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A. Background of the Study
English is an international language. Almost all countries have
adapted English used as a compulsory subject in schools. The national
education has decided that English as a foreign language taught in Indonesian
school. It learned started from primary school up to university. People realize
that teaching English at this level becomes very important and need much
concern. As an English teacher, he or she demands to explore effective
techniques, method, and approaches.
The students have to master the four basic language skills. They are
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Besides such basic skill, the student
have to master some vocabularies as well as possible.
Writing is one of a skill in English learning. writing is an aspect that
needs to be taught to the students, because many students lack in writing skill.
Writing skill is very important as the student of English department, because
there are many advantages from writing. Writing is one of important skills in
language learning. With the writing someone can express their ideas, feelings,
thoughts, opinions, experiences and wishes in written form and many of
students interesting to write because, they can distribute their ideas and
creativity. If we often write, then we will know how to improve and develop
the material of writing.

Sometimes students are lazy to write, because they could not afford to
develop ideas that already exist.So that students writing a bit and difficult to
understand and many problems that students are not clear in writing of them.
Role of the teacher is needed to help the students to can develop writing the
material of their. Limitations of idea, vocabularies, and background
knowledge also affect students in this. There are many students can not
continue their writing because they confuse and havent idea. Writing is not
easy because many factors are important that should need to be considered
before we write especially in English writing. However writing also not
difficult if we know and understand procedure and rules when writing an
article or papers and if we has more idea and motivation to development all of
them, then activity of writing become easier. Character of writing is based on
idea of the students here teacher must be active to direct their students to
understand and to take improvement in their writing ability.
To improve the quality of teaching as a means of developing skill
writing, the chosen method is important. To achieve these objectives, then
one of the methods / strategies in the teaching of writing here is the strategy
KWL (What I Know, What I Want to Learn, What I Learned). KWL also
helps teachers keep students interested as they think about what they want to
know and what they have learned (Sasson, 2008). The strategy offers a
framework learners can use to monitor their decoding of a text through
listing, mapping and summarizing what was learned. Furthermore, these
processes contribute greatly to learners writing since writing under these

conditions is based on learners experience about the topic and their
comprehension of the text. Thus KWL, especially the developed schemes,
also works efficiently in writing instruction.
The factors that affect the ability to write can be identified from two
aspects: internal and external factors. Internal factors related to the writer
directly, while external factors outside themselves writers. External factors
can still be divided into two, namely factor conditions / environments and text
factors. Internal factors that affect the ability of writing is the motivation,
knowledge / experience, interest, usefulness, health etc. To external factors
related to the environment, such as the atmosphere, light, sound, time, and
Based on temporary data, the researcher found some problems in
learning English in the MAN 2 Kota Bengkulu especially in writing. One of
all is students lack the ability to develop writing and lack of motivation and
support, and there are many errors in the writing and punctuation. They not
know purpose of write them. Lack of strategy and motivation of the teachers
to develop ideas writing of the students' also greatly affect the success of
students in writing.
Based on background above, the researcher is interested to conduct
the research entitled Using KWL strategy to improve student writing ability
(Classroom Action Research at First year student of MAN 2 Kota Bengkulu
in Academic year 2012/2013).


B. Identification of the Problem
Based on the background above, researcher found problems based on
temporary data researcher get on the school, the problem is learning is still
teacher-centered learning, the teacher lack understand the strategy and steps
effective in learning to write, students lack the ability to develop writing,
lack of motivation and support, and there are many mistake in the writing, the
purpose of writing is not clear and sometimes incompatible predetermined
topics teachers.
C. Limitation of the problem
Researcher restrict the application of research just teaching and
improve student writing using strategies KWL to development of the student.
In this thesis, the researcher does not tell you about writing in depth but it's
just a simple analysis. To clarify the scope of this problem, limitations
problems should be stated. Using limitation of problem to avoid
misunderstanding in this research is important as basis the further explanation
of the problem. This research will be found whether a teacher can make his
students achievement increase and their activity better in teaching learning
process in the class. Due to the ability of students is different, which can be
said that all students get the repairs after writing taught by developing ideas,
materials and imagination that have owned them before. The limitation of the
problem is only focused on influence of material and used KWL strategies in
classroom toward student improvement the ability of in learning to writing.


D. Formulation of the problem
The formulation of this research is: can KWL strategy improve first
year students writing ability at MAN 2 Kota Bengkulu?
E. Objective of the study
The objective of the research is; to find out whether KWL strategy can
improve students writing ability at MAN 2 Kota Bengkulu.
F. Significance of the study
This study is very important to be learned by students and teachers.
Because in writing we should have a strategy and purpose so that messages in
text can be conveyed properly to the reader.
Using this strategy for students give benefits to them in study writing,
use this strategy students become easier to develop ideas and connect their
background knowledge so that they will not run out of ideas because of the
stages of this strategy will help the students from start determine the topic
until finish stages of writing and for teachers, this strategy will probably help
and add to the information or knowledge in teaching writing specifically
teaching English.
G. Definition of the key term
The definition based on background writing is the most popular and
prevalent method of creating connections among people. As a means of building
links between individuals and within communities, writing serves as the flexible
foundation for almost every type of communications media. Print, video, audio,
speech and interactive web media all begin with writing.

Writing connects people across time, space and culture. Because of the
influence of writing, individuals can learn from yesterday, gain knowledge about
today and design for tomorrow. It can destroy or create, cover up or reveal. Writing
can prevaricate or be straightforward. It can build up or tear down, poison or heal.
Writing can cause conflict or encourage peace. Because writing in itself is neutral
and indifferent, its purposes and results depend totally on the intentions and hearts of
writers and their audiences.
KWL strategy is method in one instructional method that emphasizes
the importance of students' background knowledge. Where most educators
ignore background knowledge and interests of students. (D. Ogle, 1986, Via
Tierney 1990: 283). KWL method consists of three steps, namely the step K-
What I Know (what I know), step W-What I Want to Learn (what I want to
learn), and step L-What I Learned (what I've learned ). KWL is developed
and tested and applied to determine the framework for teachers to know
students' abilities.


A. Definition of Writing
The terms of writing have several meanings. Many experts have
proposed the definition and explanation of writing. Widdowson (1978:62)
states that writing is the act of making up correct sentences and transmitting
them through the visual medium as mark on paper.
According to Hornby (1974:996) states that writing is in the sense of
the verb write. Write is to make letters or other symbols (egideographs) on a
surface, especially with a pen or a pencil on a paper.
According to Troyka (1987:3-4) states that writing is a way of
communicating a message to a reader for a purpose. The purposes of writing
are to express ones self, to provide information for ones reader, to persuade
ones reader, and to create a literary work.
The term of ability is defined as skill or power. Concisely, writing
ability is the skill to express ideas, thoughts, and feelings to other people in
written symbols to make other people or readers understand the ideas
According to Heldy (2013) Writing content and essentially voicing
one's inner feelings. Talks about the personal, the people around him, his
family, even sacrifice himself considered attractive, romantic, passion, cute,
adorable even. All that can be channeled and felt by the reader through

writing. At least it can be said as a writing outlet and the satisfaction of desire
that is not channeled.
Writing is an activity to express ideas, issues, events, filling, or
thinking through written form. A definition of writing suggest by John
(1967:221) as a visual ability that important to the individual only when wish
to communicate on paper.
In other words, writing is transforming our thoughts into language. In
other words, writing can be defined as a way of communication by
transforming observations, information, thought, or ideas into language, so it
can be shared with others. Also, Bryne (1979) added that it is neither easy nor
spontaneous; it requires conscious mental effort. Writing is not only
transforming our thought or idea in written form but also it relays to the
process of monitoring any single words or features that we have written and
the process of rereading and revising our writing.
Writing is the most popular and prevalent method of creating
connections among people. As a means of building links between individuals
and within communities, writing serves as the flexible foundation for almost
every type of communications media. Print, video, audio, speech and
interactive web media all begin with writing.
B. Purpose of Writing
When a person writes something, he or she has purposes for writing.
The writer may have motivations of which he or she is unaware. The writer

may also have mixed, and even contradictory, motivations for writing. For
instance, a student writing an essay for a class may wish to please the teacher
and to amuse his or her classmates. Unfortunately, what might amuse
classmates the teacher could find unacceptable. In general, people write either
because they are required to or because they choose to write for their own
reasons. Required writing happens on the job and in school. Self-chosen
writing happens in many circumstances. Both required and self-chosen
writing can be of many kinds. In either case, reflection on different purposes
for writing can help one produce the most effective piece of writing.
According to Britton (1970) writing can be seen as having six general
types of purpose, each type of purpose focusing on one of the parts of the
communication model.
1. Writer: Expressive purposes. One may write simply to express one's
feelings, attitudes, ideas, and so on. This type of writing doesn't take the
reader into consideration; instead, it focuses on the writer's feelings,
experience, and needs. Expressive writing may take the form of poetry,
journals, letters, and, especially, free writing. Often, a person will do
expressive writing and then be disappointed when readers don't respond to
it. According to Britton (1970) the expressive mode precedes the
persuasive and informative modes in a writer's linguistic development. The
implication is that expressive writing be taught first, in elementary school.
According to another theory, however, the persuasive mode, growing out

of the "regulative language" that children learn from their environment,
precedes the expressive mode in children's linguistic development
(Newkirk, 1984).
2. Reader: Conative purposes. Conative writing seeks to affect the reader.
Persuasive writing is conative; so is writing intended to entertain the
reader. Writing intended to arouse the reader's feelings is conative.
Conative writing may take about any form, so long as its intention to
persuade the reader or affect the reader emotionally.
3. Context: Informative purposes. Informative writing refers to something
external to the writing itself, with the purpose of informing the reader. For
instance, this page is informative, as are the other components of this Map.
In our times, informative writing is usually prose, although in earlier
periods poetry was used for informative purposes.
4. Message: Poetic purposes. Poetic (or literary or stylistic) purposes focus
on the message itselfon its language, on the way the elements of
language are used, on structure and pattern both on the level of phrase and
of the overall composition. Poetic writing can be in prose as well as in
verse. Fiction has poetic purposes. Anytime one writes with an emphasis
on the way the language is used, one has a poetic purpose.
5. Contact: Phatic purposes. Phatic language (and nonverbal communication)
establishes and maintains contacts between speakers or between writer and
reader. In speaking, for instance, we may greet someone by saying,
"Howya doin?" or Hozit goin?" These questions are not requests for

information. They are intended to establish and maintain friendly contact.
Phatic purposes are not significant in most writing. The use of greetings
and closings in letters is one example of phatic purpose in writing.
6. Code: Metalinguistic purposes. Comments on a piece of writing are
metalinguistic. If a student attaches a note to an essay to explain why the
essay is late, the note is metalinguistic in relation to the essay. A writers's
preface to a book is another example of metalinguistic purpose in writing.
C. Aspect of Writing
According Arthur (2003), writing has five aspects, including:
No. Aspects that are assessed Skor
Grammatical errors (if any) very slightly.
Some grammatical errors or word order does not interfere with
Mistakes of grammar or word order is still often happens that
causes kesulitana to pem, read to understand text that is written.
Mistakes of grammar or word order in tulils discourse prominently
so that text is written the elusive.




Use of appropriate idiom or vocabulary aatau nearing the ability of
authors educated native speaker.
Use of diction or the term is sometimes not precise: the disclosure



of the idea is just right.
Limited vocabulary and errors often happen so that the disclosure of
the idea is hampered.
Limited vocabulary and usage sasngat inaccuracies stand out so that
it makes it difficult for the reader in understanding the text that is
Use of punctuation Errors are very minimal.
Use of punctuation Errors still occur frequently but do not interfere
with the reader's understanding of the text being written.
Errors in the use of punctuation and spelling often happen so often
give rise to lack of clarity.
Errors in the use of punctuation and spelling very prominent so that
the text is written the elusive reader.


Selection of appropriate vocabulary and structure/very appropriate
approaches or as done by educated native speaker writer.
Selection of the structure and vocabulary often inconsistent yet
doesn't interfere with the reader's comprehension of the text being
Selection of the use of inappropriate vocabulary and structures so as
to make it difficult for readers to understand the text as written.





Selection and use of structures and vocabulary is not very precise so
that the text is written is very difficult to grasp the reader.
Ideas are organized: the idea is very concerned with good as done
by educated native speakers.
Idea and written materials are organized well: relations between the
idea is clear but often demanding readers reread text that is written.
The idea of not are organized well, but the reader can still interpret
some of the relationships between ideas.
Ideas are organized so that readers do not understand difficult text
that is written




SKOR: Gramm: ____ + Voc: ___ + Mech: ___ + Fluency: ___ +
Form: ___ = ____

In 1986, Ogle created a new learning and teaching tool, known as
KWL, which was introduced into classrooms to help facilitate learning. KWL
is an acronym for "what we already Know," "what we Want to know," and
"what we have already Learned." Organized into a table or chart, KWL is
divided into three sections, one for each of those goals. The chart is used as a
tool to organize information that will help students prepare for tests. It can be
utilized in for individual students or entire classrooms.

Bailey, (2002) wrote Accessing prior knowledge and engaging student
interest before beginning a writing activity can improve students skill to
make associations, clarify understanding, and increase comprehension. The
KWL method, through teacher lead activities, offers a framework for students
to monitor their understanding during writing, and reflect after writing
through K-W-L method.
KWL Chart
Select a topic you want to research. In the first column, write what you already
know about the topic. In the second column, write what you want to know
about the topic. After you have completed your research, write what you
learned in the third column.
What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned


The main goal of the KWL chart is to help students categorize their
stored and background knowledge. The first thing that the teacher must do is
to divide a sheet of paper into three sections or columns, labeled K, W and L.
In the section marked K, students write down all that they know about the
given subject matter, before they begin to write a text.
In the section marked W, students write down what they would like to
learn about the subject. This is also done before the students begin to read. In
the final column marked L, the students write down what they learned about
the subject after writing about it. The KWL chart is very useful before a new
chapter or unit is introduced.
There are a number of advantages to using a KWL chart. The first and
foremost is that it stimulates the student's knowledge about the topic and
informs the teacher about what the students do and do not know. Thus, the
teacher can prepare the lesson without repeating familiar material. By asking
students to write down what they have learned, the teacher encourages them
to begin thinking more deeply about the topic.
The KWL chart also helps to motivate students. By getting students to
identify what they want to learn about the topic, KWL makes the students
active participants in the learning process who will engage in discussion. The
KWL chart also allows the students to be creative and expound their ideas
above and beyond the scope of the written text. By discovering what students

would like to learn, the teacher will be able to assign projects that the students
will enjoy.
The creator of the KWL chart maintains that it is beneficial to both
teacher and student. Using the chart makes students more proficient at writing
and informative material and aids teachers in becoming more interactive and
aware of students' expectations. The KWL chart facilitates the learning
process by pushing students to examine a range of concepts and reflect about
what they have write.
The KWL chart utilizes the teaching strategy known as metacognition,
which involves using conscious control and monitoring cognitive process.
Employing the metacognitive strategy of self-questioning helps the teacher
determine whether the student has understood the material learned. Students
become greatly motivated and become active writers when they have taken
the initiative to write about a particular topic. Each student has a different
way of viewing things. By setting personal objectives, the student will
become more involved and interested.
KWL chart to help students to become active thinkers as they read and
they will reflect on when they wrote (Carr & Ogle, 1987), giving them
specific things to look for and have them reflect on what they learned when
they finish reading with writing points or main idea on the text and write it
again in paper to know measure students ability in writing. In learning, active
monitoring and involve conscious control and regulation of cognitive

processes. This involves thinking about thinking, self-awareness, and self-
regulation (Flavell, 1979). Accessing the students' knowledge is the first step
in integrating new concepts into the existing scheme. KWL charts help
activate background knowledge and provide an opportunity for students to set
their own learning goals.
E. Using KWL In Writing
KWL also helps teachers keep students interested as they think about
what they want to know and what they have learned (Sasson, 2008).
Accessing prior knowledge and engaging learners interest before beginning a
writing activity can improve learners ability to make associations, enhance
understanding, and increase comprehension (Bailey, 2002: 1). Searching
information from texts, organizing that information into graphic outlines, and
writing summaries based on those graphic outlines (Bader, 2007). The
strategy offers a framework learners can use to monitor their decoding of a
text through listing, mapping and summarizing what was learned.
Furthermore, According to Fengjuan, (2010) these processes contribute
greatly to learners writing since writing under these conditions is based on
learners experience about the topic and their comprehension of the text. Thus
KWL, especially the developed schemes, also works efficiently in writing
instruction. The writing instruction may begin with steps that parallel the K
step in the KWL strategy. Experiences from brainstorming in Step 2 are
related to the topic and they provide the experiential basis for the
development of the topic. The instruction moves to steps which parallel the W

step in KWL and gives prominence to what I want to write. It prepares for the
writing process and bridges between K and L in the KWL strategy. It then
moves to H (How I write) in the revised KWHL scheme and finally reaches
L in the KWL scheme, from which students learn the expected writing skills.
Some of the steps bridge between H and L in KWL scheme. Strictly speaking,
this writing process involves the steps of reading, talking, writing, revising
and evaluating.
According to Fengjuan (2010) students can use KWL charts to reflect
on their learning after completing a written piece. After completing their
writing, students can write an explanation of what they learned and examine
whether they were incorrect about any information. This can be an
opportunity for students to reflect on their learning and to articulate their
thought processes. In writing learning, KWL charts use after writing activity
done. Place a transparency of a blank KWL chart on an overhead projector,
and write the topic of the expository text at the top of the chart. Fill in the
chart as you think out loud, describing your thought process. After
completing the "Know" and "Want to Know" sections, read aloud a brief
expository paragraph. Complete the "Learned" section of the KWL chart after
reading the text, once again thinking out aloud and describing your thought
F. The Advantage of KWL Method
The Advantages of K-W-L (know, want, and learned) methods are:
For Student:

1. K-W-L facilitates more enjoyable and more effective learning, according
to Glazer (1998) This Method can help students feel more comfortable with
their comprehension of a subject because it goes through each step separately
so that comes easier.
2. Student can dig up their ability of knowledge, science and experience for at
makes reference. Jared explain that the KWL method is also used as an
organizational tool because it allows student to identify known information
about a given subject.
3. This Method provides one chance for all student to make easy them in
process learning because just take from experience, knowledge, science already
they know.
4. Stone and Miller (1991) Stated Students will learn to use a K-W-L to
activate their prior knowledge and help them what they learned. They can also
extend their K-W-L chart to confirm the accuracy of their prior knowledge and
of what they learn.
For Teacher:
1. Teacher directly knows to student skill in writing English.
2. K-W-L helps teachers attention by activating the students' prior
knowledge (Molly, 1994).
3. KWL also helps teachers keep students interested as they think about what
they want to know and what they have learned (Sasson, 2008).


G. The Teaching Writing Using K-W-L
Bailey, (2002) wrote Accessing prior knowledge and engaging student
interest before beginning a writing activity can improve students skill to
make associations, clarify understanding, and increase comprehension. The
KWL method, through teacher lead activities, offers a framework for students
to monitor their understanding during writing, and reflect after writing
through K-W-L method.
Bailey (2002) also divided some activities can be applied in teaching
writing using K-W-L method: the following is procedures of teaching writing
using K-W-L method that will be implemented by the researcher:
1. The teacher should create a chart on the blackboard or on an overhead
transparency. In addition, the students should have their own chart on which to
record information.
2. The teacher and students record these associations in the K column of their
charts. This is done until students run out of ideas. Engage students in a
discussion about what they wrote in the K column.
3. Response What do you want to know about this topic? write in the W
4. Teacher asks students to focus on ideas.
5. Discuss the information about topic, write in the W column.
6. Reorganize what have written in L column.


H. Previous of the study
This strategy had previously been made to explore the students'
knowledge and develop their knowledge; K-W-L strategy adds a writing
component that consists of mapping and summarizing after answering
questions in these three areas (Dowhower, 1999). KWL charts help students
to be active thinkers while they write (Carr & Ogle, 1987), giving them
specific things to look for and having them reflect on what they learned when
they are finished reading what they writer.
When students set their own purposes for writing, they are more
motivated and active as writers. Each student has a schema, or a framework
for how they view the world. Accessing a student's prior knowledge is the
first step in integrating new concepts into their existing schema. KWL charts
help activate background knowledge and provide an opportunity for students
to set their own learning objectives. Right now this strategy used to improve
writing ability of students, and this research focus in writing skill.


A. Research Design
In this research, the researcher applied in classroom action research.
The researcher used the method because the research would like solved the
problem through direct action.
The research was aimed to know and improve the students ability in
writing a story for the first year student at MAN 2 Bengkulu in Academic
Year 2013/2014. In this research, the researchers choose the first years
student of MAN 2 Kota Bengkulu in academic year 2013/2014 as the place to
collect the data and information as needed. This research use Classroom
Action Research, according to Elliott (2010) Action research was the process
through which teachers collaborate in evaluating their practice jointly; raise
awareness of their personal theory; articulate a shared conception of values;
try out new strategies to render the values expressed in their practice more
consistent with the educational values they espouse; record their work in a
form which was readily available to and understandable by other teachers;
and thus develop a shared theory of teaching by researching practice.
B. The Subject
The subject of this research were the students at the first years
students of MAN 2 in academic year 2013/2014, which consist of one classes.
The object of this research was the students of class X IPS 1, which was taken
of 35 students in the classroom. There were 26 females and 9 males. The

researcher chose this class because they have problems with their English
comprehension during English teaching and learning process.
C. Instrument
The instrument used to test writing assignments based on topics, data,
observations and research instruments using Graph KWL. The kind of writing
that was used was free writing but in this thesis aimed at a more focused to the
narrative text. The KWL chart to know how use this strategy to increase
writing ability in the form of United Kingdom, language learning and
documentation are drawings or photographs of activities that use this strategy
D. Research Procedure
The procedure of this research was as follow pre-assessment and cycles.
1. Pre-assessment
1. Before given the action or treatment, the researcher gave a pre-
assessment to the students. The aims of the pre-test would like to know
the students skills in writing. The first, the researcher given some topic
for the students and then the students choose one of them. After that,
the students asked to write a story based on the topic, using themselves
language. Then, the researcher collected their writing, and collected
their information in good writing ability before giving treatments.


2. Cycles
The basic concept was introduced by Kurt Lewin developed by
Kemmis & Mc. Taggart. Component of action (acting) with
observation (observing) together the second reason that the activities
can not be separated from each other because both must activity
performed in one unit of time. So take a activities performed,
observation should be done as soon as possible, According to Kemmis
and McTaggart(1988:11-14) is consist of four actions, there were
planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Form the model of Kemmis
and Mc. Taggart can be visualized as follows:
Siclus Process

Research models and Kemmis Tagart
(adapted from Spare Kasbolah E.S, 1998)
Cycle I
Cycle I
Cycle I
Reflection I
Observation I
Cycle II
Cycle II
New problems
after reflection I
Observation II
Observation II
Reflection II
Next Cycles
If the problems
havent overcome

1. Planning
The first step, that must prepare for lesson plan,syllabus, and test, then
the students talked about their problem or material in learning English
especially in writing ability, and then the researcher keep the problems
for notes in this case.
2. Action
From the beginning, the researcher give an information about KWL to
the students. Then the researcher explain about about-point in front
of the students for several times and hope they could understand well.
After the researcher explained about about-point, the students are
allowed to free write as test to measure their skill. So, researcher hopes
the students could improve their writing ability by using About-Point.
3. Observing
In this stage, the researcher would collect the data from the action
planning that is made, including all of what the students do in the
classroom based on instruments that made by the researcher. The
researcher and English teacher would conduct observation to find the
effect of the action from students score and observation sheet. Then
the researcher will conduct an evaluation by using observation sheet.
4. Reflecting
This is last stage of the cycle. In this phase, the result of observation
and evaluating step will be collected and analyzed to measure the
success level of the implementation in cycle I. The researcher identify

the thing that do not reach yet and the researcher make planning to
repair it. The result of this reflection will be taken as consideration to
the next treatment for the next cycle and to determine whether the next
cycle will be needed or not.
5. Cycle II
Cycle two is hold as well as the first cycle. And it is based on the result
of the cycle one.
6. Cycle III
Cycle three is hold as well as the second cycle, and it is based on the
result of the cycle two.
E. Technique for Collecting Data
In this phase, there are several techniques in collecting data, such as
giving test, observation, interview, documentation, etc
1. Test (Write a story)
According to Trianto (2001:62) test is a process to measure students
ability and knowledge about material that was given, competence,
intelligence and talent that can belong to individual or group. Test may be
constructed primarily as devices to reinforce learning and to motivate the
students or primarily means of assessing the students performance in
language. In this research, the researcher was conduct pre-assessment, and
evaluation in each cycles.


2. Observation
Observation was way of collecting data by directly noticing an object.
The observation in this research be conduct by researcher and the English
3. Documentation
The documentation in form of photo while implemented About-Point in
writing learning. The purpose of this was to show the activities were done
by the students during teaching and learning.
F. Technique of Data Analysis
The data in this research analyzed by evaluating and comparing the
result from each cycle to know whether improve students skill in writing
P =

Note :
P : Percentage of the students writing
F : Total number of correct items
N : Total number of items
The percentage of the students score from the calculation consulted to
interval of five scale percenteges as below (Nugiantorio, 2009:26)


Table of Distribution Criteria Score
From: Sudjana (1982)
G. Indicator of Success
This classroom Action Research will be success if the using of Question
Research approach will improve students writing ability in first years students
in MAN 2 with mean score of writing test is 70.
The teaching and learning process in improving students writing can be
effective and can motivated student in learning English especially in writing.

Interval Qualification
80-100 Excellent
70-79 Very Good
60-69 Good
40-59 Poor
0-39 Very Poor

A. Result
Data of the research was collected from MAN 2 Kota Bengkulu.
Respondent in this research consisted of thirty five students. The students of
this school have problem low skill in English learning especially writing skill.
The researcher tried to improve the students writing by KWL strategy.
The improvement of students writing ability was obtained by
analyzing the comparison at the percentage of students writing itself in each
cycle, including pre-assessment cycle I, cycle II, and cycle III. For the pre-
assessment can be seen in the descriptive below.
Table 1
The students writing score

No Categories Frequence Percentage
1. 80-100 Excellent 0 0%
2. 70-79 Very good 0 0%
3. 60-69 good 2 5.71%
4. 40-59 poor 19 54.28%
5. < 39 Very poor 14 40.00%

Based on the above results, there is different between the significant
percentage of students writing the test in the KWL. That means that teaching
writing using KWL strategy can improve the writing skills of students.
For further details and explanation, see the explanation about process
and result of teaching and learning of writing in each cycle in order to
observe the effectiveness of teaching writing using KWL strategy.

1. Pre-Assessment
Before doing the action, the researcher gave the Pre-assessment to
know the students ability in writing. In doing the pre-assessment, the
researcher did not use KWL learning strategy but only give test using
some topic and students students are asked to choose a topic that has
been provided and make it into a story. Then, the researcher collected the
work of students and analyzed the data. The data can be seen in the table
Table 2
The students writing ability in Pre-Assessment

No Categories Frequence Percentage
1. 80-100 Excellent 0 0%
2. 70-79 Very good 0 0%
3. 60-69 good 2 5.71%
4. 40-59 poor 19 54.28%
5. < 39 Very poor 14 40.00%

From the table above, the researcher collected the data of the students
writing ability into percentage. The percentage of students writing in pre-
assessment could be seen figure 1 bellow:



Figure I
Students writing ability score in pre-assessment
Based on the table above, its shown that 40.00% in very poor,
54.28% in poor, and 5.71% good, no students in, very good and excellent
category. The researcher got a conclusion that the students writing ability is
still failure (very low). These problems made the students were bored and feel
difficult to get idea for writing especially about the English material because
their writing ability is low.
By knowing the percentage in pre-assessment, the researcher felt that
it was needed an appropriate technique to improve their ability in writing. So
that the researcher used KWL strategy in order to improve their writing
ability will be better and students can improve their background knowledge
and experience. Beside that, the students will enjoy in learning and easily to
remember ideas and develop they. There were some ways that can be applied
such as using picture, games, and KWL strategy.
2. Cycle I
1. Planning
After seeing the result in the pre-assessment, the researcher
prepared the material and its KWL strategy that would be applied in
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35

teaching writing to improve their writing ability in cycle I. The
material is taken from the book that same level based on the
curriculum of the first year of MAN. The material was about
definition about writing and kinds of writing.
1. Action
Researchers divided the action in providing material on the
teaching of writing into three steps. They were; pre-teaching, while
teaching, and post-teaching. In this action after researchers conducted
pre-assessment the researchers continue to cycle 1 conducted from 28
October to 1 November 2013.
28 October 2013
a. Pre-Teaching
1) The researcher said Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. And greeting
How are you today?
2) The researcher asked to the students to pray together.
3) The researcher checked the attendant list.
4) The researcher gave motivation to the students
5) Apersepsi
b) While teaching
1) Researchers gave some pictures related to the topic

2) Researchers to write some words on the Blackboard
3) Researchers describe the words into sentences.
4) Researchers asked the students to guess the meaning of words.
5) Researchers asked students to write some kind of text writing on
the Board.
6) Researchers asked students to make their sentence based on their
backgrounds. So, every student can make different sentences or
disciples is not the same sentence.
7) students can talk about their spouse or group of sentences.
8) Researchers monitor the activities of students.
9) Researchers gave students the task of making students better
understand the concept of writing
c) post-graduate teaching
1) Researcher invites students to create a story
2) Explanation of the direction the researchers exercise.
3) Researchers examined the activities of the students.
4) Researcher invites students to collect their work in front of the


3. Obsevation
Based on the action above, the researcher also did the obsevation and
monitoring during the process of action. To get it, the researcher took the
result in action and compared the data obtained to the result of the test
By observation, the researcher saw that there were some students
improvements that were shown by the students, such as the were enthusiast.
Some of students activity to conduct a new knowledge with previous
knowledge and some students felt more interesting with teaching technique
was applied. But the researhcer still found the problem was that some
students did not focus with the material so the students were sleepy.
4. Reflection
From the action I, the researcher felt that KWL teaching technique
was quite effective to improve the students writing ability. It can be seen on
the result of the students score in cycle I. It was better than other in pre-
assessment. These data can be seen in the following table:
Table 3
The score students writing ability
(Cycle I)

No Categories Frequence Persentage
1 80-100 Excellent 0 0%
2 70-79 Very good 0 0%
3 60-69 good 3 8.57%
4 40-59 poor 23 65.71%
5 < 39 very poor 9 25.71%


From the table score, the researcher felt that KWL strategy effective to
improve students writing ability. It can be seen from the following figure bellow:

Figure I I
Stdudents writing ability score in cycle I

From the figure above, the researcher could see that every student had
increased in writing. In order words, they had better in their percentage. It has
shown that 25.71% in very poor, 65.71% poor, 8.57% and 0% in very good
and excellent. From this result, the researcher felt that this writing using
KWL strategy as media was suitable for teaching writing in MAN2 Kota
Bengkulu and must be improved again to get the better one.
C. Cycle II
1. Planning
In action II, the researcher prepared again another writing using KWL
strategy as material. The material had the same level as writing using KWL
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35
cycle 1

strategy, the material was about kind of text. Then, the researcher rules to
plays this material with the students together.
2. Action
The researcher divided the action in giving the material of teaching
writing into three steps. They were; pre-teaching, while teaching, and post
teaching. In this action after researchers conducted cycle 1 the researchers
continue to cycle 2 conducted from 4 November to 8 November 2013.
4 November 2013
a) Pre-Teaching
1) The researcher said Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. And greeting How
are you today?
2) The researcher asked to the students to pray together.
3) The researcher checked the attendant list.
4) The researcher gave motivation to the students
5) Aspersepsi
b) while teaching
1) researchers gave some explain related to the topic
2) Researchers to write some words on the Blackboard
3) Researchers describe the words into sentences.
4) Researchers asked the students to guess the meaning of words.

5) Researchers asked students to write some kind of text writing on the
6) Researchers asked students to make their sentence based on their
backgrounds. So, every student can make different sentences or
disciples is not the same sentence.
7) students can talk about their spouse or group of sentences.
8) Researchers monitor the activities of students.
9).Researchers gave students the task of making students better
understand the concept of writing
c) post-graduate teaching
1) Researcher invites students to create a story
2 explanation of the direction the Researchers) exercise.
3) Researchers examined the activities of the students.
4) Researcher invites students to collect their work in front of the class.
3. Observation
In action II, the researcher also did the observation. It was same in
action I. Through the observation of action II; the researcher found that all of
the students were spirit or enthusiast with the lesson. They focused with the
material; no students were sleepy in the class because the researcher could be

active with the lesson. The process of teaching in action II ran well. It was the
fact that their activities are better than before.
4. Reflection
Based on the observation above, there was a little process of students
writing that caused by the condition on the classroom and the students itself.
But the result of the action II also gave the improvement. The result can in the
following table:
Table 4
The students score writing ability
(Cycle 2)

No Categories Frequence Persentage
1 80-100 Excellent 0 0%
2 70-79 Very good 1 2.85%
3 60-69 good 5 14.28%
4 40-59 poor 29 82.85%
5 < 39 very poor 0 0%

From the table score, the researcher and the collaborator felt that
KWL strategy was quite effective to improve students writing ability. It could
be seen from following figure below:


Figure I I I
Students writing ability score in cycle I I

The figure above is shown that there was a little progress of students
percentage. It can be seen that 0% in very poor, 82.85% poor, 14.28% in
good, 2.85% very good and in 0% excellent. The process occurred in the
percentage of average students writing ability. The result of percentage in
average level was increase than action I.
Considering with the result above, the researcher was needed to
improve again the material or instrument that used. Based on that, the
condition of the classroom activity active must be managed well, and the
motivation of the students must be increased again on the next action.
d. Cycle III
1. Planning
After then researcher finished the action I, and II, the researcher did
the cycle III form was same as the form in each cycle. Before doing the cycle
III, the researcher concludes of cycle I and II. The researcher makes exercises
based on the second action.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435

Before doing the cycle 3, the researcher did not forget to give the
motivation and asked them to be carefully in doing an exercise. It was the last
activity to know improvement of their writing ability.
2. Action
After preparing the exercises, the researcher did the cycle 3. The
following procedures were:
1) The researcher gave greeting and checked the students attendant list.
2) The researcher asked the students to remembering the material in cycle I
and II.
3) The researcher asked the students to writing used KWL strategy.
4) The researcher asked the students meaning of words from the words the
concept are their made. This action aimed to give motivation and
remembering the students about the materials of action I, II, and III.
5) The researcher remembered them to be carefully in doing the exercises and
asked them to do it by themselves.
6) The researcher gave the exercises to the students with topic from the
7) The researcher explained about direction of exercises.
8) The asked the students to writing exercise.
9) The researcher checked the students activity around the class.
10) The researcher collected the exercise sheet.


3. Observation
During the observation of the cycle 3, the researcher found that all of
the students could follow the researcher teaches before. They also seemed to
follow the activity seriously and activity. The students focused on their
examination and they were carefully to write the exercises. Beside that, the
researcher also often gave the motivation the students, because the researcher
hoped to get the best result of students writing ability in cycle 3.
Furthermore, the researcher also did not found the serious problem in this
activity. The process of the cycle 3 was running well.
4. Reflection
The result of students writing ability all cycle 3 was good. The
percentage of ability in the cycle 3 can be shown in the following table.
Table 5
The students score writing ability
(Cycle 3)

No Categories Frequence Persentage
1. 80-100 Excellent 2 5,71%
2. 70-79 Very good 14 40.00%
3. 60-69 good 19 54.28%
4. 40-59 poor 0 0%
5. < 39 very poor 0 0%

From the table score, the researcher and collaborator felt that writing
using KWL strategy was quite effective to improve students writing ability. It
could be seen from the following:



Figure I V
students writing ability Score in Cycle 3
From the figure above, the researcher collect the data into percentages
could be seen from the following table:
The table above shows, that the students writing ability can be
improved effectively than the action before. This table shows that the
percentage of the students writing ability was increased. It was 54.28% in
good, 40.00% in very good, and 5.71% excellent. It means that most of the
students had better in cycle 3.
If we compared with the result in pre-assessment before, there was
significance different of the result in both tests. Beside that, the condition of
students in pre-assessment was not same as in cycle 3. In pre-assessment,
most of students still had low ability or skill, less concentrate, and
uninterested with the material.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the writing
using KWL strategy are quite effective in improving students writing ability.
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35

Furthermore, KWL strategy can also minimize the problems of students in
learning English especially in writing.
e. Data Analyze
The data was analyzed by observation and evaluating the students
score in pre-assessment, action I, action II, and action III. As we know that
the students had studied how to improve their writing ability by KWL
strategy. The complete result can be seen and compared in the following
Table 6
The percentage of students score writing ability in each cycle
Treatment Very poor Poor Good Very good Excellent
Pre-Assassment 14 19 2 0 0
Cycle I 9 23 3 0 0
Cycle II 0 29 5 1 0
Cycle III 0 0 19 14 2

From the table score above, the researcher and collaborator felt that
KWL strategy writing ability. It could be seen from the following figure:

Figure V
The comparison of students writing score among
Pre-assessment, cycle 1, cycle 2,and cycle 3

Based on the table above, it can be seen the improvement of students
writing ability percentages. The improvement occurred from the pre-test until
the post-test. The Result was always positive. It means that this media was
suitable and effective to be applied for Islamic high school especially in
MAN 2 Bengkulu.
B. Discussion
Based on the results obtained by researcher from pre-assessment,
cycle I, cycle II, and cycle III of this research, it can take some discussion that
most of the students are enthusiastic and interested in the material provided
by using KWL most of them got a better percentage of the competency in the
importance of three action.
First, based on the research, there was an improvement on the students
writing ability between pre assessment and the cycles of the research. It can
be seen from the students score that always improve from pre assessment
until three cycles.
1 3 5 7 9 11131517192123252729313335

Second, the application of KWL strategy making the students knows
the point they are supposed to put on their writing. so you can help them
quickly understand the main idea they should input in writing that they have
created. KWL strategy can help students to get information before they write
a text, and help them understand the meaning of the writing from the
perspective of the experience and the background of their science. Through
the KWL strategy students can more easily get the idea, the idea of
developing their skills and understand the contents of the text they wrote. It is
also considered appropriate that KWL strategy makes the students will learn
that background knowledge can also help students to interpret, understand,
and expand their writing.
According to (Sasson, 2008) that KWL also helps teachers make
students interested because they think about what they want to know and
what they have learned. This is evident from the interest and enthusiasm of
students when learning. then according to (Zhang Fengjuan, 2010) that the
KWL can work as a highly effective strategy in achieving the development
goals in the all-round students listening, speaking, reading, writing and
interpretation abilities. KWL are an effective teaching strategies that deserve
our attention. the opinions of the experts above it is assumed that the strategy
can be effectively applied to all aspects of the KWL lesson.
These findings indicate that the writing ability of students by the
KWL strategy effective. In addition, the strategy of the KWL can reduce the
problem of students ' writing skills such as remember the words, tired less

enthusiastic and etc. Based on the above description, it can be concluded
written using KWL strategy effectively to improve student writing skills. This
fact also evidenced by tangible results on the research.


A. Conclusion
By using the strategy of KWL, students can apply the skills (listening,
speaking, reading and writing) and also makes them easy to memorize the
main idea for writing and developed based on the knowledge of their
background; It also can build their confidence.
Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that KWL strategy
was effective in improving students writing ability. KWL made the students
interest in learning English, especially for writing material. The students felt
enjoyable, they become enthusiast with the material given, and the students
more interest to learn English lesson. They were easier to improve develop the
write because the researcher gave an explanation about the important thing to
get the information use KWL strategy to their write. This fact also proved by
the real result that had got on the research. It can be seen from pre assessment,
three cycles and also an observation sheet.
That means that the strategy of KWL is suitable for applying for the
students at the Islamic High School, especially in MAN 2 of Kota Bengkulu.
B. Suggestion
Based on the finding and conclusion above, the researcher would like
to suggest. First, English teacher at the MAN 2 Kota Bengkulu should to try
to use the KWL Strategy as one of strategies in teaching writing in Islamic
high school.

Second, for the students, the students of MAN 2 Kota Bengkulu have
to more active in learning English writing to help them explore ideas and how
to use the background knowledge and experience. The students should use
this strategy in order to enlarge their knowledge in writing.
Further research; further research is highly recommended to find other
strategies in designing materials for students to improve their writing ability.
And also give recommendation to do same research on other population in the
same characteristic to get more data to improve students writing ability,
especially in Bengkulu province and generally in Indonesia.


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