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Course OB

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Of doing all activities as a student:
Absorb info efficiently: analytical skills, degree of inteligence in ordert o follow mathematical
and logical reasoning
You need a good/proper learning environment
For a good sales person: ability to comunicate, motivation to do it,

Motivational Framework
Experminet defficiency in social interactions, in interest
Without need deficiency the motivational process doesnt activate
Mayo and R. optimize one group and the other not. Both groups increased the
performance. And thats because they were interested. No significant differnces
between these 2 groups.
McGregor the idea of man X and Y Theory
Maslows orginal book. The pyramid is wrong, it is a misleading adaptation. The needs
interfer. You dont need to fully fulfill one need in order to go. Which need dominates?

Telecommuting the problem you lose social interaction

ERG Theory
Clayton Alderfer Existence, Relatedness, Growth
More than one need may motivate a person at the time.
1. Frustration Hypothesis: a need that is not fulfilled becomes dominant.
2. Frustration-Regression Hypothesis: if a need is not fulfilled a lower need becomes
3. Satisfaction- Progression Hypothesis: if you are fulfilled than you go to the next level and
4. Frustration Progression Hypothesis: even if you are not successful in satisfying one
need than you might want to satisfy another one and move on. They compensate with
growth needs. The defficiencies are compensated. E.g. I am not able to have good social
interactions than you try to compensate by working more or dedicating yourself to
something else.
The Dual-Structure Theory Frederick Herzberg
Satisfaction and dissatisfaction are not on the same continuum. They are in 2 different
worlds. Content factors means that high levels of needs . No dissatisfaction is not the same
with being satisfied.
You can have a very motivating job, but if you are not paid enough, you might lose interest.
Here come the hygene factors.
David McClelland: The need for achievement
Focus of Process-Based
Its not so much about the need itself its also about the process towards satifying your
The Equity theory of Motivation you want tob e treated fairly in comparation tot he others.
You experience equity.
Victor Vroom The Expectancy Theory of Motivation
In hyerarchical organizations is very difficult to have the outcome that you want.

More Chf x1 long hours1
Interesting tasks/projects 10x0.8 little W-L-B(work life balance) 0.8
More travel 0.5/Loose contacts to friends 0.2

The Porter-Lawler Model

1. Determine the primary outcomes each employee wants
Whenever you are manager try to find out what motivates the team at each moment given.
2. decide what levels/kinds of performance are needed to meet organizational goals
3. make sure the desired levels of performance are possible
4 link desired outcomes to desired performance

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