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Tuesday, April, 8

, 2014
Thursday, April, 10
, 2014

Anglais Franais
Fees Charges
Eldest Lain
Head quarters Sige sociale
Notice Remarque
On the spot Sur place
Risk taker Play it safe Preneur de risques Jouez la
Demanding Exigeant
Expand Elargir
Total disorder Total trouble
Lower price Baisse des prix
Prediction Prdiction/Prvision

What makes a successful company?
A successful company has to make a profit
There has to be a demand for your products
The most successful companies control the market
Successful companies have a bigger percentage of sales than
their competitors; they have a bigger market share
A company that has the biggest sales or the best-selling
product in the market is the market leader
Successful companies are always finding new market and new
opportunities to grow

Adj + noun: She speaks good English
V. + Adv: She speak English well

To make profit Keep costs as low as possible

What is success?

1. What can companies do to make profit?
Make profit. Keep costs as low as possible
Make big sales to be a demand for your product
2. What happens if a competitor brings out a better product?
We can lose customers
3. What does Jake mean he says that no company wants to sand
To expand Finding new market and new opportunities

Tuesday, April, 15
, 2014

1. Why did Gragoe think that Smoothies were good?
He thought its healthy
2. Why did he decide to sell smoothies in the UK?
They werent available in UK
3. How did he finance the new business?
He sold his flat, car and investments
4. Why did he start production in the UK?
The product dont exist in UK
5. What is PJ Smoothies market share?
PJ control 50% of the market
6. Who or what are PJ Smoothies main customers?
Big supermarket
7. How did Gragoe los 30,000
When distributor went bankrupt
8. Does Harry think it is possible to run a business when you don't
enjoy it?
No, you have got to have fun, he says you must feel really
passionate about what youre doing

CEO = Chief Executive Officer Person who heads a company

Heads a company
Lose money
Have demand
Rent an apartment
Meet fun

Anglais Franais
Heads Diriger
Healthy eating Alimentation saine
Available Disponible
Up to then Jusqu l
Cool box Glacire
Strength weakness Force faiblesse
Bankrupt / Bankruptcy (n) Faillite
Overweight Slim Gros mince
Earned lost Gagner perdre
Snack Casse-croute
Chief Executive Officer Dirigeant
Goals Objectifs
Bulk order = Commande en gros
Sugar free / salt Sans sucre ou sans sel
To get used to Shabituer
Range of product Gamme de produit
Sold out all = out of stock Rupture de stock
To save time Gagner du temps
To waste time Perdre le temps

Unskilled human resources
Insolvent customers
Financing choice

Business plan is an essential tool strategic planning (creation, growth
or extension)
It is a management tool that enables managers to make an inventory
and outline the prospects of their business It is established in 4
Market Research: Product / Service? How does the market,
competition, business strategy / positioning
Production system / Marketing / Distribution
Business organization (HR, equipment, SI)
funding Product / services to offer
Pricing policy
Products and services offered for comparison

Thursday, April, 17
, 2014

Step 1: Develop a new product idea
Step 2: Market research
Step 3: prepare a good Business plan
Step 4: Get finance
Step 5: Build a customer base

1. What percentage of business ideas fail?

2. Why do they fail?
3. What two questions does your market research need to answer?
4. What two things does a business plan help you to do
5. What does it usually include? Name three things?
6. Which step does Alan think in the most important? Why

Thursday, May, 15
, 2014

Field of dreams

Which location is best for each of the business activities 1-5
1. Bank in a town center
2. Big supermarket out of town
3. Petrol station beside a motorway
4. Duty-free shop at an airport
5. Ship building near the sea

Accommodation Infrastructure Attraction
Apartment blocks
Road links
Theme park

Historic city

Capital market A place where people and businesses can deal
in stocks and shares, raise finance and make investments
Investment bank A financial institution that specialises in
buying stocks and shares, and also gives financial advice to
Multinational company a large corporation with activities in
many different countries
Service sector The companies in an economy that dont
manufacture anything, but provide services such as banking
insurance end tourism
Shopping market A large area, often inside a huge building,
where there are lots of shops
Regional office A companys local office in a different country
or city from their main office

Collocation form
Shell is an example of a Multinational company
Hotels, restaurants and travel agent belong to the Service sector
Christian Hansen works as a share dealer for ABM Amros, an
Investment bank
Fred Pierce is going to work abroad for two years at this
companys regional office
Im going to the shopping mall to buy some clothes for my trip
Many wealthy people invest their money in the capital market

Multi-part verbs
The sun set at 6:30
Im planning to set up a new business, selling holidays abroad
If you run out of money, you may have to ask the bank for a loan
Many people leave their jobs to run their own business
We sold 50 tickets for the dhow cruise tomorrow night
I wanted a ticket for the cruise, but they were sold out
The market for luxury cruises is growing
Toms children are growing up. They are now12 and 14 years old
It took 20 years to build up the business to a chain of
It took six months to build the new block for our regional offices

An office abroad
Economy Strong
Inflation Low
Currency Stable
Prospects for growth Good
Infrastructure Good
Cost of renting office space How much
Taxation Low
Attitudes to foreign business Positive
Unemployment High
Access to regional markets Easy
Labour costs Weak

Future plans and intentions
1. We use will/wont to talk about intentions when we make the
decision now to do something in the future (dcision prise
linstant pour le future)
Well, Im sure youll have a wonderful time. I will tell the
others that you cant come
2. We use (be) going to + infinitive to talk about attentions when
the decision was already made before (faire une chose qui a t
decide aupravant)
Can you come to a meeting tomorrow at 10? We are discussing
the plans for exporting the new model and wed like to have
your ideas
Im afraid I cant Im leaving for France this evening. Im
attending the Paris sales conference
3. We use the present continuous to talk about arrangements for
things to happen at a fixed time in the future (dcider ce qui se
fera dans lavenir)
When are you coming back?
Not till next week. I staying there over the weekend

1- I will have coffee with friends Intention and decision at the
moment of
2- Im going to the cinema Intention and decision is befor
3- Im having lunch Fixed Arrangement

Work from 9am at 5p
In (year/the moment) 1999 /the evening, morning, afternoon
On (date/day) 26
may/Monday, weekend
At (hour/time) 7:00

Verb Noun
Succeed Success
Fail Failure
Export Exporter
Import Importer
Retail Retailer
Supply Supplier
Produce Product/Producer/Production

Anglais Franais
Field of dreams Zone des rves
Location Emplacement
Premises Locaux
Skyscraper Gratte-ciel
To run out Spuiser
Sand Sable
Man-made Artificielle
Designed in the shape stars Conu en forme dtoile
Led by Dirig / conduit par
Among others Entre autres
To establish Simposer
Tallest Plus haut
Tourist resort Destination touristique
Labour cost Cot de main duvre
Raw material Matires premires
Foreigners Etrangers
Set Se coucher
Set up Installer
Run Manger
Run out Epuiser / cours de..
Growing Croitre
Growing up Grandir
Build Construire
Build up Monter / Dvelopper
Loan Prt

Anglais Franais
A back Dos
A bit Un peu
A bug = insect Bug
A bully (bullies) Tyran, intimidateur
A chemist Pharmacien
A chin Menton
A close friend Ami intime
A pen friend Ami de plume
A pen pal Correspondant
A play Pice thtrale
A sum Une somme
A wider Une plus large
About A peu prs
Accommodation Hbergement
Across boarders A travers les frontires
Actually (in reality) En ralit
Addicted Intoxiqu
Advertisement (to advertise) Annonce
Advertiser Annonceur = Publicitaire
Afraid Dsol / jai peur que
Against Contre
Allow permettre
Almost entirely Presque entirement
Amazing Incroyable
Amount Quantit
An eye brow Sourcil
An eyelid Cil
Angry, irritated Fch
Annoyed, vexed Furieux
Apologize Excuse
Apologize, to say sorry Sexcuser, formule de
Area Rgion
Arown, now Maintenant
ATM Automatic Teller Machine
Attorney Reprsentant = Mandat
Auction Enchres
Awful Terrible
Backwards A lenvers
Bad smell Mauvaise odeur
Baggage collection Rcupration des bagages
Baggage/luggage Bagages
Bald Chauve
Barrister Avocat
Bath Baignoire
Be lagging Etre la traine
Beard Barbe
Beauty spot Grain de beaut
Bedclothes Draps
Behavior Comportement = conduite
Belonging Appartenance
Beyond Au-del de, sauf
Bill Facture
Billion Milliard
Boarding gate Salle dembarquement
Boarding pass Carte dembarquement
Boastful modest Vantard
Boiled Bouilli
Boring Ennuyeux
Borrow Emprunter
Bossy Autoritaire
Both Tous les deux
Brain Cerveau
Branding Limage de marque
Break monotony Briser la monotonie
Breakdown Panne
Breathe Respirer
Bridge Pont
Broke down En panne
Browse Feuilleter
Busy Occup
Butter Beurre
Can get Peut obtenir
Cant stand Je ne supporte pas
Careful Prudent, Attentif
Careless Ngligent, indiffrent
Cartoons Dessins anims
Caterer Traiteur
Cheap Pas cher
Cheek Joue
Cheerful = humorous= Optimist Enjou, Joyeux, amusant
Chest Buste / Thorax
Childbirth Accouchement
Churlish Grossier
City walls Murs de villes
Clean Propre
Closest Plus proche
Cloth Matires
Collect Recueillir
Commonly Communment
Commute Navette
Companies Entreprise
Convenience Confort = Commodit
Cooker Four
Countable Dnombrable
Coward Lche
Crack Ceiling Fissure au plafond
Crowd Foule
Crowded Surpeupl
Cupboard Placard
Curly Boucl (cheveux)
Customers Clients
Customs Douanier
Cutlery Couteaux
Dairy product Produit laitier
Data Donnes, info personnelle
Deals Offres
Deals with payment Traiter les payements
Decrease Diminuer
Delayed Retard
Dependable Fiable
Desk top PC
Dilemma Dilemme
Directed and starred by Orson
Ralis et jou par Orson
Discover facts Dcouvrir des faits
Diseases Maladies
Disgusted Dgot
Dish Plat
Dishwasher Lave-vaisselle
Disorderly Dsordonn
Drawback = Disadvantage Inconvnient
Drawer Tiroirs
Drug Comprims
Dry Sec
Earn money Gagner de largent
Earthquake Tremblement terre
Easy Facile
Eggplant Aubergine
Either Non plus
Eldest Ain
Employed Occup
Employee Employ
Employer Employeur
Employment Emploi
Engaged Fianailles
Entered Entrer, participer, joindre
Everyone Tout le monde
Expect Attendre
Expects Attend
Expensive = Costly Cher
Faithful Fidel
Fall Tomber
Famous /well know / celebrity Clbre = Connu
Famous = popular Clbre
Fanny Drle, amusant
FAR Loin
Fashionable En vogue = la mode
Fatty food / Oily Aliments gras
Fell down/ Collapsed Tomb / Effondr
Field Domaine
Fields Champs
Financial depression Crise financire
Find out Savoir
Findings Rsultats
Fire-fighter Pompier
Flat Appartement
Flatmate Colocataire
Forbidden/not allowed Interdits, non autoris
Forehead Front
Foreign Etranger
Fortnight 15 jours
Fridge Rfrigrateur
Frighten Effray
Furious, enraged Furieux
Getting to gather Sortir ensemble
Give up smoking = stop
Arrter de fumer
Go abroad/go to another
Aller ltranger
Good behavior Bonne conduite
Good deals Bonne affaires
Good filing Un bon systme
Good listener A lcoute
Good will Volont
Goods Produits / Marchandise
Habits Habitudes
Had a puncture Crevaison
Hardworking Travailleur
Harmful nocif
Has a diet Suit un rgime alimentaire
Hate = Dislike Har
Heads Pile
Health Sant
Heard of Entendre parler
Heels Talons aiguille
Height Hauteur
Hide Hid Cacher
Hide and seek Cache-Cache
High Elev
Highlighted Mis en vidence
Hiking Randonne
Hills Collines
Hits Rsultats
Honest Franc
Horse riding Equitation
Host Hte/htesse
Huge Enorme, beaucoup
Huge house Trs grande maison
I couldnt sleep a wink Je nai pas ferm lil
Im using to / Im accustomed
Je suis habitue
Ive got a pain in my back J'ai une douleur dans mon dos
Ill, sick Malade
Illness / Sickness / Disease Maladie
Imitation blending Imitation aveugle
Impact Effet = incidence
Increase Augmenter
Inexpensive Peu coteux
Is away this weekend Est absent ce week-end
It sounds Il me semble (coute et voit)
Its worth seeing Mrite dtre vue
Journey/travel/trip Voyage
Joyful Joyeux
Junk = unhealthy Mal sain
Just under Un peu moins
Keep worm Se tenir au chaud / se couvrir
Keeps Garde
Keynotes Mot cls
Knowledge Connaissance - Savoir faire
Lack Manque
Lamb Agneau
Land Terre
Laptop PC portable
Laught at, scoff, mock Se moquer
Launch Lancement / lancer
Lazy Paresseux
Lead a stressful life Mener une vie stressante
Leaflets Brochures
Leisure = free time = time of Loisir
Length Longueur
Lift = Elevator Ascenseur
Lively = relaxing Anim = Relaxant
Low Bas
Magic ply tricks Tour de magie
Maid Femme de mnage
Main topic Thme principal
Mainly Principalement
Make someone feel at ease Faire quelqu'un l'aise
Make up my mind Assurer et amliorer mon
Making suggestion Faire une proposition
Manufacture Fabrication
Measles Rougeole
Medicines = Medication Mdicaments
Memories Souvenirs
Microwave Micro-ondes
Midwife Sage-femme
Mild serious Pas fort/lger/pas srieux
Misanthropist Misanthrope philanthropie
Missed Rater
Misunderstanding Malentendu
Monitor Surveiller
Motorway Autoroute
Mug Tasse
Mushrooms Champignons
Narrow minded Born
Nasty Mchant
Near ct
Necklace Collier
Necktie Cravate
Neither of them Aucun dentre eux
Nice Agrable
No hiding place Pas de cachette
Noisy Bruyant
Novels Roman
Off the peg Prt porter
Offers Offer
On point in favor of Le point en faveur de
Open minded Esprit ouvert
Outgoing = Friendly Ouvert, sociable, amicale
Over Plus que
Pain full Beaucoup de douleur
Pain killer Analgsique
Patterned Motifs
Pie Tarte
Plates Assiettes
Pots and pans Casseroles
Poultry Volaille
Power cut Panne dlectricit
Prawns Crevettes
Pretty Beau
Quick Rapide
Quit Calme
Quite often Assez souvent
Rather Plutt
Recognize Reconnatre
Records Archives
Relatives Relation
Reliable Fiable - Sur
Relief to cure Soulagement
Rely on Compter sur qq
Requests Demande
Retailers Dtaillant
Roast Rti
Rob some one of his money Priver quelquun de son
Rock climbing Escalade
Room mate Compagnon de chambre
Rowing Ramer
Rucksack Sac dos
Rude Grossier
Runs Dirige
Safe Scurisant
Sales rep Reprsentant commercial
Salespeople Commerciaux/vendeurs
Sausages Saucisses
Scare Peur
Search engine Moteur de recherche
Seem Paraitre
Seize the opportunity Saisir loccasion
Seldom Rarement
Self-made Qui a russi par ses propres
moyens (adjectif)
Several Plusieurs
Shaped Forme
Share-holder Actionnaire
Shaved Ras
Shelf Etagre
Shell fish Crustacs
Should have a rest Prendre du repos
Showed Montrer
Shy Timide
Side effects Effets indsirables
Sights Spectacles
Sightseeing Tourisme
Silly Idiot, bizarre
Skill = an ability Comptence = aptitude
Skillful = talented = gifted Dou = talentueux = brillant
Skin Peau
Sky-rocketing En flche, rapidement
Skyscraper Gratte-Ciel
Slavery Esclavage
Sleeping bag Sac de couchage
Smelly Malodorant
Snail mail = email Courrier escargot (lent)
So as to / in order to Afin de
Somewhere Quelque part
Sore Maux
Sore throat Maux de gorge
Soundtracks Bandes sonores
Spare wheel Roue de secours
Spicy Epic
Steal Voler
Steal money Voler de largent
Stewardess Htesse de laire
Strawberries Fraise
Strike the balance Trouver le juste quilibre
Strong Fort
Stubborn Entt
Stuffy Bouch, born
Substantial Important
Successful Russi
Suddenly Soudainement
Suppliers Fournisseurs
Suppliers Fournisseurs
Surveys Enqutes
Sweet Sucr
Tails Face
Talented = gifted Talentueux = dou
Tan Bronzage
Target market March cible
Taste Got
Tasteless Fade sans got
Tasty Savoureux, dlicieux
Teenager Adolescent
The average Moyenne
The end justifies the means La fin justifie les moyens
Thirsty Assoiff
Tied back Attachs en arrire
Tiny Minuscule
Tiring Fatiguant
To ache = to hurt Avoir mal
To advise / For advice Pour avis
To agree with some one Se mettre daccord
To apologize = to ask pardon Sexcuser
To appeal to De faire appel ..
To appoint somebody to a job =
to choose somebody for a job
Offrir un poste qq
To attract Pour attire
To avoid Eviter
To be keen on doing something
= To be interested in Sth
Dsireux de faire qq, prt ..
To be promoted A promouvoir
To behave badly Se comporter mal
To behavior well Avoir un bon comportement
To bid Faire une offre
To boast Se vanter
To book Rserver
To bridge the gap Pour combler le foss
To bully Tyranniser, intimider
To cater / To provide food Fournir la nourriture
To confess = to admit Admettre
To cough Tousser
To deny Nier
To deserve Etre digne de
To disagree Dsaccord
To expand Dvelopper
To feel better Etre mieux
To find out Savoir
To go on strike Faire grve
To go to pilgrim Aller la Mecque
To have a raise in your salary Pour avoir une augmentation
de salaire
To have confidence in some
Avoir confiance en quelquun
To have health problem Avoir un problme de sant
To improve Amliorer
To keep you awake A vous tenir veill
To laugh Rire
To lie Sallonger
To likewise Faire la mme chose
To lose weight Perdre du poids
To make a decision Dcider
To merge Fusionner
To move on to Passer autre chose
To offend = to insult Offenser, insulter
To put on weight Prendre du poids
To recover / To recover from
an illness = to be better = to
To set up = To establish Mettre en place
To share Partager
To sneeze Eternuer
To solve a problem = To fin
solution to a problem
Rsoudre un problme
To speak as behalf of the
Parler au nom du groupe
To star Briller, tre vedette
To store Stocker
To supply = To provide Fournir
To tip toe Marcher sur la pointe
To trust Confiance
To upset Bouleverser
Top end Haut gamme = fin de srie
Topic Sujet
Torn jeans Jeans dchirs
Towels Serviettes
Tracking Puces
Trade union Syndicat
Trainers Espadrille
Trustworthy Fiable/digne de confiance
Try on Essayer
Two face = hypocrite Hypocrite
Ugly Laid
Uncountable Indnombrable
Unemployed, jobless Chmage
Unemployment = Joblessness Chmage
Untidily Dsordre
Unusual = Something strong Inhabituel
Unwillingly Contre son gr
Up till Jusqu..
Up to now Jusqu prsent
Updates Mise jour
Virtual teams Equipe virtuelle
Waiters / Waitress Serveur
Wander Errer
Wardrobe Armoire
Waste Gaspillage
Waterfalls Chutes deau
Watermelon Pastque
Wave Vagues
Weak Faible
Wearing Shabiller = Porter
Weird = Strong Bizarre
Wet Humide
Wheat Bl
Wig Perruque
Will Testament
Wonder Merveille
Wooden Bois
Worst Pire
Wrong Erreur, mal,

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