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Belle Epoque

Aperitif Game for Gentlemen,

By Pierre Laporte
Belle Epoque
Aperitif Game for Miniature Battles in the Victorian Era and Early 20
Small coloured counters, ordinary six sided dices, and a hexed board/terrain or similar system.
1 unit = 1 Brigade or 1 Division depending on the scenario.
1 UD (distance beteen the middles o! " ad#acent hexes$ 1%m
&ny sector may contain only one unit at the same time. 'aximum number o! stands per unit(
)avalry/'ounted *n!antry( '
+ormed *n!antry( (
,ribesmen( )
+ormed regular in!antry units can be in loose or close !ormation. ,his must be speci!ied
be!ore the game starts, and cannot be changed during the course o! the game.
&s a rule, tribesmen and cavalry are considered as in close !ormation.
GAME #&"
1 - .layers roll !or )ommand .oints
" - .layers activate their units one a!ter the other, the initiative sitching sides randomly.
C*MMA"$ P*!"#%
/oll 1 dice !or every 0 stands. Use d( i! mediocre 1eneral, d) i! average, or d+ i! superior.
,otal obtained = number o! )ommand .oints ().s$ available !or current turn only.
2ach player %eeps 1d"3 ithin reach to indicate his remaining number o! ).s.
2ach player chooses a colour be!ore the game starts. &t the start o! each game turn, each
player puts in a bol as many to%ens matching his colour as units o! his on camp deployed
on the tabletop. ,o%ens are mixed and pic%ed up one a!ter the other( each triggers the
activation o! one unit o! the corresponding camp. 4nce played, place the to%en next to the
unit to help remember that it has been activated. ,urn ends hen the bol is empty.
*! a unit is eliminated be!ore having been activated, a to%en matching its colour is removed
!rom the bol and discarded.
&EAC#!V!#, #E%#%
5hen activated, a unit must test in order to per!orm a march, a fire, or an assault.
Basic Score (BS$ is(
&eacti-ity le-el.$octrine Loose *rder Close *rder
.oor 1 "
,rained " 6
2lite 6 7
,o the Basic Score, add as many ).s as ished8 then roll /d). *! the obtained score is loer
or e9uals the modi!ied Basic Score, the unit is success!ully activated. *! it !ails, the unit may
only per!orm a basic move (1 UD$, and eventually de!end itsel! i! assaulted.
&ny activated unit must complete its possible movement be!ore !iring or initiating an assault.
#roop type Basic mo-e March (!iring not alloed$
*n!antry 1 UD " UD
:ative 5arriors 1 UD 6 UD
)avalry 1 UD 7 UD
'ounted *n!antry 1 UD 6 UD
Sectors can be 4pen, or )over (%op#e, oods, etc.$. Units must stop hen entering cover, hill
sector, or hen entering a sector ad#acent to a sector containing enemy troops (;o)$8
movement is impossible !rom an enemy ;o) toard another enemy ;o).
& unit cannot !ire nor initiate an assault during the same turn hen entering <rough= terrain
(samp, dense oods, etc.$.
2xcept !or special units, march movement is not alloed hen leaving rough terrain.
&ccording to scenarios, some sectors can be designed as impassable to all or some units.
*! success!ully activated, a unit may cross throughout a sector containing !riendly troops i! the
movement begins in a sector ad#acent to the intervening unit.
#&**P #,PE%
<&= type unit( in!antry e9uipped ith maga>ine ri!les, and supported by machine?guns and
9uic%?!iring artillery.
<B= type unit( in!antry e9uipped ith maga>ine ri!les and supported by machine?guns and
breech?loading artillery.
<)= type unit( in!antry e9uipped ith breech?loading ri!les and supported by !irst generation
machine?guns and mu>>le?loading artillery.
<D= type unit( in!antry e9uipped ith breech?loading ri!les and supported by B@ artillery.
<2= type unit( in!antry e9uipped ith mu>>le?loading ri!les, and supported by '@ artillery.
<+= type unit( in!antry e9uipped ith smoothbore mus%ets and supported by '@ artillery, or
cavalry supported by horse artillery.
<1= type unit( !oot soldiers ith very limited !irepoer, or unsupported cavalry.
#roop type.&an1e / $ 2 $ ' $ ( $
<&= unit A (6B$ 7 ("$ 6 (1$ "
<B= unit A (6$ 7 (1$ " 1
<)= unit 7 ("$ 6 1 ?
<D= unit 6 (1$ " " 1
<2= unit 6 " 1 ?
<+= unit " 1 1 ?
<1= unit 1 ? ? ?
B Between brackets: <To Hit number if firing unit is moving
.rocedure( roll 1dC per stand8 each score loer or e9ual to the <,o Dit= number is success!ul,
and the targeted unit losses directly one stand (there is no <,o Eill= test$. & unit per!orming a
basic movement can !ire only i! a <,o Dit= number is indicated beteen brac%ets.
*! the target is rated <conspicuous=, the <,o Dit= number increases by 1 (but a score o! <C= is
alays a miss$. *! the !iring unit is uphill !rom its target, an extra dice is rolled.
*! target is a loose order unit in the open or a close order in!antry unit at cover, a score o! 1 is
a miss. *! target is a loose order unit at cover or any in!antry unit in !orti!ications, 1 or " is a
miss. 2xample( at medium range (" UD$, a <B= unit must roll 6/7 to hit an entrenched target.
,he @ine o! +ire is dran beteen centre point o! the targeted unitFs sector and that o! the
!iring unit8 !iring is !orbidden i! the @o+ crosses throughout a sector containing troops or
terrain that bloc%s sight, except i! the !iring unit is uphill !rom both target and obstacle.
Basic line o! sight (@oS$ range is ( $8 deduct 1 UD i!(
the targeted unit didnFt move nor !ired since the beginning o! the game, or i! the
targeted unit didnFt move and is e9uipped ith smo%eless poder ri!les,
the targeted unit is at cover,
the targeted unit is in loose !ormation.
:o modi!ier can apply i! the target is rated <conspicuous=.
*! activated and not !iring, a unit may assault an enemy unit occupying an ad#acent sector.
.rocedure( each side rolls 1dC per stand and adds Success!ul Scores (SS$. ,hen players
compare their respective totals8 highest ins, and his opponent loses a number o! stands e9ual
to the di!!erence beteen both totals. *n case o! a tie, both sides lose one stand. SS chart(
'ilitia, or /egulars in loose order8 1/"
/egulars in )lose 4rder8 1/"/6
)hoc troops8 1/"/6/7
*! a unit recoils, evades or is eliminated !olloing an assault, the inning unit may carry the
position. & unit rated <bold= must ta%e an abandoned position.
2xample( a 7 stands ;ulu arriors unit attac%s a 6 stands British regulars unit. ,he
de!ending player rolls 7, " and 68 as his soldiers are close order regulars, the 7 is a miss and
player totali>es a score o! A. ,he attac%ing player rolls 1, 7, A and 68 as his soldiers are bold
choc troops, only the A is a miss and player totali>es a score o! 0. ,he di!!erence beteen
both totals is 68 thus the British unit sustains 6 losses.
#AC#!CAL M*$!0!E&%
*! an in!antry unit de!ends a sector providing tactical bene!ice (hill, %op#e, etc.$, its SS level
increases by 1, or by " i! de!ending !orti!ications. Doever, a score o! C is alays a miss.
5hen attac%ing, the SS level o! troops classi!ied as <dashing= is upgraded by 1.
5hen de!ending, the SS level o! troops classi!ied as <stubborn= is upgraded by 1.
/egardless o! other circumstances, cavalry unitFs SS is reduced to 1 i! !ighting !rom or against
cover or rough terrain.
& unit may initiate only one assault per turn, but can o! course sustain several attac%s. ,hus, i!
a unit !ights several combats during a same game turn, its Success!ul Score level decreases by
1 per assault !ought beyond the !irst one. +or example, regulars in close order ill !ight a
second time ith a SS level o! 1/". Doever, a score o! 1 is alays success!ul, even i! the SS
level !alls belo 1 due to successive attac%s.
2xcept i! the unit is rated <stubborn=, or in!antry behind !orti!ications, <even= losses ("
, 7
etc.$ sustained !olloing an assault are converted into 1 UD bac%ard movements.
+or example, a unit that loses an assault ith a di!!erence o! A points ill sustain 6 stands o!
casualties and must !all bac% " UD.
,his rule does not apply i! the bac%ard movement cannot be per!ormed (because o!
impassable terrain, etc.$, or i! the unit doesnFt move aay !rom every opponent in the process.
*n case o! <even= losses due to !ire !ight, the player in command o! the targeted unit may
choose to sustain casualties or convert it into !all bac% movements.
%ALV* A"$ %PP*&# 0!&!"G
*! assaulted and not yet activated, a unit may !ire once the attac%ing unit has completed its
possible movement, but be!ore resolving the assault. Doever, the de!ending unit must pass a
reactivity test and there!ore ill be considered as activated8 the player must remove one o! his
to%ens !rom the bol, even i! it !ails. ,his rule may apply not only to the assaulted unit, but
also to a neighbouring !riendly unit ithin 1 UD !rom the assaulting opponent.
*! assaulted by a sloer opponent and not yet activated, a unit may per!orm an evade move
similar to a march, in order to try to avoid !ighting. Doever, the evading unit must pass a
reactivity test and there!ore ill be considered as activated8 the player must remove one o! his
to%ens !rom the bol, even i! it !ails.
3E"C*"#E&4 %CE"A&!* %GGE%#!*"
"7 to 6C stands per side8 and 16 sectors (ide$ x G sectors (depth$ table/board.
Deploy units along their respective tabletop edge. /oll 1dC !or each sector ithin @oS o! a
unit( 1/"/6/78 open, A8 hill, C8 dense vegetation (cover/rough$. /ene the process !olloing
each unitFs movements during the course o! the game, until all the sectors are <discovered=.
Use red to%ens to indicate unexplored sectors, and green !or the <investigated= ones.
%AMPLE% *0 "!#% Q!C2 &E0E&E"CE CA&$%5

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