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Con-ed Arts English A

Compound Sentences
A compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses joined by a conjunction. The
conjunctions are as follows: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
Compound Sentences
Change each pair of independent clause into one compound sentence.

1a I like stories of adventure.1b Jane prefers biographies
2a The little boy touched the weeds with a stick. 2b The flies appeared.
3a He has not come. 3b He has not sent a note.
4a Roses were abundant. 4b. He decorated the chair with them.
5a Juan played football.5b Juanita went shopping.
6a Bogle was a man of many talents.6b We remember him most as a dancer.
7a The cage was closed. 7b The animal had escaped.
8a The little boy whistled. 8b The dog followed.
9a Solomon was a wise king. 9b During his reign his territories flourished.
10a The box contained many crayons. 10b the little children found many uses for them.
11a Kingston is the capital of Jamaica. 11b it is the largest city
.12a He opened the box. 12b A letter fell into his hands.
13a Tulips grow in many parts of the world. 13b We associate them with Holland
14a Tourists arrived at the hotel. 14b the guide was waiting there.
15a I left my book outside in the rain.15b It was ruined.

Subject-verb Agreement
Underline the correct verb in each sentence.
1. The little girl (cry, cries) when she (is, are) hungry.
2 The dogs (growl, growl) when they (is, are) angry.
3. The dog, who (is, are) chewing on my jeans (is, are) usually very good.
4. The colours of the rainbow (is, are) beautiful.
5. Here (is, are) the papers you requested.
6. There (is, are) many coins in the box.
7 Where (is, are) the pencil?
8. The boy and the girl (is, are) running around the table.
9. Chicken and chips (is, are) my favourite meal.
9. Every man and woman (is, are) required to check in.
10. Jane or Jack (is, are) to give you the money.
11. Four kilograms of flour (was, were) required for the recipe.
12. Neither dogs nor rabbits (is, are) available at the pound in Kingston.
13. Both Jack and J ill (is, are) tall.
14. Either the boys or J ill (is, are) going to be in trouble.
15. Neither the girl nor her brothers (is, are) going to school.
16. Everybody (wants, want) to be loved.
17. Few (was, were) left after the flood.
18. To study and listen to music (requires, require) great skill.
19. The herd (is, are) stampeding.
20. The committee (debate, debates) these questions carefully.
21. The committee (lead, leads) very different lives in private
22. The Burbs (is, are) a movie starring
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