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Harn mu

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ma mater ti
madbr la taa
nga ma
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Daam mama mi tu ti FINDEL sani:
Finde! ma bya'
Reading and writing the Ron Language
Njongat ti hyau kwa
Yatti, ahun Iwa' ti?
Nafu diin mu yet yo ngguri
Mus si puri ti ham
So 'ash ma Findel
Ca futhai la!
Ca worong Lis ma Ron!
Findelrng bya'
We were very eager to see people's reactions after the first issue of FINDEL has
appeared. Now that it is out and people Start buying it, we wish to point out a few
ideas we have in our mind.
FINEL is not Mieant to promote only one variety of the Ron language.
For the editors of this Journal, there is only one Ron language, even if
there are differeat dinlects. FINDEL will try to reflect this variety by
ailowing everyone to express himself in his respective variety of Ron.
We won't adapt contributions to any standardised form of Ron. What
we will do. though, is to standardise the orthography used for printing
these contributions, following the guidelines we are laying out in our
ongoing series on "Reading and Writing the Ron language". But even
then, our readers should still be able to identify the area of Ron where
they came from.
We invite gifted writers, story-tellers, poets, etc. from all the different
dialect areas of the Ron country to contribute to FINDEL, with their tales,
proverbs, songs, stories, cultural or historical issues, and anything that is of
interest to the whole Ron Community. Let's be creative and keep the Ron
language and culture alive!
Here are some guidelines for our prospective authors:
Contributions should be written in any of the Ron varieties, not in English or
Contributions should be sent to any of the following addresses:
Dr. Uwe Seibert or
P.O. Box 953
Akila F. Mandue
Ron Language Project
or Mafulul Lek
c/o COCIN Daffo
Contributions should be submitted either in typing or in a clear handwriting.
Good quality tape recordings of stories may also be accepted, but may need
to be edited. Drawings or photographs could be submitted, too.
Once submitted, contributions will not be sent back to the author.
Manuscripts are accepted only on a Joint decision of the editorial board.
Contributors receive free issues.
Letters to the editors will be published only if they are of general interest to
the readers. We reserve for ourselves the right to shorten these letters
without changing the general content.
All rights are reserved. Once published, contributions may be reproduced in
whole or part only with the written permission of the editors of FINDEL.
We hope that FINDEL will continue to be printed and the Ron language will
continue to be spoken for a long time to come.
In the last edition (No. 1) of FINDEL, we started
giving sorae guidelines on reading and writing the
Ron language consistently and pointed out some
Special letters. In this issue we will start presenting
the different sounds found in Ron and how they
should be written.
Classes of sounds
In Ron, as in all the languages of the world, sounds are
forraed in different ways and can thereby be grouped in
different classes. The first major distinction is the one
between vowels and consonants. Among consonants,
one may then distinguish plosives, fricatives, nasals,
liquids, etc.
Plosives. These sounds are produced with a complete
closure of the vocal tract. Ron has the following

With p, b and 6, the closure is formed with the lips.
They are called labial plosives. Here are some
kaa 'basket'
Note that b and can not occur at the end of a
word, only p, as shown in the word gip.
With t, d and d", the closure is formed with the tongue,
which touches the alveolar ridge, the Space directly
behind the teeth. They are called alveolar plosives. Here
are some examples:
tek 'beans' dash
motan 'disease' nadon
Again, note that d and </can not occur at the end of
a word, only t, as shown in the word mat.
With c and j the closure is formed with the tongue,
which touches the palate, a place in the middle of the
roof of your mouth. They are called palatal plosives.
Here are some examples:
ca 'food' ja 'pound'
kocok 'eider' Ujiish 'group of stars'
Neither of the two ..sounds can occur at the end of
vvords. Note that in Ron words like ca 'food' and
cif'money' are written only with a c, like in Hausa
ci 'eat', not with c//, like in English chief.
With k and g the closure is formed with the tongue,
which touches the veltim, a place in the back of the roof
of your mouth. They are called velar plosives. Here are
some examples:
kat 'remain' gam 'look for'
bakam 'knife' ligit 'beer'
tok 'run'
Only k can occur at the end of words.
With kp and gb a closure is formed with the tongue, which
touches the velum, and the lips at the same time. They are
called labiovelarplosives. Here are some examples:
kp and gb are found in only a few words and neither
of the two sounds can occur at the end of words.
'small food Container'
'wrong deed '
'women's festival'
Finally, with ' , a closure is formed at the glottis, which is a
small opening between your vocal chords. It is called a
glottal stop. The glottal stop occurs mostly at the end of
words and needs to be written in order to distinguish words
(ro i
It may also occur in the middle of words, whenever they
take plural orotherendings,like in:
ho'ash 'eggs',
yangg'an 'black'.
Look out for the hext issue of FINDEL for more guidelines
on reading and writing Lis ma Ron.
Letters to the editors are welcome and
ahould be addressed to:
Dr. Uwe Seibert, P.O. Box 953, Jos,
Kaxvai ma 'cng niayo
\\'cng ti 'cng!
Sini ktiMim di tot' si mu\
we, a we, ndee njong diin, sum mmis
a ti' Mashor Malashom. Des, ndee a
kyaar dama a ndik kwa. Dam mma a
dusai, ta wop a wan ti a fo. Caan ti
bang tuni, ta mun ti kwa. Ta kwis ka han gbum.
Naf si mun a matik la taa lan, ta dwis a zut ding
nzis a fai, yis a jyaal dor mmis. Andai des, ta
mbuie', naf si mun a marang mawan a lan, yis a
har yish mawis wa' a gam far.
Yis andai, nai kil ti le' la, yis a hai ta maring na
a ndik, ta mba tek shita' a ra kwa, Ti yes ta
humbil kong, naf si lang a far ti puryai.
Mashor Malashom ha ya kpokolok,
ka puri. Ta shit a fasa, fasa ti
liitet, ta shit a ndik, ndik ta
ndushis. Ta sor mgbwing, ta
inbi' hwyangang ma Dafo
Maanggai shak, ka wurai
mama ta yu a fwal puri ti.
Ta nii, ma halai ti fe ma
Manggai a Daas, si lak far
ii Mbir-a-Damot. Naaf
Malashomi ta lifit hwak,
yis a Malul. Ta nii: "A Da
Gbong, fo nda!" Da Gbong ta
matisai: "Awiin!". Ta niyis:
" Aa yes a lel ta reni?" Ta niyis:
yes a fwal puri na a ya ti!" Da Gbong
ta niyis: "Far ti kit al muna yo?" Mashor ta
niyis: "Ti kit a Mbir-a-Damot, tahun." Da
Gbong ta niyis: "Mbwet, tahun ca kambut
ryap!" Taa tei, yis a Hurum, a nan ta Da Kpam.
Ta niyis: "A Da Kpam, fo nda!" Da Kpam ta
matisai mashuri. Ta niyis: "I yes a fwal puri na
a ya ti." Da Kpam ti niyis: "Far ti kit al muna
yo?" Ta niyis: "Far ti kit a Mbir-a-Mulik,
tahun." Da Kpam ta niyis: "Mbwet, tahun ca
kambut ryap!" Taa Hurum, ta dbr yis a Faram,
ta Da Zeng. Ta shuris, ta niyis, a yes a fwal
puri mai a yis. Da Zeng ta niyis: "Far ti kit al
muna yo?" Ta niyis: "Far ti kit a Go, si nii
tahun". Da Zeng ta niyis: "Mbwet, tahun ca
kambut ryap!" Taa Faram, yis a Mandung ta
Da Makwin. Si wal mashur, ta niyis: "A Da
Makwin, i yes a fwal puri mai na a ya." Da
yMakwin ta niyis: "Far ti kit al muna yo?" Ta
TPanjuma Malan Kating
niyis: "Fartikita Balan, tahun." Da Makwin ta
niyis: "Mbwet, tahun ca kambut ryap!" Taa
nani, Mashor yis a TDayi, a nan ta Da Maful. Si
mashur, ta niyis, a yes a fwal puri mai a yis. Da
Maful ta niyis: "Far ti kit al muna yo?" Ta
niyis: "Far ti kit a Mbir-a-Manduk, tahun." Da
Maful ta niyis: "Mbwet, tahun ca kambut
ryap!" Ta lifit, yis a Mayyi, ta Da Go, si
mashur, ta niyis: "Tahun far ti Mbir-a-Duhu,
nai i yes a fwal puri a ya." Da Gom ta niyis:
"Mbwet, tahun ca kambut ryap!" Ta ndok a
Hotom, sakwar si sa rnwan yet hatat. Si wal
mashur si Da Manggai a Hotom,
Mashor Malashom ta tikis ti
findeli tikil andai des. Da Nggai
ta niyis: "Far ti kit al muna
yo?" Ta niyis: "Far ti kit a
Mbir-a-Cuku, tahun." Da
Nggai ta niyis: "Mbwet,
tahun ca kambut ryap!"
Taa nani Mashor Malashom
ta zut re, ta shu a hai, matik
la a wur. Ti mapak la a wur,
cire si tof sis. Ta ja ma
, ta kir
t i gofa l a andai t awe, a kpanga. Ta lal cirehi, mawa ti
, n a fari. Ta fat kikyali si cirehi, ta
I i aWUn :
k a i
im k w a
Makat ti kai. Ta
yu a fo ma der, ta nii, ma magu', kpanga
ma ma'i wa terop ta fr, ta nzekis ti a yiri! Naaf
mma ta tadas hwash ta nii: "Warowa! Lei le!
Taa wil sai, Mashor Malashom ndee a gon
shita'. Ta kwaan a malang kil wit-wit, mawan a
han. Mma naf si lulis dam mama a 6ulis hayi,
ta niyis: "Njongat ti, ti kyaar lel! Lei ti hyau
kwa. Ndya i fotan. I wan a tyaakan kwa." Wil
ndee a masir, Mashor Malashom ta shanggot
fo', ta har a wur yo rus. Ta har, ta gon la, ta gon
puri. Ta mun a wur yo madafal. Wun taa findel
sani, yit mai, dama ma lai tuni ma na mama ca
cu a ndik fat nggai kwa. Mwin Mashor
Malashom ndee a nii, ma wan a dusai mmis
cfamani ta na a ndik kek. Ndee ti gofis la, ti tar
shash, ti kiris a fo. Ha wamai aa fuki, ti gofa la
andai tawe, a ku a mawun?
Malashom ndee a nii,
ma wan a dusai mmis
damani ta na a ndik
kek. Ndee ti gofis la,
ti tar shash, ti kiris a
Yat t i , ahun Iwa
aarun diin ndee a yu a far ti cire
mmis. Nai ta kaa'ai lo, ta har a
boon. Ta kai mater yis matik la a
wur. Kek, ta nii, ma mashit la: yat ti
dum ta ti a kima, ti niyis: "Yin lo ti mgbang
mwaan, ahun ha yes a gam yin ti kwa he?" Yat
ti nii hwalak, ti nyai shomwit, ti mbukai boon
ka lohi ta ti a fi. Ta niyet ye. Ta ju runggwa
, ta
nii: "A sakur, i cwaai mi, i shai ha?" Si
makerong si yati. Ta nin carmbel, ta tik a nin
carmbel, ta lukis a fa mer ti Iwa' ti lwyash nzis.
Ko ta manet yat, ti niet a nya ti a nggong ma
meri. Maarun ta
n i y e t : " S u t e t
Ta shit la han ta ti a fa
me r , t a s h i t a i
W u l y a n g ma
rundong iil a gyokai
rundong a tye'e. Ta
kir la, ta gaasai fe ma
Bilati, ta syar ti, ta
niyis: "Ndiya hu
niyen, yaa yo Kadb,
ahun mi ha? Ye,
dama kwa, hu yes, hu
shitai rundong diin
mwan na a nggong ma mer a nan - mu yet a
mamot. Ahun nzu ti yo? Kabok, hu yes, hu
shitai !" Bilati nai, ko ta manis ti gas mama a
gaasai sisi. Si nii: "Ca yu ti tnbayat yo, ahun ca
yu, ca shitai rundong tima ma laki?" Si kir la,
si niyis: "A yok, ni na mayes-o!" Si nii, mi
mapak la, yat ti nii hwa', hu gyok sen anda! Si
mashwet fo, yis ti fayi. Si nin a rundong kil
shuwit, rundong ta nii mbi' ti tutok, yat ti fayi.
Maarun ta tamas, ta tik a sumu
yat a fa
Wulyangi, yis a gaasayi. Ta shitai, si fotis a
mashit ta ti a fa mer kong, ta nin hwet, ta jikis
la. Ta gam boon mmis, mama kwai yat ti
fwyaa'ai, ka lohi, ta diisai. Ta nggyaa'ai ti,
kyahap a wur.
Nai wa
Run si furai ndurum ti findeli, si fwaa
a gaasai Bilat, si syaar ti. Si nii: "Mbwa ti
Wulyang a rundong! Daam ma lan! Haiyang
iil mai, si sun!" Nai Wulyang si halai, si
niyis, ye, dama kwa.
Mafuh.d Lek
Wuiyang ma rundong ma sharan, ahun
Duraje, nai si pak la ta ti a kimaash mama si
yaasi. Si konis Run 6iii shen. Yat diin nai wa
ti konet a malang ti rundong kil, ti konet ti. Si
sharis si rundongi giga', ngga' mama mma
naaf a shitai, ta sun kwa. Nai Wulyangi si yu,
si nggwel, si shitet yati. Si nii: "Bwe kapat,
kwai caa wer cfam mama Run ndee si masisai
nyaas mmican sai." Si dik a malang ta
mbule', kil wit-wit, si niyis Runi: "Hu cwaai
cfam ma motan ha?" Si niyis: "Ei, ni cwaai."
Si niyis: "Yee, hu yu, hu shit a rundong sai
kil." Run si nyaash, si niyis: "Ni palang fwet
aang!" Bilat si niyis: "Kawe, 6a ku hu
honan gaasai nin, a hai ta fmdel ma yat,
mama ndee hu re'is nyaas mminin kyai hai
ha?" Yet lwyat, Run si kabok, si niyis Bilat
"Kabok, ni wan a tyaakan kwa." Bilat si
niyis: "Ye, ka hu tyaak kwa, hu yu, hu tek
rundong nda!" Run si dik a fwaaran, si
Si nii, mi mashit han kong ti a rundong kil,
kil ti nii wutirish, yat ti niyis: "Hu da, i
mwan!" Run si mashuwit, ti ka yat ti a
nggong. Wulyang si nii: "Hya
, fmdel a
mawal, ca weran." Si tik a gaasai Run, si
niyis "Kadb!" Si ngga rundong mmis kong,
si dbris a ne. Ngga' mama Run ndee si wal ka
yati, si nii kek, a hyau tyaakan tikil kwa
gbum. Run si nii kek, yati ndee ti mun yo yat
ti fo mmit ti kwa. Wa' Iwa' ti Wulyang ti,
ndee si yes a wer ti dam mama ndee sin Run
des si masisayi ti yati.
Mma ren mma cfaafwaash a hon nggwaran, refmiwan a niyai sis yo
manggi' ti no'daam
a f u cf i i n
niu yet yo
ngguri ti.
M u f i
ni ndong m m i t
danggat ti ra. Des,
mu ti wur nzit
ahwet danggat.
Ti tek rundong sai.
ti gon la. Nai ti y, ti laal naf ma goni, ti
niyis: "Hu yes, hu gon rundong sai!" Si gon
rundongi, si lamo'. Ti niyis: "Hu kiren tu ti
nigbang, hu kiren tashsh, hu kiren folok,
hu kiren ko, hu kiren nggoral, hu kiren
ficfyol!" Nai si tolet daam kyai ti. Ti mat
daam kyai, ti kir a kandiring.
Taa tei, ti as fo', ti wet a ln. Ti tik la taa
lan, ti yes mma si jaan cica, si kiret ti a sam.
Si sinza sam la, si 6il ham, si shwet ti. Ti tek
cicahi, ti mun a jihi, ti nii: "Wii! Fe mmin
mma si yes taa lel ti, si masenai wunat tuni
na a wuri?"
Nai a tahun - 6we ti fulali - ti shu fo', ti tik a
kir ti a fa we. Ti yes, si sinzaan samami la,
si sinzaan lungai la, si 6ilet ham ti a cfikil, si
jaan cica, si kiret ti a kandiring. Ti nii: "Mu
fe mmin kyani mi yaasan taa lel ti, si
masenai wunat na a wur hani, si ku si
waahis kama i shitisi?"
Ti tik a shu fo' a we ti yuhun, ti kir a fa
we. Ti lifit, ti wet a lan. Ti yes a wur ta ren.
Ti yes, ti cfusai fwar a ndik a dlkil-a-dikil,
sin a ja, sin ti a tu ti wur.
Si but majwai la a ndik,
6a si tokis. Ti niyis:
"Hunuu fe mmin mi-o,
ka hu tok kwa, ka hu tok
kwa!" Nai si sor a
ma s or . Ti n i y i s :
"Hunuu fe mmin mi,
mma hu yes taa leli?" Si
niyet: "Ninii fe ma lo
mmish mai mama shi
kir a kandiring." Ti
niyis: "Ye, hu sor, ka hu
tok kwa - i palang, i
palang!" Nai si furai
masai wunat ti a tu ti
Si nii, mi shitayi, saf
sani a masaa ti mawan a
kil ma tot ur. A saa ti a fo a kil, a shitai
fwar kyani. A shitai fwar a wunat a ndik a
cfikil. A saa ti a wis a
kil ma ur. A yes, a
mun a matik la ta
nunu, a nii: "A naa,
yaa fuk, i sho ham!"
Ti nii: "Aawana sho
ham-a?" A nii: "Ei!"
Ti nii: "A Utashash,
shi dya' ham, shi faris saf!" Ti nii: "I wan
kwa!" Ti nii: "A Tu-ti-mgbang, shi dya' ham,
shi faris saf!" Ti nii: "I wan kwa!" Ti nii: "A
Folok, shi dya' ham, shi faris saf!" Ti nii: "I
wan kwa!" Ti nii: "A Nggwaral, shi dya' ham,
shi faris saf!" Ti nii: "I wan kwa!" Ti nii: "A
Uko, shi dya' ham, shi faris saf!" Ti nii: "I wan
kwa!" Ti nii: "A Ficfyol, shi dya' ham, shi faris
saf!" Ufidyol ti wop a malang. Ti tek dyei, ti
shu ham ti, ti kulis saf.
Saf a mat ra ma mari hani, a wop a kir la a fi ti
puri. A kai mater ti mawis ti a wur a yis. A yu,
a dusai refmmis fulal, a niyis: "Hu shitai nafii
nzin tuni tima i kul tuni, ti al mahyau - ka hu
kir set, ti masai wunat kwa gbum!'
Si niyis
Taa tei, a lifit, a wis a kil ma wunat. Si tek
aleng ma mgbang hani, si kir a fa mwan, si
kul njukum, si shuti, si niyet: "Shi wang can!"
Ti mun a wangi, yit a macfor la. Ti wal a madbr
la holeng, danggat ti yu ti a sam, ti niyet tuni:
, shi tukan ur kong a jen!" Ti niyet: "Bur
ti mi?" Ti niyet: "Nafu tuni tima ci kir set a
wunat mwan, ti nwet la na a ndik wo! Ci masai
tite?" Ti niyet:
ii A m i. - 1 1 x i 1 i. ~~i "Wo', ti nwet la
"A Tu-ti-mgbang, shi dya ham, shi feris
niyet: "E"
saf!" Ti nii; "I wan kwa!" Ti nii: "A Foiok,
Ti ni
e t :
Mu saf na
1 . 1 1 1 i r nif rp. .. UT y
i s a k i l m a u r
c i
shi dya ham, shi feris saf! Ti nii: "I wan
kwa!" Ti m "A Nggwaral, shi dya' ham,
shi faris saf!" Ti nii: "I wan kwa!" Ti nii:
"A Uko, shi dya! ham, shi faris saf!" Ti
nii: "I wan kwa!" Ti nii: "A Ficfyol, shi
dya' ham, shi faris saf!" Ufidyol ti wop a
malang. Ti tek dyei, ti shu ham ,
tikulis saf
yis a
wan a masai tite
kong?" Ti niyet:
" Shi lal ein mahwak
naate' e, acirut!"
Si lal mahwaki,
mahwak a nii: "I
wan, i niyis saf-e:
hwaak, hwaak,
hwaak!" Si niyis-e:
, a ya a wa!"
Ti nii: "Yee, shi lal
ein ruguta!"
Si yu, si lal ruguta.
Si niyet ruguta:
"Saf yis na - a kil ma ur, shi wan, shi niyis
mihi?" Ti nii: "I wan, i sor ti a fa mer, i nii: A
saf, a saf, nafu nza nda, ti nwet la a ndik, ti
nyet ham!" Si niyet: "Yee, shi yu, shi
Ti yu, ti sor ti a nggong ma mer mama saf
ma ur ti, ti nii:" A saf, a saf, a saf, nafu nza
nda ti nwet la, ti nyet ham!" Nai mar diin
yis a mamun ti a shen ti saf, ta nii: "Hu mun
mbaa dbng!" Saf ta halai, ta nii: "Hu kai
mar sai, hu yu, hu lef la!" Si kai mari, si yu,
Nai ti tik a niyai: "A saf, a saf, nafu nza
tima a kir a wur tindai nda ti nwet la, ti nyet
ham!" A halai ti hai nzis kong, a fis a fi ti
puri mawan a wur kong. A yu, a dusai nafu
ti nwet la a ndik, ti nyet yo ham. A nii: "Hu
ham, hu faren!"
Si nii, mi niyai, a si dya' ham taa lang, si
shitai langi ka ham. Si nii, mi niyai, 6a si
il ham taa der, si dusai deri ka ham. Taa
mar mama a yu a il hami a shitet nafu tima
ti nu la tindai. Wa
ti nu la andai, ti dwet a
fa mer ti ka ham a ndu. Nai ham si nzekis
taa derash.
Ti mun taa fa mer, ti kir dor, ti nii:" Akwai i
shitai nisin mma hu hek la ndee, akwai hu
dusai ham, hu sho; akwai i dusai nisin mma
si lef la ndee, akwai hu dusai ham, hu sho!"
Nai mar a tik la a wur, a tikis saf tikil. Nisit
mama si lef lahi a yu a sor ti a nggong ma
mer, a nii: "A tisin-e, a tisin-e, yaa fuk
ham, i sho!" Nai ti dbr la taa fa mer ka ham
a ndu. Ham si se a lang, si se a derash, ka
shak derash mama kwai si mun ka hami.
Si shitai ham si pak la a derash
des si pak
la a lang mma akwai si gam ham ti sai wet.
Fe kong si dya' ham, si kulis saf a sam.
Kil mma waatan tuni ti mawal ti nai. Inii ti
Ufo' ti Kun. Yaa wur ta Iliya David, a
Fanga (Langgos) T)afo.
nggwar lis.
s si puri ti
de mus diin ti mun a
kwaalan fai ti puri
ti ham diin ti har
kwil. Ren sani cen ma fwash
diin a fu'purihi mawan a fa
hayai ma hwa'an iil a fo ma
ham mma a kul maak ti
purihi. Naf ma bum si yes si
bum shak naf ma wunat a tu
ti purihi, si rang la shak a
Si mun a fuk, si lang a
wis, nai danggat taa tu nzis a
nii, ca nyai mus ama a tu ti
puri ti ham tuni, nai naaf ma
tuk puri ti hami a lang, a tik
ti a tu ti purihi, a ta bum
T)ak a tik la ti, a ta kai
musi, nai ti toket. Ti toket a
6ur tima mu fuk a ti muneti
a tu ti puri ti hami, des a ur
tima ca masut masut mi ti,
gushe ka lo ka masut ti ca
Akila Filibus Mandiu
tima mus si fwaak cwai fwet.
Deng ma wet a hwet hai kwa.
Haling ti mus ti mun a har
nggong la a kweeti a tu ti puri
ti hami, ti sun, ti nii, mi wan
a mapwa kwa. Si mun a
masai hani, nai puri yo
hyoot, ti mbwish a ham kil,
mus ti pwa.
Kweeti tuni, fe re ka ref
mi dak mus tuni. T)aam ma
layi masut masut mi dang sis
la, si sun, si nii, mamot mu fo
kwa, Awei ti kwa?
Findel ma "Bwe a gof can
niyai shak naf si masai
mafwash, si ndok, si sor a fo
ta Bwe kwa. Sani a gof ca
wan a shitai set a ur ti
mafwash mmican. Mma ca
fwal Yesu Kristi, a ta wak
can la kwa. Bwe a nii, a dya'
is madafal, a ta mot kasik
danggat kek, takfai si totis
Bwe shak ka le'mafwash
mmis ma fuk masut ma, a 6ur
tima Bwe ma fuk can, a kir
Mar mmis a shum ti mamot a
ur njican.
Yesu Kristi ma fuk Bwe ka
can, mma a kir a far hai nzis
6a ta mot a ur njicaan. Yesu
uu mbaan masai mafwash
kwa, kwil ti mafwash mmican
tl ti kir si nggwak sis a fa mer a
mot dak naaf mma a masai
mafwash ma tadl.
Ha mbaan halai deng'mma
a mot a 6ur ti mafwash ma
deng-a? Bwe ma fuk, a ca fuk
mar mmis ti ko danggat, ka ca
fot fa mus tuni a fa daam ma
layi kwa, a ur tima miwan a
mawal fa puri ti ham tuni tima
ti mbwish a ham kil. Ca faris
Bwe koash mmican mawan a
bum can, a ca hat a mater nzis
mawan a mapwet.
^Dambus ti laang a sam (Hin // In ij //<_',<,'<>/'
Ca kulis Dawe
Samuel Tanko Manggut
Hu yes can
Ca kulis
Hu yes can
A nyan oo
Daam ma layi oo
si vo can diyar la
daam ma layi oo
si vo can diyar la
DaBwe a far can
can a shahi oo
Dawe a far can
can a nggwenenen a shahi oo
Lei ti wal
Samuel Tanko Manggut
Lei ti wal, lel ti wal (x 3)
I hat a mburit oo
Naf sis a sisal scn
Si ni lel ti ti kir
ti kwaal waakan oo
Mma yin ka ca a wur oo
si fo sis a fi sen
si ni lel ti ti kir
si ni lel ti hyaak oo
Mar ma Bwe min ma ayes
Ka i gaf eif wet ha?
Lei val lel ti
wal (x 3)
Daam ma layi oo
si vo ean diyar la
eifash ma layi oo
-si vo can diyar la
puryai ma layi oo
si vo can diyar la
safat ma layi oo
a vo can dyar la
Dawe a far can
can a shahi oo
Da&we a far cari
a ngara can a shahi oo
Dawe a far can
. '
Mma yin a mbayi wet oo
I lal mar ma Bwe ee
Yis mal ta Taren mbwesh
Ta teken mocan la
Mma i mba hatat wet oo
I lal mar ma Bwe ee
Yis mai ta kayenai ra
Ni hat mawan a wur oo-
Lel ti wal, lel ti wal (x 3)
ean a nggwenenen a shahi oo
F otindei'ti hwi ti ho'
Fotindei ti hwi ti ho',
ti faris magom shuwir,
ti niyis: "a dmbu yen,
i yu a re ma huru'l"
Ren tima ti mun maefu,
si tof si Rua kyani,
si nlyet: "Shi kir mar al?"
Ti niyisr "Yin ngguri ti!*
Si niyet- "Shi ngguryat kpak,
shi sha' ta abel ti!
Si zut set a magwish kpa
ti cafe
, ti luket,
ti fr ta dikyawash;
ti ewai ti wom nzit ti.
I mun a mayes a Mading
I mun a mayes a Mading yin ka washi.
I dusis a ref a Run kyani a saot.
Si niyen, "Mimai a nya a kon hani ?"
I niyis, "Njongash ma Mading si lyaafsen."
Si zut tundel kput, si kiren a boon.
Si nii, "A kai, 6a a san ti a sam ma nya."
H ar b in? Sal on
Naf ma so hai fiyang;
Wunat nzinin: sinza hai la, so hai ka sapa
mashlt ti zalang a shinggil ti Ron.
Kil ma so hai a Bokkos. - Soni

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