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Component 7:

Working with Health

IT Systems
Instructors Manual
Version 3!"Spring #!$#
%otes to Instructors
This Instructors Manual is a resource for instructors using this component. Each
component is broken down into units, which include the following elements:
Learning objecties
!uggested student readings, te"ts, reference links to supplement the narrated
#ower#oint slides
Lectures $oiceoer #ower#oint in %lash format&' #ower#oint slides $Microsoft
#ower#oint format&, lecture transcripts $Microsoft (ord format&' and audio files
$M#) format& for each lecture
!elf*assessment +uestions reflecting ,nit -bjecties with answer ke.s and/or
e"pected outcomes
0pplication 0ctiities $e.g., discussion +uestions, assignments, projects& with
instructor guidelines, answer ke.s and/or e"pected outcomes
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 3
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
7otes to Instructors............................................................................................................3
2omponent :/,nit 6...........................................................................................................;
2omponent :/,nit 3.........................................................................................................66
2omponent :/,nit ).........................................................................................................6)
2omponent :/,nit <.........................................................................................................6=
2omponent :/,nit =.........................................................................................................69
2omponent :/,nit >.........................................................................................................36
2omponent :/,nit :.........................................................................................................3<
2omponent :/,nit 9.........................................................................................................3:
2omponent :/,nit ;.........................................................................................................3;
2omponent :/,nit 65.......................................................................................................)3
2omponent :/,nit 66.......................................................................................................)=
2omponent 0cron.m ?lossar.........................................................................................);
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems )
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
Component &'er'iew
Working with Health IT Systems
This is a laborator. component. !tudents will work with simulated s.stems or real
s.stems with simulated data. 0s the. pla. the role of practitioners using these s.stems,
the. will learn what is happening @under the hood.A The. will e"perience threats to
securit. and appreciate the need for standards, high leels of usabilit., and how errors
can occur. Materials must support hands*on e"perience in computer labs and on*site in
health organiBations.
Component (nits
6. Introduction C -eriew: 2omponents of 1IT !.stems
3. ,nder the 1ood
). ,nderstanding Information E"change in 1IT !.stems
<. The Effectie 1IT !.stem
=. %undamentals of ,sabilit. in 1IT !.stemsD(hat 8oes It MatterE
>. 1IT %acilitated ErrorD2ause and Effect
:. #rotecting #riac., !ecurit., and 2onfidentialit. in 1IT !.stems
9. 1IT !.stem #lanning, 0c+uisition, Installation, C Training: #ractices to !upport C
#itfalls to 0oid
;. #otential Issues with 0doption and Installation of an 1IT s.stem.
65. 1IT and 0spects of #atient*2entered 2are
66. 1ealth IT in the %uture
Component &)*ecti'es
0t the completion of this component, the student will be able to:
6. Identif. common components of an 1IT s.stem and t.pes of 1IT applications $e*Mar,
#-E, #02!, 08T, Lab, Fegistries, Gilling/2oding, etc, and acute care, communit.
health, public health, small proider practices, etc.&
3. 8escribe data flows across 1IT s.stems and implication of standards.
). Identif. root causes of 1IT*induced error $i.e. usabilit., workflow interference, s.stem
error, etc.& and suggest solutions.
<. 0ssess the strengths and weaknesses of identified solutions to identified 1IT
problems $to emphasiBe the realit. of @solutionsA and illustrate the fre+uent domino
effect/unintended conse+uences of change of an 1IT s.stem&
=. 8efines usabilit., describes general usabilit. principles, and relates usabilit. to
adoption in relation to 1IT.
>. 8efine and differentiate securit., confidentialit., and priac. and identif. common
:. 8emonstrate beginning leel competenc. in general 1IT s.stem use
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems <
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
Component +uthors
,atricia -,atti. +))ott/ ,h0/ 1%/ 2++%/ 3H( School o4 %ursing
#atricia 0bbott is an 0ssociate #rofessor in the Hohns 1opkins ,niersit. !chools of
7ursing and Medicine. !he is a member of the 7ational Iualit. %orums 1ealth
Information Technolog. 0disor. 2ouncil $1IT02&, a %ellow of the 0merican 2ollege of
Medical Informatics, and a %ellow of the 0merican 0cadem. of 7ursing. !he has a
masters degree in 7ursing Informatics. 1er second masters and #h8 are in
-perations 0nal.sis/Information !cience, and and she recentl. completed a two .ear
#ost*8octoral %ellowship in 1uman 2omputer Interaction. !he is the 8irector of the
#01-/(1- 2ollaborating 2enter for 7ursing Jnowledge at the Hohns 1opkins !chool
of 7ursing and seres on the E"ecutie Goard of the 8iision of 1ealth !ciences
Informatics in the Hohns 1opkins !chool of Medicine.
0a'i5 Hinton/ Howar5 Community College
8aid M. 1inton is an 0ssociate #rofessor at 1oward 2ommunit. 2ollege, where he
teaches a wide range of career and transfer technolog. courses. 1e has e"tensie
knowledge in working with certificate and career seeking students. 1e has taught
Introduction to 2omputer Fepair and 0danced 2omputer Fepair. 1e has also designed
and taught curriculum for 2omputer*0ided 8esign, 2omputer ?ame 8esign and
!imulation, )8 0nimation and 4isualiBation. 1e has sered as support liaison for
training facult. online learning management s.stems. 8uring the summer months, he
teaches middle school students )8 0nimation and 4isualiBation. 1e has a bachelor of
science in Gusiness Information !.stems.
1o)ert 6olo5ner/ M0/ 2+CMI
Fobert M. Jolodner, M8 is co*founder and #resident of 2ollaboratie Transformations,
LL2, which consults with goernment and non*profit organiBations regarding their health
IT strategies and plans. In addition, he seres as the 2hief 1ealth Informatics -fficer
for -pen 1ealth Tools, Inc. 8r. Jolodner brings to his current actiities a wealth of
e"perience in health IT from )6 .ears of federal serice and leadership in two
8epartmentsD4eterans 0ffairs and 1ealth and 1uman !erices.
%rom 355> to 0pril 355;, 8r. Jolodner sered as the presidents designated lead for the
,nited !tates e1ealth initiatie as the 7ational 2oordinator for 1ealth Information
Technolog. $IT& in -ffice of the !ecretar. of the ,! 8epartment of 1ealth and 1uman
!erices $11!&. 8r. Jolodner receied his undergraduate degree from 1arard 2ollege,
his medical degree from Kale ,niersit. !chool of Medicine, and completed his
ps.chiatric residenc. at the (ashington ,niersit. !chool of Medicine. 8r. Jolodner
has medical specialt. board certification in ps.chiatr. and is a %ellow in the 0merican
2ollege of Medical Informatics.
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems =
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
Michael Vaughn/ MS/ 3H( School o4 %ursing
Michael 4aughn is currentl. assistant dean for information and technolog. integration at
the Hohns 1opkins ,niersit. !chool of 7ursing, and was preiousl. an assistant dean
for information s.stems at the Indiana ,niersit. !chool of 7ursing. 1e has oer twele
.ears of e"perience leading the integration of technolog. into health education,
research, and practice. In addition to oerseeing the da.*to*da. operations of a
comple" IT organiBation and critical information s.stems, he has pioneered the
introduction of man. cutting*edge technologies into nursing education, deeloped
innoatie technologies to enhance patient education and improe health outcomes,
and consulted on the design and construction of state*of*the*art clinical simulation
Team Mem)ers
7ecture %arration"Soun5 8ngineer

Faland Technologies LL2
6)9: %airport Foad
!uite 65=5 %airport, 7K 6<<=5

8aid %lass L #roject Manager

1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems >
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
These materials were prepared under the sponsorship of an a"ency of the United
States *overnment) Neither the United States *overnment nor any a"ency thereof, nor
any of their employees, makes any warranty, e+press or implied, or assumes any le"al
liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any
information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would
not infrin"e privately owned ri"hts) ,eference herein to any specific commercial
product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does
not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favorin" by the
United States *overnment or any a"ency thereof) The views and opinions of authors
e+pressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States
*overnment or any a"ency thereof)

-ikewise, the above also applies to the urriculum Development enters .includin"
olumbia University, Duke University, Johns Hopkins University, Ore"on Health /
Science University, University of #labama at 0irmin"ham, and their affiliated entities1)
The information contained in the Health !T 2orkforce urriculum materials is intended
to be accessible to all) To help make this possible, the materials are provided in a
variety of file formats) Some people may not find the 3lash video and )S23 files
accessible and should instead utili4e the 5ower5oint slides to"ether with the )mp(
audio file and6or 2ord transcript to access the lectures) 3or more information, please
visit the website of the National Trainin" and Dissemination enter at http766www)onc8
ntdc)or" or http766www)onc8ntdc)info to set up a profile and view the full accessibility
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems :
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
Component 7"(nit $
(nit Title
Intro5uction 9 &'er'iew: Components o4 HIT Systems
(nit 0escription
This unit is an introductor. unit where the core definitions and concepts of s.stems in
general and healthcare specificall. are presented. ,sing hands*on e"plorator. lab
e"ercises, students will be introduced to an e"ample 1IT s.stem where the. will learn
basic naigation and gain familiarit. with components common to man. clinical 1IT
s.stems. !pecific e"amples of 1IT s.stems from a ariet. of settings will be discussed.
(nit &)*ecti'es
G. the end of this unit the student will be able to:
6. 8efine a s.stem and relate s.stems concepts to 1ealth IT $1IT&.
3. 8iscuss specific e"amples of settings where 1IT is used $acute, rural,
public health, clinic, office, patient home, etc.&.
). Identif. common components of a clinical 1IT s.stem.
<. 8emonstrate beginning leel competenc. in maneuering the
demonstration E1F!.
(nit Topics"7ecture Titles
6.6 ,nderstanding !.stemsD2onceptualiBing 1IT ,se
6.3 1IT !.stems
6.) Gig #icture of 1IT !.stems
6.< 2ommon 0spects of 2linical 1IT !.stems
(nit 1e4erences
$0ll links accessible as of 6/6/3563&
7ecture $
6. 7ationwide 1ealth Information 7etwork http://healthit.hhs.go/portal/serer.ptE
3. ?oogle %lu Trends
7ecture $ Images
!lide ): 4enn 8iagram of 1ealthcare. 2reated b. 8r. #atricia 0bbott.
!lide <: 1ong Jong !ubwa. s.stem. 2ourtes. of N8ear EdwardOs #hotostreamN
$2reatie 2ommons 0ttribution&. E. Fussell $6;9<&. 0ailable from:;9</
!lide =: Image 6: MIT -pen2ourse(are. 0ailable from:>;)<;55>:/I
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 9
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
Image 3: %ood !erice as a !.stem. 2ourtes. 282. 0ailable from:
!lide >: 2oncept -eriew of an Electronic 1ealth FecordD7ational Institutes of
1ealth. 0ailable from: http://www.ncrr.nih.go/publications/informatics/E1F.pdf
!lide :: Image 6: M. 1ealthe4et (ebsite. 4eterans 0dministration. 0ailable from:*portal*web/anon.mous.portalE
Image 3: 2linician and #atient: 2ourtes. 8r. #atricia 0bbott.
Image ): (orld 1eath -rganiBation. 0ailable from:
Image <: ?irl and #atients Like Me. 2ourtes. 8r. #atricia 0bbott. 0ailable from:
!lide 9: The Gig #icture of 1ealth 2are. 0ailable from: 1ttp://healthit.hhs.go
!lide ;: 7urse %iling Medical Fecords. 2ourtes. ,.!. 0rm.. ,! 0rm. Jorea*IM2-M.
0ailable from:
!lide 65: 0 single Fecord of #atient 8ata. 2ourtes. 8r. Hohn 1alamka
!lide 66: 40 4ista s.stem. 2ourtes. ,! 8epartment of 4eterans 0ffairs
(nit Suggeste5 1ea5ings
6. 7ational 2enter for Fesearch Fesources. Electronic 1ealth Fecords: 0n
-eriew. 355>. 0ailable from:
3. (ager, J., Lee, %., C ?laser, H. Managing 1ealth 2are Information !.stems: 0
#ractical 0pproach for 1ealth 2are E"ecuties. 355;. 0ailable from:
+55itional Materials
2omputeriBed #atient Fecord !.stem $2#F!&
,ser ?uide
The 4ist0 2#F! is the award*winning electronic health records s.stem that is used b.
the ,! 8epartment of 4eterans 0ffairs.
Stu5ent +pplication +cti'ities
+55itional Materials
E1F! -rientation 4ideos $optional .swf ideo files&
#art 6: (orking with 1IT !.stems
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems ;
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
#art 3: E"ploring the 2oersheet
#art ): 8iing 8eeper into the Tabs
#art <: 8iing 8eeper into the Tabs L #art 3
#art =: Labs, Feports, C !tarting to !caenge
#art >: !caenger 1unt $to be used with scaenger hunt actiit.& The scaenger
hunt can be conerted into a graded assignment if desired. E"tra credit
+uestions are included in the e"isting scaenger hunt materials $in the eent that
this actiit. is conerted to a graded assessment&.
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 65
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
Component 7"(nit #
(nit Title
(n5er the Hoo5
(nit 0escription
,nit 3 is designed to introduce students to the generic functions of 1IT s.stems that
underpin inpatient and outpatient $ambulator.& processes. 2rafted 1IT lab e"ercises will
lead the student through a simulated patient encounter to highlight how 1IT s.stems
support, and sometimes thwart, information flow.
(nit &)*ecti'es
G. the end of this unit the student will be able to:
6. Identif. the health IT functions that support a generic ambulator. patient
care process.
3. Identif. the health IT functions that support a generic inpatient care
(nit Topics " 7ecture Titles
3.6 Inpatient #rocesses 4s 0mbulator. #rocesses: 2omparing and 2ontrasting
3.3 1ealth IT !upport of 2are #rocesses $Inpatient C -utpatient&
(nit 1e4erences
$0ll links accessible as of 6/6/3563&
7ecture #a
6. Middleton, G., ?andhi, T.J., Gates, 8.(. #atient !afet.: The Fole of Information
Technolog.. In: Memel 8!' editor$s&. Effectie Management of 1ealthcare
Information: Leadership Foles, 2hallenges, and !olutions. 2hicago, IL:
1ealthcare Information C Management !.stems !ociet.' 355). 0ailable from:!taff#rj.aspEcGo"M#ubs
3. 8esFoches 2.M., 2ampbell, E.?., Fao, !.F., et al. Electronic health records in
ambulator. care**a national sure. of ph.sicians. N 9n"l J :ed) 3559 Hul
)')=;$6&:=5*>5. 0ailable from:
). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go/pubmed/69=>=9==
<. 4incent, 2. 5atient Safety. %irst Edition. Elseier, 7ew Kork, 355>.
7ecture #a Images
!lide 3: 2omposite Image. 2ourtes. 8r. #atricia 0bbott
!lide ): 2linician 8iscusses Medical Test Fesults. 0ailable from:;>)3=>)Q75</>65<5>935;/siBes/m/in/photostream/
0ttribution 3.5 ?eneric $22 GK 3.5&
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 66
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
!lide <: Image 6D#aper 2hart #ile. 2ourtes. 8r. #atricia 0bbott
Image 3. (oman Monitoring #atient 8ata. 2ourtes. 40. 0ailable from:
!lide =: Image 6D0rm. field hospital. 2ourtes. ,! 0rm.. 0ailable from:
Image 3D#oster. 0ailable from:>69/siBes/m/in/R35photostream/
0ttribution*7on2ommercial*7o8eris 3.5 ?eneric $22 GK*72*78 3.5&
!lide >: #atient Geing transported. %ort Geloir, 40D%ort Geloir 2ommunit. 1ospital.
0ailable from:>):)96::/siBes/m/in/photostream/
0ttribution*7on2ommercial 3.5 ?eneric $22 GK*72 3.5&
!lide :: 2linician and #atient. 2ourtes. 7ational 2ancer Institute. 0ailable from:
!lide 9: (ine ?lasses. 0ailable from:>9;/siBes/m/in/photostream
7ick (heeler 2reatie 2ommons 0ttribution*7on 2ommercial*!hare0like 3.5 ?eneric
$22 GK*72*!0 3.5&
7ecture #)
6. 7ational 2enter for Fesearch Fesources. Electronic 1ealth Fecords: 0n
-eriew. 355>. 0ailable from:
7ecture #) Images
!lide 3: Image 6DMan at 2ounter. International Institute for 2ommunication and
8eelopment $II28 & The 1ague, 7etherlands $3559& . 0ailable from:<;6555>3/siBes/m/in/photostream/
0ttribution 3.5 ?eneric $22 GK 3.5&
Image 3. #rocess 8iagram. 2ourtes. 8r. #atricia 0bbott
!lide ): Image 6DMan at 2ounter. International Institute for 2ommunication and
8eelopment $II28 & The 1ague, 7etherlands $3559& . 0ailable from:<;6555>3/siBes/m/in/photostream/
0ttribution 3.5 ?eneric $22 GK 3.5&
Image 3. #rocess 8iagram. 2ourtes. 8r. #atricia 0bbott
!lide <: Image 6D2omputer !creen with #atient 8ata. Lucas #ettinati, GraBil
0ailable from:<=:993:>/siBes/m/in/photostream/
0ttributionD7on2ommercial*7o8eris 3.5 ?eneric $22 GK*72*78 3.5&
Image 3D#rocess 8iagram. 2ourtes. 8r. #atricia 0bbott
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 63
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
(nit Suggeste5 1ea5ings
6. 7ational 2enter for Fesearch Fesources. Electronic 1ealth Fecords: 0n
-eriew. 355>. 0ailable from:
http://www.ncrr.nih.go/publications/informatics/E1F.pdf $,se 2hapters
6 C 3&
Stu5ent +pplication +cti'ities
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 6)
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
Component 7"(nit 3
(nit Title
(n5erstan5ing In4ormation 8:change in HIT Systems
(nit 0escription
,nit ) will focus upon the functional aspects of interoperabilit. within and between
s.stems. didacticall. presented concepts to hands on lab assignments,
students will be challenged to locate and collate data from disparate s.stems and to
assist users in planning for enhanced information flow in 1IT s.stems.
(nit &)*ecti'es
G. the end of this unit the student will be able to:
6. Identif. entities that are commonl. inoled in 1IT s.stem data e"change.
3. E"plain the need for standards and wh. the. e"ist.
). 8efine and differentiate between ocabular., content e"change, and
priac. and securit. standards.
<. 2ompare current efforts to facilitate health information e"change between
proiders, communities, regions, and nation $71I7, 1IEs, 71I7 8irect&.
(nit Topics " 7ecture Titles
).6 L T.pes of Information E"change
).3 L @Meaningful ,seA and 1IT Information E"change
).) L T.pes of !tandards
).< L 1IE Initiaties
(nit 1e4erences
$0ll links accessible as of 6/6/3563&
7ecture 3
6. 7ational 0lliance for 1IT Feport to the -72 on 8efining Je. 1ealth Information
Technolog. Terms $0pril 39, 3559&
0ailable from:
3. 7ational Librar. of Medicine 1IT standards. 0ailable from:
7ecture 3 Images
!lide 6: 1ealth 2are #rofessionals. 7ational 2ancer Institute $72I& Fhoda Gaer,
!lide <: E"change. 2ourtes. Michael 4aughn
!lide >: Man Moing from -ne 2it. to 0nother with 1is 1ealth Fecord. 2reated b.
Michael 4aughn, used with permission. 2lip art obtained from
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 6<
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
!lide 9: 2ommunication %low. 8epartment of 8efense. 0ailable from:
!lide ;: Hoint Initiatie 2ouncil -rganiBation 2hart. 01IM0. 0ailable from:
!lide 65: 1ealth Information E"change 8iagram. 0ailable from: wwwahr;go'
!lide 66: !creen !hot of M. 1ealthe4et. 0ailable from: http:""wwwmyhealth'ago'"
(nit Suggeste5 1ea5ings
1. @(hat is the 71I7EA 0ailable at:
2. !imon !, Eans !, Genjamin 0, 8elano 8, Gates 8. #atients 0ttitudes Toward
Electronic 1ealth Information E"change: Iualitatie !tud.. H Med Internet Fes.
355;' 66$)&:e)5. 0ailable from:;/)/e)5/
3. Gouhaddou -, (arnekar #, #arrish %, 8o 7, Mandel H, Jilbourne H, Lincoln M.
E"change of 2omputable #atient 8ata between the 8epartment of 4eterans
0ffairs $40& and the 8epartment of 8efense $8o8&: Terminolog. Mediation
!trateg.. H 0m Med Inform 0ssoc. 3559' 6=$3&: 6:<*69). 0ailable from:
4. Feiew the 7I!T $7ational Institute of !tandards and Technolog.s 1ealth
Information Technolog. $1IT& Implementation Testing and !upport web site at:
Stu5ent +pplication +cti'ities
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 6=
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
Component 7"(nit <
(nit Title
The 844ecti'e IT System
(nit 0escription
,nit < is designed to emphasiBe the aspects of 1IT that contribute to effectieness and
meaningful use. The concepts of usabilit., consistenc., and reliabilit. in regards to 1IT
s.stems and how each contributes to, or detracts from, effectieness will be presented.
8efinitions of eidence*based practice and guideline*enhanced care will be coered in
addition to how 1IT can support effectie, safe, and efficient patient*centered care.
(nit &)*ecti'es
G. the end of this unit the student will be able to:
6. Identif. characteristics of an effectie 1IT s.stem.
3. 8efine and proide e"amples of how eidence*based practice can be
supported in 1IT !.stems.
). 8efine and cite e"amples of usabilit. / configurabilit. / scalabilit. and
reliabilit. in 1IT !.stems.
<. List and contrast different t.pes of reports/+ueries $predefined s. ad hoc&
re+uired for internal and e"ternal reporting.
(nit Topics"7ecture Titles
6.6 * Effectie 1IT
6.3 * 2haracteristics of Effectie 1IT
6.) * !upporting (orkflows
(nit 1e4erences
$0ll links accessible as of 6/6/3563&
7ecture <
6. 2rossing the Iualit. 2hasm: 0 7ew 1ealth !.stem for the 36
2entur.. $3556&.
Institute of Medicine of the 7ational 0cademies. 0ailable from:
3. 8ennison H, Eisen !, Towers M, C 2lark 2I. $355>&. 0n Effectie Electronic
!urgical Feferral !.stem. #nnals of The ,oyal olle"e of Sur"eons of 9n"land)
99$>&: ==<*==> 0ailable from:
). ?ibbons F, 0ntman E, C !mith !. $3565&. 1as guideline deelopment gone
astra.E 7o. 0ritish :edical Journal, )<5:c)<).
<. I!- 6)<5:. $6;;;&. 1uman 2entered 8esign #rocesses for Interactie !.stems.
0ailable at: http:""wwwisoorg"iso"catalogueD5etailhtmBcsnum)erC#$$?7
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 6>
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
=. 7ational ?uideline 2learinghouse. 0genc. for 1ealthcare Fesearch and Iualit..
0ailable from: http:""wwwgui5elinego'"a)out"a)outasp:
>. (ebster L, C !hapiro F. $3565&. 1ealth information technolog.: 0 new world for
pharmac.. Journal of the #merican 5harmacists #ssociation) 3565 0pril' =5$3&:
e35*e)<. 0ailable from: http:""*aphametapresscom"openurlaspB
7ecture < Images
!lide ): ,.!. #ublic 1ealth !erice Logo. 0ailable from: http:""wwwusphsgo'"
!lide <: 1ands on Je.board. 2reatie 2ommons Image !ource . 22 GK 3.5 b. Mike
Traboe. 0ailable from:
!lide =: #ersonal !creenshot. 0ailable from:
!lide >: Image 6D#ills. 0ailable from:
0ttribution*7on2ommercial*7o8eris 3.5 ?eneric $22 GK*72*78 3.5&
Image 3D0rm Gand. 4eterans 0dministration. 0ailable from:
!lide :: (orkflow 8iagram. 0ailable:
8aid %eng. 0ttribution*7on2ommercial*!hare0like 3.5 ?eneric $22 GK*72*!0 3.5&
!lide 9: Galancing Focks. 0ailable from:
http:""www4lickrcom"photos"pree4"#@?<$#E@@" .
Ton. Foberts 0ttribution*7on2ommercial*!hare0like 3.5 ?eneric $22 GK*72*!0 3.5&
!lide ;: 1app. 2omputer. 0ailable from:
22 GK*72*!0 3.5 b. 2.cloneOs !ketchblog.
(nit Suggeste5 1ea5ings
1. (ebster L, !piro F. 1ealth information technolog.: 0 new world for pharmac..
Hournal of the 0merican #harmacists 0ssociation. 3565 0pril' =5$3&: e35*e)<.
0ailable from:
2. 8ennison H, Eisen !, Towers M, 2lark 2I. 0n Effectie Electronic !urgical
Feferral !.stem. 0nnals of The 2ollege of !urgeons of England. 355>'
99$>&: ==<*==> 0ailable from:
Stu5ent +pplication +cti'ities
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 6:
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
+55itional Materials
-rientation 4ideos $optional&
#art 6: The Feports Tab
#art 3: Feporting 2linical s 0d1oc
#art ): %un with ?raphs
#art <: Fesoling Feminders
#art =: %acilitating Iualit. Efficienc. with Feminders
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 69
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
Component 7"(nit E
(nit Title
2un5amentals o4 (sa)ility in HIT SystemsKWhat 0oes It MatterB
(nit 0escription
,nit = will present the basic concepts of usabilit. in general and 1IT usabilit.
specificall.. !tudents will be e"posed to usabilit. bottlenecks and learn to identif.
usabilit. roadblocks in the E1F! lab s.stem, h.pothesiBing potential downstream
effects of poor usabilit., and suggesting solutions/alternate designs. This unit will detail
the relationships between usabilit., user satisfaction, and workarounds.
(nit &)*ecti'es
G. the end of this unit the student will be able to:
6. 8efine usabilit. in relation to 1IT s.stems
3. E"plain the impact of 1IT usabilit. on user satisfaction, adoption, and
workarounds in error rates or unintended conse+uences
). #roide alternaties to 1IT usabilit. bottlenecks
(nit Topics"7ecture Titles
=.6 * 8efining ,sabilit.
=.3 * ,ser 2entered 8esign
=.) * ,sabilit. in 1IT
=.< * Impact of #oor 1IT ,sabilit.
=.= * !trategies for Gottlenecks
(nit 1e4erences
$0ll links accessible as of 6/6/3563&
7ecture Ea
6. Ergonomic Fe+uirements for -ffice (ork with 4isual 8ispla. Terminals $48Ts& L
#art 66 ?uidance on ,sabilit.. I!-/IE2 ;3<6.
3. Joppel, F. #., (etterneck, T. M., Telles, H. L., C Jarsh, G.*T. $3559&.
(orkarounds to Garcode Medication 0dministration !.stems: Their -ccurrences,
2auses, and Threats to #atient !afet.. Journal of the #mericna :edical
!nformatics #ssociation, <59*<36.
). 7ational Feiew -nline, NMarines Turned !oldiersA 8ecember 65, 3556. < !tar
?eneral Eric !hinseki, ,.!. !ecretar. of 4eterans 0ffairs. 0ailable from:
<. 7ational Transportation !afet. Goard E"ecutie !ummar. of its final report into
the 8ener crash. Hanuar. 3>, 6;;;. 0ailable from:
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 6;
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
=. 7ielsen, Hakob. 8efinition of ,sabilit.. 0ailable from:
7ecture Ea Images
!lide 3: 8oor 0larm. 0ailable from:
0ttributionD!hare 0like 3.5 ?eneric $22 GK*!0 3.5& Grett L.Os #hotostream.
!lide <: Man in %ront of #2 !creen, %ace in 1ands. 2ourtes. %ederal 8rug
0dministration$%80&. 0ailable from:
!lide =: Image 6D7otification window: NThis is a generic notification bo". Kou should
not be seeing this bo".A
Image 3DError message : Error opening this file. 2ourtes. 8r. #atricia 0bbott
!lide >: ,ser*centered 8esign. 0dapted from I!- standard 6)<5: b. 8r. #atricia 0bbott
!lide :: Image 6. The !i" Iteratie !teps of ,ser*2entered 8esign.
Image 3D-lder 0sian (oman. 2ourtes. Mark Glatt, M.8. $1IM!! #resentation' M20'
!lide 9: Eric !hinseki: :
,! !ecretar. of 4eterans 0ffairs. 2ourtes. 4eterans
0dministration. 0ailable from: http:""www$'ago'"opa")ios"
!lide ;: 8octors and Medics in a Makeshift %ield 1ospital 8uring a Mass*2asualt.
E"ercise on %ort Gragg, 7.2. 2ourtes. ,! 0rm.. 0ailable from:
7ecture E)
6. 2ampell, E.M., ?uappone, J.#., !ittig, 8.%., et al. 2omputeriBed #roider -rder
Entr. 0doption: Implications for 2linical (orkflow. H ?en Intern Med 355;' 3<$6&
36*3>. 0ailable from:
3. Ergonomic Fe+uirements for -ffice (ork with 4isual 8ispla. Terminals $48Ts& L
#art 66 ?uidance on ,sabilit.. I!-/IE2 ;3<6 * 66:6;;9 $E&. ?enea, !witBerland.
). ?uappone, J.#., 0sh, H.!., !ittig, 8.%. %ield Ealuation of 2ommercial
2omputeriBed #roider -rder Entr. !.stems in 2ommunit. 1ospitals. 0MI0
0nnu !.mp #roc 3559. 0ailable from:
<. 1IM!! E1F ,sabilit. Task %orce. 8efining and Testing EMF ,sabilit.: #rinciples
and #roposed Methods of EMF ,sabilit. Ealuation and Fating. 355;. 0ailable
=. Joppel, F., (etterneck, T., Telles, H.L. (orkarounds to Garcode Medication
0dministration !.stems: Their -ccurrences, 2auses, and Threats to #atient
!afet.. Hour 0mer Med Inform 0ssoc 3559' 6=$<&: <59*<3). 0ailable from:
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 35
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
>. ,sabilit. Gasics. 0ailable from: http:""wwwusa)ilitygo'")asics"in5e:html
7ecture E) Images
!lide 3: Image 6DGar 2ode on 0rm. 2ourtes. 8r. Foss Joppel, ,niersit. of
Image Trauma ,nit. ,! Militar.. 0ailable from:
!lide ): E"ample of Gad (ebpage. 2ompiled image. 2ourtes. 8r. #atricia 0bbott
!lide <: E1F !creen !hots. 2ourtes. 8r. #atricia 0bbott
!lide =: Elderl. woman and 2aregier. 2ourtes. -n Geing. 0ailable from:
0ttribution*7on2ommercial*!hare0like 3.5 ?eneric $22 GK*72*!0 3.5&
!lide >: 2hessboard. 2ourtes. Hose 8aniel MartineB. 0ailable from:
0ttribution*7on2ommercial*!hare0like ).5 ,nported $22 GK*72*!0 ).5&.
!lide :: 0lbert Einstein. #hoto from the ,! 7ational Librar. of 2ongress. #ublic
(nit Suggeste5 1ea5ings
1. ?uappone J#, 0sh H!, !ittig 8%. %ield Ealuation of 2ommercial 2omputeriBed
#roider -rder Entr. !.stems in 2ommunit. 1ospitals. 0MI0 0nnu !.mp #roc.
3559. 0ailable from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go/pmc/articles/#M23>==;<9/E
2. Joppel F, (etterneck T, Telles HL. (orkarounds to Garcode Medication
0dministration !.stems: Their -ccurrences, 2auses, and Threats to #atient
!afet.. Hour 0mer Med Inform 0ssoc. 3559' 6=$<&: <59*<3). 0ailable from:
3. 2ampell EM, ?uappone J#, !ittig 8%, 8.kstra F1, 0sh H!. 2omputeriBed
#roider -rder Entr. 0doption: Implications for 2linical (orkflow. H ?en Intern
Med. 355;' 3<$6& 36*3>. 0ailable from:
4. 1IM!! 1EF ,sabilit. Task %orce. 8efining and Testing EMF ,sabilit.: #rinciples
and #roposed Methods of EMF ,sabilit. Ealuation and Fating. 355;. 0ailable
Stu5ent +pplication +cti'ities
+55itional Materials
-rientation 4ideos $optional&
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 36
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
#art 6P!imple Interface 0djustments %ont !iBe C #resentation -rder
#art 3P2reated a ,ser !pecific 4iew with ?raphing
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 33
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
Component 7"(nit @
(nit Title
HIT 2acilitate5 8rrorKCause an5 844ect
(nit 0escription
,nit > is a unit that will focus upon error in health and healthcare that can be facilitated
and propagated b. 1IT. 8ifferent classes of 1IT errors $slips/mistakes,
omission/commission& will be discussed and differentiated. !pecific scenarios that
create opportunities for 1IT facilitated error will be presented to students in the lab
e"ercises. In these e"ercises, students will appl. concepts learned in the didactic
portion of this unit to identif. error, classif. error, anal.Be root cause, and propose
(nit &)*ecti'es
G. the end of this unit the student will be able to:
6. E"plain the concept of facilitated error in 1IT
3. 2ite e"amples of situations where 1IT s.stems could increase the
potential for user error
). 0nal.Be sources of 1IT facilitated errors and suggest realistic solutions
(nit Topics"7ecture Titles
>.6 L Error in 1ealthcare
>.3 L Error 4ocabular.
>.) L Technolog. Induced Error
(nit 1e4erences
$0ll links accessible as of 6/6/3563&
7ecture @a
6. 0sh H., Gerg, M., 2oiera, E. !ome ,nintended 2onse+uences of Information
Technolog. in 1ealth 2are: The 7ature of #atient 2are Information !.stem*
related Errors) 355<. 0ailable from:
7ecture @a Images
!lide 6: 7a. -fficer E"amining a #aper Medical Fecord. Image 2ourtes. ,! 8ept. of
7a.. 0ailable from: http:""commonswikime5iaorg"wiki"2ile:(SD%a'yD!@$!3!=%=
!lide 3: -perating Foom Team. 0ailable from:
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 3)
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
0ttribution*!hare0like 3.5 ?eneric $22 GK*!0 3.5& Marion 8oss
!lide ): 7urse 2hecking a ManOs Glood #ressure. 2ourtes. 8r. #atricia 0bbott
!lide <: 1eparin Gottles with the ,FL to the Iuaid Twins Moie. 0ailable from:
0ttribution*7on2ommercial*!hare0like ).5 ,nported $22 GK*72*!0 ).5& Injur. Goard
7ational 7ewsdesk
!lide =: 1eparin Gottles. 0ailable from: http:""newsin*ury)oar5com"more=5eaths=
0ttribution*7on2ommercial*!hare0like ).5 ,nported $22 GK*72*!0 ).5& Injur. Goard
7ational 7ewsdesk
!lide >: (oman Looking at Man !uspiciousl.. 0ailable from:
0ttribution*7on2ommercial*!hare0like 3.5 ?eneric $22 GK*72*!0 3.5& Trein 2how
7ecture @)
6. 01FI (eb MCM: ?lossar.. 0ailable from:
3. 0sh, H., !ittig, 8., 2ampbell, E., ?uappone, J., 8.kstra, F. !ome ,nintended
2onse+uences of 2linical 8ecision !upport !.stems. 355:. 0ailable from:
). ?raham ,T.0.8., Jushniruk , 0.(., Gullard, M.H., et al. 1ow ,sabilit. of a (eb*
Gased 2linical 8ecision !upport !.stem 1as the #otential to 2ontribute to
0derse Medical Eents. 3559. 0ailable from:
<. 1uman %actors 8efinition $3555&. 0ailable from:
=. Hoint 2ommission. c3566. 0ailable from:
>. -h !hnocksS The state of healthcare technolog. in @5;A med?adget. < 7oember
355;. 0ailable from:
7ecture @) Images
!lide 3: Images 6 and ). N SS!T-#SS 8o 7ot 8isturbS #assing Medications. 2reated b.
8r. #atricia 0bbott.
Image 3: 2orpsman ?iing !hot to %emale #atient. 0ailable from:
0ttribution*7on2ommercial 3.5 ?eneric $22 GK*72 3.5&
!lide <: %rustrated Man. 2reatie 2ommons. 0ailable from:
0ttribution 3.5 ?eneric $22 3.5&.
4ideo: @-h !chnocksSA The state of healthcare technolog. in 355;.
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 3<
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
0ailable from: http:""wwwyoutu)ecom"watchB'CW:>7F57*wp<
!lide =: 1uman %actors in !urger.. 4ideo %rom the Ma.o 2linic, 0ailable from:
!lide >: ,rinal. 0ailable from:
0ttribution*7on2ommercial 3.5 ?eneric $22 GK*72*!0 3.5&
(nit Suggeste5 1ea5ings
1. @1ow ,sabilit. of a (eb*Gased 2linical 8ecision !upport !.stem 1as the
#otential to 2ontribute to 0derse Medical Eents.A 0ccessed Hune 39, 3565 at:
2. @!ome ,nintended 2onse+uences of 2linical 8ecision !upport !.stems.A
0ccessed on Hune 39, 3565 at:
3. @!ome ,nintended 2onse+uences of Information Technolog. in 1ealth 2are:
The 7ature of #atient 2are Information !.stem*related Errors;) 0ccessed Hune
3, 3565 at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go/pmc/articles/#M2)=)56=/
Stu5ent +pplication +cti'ities
+55itional Materials $#resentation ideos&
Three ideos, aailable online at the time these materials were created, illustrate
seeral of the concepts coered in the presentations and readings. These three ideos
are integrated directl. into the presentation.
6. Errors in Medication 0dministration from KouTube L The !tor. of the Iuaid
Twins:;bli-us $If the ideo is not
aailable at the time of student access, on an. web ideo search engine using
the terms @Iuaid Twins L Medication ErrorA will return nearl. the same ideo.&
3. Technolog. Induced Error * @-h !chnocksSA The state of healthcare technolog.
in 355;:"ILBdLjwp<
). 1uman %actors in !urger. 4ideo. %rom the Ma.o 2linic."F:9dTTK.;c
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 3=
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
Component 7"(nit 7
(nit Title
,rotecting ,ri'acy/ Security/ an5 Con4i5entiality in HIT Systems
(nit 0escription
,nit : is designed to present an oeriew of the concepts of priac., securit., and
confidentialit. of protected health information $#1I& in relation to 1IT s.stems. Threats
to #1I fre+uentl. encountered in 1IT enironments such as password sharing, offsite
access to E1F!, challenges of staff turn*oer and student access, unauthoriBed
access, etc. will be detailed. !tudents will be e"posed to simulated breeches of priac.,
securit. and confidentialit. of #1I in lab e"ercises, asked to identif., and propose
strategies to thwart.
(nit &)*ecti'es
G. the end of this unit the student will be able to:
6. E"plain and illustrate priac., securit., and confidentialit. in 1IT settings.
3. Identif. common threats encountered when using 1IT.
). %ormulate strategies to minimiBe threats to priac., securit., and
confidentialit. in 1IT s.stems.
(nit Topics"7ecture Titles
:.6 L 0dministratie !afeguards
:.3 L #h.sical !afeguards
:.) L Technical !afeguards
(nit 1e4erences
$0ll links accessible as of 6/6/3563&
7ecture 7a
1. The 7ationwide #riac. and !ecurit. %ramework for Electronic E"change of
Indiiduall. Identifiable 1ealth Information. c3559. 0ailable from:
7ecture 7a Images
!lide =: 2oer !heet from an 7ational Institute of !tandards and Technolog. $7I!T&
Information !ecurit. 8ocument. 2ourtes. 7ational Institute of !tandards $7I!T&.
!lide ;: 7ationwide #riac. and !ecurit. %ramework for Electronic E"change of
Indiiduall. Identifiable 1ealth Information. 3559. 0ailable from:
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 3>
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
!lide 65: !ecurit. -perations in 0ction. 2ourtes. 2enters for 8isease 2ontrol.
!lide 66: 0 7ew I!I! 4ideo 2amera. 2ourtes. 8epartment of 1omeland !ecurit..
0ailable from:
!lide 63: 0 Fegularl. !cheduled !ecurit. 0wareness Training !ession. Image courtes.
!lide 6): @!.mposium on 8iersit., Leadership 8eelopment and !uccession #lanningA
at the 282. 2ourtes. 282.
!lide 6<: 8octor Looking Through Medical Fecords. 2ourtes. 11!.
!lide 6=: 2enters for 8isease 2ontrols 0ctiit. Lead for the 8iision of !pecialiBed
Media, #ete !eidel. 2ourtes. 282.
7ecture 7)
6. 0merican 1ealth Information Management 0ssociation. 0ailable from:
3. Ensuring !ecurit. of 1igh*Fisk Information in E1Fs c3559. 0ailable from:
). 1I#00 !ecurit. !eries: !ecurit. 656 for 2oered Entities .c355< 0ailable from:
<. 7ationwide #riac. and !ecurit. %ramework for Electronic E"change of
Indiiduall. Identifiable 1ealth Information. c3559. 0ailable from:
=. !cribd. Mobilit. Infrastructure !olution 8esign ?uide. c3559. 0ailable from:
>. ,.!. 8epartment of 1ealth and 1uman !erices. 0ailable from:
7ecture 7) Images
!lide ): 1I##0 !ecurit. Gulletins. 2ourtes. 1I##0. 0ailable from:
!lide =: Logo of the %ederal Trade 2ommission. 2ourtes. %ederal Trade 2ommission.
!lide >: 2loud 2omputing will 2hallenge !ecurit. #olicies. 2ourtes. ,.!. 8ept. of
!lide :: The %ield of !ecurit. 1as to 0dapt. 2ourtes. 7ational Institutes of 1ealth $7I1&
!lide 9: 0 !ophisticated ,sers !tation. 2ourtes. 7ational !cience %oundation $7!%&
0ailable from: http:""wwwns4go'"o5"lpa"news"press"!!"stimEhtm
!lide ;: Transmission !ecurit. 2ontrols #reent ,nauthoriBed 0ccess to e#1I.
0ailable from: http:"")logtsago'"#!!A"!A"encryption=is=issue=in=case=o4=
(nit Suggeste5 1ea5ings
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 3:
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
6. 1I#00 !ecurit. !eries: !ecurit. 656 for 2oered Entities .c355< 0ailable from:
3. Ensuring !ecurit. of 1igh*Fisk Information in E1Fs c3559. 0ailable from:"pedio/groups/public/documents/ahima/bok6P5);;=>.hcs
). The 7ationwide #riac. and !ecurit. %ramework for Electronic E"change of
Indiiduall. Identifiable 1ealth Information. c3559. 0ailable from:
+55itional Materials
1. The ,.!. 8epartment of 1ealth and 1uman !erices. 0ailable from
2. The 0merican 1ealth Information Management 0ssociation. 0ailable from:
3. The 7ationwide #riac. and !ecurit. %ramework for Electronic E"change of
Indiiduall. Identifiable 1ealth Information. c3559. 0ailable from:
4. !cribd. Mobilit. Infrastructure !olution 8esign ?uide. c3559. 0ailable from:<;:=66=/#rocure*(ifi*7etwork*8esign*?uide
Stu5ent +pplication +cti'ities
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 39
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
Component 7"(nit A
(nit Title
HIT System ,lanning/ +c;uisition/ Installation/ 9Training: ,ractices to Support 9
,it4alls to +'oi5
(nit 0escription
,nit 9 is a unit where the core definitions and concepts of 1IT s.stems planning,
ac+uisition, installation, and training are presented. 0 ariet. of different settings will be
used as e"amples in the unit, including small office practices, communit. clinics, acute
care facilities, and skilled nursing facilities. !tudents will conduct simulated user needs
anal.sis, and using the lab E1F!, will identif. gaps in meeting those needs. !tudents
will deelop training plans for a ariet. of settings.
(nit &)*ecti'es
G. the end of this unit the student will be able to:
6. 2onduct a basic user needs anal.sis for a gien e"ample situation.
3. 2reate a plan for training users in a small office practice, a large
communit. clinic, or a single unit in an ambulator. care setting.
). Identif. seeral potential challenges that ma. emerge during installation
and generate a strateg. to sole $space, wiring, lack of basic computer
literac. in staff, etc.&.
(nit Topics"7ecture Titles
9.6 L The !.stems 8eelopment #rocess
9.3 L Gusiness #rocess
9.) L Training
(nit 1e4erences
$0ll links accessible as of 6/6/3563&
7ecture Aa Images
!lide <: The !.stems 8eelopment #rocess. 2ourtes. Michael 4aughn.
!lide >: Implementation !teps. 2ourtes. Michael 4aughn
!lide 9: (orkflow 8iagram .2ourtes. Michael 4aughn
!lide 65: Gusiness #rocess %low 2hart. 2ourtes. 8r. #atricia 0bbott.
!lide 63: 2linician Looking at 2omputer. 2ourtes. 2enters for 8isease 2ontrol.
0ailable from: http:""wwwc5cgo'"
7ecture A)
6. 2alman,7., Jitson, J., 1auser, 8. ,sing Information Technolog. to Improe
1ealth Iualit. and !afet. in 2ommunit. 1ealth 2enters. #ro 2ommunit. 1ealth
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems 3;
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
#artnership. 355; 8ec <. 0ailable from:
3. LorenBi, 7., Jouroubali, 0., 8etmer, 8., Gloomrosen, M. 1ow to successfull.
select and implement electronic health records $E1F& in small ambulator.
practice settings. GM2 Medical Informatics and 8ecision Making. 355;';:6=.
0ailable from:
). Tools for !killed 7ursing %acilities C LT2 Toolkit. 0ailable from:
<. 8-I*IT $@8ock*itA&: 0ailable from: http:""wwwmassproorg"5ocs"tools"0&>IT
=. 1ealth Information Technolog. Toolkit for #h.sician -ffices. 0ailable from:
>. Tools for 2ommunit. 1ealth 2linics C !afet. 7ets Toolkit. 0ailable from:
7ecture A) Images
!lide ;: 2linician looking at computer. Image courtes. 2enters for 8isease 2ontrol.
282. #1ILP)>><Plores.jpg
(nit Suggeste5 1ea5ings
6. 2alman 7, Jitson J, 1auser 8. ,sing Information Technolog. to Improe 1ealth
Iualit. and !afet. in 2ommunit. 1ealth 2enters. #ro 2ommunit. 1ealth
#artnership. 355; 8ec <. 0ailable from:
3. LorenBi 7, Jouroubali 0, 8etmer 8, Gloomrosen M. 1ow to successfull. select
and implement electronic health records $E1F& in small ambulator. practice
settings. GM2 Medical Informatics and 8ecision Making. 355;';:6=. 0ailable
Stu5ent +pplication +cti'ities
+55itional Materials
-ur goal to teach .ou where to find the answers rather than proiding reams of material
for students to memoriBe.
!tratis1ealth $slide 6>&
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems )5
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
1ealth Information Technolog. Toolkit for 7ursing 1omes"pertise/healthit/nursinghomes/nhtoolkit.html
8-I*IT $slide 6:&
0 !.stems 0pproach to -perational Fedsign>3:=/Module=/0R35!.stemsR350pproachR35toR35-perational
!tratis1ealth $slide 6:&
1ealth Information Technolog. Tool for #h.sician -ffice"pertise/healthit/clinics/clinictoolkit.html
!tratis1ealth $slide 69&
1ealth Information Technolog. Toolkit for 2ritical 0ccess and !mall 1ospitals"pertise/healthit/hospitals/htoolkit.html
+55itional In4ormation
01FI 7ational Fesource 2enter
1ealth IT 0doption Toolbo"
2ommunit. 2linics Initiatie 1ealth Information Technolog. Fesource ?uide<PfileP1ITF?P,pdatedP355;P%I70L.pdf
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems )6
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
Component 7"(nit ?
(nit Title
,otential Issues with +5option an5 Installation o4 an HIT system
(nit 0escription
The basics of human behaior, change, and adaptation will be discussed. !trategies for
dealing with barriers to implementation $human and structural& will be coered.
(nit &)*ecti'es
G. the end of this unit the student will be able to:
6. Identif. fre+uentl. encountered challenges to adoption and
implementation of 1IT s.stems.
3. 8esign an action plan to address barriers to implementation of an 1IT
). #ropose solutions to common problems in the implementation of 1IT
(nit Topics"7ecture Titles
;.6 L (h. !.stems %ail
;.3 L 2ritical !uccess %actors in 1IT 0doption/Implementation
;.) L 2ommon 2hallenges
;.< L #otential !trategies
(nit 1e4erences
$0ll links accessible as of 6/6/3563&
7ecture ?
6. 0dler, J. 1ow to !uccessfull. 7aigate Kour E1F Implementation' %amil.
#ractice Management. 355: %ebruar.. 0ailable from:
3. Gartos, 2., Gulter, G., #enrod, L., %ridsma, 8., 2rowle., F. 7egatie 2#-E
0ttitudes 2orrelate with 8iminished #ower in the (orkplace) #:!# #nnu Symp
5roc 3559' 3559: )>*<5. 0ailable from:
). 7eto, 0., 2hen, T. C 2han H. @-rder effectN in the proision of medication
information. MH0 3553' 6:> $9&: <56*<535
<. #s.chiatric 7ews' Ma. :, 3565 ' 4olume <= 7umber ; #age >' from the
0merican #s.chiatric 0ssociation. 0ailable from:
=. Triedi, M., 8al., E., Jern. H., et al. Garriers to implementation of a computeriBed
decision support s.stem for depression: an obserational report on lessons
learned in Nreal worldN clinical settings.A GM2 Medial Informatics and 8ecision
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems )3
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
Making 355;. 0ailable from: http:""www)iome5centralcom"$<7#=@?<7"?"@
>. (alsh, !. The clinicianOs perspectie on electronic health records and how the.
can affect patient care. GMH 355< Ma. 6=: )39$:<<;&: 669<*669:. 0ailable from:
7ecture ? Charts/ Ta)les/ an5 2igures
;.6 0dler, J. 1ow to !uccessfull. 7aigate Kour E1F Implementation' %amil. #ractice
Management. 355: %ebruar..
0ailable from: http:""wwwaa4porg"4pm"#!!7"!#!!"p33html
;.3 Goonstra, 0., Groekhusis, M. Garriers to the acceptance of electronic medical
records b. ph.sicians from s.stematic reiew to ta"onom. and interentions. 0:
Health Services ,esearch 3565, 65:3)6 .0ailable from:
7ecture ? Images
!lide 3: ?irl %le"ing Muscles. 2ourtes. 8r. #atricia 0bbott
!lide <: Geaut. and the Geast. 0ailable from:
0ttribution*7on2ommercial*!hare0like 3.5 ?eneric $22 GK*72*!0 3.5&
!lide =: !hop !ign. 2ourtes. 8r. #atricia 0bbott.
!lide >: #ills. 0ailable from:
0ttribution*7on2ommercial*7o8eris 3.5 ?eneric $22 GK*72*78 3.5&
!lide :: Lion. 0ailable from:
?7, %ree 8ocumentation License
(nit Suggeste5 1ea5ings
1. Triedi M, 8al. E, Jern H, ?rannemann G, !underajan #, 2laassen 2. Garriers to
implementation of a computeriBed decision support s.stem for depression: an
obserational report on lessons learned in Nreal worldN clinical settings.A GM2
Medial Informatics and 8ecision Making 355;. 0ailable from:<:3*>;<:/;/>
2. (alsh, !. The clinicianOs perspectie on electronic health records and how the.
can affect patient care. GMH 355< Ma. 6=: )39$:<<;&: 669<*669:. 0ailable from:
3. Gartos 2, Gulter G, #enrod L, %ridsma 8, 2rowle. F. 7egatie 2#-E 0ttitudes
2orrelate with 8iminished #ower in the (orkplace. 0MI0 0nnu !.mp #roc 3559'
3559: )>*<5. 0ailable from:
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems ))
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
6. Goonstra 0, Groekhusis M. Garriers to the acceptance of electronic medical
records b. ph.sicians from s.stematic reiew to ta"onom. and interentions.
0: Health Services ,esearch 3565, 65:3)6 0ailable from:<:3*>;>)/65/3)6 $comp:Punit;Phandout3&
3. 0dler, J. 1ow to !uccessfull. 7aigate Kour E1F Implementation' %amil.
#ractice Management. 355: %ebruar.. 0ailable from: $comp:Punit;Phandout6&
). 01FI Emerging Lessons Toolkit:
<. 00%#: 1IT in the !mall -ffice -nline Tutorials*learn/tutorials.html
=. 1IM!! L ?etting !tarted (ith 0n E1F!tartedEMFP%l.er6.pdf
>. 02#: E1F 0doption Foad Map and Tools
:. 1F!0 Implementation Tool Jit
Stu5ent +pplication +cti'ities
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems )<
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
Component 7"(nit $!
(nit Title
HIT an5 +spects o4 ,atient=Centere5 Care
(nit 0escription
#atient*centered care will be defined and e"plained. The aspects of 1IT that support
$and detract& from patient*centered care will be discussed. !pecific e"amples will be
proided. !tudents will e"plore aspects of 1IT that currentl. support patient*centered
care and will propose new methods for enhancing patient*centered care.
(nit &)*ecti'es
G. the end of this unit the student will be able to:
6. 8efine patient*centered care.
3. !uggest 1IT*enabled solutions/strategies to enhance patient inolement
in health and healthcare
). 0ssess the effectieness of 1IT s.stems in supporting patient*centered
<. #erform self*assessment of personal beliefs related to 1IT and patient*
centered care.
(nit Topics"7ecture Titles
65.6 L #atient 2entered 2are
65.3 L Measuring Effectieness of #atient 2entered 0pproaches
65.) L E"ploring an E"ample of 1IT
(nit 1e4erences
$0ll links accessible as of 6/6/3563&
7ecture $!a
6. Getter 8iabetes 2are, 355>. (hat (e (ant to 0chiee Through !.stems
2hanges..Fetrieed 65/69/3566. 0ailable from:
3. Getter 8iabetes 2are. 2ourtes.: 7ational Institutes of 1ealth. .0ailable from:
). 2rossing the Iualit. 2hasm: 0 7ew 1ealth !.stem for the 36st 2entur.:
2ommittee on Iualit. of 1ealth 2are in 0merica' Institute of Medicine,
(ashington, 82, 3556.
<. 8owns, !. $3565&. (h. I (ant a Glue Gutton. 1uffington #ost. 0ailable from:
=. Enabling #atient*2entered 2are through 1ealth Information Technolog. $1ealth
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems )=
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
IT&. 0ailable at: http:""wwwahr;go'"clinic"tp"pcchittphtm
>. %o", !., Hones, !. The !ocial Life of 1ealth Information. #ew Internet. 355;.
0ailable from: http:""wwwpewinternetorg"1eports"#!!?"A=The=Social=7i4e=
:. 4ideo: 8on GerwickD(hat #atient 2entered 2are Feall. Means. 0ailable from:
7ecture $!a Images
!lide 6: 1ispanic Man C 7urse #ractitioner. 0ailable from:
2ourtes. the ,! 8epartment of 0griculture: 0ttribution*7o8eris 3.5 ?eneric $22 GK*
78 3.5& ,!80
!lide ): Image 6DElderl. ?entleman. 2ourtes. the 7ational Institutes of 1ealth.
0ailable from: http:"")etter5ia)etescarenihgo'"M+I%4rameworkhtm
Image 3D?irl, #roider, and Mother. 2ourtes. the 7ational Institutes of 1ealth.
0ailable from: http:"")etter5ia)etescarenihgo'"M+I%whathtm
!lide <: 0ged 1and. 2ourtes. ,nited 7ations #hotos: 0ailable from:
0ttribution*7on2ommercial*7o8eris 3.5 ?eneric $22 GK*72*78 3.5&
!lide =: 8on Gerwick. 2ourtes. ,! 8epartment of 1ealth and 1uman !erices.
0ailable from: http:""wwwhhsgo'"open"images"5onal5D)erwick*pg
!lide >: Image 6D7ursing 0atar. 2ourtes. 8r. #atricia 0bbott.
Image 3D#atient Like Me. 0ailable from:
!lide :: 0 Medical Model 4EF!,! #atient*2entered . 0dapted from public domain
materials supported b. 8epartment of 1ealth and 1uman !erices. 0ailable from:
!lide 9: Man Iuestioning 0nother and 0frican 0merican 2linician with 2lipboard:
0genc. for 1ealthcare Iualit. and Fesearch: 0ailable from:
!lide ;: !creenshot of http:""wwwahr;go'"clinic"tp"pcchittphtm. 2ourtes. 8r.
#atricia 0bbott.
!lide 65: 0 #icture of the ?reek ?od Jairos. 0ailable from:
7ecture $!)
6. Glue Gutton Initiatie. 0ailable from:
3. 8owns !. $3565&. (h. I (ant a Glue Gutton. 1uffington #ost. 0ailable from:
)uttonD)D7@A$?Ehtm l
7ecture $! ) Images
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems )>
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
!lide ): M. 1ealth.e4et site. 2ourtes. the ,! 8epartment of 4eterans 0ffairs.
0ailable from: wwwmyhealth'ago'
!lide <: M. 1ealth.e4et Ganner . 2ourtes. the ,! 8epartment of 4eterans 0ffairs .
0ailable from: wwwmyhealth'ago'
!lide =: Glue Gutton. 2ourtes. of the ,! 8epartment of 4eterans 0ffairs. 0ailable from:
!lide :: I*pad health apps. 2ourtes. 8r. #atricia 0bbott
!lide ;: Gab. on computer .!ource:
http:""www4lickrcom"photos"t4rancis"E3?3!A@?!"siFes"m"in"photostream" T.ron
0ttribution*7on2ommercial*7o8eris 3.5 ?eneric $22 GK*72*78 3.5&
(nit Suggeste5 1ea5ings
6. @(ho will demand access to their personal health recordE 0 focus on the users
of health serices and what the. want.A 0ccessed Hune 65, 3565 at:;=5) $#ubMed 2entral L -pen 0ccess
3. @8eeloping Informatics Tools and !trategies for 2onsumer*centered 1ealth
2ommunication.A 0ccessed Hune 39, 3565 at:
Stu5ent +pplication +cti'ities
+55itional Materials
6. 2ommittee on Iualit. of 1ealth 2are in 0merica: 2rossing the Iualit. 2hasm: 0
7ew 1ealth !.stem for the 36st 2entur.: Institute of Medicine, (ashington, 82,
3. 8own !. (h. I (ant a Glue Gutton. 1uffington #ost. 0ailable from:*j*downs/wh.*i*want*a*blue*
). %o" !, Hones !. The !ocial Life of 1ealth Information. #ew Internet. 355;.
0ailable from:;/9*The*!ocial*Life*of*
<. #atients Like Me. c355=*3566. 0ailable from:
=. (hat (e (ant to 0chiee Through !.stems 2hanges. Getter 8iabetes 2are.
c355>. 0ailable from:
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems ):
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems )9
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
Component 7"(nit $$
(nit Title
Health IT in the 2uture
(nit 0escription
This unit will focus upon future directions for 1IT. 7ew areas of research and
deelopment in 1IT will be e"amined. !tudents will gain a foundational understanding
of these areas and will debate appropriateness and feasibilit. of new 1IT deelopment
(nit &)*ecti'es
G. the end of this unit the student will be able to:
6. !peculate the relationship between 1IT and health reform
3. !uggest alternatie design for usable C supportie 1IT
). 1.pothesiBe how 1IT ma. intersect with publicl. aailable data to improe
health $i.e. point of sale, weather, ?I!, foods, etc&
<. #redict aenues of future innoations in 1IT
(nit Topics"7ecture Titles
66.6 L 0lternatie 8esigns for 1IT
66.3 L Infodemiolog.
(nit 1e4erences
$0ll links accessible as of 6/6/3563&
7ecture $$a
6. #atient #rotection and 0ffordable 2are 0ct b. ,nited !tates 2ongress
Title III * Improing the Iualit. and Efficienc. of 1ealth. 0ailable from:
3. 8onald Gerwick, M8, the administrator of the 2enters for Medicare C Medicaid
!erices $2M!& .0mericaOs 1ealth Insurance #lans $01I#& Medicare 2onference.
0ugust 3565. 0ailable from: http:""wwwhealthcareitnewscom"news")erwick=
). 8r. Mark !mith, @1ealth IT: 1ope, and 1ow to 0oid the Foad to 1ell.A
0ailable from: http:""wwwchc4org"
7ecture $$a Images
!lide ): !creenshot of healthcare.go site. 2ourtes. healthcare.go . 0ailable
from: http:""healthcarego'
!lide <: 7urse, #atient, and Telehealth 8eice. 2ourtes. 8r. #atricia 0bbott.
!lide =: 8r. Mark !mith. 0ailable from: :
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems );
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
!lide >: Image 6. (rist 2omputer. 2ourtes. (ikimedia. 0ailable from:
uploa5wikime5iaorg" wikipe5ia "commons"?"?c"Ste'emannwristcomp*pg.
?7, -pen License.
Image 3. Got. 2ourtes. ,! 0rm.. 0ailable from: http:""usarmy'ollnw5net"e$"=
Image ). 2ow, a Greed, 2at, C Implantable 2hip. 2ourtes. 8r. #atricia
!lide :: Image 6. 2orneal smart deice L Image collage adapted from :
Image 3. i#hone concept phone . 0ailable from: http:""techisercom"ne:t=
Image ). 8isruptie demographics website. 0ailable from:
Image <. %le"i*phone . 2ourtes. Heff Mcneill. 0ailable from:
7ecture $$)
6. %leischauer, 0., 8iaB, #., C !osin, 8. $3559&. Giosureillance: 0 8efinition, !cope
and 8escription of 2urrent 2apabilit. for a 7ational !trateg.. #dvances in
Disease Surveillance 3559'=:6:=.
3. 8etmer, 8., Gloomrosen, M., Fa.mond, G., Tang, #. Integrated #ersonal 1ealth
Fecords: Transformatie Tools for 2onsumer*2entric 2are. GM2 Medical
Information 8ecision Maker. 3559: 9: <=. 0ailable from:
). E.senbach, ?. Infodemiolog. and Infoeillance: %ramework for an Emerging !et
of #ublic 1ealth Informatics Methods to 0nal.Be !earch, 2ommunication and
#ublication Gehaior on the Internet. Journal of :edical !nternet ,esearch.
0ailable from: http:""www*mirorg"#!!?"$"e$$
<. ?oogle %lu Trends. 0ailable from:
=. Looktel. (hat is LookTelE c355;*3566. 0ailable from: wwwlooktelcom
>. #atrick, J., ?riswold, (., Faab, %., Intille, !. 1ealth and the Mobile #hone. #m J
5rev :ed. 3559 0ugust' )='3: 6::*696. 0ailable from:
:. Foehr, G. 1ealth care in ,! ranks lowest among deeloped countries. Gritish
Medical Hournal, Hul. 36. 3559.
7ecture $$) Images
!lide >: Image of ?oogle %lu Trends website. 2ourtes. ?oogle %lu Trends. 0ailable
from: http:""wwwgoogleorg"4lutren5s"'i5eo"Hoogle2luTren5sD(S2lu+cti'itymo'
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems <5
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
#atrick J, ?riswold (, Faab %, Intille !. 1ealth and the Mobile #hone. 0m H #re Med.
3559 0ugust' )=$3& 6::*696. 0ailable from:
8etmer 8, Gloomrosen M, Fa.mond G, Tang #. Integrated #ersonal 1ealth Fecords:
Transformatie Tools for 2onsumer*2entric 2are. GM2 Med Inform 8ecis Mak. 3559:
9: <=. 0ailable from: http ://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go/pmc/articles/#M23=;>65< /
Stu5ent +pplication +cti'ities
+55itional Materials
E.senbach ?. Infodemiolog. and Infoeillance: %ramework for an Emerging !et of
#ublic 1ealth Informatics Methods to 0nal.Be !earch, 2ommunication and #ublication
Gehaior on the Internet. Hournal of Medical Internet Fesearch. 0ailable from:;/6/e66
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems <6
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
Component +cronym Hlossary
08TD0dmission, 8ischarge, Transfer
01IM0D0merican 1ealth Information Management 0ssociation
01FID0genc. for 1ealth 2are Iualit. and Fesearch
0!#Dapplication serice proider
G2M0DGar 2ode Medication 0dministration
GM!Dbed management s.stem
2M!D2enters for Medicare and Medicaid !erices
2-(!Dcomputers on wheels
2#-ED2omputeriBed #roider -rder Entr.
2#F!DcomputeriBed patient record s.stem
EG#DEidence Gased #ractice
E1FDElectronic 1ealth Fecords
e*M0FDelectronic medication administration record
E#1IDElectronic #rotected 1ealth Information
?,IDgraphical user interface
1IED1ealth Information E"changes
1IM!!D1ealth Information Management !.stems !ociet.
1I- D1ealth Information -rganiBation
1I##0D1ealth Insurance #ortabilit. and 0ccountabilit. 0ct
1ITE21 0ctD1ealth Information Technolog. for Economic and 2linical 1ealth 0ct
1ITD1ealth Information Technolog.
I-MDInstitute of Medicine
I!-DInternational !tandards -rganiBation
LI!Dlaborator. information s.stem
L-I72DLogical -bseration Identifiers 7ame and 2odes
LT2Dlong term care
MF7Dmedical record number
71I7D7ational 1ealth Information 7etwork
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems <3
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
7I!TD7ational Institute of !tandards
7T!GD7ational Transportation and !afet. Goard
-72D-ffice of the 7ational 2oordinator for 1ealth Information Technolog.
#02!Dpicture archiing and communication s.stem
#80D#ersonal 8igital 0ssistant
#1ID#rotected 1ealth Information
#1FDpersonal health record
FI!Dradiolog. information s.stem
!7%D!killed 7ursing %acilit.
,28D,ser*2entered 8esign
,ML*,nited Modeling Language
,!GD,niersal !erial Gus
40D8epartment of 4eterans 0ffairs
48TD4isual 8ispla. Terminals
4ist0D4eterans 1ealth Information !.stems and Technolog. 0rchitecture
(II%MD(hats in it for me
1ealth IT (orkforce 2urriculum (orking with 1ealth IT !.stems <)
4ersion ).5/!pring 3563
This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()
Creati'e Commons +ttri)ution=%onCommercial=Share+like 3!
This work is license5 un5er the Creati'e Commons +ttri)ution=%onCommercial=
Share+like 3! (nporte5 7icense To 'iew a copy o4 this license/ 'isit
http:""creati'ecommonsorg"licenses")y=nc=sa"3!" or sen5 a letter to Creati'e
Commons/ $7$ Secon5 Street/ Suite 3!!/ San 2rancisco/ Cali4ornia/ ?<$!E/ (S+
08T+I7S o4 the %onCommercial=Share+like 3! (nporte5 license:
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Note7 Use of these materials is considered ;non8commercial< for all educational
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This material was developed by Johns Hopkins University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National oordinator for Health !nformation Technolo"y under #ward Number !U$%O&&&'()

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