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Week Learning Objective Learning Outcome Teaching & Learning Activity
References Remarks

04 07/1/12
Orientation for Form 1 & 4
Theme: Introucing
Learning area:
"#!cientific Investigation
1.1 Analyzing method of
scientific investigation.
A stdent is a!le to"
#$%lain the ste%s in scientific
&arry ot a scientific
'rite a re%ort on a scientific
#$%lain the im%ortance of
scientific investigation.
&arry ot a scientific investigation( e.g.
investigate ho) srface area affects the
rate of cooling or investigate ho) does
seed germinate.
*tdents )ill"
a+ ,dentify the %ro!lem.
!+ ,dentify the varia!les(
c+ -a.e a hy%othesis.

d+ /lan the investigation to"
e+ &arry ot the
i. 0etermine the
a%%arats and materials needed(
ii. 0etermine the
%rocedre of the investigation( the
method of data collection and data
f+ &ollect data.
g+ Analyse and inter%ret
h+ -a.e conclsions.
i+ 'rite a re%ort.
0iscss the im%ortance of scientific
investigation method in ac1iring scientific
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 1
02 13/1/12
1.2 4ealizing the need to
%ractice scientific
attitdes and no!le
vale )hen carrying
ot scientific
A stdent is a!le to"
,dentify scientific attitdes and
no!le vales %ractised !y
#$%lain the need to %ractise
scientific attitdes and no!le
vales )hen carrying ot a
scientific investigation.
/ractise scientific attitdes
and no!le vales )hen
5ie) a video or com%ter simlation then
gather and inter%ret data on the scientific
attitdes and no!le vales %ractised !y
&arry ot a simlation in order to %ractise
scientific attitdes and no!le vales.
0iscss the need to %ractise scientific
attitdes and no!le vales )hen carrying
ot scientific investigations.
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 2
carrying ot a scientific
16 20/1/12 Theme: $aintenance an
%ontinuity of &ife
Learning area:
"#'oy %oorination
1.1 7nderstanding !ody
A stdent is a!le to"
0escri!e )hat !ody
coordination is.
,dentify the !ody systems that
control and reglated
*tate the im%ortance of !ody
&arry ot activities to o!serve and discss
!ody coordination.
#$amine models( vie) charts or videos to
identify the !ody systems )hich control
coordination( i.e. the nervos system and
the endocrine system.
0iscss the im%ortance of !ody
coordination in daily activities.
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 3
1.2 7nderstanding the
hman nervos
A stdent is a!le to"
,dentify the com%onent %arts
of the hman nervos system.
*tate the fnction of each
com%onent %art of the nervos
*tate )hat a nerone is.
,dentify the %arts of a nerone.
*tate the fnction of each %art
of the nerone.
,dentify the different ty%es of
*tate the fnction of each ty%e
of nerone.
&om%are and contrast the
different ty%es of nerone.
O!serve models( vie) charts or videos and
identify the hman nervos system )hich
consists of"
a+ &entral nervos system" !rain and
s%inal cord.
!+ /eri%heral nervos system" cranial and
s%inal nerves and their !ranches
)hich lin. the rece%tors and effectors
)ith the central nervos system.
0iscss the fnction of each com%onent
%art of the nervos system.
5ie) videos( charts or e$amine models
and discss the follo)ing"
a+ 8erone as the !asic nit of the
nervos system.
!+ /arts of a nerone namely cell !ody(
a$on( dendron( and myelin sheath.
c+ Fnctions of varios %arts of a nerone.
d+ 9y%es of nerone namely the sensory
nerone( motor nerone( and the
relay nerone.
e+ Fnctions of varios ty%es of nerones.
0ra) a la!elled diagram of sensory
nerone( the motor neron and the relay
&arry ot an activity to com%are and
contrast the different ty%es of nerones
and %resent the similarities and differences
in a gra%hic organiser.
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 4
23 27/1/12
1.3 Analyzing nervos
A stdent is a!le to"
*tate )hat rece%tors and
effectors are.
*tate the fnctions of
rece%tors and effectors.
#$%lain )ith e$am%les )hat a
refle$ action is.
0escri!e a refle$ arc.
,llstrate the %ath ta.en !y an
im%lse in the refle$ arc.
0iscss the follo)ing"
a+ -eaning of rece%tors and effectors.
!+ Fnctions of rece%tors and effectors.
&arry ot activities to demonstrate the
reactions of sensory organs to varios
&arry ot activities to o!serve and discss
refle$ actions sch as .nee:;er. and
reaction to toching a hot or shar% o!;ect.
5ie) com%ter simlations or charts
sho)ing the %ath ta.en !y an im%lse in a
refle$ arc.
5ie) com%ter simlation or charts
sho)ing the %ath ta.en !y an im%lse in a
refle$ arc.
0ra) a diagram to sho) the %ath ta.en !y
an im%lse in a refle$ arc.
1.4 7nderstanding the role of
%ro%rioce%tors in
maintaining !alance
and coordination.
A stdent is a!le to"
#$%lain )hat %ro%rioce%tors are.
#$%lain the im%ortance of
&arry ot the follo)ing activities to sho)
the im%ortance of %ro%rioce%tors"
a+ * o!;ects )ith
!oth eyes closed.
!+ -aintaining !alance of
the !ody.
5ie) charts( videos or com%ter
simlations and discss the follo)ing"
a+ %ro%rioce%tors and their fnctions.
!+ the im%ortance of %ro%rioce%tors
in maintaining !alance and
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 5
30/1/ 03/2/12
1.< 7nderstanding the
hman !rain and its
A stdent is a!le to"
,dentify the main %arts of the
hman !rain.
*tate the fnctions of each
main %art of the hman !rain.
#$%lain )hat volntary action
=ive e$am%les of volntary
#$%lain )hat involntary
action is.
=ive e$am%les of involntary
#$%lain the effects of in;ries
to s%ecific %arts of the hman
#$amine models( vie) videos or com%ter
simlations to identify the strctre of the
hman !rain( i.e. the cere!rm( cere!ellm
and medlla o!longata.
0iscss the fnctions of the varios %arts
of the !rain.
0ra) and la!el the main %arts of the
hman !rain.
&arry ot activities and discss the
a+ volntary actions sch as )riting and
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 6
30/1/ 03/2/12
1.6 7nderstanding hormonal
coordination in the
A stdent is a!le to"
0escri!e )hat a hormone is.
0escri!e )hat endocrine
glands are.
,dentify the main endocrine
glands and their res%ective
locations in the !ody.
*tate the fnctions of
hormones secreted !y the
endocrine glands.
0escri!e the effects of
hormonal im!alance on health.
&arry ot games sch as >match and )in?
or %zzles to identify the follo)ing"
a+ hormones and the main
endocrine glands( i.e. the %ititary
gland( thyroid gland( adrenal gland(
%ancreas( ovary( and testis.
!+ 9he hormones secreted
!y each of the main endocrine
c+ Fnctions of the hormones secreted
!y each of the main endocrine
0ra) a la!elled diagram to sho) the
locations of the main endocrine glands in
the hman endocrine system.
0iscss the effects for hormonal im!alance
on health and %resent the information in a
gra%hic organiser.
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 7
1.7 Analyzing coordination
!et)een the nervos
system and the
endocrine system.
A stdent is a!le to"
&om%are and contrast
nervos coordination )ith
hormonal coordination.
#$%lain )ith e$am%les the
coordination !et)een the
nervos system in res%onse to
a s%ecific stimls.
#$%lain the im%ortance of
coordination !et)een the
nervos system and the
endocrine system in res%onse
to a s%ecific stimls.
&arry ot an activity to com%are and
contrast nervos coordination )ith
hormonal coordination and %resent the
similarities and differences in a gra%hic
*imlate >fright and flight? sitations or
relate an incident to discss the follo)ing"
a+ coordination !et)een the nervos
system and the endocrine system in
%rodcing a res%onse to a stimls.
!+ 9he im%ortance of coordination
!et)een the nervos system and the
endocrine system in ensring a
smooth and a%%ro%riate res%onse to
a s%ecific stimls.
06 10 /2/12
1.@ #valating the effects of
drg a!se on !ody
coordination and
A stdent is a!le to"
0efine )hat drgs are.
Aist e$am%les of drgs.
#$%lain )hat drg a!se is.
0escri!e the effects of drg
a!se on !ody coordination.
0escri!e the effects of drg
a!se on health.
,nvite a re%resentative from Agensi 0adah
Be!angsaan CA0B+( /olis 0i 4a;a -alaysia
C/04-+( /ersatan -encegah 0adah
-alaysia C/#-A0A-+ or other a%%ro%riate
instittions to give a tal. or an e$hi!ition on
drgs( drg a!se and the effects of drg
a!se on !ody coordination.
*tdents gather information from !oo.s(
ne)s%a%er( magazines( or internet and
ma.e %resentations on drg a!se throgh
%!lic e$hi!iting folio or
mltimedia /o)er /oint %resentation.
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 8
06 10 /2/12
1.2 Analyzing the effects of
e$cessive consm%tion
of alcohol on !ody
coordination and
A stdent is a!le to"
Aist e$am%les of alcoholic
0escri!e the effects of
e$cessive consm%tion of
alcohol on !ody coordination.
0escri!e the effects of
e$cessive consm%tion of
alcohol on health.
Dstify the im%ortance of
avoiding e$cessive
consm%tion of alcohol.
=ather information form !oo.s(
ne)s%a%ers( magazines or internet and
discss the follo)ing"
a+ #$am%le of alcoholic
!+ #ffects of e$cessive
consm%tion of alcohol on !ody
coordination Ceffect on reaction times+
and health.
c+ 9he im%ortance of
avoiding e$cessive consm%tion of
5ie) a video or com%ter simlation to
sho) the effects of e$cessive consm%tion
of alcohol.
/resent and e$hi!it the collected
06 10 /2/12
1.10 4ealizing the
im%ortance of sond
and healthy mind.
A stdent is a!le to"
*tate )hat mind is.
,dentify factors that affect the
#$%lain ho) s!stance a!se
can affect the mind.
Dstify the im%ortance of a
healthy and sond mind.
=ather information from !oo.s( magazines(
ne)s%a%ers and internet and discss the
a+ the meaning of mind.
!+ Factors that affect the mind( )hich
inclde( hormone im!alance(
e$cessive consm%tion of alcohol
and drg a!se can affect the mind.
c+ Eo) hormone im!alance( e$cessive
consm%tion of alcohol and drg
a!se can affect the mind.
d+ 9he im%ortance of a healthy and sond
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 9

13 17 /2/12
$aintenance an
%ontinuity Of Life
Learning area:
(# )ereity an *ariation
2.1 7nderstanding cell
A stdent is a!le to"
*tate )hat the relationshi%
!et)een gene( 08A and
*tate )hat mitosis is.
*tate )hat meiosis is.
0escri!e the
%rocess of mitosis.
0escri!e the %rocess of
&om%are and contrast mitosis
)ith meiosis.
#$%lain the im%ortance of mitosis
and meiosis.
5ie) videos( com%ter simlations or
charts to stdy the follo)ing"
a+ =ene( 08A and chromosome.
!+ -itosis and meiosis.
*imlate the %rocess of mitosis and
&arry ot an activity to com%are and
contrast mitosis )ith meiosis and %resent
the similarities and differences in a
gra%hic organiser.
#$amine the %rocess of mitosis and
meiosis in %lant and animal.
0iscss the im%ortance of mitosis and
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 10
20 24/2/12
2.2 7nderstanding the
%rinci%les and
mechanism of
A stdent is a!le to"
#$%lain )hat dominant genes
and recessive genes are.
,dentify dominant traits and
recessive traits in hman.
,llstrate the mechanism of
inheritance of traits sing
schematic diagram.
/redict the genoty%e and
%henoty%e ratios of
monohy!rid cross.
O!serve and identify dominant and
recessive traits among stdents and their
family mem!ers.
0iscss the follo)ing"
a+ dominant genes and dominant traits.
!+ 4ecessive genes and recessive traits.
5ie) videos or com%ter simlations on
genetic e$%eriments carried ot !y =regor
-endel to stdy the mechanism of trait
7se schematic diagrams to illstrate
monohy!rid crosses and %redict the
follo)ing sing -endelFs la)"
a+ genoty%e ratio of the Gfirst filialF of F1
generation and the Gsecond filialF or F2
!+ /henoty%e ratio of the Gfirst fillialF of F1
generation and the Gsecond filialF or F2
&arry ot an activity to o!serve the
genoty%e and %henoty%e ratio for F1 and F2
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 11
27/2 2/3/12
2.3 7nderstanding se$
determination and the
occrrence of t)ins in
hman !eings.
A stdent is a!le to"
#$%lain )hat se$
chromosomes are.
#$%lain ho) se$ is
#$%lain the formation of
identical and non:identical
&om%are and contrast
identical )ith non:identical
#$%lain )hat *iamese t)ins
5ie) videos( com%ter simlations or
charts to stdy the follo)ing"
a+ se$ chromosomes.
!+ 0etermination of se$.
c+ 9he occrrence of identical and non:
identical t)ins.
d+ 9he occrrence of *iamese t)ins.
7se schematic diagrams to illstrate the
a+ ho) se$ is determined.
!+ Eo) identical and non:identical t)ins
are formed.
&arry ot an activity to com%are and
contrast identical t)ins )ith non:identical
t)ins and illstrate the similarities and
differences in a gra%hic organiser.
4ead and inter%ret data from !oo.s(
articles( magazines or ,nternet on *iamese
27/2 2/3/12
2.4 7nderstanding
A stdent is a!le to"
*tate )hat mtation is.
*tate the ty%es of mtation.
,dentify cases of mtation.
,dentify cases of mtation.
*tate the advantages and
disadvantages of mtation.
5ie) videos( com%ter simlations or
charts to stdy the follo)ing"
a+ mtation and ty%es of mtation sch as
chromosome mtations and gene
!+ &onse1ences of chromosome
mtations in hmans sch as 0o)nFs
syndrome( BlinefelterFs syndorome(
and 9rnerFs syndrome.
c+ &onse1ences of gene mtations in
hmans sch as color !lindness and
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 12
&arry ot an activity to test color
!lindness among %%ils.
=ather information from !oo.s(
ne)s%a%ers( magazines or ,nternet and
discss the advantage and disadvantages
of mtation.
&om%ile material on mtation in a scra%
0< 02 /3/12
1 st Monthly Test
Mid Semester Break
12 23 /3/12
2.< #valating the effects
of research on hman
A stdent is a!le to"
Aist the contri!tions of
genetic research in varios
#$%lain selective !reeding in
%lants and livestoc..
*tate the im%ortance of
selective !reeding in %lants
and livestoc..
0escri!e the technology sed
for selective !reeding.
/resent argments for and
against genetic research.
0iscss the follo)ing"
a+ selective !reeding in %lants and
!+ 9he im%ortance of selective !reeding in
%lants and livestoc..
2.6 Analyzing variation
among living things
A stdent is a!le to"
*tate )hat variation is.
Aist variation in hmans.
&arry ot activities to identify and classify
variation among stdents in a class.
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 13
&lassify variation into
continos and discontinos
0iscss the follo)ing"
a+ &ontinos variation and discontinos
!+ #$am%les of continos variation and
discontinos variation
12 23 /3/12
&om%are and contrast
continos and discontinos
,dentify factors that case
#$%lain the im%ortance of
c+ Factors )hich case variation.
d+ 9he im%ortance of variation.
&arry ot an activity to com%are and
contrast continos variation )ith
discontinos variation and illstrate the
similarities and differences in a gra%hic
&onstrct a family tree !ased on variation
among family mem!ers sch as having
straight or crly hair( !eing right:handed or
left:handed( the %resence or a!sence of
ear lo!es( and the a!ility to roll the tonge.
2.7 4ealizing the need to
adhere to a code of
ethics in genetic
A stdent is a!le to"
#$%lain ho) the misse of
.no)ledge in the field of
genetics can endanger life.
0escri!e the im%ortance of
esta!lishing and adhering to
ethics and morals in scientific
research for the !enefit of
4ead !oo.s( articles( magazines or search
the ,nternet and discss ho) misse of
.no)ledge in the field of genetics can
endanger life.
0iscss the im%ortance of esta!lishing and
adhering to ethics and morals in scientific
research for the !enefit of man.ind.
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 14
26/3 30/3/12

$atter in +ature
Learning area:
"# $atter an !ubstances
1.1 Analyzing changes in
the states of matter.
A stdent is a!le to"
#$%lain the .inetic theory of
4elate changes in heat to
changes in .inetic energy of
the %articles in matter.
#$%lain the inter conversion of
the three state of matter !ased
on the .inetic theory of matter.
&arry ot an activity to o!serve and %lot a
gra%h of changes in the states of matter
)hen heat is a!sor!ed or released.
5ie) videos or com%ter simlations and
discss the follo)ing"
a+ the .inetic theory of matter.
!+ changes in .inetic theory energy of
%articles in matter dring heat
c+ changes in the states of matter involving
the a!sor%tion or release of heat.
d+ changes in matter dring melting(
!oiling( condensations( freezing and
s!limation !ased on the .inetic
theory of matter.
1.2 7nderstanding the
strctre of an atom
A stdent is a!le to"
0escri!e the strctre of an
,dentify the s!atomic
&om%are and contrast the
s!atomic %articles.
#$amine models( vie) com%ter
simlations and discss the follo)ing"
a+ 9he strctre of an atom.
!+ 9he s!atomic %articles namely %roton(
electron( and netron.
0ra) a la!elled diagram of a model of an
&arry ot activities to com%are and
contrast the s!atomic %articles in terms of
location( relative mass and charge.
,llstrate the similarities and differences of
s!atomic %articles in a gra%hic organiser.
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 15
02 06 /4/12
1.3 A%%lying the idea of
%roton nm!er and
ncleon nm!er in
atoms of elements.
A stdent is a!le to"
*tate )hat %roton nm!er is.
*tate )hat ncleon nm!er is.
4elate the nm!er of %rotons(
netrons and electrons in an
atom to its %roton nm!er and
ncleon nm!er.
0edce the nm!er of %rotons(
electrons and netrons in atoms
of different elements.
-a.e a generalisation on the
nm!ers of %rotons and
electrons in atoms of different
*tate )hat isoto%es are.
=ive e$am%les of isoto%es.
&ollect and inter%ret data on the follo)ing"
a+ %roton nm!er.
!+ 8cleon nm!er.
c+ ,soto%es.
&onstrct a ta!le to sho) the relationshi%
!et)een the nm!er of %rotons( netrons
and electrons in an atom and its %roton
nm!er and ncleon nm!er.
0iscss and ma.e a generalisation that
atoms of different elements consist of
different nm!ers of %rotons and electrons.
0iscss the follo)ing"
a+ isoto%es.
!+ e$am%les of isoto%es sch as isoto%es
of hydrogen and car!on
1.4 7nderstanding the
classification of
elements in the
/eriodic 9a!le.
A stdent is a!le to"
0escri!e the arrangement of
elements in the /eriodic 9a!le.
0escri!e )hat is meant !y
gro%s and %eriods in the
/eriodic 9a!le.
,dentify the locations of metals(
non:metals and semimetals in
the /eriodic 9a!le.
*tate the im%ortance of the
/eriodic 9a!le.
5ie) com%ter simlations or charts and
discss the follo)ing as%ects of the
/eriodic 9a!le"
a+ Arrangement of elements !ased on
increasing %roton nm!er.
!+ =ro% as vertical colmn containing
elements )ith similar chemical
c+ /eriod as horizontal ro) containing
elements that change their chemical
and %hysical %ro%erties gradally
from those reflecting metal to those
reflecting non:metal.
d+ Aocations of metals( non:metals and
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 16
0iscss the im%ortance of the /eriodic
9a!le in terms of"
a+ assisting in an orderly and systematic
a%%roach to the stdy of elements.
!+ Bno)ing the %ro%erties of the elements.
c+ /redicting the %ro%erties and ses of
02 13 /4/12

1.< 7nderstanding the
%ro%erties of
s!stances !ased on
the %articles %resent in
A stdent is a!le to"
0escri!e )hat atoms(
molecles and ions are.
,dentify the %articles in
s!stances as atoms(
molecles and ions.
*tate e$am%les of s!stances
made of atoms( molecles and
5ie) com%ter simlations or charts to
stdy the follo)ing"
a+ atoms( molecles and ions.
!+ *!stances )hich are made of atoms(
molecles and ions.
c+ /hysical %ro%erties of s!stances made
of atoms( molecles and ions sch
i. %hysical state at room
ii. -elting %oint.
iii. Hoiling %oint.
iv. #lectrical condctivity.
d+ arrangement of %articles and the forces
of attraction !et)een %articles in
s!stances made of atoms(
molecles and ions.
&om%are and contrast
s!stances that are made of
atoms( molecles and ions !ase
on their %hysical %ro%erties.
4elate the %hysical %ro%erties of
s!stances made % of atoms(
molecles and ions to the
&arry ot an activity to stdy the melting
%oint and electrical condctivity of
s!stance ma.e % of"
a+ atoms sch as lead.
!+ -olecles sch as sl%hr.
c+ ,ons sch as lead !romide.
&arry ot an activity to com%are and
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 17
arrangement of %articles and the
forces of attraction !et)een
contrast s!stances that are made of
atoms( molecles and ions !ased on their
%hysical %ro%erties. ,llstrate the
similarities and differences in a gra%hic
0iscss the arrangement of %articles and
the forces of attraction !et)een %articles in
relation to the %hysical %ro%erties of
s!stances made % of atoms( molecles
and ions.
02 13 /4/12 1.6 7nderstanding the
%ro%erties and ses of
metals and non:metals
A stdent is a!le to"
Aist e$am%les of metals and
Aist the ses of metals and
non:metals in daily life.
&om%are and contrast metals
and non:metals !ased on their
%hysical %ro%erties.
4elate the %hysical %ro%erties
of metals and non:metals to
their ses in daily life.
&arry ot an activity to identify o!;ects in
the classroom )hich are made of metals
and non:metals.
&ollect and inter%ret data on the %ro%erties
and ses of metals sch as iron(
alminim( zinc( co%%er( lead( tin( gold and
non:metals sch as car!on( sl%hr and
&arry ot an activity to com%are and
contrast the %ro%erties of things made of
metal and non:metal and illstrate the
similarities and differences in a gra%hic
&arry ot an activity to stdy the %hysical
%ro%erties of metals and non:metals sch
a+ Aminosity.
!+ 0ctility
c+ -allea!ility.
d+ 9ensile strength.
e+ #lectrical and heat
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 18
0iscss the %hysical %ro%erties of metals
and non:metals relating to their ses in
daily life.
&onstrct a ta!le to sho) the %hysical and
chemical different !et)een metal and non:
16 20 /4/12

1.7 Analyzing methods of
%rifying s!stances.
A stdent is a!le to"
*tate the characteristics of %re
0escri!e the different methods
of %rification of s!stances.
4elate the characteristics of
s!stances to the methods of
%rification sed.
#$%lain )ith e$am%les the
methods of %rification sed to
%rodce s!stances sed in
daily life.
&ollect and inter%ret data on the follo)ing"
a+ &haracteristics of %re s!stances.
!+ 0ifferent methods of %rification of
&arry ot activities to stdy the follo)ing"
a+ Eo) the %resence of im%rities sch as
salts affects the !oiling %oint of )ater.
!+ /rification of s!stances !y the
follo)ing methods"
i. 0istillation( e.g. %rifying alcohol
from a mi$tre of alcohol and )ater.
ii. &rystallisation( e.g. %rifying salt
form a satrated soltion of
common salt.
=ather information and discss the
a+ factors to !e considered )hen
selecting the methods of %rification.
#$am%les are as follo)"
i. se%arating a li1id from a soltion
of a solid in a li1id( sch as
%rodcing %re )ater form sea
ii. *e%arating a li1id from a mi$tre
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 19
of misci!le li1ids sch as
removing ethanol from a mi$tre of
ethanol and )ater.
iii. *e%arating insol!le im%rities
form a s!stance sch as removing
sand and other im%rities from salt.
16 20 /4/12

1.@ A%%reciating the
e$istence and ses of
varios s!stances of
different characteristics.
A stdent is a!le to"
0escri!e ho) man ses varios
s!stances of different
characteristics and states in
everyday life.
Dstify the im%ortance of the
e$istence of varios s!stances
of different characteristics and
state that !enefit man.ind.
!+ methods of %rification sed in
%rodcing s!stances needed daily
sch as salt( sgar( %etrolem
fractions and distilled )ater.
0iscss the follo)ing"
a+ ho) varios s!stances of different
characteristics can !e tilised to
!enefit man.ind.
!+ 9he im%ortance of the e$istence of
varios s!stances of different
=ather information from !oo.s( magazine(
internet( ne)s%a%ers to com%ile in a scra%
23 27 /4/12

Energy in Life
Learning area:
"# Energy an %hemica&
1.1 7nderstanding %hysical
and chemical changes
A stdent is a!le to"
#$%lain )hat %hysical change is.
#$%lain )hat chemical change
=ive e$am%le of %hysical
changes in daily life.
=ive e$am%les of chemical
changes in daily life.
&om%are and contrast %hysical
changes and chemical changes.
0iscss the follo)ing in terms of %hysical
and chemical changes"
a+ !rning of %a%er.
!+ -elting of ice.
c+ &hange in color of sliced a%%les(
d+ #va%oration of )ater.
&arry ot the follo)ing activities to stdy
%hysical and chemical changes"
a+ Eeating iron )ith sl%hr.
!+ Hrning magnesim in air.
c+ -i$ing zinc )ith co%%er sl%hate
d+ * clean iron nails in )ater ntil
they rst.
e+ Eeating co%%er car!onate.
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 20

f+ -i$ing %otassim iodide )ith lead
g+ 0issolving sgar in )ater.
h+ &rystallising sodim chloride from its
satrated soltion.
i+ Eeating iodine crystals in a closed
;+ *lo) heating of )a$.
&arry ot an activity to com%are and
contrast %hysical change and chemical
change and illstrate the similarities and
differences in a gra%hic organiser.
1.2 Analyzing heat change in
chemical reactions.
A stdent is a!le to"
*tate those chemical reactions
involve heat change.
,dentify reactions involving heat
,dentify reactions involving heat
&arry ot the follo)ing activities to stdy
heat changes in chemical reactions"
a+ dissolving ammonim
chloride in )ater.
!+ 0issolving sodim
hydro$ide in )ater.
0iscss the follo)ing"
a+ the relationshi% !et)een heat loss or
heat gain and changes in
!+ #$othermic and endothermic reactions
!ased on changes in heat.

4elate changes in tem%eratre
of reactants t e$othermic
4elate changes in tem%eratre
or reactants to e$othermic
4elate changes in tem%eratre
of reactants to endothermic
#$%lain throgh e$am%les heat
changes that occr dring
5ie) com%ter simlations then gather and
inter%ret data on heat changes that occr
dring indstrial chemical reactions( sch
a+ the %rodction of ammonia form
ammonim %rodcts.
!+ 9he %rodction of sl%hric acid.
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 21
indstrial chemical reactions.

30 04/</12

1.3 *ynthesizing the
reactivity series of
A stdent is a!le to"
0escri!e the reactivity of metals
)ith )ater.
0escri!e the reactivity of metals
)ith acids.
0escri!e the reactivity of metals
)ith o$ygen.
&om%are and contrast the
reactivity of metals )ith )ater
acids and o$ygen.
Arrange metals in order of
&onstrct the reactivity series of
metals !ased on reactivity of
metals )ith o$ygen.
,dentify the %osition of car!on in
the reactivity series.
&arry ot activities to stdy the follo)ing
a+ sodim( calcim(
magnesim( alminim( zinc and
co%%er )ith )ater.
!+ -agnesim( alminim(
zinc and co%%er )ith dilte acids.
c+ -agnesim( alminim(
zinc( co%%er )ith o$ygen.
&arry ot activities to com%are and
contrast the reactivity of metals )ith )ater(
acids and o$ygen. ,llstrate the similarities
and differences in a gra%hic organiser
0iscss and arrange metals in order of
&ollect and inter%ret data on the reactivity
of metals )ith o$ygen to constrct the
reactivity series of metals.

SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 22
1.4 A%%lying the conce%ts
of reactivity series of
A stdent is a!le to"
4elate the %osition of metals in
the reactivity series to the
method of e$traction of metals
from their ores.
#$%lain )ith e$am%les the
%rocess of e$traction of a metal
from its ore sing car!on.
*tate the im%ortance of the
reactivity series.
5ie) com%ter simlations or videos on
methods of e$traction metals form their
ores and the carry ot the follo)ing
a+ relate the %osition of metals in the
reactivity series to the method of
e$tracting metals from their ores(
sch as sing car!on and !y
!+ discss the %rocess of e$tracting tin
form its ore.
&onstrct a reactivity series and discss
the im%ortance of the reactivity series
1@ 20
Mid Year Examination
Mid Year Break
11 1< /6/12
1.< 7nderstanding
A stdent is a!le to"
*tate )hat electrolysis is.
*tate )hat anode( cathode(
anion( cation( and electrolyte
0escri!e the electrolysis of an
electrolyte sing car!on
#$%lain the ses of electrolysis
in indstry.
&arry ot activities on electrolysis and
discss the follo)ing"
a+ 0efinition of electrolysis.
!+ 'hat anode( cathode(
anion( cation and electrolyte are.
c+ 9he %rocess and %rodct
of electrolysis of an electrolyte sing
car!on electrodes.
22 1.6 7nderstanding the A stdent is a!le to" &arry ot an activity to stdy the %rodction
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 23
1@ 22/6/12 %rodction of electrical
energy from chemical
0escri!e ho) a sim%le cell
Aist the varios ty%es of cells
and their ses.
*tate the advantages and
disadvantages of varios
ty%es of cells.
of electrical energy !y a sim%le cell.
#$amine varios ty%es of cells sch as dry
cells( lead:acid accmlators( al.aline
!atteries( silver o$ide:mercry !atteries
and nic.el:cadmim !atteries and discss"
a+ their ses.
!+ 9he advantages and disadvantages in
sing each of these ty%es of cells.
0ra) a gra%hic organizer to sho) the
advantages and disadvantages of varios
ty%es of cells.
2< 22/6/12
1.7 7nderstanding
chemical reactions that
occr in the %resence
of light.
A stdent is a!le to"
=ive e$am%les of chemical
reactions )hich re1ire light.
#$%lain the effect of light on
%hotosensitive chemicals.
#$%lain )hy certain chemicals
are stored in dar. !ottles.
0iscss the follo)ing"
a+ chemical reactions )hich
re1ire light for e$am%le
%hotosynthesis in green %lants.
!+ 9he effect of light on
%hotosensitive chemicals.
&arry ot an activity to stdy the effect of
light on %hotogra%hic %a%er and silver
0iscss ho) %hotosensitive chemicals are
stored !y relating to the effect of light on
these chemicals.
2 6/7/12
1.@ A%%reciating the
innovative efforts in the
design of e1i%ment
sing chemical
reactions as sorces of
A stdent is a!le to"
0escri!e ho) energy o!tained
from chemical reactions shold
!e sed efficiently to %revent
/re%are folio and scra% !oo. on the
follo)ing to%ics"
a+ ho) energy o!tained from chemical
reactions shold !e sed efficiently to
%revent )astage.
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 24
energy. )astage.
0escri!e ho) e1i%ment tilising
chemical reactions as sorces of
energy shold !e dis%osed to
redce environmental %olltion.
=ive sggestions on ne) )ays
of sing chemical reactions as
sorces of energy for e1i%ment.
/t into %ractise good ha!its
)hen sing and dis%osing
e1i%ment that ses chemical
reaction as a sorce of energy
!+ Eo) e1i%ment tilising chemical
reactions as sorces of energy
shold !e dis%osed to redce
environmental %olltion.
&arry ot a !rainstorming session on ne)
)ays of sing chemical reactions as
sorces of energy for e1i%ment.
&arry ot activities to illstrate good ha!its
of sing and dis%osing e1i%ment that
ses chemical reaction as sorce of
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 25
02 13/7/12
Energy In Life
Learning area:
(# +uc&ear Energy
2.1 7nderstanding
radioactive s!stances.
A stdent is a!le to"
*tate )hat radioactive
s!stances are.
=ive e$am%les of radioactive
0escri!e the %rocess of
radioactive decay.
8ame the three ty%es of
radioactive radiations.
0escri!e the characteristics of
each ty%e of radioactive
&om%are and contrast
radioactive radiations.
#$%lain )hat radioisoto%es are.
=ive e$am%les of radioisoto%es.
#$%lain the ses of radioactive
0iscss the follo)ing"
a+ radioactive s!stances(
!+ radioisoto%es of car!on( co!alt and
c+ the %rocess of radioactive decay and
the emission of al%ha %articles( !eta
%articles and gamma radiation.
&arry ot an activity to com%are and
contrast the characteristics of the three
ty%es of radioactive radiations i.e. al%ha(
!eta and gamma radiation in terms of"
a+ ty%es of %articles.
a+ &harge.
!+ /enetrating %o)ers.
,llstrate the similarities and differences in
a gra%hic organiser.
5ie) com%ter simlations( videos or
charts and discss the ses of radioactive
s!stances in the follo)ing fields"
a+ Agricltre
!+ -edicine
c+ Archaeology
d+ ,ndstry
e+ Food %reservation
Access )e!sites or visit -alaysian ,nstitte
of 8clear 9echnology C-,89+ to collect
information on radioactive s!stances and
nclear energy.
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 26
02 13/7/12
2.2 7nderstanding the
%rodction of nclear
energy and its ses.
A stdent is a!le to"
0escri!e the %rodction of
nclear energy throgh fission.
0escri!e the %rodction of
nclear energy throgh fsion.
*tate the ses of energy.
0escri!e the %rocess of
generation electricity form
nclear energy.
#$%lain the effects of nclear
energy %rodction.
5ie) com%ter simlations( videos and
charts and discss the %rodction of
nclear energy throgh the follo)ing"
a+ Fission
!+ Fsion
0iscss the %rocess of generating
electricity from nclear energy.
4ead articles and do a gro% %resentation
on follo)ing"
a+ the ses of nclear energy.
!+ 9he effects of nclear energy
16: 20 /7/12
2.3 A)areness of the need
for %ro%er handling of
radioactive s!stances.
A stdent is a!le to"
*tate the effects of radioactive
radiations on living things.
0escri!e the correct )ay of
handling radioactive s!stance
and radioactive )aste.
#$%lain the need for %ro%er
handling of radioactive
s!stances and radioactive
4ead articles( vie) videos or charts and
discss the follo)ing"
a+ &herno!yl nclear disaster and other
nclear disaster.
!+ Eandling of radioactive s!stances and
radioactive )aste.
0iscss the follo)ing"
a+ the short term and long term effects of
radioactive s!stances on living
!+ 9he need for %ro%er handling of
radioactive s!stances and
radioactive )aste.
0e!ate on the need to have nclear %o)er
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 27
16: 20 /7/12
Energy In Life
Learning area:
,# Light- co&our an
3.1 *ynthesizing the
formation of image !y
%lane mirrors and
A stdent is a!le to"
*tate the characteristics of
images formed !y a %lane mirror.
*tate the characteristics of
image formed !y a conve$ lens.
*tate the characteristics of
image formed !y a concave lens.
&om%are and contrast image of
o!;ects formed !y conve$ lenses
and concave lenses.
0ra) a la!elled ray diagram to
sho) the formation of image !y
light rays %assing throgh a
conve$ lens.
0ra) a la!elled ray diagram to
sho) the formation of image !y
light rays %assing throgh a
concave lens.
&arry ot activities to o!serve the
a+ ,mages formed !y a
%lane mirror.
!+ ,mages formed !y
conve$ and concave lenses.
&arry ot an activity to com%are and
contrast images of list and o!;ects formed
!y conve$ lenses and concave lenses.
,llstrate the similarities and differences in
a gra%hic organiser.
7se com%ter simlations( videos or charts
to demonstrate the constrction of ray
0ra) ray diagrams for light %assing
a+ conve$ lens )ith o!;ects located at
varios distances.
!+ &oncave lens.
Aa!el the follo)ing on the ray diagrams"
a+ %rinci%al a$is.
!+ O%tical centre.
c+ Focal %oint.
d+ Focal length.
e+ O!;ect distance.
f+ ,mage distance
0ra) ray diagrams to e$%lain
ho) characteristics of image
formed !y conve$ lenses vary
)ith o!;ect distance.
0etermine the focal length of a
0iscss ho) characteristics of images
formed !y conve$ lenses vary )ith o!;ect
/lan and carry ot an activity to determine
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 28
conve$ lens. the focal length of a conve$ lens.
27 2@
23 03/@/12
3.2 *ynthesizing the
formation of image !y
o%tical instrments.
A stdent is a!le to"
,dentify the %arts of o%tical
instrments involved in image
0ra) ray diagrams for light rays
%assing throgh an o%tical
&om%are and contrast the
mechanisms in focsing and
controlling the amont of light
that enters hman eyes and a
#$%lain the strctre and
fnction of varios %arts of the
eye sing a camera as an
,nvestigate the image formed in a camera
sing a %in:hole camera )ith and )ithot
&onstrct a sim%le %erisco%e and
telesco%e. 0iscss the formation of image
!y these o%tical instrments.
7se com%ter simlations to demonstrate
constrction of ray diagrams for the light
rays %assing throgh the eye and o%tical
Hased on the simlations( dra) and la!el
ray diagrams to sho) the formation of
images in the follo)ing o%tical instrments"
a+ camera.
!+ /erisco%e
c+ 9elesco%e
d+ #ye
0iscss the similarities and differences
!et)een camera and eye in terms of
focsing and controlling the amont of
#$amine a model camera and relate its
strctre and fnctions to those of the
3.3 Analyzing light
A stdent is a!le to"
*tate )hat light dis%ersion is.
#$%lain throgh e$am%les ho)
dis%ersion of light occrs.
&arry ot activities to investigate the
a+ light dis%ersion sing a %rism.
!+ 4ain!o) formation.
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 29
0iscss )hat light dis%ersion is
7se com%ter simlations to demonstrate
light dis%ersion.
0ra) a la!elled diagram to sho)
dis%ersion of light.
0iscss light dis%ersion in a %henomenon(
sch as the formation of rain!o).
06 10 /@/12
3.4 Analyzing light
A stdent is a!le to"
*tate )hat light scattering is.
=ive e$am%les of %henomena
related to light scattering.
#$%lain throgh e$am%les ho)
scattering of light occrs in
natral %henomena
&arry ot an activity to stdy light
scattering and its effects.
7se com%ter simlations to demonstrate
the %rocess of light scattering.
0iscss light scattering in %henomena sch
as !le s.ies and red snset.
3.< Analyzing the addition
and s!traction of
colored lights.
A stdent is a!le to"
,dentify %rimary and secondary
#$%lain ho) addition of %rimary
colors %rodces secondary
#$%lain the s!traction of
colors !y colored filters.
&arry ot an activity to introdce %rimary
and secondary colors.
&arry ot activities to"
a+ investigate the addition of %rimary
colors to form secondary colors.
!+ ,nvestigate the effects of %rimary and
secondary colored filters on )hite
and colored light.
7se com%ter simlations to demonstrate
addition and s!traction of colored light.
0iscss the follo)ing"
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 30
a+ ho) secondary colors are o!tained
from the addition of %rimary colors.
!+ *!traction of colored lights !y
colored filters.
13 : 17 /@/12
(n $onth&y Test
1@: 26/@/12 $i Term 'reak
27/@ 31/@/12
3.6 A%%lying the %rinci%le of
s!traction of colored
light to e$%lain the
a%%earance of colored
A stdent is a!le to"
#$%lain s!traction of colored
lights !y colored o!;ects.
#$%lain the a%%earance of
colored o!;ects nder )hite
#$%lain the a%%earance of
colored o!;ects nder colored
*tate the fnction of rod and
cone cells in the eye.
&arry ot activities to o!serve and stdy
the color of o!;ects nder )hite and
colored lights.
5ie) com%ter simlations and discss the
s!traction of colored lights !y colored
0iscss the follo)ing"
a+ fnctions of rod and cone cells.
!+ 9he a%%earance of colored o!;ects
nder )hite and colored light.
27/@ 31/@/12
3.7 Analyzing the effect of
mi$ing %igments.
A stdent is a!le to"
*tate )hat %igment is.
Aist the ses of %igments.
&om%are and contrast the
mi$ing of %igments )ith the
addition of colored lights.
#$%lain throgh e$am%les the
effects of %igments on light.
&arry ot activities to o!serve and stdy
%igment and the effect for mi$ing %igments.
5ie) com%ter simlation and discss the
mi$ing of %igments and the effects of
%igments on light.
&arry ot an activity to com%are and
contrast the mi$ing of %igments )ith the
addition of colored lights. ,llstrate the
similarities and differences in a gra%hic
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 31
-a.e conclsions a!ot the
mi$ing of %igments.
Hased on the a!ove activities ma.e
conclsions a!ot the mi$ing of %igments
and discss the ses of %igments.
03 :07 /2/12
3.@ #valating the
im%ortance of color in
daily life.
A stdent is a!le to"
Aist the ses of color in daily
*tate )ith e$am%les the
im%ortance of color to living
Dstify the im%ortance of color
to living things.
5ie) com%ter simlations or videos to
gather information and discss the
a+ the ses of color in %rinting( electrical
)iring( traffic lights( sym!ols and
!+ 9he im%ortance of color to hmans(
animals and %lants.
0iscss )hat life is li.e )ithot color.
10 14 /2/12
3.2 A%%reciating the
!enefits of varios ty%es
of o%tical instrments to
A stdent is a!le to"
4elate the inventions of varios
ty%es of o%tical instrments to
their contri!tions to man.ind.
0iscss the advantages of having varios
.inds of o%tical instrments sch as"
a+ to overcome the limitation of the sense
of sight.
!+ #$tending the ca%a!ility or %o)er of
c+ ,ncreasing hman .no)ledge and
nderstanding a!ot natre.
17 21 /2/12
24 2@ /2/12
Theme: Techno&ogica& an
Inustria& /eve&o0ment in
"# %hemica&s In Inustry
1.1 7nderstanding the
%ro%erties of alloys and
their ses in indstry.
A stdent is a!le to"
*tate )hat an alloy is.
=ive e$am%les of alloys.
#$%lain ho) the formation of
alloy can change the %ro%erties
of metals.
#$amine things made of alloys and discss
their com%osition( %ro%erties and ses.
&ollect and inter%ret data on the follo)ing"
a+ )hat an alloys is.
!+ #$am%les of alloys.
c+ &om%osition( %ro%erties and the ses of
varios alloys inclding steel( %e)ter(
!ronze( !rass and dralmin.
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 32
4elate the changes in the
%ro%erties of metals )hen they
are converted to alloys to the
arrangement of %articles in the
4elate the %ro%erties of alloys to
their se in daily life.
0escri!e the im%ortance of
alloys in indstry.
*tate )hat s%ercondctor
alloys are.
5ie) videos or com%ter simlations and
a+ ho) formation of alloys can change the
%ro%erties metals( sch as to
increase hardness( %revent corrosion
and im%rove a%%earance.
!+ 'hat s%ercondctor alloys are.
0iscss the im%ortance of alloys in
&om%ile the %ro%erties and ses of varios
alloyFs %hoto in scra% !oo..

01 0</10/12
1.2 Analysing the %rodction
and ses of ammonia in
A stdent is a!le to"
Aist the ses of ammonia and its
com%onds in daily life.
0escri!e ho) ammonia is
%rodced in indstry.
*tate the factors )hich affect the
%rodction of ammonia in
*tate the indstrial ses of
&ollect and stdy %rodct la!els to identify
the ammonim com%onds %resent.
0iscss the ses of ammonia and its
com%onds in the of s!stances
sch as fertilisers( nitric acid( coloring(
cleaning agents and e$%losives.
5ie) videos or com%ter simlations to
gather and inter%ret data on the follo)ing"
a+ the %rocess of %rodcing ammonia in
!+ Factors )hich affect the o%timm
%rodction of ammonia sch as
tem%eratre( %ressre and catalysts.
0escri!e ho) ammonia is sed
to %rodce ammonim salt
fertilisers and rea.
0ra) a flo) chart to sho) the %rodction of
&ollect and inter%ret data on the large
scale ses of ammonia in indstry sch as
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 33
manfactring fertiliser and nitric acid.
&arry ot an activity to %re%are ammonim
fertiliser sch as ammonim sl%hate(
ammonim nitrate and ammonim
0@ 12/10/12
1.3 Analysing the effects of
indstrial )aste dis%osal
on the environment.
A stdent is a!le to"
,dentify manfactring activities
)hich are sorces of %olltion.
#$%lain the effects of im%ro%er
indstrial )aste dis%osal.
4elate the effects of indstrial
)aste dis%osal to the srvival of
living things.
*tate )ith e$am%les the
methods of controlling indstrial
)aste dis%osal to avoid %olltion.
5ie) videos or com%ter simlations to
gather and inter%ret data on environmental
%olltion arising from"
a+ !rning of fossil fels.
0is%osal of indstrial )aste sch as to$ic
s!stances form the chemical indstry(
radioactive )aste( oil %alm and r!!er
)aste from the agricltre indstry.
#ffects of im%ro%er indstrial )aste
dis%osal on the environment.
-ethods of controlling indstrial )aste
dis%osal to avoid environmental %olltion.
0iscss and relate the effects of im%ro%er
dis%osal of indstrial )aste to the srvival
of living things.
*elect an indstry and do a %resentation
on ho) )astes are managed in the
0@ 12/10/12
1.4 4ealising the need for
%reservation and
conservation of the
environment from
indstrial )aste %olltion
for the )ell:!eing of
A stdent is a!le to"
0escri!e the conse1ences of
ncontrolled and ha%hazard
dis%osal of indstrial )aste.
#$%lain the im%ortance of
%ractising res%onsi!le )ay of
5ie) videos or com%ter simlations on
indstrial )aste %olltion and its effects on
a+ conse1ences of ncontrolled and
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 34
man.ind. dis%osing indstrial )aste. ha%hazard dis%osal of indstrial
!+ 9he need to treat indstrial %olltion
seriosly in order to %reserve and
conserve the environment.
c+ 9he im%ortance of %ractising
res%onsi!le )ay of dis%osing
indstrial )aste.
Final #$amination
40: 41 0iscssion and Iear #nd Activities
"4"4(.", 2012 Iear #nd Eolidays
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 35
Learning area : "# Energy an %hemica& %hanges
"#" 5hysica& an %hemica& %hanges
"#( Ana&ysing )eat %hange in %hemica& Reaction
"#, The Reactivity !eries of $eta&s
"#6 A00&ication of Reactivity !eries of $eta&
"#7 E&ectro&ysis
"#8 The 5rouction of E&ectrica& Energy from %hemica& Reactions
"#1 %hemica& Reactions that Occur in the 5resence of Light
Aearning area " 2. 8clear #nergy 2.1 4adioactive *!stances
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 36
(#( 5rouction of +uc&ear Energy an ItGs ?ses
htt0:44en#9iki0eia#org49iki4+uc&earE9ea0on htt0:44en#9iki0eia#org49iki4+uc&earE0o9er htt0:44en#9iki0eia#org49iki4EnergyEeve&o0ment
(#, A9areness of The +ee Hor 5ro0er )an&ing of raioactive substances
The Hormation of Image 'y 5&ane $irrors an Lenses
))).%hy.ntn.ed.t)/old;ava/o%tics/ mirror Je.html
9he Formation of ,mage Hy O%tical ,nstrments999#funsci#com4fun,Een4&ens4&ens#htm htt%"//))).$1.ei.ed/Lcfadd/1160/&h26O,n/9o&.html
Aight 0is%ersionhtt0:44999#0s#missouri#eu4ricks0age4refract4refraction#htm& htt0:44999#&ibrary#thinkFuest#org4%..,1184es0ano&4fun4a00&et,#htm
Light !cattering
9he Addition and *!raction of &olored Aightshtt0:44999#home0ages#0araise#net#nB4s&ugg4co&our4co&our#htm&
The 0rinci0&e of !ubtraction of %o&oure Light To Ex0&ain The A00earance of %o&oure Objects
The effect of $ixing 5igmentshtt%"// htt%"//)))
htt%"//en.) htt%"//)))
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 37
The im0ortance of %o&our In /ai&y Lifehtt%"//))) htt%"//science.ho)stff)
The benefits of *arious Ty0es of O0tica& Instruments To $ankin htt%"//li!<7/sight.shtml
"#" The 5ro0erties of A&&oys an Their ?ses In Inustry
"#( The 0rouction an ?ses of Ammonia In Inustry
htt%"//en.) Ammonia
htt%"//scifn.chem.)isc.ed/chem)ee./ Ammonia /A$$O+IA .html
"#, The Effects of Inustria& Waste /is0osa& On The Environment
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 38
"#6 5reservation an %onservation of The Environment Hrom Inustria& Waste 5o&&ution Hor The We&&being of $ankin
SMKS7 Panitia Sains Page 39

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