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*Colonel, Veterinary Corps, US Ar!y" Co!!an#er, US Ar!y Me#i$al Resear$% Insti

t&te o' In'e$tio&s (iseases, Fort (etri$), Fre#eri$), Marylan# *+,-*./-++
0For!erly, Te$%ni$al Writer, P&1li$ A''airs O''i$e, US Ar!y Me#i$al Resear$% Instit
&te o' In'e$tio&s (iseases, Fort (etri$), Fre#eri$), Marylan# *+,-*" $&rrently, Bio!e#i
$al Writer, O''i$e o' Co!!&ni$ations, 2ational Instit&te o' Aller3y an# In'e$tio&s (isea
ses, Bet%es#a, Marylan# *-45*
6Colonel, Me#i$al Corps, US Ar!y" Co!!an#er, Walter Ree# Ar!y Instit&te o' Rese
ar$%, Walter Ree# Ar!y Me#i$al Center, Was%in3ton, ( C *-7-,./+--
Me#i$al Aspe$ts o' C%e!i$al an# Biolo3i$al War'are
Biolo3i$al a3ents %a8e 1een &se# in 9ar 'or $ent&ries A'ter Worl# War I, Ma:or Leon
Fo;, Me#i$al Corps, US Ar!y, prepare# a len3t%y report+ t%at $on$l&#e# t%at 1iolo3i
$al 9ar'are 9as no lon3er a $on$ern 1e$a&se o' t%e #e8elop!ent o' !o#ern sanitary pr
o$e#&res <o9e8er, as %e 9rote, t%e =apanese 9ere alrea#y #e8elopin3 an o''ensi8e 1iol
o3i$al 9ar'are pro3ra! in8ol8in3 an e;tensi8e list o' 1iolo3i$al a3ents, $apa1le o' $a&si
n3 #iseases s&$% as ant%ra;, t&lare!ia, pla3&e, 1ot&lin&!, s!allpo;, 3lan#ers, an# typ
T%e Unite# States $on#&$te# a se$on# re8ie9 o' t%e potential o' 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are #&r
in3 +5>+ an# +5>* an# i!ple!ente# its pro3ra! to #e8elop 1iolo3i$al 9eapons in +5>7
T%e 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are pro3ra! o' t%e Unite# States 9as $on#&$te# &n#er !ilitary a&s
pi$es an# 9as $%ara$teri?e# #&rin3 its early years 1y a %i3% #e3ree o' se$re$y an# $ontr
o8ersial testin3 pro3ra!s By t%e +5@-s, US s$ientists %a# $learly esta1lis%e# t%at t%e
#e8elop!ent o' 1iolo3i$al 9eapons 9as 'easi1le an# t%at t%eir &se on t%e 1attle'iel# $o&
l# 1e e''e$ti8e
T%e p&rpose o' t%e US pro3ra! in t%e early years 9as to #eter t%e &se o' 1iolo3i$al a3
a3ainst t%e Unite# States an# its !ilitary 'or$es, an# to retaliate only i' #eterren$e 9as
&ns&$$ess'&l T%e pro3ra! 9as $%ara$teri?e# 1y an a33ressi8e o''ensi8e an# #e'ensi8e
resear$% an# #e8elop!ent e''ort t%at 9o&l# 1e !o#i'ie# to one 1ase# on !aintainin3 a
stron3 #e'ense a3ainst 1iolo3i$al a3ents
W%en t%e 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are pro3ra! 9as esta1lis%e#, t%e Unite# States 9as 'i3%tin3
Worl# War II on t9o 'ronts A'ter t%e 9ar en#e#, t%e Col# War #e8elope# an# o&r se$
&rity 9as still t%reatene# T%e Unite# States !aintaine# an a$ti8e o''ensi8e 1iolo3i$al 9
ar'are pro3ra! &ntil it &nilaterally reno&n$e# t%e &se o' 1iolo3i$al 9eapons in t9o 2ati
onal Se$&rity Me!oran#a in +5@5 an# +5,- T%e Unite# States rati'ie# t%e Biolo3i$al
Weapons Con8ention in +5,/ Alt%o&3% $apa1ilities o' t%e 9orl#As !ilitary 'or$es %a8e
$%an3e# si3ni'i$antly in t%e years 'ollo9in3 t%e #isesta1lis%!ent o' t%e US 1iolo3i$al
9ar'are pro3ra!Ban# #espite t%e Biolo3i$al Weapons Con8entionBa 1iolo3i$al 9ar'a
re t%reat still e;ists" t%ere'ore, t%e Unite# States !ain. tains a pro3ra! 'or !e#i$al #e'e
nse a3ainst 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are a3ents
In +5>+, Se$retary o' War <enry L Sti!son as)e# t%e 2ational A$a#e!y o' S$ien$es t
o e8al&ate t%e 'easi1ility o' 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are T%e a$a#e!y $on$l&#e# t%at 1iolo3i$al
9ar'are 9as 'easi1le an# re$o!!en#e# t%at steps 1e ta)en to re#&$e US 8&lnera1ility
an# also to $on#&$t resear$% to e;plore t%e o''ensi8e potential o' 1a$teriolo3i$al 9eapon
In April +5>*, Sti!son re$o!!en#e# to Presi#ent Fran)lin ( Roose8elt t%e $reation o
' a $i8ilian a#8isory 3ro&p t%at 9o&l# $oor#inate 3o8ern!ental an# pri8ately o9ne# in
stit&tions in a 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are e''ort*,7 CW%at %e #i# not tell Roose8elt 9as t%at t%e
Ar!y C%e!i$al War'are Ser8i$e %a# 1e3&n its o9n 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are resear$% in +5>+
T%e i#ea o' 1iolo3i$al 9eaponry 9as $ontro8ersial, sin$e little 9as )no9n a1o&t t%e pr
e#i$ta1ility or e''e$ti8eness o' 1iolo3i$al 9eapons in 9arti!e Presi#ent Roose8elt appr
o8e# t%e plan in +5>*, an# t%e War Reser8e Ser8i$e, %ea#e# 1y Geor3e W Mer$), 9as
esta1lis%e# an# atta$%e# to t%e Fe#eral Se$&rity A3en$y, a 2e9 (eal a3en$y o' t%e (epa
rt!ent o' A3ri$&lt&re T%e War Reser8e Ser8i$e starte# o&t in !i# +5>* 9it% a 1&#3et
o' E*--,--- Se$ret 9or) 1e3an &n#er Mer$)As #ire$tion at *4
A!eri$an &ni8ersities, in$l&#in3 <ar8ar#, Stan'or#, an# ot%er top s$%ools T%is a3en$
y re$ei8e# $ons&ltati8e a#8i$e 'ro! national s$ienti'i$ $o!!ittees an# or3ani?ations, in
$l&#in3 t%e 2ational A$a#e!y o' S$ien$es an# t%e 2ational Resear$% Co&n$il
T%e War Reser8e Ser8i$e also e!po9ere# t%e US Ar!yAs C%e!i$al War'are Ser8i$e t
o 3reatly e;pan# its e''orts in re3ar# to 1iolo3i$al 9eapons T%e ar!yAs e''orts 9ere 1et
ter '&n#e# t%an t%ose o' t%e War Reser8e Ser8i$eF in +5>* an# +5>7, t%e C%e!i$al War
'are Ser8i$e re$ei8e# !illions o' #ollars to 1&il# resear$% 'a$ilities Se8eral lo$ations 9e
re sele$te# 'or t%e ar!yAs 1iolo3i$al resear$%, 9it% t%e !ain %ea#G&arters at Ca!p (et
ri$), Fre#eri$), Marylan#, a s!all 2ational G&ar# air'iel# C#esi3nate# Fort (etri$) in
+5/@D T%e ar!y also !a#e plans to 1&il# a !an&'a$t&rin3 plant near Terre <a&te, In#
iana, an# 1&ilt a *,---.a$re 'iel# test site on <orn Islan# in Pas$a3o&la, Mississippi It is
ironi$ t%at !&$% o' t%e Unite# StatesAs 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are e''ort #&rin3 Worl# War II 9
as in response to a per$ei8e# t%reat 'ro! Ger!any, 9%en in 'a$t t%e =apanese 9ere !&
$% !ore a$ti8ely 1&il#in3 t%eir 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are $apa1ility*
T%e US Biolo3i$al War'are an# Biolo3i$al (e'ense Pro3ra!s
In t%e sprin3 o' +5>*, Presi#ent Roose8elt an# Britis% Pri!e Minister Winston C%&r$%
ill anno&n$e# poli$ies li!itin3 t%e &se o' 1iolo3i$al 9eapons to retaliation only, $losely p
arallelin3 pre8io&s #e$isions, s&$% as t%e Gene8a Proto$ol o' +5*/, on t%e li!ite# &se o'
$%e!i$al 9eapons B&t t%ese ne9 poli$ies #i# not pre8ent t%e Unite# States an# Great
Britain 'ro! 1e3innin3 to a!ass arsenals o' 1iolo3i$al 9eapons> By +5>7, t%e resear$%
$enter an# pilot plant at Ca!p (etri$) e!ploye# appro;i!ately 7,4-- !ilitary an# +--
$i8ilian personnel In +5>>, (&39ay Pro8in3 Gro&n#, Uta%, 9as esta1lis%e# to repla$e t
%e Mississippi site, an# t%e pro#&$tion plant 9as $onstr&$te# near Terre <a&te, In#ian
T%e Unite# States e;$%an3e# in'or!ation 9it% Great Britain an# Cana#a, t9o ot%er n
ations $on$erne# a1o&t t%e 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are t%reat, 1&t t%e 3eneral p&1li$ 9as &na9a
re o' a 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are pro3ra! in t%e Unite# States &ntil > !ont%s a'ter t%e 9ar 9a
s o8er (&rin3 Worl# War II, t%e Unite# States 9or)e# pri!arily on ant%ra; an# 1ot&li
s!" %o9e8er, 1r&$ellosis, psitta$osis, t&lare!ia, an# 3lan#ers 9ere also st&#ie# T%ere
9as also $onsi#era1le 9or) on a3ents 'or &se a3ainst plants, an# re$or#s s%o9 t%at t%er
e 9ere plans #ra9n &p to #e$i!ate =apanAs ri$e $rops*
At t%e en# o' Worl# War II, $onstr&$tion an# testin3 slo9e# to a stop, an# t%e e''ort o
n 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are #e8elop!ent 9as lar3ely li!ite# to resear$% T%e pro#&$tion plant
in In#iana 9as sol# to t%e C%arles A P'i?er Co!pany 'or $o!!er$ial &se Alt%o&3% t%
e %i3%ly $lassi'ie# pro3ra! 9as initially #e'ensi8e, an# $losely tie# 9it% t%e $%e!i$al 9
eapons pro3ra!, resear$% $ontin&e# on #e8elopin3 an in#epen#ent retaliatory $apa1ilit
y &sin3 8ario&s #isease a3ents
T%e Se$ret Pro3ra! Is A$)no9le#3e#
Sin$e +57,, =apan %a# $on#&$te# a lar3e 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are pro3ra!, in$l&#in3 %&!a
n testin3, at its Unit ,7+ in Man$%&ria/ A'ter t%e 9ar, t%e Unite# States 3rante# a!nes
ty to =apanese s$ientists 9%o %a# parti$ipate# in t%e resear$%" %o9e8er, a $on#ition o' t
%e a!nesty 9as '&ll #is$los&re o' resear$% in'or!ation T9o s$ientists 'ro! Ca!p (etri
$), (r E#9in <ill an# (r =osep% Vi$tor, 9ent to =apan in +5>/ an# inter8ie9e# ** s$ie
ntists T%ey learne# t%at !any o' t%e $lassi$al 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are a3ents %a# 1een st&#i
e#, an# t%at appro;i!ately +,--- a&topsies %a# 1een per'or!e# in Unit ,7+, !ost o' t%
ese on %&!ans 9%o %a# 1een e;pose# to ant%ra; T%ey also learne# t%at t%e =apanese %
a# sto$)pile# >-- )3 o' ant%ra; spores, 9%i$% 9ere to 1e &se# in a spe$ially #esi3ne# 'r
a3!entation 1o!1
In =an&ary +5>@, t%e War (epart!ent !a#e p&1li$ 'or t%e 'irst ti!e t%e 'a$t t%at t%e
Unite# States %a# 1een $on#&$tin3 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are resear$% an# testin3 T%e press r
elease e!p%asi?e# t%e %i3% priority pla$e# on sa'etyF
In all 9or) on 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are $arrie# on in t%e Unite# States, e;tre!e $are 9as ta)
en to prote$t t%e parti$ipatin3 personnel 'ro! in'e$tion Many ne9 te$%niG&es 9ere #e
8ise# to pre8ent in'e$tion an# pro8e# %i3%ly s&$$ess'&l <ospitals an# #ispensaries 9er
e !aintaine# at all installations, sta''e# 9it% 1ot% Ar!y an# 2a8y personnel an# 9ere
eG&ippe# to treat a$$i#ental in'e$tions As t%e res&lt o' t%e e;traor#inary pre$a&tions ta
)en, t%ere o$$&rre# only si;ty $ases o' pro8en in'e$tion $a&se# 1y a$$i#ental e;pos&re t
o 8ir&lent 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are a3ents 9%i$% reG&ire# treat!ent Fi'ty.
t9o o' t%ese re$o8ere# $o!pletely" o' t%e ei3%t $ases re!ainin3, all 9ere re$o8erin3 sati
s'a$torily T%ere 9ere, in a##ition to t%e si;ty pro8en $ases, +/5 a$$i#ental e;pos&res to
a3ents o' &n)no9n $on$entrations All 1&t one o' t%ese re$ei8e# pro!pt treat!ent an#
#i# not #e8elop any in'e$tion In one instan$e, t%e in#i8i#&al #i# not report e;pos&re, #
e8elope# t%e #isease, 1&t re$o8ere# a'ter treat
!ent7C8ol +, p+.>D
Mr Mer$), t%e %ea# o' t%e War Reser8e Ser8i$e, in %is 'inal report@ to t%e se$retary o'
9ar note# t%at alt%o&3% re!ar)a1le a$%ie8e!ents %a# 1een !a#e, t%e potential o' 1iol
o3i$al 9ar'are %a# 1y no !eans 1een $o!pletely !eas&re# <e re$o!!en#e# t%at t%e
pro3ra! 1e $ontin&e# on a s&''i$ient s$ale to pro8i#e an a#eG&ate #e'ense
In +5>4, t%e Resear$% an# (e8elop!ent Boar# Ct%en &n#er t%e se$retary o' #e'enseD, 9
%i$% %a# 1een 3i8en t%e responsi1ility to s&per8ise t%e 3o8ern!ental resear$% pro3ra!,
reG&este# an e8al&ation o' 1iolo3i$al a3ents as 9eapons o' sa1ota3e T%e Co!!ittee on
Biolo3i$al War'are 9as 'or!e#, an# t%e Bal#9in Report, prepare# 1y t%e $o!!it. tee s
tate# t%at t%e Unite# States 9as parti$&larly 8&lnera1le to $o8ert atta$) 9it% 1iolo3i$al
a3ents It also state# t%at t%e $&rrent resear$% an# #e8elop!ent pro3ra! 9as Hnot no9
a&t%ori?e# to !eet t%e reG&ire!ents ne$essary to prepare t%e #e'ensi8e !eas&res a3ain
st spe$ial I1iolo3i$al 9ar'areJ operationsK,Cp+D
T%e Bal#9in Report re$o!!en#e#, t%at
L !eans 1e #e8elope# to #ete$t an# i#enti'y 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are a3ents" L
!et%o#s 1e #e8elope# 'or #e$onta!ina
Me#i$al Aspe$ts o' C%e!i$al an# Biolo3i$al War'are
tion, prote$tion, prop%yla;is, an# treat !ent" an#
L !et%o#s 1e assesse# 'or #isse!ination o' 1iolo3i$al a3ents, 9it% e!p%asis on appli$a
tion to spe$ial operations Spe$i'i$ally re$o!!en#e# 9ere resear$% pro3ra!s, s&$% as t
%e testin3 o' Hinno$&o&s or3anis!sK,Cp,D in 8entilation syste!s, s&19ay syste!s, an# p
&1li$ 9ater s&pplies T%is 3&i#an$e in'l&en$e# se8eral s&1seG&ent a#!inistrations o8er
t%e ne;t *- years, an# t%e Unite# States $on#&$te# a seG&en$e o' %i3%ly $lassi'ie# s$ient
i'i$ tests on &n)no9in3 pop&lations t%ro&3%o&t t%e $o&ntry, 9it% a3ents an# !aterials
1elie8e# to 1e nonpat%o3eni$ In 'a$t, not &ntil early +5,, 9as t%e e;tent o' t%e !ilitary
1iolo3i$al 9eapons testin3 pro3ra! p&1li$ly #is$lose# 1e'ore Con3ress7,>
T%e 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are resear$% pro3ra! in t%e early +5>-s an# +5/-s in8ol8e# antiper
sonnel, anti$rop, an#, 'or a 1rie' perio#, antiani!al st&#ies
4 Fiel# trials in$l&#e# open.air 8&lnera1ility testin3, an# $onta!ination o' p&1li$ 9ater
syste!s 9it% li8e or3anis!s s&$% as Serratia !ar$es$ens Co8ert pro3ra!s 9ere $on#&
$te# 1y t%e Central Intelli3en$e A3en$y Pat%o3eni$ or3anis!s 9ere also teste# in Flori
#a an# t%e Ba%a!as in t%e +5>-s C%e!i$al anti$rop st&#ies e8al&ate# #e'oliation an#
$rop #estr&$tion E;plosi8e !&nitions tests 9it% pat%o3ens 9ere 1e3&n in +5>5
In +5/-, t%e 'irst open.air tests 9it% 1iolo3i$al si!&lants 9ere $on#&$te# in 8ario&s lo$
ales, one o' 9%i$% 9as o'' t%e $oast o' 2or'ol), Vir3inia T%is 9as 'ollo9e# 1y li!ite# ?i
n$ $a#!i&! s&l'i#e #ispersal tests in Minneapolis, Minnesota, an# St Lo&is, Misso&ri,
in +5/7" an# Ba$ill&s s&1tilis 8ar ni3er #ispersal in t%e 2e9 Mor) City s&19ay syste! i
n +5@@7,> T%e Spe$ial Operations (i8ision at Ca!p (etri$) $on#&$te# !&$% o' t%e res
ear$% on possi1le !et%o#s o' $o8ert atta$) an# sa1ota3e, an# !any en8iron!ental st&#
iesBo'ten 9it%o&t in'or!in3 lo$al or state 3o8ern!ental a3en$ies or t%e 3eneral pop&l
Bet9een +5>4 an# +5/-, se8eral re8ie9s 9ere $on#&$te# 1y t%e Resear$% Re8ie9 Boar
# o' t%e 1iolo3i$al, $%e!i$al, an# ra#iolo3i$al 9ar'are pro3ra!s Re$o!!en#ations in$
l&#e# t%e $reation o' a spe$i'i$ 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are pro#&$tion 'a$ility, $ontin&e# 'iel# te
sts 9it% 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are a3ents an# !&nitions, an# e;pansion o' t%e o8erall pro3ra!
In +5>5, an en$lose#, +.!illion.liter steel test sp%ere 9as 1&ilt at Ca!p (etri$), an# 1io
lo3i$al 9ar'are e;plosi8e !&nitions tests 9it% a3ents 9ere 1e3&n CFi3&re +5.+D
Fi3 +5.+ T%ese 9or)ers are stan#in3 o&tsi#e t%e H4Ball,K a +.!illion.liter sp%ere &se
# 'or testin3 stati$ aerosols o' 1iolo3i$al a3ent preparations #&rin3 t%e Unite# StatesAs o
''ensi8e 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are pro3ra! T%e 1&il#in3 en$losin3 t%e 4.Ball an# its s&pportin
3 in'rastr&$t&re 9ere #estroye# 1y 'ire in +5,> T%e sp%ere re!ains to#ay as a %istori$a
l !on&!ent at Fort (etri$), Fre#eri$), Marylan# P%oto3rap%F P&1li$ A''airs O''i$e, F
ort (e. tri$), Fre#eri$), M# $ir$a +5@4
(&rin3 t%e early +5/-s, Ma:or General Geor3e E Ar!stron3, T%e US Ar!y S&r3eon
General C+5/+N +5//D 1e$a!e $on$erne# a1o&t !e#i$al #e'ense iss&es Lie&tenant Colo
nel A1ra! S Benenson, a !e#i$al o''i$er 'ro! t%e Walter Ree# Ar!y Instit&te o' Rese
ar$%, 9as appointe# !e#i$al liaison 9it% t%e 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are la1oratories at Fort (e.
tri$) A :oint a3ree!ent 9as si3ne#, an# 1e3innin3 in +5/7, st&#ies on !e#i$al #e'ense a
3ainst 1iolo3i$al 9eapons 9ere $on#&$te# $ooperati8ely 1y t%e C%e!i$al Corps an# t%e
US Ar!y Me#i$al (epart!ent In +5/>, a $on3ressionally appro8e# !e#i$al 8ol&nteer
pro3ra!, #esi3nate# HPro:e$t W%ite$oat,K 9as esta1lis%e# a'ter a series o' !eetin3s 9it
% representati8es o' t%e General Con'eren$e o' t%e Se8ent%. (ay A#8entist C%&r$% an#
T%e S&r3eon General, US Ar!y
Fiel# Testin3 in t%e Unite# States
T%e Oorean War, 9%i$% 1e3an in =&ne +5/-, a##e# :&sti'i$ation 'or $ontin&in3 t%e 1iol
o3i$al 9ar'are pro3ra!, 9%en t%e possi1le entry o' t%e So8iet Union into t%e 9ar 9as '
eare# Con$erns o8er t%e So8iet Union 9ere :&sti'ie#, 'or t%e So8iet Union 9o&l# prono
&n$e in +5/@ t%at $%e!i$al an# 1iolo3i$al 9eapons 9o&l#, in#ee#, 1e &se# 'or !ass #est
r&$tion in '&t&re 9ars5 In O$to1er +5/-, t%e se$retary o' #e'ense appro8e# $ontin&atio
n o' t%e pro3ra!, 1ase# lar3ely on t%e So8iet t%reat an# a 1elie' t%at t%e 2ort% Oorean
an# C%inese $o!!&nists 9o&l# &se 1iolo3i$al 9eapons+-
T%e 'irst lar3e.s$ale aerosol 8&lnera1ility test 9as $on#&$te# in t%e San Fran$is$o Bay
area in Septe!1er +5/-, &sin3 t9o spe$ies o' 1a$teria CBa$ill&s 3lo1i3ii an# Serratia !a
r$es$ensD an# 'l&ores$ent parti$les Vario&s Ba$ill&s spe$ies 9ere &se# in !any e;peri!
ents 1e$a&se o' t%eir spore.'or!in3 $apa1ilities an# t%eir si!ilarities to Ba$ill&s ant%ra
$is S !ar$es$ens 9as &se# 1e$a&se its re# pi3!ent !a#e it rea#ily i#enti'ia1le W%at 9
as &ne;pe$te# 9as t%e in$rease# n&!1er o' $ases o' Serratia in'e$tions o8er t%e ne;t 'e
9 years in $o!!&nities t%at %a# 1een spraye# earlier 9it% t%e or3anis!s> T%e !ilitar
y $onsi#ere# t%e sit&ations $oin$i#ental, 1&t !any $i8ilian p%ysi$ians 1elie8e# t%e! to
1e #ire$tly relate# Ot%er li!ite#.s$ale 'iel# tests 9it% pat%o3eni$ or3anis!s 9ere $on#&
$te# at (&39ay Pro8in3 Gro&n#, Uta% Antiani!al st&#ies 9ere $on#&$te# at E3lin Air
For$e Base, Flori#a
T%e 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are resear$% 'a$ilities at Ca!p (etri$) 9ere e;pan#e#, an# a 1iolo
3i$al 9ar'are pro#&$tion 'a$ility 9as $reate# at Pine Bl&'' Arsenal, Ar)ansas, in +5/+
T%e 'irst li!ite#, 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are retaliatory $apa1ility 9as a$%ie8e# 9%en an anti$r
op 1o!1 9as #e8elope#, teste#, an# pla$e# in pro#&$tion 'or t%e US Air For$e Anti$r
opNa3ent pro#&$tion sites 9ere $are'&lly sele$te# 'or sa'ety 9it% t%e $oor#ination an# a
ppro8al o' t%e US (epart!ent o' A3ri$&lt&re T%is !ar)e# t%e 'irst pea$eti!e 1iolo3i
$al 9eapons pro#&$tion 1y t%e Unite# States++
By +5/>, t%e Pine Bl&'' la1oratory pro#&$e# Br&. $ella s&is Ct%e $a&sati8e a3ent o' 1r&$
ellosis, also $alle# &n#&lant 'e8erD an# Fran$isella t&larensis Ct&lare!ia, or ra11it 'e8er
D <ar#9are 'or antipersonnel 1iolo3i$al $l&ster 1o!1s 9as #eli8ere# to Pine Bl&'' 'or '
illin3 9it% Br&$ella s&is to s&pport air 'or$e reG&ire!ents By +5//, t%e a$$elerate# pro
3ra! 9as pro#&$in3 sto$)s o' B s&is an# F t&larensis as 1io.
T%e US Biolo3i$al War'are an# Biolo3i$al (e'ense Pro3ra!s lo3i$al 9ar'are a3ents
W%ile !any o' t%e e''orts in8ol8e# !ilitary resear$%ers, ot%ers 'ro! t%e P&1 li$ <ealt
% Ser8i$e, ot%er Fe#eral #epart!ental a3en $ies, an# $i8ilian s$ienti'i$ instit&tions 9ere
also in8ol8e# in t%e resear$%
T%e 3eneral p&1li$ 9as &nin'or!e# o' t%ese on 3oin3 st&#ies, espe$ially t%e en8iron!e
ntal an# open.air e;peri!ents t%at 9ere 1ein3 $on#&$te# A $ontro8ersial en8iron!en
tal test o$$&rre# in +5/+, 9%en ar!y resear$%ers #eli1erately e;pose# a #is proportion
ate n&!1er o' 1la$) $iti?ens to t%e '&n. 3&s Asper3ill&s '&!i3at&s, to see i' A'ri$an A!e
ri $ans 9ere !ore s&s$epti1le to s&$% in'e$tion, li)e t%ey 9ere alrea#y )no9n to 1e to
$o$$i#ioi #o!y$osis CCo$$i#ioi#es i!!itisD So!e in t%e s$ien ti'i$ $o!!&nity 1elie8e#
t%at s&$% )no9le#3e 9o&l# assist in preparin3 #e'enses a3ainst a !ore 8ir&lent 'or! o
' t%is '&n3&s Si!ilarly, in +5/+, &n s&spe$tin3 9or)ers at t%e 2or'ol) S&pply Center,
2or'ol), Vir3inia, 9ere e;pose# to $rates $onta!i nate# 9it% A '&!i3at&s spores
2ee#less to say, t%ere 9as a p&1li$ o&t$ry se8 eral years later 9%en !&$% o' t%is in'or
!ation 9as release#, an# t%e 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are resear$% pro 3ra! 9o&l# 1e 'ore8er t
ainte# as operatin3 9it%in H$lo&#s o' se$re$yK> T%e 'irst la9s&it a3ainst t%e
US 3o8ern!ent 9as 'ile# 1y 'a!ily !e!1ers o' an in#i8i#&al 9%o %a# #ie#, alle3e#ly
as a res&lt o' t%e San Fran$is$o e;peri!ents in +5/- T%e $o&rt #e$i#e# t%at t%e US 3o
8ern!ent $o&l# not 1e s&e# C&n#er t%e Fe#eral Tort Clai!s A$tD, sin$e t%e #e$ision to s
pray S !ar$es$ens 9as a part o' national #e'ense plannin3 Se8eral o' t%e or3anis!s Cs&
$% as S !ar$es$ens an# A '&!i3at&sD, 9%i$% 9ere $onsi#ere# at one ti!e to 1e inno$&o
&s, are no9 re$o3ni?e# to $a&se in'e$tions in %&!ans, on o$$asion
I!!&no$o!pro!ise# or #e1ilitate# persons appear to 1e at 3reatest ris) Early e;peri
!ents $on#&$te# 9it% s&$% or3anis!s in8ol8in3 s&1:e$ts or pop&lations 9%o 9ere &na
9are o' t%e on3oin3 e;peri!ents !ay %a8e pose# a %ealt% ris) to %i3%ly s&s$epti1le per
(&rin3 t%e t9o #e$a#es 'ollo9in3 t%e se$on# Worl# War, la1oratories 'or 1iolo3i$al an
# $%e!i$al 9ar'are resear$% $ontin&e# to in$rease in si?e, an# pro3ra!s 9ere e;pan#e
# 9it% a !&lti!illion #ollar 1&#3et T%e Fort (etri$) resear$% pro3ra! 9as $o!ple!e
nte# 1y $ontra$t&al $i8ilian instit&tions" 'or e;a!ple, O%io State Uni8ersity 9as tas)e#
9it% !a)in3 8a$$ines <&!an 8ol&nteers 9ere &se# in !any o' t%e st&#ies Va$$ines a3
ainst #iseases, s&$% as P 'e8er an# t&lare!ia, 9ere #e8elope#
Me#i$al Aspe$ts o' C%e!i$al an# Biolo3i$al War'are
Wit% e;pansion o' t%e 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are retaliatory pro3ra!, t%e s$ope o' t%e #e'ensi
8e pro3ra! 9as nearly #o&1le# (ata 9ere o1taine# on personnel prote$tion, #e$onta
!ination, an# i!!&ni?ation Early #ete$tion resear$% pro#&$e# prototype alar!s 'or &
se on t%e 1attle'iel#, 1&t pro3ress 9as slo9, apparently li!ite# 1y te$%nolo3y
T%e US Ar!y Me#i$al Unit, &n#er t%e #ire$tion o' T%e US Ar!y S&r3eon General,
1e3an 'or!al operations in +5/@ One o' t%e UnitAs 'irst !issions 9as to !ana3e all asp
e$ts o' Pro:e$t C(.**, t%e e;pos&re o' 8ol&nteers to aerosols $ontainin3 a pat%o3eni$ st
rain o' Co;iella 1&rnetii, t%e etiolo3i$ a3ent o' P 'e8er T%e 8ol&nteers 9ere $losely !on
itore# an# anti1ioti$ t%erapy 9as a#!inistere# 9%en appropriate All 8ol&nteers re$o8
ere# 'ro! P 'e8er 9it% no a#8erse a'tere''e$ts One year later, t%e Unit s&1!itte# to t%
e US Foo# an# (r&3 A#!inistration an In8esti3ational 2e9 (r&3 appli$ation 'or a P
'e8er 8a$$ine
T%e Unite# States 9as no9 a$$&!&latin3 in8al&a1le #ata on personnel prote$tion, #e$
onta!ination, an# i!!&ni?ation" an#, in t%e o''ensi8e pro3ra!, on t%e potential 'or !
osG&itoes to 1e &se# as 1iolo3i$al 8e$tors A ne9 (epart!ent o' (e'ense Biolo3i$al an#
C%e!i$al (e'ense Plannin3 Boar# 9as $reate# in +5@- to esta1lis% pro3ra! priorities a
n# o1:e$ti8es Pre8enti8e approa$%es to9ar# in'e$tions o' all )in#s 9ere '&n#e# &n#er
t%e a&spi$es o' 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are As $on$ern in$rease# o8er t%e 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are t%r
eat #&rin3 t%e Col# War, so #i# t%e 1&#3et 'or t%e pro3ra!F to E74 !illion 1y 'is$al yea
r +5@@
T%e US Ar!y C%e!i$al Corps 9as 3i8en t%e responsi1ility to $on#&$t 1iolo3i$al 9ar'
are resear$% 'or all o' t%e ser8i$es7 In +5@*, t%e responsi1ility 'or t%e testin3 o' pro!isi
n3 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are a3ents 9as 3i8en to a separate Testin3 an# E8al&ation Co!!an#
(epen#in3 on t%e parti$&lar pro3ra!, #i''erent test $enters 9ere &se#, s&$% as t%e (ese
ret Test Center at Fort (o&3las, Uta%, t%e %ea#G&arters 'or t%e ne9 1iolo3i$al an# $%e
!i$al 9ar'are testin3 or3ani?ation In response to in$reasin3 $on$erns o8er p&1li$ sa'et
y an# t%e en8iron!ent, t%e Testin3 an# (e8elop!ent Co!!an# i!ple!ente# a $o!ple
; syste! o' appro8al o' its resear$% pro3ra!s t%at in$l&#e# t%e US Ar!y C%ie' o' Sta'
', t%e =oint C%ie's o' Sta'', t%e Se$retary o' (e'ense, an# t%e Presi#ent o' t%e Unite# Sta
(&rin3 t%e last +- years o' t%e o''ensi8e resear$% an# #e8elop!ent pro3ra!, !any s$ie
nti'i$ a#8an$es 9ere !a#e t%at pro8e# t%at 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are 9as $learly 'easi1le, alt%
o&3% #epen#ent on $are'&l plannin3, espe$ially 9it% re3ar# to !eteorolo3i$al $on#ition
s Lar3e.s$ale 'er!entation, p&ri'i$ation, $on$entration, sta1ili?ation, #ryin3, an# 9eap
oni?ation o' pat%o3eni$ !i$roor3anis!s $o&l# 1e #one sa'ely F&rt%er!ore, !o#ern pri
n$iples o' 1iosa'ety an# $ontain!ent 9ere esta1lis%e# at Fort (etri$) t%at %a8e 3reatly
'a$ilitate# 1io!e#i$al resear$%" still to#ay, t%ese are $opie# t%ro&3%o&t t%e 9orl# Arno
l# G We#&!, M(, P%(, a $i8ilian s$ientist 9%o 9as (ire$tor o' In#&strial <ealt% an
# Sa'ety at Fort (etri$), 9as t%e lea#er in t%e #e8elop!ent o' $ontain!ent 'a$ilities CFi
3&re +5.*D
Fi3 +5.* Te$%ni$ians in Class III %oo# lines are seen 9or)in3 9it% preparations o' 1io
lo3i$al a3ents at Fort (etri$), Fre#eri$), Marylan#, $ir$a +5@4, 9%en t%e Unite# State
s %a# an o''ensi8e 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are pro3ra! T%e $o!pletely en$lose# %oo# lines pro8
i#e total $ontain!ent o' %a?ar#o&s or3anis!s <oo#s 9ere !aintaine# at a press&re ne
3ati8e to a!1ient 1y $onstantly #ra9in3 air o&t t%ro&3% %i3%.e''i$ien$y parti$&late air
C<EPAD 'ilters Wor)ers 9ore %ea8y r&11er 3lo8es to a$$ess !aterial insi#e t%e %oo#s
P%oto3rap%F P&1li$ A''airs O''i$e, Fort (etri$), Fre#eri$), M#
T%e US Biolo3i$al War'are an# Biolo3i$al (e'ense Pro3ra!s (&rin3 t%e +5@-s, t%e $
o&ntry e;perien$e# a p%ilosop%i$al $%an3e, an# attention 9as no9 #ire$te# to9ar# 1iol
o3i$al a3ents t%at $o&l# in$apa$itate 1&t not )ill In +5@>, resear$% pro3ra!s in8ol8e# s
tap%ylo$o$$al enteroto;ins $apa1le o' $a&sin3 'oo# poisonin3 Resear$% initiati8es also i
n$l&#e# ne9 t%erapy an# prop%yla;is Pat%o3ens st&#ie# in$l&#e# t%e a3ents $a&sin3 a
nt%ra;, 3lan#ers, 1r&$ellosis, !elioi#osis, pla3&e, psitta$osis, Vene?&elan eG&ine en$ep%
alitis, P 'e8er, $o$$i#ioi#o!y$osis, an# a 8ariety o' plant an# ani!al pat%o3ens+-,+*
Parti$&lar attention 9as #ire$te# at $%e!i$al an# 1iolo3i$al #ete$tors #&rin3 t%e +5@-s
T%e 'irst #e. 8i$es 9ere pri!iti8e 'iel# alar!s to #ete$t $%e!i$als Alt%o&3% t%e #e8elo
p!ent o' sensiti8e 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are a3ent #ete$tors 9as at a stan#still, t9o syste!s 9e
re, nonet%eless, in8esti3ate# T%e 'irst 9as a !onitor t%at #ete$te# in$reases in t%e n&!
1er o' parti$les si?e# + to / R! in #ia!eter, 1ase# on t%e ass&!ption t%at a 1iolo3i$al a
3ent atta$) 9o&l# in$l&#e air1orne parti$les o' t%is si?e T%e se$on# syste! in8ol8e# t%
e sele$ti8e stainin3 o' parti$les $olle$te# 'ro! t%e air Bot% syste!s la$)e# eno&3% spe$i
'i$ity an# sensiti8ity to 1e o' any pra$ti$al &se4
B&t in +5@@, a resear$% e''ort #ire$te# at #ete$tin3 t%e presen$e o' a#enosine trip%osp%
ate Ca $%e!i$al 'o&n# only in li8in3 or3anis!sD 9as 1e3&n By &sin3 a 'l&ores$ent !ate
rial 'o&n# in 'ire'lies, preli!inary st&#ies in#i$ate# t%at it 9as possi1le to #ete$t t%e pre
sen$e o' a 1iolo3i$al a3ent in t%e at!osp%ere T%e i!portant e''ort to 'in# a satis'a$tory
#ete$tion syste! $ontin&es to#ay, 'or ti!ely #ete$tion o' a 1iolo3i$al atta$) 9o&l# allo9
t%e atta$)e# 'or$e to &se its prote$ti8e !as)s e''e$ti8ely, an# i#enti'i$ation o' t%e a3ent
9o&l# allo9 any pretreat!ent re3i!ens to 1e instit&te#
T%e ar!y also e;peri!ente# 9it% an# #e8elope# %i3%ly e''e$ti8e 1arrier prote$ti8e !e
as&res a3ainst 1ot% $%e!i$al an# 1iolo3i$al a3ents Spe$ial i!per8io&s tents an# perso
nal prote$ti8e eG&ip!ent 9ere #e8elope#, in$l&#in3 in#i8i#&al 3as !as)s e8en 'or !ilit
ary #o3s
(&rin3 t%e late +5@-s, '&n#in3 'or t%e 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are pro3ra! #e$rease# te!porar
ily, to !a)e &p 'or t%e a$$eleratin3 $osts o' t%e Vietna! War T%e 1&#3et 'or 'is$al year
+5@5 9as E7+ !illion, #e$reas in3 to E++4 !illion 1y 'is$al year +5,7 Alt%o&3% t%e o''e
nsi8e pro3ra! %a# 1een stoppe# in +5@5, 1ot% o''ensi8e an# #e'ensi8e pro3ra!s $ontin
&e# to 1e #e'en#e# =o%n S Foster, (ire$tor o' (e'ense Resear$% an# En3ineerin3, resp
on#e# to a G&ery 1y Con3ress!an Ri$%ar# ( M$Cart%yF
It is t%e poli$y o' t%e US to #e8elop an# !aintain a #e'ensi8e $%e!i$al.1iolo3i$al CCBD
$apa1ility so t%at o&r !ilitary 'or$es $o&l# operate 'or so!e perio# o' ti!e in a to;i$ en
8iron!ent, i' ne$essary" to #e8elop an# !aintain a li!ite# o''ensi8e $apa1ility in or#er
to #eter all &se o' CB 9eapons 1y t%e t%reat o' retaliation in )in#" an# to $ontin&e a pr
o3ra! o' resear$% an# #e8elop!ent in t%is area to !ini!i?e t%e possi1ility o' te$%nolo3i
$al s&rprise+7Cpp+/7N+/>D
On */ 2o8e!1er +5@5, Presi#ent 2i;on 8isite# Fort (etri$) to anno&n$e a ne9 poli$y
on 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are In t9o 2ational Se$&rity Me!oran#a, +>,+/ t%e US 3o8ern!ent
reno&n$e# all #e8elop!ent, pro#&$tion, an# sto$)pilin3 o' 1iolo3i$al 9eapons an# #e$l
are# its intent to !aintain only s!all resear$% G&antities o' 1iolo3i$al a3ents, s&$% as ar
e ne$essary 'or t%e #e8elop!ent o' 8a$$ines, #r&3s, an# #ia3nosti$s
Gro&n# 9as 1ro)en in +5@, 'or $onstr&$tion o' a ne9, !o#ern la1oratory 1&il#in3 at
Fort (etri$) T%e 1&il#in3 9o&l# open in p%ases #&rin3 +5,+ an# +5,* Wit% t%e #isest
a1lis%!ent o' t%e 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are la1oratories, t%e na!e o' t%e US Ar!y Me#i$al
Unit, 9%i$% 9as to %a8e 1een %o&se# in t%e ne9 la1oratories, 9as 'or!ally $%an3e# to
US Ar!y Me#i$al Resear$% Instit&te o' In'e$tio&s (iseases CUSAMRII(D in +5@5 T%e
instit&teAs ne9 !ission 9as state# in General Or#er +7,, +- 2o8e!1er +5,+ Csin$e s&pe
Con#&$ts st&#ies relate# to !e#i$al #e'ensi8e aspe$ts o' 1iolo3i$al a3ents o' !ilitary i!
portan$e an# #e8elops appropriate 1iolo3i$al prote$ti8e !eas&res, #ia3nosti$ pro$e#&r
es an# t%erape&ti$ !et%o#s+@
T%e e!p%asis s%i'te# a9ay 'ro! o''ensi8e 9eapons to #e8elop!ent o' 8a$$ines, #ia3no
sti$ syste!s, personal prote$tion, $%e!oprop%yla;is, an# rapi# #ete$tion syste!s
In response to Presi#ent 2i;onAs #e$ision in +5@5, la1oratory at Pine Bl&'' Arsenal, Ar
)ansas, 9as $onall antipersonnel 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are sto$)s 9ere #e.8erte# to a to;i$olo3i
$al resear$% la1oratory, an# stroye# 1et9een +- May +5,+ an# + May +5,* T%e 9as no
lon3er &n#er t%e #ire$tion or $ontrol o' t%e
Me#i$al Aspe$ts o' C%e!i$al an# Biolo3i$al War'are
(epart!ent o' (e'ense Biolo3i$al anti$rop a3ents 9ere #estroye# 1y Fe1r&ary +5,7
Biolo3i$al 9ar'are #e!ilitari?ation $ontin&e# t%ro&3% t%e +5,-s, 9it% inp&t pro8i#e# 1
y t%e US (epart!ent o' <ealt%, E#&$ation an# Wel'are" (epart!ent o' t%e Interior"
(epart!ent o' A3ri$&lt&re" an# t%e En8iron!ental Prote$tion A3en$y Fort (etri$) an
# ot%er installations in8ol8e# in t%e 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are pro3ra! too) on ne9 i#entities,
an# t%eir !issions 9ere $%an3e# to 1iolo3i$al #e'ense an# t%e #e8elop!ent o' !e#i$al $
o&nter!eas&res T%e ne$essary $ontain!ent $apa1ility, Biosa'ety Le8els 7 an# > CBL.7
an# BL.>, 9%i$% are #is$&sse# 1elo9D $ontin&e# to 1e !aintaine# at USAMRII(
In +54>, t%e (epart!ent o' (e'ense reG&este# '&n#s 'or t%e $onstr&$tion o' anot%er 1i
olo3i$al aerosol test 'a$ility in Uta% T%e proposal s&1!itte# 1y t%e ar!y $alle# 'or BL.
> $ontain!ent, alt%o&3% !aintainin3 t%at t%e BL.> in$l&sion 9as 1ase# on a possi1le n
ee# in t%e '&t&re an# not on a $&rrent resear$% e''ort T%e proposal 9as not 9ell re$ei8
e# in Uta%, 9%ere !any $iti?ens an# 3o8ern!ent o''i$ials still re$alle# t%e se$reti8e pro:
e$ts o' t%e !ilitaryF t%e areas on (&39ay Pro8in3 Gro&n# still $onta!inate# 9it% ant%
ra; spores, an# t%e 9ell.p&1li$i?e# a$$i#ental $%e!i$al poisonin3 o' a 'lo$) o' s%eep in
S)&ll Valley, Uta%, in Mar$% +5@4+- P&estions arose o8er t%e sa'ety o' t%e e!ployees a
n# t%e s&rro&n#in3 $o!!&nities, an# a s&33estion 9as e8en !a#e to s%i't all 1iolo3i$al
#e'ense resear$% to a $i8ilian a3en$y, s&$% as t%e 2ational Instit&tes o' <ealt% T%e plan
'or a ne9 'a$ility 9as re8ise# to &tili?e a Biosa'ety Le8el 7 CBL.7D 'a$ility, 1&t not 1e'or
e $on3ress %a# instit&te# !ore s&r8eillan$e, reportin3, an# $ontrol !eas&res on t%e ar!
y to ens&re $o!plian$e 9it% t%e Biolo3i$al Weapons Con8ention o' +5,*
Sa'ety in Resear$% an# Patient Care
C&rrently, t%e !e#i$al 1iolo3i$al #e'ense resear$% e''ort Cpart o' t%e US Ar!yAs Biolo
3i$al (e'ense Resear$% Pro3ra! IB(RPJD is $on$entrate# at USAMRII( at Fort (etri$
) T%e ar!y !aintains state.o' $ontain!ent la1oratory 'a$ilities at USAMRII(
, 9it% !ore t%an +-,--- 't* o' BL.> an# /-,--- 't* o' BL.7 la1oratory spa$e BL.>, t%e %
i3%est $ontain!ent le8el, in$l&#es la1oratory s&ites t%at are isolate# 1y internal 9alls a
n# prote$te# 1y ri3oro&s entry restri$tions, air.lo$)s, air.%an#lin3 sy
ste!s, an# 'iltration o' all o&t'lo9 air t%ro&3% %i3%.e''i$ien$y parti$&late air C<EPAD 'il
ters Wor)ers in BL.> la1oratories also 9ear 'iltere# total 1o#y s&its,
9%i$% isolate t%e 9or)er 'ro! t%e internal air o' t%e la1oratory BL.7 la1oratories %a8e
a si!ilar #esi3n, 1&t #o not reG&ire t%at personnel 9ear positi8e. press&re s&its Wor)er
s in BL.7 s&ites are prote$te# i!!&nolo3i$ally 1y 8a$$ines US 3o8ern!ental stan#ar
#s pro8i#e 3&i#an$e as to 9%i$% or3anis!s !ay 1e %an#le# &n#er 8ario&s $ontain!ent
le8els in la1oratories s&$% as USAMRII(+,
T%e &niG&e 'a$ilities a8aila1le at USAMRII( also in$l&#e a +@.1e# $lini$al resear$% 9
ar# $apa1le o' BL.7 $ontain!ent, an# a *.1e# patient $are isolation s&ite 9%ere ICU.
le8el $are $an 1e pro8i#e# &n#er BL.> $ontain!ent <ere, %ealt%$are personnel 9ear t
%e sa!e s&its as are 9orn in BL.> resear$% la1oratories T%e le8el o'
patient isolation reG&ire# #epen#s on t%e in'e$tin3 or3anis! an# t%e ris) to %ealt%$are
pro8i#ers Patient $are $an 1e pro8i#e# at BL.> T%ere is no patient. $are $ate3ory anal
o3o&s to BL.7" %&!ans 9%o are ill as a res&lt o' e;pos&re to BL.7 a3ents are $are# 'or i
n an or#inary %ospital roo! 9it% 1arrier n&rsin3 pro$e#&res
USAMRII( 3&i#elines %a8e 1een prepare# to #eter!ine 9%i$% le8el o' $ontain!ent s%
o&l# 1e e!ploye# 'or in#i8i#&al patients 9%o reG&ire BL.> isolation or 1arrier n&rsin3
$are CE;%i1it +5.+D Sta'' a&3!entation 'or BL.> $riti$al $are e;pertise $o!es 'ro! Wal
ter Ree# Ar!y Me#i$al Center, Was%in3ton, (C, &n#er an e;istin3 Me!oran#&! o'
A3ree!ent Patients $an 1e 1ro&3%t #ire$tly into t%e BL.> s&ite 'ro! t%e o&tsi#e t%ro&3
% spe$iali?e# ports 9it% &niG&e patient.isolation eG&ip!ent
Finally, USAMRII( !aintains a &niG&e e8a$&ation $apa1ility $alle# t%e Aero!e#i$al I
solation Tea! CAITD Le# 1y a p%ysi$ian an# a re3istere# n&rse, ea$% o' t%e t9o tea!s $
onsists o' ei3%t 8ol&nteers 9%o train intensi8ely to pro8i#e an e8a$&ation $apa1ility 'or
$as&alties s&spe$te# o' 1ein3 in'e$te# 9it% %i3%ly trans!issi1le, li'e.t%reatenin3 BL.> i
n'e$tio&s #iseases Ce3, %e!orr%a3i$ 'e8er 8i. r&sesD T%e &nit &ses spe$ial a#& Vi$
)ers isolation &nits CVi$)ers Me#i$al Contain!ent Stret$%er Transit Isolator, !an&'a$t
&re# 1y Isolators Lt#, S%rops%ire, UOD CFi3&re +5.7D T%ese &nits are air$ra't transpo
rta1le an# isolate a patient pla$e# insi#e 'ro! t%e e;ternal en8iron!ent T%e AIT $an t
ransport t9o patients si!&ltaneo&sly" o18io&sly, it is not #esi3ne# 'or a !ass $as&alty si
t&ation (&rin3 t%e +55/ o&t1rea) o' E1ola 'e8er in Saire, t%e AIT re!aine# on alert to
e8a$&ate any A!eri$ans 9%o !i3%t %a8e 1e$o!e ill 9%ile 9or)in3 to $ontrol t%e #iseas
e in t%at $o&ntry
T%e US Biolo3i$al War'are an# Biolo3i$al (e'ense Pro3ra!s
EQ<IBIT +5.+
Biosa'ety Le8el > CBL.>D isolation s&ite a#!ission" $are pro8i#ers in p
rote$ti8e s&its
E1ola 8ir&s
Mar1&r3 8ir&s
Cri!ean.Con3o %e!orr%a3i$ 'e8er 8ir&s
Variola Cs!allpo;D an# !on)eypo; 8ir&ses
A patient pres&!e# to 1e a 8i$ti! o' 1iolo3i$al a3ent atta$) &ntil #e'initi8e #ia3nosis is
Biosa'ety Le8el > CBL.>D isolation s&ite a#!ission" 1arrier n&rsin3 pro$e#&res*
Mersinia pestis Cpne&!oni$ 'or!D0
Lassa 'e8er 8ir&s
Ar3entine %e!orr%a3i$ 'e8er C=&ninD 8ir&s
Boli8ian %e!orr%a3i$ 'e8er CMa$%&poD 8ir&s
Vene?&elan %e!orr%a3i$ 'e8er CG&anaritoD 8ir&s
2or!al %ospital roo!" 1arrier n&rsin3 pro$e#&res* or se$retion pre$a&tions,6 #epen#i
n3 on t%e a3ent
Ti$).1orne en$ep%alitis $o!ple;
Mello9 'e8er 8ir&sT
Vene?&elan eG&ine en$ep%alitis 8ir&sT
Ri't Valley 'e8er 8ir&sT
C%i)&n3&nya 8ir&sT
(en3&e 8ir&sT
Br&$ella spe$ies
Vi1rio $%olerae
Ba$ill&s ant%ra$is Cp&l!onary or $&taneo&s 'or!sD
Fran$isella t&larensis Cp&l!onary 'or!D
Mersinia pestis C1&1oni$ or septi$e!i$ 'or!D
2or!al %ospital roo!" no spe$ial pre$a&tions
Eastern eG&ine en$ep%alitis 8ir&s
Western eG&ine en$ep%alitis 8ir&s
<e!orr%a3i$ 'e8er 9it% renal syn#ro!e C<antaan, Seo&l, P&&!ala 8ir&sesD
=apanese en$ep%alitis 8ir&s
San#'ly 'e8er 8ir&ses
Co;iella 1&rnetii CP 'e8erD
C%la!y#ia psitta$i
Bot&lin&! to;in
Stap%ylo$o$$al enteroto;in B
Ri$in to;in
Tri$%ot%e$ene !y$oto;ins
*Barrier n&rsin3 pro$e#&resF 9earin3 3o9n, 3lo8es, an# s&r3i$al !as), 1&t $arin3 'or
patients in isolation s&ites
0Pne&!oni$ pla3&e initially reG&ires respiratory prote$tionF '&ll.'a$e respirator or Ra$
al %oo# C!an&'a$t&re# 1y Ra$al <ealt% an# Sa'ety, In$, Fre#eri$), M#D
6Se$retion pre$a&tionsF 9earin3 3o9n an# 3lo8es" spe$ial %an#lin3 o' potentially in'e$ti
o&s #ressin3s, #raina3e, an#Uor e;$reta
TT%e patient !&st 1e prote$te# 'ro! potential art%ropo# 8e$torsF 9in#o9s s%o&l# 1e s$
reene# an#Uor $lose# USAMRII(F US Ar!y Me#i$al Resear$% Instit&te o' In'e$tio&s
(iseases, Fort (etri$), Fre#eri$), M#
Me#i$al Aspe$ts o' C%e!i$al an# Biolo3i$al War'are
So!e 1iolo3i$al #e'ense resear$% also $ontin&es at t%e US Ar!y Me#i$al Resear$% In
stit&te o' C%e!i$al (e'ense, E#3e9oo# Arsenal, Marylan#, an# t%e Walter Ree# Ar!y
Instit&te o' Resear$%, Was%in3ton, ( C USAMRII( an# t%ese la1oratories $on#&$t 1a
si$ resear$% in s&pport o' t%e !e#i$al $o!ponent o' t%e Biolo3i$al (e'ense Resear$% Pr
o3ra!, 9%i$% #e8elops strate3ies, pro#&$ts, in'or!ation, pro$e#&res, an# trainin3 'or
!e#i$al #e'ense a3ainst 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are a3ents T%e pro#&$ts in$l&#e #ia3nosti$ rea3
ents an# pro$e#&res, #r&3s, 8a$$ines, to;oi#s, an# antito;ins E!p%asis is pla$e# on pr
ote$tin3 personnel 1e'ore any potential e;pos&re to t%e 1iolo3i$al a3ent o$$&rs+4
A 2ational Reso&r$e
Sin$e 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are a3ents are o'ten etiolo3i$ a3ents 'or nat&rally o$$&rrin3 #iseas
es, t%e !ilitary resear$% e''ort pro8i#es s&1stanti8e 1ene'its 'or $i8ilian pop&lations als
o Pro#&$ts pro#&$e# or 1ein3 #e8elope# t%ro&3% !ilitary resear$% in$l&#e
L 8a$$ines to pre8ent t&lare!ia, P 'e8er, Ri't Valley 'e8er, Vene?&elan eG&ine en$ep%al
itis, Eastern an# Western eG&ine en$ep%alitis, $%i)&n3&nya 'e8er, Ar3entine %e!orr%a
3i$ 'e8er, t%e 1ot&lin&! to;i$oses, an# ant%ra;"+4,+5
L antito;ins 'or #iseases s&$% as 1ot&lis!"
L %&!an i!!&ne 3lo1&lin preparations Cpassi8e anti1o#y prote$tionD a3ainst 8ario&s
1a$teria an# 8ir&ses" an# Fi3 +5.7 Me!1ers o' t%e Aero!e#i$al Isolation Tea! CAITD
prepare to trans'er a patient 'ro! a stret$%er isolator into t%e Biosa'ety Le8el > CBL.>D
isolation s&ite at t%e US Ar!y Me#i$al Resear$% Instit&te o' In'e$tio&s (iseases, Fort
(etri$), Fre#eri$), Marylan# T%e interior o' t%e isolator is !aintaine# at a press&re n
e3ati8e to t%e e;ternal en8iron!ent 1y a %i3%.e''i$ien$y parti$&late air C<EPAD 'iltere#
1lo9er T%e isolator $an 1e atta$%e# #ire$tly to a trans'er port, 8isi1le on t%e e;ternal
9all o' t%e 1&il#in3, to allo9 !o8e!ent o' t%e patient into t%e s&ite 9it%o&t e;posin3 t%
e en8iron!ent to t%e patient Tea! !e!1ers are seen 9earin3 prote$ti8e s&its an# posi
ti8e. press&re, <EPA.'iltere# Ra$al %oo#s C!an&'a$t&re# 1y Ra$al <ealt% V Sa'ety, In$
, Fre#eri$), M#D P%oto3rap%F P&1li$ A''airs O''i$e, Fort (etri$), Fre#eri$), M#
L anti8iral #r&3s a3ainst !&ltiple 8iral a3ents
So!e 8a$$ines also %a8e appli$a1ility 'or #iseases o' #o!esti$ ani!als Ce3, Ri't Valley '
e8er an# Vene?&elan eG&ine en$ep%alitisD In a##ition, 8a$$ines are pro8i#e# to persons
9%o !ay 1e o$$&pationally e;pose# to s&$% a3ents Ce3, la1oratory 9or)ers, ento!olo3i
sts, an# 8eterinary personnelD t%ro&3%o&t 3o8ern!ent, in#&stry, an# a$a#e!e
USAMRII( also pro8i#es #ia3nosti$ an# epi#e!iolo3i$al s&pport to 'e#eral, state, an#
lo$al a3en$ies an# 'orei3n 3o8ern!ents E;a!ples o' assistan$e ren#ere# to $i8ilian %ea
lt% e''orts 1y t%e 'or!er US Ar!y Me#i$al Resear$% an# (e8elop!ent Co!!an# Cre
na!e# t%e US Ar!y Me#i$al Resear$% an# Materiel Co!!an# in O$to1er +55>D in$l&
L t%e !assi8e i!!&ni?ation pro3ra! instit&te# #&rin3 t%e Vene?&elan eG&ine en$ep%a
litis o&t1rea) in t%e A!eri$as in +5,+"
L t%e la1oratory s&pport pro8i#e# to t%e US P&1li$ <ealt% Ser8i$e #&rin3 t%e o&t1rea
) o' Le3ionnaireAs #isease in P%ila#elp%ia, Pennsyl8ania, in +5,@"
L t%e !ana3e!ent o' patients s&spe$te# o' %a8in3 A'ri$an 8iral %e!orr%a3i$ 'e8er in
S9e#en #&rin3 t%e +54-s" L
international s&pport #&rin3 t%e o&t1rea) o' Ri't Valley 'e8er in Ma&ritania in +545"
L assistan$e 9it% t%e o&t1rea) o' E1ola in'e$tions a!on3 !on)eys i!porte# to Reston,
Vir3inia, in +55-" an#
T%e US Biolo3i$al War'are an# Biolo3i$al (e'ense Pro3ra!s
L epi#e!iolo3i$al an# #ia3nosti$ s&pport to t%e Worl# <ealt% Or3ani?ationNCenters '
or (isease Control an# Pre8ention 'iel# tea! t%at st&#ie# t%e E1ola o&t1rea) in Saire i
n +55/
T%e $&rrent resear$% e''ort $o!1ines ne9 te$%nolo3i$al a#8an$es, s&$% as 3eneti$ en3in
eerin3 an# !ole$&lar !o#elin3, applyin3 t%e! to9ar# #e8elop!ent o' pre8ention an# t
reat!ent o' #iseases o' !ilitary si3ni'i$an$e T%e pro3ra! is $on#&$te# in '&ll $o!plia
n$e 9it% reG&ire!ents set 'ort% 1y t%e US Foo# an# (r&3 A#!inistration, US P&1li$
<ealt% Ser8i$e, 2&$lear Re3&latory Co!!ission, US (epart!ent o' A3ri$&lt&re, O$$&
pational Sa'ety an# <ealt% A#!inistration, an# Biolo3i$al Weapons Con8ention+4
E8en t%o&3% t%e Unite# States stoppe# all o''ensi8e 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are resear$% in +5@5
, t%e Biolo3i$al (e'ense Resear$% Pro3ra! !&st re!ain stron3 in 8ie9 o'
L e8i#en$e t%at so!e $o&ntries are not $o!plyin3 9it% t%e Biolo3i$al Weapons Con8enti
L t%e #i''i$&lty o' 8eri'yin3 $o!plian$e 9it% t%e Con8ention"
L t%e potential &se o' 1iolo3i$al 9ar'are 1y terrorists"
L t%e in$rease# possi1ility o' ne9 t%reat a3ents 1ase# on a#8an$es in 1iote$%nolo3y" an
L t%e 1elie' t%at a stron3 #e'ense ser8es as a #eterrent W%ile so!e o' t%e !ilitaryAs 1io
lo3i$al #e'ense pro3ra!s re!ain $lassi'ie#, 1ase# on 9orl#9i#e t%reats an# &n$ertainti
es, t%e !e#i$al Biolo3i$al (e'ense Resear$% Pro3ra! is &n$lassi'ie# an# $ontin&es to 1e
an in8al&a1le reso&r$e 'or t%e nation
Alt%o&3% 1iolo3i$al a3ents %a8e 1een &se# in 9ar'are 'or $ent&ries to pro#&$e #eat% o
r #isease in %&!ans, ani!als, or plants, t%e Unite# States #i# not 1e3in a 1iolo3i$al 9ar
'are o''ensi8e pro3ra! &ntil +5>+ It 9as $on$ern a1o&t t%e =apanese 1iolo3i$al 9ar'ar
e t%reat t%at !oti8ate# t%e Unite# States to 1e3in to #e8elop 1iolo3i$al 9eapons (&rin3
t%e ne;t *4 years, t%e Unite# States initiati8e e8ol8e# into an e''e$ti8e, !ilitary.#ri8en r
esear$% an# a$G&isition pro3ra!, s%ro&#e# in $ontro8ersy an# se$re$y Most resear$% a
n# #e8elop!ent 9as #one at Fort (etri$), Marylan#, 9%ile pro#&$tion an# testin3 o$$
&rre# at Pine Bl&'', Ar)ansas, an# (&39ay Pro8in3 Gro&n#, Uta% Fiel# testin3 9as #o
ne se$retly an# s&$$ess'&lly 9it% si!&lants an# a$t&al a3ents #isse!inate# o8er 9i#e ar
eas A s!all #e'ensi8e e''ort parallele# t%e 9eapons #e8elop!ent an# pro#&$tion pro3r
Wit% t%e presi#ential #e$ision in +5@5 to %alt o''ensi8e 1iolo3i$al 9eapons pro#&$tion,
an# t%e a3ree!ent in +5,* at t%e international Biolo3i$al Weapons Con8ention ne8er to
#e8elop, pro#&$e, sto$)pile, or retain 1iolo3i$al a3ents or to;ins, t%e pro3ra! 1e$a!e e
ntirely #e'ensi8e, 9it% !e#i$al an# non!e#i$al $o!ponents T%e US Biolo3i$al (e'ens
e Resear$% Pro3ra! e;ists to#ay, $on#&$tin3 resear$% to #e8elop p%ysi$al an# !e#i$al
$o&nter!eas&res to prote$t ser8i$e !e!1ers an# $i8ilians 'ro! t%e t%reat o' !o#ern 1i
olo3i$al 9ar'are

+ Fo; LA Ba$terial 9ar'areF T%e &se o' 1iolo3i$ a3ents in 9ar'are Milit S&r3 +577",
* Bernstein B= T%e 1irt% o' t%e US 1iolo3i$al.9ar'are pro3ra! S$i A! +54,"*/@F++@
7 (epart!ent o' t%e Ar!y Spe$ial Report to Con3ress US Ar!y A$ti8ity in t%e US Bi
olo3i$al War'are Pro3ra!s, +5>*N+5,, Vols + an# * Was%in3ton, (CF (A *> Fe1 +5,,
> Cole LA Clo&#s o' Se$re$yF T%e Ar!yAs Ger! War'are Tests O8er Pop&late# Areas
Toto9a, 2=F Ro9!an an# Little'iel#" +544
/ Willia!s P, Walla$e ( Unit ,7+F =apanAs Se$ret Biolo3i$al War'are in Worl# War II
2e9 Mor), 2MF Free Press" +545 Me#i$al Aspe$ts o' C%e!i$al an# Biolo3i$al War'are
@ Report to t%e Se$retary o' War 1y Mr Geor3e W Mer$), Spe$ial Cons&ltant 'or Bio
lo3i$al War'are, 7 =an +5>@ Cite# inF (epart!ent o' t%e Ar!y Spe$ial Report to Con3
ress US Ar!y A$ti8ity in t%e US Biolo3i$al War'are Pro3ra!s, +5>*N+5,, Vol *, anne;
+ Was%in3ton, (CF (A *> Fe1 +5,, Un$lassi'ie#
, Bal#9in IL Spe$ial BW Operations Was%in3ton, (CF T%e 2ational Military Esta1li
s%!ent Resear$% an# (e8elop!ent Boar#" / O$t +5>4 Me!oran#&! 'or E;e$&ti8e Se$
retary, Resear$% an# (e8elop!ent Boar# Un$lassi'ie#
4 <ers% SM C%e!i$al an# Biolo3i$al War'areF A!eri$aAs <i##en Arsenal In#ianapol
is, In#F Bo11s.Merrill" +5@4
5 Geissler E, e# Biolo3i$al an# To;in Weapons To#ay CSto$)%ol! International Pea$e
Resear$% Instit&teD O;'or#, En3lan#F O;'or# Uni8ersity Press" +54@
+- <arris R, Pa;!an = A <i3%er For! o' Oillin3F T%e Se$ret o' C%e!i$al an# Biolo3i
$al War'are 2e9 Mor), 2MF <ill an# Wan3" +54*
++ Co9#rey AE T%e Me#i$sA War Was%in3ton (CF Center o' Military <istory, US Ar
!y" +54,
+* Sto$)%ol! International Pea$e Resear$% Instit&te CSIPRID T%e Rise o' CB Weapon
s Vol + InF T%e Pro1le! o' C%e!i$al an# Biolo3i$al War'are 2e9 Mor), 2MF <&!aniti
es Press" +5,+
+7 Foster =S, (ire$tor o' (e'ense Resear$% an# En3ineerin3, US (epart!ent o' (e'ens
e Letter #ate# +/ April +5@/ to <onora1le Ri$%ar# ( M$Cart%y, US <o&se o' Represe
ntati8es Cite# inF M$Cart%y R( T%e Ulti!ate FollyF War 1y Pestilen$e, Asp%y;iation,
an# (e'oliation 2e9 Mor), 2MF Al're# A Onop'" +5@5F +/7N+/>
+> Oissin3er <A 2S (e$ision Me!oran#&! 7/ */ 2o8e!1er +5@5
+/ Oissin3er <A 2S (e$ision Me!oran#&! >> *- Fe1r&ary +5,-
+@ (epart!ent o' t%e Ar!y General Or#er +7, Was%in3ton, (CF <ea#G&arters, (A"
+- 2o8e!1er +5,+
+, Centers 'or (isease Control an# Pre8ention Biosa'ety in Mi$ro1iolo3i$al an# Bio!
e#i$al La1oratories 7r# e# Was%in3ton, (CF US (epart!ent o' <ealt% an# <&!an Se
r8i$es, P&1li$ <ealt% Ser8i$e, Centers 'or (isease Control an# Pre8ention May +557 <
<S P&1li$ation CC(CD 57.475/
+4 <&;soll (L, Parrott C(, Patri$) WC III Me#i$ine in #e'ense a3ainst 1iolo3i$al 9a
r'are =AMA +545"*@/F@,,N@,5
+5 Ta)a'&:i ET, R&ssell PO Military i!!&ni?ationsF Past, present an# '&t&re prospe$t
s In'e$t (is Clin 2ort% A! +55-">F+>7N+/,

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