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Samantha Baynes & Vicky Cain, Physiotherapists

AdulLs aged 63 and over spend on average 10 hours or more each day slLLlng or lylng down. 1hls makes Lhem Lhe mosL sedenLary age group. 1hls ls
lncreased 10 fold for lnpaLlenLs due Lo lllness/ln[ury (nPS cholces 2013). !onaLhan 8adcllff and 8oger SmlLh (2007) sLaLe LhaL paLlenLs ln a ward seLLlng
were spendlng only 7 of Lhelr Llme lnvolved ln group lnLeracLlon. 1here ls sLrong evldence (ulckens eL al 2011) (1homas 2011) (nPS Cholces 2013)
(umberson & ManLez 2010) LhaL soclal lnLeracLlon ln Lhe form of group parLlclpaLlon lmproves cognlLlve funcLlon, decreases anxleLy, lmproves mood,
enhances moLlvaLlon, lncreases confldence and encourages soclal lnLeracLlon. 1hese Lhen lead Lo a beLLer physlcal ouLcome and a greaLer level of

1o look aL paLlenL moLlvaLlon, compllance and
en[oymenL wlLh Lherapy by promoLlng soclal
lnLeracLlon Lhrough Lhe group slLuaLlons we

1he exerclse group
8ange of movemenL exerclses
8eslsLed exerclses
SlLuaLed ln ward day room

1he overall feedback was very poslLlve and paLlenLs felL LhaL Lhey beneflLLed and en[oyed Laklng parL ln Lhe group sesslons. We observed hlgher levels of
lnLeracLlon and moLlvaLlon posL group classes and lmproved compllance was demonsLraLed by paLlenLs keen Lo reLurn Lhe followlng week. 1he Leam dld
however come across several llmlLaLlons.
ShorLage of sLaff
Plgh volume of ouLslde agency sLaff
Lack of approprlaLe paLlenLs

When sLafflng levels have lmproved we plan Lo revlew Lhe effecLlveness of our group sesslons by:
LnllsLlng asslsLance from all Leam members Lo collaLe lnformaLlon.
Carry ouL Lhe PAus on admlsslon and dlscharge of selecLed paLlenLs

Alderney Therapy Team: 01202 305135
Socially disengaged? Not in our club: Improving inpatients
experlences and cllnlcal ouLcomes Lhrough group acLlvlLles
8reakfasL group
1asks around acLlvlLles of
dally llvlng
luncLlonal 1asks
Pome based Lasks ln Lherapy
Soclal lnLeracLlon aL lunch
LncouragemenL Lo slL up aL
communal Lables
ApproprlaLe paLlenLs
hyslcally able
CognlLlvely able
leedback quesLlonnalres Llme consumlng wlLh Lhe larger exerclse groups
PosplLal and anxleLy depresslon scale (PAus) quesLlonnalre was noL compleLed due Lo Llme consLralnLs
I can achieve things
which I didnt feel I could
achieve before
Being in a group
"#$%& '() *$% +$,#
a laugh with others
I enjoyed the
*("-$%' $%. /0&
"(0/,$0#. "# 0( 1#0
going again
I enjoyed getting
0(1#0+#2 3+/*+
-2("(0#. "(2#
100% would take
part again
On a scale of 1-5
of how beneficial:
61% thought 5/5
64% preferred
29% preferred
Its a really good way of
1#00/%1 0( 4%(3 (0+#2
people on the ward
We would hope Lo see a reducLlon ln anxleLy and depresslon by uslng Lhe
PAus wlLh Lhe paLlenLs lnvolved ln Lhe group sesslons.
Comparing length of stay in attendees vs non attendees.

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