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School of Management and Public Administration

a. M" $%& '#$#() Mar*eting Princi+les , Strategies) Semester II) $%-
b! Course Coordinator)
Dr Jashwini Narayan
Assistant Lecturer
School of Management & Public Administration
c! Lecture Times and .enue)
/a0 Time .enue
Monday 3-!m "#$-""3
%uesday &-$!m "#$-""3
%hursday &-$!m "&'-""&
Tutorial Times and .enue) ()"* attendance is com!ulsory+
/a0 Time .enue
Monday &"-&&am "&-&&,
Monday &&-&$!m "#3-$"
%uesday 3-!m ""3-"&
-ednesday &"-&&am ""3-"3$
-ednesday &&-&$!m ""3-"3$
%hursday 3-!m ""3-""&
.riday #-&"am "#3-$",
.riday &&-&$!m "&-&&
.riday 3-!m "&-&&3
d! Prere1uisites/
M0&"& and !referably M0&")
e! Access to Course Coordinator
1ffice/ .23 4oom Number $")
Phone/ 3$3$"'#
3mail/ narayan56a7us!8ac8f6
9onsultation hours/ %o be announced later :ia Moodle
M0$")/ Mar;eting Princi!les & Strategies/ Semester <<= $"&/ 9oordinator Dr Jashwini Narayan
Access to Tutor
9onsultation hours/ %o be announced later :ia Moodle8

M0$") is an in-de!th sur:ey of the !rinci!les of mar;eting8 <t is based on an understanding of the im!ortance
of mar;eting towards success of any business endea:our8 Students will recei:e a wor;ing understanding of the
conce!ts and !rocedures of mar;eting in the current en:ironment and its inter-relationshi! with other business
functions8 %his course will hel! students understand and a!!reciate the im!ortance of the se!arate mar;eting
functions= the management of these functions= and how each function affects other functions within the
mar;eting domain8 %he ma6or functions are mar;eting management= mar;eting research= !roduct !lanning=
distribution channels= !ricing and !romotion8 %he course will em!hasi>e consumer mar;ets o:er business
M"$%& Learning Outcomes
After com!leting this course= you should be able to/
&8 3?!lain the theoretical basis of :arious mar;et forces across the Pacific 4egion
$8 3?amine the im!ortance of a !rofessional <ntegrated Mar;eting 9ommunications !rogram to assure
synergy among :arious communication tools
38 Analy>e the how ;ey mar;eting elements and rele:ant e?ternal factors im!act the success in P<9
domestic mar;ets
8 9onstruct a creati:e 2usiness Mar;eting Plan to better !osition a new !roducts@ser:ice in the Pacific
A8 Justify an effecti:e 2usiness Mar;eting !lan using learnt mar;eting s;ills indi:idually and in grou!s
Course Materials
Recommended Text and Reading
Prescribed Te4t/ Botler P and Armstrong 0= Principles of Marketing= &A
3d8 ($"&3+ (or later or e:en
earlier te?ts from year $""' onwards+ Sydney/ Pearson Prentice-Call8 It is im+ortant that 0ou read this
te4t and not others to a5oid confusion! Handouts: Lecture !ower-!oints will be made a:ailable on DSP
Moodle shell8 Please !rint out your own co!ies8
Referencing guide)
Dse Car:ard referencing style to ac;nowledge all sources used for your assignments such as indicate/ surname=
initials of first name(s+= year of !ublication= title of boo; or article= !ublisher name= city where the !ublication
too; !lace8 .or more details :isit website/
htt!/@@guides8is8uwa8edu8au@content8!h!E!idF3$&'&sidF3&'AA#8 Students will be guided in class tutorials as
well on the referencing reGuirements relating to the course8
Additional reading list)
<n addition to the abo:ementioned course boo; and course te?t= you can also read mar;eting related 6ournal
articles from the below 6ournals8
Academy of Mar;eting Science 4e:iew
Academy of Mar;eting Studies Journal
Ad:ances in 9onsumer 4esearch
Ad:ances in <nternational Mar;eting
Ad:ertising and Society 4e:iew
Asia Pacific Journal of Mar;eting and Logistics
M0$")/ Mar;eting Princi!les & Strategies/ Semester <<= $"&/ 9oordinator Dr Jashwini Narayan

Asia Pacific Public 4elations Journal

9onsum!tion= Mar;ets and 9ulture
<ndustrial Mar;eting Management
<nternational Journal of 4esearch in Mar;eting
<nternational Journal of 4etail and Distribution Management
<nternational Journal of %echnology Mar;eting
<nternational Journal of 3lectronic Mar;eting and 4etailing
<nternational Journal of Mar;et 4esearch
%o hel! you ;ee! u! with the course= we suggest you allocate at least 3 hours a day to study8 Plan your time
using the following schedule8 -ithin the wee;s allocated to each cha!ter= you should read through the cha!ter8
Note that only rele:ant cha!ters ha:e been selected from the te?t8 %his suggests that not all cha!ters will be
co:ered and they may not be arranged in the order as outlined in the te?tboo;8 %he co:erage of these cha!ters
may also :ary throughout the semester8 %he table below gi:es the wee;ly co:erage of to!icsH we might be
faster or slower than this guideline8
-33B L39%D43 %1P<9 43AD<N0
& <ntroduction/
-hat is mar;etingE
Dnderstanding the mar;et!lace and customer needs
Mar;eting management orientations
2uilding customer relationshi!s
%he new mar;eting landsca!e
$ %he Mar;eting 3n:ironment/
Cha+ter 3
3 9onsumer Mar;ets and 9onsumer 2uyer 2eha:iour/
Model of consumer beha:iour
9haracteristics influencing consumer beha:iour
2uyer decision ma;ing !rocess
Cha+ter 6
2usiness Mar;et 2eha:iour/
2usiness Ito-business mar;ets
2usiness buyer beha:iour
2usiness buyer decision !rocess
<nstitutional and go:ernment mar;ets
Cha+ter &
A Mar;et Segmentation= %argeting and Positioning/
Mar;et segmentation
2ases for segmentation
4eGuirements of segmenting the mar;et
Mar;et targeting
Mar;et !ositioning
Cha+ter 7
) Products= Ser:ices and 2randing Strategies/
Meaning of !roduct
Product classification
<ndi:idual !roduct decisions
2randing= !ac;aging and labeling
Cha+ter 8
, New-Product De:elo!ment and Life-9ycle Strategies/
Product line decisions
Cha+ter 9
M0$")/ Mar;eting Princi!les & Strategies/ Semester <<= $"&/ 9oordinator Dr Jashwini Narayan
New !roduct de:elo!ment
Product life cycle strategies
'The =ee* after mid:semester brea* =ill be counted as =ee* 8(
' Pricing 9onsiderations and A!!roaches/
Pricing consideration
0eneral !ricing a!!roaches
Cha+ter %
#-&" Mar;eting 9hannels/
%he nature and im!ortance of mar;eting channels
9hannel design decisions
9hannel management decisions
Cha+ter $
&& Promotion/
Public relations
Cha+ter 6
&$ Promotion/
Personal selling
Sales !romotion
Cha+ter &
& 9ourse 4e:iew Re5ision
&A Study -ee;

<n this course we will ado!t se:eral methods in im!arting ;nowledge in Mar;eting8 3m!hasis is !laced on
student-centred learning8 Students are e4+ected to read the assigned material before each lecture and be
+re+ared to res+ond to the lecturer?s 1uestions in class! Lectures are com!ulsory and there are three hours of
lectures !er wee; throughout the semester8 %hese lectures will be conducted by the course coordinator with the
!ossibility of guest lecturers where necessary8 Power-!oint slides will be !laced in moodle but notes will be
brief8 Jou are to ma;e notes during lectures which will be more detailed8 Do not de!end on the !ower-!oint
slides only for re:ision8 @ou =ill be tested on the e4tra details of =hat is discussed during lectures in
testsAfinal +a+er!
%his is a $"" le:el course and students are therefore e?!ected to show maturity in their a!!roach towards their
studies8 %his sim!ly means that the course coordinator largely e?!ects e:eryone to conduct allocated readings
!rior to each session= !rom!t class attendance and to engage constantly in interaction and !artici!ate in class
and grou! discussions8 Attendance in tutorials is essential8 Jou are strongly ad:ised to attend your once !er
wee; tutorial classes8 .ailure to do so will result in not being able to follow the !rogramme8 It is no=
com+ulsor0 for all students to attend at least &%B of tutorials! Less than &%B tutorial attendance =ill
lead to fail grades! %his reGuirement is in line with clause !6a of Student Academic Calendar '$%3) ---+8
Mobiles should be switched off and ear-!hones should be remo:ed in tutorials and lectures8 %utorials will
commence in =ee* 3! Jou will be reGuired to sign u! online for one tutorial session only8 Details will be gi:en
in the first lecture8 %utorials before the brea; (wee;s -,+ will be Gui> based and will focus on conce!ts co:ered
in lectures8 .rom after the brea;= you will be assessed on your !resentation and !artici!ation s;ills8 See moodle
for more information on tutorials and mar;ing criteria8
Stud0 grou+s
Most !eo!le find it easier to study in a grou! or with a friend= at least for !art of the time8 -or;ing with others
hel!s to moti:ate us8 <t !ro:ides a shared goal and reduces feelings of isolation or boredom8 Jour 9ourse
9oordinator will be able to !ut you in touch with any other students doing this course and may hel! you meet to
form study grou!s within lectures@tutorials8
M0$")/ Mar;eting Princi!les & Strategies/ Semester <<= $"&/ 9oordinator Dr Jashwini Narayan

%he Modular 1b6ect 1riented Dynamic Learning 3n:ironment is a free= o!en source learning management
system that enables you to create a more effecti:e learning and teaching online e?!eriences8
.or more information= contact the Moodle Cel!des; at moodlehel!7us!8ac8f68 Notices and e?tra information
will be !laced in moodle and it is the res!onsibility of the students to access moodle on a regular basis8 2eing
unaware of moodle notices is no longer an e?cuse at DSP8 Please read your student emails, Moodle notices,
forum news, SMS messages sent through Moodle for updates and information continuously throughout the
semester. f you fail to chec! your student emails, forum news, Moodle updates and SMS messages sent "ia
Moodle, then you will not #e excused for errors and mista!es done #y not !nowing the instructions gi"en. This
is your responsi#ility.
Assessment Summar0
9ontinuous assessment/ A"*
.inal e?amination/ A"*
Total 5alue) %%B
Continuous assessment '6%B(
Table ) Assessment /etails
Assessment Com+onents CA Su+er5isedAIn5igilated 2eight
2ee*s and /ue /ates
& Tutorial Assessment
&-3 Jes= grou! based but
indi:idual assessment
%B 1ngoing
$ MaCor Assignment (0rou!
Pro6ect - Mar;eting Strategy +
3-A Jes= grou! assessment 6B -ee; '/
&A Se!tember $"&
3 Product /is+la0 3-A Jes= grou! assessment 6B -ee; &/ $# 1ctober $"&
Mid:Term Test (%here will not
be any su!!lementary test+
&-3=A Jes= indi:idual
$%B -ee; ,/
$ Se!tember $"&
Continuous assessment total NAA NAA 6%B
#inal E4amination
'Indi5idual D 3 hours(
&-A Jes= indi:idual
Total %%B
Students should ta*e note of the follo=ing)
Partici+ants are re1uired to obtain a minimum of -% +er cent in both com+onents 'course=or*
and final e4am( in order to +ass the course! The +ass mar* is 6%A%%!
In additionE &%B of tutorial attendance is re1uired to +ass the course!
Mid$Semester Test %&'()
%his test will be held before the mid-semester brea; in wee; , on %uesday/ $ Se!tember $"&/ &-$!m/ "#$-""3
Klecture time at lecture :enueL8 %he test will co:er lectures= tutorials and readings co:ered u! to and including
the wee; of the semester in which the test will be held8 %he test will consist of short essay Guestions8 Jour test
will differ in content and structure from the sam!le8 9heating (co!ying= allowing others to co!y= coming to the
test :enue with written notes= tal;ing during test= chec;ing or com!aring answers+ will be dealt with se:erely
and such students will be sent to the disci!linary committee8
*roup Pro+ect %,-(): .ue date Monday of /ee! 0 %the first wee! after the #rea!):
Septem#er, &',1: Time: #etween 0am$1pm.
%he !ur!ose of the grou! !ro6ect is to a!!ly your understanding of the mar;eting conce!ts that you will be
e?!osed to in lectures8 Jou will be as;ed to create your own grou!s in the first tutorial class8 Jour grou! will
consist of four members8 Do ta;e note of all !ossible contacts of your grou! members8 Jou are to manage your
own grou!s8 Should certain grou! members not coo!erate= delay= miss out on meetings= the ma6ority in that
M0$")/ Mar;eting Princi!les & Strategies/ Semester <<= $"&/ 9oordinator Dr Jashwini Narayan
grou! can as; that grou! member to loo; for another grou!8 Also there must be a declaration +age after the
co5er +age stating that all members contributed e1uall0! Indicate if members contributed less than their
share8 3?cuses of grou! members disa!!earing and not contributing will not be entertained for delayed
Jour grou! will de:elo! a mar;eting strategy for a com!any that is introducing a new or im!ro:ed !roduct or
ser:ice into the mar;et!lace8 Select any !roduct@business rele:ant to a country li;e .i6i8 %his !roduct or ser:ice
must be targeted at students and@or local residents= or grou!(s+ with similar characteristics8 As a grou!= you will
be reGuired to carry out a sur:ey (inter:iew $"-$A !eo!le+ and use the results of the sur:ey to de:elo! your
mar;eting strategy !ro6ect8

<n your Mar;eting Strategy= discuss the following/
&@8 Product details (the !roduct name= !roduct descri!tion= raw materials@ingredients used for !roducing the
!roduct= !ositioning= uniGueness= benefits= shelf-life or e?!iry dates= !ac;aging and labels+= K3 mar;sL
$@8 Pricing details (a!!roach@strategy used= include clear calculations or e?!lain fully how selling !rice was
determined= state how your !rice com!ares with com!etitor !roducts+= K3 mar;sL
3@8 Place details (where will your !roduct be sold and why= are you selling directly to customers or using
distributors and retailers= if using distributors and retailers= why engage them and who will the distributors or
retailers be+ K3 mar;sL and
@8 Promotion details (discuss how the !ublic will be made aware of the !roduct Kad:ertisement ty!esL and the
ways in which they will be !ersuaded to buy your !roduct Ksales !romotion techniGuesL I be :ery s!ecific+8 K3
Also include 2ibliogra!hy8 .ollow !ro!er bibliogra!hy style and be consistent with it8 See moodle for more
details and a sam!le of such a !ro6ect8 K& mar;L8 Jour mar;eting strategy !ro6ect should not e4ceed 9 +ages=
e?cluding a!!endices8 -ell-abo:e and below length guideline will lead to lower mar;s8
Students are reminded that the 0rou! !ro6ect should address all@most of the elements as reflected abo:e8 As a
grou!= you are to wor; together and submit only one Msoftco!yN of the grou! assignment in Moodle shell & also
submit a hardco!y for mar;ing by the due date8 All assignments submitted 1nline in Moodle shell should ha:e
a similarity re!ort attached (SafeAssign Score or also ;nown as %urn<t<n Score+ to the soft and hard co!ies as
!roof8 Similarity le:el of &"-$"* will be regarded as acce!table8 Assignments will not be mar;ed if the signed
!lagiarism declaration sheet= !eer e:aluation form and %urn<t<n SafeAssign Score is not attached8
Late assignments
Please note that due dates for assignments are to be strictly followed8 <n the absence of any e?tension= late
submission of wor; will result in a !enalty of %B of the !ossible mar; for each da0 late8 .or e?am!le= if you
are awarded a mar; of A"* for a &"* grou! assignment that is handed in $ days late= !enalty will be $"* of
&"= which is -$8"8 -ee;ends are treated as a single full day8 Assessment tas;s will generally not be graded after
the last day of lecture8 If there is a dela0E notif0 the coordinator in ad5ance =ith +roof of dela0 'e!g! sic*:
sheet etc!!!( and a draft of =hate5er 0ou did on the assignment on the due date! .er0 late assignments =ill
be returned unmar*ed! Timeliness is im+ortant!

#or Submission of AssignmentsAProCectsE Correct labelling of assignments and Mar*ingA2riting Rubric)
See course moodle !age of this course/ htt!/@@elearn8us!8ac8f6@course@:iew8!h!EidF33"$
Presentations in Tutorials
Public +resentations are an im+ortant method of communication in business! Presentations will include
all the team members (grou!s of four members+ and will be about the ma6or assignment/ your mar;eting
strategy8 No oral !resentations are to be read (note-cards can be !ermitted as reference guide+8 Student
!resentations are to be made in a rela?ed= confident and !rofessional manner8 All team members should acti:ely
engage in the !resentation and discussion that follows the !resentation8 %he use of :isual aids (la!to!@!ro6ectorH
o:erhead !ro6ector= charts= whiteboard and handouts+ is recommended8 Students are reGuired to boo; with <%S
in ad:ance to a:oid any disa!!ointments8 <n wee; 3= grou!s will be briefed on what is e?!ected8
M0$")/ Mar;eting Princi!les & Strategies/ Semester <<= $"&/ 9oordinator Dr Jashwini Narayan
0rou! membershi! must be documented= together with contact details and !ro:ided to the lecturer@tutor and all
colleagues within your grou! in wee; 3 tutorial8
1nce formed= only the most e?ce!tional circumstances could !ermit any changes to be made= and then only
after discussion= negotiation= and ultimately with the written agreement of the 9ourse 9oordinator8 3:eryone
will be !art of a grou!8 0rou! !resentation will begin from wee; '8 Presentation is a grou! based effort but
mar;s will be indi:idual !erformance based to be fair to :ery !resenter8 %ime limit for the grou! will be 3"
minutes !er grou!8 Students need to ma;e a declaration stating that all members ha:e contributed eGually8
%utorial &"* allocation has $ !artsH ,* for !resentation and 3* for !artici!ation8 .urther to this= )"* of
tutorials should be met whereby since tutorials begin in wee; 3 and ends in wee; & (wee;s 3-& is a total of &$
classes+H attendance should be eGui:alent to )"@&""O&$ F , tutorials8
Product .isplay %-()
1n the last day of lectures for this course (wee; &/ %hursday 3" 1ctober $"&/ += all grou!s will be reGuired to
dis+la0 their !hysical !roduct for !ublic dis!lay at the .23 foyer between $8 ""-!m8 .lyers will be emailed to
many and you can also in:ite your families@friends8 Jou should start wor;ing in ad:ance on the !re!aration of
the !hysical !roduct for which you !re!ared the mar;ing strategy8 2ut do not s!end too much money on
!roduct !re!aration8 %he 9oordinator will a!!roach the Cead of School of Management for cash !ri>es for best
3 or !roduct dis!lays8 Jou will be notified on this= once the reGuest is a!!ro:ed8 No !romises as yet8
2inal 3xamination %-'()
%he end of semester e?amination will consist of two com!ulsory !arts8 Part & will include a case study
followed by Guestions based on the case material8 Part $ will consist of eight essay Guestions out of which any
fi:e will need to be answered8 %he material co:ered during the semester will be included in the final
e?amination8 4eminder/ Jou MDS% obtain at least a total of $" mar;s for your course wor; AND at least a total
of $" mar;s for your final e?amination and together A"*= to !ass this course8 %he e?am is based u!on lectures8
%he e?act co:erage for the final e?am will be announced later :ia Moodle8 4emember that your final
e?amination may differ in content and structure from the !ast year sam!le !a!ers8
Use of Moodle "rade ;oo*
Students are urged to ma;e ma?imum use of the grade boo;s located in their moodle !latform8 Jour grade
boo;s will be u!dated !eriodically by the course coordinator so as to ensure that you ;ee! trac; of your
!erformance throughout the semester8 Jou need to send your assignments at scheduled due dates to ensure
regular and consistent feedbac; in your grade boo;s8
"RA/IN" S@STEM ';0 Mar*s()

Academic Misconduct & Penalties for Academic Misconduct (4efer to DSP 9alendar !8A#-)$+ or
clic; on/ htt!s/@@docs8google8com@:iewerEurlFhtt!/@@www8us!8ac8f6@$"&calendar
M0$")/ Mar;eting Princi!les & Strategies/ Semester <<= $"&/ 9oordinator Dr Jashwini Narayan
0rades Mar; 4ange
AP Abo:e 'A
A ,' - '
2P ,& - ,,
2 ) - ,"
9P A, - )3
9 A" - A)
D " - #
3 2elow "
3Q Absent in .inal 3?am
Mandatory use of Turnitin I !lagiarism detection software (4efer to DSP 9alendar !8)&+ or clic; on/
Late Assignments - Late assignments will be !enali>ed/ &"* will be deducted for each day8 4efer to
.or other additional matters such as/ Medical emergencies and Sic;ness=
Student and Staff 9onduct= Academic 0rie:ances= Student Su!!ort & DSP Library 9lic; on/
Cow to log in to Moodle clic;/ htt!/@@www8sm!a8fbe8us!8ac8f6@inde?8!h!EidF&))A3
This Course Outline is +re+ared b0 /r Fash=ini Nara0an 'Assistant LecturerE School of Management and
Public AdministrationE the Uni5ersit0 of the South Pacific(!
M0$")/ Mar;eting Princi!les & Strategies/ Semester <<= $"&/ 9oordinator Dr Jashwini Narayan

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