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Name: _____________________________________ Score: _________________

Teacher: ____________________________________ _ Year & Section: __________
Directions: In Column A are the numbers, letters, special symbols and punctuation
marks. In Column are the !n"ers to be used in strikin" the keys. #atch Column A
$ith Column by $ritin" the letter o% the correct ans$er on the space pro&ided
be%ore each number.
Directions: Identi%y $hat are bein" asked in the %ollo$in" statements. 'ncircle the
letter o% your choice.
(). #ost used competency in the o*ce and considered a %undamental skill needed
%or all clerical occupations
a. typin" b. type$riter c. typist d. manual type$riter
((. +e&er that controls the spacin" bet$een the lines %or sin"le, double, or triple
a. line space re"ulator b. line space le&er c. ribbon indicator d. impression
(,. Ad-ust ribbon %or $ritin" on upper or lo$er hal%
a. line space re"ulator b. ribbon spools c. ribbon indicator d.
impression re"ulator
(.. /sed $hen makin" spaces and %or returnin" the carria"e to the ri"ht
a. carria"e release le&er b. line space le&er c. cylinder knobs d. line space
(0. /sed to mo&e the print carrier to tab stops
a. carria"e release le&er b. tab key c. tab clear key d. tabulator total
clearance le&er
(1. 2as a lar"er type and allo$s typin" o% )3 strokes per inch. You can type 40
strokes across the line
a. 5ica b. 'lite c. Semi6'lite d. #anual Type$riter
(7. /sed to carry out space letterin"
a. space bar b. backspace key c. spaced letterin" key d. tab key
(4. /sed to mo&e the printin" point to the ri"ht one space at a time
a. space bar b. backspace key c. spaced letterin" key d. tab key
(8. 9ubber roller around $hich the paper turns
a. cylinder b. cylinder knobs c. paper bail d. ribbon
,3. Indicates the scale point $here the machine is ready to print
a. ali"nin" scale b. printin" point indicator c. paper bail d. ribbon
,). /sed to mo&e the printin" point to the le%t one space at a time
a. backspace key b. space bar c. tab key d. 5ica Type$riter
,(. #ost modern inno&ation made on the type$riter
Column A
_________ ). :
_________ (. ;
_________,. <
_________.. 2
_________0. =
_________1. >
_________7. &
_________4. ,
_________8. 9
_________)3. l
_________)). ?
_________)(. @
_________),. -
_________).. 5
_________)0. A
_________)1. Shi%t lock
_________)7. +e%t shi%t key
_________)4. 9i"ht shi%t key
_________(3. T
Column B
A. )
le%t !n"er
. )
ri"ht !n"er
C. (
le%t !n"er
?. (
ri"ht !n"er
'. ,
le%t !n"er
B. ,
ri"ht !n"er
C. .
le%t !n"er
2. .
ri"ht !n"er
I. le%t shi%t, )
ri"ht !n"er
D. le%t shi%t, (
ri"ht !n"er
:. le%t shi%t, ,
ri"ht !n"er
+. le%t shi%t, .
ri"ht !n"er
#. le%t thumb !n"er
N. ri"ht shi%t, )
le%t !n"er
@. ri"ht shi%t, (
le%t !n"er
5. ri"ht shi%t, ,
le%t !n"er
A. ri"ht shi%t, .
le%t !n"er
9. ri"ht thumb !n"er
a. #anual Type$riter b. 'lectric Type$riter c. 'lectronic Type$riter
d. 5ica Type$riter
,,. 5lace $here the keys are positioned as $ell as other parts like space bar,
tabulator, backspace key and ribbon indicator
a. keyboard b. homekeys c. carria"e d. type$riter
,.. #o&able plate that ali"ns in the desired position %or insertion o% paper
a. ali"nin" scale b. paper bail c. paper bail rollers d. paper "uide
,0. /sed to ali"n paper inserted in the machine
a. ali"nin" scale b. paper bail c. paper bail rollers d. paper "uide
,1. Temporarily unlocks the ri"ht mar"in to allo$ carria"e to mo&e beyond the
mar"inal settin"s
a. tab key b. mar"in release key c. backspace key d. mar"in release
,7. /sed to choose %or a li"ht strokes or $hen makin" a number o% copies
a. ribbon indicator b. ribbon spools c. impression re"ulator d. keyboard
,4. /sed %or turnin" the paper into position
a. paper release le&er b. cylinder knobs c. cylinder d. paper bail
,8. The top mo&in" part $hich tra&els %rom le%t to ri"ht $hen the keys are stuck or
$hen the carria"e release is pressed
a. carria"e b. keyboard c. carria"e release le&er d. keyboard
.3. 9ubber rollers $hich holds the paper securely a"ainst the cylinder
a. cylinder b. paper bail c. paper bail rollers d. paper bail scale
.). Numerical scale used as "uide to mar"in settin"s, tabulatin" and locatin" the
typin" point
a. scale b. paper bail scale c. ali"nin" scale d. tab key
.(. A machine used to produce clear, printlike $ritin", consistin" o% a set o% keys
that $hen struck, impress letters on paper throu"h an ink soaked ribbon
a. typin" b. type$riter c. manual type$riter d. keyboard
.,. @ne that supports the paper in the machine
a. 5aper support $ith pa"e end indicator c. paper rest
b. paper bail d. paper bail scale
... /sed %or mo&in" the carria"e to the le%t or to the ri"ht $ithout strikin" the space
a. carria"e b. line space le&er c. carria"e release le&er d. tab key
.0. Another term %or EandF si"n
a. pound sterlin" b. EatF si"n c. underscore d. ampersand
Directions: ;rite T i% the statement is true and i% %alse chan"e the underlined
$ordGs to make the statement correct. ;rite your ans$er on the space pro&ided
be%ore each number.
_________________ .1. Al$ays keep your eyes on copy holder $hile typin".
__________________ .7. The homekeys is the place $here the !n"ers are positioned
to"ether $hile typin".
__________________ .4. In usin" the line space le&er use the ri"ht hand in returnin"
the carria"e to the ri"ht.
__________________ .8. /se the le%t thumb !n"er in strikin" the space bar.
__________________ 03. :eep your $rist lo$ but not touchin" the type$riter.
__________________ 0). ;hen remo&in" the paper %rom the machine used the
cylinder knobs.
__________________ 0(. ?urin" the typin" drill, place the paper "uide at E3F.
__________________ 0,. /se a Huestion mark a%ter a direct Huestion.
___________________0.. Auotation mark is used as a symbol %or %eet and minutes.
___________________ 00. Space t$ice a%ter a colon.
___________________ 01. Space once a%ter a period that %ollo$s a sentence.
___________________ 07. Colon indicates that more speci!c in%ormation %ollo$s.
___________________ 04. /se an apostrophe to enclose titles o% $ritten $orks and out6
o%6the ordinary $ords or phrases.
___________________ 08. Space once a%ter a period that %ollo$s an initial or an
___________________ 13. Space t$ice a%ter the be"innin" o% the Huotation mark.
___________________ 1). A%ter typin", center !rst the carria"e and place both
mar"inal stops at the center o% the scale be%ore co&erin" the
___________________ 1(. 5repare ( sheets o% mimeo"raphin" paperI one %or the
backsheet and the other one is %or the typin" drills.
___________________ 1,. I% the type$riter is co&ered, %old the type$riter properly and
place it under your typin" table or in the dra$er o% your table i%
there is any.
___________________ 1.. Clear the typin" area o% all items not needed %or typin".
___________________ 10. e sure that the %ront ed"e o% the type$riter is e&en $ith the
%ront ed"e o% typin" table.

Directions: +ist do$n $hat is bein" asked in the %ollo$in" statements:
A. Classi!cation o% type$riter accordin" to operation
. Classi!cation o% type$riter accordin" to print
C. Ci&e at least )0 brands o% type$riter
7). 78.
7(. 43.
7,. 4).
7.. 4(.
70. 4,.
71. 4..
77. 40.
Directions: Arran"e the %ollo$in" procedures by $ritin" the letters J$% &% c% ' $n'
so onK on the space pro&ided be%ore each number.
A. Steps in insertin" the paper
______ 41. 5osition your ri"ht thumb under the ri"ht cylinder knob $ith the !rst t$o
!n"ers on the top.
______47. Stop $hen the paper is about ) L inches abo&e the ali"nin" scale.
______44. 5lace the le%t ed"e o% the paper a"ainst the paper "uide.
______48. 2old the t$o sheets o% paper $ith your le%t hand.
______83. T$irl the cylinder knob.
. Steps in strai"htenin" the paper
______8). Arran"e the paper bail rollers on top o% the paper.
______8(. 9eturn the paper release le&er to its ori"inal position.
______8,. 5ull do$n your paper bail.
______8.. +i%t the paper bail.
______80. +ine up the le%t ed"es o% the paper.
______81. ?epress the paper release le&er to loosen the paper.
C. Steps in remo&in" the paper
______87. 9emo&e the paper %orm the machine.
______84. ?epress the paper release le&er to loosen the paper.
______88. Crasp the top ed"e o% the paper.
______)33. 9eturn the paper release le&er to its ori"inal position.

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