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I) Read the each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it.

The error, if any will

be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is 'D'.
(Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).
1. (sole as per the direction gien aboe)
!) "e discussed about the problem so thoroughly
#) on the ee of the e$amination
%) That I found it ery easy to wor& it out.
D) 'o error.
(. (sole as per the direction gien aboe)
!) !n Indian ship
#) laden with merchandise
%) got drowned in the )acific *cean.
D) 'o error.
+. (sole as per the direction gien aboe)
!) I could not put up in a hotel
#) because the boarding and lodging charges
%) were e$orbitant.
D) 'o error.
,. (sole as per the direction gien aboe)
!) The Indian radio
#) which was preiously controlled by the #ritish rulers
%) is free now from the narrow ested interests.
D) 'o error.
II. Read the following comprehension and sole the -uestions gien below.
1) The human body can tolerate only a small range of temperature, especially when the person is
engaged in igorous actiity. /eat reactions usually occur when large amounts of water and0or salt are
lost through e$cessie sweating following strenuous e$ercise. "hen the body becomes oerheated and
cannot eliminate this e$cess heat, heat e$haustion and heat stro&e are possible.
/eat e$haustion is generally characteri1ed by clammy s&in, fatigue, nausea, di11iness, profuse
perspiration, and sometimes fainting, resulting from an inade-uate inta&e of water and the loss of
fluids. 2irst aid treatment for this condition includes haing the ictim lie down, raising the feet 3 to
1( inches, applying cool, wet cloths to the s&in, and giing the ictim sips of salt water (1 teaspoon
per glass, half a glass eery 14 minutes) oer a 15hour period. /eat stro&e is much more serious6 it is
an immediate life5threatening situation. The characteristics of heat stro&e are a high body temperature
(which may reach 1789 2 or more)6 a rapid pulse6 hot, dry s&in6 and a bloc&ed sweating mechanism.
:ictims of this condition may be unconscious, and first5aid measures should be directed at -uic&ly
cooling the body. The ictim should be placed in a tub of cold water or repeatedly sponged with cool
water until his or her temperature is sufficiently lowered. 2ans or air conditioners will also help with
the cooling process. %are should be ta&en, howeer, not to oer5chill the ictim once the temperature
is below 17(9 2.
4. The most immediate concern of a person tending to a ictim of heat stro&e should be to
a. get salt into the ictim's body.
b. raise the ictim's feet.
c. lower the ictim's pulse.
d. lower the ictim's temperature.
8. "hich of the following is a symptom of heat e$haustion;
a. unconsciousness
b. profuse sweating
c. hot, dry s&in
d. a wea& pulse
<. /eat stro&e is more serious than heat e$haustion because heat stro&e ictims
a. do not sweat.
b. hae no salt in their bodies.
c. cannot ta&e in water.
d. hae fre-uent fainting spells.
3. =ymptoms such as nausea and di11iness in a heat e$haustion ictim indicate that the person most
li&ely needs to
a. be immediately ta&en to a hospital.
b. be gien more salt water.
c. be immersed in a tub of water.
d. sweat more.
() The walnut tree produces wood that is used for countless purposes, and is considered the finest
wood in the world. The wood is easy to wor& with, yet it is ery hard and durable>and when it is
polished, it produces a rich, dar& luster. It also shrin&s and swells less than any other wood, which
ma&es it especially desirable for fine furniture, flooring, and een gun stoc&s.In fact, ?ust about eery
part of the walnut is unusually hard and strong. The nut of the tree is encased inside a ery hard shell,
which itself is enclosed in a leathery outer coering called a hus&. It re-uires real effort to brea&
through those layers to get at the tasty meat inside.
@et eery part of the walnut is useful to people. The outer hus& produces a dar& reddish stain
that is hard to remoe from the hands of the person who opens the nut, and this pigment is widely used
in dyes and wood stains. The inner shell is used as an abrasie to clean ?et engines. !nd the meat of
the nut is e$tensiely used in coo&ing, ice cream, flaorings>and ?ust eaten raw. "alnut trees e$ude a
chemical into the soil near their roots which can be poisonous to some trees and shrubs. 2ruit trees, for
e$ample, will not surie if planted too close to a walnut. Aany other plants, such as maple trees or
iy, are not affected by the walnut's presence, and are well5suited to grow in its icinity.
B. "hat is the topic of this passage;
a. the use of walnut wood in furniture
b. walnut trees
c. where to plant walnuts
d. trees of 'orth !merica
17. "hat is the main idea of the passage;
a. Trees are used for many things.
b. Aaple trees grow well with walnuts.
c. "alnuts can &ill other trees.
d. "alnut trees are aluable when planted correctly.
11. !s used in the passage, the underlined word abrasie most nearly means
a. rough.
b. disagreeable.
c. soft.
d. fragrant.
1(. The author of the passage probably beliees that
a. walnut trees are endangered.
b. people should recycle more
c. people should grow walnut trees if possible.
d. maple trees are not good for furniture ma&ing.
1+. !s used in the passage, the underlined word e$ude most nearly means
a. gie off.
b. na&ed.
c. smell bad.
d. leae the area.
III) In the following the -uestions choose the word which best e$presses the meaning of the gien
1,) %*R)CDE'T
!) Dean #) Faunt %) Emaciated D) *bese
14) #RIE2
!) Dimited #) =mall %) Dittle D) =hort
I:) Today most businessmen are ery worried. To begin with, they are not used to competition. In the
past they sold whateer ...(18)... produced at whateer prices they chose. #ut ...(1<)... increasing
competition, customers began to ...(13)... and choose. Imports suddenly became ...(1B)... aailable and
that too at cheaper ...((7)...
('ote.5 %hoose the aboe blan&s with suitable answers which are gien below)
18. !) It #) /e %) they D) we
1<. !) "ith #) #y %) !fter D) 2rom
13. !) #uy #) Ta&e %) )ic& D) "ant
1B. !) hardly #) easily %) fre-uently D) coneniently
(7. !) costs #) returns %) diidend D) prices
1. GGGGGGGGGGGG is data that has been organi1ed or presented in a meaningful fashion.
!. ! process
#. =oftware
%. =torage
D. Information
(. The name for the way that computers manipulate data into information is called.
!. programming.
B. processing.
%. storing.
D. organi1ing.
+. %omputers gather data, which means that they allow users to GGGGGGGGGGGG data.
!. present
B. input
%. output
D. store
,. !fter a picture has been ta&en with a digital camera and processed appropriately, the actual print of
the picture is considered.
!. data.
B. output.
%. input.
D. the process.
4. %omputers use the GGGGGGGGGGGG language to process data.
!. processing
#. &ilobyte
C. binary
D. representational
8. %omputers process data into information by wor&ing e$clusiely with.
!. multimedia.
#. words.
%. characters.
D. numbers.
<. "hat is #=EGGGGGGGG( )
!) #ombay =toc& E$change
#) #ra1il =toc& E$change
%) #huwaneswar stoc& e$change
3 . ! string of eight 7s and 1s is called a.
!. megabyte.
B. byte.
%. &ilobyte.
D. gigabyte.
B. GGGGGGGGGGGG is any part of the computer that you can physically touch.
A. Hardware
#. ! deice
%. ! peripheral
D. !n application
17. In the binary language each letter of the alphabet, each number and each special character is made
up of a uni-ue combination of.
!. eight bytes.
#. eight &ilobytes.
%. eight characters.
D. eight bits.
11. "hich of the following is used in pencils;
!) Fraphite #) =ilicon %) %harcoal D) )hosphorous
1(. The gas usually filled in the electric bulb is
!) nitrogen #) hydrogen %) carbon dio$ide D) o$ygen
1+. "hich of the gas is not &nown as green house gas;
!) Aethane #) 'itrous o$ide %) %arbon dio$ide D) /ydrogen
1,. 2or which of the following disciplines is 'obel )ri1e awarded;
!) )hysics and %hemistry
#) )hysiology or Aedicine
%) Diterature, )eace and Economics
D) !ll of the aboe
14. The o1one layer restricts
!) :isible light #) Infrared radiation
%) H5rays and gamma rays D) Cltraiolet radiation
18. Ecology deals with
!) #irds #) %ell formation %) Tissues
D) Relation between organisms and their enironment
1<. DRDD stands for
!) Defence Research and Deelopment Daboratary
#) Department of Research and Deelopment Daboratory
%) Differential Research and Documentation Daboratary
D) 'one of the aboe
13. Durand %up is associated with the game of
!) %ric&et #) 2ootball %) /oc&ey D) :olleyball
1B. /ead-uarters of C'* are situated at
!) 'ew @or&, C=! #) /a-ue ('etherlands)
%) Fenea D) )aris
(7. India has largest deposits of GGGG in the world.
!) gold #) copper %) mica D) 'one of the aboe

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