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Steam locomotives were great asci!atio! or "o#!g a!$ ol$ o "ester"ears a!$ eve! !ow a
large !#m%er o grow! #&s are still a!s o trai!s 'a#le$ %" t'em a!$ ( am o!e o t'em )Steam
locomotives 'ave %ee! o#t o service or ma!" "ears !ow) T'a!*s to Nort'er! Railwa"s +it is !ow
&ossi%le to ta*e a ri$e o! trai! 'a#le$ %" o!e vi!tage locomotive) Ever" "ear $#ri!g Octo%er a!$ A&ril+
Nort'er! Railwa"s oers two $a" to#r &ac*age i! colla%oratio! wit' Ra,ast'a! To#rism -evelo&me!t
.or&oratio! Lt$ rom -el'i to Saris*a Tiger Reserve via Alwar or steam e!gi!e e!t'#siasts) Ma!"
$omestic a!$ oreig! to#rists %oo* t'eir tri&s o! t'is trai!) T'e irst tri& or /012-13 seaso!
comme!ce$ o! /4
Octo%er) T'e trai! leaves o! seco!$ a!$ ort' Sat#r$a" mor!i!g rom -el'i
.a!to!me!t statio! a!$ ret#r!s !e5t eve!i!g) T'e trai! com&rises t'ree %oogies 'a#le$ %" o!e o
t'e last s#rvivi!g steam e!gi!e WP6141 !ame$ ater great M#g'al Em&eror A*%ar) 7#ll &ac*age
i!cl#$i!g sta" a!$ ,ee& saari at Saris*a Tiger Reserve costs Re 1/268 or a$#lts a!$ o!l" Re 6218 or
to a!$ ro ,o#r!e" %etwee! -el'i a!$ Alwar)
T'e 39 "ear ol$ e!gi!e :A;BAR: remai!e$ o#t o service or ma!" "ears) (t was restore$ a!$
over'a#le$ to #ll wor*i!g co!$itio! i! Amristsar wor*s'o& i! Octo%er /01/) Si!ce t'e! it 'as %ee!
assig!e$ to 'a#l Steam E5&ress to Alwar a!$ %ac*) T'e Paciic class %roa$ ga#ge locomotive is
ca&a%le o s&ee$s #& to 110 *m&' a!$ 'a$ %ee! #se$ to 'a#l &restigio#s e5&ress trai!s) T'e
locomotive was ma!#act#re$ i! .'itra!,a! Locomotive Wor*s a!$ was i!$#cte$ i! active service i!
1<48)T'e e!gi!e was i! !ews rece!tl" as it was eat#re$ i! %io&ic ilm :B'ag Mil*'a B'ag: o! t'e
7l"i!g Si*' Mil*'a Si!g') E!gi!e $river .'a!$ ;#mar a&&ears %riel" i! t'is movie)
S&eciall" $esig!e$ c'air car 'as seati!g ca&acit" o 80) O! %ot' si$e o t'e coac' are lo#!ges
wit' large wi!$ows o! t'ree si$es) T'e seco!$ coac' is &a!tr" car a!$ t'e t'ir$ coac' is or service
&erso!!el) T'e sc'e$#le$ $e&art#re o t'e trai! rom &latorm !#m%er !#m%er 3 is 0<80 'rs) B" t'e
time to#rists arrive+ e!gi!e 'as %ee! rea$ie$ a!$ steami!g) Poo,a is &erorme$ o! e!gi!e or sae
,o#r!e" o trai! a!$ &asse!gers are garla!$e$) At a&&oi!te$ time t'e e!gi!e $river %lows w'istle a!$
trai! slowl" starts its ,o#r!e") T'e irst sto& is Rewari +w'ic' come ater two 'o#rs) Brea*ast is serve$
$#ri!g t'is &erio$) Rewari Loco s'e$ is 'ome o WP6141) Ater %rie 'alt+it co!ti!#es its ,o#r!e" a!$
reac'es Alwar at 1838)L#!c' is serve$ aro#!$ 1 PM) Passe!gers visiti!g Saris*a Tiger Reserve are
ta*e! %" Ra,ast'a! To#rist -evelo&me!t .or&oratio! c'artere$ %#s) Ret#r! ,o#r!e" starts !e5t $a"
rom Alwar at 1200 'rs a!$ reac'i!g -el'i .a!tt) via Rewari at 1938 'rs)
T'e a#t'or #!$ertoo* t'is memora%le ,o#r!e" wit' amil" o! t'e Steam E5&ress o! 1/

Ja!#ar" /012
7#ll =iew o Trai!
.'a!$ ;#mar E!gi!e -river
Rear a!$ Si$e =iew Wi!$ows
Po,a %ei!g &erorme$
Steami!g A;BAR
Steami!g A;BAR
To#rists rela5i!g i! Lo#!ge

.'air .ar
Pa!tr" .ar
Welcomi!g To#rist
Alwar Statio!

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