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S.S.C IF Conditionals Cheat Sheet

Observe these models and try to answer the next exercise for clear identifcation
and understanding the question in the examination hall :
Observe : I dont have money. So, I cannot give you any.
Ans : If I have money, I can give you any.
dont is omitted and cannot became can.
!ow try these . . .
". I don#t have a car. So, I cannot give you a ride.
$. I don#t have time. So, I cannot acce%t the &ob.
'. I don#t thin( you have enough money. So, you cannot buy this.
). I don#t eat outside food. So, I cannot come with you.
*. I don#t remember the answer. So, I cannot write it.
+. I don#t (now you. So, I cannot %ay the cash to you.
,. I don#t have a ladder. So, I cannot climb over the wall.
-. I don#t study well. So, I cannot secure good mar(s.
.. I don#t (now driving. So, I cannot ride the bicycle.
Observe : /ou did not inform me. So, I did not wait for you.
Ans : If you had informed me, I would have waited for you.
0 did not in the frst clause changed to had and in the second clause to would have
and verbs immediately followed it were changed to %ast %artici%le. 1
!ow try these . . .
". 2run did not study well. So, he did not get a good &ob.
$. Sita did not study well. So, she did not get a good ran(.
'. /ou did not invite me. So, I did not attend your birthday %arty.
). 3he driver did not see the signal. So, he did not sto% the train.
*. 3hey did not (now your number. So, they did not ring.
+. 3he cham%ion did not ta(e the game seriously. So, he did not win it.
,. She did not %ut her hand u%. So, the bus did not sto%.
Observe : I did not have enough money. So, I did not buy the boo(.
Ans : If I had had enough money, I would have bo!"ht the boo(.
Observe : 4e didnt study well. 4e failed.
Ans : If he had st!died well, he wouldnt have failed.
5idn#t or did not changes to had in the frst clause and into wouldn#t have or
would not have in the second clause res%ectively.
!ow try these . . .
". 6avita did not %re%are for the exams. So, she failed.
$. Swamy did not ta(e the medicines regularly. So, he fell ill again.
'. 3he gate(ee%er did not close the gate. 3he accident ha%%ened.
). She did not carry her driving license. She had to %ay a fne.
Was, were %han"es to had not been & was not, werent to had been & is , is not to
werent, were & will to would and could, couldnt to could not , could.
Observe : I was held u% in the tra7c &am. So, I missed the train.
Ans : If I had not been held u% in the tra7c, I would not have missed the train
Observe : 'o! were very slow, So, /ou couldnt fnish the &ob in time.
Ans : If you had not been very slow, you could have fnished the &ob in time.
!ow try these . . .
". 4e was not careful. So, he could not avoid the accident.
$. 8enu did not %ay the fee. So, she was not allowed to write the examinations.
'. 9ala is not here. She will not a%%rove of what you are doing.
Observe : 3he doctor came late. 3he %atient died.
Ans : If the doctor had not came late, the %atient would not have died.
3his is an exam%le of cause and efect.
!ow try these . . .
". She went late. She could not get a tic(et.
$. 8enu missed the train. So, she could not attend the interview.
'. 4e came to the function late. 4e did not meet the chief guest.
). 3he doctor arrived too late, 4e could not save the old man.
MODEL : ) *+nless,
Observe : Unless you buy a tic(et, you will not be allowed to travel by bus.
Ans : If you did not buy a tic(et, you will not be allowed to travel by bus.
- Or . If you buy a tic(et, you will be allowed to travel by bus.
Unless means I: not. ;e have to change I: into <nless and vice=versa and
change the main clause into negative sense.
If the conditional ex%ress negative sense, the main clause should be remained as it
!ow try these >
". <nless you study well, you cannot secure the highest mar(s.
$. <nless you follow the road rules, you cannot drive safely.
'. <nless you does not %ay me, I don#t li(e to wor(.
MODEL : ) *be%a!se *
Observe : 3hey got the child alive from !axals because they %aid the ransom at
Ans : If they had not %aid the ransom at once, they would not have got the child
alive from the naxals.
Observe : 4e did not get to the to% of his %rofession because his wife did not encouraged.
Ans : If his wife had encouraged him, he would have got to the to% of his %rofession.
MODEL : / *and,
Observe : /ou come early and you can catch the train.
Ans : If you have not come early, you cannot catch the train. -OR.
If you do not come early, you cannot catch the train.
!ow try these . . .
". 4e exhibits good wor(manshi% and he can earn %lenty of money.
$. /ou study very well and you can secure good mar(s.
'. /ou sing melodious songs and the audience will a%%reciate you.
MODEL : 1 2 Comparing two nouns only ; no superlative 3
?om%arative : @SubA B @CerbA B @com%=ad&A B than B @Ob&A.
Dositive : @Ob&A B @CerbA B not asEso B @ad&A B as B @SubA
Fg : 0 ? 1 3he %alm tree is taller than the Oa(. 0D1 3he Oa( is not so tall as the %alm.
0 ? 1 2 sings more melodiously than G 0D1 G does not sing as melodious than 2.
3ry these . . .
". I am as strong as he. $. 3his ra&or is not as shar% as that.
'. Hames is as clever as 4arry. ). 2nitha is not so good a singer as 2vanti.
*. Fle%hants are stronger than horses. +. 3his wooden box is bigger than that iron box.
,. !alini is not duller than 6aruna. -. Sita is not more intelligent than Sarala.
.. 3he %eo%le of !e%al can climb the mountains faster than the 2ndhras.
"I. 3he dogs runs faster than the rabbits.
MODEL : 2 Comparing one noun with more than two nouns 3
Dositive : No other B @SubA B @CerbA B soEas B ad& B as B @Ob&A
?om%arative : @Ob&A B @CerbA B @com%=ad&A B than an4 other B @SubA
Su%erlative : @Ob&A B @CerbA B the B @su%er=ab&A B @SubA.
Fg: 0D1 !o other town in India is as large as ?alcutta. 0D1 !o other metal is as useful as
0?1 ?alcutta is larger than any other town in India .0?1 Iron is more useful than any
other metal
0S1 ?alcutta is the largest town in India. 0S1 Iron is the most useful metal.
3ry these . . .
". 4ero 4onda is the best of two wheeler vehicle in India.
$. India is the holiest land in the world.
'. Gangalore is the most beautiful city that we have ever seen.
). ?hina is the most %o%ulous city
*. !o other religious boo( is so %o%ular in India as Jita
+. !o other bowler is so good as 8am.
,. 3his is more interesting than any other novel I have read.
Dositive : 5er4 6e7 B @SubA B @CerbA B as B @ad&A B as B @Ob&A
?om%arative : @Ob&A B @CerbA B @?om%=ad&A B than 8ost other B @SubA
Su%erlative : @Ob&A B @verbA B one o6 the B @Su%er=ad&A B @SubA
Fg: 0 D 1 : Cery few countries in the world are as noble as India.
0 ? 1 : India is nobler than most0 many 1 other countries in the world.
0 S 1 : India is one of the noblest countries in the world.
3ry these . . .
".Cery few (ings were as great as 2sho(a. $. Cery few athletes run as fast as
'.Gombay is richer than most other cities in India. ). 3here are few districts in Inida so
hot as Sind
*. 9adras is one of the biggest of Indian towns. +. 3he 4indu is one of the best Indian
Dositive : Some other buildings in the city are at least as tall as 6iran.
?om%arative : 6iran is not taller than so8e other buildings in the city.
Su%erlative : 6iran is not the tallest o6 all the buildings in the city.
3ry these . . .
". 4arsha was not the greatest of all Indian (ings.
$. Some beans are at least as nutritious as meat.
Dositive : !aomi is not so clever as some other girls of the class.
?om%. : !aomi is less clever than some other girls of the class. 0O81
Some girls of the class are cleverer than !aomi.
Su%er. : !aomi is not the cleverest girls in the class.

Dositive : None o6 the leaders is as sim%le as Jandhi.
?om%. : Jandhi is sim%ler than an4 other o6 the leaders.
Su%er. : Jandhi is the sim%lest o6 all the leaders.
+se o6 AND :;
1. 8ita is dancing. Sam is %laying. 8ita is dancing and Sam is %laying.
. :ather is wor(ing. 9other is coo(ing food. :ather is wor(ing and 9other is coo(ing food.
+se o6 BU :;
". I invited her to the %arty. She could not come.
I invited her to the %arty but she could not come.
$. 2sif tried hard. 4e could not win the race. 2sif tried hard but he could not win the race.
+se o6 !"#!$ %&$ UN"!##$ %'!&()#! :;
3ry hard. /ou will lose the match.
3ry hard else you will lose the match. 3ry hard or you will lose the match.
Unless you try hard, you will lose the match 3ry hard otherwise you will lose the match.
+se o6 #%$ A#$ #)NC!$ B!CAU#!$ '!&!*%&! +,
4is feet were hurt. 4e too( oK his shoes.
#ince his feet were hurt, he too( oK his shoes. As his feet were hurt, he too( oK his shoes.
4is feet were hurt there-ore he too( oK his shoes. 4is feet were hurt so he too( oK his shoes.
4e too( oK his shoes because his feet were hurt.
+se Of '%U.'$ A"'%U.'$ #)"" :;
4e went to school. 4e was ill.
4e went to school though he was ill. 4e was ill still he went to school.
Although he was ill, he went to school.
+se a<<ro<riate %on=!n%tion and =oin the 6ollo7in" senten%es :;
3he cat is running after a rat. 3he rat enters the hole.
4e went to the sho%. 4e did not buy anything.
3he child loo(s li(e a boy. She is a girl.
Hohn ran very fast. Hohn did not win the race.
/ou must run fast. /ou will miss the bus. ;or( hard. /ou will fail.
4e must tell the truth. 4e will be sac(ed from the o7ce. Is it sugar L Is it salt L
/ou will not %ass your exams. If you do not wor( hard. 4e was ill. 4e went to %lay.
4e %layed in the rain. 4is mother had told him not to. 4e is very wea(. 4e wor(s hard.
3he thin boy is %laying chess. 3he tall girl is %laying chess. 4e could not win. 4e tried many
8ead the following sentences : ". 4e said, I write a letter. $. 4e said that he wrote a letter.

3he above sentences are two ways in which you may re%ort or narrate the words said by a s%ea(er.
In the frst sentence, there are the exact words said by the s%ea(er. 3his is 5I8F?3 s%eech.
In the second sentence, only the substance of what the s%ea(er said is given and not the exact
words. 3his is I!5I8F?3 s%eech
8ules for changing 5I into I5I :=
". If the re%orting verb is in the %resent or future sentence, the tense of the verb in the
re%orted s%eech is not changed in the indirect s%eech.
4e sa4s, I write a letter. 4e sa4s that he writes a letter.
She sa4s, I am eating a fruit. She sa4s that she is eating a fruit.
4e sa4s, I will go to school. 4e sa4s that he will go to school.
4e 7ill sa4, I write a letter. 4e 7ill sa4 that he writes a letter.
She 7ill sa4, I have eaten u%ma. She 7ill sa4 that she has eaten u%ma.
$. If the re%orting verb is in %ast tense, the verb in the re%orted s%eech is also changed to the
%ast tense.
0i1 Si8<le 0resent be%o8es Si8<le 0ast :
4e Said, I ;rite a letter. 4e said that he wrote a letter.
She said, I eat %dding. She said that she ate %udding.
0ii1 0resent Contin!o!s be%o8es 0ast Contin!o!s :
4e said, I am writing a letter. 4e said that he was writing a letter.
She said, I am eating %udding. She said that she was eating %udding.
0iii1 0resent <er6e%t be%o8es 0ast <er6e%t
4e said, I have written a letter. 4e said that he had written a letter.
She said. I have eaten %udding. She said that she had eaten %udding.
0iv1 Si8<le 0ast be%o8es 0ast 0er6e%t
4e said, 8avi collected rare stam%s. 4e said that ravi had collected rare
She said, I told many &o(es. She said that she had told many &o(es.
0v1 0ast Contin!o!s be%o8es 0er6e%t Contin!o!s
4e said, I was reading a letter. 4e said that he had been reading a letter.
She said, I was singing a song. She said that she had been singing a song.
0vi1 Ma4 Mi"ht & Can Co!ld & Shall Sho!ld & ?ill 7o!ld
She said, I may succeed. She said that she might succeed.
4e said, I can win the %riMe. 4e said that he could win the %riMe.
4e said, I will eat dinner. 4e said that he would eat dinner.
I said, I shall try to slee%. I said that I should try to slee%.
'. 8e%orted s%eech is a universal fact.
3he teacher said, 3he sun rises in the east. 3he teacher said that the sun rises in the east.
). Dronouns of the FIRS: %erson in 5I changes to the same %erson as the sub&ect.

8avi said, I am ha%%y. 8avi said that he was ha%%y.
4e said, I shall try. 4e said that he should try.
I said, I will not be laMy. I said that I would not be laMy.
Dronouns of the SECOND %erson in 5I are changed to the same %erson that comes after the
re%orting verb in the I5I. 0 said to told 1
8avi said to me, /ou are good boy. 8avi told me that I was a good
Simi said to 2li, /ou are late. Simi told 2li that he was late.

Dronouns of the :HIRD %erson in 5I remains unchanged in the I5I. 0 said to told 1
8avi said to me, 4e is well. 8avi told me that he was well.
*. now then tomorrow the next day E the following
these those yesterday the day before E the
%revious day
this that last night the night before E the
%revious night
here there today that day
ago before
+. command E order re%orting verb commanded E ordered
request requested E begged
advice advised
0 in all the above cases the verb in the 5I is in infnitive 1
question enquired E as(ed
N If or whether is used after the re%orting verb.
N !o additional word is used in the re%. verb if the sentence begins with wh= or how
exclamation exclaimed
wish wished E desired E blessed E %rayed
0 !ote := 3he 8e%orting s%eech must always be enclosed within quotations 1

IC 1 2?3ICF O D2SSICF voice :

3ense 2ctive voice Dassive voice
I write an essay.
I am writing an essay
I have written an essay
2n essay is written by
2n essay is being written
by me.
2n essay has been
written by me.
I wrote an essay
I was writing an essay.
I had written an essay.
2n essay was written by
2n essay was being
written by me.
2n essay had been
written by me
I will write an essay
I will be writing an
I will have written an
2n essay will be written
by me.
2n essay will be being
written by me.
2n essay will have been
written by me.
". She can hel% me.
$. ?an you solve this sum L
'. ;e should obey our %arents.
). Should we hel% the %oor L
*. 9ay I have your boo( L
+. /ou must not lift this load.
I can be hel%ed by her.
?an this sum be solved by you L
Our %arents should be obeyed by us.
Should the %oor be hel%ed by us L
9ay your boo( be had by me L
3his load must not be lifted by <
". Dost this letter.
$. ?arry out the orders.
'. Power the boats.
). 5o not starve the cow.
*. Dlease hel% me.
+. Pet him run a race.
Pet this letter be %osted.
Pet the orders be carried out.
Pet the boats be lowered.
Pet the cow be not starved.
/ou are requested to hel% me.
Pet a race be run by him.
". ;ho teaches you Fnglish L
$. ;ho has done the mischief L
'. ;ho will not li(e this story L
).;ho can &um% over this wall L
*. ;hom are you s%ea(ing to L
Gy whom are you taught Fnglish L
Gy whom has this mischief been done L
Gy whom will this story be not li(ed L
Gy whom can this wall be &um%ed
over L
;ho is being s%o(en to by you L
PF33F8 ;8I3I!J
:O8923S O: 3/DFS O: SO9F PF33F8S
3y%e of Petter
Salutation Subscri%tion
Flder relatives 5ear B relationshi% /ours lovingly,
/our loving sonEdaughter
/ounger relatives 9y dear B rel.
/ours aKectionately
Sincerely yours
Cery close friend
9y dear B name
/ours everElovingly
8ather close friend
5ear B name
/ours friendly
5ear B 9rE9iss B name
/ours sincerely
Durely o7cial
Sir E 9adam
/ours truly,Efaithfully
<nrelated o7cial
5ear B SirE9adam
/ours faithfullyEsincerely
8elated o7cial
8es%ected SirE9adam,
/ours Obediently
8FP23F5 O::I?I2PS : Drinci%al, 4.9, 3own S.I .,
<!8FP23F5 O::I?I2P : ?ollector, Fditor, 9unici%al ommissioner
G<SI!FSS O::I?I2PS : Dro%rietor of a com%any,Fnter%rise etc.,.
Some beginnings and endings for scoring good mar(s in letter writing :
A<<l4in" 6or a =ob :
G1 ;ith reference to your advertisement which a%%eared in the news%a%er, I
wish to submit myself as a candidate for the same.
I ha%%ened to see your advertisement in the news%a%ers calling for
a%%lications ======. I wish to a%%ly for the same.
F1 6indly consider my a%%lication favourably and give me an o%%ortunity to
%rove my s(ills of the &ob.
If given a chance, I assure you will wor( to the best of your
satisfaction. 4o%ing for a favourable res%onse.
I shall be much obliged if you can ma(e it convenient to consider my
candidature to the &ob in question.
?ritin" to the editor o6 a 8a"a@ine A ne7s<a<er :
G1 I crave the hos%itality of the esteemed columns of your %a%er to draw
the attention of the QQQQ to the QQQQ and the urgent need of QQQQQ.
3hrough the esteemed columns of your daily, I wish to draw the
immediate attention of the QQQQ to the QQQQQ.
I beg, to draw your (ind attention towards QQQQQQto be highlighted
through the columns of your daily so that others become aware of the Q.
I have the honour to bring to the notice of the concerned, certain
things about QQ.
F1 I ho%e the authorities will rise to the occasion and do the needful.
6indly sound the concerned de%artment and oblige. 3han(ing you,
In my humble o%inion, things will certainly im%rove if strong ste%s are
ta(en to fght the menace on the lines suggested above.
9ay I ho%e that the authorities concerned will realiMe the di7culties
of the residents of this locality and come to their rescue.
General endin"s :
I, therefore, a%%roach your goodself with an earnest request to loo(
into the matter and %ut more buses on this route.
4o%ing to be favoured with an early re%ly.
6indly loo( into the matter at your earliest and oblige.
3han(ing you in antici%ation.
0HONE:IC S'MBOLS :; -a. %onsonants :
Symbol Fxam%le Symbol Fxam%le Symbol Fxam%le
EbE bac(,%ub,bubble EdE day,did,wed EE then
Ed'E &um%,&udge EfE five,stiK,rough EgE gay,big
EhE hot,hotel E&E yet,you,#u# E(E ?hemistry,(ite
ElE leaf,%eel EmE mug,sum EnE number,name,%en
EE ing,sing,(ing E%E %en,%i%e ErE red,fre
EsE seven,issue,(iss ERE sh,tion EtE table,%it
EtRE ch, chair,church ESE three,thin,%ath EvE view,van,fve
EwE war,when EME Moo,Mero,bus ETE vision,%leasure
0b1 vowels
Symbol Fxam%le Symbol Fxam%le Symbol Fxam%le
EUE bag,album,man EVE calm,heart,art EOE %ot,not
E:E caught,short EeE bed,%en EWE ago,about
E :E bird,word EiE %retty,in( EI:E %eel,leaf
EuE %ut Eu:E boot,shoe EXE cut,but
EaiE (ite,bite,my EauE now,cow EYIE boy,oil
EZ[E there,mayor EeIE ma(e,table,may EYvE %ost,note,%hone
EIYE here,hear,fear EvYE %oor,tour

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