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II Ðû¦è[ª- ñªëÅ]î¦ô¢Ù 4 áì÷J 2006

Sunil: Hi Ramesh, the Megastar phoned ú£ô¢Ù. Íö°¸Þ question tags Ú¥ÚÛªÙè¯, Ð lesson
me last night and asked for a few tips ö˺E Ramesh responses ö˺E short questions
on acting. - Oæ¨E response questions ÍÙæ°Ù. Ïö°Ùæ¨N
(óÀª ô¢î¶ªøÉ Eìo-ô¦vA ޥ-þ§dô û¦ÚÛª ÚÛ«è¯ conversation ÚÛª ú£ï£°-á-ê¦y-Eo-þ§hô³.
ðƼûË à¶ú‡ ìåì ÞœªJÙ# Ú•Eo ú£«àŸ-ìõª Question tags ö°¸Þ ÏN-ÚÛ«è¯ ÍÙêŸ-ÚÛª÷³Ùë]ª
Íè…-Þ¥è[ª.) sentenceìª ñæ¨d ÷ú£ªhÙ-æ°ô³. î¦æ¨-E-ñç¶d Oæ¨Ú¨
Ramesh: Oh, did he? Íô¢nÙ ÷ú£ªhÙ-åªÙC. Íô³ê¶ êµõª-Þœªö˺ Oå-Eo-æ¨Ú© Ö¸Ú
(Íö°Þ¥?) Íô¢nÙ– Íö°Þ¥? ÍE. ÏN ÓÚÛª\-÷Þ¥ ÖÚÛô¢ª àµí‡pì
Sunil: And what is more, he wanted to see Nù£óŸªÙ ÷ªìÙ ì÷ªt-ö¶-E-CÞ¥ Ñìoí£±pè[ªÞ¥E, ÷ªìÚÛª
me about a future movie of his. ÎøŒaô¢uÙ/Îú£Ú¨h ÚÛL-TÙචNù£-óŸª-i-ì-í£±p-è[ª-Þ¥E
Unfortunately I am very busy you î¦è[ê¦Ù.
know. So I couldn't give him an šíj ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-éö˺ Ramesh ú response ques-
appointment. tions ÍFo ÍêŸìª ì÷ªt-ö¶E Nù£-óŸ«-õìª êµLóŸª-â¶-
(ÏÙÚ¥ ÔÙæ˺ êµõªþ§, ÍêŸè[ª ìæ¨Ù-àŸ-ò˺- ú£ªh-û¦oô³ ÚÛë¯! Sunil ÚÛª Megastar phone (ÍJÚ¥ö˺ ÚÛí£±p Ú¥íƈ ÖÚÛ è¯õôÂ. ÍÙç¶ ÑÙC Ú¥F ÍÙêŸ-ö¶ë]ª.

Í÷±û¦... Íö°Þ¥!?
꟪ìo Ú•êŸh ú‡E÷« ÞœªJÙ# ììªo ÚÛõª-ú£ª-ÚÁ- à¶óŸªè[Ù, ú£«àŸ-ì-õ-è[-Þœè[Ù ö°Ùæ¨N. Ïö°Ùæ¨ ë¯ë¯í£± 50 ô¢«ð§-óŸªõª.) ÍÙêŸ àŸL-öËºì« àŸFoüŒxêÁ þ§oìÙ à¶ø‹.
î¦-õ-ìª-ÚÛªÙ-åª-û¦o-ìE Íû¦oè[ª. Ú¥F ë]ªô¢-ë]'- responses Oªô¢« practice à¶óŸªÙè…. Íô³ê¶ Ð Preethi: Does it? Kumar: Íö°Þ¥? ÓÙë]ª-ÚÛE?
ù£d-÷-ø‹êŸªh û¶ìª à¦ö° G@ ÚÛë¯? ÎóŸª-ìÚÛª (Í÷±û¦?) Tarun: û¦ ô¢«Ùö˺ Þ¥uúà Íô³-ð¼-ô³ÙC. ðƼûËÂ
ඛúh ·ôÙè[ª-ôÁ-Võª í£è[ªêŸªÙ-ë]-û¦oô¢ª.
Kumar: F ô¢«Ùö˺ Uáô ö¶ë¯?
Tarun: FÚÛªÙë¯?
Kumar: ÏC ÍÙêŸ àŸL-ví£-ë¶øŒÙ Ú¥ë]ª ÚÛë¯?
ÍÙë]ª-ÚÛE Uáô Í÷-ú£ô¢Ù ö¶ë]ª.
Tarun: ÍEo ÎëÅ]ª-EÚÛ ÷ú£-꟪-õêÁ Ñìo ðƧxæËÀìª
û¶ìª êŸyô¢ö˺ Ú•ì-ò˺-꟪-û¦oìª.
responses ÍÙêŸ-ÚÛª-÷³Ùë]ª sentence ö˺E verb Kumar: Í÷±û¦? ëÅ]ô¢ ÓÙêŸ ÑÙè•àŸªa.
û¶ìª Íð§-ô³Ù-æËÀ-ÙæËÀ Ï÷y-ö¶-ÚÛ-ð¼-óŸ«ìª.) subject
ìª ñæ¨d, ìª ñæ¨d form à¶þ§hÙ. ÏÚÛ\è[ costs II Regular Doing Word Ú¥ñæ¨d Tarun: ë¯ë¯í£± 20 õ¤Ûõ ô¢«ð§-óŸªõª.
Appointment ÷«÷´õª Íô¢nÙ ÑëÁuÞœÙ. Ú¥F response 'does', coffee 'it'
ÍÙç¶ ÍÙë]ª-ÚÛE
Pramod: Two or three ministers consult me Answers:
appointment ÚÛª ÏÚÛ\è[ î¦è…ì NëÅ]ÙÞ¥ Íô¢nÙ = 'Does it?'
whenever they have problems.
Tarun: It was very cold the whole of yester-
Prema: Though she is not healthy, her hus-
ÚÛõªú£ªÚÁè¯-EÚ¨ ú£÷ªóŸªÙ, àÁåª Eô¢g-ô³Ù-àŸè[Ù. (Ïë]lô¢ª ö¶ë¯ ÷³Þœª_ô¢ª ÷ªÙv꟪õª ú£÷ª-
Ramesh: Oh! Is that so? I didn't know (I day in Hyderabad./ Hyderabad was
band does not help her.
haven't known) that you very cold the whole of yesterday.
(ÎÚÛª ÎôÁÞœuÙ ò°ÞÁ-ö¶-ÚÛ- Kumar: Was it? It wasn't so cold here.
are so great.
ð¼-ô³û¦ Î òÅ¡ô¢h ÔÙ Tarun: I went about in sweater the whole
(Íö°Þ¥, ìª÷yÙêŸ Þ•í£p-î¦-è…- ú£ï£„óŸªÙ à¶óŸªè[ª.) day.
Sujana: O, Doesn't he?
÷E û¦ÚÛª ÏÙêŸ ÷ô¢ÚÛª
êµLóŸªë]ª). Kumar: Did you? It was cold here too, but it
(à¶óŸªè¯?) wasn't so bad.
Sunil: Only the megastar knows
verb does (not) help - Ú¥ñæ¨d
my greatness. Tarun: Even in such cold,/ Though it was so
response 'does.
ö˺ cold, I had a cold water bath/ a cold
Kumar: The actor who played
(ޥ-þ§d-ôÂ¸Ú û¦ Þ•í£p-ë]ìÙ
Samson fought with a
Ramesh: Does he? That's news to Kumar: Did you?/ Had you? But why?
real lion, you know?
me. But I have a doubt, Tarun: I ran out of gas/ The cylinder was
(ø‹uîª-ú£ûË ð§vêŸ î¶ú‡ì empty/ The gas was exhausted.
my dear Sunil.
ìåªè[ª Eá-iì When I called the gas company, they
(Íö°Þ¥? ÏC û¦ÚÛª Ú•êŸh ú‡ÙÙêÁ ð¼æ°x-è¯è[ª,
Nù£óŸªÙ. Íô³ê¶ û¦ÚÁ said it would take two days/ I had to
êµõªþ§) wait for two days.
Sudheer: Did he? (Í÷±û¦?)
ú£Ùë¶ï£°Ù ÑÙC.)
'That's news to me = ÍC û¦Ú¨Ù-êŸ- ÷- Kumar: Don't you have a geiger?
ô¢ÚÛª êµLóŸªE Nù£óŸªÙ. šíj sentence ö˺ verb 'fought'. Tarun: Do you?/ Have you?
conversation ö˺ practice à¶óŸªÙè….
ÏC Past Doing word Ú¥ñæ¨d, did Kumar: This place is not so cold./ It is not
Sunil: What's it?
÷ú£ªhÙC. Subject 'actor' ñë]ªõª so cold here, is it? So we don't
'he' ÷ú£ªhÙC. need a geiger, do we?
Ramesh: Are you mentally sound?
Ïö°¸Þ Am, is, are, was, were, Tarun: I am going to buy a flat soon. A
shall, will, can, could, may, might, must, have, modern construction with all ameni-
(FÚÛª ÷ªA-ú‡n-Nª-êŸÙÞ¥ ÑÙë¯ ÍE.) ú£uö¶îµjû¦ ÷›úh ììªo ú£Ùví£-C-þ§hô¢ª.) has, had etc. combinations verbs ties.
mentally sound = ÷ªA-ú‡n-NªêŸÙêÁ ÑÙè[è[Ù
êÁ ÷à¶a ÚÛª
Prasad: O, do they? responses
mentally unsound = í‡#a
ÍEoÙ-æ¨ö˺ Ïî¶ Kumar: Are you? What's the price?/ What
Sunil: Is that your doubt? Call the Megastar
(Í÷±û¦, Íö°Þ¥? – ì÷ªt-øŒÚÛuÙ Ú¥ÚÛ-ð¼ê¶ ÑÙæ°ô³. is the price likely to be?
and ask him himself.
÷ªìÙ Ïà¶a response) Charan: I can bat better Tarun: Around Rs. 20 lac.
(Íë¯ F ú£Ùë¶ï£°Ù. Íô³ê¶ ޥ-þ§d-ôÂ¸Ú Pramod sentence ö˺E verb 'consult'. ÏC 1st than Tendulkar.
Regular Doing Word- Ú¥ñæ¨d responseö˺ 'do'
÷ú£ªhÙC (MinistersÚÛª ñë]ªõª 'they'êÁ). ÏÚÛ\è[
ðƼûË à¶ú‡ ÚÛìªÚÁ\) (çµÙè[«-õ\ô ÚÛû¦o ò°Þ¥
Ramesh: Should I? (Do) you want me to be ò°uæ¨ÙÞ à¶óŸª-Þœ-õìª.)
another fool like you? Come on. Sravan: O, can you?
Cut all that stuff about his calling Can't you bowl
you and taking your suggestions. better than
ÎÙÞœxòÅ°ù£é 92
You look a real fool. Pathan?
(Íö°Þ¥? Fö°¸Þ û¶ìª ÚÛ«è¯ ÷´ô¢ª^è[- (Íö°Þ¥?÷ªJ
E-í‡Ù-àŸª-ÚÁ-÷ªÙ-æ°î¦? ÏÚÛ Îí£±. ޥ- í£ôȦûË ÚÛû¦o ò°Þ¥ ò®öËÀ à¶óŸª-ö¶î¦?) ví£øŒo: It is not short form it's not/ it isn't.
þ§dô FÚÛª ðƼûË à¶óŸªè[Ù, F ú£«àŸ-ìõª
question tags ö˺ö°Þ¥ not ÑÙç¶ tag ö˺ not ô¦÷- Ïö°Ùæ¨ responses ò°Þ¥ practice à¶óŸªÙè…. î¦æ¨ pronunciation ÏæËÀq-û¦æËÀ/ ÏæËÀ ÐâµûËÂd
Bú£ª-ÚÁ-è[Ù-ö°Ùæ¨ í‡#a î¦Þœªè[ª ÚÛæ¨d-
ÚÛð¼÷è[Ù-ö°Ùæ¨C ÔOª ÑÙè[ë]ª. Ú•ÙàµÙ vøŒë]lÄÞ¥ Þœ÷ª-E›úh Ð responses question Þ¥ í£õ-ÚÛ-÷à¦a? ÏæËÀ ÐâÉÀ û¦æËÀ Þ¥û¶ í£õ-
šíåªd. ìª÷±y EáÙÞ¥ íÆ£²öËÀ-ö°¸Þ tags ö°Þ¥ à¦ö° ú£ªõòÅ¡Ù. Ú•ÙàµÙ practice êÁ Ú¥ö°? Short forms writing ö˺û¶ Ú¥ÚÛªÙè¯
Pramod: Most ministers are my friends.
Ñû¦o÷±.) Oªô¢ª ú£ªõ-òÅ¡ÙÞ¥ form à¶óŸª-Þœ-õô¢ª. ví£óŸª-AoÙ-àŸÙè…. spelling Ú¨ ÚÛ«è¯ ÷Jh-þ§hóŸ«? ÖÚÛ-î¶üŒ
Cut = Îí£±, ÚÛæ¨d-šíåªd , stuff = þ¼C, î¦Þœªè[ª. (÷ªÙv꟪ö˺x à¦ö°-÷ªÙC û¦ ›úo-꟪õª.)
ÏÚÛ\è[ verb 'are'. Ú¥ñæ¨d ministers ñë]ªõª they . Now practise the following in English spellingÚ¨ ÚÛ«è¯ ÷Jh›úh I would- short
Sunil: Do I? (Íö°Þ¥?)
form I'd. He has - He's, I have - I've
šíj ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-éö˺ îµ³ë]æ¨ òÅ°ÞœÙö˺ Sunil ÷«å-õÚÛª Prasad: O, are they? Tarun:EìoÙê¦ šïj°ë]-ô¦-ò°ëÂö˺ à¦ö° àŸLÞ¥
– Nî¶ÚÂ, ìö˹_Ùè[
Ramesh responses Þœ÷ª-EÙ-àŸÙè…. (Íö°Þ¥– ÎøŒa-ô¢u-ÚÛ-ô¢-iì Nù£óŸªÙ Íô³û¦ îµ³ë]-öµj-ì-î¦-æ¨E Óö° ÑàŸa-JÙ-à¦L?
★ Did he? response Ïö°û¶ ÷ú£ªhÙC.) Kumar: Íö°Þ¥? ÏÚÛ\-è[ÙêŸ ö¶ë¶.
★ Is that so? I didn't know (I haven't
Suraj: In the US, a cup of coffee costs a dol- Tarun: EìoÙê¦ šúyåô î¶ú£ªÚÛªû¶ AJÞ¥. áî¦ñª: It's not = ÏæËÀq not;
known) Kumar: Íö°Þ¥? ÏÚÛ\è[ ÖÚÛ îµ«ú£hô¢ª àŸLÞ¥ It isn't = ÏæËÀ ÐáûËÂd– Ïö°¸Þ í£õ-Ú¥L. Ïö° í£õª-
lar, that is, about Rs. 50/-
★ Does he? ÚÛªê¦Ù Ú¥ñç¶d writingö˺ î¦æ¨-ìö° ô¦þ§hô¢ª. NªÞœê¦
★ Should I? contracted forms (short forms) Nù£-óŸªÙ-ö˺ì«
ÏÙêŸ-÷-ô¢ÚÛª ÷ªìÙ question tags Óö° form Spoken English ð§êŸ î¦uþ§õ ÚÁú£Ù Ú¨xÚ à¶óŸªÙè…... Ïö°¸Þ ÑàŸa-J-þ§hô¢ª.
à¶óŸ«L, conversation ö˺ î¦æ¨ ð§vêŸ ÞœªJÙ# êµõª- I'd = ÕèÂ; He has = he's =âÉÀ
I've = ÕîËÂ. ÍEo contractions îµ³ë]å spoken
ú£ª-ÚÛªû¦oÙ. Conversation lively Þ¥, effective Þ¥ URL: forms Ú¥ñæ¨d writing ö˺ Íö° Í÷±-꟪ÙC.
ÑÙè¯-õ-ìª-ÚÛªÙç¶ question tags î¦è[ÚÛÙ à¦ö° Í÷-

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