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Minutes of NZALT executive meeting

held at ACENZ, Wellington 30/31 July 2005

Present: Noeline Grant (in chair Saturday), Anne Jacques ( in chair Sunday), Jane
Lee, Janet Sirisomphone, Gretchen Badenhorst, Adele Scott, Jenness Riethmaier,
Philippa Doig, David Hall, Jo Hawes (Saturday), Sue Sutherland (interim secretary)

Welcome (Noeline Grant)

Acknowledgement of Jo Hawes’exceptional organization of Langsem Victoria, 29
Thanks to executive for support with the presentation ceremony to Mary Gray, and to
Sue Sutherland for the catering.
Welcome to Philippa Doig, R.O. (Victoria) -

Apologies: Judy Gibb

1 Regional Round up
Sasakawa workshop for Japanese teachers in April was very successful – Anne de
Kretser from the Melbourne Japanese Language Education Centre an excellent
Langsem is being organized for 5 August. Year 7 and 8 and Spanish will be included.
Janet reported on the difficulty of finding convenors; she will oversee the Spanish
programme, as no convenor was able to be found. Keith Thomson, a careers adviser
at Christchurch Boy’s High School, will be a keynote speaker. $2000 funding
received from Ministry of Education
Feedback on the essence statement has been completed and will be forwarded to
Adele. Langsem feedback – high numbers. Separate section for Years 7 and 8.
Rosemary Erlam, keynote speaker, on the topic, The ten principles of language
teaching. The ten principles are on the tki web site.
There was agreement that the acknowledgement of funding from Ministry appear in
Polyglot. Applications for funding need to be made a year in advance. This year’s cut
off date was 31st May.
Langsem 29 July, 83 people registered.Received Min of Ed funding.
Not enough numbers to run Spanish and Years 7 & 8. Possible reasons:
1) needs of Years 7 and 8 teachers being met through PD training and in-depth
work in schools
2) changes to Min of Ed funding mean that fewer schools have money for
The Annual German Talkfest was organized in Rotorua by Martin Weren. A meeting
in the form of a song sharing session has also been also held.
Langsem, 9 September, to include 5 languages, plus years 7 and 8. Expecting
between 90 and 100 registrations. Ministry of Education funding received.
NG requested models of Talkfest from David Hall
31 March German Talkfest started at 4.30 p.m Thursday and continued Friday – a
number of German exchange students successfully participated.
French are having similar event next year and Japanese will have a one-day one.
Langsem (30-31 August) is being organized. Min of Education funding received. To
begin Tuesday evening and continue for a full day, Wednesday, to allow participants
to arrive on time and take full benefit of the programme. In the evening there will be a
mix and mingle, entertainment, half hour salsa class followed by dinner with three
choices of restaurant. The Wednesday programme will begin at 8.45 a.m. There will
be 20 sessions of 40 mins each with 5-minute turn around, four sessions running
concurrently. Presenters have been asked to be non-language and non- level specific,
where possible. The members of the organizing committee are from a broad spectrum
of the Massey region - Wanganui, Hawkes Bay, Palmerston North. The presenters
range from a principal of a tiny primary school to intermediate teachers. Richard Steel
and Gail Spence are invitees. To avoid queuing, boxed lunches will be served.

In the discussion which followed Regional Officers were urged to hold meeting
meetings with local SLAs to improve communication between NZALT and SLAs

2 Minutes of the meeting, 12-13 March, 2005 were confirmed. The final draft has yet
to be presented for signing.

3 Correspondence
from Maki Yamada . She tabled her report at Langsem Victoria, 29th July
from Human Rights Commission – invitation to participate in the New Zealand
Diversity Forum, 23 August.
FPLV responses to invitations to Mary Gray’s 29 July presentation.
from Judy Gibb – she is willing to continue as secretary for the moment but would
like to stand down. She sent her greetings to the executive from France.
To Gail Spence thanking her for sending the Curriculum Statement for Sign
Letters of invitation to Mary Gray’s presentation.
Noeline agreed to represent NZALT at N.Z Diversity Forum at Te Papa
Thanks to AFMLTA for their kind hosting of New Zealand delegates at the
Melbourne conference
Letters to principals of schools asking for release of executive members for Langsem,
Victoria, and the NZALT 32nd AGM.
To Min of Educ asking for extension for submitting a proposal to run the Level 3
internal assessment resource development.
4 Finance(Jane Lee)
NZALT offers members a $30 subscription of Babel. 7 people took up offer. Cost:
$210 + transfer charge paid of $15 for subscriptions. After discussion about the
wisdom of NZALT continuing this offer, in view of service and production problems,
it was agreed to discontinue a bulk subscription to Babel. N.Grant/J. Riethmaier
Jenness to clarify with Megan McLaughlan, Treasurer of AFMLTA, that the $30 fee
is valid for 2006 and ascertain the payment date.
The Treasurer, Jane Lee, presented the budget April 05 – Mar 06
There are 566 paid up members
It was moved that the regional officers be responsible for mailing out a letter of
welcome to new members. J.Lee/A.Jacques
It was agreed that the list of life members be published in NZLT as a matter of course
and that the Treasurer forward list of life members to Regional officers.
When regional officers receive the list of members in their region they were advised
to check that journal members are indeed institutions, i.e. University library,
The projected Budget was scrutinized. It was noted that $400 needs to be budgeted in
non-Conference years for the AGM and $1500 in Conference years.

5 Human Resources ( Jo Hawes)

5.1 International Languages Week
ILW. Schools are organizing ILW events internally. Previous practice of organizing
public events has been discontinued due to insufficient publicity arising.
It was agreed that
NZALT offer $200 prize draw to schools who have sent in copies of ILW
media coverage. J.Hawes/P.Doig
NZALT pay $500 to ILW for the production of posters and postcards.
J.Hawes/P. Doig
ILW T shirts – remaining supplies are to be distributed as prizes after October.Until
then the cost is 2 for $20.

5.2 Competitions – No separate Aquila competition this year. Peter has contributed
$500 for use of 2003 wining logo entry (Languages take you places) on T shirts.
Exec members ordered a T shirt for immediate delivery. Members are to be offered
opportunity to order a T shirt from the Conference brochure. T shirts thus ordered to
be collected from the NZALT Conference table
Screen saver competition – only 3 entries. Reason – more detailed guidelines are
The three entries were judged - all to receive a prize. Winning entries: Adrianna
Sullivan, St Peters School, Cambridge($80), Thomas Libeau St Peters School ($80)
Rebecca Li, Sacred Heart Girls’ School, Hamilton ( $50). All to receive an ILW T
Suggestion that next year’s competition be a Powerpoint presentation/ screen saver
promoting languages. A set of guidelines will be provided. A good idea? Include an
IT session for teachers in Conference/Langsem sessions so that they may prepare
students for the NZALT competition.
6 Conference(Gretchen Badenhorst) Gretchen gave notice of a change in the
conference organizers. Now Auckland University CCE Professional Conference
Organization Services who will provide administration services. Programme and fliers
to be the responsibility of NZALT
Projected number – 500
The NZALT Conf. was advertised in the AFMLTA conference booklet in Melbourne.
Fliers were also distributed.
Noeline personally invited AFLMTA conference delegates to attend the NZALT
Conference in Auckland 2006.
Recommendation: that the NZALT Conference Convener, attending the Australian
conference, invite Australian language teachers to the NZ conference.
Refereeing of conference papers has begun – a panel of about ten members is being
put together by Martin East – two academics will be refereeing each plenary and
keynote paper before it goes on the conference disk.
Brochure with registration information is in the process of being prepared and will be
submitted for approval at the October exec. meeting.
Keynote speaker confirmed: Professor Richard Johnston, the Vice- Dean of Research
at the Faculty for Human Sciences, University of Sterling, UK – his field of
specialization is early language learning and minority language revival.
CLANZ President to be invited.
Registration will be on- line.
7 Certificates of Excellence (Gretchen Badenhorst)
Teachers involved with baccalaureat do not want to use these certificates but
teachers of Cambridge exams do. Discussion about the standard needed. So far
Certificates of Excellence have been awarded to A and A* students.
Gretchen agreed to collect, from the three schools offering the Cambridge exam, data
of how many would be awarded certificates under the proposed criteria, namely,
a B pass or better or a C pass with a distinction in the oral AS exam.
Regional officers to report the number of Certificates of Excellence in stock to
October exec meeting.

8 Asia/NZ (Janet Sirisomphone)

Marion Chiu received an Asia:NZ grant of $200 to go towards her study costs. Kris
Baker is to be paid the money granted in 2004-2004 –$ 466.90
NZALT’s report on the Asia:NZ fund must be presented to Asia:New Zealand by 30
June each year.
Janet is to send a letter to Laytee George asking for a re-submission of her Asia:NZ
request giving more details.

9 On line data base

Rachel Williams of Katipo attended the meeting to present the case for an on-line data
Treasurer Jane outlined the problem with the present Access base. Rachel Williams
outlined its disadvantages, especially pointing to the risks of having all data on one
Rachel recommended using a MYSKL data base. The NZALT group, Anne, David
and Jane, will scope the requirements of NZALT, and present these to Katipo by Sept
20. Katipo is expected to respond by 10th October with recommendations and costs.
29 October the NZALT the scooping group will bring their recommendations to the
Executive meeting for a decision. If necessary the scooping group will meet together
from 9 to 10 a.m. before the start of the full executive meeting.
David sought clarification of financial arrangements with Katipo. On –going annual
running cost/hosting fee for 12 months is $120.
Specific help is charged out on a per hour basis

10 PD (David Hall)
Maki Yamada was awarded $1500 for completion of her Master’s degree thesis. She
has completed this and presented a 20 -page document. She is to be asked to produce
shortened version of this for publication in the NZLT. David to confirm the word
limit for NZLT.

Special Projects Award, granted to NZAFT for production of video showing good
teaching practice. $2000 has been paid and the additional $1000 will be paid when the
video is complete. The completed video will be accepted in lieu of a report.

Anne, incoming president, is to signal at Conference 2006, that provided the money is
available a Special Projects Award will be available for 2007.
Alastair McLauchlan has requested $6000 for publishing costs associated with a
three-year longitudinal project into why students discontinue their FL studies after
Year 11 and 12.
David moved that a letter be sent to Alastair McLauchlan to support him in requests
he might make for funding for his project. D.Hall/P.Doig. Anne is to write the letter.
David moved that NZALT write a letter to Alastair McLauchlan offering to publish
his research in an expanded edition of NLT and the opportunity to promote his
research in Langsems, ideally a lecture followed by a workshop.

11 Handover matters (Noeline Grant)

Exec. send their best wishes to Jan Robertson, whose brother has been very ill;
letter to Donella Aitken-Ferguson thanking her for her service on the Sasakawa
Noeline reminded regional officers to ensure that their portfolio folders include the
Constitution, Working Rules, membership data base, notes about organizing
Langsem, notes for the regional Langsem, and description of own portfolio

Noeline to write a report on Mary’s presentation for Polyglot and NZLT

Adele is taking on the responsibility of collating the feedback on the definition of 1st
language speakers and presenting them to Richard Steel at the October meeting.

The administration of the Special Award Project was passed to the P.D. portfolio.

Representation of NZALT at various meetings (e.g. PPTA, Human Diversity Forum.

NZEI, The Principals’ Association) was discussed.
It was agreed that NZALT co-opt S. Sutherland to represent the assoc at a PPTA
subject assoc meeting on 10 Aug. A consultancy fee of $300 plus expenses will be
paid. N.Grant/J.Lee

12 Curriculum and Assessment (Adele Scott)

12.1 The Scholarship Newsletter has been received. Scholarship is an award not a
qualification. No credits can be gained. There is now no Level 4.The examination will
be based on Level 8 of the curriculum and require high-level thinking, inter alia.. A
student must be enrolled fulltime in a school, although they may be taking one
university course, and must be a permanent resident of NZ to receive any money. The
nzqa website has details.
Jenness reported that a Dunedin Community is giving scholarship preparation courses
to students - 20 sessions per subject.

Adele tabled a letter to Richard Steel outlining members’ concerns about NCEA
examinations. Adele will summarize the points made in NZALT letter and Richard
Steel’s response for a Polyglot article.
According to Richard Steel’s letter, markers are to be asked to include sample exam
scripts in their reports. These will be excerpts.
The desirability of producing a booklet of sample exam scripts for .5 assessments, i.e.
writing tasks, at all levels of achievement for all languages was discussed at length.
Points made during the discussion:
Students must sign a slip to give permission for use of the script for sharing
Clean copy required
Level must be noted on the paper, permission slip attached
Scripts must be good examples of not achieved, achieved, achieved with merit,
achieved with excellence.
Might be best to begin with Levels 1 and 2.
Booklet to be for sale to members, non-members to pay a higher price.
Noeline to contact Gail and Richard to present the idea and discuss implications, e.g.
intellectual property issues. The matter will be discussed with them at the October
R.O’s will inform members of the possibility of this development in their newsletters
Levels 1 and 2.
A languages update from Curriculum Project will published on the website.

12.3 Review of Level 3 standards, resources and exemplars on the tki website. Min
of Education is calling for expressions of interest in this process
People required: 2 people as resource developers, 1 independent critiquer, 1 project
manager. moderator, MOE person, NZALT contact , Advisory Services person
A brief description of roles will be drawn up
1 Appoint Project Manager
2 Contact SLA’s
3 SLA’s identify and appoint personnel
4 Project Manager decides on the administrative process and calls a meeting of all.
6 Big meeting of all involved to set parameters (November)
7 Languages groups carry out the review of resources and produce new ones.
8 Whole group meets to critique the tasks/work produced – a bring and share
9 Re-write and final submission (Feb)
Preparation 2 days
Meeting 2 days
Writing 6 days (2 per AS)
Meeting 1
Final submission 2
Reference group
Advisory 2+1+1
Moderator 2+1+1
NZALT 2+1+3
Independent Critiquer 1 day per standard including report writing
Project Manager 2 days administration
project management 5 days
meeting 3 + preparation 6 +6 for visiting the team
reporting 3 (1/2 day per lang)

Flights, accommodation, and $350 per day (consultancy fee) + expenses

14 Publicity and Marketing.( Jenness Riethmaier)

Hilary Smith, editor ( or Systemetrics Research Ltd,
P.O.Box 150, Palmerston North has all the info for Polyglot. Articles for Polyglot are
required by 31 August.
RO’s to include a request for articles, class room tips, trips they have been away on,
etc. in their newsletters. Regional officers all need to supply a report.
Year 7 and 8 Publicity ideas needed.

15 General Business
15.1 Application by Mary Gray
Budget of $15000 + travel offered by TRCC, the Teacher’s Refresher Course
Committee, for teacher refresher courses. Application must be used by 3-6-07

Mary’s proposal: 3 day course

Morning devoted to generic sessions; p.m. language sessions – money should cover
80 teachers.
Mary did not spell out the aims, but the following were suggested
• To strengthen leadership in middle management
• To support existing leaders
• To schedule strategic planning.
It was decided
that NZALT continue with Mary’s proposal with a focus on leadership in languages
that Mary’s approval of the above aims be sought
to ask Colleen McClymont of TRCC for criteria/ template
that Judy, Noeline, and Anne work on and submit the proposal

15.2 Collection of data for pro languages lobbying

The progress with the collection of data for the lobbying for languages in the PPTA
forum (March) was reviewed
Survey Y12, 13 with an interest in primary teaching – Anne/Adele
Supply of secondary teachers data is complete.
Yr 9 Diversification what prior learning do students come into Yr 9. It was decided to
omit this.
Survey of pre-service primary grads –survey form has been prepared. Noeline will get
colleagues like Sylvia Insley to peer-review it.
Data to show number of hours required to achieve proficiency in the various
languages. Rod Ellis/David
Does NZALT support compulsory 2LL Yr 7-10 – discussion paper.
Nos. of Yr 7/8 2LL trained Teachers” Source of data? The MOE data management
unit ACENZ,SSS. More important to get the number of schools teaching langs at
year 7 and 8. Jane

This data is to be ready for the October meeting.

It was suggested that in the longer term the tki website record language- teaching
schools and communities, and the languages taught and levels.

15.3 There has been an informal request from FPLV – that NZALT support a small
member nation by paying its FPLV fee of $10. It was not clear whether this is just a
one off request, if neighbouring countries have been approached It was decided to ask
FPLV for a formal approach. Noeline will follow this up.

15.4 NZ Diversity Forum -Developing a National Languages Policy. - Noeline plans

to attend this event. Her role and contribution was discussed – she is to seek
clarification of the terminology on the point of difference between a National
“Languages Policy” and a National Languages Policy and to present NZALT’s
definition of a National Language Policy.
15.5 AFMLTA Conference . Delegates gave feedback. It was regretted that the
booklet did not give a detailed description of what each session was about.
Commended sessions included those on Big Books, Partial Bi-Lingual Learning, Task
Magic, a programme which generates games (just search “taskmagic” in Google).
Adele reported ion the activities developed by the Learning Federation.

The meeting closed at 3.05p.m

Signed ----------------------------------------------------


Date -------------------------------------------------------

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