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Rule: Specify the rule to apply to the list of

condition dependencies by setting the number

of them that at least needs to be verified to
make the Condition true. Leave 0 if you want all
of them to be verified to make the Condition true.
Application ID: Specify the application ID of an external
operation, 1-16 alphanumeric characters, the
first alphabetic or national. Application ID must
be an active application and NOT a group
definition. Optional.
You can also use the global search characters
(* and %) to make a generic selection.

Jobname: Specify name of a job to be used for list
generation, 1-8 alphanumeric characters,
the first alphabetic or national. Optional.
You can also specify a generic entry, using
the * or % characters.

StepName: Procedure invocation step name. It is blank if
the step is not in a procedure.

ProcStep: Step name in the JCL procedure or job step
name if the step is not in a procedure.
Row cmd: The D (delete), I (insert), and R (repeat)
commands operate in the normal ISPF edit mode.

Oper ws: Specify the condition dependency operation.
The workstation name must already exist in the

You can use the global search characters (* and %)
to make a generic selection. Required when no
other generic selection made.

Oper no: Specify the condition dependency operation number.
Valid values are 1-255. Required.

This value can be zero when a generic
selection has been specified.
Cond type: Specify the type of check to be done on
the specified condition dependency operation.
You can specify:
RC to check Return Code value
ST to check Status value

Cond OP: Specify the operator to be used in the check.
It can be:
GE Greater equal GT Greater than
LE Less equal LT Less than
EQ Equal NE Not equal
RG Range
Status can be checked only with operator
EQ and NE

Status value: Specify the ST value to be checked.
Status allowed values are:
C , E , S , X

Return Code: If the operator is RG specify the value of
Value1 the minimum number included in the range.
Otherwise specify the Return Code value to be

Return Code: If the operator is RG specify the value of
Value2 the maximum number included in the range

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