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Debido a que Patria Jimnez y Gloria Careaga estn tratando de apropiarse de la prxima XXXVI manifestacin
GLBTTI, es muy importante aclarar que: Patria abandon el Movimiento de Lesbianas Feministas (MLF) en 1984
cuando inici su carrera poltica gubernamental-empresarial-oenegenera traicionando los principios polticos
de dicho movimiento, particularmente el de la autonoma. Asimismo, Gloria jams ha pertenecido al MLF y,
por tanto, nunca ha representado a las lesbianas mexicanas dado que ella se autodefine como queer-trans y
no como lesbiana excepto cuando ve oportunidad de lucrar con ste concepto. Por lo mismo, siempre ha
combatido a las lesbianas feministas debido al hecho de que stas se organizan de manera independiente
(autnoma) e incluso, ha generado conflictos entre lesbofeministas y heterofeministas y serios
enfrentamientos entre las lesbianas feministas y compaeras trans como lo hizo pblicamente en el XI EFLAC
realizado en Mxico en 2009.
El hecho de que la derechista Co-presidenta de la ILGA, Careaga, y la empresaria y latifundista, Jimnez,
cuenten con poder econmico y poltico y, por ende, tengan presencia y voz internacional, no significa que
representen a las lesbianas ni mexicanas ni latinoamericanas, sino exclusivamente a los tericos queer (TQ). Sin
embargo, utilizan a los movimientos sexo-polticos y comunidades sexo-sociales para legitimarse en el poder y
usan, de manera oportunista, los eventos realizados por organizaciones lesbianas y tambin GLBTTI para
aparentar que ellas inciden en dichos sectores sociales.
Careaga ha sido la ms feroz enemiga del lesbianismo feminista autonomista y del mismo feminismo mexicano
de izquierda. Por ello, el que ella y las ongs a las que apoya directa o indirectamente (la derecha queer
procapitalista) se autonombren lesbianas cuando les conviene, se debe nicamente para poder obtener
financiamientos, asistir a eventos internacionales y acceder a puestos polticos.
Considero inadmisible que Patria Jimnez y Gloria Careaga quieran protagonizar la XXXVI manifestacin por
encima del Comit que est organizando la llamada Marcha histrica, nicamente para aparentar ante la
prxima Conferencia Internacional de la ILGA que ellas representan al movimiento GLBTTI en Mxico, en
absoluta contradiccin, ya que la funcin de ellas es precisamente desmantelar a dicho movimiento bajo la
iniciativa posmoderna y queer de: eliminacin de las identidades GLBTTI porque toda identidad es esencialista
y fundamentalista; cumpliendo cabalmente la propuesta de la globalizacin neoliberal posmoderna:
desarticular a todos los movimientos sociales y el resto, disolverlo en la institucionalidad patriarcal
Yan Mara Yaoylotl Castro 24 de junio de 2014

In light of the fact that Patria Jimnez and Gloria Careaga are attempting to coopt [Mexico Citys] upcoming
XXXVI GLBTTI [gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans* and intersex] pared, I would like to make the following
clarifications: Patria abandoned the Movement of Lesbian Feminists (MLF) in 1984 when she began her
political career in the realms of government-businesses-NGOs. In so doing, she betrayed the political principles
of the lesbian-feminist movement, particularly that of [political] autonomy. Meanwhile, Gloria has never
belonged to the MLF and has never represented Mexican lesbians, as she defines herself as queer/trans, rather
than as lesbian, except when she sees opportunities to profit from the concept of lesbianism. As such, she has
often clashed with lesbian feminists due to the fact that they organize independently and autonomously. She
has even generated conflict between lesbian feminists and straight feminists, as well as serious clashes
between lesbian feminists and trans* womenincluding a very public conflict during the IX EFLAC [Latin
American and Caribbean Feminist Encuentro], which was held in Mexico in 2009.
The fact that the right-wing Co-President of the ILGA [International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex
Association], Careaga, and the businesswoman and landowner, Jimnez, enjoy political and economic power
and therefore have an international presence and voice, does not mean they represent Mexican or Latin
American lesbians. Rather, they represent [Anglo] queer theorists. Nonetheless, they shamelessly use sexual
rights movements and minority communities to legitimate their own power. In a very opportunistic way, they
use events organized by lesbian as well as LGBTTI organizations for show, in order to make it appear as though
they have direct impact on these social sectors.
Careaga has been the fiercest enemy of autonomous lesbian-feminist and leftist/progressive feminist
organizing in Mexico. She and the NGOs that she directly or indirectly supports (which consistute the capitalist,
queer right) define themselves as lesbians when it suits them: namely, in order to obtain financing, attend
international events, and gain access to political office.
Ultimately, I find it unacceptable that Patria Jimnez and Gloria Careaga want to be the protagonists of the
XXXVI march (and thus overshadow the efforts of the organizers of this so-called historic march), merely to
claim at the ILGAs next international conference that they represent the GLBTTI movement in Mexico. This is
pure contradiction, as their aim is precisely that of dismantling said movement in the name of postmodern and
queer claims (specifically, the notion that all identities are essentialist and fundamentalist and that GLBTTI
identities must therefore be discarded). In doing so, they are fully and completely serving the interests of
postmodern neoliberal globalization: that of dismantling all social movements in order to violently integrate
the communities they represent into capitalimperialist, and patriarchal institutions.
Yan Mara Yaoylotl Castro June 24, 2014

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