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Technical Guide Technical Guide

Company Profile Page 03
Policy Statements
Quality Policy Page 04
Environmental Policy Page 05
Health & Safety Policy Page 06
Product Specifications/Technical Information
Engineering Copper Tue! Page 0"
Pluming Copper Tue! Page 0#
$e%ical &a! Tue! Page ''
$e%ical &a! $etric En%fee% (itting! Page '3
)efrigeration an% *ir Con%itioning Tue! Page '4
Quality Sy!tem +S, #00'-.00/ Page '6
0itemar1 2 3S E4 '05" copper tue! Page '/
0itemar1 2 +S E4 '05" copper tue! Page ..
0itemar1 2 3S E4'334/ me%ical tue! Page .3
25 & 3 !ear Guarantee Page .4
C"S## $ #a%ard &ata Sheet
Copper C5 *n% +t! Salt! Page .5
Standard Conditions of Sales Page ."
Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page 2 of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(
Company Profile
E!tali!he% in '#'" an% a!e% in Coventry6 The 7a8ton Tue Company i! the 509! large!t in%epen%ent copper
tue ma1er: The Company i! a Private 7imite% Company 8ithout any group a!!ociation! 8ith the free%om
nece!!ary to !ati!fy cu!tomer re;uirement! an% re!pon% to pro%uct an% proce!! change! 8ith the late!t technical
<e offer a 8i%e range of ;uality a!!ure% copper tue!6 complying 8ith the late!t !pecification!6 to oth the
con!truction an% engineering mar1et!: 7a8ton Tue i! ale to !upply a range of !tan%ar% pro%uct! or !pecial one
off or%er!: Plant %evelopment! an% in!tallation! have 1ept pace 8ith mar1et %eman%! for a high integrity pro%uct
an% employ the late!t manufacturing techni;ue!: * fully integrate% pro%uction !y!tem a!e% on high !pee% loc1
%ra8ing an% !emi automate% enche! form the core of our primary proce!!ing:
(rom initial e=tru!ion to fini!he% tue6 7a8ton Tue en!ure! that %iameter6 thic1ne!!6 temper an% length are all
controlle% 8ithin pre%etermine% limit! 8ith the mo!t up>to %ate manufacturing an% in!pection !tan%ar%!:
7a8ton Tue ha! een a!!e!!e% an% regi!tere% a! a 3S+ *pprove% Company operating Quality Sy!tem! to meet
the re;uirement! of 3S E4 +S, #00'>.00/ an% ;ualifie! for the 0+TE$*)0 E4 '05" an% E4 '334/ ?$e%ical@:
7a8ton Tue 8a! the fir!t company in the 5nite% 0ing%om to have the E4 '334/ ?$e%ical@ 0+TE$*)0: (rom
receipt of certifie% ra8 material! to final in!pection an% %e!patch the aim i! to manufacture a tue fit for purpo!e:
Auring .00'6 7a8ton Tue ac;uire% Aor!et Tue in Poole6 8hich a%%e% to the rea%th of Engineering tue
!upplie% y the Coventry unit an% inclu%e% the pro%uction of cupro>nic1el ra1e pipe tue: Aor!et Tue ha! een
a!!e!!e% an% regi!tere% a! a 3S+ *pprove% Company an% are operating Quality Sy!tem! to meet the
re;uirement! of 3S E4 +S, #00'>.00/:
Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page $ of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(
Policy Statements
'uality Policy
7a8ton Tue Company i! committe% to maintain6 on a continuou! a!i!6 an effectively Quality $anagement
Sy!tem6 8hich complie! 8ith the re;uirement! of the 3S E4 +S, #00'-.00/ Sy!tem for Quality $anagement:
The Q$S i! a frame8or1 gui%ing 7a8ton Tue $anagement an% Employee! to focu! on i%entifying an% meeting
cu!tomer re;uirement! con!i!tently in an environment in 8hich people un%er!tan%6 an% are fully involve% in
achieving the u!ine!! oBective! through effective communication an% lea%er!hip:
7a8ton Tue i! committe% to complying 8ith the re;uirement! of the Q$S an% continually improving it!
7a8ton Tue i! committe% to continually improve on the organi!ational performance6 ma1ing u!e of appropriate
%eci!ion ma1ing tool! to e!tali!h6 analy!e an% improve through monitoring of agree% ;uality oBective!:
7a8ton Tue i! committe% to en!uring that re!ource! re;uire% for the Q$S proce!!e! are provi%e%6 a%e;uately
maintaine% an% improve% in or%er to meet cu!tomer9! re;uirement!:
+n the intere!t of complying 8ith cu!tomer re;uirement!6 7a8ton Tue 8ill enter into6 an% %evelop mutually
eneficial relation!hip! 8ith !upplier! of !ervice! an% goo%! 8here %eeme% appropriate:
7a8ton Tue 8ill ma1e arrangement! to comply 8ith current Health an% Safety 7egi!lation:
The Company i! committe% to the Quality $anagement Sy!tem Proce%ure! !tate% in thi! $anual an% all
employee! are re!pon!ile for meeting the re;uirement! lai% %o8n:
The <or1! $anager i! authori!e% to control an% en!ure the !y!tem i! maintaine%: +n the event of a maBor
prolem6 8hich coul% have an a%ver!e effect on the operation of the Quality Sy!tem6 thi! !houl% e rought to the
attention of the $anaging Airector for re!olution:
Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page ) of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(
(nvironmental Policy
<e recogni!e a! a manufacturer of copper an% copper alloy tue pro%uct!6 on t8o !ite!6 that the operational
activitie! of the organi!ation ha! an impact on the environment:
The aim of thi! policy i!6 through the office of the <or1! $anager Coventry6 to le!!en the environmental impact of
the organi!ation through a programme of continuou! improvement:
The Company 8ill 2
En%eavour to comply 8ith current legi!lation u!ing availale technology an% meet future legi!lative re;uirement!:
+%entify an% monitor environmental impact! in or%er to %evelop a plan to re%uce overall impact:
The environmental improvement plan 8ill e %ocumente% an% communicate% internally to the 8or1force an% their
repre!entative! through training an% team riefing:
The annual report 8ill inclu%e environmental reporting:
The Company 8ill en%eavour to minimi!e 8a!te6 optimi!e recycling an% en!ure appropriate %i!po!al:
Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page # of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(
#ealth & Safety Policy
! +t i! an important %uty of thi! Company6 in the con%uct of it! u!ine!! operation!6 to en!ure a !afe an%
healthy>8or1ing environment for all it! employee!: The Company accept! the fact that thi! implie! the
corre!pon%ing %uty of en!uring that the nece!!ary organi!ation6 e;uipment an% training i! provi%e% to fulfil
thi! oligation: *n effective health an% !afety policy re;uire! the full collaoration an% co>operation of all
employee! an%6 therefore6 everyo%y i! a!1e% to rea% thi! %ocument an% accept per!onal re!pon!iility for
health an% Safety at 8or1C
+t i! the re!pon!iility of $anagement an% Supervi!ion->
* To promote the !pirit an% the letter of the principle! an% provi!ion! incorporate% in the relevant legi!lation to
en!ure that !afe !y!tem! of 8or1 an% a !afe an% healthy 8or1ing environment e=i!t!C a%e;uate re!ource!
8ill e ma%e availale to en!ure the !ucce!! of thi! Policy:
3 3y con!ultation an% Boint involvement of $anagement an% employee!6 to enli!t the active intere!t6
participation an% !upport of employee! in promoting goo% !tan%ar%! of Health an% Safety at <or1-
+t i! the re!pon!iility of every employee->
* To ta1e all rea!onale care for the health an% !afety of him!elf an% of fello8 employee! an% to report any
haDar% 8hich cannot e controlle% per!onallyC
3 To co>operate 8ith the Company y o!erving !afety rule! an% complying 8ith any mea!ure! %e!igne% to
en!ure a !afe an% healthy 8or1ing environmentC
4 The role of the Safety Committee i! of vital importance for maintaining a continuou! an% critical !crutiny of
8or1ing con%ition! throughout the factoryC revie8ing the !afety performance an% promoting !afer 8or1ingC
5 The $anaging Airector accept! ultimate re!pon!iility for Health an% Safety 8ithin the Company a! a 8hole:
*ll $anagement6 Supervi!ion an% employee! generally are e=pecte% to !upport an% implement thi! policy
6 The Policy an% proce%ure! 8ill e revie8e% annually y the Health an% Safety Committee:
Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page " of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(
Product Specifications/Technical Information
(n)ineerin) Copper Tu*es
Pipeline !olution! for Engineering application!:
$a%e to or%er !o contact our Sale! %epartment 8ith (577 en;uiry:
*verage manufacturing time i! 4 8ee1!:
<e manufactureE%i!triute to the follo8ing European Specification!?*merican *ST$ can al!o e offere%@-
3S E4 '.44#-'###
3S E4 '.54'-'###
3S E4 '3600-.00.
+S (, -2../ Seamle!!6 roun% tue! for general purpo!e!
$aterial *naly!i! ?C'06@
$aterial &ra%e Pho!phoru! %e>o=i%i!e% copperC Cu>AHP or C<0.4* a! %efine% in 3S E4 '#"6:
$inimum Copper Content ##:#0 F ?inclu%ing !ilver@
Pho!phoru! 0:0'5>0:040 F
Total +mpurity $a=ima 0:060 F ?e=clu%ing pho!phoru! an% !ilver@
$echanical Propertie!
0aterial Temper
Tensile Stren)th
min1 2,/mm23
(lon)ation min1
#ardness 2Indicative3
62 2soft3 .00 40 40>65
625 2#alf #ard3 .50 .0 "0>'00
62/ 2#ard3 .#0 5 #5>'.0
Aimen!ion! an% Tolerance!
Plea!e en;uiry 8ith our !ale! %epartment a! 8e ma1e to or%er !o pro%uct 8ill e cu!tomer !pecific:
+S (, -2.5- Seamle!!6 roun% tue! for heat e=changer!
$aterial *naly!i!
$aterial &ra%e Pho!phoru! %e>o=i%i!e% copperC Cu>AHP or C<0.4* a! %efine% in 3S E4 '#"6:
$inimum Copper Content ##:#0 F ?inclu%ing !ilver@
Pho!phoru! 0:0'5>0:040 F
Total +mpurity $a=ima 0:060 F ?e=clu%ing pho!phoru! an% !ilver@
$echanical Propertie!
0aterial Temper
Tensile Stren)th
min1 2,/mm23
(lon)ation min1
#ardness 2Indicative3
625 2#alf #ard3 .50 .0 "5>'00
62/ 2#ard3 .#0 5 ,ver '00
Aimen!ion! an% Tolerance!
Plea!e en;uiry 8ith our !ale! %epartment a! 8e ma1e to or%er !o pro%uct 8ill e cu!tomer !pecific:
Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page * of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(
+S (, -37 Seamle!!6 roun% tue! for electrical purpo!e!
$aterial *naly!i! ?HC C'0'@
$aterial &ra%e Pho!phoru! %e>o=i%i!e% copperC Cu>ETP or C<004* a! %efine% in 3S E4 '#"6:
$inimum Copper Content min ##:#0 F ?inclu%ing !ilver@
$a= ,=ygen 2 0:060 F i! permitte%6 !uBect to agreement et8een the purcha!er an% 7a8ton Tue!
$a= 7ea% 2 0:005 F
Total +mpurity $a=ima 0:030 F ?e=clu%ing o=ygen6 lea% an% !ilver@
$aterial *naly!i! ?HC C'03@
$aterial &ra%e Pho!phoru! %e>o=i%i!e% copperC Cu>,( or C<00/* a! %efine% in 3S E4 '#"6:
$inimum Copper Content min ##:#5 F ?inclu%ing !ilver@
$a= 7ea% 2 0:005 F
Total +mpurity $a=ima 0:030 F ?e=clu%ing lea% an% !ilver@
$echanical Propertie!
0aterial Temper
Tensile Stren)th
min1 2,/mm23
(lon)ation min1
#ardness 2Indicative3
62 2soft3 .00 40 35>65
625 2#alf #ard3 .50 '5 65>#5
62/ 2#ard3 .#0 5 #0>''0
Aimen!ion! an% Tolerance!
Plea!e en;uiry 8ith our !ale! %epartment a! 8e ma1e to or%er !o pro%uct 8ill e cu!tomer !pecific:
Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page + of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(
Plum*in) Copper Tu*es 8 +S (, -59
$aterial *naly!i!
$aterial &ra%e Pho!phoru! %e>o=i%i!e% copperC Cu>AHP or C<0.4* a! %efine% in 3S E4 '#"6:
$inimum Copper Content ##:#0 F ?inclu%ing !ilver@
Pho!phoru! 0:0'5>0:040 F
Total +mpurity $a=ima 0:060 F ?e=clu%ing pho!phoru! an% !ilver@
The melting point of copper i! '0/3GC an% it ha! a %en!ity of /:# gmEcc
*ll tue! are un%le tie%6 '5>./mm ?TH@ are Iello8 en% cappe% in tue! of '0 ?50 mar1et only@:
SiDe! '5 > 54mm copper tue! are !tampe% 8ith-
J Tue !iDe
J 0itemar1
J E4 '05"
J Temper
J $anufacturer
J Aate ?;uarter@
SiDe! 6"mm an% aove are !tampe% at either en% of the tue:
$echanical Propertie!
0aterial Temper (, --93
Tensile Stren)th
min1 2,/mm23
(lon)ation min1
#ardness 2Indicative3
622 2soft3 ..0 40 40>"0
625 2#alf #ard3 .50 30 ?TH@ .0 ?TI@ "5>'00
62/ 2#ard3 .#0 3 ,ver '00
Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page 9 of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(
Aimen!ion! an% Tolerance! ?inclu%e! chrome plate% an% PKC covere%@
"1&1 2mm3 :all 2mm3 Temper
0a; :or<in)
Pressure *ar=
up to 75>C
&iameter Tolerance
Includin) ovality
7 0:6 ?TH@ Half Har% '33 L'0F L0:04mm L0:0#mm
7 0:6 Soft #0 L'0F L0:04mm 4ot applicale
7 0:/ ?TI@ Half Har% '// L'0F L0:04mm L0:0#mm
? 0:6 ?TH@ Half Har% #" L'0F L0:04mm L0:0#mm
? 0:6 Soft 66 L'0F L0:04mm 4ot applicale
? 0:/ ?TI@ Half Har% '36 L'0F L0:04mm L0:0#mm
- 0:6 ?TH@ Half Har% "" L'0F L0:04mm L0:0#mm
- 0:" ?TI@ Soft 6. L'0F L0:04mm 4ot applicale
- 0:/ ?TI@ Half Har% '06 L'0F L0:04mm L0:0#mm
-2 0:6 ?TH@ Half Har% 63 L'0F L0:04mm L0:0#mm
-2 0:/ ?TI@ Half Har% /" L'0F L0:04mm L0:0#mm
-5 0:" ?TH@ Half Har% 5/ L'0F L0:04mm L0:0#mm
-5 ':0 ?TI@ Half Har% /" L'3F L0:04mm L0:0#mm
-5 ':0 ?TI@ Soft 6" L'3F L0:04mm 4ot applicale
22 0:# ?TH@ Half Har% 5' L'0F L0:05mm L0:'0mm
22 ':. ?TI@ Half Har% 6# L'5F L0:05mm L0:'0mm
22 ':. ?TI@ Soft 5" L'5F L0:05mm 4ot applicale
2? 0:# ?TH@ Half Har% 40 L'0F L0:05mm L0:'0mm
2? ':. ?TI@ Half Har% 55 L'5F L0:05mm L0:'0mm
35 ':0 ?7iteH@ Har% 4. L'5F L0:06mm L0:0"mm
35 ':. ?TH@ Half Har% 4. L'0F L0:06mm L0:''mm
35 ':5 ?TI@ Har% 64 L'0F L0:06mm L0:0"mm
.2 ':0 ?7iteH@ Har% 35 L'5F L0:06mm L0:0"mm
.2 ':. ?TH@ Half Har% 35 L'0F L0:06mm L0:''mm
.2 ':5 ?TI@ Har% 53 L'0F L0:06mm L0:0"mm
5. ':0 ?7iteH@ Har% ." L'5F L0:06mm L0:0"mm
5. ':. ?TH@ Half Har% ." L'0F L0:06mm L0:''mm
5. .:0 ?TI@ Har% 55 L'0F L0:06mm L0:0"mm
7719 ':. ?TH@ Har% .6 L'5F L0:0"mm L0:'0mm
7719 .:0 ?TI@ Har% 45 L'5F L0:0"mm L0:'0mm
971- ':5 ?TH@ Har% .# L'5F L0:0"mm L0:'0mm
971- .:0 ?TI@ Har% 3# L'5F L0:0"mm L0:'0mm
-? ':5 ?TH@ Har% .0 L'5F L0:0"mm L0:.0mm
-? .:5 ?TI@ Har% 34 L'5F L0:0"mm L0:.0mm
-33 ':5 ?TH@ Har% '6 L'5F L0:.0mm L0:"0mm
-5/ .:0 ?TH@ Har% '/ L'5F L0:.0mm L0:"0mm
2-/ 3:0 ?TH@ Har% .0 L'5F L0:60mm L':50mm
M<or1ing pre!!ure! are to 3S ./"'-part'-'#"'
Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page !0 of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(
0edical Gas Tu*es to +S (, -33.?
Specifically %e!igne% for copper me%ical ga! an% vacuum !y!tem!: Super!e%ing earlier Nhyri%i!e%N copper tue
!tan%ar%! !uch 3S E4 '05" & 3S ./"' Part ' Tale H
Conform! to HT$ 0.>0'-.006 & 4HS engineering !pec: C''
Specific 3enefit! +nclu%e-
J Tighter limit! on cleanline!! %etermination:
J +mprove% i%entification to avoi% confu!ion 8ith !imilar !iDe! of 8ater !ervice tue:
J 7a8ton Tue! are the fir!t 3riti!h company to e a8ar%e% the 1itemar1 licence to !upply to thi! !tan%ar%:
$aterial *naly!i!
$aterial &ra%e Pho!phoru! %e>o=i%i!e% copperC Cu>AHP or C<0.4* a! %efine% in 3S E4 '#"6:
$inimum Copper Content ##:#0 F ?inclu%ing !ilver@
Pho!phoru! 0:0'5>0:040 F
Total +mpurity $a=ima 0:060 F ?e=clu%ing pho!phoru! an% !ilver@
The melting point of copper i! '0/3GC an% it ha! a %en!ity of /:# gmEcc
$a=imum total caron content 0:.0 mgE%m.:
Each tue in%ivi%ually en% cappe%6 tue un%le! polythene 8rappe%M an% !eale%:
SiDe! '. >'0/mm copper tue! are !tampe% 8ith-
J Tue !iDe
J 0itemar1
J E4 '334/
J Temper
J $anufacturer
J Aate & 3atch Co%e '.mm to ./mm !iDe! are al!o in1Bet mar1e% 8ith a%%itional %ata to enale traceaility
SiDe! aove '0/mm ?'33mmE'5#mmE.'#mm@ are ma%e to E4 '05" an% cleane% to E4 '334/
$echanical Propertie!
0aterial Temper (, --93
Tensile Stren)th
min1 2,/mm23
(lon)ation min1
#ardness 2Indicative3
625 2#alf #ard3 .50 30 ?TH@ .0 ?TI@ "5>'00
62/ 2#ard3 .#0 3 ,ver '00
Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page !! of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(
Aimen!ion! an% Tolerance!
"1&1 2mm3 :all 2mm3 Temper
0a; :or<in)
Pressure *ar=
up to 75>C
&iameter Tolerance
mean Includin)
-2 0:6 ?TH@ Half Har% 63 L'0F L0:04mm L0:0#mm
-2 0:/ ?TI@ Half Har% /" L'0F L0:04mm L0:0#mm
-5 0:" ?TH@ Half Har% 5/ L'0F L0:04mm L0:0#mm
-5 ':0 ?TI@ Half Har% /" L'3F L0:04mm L0:0#mm
22 0:# ?TH@ Half Har% 5' L'0F L0:05mm L0:'0mm
22 ':. ?TI@ Half Har% 6# L'5F L0:05mm L0:'0mm
2? 0:# ?TH@ Half Har% 40 L'0F L0:05mm L0:'0mm
2? ':. ?TI@ Half Har% 55 L'5F L0:05mm L0:'0mm
35 ':0 Har% 4. L'5F L0:06mm L0:0"mm
35 ':. ?TH@ Half Har% 4. L'0F L0:06mm L0:''mm
35 ':5 ?TI@ Har% 64 L'0F L0:06mm L0:0"mm
.2 ':0 Har% 35 L'5F L0:06mm L0:0"mm
.2 ':. ?TH@ Half Har% 35 L'0F L0:06mm L0:''mm
.2 ':5 ?TI@ Har% 53 L'0F L0:06mm L0:0"mm
5. ':0 Har% ." L'5F L0:06mm L0:0"mm
5. ':. ?TH@ Half Har% ." L'0F L0:06mm L0:''mm
5. .:0 ?TI@ Har% 55 L'0F L0:06mm L0:0"mm
7719 ':. ?TH@ Har% .6 L'5F L0:0"mm L0:'0mm
7719 .:0 ?TI@ Har% 45 L'5F L0:0"mm L0:'0mm
971- ':5 ?TH@ Har% .# L'5F L0:0"mm L0:'0mm
971- .:0 ?TI@ Har% 3# L'5F L0:0"mm L0:'0mm
-? ':5 ?TH@ Har% .0 L'5F L0:0"mm L0:.0mm
-? .:5 ?TI@ Har% 34 L'5F L0:0"mm L0:.0mm
-33 ':5 ?TH@ Har% '6 L'5F L0:.0mm L0:"0mm
-5/ .:0 ?TH@ Har% '/ L'5F L0:.0mm L0:"0mm
2-/ 3:0 ?TH@ Har% .0 L'5F L0:60mm L':50mm
M<or1ing pre!!ure! are to 3S ./"'-part'-'#"'
Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page !2 of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(
0edical Gas 0etric (ndfeed @ittin)s
Aegrea!e% copper en% fee% type fitting! manufacture% to 3S E4 '.54>'-'##/ Part ' Specification for copper an%
copper alloy fitting! 8ith capillary en%! for !ol%ering an% raDing for u!e 8ith copper tue!:
*ll fitting! are !upplie% in in%ivi%ually !eale% protective polythene ag! an% are !pecifically %e!igne% for copper
me%ical ga! an% vacuum !y!tem!:
Specific 3enefit! +nclu%e-
Complie! to 4HS ?50@ Health Technical $emoran%um 0.>0'-.006
*ll fitting! !upplie% contain le!! than '00mgEm. ?0:0'mgEcm.@ of hy%rocaron! on the %egrea!e% !urface:
+mprove% i%entification to avoi% confu!ion 8ith !imilar !iDe! of 8ater !ervice fitting!:
Each fitting i! engrave% 8ith uni;ue ran%ing together 8ith the E4 !pec an% fitting !iDe 8here !pace permit!:
*ll in%ivi%ually !eale% protective polythene ag! are pro%uct laelle%:
(itting! are !upplie% in re>inforce% car%oar% o=e!6 laelle% 8ith pro%uct information an% outline %ra8ing of
Service Temperature=
Si%e 0in $.> C 3>C 75>C 0a; -->C
/mm to ./mm .5 ar .5 ar .5 ar '6 ar
35mm to 54mm .5 ar .5 ar '6 ar '0 ar
6"mm '6 ar '6 ar '6 ar '0 ar
M7TC (itting! performance 8hen correctly a!!emle% 8ith 7a8ton Tue9! E4'344/ copper tue u!ing tinEcopper !oft !ol%er E4 .#453 or
tinE!ilver !oft !ol%er E4 .#453
Service Temperature==
Si%e 0in $-/7> C 75>C -2>C -5>C -95>C 0a; 2>C
/mm 6.:5 ar 6.:5 ar 5/:/ ar 46:" ar 35:5 ar .3:3 ar
'0mm 50:# ar 50:# ar 4":# ar 3/:0 ar ./:# ar '#:0 ar
'.mm 4.:# ar 4.:# ar 40:3 ar 3.:0 ar .4:3 ar '6:0 ar
'5mm 40:3 ar 40:3 ar 3":# ar 30:' ar ..:/ ar '5:0 ar 35:6 ar 35:6 ar 33:5 ar .6:6 ar .0:. ar '3:3 ar
./mm ./:. ar ./:. ar .6:5 ar .':' ar '6:0 ar '0:5 ar
35mm .5:. ar .5:. ar .3:" ar '/:/ ar '4:3 ar #:4 ar .3:. ar .3:. ar .':/ ar '":3 ar '3:' ar /:6 ar
54mm '#:/ ar '#:/ ar '/:6 ar '4:" ar '':. ar ":4 ar
MM $a= hy%raulic 8or1ing pre!!ure for 7TC fitting! 8hen a!!emle% 8ith 7a8ton Tue9! E4'334/ copper tue u!ing har% !ol%er ?raDing alloy@
to E4 '044
Service Temperature===
Si%e 0in $-/7> C 75>C -2>C -5>C 0a; 2>C
6"mm '/:6 ar '/:6 ar '":5 ar '4:0 ar 6:# ar
"6mm '/:6 ar '/:6 ar '":5 ar '4:0 ar 6:# ar
'0/mm '":. ar '":. ar '6:. ar '.:# ar 6:4 ar
'33mm '0:5 ar '0:5 ar /:5 ar ":" ar 4:' ar
'5#mm '':" ar '':" ar #:" ar /:6 ar 4:6 ar
MMM $a= hy%raulic 8or1ing pre!!ure for 7TC fitting! 8hen a!!emle% 8ith 7a8ton Tue9! E4'334/ copper tue u!ing !ilver raDing alloy to E4
Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page !$ of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(
6efri)eration and Air Conditionin) Tu*es
Pipeline solutions for refrigeration and air conditioning, all to EN 12735-1.
Our copper tubing is designed specifically for refrigeration and air conditioning use and accordingly cleaned,
nitrogen-purged and capped.
$aterial *naly!i!
$aterial &ra%e Pho!phoru! %e>o=i%i!e% copperC Cu>AHP or C<0.4* a! %efine% in 3S E4 '#"6:
$inimum Copper Content ##:#0 F ?inclu%ing !ilver@
Pho!phoru! 0:0'5>0:040 F
Total +mpurity $a=ima 0:060 F ?e=clu%ing pho!phoru! an% !ilver@
The melting point of copper i! '0/3GC an% it ha! a %en!ity of /:# gmEcc
$echanical Propertie!
0aterial Temper (, --93
Tensile Stren)th
min1 2,/mm23
(lon)ation min1
#ardness 2Indicative3
622 2soft3 ..0 40 40>"0
625 2#alf #ard3 .50 30 "5>'00
62/ 2#ard3 .#0 3 ,ver '00
Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page !) of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(
Aimen!ion! an% Tolerance!
"1&1 2mm3 :all 2mm3 Temper
0a; :or<in)
Pressure *ar=
up to 75>C
&iameter Tolerance
mean Includin)
1/4 0.02 Soft ''3 L'0F L0:04mm 4ot applicale
3/8 0.032 Half Har% ''0 L'0F L0:04mm L0:0#mm
3/8 0.032 Soft /4 L'0F L0:04mm 4ot applicale
1/2 0.03! Half Har% #' L'0F L0:04mm L0:0#mm
1/2 0.032 Soft 6. L'0F L0:04mm 4ot applicale
5/8 0.03! Half Har% ". L'0F L0:04mm L0:0#mm
5/8 0.03! Soft 55 L'0F L0:04mm 4ot applicale
3/4 0.0" Half Har% /0 L'5F L0:05mm L0:'0mm
3/4 0.0"0 Half Har% 66 L'5F L0:05mm L0:'0mm
3/4 0.0"0 Soft 50 L'5F L0:05mm 4ot applicale
7/8 0.0" Half Har% 6/ L'5F L0:05mm L0:'0mm
7/8 0.0"0 Soft 43 L'5F L0:05mm 4ot applicale
1 1/8 0.0" Half Har% 5. L'5F L0:0"mm L0:''mm
1 3/8 0.0" Half Har% 4. L'5F L0:0"mm L0:''mm
1 5/8 0.0" Half Har% 35 L'5F L0:0"mm L0:''mm
2 1/8 0.0" Har% 3. L'5F L0:0"mm L0:''mm
2 1/8 0.0!" Har% 45 L'5F L0:0"mm L0:''mm
2 1/8 0.00 Har% 55 L'5F L0:0"mm L0:''mm
2 5/8 0.0" Har% .6 L'5F L0:'0mm L0:''mm
2 5/8 0.0!" Har% 36 L'5F L0:'0mm L0:''mm
2 5/8 0.00 Har% 44 L'5F L0:'0mm L0:''mm
3 1/8 0.0!" Har% 30 L'5F L0:'5mm L0:.0mm
3 1/8 0.10" Har% 4# L'5F L0:'5mm L0:.0mm
3 5/8 0.00 Har% 3. L'5F L0:.0mm L0:30mm
4 1/8 0.00 Har% ./ L'5F L0:.0mm L0:30mm
4 1/8 0.10" Har% 3" L'5F L0:.0mm L0:30mm
M<or1ing pre!!ure! are to 3S ./"'-part'-'#"'
Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page !# of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(
'uality System IS" /-A2?
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Bitemar< 8 +S (, -59
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Bitemar< 8 IS (, -59
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Bitemar< 8 +S (,-33.?
Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page 2$ of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(
25 !ear Guarantee
The 7a8ton Tue Company 7imite% ?O7a8tonO@ guarantee! it! plain copper tue! for 8ater6 heating6 ga! an%
!anitation purpo!e!6 for the perio% of .5 year! from the %ate of purcha!e6 again!t fault or %efect %ue to %efective
material! or manufacture or failure to comply 8ith the provi!ion of the ;uality !tampe% on the tue:
+f any tue !hall fail thi! guarantee 7a8ton !hall-
P )eplace the faulty tue
P Pay the in!taller9! co!t! of removing or replacing the faulty tue ?up to an amount of Q"56000 per claim:@
P pay any co!t! or %amage! !uffere%Eincurre% a! a re!ult of the failure ?up to an amount of Q.506000 per claim:@
7a8ton re!erve! the right to reme%y the failure it!elf or y it! o8n nominate% contractor:
Thi! guarantee i! con%itional upon-
Proper in!tallation of the tue in accor%ance 8ith all relevant practice! an% regulation!:
7a8ton eing notifie% of the failure a! !oon a! practicale ut in any event 8ithin '4 %ay! after the failure:
The claimant ta1ing all appropriate or nece!!ary mea!ure! to mitigate the %amage! or lo!!e! !uffere%:
7a8ton eing given the opportunity to in!pect the faulty tue an% the in!tallation ?8ith or 8ithout it! o8n
e=pert!@ to !ati!fy it!elf a! to the failure of the tue6 an% if re;uire% to remove the faulty tue for te!ting:
7a8ton having no liaility for any in%irect or con!e;uential lo!!e!:
7a8ton9! total liaility un%er thi! guarantee not e=cee%ing the !um of Q.506000:
Thi! guarantee e=ten%! only to the original purcha!erEin!taller of the tue an% i! not capale of a!!ignment
an% applie! only to the tue !ol% an% in!talle% in the 5nite% 0ing%om:
3 !ear Guarantee
EnBoy the a%%e% onu! of an e=tra 5 year 8arranty 8ith no a%%itional premium! if 7a8ton9! E4'05" '5>.'#mm
range i! fitte% 8ith any flame>free Bointe% piping !y!tem: ?contact u! for full term! an% con%ition!@
Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page 2) of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(
C"S## 8 #a%ard &ata Sheet
Copper C5 an% +t! Salt!
&eneral Aata 2 &ra%e '' Chemical
Copper i! re%%i!h ro8n %uctile malleale metal: +t i! highly con%uctive for heat an% electricity: There are many
alloy! of copper6 ra!! an% ronDe eing the mo!t common:
+t form! t8o range! of !alt!6 cuprou! an% cuprice 2 the latter eing more !tale:
': The manufacture of a 8i%e range of alloy! e:g:
a: 3ra!! 8hich contain! 3"F Dinc an% other element! !uch a! tin6 mangane!e6 nic1el6 iron an%
: 3ronDe 8hich contain! tin6 lea%6 nic1el pho!phorou! an% !ilicon:
c: High con%uctivity alloy! containing !ilver6 ca%ium an% chromium:
%: High !trength alloy! 8ith eryllium6 nic1el6 coalt an% !ilicon:
e: (or machinaility 8ith tellurium:
f: <hen comine% 8ith '0F>30F nic1el provi%e! an alloy !uitale for 8el%ing an% capale of carrying
corro!ive li;ui%!:
.: +n the electricity in%u!try for high con%uctivity:
3: 3uil%ing in%u!try for piping 8ater an% ga!:
). Copper Salt! are colouring agent! an% fungici%e!:
Copper it!elf i! virtually non>to=ic in it! in%u!trial application: Some of the !alt! ho8ever6 an% particular copper
!ulphate are to=ic if !8allo8e%:
+nhalation of the fume from 8el%ing or melting of ra!! lea%! to metal fumer fever ut thi! effect i! attriute% to
Dinc o=i%e fume: Similarly the inhalation of po8ere% ronDe can cau!e metal fume fever:
*cute Poi!oning
+n in%u!trial practice acute poi!oning may ari!e in . 8ay!->
': 3y inhalation of fume from 8el%ing or raDing copper alloy!: $etal fume fever %evelop! !ome hour! after
.: 3y !8allo8ing copper !ulphate !olution 8hich pro%uce! a%ominal cramp6 nau!ea6 vomiting an% %iarrhea:
Chronic Poi!ing 2 5n1no8n
,ccupational E=po!ure 7imit! HSE EH40E/#
7ong Term E=po!ure 7imit Short Term E=po!ure 7imit
PP$ $g $3 PP$ $g $3
(ume > 0:. > >
Au!t > ' > '
Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page 2# of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(
*ll melting6 8el%ing an% raDing operation! !houl% e performe% in controlle% atmo!pheric con%ition! an% !houl%
not e un%erta1en in enclo!e% !pace! 8ithout e=hau!t ventilation an% fre!h airline re!pirator!:
Per!onal Protective E;uipment
* re!pirator to 3S .0#' !houl% e 8orn 8hen other !afety mea!ure! are not availale:
(ir!t *i%
': +nhalation of fume rarely cau!e! imme%iate !ymptom! ut if they occur remove from the fume: ,=ygen
an% artificial re!piration rarely calle% for:
.: +nge!tion of !olution! of copper !alt!6 particularly copper !ulphate 2 %ilute the poi!on y giving copiou!
;uantitie! of 8ater to %rin1:
$. )emove the patient to ho!pital imme%iately together 8ith a !ample of flui% %run1 an% pre!erving
!pecimen! of vomit!:
Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page 2" of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(
Standard Conditions of Sales
': (,)$*T+,4 ,( C,4T)*CT
4o in%ing contract !hall e %eeme% to have een effecte% until confirme%6 in 8riting6 a! !uch y the SellerC ;uotation!6 price li!t! an% other
pulication! of the Seller %o not con!titute offer!:
.: *PP7+C*T+,4 ,( C,4A+T+,4S
.:' The!e Con%ition! !hall apply to all contract! for the !ale of goo%! y the Seller to the 3uyer to the e=clu!ion of all other term! an%
con%ition! inclu%ing any term! or con%ition! 8hich the 3uyer may purport to apply un%er any purcha!e or%er confirmation of or%er or !imilar
%ocument: *ll or%er! for goo%! !hall e %eeme% to e an offer y the 3uyer to purcha!e goo%! pur!uant to the!e Con%ition!:
.:. *cceptance of %elivery of goo%! !hall e %eeme% conclu!ive evi%ence of the 3uyer9! acceptance of the!e Con%ition!:
.:3 *ny variation to the!e Con%ition! ?inclu%ing any !pecial term! an% con%ition! agree% et8een the partie!@ !hall e inapplicale
unle!! agree% in 8riting y the Seller
3: AE7+KE)I
*ny %ay for %elivery name% y the Seller i! an e!timate only an% in no circum!tance! !hall the failure of the Seller to %eliver on or efore the
name% %ate either entitle the 3uyer to re!cin% or terminate the Contract or ma1e the Seller liale in any 8ay for the con!e;uence of any %elay:
$aterial from !toc1 i! !uBect to eing un!ol% upon receipt of or%er:
4: AE(E)$E4T ,( AE7+KE)I
<here the 3uyer ha! given firm in!truction! for the manufacture an% %elivery of goo%! an% !u!e;uently re;ue!t! the Seller to %efer %elivery6
any goo%! complete% 8ill e invoice% an% any goo%! in the proce!! of manufacture 8ill e complete% an% invoice% on completion6 hol%ing an%
!torage charge! at the rea!onale co!t of !torage inclu%ing %elivery 8ill e invoice% !u!e;uently 8hen applicale:
5: *K*+7*3+7+TI ,( )*< $*TE)+*7 *4A SPEC+*7 T,,7S:
Contract! an% or%er! are accepte% !uBect to the Seller eing ale to otain at all nece!!ary time! the ra8 material! an% any !pecial tool!
re;uire% to e=ecute the or%er:
6: ,<4E)SH+P ,( SPEC+*7 T,,7S
*ny %ie! or tool! ma%e or otaine% !pecially for an or%er remain the SellerN! property6 even 8hen the 3uyer ha! een charge% 8ith part co!t:
": SPEC+(+C*T+,4S
":' +f the goo%! are to e manufacture% or any proce!! i! to e applie% to the goo%! y the Seller in accor%ance 8ith a !pecification
!umitte% y the 3uyer->
":':' The 3uyer !hall !upply !uch !pecification 8ithin !ufficient time to enale the Seller to complete %elivery of the goo%! y the
e!timate% %elivery %ate:
":':. The 3uyer !hall in%emnify the Seller again!t all lo!! %amage! co!t! an% e=pen!e! a8ar%e% again!t or incurre% y the Seller in
connection 8ith or pai% or agree% to e pai% y the Seller in !ettlement of any claim for infringement of any patent6 copyright6 %e!ign6 tra%e
mar1 or other in%u!trial or intellectual property right! of any other per!on 8hich re!ult! from the Seller9! u!e of the 3uyer9! !pecification:
":':3 The Seller re!erve! the right to ma1e any change! in the !pecification of the goo%! 8hich are re;uire% to conform 8ith any
applicale !tatutory or EC re;uirement!:
":':4 The Seller !hall e un%er no liaility in re!pect of any %efect in the goo%! ari!ing from any %ra8ing %e!ign or other !pecification
!upplie% y the 3uyer:
/: EHP,)T ,)AE)S
/:' 5nle!! the conte=t other8i!e re;uire! any term or e=pre!!ion 8hich i! %efine% in or given a particular meaning y the provi!ion! of
R+ncoterm!S6 the %efinition of meaning given y the +ncoterm! in force at the %ate 8hen the contract i! ma%e6 !hall have the !ame meaning in
the!e Con%ition! or any contract for the !ale or !upply of goo%! y the Seller to the 3uyer6 ut if there i! any conflict et8een the provi!ion! of
+ncoterm! an% the!e Con%ition!6 the latter !hall prevail:
/:. The 3uyer !hall e re!pon!ile for complying 8ith any legi!lation or regulation! governing the importation of the goo%! into the
country of %e!tination an% for the payment of any %utie! on them:
#: <*))*4TI *4A AE(ECT+KE &,,AS
#:' The goo%! !hall e manufacture% an% !upplie% in accor%ance 8ith the %e!cription containe% in the Seller9! !pecification ?if any@ an%
!hall e of normal in%u!trial ;uality:
#:. The Seller may from time to time ma1e change! in the !pecification of the goo%! 8hich are re;uire% to comply 8ith any applicale
!afety or !tatutory re;uirement! or 8hich %o not materially affect the ;uality of fitne!! for the purpo!e of the goo%!:
#:3 The 3uyer !hall in!pect the goo%! on %elivery an% !hall 8ithin 3 %ay! of %elivery notify the Seller of any allege% %efect6 !hortage in
;uantity6 %amage or failure to comply 8ith %e!cription or !ample: The 3uyer !hall affor% the Seller an opportunity to in!pect the goo%! 8ithin a
rea!onale time follo8ing %elivery an% efore any u!e i! ma%e of them: +f the 3uyer !hall fail to comply 8ith the!e provi!ion! the goo%! !hall
Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page 2* of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(
e conclu!ively pre!ume% to e in accor%ance 8ith the contract an% free from any %efect or %amage 8hich 8oul% e apparent on a rea!onale
e=amination of the goo%! an% the 3uyer !hall e %eeme% to have accepte% the goo%!:
#:4 +f the goo%! are not in accor%ance 8ith the contract for any rea!on6 the 3uyer9! !ole reme%y !hall e limite% to the Seller ma1ing
goo% any %efect or !hortage y repairing or replacing !uch goo%! or if the Seller !hall elect y refun%ing a proportionate part of the price:
#:5 The Seller !hall e un%er no liaility 8hatever to the 3uyer for any in%irect lo!! an% or e=pen!e ?inclu%ing lo!! of profit@ !uffere% y
the 3uyer ari!ing out of a reach y the Seller of the contract or any of the!e Con%ition!:
#:6 +n the event of any reach of the contract or the!e Con%ition! y the Seller the reme%ie! of the 3uyer !hall e limite% to %amage!:
5n%er no circum!tance! !hall the liaility of the Seller e=cee% the price of the goo%!:
#:" *ll 8arrantie! an% con%ition! 8hether implie% y !tatute or other8i!e are e=clu%e% from the contract an% the!e Con%ition! provi%e%
that thi! !hall not re!trict or e=clu%e liaility for %eath or per!onal inBury cau!e% y the negligence of the Seller:
'0: C7*+$S (,) A*$*&E6 SH,)T*&E ,) 7,SS
4o claim for %amage in tran!it6 !hortage of %elivery or lo!! of goo%! in tran!it can e accepte% unle!!6 in the ca!e of %amage in tran!it or
!hortage of %elivery6 a !eparate notice in 8riting i! given to the carrier concerne% an% to the Seller 8ithin three %ay! of the receipt of goo%!6
follo8e% y a complete claim in 8riting 8ithin five %ay! of receipt of goo%!6 an% in the ca!e of lo!! of goo%!6 notice in 8riting i! given to the
carrier concerne% an% to the Seller6 an% a complete claim in 8riting ma%e 8ithin t8enty one %ay! of the %ate of the con!ignment: <here goo%!
are accepte% from the carrier concerne% 8ithout eing chec1e%6 the %elivery oo1 of the carrier concerne% mu!t e !igne% Onot e=amine%O:
'': (,)CE $*TE5)E
'':' The Seller !hall not e liale to the 3uyer or e %eeme% to e in reach of the contract or the!e Con%ition! y rea!on of any %elay in
performing or any failure to perform any of the SellerN! oligation! in relation to the goo%! if the %elay or failure 8a! %ue to any cau!e eyon%
the SellerN! rea!onale control: <ithout preBu%ice to the generality of the foregoing the follo8ing !hall e regar%e% a! cau!e! eyon% the
SellerN! rea!onale control->
'':':' *ct of &o%6 e=plo!ion6 floo%6 tempe!t6 fire or acci%ent:
'':':. <ar or threat of 8ar6 !aotage6 in!urrection6 civil %i!turance or re;ui!ition:
'':':3 *ct!6 re!triction!6 regulation!6 ye>la8!6 prohiition! or mea!ure! of any 1in% on the part of any governmental parliamentary or local
'':':4 +mport or e=port regulation! or emargoe!:
'':':5 Stri1e!6 loc1>out! or other in%u!trial action! or tra%e %i!pute! ?8hether involving employee! of the Seller or of a thir% party@:
'':':6 Aifficultie! in otaining ra8 material!6 laour6 fuel6 part! or machinery:
'':':" Po8er failure or rea1%o8n in machinery:
'.: 4,T+CE ,( TE)$+4*T+,4 ,) P*)T+*7 AE7+KE)I
+n the event of an outrea1 of ho!tilitie! ?8hether 8ar i! %eclare% or not@ in 8hich &reat 3ritain i! involve%6 or in the event of national
emergency6 or if the Seller! 8or1! !houl% ecome 8ither %irectly or in%irectly !o engage% on the &overnment or%er! or or%er! un%er priority
%irection! a! to prevent or %elay 8or1 on other or%er!6 the Seller !hall e entitle% at any time6 on notice to the 3uyer6 to ma1e partial %eliverie!
only or to %etermine the contract6 8ithout preBu%ice in any ca!e to right! accrue% in re!pect of %eliverie! alrea%y ma%e:
'3: AETE)$+4*T+,4 ,( C,4T)*CT
<ithout preBu%ice to any other right or reme%y availale to the Seller6 the Seller !hall e entitle% to cancel the contract or !u!pen% any further
%eliverie! un%er the contract 8ithout any liaility to the 3uyer an% if the goo%! have een %elivere% ut not pai% for6 the price !hall ecome
imme%iately %ue an% payale not8ith!tan%ing any previou! agreement or arrangement to the contrary if->
'3:' The 3uyer fail! to ma1e any payment of the purcha!e price on the %ue %ate or commit! any other reach of the term! of the contract
'3:. The 3uyer ma1e! any voluntary arrangement 8ith it! cre%itor! or ?eing an in%ivi%ual or firm@ ecome! an1rupt or ?eing a
company@ ecome! !uBect to an *%mini!tration ,r%er or goe! into li;ui%ation ?other8i!e than for the purpo!e! of amalgamation or
recon!truction@ or
'3:3 *n encumrance ta1e! po!!e!!ion or a )eceiver i! appointe% of any of the property or a!!et! of the 3uyer or
'3:4 The 3uyer cea!e! or threaten! to cea!e to carry on u!ine!! or the Seller rea!onaly apprehen%! that any of the event! mentione%
aove i! aout to occur in relation to the 3uyer an% notifie! the 3uyer accor%ingly:
'4: +4AE$4+TI
The 3uyer 8ill in%emnify the Seller again!t all %amage!6 penaltie!6 co!t! an% e=pen!e! to 8hich the Seller may ecome liale a! a re!ult of
8or1 %one in accor%ance 8ith the 3uyerN! !pecification 8hich involve! the infringement of any letter! patent or regi!tere% %e!ign or copyright:
'5: P)+CE K*)+*T+,4
Price! at 8hich or%er! are accepte% y the Seller 8ill remain firm e=cept only a! follo8!->
'5:' )a8 $aterial!
<here a ;uantity ?8hether all or part of an or%er@ !pecifie% for %elivery at one time ha! a nominal 8eight totalling over '501g an% i! accepte%
for %elivery longer than !i= month! from the %ate of acceptance of the or%er6 the price 8ill e a!e% on ra8 material price! ruling !i= month!
efore %elivery i! %ue an% ra8 material price! 8ill e hel% firm for thi! perio%: +n the event that the 3uyer !u!e;uently %efer! %elivery eyon%
the pre!crie% !i= month!N perio%6 the Seller re!erve! the right to charge intere!t at a rate up to ':5 time! the official 5:0: clearing an1! a!e
len%ing rate on the value of the ra8 material out!tan%ing:
'5:. Co!t! ,ther Than )a8 $aterial!
+f or%er! are accepte% for %elivery longer than three month! from the %ate of acceptance thereof the price 8ill e !uBect to variation for co!t!
?other than ra8 material price!@ in accor%ance 8ith !uch variation!:
Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page 2+ of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(
'6: )+S0 *4A T+T7E
'6:' )i!1 !hall pa!! to the 3uyer !o that the 3uyer i! re!pon!ile for all lo!!: %amage or %eterioration to the goo%!->
'6:':' +f the Seller %eliver! the goo%! y it! o8n tran!port at the time 8hen the goo%! or a relevant part thereof arrive at the place of
%elivery or6
'6:':. +n all other circum!tance! at the time 8hen the goo%! or a relevant part thereof leave the premi!e! of the Seller 8hether or not the
Seller arrange! tran!port an% 8here the goo%! are %elivere% y carrier any claim! for lo!! or %amage in tran!it mu!t e ma%e y the 3uyer
again!t the carrier in accor%ance 8ith the carrier! con%ition!:
'6:. +n !pite of %elivery having een ma%e6 property in the goo%! !hall not pa!! from the Seller until->
'6:.:' The 3uyer !hall have pai% the purcha!e price for the goo%! plu! K*T in full an%
'6:.:. 4o other !um! 8hatever !hall e %ue from the 3uyer to the Seller:
'6:3 5ntil property in the goo%! pa!!e! to the 3uyer in accor%ance 8ith Clau!e '6:.6 the 3uyer !hall hol% the goo%! an% each of them on
a fi%uciary a!i! a! ailee for the Seller: The 3uyer !hall !tore the goo%! ?at no co!t to the Seller@ !eparately from all other goo%! in it!
po!!e!!ion an% mar1e% in !uch a 8ay that they are clearly i%entifie% a! the Seller! property:
'6:4 The Seller !hall e entitle% to recover the price ?plu! K*T@ not8ith!tan%ing that property in any of the goo%! ha! not pa!!e% from the
'6:5 5ntil !uch time a! property in the goo%! pa!!e! from the Seller6 the 3uyer !hall upon re;ue!t %eliver up !uch of the goo%! a! have
not cea!e% to e in e=i!tence or re!ol%6 to the Seller: +f the 3uyer fail! to %o !o6 the Seller may enter upon any premi!e! o8ne% occupie% or
controlle% y the 3uyer 8here the goo%! are !ituate% an% repo!!e!! the goo%!:
'6:5 5ntil !uch time a! the property in the goo%! pa!!e! to the 3uyer6 the 3uyer !hall 1eep the goo%! !eparate from tho!e of the 3uyer
an% thir% partie! an% properly !tore% protecte% an% in!ure% an% i%entifie% a! the Seller9! property6 ut the 3uyer !hall e entitle% to re!ell or
u!e the goo%! in the or%inary cour!e of it! u!ine!!:
'": C*4CE77*T+,4
4o or%er or contract may e cancelle% y the 3uyer e=cept 8ith the agreement in 8riting of the Seller an% on term! that the 3uyer !hall
in%emnify the Seller in full again!t all lo!! ?inclu%ing lo!! of profit@ co!t!6 inclu%ing the co!t! of all laour an% material! u!e%6 %amage! charge!
an% e=pen!e! incurre% y the Seller a! a re!ult of cancellation:
'/: P*I$E4T ,( *CC,54TS
The Seller re!erve! the right to charge intere!t at a rate ?oth efore an% after any Bu%gment@ of up to 4F aove 3arclay! 3an1 plc 3a!e
7en%ing )ate ruling at the time payment i! %ue if payment i! not ma%e in accor%ance 8ith the term! agree% at the time the or%er i! accepte%:
'#: E)),)S ,) ,$+SS+,4S
Error! or omi!!ion! in any !ale! literature ;uotation price li!t acceptance of offer invoice or other %ocument or information i!!ue% y the Seller
!hall e !uBect to correction 8ithout any liaility on the part of the Seller:
.0: K:*:T
The price! ;uote% are e=clu!ive of K*T 8hich 8ill e a%%e% to the invoice at the rate then current an% appropriate to the tran!action:
.': 7*< *PP7+C*37E
*ll contract! !hall e %eeme% a! !uBect to the 7a8 of Englan%6 an% the partie! hereto herey !umit to the Buri!%iction of the Engli!h Court!:
..: 4,T+CES
*ny notice re;uire% or permitte% to e given y either party to the other un%er the!e con%ition! !hall e in 8riting a%%re!!e% to the other party
at it! regi!tere% office or principal place of u!ine!! or !uch other a%%re!! a! may at the relevant time have een notifie% pur!uant to thi!
provi!ion to the party giving the notice:

Technical Guide 2009 Revision Page 29 of 29 The Lawton Tube Co. Limited Registered Office !"#!$0 %&GL'&(

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