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Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture

Department of Agricultural Economics | Division of Resource Economics | Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Hagedorn
Ph.D. Programme for the Doctoral Degree (Dr. rer. agr.)
Guidelines (GDL) Applied by the Division of Resource Economics (RESS)
in the Department of Agricultural Economics (AgEcon)
1 Admission Procedure
Doctoral Students must fulfil the requirements described in the Rules of the Doctoral !rogramme"#
called !romotionsordnung"# of the $aculty of Agriculture and %orticulture
' (hey )ill be accepted as
doctoral students on the basis of a selection procedure that is considered adequate and feasible by
the Supervisory *ommittee' +sually to become a doctoral student at RESS one has to
&' !rovide documents- *.# +niversity Degree# Diploma Supplements# (ranscripts of Records#
reference letters from professors or employers# list of publications# copy of master thesis
,' %ave an average grade in the previous academic degree of at least ,'/ in the German
grading system' $or foreign academic degrees this has to be confirmed by grade
0' Sho) his or her language capabilities# in particular in English# maybe also in German
1' Submit a preliminary pro2ect proposal- problem statement# research questions# a tentative
outline of the analytical frame)or3 and theoretical and methodological approaches
/' Discuss plans as regards the funding of both the student4s livelihood and research )or3
5' +ndergo a selection intervie) )ith one or more members of the Supervisory *ommittee'
$or the Supervisory *ommittee the purpose of this procedure# in particular the selection intervie)# is
to get to 3no) the student# his6her pro2ect ideas# relevant academic capacities and other professional
abilities# language s3ills# and both study and )or3 e7perience' Applicants# )ho do not have sufficient
language s3ills for reading scientific literature# communicate on conferences# and to )rite both
2ournal articles and the final dissertation to be published in English or German cannot be accepted'
(he Supervisory *ommittee
(S*) )ill consist of the first supervisor
and potentially comprises the
second supervisor and additional co8advisor(s)
8 )ho )ill usually also revie) the completed
(he !romotionsordnung" can be found on the follo)ing )ebsite- http-66)))'agrar'hu8berlin'de6studium
All guidelines# forms and instructions regarding the !hD programme can be found on drive ! of the
Division of Resource Economics- p-:;isola:Ress:allgem:(S!
*ontact for grade conversion El3e <=rc3 (el3e'nuerc3',>uv'hu8berlin'de# phone ??1@(A)0A8,A@08,5,9
Bnstructions regarding the Structure of !hD !roposals are available in the Division of Resource Economics
(he Supervisory *ommittee has to follo) the rules of the C!romotionsordnung' Bf the !h'D' student is
integrated in a Graduate School or Doctoral School# these may have additional rules to be complied )ith'
(he first supervisor has the status of a professor# or passed the German %abilitation"# and has the principal
supervisory responsibility' (he first and the second supervisors and the co8advisor(s)# )ill be among the e
members of the !h'D' committee (that evaluates the finaliDed thesis and the thesis defence) )ho deliver
revie) reports" (Gutachten") about the dissertation'
Hum$oldt%&niversit't (u )erlin* +and,irtschaftlich%-'rtnerische Fa.ult't* Department f/r Agrar0.onomie*
Fachge$iet Ressourcen0.onomie* Philippstr. #"* #!!11 )erlin* 2elefon3 !"!%2!1" 4"!5*
Fa63 !"!%2!1" 4718* Email3$
8 and potentially a daily supervisor

' (he !h'D' student )ill have the opportunity to
familiariDe himself or herself )ith the requirements and procedures to successfully obtain of a
Doctoral Degree in RESS and AgEcon' Bn cases )here students cannot physically attend such an
intervie)# alternative )ays )ill be sought to guarantee similar selection standards'
$urthermore# for being accepted as a doctoral student# he or she has to be officially enrolled at
%umboldt +niversity and accepted by the $aculty of Agriculture and %orticulture# i'e' the Doctoral
*ommittee and the $aculty *ouncil' (o this end# he or she has to submit t)o additional separate
forms- a) they have to fill in an application form for Admission as a Doctoral *andidate" (AD* F
German Gegleitbogen") and must separately provide the data required by the $aculty *ouncil to
enrol a doctoral student
H b) the doctoral candidate and his or her first supervisor have to sign an
Agreement on Supervision of Doctoral *andidate (ASD*) together )ith a preliminary list of !hD
training courses )orth at least &E credits' $ormal enrolment of the student depends on the decisions
of the Doctoral *ommittee of the $aculty and the $aculty *ouncil
2 Training and Supervision Plan (TSP) and Monitoring Form (MF)
Ince a doctoral student is accepted at RESS# he6she has the responsibility to fill in the (raining and
Supervision !lan ((S!) at the end of a first period of engagement )ith his6her study )ith a
preliminary !h'D' proposal anne7ed )hich follo)s the structure of !h'D' proposals' *ontent of the
(S! and the anne7ed !h'D' proposal is subsequently agreed )ith the Supervisory *ommittee-
(he Agreement on Supervision as Doctoral Student (ASD*) and# in more detail# the (raining and
Supervision !lan ((S!) establish mutual rights and duties of the doctoral student and the
supervisors' As the doctoral education advances# the student complements the (S! )ith the
Jonitoring $orm (J$) )hich updates the progress of the pro2ect# first after year &# then every si7
months' After the doctoral student has spent one year in the doctoral programme# the Supervisory
*ommittee )ill chec3 )hether he or she has the potential to be successful in completing his or her
!h'D' Bf this is considered unli3ely# the supervisors )ill discuss this )ith the doctoral student and
then decide )hether or not his or her participation in the doctoral programme )ill be cancelled' Jain
*o8advisors hold at least a doctorate' As members of the !h'D' committee# they revie) the finalised thesis
and the thesis defence'
(he first revie)er of the completed dissertation has to be a !rofessor or a $aculty member )ith
%abilitation" from the $aculty of Agriculture and %orticulture (internal affiliation)' (he second revie)er
should be a !rofessor# a $aculty member holding a %abilitation" or an e7perienced researcher or e7pert
holding at least a doctorate# either from the $aculty of Agriculture and %orticulture or from other faculties
of %umboldt +niversity# or from other universities or research institutes (e7ternal affiliation)' Bf the
second revie)er is a member of the $aculty of Agriculture and %orticulture# the $aculty *ouncil
recommends adding a third revie)er )ith an e7ternal affiliation' (he names of the second and third
revie)ers should not be announced to the $aculty *ouncil before the finaliDed dissertation is submitted'
(he Supervision Agreement# )hich must be submitted to the $aculty *ouncil together )ith the application for
Admission as a Doctoral *andidate at the beginning of the dissertation pro2ect# needs only to be signed by
the first supervisor'
Daily supervisors should hold a doctorate and they may at the same time be co8advisors' (hey provide
continuous supervision and are in regular contact )ith the student )ith regard to )or3 matters''
(he Supervisor can ta3e on the tas3 of daily supervisor himself# and it can be agreed that no co8supervisors
are necessary to be selected at the moment for preparing participation in the doctoral programme' As the
Supervision Agreement needs to be signed only by the first supervisor# the second supervisor# additional co8
advisors and a daily supervisor may be identified later# but this should happen )ithin the first year'
$ill in Gegleitbogen" in German or English- title of the thesis and research outline (&'/80 pages)# (short) )or3
programme and time table# curriculum vitae )ith special regard to scientific bac3ground# statement that no
!h'D' thesis )as submitted else)here# attach list of o)n publications# certified copy of the Jaster degree'
$or further information contact Jrs' S' %eilmann (s'heilmann>agrar'hu8berlin'de# phone ??1@(A)0A8,A@08
50A/) or Jrs' G' Stammann (brigitte'stammann>agrar'hu8berlin'de# phone ??1@(A)0A8,A@08@AAE)'
criteria are )hether the doctoral candidate has set up a substantiated !h'D' concept including the
research questions and an analytical frame)or3# become sufficiently familiar )ith basic relevant
literature and developed at least preliminary versions of the theoretical approach and empirical
methodology' (he course plan# publication strategy and language or )riting s3ills are also ta3en into
Training and Supervision Plan (TSP) and Monitoring Form (MF) Schedule at !SS "
Time schedule after the start of the Ph.D. pro#ect$ and assuming a full %or& %ee&
(ime Act i vi t y
$irst month $ollo)ing the specific selection procedure# the (S! $orm ((raining and Supervision
!lan $orm) is given to the doctoral student )ith advice on ho) to fill it in' Advice is
provided on the !h'D' pro2ect# planning of courses and )ho potentially can be
involved as co8advisors and daily supervisor'
Latest after 5
Approval of (S! ((raining and Supervision !lan) together )ith the !h'D' proposal
by the Supervisory *ommittee F subsequently# by submitting the application form for
Admission as a Doctoral *andidate" (AD* 8 Gegleitbogen) and the signed Agreement
on Supervision of Doctoral *andidate (ASD*) )ith a preliminary list of !hD training
courses )orth at least &E credits# the relevant content of the (S! is provided to the
$aculty4s Doctoral *ommittee and the $aculty *ouncil for approval and enrolment
of the !h'D' student in the $aculty'Error- Reference source not found
&, months
Draft first version of Jonitoring $orm (J$) )ith course and publication plans# first
thesis outline and prospective time schedule' Evaluation of first Kyear4H circulation
among 6 approval by supervisorsH filing in !h'D' file
Deci si on on whether successful completion of the Ph.D. is l i kel y or not j oi nt l y
by Supervi sory Commi t t ee and Ph. D. st udent L
&E months +pdate of J$# and if necessary# !h'D' proposal# thesis outline# course 6 publication
plans# schedule (and ASD*# if necessary)H circulation among 6approval by
supervisorsH filing in !h'D' file'
,1 months
$inal (S! submitted' Bf necessary# add a revised 6 finalised !h'D' proposal# thesis
outline# course and publication plans and time schedule F update J$ (and ASD*# if
necessary)# circulation among 6 approval by supervisors H filing in !h'D' file'
Reference source not found
0A months +pdate of J$ and# if necessary# !h'D' proposal# thesis outline (and ASD*# if
necessary)# circulation among 6 approval by supervisors 6 filing in !h'D' file'
Attention should be paid to ho) to finish the thesis in timeH add a Kfinalisation time
schedule4 (specifying time for )rite8up# comments by supervisors# revisions#
planned date of submission# planned timing of e7amination)'
Error- Reference source not found
05 months
Bf !h'D' is not finalised# update of J$# Kfinalisation time schedule4 (and ASD*# if
necessary)# circulation among 6 approval by supervisorsH filing in !h'D' file.!rror'
eference source not found
(hereafter 8
every si7 months
Bf !h'D' is not finalised# update of J$# Kfinalisation time schedule4 (and ASD*# if
necessary)# until completion of !h'D'# in e7ceptional cases further updates of (S!s
8 circulation among 6 approval by supervisorsH filing in !h'D' fileError- Reference
source not found
At the end of the
*omplete dissertation# submit draft to Supervisory *ommittee# receive and
implement recommended corrections and revisions# submit to Doctoral *ommittee
and $aculty *ouncil# prepare defence and finally publish dissertation' Do not forget
filing in the last steps and documents in !h'D' file'
Error- Reference source not found
$irst after year &# then every si7 months# the J$ and# if necessary# the !h'D' proposal and the thesis
outline and maybe also the ASD* need to be updated regularly' After t)o years into the doctorate#
!lease# also send the documents and information to Sigrid %eilmann (s'heilmann>agrar'hu8berlin'de) and
cc to Renate Mudis (renate'2udis>agrar'hu8berlin'de F for RESS !h'D' students in general) or to Dimitrios
Ni3os (dimitrios'Di3os>agrar'hu8berlin'de F for !h'D' students )hich are part of the Jegacities pro2ect)
informing them about the forms you submitted and the date of submission'
the (S! itself is updated ta3ing on board potential changes in the pro2ect that have been agreed
upon in the meantime (see (S! and J$ schedule at RESS)' Bt is the aim of the (S!# J$ and
regularly updated !h'D' structure to 3eep trac3 of the progress of a doctoral student as )ell as it is to
structure the relation bet)een the student and the supervisors and to ma3e it transparent' Bt is the
responsibility of the doctoral student to fulfil the (S! and J$ schedule and to agree their contents
)ith the supervisors' A hardcopy of the ASD*# (S! and all J$s including all versions of the !h'D'
proposal (as )ell as all other documents relevant for the doctoral programme) is to be 3ept in the
Doctoral !ro2ect folder (!h'D' file) in the secretariat of the Division' !lease ma3e sure your !h'D' file
is al)ays up to date and contains all important documents until the very end of your !h'D'
( esearch )ollo*uium (F+,+) and Stud- Programme (Promotions&olleg)
Doctoral students at the Division of Resource Economics have to participate in the Research
*olloquium ($orschungs3olloquium F $IOI) and give $IOI presentations &8, times every &,
months depending on the progress of their )or3' Engagement into the $IOI is to follo) the
guidelines provided by the person in charge of organising the seminar' (o situate the $IOI
presentation in relation to the overall !h'D' pro2ect the student should briefly position it in relation to
the (S!6J$' Bt is the student4s responsibility to agree a date for presentation )ith organiser of the
$IOI' $urthermore# they have to ma3e sure that the supervisors are able to attend the respective
Doctoral students attend three types of courses- (&) Language courses in English (compulsory# if
necessary due to language problems) and in German (recommended)# (,) master courses for
completing or e7tending their 3no)ledge if this is necessary or useful for successfully completing
their !h'D'# and (0) a Doctoral Study !rogramme at least )orth 0A credit points
Language problems must be solved as soon as possible by the doctoral students for being able to
involve themselves properly into research and communication' As the doctoral students have got
their training as a master student at different universities (in Germany or abroad)# there may be
sub2ects )hich are relevant for their !h'D' but have not been part of their former training' Bn such
cases it is strongly recommended to ma3e use of teaching modules offered by the $aculty of
Agriculture and %orticulture or other $aculties of %umboldt +niversity# or in other +niversities in or
close to Gerlin' Bn particular# !h'D' students should be familiar )ith environmental and resource
economics# and institutional economics and political economy# specific empirical methodologies
and transferable s3ills' (hose !h'D' students )ho do not have a sufficient bac3ground in these
3no)ledge areas should attend appropriate master courses# if possible already at the very
beginning of their doctoral studies' As a rule# passing the e7ams for the selected modules is
mandatory' Bn such cases the collection of the corresponding credit points by fulfilling all course
requirements is a precondition for completing the !h'D' E7ceptions for courses selected from the
obligation to pass e7ams and collecting credit points can be approved by the Supervisory
*ommittee# depending on the specificities of each !h'D' pro2ect'
$or the Doctoral Study !rogramme# the Division of Resource Economics has adopted the rules and
structure of the !romotions3olleg AgrarP3onomi3" ()))'agraroe3onomi3'de) )hich is a Doctoral
*ertificate !rogramme in Agricultural Economics"' (he programme has three main training areas-
(heory and Jethodology"# (ransferable S3ills" (soft s3ills") and Research *olloquium
;hen signing the Agreement on Supervision of Doctoral *andidate (ASD*)# in order to be admitted by the
$aculty a preliminary list of !hD training courses )orth at least &E credits has to be attached' As a
requirement by the Division of Resource Economics# until the end of the !h'D'# at least 0A credits have to be
earned in total according to the rules of the !romotions3olleg AgrarP3onomi3" (Doctoral *ertificate
!rogramme in Agricultural Economics"H see )))'agraroe3onomi3'de)'
($IOI)"' (he area (heory and Jethodology" includes three sub8areas (heory"# Empirics" and
(hematic !riorities" (focus topics")' Bn total the modules selected from these areas must account
for a minimum of 0A credit points (*!)' Ine *! corresponds to a )or3 load of 0A hours for !h'D'
students# ten of )hich are contact hours )ith the lecturer' A one8)ee3 bloc3 module is )orth 0
*!# a t)o8)ee3 bloc3 module 5 *!' A minimum of &E *! must be collected in the training area
(heory and Jethodology" (at least 5 *! each in the sub8areas (heory" and Empirics")# 5 *! in
(ransferable S3ills (soft s3ills") and 5 *! by attending the Research *olloquium ($IOI)'
(he !h'D' students can choose modules only from the !romotions3olleg AgrarP3onomi3"# but may
also replace them by other !hD courses from %umboldt +niversity or other universities# if
appropriate' +pon prior agreement# they may also participate in another Graduate School or
Doctoral School follo)ing similar rules' (he course programme is intended be tailored to the
discipline# the prior training of the doctoral candidate and the requirements of the particular !hD
pro2ect' Bn this )ay# the course plans may be adapted to individual needs resulting from the !h'D'
student4s research topic' Bn any case# the !h'D' modules offered by the Division of Resource
Economics should be ta3en' !h'D' students are encouraged to participate in training )or3shops
and summer schools offered by other universities in Germany and abroad' Details of the individual
training concept )ill be coordinated# monitored and documented in accordance )ith the GDL#
(S! and J$'
Ine or t)o times per year a meeting of the !h'D' student and the Supervisors should be organised
for t)o main purposes- first# to dra) conclusions from the $IOI seminar and agree further stepsH
secondly# to discuss the (S! and J$' (his meeting can be )ithin t)o )ee3s after the $IOI
seminar or during the Doctoral Students *onsultancy ;ee3s )hich ta3es place t)ice a year'

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