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July 31, 2014

Six 1: 7:40- 8:30 Six 2: 6:50-7:40 Six 3: 8:30- 9:20
Six 4: 11:10- 12:00 Six 5: 9:20- 10:10

I. Change statements into yes/no questions
(Auxiliary Verbs)

II. A. Changing Statements into Yes/No
Questions (Auxiliary Verbs)
B. BEC 1 p. 23
Century English 6 pp. 173-176
All Around English 6 pp. 17-18
C. charts, flashcards

III. A. 1. Spelling (follow-up)

2. Pronunciation Drill

3. Assignment Check-up
C/o group leader

4. Review
What are the verbs that start a question answerable by yes/no that we
already studied?

B.1. Motivation
When you finish studying, what work or job will you prefer? Why?

2. Presentation
Read and understand the sentences in each set:

1. My sister has a laptop.
2. They have received school supplies.
3. He had new shoes.

1. Has your sister a laptop?
2. Have they received school supplies?
3. Had he new shoes?

3. Analysis
Which group of sentences tells fact or idea? What do you call these
sentences? What punctuation mark used in the end?
Which group of sentences asks questions? What punctuation mark was
How do you change statements into yes/no questions?

4. Abstraction
Statements are sentences that tell facts or ideas. A period ends a
sentence. Questions are sentences that ask facts or ideas. Question mark ends a

5. Generalization
Have the pupils restate the rule formed in abstraction.

6. Application
Change the following statements into questions:
1. Kyle has a cell phone.
2. Clyde and Niel have attended the mass.
3. Her brother had played football last year.

IV. Evaluation
Change the following statements into yes/no questions:
1. Lyn has studied her lessons well.
2. The pupils have oriented about school rules and regulations.
3. My sister has a new car.
4. The carpenters have finished constructing the school building
5. They had cleaned their surroundings.

V. Assignment
Write 3 statements/sentences about your friends using auxiliary verbs, then, change
them into questions.

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