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Unlock Democracy Management Board

December 2011

Peter Hirst (PH), Tamsin James (TJ), Finola Kelly (FK), Vicky Seddon (VS) (chair), Mark
Valladares (MV), Stuart Weir (SW)

Nan Sloane (NS), Phil Starr

In attendance
Peter Facey (PF), Alex Runswick (AR), Simon Howard (SH) and Nick Ratcliff (NR) (KPMG)

VS opened the meeting and welcomed NR from KPMG

1 Minutes and Matters Arising

The minutes were approved as a correct record.

There were no matters arising.

2 Finances, Staff, Admin

Management accounts

PF stated that the UD was broadly on budget and that is before the latest grant and a legacy.
Note 1.6 shows the JRRT grant, which includes work UD wants to do. It increases our
research capacity, there is a 2 year funding opportunity, but it will be reviewed in June by the
JRRT. This grant is funding the research assistants post. Vote Match (VM) is already above
target for year. Eight universities have been signed up in addition to the US Republican
primaries. MSN were involved for the Spanish elections. Income for VM for the year should be
around 30,000. A short discussion then took place around the training budget.


PF advised that there were interviews for the Research Assistants and Membership Officers
posts this week with more than 165 and 130 applicants respectively.

There followed a lengthy discussion in which issues in the relationship between MB /Council
members and UD staff took place. This covered staff morale, what the MB expect of the staff,
requests to staff by MB/Council members, the balance of campaigning to running an efficient
organisation and servicing MB/Council members, how MB/Council members can discuss
issues without reference to staff.

The Director was advised to be robust in his prioritising of the use of his time, and the time of
staff members.

Health and Safety

VS reported that she inspected the health and safety records before the meeting and that
everything was in order and up to date.


PF summed up the current position. UD is at stage 2 of the Nuffield bid, looking at Open
Society for funding, looking for other Euro partners, EU learning partnership with VM partners
there is a February application deadline. With the employment of Dan Flanagan UDs success
rate has improved.

Volunteer Policy

AR presented the paper written by herself and Emily Randall regarding UDs volunteer policy.
UD has stopped taking on interns and will in future only have volunteers. This policy sets out
what UD wants from volunteers and what is expected of staff who manage volunteers.

The volunteer policy was approved.

Office Move
Following a request for more information at the last MB PF reported that the agents confirmed
that Cynthia Street would be more likely to be rented if it is vacant.

The agreed that UD should move to Grays Inn Road by end of February.

3 Rodell

The management accounts were noted.

4 Organisational Review

NR introduced himself and passed around a questionnaire to each of the MB that he would like
completed. He is looking to review how the organisation runs, its governance, structures etc at
the end of which he will produce a report for the MB. He would like to talk to staff, MB as well
as stakeholders such as funders and other people/orgs that deal with UD. In respect of
governance the questionnaire will give the MB an opportunity to think about its role.

5 Membership

PF circulated a list of 257 new members who are grouped by town. FK requested a map
detailing the new members.

VS proposed that the MB revisited the free membership decision now the constitution has
changed and that the MB endorses the original decision. A brief discussion took place
regarding this.

The original decision to offer free membership to the Y2FV was reaffirmed with 4 votes in
favour, 1 against and 1 abstention.

Discussion then turned to what other organisations free membership should be offered to such
power being with the MB. Those proposed are COPOV now Campaign for Conservative
Democracy, Conservative Yes for Fairer Votes, Campaign for English Regions, Labour
Campaign for English Reform, Green Party, Fabian Society, Social Liberal Forum, Liberal
Democrats for Electoral Reform, volunteers and people who have participated in 2 actions.
The offer is to be limited to 3 months from date of offer. PF stated that the 2 Lib Dem
organisations will be a low priority for UD.

The MB also considered the date of election in the context of the proposed offer since the MB
wants to encourage the participation of those new members and that the date of the election
will be put back by at least 2 weeks. PF advised that the only way the offer will work is by
email lists since this removes much of the administration.

It was agreed that a new election timetable should be produced which would allow people to
take up the free membership offers and take part in the Council elections.

It was agreed that MB would report back to Council on free membership offers.

6 Publications

AR presented a paper on the publications strategy for 2012. In essence the vacant
publications post, the labour intensiveness of the Citizen magazine and funding by the JRRT to
produce campaign material has made UD staff consider what the best future strategy for the
organisation is. It is proposed to replace the spring Citizen issue with an A3 campaigning
factsheet/briefing, replace the autumn issue with a report for the AGM, use the website more
and conduct a members survey before the AGM.

The MB discussed all aspect of the proposal and considered alternatives including the creation
of an editorial board. PF informed the MB that the 4 donation appeals a year can be combined
with a factsheet/briefing. Staff capacity is an issue for example it would be difficult to publish 2
factsheets on Lords reform and party funding as well as a magazine.

The management board approved the paper by 4 votes to 1 against and 1 abstention.

7 Campaigns / Project

PF reported as follows:

Voter registration

AR and Matthew Oliver have a meeting with Cabinet Office officials. UDs submission is on the

Lords Reform

PF and AR gave evidence to the joint committee. UDs position on a 100% elected house was
put strongly across. It is the committees position that they will report by Easter.


There is still the issue of the regulations that UD is still fighting the government over. These are
still to be published. The Minister has given assurances that the role of Local Authorities will
not be further reduced. It is helpful that Mary Portas High Street report contains 7 SCA
recommendations that had been rejected by the govt. UD is speaking to Camra and the WI for
example over challenging the secondary legislation.

AR added that the government is receptive to the Leiston proposal.

Party Funding

The Committee on Standards in Public Life has reported. UD can run a campaign on capping
donations and lobbying together as cleaning up politics.


The government has not published its proposals yet. An action has gone out today to our

Counting Women In (CWI)

AR reported that the Hansard Society, Fawcett Society, Centre for Women & Democracy (NS
organisation), ERS and UD joined together in July to form CWI. This follows the lack of women
involved in the coalition negotiations, Ministers and MPs etc. Each organisation is taking
individual action but under this banner. CWI is looking to work with all parties. FK suggested
using the emphasis in positive action in the Equality Act .

EU Transparency

An NGO in Spain has just won a case in the European Court of Justice. The UK is one of only
2/3 countries looking to overturn the decision despite there being good transparency in the UK.
UD is delaying an action on this until mid January. This case is a good opportunity of working
with pro and anti Europeans.

8 Elections Timetable & AGM Follow up

VS advised the MB that if the elections are moved by 2 weeks this will impact on MB and
Council meetings. The Council meeting on 7
July will need to be moved.

PF reminded MB that the AGM was explicit regarding setting boundaries and therefore only
paid up members as at 28
November will be used.

9 Date of meetings for 2012 & A.O.B

It was agreed that the proposed June Council meeting should be changed to 7
July and
that the dates should be circulated electronically.

The next meeting of the Management Board is Tuesday 7
February 2012.

Due to the length of the MB meeting, drinks have been adjourned until after this next meeting.

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