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Raspunsuri orientative

Testul 1 Prietenia/ Friendship


c. For most of us, friendship could mean trust and loyalty, help when in need; to have a good time
together, and to feel free to express your opinions.
d. A debate is interesting when you find the right partner; when your partner could accept a
different opinion.
English words: trust, loyalty

c. When two persons laugh and amuse at the same things, this is a sign that they could be friends.
d. The common hobbies or memories are important in a friendship because they show similarities
between two persons.


3. b
4. c

Testul 2 Cartea/ Books

c. A reader could learn from his heroes in the books, from their mistakes or successes. He feels them
as his friends. Sometimes, he identifies himself to his heroes.
d. Books are important for people because they are just like some free voyages to anywhere in the
world. In their imagination, people escape their day to day reality. They could learn things from their
heroes, etc.
English words: character, books, hero, to read, etc.

c. Books are escapes from our day to day reality because, in your imagination, you can become any
character in the books you read, and you can be in any place in the world.
d. Adult persons read books because they improve their knowledge of a certain subject.


3. b
4. c

Testul 3 Sportul/ Sport

c. When people do sport they can learn how to cooperate with others , to set a goal, and to reach
that goal.
d. People who do sport regularly are healthy and happy. They know their limits and how to go
beyond their limits; they are not afraid of competition.
English words: tennis, football

c. Sport means a good self- esteem because it makes you feel good about yourself and
brings many friends to you.
d. When we learn teamwork it means that we learn to cooperate with other persons.


3. d
4. b

Testul 4 Aventura, calatorie/ Travelling, Adventure


c. Travels are important for our education because they bring knowledge of foreign countries and
foreign people. Somebody who travels and faces unexpected events becomes more experienced.
d. When we want to find out about a foreign country, books are not enough because only travel s
bring the real experience of life, with its good and bad.
English words: museums, monuments

c. Many people are afraid to go travel because travelling means going far from their familiar world.
d. We should speak the language of the foreign country we are visiting because only this way we
could communicate with these people. If we dont communicate, we cant know them indeed.

3. c
4. c

Testul 5 Joc si joaca/ Playing Games

c. Playing is an essential activity for children, because it is a way to express emotions and feelings,
and also a way to be creative. During the play, they are happy and learn about the real world.
d. For children, playing is a way to learn how to deal with the realities/ the real world around them:
to learn how to take care of babies, to cook, to repair or create new things, etc.
English words: creativity, unexpected, learning, joy,

c. It is important for children to play together because they learn how to behave with people,
developing social skills. These will be very useful for them later in their adult life.

d. It is useful for children to participate in school playing activities because these activities reduce
problem behavior and increase school performance.

3. b
4. c

Testul 6 Computerul, colegul meu de teme/ The Computer, My Mate

c. The benefits of using a computer are: we can find out the news on Internet, or make friends all
over the world. In addition, computers bring progress in scince and technology.
d. Computers are bad for children because they waste their time and energy when they stay too
much in front of it. They dont do sport and dont meet real people anymore.
English words: progress, information, entertainment, news, etc.
c. We should be able to work with computers because progress is possible only by using computers,
for those who know how to work with them.

d. Many people think they cant live without computers because without it, they could not read their
messages on Facebook or the news on the Internet.

3. b
4. d

Testul 7 Muzica mea/ My Music

c. The noisy songs, with ugly, vulgar or dangerous lyrics are bad for children.
d. Music could be a reason for a friendship, when two persons like the same singers or bands.
English words: dance, pop, rock, classical.

c. Children should ask for their parents opinion when they buy a CD because they dont always know
what is that music which could be bad for them. / because such way they could avoid the bad music
and those singers who are not good models for them.

d. Children dont always ask for their parentsopinion because their parents are not close to them, and
they dont respect their opinions.


3. b
4. d

Testul 8 Personajul animat favorit/ My Favourite Cartoon Character


c. The mother of the narrator got scared when he sees her son eating too much spinach. She thinks he
will become a vegetarian.
d. The narrator began to eat a lot of spinach in order to become very strong just like Popeye. He
believes that eating spinach, his muscles will grow bigger.

English words: spinach, strong, muscles, sailor,


c. Finally, the spinach was very good for the narrator because he grew up a very strong boy for his age.

d. The narrator accuses Tommy of lack of loyalty because Tommy does not believe his muscles are
bigger after eating spinach. For the narrator, this is a sign that Tommy does not like Popeye, the
character he admires.


3. b
4. a

Testul 9 Scoala mea/ My School

c. Good teachers are very important for a good school because they could make children learn with
pleasure and be curious and thirsty for knowledge. Somebody who loves knowledge and is curious
learns and do his homeworks without difficulty/ very easily.
d. An ideal school should be comfortable, should have colourful walls, with paintings and pictures
which provoke pupils to think. It should have all necessary books, but also computers and, abobe all,
good teachers.
English words: pupils, teachers,books, homeworks, etc.

c. Children should be able to work on computers because computers represent the future.

d. The chairs and tables in a classroom should be placed in a semi-circle because such way pupils
could feel more confident to express their opinions in front of the teacher and their class mates.

4. d

Testul 10 Lumi fantastice/ Fantastic Worlds

c. For the narrator, Jules Verne is his favourite writer. The books of this writer were a wonderful
experience of his childhood.
d. Nautilus is the first submarine in the world, an imaginary one. The narrator wrote about it in one
of Jules Vernes books.
English words: invention, imagination, experience

c. People say about Jules Verne he was a prophet of his time because he imagined some things long
before their invention (for example, a spaceship or a submarine).

d. Those who have beautiful wishes should share them to the others because this is the first step for
making them real, maybe.


3. a
4. c

Testul 11 Familia mea / My Family


c. When we have problems, it is important to know your family is ready to help us, to be with us and
encourage us to surpass anything,
d. The family of a child is a model for him; it influences his education and his values, and the child
learn how to behave and be a good person mainly from his parents.

English words: child, parents


It is important for a family to have values because these will be the most important values of the
children in that family.

Our family is the first gift we get in life because our parents love us and help us anytime we need.


3. d
4. c

Testul 12 Viitoarea mea profesie/ My Future Profession


c. Somebody who likes to help people could choose to be teacher, a doctor, or a social assistant, as the
best professions for him.
d. We should know ourselves better in order to be able to choose the right career. Such, we could
know what are our abilities and aspirations, what we really like and are able to do.

English words: teacher, singer, driver, doctor, social assistant


c. People have to work because they need to earn their living, but also in order to be useful to the

d. It is good to observe people around us because they could be models and a source of inspiration
for us when we want to choose a career.


3. b
4. a

Testul 13 Orasul / The City


c. The greatest problem for the people living in cities, at present, is pollution, since pollution is
dangerous for our health.
d. The benefits of living in the city are: the diversity of life and the opportunities to always meet new
people; the rich cultural life, and the variety of places to go out.

English words: parks, theatres, opera, cinema


c. Every city should have parks and green areas because they ensure the fresh clean air, and are
nice places where people could make sport and enjoy long walks.

Factories are dangerous for life in the cities because they are sources of pollution, so, dangerous
for the health.


3. b
4. d

Testul 14 Bunicii/ Grandparents


c. Grandparents are important for any child, because they teach him to be respectful and
appreciate life, to be proud of the past and wisdom of his family. Very often, grandparents raise
the children along with the parents, and are their models in life.
d. When children dont live together with their grandparents, they should keep in touch by visiting
them, writing letters or e-mails to them, or calling them. And, above all, children should love their

English words: parents, grandparents, grandchildren, children


c. Grandparents are some kind of historians for their grandchildren because they are the oldest
members of the family and know a lot about the past.

d. Children should know the history of their family because such way they could feel proud about
the past, and learn the wisdom and experience of their ancestors for the future.


3. c
4. d

Testul 15 Natura/ Nature


c. In order to stop destroying nature, people should stop cutting the forrests, destroying the natural
environment of the wild animals, and polluting the water and soil with chemicals. They should also be
careful with the dangerous technologies.
d. Nature is important for humans, as his existence depends on it: nature feeds the humans and makes
life possible.

English words: forrests, animals, humans,


c. We should stop doing harm to the nature because doing harm to the nature means doing harm to

d. People use chemicals in agriculture and in factories because they only want to get good
economical results.


3. d
4. a

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