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Human Resource Pan Tem!a"e
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Human Resource Pan Tem!a"e
This section e3plains the purpose and importance of ha4ing a human resources management
plan. !t should pro4ide a general description of what the plan includes and e3plain how the
project manager and project team can use the plan to help them manage the project effecti4ely.
Human resources management is an important part of the )oftware $pgrade Project. The human
resources management plan is a tool which will aid in the management of this project5s human
resource acti4ities throughout the project until closure. The human resources management plan
Roles and responsibilities of team members throughout the project
Project organization charts
)taffing management plan to include
a. How resources will be ac6uired
b. Timeline for resources7s8ill sets
c. Training re6uired to de4elop s8ills
d. How performance re4iews will be conducted
e. Recognition and rewards system
The purpose of the human resources management plan is to achie4e project success by ensuring
the appropriate human resources are ac6uired with the necessary s8ills9 resources are trained if
any gaps in s8ills are identified9 team building strategies are clearly defines9 and team acti4ities
are effecti4ely managed.
Roles and responsibilities of team members and sta8eholders must be clearly defined in any
project. Depending on the organizational structure9 project team members may represent many
different groups7departments and act in the interest of different functional managers.
*dditionally9 team members may ha4e 4arying degrees of authority and responsibility. When
listing roles and responsibilities the following should be included
Role : description of the portion of the project for which the member is accountable
*uthority : the le4el at which the member may ma8e decisions9 apply project resources9
or ma8e appro4als
Responsibility : the wor8 a team member must perform to complete assigned wor8
%ompetency : the s8ill;s< re6uired to complete assigned project acti4ities
Human Resource Pan Tem!a"e
The roles and responsibilities for the )oftware $pgrade Project are essential to project success.
*ll team members must clearly understand their roles and responsibilities in order to
successfully perform their portion of the project. 0or the )oftware $pgrade Project the
following project team roles and responsibilities ha4e been established
Pro%ec" Mana&er )PM*, )+ !os,",on*- responsible for the o4erall success of the )oftware
$pgrade Project. The PM must authorize and appro4e all project e3penditures. The PM is also
responsible for appro4ing that wor8 acti4ities meet established acceptability criteria and fall
within acceptable 4ariances. The PM will be responsible for reporting project status in
accordance with the communications management plan. The PM will e4aluate the performance
of all project team members and communicate their performance to functional managers. The
PM is also responsible for ac6uiring human resources for the project through coordination with
functional managers. The PM must possess the following s8ills leadership7management9
budgeting9 scheduling9 and effecti4e communication.
Des,&n En&,neer )DE* ). !os,",ons*- responsible for gathering coding re6uirements for the
)oftware $pgrade Project. The D(s are responsible for all upgrade design9 coding9 and testing
of the upgraded software. The D(s will assist the implementation lead in the distribution and
monitoring of the software upgrades throughout the networ8 infrastructure. The D(s will be
responsible for timely status reporting to the PM as re6uired by the communications
management plan. The D(s may not authorize any project e3penditures nor allocate any
resources without PM appro4al. D(5s performance will be managed by the PM and
communicated to the Design Technology -roup Manager ;D(5s 0unctional Manager<. D(s must
be proficient in programming html9 %==9 and ,a4a programming languages.
Im!emen"a",on Mana&er )IM* )+ !os,",on*- The !M is responsible for the distribution9
implementation9 and monitoring of the new software upgrade. The !M is responsible for
wor8ing with the D(s to ensure all coding on new software conforms with organizational
security regulations. The !M is responsible for coordination outage windows with each
department to facilitate the rollout of the software upgrades with minimal7no disturbance to
operations. The !M will report status to the PM in accordance with the project5s communications
management plan. The !M5s performance will be e4aluated by the PM and communicated to the
!M5s functional manager ;"etwor8 Manager<. The !M must be proficient in managing networ8
Tra,n,n& Lea/ )TL* )+ !os,",on*- The T' is responsible for training all networ8 users on the
features pro4ided by the upgrades to the e3isting software. The T' will coordinate training
times7locations with each department5s training ad4ocate. The T' will pro4ide training status to
the PM in accordance with the project communications management plan.
Human Resource Pan Tem!a"e
(unc",ona Mana&ers )(M* ). !os,",ons*- While not part of the project team9 functional
managers are responsible for pro4iding resources for the project in accordance with the project
staffing plan. 0unctional managers are responsible for wor8ing with the PM to determine s8ill
sets re6uired and appro4ing resource assignments. 0unctional managers are also responsible for
conducting performance appraisals of assigned resources based9 in part9 on the PM5s feedbac8
regarding project performance.
This section pro4ides a graphic display of the project tas8s and team members. The purpose of
this is to illustrate the responsibilities of team members as they relate to the project tas8s. Tools
such as responsible9 accountable9 consult9 inform ;R*%!< or responsibility assignment matri3
;R*M< may be used to aid in communicating roles and responsibilities for the project team.
*dditionally9 organizational or resource brea8down structures may be used to show how
responsibilities are assigned by department or by type of resource respecti4ely. !t should be
noted that the le4el of detail may 4ary depending on project comple3ity.
The following R*%! chart shows the relationship between project tas8s and team members. *ny
proposed changes to project responsibilities must be re4iewed and appro4ed by the project
manager. %hanges will be proposed in accordance with the project5s change control process. *s
changes are made all project documents will be updated and redistributed accordingly.
* R R % % !
%oding Design * R % % !
%oding !nput * R
* R % ! !
* % R ! !
!mplementation * % R % % %
* R % %
R : Responsible for completing the wor8
* : *ccountable for ensuring tas8 completion7sign off
% : %onsulted before any decisions are made
! : !nformed of when an action7decision has been made
This section contains information on se4eral areas including when and how human resource
re6uirements will be ac6uired9 the timeline for when resources are needed and may be released9
training for any resources with identified gaps in s8ills re6uired9 how performance re4iews will
be performed9 and the rewards and recognition system to be used. !t is important to note that
Human Resource Pan Tem!a"e
depending on the scope of the project there may be other items included in staffing management
;go4ernment and7or regulatory compliance9 organizational health and safety9 etc<.
S"a11 Ac2u,s,",on-
0or the )oftware $pgrade Project the project staff will consist entirely of internal resources.
There will be no outsourcing7contracting performed within the scope of this project. The Project
Manager will negotiate with functional and department managers in order to identify and assign
resources in accordance with the project organizational structure. *ll resources must be
appro4ed by the appropriate functional7department manager before the resource may begin any
project wor8. The project team will not be co?located for this project and all resources will
remain in their current wor8space.
Resource Caen/ars-
The )oftware $pgrade Project will last for fi4e wee8s. *ll resources are re6uired before the
project can begin. The resource histogram below illustrates that design engineers are re6uired to
perform 1@ hours per wee8 per engineer for the first three wee8s of the project. Their
re6uirements are then scaled bac8 to A hours per engineer in the fourth wee8. *fter the fourth
wee8 the design engineers will be released from the project. The implementation manager will
also be released from the project after wee8 1. The training lead will be re6uired to perform 2A
hours of wor8 in the first wee8 and a full 1@ hours of training during wee8 A.
There is currently no training scheduled with regards to the )oftware $pgrade Project since the
organization has ade6uate staff with re6uired s8ill sets. Howe4er9 if training re6uirements are
identified9 funding will be pro4ided from the project reser4e.
Human Resource Pan Tem!a"e
Per1ormance Re3,e#s-
The project manager will re4iew each team member5s assigned wor8 acti4ities at the onset of the
project and communicate all e3pectations of wor8 to be performed. The project manager will
then e4aluate each team member throughout the project to e4aluate their performance and how
effecti4ely they are completing their assigned wor8. Prior to releasing project resources9 the
project manager will meet with the appropriate functional manager and pro4ide feedbac8 on
employee project performance. The functional managers will then perform a formal
performance re4iew on each team member.
Reco&n,",on an/ Re#ar/s-
*lthough the scope of this project does not allow for ample time to pro4ide cross?training or
potential for monetary rewards there are se4eral planned recognition and reward items for project
team members.
$pon successful completion of the )oftware $pgrade Project9 a party will be held to
celebrate the success of each team member with the team members5 families present.
$pon successful completion of the project9 any team member who satisfactorily
completed all assigned wor8 pac8ages on time will recei4e a certificate of than8s from
the %(#.
Team members who successfully complete all of their assigned tas8s will ha4e their
photo ta8en for inclusion in the company newsletter.
The company will pro4ide free family mo4ie tic8ets for the top two performers on each
Human Resource Pan Tem!a"e
*ppro4ed by the Project )ponsor
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