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Argumentative essay

Bi-sexual in the Philippines

Why other people dont content for having what they have,
for being who they are and for accepting what the God given unto
them? They are doing the creation of our Lord become immoral in the
eye of other people. They change their physical appearances to become
different in the eye of others. From boy to girl and from girl to a boy.
Which is not right, why? They are making their self-immoral for having
a change which is an earthly aspect only.
According to the bible. That there are only two genders in
the earth. Which are the boy and the girl only? There is no gay and
lesbian in the writing of the bible. In short, the word gay and
lesbian does not exist in the reality as what God created. That was a
sin in the eye of our creator which is the one who give life to us. Who
love us and who give another chances to correct what is the sin that
our ancestor Adan and Eve did. Where just descending the sin from our
ancestry. There should be two genders that should be existing here on
earth. As what the bible stated and theres no any other out of that two
Now, look at the reality as what we have now a day. Just
like any other places in abroad. They allowed those bi-sexual to marry
the same sex. Do you think that is moral? Or immoral? How could it be
to marry same sex and from the first place did the bible said? That
theres other gender out of the two genders which is stated in the
bible. That was a sign of immorality and disgrace of the creation of our
Lord. That is one way of the evil temptation to us. In order for that evil
to follow the path that he/she is preparing for those people who will
worshipping to him.
Just like the bible of the Mormons said in the verse. That
no one can serve for two masters. Either you will hate the one or love
the one. There should be one master in our life and we should put that
master into the center of our life. Then everything will be follow and
that master is our God. Do not let yourself on the pathway of evil and
obey what he wants on you. That is why that the creator gives his son
Jesus Christ to save us from our sins. According to the John 3:16 of the
bible. For God so loved the world that he give his only begotten son.
Whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Because he gives us chances to correct the sins that our ancestor did.
He wants us to become his follower and obey what he wants from us.
To valued what his effort in saving us, creating us and improve our self
into good not change his creation into worst.

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