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Big bang model of testing

-Concentrates on each ..something like dis
-concentrates on each model something kike dis
2. Test plan captures
Different milestones
3. A manual testing technique in which the author presents/tells the logic code and programe
module to a group of persons /colleagues, error detection but not correction
4. A technique in which of persons discuss for creatie and !something solution
".#efect is deviation from standards
$.%ocalisation testing is
Target particular locale/culture
Target any locale/culture
&.'hat are testing actiities inoled in design phase
(.The testing that inoled internal logic/code white bo.
).Blac* bo+ testing chec*s the re!uirements
1,.-ne more question on white bo+ testing!
11..oot cause anal/sis is done in acceptance testing.
12.Testing team should hae
#omain *nowledge
#ata base *nowledge
Tools 0+pertise
13.'hich is not done b/ test manager test eecution
14.Test case priorit/ depends upon
1ustomer priorit/
2tabilit/ if functions
3mpacted functionalit/
1".4on5statistical technique of testing
2catter chart
.un chart
1$.generall/ to chec* to memor/ oerflow stress testing can be used
1&.8olume testing chec*s the physical and logical limits of system capacity
1(.The testing for a new software to chec* whether it can handle ma9or testing eents
!..something li*e this.
#anity testing
1).what is another name for functional testing:
2,.Desk check$
8erification technique conducted b/ the author of the artifact to erif/ the
21. 1ost of qualit/;
<one/ spend aboe and be/ond e+pected production costs, this inoles
preention,appraisal,internal=e+ternal failure costs
22. Test strateg/;
3t is statement of oerall approach of testing to meet the business and test
ob9ecties . it identifies the methods , techniques and tools to be used for testing.
A test strateg/ will t/picall/ coer the following aspects
#efinition of test ob9ectie
2trateg/ to meet the specified ob9ectie
-erall testing approach
Test enironment
Test automation requirements
<etric plan
.is* identification, <itigation and contingenc/ plan
#etails of tools usage
2pecific #ocument templates used in testing
23. 6ow identif/ the test case:
Test case %D 3t is unique number gien to test case in order to be identified.
24. Test e+ecution consist of following actiities to be performed
1reation of test setup or testbed
0+ecution of test cases on the setup
Test methodolog/ used
1ollection of metrics
#efect trac*ing and reporting
.egression testing
2". There are two approaches in integration testing
2$. 3ntegration testing;
Tests partial s/stems composed of integrated components.
2&.Bottom5up approach @using test driers
2(.2/stem testing;
Test cases are based on the s/stem specification
3t is critical part of the testing process as the s/stem is erified as a whole.
2). Aenerall/ to chec* memor/ oerflow5s/stem testing can be used.
3,.'hat ma*es a good test engineer:
A strong desire for qualit/, and an attention to detail.
31. -rder of testing
Bnit, integration, s/stem, alidation..>the/ changed the order. B will find correctl/?
32. &eview is an actiit/ carried out to erif/ the documents at different stages foe its
completeness, correctness = consistenc/.
33.3n which phase it is least cost to correct the errors
Anal/sis = #esign
34. 7unctional testing is black bo testing
3". The graphical representation of the test data sets 'lowchart
3$. Cualit/ control is a validation process.
3&. Test e+ecution consist of
1reation of test setup/bed, e+ecution of test cases, defect trac* and report.
3(.Actiites done in requirement phase testing
Templates, test plan, test strateg/, acceptance criteria
3).8alidation means
Assures that the end product meets the userDs needs.
4,.Test case contains;
3nput = e+pected output.
41. cost of qualit/ definition.
42. -b9ectie of formal reiew is to find defects.
43. <itigation plan @ (ow to avoid risk
44.The e+ecution order of test case depends on
7unctional interdependenc/
Test case priorit/
Both a = b
4". 7unctional testing tools
.ational robot
'in runner
8isual test
All of the aboe
4$. Test case sheet contains
Test case 3#, e+ecution procedure, function to be tested, results
4&. #eising of test cases basing on functionalit/ is )lack bo testing
4(. A bit li*e!.. There are some AB3 screens how u test it:
Bsing winrunner
4).1harecteristics of a good test
Tests are li*el/ it catch bugs
4o redundanc/
4ot to simple or too comple+
"ll the above
",. 0quialence class is a subset of data that is representative of large class.
"1. 1ontingenc/5what to do if the risk were to occur
"2. )ug reporter is medium of communicator b/w tester and deeloper.
"3. )eta testing is done outside organiEation
"4. CA load is performance testing
""!!!!..testing are done during test plan .
Bnit and integration
2/stem = regression
"ll the above
"$.Test plan is the one that describes oerall approach of testing .
"&.%oad test is
0+amines s/s performance at abnormal frequenc/, load, olume
0+amines whether s/s performance at threshold limit pass/fail
)oth a * b
"(. <emor/ profile is done using which tool +oad runner
"). Testing comes to an end when
Test cases e+ecuted with certain F passed
Test budget depleted
#onDt remember
"ll the above
$,. Gerformance testing is done to erif/
6ardware = software performance
-ptimum configuration
.esponse time brea*
"ll the above
$1.Test plan contains its direct quest
$* mitigation specifies how to avoid risks
$3. #es* chec* is verification techni!ue conducted by author to verify completeness
$4. static anal/sis is done for
all the above
$". Testing team should hae
#omain *nowledge
#atabase *nowledge
Tools e+pertise
$$. 'hat should be done after ris* identification
.is* mitigation = contingenc/ plan
3mpact anal/sis = procedures
.ewrite test cases
)oth a * b
$&. 3nstallation testing is
To ensure that necessar/ components of application are installed
To chec* whether the uninstallation wor*s fine of the installed s/stem.
$(. Grimar/ purpose of testing is
To ensure that product meets the userDs requirements specification.
$). olume testing is used
To determeine logical and functional limits of a s/stem
&,.'ipro template is a reference used of
3000 std. (2)51)(3
&1. Grogram code siEe can be determined from ,+-C
&2. 0+haustie testing is impossible
&3. Testing is stopped when!!!..
&4. Cualit/ 1ontrol comes under .alidation process
&". win runner is a 'unctional automation testing tool
&$. %ocaliEation testing is
"dapting graphics for a specific culture/locale.
/roduct0s !uality for a particular target culture/locale.
11. &egression testing is .
12. Test plan is .. ans$all of the above
13. There are some 45 test cses to be eecuted and to complete it do you
"c!uire 45 testers.
"c!uire 64 testers.
Use a win runner automation tool.
Do not use win runner !utomation tool.
25. capture and replay are !utomation tools of
"ll of the above
29. Which testing techni!ue re!uires devised test cases in order to test internal logic of code
White box testing
)lack bo testing
:rey bo testing
#ome option
(2. #efect are classified as
#everity and priority
Test cases and priorit/
1ode and priorit/
Test engineer and code
(3. 1apture and repla/ tools are used for
#atabase quer/
:;% application
2ome option
All of the aboe
(4. 2T%1 stands for
2oftware Testing %ife 1/cle
2oftware Technical %ife 1/cle
2ome thing
(". A good tester has characteristics
Tact and diplomac/
Attention to detail
Aood communication s*ill
"ll of the above
($. Aoal of !!!!!. Testing is to handle international mar*et without an/ displa/ problem
:lobali<ation testing
2ecurit/ testing
.egression testing
2ome option
(&. 'hich testing is to determine if a new software ersion is performing will enough to accept it
for ma9or testing effort
#anity testing
.egression testing
((. Hou hae ",, users which are to log into s/stem simultaneousl/. 'hat has to be done to
chec* behaiour of s/stem
.ecruits ",, testers
Bse tool li*e winrunner
;se tool like load runner
2ome option
(). #efinition of audit
),. 'hat has to be done in design phase
/repare and verify test case and test script= prepare traceability matri as per re!uirement
Grepare test plan
)1. which is not part of formal reiew
.eiew is to be done in small groups
An/ issues has to be prepared in adance
1onducted b/ *nowledgeable member *nown as a moderator who is not an author of product
being reiewed or member of team
"uthor should always take part in review
)2. 2uppose there is a high seerit/ defect in s/stem. 'hat should be done
#uspend testing until that defect is fied and again resume testing
)3. Test strateg/ is
%t is done in line to meet business and test ob>ectives
)4. 'hat is test case:
)". 'hat is reiew:
3t is an actiit/ carried out to chec* consistenc/, completeness and correctness of documents at
different stages.
)$. 'hich one is not a alid blac* bo+ testing technique
8rror guessing
)&. 'ipro has specific templates in elociq
These templates are fleible and we can use client templates or by our own

)(. 7unctional testing also *nown as
)lack bo testing
)). )ug reporter is medium of communicator between tester and deeloper.
1,,. Test strateg/ definition:
1,1. !!! Testing is done outside organiEation
1,2. CA load is
/erformance testing tool
1,3. !!!! testing are done during test plan
1,4. !!!.. is the one that describes oerall approach of testing
Test plan
1,". %oad test
8amines #ystem performance at abnormal fre!uency= load= volume and eamines whether
system performance at threshold limit pass or fail
1,$. <emor/ Grofilling is done using which tool
+oad runner
1,&. Testing comes to an end when
Test cases eecuted with certain ? passed=Test budget depleted
1,(. Gerformance testing is done to erif/
(ardware and software performance= optimum configuration= &esponse time break
1,). Test plan contains!!!!.
11,. .is* mitigation specifies
(ow to avoid risks
111. 'hat is des* chec*:
.erification techni!ue conducted by author to verfy completeness
112. 2tatic anal/sis is done for
&e!uirement= analysis=coding
113. Testing team should hae
Domain knowledge= database knowledge=tools epertise
114. 'hat should be done after ris* identification
&isk mitigation and contingerncy plan= %mpact analysis and procedures
11". #es* chec* testing:
11$. .oles of pro9ect manager, team leader, team member:
11&. Test strateg/, test plan concepts:
11(. .eiew, wal* through:
11). 8arious t/pes of testing tools:
Testing techniques;
2tress, load
12,. 8erfication and alidation:
121. 7ull form of 3000:
122. Bench mar* testing
123. localiEation or globaliEation:
124. 'hich tool is used for performance testing
+oad runner
12". 'hat is the reason for bug:
/rogramming error= software compleity
12$. Big bang model of testing:
12&. 'hat is acceptance testing:
12(. 'hat are the tools used for load testing:
Winrunner= loadrunner= robust
12). 'hat is the need of separate testing team:
#trangers can do the testing more accurately
Conflict of interest between developers and testers reduces
13,. 'hat is reiew:
131. 'hat is qualit/ assurance:
132. 6ow will /ou identif/ a test case:
;sing test case id
133. 'hats not there in a test plan:
#7w re!uirements= test environment= test re!uirements management
134. 'hat is the need of Cualit/ 1ontrol:
13". 'hat is test strateg/:
1. Preparation for the review meeting is mandatory in which form of review.
a. Code Inspection
b. Code Walkthrough
c. Technical Review
d. None of the above
. !uthor shall not act as """""""""""" in Code #nspection.
a. #nspection $eader
b. Reader
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
%. Code #nspection team can have minimum """""""" no. of participants.
a. 3
b. &
d. '
(. Who should not participate in the Code #nspection meeting)
a. Testing Team $eader
b. Program Manager
c. *oth a and b
d. None of the above
+. What is true about Comparison Testing)
a. Run all versions in parallel with a real-time comparison of results.
b. Run different versions one by one with a real,time comparison of results.
c. -se same teams to develop independent versions of the software.
d. Test each version with different test data
&. .pecification based testing is a
a. Testing techniue
b. Test .trategy
c. Test case design
d. None of the above
/. 0ollowing is N1T a testing techni2ue
a. .pecification based
b. Code,based
c. Bread testing
d. .pecific techni2ue
'. Client3.erver Testing is a
a. .pecification based Test Techni2ue
b. Code,based Test Techni2ue
c. Thread testing Test Techni2ue
d. !omain "pecific test techniue
4. *lack bo5 test design is also called as
a. Re2uirement,based test design
b. 0unctional test design
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
16. The purpose of Re2uirement,based testing is only to
a. 0ind incorrect or missing functionality
b. 7radicate Performance errors
c. 0ind presence of #nitiali8ation and termination errors
d. #ll of the above
11. Re2uirement,based testing guarantees testing against
a. Positive testing
b. Negative testing
c. -se case testing
d. #ll of the above
1. 0ollowing is N1T a re2uirement,based test case design techni2ue
a. 72uivalent Partitioning
b. Branch Coverage
c. *oundary 9alue !nalysis
d. Cause 7ffect :raphing
1%. ! possible programming element to determine e2uivalent input class
a. Range
b. 9alue
c. a or b
d. 1nly a
1(. ;ividing the input domain in to classes of data to arrive at test cases is a
a. Code based techni2ue
b. Reuirement based techniue
c. *oth a and b
d. None of the above
1+. When a programming element has valid value and valid length< to derive test cases we
re2uire techni2ue
a. 72uivalence Class Range
b. $uivalence Class %alue
c. 72uivalence Class .et
d. 72uivalence Class *oolean
1&. Complementary techni2ue of *oundary 9alue !nalysis is
a. $uivalent Partitioning
b. Cause 7ffect :raphing
c. *ranch coverage analysis
d. Cyclomatic Comple5ity
1/. Possible tests for a range of values bounded by a and b are
a. =a,1>< a< =a?1>
b. =b,1>< b< =b?1>
c. a and b
d. a or b
1'. .teps to arrive at test cases using Cause 7ffect :raphing Techni2ues are
a. decision table rules are converted to test cases
b. ! cause@effect graph developed
c. :raph converted to a decision table
d. "euence of steps as a& b& c
14. The techni2ue to test and arrive at test cases for Reliability of software is
a. 72uivalent Partitioning
b. Cause 7ffect :raphing
c. *oundary 9alue analysis
d. Comparison tests
6. White bo5 test case design is also called as
a. Code-based test case design
b. 0unctional Test case design
c. *oth a and b
d. No e2uivalent name
1. To arrive at Code,based test design the tester is ideally e5pected to have
a. Aigh level design
b. 'ow level design
c. *oth a and b
d. !rchitecture of the Product design
. The purpose of Code,based testing is only to
a. 0ind typographical errors
b. 0ind logical errors
c. -nderstand the programming obBective to arrive at test cases
d. #ll of the above
%. Code,based testing guarantees testing against
a. Path coverage
b. Condition coverage
c. .yntactical and typographical errors
d. #ll of the above
(. ! re2uirement to achieve Code,based testing is to have
a. Code walkthrough and Code inspection checklist
b. Traceability matri5
c. Both a and b
d. 1nly a
+. 0ollowing is not a code,based test case design techni2ue
a. .tatement coverage
b. *ranch Coverage
c. Boundar( %alue #nal(sis
d. Condition coverage
&. 7lementary statements of a program are e5ecuted at least once in
a. "tatement coverage
b. *ranch Coverage
c. Condition coverage
d. Cyclomatic Comple5ity
/. *oolean e5pressions3Conditions are tested in
a. *oundary 9alue !nalysis
b. Condition coverage
c. Cyclomatic Comple5ity
d. 7dge Coverage
'. 7very path3iterations in the control flow graph e5ecution is covered in which of the
following design
a. 7dge coverage
b. path Coverage
c. .tatement coverage
d. *ranch coverage
4. ! techni2ue adopted for evaluating the comple5ity of programming logic isC
a. 72uivalent partitioning
b. *oundary value analysis
c. Comparison testing
d. C(clomatic Comple)it(
%6. 0or a Control flow graph< the Cyclomatic Comple5ity is defined to be
a. v*+, - e - n . /
b. e D v=:> , n ?
c. v=:> D e @ n ? (
d. v=:> D n ? ? e
%1. White *o5 testing and *lack *o5 testing are
a. Phases of testing
b. Cycles of testing
c. T(pes of Testing
d. Eethods of testing
%. 1ne of the following appropriately represents White *o5 testing
a. Code level testing
b. .tructural testing
c. Both a and b
d. None
%%. White *o5 testing reports deviation from
a. Coding standards
b. $ogic and Programming style
c. Comple5ity of Code
d. #ll of the above
%(. Two categories of White bo5 testing are
a. Basic Path testing and C(clomatic Comple)it(
b. Cyclomatic Comple5ity and 72uivalence partitioning
c. *asic Path Testing and *oundary 9alue
d. a and b
%+. 7dge coverage and path coverage are measures of
a. 0hite Bo) Testing #deuac( criteria
b. *lack *o5 Testing !de2uacy criteria
c. *oth a and b
d. None of the above
%&. *oundary value analysis is included in
a. White *o5 Testing
b. Blac1 Bo) Testing
c. *oth a and b
d. None of the above
%/. !nswer to the testerFs 2uestion, GAave # found all seeded errorsH is
a. 0hite Bo) Testing
b. *lack*o5 Testing
c. *oth a and b
d. None of the above
%'. !nswer to testerFs 2uestion GAave # applied all the inputsH is
a. White *o5 Testing
b. Blac1 Bo) Testing
c. *oth a and b
d. None of the above
%4. Test Preparation Checklist should contain one or more of the following
a. Correct number and version of the system under test
b. Test #nput data readiness
c. Readiness of the test environment
d. #ll of the above
(6. Testing 7mbedded .ystem is to test3confirm
a. 1nly .oftware
b. 1nly hardware
c. #nterfacing with hardware and software
d. #ll of the above
(1. -nit testing with embedded system is achieved through
a. Code walkthrough
b. -sing debuggerFs scripting language
c. -sing test harness
d. #n( of the above depending on comple)it( of the s(stem
(. Which of the following is not a characteristic of 7mbedded .ystem testing
a. Aighly comple5 system
b. 2on technical person can conduct tests
c. Needs .imulated environment
d. ;ifficult to test run time behavior
(%. .ystem testing of embedded software is to test
a. !ctual Aardware functionality
b. !ssume the .oftware is interacting as e5pected
c. 1ne #nstrument and one functionality at a time
d. all of the above
((. Characteristic of a Client3.erver .ystem is
a. 3ave multiple processors4"ervers
b. Aave one processor3.erver
c. -niversal Client with .ame 1.
d. all of the above
(+. Iey areas< a tester need to know while testing #nternet and web application are
a. *rowser Compatibility
b. 0unctional correctness
c. -sability and .ecurity
d. #ll of the above
(&. Primary test concerns for #nternet presence is to test applications
a. Correctness
b. -sability
c. *rowser Compatibility
d. #ll of the above
(/. 0ollowing is a Type of #nternet and Web !pplication Testing
a. Component and #ntegration testing
b. .ystem testing
c. -!T
d. #ll of the above
('. Compatibility and Navigation testing are carried out during
a. Component testing
b. Integration testing
c. .ystem testing
d. -!T
(4. Which one of the following is an activity of Eicro Process
a. Plan& !esign& !evelop& Review and $)ecute Test Cases
b. Plan and 75ecute Test cases
c. Review test cases
d. 75ecute test cases
+6. *est method to conduct .ystem level testing is
a. Re2uirement based testing
b. #ntegration testing
c. 5se case based testing
d. Code based testing
+1. Which attributes are used whenever a *ug3;efect is detected
a. 7rror J fault
b. ;efect J *ug
c. "everit( 6 Priorit(
d. .poradic J Reproducible
+. Which of the following is relevant if a *-: is in its deferred state
a. !eveloper will loo1 into it in ne)t release.
b. Tester has identified a wrong bug.
c. ;eveloper will not work on this bug.
d. *ug will be resolved immediately
+%. ! *ug is a .poradic bug if it
a. Can be reproduced accurately.
b. Cannot be reproduced accuratel(.
c. is not 2ualified.
d. it is 0i5ed
+(. .oftware test plan should consist of
a. .oftware Test 7nvironment
b. Test identification
c. Test .chedules
d. #ll the above
++. .ystem 1verview briefly states the
a. Purpose and nature of the system
b. The software to which this document applies
c. Types or classes of tests that will be performed
d. a 6 b
+&. .ystem 1verview summari8es history of
a. system development<
b. operation and maintenance.
c. None of the above
d. Both a 6 b
+/. """"""""""" shall summari8e the purpose and contents of the Test Plan document
and shall describe any security or privacy considerations associated with its use.
a. .ystem overview
b. Referenced ;ocuments
c. !ocument 7verview
d. None of the above
+'. .oftware items identifiesC
a. 1perating systems
b. Compilers and interpreters
c. Communications software
d. 7nl( a&c
+4. Procedures for manual< automatic and semi,automatic techni2ues for recording test
results is defined inC
a. Test $evels
b. Test Classes
c. Test Progression
d. !ata Recording& Reduction& #nal(sis
&6. ! listing or chart depicting the sites at which the testing will be scheduled and the time
frames during which the testing will be conducted is described in
a. Test 7nvironment
b. Test "cheduling
c. Test #dentification
d. Test $evels
&1. Code inspection and Code walk through fall under which type of testing
a. ;ynamic testing
b. "tatic testing
c. .ystem Testing
d. None of the !bove
&. Reader in code inspection is the person who
a. Aas generated the code
b. 0ho runs through the code line b( line
c. .uggest solution to the anomalies
d. Aas sound technical knowledge
&%. Person who runs through the code in Code Walk through is
a. Walkthrough leader
b. Reader
c. Team members
d. Eoderator
&(. Check list is used in code inspection to find
a. 0aults
b. :a8e a developer
c. ;eviation from coding standards
d. Both a 6 c
&+. Work products that undergo reviews are
a. .ystem build
b. Release notes
c. .ource code
d. #ll of the above
&&. ! technical review is a
a. 'ess formal
b. 0ully 0ormal
c. Can be done without a sound technical person
d. #s helpful only for automation testing
&/. ;uring code inspection the
a. chec1 list is reuired
b. Eanager should participate.
c. Code is e5ecuted to find faults
d. Eeeting could e5tend for a full day
&'. !s per :-# standards Title names of the menu bar must begin with
a. -pper case letter followed by lower case letter
b. -nder line the character that represent hotkey
c. 1nly upper case
d. a 6 b
&4. !n author in code inspection cannot play the role of
a. Reader
b. #nspector
c. Recorder
d. #ll of the above
/6. Re2uirements are collected by
a. .ystem !nalyst
b. Kuality manager
c. .ubBect Eatter 75pert
d. a 6 c
/1. Complete preparation on code prior to review is mandatory for
a. Code Inspection
b. Code Walk Through
c. Technical Review
d. !ll of the above
/. ! good :-#
a. Eust be comple5
b. :rouped unrelated components together
c. Balance the displa( of items on screen
d. None of the above
/%. Which of the following is most appropriate feature of Eanual testing
a. 7asy to repeat
b. Can run unattended
c. !lways reliable
d. Time consuming
/(. Which of the following is most appropriate feature of !utomation testing
a. Reliable
b. -nable to simulate all scenarios
c. Cannot run unattended
d. ;ifficult to report
/+. .oftware test automation refers to activities and efforts that intend to automate
a. Process
b. Tasks
c. $ngineering Tas1s
d. *oth a J b
/&. .elect the best option for the Eanual Testing from the following
a. !lways reliable
b. Not costly
c. Certain scenarios practically possible
d. 2one of the above
//. .elect the best option for the !utomation Testing from the following
a. Not able to generate scenarios
b. Not reliable
c. Not Repeatable
d. +ood Return on Investment if properl( planned.
/'. The main obBective of !utomation testing process
a. To completely eliminate the manual testing process
b. Not to achieve better test coverage
c. To speed up a software testing process
d. None of the above
/4. 0irst phase in the !utomation testing process life cycle is
a. ;esign Test !utomation strategies and solutions
b. .elect and evaluate available Test automation tool
c. ;evelop and implement test automation solutions
d. Plan for "oftware test automation.
'6. White bo5 testing tools tests
a. 0unctionality of the software
b. Performance of the software
c. -ser acceptance criteria
d. Coding standards and memor( lea1s
'1. Which of the following is White bo5 testing tools
a. WinRunner
b. !stra Kuick test
c. K! Run
d. Rational purifier and Rational uantifier
'. 0unctionality Testing tools verifies for the
a. Code coverage
b. Parameteri8ation
c. Code comple5ity
d. 2one of the above
'%. *atch Testing in the 0unctionality testing tools is used for
a. 75ecute single test
b. -sed to parameteri8e
c. 5sed to e)ecute group of test scripts.
d. -sed to handle errors
'(. 9erification points are also called as
a. Parameteri8ation
b. 7rror Aandling
c. Chec1 points
d. None of the above
'+. Eain obBective of the Web Testing is one of the following
a. Test for the only functionality
b. Test for the bro1en lin1s
c. Test for the memory leaks
d. Test for the code coverage
'&. Which of the following is 0unctionality test automation tool.
a. $oad Runner
b. Rational purifier
c. Rational robot
d. None of the above
'/. Test management tools address one of the following below
a. 0unctionality
b. Performance
c. !efects trac1ing and Reuirements gathering
d. None of the above
''. Which of the following is a test management tool
a. Win runner
b. Kuick test professional
c. K! Run
d. Rational test manger
'4. Response time and capacity both are
a. ;irectly proportional to each other
b. 72ual to each other
c. Inverse proportional to each other
d. None of the above
46. -se cases mainly consists of
a. Transitions
b. #ctors
c. 7vents
d. None of the above
41. 75pand the word !P#
a. !utomated programming interface
b. #pplication programming interface
c. !utomated performance interface
d. None of the above
4. 75pand the word #;7
a. #nternational ;evelopment 7nvironment
b. Integrated !evelopment $nvironment
c. #nternational ;elivery 7nvironment
d. None of the above
4%. Performance of the web sites are tested using which techni2ue
a. Eanual testing
b. #utomation testing
c. -nit Testing
d. #ntegration Testing
4(. Web based applications are developed under which """"""""""""$anguage
a. .tructured programming language
b. 7b8ect 7riented Programming language
c. .cripting languages
d. None of the above
4+. .calability comes under which category of testing
a. 0unctional
b. 2on 9 :unctional
c. Regression
d. -nit Testing
4&. G9erify system from user perspectiveH this statement is appropriate to which type of
a. 0ield Test
b. Regression Test
c. Performance Test
d. #cceptance Test
4/. Which of the one mentioned below can be the correct definition for 0ield Test
a. verif( that the s(stems wor1 in actual user environment.
b. 9erification from the userFs perspective
c. *oth a J c
d. The purpose is to verify the system meets the performance re2uirements.
4'. GPilot system should work during a problemH< is an e5pectation made inC
a. #nterface Test
b. Performance Test
c. !cceptance Test
d. :ield Test
44. .cope of the ProBect is mentioned inC
a. Test 7nvironment
b. Traceability Eatri5
c. Test Plan
d. Test .chedule
166. #dentification of numbers< titles< abbreviations< version numbers and release numbers
are mentioned in
a. Test schedule
b. "cope
c. Test 7nvironment
d. Test Plan
161. Which document covers the -nit re2uirements in all applicable .oftware
Re2uirements .pecifications
a. Test Case
b. Test #dentification
c. Traceabilit( Matri)
d. Test ;esign
16. Preparation of review< and approval of the .oftware Test Report=.TR> is done during
a. Test 7nvironment
b. Test "cheduling
c. Test #dentification
d. Test Cases ;esign
16%. #R.Fs refers toC
a. #ntermittent Re2uirements .pecifications
b. #nternal Re2uirements .pecifications
c. Interface Reuirements "pecifications
d. #ntermittent Re2uirement software
16(. Which of the following is test case generation tool
a. Rational robot
b. WinRunner
c. Caliber RBT
d. None of the above
16+. !utomated testing is mainly carried out in which type of the testing
a. -nit Testing
b. .anity testing
c. -ser acceptance
d. Regression testing
16&. Which of the following is the Performance tool
a. Rational R*T
b. .ilk test
c. Kuick Test professional
d. 'oad Runner
16/. Performance testing is carried mainly using
a. Eanual testing
b. 75plorative testing
c. #utomated Testing tools
d. None of the above
16'. !utomated testing tools generates LLL..scripts
a. Non,Reusable scripts
b. Re,usable scripts
c. Reliable scripts
d. Both b 6 c
164. Capacity under the performance testing deals with
a. !mount of time
b. Concurrent users
c. $oad
d. Performance
116. Throughput under the performance deals with
a. #mount of time
b. Concurrent users
c. $oad
d. Performance
111. Response time under the performance testing deals with
a. Time ta1en for the server to respond to the client reuest.
b. Time taken for the client to respond to the server.
c. !ll of the above
d. None of the above
11. !utomation 0rame work should be LLLL. 1f Tools
a. ;ependent
b. Independent
c. *oth of the above
d. None of the above
11%. Win Runner uses which type of the scripting language
a. Perl
b. TC$
c. 9*
d. T"'
11(. Who will be contacted3used as .ubBect matter 75perts
a. !omain $)pert
b. ProBect manager
c. Team lead
d. .ystem !nalyst
11+. 0unctionality testing tool GTest partnerH ;eveloped byLL.. Company
a. Eercury
b. .egue
c. Rational
d. Compuware
11&. Which of the following is an open source tool for the ;efect Tracking
a. Test ;irector
b. Bug;illa
c. $oad Runner
d. WinRunner
11/. Which of the following is server side Testing Tool
a. Perl
b. T.$
c. 9*
d. None of the above
11'. Which of the following Tool is used to maintain 7ntire testing artifacts =Central
a. WinRunner
b. $oad Runner
c. Kuick test professional
d. Test !irector
114. .oftware Configuration includesC
a. "oftware Reuirements "pecification& a !esign "pecification and source
b. .oftware Re2uirements .pecification< a Test Plan and source code.
c. Test Plan< a ;esign .pecification and source code.
d. .oftware Re2uirements .pecification< a ;esign .pecification and Test
16. ! test configuration includesC
a. Test Plan and Procedures< ;esign .pecification and testing tools.
b. Test Plan and Procedures& test cases and testing tools
c. Test Plan and Procedures< test cases and source code
d. Test Plan and Procedures J test cases only
11. #t is difficult to schedule the Test 0low becauseC
a. #t is difficult to predict the time re2uired to analy8e the re2uirements
b. It is difficult to predict the time to debug the code
c. #t is difficult to predict the time re2uired for test plan
d. #t is difficult to predict the time re2uired to report the *ugs
1. The details of how the testing team will evaluate the work products< systems and
testing activities and results are mentioned inC
a. Test 75it Criteria
b. Test Cases
c. Test "trateg(
d. Test 7nvironment
1%. The approach to all testing types and phases and the activities for which they are
responsible are mentioned separately inC
a. Test Plan
b. Test "trateg(
c. Traceability Eatri5
d. Test Cases
1(. Test .trategy for Eaintenance includes a greater focus on C
a. 0unctional Testing
b. Regression Testing
c. Performance Testing
d. 0ield Testing
1+. The main inputs for Test .trategy areC
a. Priorit( 6 criticalit(
b. Test Participation
c. Test 7nvironments
d. 9erification of -n,testable Re2uirements.
1&. Test .taffing< Testing of C1T.< Poor Re2uirements are some of the e5amples forC
a. Test strategy
b. Test related issues
c. Test Plan
d. Test ;esign
1/. .pecification based testing is also called asC
a. White bo5 testing
b. Blac1 bo) testing
c. Code *ased Testing
d. .tatic Testing
1'. Which are the ones clubbed under Testing Techni2ues
a. 5sage based Testing
b. Test issues
c. Test .trategy
d. Test #dentification
14. Code *ased Testing is also called asC
a. 0hite bo) testing
b. .tatic Testing
c. *lack *lock Testing
d. 0unctional Testing
1%6. 1bBect 1riented Testing< Component *ased Testing are """"""""""""" Testing
a. -sage *ased
b. "pecific Techniue
c. Code *ased
d. 0unctional Testing
1%1. 7rror :uessing< Eutation< 0ault .eeding are"""""""" Testing Techni2uesC
a. -sage *ased
b. .pecific Techni2ue
c. Code *ased
d. :ault Based
1%. *lack *o5 Test Case ;esign Techni2ue consists of C
a. $uivalence Partitioning
b. Path Coverage
c. Cyclomatic Comple5ity
d. Code #nspection
1%%. 0ormal .pecification *ased< Control 0low *ased Criteria< ;ata 0low based criteria
are """"""""""""""testing techni2ues
a. White *o5
b. Blac1 bo)
c. .pecific Techni2ue
d. -sage based
1%(. .tatistical testing< =EusaFs>.R7T are """""""""""testing techni2ues
a. 0ault *ased
b. *lack bo5
c. .pecific Techni2ue
d. 5sage based
1%+. Test ;ata !de2uacy Criteria is mainly categori8ed in
a two t(pes
b. three types
c. Not categori8ed
d. ;epends on the Re2uirements
1%&. Test preparation Checklist mainly consists of
a. Test #d
b. #nput ;*
c. 9ersion
d. -sers !3c
e. #ll of these
1%/. Reset .ystem< Test 7nvironment< .take Aolders< and .chedule are the contents ofC
a. Test data !de2uacy Criteria
b. Test Preparation Chec1list
c. Test Plan
d. Test 7nvironment
1%'. Test ;esign .pecification isC
a. Code *ased Test Case ;esign
b. Re2uirement *ased Test Case ;esign
c. Both a6 b
d. Test data !de2uacy Criteria
1%4. Purposes of Test ;esign .pecification areC
a. Test #dentification
b. .tudy *usiness Re2uirements< !rrive at Aigh $evel
c. ;ecide !utomation Re2uirements
d. Reuirements of Test #pproach& Identif( the features to be tested& #rrive
at 3igh 'evel
1(6. .tudy *usiness Re2uirements< !rrive at 7nvironmental Re2uirements are the
""""""""""followed in Test ;esign .pecificationC
a. #pproach
b. Contents
c. Purpose
d. Coverage
1(1. Code based testing can derive the test cases to ensureC
a. !ll the bugs have been detected
b. #ll independent paths are e)ercised at least once.
c. !ll the re2uirements have been met
d. !ll the standards have been met
1(. !pproach of the proBect is mentioned underC
a. Test .cope
b. Test 7nvironment
c. Test Plan
d. Test .trategy

Testing 1oncepts5<i%I
2ection A; <ultiple 1hoices
1? .esponse time under the performance testing deals with
Time taken for the server to respond to the client re!uest
2? 'hich document coers the Bnit requirements in all applicable 2oftware
.equirements 2pecifications
Test 1ase
Test 3dentification
Traceabilit/ <atri+
Test Design
3? JJJJJJJJJJassure that the software continues to perform according to specifications
after it has been modified
1ompatabilit/ Testing
2mo*e Testing
&egression testing
Gerformance Testing
4? 3n <1 1abeKs 1/clomatic 1omple+it/ 8>A?, 8 refers to
The Cyclomatic @umber in graph Theory
1omple+it/ is a function of graph
Both of the aboe
4one of the aboe
::"? 1ompatibilit/ and 4aigation testing are carried out during
1omponent testing
3ntegration testing
2/stem testing
$? #uring code inspection the
Check list is re!uired
<anager should participate
1ode is e+ecuted to find faults
<eeting could e+tend for a full da/
::&? 'hich one of the following is true related to Automating tests through AB3
Both A and B
(? 'hich attributes are used wheneer a Bug/#efect is detected
0rror = fault
#efect = Bug
#everity * /riority
2poradic = .eproducible
)? The purpose of .equirement5based testing is onl/ to
7ind incorrect or missing functionalit/
0radicate Gerformance errors
7ind presence of 3nitialiEation and termination errors
"ll of the above
1,? 7ollowing is 4-T a requirement5based test case design technique
0quialent Gartitioning
)ranch Coverage
Boundar/ 8alue Anal/sis
1ause 0ffect Araphing
11? 'hich framewor* is an application independent framewor*
,eyword driven testing and table driven testing
Ie/word drien tesing and test script modularit/
Table drien testing and librar/ archetecture
All of the aboe
12? A good AB3
<ust be comple+
Arouped unrelated components together
)alance the display of items on screen
4one of the aboe
13? 'hite Bo+ testing reports deiation from
1oding standards
%ogic and Grogramming st/le
1omple+it/ of 1ode
"ll of the above
14? 2cope of the Gro9ect is mentioned in
Test 0nironment
Traceabilit/ <atri+
Test /lan
Test 2chedule
1"? 7ormal 2pecification Based, 1ontrol 7low Based 1riteria, #ata 7low based criteria
are JJspecification basedJJJJJJJJJJJJtesting techniques
White )o
Blac* bo+
2pecific Technique
Bsage based
1$? JJJJJJJJJJJ will be facilitating an/ resources required for the testing team
Test lead
Test Aanager
Test 0ngineer
1&? 0lementar/ statements of a program are e+ecuted at least once in
#tatement coverage
Branch 1oerage
1ondition coerage
1/clomatic 1omple+it/
1(? 'hen the complete set of functionalit/ is ta*en for one module and tested is called
(ori<ontal first testing
8ertical first testing
Both a =b
4one of the aboe
1)? Test management tools address one of the following below
Defects tracking and &e!uirements gathering
4one of the aboe
2,? AT%< 2tands for
Automated Testing %ifec/cle <odel
"utomation Tesing +ifecycle methodology
4one of the aboe
Application Tesingn %ife1/cle <ethods
21? Blac*bo+ Testing find errors in
3ncorrect or missing functions
3nitialiEation and Termination 0rrors
)oth of the above
4one of the aboe
::22? 3t is difficult to schedule the Test 7low because
3t is difficult to predict the time required to anal/Ee the requirements
3t is difficult to predict the time to debug the code
3t is difficult to predict the time required for test plan
%t is difficult to predict the time re!uired to report the )ugs
23? 1hoose the reason for failure in Test Automation
%ac* of structured automation methodolog/
<aintaining <odularit/ in autmation scripts
)oth " and )
Test sutomatin is treated as a pro9ect with proper pro9ect planning
24? 2oftware test automation refers to actiities and efforts that intend to automate
0ngineering Tas*s
)oth a * b
2"? To arrie at 1ode5based test design the tester is ideall/ e+pected to hae
6igh leel design
+ow level design
Both a and b
Architecture of the Groduct design
2$? 7ind the test ob9ecties below;
1,,F code coerage
Testing entire application
.eporting all the bugs in the application
"ll of the above
2&? JJJJJJJJJleads to a selection of testcases that e+ercise bounding alues
0+tracted Testcases
%ogical 2/stem
2ection B; True/7alse 2( Automation improes the test coerage
True 7alse
2) 7unctionalit/ Testing is a balc*bo+ oriented because programs internal structure is
ta*en as consideration
True 'alse
3, Applications that are business critical, high frequenc/ usage and logn life span are the
right candidates for Automation
True 7alse

1? T/pical tests e+ecuted as part of <aintenance and 2upport Gro9ects
7unctional/2/stem testing
Bug fi+es testing
.egression testing
"ll of the above
2? 2elect the best option for the Automation Testing from the following
4ot able to generate scenarios
4ot reliable
4ot .epeatable
:ood &eturn on %nvestment if properly planned
3? 'hile creating test cases which attributes we need to ta*e care
#efect detection effectieness
1ost consideration
"ll of the above
4? 'hat is true about 1omparison Testing:
&un all versions in parallel with a real-time comparison of results
.un different ersions one b/ one with a real5time comparison of results
Bse same teams to deelop independent ersions of the software
Test each ersion with different test data
"? <etrics ma/ be used for
"ll the above
$? Gurposes of Test #esign 2pecification are
Test 3dentification
2tud/ Business .equirements, Arrie at 6igh %eel
#ecide Automation .equirements
&e!uirements of Test "pproach= %dentify the features to be tested= "rrive at (igh
&? The main ob9ectie of Automation testing process
To completel/ eliminate the manual testing process
4ot to achiee better test coerage
To speed up a software testing process
4one of the aboe
(? 2oftware test plan should consist of
2oftware Test 0nironment
Test identification
Test 2chedules
"ll of the above
)? #uring code inspection the
Check list is re!uired
<anager should participate
1ode is e+ecuted to find faults
<eeting could e+tend for a full da/
1,? -ne of the following appropriatel/ represents 'hite Bo+ testing
1ode leel testing
2tructural testing
)oth a and b
11? Bnit testing uses JJJJJJJJJ design description as a guide
6igh leel
Component +evel
Both of the aboe
4one of the aboe
12? 7ollowing is a T/pe of 3nternet and 'eb Application Testing
1omponent and 3ntegration testing
#ystem testing
All of the aboe
13? 'hile Assessing Application Bnder Test for Automation which are points we need to
4umber of Automatable Tests
#eeloper Bac*ground
Build and .elease 2tabilit/ and 7requenc/
)oth " and C
14? 'hat are Test 0stimation 3nfluencing factors
Tester 2*ill leel, location
LTest .equirement scope,
/rocess= &isk
All of the aboe
1"? 1ode5based testing guarantees testing against
Gath coerage
1ondition coerage
2/ntactical and t/pographical errors
"ll of the above
1$? Gerformance testing chec*s for
.esponse time brea*s
-ptimum configuration
6ardware and software performance
"ll of the above
1&? 7ollowing is not a code5based test case design technique
2tatement coerage
Branch 1oerage
)oundary .alue "nalysis
1ondition coerage
1(? Greparation for the reiew meeting is mandator/ in which form of reiew:
Code %nspection
1ode 'al*through
Technical reiew
4one of the aboe
1)? Bser acceptance testing is the responsibilt/ of
Test 0ngineer
;ser representative Teams
All of the aboe
2,? .eader in code inspection is the person who
6as generated the code
Who runs through the code line by line
2uggest solution to the anomalies
6as sound technical *nowledge
21? Bse cases mainl/ consists of
4one of the aboe
22? .egression Testing can be done b/
Automated Testing tools
)oth a * b
4one of the aboe
23? 'hich of the mentioned point is best suited for Test Automation 7ramewor*:
" test automation framework is a set of assumptions= concepts= and practices that
provide support for automated software testing.
A Test automation is a set of .ules and 1onstraints
Both A and B
4one of the aboe
24? 'ho resoles the Technical issues for the product group
Test <anager
Test 0ngineer
Test +ead
2"? 'hen the complete set of functionalit/ is ta*en for one module and tested is called
(ori<ontal first testing
8ertical first testing
Both a =b
4one of the aboe
2$? Automated testing tools generates !!!..scripts
4on5.eusable scripts
.e5usable scripts
.eliable scripts
)oth b * c
2&? 'hat ma/ be the common mista*e the tester ma*e in test automation:
Bnderestimating the cost of automation
creating test scripts that is difficult to maintain for long term
Bnderestimating the need for stall training
"ll of the above
2ection B; True/7alse 2( Automate those thing which human cannot do
True 7alse
2) 'e can e+ecute the scripts generated in CTG using Cualit/ 1enter
True 7alse
3, Automate those thing which human cannot do
True 7alse

4ote; Gar2 3 Cuestions wrong
2?JJJJJare interchangeable terms that refer to an application5independent wor*:
,eyword driven * Table-Driven Testing
en testing = #ata #rien testing
en testing = #ata #rien testing
3?8erfication points are also called as
0rror 6andling
Check points
4one of the aboe
4? 3n Automation trends, 2cripts mapped to actions performed against a class of ob9ects
1omes under which categor/:
Action 'ord5based
"?2pecification based testing is a
Testing techni!ue
Test 2traterg/
Test case design
4one of the aboe
Ans b
$?.equirement5based testing guarn
Gostting testing
4egatie testing
Bse case testing
"ll of the above
Ans c
&?3n which pahse of Test Automation process, the design!!
#eeloped and testied as qualit/ tools and also ma!!!
.eliable and reusable with good documentation:
Test Automation Glanning
Test Automation #esign
Test tool development
Test tool
(?3n an automation 7ramewor* Approach, who builds the model to capture required
behaior and logical ariations of data and control:
Gro9ect %ead
Test %ead
Test 8ngineer
All the aboe
Ans c
)?Best method to conduct 2/stem le!!..
&e!uirement based testing
3ntergration testing
Bse case basd testing
1ode based testing
Ans b
1,?Test librar/ architecture diided
/rocedures and 'unctions
-nl/ a
Both a=b
11?.ational Gurifier belongs to which
7unctionalit/ Testing tool
Whitee )o Testing Tool
Test5case Aeneration Tool
14?Greperation for the reiew meeting is mandator/ in which form of reiew
Code %nspection
1ode 'al*through
Technical .0ie
All the aboe
1"?A possible programming element to determine
" or b
-nl/ a
1$? #iiding the input domain in to classes of data to
1ode based technique
&e!uirement based techni!ue
Both a and b
4one of the aboe
1)?'hat are the *e/ properties considered for Automation
"ll the above
2,?2calabilit/ comes under which categor/ of testing
Bnit Testing
21?3dentification of number, titles, abbreiation are mentioned in
Test 2chedule
Test 0nironment
Test /lan
22?2oftware test plan should consist of
2oftware Test 0nironment
Test identification
Test 2chedules
"ll the above
Ans c
23? 2/stem -eriew briefl/ states the
Gurpose and nature of the s/stem
The software to which this docume..
T/pes or classes of test that will
A and b
24?Grocedures for manual, automatic and semiautomatic!results is defined in
Test %eels
Test 1lasses
Test Grogression
#ata .ecordin, .eduction
2"? A listing or chart depicting the site at which the tes!frames during which the testing
will be conducted is!
Test 0nironment
Test #cheduling
Test 3dentification
Test %eels
Ans d
2$?3n which phase of test automation ..deeloped and tested as qualit/ to !reliable and
reusable with good docu
Test Automation Glanning
Test Automation #esign
Test Tool Development
Test Tool #eplo/ment
2&? 7ollowing is 4-T a requirement5base test case
0quialent Gartitoning
)ranch Coverage
Boundar/ 8alue Anal/sis
1ause 0ffect Araphing
3,?#uring code inspection the
check list is re!uired
<anager should participate
1ode is e+ecuted to find faults
<eeting could e+tend for a full da/
31?'hite bo+ test case design is also called as
Code based test case design
7unctional Test case design
Both a and b
4o equialent name
Ans s
32?To arrie at 1ode5based test design the tester is ideall/ e+pected to hae
6igh %eel design
%ow %eel design
)oth a and b
Architecture of the ptoduct design
Ans c
33?Boolean e+pressions/1onditons are tested in
Boundar/ alue anal/sis
Condition Coverage
1/clomatic 1omple+it/
0dge 1oerage
Ans b
34?3n which Automation Trend, Actions/*e/word are recorded or generated:
,eyword Driven "pproach
#ata #rien Approach
All the aboe
3"?2ofware 1onfiguration include
a?2oftware .equirements specification , a design specification and source
2oftware .equirement, specidfication, a test plan and source code
Test plan, a #esign !.cification and source code
2oftware .equirements ..specification , a design specification and test !!plan
3$?Answer to testerDs question N6ae 3 applied all the inputsO is
'hite Bo+ Testing
)lack )o Testing
Both a and b
4one of the aboe
3&?Two categories of white bo+ testing are
)asic /ath testing and Cyclomatic Compleity
1/clomatic 1omple+it/ and 0quialence partitioning
Basic Gath testing and Boundar/ 8alue
Ans a and b
3(?'hich one of the following is an actiit/ of <icro Grocess
GGlan, #esign,#eelop , .eiew and e+ecute test cases
Glan and e+ecute test cases
.eiew test cases
0+ecute test cses
3)?'hich attributes are used wheneer a Bug/#efect is detected.:
0rror and fault
#efect and Bug
#everity and /riority
2poradic and .eproducible
Ans 1 5555confirmed
4,?'hich document coers the Bnit requirements in all applicable 2ofware requirement
Test 1ase
Test identification
Traceablilt/ <atri+
Test Design #pecification
41?..describe te qualit/ of a test case:
!effectieness and e+emplar/
..= 0olable
42?!which software testing tool
..testing tool
!ting tool
..ent tool
.ation tool
44?Test %ibrar/ Architecture !
4either a or b
Both a and b
4$?'hat are the attributest that..
#efect detection efficienc/
1ost 1onsideration
4either a or b
Both a and b
4&?7ollowing are two possible programming element ..we can derermin equialent input
1lasses @ range
4(?comparison testing is not to catch errors in the specification but to understand how
reliable the software is under arious test enironments
4)?1ondition coerage definition
1odition coerage is a combination of edge coerage and more detached conditions
",?code based test case design
1ode based testing inoles statement coerage, edge coerage condition coerage path
coerage and c/clometric comple+it/
"1?1lassifcation of the bugs. 7ollowing twor attributes are used whener a bug defect is
2eerit/ >1ritical/serius/minor?
Grior/ > high/medium/low?
1. 1. Greparation is mandator/ for which t/pe of reiew
a. 1ode 3nspection
b. Technical reiew
c. 1ode wal* through
d. 4one of the aboe
2. 2. 'hich of the following testing will ensure the reliabilit/ of software
a. 1omparison testing
b. 3ntegration testing
c. Bnit testing
3. 3. .equirements5Based Test 1ase #esign includes; .equirements5Based Test 1ase #esign includes;
Gositie Testing
4egatie Testing
Bse 1ase testing
All of the aboe
4. 4. Automation testing is used for
a. To decrease the time of testing
b. To completel/ remoe manual testing
c. ..
d. ..
". ". 2/stem -eriew contains
a. Gurpose and nature of the s/stem
b. 2/stem decribed in the document.
c. Both a and b
d. 4one of the aboe
$. There are 4 attributes that describe qualit/ of a test case.
Ans; #efect detection effectieness, 0+emplar/, 1ost consideration
&. Test tool deelopment ;
At this step, the designed test automation solutions are deeloped and tested as qualit/
tools and facilities. The *e/ in this step is to ma*e sure that the deeloped tools are
reliable and reusable with good documentation.
(.Actions/*e/wors are generated in
a.*e/word drien
b..ecord and pla/bac*
).who builds the model to capture required behaiour and logical ariations of date and
a. Test 0ngineer
1,. Ie/word5drien testing and table5drien testing are interchangeable terms that refer to an
application5independent automation framewor*
11.'hite bo+ testing tool
1.rational purifier
12. Test librar/ architecture diides the application5under5test into procedures and functions
instead of scripts.
13.Title,Abbreation,release ersion of product will be in which document
a.Test plan
b.Test 2taterg/ configuration contains
a..equirement specification,#esign specification,source code
b. .equirement specification,#esign specification,test plan
1". <icro processor testing
a.0+ecute testcases
b..eiew the testcases
c.specification,design ,e+ecute!
1$.2calabilit/ comes under which testing
a.7unctional testing
b.4on 7unctional testing
1&. 6ae 3 applied all the inputs: .equirement5based Testing
1(.Tracebilt/ matri+
a.alues are unique
1).A tester should *now for code based testing
a.6igh leel design
b.%ow leel design
c.Both a = b
2,.'hich will indicate when the testing should be started
a.Test plan
b.test straterg/
c.Test schedule
21.'hat are all the code based testing techniques
1.Gath coerage
2.1/clomatic comple+it/
22.The programming elements that determine the input classes.
a.0quialence portioning
b.Boundar/ alue anal/sis.
23.8erification points are also called
b.0rror handling
24.1lass -b9ects;2cripts mapped to actions performed against a class of ob9ects
2".Boolean is used in
a.0quialence portioning
2$.1ode based testing technique is also called as
a.'hite bo+ testing
b.Blac* bo+ testing
2&..equirment based testing is a
a.Testing technique
b.Testing design technique
1. client/serer testing is a
specification based
code based
2. who should not participate in the code inspection
testing team leader
program manger
a and b
answer will be there in int 1,1
3. scope of the pro9ect is described in
test plan
test strateg/
4. performance testing is mainl/ used in
e+ploratie testing
manual testing
automated testing
". field testing is for
to erif/ the s/stem wor*s in the user enironment
to erif/ in the user perspectie
a and b
to chec* the performance
$. naigation and compatibilit/ is done at
integration testing
s/stem testing
&. two attributes are used wheneer a Bug/#efect is detected; two attributes are used wheneer a Bug/#efect is detected;
2eerit/ and Griorit/ 2eerit/ and Griorit/
(. ob9ect oriented testing and component based testing is a
specific techniques
). 6ae 3 found all seeded errors:
1ode5based Testing
1,. 1omparison Testing
.un all ersions in parallel with a real5time comparison of results.
11. Test Automation5 #efinition Test Automation5 #efinition
Actiities and efforts that intend to automate engineering tas*s and Actiities and efforts that intend to automate engineering tas*s and
operations in software test process. operations in software test process.
'ell5defined strategies and s/stematic solutions. 'ell5defined strategies and s/stematic solutions.
Both a and b
12. attributes that describe qualit/ of a test case.
#efect detection effectieness and 0+emplar/
1ost consideration and 0olable
13. The primar/ ob9ectie of this step is to draw out the detailed test
automation solutions to achiee the ma9or ob9ecties and meet the gien
requirements in a test automation plan.
Test automation planning
Test automation #esign

Test tool deplo/ment

13. Test 2cript deeloped from Test 2cript deeloped from
Ie/word / Table #rien Architecture Ie/word / Table #rien Architecture
#ata #rien Architecture #ata #rien Architecture
6/brid Architecture 6/brid Architecture
Translated model Translated model
14. procedures for manual, automatic and semi5automatic is described in
Test leels
Test classes
Test progression
1". Automation 7ramewor* 1onsiderations Automation 7ramewor* 1onsiderations
<aintainabilit/, .eiewabilit/, reliabilit/, 3ntegrit/, independence and performance <aintainabilit/, .eiewabilit/, reliabilit/, 3ntegrit/, independence and performance
1$. white bo+ testing reports the deiation from 1$. white bo+ testing reports the deiation from
1oding standards 1oding standards
%ogical errors %ogical errors
1omple+it/ of the code 1omple+it/ of the code
All of the aboe All of the aboe
1&. 1&. 7unctionalit/ Testing Tools;5 7unctionalit/ Testing Tools;5
.ecord and Gla/bac* capabilit/ .ecord and Gla/bac* capabilit/
-b9ect .ecognition = -b9ect .epositor/ -b9ect .ecognition = -b9ect .epositor/
A and b
1(. 2cripts mapped to actions performed against a class of ob9ects
1lass based
-b9ect based
'indow based
1). 3n *e/word drien architecture, which dries the ABT:
a. test script
b. ariables
c. a and b
d. none
2,. wh/ the testing is done in offshore
a. reduce staffing
b. increase qualit/
c. a and b
d. !!.
21. triple. <eeting confidence!!!!
a. #elphi
b. 6/brid
c. Test automation
d. !!.
22. what is ris*
a. becoE something happens that affects the ob9ecties.
b. !.
c. none
23. how testing is done, e+ecute, results!!
a. test strateg/
b. test case
c. test plan
24. A#8A4TAA02 of automation
a. integrit/
b. maintainabilit/
c. reliabilit/
d. all
2". manual testing can be related to
a. Time consuming
b. .eliabilit/
c. Bnattended
d. All
2$. the the reasons for failure in automation reasons for failure in automation
a. a. modulariEation modulariEation
automation strategies automation strategies
7ew <-.0 questions;
2&. 7unctional Testing is a *ind of !!!!!!!. 2&. 7unctional Testing is a *ind of !!!!!!!.
a.blac* bo+ testing a.blac* bo+ testing
b.white bo+ b.white bo+
2(. !!!!!!.to 2(. !!!!!!.to erif/ the s/stem wor*s in the actual user enironment
a.7ield Testing
b.3nterface Testing

2). 2). The two attributes are used wheneer a Bug/#efect is detected are !!!!! The two attributes are used wheneer a Bug/#efect is detected are !!!!!
a.Griorit/ = 2eerit/ a.Griorit/ = 2eerit/
3,. 3,. 3f the defect is not consistentl/ reproducible it is called 2poradic

31. 31. 1/clomatic comple+it/, >A? P e 5 n Q 2
32. Bse separate teams to deelop independent ersions of the software and .un all
ersions in parallel with a real5time comparison of results 1omparison testing.
33. Checklist is used to fnd faults in Code inspection
34. 6ae 3 applied all the inputs: .equirement5based Testing
3". 1ode5Based Test 1ase #esign ;Gath 1oerage and 1/clomatic comple+it/
3$. Ie/word5drien testing and table5drien testing are interchangeable terms that refer to
an application5independent automation framewor*

3&. 1lass -b9ects;2cripts mapped to actions performed against a class of ob9ects

3(.<icro processor testing ; software metrics and productiit/.>not sure chec* the
answer once again?
3). Test librar/ architecture diides the application5under5test into procedures and
functions instead of scripts.
4,. Automation Trends 5 1apture and Gla/bac*.

41. There are 4 attributes that describe qualit/ of a test case.
Ans; #efect detection effectieness, 0+emplar/, 1ost consideration =0olable
42. Test tool deelopment ;
At this step, the designed test automation solutions are deeloped and tested as
qualit/ tools and facilities. The *e/ in this step is to ma*e sure that the deeloped
tools are reliable and reusable with good documentation.
43. .equirements5Based Test 1ase #esign includes; .equirements5Based Test 1ase #esign includes;
Gositie Testing
4egatie Testing
Bse 1ase testing
All of the aboe
44. Bsing 0quialence 1lasses5Boolean is used in 0quialent Gartioning.

4". 4". Test automation planning;
The ma9or tas* here is to charter a plan that specifies the identified test automation
focuses, ob9ecties, strategies, requirements, schedule and budget.
9B 'ormal #pecification )ased= Control 'low )ased Criteria= Data 'low
based criteria are CCCCCCCCCCCCCCtesting techni!ues
'hite Bo+
Blac* bo+
2pecific Technique
Bsage based
6B Work products that undergo reviews are
2/stem build
.elease notes
2ource code
All of the aboe
DB )lack bo test design is also called as
.equirement5based test design
7unctional test design
Both a and b
4one of the aboe
EB .erification points are also called as
0rror 6andling
1hec* points
4one of the aboe
4B #ystem -verview summari<es history of
s/stem deelopment
operation and maintenance
4one of the aboe
Both a = b
FB CCCCCCCCCC)ridges the gap between user and developer
2ource code
1B To arrive at Code-based test design the tester is ideally epected to have
6igh leel design
%ow leel design
Both a and b
Architecture of the Groduct design
2B Which of the following is most appropriate feature of "utomation testing
Bnable to simulate all scenarios
1annot run unattended
#ifficult to report
3B #ystem -verview briefly states the
Gurpose and nature of the s/stem
The software to which this document applies
T/pes or classes of tests that will be performed
a = b
95B CCCCCCCCCCassure that the software continues to perform according to
specifications after it has been modified
1ompatabilit/ Testing
2mo*e Testing
.egression testing
Gerformance Testing
99B During code inspection the
1hec* list is required
<anager should participate
1ode is e+ecuted to find faults
<eeting could e+tend for a full da/
96B Which are the Disadvantages of key word driven method
0asier to construct and maintain than the functional decomposition scripts.
The test automation team can reuse the e+isting >manual? test cases.
Building the core utilit/ scripts requires a er/ degree of proficienc/ in the
testing tool being used.
-nce the generic utilit/ scripts are in place, building the erification scripts
ta*e a much shorter period of time.
9DB ;se cases mainly consists of
4one of the aboe
9EB While selecting automation tool which are the things we need to
2upport from the endor
7unctionalities of the tool
Both A and B
4one of the aboe
94B What is #T"'
2/stem Test Automation 7ramewor*
2oftware Test Automation 7ramewor*
2oftware Test Automation 7unction
4one of the aboe
9FB &ational &obot and &ational 'unctional Tester are used for which type
of Testing
7unctional Testing
'hite Bo+ Testing
.equirement Testing
Gerformance Testing
91B The main ob>ective of "utomatin testing process
To completel/ eliminate the manual testing process
4ot to achiee better test coerage
to speed up a software testing process
4one of the aboe
92B Design must be translated into a machine readable form by taking
input as
2ource code
93B Testing components put together is called
Bnit Testing
7ield testing
3ntegration Testing
Bser acceptance testing
65B What are Test 8stimation %nfluencing factors
Tester 2*ill leel, location
LTest .equirement scope,
Grocess, .is*
All of the aboe
69B Why do we document our testsG
for repeatable = controllable
for adequate test coerage
Both a = b
4one of the aboe
66B Code based testing can derive the test cases to ensure
All the bugs hae been detected
All independent paths are e+ercised at least once.
All the requirements hae been met
All the standards hae been met
6DB 'ollowing is not a code-based test case design techni!ue
2tatement coerage
Branch 1oerage
Boundar/ 8alue Anal/sis
1ondition coerage
6EB Which of the following is the /erformance tool
.ational .BT
2il* test
Cuic* Test professional
%oad .unner
64B Choose the reason for failure in Test "utomation
%ac* of structured automation methodolog/
<aintaining <odularit/ in autmation scripts
Both A and B
Test sutomatin is treated as a pro9ect with proper pro9ect planning
6FB Win &unner uses which type of the scripting language
61B Test management tools address one of the following below
#efects trac*ing and .equirements gathering
4one of the aboe
2ection B; True/7alse
62 We can eecute the scripts generated in HT/ using Huality Center
True 7alse
63 "utomate those thing which human cannot do
True 7alse
D5 "pplications that are business critical= high fre!uency usage and logn life
span are the right candidates for "utomation
True 7alse

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