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for Apple

Device Settings
by Touch Panel Control
The following is a guide to configuring the Settings available within TPControl for Apple devices.
Begin by opening the Settings application on your device, navigate down to the Applications section
and select TPControl. Pictured are the options available from the primary Settings menu, with detailed
descriptions included in the following pages.
Last updated !" Apr !#$% & !#$% Touch Panel Control Ltd Page $ of $'
Device :
Manage Profiles
Profiles have been introduced to TPControl from v!.%.#.#, and replace previous Local Host(Remote
Host configuration options.
Profiles provide the ability to define independent connection)based information for the device, which
can easily and *uic+ly be recalled. AP, commands support manipulation of all aspects of each profile
definition, essentially providing limitless combinations for profile configurations.
Selecting the -.anage Profiles/ option will present 0 profile selection options as well as an option to
define a 1efault profile.

Profile 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5
Choosing a profile to edit will present the following options
The 2ost field is used to enter the primary address of the 3, .aster that will be used for
Supports ,P address and 4ully 5ualified 1omain 3ame 64513 e.g. -my3,
The ,P Port number used by the ,CSP protocol for communication between the 3, .aster and
TPControl. 1efault is port $%$8.
Device ID
This is the A.9 1evice ,1 that TPControl will use to identify itself with the 3, .aster. A.9
programming events utilise this 1evice ,1 for communication to and from the 3, .aster and TP
Device Nae
This is used as an additional method of identifying the device with the 3, .aster, and is also utilised
within TPTransfer to assist in device identification. e.g. :Android);itchen<.
ICSP !ncr"ption
,CSP data communications can be encrypted for an additional level of security. =ptions provided
Enable ICSP Encryption
TPControl will utilise encrypted ,CSP communication when enabled.
NOTE ,f a device has ,CSP >ncryption enabled, and the 3, .aster is not configured for ,CSP
Last updated !" Apr !#$% & !#$% Touch Panel Control Ltd Page ! of $'
>ncryption, the device will still connect to the 3, .aster. i.e. ,CSP settings are only considered
relevant when the 3, .aster is configured for ,CSP >ncryption.
Select to enter the username with ,CSP >ncryption privileges configured on the 3, .aster.
Select to enter the password associated with the username.
NOTE ,CSP >ncryption must be enabled on the 3, .aster for encrypted ,CSP communications to be
#se Mo$ile Data
The following options are available to for establishing a connection to the 3, master
1evice will only use the ?i4i adapter to establish a connection
it! i"i
1evice will use the ?i4i adapter to establish a connection if a connection is present. ,f no ?i4i is
available, .obile1ata will be used to establish a connection
it!out i"i
1evice will use only .obile1ata to establish a connection
N#$E .obile1ata may not be supported while an active ?i4i connection is present.
Profile Nae
This option provides the ability to name a profile.
3aming a profile is only necessary if you would li+e TPControl to present the profile as an option
within the built in -Connect using profile/ connection window. This is particularly useful when multiple
connection profiles are configured. Some e@amples names would beA Profile $-Boom A/, Profile
!-Boom B/, etc.
TP4 %ilenae
,ndicates the TP" 4ile Slot number and associated TP" file name currently assigned to the profile.
Changing the TP" 4ile Slot assigned to the profile is provided via the CConnect using profileC window
6refer Prompt for Profile7 or using TPC AP, commands.
Set &efa'lt profile
Choose from any $ of the 0 available profiles to define the default.
The default profile determines which profile TPControl will use at startup. The default profile is used
only when starting TPControl if it was not previously running in multi)tas+ing mode 62ome screen7.
,f TPControl was running in multi)tas+ing mode, the active profile will remain operational.
NOTE The current active profile will not be affected when setting the default profile.
Appl" Profile
Choose from any of the 0 available profiles, to activate the chosen profile.
NOTE The profile will be applied once you e@it Settings, relaunch TPControl and answer -=;/ to the
-Settings were changed/ dialog.
Propt for Profile
?hen enabled, TPControl will present the -Connect using profile/ window. The window will be presented
whenever returning from the 2ome)screen or multi)tas+ing mode. This is independent of whether an
active profile connection e@ists or not.
The following named or unnamed profiles will be shown
the current active profile
the current default profile
Last updated !" Apr !#$% & !#$% Touch Panel Control Ltd Page % of $'
any named profile
NOTE The Not Connected dialog will automatically present the -Connect using profile/ window if any
profiles are named, independent of the Prompt %or Pro%ile setting. Supported in TPControl v!.%.#.#D.
Please refer to the CConnect using profileC window section for further details.
(eep )i%i Active
?hen >nabled, TPControl will continue to +eep a connection live with the 3, .aster when the device
goes to sleep or another application ta+es device focus e.g. the device 2ome screen.
NOTE i=S0 introduced an enforced !.0 minutes application timeout, which overrides the -;eep ?i4i
Active/ and -.ultitas+ing Timeout/ feature. ,f the device is running i=S0D, TPControl will be forced to
disconnect after E!.0 minutes when running in multi)tas+ing(bac+ground mode.
M'ltitas*ing Tieo't
This is used when the device is running in a .ultitas+ing environment 6i=S"D7. The application will
continue to run in the bac+ground for the period of time specified. =ne of the benefits of the
application running in the bac+ground is no loading time between the 2ome screen and TPControl. The
timeout is used to preserve battery life, rather than TPControl sustaining an active connection
NOTE i=S0 introduced an enforced !.0 minutes application timeout, which overrides the -;eep ?i4i
Active/ and -.ultitas+ing Timeout/ feature. ,f the device is running i=S0D, TPControl will be forced to
disconnect after E!.0 minutes when running in multi)tas+ing(bac+ground mode.
>nable or disable A.9 gesture recognition. 1efault is enabled. Becommend disabling when Accessibility
mode is enabled, due to gesture specific operation of Accessibility functions.
!na$le A'to,-oc*
?hen >nabled this will allow the 1evice to run the =S screen loc+ feature as set in :Feneral Settings<
on the device. ,f >nable Auto)Loc+ is set to :=ff< the screen will stay active until the Power button is
Battery life can be reduced significantly when this feature is not enabled.
-oc* .otation
Disabled: Allows the proGect content to rotate based on the orientation of the device.
Enabled: Prevents the device from rotating the proGect content based on the orientation of the
Disa$le M'ltito'c/
Disabled: Allows multitouch operation.
Enabled: Prevents multitouch operation
e.g. a release must be issued before the ne@t press will be recognised.
Last updated !" Apr !#$% & !#$% Touch Panel Control Ltd Page " of $'
Supports device &ccessibility VoiceOver mode'
?hen Accessibility 0oice1ver is enabled, the device will readout any te@t included in button elements,
specifically te@t defined in the HStates Te@tH field of button elements of the TP" file.
=n your device, go to HSettings )I Feneral )I Accessibility )I Joice=verH and enable(disable the
feature as re*uired.
(estures: Standard gesture recognition is replaced with Accessibility specific gesture functionality.
Festures for use in TPControl include
left(right for se*uential button selection
up(down for per)character te@t readout within buttons, or increase(decrease the value of a level
value when a bargraph(level is active.
,f your TP" design includes popup pages, it is recommended that the popups are defined as HmodalH, to
ensure that buttons from underlying pages(popups do not confuse navigation when gesture navigation
is used.
NOTE: Buttons that are disabled or hidden are ignored.
-Not Connected/ and -Connect usin) pro%ile/ dialogs are supported with full navigation. .odality for
these dialogs is supported in i=S0D
Symbols and characters
There are times when fonts containing symbols may be utilised within the user interface design e.g.
play, stop, pause etc. The symbols themselves relate to ascii)characters, and are li+ely not the desired
te@t for readout. To overcome this, placing te@t in the buttons HFeneral 1escriptionH field, will by
default be used for readout, rather than te@t that may usually appear in the HStates Te@tH field.
TPControl provides the following options during device Accessibility mode.
Incl'&e $'ttons 3it/ no te4t
Disabled: gesture navigation left(right will ignore buttons that do not contain any te@t.
Enabled: gesture navigation left(right will include buttons that do not contain any te@t.
-evel increent
?hen a Hbargraph(levelH is selected within TPControl, the up and down gestures may be used to
increment(decrement respectively the level value. The level of adGustment as a percentage, can be
changed using this option.
Doc* 5 #n&oc* notification
?hen >nabled TPControl will send a string notification to the 3etLin@ .aster each time the device is
doc+ed(undoc+ed 6same indication for charging(not charging7.
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*ultitas+in) Disconnection :
#se last selecte& profile
,n the case where i=S has forced TPControl to disconnect during multitas+ing mode, this setting
defines whether the last selected profile or default profile is used for reconnection when returning to
Disabled: the default profile will be used to reconnect
Enabled the last selected or previously active profile will be used to reconnect
Pro,ect :
Inactivit" Page %lip Tie
?hen a value is set, if a button has not been pressed within the specified time, TPControl will flip to
the ,nactivity page that has been defined within the properties of the A.9 TP1esign" TP" file.
Screen .esi6e
=ptions provided here allow the TP" proGect to be presented in the following modes
3o resiKing of the original TP" proGect is applied, and will be shown using the original aspect and
Scale-to-%it .de%ault on %irst install/
The original TP" file will be upsiKed or downsiKed, retaining the original aspect)ratio of the
proGect. At least one dimension will be fully utilised when displayed on the device.
The original TP" file will be upsiKed or downsiKed, independently for the height and width of the
proGect i.e. the aspect ratio of the design may be affected(stretched as a result.
The proGect will fill the entire display on the device when presented.
Speec! - to - $e0t :
Speech)to)Te@t re*uires the device to have
unrestricted ,nternet access.
Displa" .es'lt
The result of Speech)to)Te@t analysis can be displayed via a brief notification on)screen. =ptions
available are
Do Not Display: Besults will not be displayed
1 result $ result will be displayed 6default7
2 results Lp to ! results will be displayed
3 results Lp to % results will be displayed
NOTE >rrors in processing will always solicit a notification independent of this setting.
Last updated !" Apr !#$% & !#$% Touch Panel Control Ltd Page ' of $'
A'to,/i&e pop,o't
Disabled TPControl will hide the Speech)to)Te@t recording dialog only after a successful result
is processed.
Enabled TPControl will hide the Speech)to)Te@t recording dialog once processing of recorded
audio commences, irrespective of the result.
$e0t - to - Speec! :
Clear cac/e
Clears the te@t)to)speech cache which is created during operation.
Noti%ication :
7'tton Hit
?hen enabled, Button 2it produces a :Beep< sound when a valid button area is pressed within the
touch panel design file.
7'tton Miss
?hen enabled, Button .iss produces a :1ouble Beep< sound when any area outside of a valid button
area is pressed within the touch panel design file.
7eep 0ol'e -evel
Sets the level at which the volume for the Beep will be announced. ?hen running TPControl, the device
2ard Jolume buttons will adGust the audible level of the Beep Jolume Level.
Interco call notification
?hen enabled, if TPControl is running but does not currently have application focus, an alert
notification will be presented on the device.
NOTE this notification occurs only if corresponding intercom call initiation commands are received by
NOTE i=S0 introduced an enforced !.0 minutes application timeout. So, if the device is running
i=S0D, TPControl will be forced to disconnect after E!.0 minutes when running in multi)tas+ing mode,
meaning that ,ntercom call notifications will not be received after this timeout.
Passwords :
#ser pass3or&s
There are up to " user passwords that can be used within a TP" file for protected Page 4lip actions, and
a 0th for system protected Page 4lip actions. 1efine each password in this section.
Last updated !" Apr !#$% & !#$% Touch Panel Control Ltd Page M of $'
4ersion :
This is the current software version of TPControl running on the device.
This is the To+en that the device is registered to.
TPC Device ID
The Touch Panel Control device identifier, uni*ue to the device. The identifier assists with TPCloud
online functionality.
0erif" Device
This option provides the ability for the device to update TPControl licence information when changes
have been applied at the Touch Panel Control servers, and is independent of TPTransfer. 4or e@ample,
in the case of Hrolling licencesH, this option can be used to update and e@tend the licence period for the
?hen enabled, the function is performed once you select the HBac+H option, and apply the changes by
selecting H=;H 6refer to HApplying the settingsH for more information7.
The option is reset bac+ to o%% after changes have been applied, but can be re)enabled at any time to
repeat the verification process.
,f successful, a H1evice successfully verifiedH message will be presented.
TPClo'& 'p&ate
The TPCloud Update option provides the ability to update the TPControl TP4 file and(or Settings via
the ,nternet, empowering a technician or end)user to update a device at any chosen time.
.anagement of TP" file resources and Settings is provided via an account login at
tpcloud .touchpanelcontrol .com
?ithin TPCloud, all TPControl :To+ens5 have configurable TP4 files and Settings options
Select Tokens
Select the To+en, followed by the Settings an& TP4 files tab
Lse the -TPCloud update options: Enable/isable/ buttons provided, to specify resources
available for update.
The information stored within TPCloud will be applied to the device when the HTPClo'& 'p&ateH
option is enabled on the device, and TPControl is launched.
The following illustrates configuration scenarios for the $P6 %iles and Settin)s resourcesA
nothing 6neither the $P6 %iles update option or Settin)s update option is enabled7
the TP" files update option is enabled
the Settings update option is enabled
both of the TP" files and Settings update options are enabled
NOTE: ,n order for TPCloud updates to complete successfully, ,nternet access is re*uired from the
device. 1evice registration will be automatically verified prior to any update being applied from TPCloud
to the device.
Last updated !" Apr !#$% & !#$% Touch Panel Control Ltd Page N of $'
E0ample TPCloud update mana)ement %eatures: Settin)s and $P6 "iles
Last updated !" Apr !#$% & !#$% Touch Panel Control Ltd Page 8 of $'
P,3 codes can be generated specific to each To+en that is stored within TPCloud at
P,3 codes are used to complete device registrations and deauthoriKations.
Select the $PCloud PIN option, then enter the uni*ue P,3 code as provided by TPCloud. Launch
TPControl to initiate the TPCloud P,3 process. Based on the TPCloud configuration, TPControl will
validate the P,3 code reference, and act accordingly.
Supported P,3 methods
Device registration
$. The P,3 code will register the device with the To+en assigned to the P,3 code.
!. The device will automatically perform a TPCloud update.
i.e. the device will be issued the $P6 %ile 6if enabled7 and Settin)s 6if enabled7, as configured for
the To+en.
Device &ea't/ori6ation an& registration
$. The P,3 code, when entered into the currently registered device, will deauthoriKe the device
allowing the associated To+en to be registered to a new device.
!. >nter the same P,3 code into the new device, to complete registration.
Please refer to TPCloud for further information.
NOTE: ,n order for TPCloud updates to complete successfully, ,nternet access is re*uired from the
device. 1evice registration will be automatically verified prior to any update being applied from TPCloud
to the device.
Developer Settin)s :
Transfer Port
The port used by TPControl to communicate with TPTransfer. 1efault port is $#M##.
.estore All Settings
?hen >nabled, this will restore all settings on the settings page bac+ to defaults. 6Settings are applied
when you e@it using the 7ac+ button.7
TP4 file options
=perations specific to the TP" file installed appear here, and are affected once you select the HBac+H
option from Settings.
1o nothing
Clear User Pa)es
?hen >nabled, all design files will be removed and the original 1emo Pages will be loaded bac+
onto the device.
Download Demo
1ownloads the most recent TP" demonstration file from Touch Panel Control
Last updated !" Apr !#$% & !#$% Touch Panel Control Ltd Page $# of $'
Reprocess $P6 %ile
Clears any caching, and reprocesses the installed TP" file. This is the same process that runs
whenever a file is transferred to the device.
Last updated !" Apr !#$% & !#$% Touch Panel Control Ltd Page $$ of $'
Not Connecte&
The NOT CONNECTE warning will automatically appear if TPControl is unable to communicate with
the A.9 3etLin@ control system.
NOTE: $PControl will persistently retry connectin) i% an active connection is not in place8 usin) t!e
current active pro%ile connection settin)s'
The NOT CONNECTE warning will automatically disappear if TPControl connects to an A.9 3etLin@
control system.
Pressing the N#$ C#NNEC$ED warning will hide the dialog only for the current TPControl session.
The N#$ C#NNEC$ED warning indication cannot be permanently disabled or turned off, as it is
provided to avoid situations whereby users press buttons in the L, e@pecting actions within the control
environment that cannot possibly occur due to no communication with the A.9 3etLin@ control system.
Potential reasons 3/" NOT CONNECTE can appear
>nsure ?i4i is enabled on the device, and that it is connected to the correct ,P 3etwor+.
4urthermore, ensure the ,P address assigned to the device is valid.
1etermine the ,P address of the A.9 3etLin@ control system, and ensure that the H#S$ field
within Settings for TPControl has been configured with the ,P address of the A.9 3etLin@
control system e.g. C.anage Profiles Profile @ 2=STC.
>nsure that a uni*ue, and correct Device ID has been configured within Settings for TPControl
e.g. C.anage Profiles Profile @ 1evice ,1C .
All devices connecting to an A.9 3etLin@ control system must have uni*ue identifiers in order
to connect and operate properly. ,f the 1evice ,1 conflicts with another connected device, one
or both devices may not connect, or may wor+ irregularly until the conflict is resolved.
,s ,CSP >ncryption enabled on the A.9 3etLin@ control systemO ,f so, ensure that the
connection profile is configured with the relevant ,CSP >ncryption credentials.
Last updated !" Apr !#$% & !#$% Touch Panel Control Ltd Page $! of $'
8Connect 'sing profile8 3in&o3
?ithin TPControl, the Connect usin) pro%ile window provides a method to very *uic+ly select or change
between na!ed connection profiles.
NOTE refer to the Pro%ile Name section for details on naming connection profiles.
Profiles contain connection specific information that TPControl uses when communicating with an A.9
3etLin@ master.
4or multi)TP" file enabled versions of TPControl, the Connect usin) pro%ile window also provides a
method for defining the specific TP4 "ile Slot to use for each profile. See the &ssi)nin) a "ILE SL#$ to
a connection pro%ile section that follows for more details.
4ive user)definable profiles are provided in TPControl 6see *ana)e Pro%iles above7. Although there are
only five physical profiles provided, our AP, can be used to dynamically update any profile, providing
limitless profile configurations, which can easily be recalled using either the Connect usin) pro%ile
window, or using buttons defined within the user interface design.
"or a demonstration $P6 %ile on !ow to dynamically update pro%iles %rom t!e UI8 please clic+ !ere or
copy t!e %ollowin) URL to your browser:
Befer to the Connect usin) pro%ile: E0ample picture above. The e@ample indicates the following
Profile $ has been named Pro%ile 1: Room 1;-<
) the profile has no TP" file assigned
Profile ! has been named Pro%ile 2: Room 1;-2
) the profile has a TP" file named Room 1;-2'$P6 assigned
Profile % has been named Pro%ile 3 : 7io
) the profile has a TP" file named 7ioEnvironment '$P6 assigned
Profile " has been named Pro%ile 6 : Home
) the profile has a TP" file named $est"ile1-Landscape '$P6 assigned
Profile 0 has been named Pro%ile < : #%%ice
) the profile has a TP" file named $est"ile2-Portrait '$P6 assigned
The default profile is Profile "
The current active profile in Profile 0, indicated by the highlighted profile
Last updated !" Apr !#$% & !#$% Touch Panel Control Ltd Page $% of $'
Connect usin) pro%ile: E0ample
Selecting a connection profile
To select a profile, simply select the profile name. TPControl will attempt to connect to the A.9 3etLin@
control system using the assigned profile connection settings, and load the applicable TP" file design
assigned to the profile.
Assigning a %I-! S-1T to a connection profile
4or multi)TP" file enabled versions of TPControl, the Connect usin) pro%ile window provides a method
for defining the specific TP4 "ile Slot to use for each profile.
Pressing the "ILE SL#$ down-arrow icon will present all available "ile Slots currently available for the
An e@ample of assigning a $P6 "ile Slot for Pro%ile 1 using the Connect usin) pro%ile window follows
Step #
Begin by pressing the 4,L> SL=T
do$n%arro$ for Pro%ile 1
Step &
Choose 4,L> SL=T % to assign
'oo! #(%)*TP4 to Pro%ile 1
Step +
4,L> SL=T % is now assigned to
Pro%ile 1 as indicated
Step 4
Select Pro%ile 1 to activate
NOTE The device in this e@ample has been licensed with M @ TP" 4ile Slots available.
Last updated !" Apr !#$% & !#$% Touch Panel Control Ltd Page $" of $'
To accomplish the same result using our AP,, issue the command :C$PCC*D-1=$P6"ileSlot83=C<
>ssentially that translates to :Assign TP" 4ile Slot %, to Profile $<
4or more information on AP, commands, refer to the >TPControl % ,P- Co!!ands supported in
addition to ,./ co!!ands> document, available for download from our website Downloads
NOTE As standard, any licensed device includes ! @ TP" 4ile Slots. 2owever, there is no limit to the
number of TP" 4ile Slots that can be added to the device. Befer to our website Products section for
further details.
NOTE ?hen a profile is selected that has no assigned TP" file, the last used TP" file will be used.
NOTE To ensure the Connect using profile window appears whenever TPControl regains application
focus, irrespective of connection status, refer to the Prompt for Profile section.
Last updated !" Apr !#$% & !#$% Touch Panel Control Ltd Page $0 of $'
Pro$le .eporting
?e aim to ma+e your device integration as seamless as possible within your A.9 environment. ,f you
encounter any difficulties using the product or any of its features, please let us +now and we will be
happy to help you.
The helpdes+ on our website at support .touchpanelcontrol .com operates from
.onday to 4ridayA #8## to $N## 6F.T7
.onday to 4ridayA #8## to $M## 6A>ST7
Touch Panel Control Team.
A.9, 3etLin@, TP1esign" are trademar+s of A.9, LLC registered in the LS and other countries.
Apple, iPod Touch, iPhone, iTunes and iPad are trademar+s of Apple ,nc. registered in the LS and other countries.
All other trademar+s and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.
Last updated !" Apr !#$% & !#$% Touch Panel Control Ltd Page $' of $'

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