593
Republicans (no lean) 44 27 29 545
Liberal (1-3) 53 20 26 485
Moderate (4) 46 26 28 537
Conservative (5-7) 41 27 32 701
Northeast 40 29 31 333
Midwest 47 24 28 431
South 44 27 29 678
West 52 22 26 383
New England 44 25 31 95
Mid-Atlantic 39 30 31 238
East North Central 46 22 32 294
West North Central 51 29 21 136
South Atlantic 45 25 30 365
East South Central 38 38 24 118
West South Central 46 24 31 196
Mountain 47 30 24 123
Pacic 54 19 27 260
Protestant 41 25 34 480
Roman Catholic 48 23 29 434
Ath./Agn./None 46 27 27 439
Something Else 49 27 25 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 45 28 27 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 46 25 29 1230
Income: Under 50k 45 31 24 792
Income: 50k-100k 47 23 30 600
Income: 100k+ 45 20 35 434
Educ: < College 44 29 27 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 50 20 30 405
Educ: Post-grad 47 19 34 220
Military HH 42 22 36 361
Not Military HH 47 26 27 1464
Urban 54 27 20 407
Suburban 45 24 31 956
Rural 39 29 32 462
12: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements
Data breaches are an unavoidable part of the modern world
Agree Neither Agree
nor Disagree
Disagree N
Registered Voters 46 26 29 1825
Use online banking: Yes 48 24 28 1446
Use online banking: No 38 32 30 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 49 19 32 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 47 27 26 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 46 26 29 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 65 19 16 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 50 27 23 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 40 23 37 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 43 17 40 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 44 21 36 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 44 45 11 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 62 14 25 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 47 21 32 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 43 44 13 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 39 14 47 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 100 0 0 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 0 100 0 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 0 0 100 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 68 16 16 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 35 44 21 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 34 19 47 668
13: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements
I do not change my behavior with regard to retailers or electronic transactions based on news I hear about data breaches.
Agree Neither
Agree nor
Disagree Strongly
Registered Voters 8 26 30 27 10 1825
Male 6 31 29 26 8 851
Female 9 21 31 28 11 974
Age: 18-29 15 21 29 23 12 294
Age: 30-44 10 25 30 23 12 452
Age: 45-64 4 27 30 30 9 689
Age: 65+ 6 29 30 29 6 390
Ethnicity - White 7 26 31 28 8 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 13 23 33 26 5 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 11 20 27 19 23 235
Ethnicity - Other 11 41 22 17 10 61
Democrats (no lean) 8 28 25 25 13 687
Independents (no lean) 6 25 32 28 8 593
Republicans (no lean) 8 23 33 28 7 545
Liberal (1-3) 10 33 23 26 7 485
Moderate (4) 7 23 33 25 13 537
Conservative (5-7) 7 25 29 30 9 701
Northeast 6 26 31 30 7 333
Midwest 6 31 28 24 11 431
South 9 22 29 29 11 678
West 9 27 33 24 7 383
New England 11 24 27 31 7 95
Mid-Atlantic 4 27 32 29 7 238
East North Central 7 28 25 27 13 294
West North Central 4 35 36 18 6 136
South Atlantic 5 24 29 31 12 365
East South Central 12 22 35 21 10 118
West South Central 16 18 25 29 12 196
Mountain 5 31 33 24 7 123
Pacic 11 26 32 25 7 260
Protestant 10 25 30 28 7 480
Roman Catholic 5 28 28 30 8 434
Ath./Agn./None 5 24 33 26 12 439
Something Else 10 26 29 24 11 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 11 27 30 24 8 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 6 25 30 28 11 1230
Income: Under 50k 8 25 35 22 10 792
Income: 50k-100k 8 26 27 30 10 600
Income: 100k+ 7 27 25 31 10 434
Educ: < College 9 24 32 25 11 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 6 29 27 32 7 405
Educ: Post-grad 5 31 24 31 9 220
Military HH 7 29 27 29 8 361
Not Military HH 8 25 31 26 10 1464
Urban 13 23 27 26 10 407
Suburban 5 29 28 30 8 956
Rural 8 21 36 22 13 462
13: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements
I do not change my behavior with regard to retailers or electronic transactions based on news I hear about data breaches.
Agree Neither
Agree nor
Disagree Strongly
Registered Voters 8 26 30 27 10 1825
Use online banking: Yes 8 27 29 27 9 1446
Use online banking: No 8 22 33 25 11 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 13 26 25 23 13 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 5 27 31 30 6 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 3 24 29 29 16 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 25 34 23 6 12 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 10 31 31 24 5 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 3 22 27 37 11 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 3 16 20 36 25 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 7 20 25 35 13 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 4 33 54 9 1 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 20 46 10 15 9 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 7 25 24 32 11 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 8 28 52 10 2 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 11 23 18 31 16 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 13 36 23 21 6 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 2 19 52 23 4 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 4 15 22 40 20 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 23 77 0 0 0 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 0 0 100 0 0 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 0 0 0 74 26 668
14: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements
I do not change my behavior with regard to retailers or electronic transactions based on news I hear about data breaches.
Agree Neither Agree
nor Disagree
Disagree N
Registered Voters 34 30 37 1825
Male 37 29 34 851
Female 31 31 38 974
Age: 18-29 36 29 35 294
Age: 30-44 35 30 35 452
Age: 45-64 31 30 39 689
Age: 65+ 35 30 35 390
Ethnicity - White 33 31 36 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 36 33 31 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 31 27 41 235
Ethnicity - Other 52 22 27 61
Democrats (no lean) 37 25 38 687
Independents (no lean) 32 32 36 593
Republicans (no lean) 31 33 35 545
Liberal (1-3) 44 23 34 485
Moderate (4) 29 33 38 537
Conservative (5-7) 32 29 39 701
Northeast 32 31 37 333
Midwest 37 28 35 431
South 31 29 40 678
West 36 33 31 383
New England 35 27 38 95
Mid-Atlantic 31 32 37 238
East North Central 35 25 40 294
West North Central 40 36 25 136
South Atlantic 28 29 43 365
East South Central 34 35 31 118
West South Central 34 25 41 196
Mountain 36 33 31 123
Pacic 36 32 31 260
Protestant 35 30 35 480
Roman Catholic 34 28 38 434
Ath./Agn./None 29 33 38 439
Something Else 36 29 35 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 39 30 32 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 31 30 39 1230
Income: Under 50k 33 35 32 792
Income: 50k-100k 34 27 40 600
Income: 100k+ 34 25 41 434
Educ: < College 33 32 35 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 35 27 38 405
Educ: Post-grad 36 24 40 220
Military HH 36 27 37 361
Not Military HH 33 31 37 1464
Urban 37 27 36 407
Suburban 34 28 38 956
Rural 29 36 35 462
14: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements
I do not change my behavior with regard to retailers or electronic transactions based on news I hear about data breaches.
Agree Neither Agree
nor Disagree
Disagree N
Registered Voters 34 30 37 1825
Use online banking: Yes 34 29 37 1446
Use online banking: No 30 33 37 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 39 25 36 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 33 31 36 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 26 29 44 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 59 23 17 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 40 31 29 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 26 27 48 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 19 20 61 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 27 25 49 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 37 54 9 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 66 10 24 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 33 24 43 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 36 52 12 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 34 18 47 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 50 23 27 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 21 52 27 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 19 22 60 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 100 0 0 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 0 100 0 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 0 0 100 668
15: What is your age?
Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ N
Registered Voters 16 25 38 21 1825
Male 11 23 38 28 851
Female 21 26 38 16 974
Age: 18-29 100 0 0 0 294
Age: 30-44 0 100 0 0 452
Age: 45-64 0 0 100 0 689
Age: 65+ 0 0 0 100 390
Ethnicity - White 13 22 41 24 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 39 35 17 8 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 27 37 28 8 235
Ethnicity - Other 31 27 33 9 61
Democrats (no lean) 17 29 34 20 687
Independents (no lean) 22 22 38 19 593
Republicans (no lean) 9 23 42 26 545
Liberal (1-3) 22 31 33 14 485
Moderate (4) 20 25 36 19 537
Conservative (5-7) 8 20 43 29 701
Northeast 13 24 44 19 333
Midwest 22 27 30 20 431
South 12 22 41 26 678
West 20 28 35 17 383
New England 18 22 47 13 95
Mid-Atlantic 11 25 42 22 238
East North Central 25 26 30 19 294
West North Central 16 31 32 21 136
South Atlantic 9 23 39 29 365
East South Central 10 19 47 24 118
West South Central 16 21 41 22 196
Mountain 19 19 41 21 123
Pacic 20 32 33 14 260
Protestant 7 21 37 35 480
Roman Catholic 10 21 44 25 434
Ath./Agn./None 24 33 30 13 439
Something Else 23 25 40 13 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 15 24 34 27 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 17 25 40 19 1230
Income: Under 50k 21 21 35 24 792
Income: 50k-100k 13 28 38 22 600
Income: 100k+ 12 28 43 17 434
Educ: < College 20 24 37 20 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 10 28 40 23 405
Educ: Post-grad 9 23 40 29 220
Military HH 8 11 38 43 361
Not Military HH 18 28 38 16 1464
Urban 21 34 30 16 407
Suburban 14 23 39 24 956
Rural 17 20 43 20 462
15: What is your age?
Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ N
Registered Voters 16 25 38 21 1825
Use online banking: Yes 17 26 38 19 1446
Use online banking: No 14 21 36 30 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 18 23 37 21 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 13 23 40 23 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 17 40 32 11 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 30 36 28 7 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 17 25 36 22 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 14 20 40 26 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 6 35 47 12 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 17 24 36 22 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 15 25 42 18 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 12 30 36 22 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 16 25 37 22 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 15 27 36 21 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 22 14 49 15 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 18 28 36 18 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 18 24 35 23 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 11 21 43 25 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 17 26 35 22 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 16 25 38 22 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 15 24 40 20 668
16: What is your gender?
Male Female N
Registered Voters 47 53 1825
Male 100 0 851
Female 0 100 974
Age: 18-29 32 68 294
Age: 30-44 44 56 452
Age: 45-64 46 54 689
Age: 65+ 61 39 390
Ethnicity - White 47 53 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 37 63 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 41 59 235
Ethnicity - Other 58 42 61
Democrats (no lean) 44 56 687
Independents (no lean) 50 50 593
Republicans (no lean) 46 54 545
Liberal (1-3) 46 54 485
Moderate (4) 45 55 537
Conservative (5-7) 50 50 701
Northeast 50 50 333
Midwest 48 52 431
South 46 54 678
West 43 57 383
New England 52 48 95
Mid-Atlantic 49 51 238
East North Central 51 49 294
West North Central 41 59 136
South Atlantic 51 49 365
East South Central 48 52 118
West South Central 36 64 196
Mountain 40 60 123
Pacic 45 55 260
Protestant 47 53 480
Roman Catholic 53 47 434
Ath./Agn./None 44 56 439
Something Else 43 57 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 48 52 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 46 54 1230
Income: Under 50k 37 63 792
Income: 50k-100k 47 53 600
Income: 100k+ 63 37 434
Educ: < College 38 62 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 61 39 405
Educ: Post-grad 70 30 220
Military HH 58 42 361
Not Military HH 44 56 1464
Urban 51 49 407
Suburban 51 49 956
Rural 33 67 462
16: What is your gender?
Male Female N
Registered Voters 47 53 1825
Use online banking: Yes 47 53 1446
Use online banking: No 46 54 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 44 56 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 49 51 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 56 44 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 28 72 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 47 53 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 48 52 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 63 37 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 46 54 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 44 56 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 56 44 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 48 52 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 46 54 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 37 63 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 50 50 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 38 62 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 49 51 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 51 49 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 45 55 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 44 56 668
17: What is the last grade or class you completed in school?
Registered Voters 0 7 27 4 18 9 22 2 10 1825
Male 0 5 20 4 17 8 29 3 15 851
Female 0 9 34 4 20 10 16 1 5 974
Age: 18-29 0 14 33 2 22 9 13 1 6 294
Age: 30-44 0 8 24 4 18 11 25 2 9 452
Age: 45-64 0 4 26 5 20 8 24 2 11 689
Age: 65+ 0 5 29 4 15 8 23 3 13 390
Ethnicity - White 0 6 26 4 19 9 23 2 11 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 0 15 20 3 27 6 20 2 7 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 8 41 4 16 10 17 2 3 235
Ethnicity - Other 0 4 20 1 11 7 33 8 16 61
Democrats (no lean) 0 9 29 4 18 9 21 2 8 687
Independents (no lean) 1 8 25 4 20 7 23 2 11 593
Republicans (no lean) 0 4 27 4 17 10 23 3 11 545
Liberal (1-3) 0 9 24 4 18 9 24 2 9 485
Moderate (4) 0 5 33 3 22 9 18 2 7 537
Conservative (5-7) 0 4 23 4 16 9 27 2 14 701
Northeast 0 4 25 3 16 9 28 2 11 333
Midwest 0 10 34 5 12 9 21 2 7 431
South 0 8 28 4 21 8 19 3 10 678
West 0 5 20 3 24 11 25 0 11 383
New England 2 4 17 2 21 9 34 0 11 95
Mid-Atlantic 0 4 28 4 14 9 25 3 12 238
East North Central 0 10 37 6 11 7 20 1 7 294
West North Central 0 10 28 3 14 13 21 3 8 136
South Atlantic 0 3 25 4 21 9 24 4 10 365
East South Central 0 14 35 5 21 6 12 0 7 118
West South Central 0 11 29 3 20 6 14 5 12 196
Mountain 0 5 31 5 20 14 13 1 10 123
Pacic 1 5 14 3 26 9 31 0 12 260
Protestant 0 3 24 4 21 10 23 3 12 480
Roman Catholic 0 1 26 4 15 8 30 3 12 434
Ath./Agn./None 0 9 33 2 20 8 17 1 9 439
Something Else 0 14 26 6 17 9 19 2 6 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 0 6 24 4 15 10 25 4 12 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 7 29 4 20 9 21 1 9 1230
Income: Under 50k 0 14 40 5 18 9 9 2 2 792
Income: 50k-100k 0 3 22 5 19 11 28 2 9 600
Income: 100k+ 0 0 10 0 18 5 38 4 25 434
Educ: < College 0 11 41 6 28 14 0 0 0 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 405
Educ: Post-grad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 81 220
Military HH 0 6 22 5 21 10 20 2 14 361
Not Military HH 0 7 28 4 18 9 23 2 9 1464
Urban 0 9 29 2 19 9 20 2 10 407
Suburban 0 4 22 4 18 8 28 3 12 956
Rural 0 10 36 6 20 11 11 2 5 462
17: What is the last grade or class you completed in school?
Registered Voters 0 7 27 4 18 9 22 2 10 1825
Use online banking: Yes 0 6 25 4 19 9 24 3 11 1446
Use online banking: No 0 12 37 5 15 10 14 1 5 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 0 9 24 4 20 9 21 2 10 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 0 3 27 4 19 8 25 3 11 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 0 6 33 4 16 9 22 1 9 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 0 23 26 4 14 6 18 1 8 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 0 7 28 4 20 8 22 2 10 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 0 2 23 4 20 11 25 3 11 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 0 8 26 4 15 8 26 3 12 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 0 7 27 4 18 10 22 2 10 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 1 9 28 4 19 8 20 3 8 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 0 6 28 3 17 6 27 3 11 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 0 6 27 4 17 9 23 2 11 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 1 8 27 4 22 9 20 2 6 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 0 11 31 6 18 7 15 2 10 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 0 9 24 3 18 9 24 3 10 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 1 7 34 5 17 9 18 1 8 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 0 4 26 5 20 8 23 3 12 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 0 10 25 3 17 8 23 3 10 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 1 8 29 5 19 9 20 1 8 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 0 3 28 4 19 10 23 3 10 668
18: Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as..
Republican Democrat Independent Something
Registered Voters 30 38 26 6 1825
Male 29 36 29 5 851
Female 30 39 24 7 974
Age: 18-29 16 40 28 15 294
Age: 30-44 27 44 24 5 452
Age: 45-64 34 34 27 5 689
Age: 65+ 37 35 26 2 390
Ethnicity - White 35 30 28 7 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 28 43 22 6 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 2 83 13 1 235
Ethnicity - Other 25 44 29 2 61
Democrats (no lean) 0 100 0 0 687
Independents (no lean) 0 0 81 19 593
Republicans (no lean) 100 0 0 0 545
Liberal (1-3) 6 68 21 5 485
Moderate (4) 18 40 36 6 537
Conservative (5-7) 56 15 25 3 701
Northeast 33 39 25 4 333
Midwest 22 43 27 8 431
South 34 34 26 6 678
West 28 37 29 6 383
New England 16 45 36 3 95
Mid-Atlantic 40 37 20 4 238
East North Central 24 45 24 7 294
West North Central 18 39 33 10 136
South Atlantic 28 38 29 4 365
East South Central 40 26 21 12 118
West South Central 42 30 22 7 196
Mountain 30 31 34 5 123
Pacic 27 40 26 7 260
Protestant 40 30 26 5 480
Roman Catholic 36 37 25 3 434
Ath./Agn./None 16 41 33 9 439
Something Else 27 43 22 8 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 38 36 22 3 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 26 38 28 7 1230
Income: Under 50k 27 39 25 10 792
Income: 50k-100k 32 36 29 4 600
Income: 100k+ 33 38 27 3 434
Educ: < College 28 40 24 8 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 32 35 30 4 405
Educ: Post-grad 36 29 34 2 220
Military HH 39 30 25 5 361
Not Military HH 28 39 27 6 1464
Urban 24 48 24 4 407
Suburban 32 35 27 6 956
Rural 32 33 26 9 462
18: Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as..
Republican Democrat Independent Something
Registered Voters 30 38 26 6 1825
Use online banking: Yes 30 38 26 5 1446
Use online banking: No 28 36 26 10 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 31 39 25 5 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 31 37 28 5 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 25 42 24 9 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 27 42 21 10 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 32 39 24 6 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 30 37 29 4 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 23 42 29 7 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 27 40 26 6 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 34 32 26 7 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 34 35 27 4 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 31 38 25 6 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 29 36 29 7 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 25 37 34 4 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 29 39 27 5 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 31 36 26 7 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 30 37 26 7 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 28 41 26 4 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 33 31 27 8 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 29 39 26 6 668
19: Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party Movement, or are you not a supporter of the Tea Party
Supporter Not a supporter N
Registered Voters 28 72 1824
Male 26 74 850
Female 29 71 973
Age: 18-29 35 65 293
Age: 30-44 27 73 452
Age: 45-64 26 74 689
Age: 65+ 25 75 389
Ethnicity - White 28 72 1486
Ethnicity - Hispanic 29 71 162
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 21 79 234
Ethnicity - Other 35 65 61
Democrats (no lean) 17 83 687
Independents (no lean) 23 77 592
Republicans (no lean) 45 55 544
Liberal (1-3) 22 78 483
Moderate (4) 15 85 537
Conservative (5-7) 43 57 701
Northeast 23 77 333
Midwest 23 77 430
South 32 68 678
West 29 71 383
New England 25 75 95
Mid-Atlantic 22 78 238
East North Central 26 74 294
West North Central 17 83 136
South Atlantic 22 78 365
East South Central 46 54 118
West South Central 42 58 195
Mountain 30 70 123
Pacic 28 72 260
Protestant 31 69 480
Roman Catholic 26 74 433
Ath./Agn./None 24 76 438
Something Else 30 70 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 35 65 594
Religiosity: LT Monthly 24 76 1230
Income: Under 50k 34 66 790
Income: 50k-100k 29 71 600
Income: 100k+ 15 85 434
Educ: < College 30 70 1198
Educ: Bachelors degree 20 80 405
Educ: Post-grad 26 74 220
Military HH 31 69 359
Not Military HH 27 73 1464
Urban 26 74 406
Suburban 26 74 956
Rural 32 68 462
19: Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party Movement, or are you not a supporter of the Tea Party
Supporter Not a supporter N
Registered Voters 28 72 1824
Use online banking: Yes 27 73 1445
Use online banking: No 30 70 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 31 69 713
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 26 74 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 23 77 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 45 55 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 30 70 712
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 23 77 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 21 79 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 29 71 1195
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 25 75 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 26 74 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 28 72 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 27 73 398
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 29 71 94
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 26 74 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 32 68 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 26 74 521
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 32 68 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 27 73 544
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 24 76 668
20: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal Slightly
Moderate Slightly
Conservative Very
Registered Voters 7 11 8 29 13 15 10 6 1825
Male 8 11 7 28 16 17 9 4 851
Female 7 11 9 30 11 14 11 7 974
Age: 18-29 10 14 12 36 6 7 5 9 294
Age: 30-44 14 12 7 30 12 10 10 6 452
Age: 45-64 5 9 10 28 16 18 9 5 689
Age: 65+ 3 12 3 26 14 23 15 3 390
Ethnicity - White 7 11 7 27 14 18 11 6 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 7 17 11 29 13 8 12 3 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 15 9 11 41 9 5 4 6 235
Ethnicity - Other 5 14 24 29 16 5 3 4 61
Democrats (no lean) 15 21 12 31 8 4 4 5 687
Independents (no lean) 5 7 9 37 15 12 6 9 593
Republicans (no lean) 1 3 2 18 17 34 21 4 545
Liberal (1-3) 28 42 30 0 0 0 0 0 485
Moderate (4) 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 537
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 0 0 34 40 26 0 701
Northeast 6 13 9 30 18 14 6 4 333
Midwest 12 9 8 31 8 12 12 9 431
South 6 10 7 32 14 18 10 4 678
West 7 15 10 22 14 17 10 5 383
New England 7 17 12 29 11 15 6 4 95
Mid-Atlantic 5 11 8 30 20 14 6 5 238
East North Central 9 8 7 34 9 10 13 10 294
West North Central 16 10 10 26 5 15 11 7 136
South Atlantic 7 11 8 36 11 16 7 4 365
East South Central 3 7 0 28 26 17 14 4 118
West South Central 5 8 8 27 11 22 13 6 196
Mountain 5 10 13 21 16 19 9 6 123
Pacic 8 17 8 22 14 16 11 5 260
Protestant 4 6 6 25 15 24 17 2 480
Roman Catholic 5 12 7 29 13 20 11 3 434
Ath./Agn./None 11 16 11 33 10 6 4 10 439
Something Else 10 10 8 31 14 12 7 8 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 7 9 7 24 14 22 15 3 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 8 12 9 32 13 12 7 7 1230
Income: Under 50k 8 10 7 31 11 13 9 9 792
Income: 50k-100k 7 15 9 26 12 15 11 4 600
Income: 100k+ 7 8 8 30 18 19 8 2 434
Educ: < College 7 11 8 33 11 13 9 8 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 9 11 9 23 17 16 13 2 405
Educ: Post-grad 6 11 9 22 17 27 7 1 220
Military HH 4 8 10 25 11 26 12 3 361
Not Military HH 8 12 8 31 14 13 9 6 1464
Urban 11 9 14 31 10 11 9 3 407
Suburban 8 11 6 28 15 17 9 5 956
Rural 3 12 7 30 11 15 13 9 462
20: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal Slightly
Moderate Slightly
Conservative Very
Registered Voters 7 11 8 29 13 15 10 6 1825
Use online banking: Yes 8 11 8 30 14 15 10 4 1446
Use online banking: No 6 10 7 28 12 16 11 11 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 8 10 8 29 12 15 12 5 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 5 13 9 29 14 17 9 4 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 15 11 7 33 13 12 4 3 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 18 11 6 27 12 9 10 6 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 6 13 9 25 13 14 12 7 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 5 10 9 32 14 19 9 3 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 12 7 9 35 14 16 5 2 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 8 13 9 27 13 15 10 5 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 5 8 6 35 15 14 8 10 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 10 8 6 33 10 18 12 2 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 8 12 9 27 14 16 10 5 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 5 9 5 38 11 13 10 9 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 8 5 12 32 13 12 13 6 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 10 12 9 30 11 14 9 5 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 3 9 9 30 18 15 9 9 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 8 11 6 29 12 18 12 4 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 11 12 11 26 10 15 12 3 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 5 10 5 32 14 16 8 10 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 6 11 8 31 15 16 10 4 668
21: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-3) Moderate (4) Conservative
Registered Voters 28 31 41 1723
Male 27 30 43 817
Female 29 33 38 906
Age: 18-29 40 40 21 268
Age: 30-44 35 32 33 424
Age: 45-64 24 30 46 654
Age: 65+ 18 27 55 377
Ethnicity - White 26 29 46 1403
Ethnicity - Hispanic 36 30 34 158
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 37 44 19 220
Ethnicity - Other 45 30 25 59
Democrats (no lean) 51 33 17 656
Independents (no lean) 23 41 36 542
Republicans (no lean) 6 19 75 525
Liberal (1-3) 100 0 0 485
Moderate (4) 0 100 0 537
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 100 701
Northeast 29 31 40 318
Midwest 31 34 35 393
South 23 34 43 648
West 33 23 44 363
New England 36 30 34 92
Mid-Atlantic 26 32 43 227
East North Central 27 38 35 266
West North Central 39 28 33 127
South Atlantic 27 38 35 351
East South Central 11 29 60 113
West South Central 23 29 48 184
Mountain 31 22 47 115
Pacic 34 23 42 248
Protestant 17 26 58 472
Roman Catholic 25 30 45 420
Ath./Agn./None 43 36 21 397
Something Else 30 34 36 435
Religiosity: Monthly+ 23 25 52 579
Religiosity: LT Monthly 31 35 35 1144
Income: Under 50k 28 35 38 720
Income: 50k-100k 32 28 41 576
Income: 100k+ 24 30 46 427
Educ: < College 28 36 36 1106
Educ: Bachelors degree 29 24 47 399
Educ: Post-grad 25 22 52 217
Military HH 23 26 52 349
Not Military HH 30 33 38 1374
Urban 36 32 32 394
Suburban 27 30 44 910
Rural 24 33 43 419
21: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-3) Moderate (4) Conservative
Registered Voters 28 31 41 1723
Use online banking: Yes 29 31 40 1384
Use online banking: No 26 31 43 339
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 28 30 42 681
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 28 31 41 770
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 35 34 31 171
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 38 28 33 168
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 30 27 42 666
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 24 33 43 606
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 29 35 35 178
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 31 28 41 1143
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 21 39 40 386
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 25 34 41 194
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 30 28 42 1269
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 21 41 37 364
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 26 34 41 89
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 33 31 36 795
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 23 32 45 427
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 26 30 44 501
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 36 26 38 592
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 22 36 42 492
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 26 32 42 639
22: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-2) Moderate (3-5) Conservative
Registered Voters 20 54 27 1723
Male 20 54 27 817
Female 20 53 27 906
Age: 18-29 26 60 14 268
Age: 30-44 28 52 21 424
Age: 45-64 14 57 28 654
Age: 65+ 15 45 40 377
Ethnicity - White 19 51 31 1403
Ethnicity - Hispanic 25 55 20 158
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 26 65 10 220
Ethnicity - Other 20 72 9 59
Democrats (no lean) 38 54 8 656
Independents (no lean) 13 68 20 542
Republicans (no lean) 4 39 57 525
Liberal (1-3) 70 30 0 485
Moderate (4) 0 100 0 537
Conservative (5-7) 0 34 66 701
Northeast 19 59 21 318
Midwest 22 52 26 393
South 16 55 29 648
West 23 48 29 363
New England 24 54 22 92
Mid-Atlantic 17 62 21 227
East North Central 20 55 25 266
West North Central 29 44 28 127
South Atlantic 19 58 23 351
East South Central 11 57 32 113
West South Central 14 49 37 184
Mountain 17 53 30 115
Pacic 26 46 28 248
Protestant 10 48 42 472
Roman Catholic 18 51 32 420
Ath./Agn./None 31 59 10 397
Something Else 21 58 21 435
Religiosity: Monthly+ 17 46 37 579
Religiosity: LT Monthly 21 57 21 1144
Income: Under 50k 20 55 25 720
Income: 50k-100k 23 49 28 576
Income: 100k+ 15 57 28 427
Educ: < College 20 56 24 1106
Educ: Bachelors degree 20 51 30 399
Educ: Post-grad 16 48 35 217
Military HH 13 48 40 349
Not Military HH 21 55 23 1374
Urban 21 57 21 394
Suburban 20 53 27 910
Rural 17 52 31 419
22: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-2) Moderate (3-5) Conservative
Registered Voters 20 54 27 1723
Use online banking: Yes 20 54 26 1384
Use online banking: No 18 51 30 339
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 19 51 29 681
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 19 54 27 770
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 28 55 17 171
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 31 48 20 168
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 21 51 28 666
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 15 56 29 606
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 20 59 21 178
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 22 51 27 1143
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 14 62 24 386
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 18 51 31 194
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 21 52 27 1269
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 16 59 25 364
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 13 60 27 89
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 23 53 24 795
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 13 61 26 427
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 20 49 32 501
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 24 48 27 592
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 17 57 26 492
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 17 56 27 639
23: Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish back-
Yes No N
Registered Voters 9 91 1825
Male 7 93 851
Female 10 90 974
Age: 18-29 21 79 294
Age: 30-44 13 87 452
Age: 45-64 4 96 689
Age: 65+ 3 97 390
Ethnicity - White 7 93 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 100 0 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 5 95 235
Ethnicity - Other 0 100 61
Democrats (no lean) 10 90 687
Independents (no lean) 8 92 593
Republicans (no lean) 8 92 545
Liberal (1-3) 12 88 485
Moderate (4) 9 91 537
Conservative (5-7) 8 92 701
Northeast 7 93 333
Midwest 3 97 431
South 7 93 678
West 20 80 383
New England 5 95 95
Mid-Atlantic 8 92 238
East North Central 4 96 294
West North Central 2 98 136
South Atlantic 5 95 365
East South Central 4 96 118
West South Central 12 88 196
Mountain 12 88 123
Pacic 24 76 260
Protestant 5 95 480
Roman Catholic 11 89 434
Ath./Agn./None 13 87 439
Something Else 7 93 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 10 90 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 8 92 1230
Income: Under 50k 10 90 792
Income: 50k-100k 9 91 600
Income: 100k+ 8 92 434
Educ: < College 10 90 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 8 92 405
Educ: Post-grad 7 93 220
Military HH 7 93 361
Not Military HH 9 91 1464
Urban 17 83 407
Suburban 7 93 956
Rural 6 94 462
23: Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish back-
Yes No N
Registered Voters 9 91 1825
Use online banking: Yes 9 91 1446
Use online banking: No 10 90 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 11 89 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 6 94 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 9 91 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 19 81 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 11 89 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 4 96 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 5 95 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 8 92 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 10 90 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 9 91 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 7 93 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 12 88 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 18 82 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 10 90 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 11 89 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 5 95 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 10 90 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 10 90 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 7 93 668
24: Which term below best describes your race or background?
Black White Other N
Registered Voters 1 3 13 81 2 1825
Male 1 4 11 83 1 851
Female 1 3 14 80 2 974
Age: 18-29 3 8 22 64 3 294
Age: 30-44 1 3 19 73 4 452
Age: 45-64 0 3 9 87 0 689
Age: 65+ 0 2 5 93 0 390
Ethnicity - White 0 0 0 100 0 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 7 5 7 67 14 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 0 100 0 0 235
Ethnicity - Other 7 84 0 0 9 61
Democrats (no lean) 1 4 28 64 3 687
Independents (no lean) 2 3 6 88 1 593
Republicans (no lean) 0 3 1 96 0 545
Liberal (1-3) 0 6 17 74 3 485
Moderate (4) 2 3 18 75 1 537
Conservative (5-7) 0 2 6 91 1 701
Northeast 0 3 7 87 2 333
Midwest 2 2 20 76 0 431
South 1 3 15 81 0 678
West 0 6 6 84 4 383
New England 0 3 5 90 2 95
Mid-Atlantic 0 3 8 86 2 238
East North Central 3 3 28 66 0 294
West North Central 0 0 4 96 0 136
South Atlantic 1 3 13 83 0 365
East South Central 0 0 9 91 0 118
West South Central 1 4 22 73 0 196
Mountain 1 1 4 92 2 123
Pacic 0 8 7 79 6 260
Protestant 0 2 9 88 0 480
Roman Catholic 1 1 5 90 3 434
Ath./Agn./None 1 3 15 78 2 439
Something Else 1 7 21 69 1 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 1 5 14 79 2 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 3 12 83 2 1230
Income: Under 50k 1 2 15 81 1 792
Income: 50k-100k 1 4 12 82 2 600
Income: 100k+ 0 5 11 82 1 434
Educ: < College 1 2 15 80 2 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 0 5 10 83 1 405
Educ: Post-grad 1 6 5 88 1 220
Military HH 0 3 11 85 1 361
Not Military HH 1 3 13 81 2 1464
Urban 3 4 23 68 2 407
Suburban 0 4 9 86 1 956
Rural 0 1 12 85 2 462
24: Which term below best describes your race or background?
Black White Other N
Registered Voters 1 3 13 81 2 1825
Use online banking: Yes 1 3 12 83 2 1446
Use online banking: No 2 3 17 77 1 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 0 4 12 81 2 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 1 4 12 83 1 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 3 1 17 79 1 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 0 5 12 79 5 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 1 4 13 81 1 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 0 3 11 85 1 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 2 2 15 79 1 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 1 3 15 80 2 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 2 4 10 82 2 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 0 3 9 89 0 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 0 3 12 83 1 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 2 3 13 80 3 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 3 5 22 67 2 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 1 4 12 82 2 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 2 4 13 79 2 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 0 2 14 83 1 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 0 6 12 80 2 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 1 2 12 84 2 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 1 2 15 81 1 668
25: Are you a member of a labor union?
Public Sector
Private Sector
Not in Labor
Registered Voters 5 2 93 1825
Male 5 4 91 851
Female 5 1 94 974
Age: 18-29 5 3 93 294
Age: 30-44 6 3 91 452
Age: 45-64 6 2 93 689
Age: 65+ 2 3 95 390
Ethnicity - White 4 3 93 1486
Ethnicity - Hispanic 4 6 90 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 6 0 94 235
Ethnicity - Other 13 2 85 61
Democrats (no lean) 7 3 91 687
Independents (no lean) 3 1 96 593
Republicans (no lean) 5 3 92 545
Liberal (1-3) 7 2 91 485
Moderate (4) 4 3 93 537
Conservative (5-7) 4 3 94 701
Northeast 10 7 83 333
Midwest 4 2 94 431
South 2 1 97 678
West 7 1 92 383
New England 10 4 86 95
Mid-Atlantic 11 9 81 238
East North Central 5 2 93 294
West North Central 2 1 97 136
South Atlantic 2 2 96 365
East South Central 3 0 97 118
West South Central 0 2 98 196
Mountain 7 1 92 123
Pacic 6 1 93 260
Protestant 3 4 93 480
Roman Catholic 6 4 90 434
Ath./Agn./None 5 1 93 439
Something Else 5 1 94 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 4 91 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 5 2 94 1230
Income: Under 50k 3 2 95 792
Income: 50k-100k 6 4 90 600
Income: 100k+ 7 1 92 434
Educ: < College 4 2 94 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 6 3 92 405
Educ: Post-grad 9 2 89 220
Military HH 4 2 94 361
Not Military HH 5 3 93 1464
Urban 5 4 91 407
Suburban 5 3 92 956
Rural 4 1 95 462
25: Are you a member of a labor union?
Public Sector
Private Sector
Not in Labor
Registered Voters 5 2 93 1825
Use online banking: Yes 6 3 92 1446
Use online banking: No 2 2 96 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 7 3 90 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 4 2 94 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 2 3 95 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 12 3 84 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 5 2 93 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 4 3 93 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 3 4 93 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 5 3 92 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 4 1 95 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 4 5 92 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 5 3 92 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 4 1 95 398
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 6 4 90 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 5 2 93 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 5 2 93 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 5 3 92 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 6 3 91 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 3 3 95 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 5 2 93 668
26: What is your current marital status?
Married Separated Divorced Widowed Living
with a
Registered Voters 18 58 2 11 7 5 1825
Male 17 60 2 9 7 5 851
Female 19 56 2 13 6 5 974
Age: 18-29 52 36 3 1 1 7 294
Age: 30-44 24 54 3 9 0 9 452
Age: 45-64 8 68 1 14 4 4 689
Age: 65+ 3 59 1 14 22 2 390
Ethnicity - White 15 60 2 12 7 5 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 32 48 3 8 5 5 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 32 50 1 7 3 7 235
Ethnicity - Other 33 54 0 8 3 1 61
Democrats (no lean) 23 51 2 10 7 7 687
Independents (no lean) 18 56 3 13 6 4 593
Republicans (no lean) 12 68 1 9 7 4 545
Liberal (1-3) 29 44 3 10 6 8 485
Moderate (4) 17 57 2 11 8 5 537
Conservative (5-7) 11 67 1 11 7 3 701
Northeast 19 62 2 8 4 5 333
Midwest 21 57 2 12 3 6 431
South 13 59 2 10 11 4 678
West 22 52 2 12 5 7 383
New England 21 58 0 10 4 7 95
Mid-Atlantic 18 64 3 7 4 4 238
East North Central 18 60 1 10 3 7 294
West North Central 26 50 2 15 4 3 136
South Atlantic 14 56 4 12 9 6 365
East South Central 9 68 0 9 10 3 118
West South Central 14 60 1 8 14 2 196
Mountain 17 60 2 11 5 4 123
Pacic 25 48 1 13 6 7 260
Protestant 12 61 1 13 11 3 480
Roman Catholic 13 68 1 7 7 4 434
Ath./Agn./None 28 42 4 13 3 9 439
Something Else 19 59 2 10 5 5 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 15 64 2 9 8 3 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 19 55 2 12 6 6 1230
Income: Under 50k 25 42 3 16 10 5 792
Income: 50k-100k 15 66 2 8 5 4 600
Income: 100k+ 9 74 1 6 3 7 434
Educ: < College 21 52 2 12 7 6 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 13 67 1 8 5 5 405
Educ: Post-grad 9 73 1 7 9 2 220
Military HH 9 68 2 10 7 3 361
Not Military HH 20 55 2 11 6 6 1464
Urban 30 44 2 9 7 8 407
Suburban 15 60 1 12 6 6 956
Rural 13 65 3 11 7 2 462
26: What is your current marital status?
Married Separated Divorced Widowed Living
with a
Registered Voters 18 58 2 11 7 5 1825
Use online banking: Yes 18 58 2 10 6 6 1446
Use online banking: No 18 55 2 12 10 3 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 15 59 2 12 6 5 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 17 61 1 9 7 5 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 29 47 3 10 5 7 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 22 54 5 10 3 6 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 17 58 2 11 7 5 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 16 60 1 10 7 5 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 21 55 2 12 5 5 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 18 57 2 12 7 5 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 18 60 3 7 6 5 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 19 59 0 9 4 8 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 18 59 2 10 6 5 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 19 56 2 13 7 4 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 16 53 4 10 10 8 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 19 57 2 10 6 6 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 23 51 2 10 9 6 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 11 65 1 13 6 4 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 17 55 1 13 8 6 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 19 56 2 9 8 6 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 18 61 3 10 5 4 668
27: Thinking about your religion, are you ..
Protestant Roman
Ath./Agn./None Something
Registered Voters 26 24 24 26 1825
Male 27 27 23 24 851
Female 26 21 25 28 974
Age: 18-29 12 15 37 37 294
Age: 30-44 22 20 32 26 452
Age: 45-64 26 28 19 27 689
Age: 65+ 43 27 14 15 390
Ethnicity - White 28 26 23 22 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 14 30 35 21 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 19 9 29 43 235
Ethnicity - Other 19 7 23 51 61
Democrats (no lean) 21 23 26 30 687
Independents (no lean) 25 20 31 24 593
Republicans (no lean) 35 28 13 24 545
Liberal (1-3) 16 22 35 27 485
Moderate (4) 23 23 27 27 537
Conservative (5-7) 39 27 12 22 701
Northeast 14 44 21 20 333
Midwest 27 20 28 24 431
South 32 18 19 31 678
West 25 20 31 23 383
New England 10 57 18 15 95
Mid-Atlantic 16 40 22 23 238
East North Central 24 21 30 25 294
West North Central 35 19 24 22 136
South Atlantic 30 20 20 30 365
East South Central 39 11 21 29 118
West South Central 31 18 15 36 196
Mountain 28 23 24 25 123
Pacic 24 19 35 22 260
Protestant 100 0 0 0 480
Roman Catholic 0 100 0 0 434
Ath./Agn./None 0 0 100 0 439
Something Else 0 0 0 100 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 36 32 3 28 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 21 20 34 25 1230
Income: Under 50k 26 16 25 32 792
Income: 50k-100k 28 26 22 24 600
Income: 100k+ 24 34 24 18 434
Educ: < College 25 20 27 29 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 28 32 18 22 405
Educ: Post-grad 31 29 22 18 220
Military HH 32 28 16 24 361
Not Military HH 25 23 26 26 1464
Urban 23 23 26 29 407
Suburban 25 28 22 25 956
Rural 33 16 27 25 462
27: Thinking about your religion, are you ..
Protestant Roman
Ath./Agn./None Something
Registered Voters 26 24 24 26 1825
Use online banking: Yes 25 26 25 24 1446
Use online banking: No 30 17 21 32 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 27 26 22 25 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 27 25 24 24 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 22 16 29 33 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 15 22 28 35 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 27 25 24 24 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 29 24 22 25 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 26 23 21 30 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 28 23 24 26 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 21 26 25 28 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 29 25 22 24 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 27 24 24 25 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 24 24 24 28 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 24 17 22 37 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 24 25 24 28 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 26 22 26 27 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 31 24 23 22 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 28 24 21 28 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 26 23 26 25 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 25 25 25 25 668
28: Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not? (Among Protestants)
Yes No N
Registered Voters 38 62 1234
Male 33 67 566
Female 43 57 668
Age: 18-29 46 54 157
Age: 30-44 37 63 290
Age: 45-64 37 63 499
Age: 65+ 38 62 288
Ethnicity - White 35 65 1025
Ethnicity - Hispanic 51 49 96
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 56 44 154
Ethnicity - Other 34 66 27
Democrats (no lean) 40 60 426
Independents (no lean) 35 65 367
Republicans (no lean) 39 61 441
Liberal (1-3) 33 67 265
Moderate (4) 31 69 350
Conservative (5-7) 45 55 567
Northeast 14 86 222
Midwest 41 59 286
South 48 52 500
West 35 65 226
New England 12 88 72
Mid-Atlantic 15 85 150
East North Central 40 60 192
West North Central 41 59 94
South Atlantic 43 57 256
East South Central 68 32 89
West South Central 46 54 156
Mountain 39 61 79
Pacic 33 67 146
Protestant 52 48 473
Roman Catholic 13 87 427
Something Else 51 49 334
Religiosity: Monthly+ 49 51 523
Religiosity: LT Monthly 30 70 711
Income: Under 50k 46 54 539
Income: 50k-100k 40 60 423
Income: 100k+ 19 81 272
Educ: < College 45 55 803
Educ: Bachelors degree 26 74 287
Educ: Post-grad 27 73 145
Military HH 40 60 272
Not Military HH 37 63 962
Urban 37 63 262
Suburban 32 68 648
Rural 51 49 324
28: Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not? (Among Protestants)
Yes No N
Registered Voters 38 62 1234
Use online banking: Yes 36 64 970
Use online banking: No 46 54 264
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 40 60 506
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 36 64 539
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 38 62 103
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 55 45 117
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 41 59 492
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 33 67 420
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 32 68 126
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 39 61 802
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 39 61 294
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 30 70 139
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 38 62 906
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 34 66 261
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 51 49 67
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 35 65 562
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 50 50 311
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 32 68 362
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 39 61 436
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 42 58 355
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 34 66 443
29: Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious servicesmore than once a week, once a week, once
or twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never?
once a
Once a
Once or
twice a
A few
times a
Seldom Never N
Registered Voters 7 19 7 18 28 21 1825
Male 8 19 7 18 26 23 851
Female 6 19 7 17 30 21 974
Age: 18-29 4 17 9 14 31 25 294
Age: 30-44 7 17 7 18 26 25 452
Age: 45-64 6 18 5 22 27 21 689
Age: 65+ 9 25 8 13 30 15 390
Ethnicity - White 6 19 6 18 27 23 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 7 18 12 17 22 25 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 9 22 5 12 41 11 235
Ethnicity - Other 9 22 11 18 18 21 61
Democrats (no lean) 7 17 7 17 30 22 687
Independents (no lean) 5 15 6 18 29 28 593
Republicans (no lean) 9 25 8 18 25 15 545
Liberal (1-3) 5 15 7 17 24 31 485
Moderate (4) 3 17 6 20 32 22 537
Conservative (5-7) 11 25 7 18 27 13 701
Northeast 4 18 6 22 27 22 333
Midwest 6 19 5 14 31 25 431
South 9 21 8 19 28 15 678
West 6 17 7 16 26 28 383
New England 4 16 2 22 25 30 95
Mid-Atlantic 4 18 8 22 28 19 238
East North Central 4 21 4 11 33 26 294
West North Central 9 16 7 20 26 22 136
South Atlantic 10 18 10 19 27 15 365
East South Central 2 20 4 25 35 15 118
West South Central 11 26 7 15 24 17 196
Mountain 6 18 8 13 23 32 123
Pacic 6 16 6 17 28 26 260
Protestant 10 27 8 17 28 9 480
Roman Catholic 6 32 6 21 26 9 434
Ath./Agn./None 2 0 2 9 33 55 439
Something Else 9 16 10 24 26 15 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 21 58 21 0 0 0 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 0 0 26 42 32 1230
Income: Under 50k 8 16 7 17 28 24 792
Income: 50k-100k 7 22 8 17 24 22 600
Income: 100k+ 5 20 5 19 34 16 434
Educ: < College 6 17 6 17 31 23 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 7 21 8 21 23 20 405
Educ: Post-grad 11 27 6 18 20 18 220
Military HH 8 18 7 21 27 18 361
Not Military HH 6 19 7 17 28 22 1464
Urban 9 18 8 12 28 25 407
Suburban 5 21 7 20 26 21 956
Rural 8 16 5 18 33 20 462
29: Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious servicesmore than once a week, once a week, once
or twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never?
once a
Once a
Once or
twice a
A few
times a
Seldom Never N
Registered Voters 7 19 7 18 28 21 1825
Use online banking: Yes 6 18 7 19 29 21 1446
Use online banking: No 8 23 6 14 24 25 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 10 16 7 19 29 18 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 5 21 8 17 30 21 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 5 22 7 17 22 26 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 18 15 6 19 19 23 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 6 23 7 18 28 18 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 4 17 8 17 33 21 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 3 16 6 22 25 29 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 7 19 7 18 29 20 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 5 21 7 16 28 23 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 9 17 5 19 22 28 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 8 20 7 17 28 20 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 3 18 5 19 29 25 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 5 15 8 17 28 28 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 6 19 6 18 29 21 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 8 22 6 17 29 18 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 7 16 8 18 26 25 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 9 20 8 16 24 22 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 6 21 6 17 30 21 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 5 16 6 20 30 21 668
30: Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 now living in your household?
Yes No N
Registered Voters 25 75 1825
Male 18 82 851
Female 31 69 974
Age: 18-29 39 61 294
Age: 30-44 50 50 452
Age: 45-64 18 82 689
Age: 65+ 1 99 390
Ethnicity - White 22 78 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 38 62 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 39 61 235
Ethnicity - Other 37 63 61
Democrats (no lean) 25 75 687
Independents (no lean) 27 73 593
Republicans (no lean) 24 76 545
Liberal (1-3) 29 71 485
Moderate (4) 29 71 537
Conservative (5-7) 21 79 701
Northeast 28 72 333
Midwest 32 68 431
South 22 78 678
West 21 79 383
New England 31 69 95
Mid-Atlantic 26 74 238
East North Central 35 65 294
West North Central 25 75 136
South Atlantic 24 76 365
East South Central 19 81 118
West South Central 22 78 196
Mountain 19 81 123
Pacic 22 78 260
Protestant 17 83 480
Roman Catholic 23 77 434
Ath./Agn./None 28 72 439
Something Else 34 66 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 26 74 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 25 75 1230
Income: Under 50k 26 74 792
Income: 50k-100k 24 76 600
Income: 100k+ 26 74 434
Educ: < College 26 74 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 24 76 405
Educ: Post-grad 22 78 220
Military HH 15 85 361
Not Military HH 28 72 1464
Urban 22 78 407
Suburban 24 76 956
Rural 30 70 462
30: Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 now living in your household?
Yes No N
Registered Voters 25 75 1825
Use online banking: Yes 27 73 1446
Use online banking: No 18 82 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 30 70 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 24 76 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 20 80 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 48 52 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 26 74 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 20 80 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 23 77 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 28 72 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 20 80 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 21 79 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 26 74 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 21 79 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 32 68 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 27 73 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 25 75 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 22 78 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 30 70 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 21 79 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 24 76 668
31: Would you consider where you live
an urban area a suburban area a rural area N
Registered Voters 22 52 25 1825
Male 25 58 18 851
Female 20 48 32 974
Age: 18-29 29 45 26 294
Age: 30-44 30 49 21 452
Age: 45-64 18 54 29 689
Age: 65+ 16 60 24 390
Ethnicity - White 19 55 26 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 42 40 18 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 39 37 24 235
Ethnicity - Other 27 65 8 61
Democrats (no lean) 29 49 22 687
Independents (no lean) 19 53 27 593
Republicans (no lean) 18 56 27 545
Liberal (1-3) 29 50 21 485
Moderate (4) 24 50 26 537
Conservative (5-7) 18 56 26 701
Northeast 25 59 16 333
Midwest 20 51 29 431
South 20 48 32 678
West 28 55 16 383
New England 18 58 25 95
Mid-Atlantic 27 60 13 238
East North Central 17 53 30 294
West North Central 24 48 27 136
South Atlantic 17 56 27 365
East South Central 8 40 52 118
West South Central 31 39 30 196
Mountain 23 60 18 123
Pacic 31 53 16 260
Protestant 19 49 31 480
Roman Catholic 22 61 17 434
Ath./Agn./None 24 48 28 439
Something Else 25 51 24 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 24 54 23 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 22 52 27 1230
Income: Under 50k 25 42 33 792
Income: 50k-100k 21 57 22 600
Income: 100k+ 18 66 16 434
Educ: < College 23 45 32 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 20 67 13 405
Educ: Post-grad 23 64 13 220
Military HH 19 51 30 361
Not Military HH 23 53 24 1464
Urban 100 0 0 407
Suburban 0 100 0 956
Rural 0 0 100 462
31: Would you consider where you live
an urban area a suburban area a rural area N
Registered Voters 22 52 25 1825
Use online banking: Yes 22 55 23 1446
Use online banking: No 24 42 33 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 21 50 29 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 23 56 22 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 30 49 21 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 18 51 31 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 26 50 24 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 19 56 25 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 27 55 18 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 21 53 26 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 22 52 26 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 31 50 19 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 20 54 25 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 27 48 25 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 29 44 28 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 26 52 22 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 23 48 29 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 15 57 28 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 25 53 22 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 20 49 30 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 22 54 24 668
32: How would you describe your present employment situation?
Job in
Job in
Student Retired Un -
Other N
Registered Voters 31 6 8 12 4 25 9 4 1825
Male 33 7 11 1 3 32 9 4 851
Female 28 6 6 20 5 19 10 5 974
Age: 18-29 24 4 11 18 23 0 15 5 294
Age: 30-44 50 6 11 14 1 2 11 5 452
Age: 45-64 33 10 7 13 1 21 9 6 689
Age: 65+ 8 1 5 2 0 79 3 1 390
Ethnicity - White 32 5 9 11 3 29 8 5 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 28 7 8 19 12 12 10 3 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 22 10 9 15 9 13 18 5 235
Ethnicity - Other 50 12 6 2 14 12 1 3 61
Democrats (no lean) 27 8 10 10 6 26 9 4 687
Independents (no lean) 29 4 7 13 4 23 13 6 593
Republicans (no lean) 36 6 8 11 2 28 5 4 545
Liberal (1-3) 32 7 10 10 9 20 10 3 485
Moderate (4) 29 7 7 13 4 24 11 6 537
Conservative (5-7) 32 6 9 11 1 31 6 4 701
Northeast 36 9 8 8 5 22 9 4 333
Midwest 32 4 9 12 4 25 9 5 431
South 26 6 7 14 3 29 10 5 678
West 34 5 10 10 6 22 9 4 383
New England 35 8 15 10 8 14 7 4 95
Mid-Atlantic 36 9 5 7 4 25 9 4 238
East North Central 31 3 9 13 3 24 12 5 294
West North Central 33 8 9 9 7 27 3 5 136
South Atlantic 25 7 8 10 3 33 9 5 365
East South Central 27 9 2 17 3 24 13 5 118
West South Central 25 4 8 21 3 26 9 5 196
Mountain 31 8 8 11 1 27 11 3 123
Pacic 35 4 11 10 8 20 8 5 260
Protestant 29 7 7 7 2 36 8 5 480
Roman Catholic 34 8 7 8 2 30 7 3 434
Ath./Agn./None 31 3 9 15 7 18 11 5 439
Something Else 29 6 10 17 6 17 11 5 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 29 7 10 11 3 30 7 4 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 31 6 8 12 5 23 11 5 1230
Income: Under 50k 22 2 7 13 5 28 15 7 792
Income: 50k-100k 33 7 10 10 4 27 5 4 600
Income: 100k+ 42 11 8 10 4 19 4 2 434
Educ: < College 24 4 9 15 6 24 12 6 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 47 7 7 4 1 27 5 1 405
Educ: Post-grad 35 14 7 4 1 29 5 5 220
Military HH 18 8 7 6 2 48 8 3 361
Not Military HH 34 6 9 13 5 20 10 5 1464
Urban 32 5 9 12 7 20 11 4 407
Suburban 35 7 8 7 4 28 7 4 956
Rural 20 5 8 21 3 25 11 7 462
32: How would you describe your present employment situation?
Job in
Job in
Student Retired Un -
Other N
Registered Voters 31 6 8 12 4 25 9 4 1825
Use online banking: Yes 33 7 8 11 4 24 8 4 1446
Use online banking: No 19 4 11 12 5 31 12 6 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 29 7 8 13 3 27 8 5 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 32 6 7 11 5 27 8 5 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 34 6 20 11 5 12 10 3 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 35 4 11 17 4 12 9 8 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 32 6 8 14 4 24 8 4 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 30 6 6 10 4 31 8 4 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 33 7 17 6 4 17 12 4 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 28 6 9 12 5 26 10 5 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 35 5 7 12 3 25 9 5 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 34 10 10 11 5 25 4 2 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 30 6 9 11 4 26 9 4 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 31 7 6 11 6 25 10 4 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 35 9 2 18 5 18 6 9 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 33 6 10 11 6 21 8 4 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 30 7 7 11 4 27 9 5 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 27 6 6 12 2 31 11 5 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 33 5 11 9 5 25 9 4 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 31 6 7 12 4 25 10 5 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 28 7 7 13 4 26 9 5 668
33: Many people werent able to vote in the election for President and other oces in 2012. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2012 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 89 11 1825
Male 91 9 851
Female 87 13 974
Age: 18-29 74 26 294
Age: 30-44 90 10 452
Age: 45-64 90 10 689
Age: 65+ 97 3 390
Ethnicity - White 89 11 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 74 26 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 93 7 235
Ethnicity - Other 87 13 61
Democrats (no lean) 92 8 687
Independents (no lean) 82 18 593
Republicans (no lean) 92 8 545
Liberal (1-3) 88 12 485
Moderate (4) 88 12 537
Conservative (5-7) 94 6 701
Northeast 91 9 333
Midwest 89 11 431
South 88 12 678
West 88 12 383
New England 95 5 95
Mid-Atlantic 89 11 238
East North Central 86 14 294
West North Central 97 3 136
South Atlantic 90 10 365
East South Central 79 21 118
West South Central 89 11 196
Mountain 89 11 123
Pacic 87 13 260
Protestant 95 5 480
Roman Catholic 92 8 434
Ath./Agn./None 83 17 439
Something Else 85 15 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 92 8 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 87 13 1230
Income: Under 50k 83 17 792
Income: 50k-100k 93 7 600
Income: 100k+ 95 5 434
Educ: < College 84 16 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 97 3 405
Educ: Post-grad 99 1 220
Military HH 93 7 361
Not Military HH 88 12 1464
Urban 87 13 407
Suburban 92 8 956
Rural 84 16 462
33: Many people werent able to vote in the election for President and other oces in 2012. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2012 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 89 11 1825
Use online banking: Yes 91 9 1446
Use online banking: No 83 17 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 91 9 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 90 10 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 87 13 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 82 18 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 89 11 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 94 6 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 87 13 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 88 12 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 91 9 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 92 8 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 90 10 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 88 12 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 80 20 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 89 11 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 87 13 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 91 9 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 91 9 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 86 14 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 90 10 668
34: In the 2012 election for President, did you vote for Democrat Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney?
Barack Obama
Republican Mitt
Someone else N
Registered Voters 52 44 4 1616
Male 53 42 5 771
Female 51 45 3 845
Age: 18-29 66 29 5 215
Age: 30-44 61 34 5 407
Age: 45-64 47 49 4 618
Age: 65+ 43 54 2 376
Ethnicity - White 44 52 4 1326
Ethnicity - Hispanic 68 32 0 120
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 96 4 0 215
Ethnicity - Other 66 24 10 53
Democrats (no lean) 93 6 1 631
Independents (no lean) 45 45 10 486
Republicans (no lean) 8 90 2 499
Liberal (1-3) 88 10 2 428
Moderate (4) 62 33 5 466
Conservative (5-7) 22 74 3 654
Northeast 53 44 2 303
Midwest 59 38 2 384
South 48 49 4 594
West 51 40 8 335
New England 63 35 2 90
Mid-Atlantic 49 48 2 212
East North Central 59 39 2 253
West North Central 60 37 3 131
South Atlantic 54 43 3 329
East South Central 28 69 2 93
West South Central 45 49 6 172
Mountain 46 51 3 109
Pacic 54 35 11 226
Protestant 41 55 4 452
Roman Catholic 45 51 3 400
Ath./Agn./None 68 28 5 360
Something Else 58 38 5 403
Religiosity: Monthly+ 45 53 3 547
Religiosity: LT Monthly 56 39 5 1069
Income: Under 50k 53 42 5 650
Income: 50k-100k 53 43 4 554
Income: 100k+ 50 47 3 411
Educ: < College 53 43 4 1007
Educ: Bachelors degree 51 45 3 392
Educ: Post-grad 49 47 4 217
Military HH 44 52 4 335
Not Military HH 54 42 4 1280
Urban 68 28 4 353
Suburban 49 48 3 876
Rural 46 48 6 386
34: In the 2012 election for President, did you vote for Democrat Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney?
Barack Obama
Republican Mitt
Someone else N
Registered Voters 52 44 4 1616
Use online banking: Yes 53 43 4 1303
Use online banking: No 50 45 4 312
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 53 43 4 650
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 52 44 4 722
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 57 39 4 152
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 56 44 1 146
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 56 41 4 631
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 48 47 5 580
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 58 39 4 158
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 54 43 3 1045
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 49 46 5 390
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 49 47 4 181
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 52 44 3 1192
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 50 44 5 349
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 60 32 8 75
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 54 42 4 740
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 51 44 5 406
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 50 46 4 470
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 55 42 2 556
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 48 46 6 465
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 53 44 4 595
35: Many people werent able to vote in the election for Congress and other oces in 2010. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2010 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 77 23 1825
Male 81 19 851
Female 74 26 974
Age: 18-29 55 45 294
Age: 30-44 74 26 452
Age: 45-64 81 19 689
Age: 65+ 90 10 390
Ethnicity - White 79 21 1487
Ethnicity - Hispanic 65 35 163
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 72 28 235
Ethnicity - Other 67 33 61
Democrats (no lean) 77 23 687
Independents (no lean) 70 30 593
Republicans (no lean) 85 15 545
Liberal (1-3) 70 30 485
Moderate (4) 76 24 537
Conservative (5-7) 86 14 701
Northeast 80 20 333
Midwest 74 26 431
South 75 25 678
West 81 19 383
New England 80 20 95
Mid-Atlantic 80 20 238
East North Central 78 22 294
West North Central 67 33 136
South Atlantic 74 26 365
East South Central 72 28 118
West South Central 78 22 196
Mountain 82 18 123
Pacic 81 19 260
Protestant 82 18 480
Roman Catholic 85 15 434
Ath./Agn./None 68 32 439
Something Else 73 27 473
Religiosity: Monthly+ 83 17 595
Religiosity: LT Monthly 74 26 1230
Income: Under 50k 69 31 792
Income: 50k-100k 79 21 600
Income: 100k+ 90 10 434
Educ: < College 70 30 1200
Educ: Bachelors degree 90 10 405
Educ: Post-grad 95 5 220
Military HH 87 13 361
Not Military HH 75 25 1464
Urban 69 31 407
Suburban 82 18 956
Rural 75 25 462
35: Many people werent able to vote in the election for Congress and other oces in 2010. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2010 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 77 23 1825
Use online banking: Yes 79 21 1446
Use online banking: No 68 32 379
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 83 17 714
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 77 23 803
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 70 30 177
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 78 22 179
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 77 23 713
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 82 18 624
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 70 30 183
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 77 23 1197
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 77 23 430
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 80 20 199
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 78 22 1332
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 76 24 399
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 73 27 95
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 76 24 835
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 73 27 468
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 83 17 523
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 81 19 612
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 74 26 545
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 76 24 668
36: In the 2010 election for U.S. House, did you vote for the Democratic U.S. House candidate, the Republican U.S. House
candidate or someone else?
Democratic U.S.
House candidate
Republican U.S.
House candidate
Someone else N
Registered Voters 48 47 5 1399
Male 45 49 5 684
Female 51 45 5 715
Age: 18-29 52 43 5 160
Age: 30-44 57 36 7 336
Age: 45-64 45 50 5 553
Age: 65+ 42 54 4 350
Ethnicity - White 42 53 6 1171
Ethnicity - Hispanic 54 41 5 106
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 90 10 0 167
Ethnicity - Other 54 39 7 41
Democrats (no lean) 92 7 1 525
Independents (no lean) 39 46 14 412
Republicans (no lean) 6 92 2 463
Liberal (1-3) 84 13 3 338
Moderate (4) 54 37 9 403
Conservative (5-7) 25 72 3 601
Northeast 47 50 4 267
Midwest 57 36 7 316
South 46 51 3 506
West 44 48 8 310
New England 65 33 1 76
Mid-Atlantic 39 57 4 191
East North Central 59 36 5 225
West North Central 52 37 11 90
South Atlantic 54 42 4 270
East South Central 32 67 0 84
West South Central 40 57 3 152
Mountain 37 56 7 100
Pacic 47 44 9 210
Protestant 34 62 4 393
Roman Catholic 43 50 6 363
Ath./Agn./None 63 28 9 297
Something Else 56 42 2 345
Religiosity: Monthly+ 42 55 3 489
Religiosity: LT Monthly 52 42 6 910
Income: Under 50k 48 46 6 540
Income: 50k-100k 48 48 4 473
Income: 100k+ 48 47 5 386
Educ: < College 49 46 5 831
Educ: Bachelors degree 47 46 7 360
Educ: Post-grad 47 51 2 208
Military HH 40 54 6 310
Not Military HH 50 45 5 1088
Urban 58 37 5 282
Suburban 46 50 4 775
Rural 44 48 8 341
36: In the 2010 election for U.S. House, did you vote for the Democratic U.S. House candidate, the Republican U.S. House
candidate or someone else?
Democratic U.S.
House candidate
Republican U.S.
House candidate
Someone else N
Registered Voters 48 47 5 1399
Use online banking: Yes 48 47 4 1140
Use online banking: No 47 45 8 259
Local Banks Secure Accts: Excellent 50 45 4 590
Local Banks Secure Accts: Good 46 48 5 618
Local Banks Secure Accts: Only Fair / Poor 52 43 4 119
Retailers Secure Accts: Excellent 61 36 2 139
Retailers Secure Accts: Good 46 50 4 550
Retailers Secure Accts: Only Fair 48 47 6 504
Retailers Secure Accts: Poor 53 43 4 126
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Agree 50 45 5 915
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Neither/Nor 43 52 5 327
Less likely to use co. w/ breaches: Disagree 47 45 8 158
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Agree 48 47 4 1029
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Neither/Nor 45 48 8 301
More likely to use co. w/o breaches: Disagree 61 35 4 69
Data breaches unavoidable: Agree 47 47 6 634
Data breaches unavoidable: Neither/nor 45 50 5 338
Data breaches unavoidable: Disagree 51 45 4 427
Breach news aects my behavior: Agree 51 46 3 494
Breach news aects my behavior: Neither/Nor 41 51 8 404
Breach news aects my behavior: Disagree 51 45 5 501

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